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DATE: 11.10.2018 DAY : THURSDAY CLASS: 6 ENROLMENT: /5 pupils TIME: 8.45-9.

15 AM
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:-
a) Organise history scrap book
b) Convert their ideas into simple sentences to form story
1. PROCESS OF MAKING HISTORY SCRAP BOOK. (Students will find resources regarding the given history topics)

CCE:  Nature Study  Ethics  Science & Technology  Patriotism  Thinking Skills PUPILS’ ASPIRATION:  Leadership  Thinking Skills  Knowledge  National Identity
 Leadership  Future Research  Consumer Study  Creativity & Innovation  Bilingual Proficiency  Ethics & Spirituality
 Entrepreneurship  ICT  Road Safety

TEACHING AIDS:  Textbook  Worksheets  Activity books  Word cards  Picture cards / Stimulus  Realia  Audio Visual  Mahjong paper  Poem

PEDAGOGY:  Collaborative  Contextual  Problem Solving  Transparency MORAL VALUE(S):  Kindness  Independent  High Manner  Respect  Love  Justice
 ICT  Thinking Skills (HOTS)  Multiple Intelligence  Strength  Cleanliness  Honesty  Perseverance  Unity  Modesty
 Project Based Learning  Gratitude To God  Rational  Spirit of Community  Liberty

___ /___ pupils able to achieve required skills and objectives.
___ / ___ need(s) extra guidance in

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