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On Sunday, Ms. T is walking. Then he felt dizzy and suddenly fainted.

Then came 2 helpers to

approach Ms. T
helper 1 : to be able to wake up (while shaking the patient's body). Please have someone
pass out
helper 2 : what's wrong? why can you faint?
helper 1 : do not know I have found that thisis already fainting
helperhelper 2 : then I will callambulance
helper1 : well, before we move it first
(both helpers move the victim to a safer place)
helper 2 : hello with ... ..... I found the victim passed out in front of the campus of Magelang
Nursing, please immediately send an ambulance immediately to the
nurse ER : Hello ... either the ambulance will come soon in 5 minutes
helper 2 : the ambulance is coming soon
Helper 1 : well we wait for help until it arrives
(After 5 minutes the ambulance arrived and brought Ms. T to the hospital. Then Ms. T arrived at the
ER) the
nurse's ER : (put the patient in bed) how long has this been passed out?
helper 2 : approximately 15 minutes ago
nurse ER : are you a family of patients?
helper 1 : no we only help
nurses ER : can you please call the patient's family?
helper 1 : (contact the patient's family) hello is this with her family Ms. T?
Mother : hello, am I right with her mother? Who is this ?
helper 1 : I found Ms. T passed out and now we have taken it to Magelang General Hospital.
You can come here soon
mom : asstaghfirullah ... I will be there soon. Thank you for the info (hang up)
mother : Lita ... Lita let's join Mother to the hospital. Tika passed out
Adek : really ma'am? Yes, I am ready for a while, mom?
(10 minutes later after a family trip Ms. T arrives at the ER)
Adek: where Ms. T mbk?
helper 2 : she is now being handled by adoctor
mother : thank you for helping my child, bro?
helper 1 : yes, mom together. If I excuse me first?
(helpers 1 and 2 go away, while in the emergency room in the ER)
nurses ER : this doctor has an unconscious patient?
doctor : well sus please infuse the patient and immediately do the TTVmeasurement
nurseER : (do the examination according to the doctor ordered)
doctor : how is the result sus?
nurses ER : TD: 90/50 mmhg, S: 36.5 N: 86, RR: 24 x / min
doctor : either keep monitoring the condition of the patient I will tell the patient's family
(the doctor meets the patient's family)
doctor : is it true with the family Miss T?
mother : yes I'm with his mother? What about the condition of my child?
Doctor : Mother's child has anemia so we need to make sure the mother's condition is in
good condition, for that I recommend hospitalization for a few days so that the situation is stable?
Adek : means that today you can't go home, yeah?
doctor : fear that something undesirable will happen so Ms. T needs to stabilize her
condition first
mother : good doctor thank you
doctor : nurse please take the patient to the inpatient room?
ER nurse : good doctor
(ER nurse takes patient to nurse room)patient
nurse ER : this nurse has a newwith a diagnosis of anemia TD: 90/50 mmhg, S: 36.5 N: 86, RR:
24 x / min
nurse : well, I will take you to theroom forcare
emergencynursing : thank you, sir, I excuse myself first
(after 2 days in the hospital, finally my condition is not better)
patient : how is my condition, am I allowed to go home?
Nurse : (doing TTV), will I ask the doctor first? (call a doctor)
doctor : (check patient)
patient : how can I go home?
doctor : seeing that Ms. T's condition is better then Ms. T is allowed to go home but still
needs to be taken care of her, huh?
patient : thank you my doctor will take care of my health
doctor : nurse please prepare the patient's return. I excused myself first
(after getting ready for the patient and family to see the nurse) the
nurse : Ms. T is allowed to go home and this is a medicine that must be drunk, then if this medicine
is used up don't forget to control again?
patient : thank you sus, I will take the medicine regularly, if so we excuse me?
family : thank you sister?
Nurse : Yes, both

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