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1. Name at least three items that could be considered AT and describe how those
devices could support a student with a disability in the classroom.
 Hearing aid- it’s an assistive listening tool that helps students hear the lessons, instructions,
and peer interactions in the classroom.
 Picture board- it’s an assistive communicative tool designed to aid a student’s who’s
communication is not understood by the teacher or peers in the classroom. With this device,
they can communicate more effectively.
 Body/back brace- it’s an assistive positioning tool that allows students to sit up comfortably in
class without growing tired from the task of doing so alone.

2. Explain two reasons why it is necessary to consider AT for students with disabilities

 Students with disabilities are often written off as cripple or unable without consideration of
their capabilities. Over time, we have witnessed many successes of students/adults who
were given a chance to prove how limitless the possibilities are when allowed the use of
assistive technology in developmental years.
 Assistive technology makes student integration more attainable. Without devices and
services, the task of integrating disabled students with non-disabled students would be quite
difficult and timely- pulling away from the lessons.

3. Why is it important to consider both AT devices and services?

 The nuances and severity of disabilities vary with each student. Some students may only
need a device, some may need just a service. Some may need the instructor to be aware or
trained in both, in order to easily integrate the student into the classroom as seamless as
possible. If the teacher is not aware of how a device works or when to service a student, the
child fails to learn due to distraction, frustration and complication.

4. Describe three responsibilities of the Implementation Team.

 Designating a point of contact. This person is responsible for ensuring that the IEP’s are
implemented. This point of contact could be the assistive technologist, the special educator,
or school/teacher/tech assistant responsible for the student.
 Deciding who the implementation team entails. The point of contact creates the established
team and designates their roles. This team will be in most contact with the student, so it is
imperative that they form a bond and understanding with the various needs of the student
 Training students, parents and educators/assistants on AT devices/services. Once the team
is created, a workshop must be implemented in order to plan and teach all involved on how
to use, maintain and improve on the services and devices that best assist the student to
learn and develop.

5. List three outcomes the Implementation Team can determine by evaluating a student’s
assistive technology.

 Student feedback to determine whether the student likes or is progressing from the device
and/or service offered.
 Observations from the team on whether the student uses/engages with the device.
 Performance data from the device, classwork, tests, and evaluations to determine whether
the device is working as intended.

6. Imagine you are a seventh-grade general education language arts teacher and a student
in your class has an upcoming IEP meeting. What types of information should you gather
ahead of time to contribute to the discussion of the student’s AT needs? Name at least

 Behavior- interactions with teacher and peers

 Performance data- such as test grades and classwork
 Functioning level- how long it takes for student to process or understand lessons, if at all
 Natural strengths vs accommodations- indication of student’s natural aptitudes vs areas
where teacher has tried to accommodate student level with little to no success/change

7. During the meeting suggested in the example above, the IEP team recommends AT for
the student. As a general education teacher, describe your role in the AT implementation
and evaluation processes.

 Along with the assistive technologist (if provided), I’d be the point of contact- actively
corresponding with all assistants, parents and administration on the needs of both I and the
student to accommodate the student’s learning process. I’ll partake in a workshop/meeting to
learn the individual lesson, team, devices and services developed for the student. And I shall
be one of the team members to provide data, personal observation and suggestions in
response to the use of the AT in class.

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