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b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 5 5 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 1 e5 2

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Exploring the potential of reed as a bioenergy

crop in the Netherlands

Tom Kuhlman a,*, Vasco Diogo b, Eric Koomen b

LEI, P.O. Box 29703, 2502LS The Hague, The Netherlands
VU University, De Boelelaan 1105, 1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands

article info abstract

Article history: Second-generation biofuels that produce biomass for combustion or ethanol production do
Received 23 January 2012 not yet appear to be a viable alternative to agriculture as they are low-value products. This
Received in revised form may change, however, when energy prices increase and their production is combined with
15 June 2012 the provision of other services. The current analysis explores the potential for the
Accepted 18 June 2012 production of an often overlooked biomass feedstock that can be combined with water and
Available online 15 July 2012 nature management objectives: reed. This crop has the additional advantage that it can be
grown under conditions that are unfavourable to most other crops. An economics-based
Keywords: land-use modelling approach is applied to simulate the local competition between reed
Reed and grassland used for dairy farming under four different future scenarios in the
Land use simulation Netherlands. Based on a location-specific assessment of potential costs and benefits of
Cost-benefit analysis these crops under scenario-based conditions this analysis shows that the cultivation of
Landscape services reed for bioenergy, in combination with providing additional land-use functions, while not
Water management viable option under current economic and political conditions, may become competitive
The Netherlands within the next twenty years if any of the following developments occur: energy prices
increase substantially; water tables rise in the low-lying western parts of the country due
to climate change; a policy is implemented that increases bioenergy prices; or a policy is
implemented that stimulates water buffering and the preservation of peat soils.
ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction: demand and supply of electric vehicles (to the extent that the electricity
bioenergy comes from renewable sources) or biofuels; in 2008
renewable fuel made up only 2.5% of fuels used in road
Demand for bioenergy in Europe will expand considerably transport. Furthermore, 17% of renewable electricity is at
in the years to come. The EU Directive on Renewable Energy present based on biomass; and for heating that contribu-
of 2009 requires that 20% of all energy consumed in the EU tion is 94% e firewood being the principal source of
and 10% of all transport fuel should be renewable by 2020 domestic heating other than fossil fuels or electricity
[1]. Although the production and use of renewable energy (calculations based on Eurostat data).
are rising rapidly, there is a long way to go: in 2008 the The most important bioenergy feedstocks are [3,4]:
share was 10.3% [2]. The Directive does not prescribe
how much of this renewable energy should be bio-based,  Starch crops such as maize or sugarbeet, serving as a basis
but the 10% target for transport has to mean either for making ethanol.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ31 70 3358232; fax: þ31 703615624.

E-mail addresses: (T. Kuhlman), (V. Diogo), (E. Koomen).
0961-9534/$ e see front matter ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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42 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 5 5 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 1 e5 2

 Oilseed crops such as rapeseed or sunflower, for making reed could be part of a multifunctional land-use system, and
biodiesel. such a system might become an attractive alternative to
 Residues: from agriculture (crop residues, manure), from present land use under certain conditions. These conditions
forestry (sawdust, pellets, black liquor) and from urban include climate change, energy prices, changes in markets for
areas (municipal solid waste, biogas from landfills). agricultural products, as well as policies promoting the
 Biomass: while the first two are agricultural crops in which conservation of landscapes and of the environment. They are
only the seed or the tuber is used for energy generation, here explored here in the form of four scenarios representing
it is the entire plant. Energy is obtained either through direct different combinations of such conditions. The projections are
combustion or as a feedstock for second-generation bio- made for the year 2030.
fuels. Biomass crops are usually either grasses e which can To a great extent, the potential for bioenergy production
produce prodigious amounts of biomass e or fast-growing depends on the availability of land for energy crop
trees such as willow or poplar. production and competition with other uses, such as food
production and biodiversity conservation. Global and
Various concerns have made conventional biofuels regional assessments of bioenergy potential have been
(starch-based ethanol and oilseed-based biodiesel) seem less performed through non-spatial analysis [11,12]. In these
desirable in recent years. Firstly, the feedstocks are also assessments, the demand for food and feed was fulfilled
sources of food, leading to higher food prices and, perhaps, and biofuel crops were allocated in the remaining agricul-
lower food security in poor countries. While this concern may tural surplus land. These assumptions were meant to
be somewhat overblown [5] there is undoubtedly some effect, ensure that both food competition and deforestation within
and the reluctance to turn food resources into fuel is under- the country were avoided.
standable. Secondly, expanded production of feedstocks such Despite providing valuable information and insights, these
as sugarcane in Brazil, soybeans in Brazil and Argentina, and studies used statistical averages for physical parameters such
palm oil in Malaysia and Indonesia leads to accelerated as crop yields and water availability. However, those can vary
deforestation e some of which at least is at the expense of considerably and depend strongly on the spatial location.
tropical rainforest [6]. Not only will this lead to a decline in Therefore, a spatially explicit method was preferred as that
biodiversity, but also the greenhouse gas emissions resulting would allow calculating the potential more accurately by
from such land-use change may well exceed any possible gain taking into account the landscape heterogeneity, as well as
from replacing fossil fuels by renewable energy [7]. Thirdly, identifying explicitly the locations with a higher potential
the production of these biofuels itself requires large amounts yield.
of energy: fuel for agricultural machines and transport of This study aims to combine the economic rationale
crops, manufacturing of nitrogen fertilizer, and processing common to plant siting models with the attention for
into ethanol or diesel [8,9]. Finally, the application of fertilizer spatial detail more generally found in land allocation
leads to emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O), a highly potent models. We, therefore, selected the economics-based Land
greenhouse gas. This effect plus the aforementioned one Use Scanner [13] model to simulate the local competition
together nullify the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of between reed and grassland used for dairy farming under
most types of biofuels, except for Brazilian sugarcane [10]. different future scenarios. This model allows these crops to
This has led to increased interest in the other two types compete for land directly according to their economic
of feedstocks mentioned above: waste flows and biomass. performance, which is determined by local biophysical
The Netherlands has excellent potential for the utilization properties (e.g. soil type and water table) and more general
of waste flows: being a densely populated country with economic conditions (e.g. production costs and crop
a high-density livestock sector, it has lots of them. The prices).
most important energy bearers in this sector are the In the following two sections we first describe the
combustion of municipal solid waste for electricity gener- specific characteristics of reed as part of a multifunctional
ation, and biogas from animal manure, sewage or organic land-use system and then go on to discuss costs and
household waste. All of these are used in the Netherlands, benefits of reed cultivation for bioenergy, both in
although the production of biogas is far below potential: in commercial terms and from a social point of view. This
2009, the country produced 7.7 PJ energy from biogas, of analysis indicates potential favourable conditions for the
which only 38% came from agriculture. In this paper, cultivation of reed. In a subsequent section we present
however, we focus on the potential for biomass. The a spatial exploration that highlights where reed cultivation
Netherlands does produce energy from biomass at present: is likely to take place when favourable commercial and
a total of 19 PJ net in 2009, all of it used for combustion. The social conditions apply. This simulated spatial distribution
country also produces liquid biofuels (12 PJ in 2009), mostly of reed areas is helpful when their influence on the land-
from imported feedstocks. scape is to be assessed. Such assessment would most likely
This paper explores the potential for the production of consider the degree of dominance of reed in the landscape,
biomass feedstocks, notably reed, in the Netherlands. Such i.e. the proportion of land dedicated to it and its distribu-
potential would at first sight be small: Dutch agriculture tion. A land-use model is applied to simulate this spatial
specializes in crops and livestock products with a high value distribution for each of the four scenarios. The paper
per hectare, whereas biomass is a low-value product suitable concludes that reed, while not currently a viable land-use
for marginal lands. However, some agricultural areas could option, may become so under several scenarios, in partic-
become marginal in the future. Moreover, the production of ular as an alternative to dairying on peat soils.
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land uses [17]; explored the spatial distribution of biofuel

2. Methodology crops and refineries in Europe, but since the model did not
have a separate class for biofuel crops, this was performed
As indicated above, the methodology for this study consists of through a multi-criteria analysis. Despite of mimicking spatial
two parts, namely the estimation of costs and benefits and the allocation processes reasonably well, this type of ad hoc
spatial exploration. For the costs and benefits we have relied approaches are less successful at explaining the human
heavily on a previous study which examined the economy of behaviour that causes these processes, even though they
reed cultivation in fenland (peat) areas [14]. Although this include explanatory variables capturing economic effects [23].
study looks at the problem from the point of view of the
individual land user, it assumes that the land user will receive
compensation for generating benefits such as water purifica- 3. Reed as part of a multifunctional land
tion and carbon sequestration. This makes it, in effect, a social use setting
cost-benefit analysis. These figures are then supplemented by
additional information from other studies. Also, their anal- Several grasses and trees suitable as feedstocks for bioenergy
ysis, which concerns the current feasibility of reed cultivation, can be grown in the Netherlands. Among the trees, willow is
is extended to scenarios for the future. a highly suitable crop for wetlands [24]. As for grasses, Mis-
In this study, both biofuel potential and the spatial distri- canthus has been studied for this purpose [20]. Another grass
bution of biofuel crops will be determined with a spatially which is indigenous to the Netherlands (as well as in many
explicit land-use model that is capable of simulating the local parts of the world) is the common reed (Phragmites australis). It
competition between different crops based on their relative is not normally cultivated, but for centuries it has been har-
profitability. Land-use models can integrate both socio- vested in the wild as a raw material for handicrafts; today it is
economic and biophysical driving forces and allow the still used for thatching. It is a prolific producer of biomass,
exploration of potential future developments in the land-use both above and below ground; and since it is an inhabitant of
system, as well as alternative (what-if type of) scenarios wetlands, it holds promise for the alternative use of fens.
resulting from policy decisions or developments on Moreover, it is capable of tolerating a fairly high degree of
society [15]. salinity.
Land-use models have been applied in recent studies to There are three ways of converting reed into energy:
explore the potential of bioenergy production at various
scales: global [16], continental (e.g., [17,18]), national [19] and  direct combustion, in order to generate electricity or in
regional (e.g. [20e22]). By taking into account land-use a district heating system (possibly with electricity as a by-
dynamics and spatial variation in location-specific parame- product); this appears to be the most profitable conversion
ters such as crop yield, water availability and existing infra- path at present, requiring a fairly large-scale of operation;
structures, such models allow calculating this potential more  production of cellulosic ethanol, by first converting the
accurately and identifying locations where production is likely cellulose into sugars, then fermenting and distilling as with
to take place. first-generation ethanol, also requiring large-scale facilities.
In general, land-use model applications focused on biofuel This is not yet economic at present, but may become
production have two main objectives: biofuel production a suitable method in future. It also requires a large-scale
plant siting (e.g. [21,22]) or land allocation for biofuel feedstock form of production;
crops (e.g. [19,20]), while some studies try both (e.g. [17]).  co-digestion with animal excreta (or sewage sludge) into
Production plant siting models usually apply techno- biogas. One advantage of this method is that unlike the
economic optimization algorithms, taking into account other two options it can be done on a small scale, operated
parameters such biomass yield, feedstock supply and price, at the level of a large farm or a group of smaller farms.
transportation infrastructures and costs conversion tech-
nology and efficiency and (regional) biofuel demand. Although As a form of land use, reed can have several other uses in
these models provide insight into the economic potential of addition to being a bioenergy feedstock. Since these uses are
using biomass resources, they normally put the emphasis on simultaneous, we can speak of multifunctional land use. The
the economic drivers, while dealing with biophysical drivers first of these is inextricably tied to the production of bioenergy
for crop production at fairly coarse resolutions. As such, they itself: the impact on greenhouse gas emissions. Because the
somewhat neglect the importance of spatial variation of carbon dioxide released to the atmosphere during the
biophysical parameters on the biofuel production potential. combustion process has first been absorbed from the atmo-
Land allocation models spend a considerable effort on sphere during the growth process, the net increase of carbon
determining the biophysical suitability for crop production at dioxide from burning fossil fuels is avoided; from this effect
high resolution. Allocation procedures can vary [19]: explored has to be deducted the fuel used during cultivation, harvesting
the potential for sustainable biofuel production in and transport. Since no fertilizer is added, this deduction is
Mozambique by first ensuring nature conservation and land much lower than with conventional biofuels; also, there is no
allocation for food, feed and other materials production additional emission of nitrous oxide, which, as we saw above,
according to the expected demand and location-specific yields greatly diminishes any positive effect that those biofuels may
[20]; assessed the competitiveness of bioenergy crops in have. Furthermore, biomass produces more energy per
a Northern region of the Netherlands by comparing the net hectare, so its beneficial effect on greenhouse gases is that
present value of biofuel production with current agricultural much larger.
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There is an additional effect if reed is grown on peat

soils. Peat is a large store of carbon dioxide, and its oxida- 4. Costs and benefits of reed cultivation
tion under current land use in the Netherlands leads to
increased CO2 and N2O emissions. Changing from pasture We shall now attempt to put figures on the benefits mentioned
to reed would stop that process, because the groundwater above. The first step is to assess how much energy reed can
table would be higher under this type of land use, which generate. Yield figures obtained from available literature are
will reduce the process of peat degradation; although the highly variable, as Table 1 shows. We have opted for
resulting wetland will emit methane, a more potent a cautious estimate of 15 t ha1 a1, which should be easily
greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, the net effect is still achievable when reed is cultivated but without adding any
positive in the sense of lower emissions [25]. In fact, fertilizer. This is also the yield used in an economic analysis
rewetting peat will in itself lead to a large reduction of [14] based on a review of other literature. With nutrient-rich
greenhouse gas emissions; producing a biofuel from the water fed to the reed in purification schemes, higher yields
rewetted land will reduce greenhouse gases even more, as (25 t ha1 a1) would be possible; but as the water becomes
well as providing an alternative source of income to cleaner (due to implementation of the European Water
dairying [26]. Fig. 1 shows the location and extent of peat Framework Directive) yields would decline. On the other
soils in the Netherlands. The total extent is some hand, yields in agriculture have a tendency to increase due to
270,000 ha, or about 8% of the land area of the country. technological advances, and it can reasonably expected that,
Apart from a source of bioenergy, reed can also be used in as experience is gained, this will also happen in reed cultiva-
a constructed wetland for the purification of surface water. tion. An increase in yield of 1% per year is assumed, leading to
This is because reed has the capability of absorbing many a projected yield of 18.3 t ha1 a1 by 2030.
pollutants such as nitrates and phosphates. It is already used The amount of energy to be generated from this biomass
for this purpose on an experimental scale [27]. It has been depends on the conversion path chosen. The relevant figures
estimated that 140,000 ha of such filters will be needed to are given in Table 2. At first sight, combustion seems to be by
satisfy the requirements of the European Water Framework far the most productive way to make energy out of biomass.
Directive [28]. That conclusion would be rash, however: combustion is
Another function of a reed-growing area can be water directly useful only when heat is the intended product, i.e. in
buffering. 26% of the Netherlands lies below sea level, and heating systems. If combustion is used to generate electricity,
a further 40% is at risk from flooding [29]. In the past, it used to the energy yield will be only a small proportion of the amount
be thought that this risk could be averted indefinitely by listed in the table. Ethanol and biogas can be used to generate
simply building higher dikes and more powerful pumps. That electricity as well, but because of their greater portability (as
way of thinking has changed fundamentally in recent times: compared to the raw biomass) they are much more widely
the notion of ‘integrated water management’ enjoins applicable. In other words, they command a better price. As
providing space for water courses where excess water can be the last column in the table shows, on that basis ethanol
temporarily stored [30]. Areas are being earmarked for this would seem to have the best yield. Nor are the relatively low
purpose, and such earmarking means a restriction on land values for biogas to be scoffed at: it has the considerable
use: any use which would lead to major damage when the advantages that it is produced in combination with waste
land is flooded is prohibited. Since reed suffers relatively little flows, that it can be very well combined with farming and on
from flooding, it is a most convenient land use for water a small scale (0.5 MW).
buffering. Nor is getting rid of excess water the only reason for The cost of production are estimated at 1285 V ha1 a1 for
such buffering: it can also be necessary to store water to cope the combustion path, including harvesting and transport to
with dry periods in summer e a need that is likely to become the combustion facility (put at 10 km) [14]. For producing
more acute with climate change. The frequency and length of ethanol, the cost of processing the reed has to be added. POET,
flooding depend on the purpose of buffering: from less than a large ethanol producer in the U.S., reported in late 2009 that
once per century for perhaps a few days in the case of calamity it was able to produce cellulosic ethanol at 0.48 V L1 (con-
prevention, to several months per year for seasonal storage in verted at the then prevailing exchange rate of $1.29 per euro).
drought prevention. With a capacity of 2295 L ha1 (15 tonnes of biomass times
Since reed is a traditional part of the Dutch landscape, it 153 L per tonne), this comes to 1102 V ha1. For co-digestion,
can provide landscape functions. Providing it does not the cost per hectare is estimated at V 1900.
dominate the scenery, it can be an attractive addition to it. We may conclude that all three methods of making bio-
In order to maximize this benefit, it may be useful to energy from reed lead to a loss, and that the lowest loss is
cultivate reed in combination with willow in short-rotation achieved by the direct combustion method. Cellulosic ethanol
coppicing. As we saw above, willow too belongs in the may become more profitable once a breakthrough is achieved
wetland landscape and it is a good producer of biomass. in the production of enzymes for breaking down the cellulose;
Reed and willow also provide shelter for numerous birds for now, it is possible but expensive. That the production of
and other animals. Although disturbance during harvesting biomass as such is not profitable does not mean it is not
will somewhat limit this benefit, it can still be considerable feasible; it does mean that additional benefits are required for
[31]. Moreover, in addition to any nature benefits in the reed cultivation to be worthwhile.
reed-growing area itself, benefits may also arise in adjacent The first of these additional benefits, as described in the
natural areas, especially wetlands: improvement of water previous section, is the impact on greenhouse gas emissions.
quality and quantity [32]. If we assume that the combustion of reed substitutes for that
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Fig. 1 e Distribution of peat soils in the Netherlands.

of natural gas (whether in heating or in generating electricity), additional saving from preventing the oxidation of peat. This
each Gigajoule of energy from reed biomass saves 62 kg of saving is estimated at 1.7 t ha1, net of increased methane
carbon dioxide. This means a saving of 16.4 t ha1 of carbon emissions. At a price of about 15 V t1 at the carbon exchange
dioxide, after accounting for the energy spent in producing market, this represents a benefit of 245 V ha1, and 271 V on
and transporting the biomass. If grown on peat soil, there is an peat soil. Wichtmann et al. give an even better figure for this
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46 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 5 5 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 1 e5 2

Table 1 e Yield figures for reed. Table 3 e Economics of multifunctional reed cultivation.
Source Reported yield of Location Production Item Value in 2010 Value in 2030
above e ground conditions
dry matter (V ha1 a1)
(T ha1 a1) Production cost of reed 1285 1285
(combustion path, including
[33] 7.5e13.0 Swamps in Europe Natural
harvesting, storage and
[34] 8.6 the Netherlands Natural
[26] 12 Temperate zone in Not stated
Value of energy production 475 772
general (conser-
Net reduction of greenhouse gas 271 542
vative estimate)
emissions (on peat soil)
[14] 15 the Netherlands Cultivated
Water buffering (where 400 400
without added
Water purification 400 300
[35] 18.6 New Jersey, Natural
Landscape and nature services e e
Net benefit 261 729
tidal marshes
[36] 22e44 China Cultivated on
mine tailings,
fertilized with
sewage sludge potatoes as the main crop) in the analysis, but we found
and compost pasture to be the strongest competitor as it yields a higher net
[37] 40e63 Unspecified Cultivated with value added per hectare [41].
fertilizer Grassland yields an overall benefit of about 800 V ha1 a1
[14]. This is considerably higher than multifunctional reed-
growing. If economic conditions change over the coming
aspect of reed production: 15 t ha1 [26], which would raise the twenty years as expected in the reference scenario, reed will
climate-mitigating benefit of reed production on peat to become more competitive, but may still not outcompete dairy
490 V ha1 a1. production e unless the value of landscape and nature
The benefit of water purification is estimated at services comes to the rescue. However, other scenarios may
300e500 V ha1, and that of water buffering at V 250e550 [30]. lead to different results as we shall see below.
V 400 were assumed for both benefits. Nature benefits were
also estimate at 900 V ha1, but this is based on current
subsidies for nature management, which are dependent on 5. Spatial exploration
fickle government policies. Therefore, this component will not
be taken into account. Table 3 presents an overview, together In this study, the Land Use Scanner is used for simulating
with the figures as we project them for 2030, with an increased land-use change and allocating land for biofuel crop produc-
yield of reed, higher energy prices (medium scenario [40]) and tion. This model is based on economic and discrete choice
higher values of emission rights; the benefit of water purifi- theory and allocates cells to competing land-use classes,
cation has been reduced for 2030, as it is expected that water based on local suitability (net socio-economic benefits derived
will be cleaner anyway. The figures for 2030 have been from that location), the amount of available land and regional
computed using the assumptions pertaining to the reference demand constraints per land-use type [13]. Model character-
scenario, which is described in the section on scenarios. istics and typical applications have been described elsewhere
The net benefit to be obtained from multifunctional reed (see, for example, [42,43]). Cells have four types of character-
cultivation must be set against current land use. We have istics influencing their suitability for any particular use,
taken this to be pasture for dairy production, which is the namely present land use; physical characteristics such as soil,
main land use on peat soils. If we extend the analysis to other groundwater level and relief; proximity to urban areas, infra-
soils, an alternative competitor would be arable land. In structure and other relevant places; and zoning policies. On
another publication we have included arable land (with the basis of these characteristics, the model constructs

Table 2 e Energy yields per hectare for reed, per conversion path.
Path Fuel quantity per Energy yield per unit Energy yield per Energy yield Energy value Production
tonne of dry matter of fuel quantity [39] tonne of dry matter in GJ ha1 (V ha1, energy cost (V ha1)
prices of 2010)

Combustion 1T 17,700 MJ T1 17,700 MJ 265.5 475 1285

Ethanol 153 L3a [14] 21.1 MJ L1 3228 MJ 48.0 1151 2387
Biogas 153 m3b [38] 23 kJ L1 3519 MJ 52.8 483 1900

a 340 L per tonne of cellulose, with cellulose making up 45% of dry matter.
b Co-digesting with animal excreta with 25% reed and 75% manure. The figures represent the productivity of the entire digestate.
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suitability maps for any particular land use. These suitability water tables in summer and winter [44]. The total yield
maps are scenario-dependent. Finally, the model is fed with reduction (Dtot) relative to the maximum potential yield is
claims on space emanating from each land-use class; these determined by the yield reduction caused by drought (Ddr) and
claims, too, are scenario-dependent. The model then opti- the yield reduction caused by water surplus (Dwa) assuming no
mizes, for each scenario, future land use. The model thus irrigation:
mimics a land market, in which land-use classes fulfil the role  
100  Dwa
of buyers. Their bid prices for a particular cell are determined Dtot ¼ Dwa þ  Ddr
by the benefits they can extract from it, and those in turn
depend on the suitability maps. A yield reduction map of reed was not available in the HELP
Different land-use classifications can be used in the model: system and had to be constructed based on a literature review
simple ones determining the allocation of land between urban of biophysical conditions influencing potential yields. Yields
uses, agriculture and nature, or more complex ones in which of reed under different soil and groundwater conditions were
various crops compete for agricultural land. estimated on the basis of literature [45e49]. Although reed
For the present study, a new land-use class was created: appears to grow best on light soils, the groundwater table is
reed cultivation combined with water buffering, which will be the most important factor. Furthermore, a map of suitability
assumed to directly compete for land with arable farming and for water buffering was built on the basis of altitude and
pastures according to their economic performance. The suit- proximity to main drainage channels. Each of these two land
ability map for reed depends primarily on the second of the uses can now offer a bid price for any particular cell, and the
four types of characteristics mentioned above, i.e. biophysical suitability for the multifunctional land-use class is equal to
suitability: existing land use hardly applies; as for proximity to the sum of the two bid prices. The total bid price also incor-
cities and infrastructure, this is of limited concern as we porates the value of reed cultivation for water purification and
assume that the reed would be processed within the project; for greenhouse gas mitigation (with a slightly higher value on
and there are at present no relevant zoning policies on reed. peat soil because of the additional CO2 benefit there).
The economic performance of each crop will be deter-
mined through a comparative assessment of net present 5.1. Scenarios
values. The net present value (NPV) is a standard method to
appraise long-term projects, by measuring discounted time Four different scenarios have been defined for examining the
series of expected cash flows. The NPV that can be expected by potential of multifunctional reed cultivation as described
producing a certain crop depends on the specific costs to above:
produce that crop and on the benefits that can be obtained
from selling it:  A reference scenario, called ‘global cooperation’, inspired by
Bc;i;y  Cc;i;y the storylines for the B1 scenario introduced by IPCC [50]
NPVc;i ¼ and further developed for Europe in the Eururalis project
ð1 þ rÞy
[6]. It combines a global orientation with a preference for
where NPV is the net present value derived from land-use i in social, environmental and more broadly defined economic
cell c and Bc,i,y and Cc,i,y are the benefits and costs respectively values. The scenario features high economic growth,
of land-use i in cell c in year y; r is the discount rate and n is the gradual removal of tariff barriers and agricultural subsidies,
lifetime of the project. This method has already proven to be and public funding for maintaining natural and cultural
suitable for spatially explicit assessments on the economic heritage [18]. For the Netherlands this scenario has been
performance of biofuel crops and agricultural uses [20]. further specified by a Dutch forecast [51].
Benefits and costs will be derived from the cost-benefit anal-  High oil prices and strong climate change. For the oil price,
ysis. A lifetime of 20 years and a discount rate of 3.5% have the high variant of the U.S. Energy Information Adminis-
been assumed, which are common for public investment tration projection was taken rather than the medium
projects in the Netherlands. variant which is used in the reference scenario. This means
The economic performance of each crop at any particular an oil price of 1495 US$2008 t1, as compared to
location depends on the benefits that can be obtained from it, 909 US$2008 t1 in the medium variant. For climate change,
which in turn largely depend on the local crop yields. Yields the Wþ scenario of the climate forecasts made by the Royal
can vary widely across the country according to different soil Netherlands Meteorological Institute has been used [52]. In
qualities and can also vary among crops according to their this scenario, average temperatures rise by 2  C until 2050;
specific requirements. In order to depict yield spatial vari- summers are drier and winters wetter; the frequency of
ability, yield reduction maps are used, expressing the fraction extreme weather events increases; and the sea level rises
of the maximum attainable yield that can be met when local with 20e35 cm by 2050. These conditions tend to decrease
biophysical conditions are not optimal for that crop. the profitability of dairy production on marginal soils, while
The HELP (Her-Evaluatie Landinrichtings Project) system that of bioenergy production is improved due to higher
has been implemented in order to produce crop-specific yield energy prices. Other variables (economic growth, pop-
reduction maps. In this method, soil and groundwater maps ulation, policies) are as in the reference scenario.
are used in combination with tables relating soil and water  The biofuel policy scenario: this has been adapted from
conditions to suitability for particular crops. Then, physical a study on land-use change carried out for the European
yields are determined by a combination of soil characteristics Commission’s DG Environment [18]. In this scenario, poli-
(e.g. clayesandepeat ratios, rooting depth and stoniness) and cies promoting bioenergy and biofuels are implemented not
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48 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 5 5 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 1 e5 2

only by the EU, but also in the U.S., Canada, Brazil, Japan and which means an area under reed of about 6700 ha within
South Africa. This raises the price that will be paid for bio- a radius of about 8 km.
energy compared to the reference scenario. In these scenarios, three hotspots for reed cultivation can
 The soil and climate change policy scenario: this is based be clearly identified, namely the provinces of Noord-Holland,
on the previous one, but with additional policies for the Zuid-Holland and Friesland. It can then be seen that the
protection of soils and water balances. The sustainable outcome of the second and the third scenario are virtually
use of peat soils gets particular attention in this identical in terms spatial distribution and land-use conver-
scenario, but also water buffering acquires increased sion. In the fourth scenario, reed becomes the most attractive
importance. land-use option on virtually all peat soils as well as on some
other low-lying areas. That would also imply a conversion of
almost 30% and 10% of the area currently used as pastures and
5.2. Results
arable farming, respectively.

Figs. 2 and 3 show the results obtained with the Land Use
Scanner for the four scenarios described above. In addition,
the amount of arable farming and pasture area that it con- 6. Discussion
verted into reed cultivation is provided in Table 4. In the
reference scenario, as we saw in the section on cost-benefit From the results section above, it can be concluded that reed
analysis, the net benefit of reed is still slightly below that of cultivation for energy purposes is not economically viable in
dairy production, the main competing form of land use. the Netherlands under current conditions. This is in line with
Therefore, reed mainly shows up in a few small areas which previous studies (e.g. [17,20]), which showed that in normal
are marginal to pasture, situated on peat soils. These areas conditions only a small fraction of agricultural land is ex-
would be insufficient to justify the location of a processing pected to become available for bioenergy crops, due to high
plant for electricity generation and/or district heating. The competition for land in the Netherlands. However, future
only economic option would be co-digestion for making conditions in terms of energy prices, climate change and
biogas, as a by-product of dairying. policies may make reed more attractive. Biofuel policies may
In the other scenarios, the location of a processing plant have a similar effect as high oil prices on increasing the
has been included in the modelling, meaning that areas suit- profitability of bioenergy production. Combining biofuel poli-
able for reed but too small and dispersed to deliver to a pro- cies with environmental measures such as soil protection
cessing plant have been excluded. The capacity of an and water management can even improve its economic
economically viable plant would be 100,000 t a1 of reed [32], performance.

Fig. 2 e Potential locations of reed according to the reference scenario (left) and the high oil price and climate change
scenario (right).
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b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 5 5 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 1 e5 2 49

Fig. 3 e Potential locations of reed according to biofuel policy scenario (left) and soil and climate change policy scenario

Nevertheless, it is not to be expected that the situations such a system, this could lead to an attractive, varied and
depicted in Figs. 2 and 3 would come to pass in reality. productive landscape.
Particularly in the fourth scenario, this would imply a massive A major environmental benefit of reed cultivation as
transformation of a historical grazing landscape into large compared to other biomass crops such as reed canary grass is
expanses of reed-fields, which will probably be considered that it does not require fertilizer. In some countries it is
undesirable. already used for energy, although under subsidized condi-
If conditions would be such as to make reed cultivation tions, for instance in Finland [53]. There it is not cultivated, but
competitive with dairying, a combination of pasture and reed- harvested in the wild e the problem in many areas is con-
growing might be feasible: restricting reed-growing to ear- taining the spread of reed rather than promoting its growth,
marked areas, or promoting multifunctional livestock- since it is so prolific.
keeping with energy production and with the ‘blue services’ Thus, the cultivation of reed can be envisaged under two
of water buffering and water purification. Such earmarked systems:
areas cannot be too small, however, because too much scat-
tering will make the transport of reed to the processing plant  Dedicated reed production in specialized farms. This is
prohibitively expensive. With the minimum of 6700 ha of reed highly convenient especially for providing both large
mentioned above and a maximum distance to the processing quantities of reed and water purification services. However,
facility of, say, 10 km, this would mean that in an area of even in this system landscape considerations would require
300 km2 25% of all land (or 30e40% of grassland) would be that only part of the potential area would be actually used
converted into reed. If other wetland species capable of be for reed. The same considerations might make it attractive
being used for energy purposes (e.g. willow) also find a place in to combine the production of reed with for instance willow

Table 4 e Land-use conversion for reed cultivation (in hectares).

Land-use conversion Reference High oil prices Biofuel policy Soil and climate
scenario and climate change change policy

Arable farming 2924 49,827 42,562 82,060

Pastures 21,203 207,826 198,218 420,477
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50 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 5 5 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 1 e5 2

in short-rotation coppicing. To avoid a large-scale conver- pasture on peat soils), and technical progress may make
sion of pastoral landscape, other options could be consid- cellulosic ethanol an attractive option. All such changes will
ered such as only partly producing part the required create more favourable conditions for reed.
bioenergy feedstock domestically while importing the Peat soils are particularly suitable for this form of land use.
remaining from other countries, thus taking advantage of Moreover, on these soils there is an additional environmental
the existence of good port facilities in the areas where reed benefit to be had: these soils continuously emit carbon dioxide
is more attractive. under present land use (mostly grassland for dairy produc-
 A combination of animal husbandry and reed cultivation. tion). Converting such land into reed-fields would imply
The production of biogas would be the most appropriate rewetting it, which would stop the emission of CO2 and, if
conversion path in this case. The livestock part of the farm peat-forming conditions are revived, even lead to the storage
could be conventional dairying as practised today (where of carbon in the soil.
soil conditions allow), or some lower-intensity form of
cattle-keeping using dual-purpose, hardy breeds rather
than the Holstein-Friesian type kept today. Sheep might
also play a role in such systems. Such farmers would derive
their income from a variety of sources: dairy, meat, energy
production, landscape and water services.
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