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English Jurisprudence Important Question

 What is legislation? What is the Importance of Legislation? What is supreme legislation?

 Circumstances which reduce the binding force of precedent.
 What are requisites of a local custom as a source of law?
 What is Mens Rea embraces various specious – carryout a detailed juristic analysis thereof.
 Obligation is synonymous with duty – do you support this view?
 How does jurisprudence with problems of acts and liabilities of corporations.
 Define jurisprudence, its kinds, nature, value, and purpose of analytical jurisprudence.
 Legal status of dead person and unborn child.
 Theories of punishments.
 Main points of concept of possession and also let explain incorporeal possession.
 Explain and illustrate objectives of civil rights.
 Law as justice, stability, and peaceful change.
 Administration of justice – purposes and difference between civil and criminal.
 What is substantive law and law of procedure.
 Authority of precedent and authoritative precedent.
 Meaning of legislation – chief forms of subordinate legislation.
 Factors which render an agreement as invalid – various kinds of agreements.
 Disregard of precedent and its importance.
 What are local custom Define essential features of a valid custom?
 What is accident? How it is defense against civil liability?
 International law is a proper law or not?
 Law is a command of Sovereignty.
 Why the term, law has no neat and simple definition?
 Why accident is exempt and form criminal liability?
 What is equity? How it different from common law?
 What is the Meaning of Property? Define modes of acquisition of property.
 Define that courts are lawmaker?
 What are Legal sources of law? Define authoritative and un-authoritative Legal sources.
 What is difference between Question of fact and law.
 What is mixed question of law and fact.
 What is the Primary and secondary functions of courts of law.
 What are the principles of interpretation of enacted law?
 What is the Meaning of evidence rules and its kinds
 Immediate and mediate possessions.
 Commercial Good will.
 What is negligence define contributory negligence?
 What is strict liability?
 What is general and special law?
 What is obligation and soldiery legislation?
 Notes on Imperative theory of law.
 Why Legislation is superior to precedent?
 Who is legal person? Define double personality technical law vicarious liability?
 What is law territorial?
 Which Functions assumed by civil courts.
 What is Quasi contracts Obligation arising from contracts and torts.

Q1. Define Jurisprudence and explain its kinds.

No. of Stars: 7

Q2. What is Ownership & its Kinds

No. of Stars: 7

Q3. Precedent
No. of Stars: 7

Q4. Theories of Punishment

No. of Stars: 4

Q5. Discuss Civil Justice & Criminal Justice

No. of Stars: 4
Q6. Define Possession & Its Kinds
No. of Stars: 4

Q7. Title
No. of Stars: 4

Q8. Legal Rights and its kinds

No. of Stars: 3

Q9. Define the followings:-

(i) Corporation (ii) Deadman (iii) Unborn Child (iv) Legal Person (v) Dog
No. of Stars: 3

Q10. Custom as a source of Law what are the requisites of a valid local custom
No. of Stars: 2

Q11. Discuss Purpose, Functions & Nature of Law

No. of Stars: 2

Q12. Vicarious Liabilities

No. of Stars: 2

Q13. Salmond Theory of Law

No. of Stars: 2

Q14. Sources of Law

No. of Stars: 2

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