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Fourth Quarter, 1941.


GEN~"- Ui:- NFERfNC£
3031 t I < . II t:jLVD. - PH. 4>' 7 4'J~8
SACHA L'~ I 0, GAL/F. 95818 U. S •


Published by
Religious Liberty Publishing Association
42 Prospect Road, Summer Hill.
N.S.W.; Australia.
Lesson No. I-Sabbath, October 4, 1941.
The Righteousness of God's Law.
1. How does the apostle Paul speak of God's law? Rom.
2. What do~s David say about the law o.f God? Ps. 111 :7, 8.
3. What shows that the ten commandments are a complete
whole? James 2:10, 11.
4. Whereby shall all men be judged? James 2:12.
5. How long will the law of God exist? Matt. 5:17-19.
NOTE: "So long as heaven and earth continue, the holy
principles of God's law wiII remain. His· righteousness,
'like the great mountains,' wiII continue, a source of bless-
ing, sending forth streams to refresh the earth."-"Mount
of Blessing," p. 79.
6. Of what do we obtain knowledge by the law? Rom. 3:20.
7. What does the transgressor of the law commit? 1 John
8. What is the just reward of sin? Rom. 6:23; Ezek. 18:4.
NOT~: "The claims of God are equally binding upon
all. Those who choose to neglect the great salvation offered
to them freely, who choose to serve themselves and remain
enemies of God, enemies of the self-sacrificing Redeemer,
. are earning their wages. They are sowing to the flesh, and
wiII of the flesh reap corruption."-"Testimonies," Vol. 3,
9. Is it possible for man, in his own strength, to keep the
law of God? Gal. 3:20-22; 2:16.
NOTE: "Because the law of the Lord is perfect and
therefore changeless, it is impossible for sinful men, in them-
selves, to meet the standard of its requirements. This was
why Jesus came as our Redeemer. It was His mission, by
.making men partakers of the divine nature, to bring them
into harmony with the principles of the law of heaven.
When we forsake our sins, and receive Christ as our Saviour,
the law is exalted. The apostle Paul asks, 'Do we then make
void the law through faith? God forbid; yea, we establish
the law.' "-"Mount of Blessing," p. 79.
10. Will God, because He is merciful, leave sin unpunished?
Num. 14:18.

11. What is said about those who continue in sin and de-
spise the grace of Christ? Heb. 10:26, 27.

NOTE: "God works by the manifestation of His Spirit

to reprove and convict the sinner; and if the Spirit's work

is finally rejected, there is no more that God can do for the

soul. The.last resource of divine mercy has been employed.
The transgressor has cut himself off from God; and sin has
no remedy to cure itself. There is no reserved power by
which God can work to convict and convert the sinner. 'Let
him alone,' is the divine command. Then 'thel'e remaineth
no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for
of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the
adversaries.' "-"Patriarchs and Prophets," p. 405,

Lesson No.2-Sabbath, October 11, 1941.

The Love of God. ./'

1. What is the most distinct characteristic of God? 1 John
NOTE: "'God is love,' is written upoJ:l every opening
bud, upon every spire of springing grass. The lovely birds
making the air vocal with their happy songs, the delicately
tinted flowers in their perfection perfuming the air, the
lofty trees of the forest with their rich foliage of living
green,-llll testify to the tender, fatherly care of our God,
and to His desire to make His children happy."-"Steps to
Christ," p. 10.

2. What judgment was pronounced upon the world through

sin? Gen. 3:17-19.
3. How great was the love of God to this condemned and
sinful world? John 3:16; 1 .Tohn 4:9.
NOTE: "0, the mystery of redemption! the love of God
for a world that did not love Him! Who can know the
depths of that love which 'passeth knowledge?' Through
endless ages, immortal minds, seeking to comprehend the
mystery of that incomprehensible love, will wonder and
adore."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," pp. 63, 64.

4-. Because God is love, wherein does He delight? Micah

7:18; Eph. 2:4-6.

5. How wonderful, how great, and how sure is God's love?

Jer. 31:3; Lam. 3:22, 23.
NOTE: "The more we study the divine character in the
light of the cross, the more we see mercy, tenderness, and
forgiveness blended with equity and justice, and the more
clearly we discern innumerable evidences of a love that is
infinite, and a tender pity surpassing a mother's yearning
sympathy for her wayward child."-"Steps to Christ," p. 17.
6. Whereto-has God in His love called sinners? 1 John
3:1. How may one know that he is a child of God?
Rom. 8:14-16.
7. What is the love of God able to do? Deut. 23:5.

8. According to this great love, what are God's children

requested to manifest among themselves? 1 John 4:11;
NOTE: "The believers were ever to cherish the love
that filled the hearts of the apostles after the descent of the
Holy Spirit. They were to go forward in willing obedience
to the new commandment, 'As I ,have loved you, that ye
also love one another.' So closely were they to be united
to Christ that they would be enabled to fulfil His require-
ments. The power of a Saviour who could justify them by
His righteousness was to be magnified."-"Testimonies,"
Vol. 8, p. 241.

9. Whom shall the saints give praise throughout eternity?

Rev. 1:5, 6.
10. How great is the love of God to every individual soul?
AN$WER: "Jesus knows us individually, and is touched
with the feeling of our infirmities. He knows us all by
name. . . . Every soul is as fully known to Jesus. as if he
were the only one for whom the Saviour died."-"The De-
sire of Ages," p. 479.

Lesson No.3-Sabbath, October 18, 1941.

God's Righteousness Manifested in Christ.

1. Whereupon is the throne of God established? Ps. 89 :14.
2. How long will the righteousness of God endure? Ps.
119 :142, 160.
3. What shall God judge? 1 Sam. 2:10. Whereby shall the
world be judged? Ps. 96 :13.
4. What is the desire of our heavenly Father? 2 Peter 3 :9.
5. Was it possible for man, in his own strength, or by his
own works, to attain unto the righteousness accepted of
God? Rom. 3 :19, 20.
NOTE: "He who is trying to become holy by his own
works in keeping the law, is attempting an impossibility.
All that man can do without Christ is polluted with selfish-
ness and sin. It is the grace of Christ alone, through faith,
that can make us holy."-"Steps to Christ," p. 63 .
.j 6. How was it made possible for man to obtain righteous-
ness? Rom. 8 :3, 4.
I 7. What did righteousness claim even of Christ the great
atoning sacrifice? Phil 2 :8.
.; 8. What was the motive of God to sacrifice His only son?
John 3 :16. Why did He not destroy the earth according
to' His righteousness? Titus 3:4, 5.
NOTE: "The very fact that Christ bore the penalty of
man's transgression is a mighty argument to all created
intelligences, that the law is changeless; that God is
righteous, merciful, and self-denying; and that infinite jus-
tice and mercy unite in the administration of his govern-
ment."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," p. 70.
I 9. What is Christ therefore for all those who would be
rightfully doomed? Col. 1 :18-22; 1 Cor. 1 :30.
J 10. What was the great mission of Christ? Matt. 18:11.
.; 11. How many need the righteousness of Christ? Rom.
112. 'When shall
fully met?
the demands of God's righteousness be
Rev. 16:5-7; Mal. 4:1.
NOTE: "After all have perished who fell by his
(Satan's) deceptions, he is still to live and suffer on. In the
cleansing flames the wicked aTe at last destroyed, root and
branch,-Satan the Toot, his followers the branches. The
full penalty of the law has been visited; the demands of
justice have been met; and heaven and earth, beholding, de-
clare the righteousness of Jehovah."-"The GTeat Con-
troversy," .p. 673.

Lesson No.4-Sabbath, October 25, 1941.

Righteousness a.nd Life.
J1. What promise is given to every faithful believer?
John 5 :11-13.

J 2. What is the gospel of Christ declared to be, and what

is therein revealed? Rom 1:16, 17.
J 3. How closely is righteousness and life united? Provo
r;') 12:28.
1::!/4. What are the ten commandments declared to be? Ps.
J .5. What wonderful name does Jesus bear? J er. 23 :6.
V 6. Because the law of God and Jesus Christ is'righteous-
ness, what will God's children keep in order to receive
life eternal? Rev. 14 :12. .
7. Who only will be able to keep the law of God?
ANSWER: "By His (Jesus) perfect obedience He has
made it possible for every human being to obey God's com-
mandments. When we submit OUTSelves to Christ, the heart
!~ unjted with Hi~ heart, the will is merged in His will, the
mind becomes one with His mind, the thoughts are brought
into captivity to Him;· we live His life."-"Christ's Object
Lessons," p. 312.
I 8. Through whom will eternal life be given? Rom. 6:23.

I 9. What is according to the words of Christ necessary in

order to obtain eternal life? Matt. 19:17.
NOTE: "The condition of eternal life is now just what
it always has been,-just what it was in Paradise before the
fall of our first parents,-perfect obedience to the law of
God, perfect righteousness. If eternal life were granted on
any condition short of this, then the happiness of the whole
universe would be imperiled. The way would be open for
sin, with all its train of woe and misery, to be immortalized."
-"Steps to Christ," pp. 64, 65.
J 10. What sure conviction did the disciples have in their faith
in Christ as their Redeemer? 1 John 5:12.
11. What are two outstanding pillars in the government of
God? 1 John 5:20.

Lesson No.5-Sabbath, November 1, 1941.

Christ Throughout the Bible.

I 1. Of whom does the Bible testify? John 5:39.
NOTE: "The blessed Bible gives us a knowledge of the
great plan of salvation, and shows us how every individual
may have eternal life. Who is the author of the book?-
Jesus Christ. He is the True Witness, and He says to His
own, '1 give unto them eternal life; and they shall never
perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.'
The Bible is to show us the way to Christ, and in Christ
eternal life is revealed."-"Fundamentals of Christian Edu-
cation," p. 308.
J 2. Of whom did Moses and the prophets of old write? John
3. Could the two disciples on their way to Emmaus have
known that Christ had to suffer and to die at the cross?
Luke 24 :25, 26.
I 4. In what way did J'esus show them that the Scriptures
testify of Him? Luke 24:27.
NOTE: "Christ opened the Scriptures to His disciples,
beginning at Moses and the prophets, and instructed them
in all things concerning Himself, and also explained to them
the prophecies. The apostles, in their preaching, went back
to Adam's day, and brought their hearers down through
prophetic history, and ended with Christ and Him crucified,
calling upon sinners to repent and turn from their sins to
God. The representatives of Christ in our day should follow
their example, and in every Discourse magnify Christ as
the Exalted One, as all in alI."-"Testimonies," Vol. 4, p.
J 5. On what occasion was the first promise given of' a Re-
deemer? Gen. 3:14, 15.
J 6. How was this promise repeated to Abraham? Gen. 22 :18.
,{ 7. Who is the promised seed? Gal. 3 :16.
~ 8. Who was the leader of the people of Israel in the Old
Testament? Ex. 23:20; 1 Cor. 10:4.
.; 9. How are th'e sufferings of Christ described in the Old
Testament? Isa. chapter 53; Zech. 11:12'; Ps. 22:1, 31:5.
10. How does David speak about the resurrection of Christ?
Ps. 16:10.
j 11. How is the occupation of Christ's kingdom prophesied?
Dan. 7 :13, 14; Rev. 11 :15.
J 12. How is the second coming of Christ described? Ps.
98 :8, 9; 50 :3-5.
I 1~. What is Christ for all those who receive Him whole-
heartedly? Col. 3 :11.
NOTE: "The church history upon the earth, and the
church redeemed in heaven, all centre around the cross of
Calvary. This is the theme, this is the song,-Christ all
and in alI,-in anthems of praise resounding through heaven
from thousands and ten thousand times ten thousand and
an innumerable company of the redeemed host. All unite
in this song of Moses and of the Lamb. It is a new song,
for it was never before sung in heaven."-"Testimonies to
Ministers," p. 433.

Lesson No.6-Sabbath, November 8, 1941.

Christ Our Righteousness.

1. Which righteousness alone is accepted by God? Rom.

J 2. Wherein is the righteousness, accepted by God, revealed?

Rom. 1:17.

J 3. Through whom alone do we receive power to overcome

sin? 1 Cor. 1 :23, 24.
NOTE: "It is impossible for us, of ourselv!"s, to escape
from the pit of sin in which we are sunken. Our hearts are
'evil, and we cannot change them. 'Who can bring a clean
thing out of an· unclean? Not one.' 'The carnal niind is
enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God,
neither can be.' Education, culture, the exercise of the will,
human effort, all have their proper sphere, but here they
are powerless. They may produce an outward correctness
of behaviour, but they cannot change the heart; they can-
not purify the springs of life. There must be a power work-
ing from within, a new life from above, before men can be
changed from sin to holiness. That power is Christ."-
"Steps to Christ," p. 20. .
l 4. What is Christ for humanity? Heb. 8:6.
j 5. What is necessary on our part before we can receive
the righteousness of Christ? Luke 18 :13, 14.
J 6. What explanation does Paul give how to obtain this
righteousness? Rom. 3 :21-26.
7. What can the pardoned sinner in such a condition say?
Isa. 61 :10.
NOTE: "The less we see to esteem in ourselves, the
more we shall see to esteem in the infinite purity and love-
liness of our Saviour. A view of our sinfulness drives us to
Him who can pardon; and when the soul, realizing its help-
lessness, reaches out after Christ, He will reveal Himself
in power. The more our sense of need drives us to Him and
to the wore! of God, the more exalted views we shall have
of His character, and the more fully we shall reflect His
image."-"Steps to Christ," p. 67.
8. What example in the word of God shows that the righte-
ousness of Christ is given by gracef Zech. chapter 3.
'Ii 9. If a man has put on Christ what will"be his condition?
2 Cor. 5:17.
NOTE: "By faith you became Christ's, and by faith you
are to grow up in Him,-by giving and taking. You are to
give all,-your heart, your will,' your ·service,-give your-
self to Him to obey all His requirements; and .you must
take all,-Christ, the fulness of all blessing, to abide in
your heart, to be your strength, your righteousness, your
everlasting helper,-to give you power to obey."-"Steps to
Christ," p. 72.
J 10. If we are justified by faith what will we possess? Rom.

Lesson No.7-Sabbath, November 15, 1941.

Acceptance by God.

l 1- Which property arc we, who has bought us, and how
high was the price paid for us? 1 Cor. 6:19, 20.
J 2. What constituted the ransom for us?
Peter 1:18, 19.
Acts 20:28; 1

3. For whom did.Jesus die? Rom. 5:6.

J 11. How great was the burden which Christ had to carry
for us? Phil. 2:5-8; Reb. 12:2; Isaiah 53-11.
NOTE: "The spotless Son of God took upon Himself the
burden of sin. He who had been one with God, felt in His
soul the awful separation that sin makes between God and
man. This wrung from His lips the anguished cry, 'My God,
My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?' It was the burden
of sin, the sense of its terrible enormity, of its separation of
the soul from God,-it was this that broke the heart of the
Son of God."-"Steps to Christ," p. 15.
J 5. What dwells in Christ, and what are we in Him? Col.
2:9, 10; 2 Cor. 5:21.
J 6. To what has Christ predestinated us? Eph. 1 :5.

J 7. Under what condition will God accept us as His own?

2 Tim. 2:19.
V NOTE: "Jesus is coming; and will He find a people
conformed to the world? And will He acknowledge these
as His people that He has purified unto Himself? Oh, no.
None but the pure and holy will He acknowledge as His.
Those who have been purified and made white through suf-
fering, and have kept themselves separate, unspotted from
the world, He will own as His."-"Testimonies," Vol. 1,
p. 133.~

8. Can we have the assurance that we belong to Christ?

Rom. 8:16, 17.
NOTE: "Now that you have given yourself to Jesus, do
not draw back, do not take yourself away from Him, but
day by day say, 'I am Christ's; 1 have given myself to Him;
and ask Him to give you His Spirit, and keep you by His
grace. As it is by· giving yourself to God and believing in
Him, that you become His child, so you are to live in Him."
-"Steps to Christ," p. 55.
9. What has Christ promised to those who receive Him
whole-heartedly? John 1:12.
10. What will those do who have accepted Christ by faith?
Rom. 1:17.
NOTE: "If the heart hall been renewed by the Spirit
of God, the life will bear witness to the fact. While we
cannot do anything to change our hearts, or to bring our-
selves into harmony with God; while we must not trust at
all to ourselves or our good works, our lives will reveal
whether the grace of God is dwelling within us. A change
will be seen in the character, the habits, the pursuits."-
"Steps to Christ," p. 60.

Lesson No.8-Sabbath, November 22, 1941.


Is it possible for man of himself to live a righteous life?

Job 14:4.
/ 2. How are all men called by the Word of God? Rom. 3 :23.
/3. What says Jeremiah about the heart of man? Jer. 17:9.
v/4. Whereafter did the Pharisees seek in the days of Christ?
Rl>m. 10:3.
NOTE: "The prophet Hosea had pointed out what con-
stitutes the very essence of Phariseeism, in the words, 'Israel
is an empty vine, he bringeth forth fruit unto himself.' In
their professed service to God. the Jews were really work-
ing for self. Their righteousness was the fruit of their own
efforts to keep the law, according to their own ideas, and
for their own selfish benefit. Hence it could be no better
than they were. In their endeavour to make themselves
holy, they were trying to bl'ing a clean thing out of an un-
clean."-"Mount of Blessing," p. 84.

/ 5. What solemn admonition is given by Jesus to all His

followers regarding the righteousness of the Pharisees?
Matt. 5:20.
6. What will God do with those who are self-righteous,
V and what will He do with those who obtain the righte-
ousness of Christ? Luke 18 :14.
7. In what way is the life of a self-righteous !nan reo
..; vealed? Luke 18 :9-12.
NOTE: "He is full of self-praise. He 109kS it, he walks
it, he prays it. Drawing apal't from othel's as if to say,
'Come not near to me; for I am holiel' than thou,' he stands
and prays 'with himself.' Wholly self-satisfied, he thinks
that God and men regard him with the same complacency."
{"Christ's Object Lessons," p. 150. .
I\j 8. What is the position of the humble believing soul? Luke
9. How, and through whom alone is eternal life assured
unto us? Acts 4:12; John 14:6.
10. What must take place in the life of every filan before
he will be accepted by God? John 3:3.
11. Which of all sins is the most hopeless, and the most
ANSWER: "The evil that led to Peter's fall, and that
shut out the Pharisee from communion with God, is proving
the ruin of thousands to-day. There is nothing so offensive
to God, or so dangerous to the human soul, as pride and
self-sufficiency. Of all sins it is the most hopeless, the most
incurable."-"Christ's Object Lessons," p. 154.
12. From what will Christ save His children? Matt. 1 :21;
1 John 1:7.

Lesson No.9-Sabbath, November 29, 1941.

Salvation Only Through Christ.

1. For what great purpose came Christ into this world?
1 Tim. 1:15.
2. What is Christ made for us, and for what reason? 2
Cor. 5:21.
3. How much do we need Christ in order to be saved?
John 15:5.
NOTE: "'Without Me,' says Christ, 'ye can do nothing;'
but with His divine grace working through our human
efforts, we can do all things. His patience and meekness
will pervade the character, diffusing a precious radiance
which makes bright and clear the pathway to heaven. By
beholding and imitating His life, we shall become renewed
in His image. The glory of heaven will shine in our lives,
and be reflected upon others. At the thl'one of grace we are
to find the help we need to enable us to live thus."-"Testi-
monies," Vol. 5, p. 306.

4. Which characteristics were especially manifested in the

life of Christ? Heb. 1:8; 1 Peter 2:22; Phil. 2:8.

5. As a result of the death of Christ, into what state is

the believing sinner brought? Rom. 5 :10.
6. What has been done to provide freedom for the sinner?
Isa. 53:6.
7. In addition to the death of Christ, what constitutes a
sure foundation for our hope? Rom. 8:34.
8. What event transpired as the result of which our ac-
ceptance with God is assured? Rom. 4:25.
9. What degree of power does our Redeemer's resurrection
assure us? Eph. 1 :19-23.
10. How complete is our salvation through Christ? Heb.
NOTE: "By His spotless life, His obedience, His death
on the cross of Calvary, Christ interceded for the lost race.
And now, not as a mere petitioner does the Captain of our
salvation intercede for us, but as a conqueror claiming His
victory. His offering is complete, and as our Intercessor He
executes His self-appointed work, holding before God the
censer containing His own spotless merits and the prayerI'.
confessions, and thanksgiving of His' people. Perfumed with
the fragrance of His righteousness, these ascend to God as
a sweet savor. The offering is wholly acceptable, and pardon
covers all transgression."-"Christ's Object Lessons," p. 156.
11. What should be the theme of our conversation? 1 Cor.
NOTE: "Christ crucified for our sins, Christ risen from
the dead, Christ ascended on high, is the science of salva-
tion that we are to learn and· to teach."-"Ministry of Heal-
ing," p. 424.
Lesson No. 10-Sabbath, December 6, 1941.

Growing Up in Christ.
1. How does the Bible call the renewal of heart through
which we become God's children? John 3:3.
2. Through whom alone is our spiritual growth main-
ANSWER: "The plants and flowers grow not by their
own care or anxiety or effort, but by receiving that which
God has furnished to minister to their life. The child can-
not, by anxiety or power of its own, add to its stature. No
more can you, by anxiety or effort of yourself, secure
spiritual growth. The plant, the child, grows by receiving
from its surroundings that which ministers to its life,-air,
sumhine, and food. What these gifts of nature are to animal
and plant, such is Christ to those, who trust in Him."-
"Steps to Christ," p. 70.
3. What is Christ for those who trust in Him? Isa. 60 :19;
Ps. 84:12; John 6:33.
4. What is necessary for us in order to bring forth fruit?
John 15 :4, 5.
NOTE: "You are as dependent upon Christ, in order to
live a holy life, as is the branch upon the parent stock for
growth and fruitfulness. Apart from Him you have no life.
You have no power to resist temptation or to grow in grace
and holiness. Abiding in Him, you may flourish. Drawing
your life from Him, you will not wither nor be fruitless.
You will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water."-
"Steps to Christ," p'. 71.
5. What says David about the presence of Jesus in his life?
Ps. 139 :1-5.
6. What should be our first work every morning?
ANSWER: "Consecrate yourself to God in the morning;
make this your very first work. Let your prayer be, 'Take
me, 0 Lord, as wholly Thine. I lay all my plans at Thy feet.
Use me to-day in thy service. Abide with me, and let all my
work be wrought in Thee.' This is a daily matter. Each
morning consecrate yourself to God for that day. Surrender
all your plans to Him, to be carried out or given up as His
providence shall indicate. Thus day by day you may be
giving your life into the hands of God, and thus your life
wiII be moulded more and more after the life of Christ."-
"Steps to Christ," p. 72.
7. In what way speaks Paul about his personal growth in
Christ? Gal. 2 :20.
8. If we look to Christ continually what will take place in
our life? 2 Cor. 3:18.
NOTE: "Let us keep our eyes fixed upon Christ, and
He wiII preserve us. Looking unto Jesus, we are safe. Noth-
ing can pluck us out of His hand. In constantly beholding
Him, we 'are changed into the same image from glory to
glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.' "-"Steps to
Christ," p. 75.
9. When Christ dwells within us, what fruits will be re-
vealed in our life? Gal. 5 :22, 23.
10. Who is working within us to do the will of God? Phil.
11. What will happen if we abide in Christ? Eph. 4:15.
NOTE: "Our growth in grace, our joy, our usefulness,-
all depend upon our union with Christ. It is by communion
with Him, daily, hourly,-by abiding in Him,-that we are
to grow in grace. He is not only the author but the finisher
of our faith. It is Christ first and last and always. He is
to be with us, not only at the begInning and the end of
course, but at every step of the way."-"Steps to Christ,"
p. 71.

Lesson No. 11-Sabbath, December 13, 1941.

Victory through Faith in Christ.
1. What life will the righteous live? Rom. 1:17.
2. How will those look upon sin who have obtained righte-
ousness through Christ?
ANSWER: "The nearer we come to Jesus, and the more
clearly we discern the purity of His character, the more
clearly we shall discern the exceeding sinfulness of sin, and
the less we shall feel like exalting ourselves. Those whom
heaven recognizes as holy ones are the last to parade their
own goodness."-"Christ's Object Lessons," p. 160.
3. What should those do who confess to love Christ as their
personal Saviour? 1 John 2:6.
iJ. What will true faith in Cluist overcome? 1 John 5:4.
5. Upon whom must we fix our eyes in ord'er to overcome
the world with its lust? Reb. 12:2.
6. Througl> whom alone do we obtain victorY? 1 Cor.
15 :57.
NOTE: "Everyone who has passed from death unto life
is able Lo 'set to his seal that God is true.' He can testify,
'I needed help, and I found it in Jesus. Every want was
supplied, the hunger of my soul was satisfied; and now the
Bible is to me the revelation of Jesus Christ. Do you ask
why I believe in Jesus ?-Because He is to me a divine
Saviour. Why do I believe the Bible ?-Because I have found
it to be the voice of God to my soul.' "-"Steps to Christ,"
pp. 114, 115.
7. What will always be the language of the faithful be-
lieYer? Phil. 4, 13.
S. From which life of victory should we ever find encour-
ag:ement? John 16 :33.
9. When tempted, how did the Saviour gain the victory?
Matt. 4:1-11.
10. In what way does the revelator tell us that the rem-
nant are to overcome? Rev. 12:11.
11. On what occasion did Jacob receive the name Israel?
G·cn. 32 :28, 29.
NOTE: "Jacob 'had power over the Angel, and pre-
vailed.' Through humiliation, repentance, and self-surrender
this sinful, erring mortal prevailed with the Majesty of
heaven. He had fastened his trembling grasp upon the pro-
mises of God, and the heart of Infinite Love could not turn
away the sinner's plea."-"Patriarchs and Prophets," p. 196.
12. How are the 144,000 also called? Rev. 21:7.
Lesson No. 12-Sabbath, December 20, 1941.
Exalting the Cross.
1; In whom alone should God's children glory? 1 Cor. 1:3l.
2. Who is the fountain of wisdom, knowledge, and power?
Rom. 11 :33-36.
3. In whom did Paul the apostle glory? Gal. 6:14.
4. Why has the cross of Christ such a wonderful attrac-
tion? John 3 :16.
NOTE: "The revelation of God's love to man centres in
the cross. Its full significance tongue" cannot utter, pen can-
not portray, the mind of man cannot comprehend."-"Minis-
try of Healing," p. 423.
5. Which lmowledge is the most precious and should take
our whole attention?
ANSWER: "The knowledge of God as revealed in. Christ
is the knowledge that all who are saved must have. It is
the knowledge that works transformations of character.
This knowledge, received, will re-create the soul in the
image of God. It will impart to the whole being a spiritual ~
power that is divine."-"Ministry of Healing," p. 435.
6. To whom did Paul point in preaching the gospel among
the Gentiles? 2 Cor. 4:5, 6.
NOTE: "This method of presenting the gospel character-
ized the labours of the apostle throughout. his ministry
among the Gentiles. Always he kept before them the cross
of Calvary, 'We preach not ourselves,' he declared in the
later years of his experience, 'but Christ Jesus the Lord;
and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake."-"Acts of the
Apostles," p. 208.
7. What blessing is given to the minister who uplifts the
cross of Christ?
ANSWER: "If those who to-day are teaching the word
of God, would uplift the cross of Christ higher and still
higher, their ministry would be far more successful. If sin-
ners can be led to give one earnest look at the cross, if they
can obtain a full view of the crucified Saviour, they will
realize the depth of God's compassion and the sinfulness of
sin."-"The Acts of the Apostles," p. 209.
8. What blessed words were spoken by Jesus on the cross?
John 19:30.
9. Can anything separate the true child of God from th'll
love of God which is in Christ Jesus? Rom. 8:38, 39.
10. Who, next to God, will be the centre of adoration in the
earth made new? Rev. 5:5, 6, 12-14.

Lesson No. 13-Sabbath, December 27, 1941.

God Shall" Wipe Away All Tears.
1. What comfort and what hope does Paul give to the be-
liever? 1 Thess. 4:13-17.
2. Where shall the overcomers stand after the battle has
been won? Rev. 15 :2-4.
3. What will the Lord then do on this occasion?
ANSWER: "Then I saw a very great number of angels
bring from the city glorious crowns,-a crown for every
saint, with his name written thereon. As Jesus called for
the crowns, angels presented them to Him, and with His
own right hand the lovely Jesus placed the crowns on the
heads of the saints."-"Early Writings," p. 288.
4. What promise will then find its fulfilment? Rev. 21:4;
Ps. 126:5, 6.
5. What words of Paul will then likewise be literally ful-
fiHed? 1 Cor. 2:9.
6. What time will then begin, and wh.t will there not be
heard any more? Isa. 35:iO.
7. Where shall the sainta be during the thousand years?
Rev. 20:6.
8. What does John see, and what shall happen after the
thousand years? Who will then again lead in rebellion?
Rev. 21:1, 2; 20:7-9.
9. What punishm'ent will the wicked then receive? What
will happen with this earth? Mal. 4:1.
10. Whereto should we fix our hearts and our thoughts?
ANSWER: "In the Bible the inheritance of the saved
is called a country. There the heavenly Shepherd leads his
flock to fountains of living waters. The tree of life yields
its fruit every month, and the leaves of the tree are for the
service of the nations. There are ever-flowing streams, clear
as crystal, and beside them waving trees cast their shadows
upon the paths prepared for the ransomed of the Lord.
There the wide-spreading plains swell into hills of beauty,
and the mountains of God rear their lofty summits. On
'those peaceful plains, beside those living streams, God's
people, so long pilgrims and wanderers, shall find a home."
-"The Great Controversy," p. 675.

11. What will be given to the redee~ed, and over what shall
they r'ejoice throughout eternity?
ANSWER: "And the years of eternity, as they roll, will
bring richer and still more glOl:ious revelations of God and
of Christ. As knowledge is progressive, so will love, rever-
ence, and happiness increase. The more men learn of God,
the greater will be their admiration of His character. As
Jesus opens before them the riches of redemption, and the
amazing achievements in the great controversy with Satan,
the hearts of the ransomed thrill with more fervent devo-
tion, and with more rapturous joy they sweep the harps of
gold; and ten thousand times ten thousands and thousands
of thousands of voices unite to swell the mighty chorus of
praise."-"The Great Controversy," p. 678.

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