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The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect information for my research paper on the topic
“An investigation into factors affecting students’ English speaking performance at Tran
Cao Van High School in Tamky City- Quangnam Province”". Your responses are very
important to the success of the research. The data collected will be used for this study only, not
for any purposes. Your cooperation will be the most appreciated.
Please supply some personal information

Teacher’s full name:…………………………………………………… (optional)

Sex: male □ female 
Age: …35……..
Qualification: BA. Degree  MA. Degree □ PhD □
How long have you been teaching English? ……14……years.
Please read and answer the following questions carefully.

1. According to you, are your students interested in speaking in English? (Please tick one
box only)

Yes  No □
2. The problems you face when teaching speaking skill (You may tick more than one)

- Students are not interested in learning speaking skill 

- Students’ level is not the same □
- The class is crowded 
- Students are afraid of taking part in speaking activities because their shyness 
- There is not enough time to help students practice speaking in English □
- Others □
3. How do you feel about students’ English speaking performance?

Very good □ Good □ Not very good  Not good □

4. Do you agree that there are many factors affecting students’ English speaking
performance? (Please tick one box only)

Yes  No □
If you choose “No, jump to next question
If you choose “Yes”, please choose the following sentences.
The factors affecting students’ English speaking performance are (You may tick more than

- Students have poor attitudes and low motivation in learning speaking skill 
- Students' levels of English language proficiency are limited 
- Students are passive and unenthusiastic in speaking English 
- Students have few opportunities to practice speaking English outside the class 
- Students are afraid of teachers’ feedbacks □
- Students are afraid of peers’ responses □
- The seating management is not suitable for students to perform their speaking □
- The class is too large for students to speak confidently
- The speaking topics in the textbook are not interesting 
- Others □
5. “The factor that has the most impact on students’ English speaking performance is
English language proficiency.”
Strongly agree □ Somewhat agree  Neither agree nor disagree □
Somewhat disagree □ Strongly disagree □
6. Which of the following problems do you think that students often face in speaking
performance with their low English language proficiency? Rank them in order.
Having difficulty in producing continuous speech ___5___
Having difficulty in expressing ideas ___4___
Lacking words and ideas ___3___
Using words and grammar inaccurately ___1___
Pronunciation ___2___

7. According to you, to be successful in their ESP, students must attain the following linguistic
aspects: (You may tick more than one)

Fluency □
Accuracy 
Lexical sources 
Contents/ Ideas 
Others □
8. How would you grade your students in terms of English speaking performance? (Please circle
one number only)
Fluency 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Grammar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Use of phrases 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Vocabulary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Content/ Ideas 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
9. How often do you use teaching activities to encourage students to take part in English
speaking performance?

Always  Often □ Sometimes □ Seldom □ Never □

10. What activities do you prefer to help students improve their English speaking
performance? (You may tick more than one)

Role play  Information gaps □ Discussion  Simulations □

Brainstorming  Storytelling □ Story completion □ Reporting 
Playing cards □ Find the difference □ Jigsaw □ Picture describing

Picture narrating  Presentation  Games  Others □
11. In speaking classes, you usually ask your students to work

Individually □ In pairs  In groups  Others □

12. In order to improve students’ English speaking performance, what should you do? (Please
circle one number for each line)

No Yes
Creating a warm and happy environment for students to learn speaking skill 1
Redesigning the tasks suitable to students’ level 1
Supplying them with necessary words for their speaking performance 1
Organizing various and suitable activities for students’ interests 1
Giving students opportunities to interact with peers in pairs and small group activities 1
Showing willingness to be a facilitator to help students be confident in their English 1
performance 2
Praising after their speaking performance 1
Being supportive in error correction 1
Providing indirect, rather direct correction 1

Please make some suggestions to improve students’ English speaking performance.


Thank you for your cooperation!


1. Do you think students are interested in learning speaking in English? Why (not)?
Yes, because information may be easier to be conveyed in spoken language; students
don’t have to put in the strict forms of grammar rules; and student may speak all what
they want to convey.
2. Have you ever met any problems in teaching speaking skill? What are they?
Some problems in teaching speaking skill: - students are too shy to speaking anything, -
both students and the teacher are lack of information about the topic given, - students
can’t pronounce words correctly, - difficult for the teacher to observe and control
students’ activities when they are practicing speaking, - the class is often noisy and
bothers the others nearby.
3. Do you think it is necessary to develop the ability in English speaking performance for
students? Why (not)?
Yes, because it helps: - to develop students’ speaking and listening skills, of course. – to
reinforce students’ knowledge. – to make students more confident.
4. What factors do you think that impact on students’ English speaking performance?
knowledge, psychology, environment and condition
5. Which one of the following factors has the most impact on students’ English speaking
performance? Why?
- Low motivation
- Low English language proficiency
- Students’ being anxious about what they say
- Few opportunities to practice speaking English outside the class
- Teachers’ feedbacks
- Peers’ response
- The class size
- The speaking topics in the textbook
Ans.: Teacher’s feedback, because it may stimulate students or wear students’ will down.
6. What linguistic aspects do you use to access students’ English speaking performance?
Verbal and nonverbal language
7. What activities do you usually use to help students learn English speaking skill?
Oral communicative activities such as role play, interview, discussion in groups and
reporting, argumentation, talking about themselves, playing communication games,…
8. What activities do you think it is the most effective in improving students’ English
speaking performance?
Interview, discussion and argumentation.
9. How do you usually organize teaching activities in your speaking classes? Why?
By grouping (lockstep, pairwork, groupwork) because it is the way of increasing
students’ participation and language use; it helps students more dynamic.
10. In your opinion, what else should we do to improve students’ English speaking
Organizing the English Speaking Club, the Contests of English Speaking such as
eloquence in English

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