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Name : Dion Satrio Pambudi
Student ID : B1B015018
Group : VII
Subgroup :1
Assistant : Ifonaha Kristian





1.1. Background

The excretory system is a passive biological system that removes excess,

unnecessary materials from the body fluids of an organism, so as to help maintain
internal chemical homeostasis and prevent damage to the body. The dual function of
excretory systems is the elimination of the waste products of metabolism and to drain
the body of used up and broken down components in a liquid and gaseous state. In
humans and other amniotes (mammals, birds and reptiles) most of these substances
leave the body as urine and to some degree exhalation, mammals also expel them
through sweating (Coe et al., 2005).
A chemical reaction occurs in the cells of the body to keep an organism alive. The
chemical reaction produces some residual toxic substances (toxic) and must be
removed from the body. Spending substance waste products of metabolism in the body
in order to balance the body are maintained is called excretion. Excretion is spending
metabolic waste substances are no longer used by the cells and blood, expelled with
urine, perspiration and breathing. In the mammalian kidney are units called nephrons
with filtration function. That is why the kidney function mammalian blood filter to
keep it clean of metabolic waste that occurs in the body, the kidneys filter the blood of
mammals in general as much as 25% of the cardiac output, so a lot of blood fluid to
be cleaned every day (Dahelmi, 1991).
The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs found on the left and right sides of the
body in vertebrates. They filter the blood in order to make urine, to release and retain
water, and to remove waste (The excretory system). They also control the ion
concentrations and acid-base balance of the blood. Each kidney feeds urine into the
bladder by means of a tube known as the ureter. They are roughly 11 centimetres (4.3
in) in length. Located at the rear of the abdominal cavity in the retroperitoneal space,
the kidneys receive blood from the paired renal arteries, and drain into the paired renal
veins (Thomas, 2005).
1.2. Purpose

The purpose of this experiment was to analyzing the compound that pass through
the filter as an ilustration of mammalian kidney filtration function.

2.1. Materials

The materials used in this practice are benedict’s solution, protein solution 1%,
starch solution 1%, biuret solution, solution KI, 1% glucose solution, aquadest,
Sartorius paper.
The tools used in this lab activity are test tube, pipette scale 1 ml, erlenmeyer,
funnel glass.
2.2. Methods

1. The test solutions (protein, glucose, starch and aquadest) put in 4 test tube that
had prepared each of 3 mL.
2. Each test solution was filtered using Whatman filter paper and filter paper
3. Each test tube labeled according to the contents of the test solution.
4. Biuret much as 1 mL solution is added to the test tube containing proteins that
have undergone screening, the changes observed and recorded.
5. Benedict's solution as much as 1 mL was added to the test tube containing
glucose that has undergone filtration. Then, the test tube inserted into boiling
water (100oC) for 5 minutes and then shaken, the changes observed and
6. Lugol much as 1 drop added to a test tube containing starch that has undergone
filtration, the changes observed and recorded.
7. Biuret much as 1 mL solution was added to the test tube containing aquadest
that has undergone filtration, the changes observed and recorded.
8. The control solution is made by inserting the test solution (protein, glucose,
starch and aquadest) into four test tubes were prepared each 1 mL.
9. Biuret much as 1 mL solution is added to the test tube containing the protein,
the changes observed and recorded.
10. Benedict's solution as much as 1 mL was added to the test tube containing
glucose. Then, the test tube inserted into boiling water (100oC) for 5 minutes
and then shaken, the changes observed and recorded.
11. Lugol much as 1 drop added to a test tube containing starch, the changes
observed and recorded.
12. Biuret solution in 1 mL was added to the test tube containing aquadest, the
changes observed and recorded.
13. Compare the resulting color change test solution filtering results with a control
test solution.
14. The observations are recorded and entered into the table.

3.1. Result

Table 3.1.1 Observation table of Analysis Kidney Filtration

Solution Control Treatment
0 +++ ++
5 +++ +++
15 +++ +
25 +++ ++++
+ : Weak color intensity
++ : Moderate color intensity
+++ : Strong color intensity
Picture 3.1.1 Obervation filtration test
Without Sartorius Paper Filter With Sartorius Paper Filter
3.2. Discussion

Experiments were performed kidney filtration is a miniature of the kidneys in the

body. Solution of glucose, protein, starch, and distilled water which poured into the
test tube are analogous to compounds or substances that are found in the body and the
filter paper GFF analogy as kidney perform filtration, the color differences that occur
when the filtrate compared with the control solution is evidence that the solution is run
into the filtering or filtration so that substances contained in the solution was reduced
in the resulting solution filtrate, it can be seen from the color of the filtrate is more
faded than the control solution. Urine formation occurs in the kidney. The formation
of urine that occurs through a series of processes, namely filtration, reabsorption, and
augmentation. The process is done by glomerular filtration to filter the blood. Blood
cells, platelets and plasma proteins largely filtered and tied so that did not participate
were excluded. The filtration result is the primary urine. Primary urine which is
normally not contain erythrocytes but no enough protein content of 0.03%, glucose,
salt, sodium, potassium, and amino acids. The primary urine and then undergo
reabsorption process for the re-absorption of substances that are still needed by the
body, forming the primary urine which no longer contain substances the body needs
(Biggs, 1999).
According to Djuanda (1980) Kidney is the primary organ of excretion. Kidney
shaped like a bean, red-brown color. In the human body there are a pair of kidneys
located near the bones of the waist. The smallest functional unit of the kidney is the
nephron. The nephron consists of a glomerulus and vascular structures are non-
vascular structure that Bowman capsule, proximal tubule, loop of Henle pars and pars
desensdes ascending, distal tubules and collecting ducts. Each kidney contains 1.3
million nephrons, the nephrons are useful for filtration serves to filter out this very
important compound in the human body, because the compounds that have been
filtered will be seen more clearly. It is the same as that we do in lab practice that
solutions of control will be more concentrated than the test solution (Anshori, 1988).
The blood that goes into the nephron through arteriole then headed glomerular
afferent and will undergo blood pressure filtration at a relatively high afferent
arterioles while the efferent arterioles relatively lower so that this situation raises
glomerular filtration. Glomerular filtration fluid will go towards the tubules, tubules
enters the loop of Henle, distal tubules, collecting ducts, renal pelvis, ureter, vesica
urinary, and finally came out in the form of urine. Glomerular membrane has a
characteristic that is different from other blood vessel lining, which is composed of
layers of capillary endothelium, basement membrane, the epithelial layer lining the
Bowman capsule. In some places in the glomeruli capillaries inside the capsule showed
lobulations bowman. The parietal layer is flat while the visceral layer of simple
columnar cells with oval core and dark (Syed et al., 2012). Glomerular membrane
permeability 100-1000 times more permeable than the permeability of capillaries in
other tissues. Filtration Glomerulus (GFR) Glomerulus Filtration Rate can be
measured by using substances that are filtered at the glomerulus but not secretion and
in reabsorption by the tubules. Then the amount of substances contained in urine is
measured per unit time and compared to the amount of the substance contained in the
liquid plasma. Almost 99% of the liquid filtrate in reabsorption back with substances
dissolved in the liquid filtrate, but not all the dissolved substances can be reabsorbed
perfect such as glucose and amino acids. Tubular reabsorption mechanism in two
ways: Transport Active substances that undergo active transport in the proximal
tubules, namely Na +, K +, PO4-, NO3-, glucose and amino acids (Syaifuddin, 1997).
The solutions used in the laboratory analysis of kidney filtration have their uses.
Protein solution, glucose solution, starch solution and distilled water is used as the
compound to be filtered as in the body. Biuret solution is added to a solution of distilled
water and protein solution used as an indicator to detect the presence of the protein
content of the solution because the solution biuret reacts with the protein and form a
purplish blue color. Benedict solution is put into a solution of glucose serves as a
reagent which is also used as an indicator of the carbohydrate content or the detection
of glucose in the solution, the color formed by the mixture benedict solution and
glucose solution is brownish yellow. While Lugol are included in the starch solution
will detect the presence of starch, the color will be formed into a solid blue (Biggs,
Kidney has a primary function as excretion organ that filters the water to retrieve
the berguda molecules and ions to the body. The formation of urine is not only
influenced by the kidneys work alone, but there are several factors that influence the
formation of urine, according Fradson (2003) factors:
1. Anti deuritik hormone (ADH)
Anti deuritik hormone released by nerve gland hipofifis (neuroehipofisis). This
hormone expenditure is determined by specific receptors in the brain that continuously
controls the blood osmotic pressure (equilibrium concentration of water in the blood).
Therefore, this hormone will affect the water reabsorption in distal convoluted tubule,
so that the cell permeability to water will increase. By this way of working and their
effects, the hormone as hormone anti deuritik.
If the blood osmotic pressure rises, ie when in a state of dehydration of the body
(when thirsty or a lot of sweat), the concentration of water in the blood will drop. As
a result of these conditions, the secretion of ADH increases and fed by the blood to the
kidneys. ADH besides improving cell permeability to water, also increased
permeability of the collecting ducts, thereby expanding the collecting duct cells. Thus
the water will diffuse out of the collector pipe and into the blood. The state will strive
pure water concentration in the blood. However, trying to restore the water
concentration in the blood. But the effect of urine produced become fewer and more
2. Hormone Insulin
The hormone insulin is a hormone released by the islands of Langerhans in the
pancreas. Function hormone insulin regulate blood sugar. People with diabetes
(diabetes mellitus) has a low concentration of the hormone insulin, so blood sugar
levels will be high. As a result there is disruption in the urine still contained
reabsorption of glucose.
3. The amount of water consumed
The amount of water drunk or in consumption will certainly affect the water
concentration in the blood. If we drink a lot of water, the water concentration in the
blood is high, and the concentration of protein in the blood decreases, so that the
filtration is reduced. In addition, these circumstances cause more dilute blood, so that
secretion of ADH will be reduced. The reduced filtration and reduced ADH, cause
decrease the absorption of water, so that the urine produced will increase and dilute.
4. The ambient temperature
When the ambient temperature of the cold, the body will attempt to maintain the
temperature by reducing the amount of blood flowing to the skin so that the blood
would be more toward the body organs, including the kidneys. If the amount of blood
to the kidneys is much, then spending too much urine.
The life span of adults with end-stage renal disease is reduced, and cardiovascular
disease accounts for about half of the deaths among adults undergoing regular dialysis.
1.2 according to Eknoyan (2003), factors that contribute include hypertension, glucose
intolerance, dyslipidemia, high serum homocysteine concentration, and abnormalities
in calcium and phosphorus metabolism. According to Danuri (2009), renal epithelial
part is sensitive toward materials that are toxic. Proximal tubule is the most susceptible
to damage caused by toxic substances. It could be the reabsorption process that occurs
in proximal tubules and secretion of various substances. In the reabsorption of toxic
materials on epithelial tubule will interfere the metabolism and absorption (Danuri,
Disorder or disease that occurs in a variety of excretory system are as follows:
1. Albuminuria
Albuminuria is caused by abnormalities in the kidneys and can be found albumin
protein in the urine. This is a symptom of kidney filtration damage. This disease causes
too much albumin which escapes from the kidneys filter and wasted with urine.
Albumin is a protein that is beneficial for humans because it serves to prevent the
liquid not too much to out of the blood. The cause of albuminuria among them is a
lack of protein, kidney disease, and liver disease.
2. Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a disorder of the kidneys due to the presence of sugar
(glucose) in the urine caused by a deficiency of insulin. This is caused by the reform
process of glucose into glycogen is disrupted, so that the blood glucose is increased.
Kidneys are not able to absorb all the glucose. As a result, glucose is excreted with
urine. Diabetes mellitus should be managed and controlled properly so that the sufferer
can feel comfortable and healthy, and can prevent the complications. Control of blood
glucose levels is important in diabetic patients but often associated with hypoglycemia
and weight gain. Pharmacological inhibition of the renal sodium-glucose cotransporter
SGLT2 (SLC5A2) is a new approach that inhibits the renal reabsorption of filtered
glucose, thereby lowering blood glucose levels without increasing body weight
(Volker, 2013).
3. Diabetes Insipidus
Diabetes insipidus is a disorder in the excretory system because of lack of
antidiuretic hormone. This disorder can cause excessive thirst and much urine
expenses and very dilute. Diabetes insipidus occurs due to the decreasing of
antidiuretic hormone production, a hormone that naturally prevents too much the
formation of urine. Diabetes insipidus can also occur if the antidiuretic hormone levels
is normal, but the kidneys do not respond normally to the hormone (a condition called
nephrogenic diabetes insipidus).
4. Nephritis
Nephritis is a disease of the kidneys due to the damage of glomerulus caused by
bacteria infection. This disease can cause uremia (urea and uric acid re-entry into the
blood) so that the water absorption ability is impaired. The result is the accumulation
of water on foot or often called edema (swelling patient's feet).
These symptoms appear more often in childhood and adulthood than in middle-
aged people. Patients usually complain about feeling cold, fever, headache, back pain,
and edema (swelling) of the face, especially around the eyes (eyelid), nausea, and
vomiting. Difficult urination and the urine becomes cloudy (Yatim, 1982).
5. Polyuria and oliguria
Polyuria is a disorder of the kidney, where urine is much issued and watery.
Meanwhile, oligouria is the condition of little urine production (Yatim, 1982).
6. Anuria
Anuria is a kidney failure that cannot make urine. It is caused by the damage of
glomerulus. As a result, the filtration process cannot be done and there is no urine
produced. As a result of the occurrence of anuria, it will arise disturbance of balance
in the body. For example, a buildup of fluid, electrolyte, and the remnants of
metabolism that is supposed to come out with urine. This condition will provide
clinical picture than anuria. Anuria precautions is very important to do (Yatim, 1982).
Cases of acute kidney injury (CGA) is common in the intensive care unit (RRI).
The incidence of CGA lately increased and is associated with a substantial increase in
morbidity and mortality. Acute kidney injury occurs in about 7% of inpatients and
36% to 67% in critically ill patients depends on the definition used. Based on research
on more than 75,000 adults with a critical illness, more severe CGA occurs in
approximately 4% to 25% of patients admitted with sepsis RRI as the main cause.
Cases of acute kidney injury (CGA) is common in the intensive care unit (RRI)
(Hasanul & Heru, 2016). According Yuichiro et al. (2015) higher urinary potassium
excretion was recently associated with a lower risk of death and cardiovascular events
and the potential to reduce the incidence of hypertension in prospective cohort studies
involving general populations. Therefore, urinary potassium excretion has been a
concern in clinical setting

Based on the result can be concluded that

1. Aquades has no color change after given the biuret with or without the
filtration. It means that water still can pass the membrane filter or even kidney.
2. After given the biuret and without filtration, protein solution change into violet
with color intensity ++++. Protein solution change into blue with color
intensity +++ after filtration and given the biuret. It means that some of protein
could not pass the membrane filter.
3. After given the KI solution without filtration, starch solution change into dark
blue, after filtration starch solution change into blue with color lower intensity
than filtration.
4. After given the benedict and without filtration, glucose solution change into
orange with color intensity +++. Glucose solution change into orange with
color intensity +++ after filtration and given the benedict. It means that glucose
could not pass the membrane filter. In this solution have a sediment too in each

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