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E C ,E C ♦O 18, 2018


For the last three decades, God has used His people to bless their pastoral leadership in
strategic and significant ways during the month of October. As a pastor (though I didn’t seek
it), these moments in the fall were always a special time of encouragement for me and my
family as the people of the church took time to say, “Thank you for serving the Lord. I am a
life that has been changed.”
In recent days, Dr. Chuck Lawless from Southeastern Seminary released an article entitled 25
Ways to Honor Your Pastor in Pastor Appreciation Month. I’ve listed ten of my favorites
Neal Hughes (you will find all 25 at Hope these ideas stir your creative juices
Director of Missions during this special emphasis:

1. Give your pastor and his family a weekend getaway. Give them a break on somebody else’s nickel – and
make sure that time is not counted as vacation!
2. Update and upgrade his office. Paint the walls. Provide new furniture. Make sure his computer is state of the
art. Replace outdated wall paintings.
3. Prepare a notebook of “thank you” notes. I still have and cherish a notebook of notes that folks wrote to me
as their pastor.
4. Give a significant monetary gift in your pastor’s honor to missions or an academic institution. Knowing
that the gift will bless others will be a blessing first to your pastor.
5. If he has family (e.g., parents, children) out of town, pay their travel expenses to come home for a
surprise weekend. A few unexpected memories with family will far outlast new books.
6. Provide a framed picture of your church building. I have pictures of churches I pastored hanging on my
office wall, and I’m grateful for those congregations every time I look at them.
7. Give him a trip to Israel. Your pastor will never approach the Bible or the pulpit the same way after walking
in the Holy Land.
8. Make a commitment to pay his costs to earn a masters and doctoral degree. Make a long-term
commitment to help your shepherd get the degree he wants.
9. Give him and his family a local gym membership. Because you appreciate your pastor and family, help them
live longer by staying in shape.
10. Commit to praying for him daily—and then be sure to do it. Let him know you’re interceding on his and his
family’s behalf. Your pastor will be grateful.

Our Annual 137th Homecoming is around the corner (Sunday, November 4, at Heritage—Business, 4 pm; 305 S. Perry Street
Missions Fair, 5 pm; Worship Celebration, 6 pm). Expect a 100+ voice Hallelujah Choir, children’s mission 334.834.6310
activities, Kingdom Missions Fair, child care, Johnny Hunt, testimonies, plus much more. See you soon!
Mary and I love you and count it a joy to live our life on mission
with each of you. Together We Can!

Fall Events & Trunk or Treats

Adopting a Church Plant and Beyond Sunday, October 21:
November 27 Thorington Road - 3:30-5:30 pm
Riverbend - Fish Fry - 1:00-3:30 pm
9:00-2:00 pm or 4:00-9:00 pm Sunday, October 28:
MBA Seminar Room Eastern Hills - 4:00-6:00 pm
Eastmont - 4:00-6:00 pm
20 Interstate Park Drive Taylor Road - 5:00 pm
Dalraida - 5:00-7:30 pm
Adopting a Church Plant and Beyond is designed to examine the
values underlying the rationale for becoming a sending Wednesday, October 31:
church. The six steps necessary to make this a reality will be
taught in detail. This training is designed for a church that is
Ridgecrest - 5:00-7:00 pm
seeking to learn how to start a new church or churches from the Hayneville - 5:30 pm
“sending” church perspective. Gateway - 5:30-7:30 pm
Pintlala - 6:00 pm
The cost of the training is only $25.00. Registration is required: Yarbrough St - 6:00 pm
beyond/ *Contact us at 334-271-6227 if you would like to
advertise your church’s festival.
Montgomery Baptist Association • 20 Interstate Park Dr. • Montgomery, Alabama 36109 • 334-271-6227 •
This publication is made possible by your churches’ contributions to Associational Missions.

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