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Ceramics International 44 (2018) 3993–3999

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Dielectric and impedance spectroscopy of Bi(Ca0.5Ti0.5)O3 ceramic T

a,⁎ b a
Varsa Purohit , Rajib Padhee , R.N.P. Choudhary
Department of Physics, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar 751030, Odisha, India
School of Physics, Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar, Burla, Sambalpur 768019, Odisha, India


Keywords: Bismuth calcium titanate (BiCa0.5Ti0.5O3) ceramic, fabricated by a ceramic processing technique, has been
Solid state reaction characterized using a variety of experimental techniques. Analysis of basic crystal structure using X-ray dif-
X-ray diffraction fraction data exhibits the orthorhombic system. Measurements and detailed analysis of some electrical para-
Dielectric properties meters (i.e.,dielectric constant, loss tangent (energy loss), electrical impedance and modulus, conductivity, etc.)
of Bi(Ca0.5Ti0.5)O3 in a wide range of frequency (103–106 Hz) and temperature (30–500 °C) have provided some
interesting and useful data and results on structure–properties relationship, conduction mechanism, etc.The role
of interface, space charge polarization and Maxwell–Wagner dielectric relaxation in getting high dielectric
constant of the material at low frequencies and high temperatures has been discussed. Study of temperature
dependence of Nyquist plots clearly shows the contributions of grains in resistive and capacitive properties of the
material. The frequency of the applied electric field and temperature strongly affect the dielectric (permittivity
and dissipation of energy) and electrical (impedance, electrical modulus and conductivity) characteristics of the

1. Introduction general formula (A1…. An)(B1…. Bm)O3 (A=mono/divalent, B=tri-

pentavalent ions, n/m=number of elements). Some of the compounds
Nowadays, a large number of natural and synthetic materials of or solid solutions of this family, such as Pb(ZrTi)O3 (PZT), Pb(MgNb)O3
different classes and structural families are available for application on (PMN), etc., are widely and extensively used for devices. Recenly, much
a daily basis and industrial purposes. Among them, dielectric materials, attention has been paid on to manufacture devices using non-lead and
best known for their efficient and functional essentiality in electronic eco-friendly perovskite materials including barium titanate BaTiO3,
industries, have received much attention of researchers (based on ex- (BaSr)TiO3 (BST), Bi(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3 (BMT) [2], Bi(Ni0.5Ti0.5)O3(BNT)
perimental and theoretical consideration) for a large varieties of ap- [3], BiFeO3 (BFO) etc. Nowadays, much attention has been paid on to
plications. For designing and fabrication of solid state devices and bismuth based lead-free dielectrics. Recent discovery of multiferroic
sensors, much attention is paid on some important dielectric parameters properties in BFO [4–6] has encouraged much to develop bismuth
(i.e., dielectric constant, dissipation factor, impedance, conductivity, based compounds for devices. Detailed literature survey on such type of
etc). A good dielectric material must possess high dielectric strength, compounds shows that not much work on structural and electrical
(i.e., capable of sustaining high voltage without undergoing through the characteristics of titled compound (Bi(Ca0.5Ti0.5)O3) has been reported
mortification) and low dissipation factor (low energy loss) for some so far. In view of the importance of such type of eco-friendly material,
device fabrication. Apart from macroscopic picture, it is essential to we have mainly studies the dielectric and impedance characteristics of
have the microscopic data for better understanding of the dielectric (Bi(Ca0.5Ti0.5)O3) ceramics for new experimental data and under-
relaxation in the material for applications [1]. Determination of di- standing for applications.
electric constant and loss tangent as a function of temperature and
frequencies is one of the most convenient and responsive approach to 2. Experimental
study materials in ceramic form. Some special class of dielectrics,
namely, ferroelectrics, pyroelectrics and piezoelectrics are much more The ceramic sample of Bi(Ca0.5Ti0.5)O3 (BCT) was prepared using
important and useful for fabrication of devices and sensors. These high-purity (~99.9%) oxides and carbonate: Bi2O3(M/s. M/s Central
materials belong to various structural families, including perovskite, Drug House Co), TiO2(M/s. Loba Chemie Co.) and CaCO3 (M/s. Loba
tungsten bronze, pyrochlore, etc. Out of these families, a large number Chemie Co) via a mixed oxide route. The required amount (to satisfy
of materials belong to a simple or distorted perovskite family of a stoichiometry of BCT) of the above materials was carefully weighed

Corresponding author at: Department of Physics, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar 751030, Odisha, India.
Received 14 October 2017; Accepted 27 November 2017
Available online 06 December 2017
0272-8842/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
V. Purohit et al. Ceramics International 44 (2018) 3993–3999

with high-precession electronic Mettler balance. The fine powder of the written as: a´= a/b = 4.374, b = 4.1569 and c´= c/b = 5.537 Å
above compounds was mixed thoroughly, first in air for an hour and which is consistent with those of distorted perovskite. The broadness of
then in methanol, by using an agate mortar and pestle. The homo- some peaks suggests that the sample has small particles of nano size.
geneously mixed powder (kept in a high-purity alumina crucible) was The linear dimension of the scattered crystallite, referred as particle size
calcined in a high-temperature furnance at an optimized temperature of (P) of sample, can be estimated using Debye–Scherrer's formula P =
0.89 . λ
850 °C for 4 h. The resulting calcined hard block was squashed to make where ß is the broadening of the diffraction line at half height of
fine powder of the desired compound. To obtain preliminary informa- maximum intensity (in radian) and wavelength λ = 1.5406 Å (wave-
tion on structural data and system to confirm of desired material in length of Cu-Kα) and θ is the Bragg's angle ( 20° ≤ 2θ ≤ 80°) [8]. Using
single phase, diffraction data and pattern with X-ray radiation (wave- the above formula, the estimated particle (crystallite) size of the pre-
length =1.5418 Å) were collected using powder diffractometer of M/S pared sample is found to be 63 nm. As powder sample was used to
Bruker (model D8 advance) in a wide range of Bragg scattering angles obtain x-ray profile, broadening of diffraction peaks attributable to
with slow scan. The calcined powder was mixed with an organic binder instrumental effect and lattice strain has been ignored.
such as polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) to fabricate compacted (pellet) sample.
Since PVA is an organic binder, it can be volatilized from the cylindrical
pellets during high-temperature sintering. Then small disk-shaped cy- 3.2. Study of dielectric characteristics
lindrical pellets (12 mm diameter and 1–2 mm in thickness) were fab-
ricated from the calcined powder taking the help of a KBR press at a 3.2.1. Effect of frequency on dielectric parameters
pressure of 5 × 106 N/m2. The fabricated pellets were sintered at an Using some geometrical and physical parameters (i.e., area (a),
optimized temperature of 850 °C for 4 h. Then, both the parallel sur- thickness (t) and capacitance (C) of the sample) in a simple expression,
faces of the pellet sample were made flat and smooth by polishing the εr = Ct/ε0a, the relative dielectric constant (εr) or permittivity of the
surfaces by fine emery (polishing) paper. A layer of metallic silver paste samples can be calculated.Fig. 2 shows the effect of frequency on di-
was applied on to both the parallel surfaces of the pellet sample fol- electric parameters such as (a) relative permittivity (εr) and (b) tangent
lowed by anneling at 1500C for an hour before the measurement of loss (tan δ) in the frequency range of 1 kHz to 1 MHz at selected tem-
dielectric and impedance parameters. Some dielectric and electrical peratures. It is found that first the value of εr smoothly decreases with
parameters (i.e., capacitance, dissipation factor, impedance, phase rise in frequency, and then it becomes almost constant at higher fre-
angle, resistanmce, etc) were recorded in a wide temperature range of quency showing saturation. This type of behavior is observed at all the
30–500 °C at different frequencies (103–106 Hz) using a computer- temperatures. In the region of low-frequency, generally diverse types of
controlled impedance analyzer (model 1735 of N4L). The highly sen- many polarizations are present. Therefore, relative permittivity of
sitive and precession electrometer of M/S Keithley (model 6517B) was material is more in the region of low-frequency [9]. A decrease in di-
used to obtain current-voltage (J-E) characteristics of BCT. electric constant on rising field frequency is expected in almost all in-
sulators. It is on account of the existence of relaxation process in ma-
terial. It is commonly observed that on increasing frequency,total
3. Results and analysis polarization of material drops because polarization mechanism of dif-
ferent reasons ceases to contribute, as a result, permittivity drops down
3.1. Determination of crystal data and basic structure [10]. Temperature and frequency dependence of dielectric loss or dis-
sipation factor is shown in Fig. 2(b). It exhibits a similar type of be-
Basic crystal data (crystal system, unit cell parameters, etc) of BCT havior as dielectric constant. This nature of variation of dissipation
were obtained using diffraction pattern (Fig. 1). To obtain the crystal factor can be understood with Maxwell and Wagner two-layer model
parameters of above unknown system and structure, almost all the which has been developed on the basis of Koop's phenomenological
peaks of diffraction pattern were indexed in seven crystal classes in theory [11,12]. As per this model, the dielectric structure of material
three unit/lattice cell option (configuration) using a computer software has two layers: conducting grains and insulating grain boundaries. In
‘PowdMult’ [7]. The selection of valid and possible lattice parameters of transport process, the electrons as charge carriers are more active at
the BCT compound was made on the basis of the best fit (negligibly grain boundaries at lower frequencies but at higher frequency, electrons
small difference of experimentally measured and theoretically de- are active at conducting grains. It is found that at low frequencies,
termined interplanar distance of each reflection). Based on the best electrons (charge carriers) need more energy for their motion due to
possible fit and minimum standard deviation, the structure of the ma- high value of resistance of grain boundaries. Because of this, the value
terial was considered in orthorhombic crystal system. The least-squares of dissipation factor (tan δ) is large at high temperatures. At high fre-
refined lattice parameters are: a = 18.1836 (25)Å, b = 4.1569 (25)Å, c quencies, a small energy is required for motion of electrons due to small
= 22.688 (25) Å (with estimated standard deviation of unit cell length resistance. Thus dissipation factor is small in the said temperature
in parenthesis). The normalized cell dimension of the sample can be range. The loss factor is significant for device quality, since it describes
the energy dissipation in insulators. A small value of tangent loss is
considered necessary to guarantee low power loss for a good dielectric

3.2.2. Temperature dependence of dielectric properties

Fig. 3(a) exhibits the effect of temperature and frequency on in-
sulating (permittivity) properties of the material studied. It is noted that
dielectric parameters of the material below 240 °C is independent of
frequency and temperature signifying the important role of electronic
and/or ionic polarization [9]. The dielectric permittivity (dielectric
constant) increases sharply on rising the temperature. This nature of
variation in the dielectric parameters may be explained by scattering of
temperature dependent charge carriers or/and defects/impurities pre-
sent in the sample [13].
Fig. 3(b) explains the temperature dependence of tan δ at selected
Fig. 1. XRD pattern of Bi(Ca0.5Ti0.5)O3.
frequency of the ac electric field. The nature of variation of tan δ as a

V. Purohit et al. Ceramics International 44 (2018) 3993–3999

Fig. 2. (a, b) Frequency dependence of ε r and tan δ of BiCa0.5Ti0.5O3 at different temperatures.

function of temperature is similar as of εr. The tan δ increases with rise j

Complex impedance (Z *) Z *=Z ′ − j Z ′′ = R s − …… .
in temperature and sharply increases at higher temperatures. This sharp ωcs (2)
increase is strongly influenced by the electrical conductivity [14].
Dielectric modulus (M *), M *=M ′ + j M ′′ = j ωCo Z *ω …. (3)

3.3. Impedance spectroscopy ε′′ −Z ′ M ′′

Dielectric loss (tan δ)tan δ = = = ……
ε′ Z ′′ M′ (4)
The electrical properties of the electro-ceramics and ionic con- Where ω = angular frequency, Rs and Cs = resistance and capacitance
ductors (like impedance of grain, grain boundaries and electrodes) can in series respectively. With the above equations, there is a wide scope
be studied by a nondestructive complex impedance method. It is a for graphical representation to estimate the contributions of the above
powerful characterization technique to provide data and interpretation parameters of the electrode/ceramic/electrode system.
on the real (resistive) and imaginary (reactive) components of complex Fig. 4(a, b) reveals the frequency and temperature dependence of Z'
impedance of materials. We can not only obtain impedance and elastic as well as Z''. The response of applied ac electric field frequency on the
modulus, but also many related parameters can be achieved by means sample is commonly understood regarding some complex physical
of this spectroscopy technique. In this method, on application of an ac quantities such as dielectric constant, impedance, electric modulus and
electric field to the sample, a sinusoidal perturbation is created, as a dielectric loss. In addition to above equations, the following equations
result, above properties of the materials can be obtained as a function of can also be used to get real and imaginary components of impedance
frequency and temperatures [15–18]. [19–21],
Generally, the frequency dependence of dielectric properties of the
materials is described in terms of complex capacitive and impedance Z ′ = R/{(1 + (ωτ)2}and Z ′′ = ωR τ /{1 + (ωτ)2} ……………… (5)
quantities as follows,
Where R is a measured resistance, ω is the angular frequency of the
Complex dielectric constant (ε*), ε* = ε´ − jε´´………… (1) electric field and relaxation time= τ = RC (C=capacitance). Relaxa-
tion time for bulk sample can be estimated by using the formula τ =

Fig. 3. (a, b) temperature dependence of ε r and tan δ of BiCa0.5Ti0.5O3at different frequency.

V. Purohit et al. Ceramics International 44 (2018) 3993–3999

Fig. 4. (a, b) Variation of Z' and Z′' with frequency of applied field at some selected temperatures of BiCa0.5Ti0.5O3.

Table 1 temperature and the release of space charge [24]. As observed in

Values of Rg, Cg for BCT ceramic at different temperatures. Fig. 4(b), there is no peak, as a result, the less or no dissipation of
current in the sample at low temperatures is observed. The presence of
Temperature(°C) Rg(Ω) Cg(F)
peak at higher temperature recommends the existence of dielectric re-
400 8.229 × 10 5
1.564 × 10−10 laxation in the material. The peak (maximum value) frequency at which
420 4.628 × 105 1.558 × 10−10 the imaginary value Z'' reaches the highest limit (Z''max) moves to the
440 2.648 × 105 1.555 × 10−10 higher frequency region on increasing temperature. Peaks broadening
460 1.68 × 105 1.556 × 10−10
and decreasing highest limit of imaginary impedance component (with
480 1.229 × 105 1.556 × 10−10
500 8.231 × 104 1.552 × 10−10 regard to temperature) specify that the dielectric relaxation mechanism
is temperature dependent. Therefore, this dielectric processes related to
relaxation occurs due to the lattice deformation and vacancies present
RgCg. The value of resistance Rg and capacitance Cg of grains can be in the material at higher temperatures [25,26].
taken from Table 1. As shown in Fig. 4(a), the value of Z' decreases on
rising temperature at low frequencies demonstrating the semi-
conducting nature of the material. As a consequence, the negative 3.3.1. Nyquist diagram
temperature coefficient of resistance (NTCR) or semiconducting beha- Fig. 5(a) shows the Nyquist diagram (i.e., complex impedance plots
vior of the material at higher temperatures [22] is observed. Hence, the (Z' vs Z′')) in the frequency range of (1 kHz to MHz) which illustrates a
relaxation properties of the sample is established [23]. The value of Z' temperature dependent semicircular arcs. When experimental data
smoothly rising on increasing both temperature and frequency (up to (real and imaginary component of Z) is compared, the components of
certain ranges), suggesting an increase in ac conductivity at low fre- circuit consisting of resistors and capacitors, we get fitting parameters.
quency (100 kHz) and temperature. As observed in figure, at higher In the circuit, the capacitor represents the polarization with storage of
frequencies, the value of Z' merges to a line at higher temperatures energy and resistor represents a conductive path. As the impedance is
displaying the existence of a mechanism which is strongly related to found to be decreasing on rise of temperature, it depends on con-
ductivity of the sample. Based on Debye, when we observe a perfect

Fig. 5. (a, b) Variation of Z′ with Z′' of BiCa0.5Ti0.5O3 at different temperatures with angle of depression at 400 °C.

V. Purohit et al. Ceramics International 44 (2018) 3993–3999

semicircle which centre falls exactly on the x-axis (real impedance ωRC ⎤ = A ⎡ ωτ
M″ = A ⎡ ⎤ …………… .
component), the system has Debye-type dielectric relaxation, and then ⎢ 2
⎣ 1 + (ωRC ) ⎥⎦ ⎣ 1 + ω2τ 2 ⎦ (7)
we observe single semicircle. But when semicircle has its centre below
the axis (normally observed at high temperatures), the relaxation pro- Where A=ratio of capacitance (C) in vacuum and dielectric (Co/C),
cess is of non-Debye type. In the later case, we get two circle or semi- R=resistance and ω =angular frequency of applied ac field.
circles [27,28]. When the centre of first semicircle falls at the Z′ axis, it Using grains and grain boundary effect in electric modulus tech-
gives grain resistance or effect, and the second one is caused due to nique, we can easily study inhomogeneous nature of polycrystalline
grain boundary resistance. But in the present study, only one single samples. This information cannot be obtained from complex impedance
semicircle (with centre below the x-axis) is observed even at higher graphs. This technique is also used effectively to estimate electrode
frequencies and temperatures. This semicircles are endorsed to con- contribution in the total resistance. It is to be seen that impedance
duction of the material owing to grain effect. The dielectric relaxation technique cannot provide electrode contribution in the resistive /ca-
of Debye type is mainly responsible for the formation of such type of pacitive characteristics of the material.
single semicircle which magnitude can be estimated with the electric Fig. 6(a, b) represents the frequency of the electric field (1 kHz to
circuit having parallel combination of a condenser (with capacity Cg) 1 MHz) and temperatures (400° to 500 °C) on modulus components; M'
and a resistor (with resistance Rg) as shown in Fig. 5. As the tempera- and M''. A continuous decrease in the value of M′ in the low-frequency
ture dependent semicircle or circle has its own relaxation or char- region is observed here. Then, there is a continuous increase in its value
acteristic frequency, the relaxation time (τ) related to the circle can be on increasing frequency and reached to a saturated asymptotic value at
estimated using the relaxation time τ = Rg Cg [29]. As can be seen in higher frequencies for all temperatures. To explain the transport
the figure, the grain boundaries do not contribute to the impedance or properties and conduction mechanism in the material, a short-range
electrical parameters particularly at said frequency and temperature mobility of charge carriers is considered. It suggests that under the
ranges. Therefore, for the transport properties or electrical conduction influence of dc electric field there is a lack of restoring force which
in the material, only grains are responsible. The value of grain or bulk affect the flow of charge carriers [31]. As observed in Fig. 6(b), initially,
resistance (Rg) can be determined with the help of diameter of the the value of M′' increases with frequency upto its maximum (peak)
semicircle. The best agreement between experimental and model value (M′max), then decreases. It is also seen that with increasing tem-
parameter ( obtained from the circuit using the software Z Simp Win perature, position of M''max moves to the higher frequency side. As peak
version 2) suggests the accuracy and validity of the experimental data position shifts to the higher frequency side at higher temperatures, the
and theoretical proposed model. thermal energy is found to be responsible for activation of charge car-
riers. When the broadening of the asymmetric peak increases on rising
temperature, the relaxation time of charge carriers decreases. This si-
3.4. Modulus analysis tuation is observed only in case of non-Debye type of relaxation me-
To estimate the resistive and capacitive parameters of dielectrics in
ac electrical field, an electric modulus spectroscopy technique is used. 3.5. Electrical conductivity
Study of frequency dependence of electrical modulus helps to analyse
the occurence of relaxation processes in materials. Using this technique, Fig. 7(a) discusses the impact of frequency and temperature on ac
various electrical processes and properties of the materials can be conductivity (σ ac) of the material. To get the value of ac conductivity
analysed including polarization, role of grain boundary in the con- (σac), some measured dielectric parameters of the sample have been
duction, ac/dc electrical conductivity, dielectric relaxation, etc [21,24]. introduced in the expression; σ ac = ω εr εo tan δ,where all the symbols
The effect of temperature and frequency on the above parameters can have their usual meanings [32].
also be explored with this technique [30]. The following real and The frequency variation of σac in the range of 1 kHz to 1 MHz of the
imaginary components of complex modulus important (M*) can be used compound is studied in the high temperature range (400–500 °C). The
to calculate an important parameter of relaxation process (relaxation obtained results are plotted as log σac(ω) versus log frequency (f) at a
time, τ); few selected temperature (Fig. 7(a)). A linear increase in σac (ω) with
increase of frequency is observed. Initially, a plateau region (frequency
(ωRC )2 ⎤ ω2τ 2 ⎤
M′ = A ⎡ = A⎡ …………… . independent) is observed which is related to σdc. On further increase of
⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎢ 2 2
⎣ 1 + (ωRC ) ⎦ ⎣1 + ω τ ⎥ ⎦ (6) frequency of the applied field, an increase of conductivity is established
in the graph. The nature of the frequency reliant conductivity follows

Fig. 6. (a, b)Variation of M' and M′' with frequency at different temperatures of BiCa0.5Ti0.5O3.

V. Purohit et al. Ceramics International 44 (2018) 3993–3999

Fig. 7. (a, b) Frequency and temperature dependence of ac conductivity (σac) of BiCa0.5Ti0.5O3.

ωn rule and hopping process of the conduction mechanism. Tempera-

ture has considerable effect on hopping frequency. Experimental results
of frequency and temperature dependence of conductivity can be ex-
plained using Jonscher's power law [33]: σac(ω) = σdc+Aωn where A
is a pre-exponential factor, angular frequency (ω) = 2пf, n is the ex-
ponential power factor with its limiting value of 0 < n < 1, and other
parameters have their usual meaning. This universal power law can be
correlated to hopping conduction process. Some other physical pro-
cesses can be related to the value of power exponent n. For example, for
n < 1, hopping of the charge carriers is related to the translational
motion. But, for n > 1, a localized small hopping of the charge carriers
is considered. This situation and observation clearly suggests an im-
portant role of thermal effect in the conduction process. Based on the
Jonscher power law, the origin of the ac conductivity, relaxation pro-
cess and role of conduction electrons in the transport properties of the
material can be explained. The low-frequency plateau dispersion region
(dc conductivity), associated with ac conductivity, and high frequencies
dispersion region related to dc concuctivity, can be understood with Fig. 8. Electric field-temperature dependent current density of BiCa0.5Ti0.5O3.
power law [34].
Fig. 7(b) shows the temperature (inverse) and frequency depen- 4. Conclusion
dence of ac conductivity (σac). An increase in value of log σac is ob-
served when we increase the temperature. This semiconducting nature Polycrystalline Bi(Ca0.5 Ti0.5)O3 material has been synthesised by
of conductivity variation is understood with the motion of charge car- ceramic processing technique (i.e., mixed oxide route). Preliminary
riers due to hopping process at higher temperatures. Using the standard structural analysis using x-ray diffraction data has revealed the single
Arrhenius Equation:σdc=σ0 exp(-Ea/KBT) (KB =Boltzmann constant, [phase of orthorhombic system. The frequency of the applied ac electric
σ0 = pre-exponential factor, and T= working temperature), the tem- field and temperature have an effect on the dielectric parameters
perature dependence of activation energy Ea of the sample can be ob- (permittivity and dissipation factor). The electrical parameters have
tained. Based on the above equation, the estimated value of Ea of 0.9, been obtained from the dielectric and impedance measurements. The
0.76, 0.6, 0.55, 0.45 is found to be at 1, 10, 100, 500 kHz and high dielectric constant of the material has been explained using
1 MHz.respectively at high temperatures. As observed, the activation Maxwell–Wagner model and space charge polarization. Though dis-
energy of the compound is significantly effect by frequency. It is as- sipation factor is relying on temperature, the compound has low energy
sumed that this energy is contributed from the motion of charge carriers loss even at higher temperatures (500 °C at 500 kHz), which also de-
and creation of vacancies at higher temperatures. In addition to the creases as frequency increases. Owing to the small energy dissipation
above, structural defects also play an important in the process at higher factor, the quality factor of the material is found to be high, as a result,
temperatures in the polycrystalline sample [35]. As a result, the acti- the material can be used as microwave device component. The com-
vation energy is diminished by reduction of the contribution of acceptor plex-impedance plots provide valid explanation and applications of
at higher temperatures. conduction phenomenon of the material. The frequency dependence of
the ac conductivity follows Jonscher's universal power law.
3.6. Leakage current characteristics

Fig. 8 displays the graphical plot of electric field (E) dependent of Acknowledgements
current density (J) of the sample in the temperature range of
260–360 °C. An increase of leakage current with increase in tempera- The authors are grateful to Dr. Satyabati Das (IIT BBSR) for her kind
ture is observed suggesting the important role of thermally assisted helps in some experimental work.
conduction process in the material. As the plot is not linear, it may
prove the existence of non Ohmic characteristics in the system [36].

V. Purohit et al. Ceramics International 44 (2018) 3993–3999

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