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Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 54(1):20-28. 2013.

DOI 10.1007/s13580-013-0080-4
Research Report

The Effects of Potassium on the Yield and Fruit Quality

Components of Stick Tomato
1 2* 3
Efnan Çolpan , Mehmet Zengin , and Aynur Özbahçe
Aydın Agriculture Ltd., Co., Antalya, Turkey
Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey
Institute of Konya Soil and Water Sources Research, Konya, Turkey

*Corresponding author:

Received June 8, 2012 / Revised November 1, 2012 / Accepted November 25, 2012
GKorean Society for Horticultural Science and Springer 2013

Abstract. This research was performed to determine the effects of potassium applied on soil to increase dose on the
yield and yield components of stick tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L. var. ùimúek) grown in greenhouse conditions
in the Antalya Province in 2010. In this experiment, the ùimúek fresh tomato variety commonly grown in the
Mediterranean region was tested with applications of 0, 40, 80, 120, and 160 kg K2O/ha. According to the results,
the yield was greatest (195.7 Mt·ha ) with 120 kg K2O/ha application. The effects of potassium application on tomato
yield and yield components were statistically significant (P < 0.01 and P < 0.05). Depending on the application dose,
plant stem diameter ranged from 14.22 to 14.99 mm, plant length 173.05 to 181.69 cm, fruit diameter 70.33 to 73.84
mm, fruit number per plant 29.20 to 34.57, fruit weight 160.45 to 185.63 g, penetration resistance 2.45 to 2.99
kg·cm-2, pH 5.10 to 5.20 and sugar content 3.67 to 3.97 oBrix. In addition, the leaf N/K ratio also affected the tomato
yield. Significant correlations were found among the macro and micronutrients of the leaf, yield, and yield components.
Additional key words: Antalya, fertilizer, fruit quality, greenhouse, soil

Introduction organic or inorganic nutrients to the soil, which loses nutrients

due to continuous cropping. Even though potassium levels
Tomatoes have become an important vegetable, especially are sufficient in Antalya soil, which is very calcareous,
in recent years, being consumed during all the four seasons plants cannot adequately utilize this potassium due to the
both in production areas and in market share, depending on antagonistic effect between calcium and potassium. Relative
the production from greenhouse and field. to other nutrients, potassium is the nutrient that is most-
The tomato is the most highly produced vegetable in absorbed by vegetables, only after nitrogen; it affects product
Turkey, at 9.9 Mt per year, followed by watermelon (3.8 quality and shelf life post-harvest (Imas, 1999). Antalya
Mt), onion (1.9 Mt), pepper (1.8 Mt), cucumber (1.7 Mt), Province soils are very calcareous, causing a reduction in
melon (1.7 Mt), and eggplant (0.9 Mt). Its share of green- available potassium.
house production in Turkey is 16.7% of the 25.7 megatons Many studies have examined the effects of N, P, and K on
total annual vegetable production. Greenhouse tomato pro- the growth and yield of a variety of vegetables. These inves-
duction heads with 2.1 Mt production per year. The Antalya tigations indicate that potassium has a very significant effect
Province is the center of Turkish greenhouse tomato pro- on the yield and quality of tomatoes grown in greenhouses,
duction with 1.6 Mt produced annually. According to 2008 with application by fertigation being more significant than
data, the tomato was grown in 13.733 ha greenhouse space, conventional application methods. Potassium increases the
and 1.6 megatons were produced in Antalya alone. The resistance of plants to abiotic factors, such as frost, aridity,
average yield was 116.5 Mt·ha-1 (Anonymous, 2008). airless soil conditions, salinity and sodicity, and biotic factors,
It is very important to utilize agricultural techniques that such as disease. Plants with adequate potassium during growth
increase the fruit yield and quality in tomato. One of the can provide good yields even under stressed conditions
most important of these techniques is the addition of proper (Kemler and Krauss, 1987).
Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 54(1):20-28. 2013. 21

This research was performed to determine the effects of Soil texture was determined using the Bouyoucos Hydrometer
increasing doses of potassium on the yield and fruit quality method (Bouyoucos, 1962). Available P levels were analyzed
components of ùimúek stick tomato grown in greenhouses by the method of Olsen et al. (1954) with a 0.5 M NaHCO3
in Antalya, Turkey. (pH 8.5) extraction solution, and available K, Ca, and Mg
levels were determined using a 1 N NH4OAc solution (pH 7)
Materials and Methods in ICP-AES (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission
Spectrometer) apparatus (Bayraklı, 1987; Soltanpour and
This experiment was performed in a farmer’s greenhouse Workman, 1981). Levels of trace elements (Fe, Zn, Mn, and
in the town of Varsak in Antalya, Turkey. The Antalya Cu) were analyzed with a 0.05 M DTPA extract using ICP-
Province is between 36º06’-37º27’N and 29º14’-32º27’E in AES (Lindsay and Norwell, 1972; Soltanpour and Workman,
the Mediterranean region of Turkey. The average climate 1981).
data during the experiment months and during a 32-year According to analyses of the experiment soil (Table 2),
time period are given in Table 1 (Anonymous, 2010). the soil had a high pH, slightly salty, good level organic
As illustrated in Table 1, the lowest average temperature matter, increased levels of lime, heavy texture and alluvial
during the vegetation period (January-June) of 2010 was character. Total N content according to organic matter analysis
12.4Gduring January and the highest was 24.9Gduring was average. P, K, and Ca levels were increased, while Mg
June. The lowest mean relative air humidity was 59.8% in levels were sufficient. However, Ca content was high in the
April, and the highest was 73.0% in May. During the experi- Ca/Mg ratio, K content was low in the Ca/K ratio, and Mg
mental period, the average temperature and average relative content was low in Mg/K ratio. Fe and Cu levels were
humidity were 17.7Gand 67.4%, respectively, which were sufficient, while Zn levels were increased and Mn levels
higher than the average temperature (15.9) and average were decreased (FAO, 1980).
relative humidity (65.7%) of a 32-year period. Increased The experiment was conducted using a randomized plots
temperature and relative humidity are undesirable for growing experimental design with four replicates of 20 plots per
tomato. growth period. The seedlings were planted in plots with
Fresh stick tomato, ‘ùimúek’, which is commonly grown dimensions of 3.6 m × 4.8 m. Intervals between seedlings
in the Antalya district, was used in this study. This tomato is were 90 cm × 40 cm; there were four rows with 48 plants in
certificated and registered. It is an early riser with a fast one plot. Tomato seedlings were planted in the greenhouse
adaptation ability and a strong plant structure. There are on on January 25, 2010 and hoed on February 14, 2010. Plants
average 5-6 fruit sets in one cluster, and the mean fruit were attached to hanger wires on February 28, 2010.
weight is 200-220 g. It is also resistant to many diseases, Potassium sulfate (K2SO4; 50% K2O) was used as a
including TYLCV (Yellow Leaf Curl Virus), Fo l0, 1-l2 potassium source in doses of 0, 40, 80, 120, and 160 kg
(Fusarium oxysporim lycopersici), Forl (Fusarium oxysporium K2O/ha, not accounting for potassium provided by the basic
f. sp. radisi) and Va (Verticillium dahliae Ve-1). fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, magnesium
The soil samples representing 0-30 cm soil depth were sulfate, manganese sulfate) used in the experiment. Half of
collected from three sites before planting in the greenhouse. the potassium sulfate was applied to the base soil before
pH was measured in a 1:2.5 soil:distilled water solution with planting; the rest of it was applied to rows approximately 20
a pH-meter, and EC was determined in a 1:5 soil:distilled days after planting and mixed into the soil by hoeing. Phos-
water solution with an EC-meter (Bayraklı, 1987). A modified phorus was not given as a base fertilizer because of the very
Walkley-Black method was used for determining organic high phosphorus levels in the soil. Total nitrogen was applied
matter content (Bayraklı, 1987), and the lime content was at 250 kg N/ha considering the organic matter content of the
determined with a Scheibler calcimeter (Bayraklı, 1987). experiment soil. Before planting in the form of ammonium

Table 1. Meteorological data of the experiment area.


22 Efnan Çolpan, Mehmet Zengin, and Aynur Özbahçe

Table 2. Some physical and chemical properties of the experiment soil.





. PHy J  0XFK 1+2$F ,&3

&D PHy J  0XFK 1+2$F ,&3

0J PHy J  (QRXJK 1+2$F ,&3
&D.  . LV ORZ 
0J.  0J LV ORZ 

)H PJyNJ  0XFK '73$ ,&3

=Q PJyNJ  7RR PXFK '73$ ,&3

0Q PJyNJ  /RZ '73$ ,&3

&X PJyNJ  (QRXJK '73$ ,&3

sulfate (20.5% N), 50 kg N/ha of it was applied to the soil The first harvest began approximately 105 days after
and mixed in by hoeing. The remaining nitrogen (200 kg planting. The plants were harvested approximately once a
N/ha) was applied in the form of ammonium nitrate (33% week, totaling 6 times in 40 days. Tomato fruits were harvested
N) via drip irrigation (fertigation) during the growth period when they became red and were then freshly supplied to
at a rate of 50 kg N/month four months. Magnesium was consumers.
applied at 30 kg MgO/ha in the form of magnesium sulfate After picking all tomatoes from one plot, the fruits were
(MgSO4.7H2O; 16% MgO) to the base soil before planting weighed and the tomato yield per plot was calculated as
and mixed into the soil by hoeing. Levels of other micro- Mt·ha . Ten tomato plants from each plot were randomly
elements, except manganese, were sufficient in the soil; chosen for analysis. Averages for all measurements were
therefore, microelement fertilizer was not used. Manganese calculated. The stem diameter (mm) was measured with a
was applied with the first and the second drip irrigations in caliper 5 cm above the soil surface. Their lengths (cm) were
February, totaling 5 kg Mn/ha in the form of MnSO4.3H2O measured with a meter stick. Two of the ten randomly
(27% Mn). Depending on weather conditions, drip irrigation chosen tomato plants per plot were picked and weighed
was performed once a week, and watering with fertilizer during each harvest. Another two of these plants were
(fertigation) was performed once a month. picked in each harvest, and fruit was measured with caliper.
Weeds were occasionally removed from the greenhouse Fruit numbers per plant were counted 10 days before the
by hoeing. Various pesticides were used to guard against first harvest. Penetration resistance of two plants was measured,
fungal diseases, white-fly and acarus. with peel hardness (kg·cm ) being measured from the outer
On April 10, 2010, in the sixth fruit-forming period, the carpel wall and in equatorial platform by flat tip hand
third mature leaf bunches with petioles from the top were penetrometer (Bayraktar, 1970).
removed for analysis (Kacar, 1972). These samples were In the third harvest, ten representative fruit samples were
washed with tap water, followed once with 0.1 N HCl and picked and brought to the laboratory. After washing, drying
twice with distilled water before being dried at 70Gfor two and crushing, pH and water-soluble dry matter ( Brix) were
days. Dry leaf samples were ground and then digested with analyzed. pH was measured with a pH meter in the blender
15 mL HNO3 and 5 mL HClO4 in a microwave (CEM-Mars-5 pulp without watering. Brix was determined from the
model). Total levels of P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Zn, Mn, and Cu blender pulp using a refractometer in three repeated attempts
were determined using ICP-AES (Soltanpour and Workman, (Cemero÷lu, 1992).
1981). Total levels of N were determined by H2SO4 + H2O2 Statistical analyses of the yield and fruit quality components
digestion and Kjeldahl distillation methods (Bayraklı, 1987). and leaf analyses were performed by the Minitab package
Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 54(1):20-28. 2013. 23

program. Duncan’s test of mean values of significant subjects The maximum stem diameter (14.99 mm) was obtained
was performed by the MStat package program (Yurtsever, with the 120 kg K2O/ha dose (Table 3). With an increase in
1984). Three data points from four replicates were considered, K application, there was also an increase in stem diameter.
discarding one data point which deviated from the average. However, with the exception of the 120 kg K2O/ha application,
the other doses were in the same Duncan group and their
Results effects were insignificant at the level of 0.05. It was observed
that plants with a reduction in growth rate had reduced K
&RPSRQHQWV RI 7RPDWR The lowest plant height (173.05 cm) was observed with
According to variance analysis results, the effects of po- the 40 kg K2O/ha dose and the highest (181.69 cm) with the
tassium on yield, stem diameter, plant height, fruit diameter, 160 kg K2O/ha dose (Table 3). There was no significant
fruit number, fruit weight, fruit hardness, pH and Brix were difference between 0 and 40 kg K2O/ha applications and
found to be statistically significant (P < 0.01). In other 120 and 160 kg K2O/ha applications with regard to plant
words, all yield and fruit quality components of tomato were height. Plant height increased with increasing K application
affected by K application. due to the vital role of K in plant growth.
The lowest yield (149.51 Mt·ha ) was obtained from the With an increase in K application, there was an increase
control dose (0 kg K2O/ha), and the highest yield (195.74 and then a decrease in the fruit number per plant. The lowest
Mt·ha ) was obtained from the 120 kg K2O/ha dose (Table 3). fruit number (29.20) was obtained by the control dose and
The difference between yields from the 120 and 80 kg K2O/ha the highest (34.57) by the 120 kg K2O/ha dose (Table 3).
doses was statistically insignificant; both of the yields were The other doses were in the same Duncan group. As men-
in the same Duncan group. The tomato yield increased with tioned, the 120 kg K2O/ha dose significantly affected the
the dose change from 0 to 120 K2O/ha and then decreased fruit number.
with higher concentrations. The application of 120 kg The lowest fruit diameter (70.33 mm) was obtained with
K2O/ha increased yield at the rate of 30.9% relative to the the control dose and the highest (73.84 mm) with the 120 kg
control dose. K2O/ha dose. The 40, 80, 120, and 160 kg K2O/ha doses were
In addition to the imbalance among Ca, K, and Mg levels, in the same Duncan group for fruit diameter. As seen in
there was an N deficiency in the leaf due to inadequate N Table 3, fruit diameter increased from the 0 kg K2O/ha dose
application. The concentration of N in the leaf samples to the 120 kg K2O/ha dose and then decreased with the last
collected at the flowering stage was lower than the results application. Similar results were obtained for stem diameter,
(3.20-4.50%) indicated by Jones et al. (1991). The N/K ratio fruit number, Brix and yield; maximum values for these
of a tomato leaf should be between 1.2 and 1.8 (Campbell, components were obtained in the 120 kg K2O/hadose (Table 4).
2000). However, according to the amount of K applied, the The fruit weight was lowest (160.45 g) in the control dose
N/K ratio was between 0.43 and 0.33, which was much and highest (185.63 g) in the dose of 80 kg K2O/ha (Table
lower than the indicated range. This outcome indicates that 4). However, there was no statistically significant difference
fertilization programs must be executed according to soil between this dose and the 40, 120, and 160 kg K2O/ha doses;
and plant analyses. When K is applied due to the high Ca/K therefore, they were placed in the same Duncan group. With
ratio in the soil, the amount of N applied to the soil should an increasing K doses, fruit weight increased and then
be increased. When determining fertilizer doses, the objective decreased.
yield must also be considered. As with the other yield and fruit quality components, fruit

Table 3. Effects of potassium application on fruit yield and quality components of tomato.


  F  E  FG  F
  E  E  G  DE
  D  E  EF  DE
  D  D  DE  D
  E  E  D  E
/6' 3      
24 Efnan Çolpan, Mehmet Zengin, and Aynur Özbahçe

Table 4. Effects of potassium on the fruit quality components of tomato.


  E  E  G  F  E
  D  D  FG  E  D
  D  D  EF  D  D
  D  D  E  EF  D
  D  D  D  D  D
/6' 3       

Table 5. Effects of potassium on the macronutrient contents of the leaf.

'R]HV NJ .2KD 1  3  .  &D  0J  6  1.

   F  F  F   E 
   F  E  E   D 
   D  D  E   D 
   E  D  E   F 
   DE  DE  D   F 
/6' 3   16    16  16

Table 6. Effects of potassium on the micronutrient contents of the leaf.

  F  D  F  E
  EF  E  F  D
  D  E  D  E
  E  D  D  D
  E  D  E  D
/6' 3      

hardness increased regularly until the maximum K dose contents of the leaf also increased; S content increased and
(Table 4). then decreased (Table 5). Generally, P, K, and Ca contents
As seen in Table 4, the lowest pH value (5.10) was of the leaf were obtained by the highest K dose (160 kg
obtained with the control dose and the highest (5.20) with K2O/ha), and the highest S content was obtained by the 40
the 160 kg K2O/ha dose. The fruit pH values increased with and 80 kg K2O/ha doses. As the K dose increased, the K
increasing K doses. content of the leaf also increased. Even though these results
The Brix value of fruit increased with increasing K doses placed the doses in the same Duncan group, the highest K
until 120 kg K2O/ha, after which it decreased. The lowest content of the leaf was not obtained by the highest K dose
Brix value (3.67%) was obtained by the control dose and (Table 5).
the highest (3.97%) by the 120 kg K2O/ha dose. Differences Fe, Zn, Mn, and Cu contents of the leaf increased and
between 40, 80, 120, and 160 K2O/ha doses were insig- then decreased with the increasing K doses. While the
nificant; therefore, they were placed in the same Duncan highest Zn and B contents were obtained by the control
group (Table 4). dose, the highest Fe and Mn contents were obtained by the
80 kg K2O/ha dose and the highest Cu contents were
(IIHFWV RI 3RWDVVLXP RQ WKH 1XWULHQW &RQWHQWV RI obtained by the 40 kg K2O/ha dose. In the K doses that gave
7RPDWR /HDYHV the highest Fe and Mn contents, the lowest Zn and Cu
According to variance analysis results, effects of K appli- contents were observed (Table 6). In addition, micronutrient
cation on total P, K, Ca, S, Fe, Zn, Mn, and Cu contents of contents of a healthy tomato leaf collected during the
the leaf were statistically significant (P < 0.01), while those blossoming period were normal, according to the limit
on total N and Mg contents were insignificant. values reported by Jones et al. (1991). These results demonstrate
As the K doses increased, total N, P, K, Ca, and Mg that the micronutrients in the experiment soil were sufficient
Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 54(1):20-28. 2013. 25

Table 7. Correlation data between nutrient contents of the leaf and yield-fruit quality components of tomato.

1 3 . &D 0J 6 )H =Q 0Q &X
6WHP GLDPHWHU          
3ODQW KHLJKW          
)UXLW GLDPHWHU          
)UXLW ZHLJKW          
)UXLW QXPEHU          
)UXLW KDUGQHVV          
 U !  DQG ! 

Table 8. Relationship between tomato yield and nutrient content of the leaf and K2O application.

< . FRQWHQW RI WKH OHDI  <     .   
< .  0Q FRQWHQWV RI WKH OHDI  <      .   0Q   
.  0Q  <      . 
   ™ GR]H
   ™ GR]H

and that it was important to remedy the Mn deficiency and canceled and the corrected R value (0.76) in the second
balance fertilization. equation was considered for correlation between fruit yield
According to the correlation data (Table 7) between macro- and nutrient contents of the leaf. K and Mn contents of the
and micronutrient contents of the leaf and fruit yield quality tomato leaf accounted for the fruit yield at a rate of 76%
components, positive and negative correlations (P < 0.01 (Table 8).
and P < 0.05, respectively) were statistically determined Additionally, a nonlinear (quadratic) regression equation
between the stem diameter and K and Mn contents (r = as in the Table 8 was determined between maximum yield
0.515* and 0.704**, respectively); between plant height and and amounts of applied K2O (Equation 4).
P (r = 0.537*), K (r = 0.579*), Ca (r = 0.566*), S (r =
-0.576*) and Mn (r = 0.511*) contents; between fruit Discussion
diameter and K (r = 0.881**), Ca (r = 0.690**), Fe (r =
0.547*) and Mn (r = 0.583*) contents; between fruit weight The tomato yield was low with the low K doses. The
and N (r = 0.629**), K (r = 0.800**), Ca (r = 0.618*), Fe (r reason for the decreasing yield might be the unbalance in the
= 0.557*) and Mn (r = 0.605*) contents; between fruit Ca/K and Mg/K ratios, which does not allow plants to obtain
number and K (r = 0.648**) contents; between fruit hardness enough Ca and Mg. As seen in Table 5, Mg content of the
and K (r = 0.519*), Ca (r = 0.748**) and S (r = -0.573*) leaf decreased with increasing K doses. Even though Ca
contents; between pH and P (r = 0.675**), K (r = 0.575*) content of the leaf increased, the effects of immobile Ca in
and Ca (r = 0.878**) contents; between Brix and K (r = the leaf on fruit yield can be low. In the highest dose of K,
0.711**), Ca (r = 0.577*) and Mn (r = 0.533*) contents; and the K content of the leaf was not the highest. Here, the
between yield and P (r = 0.589*), K (r = 0.851**), Ca (r = balance among K, Ca, and Mg in the soil was disrupted.
0.538*), Fe (r = 0.660**) and Mn (r = 0.792**) contents. Zengin et al. (2009) tested the sugar beet plant in a similar
According to the correlation analysis, stepwise regression soil where Ca/K and Mg/K were not balanced and applied K
equations between nutrients have the highest correlations and Mg in increasing doses. They reported that the yield and
with fruit yield as shown below (Table 8). quality of the sugar beet increased with increasing K doses.
In the regression analysis, the corrected R value in the It is evident that the effects of K on the yield and quality of
third equation is lower than the corrected R value in the tomato are dependent upon the effects of these nutrient
second; therefore, the corrected R in the third equation was ratios and saturation values. Alan et al. (1992) also obtained
26 Efnan Çolpan, Mehmet Zengin, and Aynur Özbahçe

the highest processing tomato (Rio Grande) yield (68.00 researchers (Smith and Clark, 1984; Smith et al., 1985) have
Mt·ha ) by application of 120 kg K2O/ha. Similarly, Dellacecca reported that K is the most important nutrient with regard to
et al. (1998) obtained a maximum yield of Montecarlo and fruit hardness.
Erlidor tomato cultivars in a greenhouse in Italy by applying Fertilization with K increased the pH value of the fruit.
150 kg K2O/ha. Kulyukin et al. (1993) in Russia obtained Aydın (1996) produced results similar to those presented
the highest yield of the Rusich tomato cultivar by applying here regarding the effects of K application on Brix values
the fast-soluble K fertilizer and lowest yield by applying the and pH. Chiesa et al. (1998) reported that pH and Brix
slow-soluble K fertilizer. The results of this research and values of stored tomatoes increased with increasing K doses.
that in the literature indicate that the effects of K on the According to Adams (1978), high K levels affect the acidity
yield and quality of tomato are dependent upon the amount level of fruit juice; K plays a positive role on pH, which is
of K applied. important for fruit taste and aroma. Günay (1981) reported
Stem diameter increased with increasing K doses due to that the plants that cannot absorb sufficient amounts of K
the fact that K increases lignification and silicification in produce fruits with untimely maturation and bad aroma.
plant structure (Leigh and Jones, 1997). One of the most Günay (1981) recommended that, in soils where are K
important features of the K ion is that it has a mechanism levels are low, 100 kg K2O/ha with any type of K-containing
that allows it to be absorbed by plant tissues quickly and in fertilizer should be applied to the soil or 2% potassium
large quantities (Aydemir and ønce, 1988). sulfate solution should be sprayed on the plants.
o o
Fruit diameter, stem diameter, fruit number, Brix values The Brix value, namely the water-soluble dry matter rate,
and yield increased with increasing K doses. These results must be high when high yields of paste and strong aroma are
indicate that the Ca/K imbalance in the soil can be amended demanded. Chiesa et al. (1998) reported that the Brix value
by the application of 120 kg K2O/ha; higher doses affect the of stored tomatoes increased with increasing K doses. Aydın
balance negatively and might cause a decrease in yield and (1996) indicated that K doses increased water-soluble dry
yield components. Çolako÷lu (1985) found a correlation matter in tomato processing. Demiral et al. (1999) demonstrated
between fruit size and K contents: when K levels are low, that increasing K doses clearly increased the water-soluble
fruits are small and when they are too high, fruits are too dry matter of the Galia melon.
large and have thick peels. Similarly, according to Aktaú Fertilization with K increased total N, P, K, Ca, and Mg
and Ateú (1998), application of inadequate amounts of K to contents of the leaf. In addition, S content increased and then
tomato plants cause poor flowering; thus, the fruit set decreases decreased with increasing K doses (Table 5). Zengin et al.
and fruits become small, pale and have thick peels. Our (2009) reported that most of the macronutrients in the sugar
results of the effect of K on fruit diameter were similar to beet leaf increased with increasing K doses. In this study,
the results of the previous studies (Aydın, 1996; Karakas, the experimental soil had a high Ca content due to a high
1994; Yagmur, 1997). (unbalanced) Ca/K ratio; therefore, the application of K to
Fruit number per plant is an important yield component; tomato plants in an un-stressed environment might cause an
both fruit number and fruit weight affect total tomato yield. increase in Ca and might also cause an increase in the
Smith et al. (1987) reported that tomato plants that do not uptake of other macronutrients. Doll and Lucas (1973) dem-
absorb adequate K have poor blossoming, causing a decrease onstrated that the cation exchangeable capacity of a soil
in fruit number. Our experimental results were similar to must have approximately 3-5% K, 65-85% Ca and 6-12%
those of the previously mentioned studies. Some researchers Mg ions to provide adequate amounts of K, Ca and Mg to
(Smith and Clark, 1984; Smith et al., 1985) have reported plants. Similarly, Jokinen (1981) reported that the ideal ratios
that K is the most important nutrient with regards to its among the exchangeable cations must be approximately Ca/K
effects on tomato yield, fruit number and fruit hardness. = 12, Ca/Mg = 6 and Mg/K = 2. However, saturations and
Other researchers (Aydın, 1996; Çolako÷lu, 1985; Karakas, ratios of the above-mentioned elements in the experimental
1994; Ya÷mur, 1990) have also reported that fruit weight soil of this study differ from these values; the Ca/K ratio has
increases with increasing K doses. a high value (Table 2).
Potassium application increased the fruit hardness. Demiral In addition, while the N and P values of healthy tomato
et al. (1999) demonstrated a clear positive effect of increasing leaves taken during the blossoming period were 3.20-4.50%
K doses on fruit quality parameters such as soluble dry matter and 0.50-1.20%, respectively (Jones et al., 1991), values resulting
and pulp hardness. Brüning (1976) indicated a positive from this experiment were lower than these standard limits,
difference between K fertilization, fruit hardness and elasticity while the leaf contents of other macronutrients were normal
values. As Kacar (1997) indicated, the increasing penetration (Table 5). These results might be due to a deficiency of N in
resistance of fruit with increasing K doses may result from the fertilizer or from a problem with N uptake from the soil.
increasing thicknesses of sclerenchyma cell walls. Some Nutrient ratios are extremely important in tomato plants,
Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 54(1):20-28. 2013. 27

especially for fruit quality. The N/K ratio of the leaf is Acknowledgements: This study was carried out within
important for decreasing fruit cracking, water balance and the project supported by Coordinator of Scientific Researches
quality. The N/K ratio of the leaf is more important than the of University of Selcuk with number 10201109. The authors
N concentration due to the restrictive effects of low amounts are grateful to the Coordinator of Scientific Researches for
of N. In the tomato plant, the desired N/K ratio is between providing money support.
1.2 and 1.8 (Campbell, 2000). In this experiment, N/K ratios
were between 0.43 and 0.33, depending on K doses; these Literature Cited
results were low compared to the target N/K ratio. Based on
soil and plant analyses, the necessity of fertilization programs Adams, P. 1978. How feed variations effect yield? Reprinted from
is clear. However, when determining fertilizer doses, yield the grower. Glasshouse Crops Res. Inst., U.K. l89:197.
Alan, M.N., ø. Kovancı, Y. Yoltaú, and H. Çolako÷lu. 1992. Works
per ha is the most important factor, after which tomato variety, on nutrients absorbed by tomato, transporting of these and effects
approximate loss rate and product amount, especially targeted of potassium on yield. Turkey Natl. Hort. Congr., Announcements
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