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Principle Decision Maker

Henry Sanchez

LDRS 595

Dr. Barron

October 6, 2018

Evidence of knowledge Acquisition

As I evaluate the competency of a Principle Decision Maker, this leader possesses a solid

foundation built on ethical principles that influence one’s approach to involving systematic and

intuitive analysis. A leaders before making decisions take into consideration is the decision fair,

does it break any organizational rules, and doe it break any laws. This leader communicates

clearly the scope and impact of the problem. A Principle Decision making Leader has the ability

to implement solution and corrective action strategies. An if needed, involves others in the

decision process to evaluate solution and plan effectiveness.

Interpretation of knowledge

In my development in MAiL program, my understanding of this competency had definitely

changed my perspective of a Principle Decision Maker. What has been impactful, my

understanding is that I am operating in the functions of this competency. In my LRDS 502 class,

help me identify the word of God and my relationship with Jesus Christ is the cornerstone that I

build my leadership foundation. As a leader I must ask myself, “what are my convictions,

values, and beliefs?” Because all of these components will either impact my ethical decision

making in either a positive or negative way.

There are two leadership theories that have a strong connection with the Principle Decision

Maker which are Leadership Ethics and Servant Leadership. According to Northouse (2016)

explains, “Ethical Theory provides a system of rules and principles that guide us in making

decisions about what is right or wrong or good or bad in a particular situation (p. 330). The

information and knowledge that I have gained, has caused to see the seriousness of a leader as

one operates upon with a ethical standard as he leads people and makes decisions for an

organization. The importance of having a ethical standard keeps the leader accountable to a bar

level of what is right and wrong and how he conducts himself and Leadership and values others.

In Addition to Leadership theories, Northouse (2016) states, “Servant leaders are ethical and

lead in ways that serve the greater good of the organization, community, and society at large (p.

225-226). As an employee in a leadership role and relationship with Christ, this example of

leadership impacts my leadership perspective because not only do I want serve for greater good,

but I want bring Glory to God. Van Dierendonck (2011) notes” servant-leaders empower and

develop people; they show humility, are authentic, accept people for who they are, provide

direction, and are stewards who work for the good of the whole” (p. 1232).

In addition to ethics, as I reflect upon my LDRS 510 class it really brought me to place of

discovering who I am as leader, how I make decisions, and how connect with people in my

organization. Also, I learned that my crucibles in life have shaped my leadership about my

values, principles, and belief on how I conduct my life. In my strengthsfinder belief is one of my

top strengths, where my core values and beliefs guide my decisions. When think about my life

without and before Christ and coming into relationship with him has impacted my values, belief,

and my perspective in life, in return impacts my decision making.

Application of Knowledge

In my time in the MAiL, I have had opportunities to learn a lot about myself as I enrolled

into the LRDS 510 class, in that class I really got to search down deep and evaluate who I was as

a leader, who do you want to impact, and what direction I am heading my leadership. One of the

assignments that impacted me was putting together “I AM STATEMENT” which located in

Appendix A. This assignment caused me to recognize that leadership is about people and making

important that will be beneficial for those I lead. As I evaluated my statement it was evident my

strength of belief was evident and see it is effective on how belief connects with a principle

decision maker. The belief them causes one to be family oriented, selfish, even being spiritual,

and values responsibility and high ethics both in oneself and others. And on my job, family, and

church I have found myself being lead by this strength in my ethical decision making as I

conduct myself, serve others, and make decisions that will not only affect my life but others

around me.

Also found in Appendix B, is my “Principles of Christian Leadership” I completed in LRDS

502, what is evident that impacts my life as a principle decision maker is my relationship Jesus

Christ as I’m addressing problems and providing a solution is what is best for the people or

organization as a whole. In making decisions in my department I ask myself, “are my motives

right and will they benefit the people”. In regards to servant leadership in Philippians it states,

“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5,

New International Version). In managing my students in my organization or serving in ministry,

as christian leader is that those I lead will establish a confidence and trust as play a supportive

role in a problem or solution situation as a principle decision maker.

Creation of Knowledge

In my growth development a in competency of a principle decision maker, First in 1 to 2

years, I would like to collaborate more with others in my organization to assist and contribute in

addressing problems and the solution process. Secondly in my personal development, in a 1to 2

years time frame, I implement solutions in life to better manage my time, health, and finances

more effectively. I just feel at this time that in being so busy with my ministry, education, work

position these areas are a little off balance. According to Northouse (2016) states, “The choices

leaders make and how they respond in a given circumstance are informed and directed by their

ethic” (p.330). In my ethical decision making I believe strongly that God is concerned with these

areas of my life and desires me to be a good steward over my life. Also, in 2 to 5 years I would

like to purchase my home or have my own place, but this is going to take some financial and

career changes as I pray for God’s direction.

And third my spiritual life, I attend church, have a prayer life, and devotional time in God’s

word but I feel like it’s a “fitting it in schedule process”. And in 6 to 12 months, I want to

develop more and build a stronger foundation in my spiritual life. Regarding spiritual living,

Chittister (1991) states, “Spirituality is more than churchgoing. It is possible to go to church and

never develop a spirituality at all. Spirituality is the way in which we express a living faith in a

real world” (p.12). The reading of God’s word, prayer, and worship is important part of the

building my spiritual foundation as it guides and rules my thoughts and actions.

In conclusion, as I reflect upon the competency of the “Principle Decision Maker” it

helps me evaluate not only own life, but how I influence others, and decision making in

evaluating and acting upon problems and solutions. And that my relationship with God has a

direct impact on ethical and principle decision making in my personal, professional, and spiritual



Bible: (New International Version)

Chittister (1991). Wisdom Distilled from the Daily Living the Rule of St. Benedict today. New

York, NY. Harper Collins Publishers

Northouse, P. G. (2015). Leadership: theory and practice. Seventh edition. Los Angeles: SAG

Publications, Inc.

Van Dierendonck, D. (2011). Servant leadership: A review and synthesis. Journal of

management, 37(4), 1228-1261.

Appendix A


I am people oriented person who is interested building relationships with others. I have a caring

and concerning attitude for those around me.


I am assimilating, I gather the information, analyze the information by building the big picture,

and like planning out my next move.

I am field dependent / independent and I am a ESTJ. My strengths are connectedness, be- lief,

includer, relator, and communication.

I am focus on what is real and actual. I am analytical, task oriented, and use cause and effect rea-

soning. I am structured, organized, and like things settled.

I organize projects and people to get things done, focus on getting results in the most efficient

way possible.

I receive energy from interacting with people and from taking action. I consider people more im-

portant than things. I usually put others needs ahead of my own. My passion for people is appar-

ent to just about everyone I meet.

Implications for Leadership are:

Effective Mentor or trainer

Team Builder / Bridge builder


I don’t not go off assumptions, but I rely on facts and concrete information


Supervisor / I am Coach Yoast and need a Coach Boone as my #2 (Remember the Titans)

Appendix B

Principles of Christian Leadership

Henry Sanchez

LDRS 502

Professor: Gilbert

December 19, 2016

The purpose of my Christian leadership model is to be an effective follower and leader in

honoring God. Providing leadership by influencing others and demonstrating value and

providing people with the resources needed to reach their goals and find their full potential in

Christ. As I begin to give an explanation of how leadership should look like, I must carefully

take into consideration what I am passionate about, what influences my life, and what foundation

I am building my leadership upon as a believer in Christ. The bible says, "See, I lay a stone in

Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to

shame”(1Peter 2:6, New International Version). As I stand upon the word of God, it provides me

with confidence as a leader knowing that when I put my trust upon Christ as my cornerstone and

foundation of my leadership I should not be a shame knowing that it is Christ who is guiding my

words, actions, and decisions as a follower and leader in Christ. And as I look at my foundation

of Christian leadership there are eight key principles that I would build my foundation upon as a

follower of Christ.

The first principle I would like to look at is servant leadership, as a leader I look to the

example of Jesus Christ who demonstrates what it is to be in a leadership position but at the same

time offering his life as a bond servant and having a true concern for others. In regards to servant

leadership in Philippians it states, “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset

as Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5, New International Version). As a Leader, Christ desires me to

develop the same mind set or attitude which is to lead by serving others in whatever position or

role I play in my organization.

In my class discussion we discussed the concept of kenosis which means a self emptying

of one’s self into another person’s life. This is what Christ came to do, being that he came with

purpose and vision to pour out into his disciples by teaching, imparting, and developing people

for the mission of pointing people to God and transforming the world for God’s honor and glory.

According to Blanchard & Hodges (2008) “A key activity of an effective servant leader is to act

as a performance coach. When Jesus called His disciples to follow Him, He pledged them His

full support and guidance as they developed into “fishers of men”(p. 164). The implication as a

Christian Leader is that those I lead in my organization will establish a confidence and trust as I

support and assist in their development and reaching their goals in a organization. With this in

mind, I have the duty of a servant leader to invest my leadership, experience, and resources into

the lives of those who follow.

The second cornerstone of my Christian leadership is obedience, my obedience to the word

of God is vital in how God desires me to build the foundation of my leadership as a follower of

Christ. Matthew 7:24 says, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them

into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock” for this reason it is important for

me to maintain a life of obedience if I’m going to gain the wisdom of God through His word in

leading others. In the following verses in this same passage of scripture, Jesus speaks about the

wise builder who is the obedient and foolish builder who is the disobedient and how my

leadership as follower of Christ will be tested with storms of life.

The implications of obedience are, in following or leading people in my organizational

setting my obedience will be tested by challenges, conflict, trials, compromise, and

discouragements. And how I respond to God’s word during the storms of life will determine if

I’m building on a solid or shaking foundation as a leader. For instance, in my class discussion we

spoke about how Jesus showed us how to replicate himself in all he teaches us through his word

and actions. So in order for me to demonstrate and influence those I serve in my department I

must be obedient and responsive to the Word of God which in return I build my Christian

Leadership foundation upon the cornerstone of God’s word. And my obedience to God will

transform my life, so I can serve and transform others in my organization by valuing others,

standing for righteousness, and loving others as God does.

The third cornerstone is humility, as I think about humility in regards to Christian

leadership I must first look at Christ and the example he demonstrates to me as a Christian

leader. In the gospel of Matthew it says, “just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but

to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28, New International Version).

With this in mind, the humility of Christ demonstrates his willingness to put aside his power and

authority and to serve his team and those who followed him so that they can be fully supported

and developed as followers of Christ in fulfilling God’s purpose. As a Christian leader it is

important for me to keep in mind that those who I am leading are entrusted to me by God. And it

is my responsibility to have a humble attitude in knowing God entrusted has me with a position

and people to lead to accomplish the vision and goals of my organization by giving of my

experience and resources to others so they can be an effective and valuable asset to the


In addition to humility, in my leadership class we discussed about the significance verses

success, which brought me to a humbling experience in class. What stood out in this discussion

was the many leaders measure success and significance according to their position, authority, or

skills they have obtained. Chittister (1991) states,“The pride that is the opposite of monastic

humility is the desire to be my own God and to control other people and other things”(p.161). In

the same way, Chittister’s comment and my class discussion on success and significance ties

together in the since that I am not called to be my own god and focus on my best interest only,

but the best interest of others as well. In my class discussion, the statement that impacted my life

and caused me to reflect upon God’s goodness was I find my success and significance knowing

that God loves me and creates me to be the leader he created me to be. The implications to

knowing God’s love for me as leader drives me to bring glory to God and be accountable in what

God’s entrusted me with such as my position, experience, resources, and those I lead in my


My fourth principle of Christian leader is Team building, in Matthew 4:19 states, “And he

saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” in order to impart, train, instill

vision, build character, and prepared his followers for the great commission to impact the world

for God’s kingdom. As a leader I am to develop those God has entrusted me with to equip and

instill vision so they can accomplish the mission of our organization and develop to their full

potential as followers of Christ. According to Blanchard & Hodges (2008) states,

“Leadership is primarily about two things—results and relationships.

It is how we influence others to accomplish a specific mission, vision,

and goal, whether grand and glorious or humble and mundane. Leading

like Jesus is infusing harmony in our influence on other people with God’s

plan for their lives and ours” (p.253).

Furthermore, Christ mission was all about team building and investing in the lives of others.

It was about seeing the valuing of others and developing their talents, so that in return his

followers can become a contributor in God’s kingdom. And likewise in my organization and

workplace, the implications is for me to be a team builder by serving my team as Christ did, so

others can catch the vision and develop in their potential as a follower or leading in my


My Fifth Christian principle is stewardship, as a follower and leader of Jesus Christ he has

equipped me and entrusted me in my organization with the position I hold, those I follow or lead,

and the skills that he has given me to be an asset to my organization. In the bible it says, “His

master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I

will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness” (Matthew 25:2,

New International Version). In class we discussed the responsibility of overseeing and protecting

of something considered worth caring for and preserving and so true in Christian leadership

where God desires me to be faithful in what he has given me. For example, in my workplace the

opportunities, time, relationships, and experiences God has given me should be valued and

developed knowing that God desires me to serve faithfully in what he has entrusted into my care.

In addition to stewardship, Stearns (2014) states, “Thus, when considering our talents, we

need to consider all of the above—our abilities, personalities, passions, pursuits, knowledge,

experiences, and relationships and networks. These things are all resources we possess that can

be used in one way or another” (p.404). The implications of stewardship as a Christian leader, I

must identify the talents that God is giving me so that I could further the kingdom of God and

and utilize the gifts that God has given me in encouraging and developing others to grow and

develop their talents that God has given those I follow or lead in my organization. There has

been many times in serving others in my organization that by networking and my influence I

been able to play a role in the professional development and work opportunities of fellow

workers in my workplace.

The sixth leadership principle is living in the Freedom that God has given me in life

personally and professionally. My leadership class we discussed about living in freedom what

does freedom look like as a Christian leader which was a new concept that made an impact in my

life. In Galations 5:13 it says, “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not

use your freedom to indulge the flesh rather, serve one another humbly in love” for this reason

God has given me the freedom to do his will and serve those in my organization. As a follower

or leader in my organization, it is important for me to lead others with hope and freedom that

God has given me. For example, As a believer in Jesus Christ I have experienced the love,

forgiveness, hope, and the freedom that God has given me should be obvious and has

empowered me to experience the opportunities of growth and development in my organization

and professional development.

In addition to walking in the freedom that God gives, the freedom that I am experiencing in

God should be obvious to those I lead in my workplace. As a leader I desire to display the

freedom of Christ in my organization that I serve and avoid being a toxic leader which brings

discouragement and hopelessness to his or her followers. According to Reggio, Challeff &

Blumen (2008) states, “toxic leaders generally leave us worse off then they found us. The intent

to harm others or to enhance themselves at the expense of others” (p.183). The implications of

how I lead is so important on how I impact those I lead, in learning this concept of freedom I

desire to bring hope to those in my organization so that they can be empowered and experience

the freedom in Christ to develop in their position here at Azusa Pacific University. And lastly, to

be aware of the traps of becoming a toxic leader who unloads their baggage and weighs down

their followers to point where they cannot grow or succeed.

As I look at my seventh Christian principle of empowering others, in the Bible Jesus gives a

powerful example of empowering his disciples so that they can be effective in the kingdom of

God. In John 14:25-26 says “All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the

Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind

you of everything I have said to you.” In other words, Jesus was equipping and empowering his

disciples for the work of God and leaving them with the resources which in this case was the

Holy Spirit which would give them power, peace, joy, and teach them all things. As a leader over

his disciples, Jesus before his departure made sure his disciples were fully supported to

accomplish their mission in the kingdom of God.


In addition to empowering others, as a leader overseeing my department I desire to empower

my employees by giving them the support, training, knowledge, and resources they need to

accomplish their goals and perform effectively in there job position. Also being a spiritual

support for my employees, by making time for them if they need prayer or to hear God’s word

which can also be a time of encouragement and empowerment to those I oversee as well. And as

I empower others, my goal is that they will be able to succeed and accomplish their goals in the

organization whether I am present or not present, so they can be empowered to grow as they

follow and lead in the organization.

My last leadership principle is being a visionary, having the ability to work with people and

developing the potential in their lives. In Matthew 16:17-18 says, “Jesus replied, “Blessed are

you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father

in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the

gates of Hades will not overcome it” In this verse Jesus is seeing the potential and speaking

vision into Peter’s life regarding his position in the kingdom of God. As we read Scripture

regarding Peter’s life we are aware of peters shortcomings, failures, and denial of the call upon

his life. But Jesus displays a true value in concern for the plan for Peter's life and is still is

willing to teach, develop, and allow Peter to learn from his mistakes to become the leader Jesus

envision Peter to be. The implications for me as leader is that through prayer and gaining

wisdom through the word of God that I will see the potential and impart vision into those I serve

or lead in my organization. And being willing to be patient in developing and allowing those I

lead to grow through their failures and to encourage and provide hope for the vision and potential

in their lives in the kingdom of God.


In conclusion, as I develop the cornerstones for the foundation of my Christian leadership

my main purpose is to glorify God and to serve others. And I develop these leadership principles

into my leadership it will mark my identity in Christ and will impact my lens of my worldview to

see leadership and followership through a foundation of God’s word.


Bible: (New International Version)

Blanchard & Hodges (2008) Lead Like Jesus.

Nashville,TN. NavPress Publishing Group

Chittister (1991). Wisdom Distilled from the Daily Living the Rule of St. Benedict today.

New York, NY. Harper Collins Publishers

Keith K.M., (2012). The Case for Servant Leadership.

Paulist Press. Mahwah, NJ.

Reggio, Challeff & Blumen (2008). The Art of Followership: How Great Followers Create

Great Followers and Organizations. Danvers,MA. Jossey-Bass


Stearns, R. (2014). The Hole in Our Gospel: The answer that changed my Life and might

change the World. Nashville, TN. NavPress Publishing Group


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