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Meaning and Grammar

An Introduction to Semantics
Gennaro Chierchia and Sally McConneii-Ginet

second edition

The MIT Press

Cambridge, Massachusetts
London, England
© 1990, 2000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology For Isa and for Carl
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Second edition, first printing, 2 000

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Chierchia, Gennaro.
Meaning and grammar : an introduction to semantics / Gennaro Chierchia and
Sally McConnell-Ginet. - 2nd ed.
p. em.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-262-03269-4 (alk. paper).- ISBN 0-262-53164-X (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Semantics. 2. Semantics (Philosophy) I. McConnell-Ginet, Sally. II. Title.
P325.C384 2000
401'.43-dc21 99-20030

Preface ix
Preface to the Second Edition xiii

The Empirical Domain of Semantics

2 General Constraints on Semantic Theory 6
3 Implication Relations 17
4 More Semantic Relations and Properties 33
5 Summary 52

2 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 53

Introduction 53
2 Denotation 55
3 Truth 69
4 Problems 99

3 Quantification and Logical Form 113

Introduction 113
2 Quantification in English 147
3 Logical Form (It) 187

4 Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 195

Introduction 195
2 Expression Meaning and Speaker's Meaning 196
3 Sentential Force and Discourse Dynamics 212
4 Speech Acts 220
5 Conversational Implicature 239

5 lntensionality 257
Introduction 257
2 !PC: An Elementary Intensional Logic 266
3 Some Intensional Constructions in English 219
4 Problems with Belief Sentences 318
Contents viii Preface

6 Contexts: lndexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 329

Introduction 329
2 lndexicals 330
3 Presuppositions and Contexts 349
4 Projecting Presupposlfions Recursively 365

7 Lambda Abstraction 391

An Elementary Introduction to Lambda Abstraction 391 There are many phenomena that could reasonably be included in
2 Semantics via Translation 398 the domain of semantic theory. In this book we identify some
3 VP Disjunction and Conjunction 407 of them and introduce general tools for semantic analysis that
4 Relative Clauses 415 seem promising as components of a framework for doing research
5 VPAnaphora 420 in natural language. Rather than discussing the many diverse
6 Conclusions 429 approaches to meaning that have been proposed and are currently
pursued, we focus on what has come to be known as logical, truth-
8 Word Meaning 431 conditional, or model-theoretic semantics. This general approach
Introduction 431 to meaning was developed originally within the tradition of logic
2 Semantic Analysis of Words 436 and the philosophy of language and over the last twenty years or so
3 Modifiers 458 has been applied systematically to the study of meaning in natural
4 More on Verbal Semantics 472 languages, due especially to the work of Richard Montague.
5 Semantic Imprecision 482 As we will see, logical semantics as currently conceived leaves
many problems with no solution. The role of semantics in a gram-
9 Generalized Quantifiers 501 mar is the center of much controversy. And the relation between
The Semantic Value of NPs 501 syntax and semantics is still not well understood, especially within
2 PCsa and f4 507 some of the research paradigms currently dominant (including the
3 Generalized Conjunction 511 one we adopt in this book). Nevertheless, we think that research in
4 Generalized Quantifiers and Empirical Properties of Language 517 logical semantics has generated enough results to show that there
5 Concluding Remarks 527 are fundamental empirical properties of language that cannot be
properly understood without such an approach to meaning. The
Appendix: Set-Theoretic Notation and Concepts 529 present book can be viewed as an attempt to substantiate this claim.
Notes 541 We have tried to keep prerequisites at a minimum. The reader
References 549 will find helpful some minimal acquaintance with syntactic theory,
Index 559 such as what can be acquired from an elementary introduction like
Radford (1988). Basic set-theoretic notions and notational con-
ventions are presented in an appendix. We. do not assume any
knowledge of formal logic, presenting what is needed directly in
the text. Each logical tool is first introduced directly and then
applied to relevant areas of natural language semantics. For exam-
ple, in chapter 2 we present the basic semantic concepts associated
with propositional logic without quantification. We then describe
the syntax of a small fragment of English and use our logical tools
to provide an explicit specification of how this fragment is to be
Preface X Preface xi

interpreted. As we acquire more logical techniques, our fragments ing with a subject matter ridden with controversy and constantly
become progressively richer; that is, the range of structures ana- shifting. Some of the difficulties were in us: writing this up just
lyzed becomes more varied and comprehensive, with later analyses wouldn't fit easily with the rest of our research and lives. There has
building on earlier results. been a lot of back and forth between us on each chapter, although
Those with linguistic backgrounds but no logic will find the for- Sally is primarily responsible for chapters 1, 4, 6, 8, and the
mal techniques new but will recognize many of the kinds of data and appendix and Gennaro for chapters 2, 3, 5, 7, and 9. The organiza-
arguments used in application of these new techniques to linguistic tion of the material reflects closely the way we have come to like
phenomena. The syntax of our fragments is designed to employ as to teach semantics; we can only hope· that others may also find it
far as possible widely shared syntactic assumptions. Those with useful. Teachers may wish to omit parts of the book or to supple-
backgrounds in logic but not linguistics will probably encounter ment it with readings from some of the classic papers in semantics.
unfamiliar facts about language and ways in which logic can be We have been helped in various ways by many people. Erhard
used in empirical arguments. We also introduce a few of the most Hinrichs put an enormous amount of work into commenting on a
accessible and interesting ideas from recent research to give the previous draft; only our recognition that he should not be held re-
reader some exposure to current work in semantics. Our hope is sponsible for our mistakes kept us from co-opting him as coauthor.
that the material presented here will give a fair idea of the nature of Craige Roberts has also provided us with a wealth of helpful and
semantic inquiry and will equip the reader interested in pursuing detailed comments. Leslie Porterfield and Veneeta Srivastav have
these topics with the tools needed to get rapidly into what is now directly inspired many improvements of substance and form at
happening in the field. various stages; Leslie did most of the work involved in preparing
The fragment technique we have adopted from Dowty, Wall, and the separately available answers to the exercises. Much good
Peters (1980), and our presentation, though different in many re- advice and help also came from Nirit Kadmon, Fred Landman,
spects, owes much to their work. We use this technique not be- Alice ter Meulen, Bill McClure, Steve Moore, Carl Vikner, Adam
cause we think it is the only way to do semantics but because it Wyner, and our students in introductory semantics at Cornell and
seems to us pedagogically so very useful. Fragments force us to at the 1987 LSA Summer Institute at Stanford (where Gennaro used
show just how the formal theory will work for a very small part of a a draft of the book in the semantics course he taught). Many other
natural language. To understand how logical tools can be trans- friends and colleagues have encouraged us as we worked on this
ferred to linguistic semantics and why they might be useful, some book. We have each also been supported by our families; our
experience with this kind of detailed formulation seems essential. spouses in particular have been very close to us through the ups
For much the same reasons we also provide exercises throughout and downs of this project.
the text. Readers need to try out for themselves the techniques we We have written this book for the same reasons we chose this
are introducing in order to appreciate what is involved in their field for a living: we want to be rich and famous.
application to natural language semantics.
In presenting this material, we have also tried to explore the in-
teraction of meaning with context and use (that is, the semantics-
pragmatics interface) and also to address some of the foundational
questions that truth-conditional semantics raises, especially in
connection with the study of cognition in general. This does not
stem from any ambition to be comprehensive. But in our experi-
ence we find that the truth-conditional approach can be understood
better by trying to set it in a broader perspective.
To put our lecture notes in the present form was no easy task for
us. Some of the difficulties lie in the nature of things: we are deal-
Preface to the Second Edition

When we wrote the first edition of this book, semantics was already
a flourishing field in generative linguistics. Now, almost ten years
later, it is nearing full maturity. There are many results providing
us not only with descriptively adequate accounts of a broad range
of phenomena but also with novel significant insight into them. We
are thinking, for example, of all the work on generalized quanti-
fiers, anaphora and binding, tense and aspect, and polarity phe-
nomena, to mention but a few key topics. The current state of
semantics continues to be very lively. The frontier of the field is
constantly being pushed forward, and one cannot take for granted
any notion or practise. A graduate student walks in, and there come
new ideas about meaning that raise fundamental questions about
previous ways of thinking. We are happy to be living through this
In spite of the continuing infusion of new ideas into linguistic
semantics, a certain number of fundamental notions, arguments,
and techniques seem to keep playing a pivotal role. Because our
text deals with many of these, we were persuaded that there was
some point in updating it a bit. There is, of course, no one best way
of presenting core semantic concepts. Some, for example, like to
start from the structure of the clause and introduce semantic tech-
niques needed to interpret various aspects of it. In this textbook we
instead opted to walk people into the systematic study of linguistic
meaning by matching formal tools with linguistic applications in
increasing order of complexity (from propositional connectives and
truth conditions, to quantification and binding, intens.ionality, and
so on). With all its limits, we and many other teachers find this to
be an effective method of introducing semantic argumentation. It
strikes a reasonable balance of user friendliness versus complete-
ness and makes it possible to combine formal thoroughness with
exploration of the linguistic significance ofbasic concepts and tech-
niques. This general approach is retained in this second edition.
Four chapters have been pretty substantially rewritten. We have
tried to make chapter 3, on variable binding and quantification,
Preface to the Second Edition xiv Preface to the Second Edition xv

somewhat gentler and more user-friendly, though the notions dealt very messy manuscript. And our families gave us June together in
with there probably still remain the hardest to grasp for a beginner. Italy and July together in Ithaca, without which we could not have
Chapter 5, on intensionality, has been changed mostly in the part managed the job.
on tense, but also in the presentation of the semantics of embedded As we mentioned above, part of what made us agree to prepare a
clauses. Chapter 7, on abstraction, has been restructured, partly to second edition was the feeling that in spite of its constant growth,
enhance pedagogical effectiveness and partly in light of recent de- the core of semantics in the generative tradition remains on a fairly
velopments in the understanding of VP anaphora. Finally, chapter solid and stable footing. The death knell has sometimes been
8, on word meaning, has gone through an overhaul that has led to a sounded in recent years for various semantic notions: possible
somewhat different take on questions of lexical decomposition, worlds and types and models and even entailment. But examining
more on event semantics and aspect, and a new section on adverbs. current semantic practice in the relevant empirical domains seems
And we've implemented a few local changes elsewhere. For exam- to show that the concepts in question (or some more or less trivial
ple, following a suggestion by Veneeta Dayal, we have introduced variants thereof) are still thriving. This is not to say that there are
the notion of implicature in chapter 1. We have added a section no foundational disagreements. But in spite of them, semantics is
on type-driven interpretation to chapter 2. We have also exten- an even more vital and cohesive field of inquiry within generative
sionalised the final chapter on generalized quantifiers to allow linguistics than it was when we published the first edition of this
more flexible access to such notions. In its present form, the book text.
has a modular character. After chapter 3, the remaining material Readers of the original preface have probably already guessed the
can be covered pretty much in any order. For example, one can other reason we agreed to prepare a second edition. We still cling to
easily jump from chapter 3 directly to chapter 9 (after a quick look the hope that semantics will some day make us rich and famous.
at sec. 1.1. in chapter 7). Instructors can design their own itinerary.
Revising this book has been like updating an old program that
still runs. One touches things in one place, and a new bug pops up
in some other place. We hope that we have taken all the little bugs
out but we cannot be sure. The whole process has been compli-
cated' not only by what has happened in the field since our first try
but also by having to work across the Atlantic. Our basic process
was the same as before. Sally was the first drafter on the new ver-
sions of chapters 3 and 8 plus the new sections in chapters 1 and 2
and the minor additions to the appendix; Genarro was the first
drafter for the revised chapters 5 and 7 and the modified sections of
chapter 9. Each of us, however, critiqued the other's drafts. The
discussions between us have been not in the least less animated
than they were before.
We are grateful to our friends and colleagues and students, who
have given us feedback over the years. There are many good sug-
gestions we've gotten that we just could not implement, but many
of the improvements we were able to make were inspired by others'
comments. We owe a big debt of gratitude to Amy Brand for her
encouragement in taking up this task and expert help throughout
the process. We also thank Yasuyo Iguchi, who consulted with us
on revising the book's design, and Alan Thwaits, who edited our

Meaning and Grammar

1 The Empirical Domain of Semantics

1 Introduction
Semantics is the branch of linguistics devoted to the investigation
of linguistic meaning, the interpretation of expressions in a lan-
guage system. We do not attempt a comprehensive survey of the
many different approaches to semantics in recent linguistics but
choose instead to introduce a particular framework in some detail.
Many of the concepts and analytical techniques we introduce have
their origins in logic and the philosophy of language; we apply
them to the study of actual human languages.
When we say that our focus is on semantics as a branch of lin-
guistics, we are adopting a particular conception of the methods
and goals of linguistic inquiry. That conception is rooted in the
generative paradigm that began to reshape the field of linguistics in
fundamental ways over forty years ago. Noam Chomsky's Syntactic
Structures, published in 1957, introduced the three key ideas that
we take to be definitive of that paradigm.
The first is the idea that a grammar of a language can be viewed
as a set of abstract devices, rule systems, and principles that serve
to characterize formally various properties of the well-formed sen-
tences of that language. The grammar, in this sense, generates the
language. This idea was already established in the study of various
artificial languages within logic and the infant field of computer
science; what was novel was Chomsky's claim that natural lan-
guages-the kind we all learn to speak and understand in early
childhood-could also be generated by such formal systems. In a
sense, when linguists adopted this view, they adopted the idea that
theoretical linguistics is a branch of (applied) mathematics and in
this respect like contemporary theoretical physics and chemistry.
Few generative linguists, however, would be completely com-
fortable with such a characterization of their discipline. A major
reason for their finding it inadequate lies in the second key idea
Chomsky introduced, namely, that generative grammars are psy-
chologically real in the sense that they constitute accurate models
of the (implicit) knowledge that underlies the actual production
Chapter 1 2 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 3

and interpretation of utterances by native speakers. Chomsky him- generative grammars of formal (artificial) languages are models of
self has never spoken of linguistics as part of mathematics but has the grammars of natural languages, (2) which are realized in human
frequently described it as a branch of cognitive psychology. It is the minds as cognitive systems (3) that are distinct from the directly
application of mathematical models to the study of the cognitive observable human linguistic behavior they help to explain. This
phenomenon of linguistic knowledge that most generative linguists tradition started, as we have noted, with important advances in the
recognize as their aim. Again, the parallel with a science like study of syntax; fairly soon thereafter it bore fruit in phonology.
physics is clear. To the extent that their interest is in mathematical There was important semantic work done by generative grammar-
systems as models of physical phenomena rather than in the formal ians from the early sixties on, but it was not until the end of the
properties of the systems for their own sake, physicists are not sixties that systematic ways of linking the semantic methods de-
mathematicians. A single individual may, of course, be both a veloped by logicians to the generative enterprise were found. In our
mathematician and a linguist (or a physicist). But as linguists, our view, this development constitutes a breakthrough of enormous
focus is on modeling the cognitive systems whose operation in significance, one whose consequences linguists will be exploring
some sense "explains" linguistic phenomena. Linguistics is an for some time. One of our main aims in this book is to introduce the
empirical science, and in that respect it is like physics and unlike concepts and methods that made the breakthrough possible and to
(pure) mathematics. indicate some of the ways logical semantics so conceived contrib-
The third idea we want to draw from the generative paradigm is utes to the generative enterprise in linguistics.
intimately connected to the first two: linguistics cannot be limited We begin by considering some of the linguistic phenomena that
to the documentation of what is said and how it is interpreted- one might ask a semantic theory to account for, the range of data
our actual performance as speakers and hearers-any more that seem at first glance centrally to involve meaning. Our first ob-
than physics can limit its subject matter to the documentation of servation may discourage some readers: there is not total agreement
measurements and meter readings of directly observable physical on exactly which facts comprise that range. But this is hardly sur-
phenomena. The linguistic knowledge we seek to model, speakers' prising. Recent discussions of epistemology and the philosophy of
competence, must be distinguished from their observable linguistic science repeatedly claim that there are no "raw" or "pure" data,
behavior. Both the linguist and the physicist posit abstract theoret- that abstract principles come into play even in preliminary indi-
ical entities that help explain the observed phenomena and predict viduation of a given constellation of facts. Thus, identifying phe-
further observations under specified conditions. nomena is itself inescapably theory-laden. We will try, however, to
The distinction between competence and performance has introduce data here that are bound to our particular theoretical
sometimes been abused and often misunderstood. We want to em- hypotheses only weakly. That is, accounting for (most of) these data
phasize that we are not drawing it in order to claim that linguists seems a goal shared by many different approaches to semantics.
should ignore performance, that observations of how people use A second point to remember is that phenomena that pretheoreti-
language are irrelevant to linguistic theory. On the contrary, the cally involve meaning may prove not to be homogeneous. This too
distinction is important precisely because observations of naturally is unsurprising. Linguists have long recognized the heterogeneity
occurring linguistic behavior are critical kinds of data against of linguistic phenomena and so have divided the study of linguistic
which generative linguists test their theories. They are not, how- forms minimally into phonology and syntax and have further
ever, the only kinds of data available. For example, linguists often articulated each of these fields. And, of course, it is recognized
ask native speakers (sometimes themselves) for intuitive judgments that syntax and phonology themselves interact with other cogni-
as to whether certain strings of words in a given language constitute tive systems and processes in explaining, for example, how people
a well-formed or grammatical sentence of that language. Such arrange and pronounce words in producing utterances. Similarly,
judgments are also data, but they seldom come "naturally." the study of meaning is bound to be parcelled out to a variety of
Our approach to semantics lies in the generative tradition in the disciplines and perhaps also to different branches of linguistics. A
sense that it adopts the three key ideas sketched above: ( 1) that major aim of this book is to explore the question of how linguistic
Chapter 1 4 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 5

investigations of meaning interact with the study of other cognitive not understand what Molly means in uttering that sentence unless
systems and processes in our coming better to understand what we also know why she has bothered to utter it in the particular
is involved in the production and interpretation of utterances by surroundings in which she and her addressee are placed-in this
native speakers of a language. case, whether she is trying to do more than update her addressee
It seems very likely that certain aspects of utterance meaning fall on her internal state. Pragmatios is the study of situated uses of
outside the realm of semantic theorizing. It has been argued, for language, and it addresses such questions as the status of utter-
example, that some aspects of meaning are primarily to be ex- ances as actions with certain kinds of intended effects. Since direct
plained in terms of theories of action. Several different sorts of experience with interpretation of language is experience with in-
pragmatic theory adopt this approach. Speech act theories, for terpreting uses, however, we cannot always be sure in advance
example, focus on what people are doing in producing utter- which phenomena will fall exclusively in the domain of semantics
ances: asserting, questioning, entreating, and so on. Such theories and which will turn out to require attention to pragmatic factors
can help explain how people manage to mean more than they as well.
actually say by looking at the socially directed intentional actions As our adoption of the generative paradigm implies, we take lin-
of speakers. guistics to include not only the study of languages and their inter-
Here is an example where what is meant might go beyond the pretations as abstract systems but also the study of how such
meaning of what is said. Suppose Molly is at a restaurant and says systems are represented in human minds and used by human
to her waiter, "I'd like a glass of water." In a clear sense Molly has agents to express their thoughts and communicate with others.
not directly. asked the waiter to bring her a glass of water, yet she Thus we develop our semantic theory with a view to its interaction
means much the same thing by her utterance as if she had said, with a pragmatic theory. We will consider not only what linguistic
"Bring me a glass of water." But if Molly utters "I'd like a glass of expressions themselves mean (semantics in the strict sense) but
water" to her hiking companions as they ascend the final hundred also what speakers mean in using them (pragmatics). In this chap-
feet of a long trail from the bottom to the top of the Grand Canyon, ter, unless a distinction is explicitly drawn, semantic(s) should be
the interpretation is different. In the latter case she probably means thought of as shorthand for semantic(s)/pragmatic(s).
simply to report on her desires and not to make a request of her For most of our initial discussion we can safely ignore the im-
fellow hiker. How do we know this? Presumably in part because we portant theoretical distinction between interpreted linguistic forms
know that Molly cannot be expecting her words to move her walk- on the one hand (what, say, the English sentence "I'd like a glass
ing companion to produce a glass of water for her, whereas she of water" means) and interpreted utterances on the other (what
might well intend those same words so to move the waiter in the Molly's utterance of "I'd like a glass of water" means). The issue
restaurant. This knowledge has to do with our experience of res- of just how semantics should be related to more pragmatically
taurants and hiking trails and with general expectations about oriented theories of information processing is wide open, however,
people's motives in speaking to one another. and we will return to it at various points.
Understanding what Molly means by her utterance to a particular What should semantics, broadly construed, take as its subject
addressee seems, then, to involve at least two different kinds of matter? The rest of this chapter addresses this question. Our dis-
knowledge. On the one hand, we must know the meaning of what cussion is intended not to be exhaustive but only indicative of the
she has explicitly said-in this case, what the English sentence "I'd range of language-related phenomena relevant to inquiry about
like a glass of water" means. Roughly, semantics can be thought of meaning.
as explicating aspects of interpretation that depend only on the The third section of this chapter considers implication relations
language system and not on how people put it to use. In slightly between sentences that speakers seem to recognize on the basis of
different terms we might say that semantics deals with the in- their knowledge of meaning. The fourth and final section con-
terpretation of linguistic expressions, of what remains constant siders a number of other semantic properties and refations that
whenever a given expression is uttered. On the other hand, we will speakers' intuitive judgments reveal, some of which are in some
Chapter 1 6
The Empirical Domain of Semantics 7

sense parasitic on implication relations. Such judgments are often

ten system) and how to sum single digits, and we are then in busi-
very subtle, and learning how to tap semantic intuitions reliably
ness. By the same token, we presumably understand a sentence like
and discriminate among the distinct phenomena that give rise to
( 1) because we know what the single words in it mean (what pink
them is an important part of learning to do semantics. In a real
and whale mean, for example) and we have an algorithm of some
sense, such intuitive judgments constitute the core of the empirical
kind for combining them. Thus part of the task of semantics must
data against which semantic theories must be judged.
be to say something about what word meaning might be and some-
thing about the algorithms for combining those word meanings to
arrive at phrasal and sentential meanings.
2 General Constraints on Semantic Theory
Whatever linguistic meaning is like, there must be some sort of
Before we can fruitfully consider particular varieties of intuitive
compositional account of the interpretation of complex expressions
judgments of semantic properties and relations, we need to con-
as composed or constructed from the interpretations of their parts
sider some general properties of semantic competence.
and thus ultimately from the interpretations of the (finitely many)
simple expressions contained in them and of the syntactic struc-
tures in which they occur. We will speak of the simplest expres-
2.1 The productivity of linguistic meaning
sions as words, except when we want to recognize semantically
It is a familiar but no less remarkable fact that indefinitely many
relevant morphological structure internal to words. Sentences are
syntactically complex linguistic expressions in a language can have
complex expressions of special importance, but smaller phrases are
linguistic meanings associated with them. This is simply the
also semantically relevant. We also briefly look at interpretive
semantic analogue of the fact that indefinitely many complex lin-
phenomena that go beyond single sentences and involve discourse.
guistic expressions can be classed as syntactically well-formed by
In theory the semantically relevant structure of a complex ex-
the grammar.
pression like a sentence might bear little or no relation to the syn-
We have no trouble whatsoever in grasping the meaning of sen-
tactic structure assigned to it on other linguistic grounds (on the
tences even if we have never encountered them before. Consider
basis, for example, of grammaticality judgments and intuitions
( 1) I saw a pink whale in the parking lot. about syntactic constituency). In practice, many linguists assume
that semantics is fed fairly directly by syntax and that surface syn- .
Few if any of our readers will have heard or seen this particular
tactic constituents will generally be units for purposes of semantic
sentence before. Yet you can quite easily understand it. How is this
composition. And even more linguists would expect the units of
feat possible? The experience of understanding a newly encoun-
semantic composition to be units at some level of syntactic struc-
tered sentence like (1) seems much like the experience of adding
ture, though perhaps at a more abstract level than the surface.
two numbers we have never summed before, say
Logicians used to be notorious among linguists for their pro-
(2) 1437.952 + 21.84 nouncements on the "illogicality" of natural language surface syn-
We can do the sum in (2) and come up with 1459.792 because we tax. More recently, however, logical approaches to semantics have
know something about numbers and have an algorithm or rule for proposed that the surface syntactic structure of natural language
adding them together. For instance, we may break each of the two is a much better guide to semantic constituency than it might at
numbers to be summed into smaller pieces, adding first the digits first seem to be. Both syntax and the relevant areas of logic have
in the thousandths place (having added a 0 in that place to the developed rapidly in recent years, but it is still an open ques-
second number), moving on to the hundredths place, and so on. All tion just how close the correspondence is between the structure
we really have to know are the numbers (on this approach, the sig- needed for constructing sentential meanings (what we might think
nificance of the decimal representation of each number in a base of as semantic structure) and that needed for constructing sen-
tences as syntactic objects. There is also a vigorous debate about
Chapter 1 8 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 9

whether more sophisticated approaches to semantics and syntax (3) v

make it possible to dispense with multiple levels of syntactic
structure. 1
Certainly, however, interpretations of both words and syntactic CAUSE V
constructions will play a role in any systematic account of how
sentences (and larger discourse texts) are assigned interpretations. ~V BECOME
An important test of a semantic theory is set by compositionality.
Can the theory generate the required interpretations for complex
expressions from a specification of interpretations for the basic
items? As we will see, explicit specification of how word mean-
ings are combined to produce sentential meanings is not a trivial I
From this standpoint, it is natural to look to syntactic structures
for constraints on what might possibly get lexicalized. McCawley
2.2 Semantic universals (1971), for example, claimed that there could not be a word, say
A fundamental concern of generative linguistics is to specify what flimp, meaning to kiss a girl who is allergic to ... , that is, that no
characteristics seem to be constitutive of the human language sentence ofform (4a) could mean what is meant by (4b).
capacity. In what ways are languages fundamentally alike? We may (4) a. Lee £limped garlic.
also be able to say some very interesting things about the ways b. Lee kissed a girl who is allergic to garlic.
in which that linguistic capacity constrains possible differences
among languages, about the parameters of variation. The explanation he offered was that lexical substitution rules have
There is rather little that might count as semantic typology or as a to replace single constituents and kiss a girl who is allergic to is not
direct analogue to the parametric apprpach in syntax. 2 There has, a single constituent. Of course, since the replaced elements come
however, been some attention to semantic universals. In the late from a universal language that is not spoken by anyone, it is not
sixties and early seventies, quite interesting attempts to get at uni- easy to be sure that something with the meaning in question might
versal semantic principles came from the so-called generative not be expressible as a single constituent. The verb flimp might be
semanticists. Working in the generative tradition, these linguists introduced in a group that thinks that kissing a girl allergic to a
claimed that semantics was fundamentally just a very abstract level certain substance in some interesting way affects the kisser's rela-
of syntax where a universally available stock of basic words or tion to the substance (perhaps allergies can be so transmitted, so
concepts were combined. The syntax of this universal semantic £limping puts the £limper in jeopardy of acquiring an allergy). What
base was simple, involving a very few categories and rules for is interesting, though, is McCawley's attempt to offer a formal
combining them. Getting from these abstract structures to the sur- account of alleged material universals, such as the absence from all
face sentences of a natural language involved, among other things, languages of words like flimp. 3 We discuss lexical meanings in
replacing complex structures with single words. It was hypothe- somewhat more detail in chapter 8.
sized, for example, that something like the structure in (3) is the Even if this particular approach to the kinds of words languages
source of English kill; a lexical substitution rule replaces the tree will have may now seem inadequate, the general idea of attempting
with the single word kill. Small capital letters indicate that the to find explanations in terms of general linguistic principles for
words represented are from the universal semantic lexicon: (Gen- what can and cannot be lexicalized is of considerable interest. For
erative semanticists used V for simple verbs and for other predicate instance, we do not know of any languages that lack a word that is
expressions, including predicate adjectives and the negative parti- more or less synonymous with and, joining expressions from
cle not.) different syntactic (and semantic) categories-sentences, noun
phrases, or prepositional ph,rases-by using what can be seen as
Chapter 1 10 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 11

the same semantic operation. Nor do we know of a language that In exploring the organization of concepts that ... lack perceptual
uses a single word to mean what is meant by not all in English yet counterparts, we do not have to start de novo. Rathel~ we can con-
uses a syntactically complex expression to mean what none means. strain the possible hypotheses about such concepts by adapting,
Although it is often said that comparatives (taller) are semantically insofar as possible, the independently motivated algebra of spatial
simpler than the corresponding absolutes (tall), no language we concepts to our new purposes. The psychological claim behind this
know of expresses the comparative notion as a single morpheme methodology is that the mind does not manufacture abstract con-
and the absolute in a more complex way. Can semantic theory shed cepts out of thin air, either. It adapts machinery that is already
light on such observations (on the assumption that they are indeed available, both in the development of the individual organism and
correct)? in the evolutionary development of the species.
Certain quite abstract semantic notions seem to play an impor-
Investigations of the semantic value of words and grammatical
tant role in many cross-linguistic generalizations. For example,
particles, especially recurring general patterns of relationships,
agent, cause, change, goal, and source have been among the
may help us understand more about human cognition generally.
thematic roles proposed to link verb meanings with their argu-
One area where we find semantic universals is in combinatorial
ments. Fillmore (1968) suggested a semantic case grammar in
principles and relations; indeed, many investigators assume that it
which predicates were universally specified in terms of the the-
is only at the level of basic expressions that languages differ
matic roles associated with their arguments. Language-specific
semantically, and it may well be true that the child need only learn
rules, along with some universal principles ranking the different
lexical details. For example, languages are never limited to additive
thematic roles, then mapped the arguments of a verb into appro-
semantic principles like that of conjunction; predication, for ex-
priate syntactic or morphological structures. The UCLA Syntax
ample, seems to be universally manifested. Logical approaches to
Project reported on in Stockwell, Schachter, and Partee (1973)
semantics have paid more explicit attention to composition than
adapted Fillmore's framework in developing a computational im-
most other approaches and thus suggest more explicit hypotheses
plementation of their grammar, and similar ideas have figured in
about how languages structure meaning. One question has to do
other computational approaches to linguistic analysis. We discuss
with the different kinds of semantic values expressions can have:
thematic roles in somewhat more detail in chapter 8.
just as to and number are of different syntactic categories in
Are such notions part of universal grammar, or is there another
English, they are associated with different semantic classes, or
way to think about them? Are they connected more to general cog-
types, in any logical approach to semantics, and the semantic value
nitive phenomena than to language as such? Perhaps, but in any
associated with sentences is of yet another different type. Univer-
case, certain empirical generalizations about linguistic phenomena
sally we need distinctions among types. Semantic theory should
seem linked to these semantic notions. For example, in language
provide us with some account of these distinctions and allow us to
after language the words and constructions used to speak about
investigate the empirical question of whether languages differ in
space and spatial relations (including motion) are recycled to speak
the semantic types they encode.
of more abstract domains, for example, possession. The precise
Our discussion will focus primarily on English, since that is the
details are not universal: Finnish uses the locative case in many
language we and our readers share. Occasionally, however, we
instances where English would use the nonspatial verb have
draw illustrations from other languages, and we intend our general
("Minulla on kiss a" literally glosses as "At me is a cat" but is
approach to provide a framework in which to do semantics for
equivalent to "I have a cat"). But English does use spatial verbs and
human languages generally, not simply for English.
prepositions to talk about changes in possession ("The silver tea set
went to Mary"). The general claim, however, is that resources for
describing perceptual experience and the principles that organize
2.3 The significance of language: "aboutness" and representation
them are universally redeployed to speak of matters that are less
Meaning manifests itself in the systematic link between linguistic
concrete. As Jackendoff (1983, 188-189) puts it,
forms and things, what we speak of or talk about. This "aboutness"
Chapter 1 12 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 13

of language is so familiar that it may not seem noteworthy. But the of our environment. Nor does it require that environmental infor-
fact that our languages carry meaning enables us to use them to mation is simply registered or received without active input from
express messages, to convey information to one another. As Lewis perceiving and thinking human minds. Yet it does probably require
Carroll observed, we can talk about shoes and ships and sealing a regular and systematic correspondence between language and the
wax and whether pigs have wings. We can also speak of South shared environment, what is publicly accessible to many different
Africa, Ingrid Bergman, birthdays, wearing clothes well, fear of fly- human minds.
ing, and prime numbers. Were languages not to provide for signifi- If you are skeptical about informational significance, consider the
cance in this sense, the question of meaning would hardly arise. use of language in giving directions, warnings, recipes, planning
Nonetheless, some semantic theorists have thought that such joint activities, describing events. Things occasionally misfire, but
aboutness is not really part of the domain of semantics. They have by and large such uses of language are remarkably effective. Lan-
focused instead on the cognitive structures that represent meaning, guage could not work at all in such ways were it not imbued with
taking the fundamental significance of language to reside in rela- some kind of informational significance, being about matters in a
tions between linguistic expressions and what are sometimes public world.
called "semantic representations." Let us make this more concrete with a couple of examples. Sup-
On our view, the significance of language, its meaningfulness, pose we utter
can be thought of as involving both aboutness and representational (5) This is yellow.
components. Theorists differ in the emphasis they place on these
components and in the view they hold of their connections. It will Interpreting this and other demonstrative expressions is problem-
be convenient for the discussion that follows to have labels for atic if the interpreter does not have access to some contextually
these two aspects of significance. Informational significance is a salient entity to which it refers-perhaps the drapes to which
matter of aboutness, of connections between language and the someone is pointing. Since we have provided no picture to accom-
world( s) we talk about. Informational significance looks outward to pany (5), readers do not know what this refers to and cannot fully
a public world and underlies appraisal of messages in terms of understand what its use means. The important points here are (1)
objective nonlinguistic notions like truth. Cognitive significance that certain expressions seem to be used to refer, to indicate certain
involves the links between language and mental constructs that nonlinguistic entities, and (2) that knowing how to grasp what such
somehow represent or encode speakers' semantic knowledge. Cog- expressions refer to is part of knowing what they mean. Ex-
nitive significance looks inward to a speaker's mental apparatus pressions like this provide particularly vivid illustrations, but the
and does not confront issues of the public reliability of linguistic same point holds of expressions like the man who is sitting in the
communication. third row and many others.
Now let us consider another example.
2.3.1 The informational significance of language Language enables us to (6) The door is closed.
talk about the world, to convey information to one another about
ourselves and our surroundings in a reliable fashion. What prop- This sentence would accurately describe the situation depicted on
the right in (7) but not that depicted on the left. 4
erties of language and its uses underlie this remarkable fact? What
allows language to serve as a guide to the world and to enable (7)
us to learn from what others have perceived (seen, heard, felt,
smelled) without having to duplicate their perceptual experi-
ence ourselves?
Informational significance does not require that language links to
the world in ways that are predetermined by the physical structure
Chapter 1 14 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 15

There are quite solid intuitions about the relation of sentence (6) (9) Joan wants a tomato sandwich.
to the two kinds of situations illustrated in (7). This fact is obvious It is just that the differences among these situations are not appar-
yet nonetheless remarkable. ent from purely visual signs. We would have equal difficulty using
First, notice that the relation between the sentence and situations pictures to represent situations described or not described by sen-
seems to be one that is independent of how those situations are tence (10), yet what (10) is about' is no less public than what (6) is
presented. Instead of the drawings, we might have included photos about.
or enclosed a videotape. We might even have issued you an invita-
tion to come with us to a place where we could point out to you an (10) Joan ate a tomato sandwich yesterday but not today.
open door and one that is closed. If you understand sentence (6), What is noteworthy here is that language serves to bring private
you can discriminate the two sorts of situation, no matter how we mental states into the public eye. Joan can speak about her desire to
present them to you. have a tomato sandwich today with the same ease that she speaks
Second, observe that (6) can describe not just one or two, but a about the tomato sandwich that she actually consumed yesterday.
potential infinity of, different situations. In the picture on the right Through language we not only inform one another about our
in (7), there is no cat in front of the closed door. But (6) would external environment; we also manage to inform others of certain
apply just as well to a situation like that depicted in (8), which is aspects of what our internal environment is like, thus externalizing
different from the right side of (7) only in that it contains a cat. or objectifying that internal experience to some extent. We can
(8) (sometimes) tell one another what is on our minds and we can use
language to share what we imagine, suppose, or pretend.
Thus, when we speak of informational significance, we include
not only links to physical or concrete phenomena but also to men-
tal or abstract phenomena. There are deep philosophical questions
that can be raised about the ontological status of different kinds of
phenomena, but the important empirical fact for linguistic seman-
There is no need to stop with one cat or two or three, etc. We know tics is that for all of them we do indeed succeed in conveying
how to keep going. The crucial point is that our knowledge of the information to one another by talking about them. It is in this sense
relation between sentences and situations is not trivial and cannot that meaning always involves informational significance.
consist in just remembering which particular situations are ones Semantic theories of informational significance are often called
that a particular sentence can describe. Understanding what situ- referential theories. Truth-conditional semantics is a particular
ations a sentence describes or, more generally, what information it kind of referential theory, which we will introduce in the next
conveys is crucial to grasping its meaning. It seems eminently rea- chapter and illustrate in more detail in succeeding chapters.
sonable to expect semantics to provide some account of this phe-
nomenon. 2.3.2 The cognitive significance of language The whole question of the
Of course, language also enables us to talk with one another meaningfulness of language has been approached from the inward-
about more private internal worlds, to express our attitudes or looking perspective of cognitive significance. The general idea is
mental states: hopes, beliefs, fears, wishes, dreams, fantasies. This that we have ways of representing mentally what is meant by what
too can be thought of as the conveying of information, but infor- we and others say. Perhaps, the suggestion seems to go, your under-
mation in this case may seem less public or objective because the standing sentence (6), "The door is closed," is a matter of your
experiencing subject has some kind of privileged access to it. We recovering some internal representation of its meaning. Propon-
cannot draw a picture to illustrate the situations described by sen- ents of representational theories of meaning have usually not paid
tence (9), but this does not mean that we do not know quite a lot much attention to informational significance or even more gener-
about which situations it does, and which it does not, describe. ally to the capacity of people to judge with remarkable uniformity
Chapter 1 16 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 17

relations between sentences and nonlinguistic situations. Rather, that the aspect of meaningfulness that we have called cognitive
they have focused on understanding as a matter of what inter- significance has important implications for how conveyed infor-
preters can infer about the cognitive states and processes, the mation is processed. Chapter 6 discusses approaches to semantics
semantic representations, of utterers. You understand us, on this that relate the informational significance of sentences to contextual
view, to the extent that you are able to reconstruct semantic repre- factors and to the functioning of sentences in discourse, and in
sentations like the ones on which we have based what we say. chapter 7 and part of chapter 8 we discuss some interesting pro-
Communicative success depends only on matching representa- posals about the form of semantic representations.
tions and not on making the same links to situations. As we will
see in the next chapter, it is not impossible to connect a repre-
sentational account with a referential one; nonetheless, most rep- 3 Implication Relations
resentationalists have simply ignored the question of objective As we noted earlier, native speakers of a language have certain in-
significance, of how we manage to judge which of the situations tuitions about what sentences or utterances convey, about the con-
depicted in (7) is described by sentence (6). They have seldom tent and wider import of what is said, about what can be inferred
worried about the fact that there is an everyday sense of aboutness on the basis of the sentence uttered, and about what is suggested.
in which we take ourselves to be talking about our friends, the We often say that a sentence or utterance implies something. What
weather, or what we just ate for dinner, and not about our repre- is implied can be expressed by a sentence. For present purposes,
sentations of them. Even if our impression that we are not just we can think of implication relations as inferential relations be-
conveying representations but are talking about what is represented tween sentences. If A implies B, we often say that A suggests or
might ultimately be illusory, it does deserve explanation. conveys B or that B can be inferred from an utterance of A.
Some outward looking approaches view the cognitive signifi- Implication relations can be classified on two axes. The first is
cance of language as ultimately understood in terms of its infor- what licenses or underwrites the implication. Where the basis for
mational significance. In such approaches, people may construct judging that A implies B is the informational or truth-conditional
representations of what sentences mean, but the question of content of A, we say that A entails B. Where what licenses the im-
whether such representations are essentially identical need not plication has to do with expectations about the reasons people talk
arise. Understanding is a matter not of retrieving representations and about their typical strategies in using language, we say that A
but of achieving consensus on informational significance. implicates (or conversationally implicates) B. Philosopher Paul
It is almost certainly true that our talk about the world works so Grice first argued for this distinction and proposed an account of
well because of fundamental similarities in our mental representa- how conversational implicatures work. Although there is still con-
tions of it. Yet the similar representations required might not be siderable disagreement on the theory of implicature, the need for
semantic as such but connected to our perceptual experience. such a distinction is now widely acknowledged. 5 We will discuss
Nonetheless, that similar perceptual experience would depend on entailments in 3.1 and distinguish them from implicatures, which
similar contact with a shared external environment. In this sense, a we discuss briefly in 3.2 (and in somewhat more detail in chapter
connection to the represented world is still basic, since it provides 4). Formal semantic theories of the kind we develop in this book
the basis for the similarities in perceptual experience, which in allow us to characterize entailment relations quite precisely. Dis-
turn are somehow linked to linguistic expressions. tinguishing entailments from implicatures is important in devel-
The semantic framework developed here emphasizes objective oping semantic analyses, although it is by no means easy to do so
significance and referential connections but does not assume that (and there are often disagreements on where to draw the line).
the meaningfulness of language, its full significance, is exhausted The second axis of classification is the discourse status of the
by its informational significance. Indeed, we think that some as- implication. The primary distinction here is between assertions
pects of how meanings are represented are meaningful even though (and various other things we might intend to accomplish when we
they do not directly affect informational significance. Our guess is say something: questions, suppositions, orders) and presupposi-
Chapter 1 18 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 19

tions. An assertion aims to add content to the ongoing discourse, assert that (12a) and (12b) are true. Suppose in addition that you
to effect some kind of change in what the conversationalists assume, judge that this particular specimen is not especially distinguished
whereas a presupposition presents its content as already assumed in size among its fellow sperm whales, that it's one of the smaller
or taken for granted. Section 3.3 introduces presupposition and ones. In such circumstances it would be quite reasonable to deny
empirical tests to distinguish it from assertion and assertion-based (12c). In this case the a and b sentences do not entail the c
implications. We will discuss assertion along with other kinds of sentence.
speech acts in more detail in chapter 4 and again in chapter 6, We would find the same difference in the two sets of sentences if
where we return to presupposition. On this way of thinking of we used automobile instead of fountain pen and used galaxy
things, classifying an implication as a presupposition is neutral as instead of sperm whale. Yellow (along with other adjectives like
to whether the implication might also be an entailment or some round, featherless, dead) behaves differently from big (and other
kind of conversational implicature (or licensed in some other way); adjectives like strong, good, intelligent), and this difference seems
A can, e.g., both entail Band presuppose B. semantic in nature. (See chapter 8, section 3.1, for discussion of
this difference.)
As we have noted, the relation between the pair (11a, b) and (11c)
3.1 Entailment is usually called entailment. Together (11a) and (11b) entail (11c),
Consider the following examples. whereas (12a) and (12b) do not entail (12c).
An entailment can be thought of as a relation between one sen-
(11) a. This is yellow.
tence or set of sentences, the entailing expressions, and another
b. This is a fountain pen.
sentence, what is entailed. For simplicity we equate a set of entail-
c. This is a yellow fountain pen.
ing sentences with a single sentence, their conjunction, which we
(12) a. This is big. get by joining the sentences using and. The conjunction is true just
b. This is a sperm whale. in case each individual sentence in the set is true, and it describes
c. This is a big sperm whale. exactly those situations that can also be described by each one of
Imagine yourself uttering the sentences in (11) with reference to a the individual sentences. We could, for example, simply look at the
particular object, perhaps a pen, perhaps something else. In such a English sentences "This is yellow, and this is a fountain pen" and
situation you know that if your assertions of (11a) and (11b) are "This is big, and this is a sperm whale" in cases (11) and (12)
true (if the object is indeed yellow and indeed a fountain pen), then above.
your assertion of (11c) is also true. It would be contradictory to Theoretically, entailment relations might depend solely on the
assert the first two sentences and then deny the third; we discuss syntactic structure of sentences. However, the contrast between
contradiction below. Any native speaker of English knows that the (11) and (12) (and a host of other such sentences) demonstrates that
information conveyed by uttering (11c) is somehow already in- they cannot be simply a matter of surface syntax. Entailments seem
cluded in the information conveyed by uttering (11a) and (11b). to involve the information conveyed by sentences: if English sen-
This knowledge seems to be part of knowing what these sentences tence A entails English sentence B, then translating A and B into
mean: we need know nothing about the object indicated by this Finnish sentences A' and B' with the same informational signifi-
beyond the fact that it is the same object for all three utterances. cance will preserve the entailment relation.
We say that the pair of sentences (11a) and (11b) entails sentence Asked to define entailment, you might come up with any of the
(11c). following:
Now imagine yourself uttering the sentences in (12), again keep- (13) A entails B =df
ing fixed what this refers to in all three utterances. Matters become • whenever A is true, B is true
very different. Suppose you take yourself to be pointing at a sperm • the information that B conveys is contained in the
whale. Sperm whales are pretty big creatures, so you might well information that A conveys
Chapter 1 20 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 21

• a situation describable by A must also be a situation In particular contexts, the use of translations that are not in-
describable by B formationally equivalent, translations where entailments are not
• A and not B is contradictory (can't be true in any situation) preserved, may be unproblematic, since other information is avail-
able to ensure that only the desired information is actually con-
We will later discuss more formal characterizations of the entail-
veyed. But neither (17 a) nor (19a) is an informationally equivalent
ment relation, but for the time being you can adopt any of the pre-
translation of the Finnish sentence (18), which is informationally
ceding definitions.
equivalent to something like (20).
We can find countless examples where entailment relations hold
between sentences and countless where they do not. The English (20) She or he is big.
sentence (14) is normally interpreted so that it entails the sentences You might object to our claim that (14), "Lee kissed Kim pas-
in (15) but does not entail those in (16). sionately," entails (15d), "Lee touched Kim with her lips," by
(14) Lee kissed Kim passionately. pointing out that sentence (21) can be true in a situation where
(15d) is false.
(15) a. Lee kissed Kim.
b. Kim was kissed by Lee. (21) In her imagination Lee kissed Kim passionately.
c. Kim was kissed. Does your example defeat the claim that (14) entails (15d)? No. We
d. Lee touched Kim with her lips. could counter by claiming that if (15d) is false in the situation in
(16) a. Lee married Kim. which (21) is true then (14) is false in that same situation, and we
b. Kim kissed Lee. might further claim that (21) entails (22).
c. Lee kissed Kim many times. (22) In her imagination Lee touched Kim with her lips.
d. Lee did not kiss Kim.
On the other hand, if you manage to persuade us that Lee's
Looking at entailments shows, by the way, that what are con- mouthing of a kiss in Kim's direction from a distance of ten feet
ventionally treated as translation equivalents are not always in- counts as her kissing him, then we have no good defense of our
formationally equivalent. The English sentence (17a) entails (17b), claim that (14) entails (15d) (since we agree that she is unable
but the Finnish sentence (18), which most texts would offer as a actually to touch him from that distance). Or your scenario might
translation of (17 a), does not entail anything about the female- be romance via computer where Lee types in "I am kissing you
ness of the person or animal said to be big, the Finnish third- passionately," addressing herself to Kim's computer. If we agree to
person pronoun hiin being completely neutral as to the sex of its accept either of your cases as real kissing, then our only possible
referent. line of defense is that there are different interpretations of kiss
(17) a. She is big. involved, only one of which requires that the kisser touch the
b. Some female is big. kissee with her lips. In other words, we could accept one of your
cases and continue to maintain that (14) entails (15d) only if we
(18) Han on iso.
also argue that (14) is ambiguous, that it has more than one mean-
Thus, although sentence (18) can be used to describe any situation ing. In this case, the string (14) could entail (15d) on one interpre-
(17 a) describes, the Finnish can also be used to describe situations tation of kiss but not have that entailment on the interpretation
not describable by (17a), for example, to say of some man that he is your cases involve. We discuss later what considerations support
big. That is, (18) is also a translation of (19a), but unlike (19a) it claims of ambiguity.
does not entail the information conveyed by (19b). Similarly, we claim that (14), "Lee kissed Kim passionately,"
does not entail (16c), "Lee kissed Kim many times." You might
(19) a. He is big.
deny this by noting that the passionate kisser is unlikely to stop
b. Some male is big.
Chapter 1 22 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 23

with a single kiss. We can agree with that observation and may be true that Mary still swims a mile daily, and the speaker we've
even agree with you that assertion of (14) does strongly suggest or imagined could make clear that (23b) should not be inferred by
imply the truth of (16c) but nonetheless disagree that the implica- continuing with something like (25).
tion is an entailment. For example, we might want to maintain that
(25) I wonder whether she still ~oes [swim a mile daily].
a situation with one or a few kisses can nonetheless involve pas-
sionate kissing, perhaps persuading you by showing a film of a In contrast, (24a) not only implies but entails (24b). Suppose
single kiss which you will agree is a passionate one. You might still that Hans did not paint the walls. Then even if Pete did install the
maintain that Lee herself would never stop short of many kisses cabinets, he did not do so after Hans painted the walls. That is,
once she succumbs to passion, and thus that (14) would never be sentence (26) is contradictory.
true without (16c) also being true. We must now take a slightly (26) After Hans painted the walls, Pete installed the cabinets, but
different tack, noting that this is a matter of what Lee happens to be Hans did not paint the walls.
like rather than a matter of what the sentences mean. Or perhaps
we would remind you of the possibility that Lee could begin her There is one further preliminary point that it is important to
round of passionate kissing but be allowed only one passionate kiss make about entailments; namely, that there are infinitely many of
before Kim breaks free and runs away. them. That is, there are infinitely many pairs of sentences A, B such
What we should not do in the face of your objections is simply to that A entails B. Here are a couple of ways to construct indefinitely
reiterate our initial claims. Judgments about entailment relations many such pairs. Intuitions are fairly sharp, for example, that (27a)
can be defended and supported by evidence. As in the case of any entails (27c) and also that (27b) entails (27c).
linguistic phenomenon, there may be areas of real diversity within (27) a. Lee and Kim smoke.
the community of language users, dialectal and even idiolectal b. Lee smokes and drinks.
differences. This complication must not, however, obscure the im- c. Lee smokes.
portant fact that judgments about semantic phenomena are inter-
connected, and thus that there is relevant evidence to be offered in We can easily keep conjoining noun phrases (Lee and Kim and
support of such judgments. In learning to do semantics as a lin- Mike and Susan and ... ), adding descriptions like the other Lee or
guist, one must learn to develop semantic arguments and explore the woman I love should our stock of distinct proper names be
semantic intuitions systematically. And one must learn to discrimi- exhausted. We can also, of course, just keep conjoining verb
phrases: smokes and drinks and has bad breath and lives in
nate between the strict notion of the entailment relation and looser
varieties of implication. Test yourself on the following examples. Dubuque and ... ). Either way we get more sentences that entail
Sentences (23a) and (24a) imply (23b) and (24b) respectively, but (27c), and we need never stop. That is, we have intuitions that seem
only one of the implications is an entailment. Try to discover for to involve the meanings of indefinitely many sentences, a potential
yourself which is which and why before reading the discussion that infinity. Only finitely many such intuitions could possibly be
stored in memory. How, then, are such judgments possible? Here
follows the examples.
we see again the general issue of the productivity of meaning,
(23) a. Mary used to swim a mile daily. which we introduced in 2.1.
b. Mary no longer swims a mile daily.
(24) a. After Hans painted the walls, Pete installed the cabinets.
b. Hans painted the walls. Exercise 1 For each pair of sentences, say whether the a sentence entails the b
sentence and justify your answers as well as you can. Where proper
Sentence (23a) implies but does not entail (23b). Although in many names or pronouns or similar expressions are repeated in a and b,
contexts we would infer from an utterance of (23a) that (23b) is assume that the same individual is referred to in each case· assume

true, notice that (23a) could be used by someone familiar with also that temporal expressions (like today and the present tense)
Mary's routine last year but no longer in contact with her. It might receive a constant interpretation.
Chapter 1 24 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 25

(1) a. Today is sunny. 3.2 Implicature

b. Today is warm. As we have set things up, it might look as if implicature is simply
implication minus entailment. Implicature, however, is charac-
(2) a. Jane ate oatmeal for breakfast this morning. terized more positively: we say that an utterance A implicates B
b. Jane ate breakfast this morning. only if we take B to be (part of what) the utterer of A meant by that
(3) a. Jane ate oatmeal for breakfast this morning. utterance. An implicature must be something that the utterer might
b. Jane ate something hot for breakfast this morning. reasonably mean by making the utterance, something she expects
to convey. And, critically, if A implicates B, there is a certain kind
(4) a. Juan is not aware that Mindy is pregnant.
of explanatory account of that relation, one that invokes general
b. Mindy is pregnant.
principles of conversation, as well as (perhaps) certain specific
(5) a. Every second-year student who knows Latin will get credit assumptions about the particular context in which A happens to
for it. have been uttered. Grice says that implicatures must be calculable:
b. If John is a second-year student and knows Latin, he will there should be an argument that A implicates B, an argument that
get credit for it. draws on the linguistic meaning of A and on expectations that
(6) a. If Alice wins a fellowship, she can finish her thesis. speakers generally have of one another (e.g., that what is said will
b. If Alice doesn't win a fellowship, she can't finish her thesis. be "relevant" and "informative") and, in some cases, on particular
features of the utterance context.
( 7) a. Maria and Marco are married. Suppose, e.g., that we have the dialogue in (28).
b. Maria and Marco are married to each other.
(28) A: Did you enjoy the dinner?
(8) a. Only Amy knows the answer. B: We had mushroom salad and mushroom sauce on the
b. Amy knows the answer. pasta.
(9) a. Mary is an Italian violinist. What might speaker B be implicating? Given a question like that
b. Some Italian is a violinist. asked by A, what becomes immediately relevant is for B to choose
(10) a. Some student will not go to the party. one of the possibilities in (29).
b. Not every student will go to the party. (29) a. I (namely B) enjoyed the dinner.
(11) a. Allegedly, John is a good player. b. I (namely B) didn't enjoy the dinner.
b. John is a good player. Thus, unless there's some reason to think that B is dodging the
(12) a. John knows that pigs do not have wings. question, we will generally take B's utterance to implicate either
b. Pigs do not have wings. (29a) or (29b). But no general principles allow us to decide whether
the implicature is positive or negative: to do that, we have to know
(13) a. John believes that pigs do not have wings.
more. Perhaps it is common knowledge that B hates mushrooms
b. Pigs do not have wings. with a passion or, conversely, that B absolutely adores mushrooms
(14) a. Oscar and Jenny are rich. in virtually any dish. In the first case, (29b) is implicated, whereas
b. Jenny is rich. (29a) is implicated in the other case. If A knows nothing about B's
opinions of mushrooms, A will likely interpret B's response as
(15) a. Oscar and Jenny are middle-aged.
evasive. (An evasive answer might be in order if, e.g., B fears that A
b. Jenny is middle-aged.
will report the evaluation to the person who hosted the dinner.)
(16) a. Not everyone will get the correct answer. When the implicature to one of (29) works, then we are dea-
b. Someone will get the correct answer. ling with a particularized conversational implicature. Linguistic
Chapter 1 26 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 27

theories cannot really predict such implicatures (except insofar as (32) a. Mary used to swim a mile daily, and she still does.
they can shed light on such issues as how questions make certain b. Mary used to swim a mile daily, but she no longer does.
next contributions relevant). Not surprisingly, no one is likely to
Unless there is some special reason that the conversationalists are
think that the relation between ( 28B) and either of the sentences in
interested only in Mary's past habits, if the speaker is in a position
(29) is entailment, that it is the semantic content of the sentence in
to inform the hearer by uttering (31) rather than (23a), then she
(28B) that licenses the inference to either (29a) or (29b).
should do so (and, furthermore, she knows that the hearer expects
What linguists have studied most systematically are what Grice
her to do so). Thus to utter (23a) suggests one is not in a position to
called generalized conversational implicatures. These are the cases
make the stronger claim (31), and in many circumstances it sug-
that often seem close to entailments. Take example (23) from the
gests that the stronger claim is false, i.e., (23a) conveys that (23b)
preceding section, repeated here.
holds. Indeed, it is normal to make the move from (23a) to (23b)--
(23) a. Mary used to swim a mile daily. and, more generally, from used to to does no longer-unless there are
b. Mary no longer swims a mile daily. explicit indicators to the contrary as in (32a). The strength of the im-
plication is one reason why it is so often confused with entailment.
We argued that the relation between these sentences was not
Sentence (32b) illustrates another empirical test that distinguishes
entailment, because we could follow an utterance of (23a) with an
implicatures from entailments: they are typically reinforceable,
utterance of(25), also repeated here.
without any flavor of the redundancy that generally accompanies
(25) I wonder whether she still does. similar reinforcement of entailments. Although (32b) sounds fine,
What (25) does is defeat the inference from (23a) to (23b): an em- (33), where an entailment is reinforced, sounds quite strange.
pirical hallmark of conversational implicatures is that they are, in (33) #Lee smokes and drinks, but/and she smokes.
Grice's words, defeasible. An implication that can be defeated just
Reinforceability is the flip side of defeasibility. Because general-
by saying something that warns the hearer not to infer what might
ized implicatures are not part of the linguistic meaning of expres-
ordinarily be implied is not an entailment but something different.
sions in the same sense that entailments are, they can readily be
Notice that if we try to "defeat" entailments, we end up with
explicitly set aside or explicitly underscored. However, they are
something contradictory:
strongly recurrent patterns, most of them found in similar form
(30) #Lee kissed Kim passionately, but Lee didn't kiss Kim. crosslinguistically.
But even though the implication from (23a) to (23b) is defeasible, Here are some more examples where a generalized implicature
that implication is a very general one that holds unless it is spe- seems to hold between the (a) and the (b) sentences.
cifically defeated. In contrast to the implication from (28B) to one (34) a. Joan likes some of her presents.
of the sentences in (29), the implication from (23a) to (23b) does not b. Joan doesn't like all of her presents.
depf)nd on any special features of the contexts in which sentences
(35) a. Mary doesn't believe that John will come.
like (23a) might be uttered. What, then, is the general argument, the
b. Mary believes that John won't come.
calculation, that takes us from (23a) to (23b)?
Roughly, the argument goes like this. Hearers expect speakers (36) a. If you finish your vegetables, I'll give you dessert.
to be adequately informative on the topic being discussed, and b. If you don't finish your vegetables, I won't give you dessert.
speakers know that hearers have this expectation. Sentence (23a)
reports a past habit, in contrast to (31), which reports a present habit.
Exercise 2 Choose one of the pairs of sentences in (34) to (36) and show that
(31) Mary swims a mile daily.
the relation between (a) and (b) is both defeasible and reinforce-
Present habits, however, began earlier, and thus (31) might well be able. .
true of the same situation as (32a), which cancels implicature (23b).
Chapter 1 28 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 29

We return to the topic of conversational implicature in chapter 4, (38) a. Joan regrets getting her Ph.D. in linguistics.
where we say more about Grice's account of the conversational b. Joan doesn't regret getting her Ph.D. in linguistics.
principles that underlie these relations. c. Does Joan regret getting her Ph.D. in linguistics?
d. If Joan regrets getting her Ph.D. and linguistics, she should
consider going back to graduate school in computer
3.3 Presupposition science.
Many expressions seem to "trigger" certain presuppositions; i.e., e. Joan got her Ph.D. in linguistics.
they signal that the speaker is taking something for granted. Utter-
Look. next at (39). Once again, each of the quartet (a-d) implies
ances of sentences containing such expressions typically have two
(e). In this case it is the quantifying determine all that is responsi-
kinds of implications: those that are asserted (or denied or ques-
ble. A number of quantificational expressions serve to trigger pre-
tioned or otherwise actively entertained) and those that are pre-
supposed. As we noted above, presupposition is more than a
species of implication: it is a matter of the discourse status of what (39) a. All Mary's lovers are French.
is implied. If A presupposes B, then A not only implies B but also b. It isn't the case that all Mary's lovers are French.
implies that the truth of B is somehow taken for granted, treated as c. Are all Mary's lovers French?
uncontroversial. If A entails B, then asserting that A is true commits d. If all Mary's lovers are French, she should study the
us to the truth of B. If A presupposes B, then to assert A, deny A, language.
wonder whether A, or suppose A-to express any of these attitudes e. Mary has (three or more?) lovers.
toward A is generally to imply B, to suggest that B is true and,
Finally, look at (40), where we find the same pattern. In this case
moreover, uncontroversially so. That is, considering A from almost
it is the cleft construction that is responsible.
any standpoint seems already to assume or presuppose the truth of
B; B is part ofthe background against was we (typically) consider A. ( 40) a. It was Lee who got a perfect score on the semantics quiz.
Consider, for example, the sentences in (37). Any one of (a-d) b. It wasn't Lee who got a perfect score on the semantics
seems to imply (e) as a background truth. These implications are quiz.
triggered by the occurrence of the phrase the present queen of c. Was it Lee who got a perfect score on the semantics quiz?
France, a definite description. It is generally true of definite de- d. If it was Lee who got a perfect score on the semantics quiz,
scriptions that they license such implications. why does she look so depressed?
e. Someone got a perfect score on the semantics quiz.
(37) a. The present queen of France lives in Ithaca.
b. It is not the case that the present queen of France lives in A distinguishing empirical feature of presupposition, then, is
Ithaca (or more colloquially, the present queen of France that it involves not just a single implication but a family of im-
does not live in Ithaca). plications. By this we mean that not only assertive uses of sentence
c. Does the present queen of France live in Ithaca? A (the affirmative declarative) imply B but also other uses of A
d. If the present queen of France lives in Ithaca, she has where something is, for example, denied, supposed, or questioned.
probably met Nelly. That we are dealing with a family of implications derives from the
e. There is a unique present queen of France. fact that the presupposition is background. Each of (a-d), what we
will call the P family, is said to presuppose (e) because uttering
Or consider (38). Again (using) any of(a-d) will generally imply
each (typically) implies (e)and also implies that (e) is being taken
(e). In this case, the implications are attributable to regret, which is
for granted. It is convenient for testing purposes to identify the.!_
a so-called factive verb. Factive verbs generally signal that their
family in syntactic terms: an affirmative declarative, the negative of
complements are presupposed. Other examples are realize and
that declarative, the interrogative, and the conditiona!it:n_!~-~~den_t.
In semantic/pragmatic terms, these represent a family of different
Chapter 1 30 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 31

sorts of attitudes expressed towards A. We can thus informally perfect score on the semantics quiz is not part of the usual back-
characterize when A presupposes Bas follows: ground for talking about Lee's achieving the feat in question, as
stated by (43a). Indeed, it seems reasonable to say that a major se-
(41) A presupposes B if and only if not only A but also other
mantic difference between the subject-verb-object (S-V-0) sentence
members of the P family imply (and assume as background) B.
(43a) and its cleft correlate (40a), "It was Lee who got a perfect
Presuppositions come in families, even if sometimes certain mem- score on the semantics quiz," is that the latter but not the former
bers of the family may be stylistically odd. carries a presupposition that someone got a perfect score. Whether
Notice that we have said that A and other members of its P family this difference can ultimately be explained in terms of some other
imply B when A presupposes B. We do not require that these im- difference between the two is an issue we cannot answer here.
plications be entailments. As we have defined entailment, it is not What the sentences in (43) show is that A can entail B without
even possible for all these relations to be entailments. However, it other members of the P family also implying B. Presupposition and
is possible that some member of the family entails B. Sentence entailment are thus quite distinct. A may entail B but not presup-
(40a), for example, not only presupposes (40e); it also entails (40e). pose it, as in ( 34); conversely, A may presuppose B but not entail it,
If (40a) is true, then (40e) must also be true. The negation, (40b), as in (40). And given the way we have defined entailment and pre-
also presupposes (40e) but does not entail it. The implication to supposition, it is also possible for A both to entail and to presup-
(40e) is defeasible; that is, there are contexts in which it can be de- pose B. (Some accounts of presupposition do not admit this
feated, contexts in which (40b) is asserted yet (40e) is not assumed possibility; we will discuss this and related issues in more detail in
to be true. We might take (42) as a discourse context that defeats the chapter 6.)
implication from (40b) to (40e). Presupposition requires a family of implications, not all of which
(42) Speaker 1: I wonder whether it was Lee or someone else who can be licensed by an entailment. Interrogatives, for example,
got a perfect score on the semantics quiz. would never entail other sentences, since they are not ordinarily
Speaker 2: It wasn't Lee who got a perfect score [on the valued as true or false; use of an interrogative may, however, imply
semantics quiz]. I happen to know that Lee scored only 70 something. Thus, one important question presupposition raises is
percent. I wonder if anyone managed to get a perfect score. about the nature of implications that are not backed by entailment
relations. Some presuppositions, it has been argued, derive from
Speaker 2 has taken issue with speaker 1's presupposing that quite general conversational principles and thus might be held to
someone got a perfect score by suggesting that (40e) may be false be licensed in much the same way as the conversational implica-
and asserting that (40b) is indeed true. Of course, speaker 2 chooses tures we briefly discussed in the preceding section. And there may
this way of conveying the information that Lee did not get a perfect be other mechanisms at work.
score because speaker 1 has already implied that someone did do A related issue is the speaker's responsibilities with respect to
that. what the utterance presupposes. What is presupposed in a dis-
We need only look at noncleft counterparts of the sentences in course is what is taken for granted. Thus, a speaker who says A,
(40) to see that A may entail B yet not presuppose B. presupposing B, in a context where B is at issue has thereby spoken
(43) a. Lee got a perfect score on the semantics quiz. inappropriately in some sense. For example, suppose that Sandy is
b. Lee didn't get a perfect score on the semantics quiz. on trial for selling illicit drugs and the prosecuting attorney asks
c. Did Lee get a perfect score on the semantics quiz? question (44).
d. If Lee got a perfect score on the semantics quiz, why does (44) Sandy, have you stopped selling crack?
she look so depressed?
e. .Someone got a perfect score on the semantics quiz. As we know, the question is unfairly loaded, since it presupposes
(45), which is very much at issue.
If focal stress is not placed on Lee, then none of (43b-d) typically
imply (43e), even though (43a) entails (43e). Someone's getting a (45) Sandy has sold crack.
Chapter 1 32 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 33

If Sandy simply answers yes or no, the presupposition is un- (2) a. That John was assaulted didn't scare Mary.
challenged, and she appears to go along with the implication that b. Mary is animate.
( 45) is true. A defensive answer must explicitly disavow that c. John was assaulted.
implication: d. That John was assaulted didn't cause fear in Mary.
( 46) Since I never did sell crack, I have not stopped selling crack. (3) a. John didn't manage to get 'the job.
b. It was kind of hard for John to get the job.
In many contexts, however, it is perfectly appropriate for a
c. John didn't get the job.
speaker to say A, presupposing B, even though the speaker does not
believe that B is taken for granted by other discourse participants. In each of these examples, the a sentences presuppose and/or en-
For example, (47) might be uttered by a passenger to the airline tail the other sentences. Specify which is a presupposition and
representative, who can hardly be thought to know anything about which a simple entailment and which is both an entailment and a
the passenger's personal habits. Although the last clause in (47) presupposition. Explain what test convinced you of your answer.
presupposes the clause that precedes it in square brackets, it would What relationship holds between the sentences in the following
seem unduly verbose to express that presupposed information examples? Explain why you think that that relation holds.
overtly. (4) a. It is false that everyone tried to kill Templeton.
(47) I don't want to be near the smoking section because [I used to b. Someone did not try to kill Templeton.
smoke and] I've just stopped smoking.
(5) a. That John left early didn't bother Mary.
An obvious difference between the airline passenger and the pros- b. John left early.
ecuting attorney is that the latter knows full well that what the
(6) a. Someone cheated on the exam.
utterance presupposes is controversial, whereas the former can
b. John cheated on the exam.
safely assume that the reservations clerk has no opinion about what
is being presupposed (and no real interest in the matter). With no (7) a. If John discovers that Mary is in New York, he will get angry.
reason to suppose otherwise, the clerk can quite reasonably be b. Mary is in New York.
expected to accept the passenger's presupposition as if it were (8) a. Seeing is believing.
already taken for granted and discourse should proceed unprob- b. If John sees a riot, he will believe it.
lematically. What happens in such cases is called accommodation.
We have barely begun to explore the topic of presupposition, and
we will consider some of these phenomena in more detail in chap-
ter 6. But it is clear already that presupposition raises questions not 4 More Semantic Relations and Properties
just about individual sentences and their truth or falsity but also Implication relations are not the only kind of semantic relations
about the uses of sentences in connected discourse (including uses speakers recognize. In this section we look at a number of other
of interrogatives, which are generally not said to be either true or semantic relations and properties.

4.1 Referential connections and anaphoric relations

Exercise 3 Consider the following: Consider the sentences in (48).
(1) a. That John was assaulted scared Mary. ( 48) a. She called me last night.
b. Mary is animate. b. Did you know that he is a Nobel Prize winner?
c. John was assaulted. c. I had a terrible fight with that bastard yesterday.
d. That John was assaulted caused fear in Mary.
Chapter 1 34 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 35

Each of the italicized expressions is used to refer to someone, to porary government-binding (GB) theory (see, for example, Postal
pick out an individual about whom something is being said, but a (1971)).
pointing gesture or a nod or some similar nonlinguistic means What are called judgments of coreference in the literature typi-
may be needed to indicate who this is. These same expressions, cally involve judging not sameness of reference as such but depen-
however, can be used in contexts where such pointing is unneces- dence of reference of one expression upon that assigned to
sary because they are linked to other antecedent expre'ssions. In another. 6 Directed linking is another device sometimes used to
( 49) speakers judge that the bracketed italicized expressions can show nonsymmetric dependence relations/ (52) shows a notation
be understood as coreferential with, having the same reference as, for linking.
the bracketed unitalicized expressions that serve as their ante-
cedents, and furthermore, they can be understood as dependent (52) a. If [she] calls, please tell [Teresa] I've gone to the pool.
for their reference on the reference assigned to their antece-
dents. Intuitive judgments are quite clear-cut in these cases: the b. [The computer repairman] insists that [he] found nothing
italic expressions are referentially dependent on the unitalicized wrong.
c. I talked to [Kim] for an hour, but [that bastard] never once
( 49) a. If [she] calls, please tell [Teresa] I've gone to the pool.
b. [The computer repairman] insists that [he] found nothing mentioned the gift I sent [him] from Peru.
c. I talked to [Kim] for an hour, but [that bastard] never once d. [She] is proud of [herself].
mentioned the gift I sent him from Peru. Referential connections may be somewhat more complex. Much
Expressions are said to be interpreted anaphorically when their of chapter 3 is devoted to making precise the nature of the depen-
reference is derived from that of antecedent expressions. The itali- dencies speakers recognize as possible in (53), where the depen-
cized expressions in (49) illustrate this. There are some expressions dencies are indicated by coindexing, just as in the simpler cases
that can only be interpreted anaphorically and not through any- above. In (53) the anaphorically interpreted NPs (she, her, himself,
thing like pointing. The reflexive pronoun herself falls in this cate- his, and themselves) are said to be bound by their antecedent NPs.
gory; compare (50a), where she can serve as antecedent, with (50b), (53) a. [Every woman]; thinks that [she]; will do a better job of
where there is no antecedent for herself child rearing than [her]J mother did.
(50) a. [She] is proud of [herself]. b. [No man]; should blame [himself]; for [his]; children's
b. *Be proud of herself. mistakes.
c. [Which candidates]; will vote for [themselves];?
In the syntactic literature, coindexing, as in (51), is the common-
est device for indicating coreference. In (53) repetition of an index does not indicate straightforward
sameness of reference, as it did in (51). Expressions like every
(51) a. If [she]; calls, please tell [Teresa]; I've gone to the pool. woman, no man, and which candidates do not refer in the intuitive
b. [The computer repairman]j insists that [he]j found nothing sense, though their relations to anaphors are often called "corefer-
wrong. ence." Although she in (53a) is not used to refer to any individual,
c. I talked to [Kim]k for an hour but [that bastard]k never once the interpretation of (53 a) can be understood in terms of sentences
mentioned the gift I sent [him]k from Peru. in which NPs in the analogous positions both refer to the same
d. [She] 1 is proud of [herself]J. individual. Roughly, (53a) says that if we point to any particular
Chomsky (1981) discusses indexing as a formal process in some woman and say (54), where each of the indexed NPs refers to that
detail, but its informal use for this purpose far predates contem- woman, then what is said will be true, no matter which woman we
Chapter 1 36 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 37

(54) [She]; thinks that [she]; will do a better job of child rearing (56) a. *Behind [Teresa];, [she]; heard Mario.
than [her]; mother did. b. *[He]; insists that [the computer repairman]; found nothing
Linguistic questions about the nature of anaphoric relations pro- wrong.
vided a major impetus for exploration of how classical logical c. *If [that bastard]; calls, tell [Kim]; I've gone to Peru.
theories might shed light on natural language semantics. In ex- d. *[Herself]; is proud of [her];.
ploring how syntactic structures affect the possibilities of interpret- Sentences ( 56a-c) are bad with the indicated coindexing; they
ing expressions, linguists and philosophers have discovered other can be used only if the italicized expressions are interpreted non-
cases of so-called coreference where referential dependency may anaphorically (through pointing or something similar). Sentence
be somewhat different both from simple sameness of reference and (56d) is unusable because herselfhappens to be an expression that
from the standard binding relations elucidated by quantification requires anaphoric interpretation.
theory. Much interesting recent linguistic research in semantics has tried
(55) a. Kath caught [some fish];, and Mark cooked [them];. to elucidate and systematize judgments about referential relations,
b. If [a farmer]j owns [a donkey];, [he]j beats [it];. and such data have figured prominently in developing theories of
c. [Gina]; told [Maria]j that [they]i+j had been assigned clean- the map between syntactic structures and their interpretation.
up duty.
In (55c) the plural pronoun they has what have been called split Exercise 4 Each of the following sentences contains some non pronominal NPs
antecedents; the index i + j indicates referential dependence on and a pronoun (in some cases, a possessive pronoun). Assign a
both the distinct indexes i and j. The notation i, j is often used for distinct index to each nonpronominal NP. Copy all such indices on
indicating split antecedents, but we want to reserve this notation the pronoun in the sentence, and star those indices copied from
for cases where an expression may be linked either to something
NPs that cannot be antecedents for the pronoun. For example,
with index i or to something with index j. In the rest of this section
we ignore split antecedents. (1) a. John believes that few women think that they can be
These and many other examples have been widely discussed in successful.
the recent syntactic and semantic literature. Though there con- b. John 1 believes that [few women] 2 think that they 2 , • 1 can be
tinues to be debate on the appropriate analysis of particular ana- successful.
phoric relations, there is no question that speakers do recognize the (2) a. They know few women.
possibility of some kind of interpretive dependencies in all these b. They. 1 know [few women]l.
and indefinitely many other cases. Judgments of coreference possi-
bilities (broadly understood) are fundamentally important semantic (3) She thinks that Barbara is sick.
data. (4) If she is sick, Barbara will stay home.
There are also indefinitely many cases where the intuitive judg-
(5) When he is unhappy, no man works efficiently.
ments are that such dependencies are not possible. These are
usually called judgments of disjoint reference, a kind of indepen- (6) Neither of Ann's parents thinks he is adequately paid.
dence of reference assignment. The terminology was introduced in
(7) That jerk told Dick what Mary thinks of him.
Lasnik (1976), but as with "coreference," it must be understood
somewhat loosely. The asterisks in (56) mean that the indicated (8) If she wants to, any girl in the class can jump farther than
referential dependencies are judged impermissible. The NPs in Mary.
question are, according to speakers' judgments, necessarily inter- (9) Her mother is proud of every woman.
pretively independent of one another and are not anaphorically
relatable. (10) Her mother is proud of Lisa.
Chapter 1 38 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 39

(11) My friends think that Joan's parents met each other in college. conjunction women and men, or is the NP competent women con-
(12) John promised Bill to help him. joined with the single-word NP men? One interpretation entails
that the men holding the good jobs are competent, whereas the
(13) John persuaded Bill to help him. other does not. The English sentences in (58) unambiguously con-
(14) Every girl on the block jumps rope, but she knows few vey the two possible interpretations and thus allow us informally to
rhymes. disambiguate the original sentence.

(15) The man who likes him will meet Bill tomorrow. (58) a. Women who are competent and men hold all the good
jobs in the firm.
(16) John needs to talk to Bill about himself.
b. Women who are competent and men who are competent
( 17) John needs to talk to Bill about him. hold all the good jobs in the firm.
(18) She does not realize that every girl is talented. Example (57c) illustrates both syntactic and lexical ambiguity. Is
Mary claiming that John saw the bird she possesses or that he saw
her lowering herself? These two interpretations are associated with
radically different syntactic structures (her duck is in one case like
4.2 Ambiguity me jump and in the other case like my dog) and also with distinct
Ambiguity arises when a single word or string of words is asso- lexical meanings (the noun and the verb duck have the same spell-
ciated in the language system with more than one meaning. Each of ing and pronunciation but quite distinct interpretations).
the sentences in (57) illustrates a different way in which a single Sentence (57 d) illustrates scope ambiguity. We can interpret the
expression may be assigned multiple interpretations. sentence as simply assigning some lover to each person (there is
(57) a. You should have seen the bull we got from the pope. always the person's mother!) or as saying that someone is a uni-
b. Competent women and men hold all the good jobs in the versal lover (perhaps a divinity). The ambiguity here arises from
firm. the relation between someone and everyone: a scope ambiguity is
c. Mary claims that John saw her duck. not lexical but structural. But (57 d) differs from (57b) and (57 c) in
d. Someone loves everyone. having only a single surface syntactic structure. There have been
arguments offered that sentences like (57d) do have multiple
Sentence (57a) illustrates what is called lexical ambiguity: the syntactic structures at some nonsurface level; we adopt such an
form bull can be assigned at least three quite different inter- approach in chapter 3. It is controversial, however, whether all
pretations (roughly, a papal communication, a male cow, or non- scope ambiguities reflect syntactic ambiguities. If there are sen-
sense). The sentence is ambiguous because bull is ambiguous. To tences whose ambiguity is nonlexical and that do not involve
understand sentences containing that form, to identify their entail- distinct syntactic structures, then structures or constructional prin-
ments, we need to know which of its three interpretations is being ciples that play no syntactic role are needed for semantic interpre-
used. Lexical disambiguation is exactly like knowing which word tation. We leave it as an open question whether there are any
has been used, like knowing, for example, that someone has uttered nonlexical, nonsyntactic ambiguities of this kind.
cow rather than sow. That is, an ambiguous lexical item can be For linguistic purposes, ambiguity (multiplicity of interpreta-
thought of as several different lexical items that happen to be writ- tions assigned by the language system) is distinguished both from
ten and pronounced in the same way. vagueness and from deixis or indexicality.
Sentence (57b) shows a simple kind of structural, or syntactic, Vagueness is a matter of the relative looseness or of the non-
ambiguity. We need not interpret any individual word as ambigu- specificity of interpretation. For example, many linguists is non-
ous but can attribute the ambiguity to distinct syntactic structures committal as to the precise number of linguists involved. It seems
that give rise to distinct interpretations. Is competent modifying the to be part of what we know about many that it is imprecise in this
Chapter 1 40 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 41

sense. We discuss semantic imprecision in chapter 8. Virtually all ( 1) Everyone didn't like the movie.
expressions are general: kiss does not specify whether the kiss
(2) Someone came.
lands on the lips or cheek, etc., of the one kissed. But neither many
linguists nor kiss would count as having multiple meanings on (3) Joan should be in New York.
these grounds (that is, as synonymous with, for example, 350 lin- (4) The missionaries are too hot to eat. ,
guists, 400 linguists, 379 linguists, or again with kiss on the lips,
kiss on the cheek). (5) The students are revolting.;\" ''<•"
Deixis, or indexicality, is involved when the significance of an (6) A lot of people came to Chomsky's lecture.
expression is systematically related to features of the contexts in
which the expression is used. For example, the first-person pro- (7) Andrea is feared.
noun I is an indexical expression, but it is hardly ambiguous sim- (8) Mindy likes Cynthia better than Jonathan.
ply because it is sometimes interpreted as referring to Gennaro,
(9) Visiting relatives can be tedious. .' '
sometimes to Sally, sometimes to you.
It is not always as easy to distinguish ambiguity from vagueness ( 10) Elizabeth didn't finish her thesis to please Jim.
and indexicality as our examples might suggest, and we will return (11) She was upset. I ,, ,( 'l ,J:, (\

to these topics in later chapters. One test of ambiguity is the exis-
tence of distinct paraphrases for the expression in question, each (12) John hit a boy with a book.
of which conveys only one of the interpretations in question. An (13) John left early and Bill left early or Sue left early.
expression is a paraphrase of a declarative sentence for these pur-
poses if it expresses exactly the same information as the original (14) Zelda ran the Boston marathon. ' ' .. ,
does on one way of understanding it; paraphrases will share all (15) Every faculty member was met by two s_!ud~nt g~_df3il. )\,_. '·
entailments with the given interpretation. Distinct paraphrases will ~I
( 16) Every student thinks that she is a genius. 1\ · )! ( \

usually have distinct entailments. The distinct interpretations must

not be explicable in pragmatic terms; for example, "I'd like a glass
of water" probably does not count as ambiguous, because how it is
understood depends on pragmatic factors: on what an utterance of 4.3 Synonymy
it is intended to accomplish. In general, expressions that are am- In discussing ambiguity, we mentioned the notion of one ex-
biguous can be used only with one of their meanings in any given pression's being a paraphrase of another, or synonymous with it.
situation. Exceptions are cases of punning and are clearly very Judgments of synonymy, or semantic equivalence-that distinct
special. There are many clear cases of lexical, structural, and scope expressions have the same meaning-turn out to be somewhat
ambiguities, and there are also some instances where intuitions do complex: they are relative to certain purposes or restricted to cer-
not settle the question of how different interpretations should be tain domains. If explicit content, that is, informational significance,
analyzed. For now, however, we simply want to emphasize that is all that is at stake, then the sentences in (59) count as synony-
ambiguity is an important semantic phenomenon and that it is dis- mous with one another: they share all their entailments, which is
tinct from both vagueness and indexicality. what we required of a disambiguating paraphrase.
(59) a. Those women at the corner table look ready to order.
Exercise 5 For each of the following sentences, state whether you judge it to b. Those ladies at the corner table look ready to order.
be ambiguous, and for ambiguous sentences, disambiguate them c. Those dames at the corner table look ready to order.
by providing unambiguous distinct paraphrases of their possible Suppose that one of these sentences is uttered by the head waiter to
interpretations. his underling. She doesn't quite catch what was said and asks an-
Chapter 1 42 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 43

other one of the servers, who, to report what was said, might per- Again, this judgment seems to be grounded in the fact that (62a)
fectly well reply, entails (62b) and vice versa, that they share all their entailments.
Yet doubt has been raised about the claim that passives are always
(60) He said that ...
content synonymous with the corresponding actives. Why? Pre-
and choose any one of the sentences in (59) to complete (60). It is cisely because in some cases it is not obvious that corresponding
irrelevant to the server's immediate purposes how the other server actives and passives do share all their entailments. For example,
identifies the customers that the head waiter says are ready to place (63a), first discussed in Chomsky (1957), certainly does not entail
an order, so long as she does so accurately. Even if the report is not (63b); (63a) is true, and (63b) false, if the circumstances are as de-
the same sentence that the head waiter actually uttered, the re- scribed in (63c).
porter has not misrepresented the content of what he said. She has
(63) a. Everyone in this room speaks two languages.
made a judgment of synonymy, or semantic equivalence, that fits
b. There are two particular languages such that all the people
with judgments of other native speakers.
in the room speak those languages.
The notion of synonymy involved here we call content syn-
c. There are four people in the room, one of whom speaks
onymy, and we can define it in terms of mutual entailment.
only Italian and English, another only Finnish and
(61) A is (content) synonymous with B =df A entails Band B Swedish, another only Hebrew and Russian, another only
entails A. Yoruba and French.
We could equally well have required that A and B share all their The question is whether (64), the passive counterpart of (63a), is
entailments, that is, that for any C, if A entails C, then B entails C, also true in the situation described by (63c) or in any other situa-
and vice versa. Two sentences will satisfy definition (61) if and tion where (63b) fails to be true.
only if they have all the same entailments. What content synonymy
(64) Two languages are spoken by everyone in this room.
requires is just that A and B are true in exactly the same set of
circumstances. Here judgments are much less clear. What is clear is that the syn-
There is another sense in which speakers judge that the sen- tactic difference in (63a) and (64) leads to a difference in what an
tences in (59) have different meanings and thus are not (fully) interpreter is likely to infer. From an utterance of (64) we are
synonymous. In choosing to utter one rather than another of these inclined to infer that the situation is not that described in (63c) but
sentences to describe a situation, speakers can convey something rather one where there are two particular languages that all speak,
important about their attitudes toward that situation and those in- perhaps English and Japanese. Is this inclination a matter of en-
volved in it. The differences involved are traditionally said to be tailment, or is it some less strong kind of implication? Here judg-
connotations or a matter of tone; they may ultimately be a matter of ments are divided. The important point for our present purposes is
presuppositions. In any case, they can be quite consequential. not whether (63a) and (64) are content-synonymous, whether they
Suppose, for example, that the head waiter must later defend express the same literal content. What matters for this discussion is
himself in a sex-discrimination suit filed by the server who was the strong link between negative judgments on equivalence of con-
told what he had said. In this case how he said it does indeed tent and negative judgments on identity of entailments.
matter. No one is likely to deny, of course, that the difference between
Let us turn to some different examples. Speakers judge that the the active and passive can be important in interpretation. As we
sentences in (62) share the same informational significance; they have just noted, (64) certainly suggests something that (63a) does
are content synonymous. not. And even where an active and passive clearly entail one an-
other, as in (62) and many other pairs, substitution of one string for
(62) a. The police searched Sarah.
the other in certain contexts may fail to preserve mutual entail-
b. Sarah was searched by the police.
Chapter 1 44 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 45

ments. The sentences in (65), for instance, clearly do not entail one cisely the same purposes, then it is no surprise that plausible can-
another. didates are hard to find.
(65) a. Unwillingly the police searched Sarah. [The mayor forced On the other hand, mutual entailment can be quite reliably
them.] judged, as can certain other properties relevant to semantic equiv-
b. Unwillingly Sarah was searched by the police. [They had to alence (for example, identity offoeal structure). Mutual entailment,
tie her down.] however, is basic; it generally provides the minimal basis for judg-
ments of synonymy relied on in assessing accuracy of translations
In other words, how a sentence structures the content it expresses from one language to another and of second-party reports of what
can apparently matter to the contribution that sentence makes to someone has said. Sometimes more is needed for an adequate
the content of sentences in which it is embedded. Even if A and B translation or report, but mutual entailment is the necessary start-
have exactly the same entailments, it seems that two sentences C(A) ing point.
and C(B) that differ from one another only in that C(B) contains B
where C(A) contains A may differ in their entailments.
There are other ways in which sentences that express the same 4.4 Contradiction
content can, in some sense, differ in meaning. For example, con- Contradiction is intimately linked to entailment. When we said that
sider the different utterances in (66), the first of which places focus (14), "Lee kissed Kim passionately," entails (15d), "Lee touched
on Mary, the second of which places focus on cake (italics indicate Kim with her lips," for example, we were guided by the judgment
focal stress). The sentences in (67), while structurally different, are that (69), the conjunction of (14) with the negation of (15d), is
identical in focal structure (and arguably also in entailments) to contradictory.
those in (66).
(69) Lee kissed Kim passionately, but she [Lee] didn't touch him
(66) a. Mary baked the cake. [Kim] with her lips.
b. Mary baked the cake.
What is meant by saying that (69) is contradictory? We can infor-
(67) a. It was Mary who baked the cake. mally define contradiction in either of the following ways:
b. It was the cake that Mary baked.
(70) A is contradictory =df
Sentences (66a) and (67a), which focus on Mary, might both be • A can never be true
used, for example, to answer someone who uttered (68a), whereas • there is no possible situation describable by A
(66b) and (67b), which focus on cake, strike us as badly suited
for that job but just what is needed to answer someone who asks That is, in judging (69) to be contradictory, we deem that it is false
(68b). no matter what the facts might be, that it describes no possible situ-
ation. Contradiction can also be thought of as a relation between
(68) a. Who baked the cake? sentences; the informal definitions in (71) can get us started.
b. What did Mary bake?
(71) A and Bare contradictory =df
It is sometimes claimed that perfect synonymy does not exist. • A and B cannot both be true; whenever A is true, B is false,
What is usually meant by this is that formally distinct expressions and whenever B is true, A is false.
are nearly always used in somewhat different ways, are appropriate • a situation describable by A cannot also be a situation
in somewhat different contexts. This can involve their syntactic describable by B
structure, their tone, what they suggest, the metaphoric possibil-
ities they evoke, even matters of phonological and phonetic struc- When we speak of one person x contradicting another person y,
ture. If synonymy of distinct expressions means that we judge them we mean that what x has asserted contradicts what y has asserted.
appropriate in exactly the same range of contexts, effective for pre- Lois's response of no to her mother's assertion A is tantamount to
Chapter 1 46 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 47

an assertion by Lois of "not A," which contradicts her mother. A c. To laugh is very humid.
and B are said to be contradictories if each contradicts the other; A d. The fact that cheese is green skipped inadvertently.
and not A are contradictories par excellence. If a sentence is con- e. Being a theorem frightens consternation.
tradictory, it will have entailments that are contradictories. More f My toothbrush is blonde and buxom.
specifically, among its entailments will be a pair of sentences one g. That rock thinks it's too g0od to hold the door open.
of which is the negative of the other. Chomsky (1965) introduced the notion of selectional restrictions
As with intuitions about entailments, initial judgments about to mark such sentences as ungrammatical. A verb like drink, he
contradictoriness can be subjected to further tests. We can defeat a noticed, carries the information that its object designates something
claim that A and B are contradictory by showing a situation to drinkable-a liquid or semiliquid substance perhaps, but at the
which they both apply. very least something concrete rather than abstract-and that its
Sometimes sentences that overtly express contradictions are subject designates something that might be a drinker, minimally, an
used for other purposes. For example, (72a) might receive as an animate being, we might suppose. The idea, then, was to provide a
answer (72b), which looks like a contradiction but is interpreted mechanism to ensure that drink selects only arguments satisfying
along the (noncontradictory) lines suggested in (72c). We do not such restrictions. From information given in its lexical entry,
simply interpret the speaker who utters (72b) as committed to an drink would be marked by something like the following "selec-
impossibility. tional feature":
(72) a. Is Andrea smart? (74) [+[+animate] _ [-abstract]]
b. She (Andrea] is [smart], and she [Andrea] isn't [smart].
c. Andrea is smart in some respects but not smart in other This is a contextual feature indicating that drink must only be in-
respects. serted where there is a preceding animate subject and a following
nonabstract object. Subject and object NPs, it was assumed, would
We consider similar examples in more detail in chapter 8, section 5. receive feature specifications from their head nouns; humanity,
for example, would be marked [+abstract] and square root
(-animate]. Violations of selectional restrictions would arise from
4.5 Anomaly mismatches between features and would be ungrammatical. 8
Contradictions are clearly incoherent; we might well say that (69) Sentences like those in (73) do seem very strange, and their
doesn't make sense because it entails contradictories. Few would strangeness seems different from that of a simple contradiction like
be tempted to say that (69) is ungrammatical, however, or that it is (69), "Lee kissed Kim passionately, but she didn't touch him with
completely meaningless. The problem seems to be that its meaning her lips." The constituent clauses in (69), "Lee kissed Kim pas-
includes, in some sense, obviously incompatible parts, the two sionately" and "she (Lee] didn't touch him (Kim] with her lips,"
clauses that are conjoined. Each of the constituent clauses is, how- are each semantically unproblematic; each describes a possible
ever, perfectly fine on its own; incoherence arises from combining situation. The oddness ·of (69) is that passionate kissing and not
them. touching with the lips are brought together in a single event. The
Incoherent sentences that are not surface conjunctions of contra- anomalous sentences in (73) are not strange in precisely the same
dictory sentences do not so blatantly generate contradictory entail- ways or to the same degree. Some of them even seem more sus-
ments. Indeed, their incoherence is often such that we are hard ceptible to being put to good use than does (69). We can imagine
pressed to see that they have any entailments at all. Linguists have ways of interpreting sentences like (73/) and (73g), for example
spoken of anomaly in cases like those illustrated in ( 73). (someone might, for instance, have a toothbrush that looks like a
(73) a. The square root of Milly's desk drinks humanity. woman, or someone might pretend or even believe that rocks are
b. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. thinking beings). Yet (73a) and (73e) seem virtually impossible to
Chapter 1 48 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 49

make any sense of (the very notion of square root would seem to (75) Lindsey wonders whether being a theorem frightens
preclude a desk's having one or it's being something that might consternation.
drink, and similarly, consternation seems incomparable to the kinds
Sentence (75) seems hardly easier to interpret than sentence (73e).
of things that can be frightened: people and other sentient beings).
Similarly, sentence (73a) seems to resist any kind of interpretation:
It has often been pointed out that poetic uses of language are
a desk is not a number and therefore in some.fundamental way not
sometimes anomalous if interpreted in the usual and most obvious
the sort of thing that could have a square root, and numbers are not
ways. Personification, for example, is a familiar poetic device, and
the sort of things that drink.
(73!) and (73g) might easily be interpreted from that perspective.
The correct conclusion may be that judgments of anomaly pick
But the very fact that interpretation of these sentences typically
out a somewhat heterogeneous set of expressions, some of which
suggests that their utterers are presenting toothbrushes and rocks
are simply contradictions (with the incompatible entailments
as personlike calls for some explanation. Sentence ( 73b), famous
perhaps less immediate than in the cases that are obvious con-
from Chomsky's use of it in Syntactic Structures to illustrate the
tradictions), others of which describe situations that are bizarre
possibility of divergence between grammatical and semantic well-
because of how the world works, and others of which involve a
formedness, is the final line of a poem by John Hollander, where it
kind of semantic incompatibility other than that of contradiction
seems vaguely evocative. 9 Again, the question of how its appro-
(perhaps a semantic analogue of the notion of a violation of selec-
priateness there is achieved needs to be addressed.
tional restrictions).
The point is not that the sentences in ( 73) are semantically ac-
What might this special kind of semantic incompatibility be like?
ceptable (although some of them may be) but rather that they are
It might somehow be part of the meaning of drink, for example, that
semantically distinct from one another, and a theory that simply
it is only predicable of a certain range or sort of object, a sort that
marks them all as meaningless does not reveal this. As in the case
does not (at least in normal or literal uses) include square roots.
of straightforward contradictions, the individual words and the
Though it might be difficult to decide for a particular sentence
syntactic constructions are semantically unproblematic; what is
whether it is sortally deviant (what is often called a category mis-
odd are the combinations, and some are much odder than others.
take in the philosophical literature) or anomalous in some other
In some cases the oddness seems linked more to the structure of
way, semantic anomaly, as illustrated in (73), is quite pervasive, is
the world than to facts about linguistic meaning: rocks just aren't
apparently distinct from the other phenomena we have considered,
the kind of thing that thinks, as it happens, but this seems less a
and seems clearly to call for some kind of semantic account.
matter of what rock and think mean than a matter of what rocks and
One proposal is that some kinds of anomaly involve incompati-
thinking are like. People are inclined to say that someone might
ble presuppositions. This would make anomaly analogous to con-
wonder or claim or wish that rocks think. The study of artificial
tradiction, which involves incompatible entailments. The problem
intelligence has raised the possibility of machines' thinking, a pos-
of distinguishing (certain cases of) anomaly from contradiction
sibility that might well have been deemed as strange a century or so
would then reduce to the problem of distinguishing presupposition
ago as that of rocks' thinking. On the other hand, (73e) seems far
from entailment, a matter we have touched on already and will
more peculiar; because it is an abstract entity, consternation is
later take up in more detail.
completely outside the realm of things than might be frightened.
We cannot begin to understand someone's wondering whether
consternation has been frightened. Someone who utters (73e) with
4.6 Appropriateness
apparent seriousness will l:>e thought to have made a slip of the
One characteristic of anomalous expressions is that they are inap-
tongue or some other linguistic mistake (perhaps not knowing the
propriate for use in most contexts. People seen: able to jud~e th~t
meanings of some of the words used), to be suffering from some
particular expressions are or are not appropnate for uttermg m
form of aphasia, to be mentally disturbed in some way. It would be
particular contexts, and some have tried to incorporate an account
quite strange for another to report the event by saying,
of appropriateness conditions into a theory of linguistic semantics.
Chapter 1 50 The Empirical Domain of Semantics 51

As we noted above in section 3.2, sentences are often judged inap- which they might be appropriate, though for some expressions
propriate for contexts where their presuppositions are at issue or we might be able to characterize at least partially the class of
somehow controversial. Appropriateness is sometimes held to be a inappropriate contexts (see the discussion of presupposition in
more general and useful notion for semantic theory than that of chapter 6).
truth, or descriptive applicability, which was central to our dis- Appropriateness is also invoked in dealing with matters of sty-
cussion of entailments and contradictions. Only declaratives are listic register: certain forms are reserved for church services, others
sensibly said to describe a situation, or to be true of certain cir- are appropriate for the locker room, others for family dinners. It is
cumstances; interrogatives and imperatives are susceptible to the generally inappropriate to mix registers, to use them in the wrong
defect of inappropriateness rather than that of falsity. It is some- contexts, just as it is inappropriate to wear tennis shoes with a ball
times thought that a theory of appropriateness might replace a gown or to wear a ball gown to your linguistics class. Appropriate-
semantic theory based on truth. Appropriateness is often appealed ness here seems linked to cognitive significance: choosing a certain
to in explaining how speech acts are performed, how we manage to style signals a certain attitude toward the speech situation.
"do things with words": assert, inquire, promise, entreat, and the The notion of appropriateness is thus something of a mixed bag.
like. Some examples will illustrate. It is inappropriate for us to Appropriateness does not seem to be structured like truth. There is
promise you to do something that we do not believe ourselves no generally recognized relation of one expression's being depen-
capable of doing (teach you all there is to know about meaning) or dent on another for its appropriateness parallel to the entailment
to do something we have no intention of doing (resign our positions relation, where one sentence must be true if another is. Nor does
if you don't like our book). It is inappropriate to assert something appropriateness seem to be readily amenable to a compositional
that we do not ourselves believe or that we do not want to give you treatment; certainly, no one has offered any general account of how
reason to believe. It is generally inappropriate to inquire whether to project appropriateness of (indefinitely many) complex expres-
pigs have wings if we know whether pigs have wings (though, of sions from appropriateness-related properties of their constituents.
course, examiners in pig biology may put the question to their In other words, it does not seem that appropriateness will replace
students, knowing full well its answer). In chapter 4, we discuss truth as a fundamental notion for semantic theory.
speech acts in some detail. To perform a certain speech act is, in Nonetheless, recent work on such topics as presupposition has
part, to adopt a certain attitude toward the content of what one says suggested that certain aspects of appropriateness may be charac-
and perhaps also sometimes to urge a certain attitude on the part of terizable in a much more rigorous way than was once thought pos-
the hearer ("Is that a promise or a threat?"). sible. As we pointed out, the sentences "Lee got a perfect score on
A related but slightly different area where appropriateness is ap- the semantics quiz" and "It was Lee who got a perfect score on the
pealed to is in judgments of whether a particular expression fits in a semantics quiz" entail one another; truth-based considerations do
particular discourse slot, whether the discourse itself is sensible not distinguish them. The latter sentence, however, presupposes
coherent. If you have just uttered (76a) to the instructor, then (76b)' that someone got a perfect score, whereas the former does not. As
seems highly inappropriate as her response. we shall see in chapter 6, the presupposition of the cleft restricts
the range of contexts in which its utterance is appropriate. It would
(76) a. Can I have a copy of the answer sheet?
be inappropriate to utter it in response to the question "Did anyone
b. Yes, and Joan is similar.
get a perfect score on the semantics quiz?" for example. Consider-
There are clearly many more factors involved in assessing dis- able progress is being made in developing empirically sound and
course appropriateness than what linguistic expressions mean. For theoretically sophisticated discourse theories that elucidate what is
example, relevance is a factor in assessing discourse appropriate- involved in such judgments for these and certain other kinds of
ness, and knowing what is relevant may involve all kinds of cases. We will also see that something systematic can be said about
nonlinguistic knowledge. It seems quite unlikely that we could ex- how presuppositions of complex sentences relate to the presup-
plicitly specify for all sentences of the discourse all the contexts in positions of constituent sentences.
Chapter 1 52 2 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning

5 Summary
We have given thereader an indication of the main aspects of lan-
guage that a theory of meaning must deal with. Meanings form a
productive system in which new meanings can always be ex-
pressed. There are aspects of meaning that may be constant across
all human languages. Furthermore, meaning encodes information
about the world and plays a role in giving a shape to our mental
states. A theory of meaning must shed light on all these issues. We Introduction
have also discussed the different types of semantic judgments in We have outlined what we think the empirical coverage of a theory
which what we know about meaning manifests itself, and we have of meaning should be. This will help us in directly addressing the
provided a preliminary classification of such judgments. We are question, What is meaning? Answers should be evaluated on the
capable of assessing certain semantic properties of expressions and basis of how well they account for the phenomena singled out in
how two expressions are semantically related. These properties chapter 1.
and relationships and the capacity that underlies our recognition of The question of what meaning is, is important to any discipline
them constitute the empirical base of semantics. concerned, directly or indirectly, with cognition, that is, with how
In presenting a theory of semantics that tries to shed light on humans process information. To indicate where we stand with
all these aspects of meaning, we are guided throughout by what respect to some of the traditional views of meaning, it is convenient
Jackendoff (1983, 13) dub~ the "grammatical constraint": "prefer to classify approaches to meaning in three groups.
a semantic theory that explains otherwise arbitrary generaliza- The first family of theories can be labeled "referential" or "de-
tions about the syntax and the lexicon." The adherence to this con- notational." This kind of theory is outward looking; its main
straint is what perhaps most sharply distinguishes our approach emphasis is on the informational significance of language, its
from that of philosophical logicians. aboutness. Meaningfulness lies, according to this view, in the rela-
tions of symbols and configurations thereof to objects of various
kinds. The study of meaning is the study of such relations. This
tradition is the basis of the semantic techniques that have been de-
veloped within mathematical and philosophical logic.
It seems reasonable to maintain that the study of the relation of
symbols to what they stand for must indeed be part of an account of
meaning. For otherwise, how could we understand the fundamen-
tal fact that configurations of symbols carry information about all
the diverse aspects of our experience?
A second family of theories of meaning might be labeled "psy-
chologistic" or "mentalistic." Theories of this sort are inward
looking and focus on the cognitive significance of language. The
meaning of a configuration of symbols, according to this view, lies
in what we grasp when we manipulate them; that is, it lies in the
internalized representation of their retrievable content. The study
of meaning is the study of how contents are mentally represented,
the study of semantic representations. This tradition is the basis of
much semantic work in psychology and artificial intelligence.
It seems reasonable to maintain that a given configuration of
symbols has meaning for us only if we are able to grasp its content,
Chapter 2 54 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 55

which involves mentally representing it. If such representations are system of symbols. We have to understand how information flows
crucial in mediating between symbols and their content, we must when we interact in certain ways. Only that, we think, can give to a
not exclude them from semantics. theory of semantic representation its actual semantic bite.
A third family of theories might be labeled "social" or "prag- The denotational perspective (the first one of those outlined
matic." Its emphasis is on communication as a social activity. above) seems to be promising in. connection with the problem of
According to this view, meaningfulness lies essentially in the way explaining the link between symbols and their information content,
agents use symbols in the course of their interactions with each in connection with the aboutness of language. In a nutshell, from a
other. denotational point of view, symbols stand for objects. Conse-
Again, it seems indubitable that we actually do things with quently, configurations of symbols can be used to encode how
words (saying "I promise to behave" constitutes, under the right objects are arranged and related to one another. We believe that this
circumstances, making a promise) and that key semantic notions simple idea can be further articulated and developed into a full-
like referring or making sense of some set of symbols involve fledged theory of what we are calling "information content." We
activities. The way we actually use symbols, what we do with will try to argue that such a theory leads to valuable insights about
words, must play a central role in semantic considerations. the structure and role of semantic representations and also meshes
We believe that these three perspectives are by no means incom- well with a view of language as a social activity. We hope, how-
patible. On the contrary, meaning has all three aspects (namely, the ever, that even the reader who is not fully convinced by these
denotational, representational, and pragmatic aspects). Any theory arguments will find in what follows a battery of puzzles, tech-
that ignores any of them will deprive itself of a source of insight niques, and ideas crucially relevant to semantic analysis.
and is ultimately likely to prove unsatisfactory.
Suppose that we adopted an approach of the second kind, an
approach that studied meaning by relating symbols to mental rep- 2 Denotation
resentations or mental procedures of some sort, and stopped there. It is often said that a name, Pavarotti, say, refers to or denotes its
That would amount to limiting the domain of semantics to the re- bearer (the popular singer). We shall use denotation, denotatum,
lations between a language, which is a form of representation, and reference, and semantic value for what a name (or some other ex-
another representation. In other words, one would be relating two pression) denotes.
representations, translating one into the other (for example, trans- The significance of a name does appear to consist largely of its
lating our public language into an internal mental code, our "lan- being related to a given semantic value, a certain individual, say.
guage of thought," say 1 ). But how can mapping a representation Conceivably, the same paradigm might be extended to kinds of
onto another representation explain what a representation means, expressions other than proper names; perhaps it might be extended
that is, what its information content is? Representations, routines, to expressions of any kind whatsoever. If that turned out to be the
and procedures that manipulate symbols are precisely the kinds of case, the denotation relation might constitute the most fundamental
things that have meaning. Mapping a representation A onto a rep- semantic relation.
resentation B will not in itself tell us what representation A means.
It will simply transform the problem of what A means into the
problem of what B means. Only if we know what B means, what 2.1 Denotation and the foundations of semantics
information B carries, will mapping A onto B help. In other words, Other noun phrases (NPs) besides proper names seem to derive
even if our interaction with the world is always mediated by rep- their significance or semantic power from their reference. For
resentation systems, understanding such systems will eventually example,
involve considering what the systems are about, what they are
( 1) a. It is a pencil.
representations of. 2
b. This is yellow.
Thus, what is needed is some way of talking about what a repre-
c. The tallest man in the world lives in Los Angeles.
sentation represents, that is, a theory of the information content of a
Chapter 2 56 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 57

For an utterance of (1a) to be felicitous, there must be some salient In (3a) the subject NP refers to a plurality of students in a distribu-
object in the context that is taken as the semantic value of the pro- tive way. That is, the property of being American is attributed in-
noun it. Similar considerations apply to ( 1b), where the reference of dividually to each student in the relevant class. In contrast, in (3b)
the demonstrative this might be individuated in our perceptual the subject NP refers to a plurality in a collective way. No individ-
space by means of an act or demonstration. Sentence (1c) is an ual student in the relevant class outnumbers anything; only the
example that contains a definite description. The reference of the students as a group do. NPs can also refer to substances, actions,
subject NP in (1c) is determined by whoever satisfies or fits the and abstract entities:
descriptive content expressed by the nominal tallest man in the
(4) a. Gold is expensive.
world. Typical properties of definite descriptions are that they
b. Running is healthy.
sound odd if nothing or more than one thing satisfies their de-
c. Justice should be prized.
scriptive content, as illustrated by the following examples:
They can refer to fictional characters:
(2) a. The present queen of France is smart.
b. The book that Agatha Christie wrote is about Hercule Poirot. (5) Bond is my hero.

What is strange about utterances of these sentences is that there is What these examples suggest is that saying that the meaning of NPs
no present queen of France and that Agatha Christie has written such as those we have been considering consists of their relation to
more than one book about Hercule Poirot. A theory of definite some denotatum is not saying much. Even at this preliminary level
descriptions would have to account for these oddities. one can see that this view needs to be supplemented by theories of
Let us go back to referential NPs in general. To convince oneself pluralities, abstract entities, fictional characters, etc.
that the notion of reference is central for the NPs in (1), it is suffi- In fact, there is a general point that is appropriate to make in this
cient to ask the following simple question: Could we say that we connection. To say that an NP like those we have been considering
understand the meaning of the NPs in (1) if we didn't know what refers to an individual does not commit us to any preconceived
they referred to? Hardly, it would seem. The NPs in (1a) and (1b) view of what individuals are, nor does it presuppose that the notion
clearly convey no information by themselves. The NP in (1c) does, of an individual is unproblematic. This comes up in an obvious
yet its semantic role is to create an appropriate referential connec- way when we deal with, say, abstract nouns, as in (4c), but it is true
tion with some entity, and there is something distinctly odd (as we of ordinary physical objects as well. Physical objects form causal
have seen in connection with (2)) if such a referential connection patterns whose individuation across time or whose location in our
cannot be established. Thus, the notion of reference appears to be a perceptual space raise very interesting puzzles. To use a classical
fundamental component of what the NPs in question mean. example, all the material parts of a table can be gradually changed
Of course, to grant this is not enough. Even if we believed that in subsequent repairs and yet the table might be regarded as the
what makes the NPs in (1) meaningful is their relation to a denota- same object before and after such repairs. Thus what we must mean
tion, one would still need an account of, for example, the much by the table cannot be simply identified with the sum of portions of
more direct role that the context plays in, say, fixing the reference matter that make it up at a given time. Questions of this sort actu-
of (1a, b) as compared to (1c). Even remaining within the limits of ally turn out to have direct semantic relevance. 3
referential NPs, there is a wide variety of issues that a theory of In spite of all the problems that there are, it is hard to see how in
reference faces. semantics one could dispense with the notion of an individual or
NPs can refer not just to individuals but also to pluralities or with the notion of reference. Among other things, such notions
collections of individuals: seem to support a compositional theory of semantic relations (such
as entailment or presupposition), even if all they do is link seman-
(3) a. The students in my class are American.
tics to theories of how objects of various sorts are conceptualized.
b. The students in my class outnumber those in yours.
We hope that this idea will become clearer as we go along.
Chapter 2 58 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 59

The following considerations add a further dimension to the approximation one might say, for instance, that "Pavarotti is cute"
problem of reference. Take the example in (6). conveys information about Pavarotti, because the name occurring
(6) A/some/every/no student in my class is blond. in that sentence refers to that singer. Thus, what we say using the
name Pavarotti will be understood as being about that particular
In all these cases we have a nominal (student in my class) that entity. However, we have argued ·in chapter 1 that there are other
is combined with what is generally called a determiner (a, some, empirical phenomena that a theory of meaning should account for,
every, no, etc.). What could the resulting NPs in (6) denote? It is far such as what we have called the productivity of meaning and
from clear. One is tempted to say, Nothing at all. In fact, these NPs judgments of semantic relatedness. How can we extend the deno-
are often called nonreferential. tational approach that we are considering so as to account for these
There just is no obvious simple way to find a reference for NPs other phenomena?
like every student. One might try to argue that everyr student de- To account for productivity, it seems that we need two things:
notes the class of students. Then the sentence "Every student out- first, a way to determine what expressions of syntactic categories
numbers the professors" should have a sensible meaning that is other than that of NPs denote, second, a procedure to determine
roughly paraphrasable as "The class of students outnumbers the how the reference of complex expressions depends on the refer-
professors." But it doesn't. Furthermore, one would expect that a ence of their components.
sentence like "Every Italian doesn't like Pavarotti" should be un- Let us see what the problems involved are by looking at a simple
ambiguous and mean roughly "The class of Italians does not like example.
Pavarotti." But such a sentence has (at least) two readings: "Not
every Italian likes Pavarotti" and "Every Italian dislikes Pavarotti." (7) Pavarotti is an Italian singer.
Arguments in a similar vein can be constructed against other simi- Sentence (7) is generated by combining the NP Pavarotti with the
lar attempts to find a straightforward and intuitively simple deno- verb phrase (VP) is an Italian singer. We might say that the VP is an
tation for the other NPs in (6). Italian singer has a property as its semantic value. Properties can
be predicated of individuals. The result of predicating a property of
an individual is something like a state of affairs or situation. So
Exercise 1 Assume that a woman denotes an arbitrarily chosen woman. What sentence ( 7) might be regarded as having a situation (or a state of
problems does this assumption run into? (Hint: consider what affairs) as its semantic value, intuitively, one in which Pavarotti has
sentences like "In my class, a woman is blond and a woman is the property of being an Italian singer.
red-haired and ... " and "Every man loves a woman" would be It might be possible to extend this strategy to more complex
expected to mean under the assumption in question.) Assume that constructions. Forming an hypothesis concerning the denotation
no woman denotes a class that contains no women. Argue for or of other categories besides NPs, and in particular concerning the
against such an hypothesis. denotation of sentences, might help us in this task. To see this, let
us take a first stab at the hard problem of such nonreferential NPs as
every woman or no woman. We might try to analyze such NPs
So, if we wish to pursue the idea that meaning can be accounted along the following lines. Let us say that these NPs indeed lack a
for in terms of a relation between expressions and their denotata, denotation. This does not mean that they do not play any semantic
then the problem of nonreferential NPs constitutes a formidable role. The semantic role of, say, no woman would be that of com-
challenge. bining with a property (such as, say, the one associated with the VP
Now as pointed out in the introduction to this chapter, part ofthe smokes) to yield a situation or state of affairs in which no woman
appeal of the idea that semantics is essentially denotationallies in smokes. The idea is to specify the semantic role of nonreferential
the fact that it would enable one to explain the aboutness of lan- NPs indirectly via the contribution that they make to the specifica-
guage, how it is that expressions have content. As a very rough first tion or description of the state of affairs associated with the sen-
Chapter 2 60 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 61

tences in which they occur. The same strategy might be applied to What states of affairs can (8a, b) denote? There is no actual state of
other nonreferential expressions (such as and, because, etc.). affairs or situation that corresponds to (8a). Perhaps we might say
Of course, to pursue this line of analysis we would have to over- that (8a) denotes a "hypothetical" or "possible" situation. Simi-
come many more problems (for example, nonreferential NPs com- larly, what sort of a state of affairs or situation can (Bb) denote? It
bine with expressions of many different syntactic categories, must be some kind of "conditional" state of affairs.
prepositions, for example, as in "I walked with every student, " But notations like "possible state of affairs" or "conditional situ-
etc.). But the above considerations do lend some preliminary sup- ations" are quite abstract and not immediately clear; in particular,
port to the idea that our overall strategy of providing a referential they do not appear to be any clearer than the notion of a sentence
analysis for various kinds of expressions may be viable. If so, we denotation, which is what we want to explain. And objections of
could have an arguably elegant account for the productivity of this kind are not confined to sentence denotations. They also apply,
meaning in terms of a primitive denotation relation. for example, to the notion of "property," that is, what we have in-
Here is how we proceed. We can classify objects in various se- dicated as a possible candidate for the role of VP denotations.
mantic categories (say, individuals, properties, situations, etc.), and What about intuitions of semantic relatedness? Here lies the
we can individuate various ways of combining those objects (for heart of the problem for the kind of semantic approach we have
example, predication combines individuals with properties to give been considering. To see this, take the following example:
states of affairs). Expressions of different syntactic categories would (9) Someone is an Italian singer.
be associated with objects of different semantic categories (or
types); syn.tactic modes of putting expressions together would cor- Clearly, (7) is related to (9). The information that (9) conveys is
respond to ways of combining the objects that those expressions somehow implicit in (7), and this knowledge is part of what we
denote. In this way one could always compositionally figure out the know about the meanings of (7) and (9). So, for example, it is im-
object that any given expression denotes in terms of objects that its possible to assert (7) and deny (9). The relation between (7) and (9)
component expressions denote and the way in which they are put is that of entailment, discussed in chapter 1.
together. This also explains more precisely how configurations We know that any sentence can enter a potential infinity of such
of symbols carry information about arbitrarily complex states of relationships. That is, any sentence entails and is entailed by a po-
tential infinity of other sentences, and when confronted with a pair
This program is thus of potential interest, for there are grounds to of sentences, we are in general able to judge what entails what.
believe that it might account for both the aboutness of language and Appealing to properties, predication, situations, and the like will
the productivity of meaning, two important desiderata for a se- not suffice, unless these notions are able to support a theory of
mantic theory. There are, however, some further problems that call semantic relatedness, among other things, a theory of entailment. In
for attention. We can bring them into focus by considering in more particular, to enable us to characterize entailment, the structure of
detail the kinds of entities that we need to assume as semantic properties or situations must be rich enough to support a logic.
values for expressions of categories other than NP. Let us consider Appealing to properties or situations without specifying their logic
in particular sentence denotations, what we have intuitively called is, in Donald Davidson's words, labeling a problem rather than
"situations" or "states of affairs." solving it.
First notice that the notion of a situation or state of affairs that we Again, it should be intuitively clear that the above argument
need to supportthe notion of a sentence denotation is itself quite applies not just to properties or situations but also to sorts of things
problematic. To see this consider the following examples: that we might want to assign to expressions as semantic values.
Appealing to any kind of thing whatsoever will be of little help if
(8) a. Pavarotti is French. the logical structure of such a kind is not specified, that is, if no
b. If Pavarotti sings "0 che gelide manine," I want to be theory of entailment comes with it.
Chapter 2 62

Now it is appropriate to ask the following question: what would

it mean for, say, a theory of situations (or states of affairs) to be able
to support a characterization of entailment? Let's go back to exam-
ples (7) and (9). A plausible first guess would be to say that the situ-
ation or state of affairs that (9) refers to is somehow contained in
the situation that (7) is associated with. Equivalently, we might say
that whenever the situation described by (7) occurs, the one de-
scribed by (9) must occur. This, in turn, is equivalent to saying that
whenever (7) is true, (9) must also be: saying that the situation
denoted by a sentence occurs is tantamount to saying that the sen-
tence in question is true. These preliminary considerations suggest
that the logic of notions of potential semantic interest is linked in
some crucial way to the notion of truth. In section 3 we will begin
to explore this line of thought.
But before addressing directly the relation of denotation to truth,
we would like to point out another interesting puzzle that specifi-
cally concerns the notion of sentence reference. The solution to this
puzzle, advocated by the mathematician and philosopher Gottlob
Frege, appeals to the notion of sense. First, we turn to the puzzle.

2.2 Reference and sense

We have assumed so far that a sentence denotes something like
a state of affairs, or a situation. We shall now argue that this
assumption, along with two rather plausible principles, leads to
highly counterintuitive results. 4 The principles in question are the
(10) a. Two expressions that entail each other (that are content-
synonymous) have the same reference.
b. If we have an expression A containing an expression B and
we replace B in A with an expression C that has the same
reference as B, the reference of A does not change.
We claim that these principles constitute valid generalizations
about referential NPs. Let us convince ourselves that (lOa, b) are
true of referential NPs. Consider
(11) a. the sister ofJohn
b. the daughter of John's parents
Content synonymy has been defined so far only for sentences.
However, it is possible to generalize it to expressions of other cate-
Chapter 2 62 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 63

what would gories. In particular; we can say that a referential NP A entails an-
rs) to be able other NP B whenever the sentence "xis A" entails "xis B." Clearly,
:tck to exam- "xis John's sister" and "xis the daughter of John's parents" entail
that the situ- each other. Thus, by the definition just given, the NPs (11a) and
~ontained in (11b) entail each other. And our semantic competence tells us
ve might say clearly that they also must refer to the same individual (whoever
the one de- that may be). Thus principle (lOa) appears to be true as applied to
:J saying that referential NPs.
he ·situation Consider now principle (lOb). It is easy to see that this too is true
that the sen- of referential NPs. Relevant examples are of the following kind:
:ions suggest (12) a. the sister of John
is linked in b. the sister of Mary's husband
re will begin
Suppose that John is Mary's husband; that is, suppose that John and
tion to truth, Mary's husband have the same reference. Expression (12b) is the
that specifi- result of substituting "Mary's husband" for "John" in (12a). Using
lution to this the schema given in (lOb), (12a) is our A, John is our Band Mary's
pher Gottlob husband our C. Again, our intuitions are pretty sharp on this score:
the puzzle. if John is Mary's husband, the reference of(12a) and (12b) must be
the same, just as (lOb) would predict.
So, the principles in (10) appear to characterize correctly two
properties of the denotation (or reference) relation, as exhibited by
nething like referential NPs. We are trying to build our semantics on (some ver-
ue that this sion of) such a relation by generalizing it from NPs to other cate-
les, leads to gories of expressions. Thus, we ought to expect such principles
stion are the to hold also with respect to the denotation of expressions differ-
ent from NPs. There is no reason to expect these principles to be
limited just to the denotation of NPs if denotation is a unitary
a ~ontent- semantic relation. In particular, these principles should apply to
the reference of sentences. Let us see what happens.
::~ssionBand Take two arbitrary sentences (say, "It snows" and "Pavarotti is
ts the same cute") and suppose that the only thing that they have in common is that they happen to be both true or both false. Let us introduce
1eralizations some handy terminology. If a sentence is true, we say that its truth
(10-a, b) are value is true (abbreviated as T). If a sentence is false, we say that its
truth value is false (abbreviated as F). Consider now the following:
(13) a. Pavarotti is cute.
b. The truth value of "Pavarotti is cute" = T.
c. The truth value of "It snows"= T.
r sentences. d. It snows.
lf other cate-
Chapter 2 64

We are going to show that by principles (10a, b), (13a) and (13d)
must refer to the same thing. First, notice that (13a) and (13b) entail
each other. For suppose that (13a) is true. Then the truth value of
"Pavarotti is cute" is T, and (13b) would be saying that the truth
value of "Pavarotti is cute" (namely T) equals T, which, of course,
is indeed the case. Suppose, on the other hand, that (13a) is false.
Then ( 13b) will be false too, since the truth value of "Pavarotti is
cute" would be F, and (13b) would be saying that F equals T, which
is clearly false. Since (13a) and (13b) entail each other, they must
have the same reference, by principle (10a).
Now (13b) and (13c) must also have the same reference, this time
in virtue of (10b), since by hypothesis (13a) and (13d) have the
same truth value and (13c) is obtained from (13b) by replacing in it
the definite description the truth value of "Pavarotti is cute" with
the coreferential definite description the truth value of "It snows."
Finally, (13c) and (13d) must have the same reference, because
they too entail each other (the reasoning here is fully parallel to
that used to show the content synonymy of(13a) and (13b)).
Thus, if (lOa, b) are true generalizations about reference, as they
appear to be in the case of NP reference, then two arbitrary sen-
tences with the same truth value must have the same reference, or
But now look: in the cases where the truth value of sentences can
be determined, there are going to be only two truth values (true and
false). We have chosen in (13) two sentences that, aside from truth
values, have nothing in common semantically. At the same time we
have shown that they must have the same denotatum. But then
what can this denotatum be? Clearly, the denotatum must be
something that those sentences have in· common, namely, their
truth value. That is, if the principles iri (10) are valid, then the
denotation of a sentence must be its truth value. To put this iri
different terms, if we want to maintain the principles in (10a, b),
and also the idea that sentences refer to states of affairs, we are. ·.
forced to conclude that there can be at most two such things: the
true state of affairs and the false one. But this seems counter-.
intuitive at best.
. What way out do we have? Perhaps there is something wrong
with the principles in (10) as applied to semantic values of sen~.· ·.
tences. But it seems hard to tell what and why if the logical struc~
ture of the notion of a sentence denotation isn't spelled out
clearly. Or perhaps we can say that the denotation of sentences
Chapter 2 G4 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 65

Ia) and (13d) indeed their truth value. In other words, our strategy of developing
d (13b) entail a semantic theory in which referential NPs are the model for refer-
ruth value of ence generally has as one of its consequences that sentences must
:hat the truth be taken to refer to truth values. We do not in fact have an obvious
::h, of course, pretheoretical understanding of a notion of sentence reference; our
:13a) is false. everyday talk is of sentences' describing situations, not referring to
"Pavarotti is them. Still, many find it odder to think of sentences as referring
~als T, which to or denoting truth values than to think of them as referring to or
er, they must denoting situations. However, such a result need not necessarily be
regarded as a negative one if our theory delivers what it should (a
:1ce, this time theory of entailment, presupposition, etc.).
3d) have the Nonetheless, if sentences denote their truth values, then there
eplacing in it must be something more to sentence meaning than denotation, for
is cute" with we don't want to say that any two sentences with the same truth
'f"It snows." value have the same meaning. This is what led Frege to posit the
nee, because notion of sense. L~t us explore it briefly.
ly parallel to Frege proposes that sentences (and indeed, expressions of any
~13b)). category) have not only a reference (a standard translation of the
ence, as they German word Bedeutung) but also a sense (Frege's term was Sinn).
rrbitrary sen- The reference of an expression is what it stands for on a given
reference, or occasion of its use. Its sense, Frege says, is the way in which the
reference is presented. To .illustrate the distinction, Frege uses an
entences can example along the following lines. Suppose we are looking at the
ues (true and moon by means of a telescope. The moon corresponds to the refer-
le from truth ence. The sense corresponds to the moon's image as projected on
.arne time we the telescope's lens. The image on the retina corresponds not to the
.m. But then sense but to its mental representation. The sense (like the image
1m must be projected on the telescope's lens) is "objective." The retinal image
amely, their is subjective and may vary from perceiver to perceiver.
lid, then the More specifically, table 2.1 shows how Frege classified the sense
> put this in and reference of ex_pressions of the categories we have been con-
; in (lOa, b), sidering. The reference of an expression depends on its sense and
fairs, we are on what the circumstances are. For example, we can determine the
h things: the reference of the morning star by finding out what fits that descrip-
ms counter- tion, given what we understand of it and what the facts are.
According to this view, meaning is to be analyzed along two com-
thing wrong plementary dimensions. The meaning of an expression A lies in the
tlues of sen- relation that A has with its sense and its reference.
ogical struc- Similar ideas have several historical antecedents and have also
ed out more been elaborated by other researchers independently of Frege. For
sentences is example, Ferdinand de Saussure (1916) has a distinction between
Chapter 2 66

Table 2.1 Frege's classification of sense and reference


Category Referential NPs Individuals Individual concepts

Example the morning star Venus The concept of the star that
disappears last in the
Category VPs Classes of individuals Concepts
Example is Italian The Italians The concept of being Italian
Category Ss True or false Thoughts
Example "Pavarotti is Italian." True The thought that Pavarotti
Is Italian

signification and signifie that appears to be conceptually similar to

Frege's distinction between reference and sense.
It is worth reiterating that for Frege senses are not to be thought
of as mental or psychological entities. In particular, the sense of a
sentence, say, "Pavarotti is Italian," is not what we grasp in hearing
it, for the latter is intrinsically a subjective matter, and varies to a
degree from individual to individuaL Senses are what enable us to
communicate with each other, and as such they must be inter-
subjective (or objective). So the notion of a thought for Frege should
be construed as something like the information content that we
grasp in understanding a sentence. Henceforth we will follow the
common practice of using the term proposition for this purpose. A
proposition is the sense of a sentence.
Of course, it is conceivable to adopt Frege's distinction without
being radical Fregean objectivists about what sense are. For exam-
ple, one could hold the view that senses are a characterization of
the common structure that o'ur semantic representations must share
(given that communication is successful). But the question of the
nature of sensE)S has no easy answer. Luckily, as we will see, it is
possible to do semantics even in the absence of a complete under-
standing of this.
In later formal work stemming from the tradition originated by
Frege (see especially Carnap 1947), the sense/reference contrast is
understood in terms of intension versus extension. Carnap's notion
of the intension of an expression is intended as a more precise
Chapter 2 fro Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 67

rendering of what Frege called its sense; the extension is what

Frege called its reference (or denotation). Sometimes we use
Carnap's terminology, sometimes Frega's.
Frege put forth other arguments that point to the need for an
appeal to sense (or intension) in semantic considerations. Here are
tl concepts two. The first is concerned with identity statements. Consider
:ept of the star that (14) a. The morning star is the evening star.
rs last in the
b. The morning star is the morning star.
Both definite descriptions the morning star and the evening star
ept of being Italian happen to pick out the same entity, namely, Venus. So (14b) is
derived from (14a) by replacing coreferential expressions. If refer-
ght that Pavarotti ence is all there is to meaning, then (14a) and (14b) should have the
same information content. But they clearly do not. Sentence (14b)
is utterly uninformative: we know it a priori. Sentence (14a) is
informative: in fact, it was an astronomical discovery. Using the
.lly similar to
notion of sense, we can account for this contrast. Sentence (14b)
is uninformative because the two expressions being equated are
:o be thought identical, and thus both have the same sense and the same refer-
he sense of a
ence. The two expressions in (14a), on the other hand, have differ-
sp in hearing ent senses, and it is an empirical fact that they happen to pick out
td varies to a the same reference, whence the informativeness of (14a).
enable us to The second argument has to do with what Frege called "indirect"
ust be inter- and Quine "opaque" contexts:
Frega should
tent that we (15) Sophia Loren believes that Pavarotti is French.
11 follow the Sentence (15) attributes a certain belief to Loren. What Loren be-
s purpose. A lieves is somehow described by the sentence "Pavarotti is French."
Consequently, it must be systematically recoverable from the
tion without meaning of the latter. But clearly the actual truth value of "Pavar-
e. For exam- otti is French" does not determine what Loren may believe. Thus,
:terization of the notion of sense is needed to account for contexts such as
s must share these. Sentence (15) can be interpreted as saying that Loren bears
3stion of the the believe relation to the thought (or proposition) expressed by
viii see, it is "Pavarotti is French." Examples such as these could be multiplied
plete under- and elaborated upon in many ways.
At this point we should ask the following questions. Does ap-
riginated by pealing to the notion of sense really help us? Does it provide a base
e contrast is from which we can study meaning in natural language? Recall that
nap's notion what we want is a comp,ositional. theory of meaning that accounts
1ore precise for the properties discussed in chapter 1. In particular, such a theory
Chapter 2 63

should account for our intuitions concerning semantic relations. If 3

meaning is to be studied along two dimensions (the intensional and
the extensional), we need a way to determine compositionally both
the intension and the extension of an expression in terms of the
intension and extension of its parts. We also need to know pre-
cisely how intensions and extensions are related. Moreover, they
should provide an account of the various semantic relations, such
as entailment and presupposition. In the absence of all this, ap-
pealing to intensions will not help us much. To say that "Pavarotti
is French" has the thought (or proposition) that Pavarotti is French
as its sense links the notion to be explained (namely, that of mean-
ing) to the notion of a thought (or proposition), and this latter
notion is equally in need of an account. Furthermore, this move in
itself buys us nothing in terms of explaining the various semantic
relations. This is precisely the criticism that we have leveled
against accounting for sentence meaning in terms of the notion of a
situation or state of affairs. It seems, therefore, that we have reached
an impasse.
We started out by exploring the notion of reference or denotation
and giving some general reasons why such a. notion could play a
central role in semantics. However, we have met some difficulties
in extending such a notion beyond referential NPs; in particular,
we have had trouble with the notion of sentence reference. We first
saw some of the difficulties that arise from adopting the view that
sentences denote situations or states of affairs. In essence, we
argued that this claim is nearly vacuous if its connection to a theory
of semantic relations (such as entailment· and presupposition) is
not made clear. We have also argued that generalizations that seem
to be true of the notion of NP denotation lead to counterintuitive
results if we try to maintain that the semantic content of sentences
be analyzed in terms of situations or states of affairs. We then con-
sidered Frege's way out of these difficulties, which appeals to the
notion of a sense (or intension). Such a notion, however, also ap-
pears to be nearly vacuous if its connection to a theory of semantic
relations is not made clear.
We don't think, however, that these difficulties constitute an
insurmountable obstacle to constructing a semantics in which the
notion of denotation plays a central role. Nor do we b!'Jlieve that
they conclusively show that Frege's notion of sense has no use in
semantics. In fact, in chapter 5 we argue that it does. But we do
seem to need a different starting point.
Chapter 2 611 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 69

1tic relations. If
intensional and
)sitionally both
in terms of the 3.1 Nur im Zusammenhange eines Satzes bedeuten die Worter etwas
:l to know pre- One of the recurrent problems that we observed in section 2 has to
Moreover, they do with how to characterize sentence meaning. In particular, we
relations, such have tried to focus on the reasonably clear name-bearer relation
of all this, ap- and adopt it as paradigmatic for all key semantic notions. But what
that "Pavarotti sentences denote and how one gets to such a denotation remain
arotti is French outstanding problems. Perhaps before trying exactly to identify the
y, that of mean- denotation of words (or morphemes), we should try to make some
and this latter · · progress toward a viable characterization of the semantic content of
re, this move in • sentences.
:uious ·semantic In fact, it is not even clear that the notion of denotation can be
e have leveled understo.od independently of sentence meaning. This is arguably
f the notion of a true even of the best understood referring expressions, like proper
~e have reached . · names. Consider how we could go about explaining the "meaning"
of the name Pavarotti to someone who doesn't know it. Two obvi-
;e or denotation ous possibilities would be pointing at the famous singer andgiving
m could play a a description of him. We can of course combine these two possi-
orne difficulties bilities in various ways as the circumstances require. But even if we
s; in particular, ..· use a simple ostension, or deixis (pointing), what our act expresses
~erence. We first.· is something like a complete utterance with roughly the same
tg the view that meaning as "This person is Pavarotti." So it would seem that we
In essence, we are dealing with a propositional kind of knowledge. Moreover, for
~tion to a theory the pointing to make sense, we must already be able to distinguish
Jsupposition) is and classify people from other objects. In other words, as Quine
1tions that seem (1960) argued, the perceptual stimuli from which deixis can be
~ounterintuitive · drawn are insufficient to characterize the objects that constitute the
mt of sentences · · frame of reference for our language. We can refer to something and
s. We then con~ . individuate it within a given background only by using a conceptual
1 appeals to the · system. It follows that in grasping the meaning of a word, any word,
1wever, also ap~ · forthe first time, we cannot get at it directly (whatever that may
lory of semantic involve). We never deal with labels and objects in isolation. We are
typically confronted with complex states of affairs in which objects
's constitute an stand in relations to other objects. Indeed, one can say that we ar-
cs in which the. . rive at objects via a process of abstraction that enables us to identify
we b~lieve that them as, say, causal structures, regularities across states of affairs.
:e has no use in What this suggests is that to get started, we should pursue units
loes. But we do , . more complex than name.s (or words); Language, as an information
... c6de, provides an association between two systems: what signifies
Chapter 2 70

and what is signified. Sentences, as opposed to whole texts, appear

to be the smallest autonomous information units in a language
(with some qualification having to do with context dependency-
see below). Sentences comprise a category of well-formed struc-
tures capable of expressing thoughts that can stand on their own, of
describing whole situations. Thus, perhaps getting at sentence
meaning might be easier than getting at the meaning of other units.
What we mighttry to do is to define "S means p" precisely, where
S is a sentence. We might then be able to identify further crucial
semantic notions in terms of sentence meaning. This, in fact, is one
way of capitalizing on the famous (and controversial) dictum by
Frege that we use as title for this section: "Only in the context of a
sentence do words have meaning."
Before seeing how such a program might be pursued, we should
clear up some obvious problems. First, what are sentences? How do
we define them? For the time being, we will consider only ordinary
declarative sentences. We hope to be able to convince the reader
that the approach developed in connection with this kind of sen-
tence does extend to the other kinds. Second, it is a commonplace
observation that the content of (declarative) sentences can depend
on the situation, or context, in which they are uttered. Consider, for
(16) I am tired.
What (16) can convey is going to depend partly on who the speaker
is and when the sentence is uttered. And there are, of course, many
other more complex ways in which what a sentence means de-
pends on the context (ways having to do with intersentential ana-
phora, focus, presuppositions, etc.). Trying to address fully the
issue of context dependency at this stage would complicate our task
considerably. Therefore, we adopt a simplification known as the
"fixed-context assumption." We assume that the context of use
(who the speaker is, what the time of the utterance is, etc.) is a
known quantity. Consequently, so-called indexicals such a:s I in
(16) come to have a definite reference and behave just like other
referential expressions (such as proper names). This assumption
will the_n be abandoned when we specifically address the issue of
Within these restrictions a conspicuous property of declarative
sentences is that they can be true or false in a given situation or
circumstance. Consider, for example, (17), and assume that its
Chapter 2 70 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 71

e texts, appear context of utterance is known, say, September 10, 1986, in a class-
in a language room on the Cornell campus in Ithaca (as per the fixed-context
::lependency- assumption).
·formed struc- (17) The pope talked to Reagan between 3:00 and 4:00P.M. on
11 their own, of
September 9.
g at sentence
of other units. When is (17) true? Of course, even if the context is fixed, truth de-
ecisely, where pends on more: what the facts are. Sentence ( 17) is going to be true
further crucial if, in fact, the two relevant people were talking at the specified
, in fact, is one time. We may never know whether such an event actually took
.al) dictum by place. Perhaps neither of the protagonists has been seen at the des-
1e context of a ignated time. Perhaps they have been struck by amnesia concerning
the event described in (17). However, even though we may hick
ed, we should actual knowledge of facts, we know, for example, that a transatlan-
mces? How do tic phone . call could suffice for (17) to be true, but (17) would not be
only ordinary true if John Paul spent all the relevant time talking to Pavarotti. The
1ce the reader important thing to notice here is that though we might not know
.s kind of sen- what the facts are, we do know what they ought to be in order to
commonplace make the sentence true. This knowledge, we claim, is semantic
3S can depend
(and hence grammatical) in nature: it is constitutive of our knowl-
. Consider, for edge of what (17) means .
Conversely, someone who did not know what (17) means (for
example, a monolingual speaker of Russian) could not make use of
a specification of the facts to evaluate it. To judge whether (17) is
ho the speaker true, one needs not only knowledge ofthe facts; one also needs to
f course, many know what ( 17) means, to know something about the grammar of
lCe means de- the language. If we didn't know what (17) means, we would have
;entential ana- no clue as to what circumstances would mak~ (17) true.
.ress fully the Notice that we are not trying to provide effective criteria for
1licate our task checking the truth of sentences. We don't think that sem~ntics
known as the could or should aim so high. What we want to do is simpler. Are
:ontext of use there criteria to determine when it is appropriate to say that a sen-
e is, etc) is a tence is true? We think that there are. The examples illustrate them.
; such as· I in A declarative sentence like (17) describes a corner of reality, claims
just like other that a certain condition (John Paul's talking· to Reagan) obtains.
is assumption Saying "Sis true" amounts just to saying that the conditions that S
ss the issue of claims to obtain do obtain. Thus we have at least a criterion of
adequacy for the. predicate is true. It may seem a trivial one, but
of declarative consider that we don't have even that much for "S means p." The
·n situation or notion of truth, whatever_problems it may have, is a little bit clearer
sume that its than the notion of meaning.
Chapter 2 72

Tarski (1935, 1944) has. shown that we can draw further con-
sequences from having a clear criterion of application for the truth
predicate. To give a characterization of this predicate for a whole
language, we need to have a theory that, for any S in L and any v,
gives us the following:
(18) Sis true in v if and only if (iff) p.
Here S is a structural description of a sentence of a language L, vis
a situation or a specification of the relevant facts, and p describes
the conditions that have to obtain for S to be true in v (that is, the
truth conditions for S). The reader may be worried by the fact that
we are. still relying in (18) on the notion of a situation (or circum-
stance), which gives rise to problems. We will show later, however,
that the way we use this notion in giving a truth definition is quite
Sentences of the form (18) are called T-sentences. Now, if the
language contains only a finite number of sentences, then one
could simply list all the relevant T-sentences, and we could di-
rectly pair up all members of the syntactic category of sentences
with their truth conditions. But if the language contains an infinite
number of sentences, then a theory of truth must incorporate a
mechanism for generating all of the correspondingly infinite num-
ber ofT -sentences. Presumably, such a mechanism will have to be
based on the generative device that characterizes the syntax of the
language. In other words, a characterization of the truth predicate
for an infinite language must be compositional. As we shall see, to
obtain a compositional definition of truth for a sufficiently rich
language is not exactly trivial.
We should perhaps point out that we are not claiming that
meaning is completely exhausted by truth conditions. What we are
claiming is that if we ignore the conditions under which S is true,
we cannot claim to know the meaning of S. Thus, knowing the
truth conditions for S is at least necessary for knowing the meaning
of S. We cannot have the latter without the former. Suppose we did
not know whether sentence (19a) is true or false in the situation
represented in (19b).
(19) a. The door is closed.
Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 73

lraw further Could we be said to know what (19a) means? We think not. But
then truth conditions must surely be a necessary component of
sentence meaning: there is no meaning without truth conditions.
In fact, various philosophers have gone beyond this and argued
that knowing the meaning of Sis jast knowing its truth conditions. 5
If that is so, one could propose the following definition:
(20) S means p =df S is true in v if and only if (iff) p.
What we have on the left hand side is quite obscure: an intensional
.relation involving an entity whose nature is unknown (p, viewed as
the meaning of S). What we have on the right hand side is a lot
11ation (or clearer: a biconditional between two sentences of our semantic
:>w later, however; metalanguage, "S is true in v" and p (viewed as a sentence
definition is quite , describing when this holds). From the perspective of definition
(20), a theory of sentence meaning (for a language L) is just a formal
device that compositionally generates all the T -sentences for L.
Perhaps before discussing this claim any further, we should see
what such a formal device would actually look like. We do so by
·.providing a phrase-structure grammar for an elementary fragment
ofEnglish and developing a Tarski-style truth definition for it.
:mst incorporate' a
lngly infinite nuin-
sm will have to ... j~2 The fragment F1
tS the syntax of the. The syntax of F1 is specified in terms of a very simple set of phrase-
the truth predicate structure rules and hardly requires any comment. The semantics of
. F1 corresponds essentially to the semantics of the propositional
calculus. Its design, however, differs from what can be found in
mos~ introductory logic textbooks, as the emphasis here is on the
not claiming that ac~U:al linguistic applications of propositional logic. The simplest
itions. What we are sentences in F1 are made up of noun-verb (N-V) or N-V-N se-
Ler which S is true, . quences. We shall call such sentences atomic. Complex sentences
Thus, knowing are obtained by conjoining, disjoining, and negating other sen-
,owing the meaning .tences. Even though the grammar of F1 is so simple, it generates
.er. Suppose we di~ ·.·ail infinite number of sentences.
lse in the situation
.· 3.2;1 Syntax of F1 In specifying the syntax of F1 , we use more or less
ha,ditional grammatical categories (S for sentences, VP for verb
>P,hrases, Vt for transitive verbs, Vi for intransitive verbs, etc.). These
· categories are adopted purely for pedagogical purposes. Discussing
syp.tactic categories and phrase structures goes beyond the limits of
the present work. As far as we can tell, any of the major current
··.theories of syntactic categories (such as X' theory, or extended
Chapter 2 74

categorical grammars) can be adopted with the semantics that we

are going to develop.
The rules in (21) generate sentences like those in (22) and asso-
ciate with them structures like those in (23) for (22a).
(21) a. S---> N VP 6
b. S ---> S conj S
c. S---> neg S
d. VP---> VtN
e. VP---> Vi
f N ---> Pavarotti, Sophia Loren, James Bond
g. vi ---> is boring, is hungry, is cute
h. Vt ---> likes
i. conj ---> and, or
j. neg ---> it is not the case that
(22) a. Pavarotti is hungry, and it is not the case that James Bond
likes Pavarotti.
b. It is not the case that Pavarotti is hungry or Sophia Loren is
boring. ·
(Henceforth we simplify and freely use Loren and Bond for Sophia
Loren and James Bond, respectively).
(23) a.

s conj s

~ VP

vt N

is hungry and it is not the case that Bond likes Pavarotti
b. [s [s [N Pavarotti) [VP [vi is hungry)]] [conj and)
[s [neg it is not the case that) [s [N Bond) [vP [v1 likes]
[N Pavarotti]]))]
In (23a)the sy?tactic analysis of(22a) is displayed in the form of
a tree diagram (its phrase-structure marker, ,or P-marker for short).
Chapter 2 74 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 75

antics that we In (23b) the same information is represented in the form of a

labeled bracketing. These two representations are known to be
(22) and asso- equivalent. Roughly put, each (nonterminal) tree node in (23a)
corresponds to a subscripted label in (23b), and the brackets to
which the label is subscripted represent the branches stemming
from the corresponding node. We switch between these two nota-
tions as convenience requires. To enhance readability, we also fol-
low the common practice of occasionally representing syntactic
structures incompletely, that is, showing only that part directly
relevant to the point we are trying to make.

3.2.2 Semantics for F1 As F1 generates an infinite number of sen-

tences, we can specify the truth condition associated with each
sentence only compositionally, by looking at the way it is built up
in terms of smaller units. We have to look at the semantic value of
tt James Bond such smaller units and provide an algorithm for combining them. If
p is a well-formed expression of F1 , we shall write [py for its
;ophia Loren is semantic value in circumstance v. For example, we will write
[Pavarotti] v for the semantic value of the expression Pavarotti in
circumstance v. What should [PavarottiY be? In F1 , just as in En-
and for Sophia-
glish, we will let the semantic value of Pavarotti in any circum-
stance v be the celebrated tenor in flesh and blood.
Our goal is to provide a fully explicit, that is, fully formalized,
specification of truth conditions for sentences in F1 • We will have
done this if we assign semantic values in each circumstance to all
lexical entries and give combinatorial rules that together with those
lexical values permit us to assign to each sentence S the truth value
of S in circumstance v. Thus, [SY will be the truth value of S in v.
---s We do not have to worry about what truth values are, so long as we

provide for distinguishing two of them. It is handy to use 1 for what
true sentences denote and 0 for what false sentences denote, but
·these choices have no special significance. Thus [ S] v = 1 is just

shorthand for "S is true in v" or less naturally but equivalently "S
denotes 1 in v." Although it may look somewhat unfamiliar and
frightening at first, the mathematical notation is ultimately an
likes Pavarotti
I enormous convenience. To achieve formal explicitness without
using it would require much lengthier specifications and quite tor-
:l] tured prose, which would prove harder to understand in the long
[v1 likes] run. The combinatorial semantic rules and the semantic values for
lexical expressions will have to be chosen so that for any sentence
d in the form of S and circumstance v, whether [SY is 1 or 0 depends only on
arker for short). · the values in v of the lexical expressions occurring in S and the
Chapter 2 76

semantic rules applied in interpreting S. What we present is just

one of several equivalent ways of carrying out this program.
A further preliminary point that should be noted is that some
terminal strings generated by the syntax of F1 are ambiguous. For
example, (22b) is associated with two distinct ·trees (or labeled
bracketings), namely,
(24) a. [s neg [s Pavarotti is hungry or Loren is boring]]
b. [s [s neg [s Pavarotti is hungry]] or Loren is boring]
These syntactic ambiguities correspond to semantic ones. (24a)
negates a certain disjunction, namely, that Pavarotti is hungry or
Loren is boring. Thus, (24a) is a way of saying that Pavarotti is not
hungry and Loren is not boring. But (24b) says that either Pavarotti
isn't hungry or Loren is boring. It follows, therefore, that if we want
to assign a unique semantic value to each sentence in any given
situation, we should interpret not terminal strings but trees (or
labeled bracketings). Thus, for any well-formed tree or labeled
bracketing~, [~r will be its semantic value in v. How can such a
semantic value be determined in general? Well, we first have to
assign a lexical value to every terminal node. Terminal nodes (or
lexical entries) are finite and can thus be listed. Then we look at the
syntactic rules of F1 • Each rewrite rule, say of the form A---+ BC,
admits as well-formed a tree of the form


(or equivalently a labeled bracketing ofthe form [ABC]). We have

to specify the value of the tree whose root is A in terms of the
values of the subtrees rooted· in B and C. This means that the se-
mantic value for the terminal string dominated by A is determined
in terms of the values of the substrings dominated by B and C and
the way these substrings are put together. If we do this for every
syntactic rule in the grammar, we can interpret any tree admitted
by it. A definition of this kind (with a finite number of base clauses
and a finite number of clauses that build on the base clauses) is
called recursive.
We start off by assigning values to each. basic lexical entry. Our
Ns are all proper names, and we let them denote individuals. It is
less obvious what Vis, intransitive verbs; and Vts, transitive verbs,
should denote. Intransitive verbs, or one-place predicates, can be
Chapter 2 76 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 77

esent is just used to say something about an individual. It is plausible, there-

~ram. fore, to associate an intransitive verb with a set of individuals in a
s that some circumstance; intuitively, this set includes those individuals of
Jiguous. For whom the verb can be truly predicated in the given circumstance.
(or labeled For example, [is boringy will bfil the set of individuals that are
boring in v. Transitive verbs can be used to say that one individual
stands in some relation to a second individual. We can associate
these expressions (two-place predicates) in a circumstance with a
set whose members are ordered pairs of individuals. Intuitively, an
ones. (24a) ordered pair is in this set in given circumstances iff the first mem-
:s hungry or ber of the pair stands in the relation designated by the verb to the
rarotti is not second member in those circumstances. For example, the love re-
1er Pavarotti lation can be thought of as the set of pairs (x, y) such that x loves y.
1t if we want We first specify the values for the members of N, Vi, and Vt. We
n any given assume familiarity with the concepts and notation of elementary set
mt trees (or theory; symbols and brief explanations appear in the appendix, but
3 or labeled readers who want a fuller discussion should consult an elementary
v can such a book on set theory (for example, Halmos (1960) or Stoll (1963)).
first have to
(25) For any situation (or circumstance) v,
.al nodes (or
re look at the
Q' [PavarottiY = Pavarotti
, ~-~)'I\ [Loren]v =Loren
'rm A--) BC, 1
[Bond] v = Bond
[is boring]v =the set of those individuals that are boring in v
(in symbols, {x: xis boring in v})
[is hungry]v = {x: xis hungry in v}
[is cuteY = {x: xis cute in v}
[likes] v = the set of ordered pairs of individuals such that
S']). We have the first likes the second in v (in symbols, { (x, y) : x likes y
terms of the in v})
: that the se-
As the semantics for F1 must be given in a (meta)language, we
; determined
choose English, enriched with some mathematics (set theory) ..
Band C and
Within this metalanguage we first stipulate that proper names are
his for every
associated with the respective individuals named by them. This
ree admitted
association does not depend on circumstances in the way in which
base clauses
the extension of a predicate like is hungry does. Thus, we assume
e clauses) is
for now that the reference of proper names is fixed once and for all
in a given language. The reader should not be misled by the fact
al entry. Our
that in ordinary natural languages there are many proper name
.viduals. It is
forms that denote more than one individual; ·for example, the
1sitive verbs,
form Jim Smith names many different men. This is a kind of lexical
:::ates, can be
Chapter 2 78

ambiguity where the language contains a number of distinct proper

names that happen to have the same form; the distinct proper
names are pronounced and spelled the same. To keep matters sim-
ple, proper names in our fragment are not ambiguous; each form
denotes only one individual. The extension of a predicate, on the
other hand, can vary across circumstances. Such an extension in
different situations is determined by the predicate itself. The theory
thus exploits our competence as English speakers. There is nothing
circular about this, as throughout (25) on the left hand side of"="
we mention or quote the relevant words, and on the right hand side
we use them. The appearance of circularity would vanish if we
used English to give the semantics for a different object language,
say Italian.
Let us now turn to a consideration of the logical words and, or,
and it is not the case that. To understand how negation works, we
have to look at the truth conditions of sentences that contain neg-
ations. Intuitively, a sentence like "It is not the case that S" will be
true exactly when Sis false. We can represent this by means of the
following table:
(26) [SY [neg sy
(\~~'~ 1 0
\' ( / 0 1
' ;\()0 1 /

~\\\1\5 \ /A conjunction of the form "S and S'" is true just in case both S and
S' are true:
(27) [S]v [S']v [Sand S'Y
1 1 1
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 0

In ordinary English discourse, conjunctions sometimes imply more

than the truth of both conjuncts; for example, "Bond jumped into
the waiting car, and he (Bond] chased the gangsters" suggests that
Bond's chasing the gangsters followed his jumping into the car. But
a speaker could go on and say "but not in that order" without con-
tradiction and thus such a suggestion is not part of what and itself
contribute's to truth conditions. We discuss pragmatic explanations
of such further implications in chapter 4.
For disjunction we seem to have an option. In natural language,
or sometimes seems to be interpreted exclusively (as in "Gianni
Chapter 2 78 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 79

istinct proper was born in Rome, or he was born in Florence," where both dis-
.stinct proper 'juncts cannot be true) or inclusively (as in "Maria is very smart, or
> matters sim- she is very hardworking," which will be true even if Maria is both
1s; each form very smart and very hardworking). We might hypothesize that or is
iicate, on the ambiguous between an exclusive. and an inclusive interpretation.
extension in Note, however, that the inclusive or is more general than the ex-
lf. The theory clusive one. For any situation v, if either one of p and q is true, "p
ere is nothing orexc q" and "p orinc q'; will both be true in v. If, however, p and q
d side of "=" are both true, then "p orexc q" will be false, while "p orinc q" will be
ght hand side true. The state of affairs that we have can be illustrated by the fol-
vanish if we lowing diagram of situations:
iect language, (28)

rords and, or,

on works, we
. contain neg- S" will be
means of the

Whenever such a circumstance arises, we can try the strategy of

assigning the more general interpretation to the relevant construc-
tion as its semantic value. The narrower interpretation would not
thereby be excluded and could then arise as the intended one by
se both Sand extrasemantic (pragmatic) means. For the time being, we will fol-
low this strategy without further justification but will try to justify
it more when we specifically discuss various pragmatic theories.
We therefore adopt the following semantics for or:
(29) [S]v [S']v [S or S']v
1 1 1
1 0 1
0 1 1
simply more
jumped into
suggests that
""' 0 0 0

Some of our readers will recognize (26), (27), and (29) as the truth
o the car. Bul tables familiar from elementary logic. We could use these truth
without con- tables directly to provide the truth conditions for complex sen-
hat and itself tences without assigning a semantic value for and, or, etc. However,
explanations it is quite easy to construct an abstract semantic value for each con-
nective that will achieve exactly the same results as the truth tables
tral language, in specifying truth values for sentences in which the connectives
.s in "Gianni occur. We can view the· connectives as functions that map truth
Chapter 2 80

values (or ordered pairs of truth values in the case of conjunction

and disjunction) onto truth values.
A function is simply a systematic connection between specified
inputs and outputs such that for any given input there is a unique
corresponding output (see appendix for further discussion). We can
represent a function by indicating what output is associated with
each input. This is what we have done in (30) using the arrow
(30) For a:riy situation v,
[it is not the case that Y = [ 1 ----+ 0 J
[andY= r<1, 1)----+ 11 .
(1, 0)----+ 0
(0, 1)----+ 0

[orY = r~~:~~: ~1
(0, 0)----+ 0

We have chosen to regard the truth tables from elementary logic as

(truth) functions. We have then assigned these abstract objects as
the semantic values of logical words. This enables us to talk about
the meaning of conjunction: a function that maps truth values into
truth values. Notice that the value of logical words is in an inter-
esting way language-independent. Of course, the conjunction
operation expressed by English and will be expressed by other
forms in other languages. Nonetheless, languages generally appear
to provide constructions whose meanings correspond to the func-
tions we have associated with and, or, and it is not the case that.
Such meanings are thus strong candidates for semantic universals.
i, We have assigned a semantic value to the basic entries. At this
point we need to provide an interpretive rule corresponding to each
syntactic rule. This will guarantee the interpretability of any tree
that is admitted by such rules (and consequently of any terminal
string generated by the language).
In what follows, we use category symbols for the trees they
dominate. Thus, for example, we use A to indicate the tree domi-
nated lJy A. And we use· [A B C] to indicate a tree dominated by A,
whose immediate constituents are Band C. Thus, [[A B CJY stands
for the value of a tree whose root is A such that B and C are A's
Chapter 2 80 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 81

)f conjunction daughters. Furthermore, if g is a function and u a possible argument

for g, g(u) will indicate the result of applying g to u. The symb~l E
veen specified indicates set membership and is to be read "is an element of" or
're is a unique "belongs to." We follow standard practice in abbreviating if and
3sion). We can only if as iff The letters of the f011mulas in (31) indicate the corre-
;sociated with spondence with the syntactic rules in (21).
ing the arrow (31) a. [[s. N VPJY = 1 iff [NY E [VP]v and 0 otherwise
b. [[s sl conj SzJY = [conj]v( ([SlY,[SzY>)
c. [[s neg SJY = [negY([SY)
d. [[VP v, NJY = {x: (x, [NY> E [v,y}
e-j. If A is a category and a is a lexical entry or a lexical
category and~= [A a], then [~]v = [a]v

3.2.3 Some illustrations To see how this works, let us interpret the
sentence given in (22a). To facilitate this task, let us index every
node in the relevant tree:
1 s
mtary logic as
·act objects as
2 s 3 conj 4S

; to talk about
th values into 8

is in an inter-
;sed by other 5N 6 VP 10 N 11 VP
terally appear
:l to the func- I A
12 V, 13 N
the case that.
ic universals.
1tries. At this Pavarotti is hungry
and it is not the case that Bond likes Pavarotti
nding to each Our interpretive procedure works bottom up. Here is a step by step
ty of any tree derivation of the truth conditions associated with (22a):
any terminal
(33) [5]v = Pavarotti, by (31e)
1e trees they [9]v = {x: xis hungry in v}, by (31e)
he tree domi- [6]v = {x: xis hungry in v}, by (31e)
ninated by A, [2]v = 1 iffPavarotti E {x: xis v}, by (31a)
B C)] v stands [13Y = Pavarotti, by (31e)
md C are A's [1zr = { (x, y): x likes yin v}, by (31e)
Chapter 2 82

[11Y {x: (x, [13]v) E [12]v}

= {x: (x, Pavarotti) E { (x, y): x likes yin v}
= {x: x likes Pavarotti in v}, by (31d)
[1oy =Bond, by (16e)
[BY= 1 iff BondE {x: x likes Pavarotti in v}, by (31a) Exercise 2
[7Y = [1----; OJ, by (31e) and (30)
[4Y = [1----; OJ ([BY), by (31c)
[3Y = [(1, 1)----; 1], by (31e) and (30)
(1, 0)----; 0
(0, 1)----; 0
(0,0)----; 0
[1r = [<1, 1>----; 1] ( <[zr, [4r>), by (31b)
(1, 0)----; 0
(0, 1)----; 0
(0, 0)----; 0
Now suppose we are in a situation where Pavarotti is indeed
hungry and Bond does not like him. Call such a situation v'. We
thus have that Bond rj: {x: x likes Pavarotti in v'}. Therefore,
[B]v' = 0, by (31a). So [4Y' = 1, by (31c). Furthermore, Pavarotti E
{x: x is hungry in v'}. Therefore, [zy' = 1, by (31a). Thus,.
[l]v' = 1, since [andY'((l, 1)) = 1, by (30).
Suppose instead that we have a different situation, call it v 11,
where Pavarotti is hungry and Bond does like him. Then it is ea~y
to see that by performing the relevant computations, we get that
[4Y" = 0 and thus that [1Y" = 0. . .
This simple example shows how a Tarski-style truth definiti~n
provides a procedure that can associate the right truth conditiolls
with the infinitely many sentences of F1 with only a finite uutLou.u•c
ery. The truth conditions for a sentence S determine how,
particular facts, one can determine whether S is true or false as
function of the simpler expressions occurring in it. This is just
the procedure exemplified above does. For example, we have ..
how sentence (22a) comes out with different truth values ill
two different situations we have described. To illustrate
consider (22b) on the analysis given in (24a) and let v"' be a.
ation where Pavarotti is not hungry and Loren is boring. ·.
. vm·
is, let us assume that we have [Pavarotti is hungry] = 0
[Loren is boringy/11 = 1. Then, [[s Pavarotti :l.s hungry or
is boring]y'"=l, since [orY ((0,1))=1, by (30). And
Chapter 2 82 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 83

quently, [(24a)y'" = 0, since [noty'" (1) = 0. Thus, sentence (22b)

yin v} on the analysis in (24a) is false in v 111 according to our procedure.

~'by (31a) Exercise 2 Compute the truth value of sentence (22b) on the analyses in (24a)
and (24b), repeated below, in the following three situations.
(22) b. It is not the case that Pavarotti is hungry or Loren is boring.
( 24) a. [ s neg [ s Pavarotti is hungry or Loren is boring]] '•J' ••
b. [ s[ s neg [ s Pavarotti is hungry]] or Loren is boring] : ' ,..
. )·
Situation 1. Pavarotti is hungry; Loren is boring.
Situation 2. Pavarotti is not hungry; Loren is not boring.
Situation 3. Pavarotti is hungry; Loren is not boring.

One of our basic semantic capacities is that of matching sen-

tences with situations. For example, we can intuitively see, perhaps
after a bit of reflection, that sentence (22b) on anq.lysis (24a) is in-
varotti is indeed
deed false in a situation where Pavarotti is hungry, which corre-
situation v'. We
sponds to the results of our interpretive procedure. This shows how
1 v'}. Therefore,
our procedure can be regarded as an abstract representation of our
more, Pavarotti E
capacity of pairing sentences with the situations that they describe
by (31a). Thus,
and also how the theory makes empirically testable claims (since
the pairing of sentences with the truth conditions generated by the
tation, call it v",
theory can clash or agree with our intuitions).
n. Then it is easy
ions, we get that In fact, one way of understanding the notion of sentence content
that we are characterizing is the following. Sentence content can
3 truth definition be regarded as a relation between sentences and situations, or cir-
cumstances. Our notation [SY = 1 (or 0) can be interpreted as say-
truth conditions
ing that S correctly characterizes or describes (or does not correctly
fa finite machin-
describe) situation v. The meaning of sentences of a language Lis
mine how, given
adequately characterized by such a relation if the speakers of L be-
true or false as a
have as if they knew the value of [S] v as a function of the values
. This is just what
assigned in v to the lexical items in S for any situation or set of
>le, we have seen
circumstances v and any sentence S. To borrow a metaphor from
tth values in the
cognitive psychology, imported into the semantic literature by
illustrate further,
Barwise and Perry (1983), speakers of L are "at.tuned" to a certain
let v"' be a situ-
relation between sentences and circumstances. This is one way of
. is boring. That
mgry rill= 0 and
understanding what our theory is doing.
There is a further crucial thing that our theory can do: it can
hungry or Loren
provide us with a formal definition of entailment. Here it is:
30). And conse-
Chapter 2 84

(34) S entails S' (relative to analyses ~sand ~S', respectively) iff

for every situation v, if [~sr = 1, then [~s~r = 1.
This is just a first approximation. Ultimately, we will want to re-
gard entailment as a relation between utterances (that is, sentences
in context), where the context crucially fills in certain aspects of
meanirig. Here the only feature of context that we are considering is
that it must specify a syntactic analysis for ambiguous terminal
strings (by means of prosodic clues, for example). In what follows,
we sometimes talk of entailment as a relation between sentences,
even if phrase markers (and ultimately utterances) are meant.
It should be clear that (34) is simply a way of saying that S entails
S' iff whenever S is true, S' also is; that is, it is a way of formally
spelling out our intuitive notion of entailment. This definition en-
ables us to actually prove whether a certain sentence entails an-
other one. Let us illustrate. Let us prove. that sentence (22b) on
analysis ( 24a) entails
(35) [s[s. it is not the case that Pavarotti is hungry] and [sit is not
the case that Loren is boring]]
To show this, we assume that (22b) is true on analysis (24a) and
show, using our semantic rules, that (35) must also be true. The
outermost connective in (24a) is negation. The semantics for nega-
tion, (31c), tells us that for any v if [(24a)]v = 1, as by our hypoth-
esis, then [Pavarotti is hungry or Loren is boring] v = 0. But the
semantics for or, (30), together with (31b), tells us that a disjunctive
sentence is false iff each disjunct is false. Thus we have that
[Pavarotti is hungry r = 0 and [Loren is boringy = 0. Now if this
is so, again by the semantics of negation we have that [it is not the
case that Pavarotti is hungry] v = 1 and [it is not the case that Loren
is boringr = 1. But ( 35) is just the conjunction of the latter
two sentences, and the semantics for conjunction thus yields
[(35)r = 1.
Let us show that (36a) does not entail (36b).
(36) a. [[it is not the case that Pavaiotti is hungry] or [Loren is
b. [[Pavarotti is hungry] or [it is not the case that Loren is
To show this we construct a situation, call it .v', such that (36aps
true in v' while (36b) is false'in it. Now, since we want it to be the
case tpat [(36b)Y' = 0, by the semantics for disjunction we must
Chapter 2 84 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 85

ectively) iff have [Pavarotti is hungry] v' = 0 and [it is not the case that Loren is
l. boringy' = 0. By the semantics for negation this means that [Loren
is boring] v' = 1. Thus, v' is a situation where "Pavarotti is hungry"
.l want to re-
is false and "Loren is boring" is true. It is easy to see that in such a
is, sentences
situation (36a) will be true. This follows immediately from the
in aspects of
semantics for disjunction and the fact that "Loren is boring" (one of
onsidering is
the disjuncts) is true in v'. We have thus constructed a situation
ous terminal
where (36a) is true and (36b) is false, and hence the former does not
what follows,
entail the latter.
m sentences,
that S entails
y of formally
Exercise 3 @ Prove that "Pavarotti is hungry and Loren is boring" entails
"Loren is boring."
lefinition en-
e entails an-
(i) Prove that (35) entails (24a).

ace (22b) on
@ Prove that (36b) does not entail (36a).

l [ s it is not We can also define a number of other semantic notions closely

related to entailment, such as logical equivalence (what we also
called "content synonymy"), contradiction, and logical truth
;is (24a) and
be true. The
tics for nega- (37) Sis logically equivalent to S' (relative to analyses Lls and
our hypoth- Lls') iff S entails S' (relative to ils and .1.8') and S' entails S
= 0. But the (relative toLls and Lls')·
a disjunctive (38) Sis contradicto.zy(relative to analysis As) iff there is no
re have that
situation v, such that [~sY = 1.
. Now if this
[it is not the ( 39) S is logically true (or valid) relative to analysis ils iff there is
se that Loren no situation where [ilsY = 0.
)f the latter To illustrate, let us show that the following is contradictory:
thus yields
(40) Pavarotti is boring, and it is not the case that Pavarotti is
Assume that there exists a v such that [(40)]v = 1. By the semantics
Loren is
for conjunction we have [Pavarotti is boringy = 1 and [it is not the
case that Pavarotti is boringy = 1. But the semantics for negation
Loren is
yields the result that the same sentence is assigned two distinct
truth values, which is a contradiction.
that ( 36a) is The preceding proof can be straightforwardly modified so as to
tit to be the show that the negation of (40) ("It is not the case that [Pavarotti is
.on we must boring and Pavarotti isn't boring]") is valid .
Chapter 2 86

All these notions can be extended to relations involving not

simply sentences but sets of sentences:
(41) A set of sentences Q = {S 1 , ... , Sn} entails a sentenceS
(relative to analyses As,, ... , As" and As, respectively) iff
whenever in any situation v we have for all S' E .n, [As'r = 1,
we also have that [Asr = 1. (That is, any situation vthat
makes all of the sentences in Q true also has to make S true.)
(42) A set of sentences Q is contradictory (relative to analyses
As,' ... ' Asn) iff there is no situation v such that for all sEn,
[Asr = 1.

Exercise 4 @ Show that sentences (1) and (2) jointly entail (3).
(1) [[it is not the case that Pavarotti is hungry] or Loren is boring]
(2) Loren is notboring.
(3) Pavarotti is not hungry.
Show that (4) and (5) are contradictory.
(4) [[it is not the case that Bond is cute] and Pavarotti is boring]
(5) Bond is cute.
C. Let "v" be the standard inclusive or and "+" the exclusive
one. (And is expressed with "1\ .")If or in natural language is am-
biguous, a sentence like (6a), expressed more idiomatically in (6b),
would be ambiguous four ways; it would have the four readings
given in (7).
(6) a. John smokes or drinks, or John smokes and drinks.
b: John smokes or drinks or both.
(7) a. [smoke(j) v drink(j)] v [smoke(j) 1\ drink(j)]
b. [smoke(j) + drink(j)] v [smoke(j) 1\ drink(j)]
c. [smoke(j) + drink(j)] + [smoke(j) 1\ drink(j)]
d. [smoke(j) v drink(j)] + [smoke(j) 1\ drink(j)]
Consider now (8a) and (Bb).
(8) a. [smoke(j) v drink(j)]
b. [smoke(j) + drink(j)]
Prove that (7a-c) are all equivalent to (Ba) and that (7d)is equiva-
lent to (Bb). What does this result show about the hypothesis that
or is ambiguous between an inc~usive and an exclusive reading?
Chapter 2 85 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 87

volving not (From A. C. Browne, "Univocal 'Or'-Again," Linguistic Inquiry

17 (1986): 751-754.)

1Ce S
ely) iff We have shown that a theory of truth conditions enables us to
:, [As'r = 1, come up with a precise characterization of several key semantic
n vthat notions. Furthermore, such a theory enables us to derive as theo-
ake S true.) rems claims about semantic relationships (claims about what en-
malyses tails what, for example). To the extent that what the theory predicts
rallS E Q, (or yields as theorems) actually matches our intuitions, we have
confirming evidence for it. If, for example, it turned out that our
theory didn't allow us to show that "Pavarotti is hungry and Loren
is boring" entails "Pavarotti is hungry," the theory would be inad-
equate, as our intuitions clearly tell us that the .former sentence
does entail the latter. Thus, a truth-conditional theory appears to be
m is boring] a promising candidate as an approximation to a full-fledged theory
of meaning.

3.2.4 An alternative method for interpreting F1 What we have done in

specifying the semantics for F1 is to provide, for each syntactic rule
listed in (21), a corresponding semantic rule listed in (31). These-
lis boring]
mantics is defined recursively off the syntax. This is the standard
approach in treatments of formal languages and is the one adopted
the exclusive ·by Montague (1973) in his ground-breaking formal semantic treat-
nguage is am" . ment of (a fragment of) English. This rule-to-rule method of
tically in (6b), semantic interpretation offers interpretive procedures that are· spe-
cific to particular constructions.
Howev~r, if we look at our semantic rules, we see that there is a
lot of redundancy. The principle of interpretation for terminal
inks. nodes or lexical entries, the "base" for the recursion, is the same for
all basic expressions: the value they get is that assigned directly in
· situation v. And for phrasal nodes that do not branch, the intEnpre-
tation of the daughter is just passed up to the mother. Thus in a
· • . structure like (43), the value of run is passeq up all the way to the
. VP.


Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 87

(From A. C. Browne, "Univocal 'Or'-Again," Linguistic Inquiry

17 (1986): 751-754.)

:nee S
rely) iff
We have shown that a theory of truth conditions enables us to
l, [LlS']v = 1,
come up with a precise characterization of several key semantic
m vthat
notions. Furthermore, such a theory enables us to derive as theo-
1ake S true.) rems claims about semantic relationships (claims about what en-
an~lyses tails what, for example). To the extent that what the theory predicts
)rallS E Q, .·· (or yields as theorems) actually matches our intuitions, we have
confirming evidence for it. If, for example, it turned out that our
theory didn't allow us to show that "Pavarotti is hungry and Loren
is boring" entails "Pavarotti is hungry," the theory would be inad-
equate, as our intuitions clearly tell us that the former sentence
does entail the latter. Thus, a truth-conditional theory appears to be
·en is boring]
a promising candidate as an approximation to a full-fledged theory
of meaning.

3.U An alternative method for interpreting F1 What we have done in

specifying the semantics for F1 is to provide, for each syntactic rule
ti is boring] listed in (21), a corresponding semantic rule listed in (31). The se-
mantics is defined recursively off the syntax. This is the standard
approach in treatments of formal languages and is the one adopted
by Montague (1973) in his ground-breaking formal semantic treat-
ment of (a fragment of) English. This rule-to-rule method of
semantic interpretation offers interpretive procedures that are spe-
cific to particular constructions.
However, if we look at our semantic rules, we see that there is a
lot of redundancy. The principle of interpretation for terminal
nodes or lexical entries, the "base" for the recursion, is the same for
all basic expressions: the value they get is that assigned directly in
1] situation v. And for phrasal nodes that do not branch, the interpre-
)] tation of the daughter is just passed up to the mother. Thus in a
)] struc.ture like (43), the value of runis passeq up all the way to the
)] VP,

(43) VP

at ( 7 d)is equiva~
J hypothesis that I
:elusive reading?
Chapter 2 88

Things look a bit more complicated when we turn to the inter-

pretations associated with nodes that branch. For example, subject-
predicate configurations are interpreted as designating 1 or 0 on the
basis of whether or not the individual designated by the subject
belongs to the set designated by the VP. A VP that consists of a verb
and object will designate a set of individuals; the transitive verb
itself designates a binary relation, a set of ordered pairs of in-
dividuals, and the VP denotation consists of just those individuals
that stand in that relation to the individual designated by the object
NP. We haven't introduced ditransitive verbs yet. They would,
however, be interpreted as three-place relations (i.e., sets of
ordered triples). The interpretation assigned to a VP like "give War
and Peace to Mary" would be a set of individuals (those who give
War and Peace to Mary) and thus would combine semantically
with a subject in exactly the same way as the interpretation as-
signed to a VP with a transitive verb, e.g., "like Mary." (In Exercise
8 at the end of this chapter the reader is asked to provide a rule for
interpreting VPs containing ditransitive verbs that is parallel to
(31d), the rule for interpreting VPs containing transitive verbs.)
Finally, conjunctions and negations are both interpreted by means
of functions, but in the case of conjunction the function has two
arguments, whereas in the case of negation it has only one.
Klein and Sag (1985) pointed out that rule-to-rule interpretive
procedures in principle do not place any constraints on possible
semantic rules, which suggests that whenever a new syntactic con"
figuration is encountered, the language learner must simply learn
the appropriate semantic procedure for its interpretation. But as a ·
matter of fact, we see that the semantic rules actually found appear
to be of a highly restricted sort. So, they argued, it may be possibl~
to set up a semantic theory with only a very limited set of inter-·
pretive procedures that need minimal syntactic information to .
work. If this program turns out to be feasible, we would have in
semantics a situation parallel to that of syntax, where a wide range
of constructions across different languages can be analyzed ·•· ·
terms of a small set of rules and principles. This is made all .
more plausible by the observation that when the semantic value~
sentences and lexical entries are set, then how one gets from·.·.
latter to the former is also virtually determined (modulo a
variants). Thus, as Klein and Sag pointed out, combinatorial
cesses can be constrained to depend only on the types of .·· ..
assigned to the combining nodes if those types-the kinds; ..
Chapter 2 88 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 89

n to the inter- Table 2.2 Initial type assignments for F1

mple, subject-
g 1 or 0 on the
JY the subject
1sists of a verb
ransitive verb s Truth values (0, 1)
::l. pairs of in- N Individuals
se individuals ·· Sets of individuals
V~o VP
l by the object Vt Sets of ordered pairs of individuals
They would, . conj Function from two truth values to one truth value
(i.e., sets of· neg Function from one truth value to one truth value
:ike "give War ·.
1ose who give
~ semantically ·
semantic values assigned to various sorts of nodes-are chosen
1rpretation as~ carefully. Semantic interpretation will then be, as they put it,
," (In Exercise type-driven, rather than construction-specific.
vide a rule for Table 2.2 lists the semantic types we have currently specified for
is parallel to the various categories in Ft. The semantic type for a category is the
1sitive verbs.). kind of thing that the interpretation function [ ] v assigns to ex-
Jted by means ·•· pressions in that category. The two basic types we have identified
ction has two are individuals and truth values. Each ofthem in some sense stands
y one. on its own: they have no internal structure. The other types we list
above are various set-theoretic constructions out of elements of one
or both of these two basic types. In particular, we have sets of in-
dividuals, sets of ordered pairs, and functions (from truth values
and pairs thereof into truth values).
ttion. But as a Now functions in general take input arguments from some
found appear specified domain and yield an output value. In the case of a func-
IY be possible tion fwith a single argument x, applying fto x yields the value of
::l. set of inter- the function for that argument, namely f(x). This mode of com-
bining two, values is called functional application, and we have
already made use of it to interpret negated sentences. The principle
1 a wide range itself does not depend on having any particular kind of function or
analyzed in· . argument: it could work to interpret any syntactic structure with
made all the two branches (which is what most of ours have) if one branch is
mtic values of . interpreted as a function and the other branch is interpreted as a
gets from the . possible argument of the function. It turns out that we can indeed
1odulo a few revise our interpretive principles so that functional application is
'inatorial pro~ the only combinatory semantic principle we need for F1.
pes of values Let's start by seeing how we can think of the interpretation of
·the kinds of . an intransitive verb as a function. The best way to see it is via an
Chapter 2 90

example. Consider a particular situation v in which the meaning of

is boring is as follows:
(44) [is boringy = {x: xis boring in v} ={Bond, Pavarotti}
Suppose now that the domain of discourse U, i.e., the individuals
we talk about in v, is restricted to Bond, Pavarotti, and Loren. In
such a situati.on, the meaning of is boring can be construed as a
function f that applied to an individual u yields true just in case u
is boring and otherwise yields false:
(45) [is boring]v = the function f from individual entities to truth
values such that f(x) = 1 if x E {x: xis boring in v} and= 0
If Bond and Loren are the members of this set in v, then

Bond ~ 1

Pavarotti ~ 0

Loren ~ 1

Notice that we started from our original set of individuals and used
it to define this function. We could have done exactly the same
thing had we started with any other set of individuals. Any func-
tion that assigns one of two distinct values to the members of a
domain is called a characteristic function, and given the output
values (for convenience we use 0 and 1), each subset of the domain
defines such a function uniquely and any such function corre-
sponds to a unique subset of the domain. (See the appendix, p. 538.)
Thus we can move back and forth between sets and the character-
istic functions of those sets. In particular, we can model the mean-
ing of intransitive verbs as characteristic functions over the domain
of individuals; where we assigned a set of individuals as the deno-
tation of a particular verb before, we will now assign the charac-
teristic function of that set. Clearly, the functional perspective on
intransitive verb denotations is simply a different way of looking at
the same facts we considered before. But now we can interpret the
combination of an intransitive verb and its subject by functional
application and get exactly the same results we got before.
It is useful to have a way to represent the general type of func-
tions from individual entities to truth values. Let e (for "entity") be
the type of individuals and t the type of truth values; then (e, t)
will represent the type of functi~ns from individuals (things of
type e) into truth values (things of type t).
Chapter 2 90 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 91

rreaning of
Exercise 5 Provide the appropriate functional values for is hungry and is cute.

The next challenge we turn to is how to interpret transitive verbs
so that a VP consisting of a verb anc;l its object will also designate a
. Loren. In
function of type (e, t). In our initial formulation of denotations of
trued as a
transitive verbs, we have, for example, the following:
tin case u
(46) [likesY = { (x,y): x likes yin v}.

es to truth If we imagine that in v, Bond and Pavarotti like Loren (and nobody
and= 0 else likes anybody else), we get this:
(47) [likesY ={(Bond, Loren),(Pavarotti, Loren)}

For our functional-application program to work, we need two

things: (1) transitive verbs need to be able to combine with their
objects by functional application-that is, they need to be functions
that take individual entities as arguments-and (2) VP inter-
pretations produced by combining transitive verbs with their
objects need themselves to be able to combine by functional appli-
.sand used
cation with subjects-that is, the output value of combining a
'{the same
transitive verb with its object should itself be a function of type
Any func-
(e, t), the type we just used for interpreting VPs consisting solely of
mbers of a
an intransitive verb.
the output
Intuitively, if we combine likes and Pavarotti to get the VP likes
the domain
Pavarotti, we want the result to be the characteristic function of the
:tion corre-
set of people who like Pavarotti, and similarly for all other in-
lix, p. 538.)
dividuals in the domain of discourse that might be values of the
l character-
object. Transitive verbs can thus be viewed as functions whose
! the mean-
output value is itself a function. The function-valued function cor-
the domain
responding to (47) would be the following:
.s the dena-
the charac- (48) -)

spective on Pavarotti -) Bond -)

f looking at Loren -)

rrterpret the

· functional Bond -) Bond -)

1re. Loren -)

rpe of func-
"entity") be -)

then (e, t) Loren Bond -)

> (things of Loren -)

Chapter 2 92

So what we want to do is to assign to likes a function that takes the

value assigned to the object, the "likee," as its argument. Func-
tional application then yields as output a new function, which
will be the value of the VP. This VP function yields value 1 when
applied to an individual who likes the individual designated by
the object.
As in the case of intransitive verbs, it is useful to have a way to
represent functions of the type we are using to interpret transitive
verbs. With intransitive. verbs, we used an ordered-pair notation.
The type oftheir arguments, i.e., e, was the first member of the pair,
and the type of their values i.e., t, was the second. That is; we used
(e, t) to represent functions from type e to type t. Following this
same principle, since transitive verbs designate. functions whose
arguments are individuals and whose values are functions of type
(e, t), we will assign them to type (e, (e, t) ), i.e., functions from
things oftype e to things of type (e, t).
In discussing the interpretation of likes, we started with a two-
place relation, whose characteristic function can be thought of as
having two arguments, and ended up with a single argument func-
tion whose value is another function. What we did is follow a
standard way of reducing any function with multi pie arguments (or
its corresponding multiple-place relation) to a one-place function.
This technique is due to M. Schtinfinkel (1924) and was further
developed by Curry (1930). (See the appendix for further discus-
sion of how to "curry" a function.) Let R be any two-place relation
between individual entities; the correspo'llding function f of type
(e, (e, t)) will be the function whose value for any yis the function
gy such that gy(x) = 1 iff (x, y) E R. It follows from this definition
that f(y)(x) = 1 iff (x, y) E R. So now we can provide an appro-
priate denotation for transitive verbs.
(49) [likes]v =the function fin (e,(e,t)) such that f(y) = gy, the
characteristic function of {x: x likes yin v}.
To say that transitive-verb denotations are in type (e, (e, t)) is just
to say that they are functions whose domain is things in e, the type
of individual entities, and whose output values are things in (e, t),
the functional type we have associated with intransitive verbs (that
is, functions from individual entities to truth values, the functional
equivalent of sets of individuals).
Chapter 2 92 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 93

that takes the

Exercise 6 A. Assume that in situation v' we have that
tment. Func-
ction, which [likes] v' = {(Bond, Bond), (Pavarotti, Pavarotti),
ralue 1 when (Loren, Loren), (Loren, Bond)}
.esignated by
Recouch [likes y' as a function-valued function. Having done that,
.ave a way to give the values of [likes Bond] v' and [likes Loren y' .
ret transitive B. Consider the following function of type (e, (e, t)):
lair· notation ..

3r of the pair, [Pavarotti ----7

tt is, we used Pavarotti ----+ Bond ----7

Loren ----7
Jllowing this.
~tions whose

[Pavarotti ----7

tions of type Bond ----+ Bond ----7

Loren ----7

. with a two- [Pavarotti
:hought of as Loren ----+ Bond ----7

Loren ----7
~ument func-
l is follow a Give the corresponding set of ordered pairs .
.rguments (or
ace function ... ·'-
was further In general, given the type e of individuals and the type t of truth
rther discus- values as our basic types, we can construct functions of arbitrary
llace relation complexity, using the following recursive schema:
ion f of type
(50) a. If a and bare types, so is (a, b).
the function
b. Things of type <a, b) are functions from things of type ato
1is definition
things of type b.
:le an appro-
Clearly, (e, t), and (e, (e, t)) are instances of this general schema.
So is (e, (e, (e, t))) (which would correspond to the type of three-
(y) = gy, the
place relations), «e,
t), t), (t, t), and so on. The schema in (50)
defines in simple terms the space of all possible functions one
(e, t)) is just might want to define. When functional types become complex,
in e, the type these angle-bracket expressions can seem quite forbidding. But the
lngs in (e, t), basic principle is very simple and straightforward. Natural lan-
reverbs (that·· guages use just a small subset of these possible types.
J.e functional Let's now see how this new approach might work for calculating
the truth conditions ofsimple sentences. All we have done sci far is
to replace the set-theoretic values for transitive and intransitive
Chapter 7 414 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 95

(44) a. Lee will leave. e. [3Y([2Y) = 1 if LorenE {x: xis hungry in v} iff Loren is
b. [F leave'](Lee') By (39a) hungry in v and = 0 otherwise
= h[F leave'(x)](Lee') By (38b)
The truth cmiditions we have calculated are exactly the same as we
= F leave' (Lee') By },-conversion
would have gotten following our earlier procedures. Now let's look
This is equivalent to what we would get via T raising. The latter at (54), whose truth conditions we calculate in (55).
rule would still be needed to get all the necessary scope inter-
(54) 1 s
actions between tense, negation and other scope bearing elements.
But the option of interpreting T in situ enables us to deal with
coordinated structures such as (40). 2N
~VP 3

vt 4 5 N
Exercise 7 Give the S structure and LF for the following sentence (leaving Tin
situ). Then provide a node-by-node translation.
( 1) Some man came and will sing.
(55) a. [2Y = Bond, by pass-up and (25)
b. [ 4] v = the function fin (e, (e, t)) such that f(y) = gy, the
An alternative approach to the one we have considered relies on
characteristic function of {x: x likes yin v }, by pass-up
the so called VP-internal subject hypothesis (briefly discussed in and exercise 6
chapter 5, section 3.1.2). According to this view, the subject is
c. [5Y = Pavarotti, by pass-up and (25)
generated within the VP and then raised further up in the clause, as d. [3Y = [4]v([5]v), by functional application
shown: e. [4Y([5Y) =the characteristic function of {x: x likes
(45) a. Lee will leave. Pavarotti in v}
b. Base structure f. [1Y = [3Y([2Y), by functional application
TP g. [3Y([2Y) = 1 if BondE {x: x likes Pavarotti in v} iff Bond

likes Pavarotti in v and = 0 otherwise

NP Again, we come up with exactly the same truth conditions that our

original formulation provided.
Besides reducing the stock of interpretive rules we need, there
T are other benefits of this way of doing things. We can let the se-

mantics carry the burden of distinguishing verb subcategorization
and thus do not need distinct syntactic rules for constructing VPs
with transitive verbs and VPs with intransitive verbs (and ulti-
mately VPs with ditransitive and other verbs as well). Instead of
FUT (21d-e) and (21g-h), we have (56a, b), respectively.
(56) a. VP ---7 V(N)
c. S-structure
b. V ---7 is boring, is hungry, is cute, likes
hr Lee 1 will [vr e1 leave]]
The cases in (40) then involve TP conjunction with across-the- The syntax then will generate not only well-formed sentences such
board extraction of the VP-internal subject: as we had before but also sentimces where an intransitive verb is
Chapter 2 96 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 97

followed by an object, (57 a), or a transitive verb appears without its values, i.e., a function in type <t, t). A neg node gets this function
object, (57b). as its interpretation by pass-up, and then rule (31c) is no more than
an instance of function application. The lexical entries in the cate-
(57) a. Loren is cute Pavarotti.
gory conj are also interpreted as functions, but these functions
s have two arguments, and our syntq.ctic rules have the conjoined

~VP structure dominated by a node with three branches rather than two.
Functional application is applicable, however, only to binary

branching nodes where one daughter is a function whose domain
includes the other daughter. Thus we need to change the syntax of
V F1 slightly by replacing (21b) by the following two rules:

I I (58) a. S ----7 S conjP

Loren is cute Pavarotti b. conjP ----7 conj S
b. Bond likes.
In other words, the conjunction and the second conjunct them-
selves form a phrase, which we've called conjP, and this phrase

~VP then combines with the first conjunct. This is just a device to guar-
antee that our branching nodes are all binary, so that functional
application can apply. If natural languages in fact syntactically re-
I quire nonbinary branching nodes, we will need something different
v from our present principle of functional application. But for pres-
ent purposes we can assume binary structures and readily provide
Bond likes lexical entries for and and or that will do the job. What the lexical
entries have to do is to provide a function whose argument is a
As we saw above, is cute will denote a function in <e, t). The V
truth value and whose output is a function that maps a truth value
node dominating it can take Pavarotti as an argument but will then
into a truth value; that is, and and or should be of type <t, <t, t) ).
yield a VP value of 1 if Pavarotti is cute in v and 0 otherwise. This
That is exactly what we get when we play the same trick with and
truth value, however, cannot combine with the subject N, and thus
and or that we played with likes: to reduce a two-argument to a
we cannot assign any semantic value at all to the S node in (57 a). In
one-argument function. So instead of the value for [ andr that we
the case of (57 b), the value of likes will pass up to V and then to VP,
gave in (30), we could use
to yield the characteristic function of {x: x likes yin v}. When we

combine this with Bond, the value passed up to the subject NP, we (59) [andr = r1 ----7
get 1 if Bond likes yin v and 0 otherwise. But these truth conditions

are not fully specified and cannot yield a truth value in v. Thus in
0 ----7
both cases the constructions are not properly interpretable. On this
approach, whether or not a verb takes an object is a matter of its
semantics and not its syntactic categorization. In the rule-to-rule
approach, the argument structure associated with a verb is a matter Exercise 7 Redo the function given in (30) for [orr so that it is of type
of its syntactic and semantic properties. <t, <t, t)) and thus can be used to interpret conjP and structures
We still have said nothing about the logical connectives on this containing it.
new approach. Readers may remember that in (30) it is not the case
that is already interpreted as a function from truth values to truth
Chapter 2 98 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 99

Table 2.3 Functional type assignments for F1 4 Problems

There are several questions that the approach we have introduced
leaves unanswered. We will try to address them at various points in
the course of this book. A preliminary discussion of some of them,
however, might be useful already .at this point. This section is de-
s voted to such preliminary discussion, and it can be skipped with-
N e out in any way undermining the comprehension of subsequent
V1, VP <e. t) material.
Vt <e. <e. t))
conj <t. <t. t))
neg <t. t) 4.1 Situations, circumstances, states of affairs
Our definition of truth depends on a given specification of what the
facts are, one could say, on a data base. It is relativized to what we
A type-driven approach to semantic interpretation does seem to have loosely called situations, circumstances, or states of affairs.
have some advantages over the rule-to-rule approach. The inven- The formal counterpart of the notion of situation or state of affairs
tory of semantic rules gets reduced; for F 1 , we need only "pass-up" that we have adopted in our formal definition of truth is so far very
and "apply." And once the types corresponding to key syntactic rudimentary. We model situations or states of affairs as alternative
categories (like S and N) are set, the types corresponding to the re- assignments of truth values to atomic sentences. Each assignment
maining categories can readily be obtained in a uniform functional tells us which of the atomic sentences are true and which are false
format. There is also the possibility of simplifying the syntax by and thus in a sense offers a characterization or description of a situ-
letting semantic uninterpretability filter out certain unacceptable ation. Alternatively, we could think of situations as assignments
strings, as illustrated in the discussion of (57) above. As that dis- of extensions to predicates: this would amount to a specification of
cussion shows us, limiting semantic procedures allows us to have which individuals satisfy which predicates and thus again could be
lexical items with different semantic types in the same syntactic viewed as a characterization of a state of affairs. Admittedly, this
category, e.g., a single category V rather than the distinct categories way of modeling situations or states of affairs does not do justice to
V; and Vt. Type-driven approaches make the project of arriving their intuitive content. But for our present purposes it suffices. In
at a simple universal semantic procedure look viable. Table 2.3 the grammar of F 1 we do not deal yet with sentence embedding,
shows the type assignments we have used in showing how to and thus we can get by with a very rough hypothesis as to the de-
develop a type-driven alternative for interpreting F 1 • notation of sentences. This enables us to avoid the problems dis-
At the same time, we often can more readily see what is going on cussed in section 2.1 and 2.2.
in particular cases if we are not worrying about letting semantic Of course, at some point the question of sentence embedding will
types do all the interpretive work. Sets of ordered pairs, for exam- have to be addressed, and a more aJ:ticulated way of modeling
ple, seem easier to grasp than functions that map individual enti- states of affairs will perhaps be needed. In fact, it is possible that
ties into functions that then map from individual entities into truth the analysis of more complex constructions will lead us not only to
values (i.e., elements of <e, <e,
t)) ). What we have done in this sec- the introduction of more refined notions of states of affairs or situ-
tion is to illustrate the possibility of replacing rule-to-rule truth- ations but also to the introduction of other semantic concepts
conditional interpretive procedures by ones that are type-driven. such as, say, events, actions, properties, and the like. The point
Although we will not show it in any detail, the further techniques worth emphasizing in this connection is that introducing such
we develop and the analyses we illustrate in the rest of the book do concepts will certainly not exempt us from seeking a match of
have type-theoretic analogues. sentences with their truth conditions, for truth conditions are our
link to logic. As we have seen, part of our semantic competence
Chapter 2 100 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 101

enables us to make judgments of entailment. And a theory of en- even define what a lie is? Moreover, even professional liars are
tailment has to resort, directly or indirectly, to the notion of truth, bound to aim at truth most of the time. What would happen if they
we think. 7 lied in trying to purchase food, getting medical assistance, etc.?
Our strategy can, thus, be summarized as follows. As a result of Donald Davidson (1977, 295) has made this point very clearly: "We
the work of Tarski we know how truth can be formally charac- work on one or another assumption· about the general pattern of
terized. Our aim is to get a Tarski-style definition of truth for ever agreement. We suppose that much of what we take to be common is
larger fragments of natural languages. At the outset it seems rea- true, but we cannot of course assume we know where the truth
sonable to base our definition on fairly elementary concepts so that lies." In fact, it is hard to see how our species could have survived
we can be reasonably sure that we are not sneaking in obscure without being endowed with this disposition to utter truths. Such a
notions in our attempt to characterize meaning. For example, to disposition must be based on a capacity to tell whether a sentence
interpret F1 , we have simply used the following notions: individ- is true or false in a given situation where the relevant facts are
ual, set, circumstances (regarded as ways of evaluating atomic sen- available, a capacity that a theory of truth is designed to represent.
tences). In carrying out this program, we may find constructions A truth-conditional semantics seems to be a necessary ingredient in
whose truth conditions seem to require making an appeal to further the attempt to explain an extremely widespread pattern of behav-
semantic notions (say, events, actions, etc.). These notions will ior: our tendency to utter true sentences.
then be construed as components of a recursive definition of truth Still, there is no denying that truth seems plainly irrelevant to
and come to have the status that theoretical concepts have in any much of our use of language. This applies, for example, to all non-
other empirical inquiry. Their justification will be a matter of declarative sentences. Consider, for example,
overall theory evaluation, which, complicated as it may be, is ulti-
(60) a. Open the door.
mately an empirical question. A strategy of this kind should be
appealing also to those who, like us, are convinced that there is
b. What was open?
more than truth conditions to sentence meaning. To ask whether the sentences in (60) have a truth value seems to be
inappropriate. Yet from this it does not follow that truth conditions
are irrelevant to a characterization of the meaning of (60a) and
4.2 The variability of speech acts (60b). To see this, think of what it takes to understand, say, the
Another difficulty that one might think besets any kind of truth- imperative sentence (60a) as an order. To understand an order, we
conditional semantics is that it appears to be limited to a small and must know what it is to carry it out, that is, what situation must be
artificial fraction of language. Even granting that our approach brought about. In the case of (60a) we are asked to bring about a
works for ordinary uses of simple declarative sentences, how is it situation where a certain door is open. In other words, orders have
ever going to generalize to the indefinite variety of uses that lan- a content: what it is that has to be brought about. It is this content
guage can be put to? And if it does not generalize, why should it be that a truth-conditional theory enables us to characterize. For ex-
interesting as a theory of natural language meaning? The problems ample, we can imagine a characterization of a notion of satisfaction
that this question raises are serious. To see what our line is in of an order along the following lines:
dealing with them, let us consider some specific examples.
( 61) Order J is satisfied iff p is carried out.
For one thing, we lie. That is, we use declarative sentences with
some systematicity, knowing them to be false. This might be taken Here J is an order, and p a description of the conditions to be
to suggest that in large parts of real-life situations we couldn't care carried out. We see no difficulty, in principle, in providing a recur-
less for truth. We, however, think that this pessimistic conclusion sive characterization of such a notion. In fact, it could be directly
is misguided. To be able to lie, we must know that something is modeled on a Tarski-style definition oftruth. 8
true and pretend that it isn't. So if we didn't know under what Consider next a question, such as, say, (60b). What does someone
conditions sentences are true, how could .we lie? How could we who asks it want to know? Well, take the set of all the objects x,
Chapter 2 102 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 103

such that "xis open" counts as an accurate, true answer to (60b), we feel entailments should play a central role in any approach to
that is, the set {x: "xis open" is a true answer to (60b)}. Someone meaning.
who asks (60b) is in fact wondering what the membership of this Finally, it should be understood that exchange of information
set is, what objects belong to it. So perhaps constituent questions presupposes linking sentences to their content (in our terms, to
might be semantically associated with sets of this kind, which their truth conditions). Such a l,ink appears to be based on the
would also be recursively definable in terms of true answers. intention to communicate and must be sustained by a pattern of
Looking at true answers can thus constitute a good starting point in conventions and beliefs among the members of the community of
the investigation of the semantics of questions. 9 speakers. Thus, meaning is a particular kind of action (one that in-
These suggestions are very sketchy. Many different approaches volves bringing about a link between form and content) and can be
are possible in the case of nondeclaratives. Some of them will be properly understood only in the general context of our behavior as
discussed at more length when we deal with speech-act theories socially and historically conditioned rational agents. The specifics
in chapter 4. The general point is that any description of non- of this idea will be discussed at some length in chapter 4. But
declaratives must characterize what their content is. It seems very more generally, this entire work is an attempt to show that truth-
hard to even start talking sensibly about questions or comands conditional semantics is an interesting theory of this form of action
without somehow isolating what is being asked or commanded. We (and of the competence that underlies it).
think that truth-conditional semantics is well designed to charac-
terize the relevant notion of content. The above suggestions are
simply meant to give some intuitive plausibility to this general 4.3 Vagueness
strategy. Another phenomenon that might be thought to undermine our
Considerations of a similar kind apply to the multitude of acts approach is vagueness. Consider the following sentence:
that we can perform by speaking and that go well beyond the (62) This is a chair.
simple exchange of truthful information, acts such as threatening,
Suppose we utter (62) by pointing at some object that is something
imploring, denying, investigating, etc. To perceive a linguistic act
in between a chair and a stool. It is not hard to come across such
as an act of a certain type, we have to be able to isolate what is
objects. We might have a very hard time deciding whether (62) is
literally said, that is, the actual content of the speech act. A truth-
true or false of it. Perhaps the criteria that we use to decide whether
conditional theory of meaning can do that rather well, and that is
something is a chair are just not sharp enough to let us settle the
why we believe a theory of speech acts needs such a theory (just as
question. What then of truth conditions? Doesn't this situation
much as the latter needs the former).
show that even a simple sentence like (62) can easily fail to have
A related issue concerns the emphasis that we are putting on the
truth conditions? Words in natural language are intrinsically vague,
notion of entailment with respect to other semantic notions. Such
and our semantics seems to be poorly equipped for dealing with
an emphasis might appear to be unjustified, since from the point of
view of language users, entailments are simply one of the many
We will try to get by for now by pointing out that there are many
kinds of intuitions that we have about sentences. There are, how-
cases that the criteria for the application of the predicate chair does
ever, two points to consider in this connection. The first is that our
settle: certain things are definitely chairs and others are definitely
capacity for evaluating entailments does appear to be grounded in
not chairs. Those cases are the ones we are talking about in devel-
what we know about meaning, that is, in our semantic competence.
oping our semantics. There is a gray area in between that we are
Thus a theory of entailments is a necessary component of a char-
disregarding at this point. Or rather, we are relativizing our se-
acterization of such competence. Furthermore, we think that there
mantics to some way of resolving vagueness. Our assignment of
are grounds to believe that such a theory can be applied in inter-
truth conditions to sentences of English is exactly as vague as the
esting ways to deal with presuppositions and perhaps semantic
meaning of the basic expressions in those sentences. This is not a
anomaly, as we shall see in subsequent chapters. For these reasons
Chapter 2 104 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 105

trivial achievement, however. It gives us a way of projecting the notion of truth conditions as such. Is this a sound strategy in view
vagueness of words (as well as the precision) into the infinite of our overall approach?
number of sentences in which they occur, in a systematic fashion.
In chapter 8 we will try to show that there are interesting formal 4.4.1 The causal theory of reference To answer the latter question, we
ways of dealing with vagueness that build on the general approach should ask again what it is for. a word to refer to something
to meaning that we are adopting. in a given circumstance. What is it, for example, to claim that
Pavarotti denotes Pavarotti? Many different answers have been
given to this question. One kind of answer might be that Pavarotti
4.4 Truth versus reference can be uniquely identified by means of descriptions like the
In section 1 of this chapter we criticized the claim that meaning is greatest Italian tenor who ever lived or the tenor that performed in
some kind of (internal) representation, as it merely shifts the prob- the Arena di Verona on July 7, 1986. A proper name like Pavarotti
lem of what sentences mean to the one of what their associated might be thought to be associated with a cluster of such descrip-
representations mean. Now, a similar criticism could be leveled tions, Pavarotti being the individual that uniquely falls under
against the present approach. What a Tarski-style definition of truth them. Together such descriptions could be regarded as a criterion
does is to associate sentences with a description of the conditions that uniquely picks out Pavarotti from what there is. As such
under which they are true in a certain metalanguage. It thereby they seem to form a plausible candidate for being the meaning of
seems to shift the issue of meaning from the object language to the Pavarotti. The same point seems to apply to general terms (or
metalanguage without really telling us what meaning is. However, predicates) like water or tiger. They can be thought of as being
the point to note in this connection is that specifying truth con- associated with a set of criteria or descriptions that determine what
ditions (a) forces one to specify what exactly words and phrases falls under such concepts. Such criteria are reasonable candidates
contribute to sentence content and (b) enables us to define entail- for being the meaning of common nouns.
ment and a variety of other semantic notions and to prove claims Kripke (1972), Putnam (1975), and others have pointed out sev-
about them. These, we think, are the specific merits of a truth- eral problems with this view and have proposed an alternative.
conditional approach, and they enable us to make some progress They have noted, among other things, that the view just sketched
toward characterizing the notion of semantic content. has the following curious consequence. Suppose that the criteria
But there is more to this issue. The careful reader will have associated with a term happen to go wrong. Suppose, for example,
noticed a further problem in our presentation. We started out in that Pavarotti turns out not to be the tenor who performed in the
section 3 arguing that instead of taking reference as basic, we Arena di Verona on July 7, 1986. Suppose that the tenor who per-
needed a characterization of sentence meaning in order to define formed in the Arena di Verona on July 7, 1986, turns out to be a
other semantic concepts. We then argued that sentence meaning man whose name is Cipputi (who sang disguised as the better
can be characterized by means of a Tarski-style truth definition. But known Pavarotti). Indeed, suppose that all the descriptions used as
what does such a definition actually do? It reduces the truth con- semantic criteria for applying the name Pavarotti actually describe
ditions of sentences to identification of the extension of terms Cipputi instead. The view sketched above of proper names as hav-
(nouns) and predicates in various situations. Thus it seems that our ing descriptive criteria is then committed to a striking claim: the
grasp of the latter must be prior to our understanding of truth con- name Pavarotti actually refers to Cipputi. This is so because on this
ditions. In other words, a Tarski-style truth definition can do its job view proper names are not directly linked to their bearers.
only if we know how to get at the reference of words first. If the But the example given above suggests that this is just false. To
meaning of the lexical entries is understood, then truth conditions reiterate this point with one of Kripke's examples, suppose that the
of arbitrary sentences can be computed. So maybe for our approach only description we associate with the name K. Godel is the one
to really work, we must, after all, assume as our basic notion the who proved the incompleteness of arithmetic. Suppose that we
notion of reference (across different circumstances) rather than the then find out that a certain Herr Schmidt rather than Godel proved
Chapter 2 106 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 107

the famous theorem. The description theory predicts that the name his naming. His parents spread the name, and others acquired it
Godel should then refer to Schmidt. In other words, "Gi::idel proved and with it a direct link to him, whether or not they ever encounter
the incompleteness of arithmetic" is true by definition, since Godel him in the flesh. As members of the same language community, we
simply means prover of the incompleteness theorem. But surely rely on that link when we use the name. We talk about the man
this is wrong. Examples of this kind can be constructed, it seems, who was so registered, no matter what beliefs we might have about
for any description or feature cluster we can conceive. him. With words like tiger the story is considerably more compli-
The view that reference is mediated by a cluster of descriptions cated but nonetheless plausibly similar. In general, a crucial class
seems initially even more appealing for common nouns than for of words appears to get directly attached to referents in a variety of
proper names. We may be willing to admit that proper names are ways, of which an original dubbing ceremony may be one.
linked directly to their bearers and lack descriptive content to Second, there is the issue of what makes something a tiger and
mediate that link, yet we are accustomed to thinking of the meaning Pavarotti Pavarotti. This is the problem of what determines mem-
of words like water, tiger, and woman-words that refer to what bership in a certain class or the identity of a certain individual. On
Kripke calls "natural kinds"-as more directly involving defini- such matters the language community often relies on experts. For
tional criteria. The Kripke-Putnam arguments for abandoning this instance, in the case of applying tiger and other kind-denoting
view of the meaning of such common nouns are more complex (and terms, we tend to rely on genetic templates as biology currently
have won fewer converts) than those dealing with proper names. characterizes them. The best theory available on the matter is what
Yet notice that when our identificational criteria for applying such we use to settle disputes. For Pavarotti his parents may be our best
a noun go wrong, our mistakes do not change what it is we are experts where identification is problematic.
talking about or referring to when we use the word. People used to Third, there is the issue of what kind of information the compe-
think that whales were fish and not mammals, but it seems in- tent speaker of English normally relies on in trying to use words
tuitively plausible that we, who are biologically more sophisticated like tiger or Pavarotti. We certainly must cognitively represent
than they and have different criteria, are nonetheless talking about concepts of tigers and of Pavarotti and somehow use these repre-
the same creatures our ancestors were when we use the word sentations in processing the words tiger and Pavarotti. But it is un-
whale. Suppose that whale used to "mean" a kind of fish. Then clear whether these concepts play any semantic role. On the causal
when these earlier speakers spoke about whales, they were not theory of reference, such cognitive representations do not enter
speaking about Moby Dick and his kin. But this seems wrong. They into determining truth conditions. What is crucial for truth is the
believed that the very same creatures we think are mammals were referential link itself, and that is a matter of the causal history of
fish. It is not the meaning of whale that has changed but beliefs the world (which baby it was whose parents named it Luciano
about the creatures included in its reference. Pavarotti, for example) rather than of conceptual structure (the
The above considerations suggest that the semantics of proper concept a speaker has of Pavarotti). What emerges from the Kripke
names and perhaps also some basic general terms like tiger can and Putnam line is that words of an important class have to be
be articulated in three components. First, there is the issue of somehow directly linked to their possible extensions. There is in
what determines the reference of Pavarotti or tiger, that is, what de- their meaning an inescapable demonstrative component. For them
termines the association of a particular word with a particular we can't do much better than saying things like "Pavarotti is this
object or class of objects. The Kripke and Putnam view proposes a man" or "Tigers are animals like these," pointing at the right
direct "causal" link between words like Pavarotti and tigers and things. This does not mean that all words work like this, however.
objects like Pavarotti and tigers, respectively. For example, at one Many words have, for example, semantic relations to other words
point Pavarotti was registered in the city hall of his birth place as or semantically relevant internal structure. We will discuss this
"Luciano Pavarotti," and that act, in virtue of the conventions as- issue further in chapter 8.
sociated with it, created a direct causal link between Pavarotti and From the perspective of our semantics there are certain general
Pavarotti. The man himself figured in the chain of events leading to consequences that it might be tempting to draw from Kripke's and
Chapter 2 108 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 109

Putnam's work. Maybe what Tarski-style truth definitions accom- root of Quine's (1960) worries about the "radical indeterminacy of
plish is the reduction of the notion of meaning to the notion of ref- translation." From our point of view, the issue is the following. A
erence (via the notion of truth). This reduction succeeds where compositional semantics for a language like English seems to re-
other previous attempts have failed because it can provide a com- quire causal links between lexical items and their references. But
positional account of sentence meaning, a characterization of such causal links seem to pres11ppose a set of collective inten-
notions like entailment, and a plausible account of the meaning tions, beliefs, etc., about a language like English. Truth seems to
of function words, among other things. Reference is then to be depend on reference. And reference on truth. Aren't we running in
understood along the lines that Kripke and Putnam have in- a circle?
dependently argued for, namely, as a direct causal link of words to Not necessarily. To show this, let us sketch a highly idealized
objects and classes of objects that propagates through the language picture of how a semantic system like the one we have sketched
community by means of various conventions. Of course, much might come about. One might start with a language much simpler
more work is needed to spell out what counts as a "direct causal than English, perhaps one that only contains a finite number of
link" between words and their referents and exactly how a com- sentences. The truth conditions for the sentences of this language
munity maintains such connections through the language-using might be agreed upon globally. In other words, sentences may be
practices that prevail among its members. But we do seem to have linked to aspects of states of affairs holistically (all at once and
a useable preliminary picture of how the meaning of basic ex- without analyzing them into components and establishing refer-
pressions might ultimately be rooted in (and hence depend on) ences for such components). If the language is small enough, this
ways of referring. will be possible, for it involves only agreeing upon a list pairing
each sentence with the conditions that must hold for its truth. Once
4.4.2 Atomism versus holism in semantics One might think that the such a language is in place, reference of some sentence components
picture we have just sketched yields a form of "semantic atom- may be determined by a process of abstraction. Suppose, for exam-
ism."10 It reduces the problem of determining the meaning of a ple, that the language in question contains sentences like "Hobbes
complex expression to the problem of determining the reference of is a tiger," "Hobbes is not a lion," and "Hobbes is striped," and
its parts. In a Tarski-style definition the truth conditions of suppose furthermore that we have somehow agreed on the truth
"Hobbes is a lion" depend on what Hobbes and lion refer to. This conditions associated with them. By looking at the role of the word
might be taken to presuppose that each part can be linked in isola- tiger in channeling the truth conditions of the sentences in which it
tion to its reference, where reference is understood as a direct link occurs, we may then be able to agree on the fact that tiger refers to
between an expression and its denotation causally brought about tigers. That is, we may be able to articulate a component of a sen-
and transmitted through the community of speakers. The refer- tence, identify a regularity in our experience, and establish a causal
ences of basic expressions are the atoms out of which truth con- or conventional link between the two.
ditions are built. At this point, having established a common, if limited, frame of
But this view is questionable. How can reference be established reference, we may expand our language by adding new sentences
without a conceptual frame that allows us to identify and classify and establishing their truth conditions, using our original language
individuals? How can a causal link between the expressions of a and our newly acquired frame of reference. So the process starts
language and any aspect of reality be brought about and transmitted again, going through stages where new sets of sentences are holis-
without a network of intentions, conventions, and beliefs about that tically mapped onto aspects of the world and stages where new
language shared by its speakers? Try to imagine the situation where frames of reference are established by abstraction. A language like
a link between Pavarotti and Pavarotti, or tiger and tigers is brought English can be viewed as a point where this process stabilizes (to a
about. Saying "This is a tiger" and pointing at a tiger will not suf- degree, for languages change constantly). A Tarski-style semantics
fice. How do we know that one intends to refer to tigers rather than can be viewed as characterizing a language that has reached its
to, say, striped animals in general? This type of problem is at the point of equilibrium.
Chapter 2 110 Denotation, Truth, and Meaning 111

The very same ideas can be developed as a picture of language Consider next the following situations:
acquisition. Consider how the child might acquire a semantic sys~ (v1 ) [Pavarotti is cute]v1 = 1
tern like the one that underlies English. Conceivably, the child
[SY1 = 0 for every atomic S different from "Pavarotti is
might start off by figuring out the truth conditions of a small set cute."
of English sentences, those that are somehow more salient in her
experience. Our language learner will globally link sentences to (Recall that S is atomic iff it does not contain any sentential con-
situations without necessarily analyzing the contributions of their nective, like and, or, or negation.)
components. The child can then figure out the reference of words (vz) [Pavarotti is boring]vz = 1
from the role they play in channeling the truth conditions of sen- [Loren is boring] vz = 1
tences. This process of abstraction leads the child to acquire [Bond is cute]vz = 1
aspects of the frame of reference and of the system of causal links [Bond likes Bond]v2 = 1
prevailing in her community. Familiarity with the reference frames [Bond likes Pavarotti] vz = 1
associated with certain word families will prompt the acquisition [Loren introduces Pavarotti to Bond]vz = 1
of truth conditions for new sentences, and the process enters a [Bond introduces Pavarotti to Bond]vz = 1
second cycle. And so on. Throughout this process the child is pre- [S] vz = 0 for any atomic S different from the ones listed
sumably guided by an innate apparatus, say, general capacities for above.
concept formation that our species may be endowed with, perhaps
along with some machinery specific to language. On this view, a (v3 ) [is cute]v3 = {L}
compositional semantic system arises only as a culmination or [is hungry] v3 = 0
point of equilibrium of a complex process of abstractive reflection [is boring]v3 = {P, B, L}
that goes through stages. Reference as such is not there initially but [likes ]v3 = { (B, B), (B, P), (B, L)}
comes into play only through the contribution that it makes to the [introduces Y 3 = 0
truth conditions of sentences. Here P = Pavarotti, B = Bond, and L = Loren. Give the values ofthe
These considerations, as much armchair theorizing on cognition following in each of the above situations.
and language acquisition, should not be taken as realistic descrip-
(1) is cute
tions of how a semantic system like that of English gets established
or is acquired by the child. Their purpose is to demonstrate that our (2) introduces Pavarotti to Bond
theory of meaning and the causal theory of reference are not logi-
(3) Pavarotti is boring or [Loren is boring and it is not the case that
cally committed to a kind of semantic atomism. Nor do truth and 11
Bond likes Loren]
reference depend on one another in a circular way. I 'I 0
There is no way that we could do justice here to the richness of (4) [Pavarotti is boring or Loren is boring] and it is not the case that
the positions that emerge from the philosophical debate associated Bond likes Loren
I v I
with truth-conditional semantics. But pedagogical considerations (5) [Pavarotti is boring or Loren is boring] or [Pavarotti is boring
required us not to bypass completely discussion of some of the and Loren is boring]
claims most often associated with it.
(6) it is not the case that it is not the case that [Bond introduces
Pavarotti to Loren or Loren introduces Pavarotti to Bond]
Exercise 8 Add the following to F1. (7) Pavarot'ti likes Loren and [Bond likes Pavarotti or Bond likes
VP ___. Vdt N toN Bond]

Vdt ___. introduces Show whether the following pairs of sentences are logically equiv-
What is [[vp Vdt N to N']] v equal to?
Chapter 2 112
3 Quantification and Logical Form

(8) a. [Pavarotti is boring and Loren is boring] and Bond is boring

b. Pavarotti is boring and [Loren is boring and Bond is boring]
(9) a. Pavarotti is boring and [Loren is boring or Bond is boring]
b. [Pavarotti is boring or Loren is boring] and [Pavarotti is
boring or Bond is boring]

(10) a. Pavarotti is boring and [Loren is boring or Bond is boring]

b. Pavarotti is boring or Bond is boring 1 Introduction
We introduced truth-conditional (or logical) semantics by con-
sidering a simple language, F 1 , in which we could attribute certain
properties (being boring, being hungry, liking James Bond, etc.) to
certain individuals (Bond, Loren, and Pavarotti). The language F1 ,
however, provides no way to move beyond talk of particular in-
dividuals to the expression of generalizations, such as those in (1).
(1) a. Everyone likes Loren.
b. No one is boring.
c. Someone is hungry.
One might suggest that we can express the content of the sentences
in (1) by using sentences like those in (2).
(2) a. Loren likes Loren, and James Bond likes Loren, and
Pavarotti likes Loren.
b. It is not the case that [Loren is boring or Bond is boring or
Pavarotti is boring].
b'. Loren is not boring, and Bond is not boring, and Pavarotti is
not boring.
c. Loren is hungry, or Bond is hungry, or Pavarotti is hungry.
This is almost right if our domain of discourse includes only Bond,
Loren, and Pavarotti. In such contexts the sentences in (2) will
be truth-conditionally equivalent to those in ( 1). But suppose
that there are some additional individuals under consideration.
The sentences in (1) would automatically take account of those in-
dividuals in addition to our familiar three, whereas the sentences
in (2) must be amended. Moreover, it does not seem necessary for
us to be able to name the additional individuals to include them in
our generalizations, since expressions like everyone, no one, and
someone automatically include them.
Such expressions are quantificational, as are many others: most,
many, two, all. Quantificational expressions introduce the power
to express generalizations into language, that is, the power to move
beyond talk about properties of particular individuals to saying
Chapter 3 114 Quantification and Logical Form 115

what quantity of the individuals in a given domain have a given Both approaches share the fundamental idea that the interpretation
property. The quantificational apparatus of a language is a central of sentences with quantificational expressions is systematically re-
plank of its expressive capacity. lated to the interpretation of nonquantificational sentences about
Quantification in natural language is an extremely complex phe- individuals.
nomenon, one that we will not address directly at first. Instead, we We can think of the truth-conditional import of the sentences in
will first present the syntax and semantics of an artificial language (1) by imagining the sentences in (3a-c) uttered again and again,
that contains constructions capable of representing some very each time accompanied by a pointing at a different individual until
common quantificational tools of natural languages. This is the each individual in the domain has been pointed at. With each
language of what is known as (first-order) predicate calculus with pointing, the sentences are understood as saying of the particular
identity. The semantic techniques for interpreting languages of this individual in the domain pointed at that she or he likes Loren, is
kind form the core of standard quantification theory and can be boring, or is hungry. Relative to that pointing, each of these sen-
extended to apply directly to English and other natural languages. tences can be assigned a truth value of either true or false, as we
Before presenting the formal language, however, we will introduce elaborated in the preceding chapter. But what about the sentences
its distinctive semantic idea informally. in (1)? They say something about the pattern of these successive
As the sentences in (2) suggest, there is indeed a systematic con- valuations, something that holds regardless of the order in which
nection between the truth conditions of sentences with quantified we choose to point, provided that we eventually point at all the
expressions as subjects and the truth conditions of sentences with individuals. Sentence (1a) says that (3a) is true relative to every
such ordinary referring expressions as personal pronouns or proper pointing, sentence (1b) says that (3b) is true with respect to no
names as subjects. It is this connection that quantification theory pointing (that it is false relative to every pointing), and sentence
exploits. Our approach to evaluating sentences like those in (2) ( 1c) says that ( 3c) is true relative to some pointing or other.
seems to have something to do with our evaluations of sentences The basic idea can be applied to other quantified expressions.
like those in (3). (4) a. Three cats have whiskers.
(3) a. She/he likes Loren. b. Most cats have whiskers.
a'. Bond/Pavarotti/Loren likes Loren. c. Many cats have whiskers.
b. She/he is boring. d. One cat has whiskers.
b'. Bond/Pavarotti/Loren is boring. Each of these sentences can be thought of as having two compo-
c. She/he is hungry. nents. One is a simple subject-predicate sentence with something
c'. Bond/Pavarotti/Loren is hungry. like a pronoun as its subject, something like (5), which can be
The basic semantic ir.sights of quantification theory can be im- evaluated as true or false only with respect to some individual
plemented so as to emphasize the connection to sentences with contextually taken as a value for the pronoun (demonstrated by
proper names in place of quantificational expressions, sentences pointing, for example) and which by itself expresses no general-
like those in (3a'-c'), Substitutional approaches to quantification ization.
work in this way and have strategies for dealing with some of the (5) It has whiskers.
problems we pointed to in discussing the sentences in (2) as possi-
ble paraphrases of those in (1). For example, languages can be "ex- The other component, the quantified expression, tells us some-
tended" so that all objects about which we want to generalize are thing about how many different values of the pronoun we have to
provided with names. Then we would say, for example, that (1a) consider (in this case the quantified expression can also be thought
is true if and only if substitution of names for every individual of as instructing us to limit the domain of individuals being con-
yields truth. But we will not pursue the substitutional approach. sidered to cats). The quantified expression is the generalizing
Instead, we will present an objectual approach, developing the component. Sentence (4a) is true just in case there are at least three
connection with sentences with pronouns, like those in (3a-c). different cats to point to of whom (5) is true; (4b) requires that most
Chapter 3 116 Quantification and Logical Form 117

(more than half) of our paintings at cats pick out cats of which (5) is defined in terms of generalizations about values assigned to the
true; (4c) is true just in case "many" of our paintings pick out cats singular sentence.
of which (5) is true (and how many this requires depends on vari- Though it may seem simple now, this two-stage approach was
ous contextual factors); finally, (4d) requires only one pointing at a an enormous breakthrough. It provided us with the first fully gen-
cat of whom (5) is true. In other words, we seem to have analyzed eral treatment of multiply quantified sentences (sentences with
the sentences in (4) roughly along the lines indicated in (6): interdependent occurrences of several quantified expressions, like
"Every student meets two professors every week"). In the following
(6) a. (three cats)(it has whiskers)
section we are going to see how multiple quantification can be
b. (most cats)(it has whiskers)
made more explicit by incorporating it into the syntax of a formal
c. (many cats)(it has whiskers)
language (the predicate calculus).
d. (one cat)( it has whiskers)
This may seem unnatural, since the sentences in (4) do not con-
tain any overt pronouns. But now consider a sentence like (7). 1,1 The standard theory of quantification
(7) Every cat is proud of its whiskers.
1.1.1 The syntax of the predicate calculus The syntax of the predicate
Whereas (5) is incomplete without some contextual demonstration calculus (PC) can be given in terms of a simple set of phrase-struc-
to supply a referent for the pronoun, (7) does not seem to need such ture rules such as those in (9). In stating these rules, we abbreviate a
a demonstration, even though (7) also contains an occurrence of the set of rules of the form A ____, C1 , ... , Cn.
pronoun it. The pronoun in (7), however, does not refer to some Form is the category of formulas; Predn is the category of n-
particular cat or set of cats. This might seem mysterious, but it is placed predicates; tis the category of terms; canst is the category of
very natural if we analyze (7) as having two components, just as we (individual) constants; var is the category of (individual) variables;
did with our earlier sentences. conn is the category of connectives; neg is the category of negation.
(8) (every cat)(it is proud ofits whiskers) To keep the presentation simple, we have included only one-place
(monadic), two-place (dyadic), and three-place (triadic) predicates,
The pronoun it(s) in (8), our abstract representation of (7), serves but (9b) could easily be expanded to include predicates with more
as a placeholder for successive paintings: each successive pointing argument places, since rule (9a) is written in a general form. The
must assign to both occurrences of the pronoun it(s) the same
object. The semantic value of both occurrences must covary. The
analysis in (8) makes this explicit by having the placeholder occur
(9) a. Form---> Predn(tt, ... , tn)
twice, though, of course, it is only the second occurrence that b. i. Pred1 ---> P, Q
actually surfaces as a pronoun in natural English. The pronoun that ii. Pred 2 ---> K
surfaces in ( 7) seems to do exactly what the (abstract) subject pro- iii. Pred 3 ---> G
c. t ---> canst, var
nouns we hypothesized in (5) and (6) do.
d. i. canst ---> j, m
It was Frege who first had the idea of analyzing quantified state- ii. var---> x1,xz,x3, ... ,xn, ...
ments such as those we have considered as having two compo- e. Form---> Form Conn Form
nents: one a singular sentence with a placeholder element like a f Conn---> A (to be read "and"), v (to be read "or"), ---> (to be read
"if ... then ... "), +--+(to be read "if and only if")
pronoun and the other a component that says how many of the g. Form ---> Neg Form
possible values for that placeholder are such that the singular sen- h. Neg--->-, (to be read "it is not the case that")
tence is true relative to that value for the placeholder. Truth con- j. Form ---> 'Vxn Form, 3xn Form. 'Vxn should be read "for every Xn ";
ditions for these quantified statements are defined in two stages: 3xn should be read "for some Xn" or "there is (at least) a Xn such
first, truth conditions are defined for the singular sentence relative k. Form ---> t = t
to some value for the placeholder(s), and then truth conditions are
Chapter 3 118
Quantification and Logical Form 119

number of places associated with a predicate is sometimes called

In representing syntactic structures it is generally useful to leave
its adicity. We also simplified by including only two expressions as
out some details to keep things simple. Thus, for example, in rep-
one-place predicates (P and Q), two expressions as constants (j and
resenting labeled bracketings, we can go further than we did in
m), one two-place predicate (K), and one three-place predicate (G).
(10a 1, b') and omit category labels and brackets whenever no am-
Adding more expressions in any of these categories is perfectly
biguity in syntactic structure results. Under this convention, we
straightforward. We have adopted symbols for connectives and
can rewrite (10a', b') as (11a, b), respectively. Formulas (11c-f)
quantifiers that are frequently used. But in the logic and semantic
give further examples of well-formed structures associated with
literature there is a fair amount of variation, unfortunately, when it
formulas generated by (9).
comes to notation.
In (10a, b) we give as illustrations two phrase-structure trees ad- (11) a. --,K(j,x4)
mitted by (9) together with the corresponding labeled bracketings. b. Vx2 [G(j,m,x2 ) AP(xz)]
In giving the labeled bracketings, we omit representing lexical c. Vx13xz[K(x1,xz)]
categories, for simplicity. Note that parentheses and commas be- d. Vx7--, [Q(x7) ----+ K(x7, j)]
long to no category; they are simply introduced by rule (9a). e. 3x3[P(x3) v Q(j)]
f. [[3x3Q(x3)] v P(x3)]
(10) a. Form

Formula (11b) can be read "For every x 2 , the G relation holds be-
tween j, m, and x 2 , and x 2 has the property P."
Neg Form Quantificational sentences are built out of sentences containing

Pred t 2t
variables. This is a way of representing the idea informally pre-
sented in the introduction that quantification has two components:
a sentence containing ordinary (unquantified) attributions of prop-

erties to referents and an instruction as to how many such referents
should have the properties. Variables are going to play the semantic
role that pronouns were playing in that earlier informal discussion.
1 K (j,
X 4)
In a formula like 3x3Q(x3), the variable x 3 is said to be bound. As
a'. [Form•[Form K(j,x4)]] we will see when we turn to the semantics of PC, the contribution
b. of a bound variable is completely determined by the quantifier with
which it is coindexed: this particular formula says that something
is Q. In a formula like Q(x3), the variable x 3 is free, and the formula
Form says that x 3 , which must somehow get assigned a particular value, .
.. ' is Q. The syntax ofPgdistinguishes bound and free variables. ~"; ;,\\) ~ :,·
'],, , \ ;, , \ ~j Let us spell this out. We can say that an occurrence of a variable
Form conn Form 5
J' Xn is syntactically bound iff it is c-commanded by a quantifier

Pred3 t
t t
Pred 1
coindexed with it (that is, it is ofthe form Vxn or 3xn); otherwise we
c -c.::Jr /\[ /\ ,n\. say that Xn is free. C-command (which abbreviates constituent
command) is defined as follows:
cons cons var
I I (12) A c-commands B iff the first branching node that dominates
A also dominates B.
I I I I Accordingly, the first occurrence of x 3 in (11/) is bound, the second
Vx2 G (j, m, X2 ) A P (xz)
one is free. Perhaps this can be best appreciated by switching from
b'. [Form Vxz[Form [Form G(j,m,xz)] A [Form P(xz)]]] the labeled bracketing notatio~ to the corresponding phrase marker:
Chapter 3 120 Quantification and Logical Form 121

(13) Form through the interpretation of PC. Essentially, if an occurrence of

variable x is syntactically bound by a quantifier Q in a formula ¢,
what x contributes to the truth conditions of rjJ is determined by Q: a
Form conn Form
bound occurrence of x does not have any independent fixed value.
Customarily, the syntax of PC is. specified by means of a recursive
definition, rather than by means of phrase-structure grammars. In
(15) we give a recursive characterization of the syntax of PC, which
is equivalent to (9). It is easy to verify that the structuresinj_1JJare
v ~l~<:J~~EJ:itted bythe cla11ses in(l[j). (JI) Q . .., I< (J, ~<:,1 ) (,\\q,)s (,. r •

We also say that the syntactic scope of a quantifier is what it

c-commands (or, equivalently, its c-command domain). Thus, the
Exercise 1 Prove the last claim for the first two examples in (11) by generating
scope of 3x3 in (13) is the boxed occurrence of Q(xs). The notion of them using the rules in (15).
scope can be generalized to any connective or operator. That is to
say, we can talk of the scope of negation, disjunction, and so on in
exactly the same sense in which we talk of the scope of quantifiers. There are two rather trivial differences between the syntax in (9)
Finally, we say that an occurrence of Xn is syntactically bound by and the one in (15). The first concerns the fact that (9) generates
a quantifier Qn iff Qn is the lowest quantifier c-commanding Xn. terminal strings of the category Form that are ambiguous, as they
Thus, in (14a), Vx3 binds only the second occurrence of x 3 , while can be associated with different phrase markers or bracketings.
3x3 binds the first one. In fact, as we will shortly see, the formula in Thus, as in the case of F 1 , in order to do semantics we have to refer
(14a) will turn out to be equivalent to the one in (14b), where to sentences under an analysis. On the other hand, (15) is designed
quantificational dependencies are expressed in a graphically to encode directly a certain amount of syntactic structure in the
clearer way. string of symbols that are admitted as members of the category of
(14) a. Form formulas. In particular, ( 15) encodes structural information into
terminal strings in the form of (unlabeled) bracketings. As a con-
sequence, (15) generates unambiguous formulas, and semantics can
be done directly in terms of the members of category Form, rather
than in terms of the members of category Form under a certain
analysis. The second difference concerns the fact that the connec-
tives /\, v, and--, are assigned to the categories conn and neg by the

(15) a. For any integer n,xn is an (individual) variable.

b. j, mare (individual) constants.
c. Variables and constants are terms.
d. P, Q are in Pred1 (one-place predicates), Kis in Pred 2 , G is in
Pred 3 •
The two formulas in (14) are said to be alphabetic variants of one e. If A is ann-place predicate and t1, ... , tn are n terms, then
another and will turn out to be equivalent on our semantics; for A(t1, ... , tn) is a Form (formula). 2
clarity, we will generally have distin:ct variables bound by dis- f. If A and Bare formulas, then so are -,A, [A A B], [A v B], [A---t B],
[A <--t B], VxnA, 3xnA.
tinct quantifier occurrences. 1 The syntactic notions of bondage and g. If t1, t 2 are terms, then t1 = t 2 is a formula.
freedom have a semantic basis that will become clear as we work
Chapter 3 122 Quantification and Logical Form 123

grammar in (9). In the grammar in (15), they are assigned to no one person as we utter the first she and to another when the second
category at all. In the latter case, we say that they are treated syn- she is pronounced. In contrast, in (16b) we are required to assign
categorematically. It wouldn't be hard to modify (15) so as to the same value to x 1 in each of its occurrences: thus (16b) must be
,__.) ',~) ) ( i ' I l (,, ,~ \ { ( i \ ·. f \

introduce in it the categories conn and neg. read as saying that the individual assigned to x 1 stands in the K re-
lation to itself (in this case, she .thinks that she herself is smart),
whereas ( 16c) says that the individual assigned to x 1 stands in the K
Exercise 2 A. How would you define bound and free variables, given the syn- relation to the individual assigned to x 3 (which says nothing about
tax in (15)? .. .f,.JJ J .~ whether the individuals involved are one and the same individual
B. Consider the formula [• (~(x) A Q(x)l· What is the scope of nega- and certainly does not require that they are). We can think of vari-
tion according to (15)? 1 ~nlu wh,~t ~~ !p~ ~<??,!?~ ?f1 ,t1~r 1\C),~rt?-Pfier in ables as abstract pronouns, with the proviso that in a given context
[VxQ(x) _, P(x)]? we can point to only one individual for each distinct variable.
In interpreting variables, the critical thing is that we will need to
consider alternative assignments of values, just as we need to con-
1.1.2 The semantics for PC In what follows we provide a semantics sider alternative values for a pronoun whose antecedent is a quan-
for PC based on the syntax in (15). For F 1 we defined truth tified expression, as in (8). We already noted in connection with F 1
conditions recursively on the basis of syntactic recursion. We that predicates have an extension in a given set of circumstances
follow the same sort of procedure in treating the semantics of PC, that depends on what the circumstances are like, what the facts are.
but now we must consider variables and quantifiers, which are For variables, it is crucial that we allow for alternative assignments
quite different from the names, predicates, and connectives we even where the facts are fixed.
encountered in F1 . One way of achieving such a goal in interpreting PC is to use two
We have already suggested that variables in PC play some of the independent value-assigning functions. We will have a function V
roles associated with pronouns in natural languages. It is part of that assigns a value to individual constants and to predicative ex-
their semantics that they can refer to any individual at all in a given pressions and a different function g that assigns a single value to
set and can be used with quantifiers to say something general about each distinct variable. It can be helpful to think of g as fixing the
such a set. value of each variable much as an act of ostension can fix the value
In understanding variables, we must consider the possibility of of an antecedentless third-person pronoun. 3 The semantics for
assigning them different values. For present purposes we can think quantifiers will then be given as an instruction as to how to process
of these as something like the paintings we imagined for con- value assignments to variables.
textually specifying the values of antecedentless pronouns. The Perhaps the best way to understand the semantics for PC is by
main difference is that we can use different ostensions or paintings looking at a concrete example. In what follows, we will present first
to fix references of different occurrences of a single pronoun in a a specific interpretation for PC; later on we will discuss the general
sentence, but different occurrences of a single variable in a formula form that any interpretation of PC must have.
are to be understood as having the same reference. Let us illustrate Interpreting PC involves choosing a set of entities we want to talk
what we mean. Consider (16). about (let's say the set that contains our old friends Bond, Pavarotti,
and Loren) and assigning a specific extension to the constants. We
(16) a. She thinks that she is smart.
can, for example, decide that m stands for Loren, and j for Pavar-
b. K(x1,x1)
otti. Moreover, we can think of Q as having as its extension those
c. K(x1,x3)
who are hungry (on a certain occasion), P as standing for being
Interpret K(x, y) as x thinks that y is smart. (This is just a conve- boring, K as the relation of liking and the three-place relation Gas
nience for illustrating our point about variable interpretation; we standing for introducing (i.e., G(x, y, z) might be read as "x in-
will not actually deal with formal representations of English sen- troduces y to z"). Formally, the model we have in mind is specified
tences like (16a) until chapter 5.) When using (16a), we can point at as follows.
Chapter 3 124 Quantification and Logical Form 125

(17) a. Let M1 be a pair <U1 , V1), where U1 is a set of individuals have to relativize interpretation to both the model and the assign-
( (which we will call the domain or universe of discourse) ment because complex expressions can contain both constants and
and v1 assigns an extension in u1 to each individual variables. Our interpretation will be recursive. Consequently, the
constant of PC and an extension of n-tuples built from U1 to first thing we have to do is to provide the base for the recursion. In
each predicate. In particular, (18) we provide the base for the ·recursive definition of the inter-
U1 = {Bond, Pavarotti, Loren} pretation of PC, relative to the situation encoded in M 1 and the
V 1 (j) =Bond (: •
assignment of g . ·-/
'r:(/ ) 1h(lvrl,nc /(( , 11 (~, fcv<lj"',-'f'~',!"· -:. 11.·;1'·,.
1 cJ . .
~( ·
1 e..v~ 1r,, 1kc_ c~~,1d 1; 'IQ (''] -.-rr ( /(~
V 1 (m) =Loren )
' V1 (P) ={Loren, Pavarotti} (18) If A is either a predicate or an individual constant, then
[A]M,,g, = V1 (A). If A is a variable, [A]M,,g, = g1 (A).
~: V 1 (Q) ={Loren, Bond}
) V 1 (K) = {<Bond, Bond), <Bond, Loren), What (18) does is ground our interpretive function [ ] (now rela-
1 <Loren, Pavarotti), <Pavarotti, Loren)} tivized to a model and an assignment) in the previously defined V
I, V1 (G) = {<Bond, Loren, Pavarotti), <Loren, Loren, Bond), and g functions so that constants are interpreted with respect to
· <Loren, Bond, Pavarotti), <Pavarotti, Pavarotti, what the facts are and variables with respect to an assignment
Loren)}. function. We now provide the recursive clauses that concern the
b. Let g1 be a function that assigns to any variable a value quantifier-free portion of PC.
!') ~~ {\ drawn from U1 . In particular, let g1(x1) =Bond, let gl(xz)
(19) For any formulas A, B, any Predn R, and any terms t 1,. 0 0, tn,
= Loren, and for all n ;:::: 3, let g1(xn) = Pavarotti. The
a. [R(t1, otn)]M,,g, = 1 iff <[tt]M,,g,, ... , [tn]M,g,) E [R]M,,g,
•• ,

function g1 can also be represented as a list of the following

b [ AAB]M,,g, = 1 iff [A]M,,g, = 1 and [B]M,g, = 1 (1°"' '.~·\;'~'~;·,;·,·';.~,·,

kind: · r ·I·· vo···
c. [A v B]M,g, = 1 iff [A]M,,g, = 1 or [B]M,,g, = 1 ''' \. '

g1 = [:: : ~:~e~ d. [A --7 B]M,,g, = 1 iff [A]M,,g, = 0 or [B]M,,g, = 1

e. [A+--+ B]M,,g, = 1 iff [A]M,,g, = [B]M,,g,
pc ·
Xn --7 Pavarotti where n ;:::: 3
f. [-,A]M,,g, = 1 iff [A]M,,g, = 0
M 1 is called a model for PC. In general, models are abstract struc- g. [ti = tj]M,,g, = 1 iff [ti]M,,g, is the same as [tj]M,,g,
tures that we use as auxiliary devices in providing interpretations.
Before moving to the semantics of quantifiers, perhaps we can
Model theory is a branch of modern logic that deals with the
look at how (19) enables one to interpret quantifier-free formulas of
semantics of formal systems. Our ultimate goal is applying model
PC. On the next page we compute the value of ( 20) in M 1 with respect
theory to natural-language semantics.
to g1. After of each step of the computation, we give its justification.
So, selecting M 1 means that we are going to talk about Bond,
Loren and Pavarotti. Furthermore, by assigning an extension to (20) P(m) 1\ Q(x3)
predicates, we describe, in a sense, a situation or state of affairs. For
In (h) ofthe computation for (20) we have what can be thought of as
example, M1 as we have set it out represents a situation where
the truth conditions of formula (20), relative to M1; (k) gives the
Loren and Pavorotti are hungry but Bond is not and where Loren
truth value of (20), given what the facts of M1 are.
has introduced herself to Bond but Bond has not been introduced
to her. Particular models such as M1 can be thought of, then, as
ways of representing situations, collections of facts, or data. Fur-
Exercise 3 State the most efficient way to compute the truth values of the fol-
thermore, in (17b), we single out a function g1 to assign values to
lowing formulas:
variables. When we give the semantics for V and :1 along the lines
( 1) [R( x,y ) 1\ P(x)]--7 Q(x) flr5\ ./:(),(X)~\ , ,\ ~o, <.J'''"'· ,)JA•Q, \i;·,"u~' -1\~n
described in section 1, this will enable us to keep the facts fixed ~;It e•l-her JZ(v,,,\
u "' I (>••··o
, . I {.c,~.';
'i )
\\- ~o\ '\ { Ul.' ,
while considering different assignments to variables. (2) [[P(y) AR(x, y)]--7 P(x)] v [P(x) v P(y)]

We now proceed to give a semantics for PC relative to the situa-

tion encoded in M1 and the value assignment to variables g1. We (3) [P(x) --7 Q(y)] A [R(y, y) ~ [Q(x)'y' P(y)]]
Chapter 3 126 Quantification and Logical Form 127

Compute the value in M 1 with respect to g1 of the following t()~every occurrence of Xn in A and leaving the value assigned to all
formulas: othe~_varifl_ble~ ~by ~g1 the same; that is, we evaluate A relative to
g1 [uj xnJ, a function that assigns u to Xn and is otherwise identical to
(4) G(x3,j,x3)
I , ~]we will say more about these modified assignment functions
(5) .P(xt) f--t K(xz, j) below). If for some u, A is false relative to gl[ufxnJ, then we can stop
1 (6) •[G(x1,x1,Xt)----+ j=m]A[•Q(j)AK(j,m)] and conclude that VxnA is false relative to g1 and M 1. If, however, A
comes out true relative to gl[ufxn] for all u, then we can conclude
(7) •ft = j ----+•G(xt,Xt,Xt) that \fxnA is true relative to assignment function g1 and M 1.
0 ( ', I I I
(8) •[[Q(x3)YP(j)] f--t K(m,m)]----+ Xt = m For (21b),_ which interprets the existential quantifier, the idea is
pretty much the same. The difference is that for 3xnA to be true, it
suffices to find some u or other in the domain such that the result of
Let us now turn to the interpretation of formulas with quantifiers, interpreting A by assigning u to Xn gives us the truth value 1. In
which is where the real novelty of the present semantics lies. The, evaluating universals we can stop if any u gives us falsehood; in
basic idea is tha! we look at the formula to wll.ich a quantifier is evaluating existentials we can stop if any u give us truth. Using
attached and consider its values relative to alternative assignments modified assignment functions is the formal analogue of our infor-
to the variable with which the quantifif:)r is~~()}ild.~~ecr:-Afier~we mal conception of alternative paintings for evaluating sentences
present our formal definition and explain it informally, we will like those in (3a-c) as a way to evaluate quantified sentences like
work through some illustrative examples. those in ( 1 ).
(21) a. [VxnA]M,,g, = 1 iff for all u E U, [A]M,,g,[u/xn] = 1, where
The basic trick of our semantics for each quantifier is thus to start
with an assignment function and then modify that function with
gl[ufxn] = g1, except that gl[u/xn](xn) = u
b. [3xnA]M,,g, = 1 iff for some u E U, [A]M,,g,[u/xn] = 1 respect to the value it assigns to the variable coindexed with that

Let us go through (21a) slowly. What (21a) says is that a formula of

the form \fxnA will be true (relative to an assignment function g1
and a model M 1) if and only if the following conditions hold. For
g1 = [x1 ----+ Bond
x 2 ----+ Loren
quantifier. In (17b) we have specified an assignment g1 as follows:

Xn ----+ Pavarotti where n 2 3

each individual u in the domain of M1 we evaluate A by assigning u
Out of g1 we can construct any assignment of a particular variable
to any individual as demanded by the occurrences of quantifiers
Computation of (20) we encounter. For example, we can construct an assignment
(a) [P(m) 1\ Q(x3 )]M,,g, = 1 iff [P(m)]M,,g, = 1 and [Q(xa)]M,,g, = 1 By gl[Bondjx3], which assigns Bond as the value of x 3 and is just
(19b) like g1 in what it assigns to all the other variables. This is the
(b) [P(m)]M,,g, = 1 iff [m]M,,g, E [P]M,,g, By (19a) x 3-modification of g1 with respect to Bond:
(c) [m]M,,g, E [P]M,,g, iff Vi(m) E V1 (P) By (18)
(d) V1 (m) E V1 (P) iff LorenE {Loren, Pavarotti} , By (17a) g 1[Bondjx3] = rx1----+ Bond ]
(e) [Q(x3 )]M,,g, = 1 iff [x3 ]M,,g, E [Q]M,,g, By (19a) Xz----+ Loren
(f) [x3 ]M,,g, E [Q]M,,g, iff gi(x3 ) E Vi(Q) By (18) x 3 ----+ Bond
(g) g1 (x3 ) E V 1 (Q) iffPavarotti E {Bond, Loren} By (17a, b)
Xn ----+ Pavarotti where n 2 4
(h) [P(m) 1\ Q(x3 )]M,,g, = 1 iff LorenE {Loren, Pavarotti} and Pavarotti
E {Bond, Loren} By (a), (d), and (g) Some modifications of assignment functions might be vacuous.
(i) [P(m)]M,,g, = 1 By (b), (c), (d), and definition of set membership
(j) [Q(x3 )]M,,g, = 0 By (e), (f), (g), and definition of set membership
Note for example that gl[Bondjx1] = g1 , since g1 already assigns
(k) [P(m) 1\ Q(x3 )]M,,g, = 0 By (i), (j), and (19b) Bond as the value of x 1 . We also may have to consider (as will be
the case with nested quantifiers) modifications of already modified
Chapter 3 128 Quantification and Logical Form 129

assignments. For example, we might want to take gt[Bond/x3] and

modify it by assigning Loren to x 1. We represent this new function Computation of {221 relative to llf1 and 91
as gt[[Bondjx3]Loren/x1]: (a) [3x1P(xl)]M,g, = 1 iff for some UE ub [P(xl)]M,,g,[ufx,] = 1 By (21b)
(b) Assign Bond to x 1; i.e., consider gi[Bond/x1]
gt[[Bondjx3]Lorenjx1] = rx1 --+Bond (c) [P(x1)]M,,g,[ufx,] =1 iff [xi]M,,g,[ufx,] E [P]M,,g,[ujx,] By (19a)
x 2 --+ Loren (d) [xi]M,,g,[ufx,] E [P]M,,g,[ufx,] iff g1[Bond/x1](x1) E V1(P)
x 3 --+Bond ={Loren, Pavarotti} By (18)
Xn --+ Pavarotti where n 2: 4 (e) gi[Bond/x1](x1) =Bond By definition (21a)
(f) [P(x1)]M,,g,[u/x,] = 1 iff BondE {Loren, Pavarotti} By (c), (d), (e)
What we do is this. First we modify g1 by assigning Bond to x3 and (g) [P(x1)]M,g,[ufx,] = 0 By (f) and definition of set membership
then, keeping that constant, we assign Loren to x 1. Although the (h) Assign Loren to x 1; i.e., consider g1(Loren/x1]
notation can become intimidating, the basic idea is a very simple (i) [P(xl)]M,,g,[Lorenfx,] = 1 iff [xi]M1 ,g,[Loren/x1] E [P]M1 ,g,[Lorenfx1] By
one. (19a)
(j) [xl]M,,g,[Lorenfx,] E [P]M,,g,[Lorenfx,] iff gi[Loren/x1](x1) E V1(P)
In fact, in doing computations we do not need to bother with
={Loren, Pavarotti} By (18)
keeping track of all details of the modified functions. What we (k) gi[Loren/x1](x1) =Loren By definition (21a)
need to know about modified assignment functions in the course (1) [P(x1)]M,,g,[Lorenfx,] = 1 iff LorenE {Loren, Pavarotti} By (i), (j), (k)
of our computing is either told to us by the notation itself or (m) [P(x1)]M,,g,[Lorenfx,] = 1 By (1) and definition of set membership
by the specification of the initial assignment function. The nota- (n) [3x1P(x1)]M,,g, = 1 By (m) and (21b)
tion tells us, e.g., that g1[Pavarotti/x1](x1) = Pavarotti and that
gt[[Pavarotti/x2 ]Loren/x3](x3) =Loren (and also, of course, that
gt[[Pavarotti/x2 ]Loren/x3](x1) = Pavarotti). What about variables as it happens, we could have taken Pavarotti and gotten the same
whose assignment has not been directly modified, the variables not result. Relative to either of those individuals, P(x1) gets the value 1
indicated in the notation? For such variables, we rely on our origi- in our model and thus the existentially quantified formula in (22)
nal assignment function; that is, we know immediately that gets the value 1, as we predicted.
gt[[Pavarotti/x2 ]Lorenjx3](x8 ) = g1(xs) = Pavarotti. The real power of using assignment functions comes when we
Let us look now at a few examples where we will work with consider formulas with multiple quantifiers. Look at (23a). Again,
modified assignments. Let us consider first a sentence with only ; before evaluating it formally, we will consider it intuitively. The
one quantifier. syntactic structure of(23a) can be displayed as in (23b).
(22) 3x1P(x1) (23) a. 'v'x13xzK(x1,xz)
What (22) basically says is that something in the domain satisfies b. 'v'x1 3X2K(xv Xz)
the predicate P. Given the interpretation specified in (17), it says
specifically that something in U1 is hungry. Such a statement is true ~
'v'x13x K(x x 2 1, 2)
in M1, as the set of those individuals satisfying P, those who are
hungry, is not empty in M1. Thus the result of evaluating (22) in M1
should yield the truth value 1. The computation is in the box on the
3x 2 K(x1 , X 2)
\) '; \t I . \~ \• • I))
next page.
When quantifier Qn inch;des Qj in its scope or, as we also say, has
We did the computation in a dumb way by taking Bond as our
scope over Qj, then Qn is said to have wide scope relative to Qj, and
first individual to assign to the coindexed variable. That meant we
Qj is said to have narrow scope relative to Qn. In (23), 'v'x1 has scope
had to do a second evaluation with respect to another member of
over 3x3; in (24) below, we examine the semantic effects of the
our domain. The point is that we do not need to know in advance
opposite scope relations. Formula (23a) says that everything in the
which individual or individuals might satisfy our predicate. We
domain has something that it bears the relation K to, something that
took Loren as our target individual for the second evaluation, but
Chapter 3 130 Quantification and Logical Form 131

it likes. In M1 we see that this is true. Take Bond; he likes himself.

Turning to Loren, we see that she does not like Bond but she does Computation of (23) relative to M1 and 91

like Pavarotti. And finally, Pavarotti likes Loren. Our formal pro- (a) [(23a)] = 1 relative to M1 and g1 iff [3x2 K(x1Jx2 )] = 1 relative to M1
cedure mimics this informal way of evaluating (23a). We work and gi[u/x1] for all u in U1 By (21a)
our way from the outermost layers of syntactic structure inward, (b) [3xzK(xl,xz)] = 1 relative to M1 and g1[u/x1] iff for some u' in U1
[K(x1,x2 )] = 1 relative to M1 and g1[[u/x1]u'/x2 ] By (21b)
applying the corresponding semantic rules as we parse the formula. (c) [K(xbxz)] = 1 relative to M1 and gi[[u/x1]u'/x2 ]
Because our superscripts get hard to read as matters get :more com- iff (gl[[u/xl]u'/xz](xl), g1[[u/x1]u'jx2 ](x2 )) E V1 (K) By (19a)
plex, we will omit them and instead write out "[,8] relative to M (d) [K(xbxz)] = 1 relative to M1 and g1[[u/x1]u'/x2 ] iff (u, u')
E vl (K) = {(Bond, Bond), (Bond, Loren), (Loren, Pavarotti),
and g," where M and g are the model and assignment functions
(Pavarotti, Loren)} By definition of modified assignments,
relevant at a given stage. This is lengthier but a bit easier to process. (c), and (17a)
In the first subbox we focus on Bond and try to find someone he Go to subbox 1 and assign Bond to x 1; i.e., consider gi[Bond/x1].
likes. We try Bond himself, and indeed that works. In the second
subbox we focus on Loren. First we try Bond but find she does
(a) [3xzK(xl,xz)] = 1 relative to M1 and g1[Bond/x1] iff there is
not like him. Next, however, we try Pavarotti and are successful. some u in U such that [K(x1,x2 )] = 1 relative to M 1 and
Finally, we focus on the third member of our domain, Pavarotti. gl[[Bond/x1]u/x2 ] By (21b)
Our first try for someone he might like is Loren, and because he Assign Bond himself also to x 2 ; i.e., consider
does, the computation is successful. In the final step we put to- g1 [[Bond/x1]Bond/x2 ].
gether the results of these three subcomputations and conclude that (b) [K(x1, x 2 )] = 1 relative to M 1 and g1 [[Bond/x1]Bond/x2 ] iff
everyone in our domain does indeed have someone whom they (gi[[Bond/xl]Bond/xz](xl), gi[[Bond/xl]Bond/xz](xz) >E vl (K)
like. By (18) and (19a)
(c) (gl [[Bond/ xl]Bond/ Xz] (xl)' gl [[Bond/ xl]Bond/ Xz] (xz) >E vl (K)
The process of evaluation just illustrated is, of course, tedious. iff (Bond, Bond) E V1 (K) By definition of
Luckily, semanticists do not spend their time doing such compu- g1[[Bond/x1]Bondjx2 ]
tations. In fact (d) in the main box gives us the truth conditions of (d) (Bond, Bond) E vl (K) iff (Bond, Bond) E {(Bond, Bond),
interest (relative to M1 ); it is only in calcuating actual truth values (Bond, Loren), (Loren, Pavarotti), (~avarotti, Loren)} By
that we need to consider particular assignments explicitly. Seman- (e) [3xzK(x1Jxz)] = 1 relative to M1 and g1[Bond/x1] By (a)
ticists do need, however, to know that there is a formal semantics through (d) and definition set membership
for quantification that can treat cases of any complexity whatso-
ever. And what we have outlined can indeed do that. Complicated Go to sub box 2 and assign Loren to x 1; i.e., consider g1 [Loren/x1].
though the computations in the preceding box may seem, they re-
ally are just explicit versions of the rather simple process that we
2 (a) [3x2 K(xbx2 )] = 1 relative to M1 and gl[Loren/x1] iff there is
went through informally before beginning the formal computations. some u in U such that [K(x1, x 2 )] = 1 relative to M1 and
Quantifiers are construed as instructions to check assignments to g1[[Loren/x1]ujx2 ] By (21b)
the variables that they bind: how many assignments must yield a Assign Bond to x 2 ; i.e., consider gi[[Loren/x1]Bond/x2 ]].
value of 1 is what each quantifier specifies. How many we need (b) [K(x1,x2 )] = 1 relative to M 1 and g1[[Loren/x1]Bond/x2 ]
actually consider may depend on where we happen to start. In the iff (g1 [[Loren/x1]Bondjx2 ](x1), g1[[Lorenjx1]Bond/x2 ](x1))
worst-case scenario the number of assignments that must be con- E V1 (K) By (18) and (19a)
sidered is the number of elements in the universe raised to the (c) (g1[[Lorenjx1]Bondjx2 ](x1), g1[[Loren/x1]Bond/x2 ](x1))
E V1 (K) iff (Loren, Bond) E {(Bond, Bond), (Bond, Loren),
power n, where n is the number of distinct variables bound by the (Loren, Pavarotti), (Pavarotti, Loren)}
quantifiers. In the relatively simple example above, this was 3 2 = 9. (d) [K(x1,x2 )] = 0 relative to M1 and g1[[Loren/x1]Bond/x2 ] By
We actually considered only four. The first was with Bond assigned (b), (c), and definition of set membership
to both x 1 and x 2 , that is, gl[[Bond/x1 ]Bond/x2 ], which is what we
Quantification and Logical Form 133

finally in subbox 3 we assigned Pavarotti to x 1 and Loren to x 2 -

Assign Pavarotti to x 2 ; i.e., consider gt[[Loren/xt]Pavarotti/xz]. this was g1[[Pavarotti/x 1]Loren/x 2 ].
(e) [K(x1,x2 )] = 1 relative to M1 and g1[[Loren/xt]Pavarotti/xz] It is clear that matters could quickly get out of hand were we to
iff (g1[[Loren/x1]Pavarotti/xz](x1), consider longer nestings of quantifiers or larger domains of dis-
gt[[Loren/x1]Pavarotti/x2 ](x1)) E V 1 (K) By (18) and (19a)
(f) (g1[[Loren/ x 1]Pavarotti/Xz] (x1 ),
course. But it is also clear that.this limitation is only due to the
gt[[Loren/ Xt]Pavarotti/ Xz] (xt) >E vl (K) iff (Loren, Pavarotti) limited character of our psychophysical resources (memory, life
E {(Bond, Bond), (Bond, Loren), (Loren, Pavarotti), span, etc.). The procedure we have specified will eventually yield a
(Pavarotti, Loren)} By definition of truth value for each formula if we abstract away from such limits,
gt[[Loren/x1]Pavarotti/x2 ] and (17a)
(g) [3x2 K(x1,x2 )] = 1 relative to M1 and g1[Loren/x1] By (e) that is, if we imagine being able to extend our memory space, for
through (f) and definition of set membership example, indefinitely. Compare our semantics for quantifiers with
the algorithm for computing addition. Two numbers can well be too
Go to subbox 3 and assign Pavarotti to x1; i.e., consider gt[Pavarotti/x1]. big to be added by any human. Yet (for finite domains) the algo-
rithm for addition will eventually yield a value if we let it run for a
sufficiently long time. We do not intend to suggest that people
3 (a) [3x2 K(xt, x 2 )] = 1 relative to M1 and g1[Pavarotti/x1] iff there
is some u in U such that [K(x1,x2 )] = 1 relative to M1 and actually use the computational procedures specified above but
gt[[Pavarotti/x1]u/ Xz] only that these procedures show the structure of their semantic
Assign Loren to x 2 ; i.e., consider g1[[Pavarotti/x1]Loren/x2 ]. competence.
(b) [K(x1,x2 )] = 1 relative to M1 and gt[[Pavarotti/xt]Loren/xz] Readers might want to familiarize themselves more with these
iff (gt[[Pavarotti/x1]Loren/xz](Xt), techniques by evaluating a few more formulas. Consider, for ex-
g1[[Pavarotti/x1]Loren/xz](xz)) E V 1 (K) By (19a) and (18) ample, (24):
(c) (g1[[Pavarotti/x1]Loren/xz](x1),
gl [[Pavarotti/ Xt]Loren/ Xz] (xz) >E vl (K) iff (Pavarotti, Loren) (24) 3xz'fx1K(x1,xz)
E {(Bond, Bond), (Bond, Loren), (Loren, Pavarotti),
(Pavarotti, Loren)} By definition of Formula (24) is the result of permuting the quantifiers in formula
g1[[Pavarotti/x1]Loren/x2 ] and (17a) (23a). For (24) to be true, we have got to find some u E U1 such that
(d) [3x2 K(x1,x2 )] = 1 relative to M1 and gt[Pavarotti/xt] By (a) all u' in U 1 bear the K-relation to u. Given our particular model,
through (c) and definition of set membership
there must be some individual who is universally liked. That is, we
must find some u in U1 such that [Vx1K(x1,x2 )] = 1 relative to rel-
Conclusion: [(23a)] = 1 relative to M1 and g1 By (a) through (c) and ative to M 1 and gi[u/x2 ]; to return to our superscript notation, we
subboxes 1, 2, and 3
need a u such that [Vx1K(x1,x2 )]M,,g1[u/xz] = 1. (To save space, we
will return to using the superscript notation from now on to indi-
cate the model and assignment function to which interpretation is
used in the subbox 1 computation. The second and third we used relativized.) But there is no such u. To see this, consider that
in subbox 1; both of these assigned Loren to x 1 but one assigned [Vx1K(x1' Xz)]M,,gl[Bond/xz] 0,
Bond to x 2 -this was gi[[Lorenjx1]Bond/x2 ]-and the other as-
signed Pavarotti to x 2 -this was g1[[Loren/x1]Pavarott/x2 ]. In this since
subbox, the assignment g1[[Lorenjx1]Bondjx2 ] yielded 0 for the [K(xl, Xz)]M1 ,g1 [[Bond/x2 ]Lorenjx1 ] = O.
unquantified formula K(x1 , x 2 ) and thus did not help us determine
whether 3x2 K(x1,x2 ) was true relative to gi[Lorenjx1], which is Similarly,
what we were investigating at that point (whether there was some- [Vx1K(x1,Xz))]M,g,[Loren/xz[ = 0,
one Loren liked). That's why we had to look at the effects of as-
signing someone else-we chose Pavarotti-as the value of x 2 • And
[K(xl,Xz)]M1,gl[[Bondjx2 ]Loren/x1 ) = O.
Quantification and Logical Form 135

And finally, Evaluate the following formulas in M2 , with respect to g2 , showing

the crucial steps.
[ \./vX1 K( x1,Xz )]M1 ,g,[Pavarotti/x2 ] 0,
(11) G(x1,xz,x3)
[K(xl, Xz) ]M~>g,[[Pavarotti/x2 ]Bondjx1 ] O. (12) Vx1G(x1, j,x1)

(13) --,P(m) t-t Q(m)

Thus, (26) is false in M1.
(14) Vxz3x3[G(xl,xz,x3)vxz =m]

Exercise 4 Consider a model M2 = <ll2 , V2 ) such that the following hold:

It is important to note that it will not matter at all which assign-
lJ2 = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} ment we begin with in evaluating (24), (22), or (23a). Although g1
Vz(j) =0 was in the background, we never actually used it to assign variable
values entering into our calculations. We used only the modified
Vz(m) =9
assignment functions. This contrasts sharply with what we did in
V2 (P) =the odd numbers in ll2 = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} evaluating (20), P(m) 1\ Q(x3), where x 3 is free. Its interpretation
V2 (Q) =the numbers in ll2 whose representation in standard crucially depends on the assignment, in a way reminiscent of how
arabic notation Pavarotti could recognize by his third the interpretation of sentences with pronouns depends on a con-
birthday= {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8} textually specified way of getting at the intended referent. Notice,
in particular, that in (g) of the boxed computation following (20),
V 2 (K) =the set of pairs <x, y) of elements of ll2 such that xis we relied crucially on the fact that g1(x3) = Pavarotti. There is no
less than or equal to y 1 ~ J quantifier in (20) that would permit us to modify variable assign-
V2 (G) =the set of ordered triples <x, y,z) of elements of lJ2 such ments, whereas in (23a) each variable comes with an instruction,
that x+ y = z provided by the quantifier, to consider modified assignments (i.e.,
each variable is bound). This should make it clear how the syn-
Furthermore, let g 2 (x1) = 1, g 2 (x2 ) = 5, gz(x3) = 6, and for all n ~ 4, tactic notions of free and bound variables are linked directly to
g 2 (xn) = 2. What do the following formulas say in English, and semantic dependencies. We will see shortly in exactly what sense.
what is their truth value in M 2 ? The notion that we have defined for formulas is "true with re-
(1) Vx13x2 [K(xl,xz) 1\ --,xl = Xz] spect to a model and an assignment." Tarski's original notion was
that of "satisfaction of a formula by an assignment." If a formula
(2) 3x1[Q(x1) 1\ --,P(xl)] 1\ 3xt[Q(x1) /\P(xl)]
does contain syntactically free variables, it can only be true or false
(3) Vx1[[P(x1) 1\ --,xl = m] ----> Q(x1)] with respect to an assignment. But when a formula contains no free
variables, as noted above in connection with (23a), it will get a
(4) Vxt[Q(x1) ----> [P(x1) 1\ --,xl = m]]
value independently of which particular assignment is chosen. It
(5) Vx1[--,Q(x1)----> [x1 = m/\3xzG(xz,Xz,x1)]] follows that if a formula without free variables is true with respect
(6) 3xt[G(x1,xl,x1) 1\ Vxz[G(xz,Xz,Xz) t-t Xz x1]] to an assignment, it will be true with respect to all assignments.
And if it is false with respect to an assignment, it will be false with
( 7) Vx1Vxz[G(xz,x1,x1) t-t Xz = j] respect to all assignments. This is simply because which particular
(8) 3xdx2 3x3 --,[G(xl,xz,x3) t-t G(xz,x1,x3)] assignment we start with does not enter in any relevant way into
the computation of the value of the formula. The semantic rule for
(9) --,3x1 --,K(x1,x1)
interpreting quantifiers guarantees that we confine our attention to
(10) Vx1VxzVx3[G(x1,xz,x3)----> [K(xz,x3) 1\ --,xz = x3]] assignments that are modified with respect to the variables co-
Quantification and Logical Form 137

indexed with the c-commanding quantifiers. We can exploit this that (under plausible syntactic assumptions and a simple interpre-
fact to define truth formally. tive procedure) turns out to have a natural semantic counterpart?
And is this the best way of understanding how quantification works
(25) a. A formula A is true in a model Miff for any assignment g,
[A]M,g = 1.
in natural language? These are the sort of questions that will be
taken up in the next sections. Ev.en though we will not be able to
b. A formula A is false in Miff for any assignment g,
[A]M,g = 0. provide definite answers, we believe that one can learn a lot by
pursuing them.
Thus, by this definition, [(23a)]M' = 1; more simply, in M1, (23a) is The semantics for PC is made up of three components: the
true. Any formula without free variables that is true with respect to assignment to variables, a characterization of the class of models,
a model M and an assignment g is simply true with respect to M; and the recursively specified semantic rules. The structure of the
that is, assignments do not matter to the truth of a formula unless models of PC is quite simple. Any structure of the following form
there are free variables in the formula. will qualify as a model for PC:
We are now able to see the interest of the syntactic definitions of
(27) M = (U, V), where U is a set of individuals, and Vis a
bondage and freedom given in section 1.1. 1. The value of a formula
function such that if cis an individual constant, V(c) E U, and
¢ in a model M may or may not depend on what an assignment g
if cis ann-place predicate, V(c) is a set of ordered n-tuples
assigns to a variable x;. If it does, in view of how the interpretation
of elements drawn from u. In symbols, V(c) <;; u1 X X Un,
0 0

of PC is set up, it must be because x; is syntactically free in ¢; if it

where u1 X 0
X Un, the Cartesian product of u times itself n
0 0

does not, it must be because x; is syntactically bound. 4 We can ex-

times, is the set of all ordered n-tuples built on U. (See the
ploit this fact in defining what it is to be semantically free (or
appendix for an explanation of Cartesian products.)
The content of the model (that is, the particular choice of a uni-
(26) a. The occurrence of a variable x; in a formula¢ is
verse of discourse and the way it is carved up into suitable ex-
semantically free iff for some M and some g the value of¢
tensions for predicative and individual constants) may vary. The
in Mmay vary depending on what g assigns to x;.
recursive part of the semantics then provides a way of computing
b. The occurrence of a variable x; in a formula ¢ is
the truth values of sentences of indefinite complexity relative to a
semantically bound iff the value of¢ in a model M relative
model. This represents how the semantics for PC provides a way of
to an assignment g does not change no matter how we vary
determining the truth values of sentences across different circum-
what g assigns to x;.
stances (which are represented here by different particular models).
So we wind up with two notions of bondage and freedom. One uses A semantics for more complex constructions is generally specified
syntactic terms (indices and c-command); the other semantic ones in this same format.
(values in a model relative to assignments). Now, it can be shown We can now proceed to define entailment, logical equivalence,
(though we will not do that here) that there is a virtually perfect 1
validity, and contradiction along the li.nes familiar from the pre-
correspondence between the two; that is, (the occurrence of) a ceding chapter.
variable is syntactically bound iff it is semantically bound, and is
('I (28) a. A set of formulas Q entails a formula P iff for every model
syntactically free iff it is semantically free (but see note 4). This is
M such that [S]M = 1 for every oEn, [p]M = 1.
due, of course, to how PC is set up, and it justifies talking of free or
b. A formula pis logically equivalent to a formula oiff P
bound variables without further specification.
entails oand vice versa (that is, iff they are true in exactly
We are interested in applying the PC treatment of quantification
the same models).
to the study of English quantificational structures. It would be
\)u),c\ ,\ j c. A formula pis valid iff for every model M, [p]M = 1.
interesting if a similar correspondence between syntactic and
G~, 1\--(euA- \C\\0\\ d. A formula pis contradictory iff for every model M,
semantic notions of binding could be established for natural
[p]M = 0,
language. Can one define a syntactic notion of binding for English
Quantification and Logical Form 139

Given our semantics for PC and the definitions in (19) and (28), a
number of entailments will automatically be allowed. The entail- Proof that (30) entails (29)
ments in the semantics for F 1 had to do with the relations among (a) Let M = (U, V) be any model such that [(30)]M = 1 By assump-
conjunction, disjunction, and negation, and PC has parallel entail- tion
(b) For every g, [3xP(x)]M,g = 0 From (a), by the definition of truth in
ments. The new entailments that fall out of the semantics for PC (25) and the semantics of---, in (19!)
concern the relations among quantifiers and sentential connectives. (c) There is no u E U such that [P(x)]M,g[u/x] = 1 From (b), by the
Because we are generalizing over all models for PC, it is only the definition of g[ujx]
interpretation of these logical constants that remains fixed, and (d) For all u E U, [P(x)]M,g[ufx] = 0 From (c)
(e) For all u E U, [-,P(x)]M,g[u/x] = 1 From (d) and the semantics of---,
thus the only entailments we derive are those that depend solely on in(19f)
them. This is as it should be for PC, but when we turn to fragment (f) [Vx-,P(x)]M,g = 1 From (e), by the semantics of V in (21a)
F 2 , we will generalize only over models that interpret our constants
as they are interpreted in English.
Let us now look at some of the entailments involving quantifiers
and sentential connectives in PC. First, let us show that (29) entails
Proof that (31) entails (32)
(30) and vice versa.
(a) Let Mbe any model such that for all g, [(31)]M,g = 1 By
(29) l;fx--,P(x) assumption
(b) For all u E U, [P(x)-> Q(x)]M,g[u/x] = 1 From (a), by the semantics
(30) --,3xP(x) for V in (21a)
(c) For all u E U, [P(x)]M,g[u/x] = 0 or [Q(x)]M,g[u/x] = 1 From (c), by
Thus starting with the assumption that (29), Vx--,P(x), is true rela- the semantics for-> in (17d)
tive to some arbitrary M and g, we arrived at the conclusion that (d) Either there is some u E U such that [P(x)]M,g[u/x] = 0 (we explore
(30), --,3xP(x), is also true relative to the same arbitrary model M this possibility in (e)) or there is not (this possibility is explored in
and assignment g. We never used the specific content of M or g. (e) i. Assume that there is some u E U such that [P(x)]M,g[u/x] = 0
Therefore, we have shown that (29) entails (30). Let us go in the ii. [VxP(x)]M,g = 0 From (e.i), by the semantics for V in (21a)
other direction. Again, our proof holds for arbitrary M and g, and iii. [(32)]M,g = 1 From (e.ii), by the semantics for-> in (19d). (The
thus we show in the next box that (30) entails (29). So we have formula in (e.ii) is the antecedent of the conditional in (32), and
conditionals with false antecedents are automatically true.)
shown on the basis of the two boxed proofs that (29) and (30) are
(f) i. Assume that there is no u E U such that [P(x)]M,g[u/x] = 0
logically equivalent. This equivalence is one that is often useful. ii. [VxP(x)]M,g = 1 From (f.i), by the semantics for V in (21a)
iii. For all u E U, [Q(x)]M,g[u/x] = 1 From (c) and (f.ii)
iv. [VxQ(x)]M,g = 1~ From (fiii), by the semantics for V in (21a)
v. [(32)]M,g = 1 From (fiv) and the semantics for-> in (19d).
Proof that (29) entails (30)
(The formula in (fii) is the consequent of the conditional in
(a) Let M = (U, V) be any model such that [(29)]M = 1 By (31), and conditionals with true consequents are automatically
assumption true.)
(b) For every assignment g, [(29)]M,g = 1 From (a), by definition of (g) [(32)]M,g = 1 From (a) through (f)
truth in (25)
(c) For all u E U, [-,P(x)]M,g[u/x] = 1 From (b), by the semantics for V in
(d) For all u E U, [P(x)]M,g[u/x] = 0 From (c), by the semantics for---, in
(e) There is no u E U such that [P(x)]M,g[u/x] = 1 From (d)
(f) [3xP(x)]M,g = 0 From (e), by the semantics for 3 in (21b)
(g) [-,3xP(x)]M,g = 1 From (f), by the semantics for---, in (19/)
Chapter 3 140
Quantification and Logical Form 141

(4) a. 3x[P(x) A Q(x)]

Model showing (321 does not entail (311 b. 3xP(x) A 3xQ(x)
(a) Let M' = <U', V') such that U' = {a,b}, V'(P) ={a}, and V'(Q)
= {b}, and let g by any assignment function. (5) a. Vx[P(x) v Q(x)]
(b) [P(x)]M',g[b/x] = o By (a), (19a), and the definition of g[b/x] in (21a) b. VxP(x) v VxQ(x)
(c) [VxP(x)]M' = 0 From (b) and the semantics for If in (21a)
(d) [(32)]M' = 1 From (c) and the semantics for--> in (19d). ((c) is the (6) a. 3x[P(x) v Q(x)]
antecedent of the conditional in (31).) b. 3xP(x) v 3xQ(x)
(e) [P(x) __, Q(x)]M',g[a/x] = 0 From (a) and the semantics for--> in
(19d). (Note that when (a) is assigned as the value of x,P(x) = 1 and (7) a. Vxt3XzK(xt,Xz)
Q(x) = 0.) , b. 3xz Vx1K(x1, Xz)
(f) [Vx[P(x)--> Q(x)]]M' = [(31)]M = 0 By (e) and the semantics for If
in (21a) C. What do you think would be the fastest way to compute the
(g) M' is a model relative to which (32) is true and (31) false truth value of the formula below?

(8) [Vx3yL(x, y) v 3z[L(z, z) A z =1 j]] A 3yVxL(x, y)

Now let us show that (31) entails (32) but not vice versa.
It should be noted that the syntax of PC allows for vacuous
(31) Vx[P(x)-> Q(x)]
binding of variables. So, for example, (33a, b) are as well formed as
(32) VxP(x) -> VxQ(x) (33c, d):

What we did in the preceding box was to assume that (31) is true (33) a. 3xP(y)
relative to some (arbitrary) model M and assignment g and then to b. VxP(j)
show that (32) also had to be true relative toM and g and thus that c. P(y)
(31) entails (32), by the definition of entailment in (27a). Next we d. P(j)
want to show that (32) does not entail (31). To show nonentailment,
But natural languages generally want their quantifiers to do some
we have to find a model where (32) is true but (31) is false, which
work; sentences like "Every cat is such that the grass is green"
we do in the next box. Finding one such model works because of
sound quite odd. It turns out, however, that the semantics that we
our definition of entailment, which says that (32) entails (31) only if
have provided makes (33a, b) logically equivalent to (33c, d), re-
for any model relative to which (32) is true, then (31) is also true.
spectively. The quantifiers in (33a, b) make no contribution to the
The model M' given in the box below thus shows that (32) does not
content of the formula they operate on; they are semantically void.
entail (31).
To see this, consider the model M and an assignment g such that
[(33a)]M,g = 1, This can be so ifffor some u E U, [P(y)]M,g[u/x] = 1,
which is the case iff g[u/x](y) E V(P). But g[u/x](y) = g(y) because
Exercise 5 A. Show that the following pairs are equivalent:
g[ujx] is defined to be just like gin the value it assigns to all varia-
(1) a. VxP(x) bles other than x and thus of course in the value it assigns to y. In
b. -dxrP(x) other words, if g(y) E V(P), then for any u E U, g[ujx](y) E V(P).
(2) a. 3xP(x) That is, whether P(y) holds is not going to depend on what one
b . • vx.P(x) assigns to x. Parallel reasoning shows that if (33c) is true, so is
(33a). Thus formulas containing vacuous quantifiers turn out to
B. Show whether the following pairs are logically equivalent: have the same truth conditions as the corresponding formulas
(3) a. Vx[P(x) A Q(x)] without them. This is just a technical convenience and is not im-
b. VxP(x) A VxQ(x) portant for our purposes, given that English an<! ()theJ:)(liigl}ag~sdq
~_o_tuse vacuous quantificati.o11.
Chapter 3 142
Quantification and Logical Form 143

1.2 Quantification in PC versus quantification in English c. Mary read every book assigned last semester, if any were
Quantification in PC bears a connection with quantification in assigned.
English, but the connection is not straightforward. For example,
given our semantics for PC, how would you express some of the If you·tell us that no students are registered in Joan's seminar, we
most normal quantificationallocutions of English, such as those in will not conclude that (37a) is thereby rendered false; no one
(34)? would respond to an utterance' of (37a) with "No, that's false be-
cause no students registered," although one might respond, "Yes,
(34) a. Some odd number is less than 9. but only because there are no students registered." Certainly it
b. Every odd number is less than 9. seems odd to utter (37a) in a context in which it is apparent that
c. (At least) two odd numbers are less than 9. there are no students registered. The degree of oddity associated
d. (Exactly) two odd numbers are less than 9. with universal quantifiers whose domain is potentially empty
For concreteness, let us adopt the model M2 for PC described in seems to vary significantly; (37b) seems not so bad, and (37c) is
exercise 4, and let us further adopt the following simplifying con- fine, even though it explicitly allows for the possibility that the
ventions: domain is empty. So when we say evezy student, we generally
(though not always) take for granted or presuppose that there are
(35) a. is an odd number= P
some. That this piece of information should not be part ofthe truth-
b. is less than=< (where \fx\fy[x < y +--+ [K(x, y) /\Xi= y])
conditional meaning of sentences like (36a-c) is supported by its
Standard practice is to render (34a-d) as (36a-d). removeability. (See chapter 4, section 5, for discussion of similar
(36) a. 3x[P(x) 1\X < m]
Consider next (36c). It says that there are at least two distinct
b. \fx[P(x) ----) x < m]
things that are odd numbers and less than 9. The truth-conditional
c. 3x3y[x i= y 1\ P(x) 1\ P(y) 1\ x < m 1\ y < m]
equivalence of (34c) and (36c) appears uncontroversial.
d. 3x3y[[x i= y 1\ P(x) 1\ P(y) 1\ x < m 1\ y < m]
Finally, consider (36d). It says that there are two distinct things
1\ Vz[[P(z) 1\ x < m] ----) x = z v y = z]]
that are odd numbers and less than 9, and furthermore that any-
Sentence (36a) literally says that there is something that is an odd thing that is an odd number and less than 9 must be identical to one
number and it is less than 9. It seems uncontroversial that if this is ofthose two things. This makes (36d) false in every situation where
true, then some odd number is less than 9, and vice versa. Thus there aren't exactly two odd numbers less than 9. The philosopher
(36a) and (34a) appear to have the same truth conditions, which in -y Bertrand Russell proposed that the definite article expresses the
some sense justifies using (36a) as a PC rendering of(34a). The same same sort of quantificational import: it says that there is one and
point can be made, perhaps less smoothly, with respect to (36b). only one thing that satisfies the nominal expression to which it is
This says that if anything is an odd number, it is also less than 9. attached. In (38b) we give a Russellian rendering of (38a).
This does seem~ to be synonymous in content with (34b); we can-
( 38) a. The present queen of England is tall.
not think of any situation where one of (34b) and (36b) would be
b. 3x[PQE(x) 1\ Vy[PQE(y) +--+ y = x] 1\ tall(x)]
false and the other true. The only controversial case is a situation
where there aren't any odd numbers in the domain. In this case our Take a situation where England has two queens: Elizabeth V and
semantics for PC predicts that (36b) is true. What truth value the Mary III. In such a situation the second conjunct of (38b) would be
English sentence (34b) receives, however, is not quite so clear-cut. false, for not every queen of England is identical with Mary, nor is
Let us consider some further English examples: every queen of England identical with Elizabeth.
Russell's analysis of the definite article has been widely dis-
(37) a. Every student registered in Joan's seminar is a genius.
cussed and is by no means universally endorsed. If someone were
b. Every holder of a winning ticket receives a prize; the
to utter (38a) at a time when there is no queen of England or when
problem is that no one ever holds a winning ticket.
there are two queens of England, listeners might well think that the
Quantification and Logical Form 145

utterance simply did not come off rather than that it expressed predicates are interpreted just as in English (that is, the extension
something false. For this reason, use of the definite article is often of man is the set of those individuals in the domain who are men,
said, as we mentioned in chapter 1, to presuppose that there is ex- the extension of smoke is those who smoke, and the extension of
actly one individual entity satisfying the nominal expression to get sick is those who get sick). Give formulas of PC that have the
which it is attached. (See chapter 6 for further discussion of pre- same truth conditions as the following English sentences.
supposition.) Even this, however, seems to need some qualification.
(6) More than two but fewer than five men smoke.
We clearly have to extend the analysis so that it can accommodate
the use of the definite article with mass nouns (the snow) and plu- ( 7) Only men smoke.
rals (the cats), neither of which are yet encompassed by our analy- (8) No man smokes.
sis, and we also need to show how to interpret sentences like (39),
in which the subject noun phrase may seem to presuppose a unique (9) If someone smokes, she or he gets sick.
cat but the prepositional-object noun phrase makes the non- (10) No more than one man smokes.
uniqueness of that cat explicit.
(39) The cat hissed at the other cats she saw at the vet's.
In English and other natural languages, quantifying expressions
There are other issues that we cannot explore here. There are also like every and some are always accompanied by nominal expres-
some ways to defend Russellian analyses in the face of facts like sions that seem intuitively to restrict the universe of discourse to
those mentioned above. For our purposes in this text, however, individuals to which the nominal applies. We noted this in passing
we will simply assume the Russellian account without further in our early informal discussion of sentences containing ex-
discussion. 5 1\rJ(\\ f\(< \
pressions like every cat or some cat. Even in maximally generic
/•'1 ~·I,)(\
Notice that in writing formula (38b), we have added the one- wotds like everything or someone, every and some are affixed to
place predicate PQE to the vocabulary of PC; obviously, we are the nouns thing or one, respectively. In PC, however, we see that
interested in models where PQE is interpreted in the same way as expressions like cat (or thing) have to be represented by a pre-
the English expression is presently queen of England. From now dicate. Sentences like (40a, c) will be represented as in (40b, d),
on, we will freely add predicates to PC that correspond to English respectively.
expressions when we want to use PC formulas to represent the
( 40) a. Every cat prowls.
truth conditions for English sentences.
b. Vx(cat(x) _, prowl(x)]
c. Some cat prowls.
d. 3x(cat(x) A prowl(x)]
Exercise 6 A. Assume M2 as r. model, and express the following sentences of
English in PC. Notice that representations of this kind do not make explicit our
( 1) Everything is odd or not odd. intuition that cat is playing quite a different role from prowl. Notice
also that the formulas of PC change not only the quantifier but also
(2) For every n, the thing that yields n when added ton is 0. the connective in the complex formula over which the quantifier
(3) Everything is greater than or equal to itself. has scope; in contrast, the English sentences differ only in the
quantifying expression used. There is a way to make the depen-
(4) For every number n, the result of adding n to 9 is greater than
dence of the quantifier on the nominal explicit; its further advan-
or equal to 9. "·' ' tage is that we need no longer use connectives in translating simple
(5) Everything has something greater than it. sentences like (40a, c). In (41a, b) we represent (40a, c) using what
is called restricted quantification.
B. Add man, smoke, and get sick to PC as one-place predicates
(members of the category Predl), and assume models where these
Quantification and Logical Form 147

(41) a. (Vx: cat(x))prowl(x) how we match quantificational English sentences with their truth
b. (3x: cat(x))prowl(x) conditions in a more systematic or compositional way. The next
section is devoted to this issue.
In logics that use quantification of this type, the range of quanti-
";' /', ;, \\ ~ ,, \
l fiers is restricted to those individuals that satisfy the formula im-
mediately following the quantifying expression, "cat(x)" in (41).
2 Quantification in English
The quantifiers are then interpreted as before: they require that
We have been assuming that semantic interpretation is driven by
(a) all or (b) some of the assignments of values to x that satisfy the
syntactic structure. We now want to look at how quantificational
restricting formula must also satisfy what follows, "prowl(x)" in
expressions can be compositionally interpreted, which means that
( 40). If we confine our attention to the quantifiers that we have
we have to look at what the syntax of English tells us about quan-
considered so far, then we can say exactly the same thing whether
tifier scope. Here we run into an interesting problem.
we use restricted or unrestricted quantification. A difference seems
In discussing the syntax and semantics of PC, we said that an
to emerge, however, when we turn to examine expressions like
occurrence of a variable Xn is bound iff it is c-commanded by a
most. It can be shown that a quantifier like most cannot be repre-
quantifier of the form Qxn; the syntactic definition we gave of
sented in PC. To see this, consider what one might try to substitute
binding was chosen to coincide with the semantic notion of a bound
for the question mark in (42b) so that (42b) has the same truth con-
variable as independent of particular assignments. More generally,
ditions as (42a). It is easy to verify that neither ----t nor 1\ will do.
we defined the scope of a quantifier as what it c-commands which
Yet (42c) does the job well if we interpret most as telling us that, ' '
in our semantics, will include any variable it might bind and may
say, more than half the assignments from the restricted domain of
also include other quantifiers and operators with which its inter-
cats are also assignments for which "prowl(x)" is true.
pretation interacts. The syntax of PC is designed to express scope
(42) a. Most cats prowl. relations unambiguously: if quantifier Q1 is in the scope of Q2 , then
b. most x[cat(x) ? prowl(x)] the interpretation of Q1 is in some sense embedded within or de-
c. (most x: cat(x)) prowl(x) pendent on that of Qz, as we saw in calculating truth conditions.
These observations have made some linguists conclude that Unfortunately, in English overt syntactic dominance does not pro-
using a notation with restricted quantifiers is more convenient for vide a reliable guide to semantic dominance.
semantic purposes. While that might be right, it should also be
noted that, as we will see, PC turns out to be in need of mod-
Exercise 7 In exercise 2 you provided a definition of bound and free variables
ifications on various other counts if it (or its semantics) is to be
used for linguistic purposes. Such independently needed mod- applicable to the PC syntax specified in (15). How would you de-
ifications of PC turn out to allow expression of most and similar fine the scope of a quantifier for that same syntax?
quantifiers, and thus we see no compelling argument for (or
against) the use of restricted quantification for PC itself. 6
You may remember that in chapter 1 we briefly discussed some
To sum up, PC seems capable of expressing many of the quanti-
examples of scope ambiguity. For example, sentences like (43a)
ficational constructions that one finds in natural language. What we
appear to be semantically ambiguous. The two readings that (43a)
mean by this is that formulas of PC appear to have the same truth
seems to have can be represented by the two formulas (43b, c):
conditions (appear to describe the same situations) as sentences of
English (relative to a suitable interpretation of the lexical items). (43) a. Everyone loves someone.
This claim is simply based, however, on matching our intuitions b. Vx3y[love(x, y)]
about English sentences against the truth conditions explicitly c. 3yVx[love(x, y)]
associated with formulas of PC. The problem that we next face is
Quantification and Logical Form 149

In (43b) the existential quantifier associated with the direct object

in (43a) is in the scope of the universal quantifier associated with

the subject. In this situation we say that the universal quantifier has )
wide scope, the existential quantifier narrow scope. Formula (43b)
says that everyone loves some person or other. In (43c) the opposite
is true; the existential quantifier has wide scope, the universal
quantifier narrow scope. Formula (43c) says that there is (at least)
Figure 3.1
one person that everybody loves.
In chapter 2, F1 allowed distinct syntactic structures to corre-
(46) With what did John hit a boy?
spond to a single surface string; by interpreting structures rather
than strings, we could assign a single interpretation to each sen- Introductory syntax textbooks provide abundant discussions of
tential structure and at the same time allow multiple interpreta- such cases.
tions for syntactically ambiguous strings. Many English strings of It is far less clear, however, that the string in (43a) is associated
words can be shown to be associated with distinct structures on with distinct syntactic structures corresponding to formulas
syntactic grounds alone; frequently the distinct syntactic struc- (43b, c). The problem here is that independent syntactic evidence
tures are associated with distinct interpretations, as we mentioned that there are distinct structures associated with (43a) is not so easy
in chapter 1. Various constituency tests can be used to justify the to come by. In particular, no simple-minded (surface) constituency
assumption that (44a), for example, has the two structures shown test, like the ones illustrated in (45) and (46), appears to be able to
in (44b, c). detect ambiguities of any kind.
(44) a. John hit a boy with a pair of binoculars. One might try to argue, as has been done in, for example, Rein-
b. [John hit [NP a boy with a pair of binoculars]] hart (1979), that there is no ambiguity in (43a), on the grounds that
c. [John hit [NP a boy][pp with a pair of binoculars)) the two readings are not logically independent: (43c) entails (43b)
(but not vice versa). This means that the set of circumstances where
In (44b) the prepositional phrase (PP) forms a constituent with and (43b) obtains is a proper superset of the set of circumstances where
semantically modifies the NP a boy; in (44c) it does not form a (43c) obtains, as is shown in figure 3.1.
constituent with the NP a boy; it modifies the V hit. (We leave it In chapter 2 a similar situation came up in connection with
open as to whether the PP in (44c) is attached to the VP or the S.) exclusive versus inclusive or, and we used it to argue against the
These hypotheses can be confirmed in various ways. For example, ambiguity of or. By parallel reasoning we could argue that (43a) is
under the assumption that only equal categories can conjoin, one semantically associated with the more general reading (43b). The
would expect that [NP a boy with a pair of binoculars] in (44b) could more specific reading, where the loved one happens to be the same
conjoin with other NPs and that the result should be semantically for everybody, is not thereby excluded and can be the intended one
unambiguous. This is indeed so. under suitable contextual conditions.
(45) John hit a dog, a boy with a pair of binoculars, and a girl. To implement this view, one must claim that some principle
fixes the scope of quantifiers so that no scope ambiguity arises. For
Sentence (45) can only mean that John hit a dog, a boy who was
instance, on the basis of examples like (43a) one could claim that
carrying a pair of binoculars, and a girl. quantifiers are interpreted in their linear left-to-right order (in
Furthermore, on the assumption that one cannot extract PPs out
terms of c-commanding at the surface structure, the c-commanding
of NPs, only in (44c) should we be able to question the PP. Thus
quantifier has wide scope, as in Reinhart's proposal). The problem
one would expect the result of questioning the PP to be unam-
is, however, that any such principle should provide a procedure
biguously associated with the reading (44c). Again, this seems to
that always associates the most general reading with a certain
be so: sequence of quantifiers, in the way that the principles just men-
Quantification and Logical Form 151

tioned do with respect to (43a). But this does not seem very likely,
as the following examples suggest:
(47) a. There was a name tag near every plate.
b. A flag was hanging in front of every window. 7
c. A student guide took every visitor to two museums.
In (4 7 a, b) the preferred reading is not the one that one would ex-
pect in terms of the left-to-right (or c-command) condition. Such a
principle would assign a name tag (or a flag) wide scope over
every plate (every window), which yields the more restrictive of the Figure 3.2
two possible readings. Thus the reading where every plate (every
window) has wide scope, the preferred one, cannot be derived by
means of (48b). That is, (48b) could well be true in the scenario we
appealing to contextual or pragmatic factors. A mechanism for
just set up. (If you have trouble getting this interpretation for (48b),
assigning wide scope to the rightmost NPs seems to be needed.
try uttering the sentence with focal stress on not and with the em-
Furthermore, in (4 7 c), of all six possible quantifier construals, the
bedded sentence carrying no focal stresses.) However, notice that
most general one (the one entailed by all the others) is the one
(48b') would be false in such a scenario, for everyone does love one
where the second quantifier has scope over the other two. It is dif-
of my friends or another. So the proposal we have considered
ficult to see what principle could account for cases like those in
seems to predict that a certain reading is absent from (48b), con-
both (43) and (47).
trary to what appear to be the facts.
Perhaps one way to rescue the idea that sentences like (43) are
One can see what goes wrong with such a proposal by examining
unambiguous might be the following: in interpreting a sentence,
its logic again, which goes as follows. The two alleged readings of a
always assign wide scope to every and narrow scope to some, two,
sentence like (49a) stand in the relation shown in (49b).
etc. But this too appears to run into difficulties. Consider the
following: (49) a. Everyone loves someone.
b. 3\i ----7 V3
(48) a. Everyone loves someone I know.
c. --.V3 ----7 --.3\i
a'. Vx3y[know(J, y) 1\ love(x, y)]
b. It is not the case that everyone loves someone I know. So one can assign the more general V3 reading to (49a) and argue
b'. --.Vx3y[know(J, y) 1\ love(x, y)J that the 3\i reading arises as a special case. This is appealing, as
it prevents us from positing an ambiguity for which we have no
According to the proposal just outlined, (48a) would have only the
evidence other than these scope phenomena. The problem, how-
reading specified in (48a'). The other alleged reading (where there
ever, is that negation reverses entailments such as the one in (49b).
is just one person I know that everyone loves) would be a special
Under negation we get the pattern in (49c), where --.3\i is the more
case of (48a'), one where the person everyone loves happens to be
general reading (the entailed one). This is illustrated in figure 3.2.
the same one. It follows, then, that since (48a) on such a proposal
In this figure the situations associated with (a certain reading of) a
would be unambiguous, the only possible reading for the negation
sentence are represented as a portion of a space, and entailment
of (48a), namely (48b), would be the one shown in (48b'). Imagine
can be visualized as inclusion (A entails B if the space of possibil-
now the following scenario. I know many people, and everyone
ities corresponding to A is included in the space of possibilities
likes someone or other among them. However, there is no person I
corresponding to B). Negation takes us from the space associated
know that everyone loves: not everyone loves Sue, not everyone
with a sentence to the space excluded by it. The reader can easily
loves John, not everyone loves Mary, and so on. It seems to us that
check that if A is a subregion of B, then --.B must be a subregion
it would be perfectly appropriate to report such a situation by
Quantification and Logical Form 153

The interpretation assigned to a negative sentence ought to be more complicated than dealing with them, and examples like (47)
just the negation of the interpretation assigned to its positive suggest that it is also empirically inadequate.
counterpart. But, as we have seen, the interpretation of --,\13 is not If there are scope ambiguities, the problem is where to resolve
general enough to cover all readings associated with negative sen- them. Two major kinds of strategies come to mind as we try to
tences like (48b), and thus the strategy of assigning positive sen- develop compositional rules that can assign (43a) both the truth
tences like (48a) only the more general \13 reading is problematic. conditions associated with (43b) and those associated with (43c).
(In contrast, negated disjunctions do have the narrow range of The first treats the scope ambiguities of a sentence as basically
interpretations predicted by assigning only the general inclusive semantic and complicates rules of semantic interpretation to allow
reading to or [see chapter 4, p. 251].) them to assign distinct specifications of truth conditions to a single
·~(l~iJOc-c-\-i awJ It has often been noted that intonational phenomena interact syntactic structure. The second hypothesizes a more abstract level
~ \,t0L()O\'A.Qf1~ with scopal-interpretation possibilities. If (49a) is uttered with focal of syntactic structure than-the-surface structure and provides dis-
stress on someone, it is virtually obligatory to give it the more gen- tinct syntactic structures to associate with sentence (43a) and to
eral interpretation, that is, to understand the unstressed subject NP serve as input to the recursive rules of semantic interpretations.
as having wide scope. The speaker will be understood as making Cooper ( 1983) is the earliest explicit attempt to pursue the first
only the general claim and as refusing to endorse the more specific strategy, and other researchers (e.g., Jacobson 1992) have devel-
claim. But if focal stress is on everyone and someone is destressed, oped some quite sophisticated and subtle semantic analyses of
then the more narrow reading seems equally plausible (though the quantification and related phenomena that allow us to keep the
more general interpretation does not disappear). There has been approach to English syntax very simple. The semantic techniques
considerable interesting work on focus in recent years (see, e.g., involved, however, are significantly more complex than those
Roath 1996), and a better understanding of just how focal stress and afforded us by PC. And they are often easier to understand if one
other focal constructions constrain the interpretation of scopal already has a grounding in the more standard semantic ideas of
relations is becoming possible. Unless there are potential scopal PC and similar languages. We will thu~_]JUTSl}e_Jhese:=c;ond_kind of
ambiguities, however, it is hard to see how focus could help dis- strategy here.
ambiguate scopal relations. Thus the intonational facts, complex PC itself is, of course, an example of a strategy of the second kind
as they are, seem to support our claim that scope ambiguities are in dealing with scope, as it provides a syntactic characterization of
encountered in English. the scope of a quantifier. What we might hope to do is find evi-
f_,tJ::;'~J-hh~r ~Cof:::oC, .. cJ> i So we are led to conclude that, on our current understanding of dence for a more abstract level of English syntax that somehow re-
11 17
O.o/; :.J 'j' '"' s 1.>se.. < · ' 'quantificational dependencies, scope ambiguities are real. A sen- sembles more closely the syntax of PC.
tence containing quantified NPs is, in general, semantically ambig- Recent syntactic theories of all kinds have found it necessary to
uous as to how the scope relations of its NPs may be understood. articulate and enrich syntactic structure with notions that go well
Even if no single sentence may allow us to construe the scope of its beyond representing the immediate surface constituents on which
NPs in any old order, nevertheless, any old order seems to occur in we relied in testing the syntactic structure of (44). What we do
some sentence or other. It appears less ad hoc, then, to assume that below is adapt one such proposal that uses the notions of move-
any quantifier-scope construal is possible in principle as far as the i,f\p\!f'N Q!\ l
ment and traces developed in the Chomskyan Revised Extended
basic semantics of quantification goes, and that other factors may ·lr(\ ( c ') Standard Theory and its successor, Government Binding Theory.
rule certain construals out. In addition to pragmatic factors, which There are other syntactic theories around, and Chomsky himself
are always important in ambiguity resolution, we will almost cer- has recently developed the somewhat different minimalist frame-
tainly find that the ~e_!!l~~tics of-f~~l!S plays some role, along with work. Our interest, however, is not in endorsing any particular
perhaps properties of certain_particular lexical items. To avoid syntactic proposals but in finding an intuitively accessible and rel-
positing scopal ~mbiguities for q~antiliecCphrases k~k~ ultimately atively familiar framework that allows us to illustrate how a gram-
Chapter 3 154 Quantification and Logical Form 155

mar might deal with some of the quantificational phenomena we ent rx anywhere. 8 Various independent constraints prevent the
have noted. "move rx" rule from overgenerating. Sentences like (50b, d) can be
seen as derived via the "move rx" rule from the D-structures asso-
ciated with (50a, c), respectively.
2.1 Syntactic preliminaries (50) a. John likes beans.
In this section we summarize briefly the main syntactic notions that b. Beans, John likes.
we are going to use in what follows. As we noted above, our inter- c. John wonders Bill bought what.
est is in illustrating how a grammar of English might represent d. John wonders what Bill bought.
some of the quantificational phenomena we have noted, and we are
adopting a very simple syntax that allows us to do that relatively In the case of(50a, b), both structures are well formed, whereas the
easily. Readers familiar with post-1965 transformational approaches "unmoved" structure in (50c) is ungrammatical (although syntactic
may skip this section. arguments can be provided for positing something like it as the DS
The development of transformational syntax after 1965 (the date source of ( 50d)). One can describe the relation between (50 a, c) and
of publication of Aspects of the Theory of Syntax) led to a model of (50b, d) by saying that in (50b, d) a constituent has been dislocated
grammar usually schematized as follows: to clause-initial position. Various properties of dislocated consti-
tuents, such as interrogative and relative pronouns or topicalized
:_,_, ( ('- )C i \}(
expressions, depend on their DS position. For example, case mark-
ings on dislocated constituents may depend on where they come
~U' (51) a. *Whom did you say __ came late?
b. Whom did you say John met __ ?
c.). (orrv 1 \cx'.·\U· ('/\. c. To whom did Joan give the book __?
Each node in the'Jdiagram (namely, DS, SS, PF, and LF) stands for a
As (51) illustrates, accusative case on interrogative pronouns in
distinct level of grammatical representation. DS stands for deep
English is acceptable only if the question concerns what would be
structure (also abbreviated as D-structure ), SS stands for surface
an accusative case complement of a verb or preposition. This
structure (also abbreviated as S-structure), PF stands for phonolog-
shows that the position ofthe dislocated constituent in (51b, c) and
ical form, and LF for logical form. These levels are derivationally
the position of the gap-a position with which accusative case
linked as indicated, by the arrows. In generating a sentence, the
marking is associated-must be somehow related. Movement is one
grammar first produces its D-structure. This is then mapped onto
plausible way of capturing such relatedness.
the corresponding S-structure. The S-structure is the input to two
More specifically, it is assumed that moved constituents leave
interpretive components. On the one hand, the S-structure of a
behind either a silent copy, as in (52a), where it is marked in italics,
sentence is mapped onto a phonological form. On the other hand, it
or an empty node coindexed with the moved constituent, as in (52b):
is mapped onto one or more logical forms, which are then seman-
-silent .c~,~r-tj
tically interpreted. We will say more about LF shortly. (52) a. [s' whom [s did you say [s John met [NP whom]]]]
Each level is subject to certain conditions of well-formedness. b. [s' whomi[s did you say [s John met [NP ~i]]]]
e<v\.P'r'·j t .•• :nrl, 1 1\H( 0
For a sentence to be well formed, it must be well formed at each
The constituent left behind by a moved element 1s called a trace.
level. D-structure represents, in the form of phrase-structure mark-
( \.)C \ I ( ('
We will adopt the notation in (52b), though nothing we say hinges
ers, the structural properties of sentences that can be directly
on this assumption. These phonologically unrealized or empty
projected from their lexical makeup. D-structure is mapped onto S-
elements are argued to produce audible effects in certain contexts.
structure by moving constituents out of their allowable D-structure
In English, for instance, there is a contraction process that turns
positions by application of a very general rule: move any constitu-
Quantification and Logical Form 157

want+ to sequences into wanna. Wanna contraction appears to ambiguated structures that constitute the input to semantic inter-
blocked by traces intervening between want and to, as illustrated pretation. Movement used to represent quantificational scope is
in (53). generally called quantifier raising (QR), and the level of syntactic
structure that QR gives rise to is called Logical Form (LF).
(53) a. Who do you wanna invite?
Although the notion of LF in l,inguistics bears some relation to
b. [s' who; [s do you want to invite e;]]
the characterizations of logical form one finds in the logico-
c. *Who do you wanna come?
philosophical literature (which we will discuss in section 3), it is
d. [s' who; [s do you want e; to come]]
not to be identified with it. LF is a level of syntactic representation
If syntactic structure encodes information about positions that where scope and possibly other relations relevant to semantic in-
are not pronounced (via movement as we have just described or by terpretation are overtly displayed. 10 LF mediates between surface
some other method, e.g., copying a trace into the appropriate posi- syntactic structures and meaning (truth conditions). As such it is a
tion), then facts such as those in (53) can be plausibly explained as technical notion of syntactic theory, and we restrict the use of the
the blocking of a phonological process triggered by structural ele- acronym LF accordingly.
ments (traces). Data such as those in (53) are arguably more difficult In some recent developments of the Principles and Parameters
to explain in terms of theories of syntax that eschew abstract empty framework, it has been argued that no principle of grammar actu-
nodes. ally makes reference to D-structure or S-structure. Words are taken
- .. a-1"'1 :; I 'e ( ucv<: '(' ,. r' 1 The view of movement just sketched can be useful in dealing from the lexicon, merged together, and moved according to general
:::,c of · with quantifier scope as well. One can imagine representing the principles. At some point of the derivation (a point that may vary
scope of quantified NPs by adjoining them to the site over which from language to language), a process spells out the structure at
they are supposed to have scope. Thus, for example, the two NPs in that stage; the derivation then goes on until the input to semantic
(54a) could be fronted (by the "move a" rule) in either order, which interpretation, namely LF, is reached. As our interest here is how
yields the two structures in (54b, c). LF is interpreted, we can afford to stay neutral on syntactic issues
(54ta. Everyone loves someone. such as these. We will keep referring to S-structure, which under
c>''b. [s everyone; [s someonej [s e; loves ej]]] the developments just mentioned could be reinterpreted as the
c. [s someonej [s everyone; [s e; loves ej]]]
level at which "spell out" applies. What is important to us is that
o d. \fx3y[loves(x, y)]
there is a level of syntactic representation at which quantifier scope
,·ve. 3y\fx[loves(x, y)] is structurally represented. We assume that this spelling out
happens by whatever is responsible for overt syntactic movement.
The two structures in (54b, c) could then be unambiguously mapped Other ways of dealing with scope have been proposed within the
onto the truth conditions associated with (54d, e) respectively. generative tradition. The semantic methods to be illustrated in the
Note that we actually do have overt though somewhat stilted next section can be modified, as far as we can see, to apply to most
structures in English that make the scopal relations explicit. Sen- ways of disambiguating surface syntactic structures with regard to
tence (55a) has the truth conditions of (54d), whereas the truth the scope of quantified NPs, though not all (see, e.g. Jacobson's
conditions of (55b) are those of (54e). variable-free approach, illustrated in Jacobson 1992 and elsewhere).
(55) a. Everyone is such that someone loves them. This discussion gives only a very rough overview of some widely
b. Someone is such that everyone loves them. 9 used syntactic terminology that we will adopt in setting up our
sample grammar in the form of a fragment of English with quanti-
Q\/Q.JJI Thus one can imagine having both overt movement that actually
f\JJ)\}.()sAQs', ~-
fied NPs. As before, our English fragment is offered for pedagogical
dislocates constituents in surface structure (as in the examples in
purposes only: in particular, our interest is in the semantic tech-
(50)) and covert movement whose role is purely interpretive, per-
niques it lets us illustrate and not in the particular syntactic anal-
haps with properties similar to those of overt movement (and
yses of English it embodies.
(p\JL\ \- perhaps obeying similar constraints). Covert movement yields dis-
Quantification and Logical Form 159

2.2 The fragment F2 Notice that QR, the rule given in (57), coindexes the moved NP
To illustrate some of the problems involved in spelling out the with the trace that it enters in the original position of the NP.
truth conditions of sentences containing quantified NPs, we will Here is an·example of a sentence generated by F 2 , along with its
now formally describe a fragment of English, F 2 , that includes (six!) possible LF structures. One ofthese structures is presented in
some elementary forms of quantification. F 2 is generated by a set of full, the others in abbreviated form.
phrase-structure rules. The syntactic structures admitted by this set (58) a. Every man gave a book to the woman.
of rules undergo a quantifier-raising transformation. In light of what b. 1 s
we discussed in 2.1, we shall call the phrase markers associated
with sentences generated by the phrase-structure rules S-structures
and the phrase markers generated by applying quantifier raising to 3 s
S-structures LF structures. A compositional model-theoretic inter-
pretation is provided for LF structures. Thus sentences are going to
interpreted relative to (one of their) LF structures. As we are not
5 s
dealing in this fragment with relative clauses, questions, or other
constructions involving overt syntactic movement, we will not
6 NP 5 7 S
need distinct levels forD-structure and S-structure.

2.2.1 The syntax of F2 With this in mind, let us consider the syn-
8 Det 9 Nom 10 Det 11 Nom 12
/\Nc NP~VP
Det 13 14 15
tactic rules for F2 • As is usual, we will use ----+ for phrase structure
rules and =? for transformations.
(56) a. S----+NPVP
b. S----+ S conj S
v. 17 NP lAP
c. S----+ neg S
d. VP----+ V1 NP
e. VP----+V; every man a book the woman e3 gives e 2 to
f VP----+ Vdt NP PP[to] c. [[every man]a [[the woman]5 [[a book]z [e 3 gives e2 to e5 ]]]]
g. NP----+ Det Nc d. [[a book]z [[every man]a [[the woman]5 [e 3 gives e2 to e5 ]]]]
h. PP[to] ----+to NP e. [[a book]z [[the woman]5 [[every man]a [e 3 gives e2 to e5 ]]]]
i. Det----+ the, a, every f [[the woman]5 [[every man]a [[a book]z [e 3 gives e2 to e5 ]]]]
j. Np ----+ Pavarotti, Loren, Bond
g. [[the woman]5 [[a book]z [[every man]a [e 3 gives e2 to e5 ]]]]
k. Nc ----+ book, fish, man, woman
1. V; ----+ is boring, is hungry
2.2.2 The semantics of F2 We begin by first providing an example of
m. V1 ----+ likes, hates a particular model for F 2 • Let M 3 = (U3 , V3), where U3 and V 3 are
n. Vdt ----+ gives, shows defined as follows:
0. conj ----+ and, or
p. neg ----+ it is not the case that (59) a. U3 ={Bond, Pavarotti, Loren, War and Peace, Aspects}
q. NP----+Np b. V3(likes) = {(Bond, Loren), (Pavarotti, Loren),
(Loren, Aspects), (Bond, War and Peace),
The rule for quantifier raising is (57), where NP is [Det Nc].
(Pavarotti, Pavarotti)}
(57) [s X NP Y] =? [s NPi [s X ei Y]] V3(hates) = {(Bond, Pavarotti)}
Quantification and Logical Form 161

V3 (gives) = {<Bond, Aspects, Loren), ment of English, we will also speak of F 2 models for English. An
<Pavarotti, War and Peace, Loren)} admissible F 2 model for English is any model M = <U, V) such that
V3 (is hungry) = {Pavarotti, Bond}
v3 (is boring) = 0 V(gives) = { <x, y, z): x, y, and z are in U and x gives y to z},
V3 (Pavarotti) = Pavarotti V(is hungry)= {x: xis in U and. xis hungry},
V3 (Bond) =Bond
and so on. Similarly, if Bond is a member of U, then V(Bond) =
V3 (Loren) =Loren
V3 (book) ={War and Peace, Aspects}
There may be some variability allowed in interpretation of lex-
V3 (man) ={Bond, Pavarotti}
ical constants on different occasions of use-e.g., in this book we
V3 (woman) ={Loren}
ask you to interpret some ordinary English words in special tech-
V3 (fish) = 0
nical ways-and thus admissible models may not completely fix
V3 (and) = [<1, 1) - t 11 the concepts associated with particular words. But there seem to be
<1, 0) --) 0
substantial constraints on lexical interpretation that are part of
<o, 1)--) o
speakers' semantic competence, and these constraints limit the
<o, o) --) o
class of admissible F 2 models for English. From now on, when we
Similarly for or and it is not the case that.
speak of models for the English fragment F 2 , we will only be inter-
The model itself says nothing about the interpretation of traces. ested in F 2 models for English.
Along with model M 3 , we will also define a particular assignment We provide next the recursive part of the semantic rules. As be-
function, g 3 , to assign a value to traces. In particular, let us assume fore, we want to associate each syntactic rule with a semantic one.
that for any n, g 3 (en) = Pavarotti. After each semantic rule, we indicate the corresponding syntactic
What we have done above is provide a particular model and as- rule. As this part of the semantics is independent of any particular
signment function for evaluating sentences relative to particular choice of model, we will relativize it to an arbitrary model for
LFs in the English fragment F 2 • Particular models can be thought of English M and an assignment g.
as part of what speakers in some sense access on particular occa-
reo.J'is t ve" (60) a. If A is a lexical category and f3 a trace term,
sions of language use. The domain, what is being talked about, can
ro\ e', [lAfJJ]M,g = g(jJ);
vary, and of course the facts will vary, that is, the extension of
otherwise, [[AfJ]]M,g = V(j]) (56j-o)
particular lexical constants can vary. But certain aspects of lexical
b. [[AB]]M,g = [B]M,g for A, B of any category (56e, q)
interpretation are fixed. Speakers may not know the full details of
c. [[pp to NP]]M,g = [NP]M,g (56h)
the model, e.g., they may not know who is hungry (that is not part
d. [[NP VP]]M,g = 1 iff [NP]M,g E [VP]M,g (56a)
of semantic knowledge), but they do know that is hungry is picking
e. [[S 1 conj Sz]]M,g = [conj]M,g ( <[S 1 ]M,g, [S 2 ]M,g)) (56b)
out the set of those with a certain property, being hungry.
f. [[neg S]]M,g = [neg]M,g([S]M,g) (56c)
All models for F 2 have certain general properties, e.g., they assign
g. [[V NP]]M,g = {x: <x, [NP]M,g) E [V]M,g} (56d)
sets of individuals as the value of intransitive verbs. These and the
h. [[V NP PP]]M,g = {x: <x, [NP]M,g, [PP]M,g) E [V]M,g} (56!)
recursive semantic rules, which we give below, constitute part of
i. [[[every fJ]; S]]M,g = 1 iff for all u E U, if u E [fJ]M,g,
speakers' semantic competence. But as we have noted, speakers then [S]M,g[u/ei] = 1 (QR)
also have more specific knowledge about the allowable interpreta-
j. [[[a fJ]; S]]M,g = 1 iff for some u E U, u E [fJ]M,g
tion of lexical constants in F 2 models they might access. Let us and [S]M,g[u/ei] = 1 (QR)
define an admissible model for F 2 as one in which the general
k. [[[the fJ]; S]]M,g = 1 iff for some u E U, [fJ]M,g = {u}
interpretation of lexical constants is constrained by the semantic and [S]M,g[u/ei] ~ 1 (QR)
knowledge of English speakers. Because F2 is intended as a frag-
Except for relativizing our interpretation to a model and assign-
ment function rather than ~imply to a situation, semantic rules
Quantification and Logical Form 163

( 60a- h) look just like the rules in chapter 2 for F 1 (expanded Our strategy is essentially the same as that we used for calculating
exercise 8 at the end of the chapter). And the clauses that ·n~,,n~.--• the semantic values of expressions in PC. We start with the outer-
the semantic contribution of raised quantificational NPs work most quantifying expression and work our way in. We will calcu-
much like our semantics for the logical quantifiers in PC. The late the truth conditions for an arbitrary F 2 model for English M and
definite article, a, works just like the existential quantifier assignment function g in tediouey detail. In calculating the truth
that we do not have access to the entire domain of individuals conditions for the particular model M3 and assignment function g 3 ,
just those satisfying the nominal to which the article is ~LLU'-'Jllt::I.I: we will be less thorough. (Numbers refer to nodes in (58b).) Notice
with every, we have similarly restricted universal quantific that we made critical use of our assumption that M was an F 2 model
The semantic contribution made by NPs with the definite article, for English in the last step. If we had not made that assumption, we
the, is what the Russellian analysis specifies (see pp. 143-1 would have had to stop with (j). In that case, our truth condi-
above). In all three rules interpreting the contribution of quantifi- tions would have made reference just to membership in V(man),
cational NPs, we make use of modified assignment functions, as we V(book), V(woman), and V(gives), and we would not have been
did for PC. Traces are the expressions in F 2 that work semantically guaranteed anything about men giving books to women. Now let's
like the variables of PC. calculate the truth value of our LF structure relative to M 3 and g3
Let us illustrate the working of the present semantics with an (see the box on p. 164). The computation is in some respects just
example. We will first compute the truth conditions of (58a), rela- like that above, but our interest in M 3 will be the particular facts it
tive to the LF in (58b), in an arbitrary F 2 model for English and then
go on to compute its truth value in the particular model M 3 • Of
course, we also need a particular assignment function to assign Calculation of the truth conditions of (58al relative to LF (58b)
a value to traces, and we will use g 3 , defined above as g 3 (en) = (a) [(55b)]M,g = 1 iff for all u E U, if u E V(man), then [3]M,g[ufe,]
Pavarotti for all n. We repeat (58a-b) here. = 1 By (60i)
(b) [3]M,g[uje,] = 1 iff for some u' E U, u' E V(book), [5]M,g[[uje,]u'/•zl
(58) a. Every man gave a book to the woman. = 1 By (60j)
b. 1 s (c) [5]M,g[[ufe,]u'/•z] = 1 iff for some u 11 E U V(woman) = {u"} and
[ 7 ]M,g][[uje,]u'/•z]u"/es] = 1 By (6 0k)

(d) g[[[uje3]u'/e 2]u"/es](e3) = u
2 NP 3 3 g[[[u/e3]u'/ez]u"/es](ez) = u'

g[[[u/e 3]u'/e2]u"/es](es) = u"
By definition of modified assignment functions
(e) [ 7 ]M,g[[[uje,]u' /ez]u" je5 ] = 1
iff [ 14]M,g[[[uje,]u' /•z]u" /•s] E [ 15 ]M,g[[[uje,]u' je2 ]u" je5 ] By (6 0d)

7\ :t(A
(f) [14]M,g[[[uje,]u'/ez]u"/es] = U By (d) and (60a)
(g) [ 16]M,g[[[uje,]u'fez]u"/es] = V(gives) By (60a)
[ 17]M,g[[[u/e3 ]u'/ez]u"/es] = u' By ( 6 0a) (d)
[18]M,g[[[uje,]u:/•z]u::/•s] = u 11 By (60aJ, (60c), (d)
(h) [15]M,g[[[uje,]u fe,]u fes] = {x: (x, u', u 11 ) E V(gives)} By (g) and (60h)
8 Det 9 Nom 10 Det 11 Nom 12 Det 13 Nc 14 NP 15 VP (i) [17]M,g[[[uje,]u'/ez]u"fes] = 1 iff (u, u', u 11 ) E V(gives) By (h) and

definition of set membership
(j) [(55b)]M,g = 1 iff for all u E U, if u E V(man), there is some u' E U,
u' E V(book), and some u 11 E U, such that V(woman) = { u"} and
16 v,, 17 NP (u, u', u") E V(gives) By (a) through (i)
(k) [(55b)]M,g = 1 iff for all u E U such that u is a man, there is some
u' E U, u' a book, and some u" E U, u" the only woman in U, such
that u gives u' to u 11 By (j) and the assumption that M is an F2
model for English

every man a book the woman e3 gives

Chapter 3 164 Quantification and Logical Form 165

encodes. To keep our notation shorter, we'll designate Bond by Bo,

Computation of the truth value of (58b) relative to Ma and fJ3 Pavarotti by Pa, Loren by Lo, War and Peace by W&P, Aspects by
= 1 iff for all u E U, if u E V3(man), then [3][M,,g,[ufe,J = 1
(a) [(58b)]M,,g, Asp. We kept things relatively brief by not going down any blind
By (60i) alleys. In the first subbox we might have tried, for example, Asp
(b) V3(man) = {Pa,Bo} By (59b) rather than W&P to see whether J?avarotti gave it to Loren. Had we
Go to subbox 1, and assign Pa to e3; i.e., consider g 3[Pa/e3]. done so, that particular calculation would have yielded a 0, and
then we would have had to try W&P before being able to close the
(a) [3]M,,g,[Pafe,] = 1 iff for some u' E U, u' E V(book) first subbox. But the basic idea is simple and not very different from
= {W&P,Asp}, [5]M,g[[Paje,]u'/ez] = 1 By (59b) and (60j) what we did in PC.
(b) Assign W&Pto e2 ; i.e., consider g3[[Pa/e 3]W&P/e2 ]
(c) [5]M,,g,[[Pafe,]W&P/ez] = 1 iff for some u" E U, V(woman) = {u"}
On the basis of the semantics for F 2 , we can provide the usual
and [7]M,,g,[[[Paje,]W&Pje,]u"je,] = 1 By (60k) definitions of truth, entailment, and related notions.
(d) V(woman) = {Lo} By (59b)
(e) [5]M,,g,[[Paje,]W&P/ez] = 1 iff [7]M,,g,[[[Paje,]W&P/ez]Loje,] = 1 By (61) a. A sentenceS of F2 is true in a model Mrelative to one ofits
(c), (d)
LF structures f3 iff for all assignments g, [fJ]M,g = 1. S is
(f) [7]M,,g,[[[Paje,]W&P/ez]Loje,] = 1 iff (Pa, W&P,Lo) E V(gives) For false in M relative to f3 iff for all g, [fJ]M,g = 0.
details, see (e) to (i) in the calculation of the truth conditions b. A set of sentences n = {S 1 , ... , Sn} of F2 , each S; taken
for (58a) relative to one of its LF structures /3;, entails a sentenceS' of
(g) [3]M,,g,[Paje,] = 1 By (a) through (f) and (59b)
F2 relative to one of its LF structures fJ', iff for all M, Man F2
model for English, in which each S; is true in Mrelative to
Go to subbox 2 and assign Bo to e3; i.e., consider g3[Bo/e3]. /3;, S' also is true in M relative to fJ'.
Restricting our attention to admissible F 2 models for English in
2 (a) [3]M,,g,[Bofe,J = 1 iff for some u' E U, u' E V(book)
= {W&P,Asp}, [5]M,g[[Boje,]u'/ez] = 1 By (59b) and (60j) defining entailment means that we will potentially have more
(b) Assign Asp to e2 ; i.e., consider g 3[[Bo/e3]Asp/e2 ] entailments than just those due to the quantifiers and connectives.
(c) [5]M,,g,[[Bofe,]Aspfe,] = 1 iff for some u" E U, V(woman) = { u"} For example, in all models for English the intersection of V(hates)
and [7]M,,g,[[[Boje,]Aspje,]u"je,] = 1 By (60k)
and V(likes) is arguably empty; that is, although there may be a
(d) V(woman) = {Lo} By (59b)
(e) [ 5 ]M3 ,g3 [[Boje3 ]Aspje2 ] = 1 iff [?]M3 ,g3 [[[Boje3 ]Aspje2 ]Loje5 ] = 1 By (c), middle ground, hating and liking are incompatible. On this as-
(d) sumption, then, (62a), relative to LF (62a'), entails (62b).
(f) [7]M,,g,[[[Paje,]W&Pje,]Loje,] = 1 iff (Pa, W&P,Lo) E V(gives) For
(62) a. Loren likes a man.
details, see (e) to (i) in the calculation of the truth conditions
for (58a) a'. S

(g) [3]M,,g,[Pafe,] = 1 By (a) through (f) and (59b)

NP 2

/\Nc NP~VP
(c) [(58b)]M,,g, = 1 By (a), (b), and the two subbox results



a man
Quantification and Logical Form 167

b. It is not the case that Loren hates every man. with unraised quantified NPs. Such NPs lack a denotation, and thus
b'. s rules like (57 d), which interpret subject-predicate constructions,
will not work if the NP is a quantified one. Quantified NPs receive
an interpretation only in fronted position, and then only indirectly
s by means of the contribution they make to the truth conditions of
~S NP 5
the sentences they occur in. There is no value assigned to a quan-
tified NP as such.

Of course, the fact that quantified NPs lack an independently
definable value is a major drawback of the present approach. It
det Nc NP VP forces us to deal with each determiner within an NP in terms of a

separate semantic rule, as (60i-k) illustrate. Not only is this inele-
gant; it will not be viable in the long run. Notice that there are an
indefinite number of determiners that can occur within NPs (com-

every man
Loren hates
I plex NPs like every man and some woman, every man and some
woman and three boys, a chicken in every pot, two candidates from
We will just sketch how a proof of this entailment would go. As- every city, some but not all men, not every but some man, most or
sume that (62a') is true in model M. By (60j), this implies that for all men, etc.). If each type of quantified NP is simply associated
some u in V(man), if u is assigned to e 2 , then [Loren likes e 2 ] = 1 with a separate semantic rule, our capacity to interpret such an
relative to that assignment of a value to e 2 • This, however, is true iff indefinite variety of NP types would be a mystery. Clearly, the
Loren is in {x: <x, u) E V(likes)} iff <Loren, u) E V(likes). But semantic value of NPs, just like that of other nonlexical phrases,
V(likes) n V(hates) 0 (by the assumption that Mis an admissible has to be compositionally derived from the semantic values of their
F 2 model for English). Therefore, <Loren, u) ¢ V(hates) for some u parts. But then NPs have to have a semantic value and cannot be
in V(man), and thus [Loren hates e 5 ] = 0 if u is assigned as the treated indirectly just by looking at their semantic role in the
value of e 5 • But by (60i), this means that [[every man] 5 [Loren hates structures in which they occur.
e 5 ]] = 0 in M, and thus, by (60f), (62b') is true in M. This entailment These considerations show that our semantics for F 2 is composi-
depends on grammatical structure, the properties of the "logical" tional only in a weak sense: sentences are compositionally in-
words (the quantifying determiners and the negative), and also the terpreted in terms of the meanings of their parts, but other phrases,
lexical relation of the content words hates and likes. such as NPs, are not. As we have seen, this has undesirable con-
Readers may have noticed that so far we have always raised sequences. However, there is no way to find an object that can play
quantifier NPs and then interpreted the resulting LFs. If QR is op- the role of quantified NP meanings within the limits ofthe semantics
tional, what happens with sentences with quantified NPs left in situ for PC. More powerful semantic techniques are called for. We will
(that is, not raised by means of QR)? Such sentences are unin- come back to these and related issues in chapter 9, where we intro-
terpretable and thus, for that reason, ultimately ungrammatical. All duce the theory of generalized quantifiers. Even this more powerful
sentences are interpreted relative to an LF, but for sentences with- theory, however, mal<.es use of semantic variables and techniques
out quantified NPs their only LF is identical with their surface like modifying assignment functions, concepts that may be easiest
structure. Sentences that do have one or more LFs distinct from to introduce in this simpler framework. In the meantime, PC and
theirS-structure, i.e., sentences containing a quantified NP, have to the fragment F 2 also let us explore many basic scopal phenomena.
be interpreted relative to one of their LFs. Although we will eventually make some modifications, we want
Now we could make QR obligatory and thus rule out sentences to stress that we take the recursive semantic rules in (60) and the
with quantified NPs in situ as syntactically deviant. Given the se- constraints on admissible F 2 models of English informally described
mantics of F 2 , however, it turns out to be easy to filter out sentences on pp. 160-161 to constitute a partial characterization ofthe seman-
Chapter 3 168 Quantification and Logical Form 169

tic competence of English speakers, which includes their basic lin- a. Ambiguities due to the presence of several quantified NPs in a
guistic knowledge and what they know about how their language clause ("Every man loves a woman")
links to the world. Using these rules and conditions, we are able to b. Ambiguities that quantified NPs generate in interaction with inten-
calculate truth conditions, as shown on p. 163 and, relative to sional contexts (to be discussed in chapter 5)
knowledge of particular facts, truth values, as shown on p. 164. We c. Bound uses of pronouns ("Every cat loves its whiskers")
are also able to demonstrate entailment relations, as shown on p.
We just saw how (a) is accommodated in F 2 • We will see what
166. In other words, the semantic rules and conditions on admissi-
phenomena (b) refers to and how to accommodate them when we
ble models for F 2 do go a long way toward specifying the semantic
discuss intensionality. For you to see (c), we have to introduce
knowledge of English speakers (with respect to this fragment): the
pronouns into F 2 , which we now do. This again will illustrate some
results we got in deriving truth conditions and judging entailments
of the problems involved.
match speakers' intuitive judgments quite well. In using English in
Personal pronouns in English are inflected with respect to gen-
particular contexts, speakers make use of something like the F 2 rules
der, number, and case, and the actual distribution of pronominal
and particular admissible models, we think. (We discuss questions
forms is far more complex than is often acknowledged. Here we
of language use in chapter 4 and pay particular attention to the con-
cannot deal properly with the issues that arise in connection with
tribution of contextual factors to interpretation in chapter 6.) We
the status of these notions. Instead, we simply add hen, shen, and
have specified our recursive rules and the constraints on admissible
itn, along with himn and hern, as new lexical entries of category Np;
models by using a mixture of mathematical terminology and
n is just an unpronounced arbitrary numerical index. Pronouns are
English. We have said nothing about what speakers might know
distinguished from other members of category Np by the fact that
about particular English words like woman, what the real signifi-
they have an inherent index.
cance is of claiming that speakers only entertain models in which
V(woman) = {x: xis a woman}. How much of what is involved in (63) Np--> hen,shen,itn,himn,hern, for arbitrary n
this constraint on the models that speakers use is linguistic knowl- Of course, in most of their uses the feminine shenf hern and the
edge? How much is socially based linguistic practice? How much is masculine hen/himn respectively presuppose female or male sex in
a matter of extralinguistic beliefs about the world? There are many the values they might be assigned for plausible interpretations;
deep and difficult questions involved here, some of which we will unlike itn, they also presuppose animacy in those potential value
address (though by no means fully answer) in chapter 8. In the assignments. For present purposes, however, we can simply as-
meantime, our approach seems very promising: we have an explicit sume that sentences with coindexings with a gender clash are
theory that yields results that agree with the semantic judgments of somehow filtered out. That is to say, NPs with the same index must
native speakers. Not surprisingly, the current fragment does not do agree in gender features. Syntactic position determines the different
all we want, and thus we will continue to expand and modify our distribution of nominative case hen/ shen and their accusative
approach. But the general program is off to a satisfactory beginning. counterparts, himnfhern, but here too we will simply assume that
case forms in inappropriate locations are somehow excluded with-
out worrying about the precise mechanism that accomplishes this.
For each of the LFs associated with (58a), determine which of the With these modifications F 2 can generate sentences like (64a)
other LFs it entails.
below. Before looking at it, however, we need also to modify
slightly the semantics of F2 so that our newly introduced pronouns
can be interpreted. The idea is to interpret them just as we inter-
preted variables in PC and as we have interpreted traces in Fz; that
2.3 Pronouns as bound variables and some scope restrictions in English
is, their initial values will be determined by the assignment func-
As pointed out in Cooper (1983, sec. 3.2.1), any mechanism, like
tion g, with possible modification if they happen to be bound by a
QR, that allows assignment of wide scope to syntactically em-
quantifying expression. We will require that pronouns with the
bedded quantified NPs can be used to account for three things:
same index are mapped onto the same individuals, regardless of
Chapter 3 170 Quantification and Logical Form 171

case (so that, e.g., g(hen) = g(himn)). We will also assume that
assignments of values to pronouns respect their genders. For ex- Calculation of the truth conditions and value of (65b)
ample, let us assume that g3 is specified as follows: g3(he 1 ) = (a) [(65b)]M,,g, = 1 iff [2]M,,g, = [3]M,,g, By (60d)
Pavarotti, g3(he 2 ) =Bond, g3(she3) =Loren, g(it4 ) =War and Peace, (b) [2]M,,g, = Pavarotti By (59b)
(c) [3]M,,g, = {x: (x,g3 (her3 )) E V3 (likes)} By (60a, g) and (64a)
and for any n > 4, g3 (hen) = Pavarotti. (Gender, as noted above, (d) g3 (her3 ) =Loren By expanded definition of g3 above
contributes semantic information, presumably as a presupposition, (e) V3 (likes) = {(Bond, Loren), (Pavarotti, Loren), (Loren, Asp),
but we will not try here to spell out formally how this happens.) We (Bond, W&P), (Pavarotti,Pavarotti)} By (59b)
present next the amended version of (60), italicizing the parts that (f) Pavarotti E { x : (x, Loren) E V3 (likes)} = {Bond, Pavarotti} By (d),
(e), and the definition of set membership
have been modified. We omit (b) to (h), which are unchanged. (g) [(64b)]M,,g, = 1 By (a) through (f)
(64) a. If A is a lexical category and fJ a trace or pronoun,
[[AfJ]]M,g = g([J); otherwise, [[AfJ]]M,g V(fJ)
i. [[[every [J]; S]]M,g 1 iff for all u E U, if u E [fJ]M,g, then If we assume that V3(likes) = {<x, y) : x likes y} in M3, then our
[S]M,g[u/t;J = 1, where ti is a trace or a pronoun; that is, result is that (65a) is true in M 3 relative to g3 just in case Pavarotti
g[u/ti] = g except that g[u/ti](ei) = u and g[ujt1](hei) = likes Loren. Notice that we had to use the value assigned by g3 to
g[u/tt](shei) = g[u/tt](iti) = g[u/tt](himi) = g[ujtt](heri) = u her3 to get this result. The pronoun her3 in (65a) is what is called a
j. [[[a fJt S]]M,g = 1 iff for some u E U, u E [fJ]M,g and deictic pronoun: it gets its interpretation from a pointing or some
[S]M,g[u/t;J = 1, where ti is a trace or a pronoun other contextual way of identifying a particular referent. English
k. [[[the fJt S]]M,g = 1 iff for some u E U, [fJ]M,g = {u} and pronouns used deictically are treated just like free variables in PC:
[S]M,g[u/t;J = 1, where ti is a trace or a pronoun
they get their value directly from an assignment function.
F 2 so amended serves as a preliminary illustration of how our Just as some English pronouns are interpreted like free variables,
formal semantics for quantification can be applied to a natural lan- some are interpreted like bound variables. Typical examples of
guage. We think that such an approach helps bring into focus some bound-variable uses of pronouns are the following:
interesting empirical properties of grammars. In what follows, we (66) a. Every teenager likes her mother.
briefly discuss a sample of such properties. b. Every professor thinks that she is busy.
Let us first familiarize ourselves with how F2 with pronouns
works. In (65b) we illustrate the surface structure of(65a), and then At present we are unable to accommodate such uses because we
we compute the value of (65b) in M 3 relative to g3. haven't dealt with the semantics of possessives or with embedding.
If we had a semantics for such constructions, the treatment of
(65) a. Pavarotti likes her. bound pronouns in F 2 would apply to them (as we will see when
b. 1 s we deal with embedding). To show binding in F 2 , we will just add

~ 3VP
reflexive pronouns with -selfn to our stock. In the next section, we
will discuss the distribution and interpretive constraints on reflex-

ives. We can, however, simply add them to our fragment now in
anticipation and actually work through a straightforward example
Vt 5 6 of the binding of a pronoun by a quantified NP. So let us further
increase the stock of lexical items in category Np by adding the
I following:
4 NP 7 NP
(67) Np---7 itselfn, himselfn, herselfn, for arbitrary n
I likes
I For now, these reflexive pronouns will be given their initial value
by the assignment function, just like our other pronouns, and be
Quantification and Logical Form 173

subject to binding by quantified NPs. We will require that for all n, interpret the sentence: quantificational NPs need an index to be
g(itselfn) g(itn), g(himselfn) = g(hen) = g(himn), and g(herselfn)::::: interpreted, and they get their index only when moved. Expanding
g(shen) = g(hern)· Sentence (68a) and its LF (68b) are generated by the fragment to include reflexives has given us an example of
our expanded fragment, and we can calculate the truth conditions pronoun binding.
and value of (68b) in M 3 relative to g3 . The process is familiar. Even without reflexives, F 2 d0es display what look like bound-
(68) a. Every man likes himself. variable uses of nonreflexive pronouns, but these raise some inter-
b. 1 s esting problems. Here are some examples.

~ (69) a. The man is hungry, and he is boring.

b. [s [the manh [e3 is hungry and [NP he 3 ] is boring]]

A 4N~
c. 3y[man(y) 1\ 'v'x[man(x) '---7 x = y] 1\ hungry(y) 1\ boring(y)]
(70) a. A man is hungry, and he is boring.
b. [s [a man]z [e2 is hungry and [NP he 2 ] is boring]]
c. 3y[ man(y) 1\ hungry(y) 1\ boring(y)]
6 Det 7 Nc 8 V1 NP In these two examples (b) is the LF of (a), and (c) is a PC formula
whose truth conditions are the same as those that the semantics in
I (64) associates with these constructions. In these sentences we see
an NP assigned scope over both conjuncts in a conjunction. As the
I sentences in question are indeed grammatical (if one is willing to
every man likes himsel£2 tolerate a certain stylistic awkwardness), the fact that these con-
structions can be accommodated in F 2 and can be interpreted as
Notice that the values of g 3 themselves do not enter into the calcu-
shown in (69c) and (70c) appears prima facie to be a positive result.
lation and thus the sentence is false in M3 . This is because the
Examples of the same kind can be constructed for disjunction: 11
pronoun and the trace are bound by the raised quantificational NP.
Notice also that we had to raise the quantifier every man in order to (71) [A package] 4 (that I was waiting for) either got delayed, or it4
was sent to the wrong address.
Notice also that the sentences in (72a) below are interpreted
Calculation of the truth conditions and value of (6Bb) conjunctively and the existential quantifier associated with a man
(a) [(68b)]M,,g, = 1 iff for all u in Uif u E [7]M,,g, = V3(man), then binds the pronoun he, which is schematically illustrated by the PC
[3]M,,g,[uft,] = 1 By (64i)
(b) [3]M,,g,[u/lz] = 1 iff [4]M,,g,[u/lz] E [5]M,,g,[u/lz] By (60d) rendering in (72b).
(c) [4]M,,g,[u/tzl = u By (64a) and the definition of g3[u/t2 ] (72) a. A maniac has damaged this painting. He evidently used a
(d) [5]M,,g,[uft,J = {x: <x,g3 [u/t2 ](himself2 )) E V3(likes)} By (64a) and
(e) g3 [ujt2 ](himselfz) = u By (64a) and the definition of g3[ujt2 ] b. 3x[maniac(x) 1\ damaged-this-painting(x) 1\ used-a-
(f) [3]M,,g,[uft,] = 1 iff uE {x: <x, u) E V3(likes)} iff <u, u) E V3(likes) knife(x)]
By (b) through (e) and the definition of set membership
(g) [(68b)]M,,g, = 1 iff for all u in U, if u E V3(man) = {Bond,Pavarotti}, These examples show that definite and indefinite NPs can have
<u, u) E V3(likes) By (a) through (f) and (59b) scope over coordinated structures and even across stretches of dis-
(h) <Bond, Bond)¢ V3 (likes) = {<Bond, Loren), <Pavarotti, Loren), course, a fact that can perhaps be accommodated within the gram-
<Loren, Asp), <Bond, W&P), <Pavarotti, Pavarotti)} By (59b) and
the definition of set membership mar of F 2 •
(i) [(68b)]M,,g, = 0 By (g) and (h) However, it must also be observed that universally quantified
NPs behave differently in this respect from existentially quantified
Quantification and Logical Form 175

ones, as is shown by the following examples (where the asterisk is positive clause, for example). Consider, e.g., the ungrammaticality
used to indicate ungrammaticality in the intended interpretation). of the following sentences:
(73) a. *[Every man] 4 is hungry, and he 4 is boring. (76) a. *[Which class]j did you correct the homework that; the
b. Vx[man(x)--) [hungry(x) A boring(x)]] teacher assigned __ ; to --j?
(74) a. *[Every man] 4 walked in. He 4 was wearing a hat. b. *[Which assignment]; did you hear the claim that a student
b. Vx[ man(x) --) [walked-in(x) A wearing-a-hat]] copied __ ;?

The (a) sentences in these examples show that in English a univer- Here the indices represent the dependency between dislocated
sal quantifier contained within a conjunct cannot in general bind constituents and gaps. The particular constraint illustrated in (76)
pronouns contained in other conjuncts (unlike the existential is known as the complex NP constraint; it appears to hold also of
quantifier associated with the indefinite article). 12 This behavior of quantifier scope. Rodman (1976) points out the following minimal
universal quantifiers is reminiscent of the coordinate-structure pair:
constraint, familiar to linguists since the work of Ross (1966). This (77) a. Guinevere has a bone in every corner of the house.
constraint describes a crucial property of movement dependencies, a'. Vx[ corner-of-the-house(x) --) 3y[bone(y) A has(g, y) A in
namely, the impossibility of extracting a constituent out of just one (y, x)]]
of two conjuncts, as illustrated by the following examples: b. Guinevere has a bone which is in every corner of the
(75) a. *Which boy did John see __ and Mary likes Bill. house.
b. *Beans John likes __ and Mary hates potatoes. The preferred reading of (77a) is the one represented in (77a'),
It is hard to avoid the conclusion that quantifiers like every are where the universal quantifier has widest scope. On the other hand,
governed by the same constraint (whatever a correct account of it such a reading is unavailable for (77b), where to obtain it we would
might be). However, if we follow this line, then (69a) and (70a) be- have to move the universally quantified NP out of a complex NP.
come a problem. We have to explain why NPs whose determiner is Again, there must be a good reason why these parallelisms hold.
a definite or indefinite article (as in (69a) and (70a) respectively) do Although there may be alternative explanations, such parallelisms
not appear to be subject to such a constraint. We will come back to seem unsurprising if overt wh dependencies and quantifier scope
this problem shortly. The interesting thing to note here is that if it is do indeed have a common structure. Our present approach does
correct that every is subject to the coordinate-structure constraint not really explain these generalizations. It does, however, provide a
an interpretive phenomenon (the scope properties of a quantifier)
' framework within which such an explanation might be found.
would be subject to a restriction governing syntactically overt In light of these examples the hypothesis that quantifier scope is
movement. This in turn would suggest that a unified treatment of subject to constraints similar to those on wh movement gains fur-
overt movement and scope phenomena (which the theory we are ther plausibility, which makes the behavior of the NPs illustrated
adopting provides) is empirically supported. If wh dependencies in (69) to (72) especially puzzling. What is it that allows them to
and quantifier scope were dealt with in terms of totally different extend their scope beyond what is possible for every?
mechanisms, there should be no reason to expect them to obey The mystery that surrounds NPs whose determiner is a definite
similar restrictions. or indefinite article is not confined to their behavior with respect to
In fact, parallelisms in the behavior of wh dependenCies and coordinated structures. Consider the contrast in ( 78).
quantifier scope are not limited to coordinate structures. They (78) a. *Every farmer who owns [every donkey]t beats it 1 •
show up in other grammatical structures, especially what Ross b. Every farmer who owns [a donkey]t beats it 1 .
called "island" environments, which seem to prevent movement
Sentence (78a) on the intended reading is ungrammatical. This is to
"off island." For example, it is impossible to question a constituent
be expected if every is subject to something like the complex NP
contained inside an NP of the form [NP NP S] (a relative or an ap-
Quantification and Logical Form 177

constraint: every donkey can bind the pronoun it only if we extract (80) we are interpreting the indefinite NP a donkey in terms of a
the former out of the relative clause in which it is embedded (a universal quantifier rather than an existential quantifier. Why and
complex NP). On the other hand, (78b) is perfectly grammatical. how does this come about?
This appears to be a further instance of the capacity of NPs with This phenomenon is perfectly general. In fact, it also shows up in
articles to extend their scope beyond that possible for universally other types of constructions, notabiy conditionals, as the following
quantified NPs. illustrates:
But there is something about (78b) that is even more puzzling. So
(81) a. *If Kim owns [every donkey]t, she beats it 1 .
far we have assumed that NPs with indefinite articles are seman-
tically associated with existential quantifiers, a hypothesis that
b. If Kim [owns a donkey]t, she beats itt.
seems to work remarkably well for many cases. However, this hy-
c. 3y[ donkey(y) 1\ own(k, y)] ___.. beat(k, y)
d. 3y[[ donkey(y) 1\ own(k, y)] ___.. beat(k, y)]
pothesis does not help us with (78b). If a donkey is existentially
quantified, we have essentially two options in assigning truth con-
e. Vy[[ donkey(y) 1\ own(k, y)] beat(k, y)]
ditions to sentences like (78b): Again, the scope of an NP with an indefinite article seems able to
span beyond the scope of a universally quantified NP (see (81a, b)).
(79) a. Vx[[ farmer(x) 1\ 3y[ donkey(y) 1\ own(x, y)]] ___.. beat(x, y)]
And again, the usual existential interpretation of the indefinite
b. Vx3y[[ farmer(x) 1\ [ donkey(y) 1\ own(x, y)]] ___.. beat(x, y)]
article gives wrong results (consider (81c, d)). The phenomenon
In (79a) the existential quantifier is assigned narrow scope with under discussion has been known at least since the ancient Stoics.
respect to the conditional. However, in such a case the second In recent debates it goes under the name of donkey anaphora, be-
occurrence of y, the one that represents the pronoun in (78b), is not cause of the examples used to illustrate it by Geach (1962), which
bound by 3, and thus its value is referentially independent of the have become standard in the literature.
NP a donkey, which does not give us the reading we want. In (79b) To summarize, we have found good evidence that universally
the existential quantifier is assigned wide scope over the condi- quantified NPs are subject to constraints similar to those to which
tional, and so the second occurrence of y is bound. But this still question formation is subject (like the coordinate-structure con-
gives us the wrong truth conditions. Sentence (79b) is true when- straint and other island constraints). NPs with indefinite (or defi-
ever there is anything that makes the antecedent false. The exis- nite) articles do not appear, prima facie, to obey restrictions of this
tence of something that is not a donkey is sufficient to make (79b) sort. Furthermore, indefinite articles appear to undergo what might
true, independently of what every farmer does to donkeys. Thus, look like a change in meaning when they occur in the restrictive
for example, in a situation in which there is a cat and no farmer portion of a universal quantifier or in the antecedent of a condi-
beats his donkey, (79b) would be true, for the cat would suffice to tional. It may be that some pronouns whose interpretation seems to
make the antecedent of the conditional false and hence the whole depend on an antecedent-i.e., they are not deictic-may not be
conditional true. But this is clearly not a reading that (78b) allows. "bound" in quite the sense our semantics for quantification eluci-
Thus, (79b) does not adequately represent the truth conditions of dates. Much recent work has been devoted to the solution of these
(78b). mysteries, and this work suggests that the phenomena illustrated in
A better approximation to what (78b) means is given by the truth (66) to (69) and those illustrated in (75) to (78) are indeed related. 13
conditions of (80). Such work focuses on how the truth conditions of sentences can
(80) Vx'v'y[[farmer(x) 1\ donkey(y) 1\ own(x, y)] ___.. beat(x, y)] affect, as well as be affected by, the dynamics of discourse. It calls
for techniques that go well beyond the limits of this book, however.
Formula (80) seems to represent fairly well the truth conditions At any rate, we hope to have aroused the curiosity of the reader
associated with (78b), though perhaps only under the further pre- about these matters.
supposition that each farmer owns just one donkey. However, in
Quantification and Logical Form 179

2.4 Coreference and noncoreference

(83) a. He loves himself.
In chapter 1, sec. 3.3, we informally introduced some observations b. *She loves himself.
about the possible referential dependence of pronouns on other
NPs, traditionally called their antecedents. Referential dependence Reflexives seem to need coreference or semantic dependence on
of the pronoun might mean reference to the same entity as the an- something "close," whereas ordi~ary pronouns reject such "local"
tecedent, or it might mean, as we have come to see in this chapter, coreference. What counts as "close" or "local" must, of course, be
being quantificationally bound by the antecedent. In the linguistic spelled out, but as a starting point one might say that two con-
literature, referential dependence is often called coreference and is stituents are "close" if they are in the same clause. To a significant
indicated by coindexing, although the precise semantic signifi- degree the domains over which pronouns must be disjoint in refer-
cance of coindexing is typically not spelled out (nor did we spell it ence coincide in languages like English with the domains within
out in our informal discussion). Even though the term "referential which reflexives must find an antecedent. Much work has been
dependence" is better than "coreference" (which is potentially done on the individuation of the syntactic domains (and on the
misleading), we will not try to reform this aspect of linguistic exact conditions) with respect to which such a generalization
practise here. As we also pointed out, there are cases where a pro- holds. There are some interesting crosslinguistic variations, but the
noun cannot depend referentially on a particular NP. This phe- basic ideas seem to apply universally. For convenience, we will
nomenon has been dubbed disjoint reference or noncoreference confine ourselves to generalizations that hold of English. The
and is indicated by having distinct indices on the pronoun and the question, then, is how to elucidate these generalizations in a
NPs that cannot serve as its antecedent. There is a significant lin- semantic theory of the kind we have been developing.
guistic literature on the subject of coreference and noncoreference, A possible first guess is to try to constrain the way in which the
which began to attract attention in the 1970s. 14 In this section we indices are associated with pronouns, so that, for example, the two
explore these phenomena in more detail and show how the syntax pronouns in (84a) are never coindexed, whereas the two in (84b)
and semantics we have developed for F 2 can help articulate a always are. The pronouns in (84c, d), on the other hand, may or
semantically more precise account of the possible and impossible may not be coindexed.
coreference relations discovered in syntactic theory. (84) a. John spoke with him about him.
A quite pervasive generalization about natural languages is that b. John spoke with her about herself
pronouns cannot corefer if they are somehow too close. Thus, for c. He thinks that he is smart. ·
example, (82a) cannot in general have the same truth conditions as d. She loves her mother.
the F 2 LF in (82b), which is equivalent to the PC formula (82c):
In other words, coindexing might be constrained to yield the fol-
(82) a. He loves him. lowing pattern of grammaticality:
b. He 1 loves him1.
c. love(x1,x1) (85) a. John spoke with him 1 about himz.
a'. *John spoke with him 2 about himz.
The two occurrences of pronouns in (82a) are not expected to refer b. John spoke with her 3 about herself3.
to the same entity, whereas the two pronouns in (82b) (or the two b'. *John spoke with her 3 about herselfz.
variables in (82c)) are required to refer to the same entity. c. He 1 thinks that he 1 is smart.
If we introduce reflexives, however, matters look very different. c'. He 1 thinks that he 3 is smart.
Sentence (83a) not only can but must have the truth conditions d. She 1 loves her 1 mother.
associated with (82b, c). We also find that a sentence like (83b), in d'. She 2 loves her 3 mother.
which the different gender presuppositions rule out coreference, is
not acceptable. The rationale behind this move is the following. Our semantics
treats pronouns like variables in a logical calculus, as the notion of
Quantification and Logical Form 181

a variable appears to be our current best formal tool for dealing The principles in (87) constitute a rudimentary version of what
with the way pronouns behave. The data in (84) and (85) suggest is called syntactic binding theory. Let us briefly see how they work
that we should keep the variables that interpret two (or more) non- to constrain the interpretation of some English sentences. For
reflexive pronouns in the same local domain distinct from each illustrative purposes, we will include some sentences not in the
other and that we should make sure that the variables that interpret current fragment, simply assuming that the F 2 treatment of pro-
reflexive pronouns have a suitable antecedent with which they nouns and their relations to antecedents is to be retained when our
might be coindexed. What our account offers in addition to that in fragment grows to include them. Principle (87a) yields the follow-
the syntactic literature is a clear account of the semantic signifi- ing pattern:
cance of coindexing or disjoint indexing.
Interestingly, effects of a closely related sort are detectable else- (88) a. *Himself1 likes him 1.
where. Specifically, disjoint-reference constraints seem to apply to b. *He 1 likes hersel£1.
relations between pronouns and other kinds of NPs, as illustrated c. *He 1 thinks that Mary likes himsel£1.
in (86). Sentence (88a) is ruled out because of the c-command condition on
(86) a. Pavarotti likes him. coindexing. Sentence (88b) is ruled out because the coindexed
b. Every student likes her. pronouns do not carry the same gender specifications. Although
c. Every student thinks that she is smart. sentence ( 88c) is not yet in our fragment, it would be ruled out in
an expanded fragment because the antecedent of the reflexive is not
In (86a) him is not expected to refer to Pavarotti. In (86b) her can- in the same local domain (in this case, the embedded S) as there-
not be bound by (and thus referentially dependent on) every stu- flexive. Principle (87b) yields the following pattern, (89a, b) being
dent, while in (86c) she can. It seems reasonable to assume that the English sentences and (89a', b') being their potential LFs gen-
these facts can be accounted for by the same general principles that erated by the fragment, some of which are filtered out by the prin-
account for the facts in (84). ciples in (87):
In our sample grammar F 2 , each pronoun carries an arbitrary in-
herent index, and all raised quantifier NPs are also given an arbi- (89) a. Every student likes her.
trary index (the traces left behind are, of course, automatically a'. *[Every studenth [e1 likes her1]
coindexed with the moved NP). Thus the grammar already gen- b. Every student thinks that she is smart.
erates all sorts of combinations of indexing. Suppose that we retain b'. [Every studenth [e1 thinks that she 1,2 is smart]
this feature of the fragment's grammar (and also retain it when we Finally, principle (87c) rules out (90a 1) as a possible LF for (90a)
expand the fragment later to include embedded sentences and other and (90b') as a possible LF for (90b):
more complex constructions) but then filter out the unwanted types
(90) a. He thinks that every student is tired.
of coindexing it will generate and also filter out sentences that lack
a'. *He 1 thinks that [[every studenth [e1 is tired]]
desired coindexing relations. The following principles, based on
a". *[every studenth [he 1 thinks that [e1 is tired] (From ( 90a)
the syntactic literature, are a first start.
via long QR)
(87) a. A reflexive pronoun must be coindexed with a b. Every student likes every student.
c-commanding argument within the minimal NP or S b'. *[Every studenth [[every studenth [e1 likes e1]]
that contains it.
To understand the full significance of these patterns, we have to
b. A nonreflexive pronoun must not be coindexed with a
determine their actual semantic import. Indexing in F 2 already
c-commanding NP within the minimal NP or S that
plays an explicit role in semantic interpretation. This allows us to
contains it.
make quite precise what truth conditions are being allowed or dis-
c. A nonpronominal NP must not be coindexed with a
allowed by the binding theory in particular cases. We are then able
c-commanding NP.
Quantification and Logical Form 183

to ask whether the predicted possible truth conditions match conditions of which are equivalent to those of PC formula (92e).
intuitions concerning the possible meanings of the constructions· (We often give PC formulas to represent the truth conditions of LFs
we are examining. in our fragment rather than spelling out the truth conditions
Given the binding theory and the general semantics that we are directly. This is just for convenience and it is always possible to
assuming, the English sentence (91a) must be assigned an LF like calculate the truth conditions directly for the F 2 fragment and for-
(91b), and it gets the truth conditions spelled out in (91c), which get about the PC equivalents; readers new to logic may sometimes
are exactly the same as those assigned to the PC formula (91d). find the LFs generated by the F 2 English fragment easier to process
(Which index is used does not matter; readers can confirm that the semantically than PC formulas.) We appear to get the right truth
truth conditions are the same, relative to suitable assignment func- conditions. Thus our rudimentary binding theory provides a good
tions.) What is crucial is that the LF in (91e), whose truth con- first approximation to the meaning of reflexives.
ditions are equivalent to those of the PC formula (91/), is filtered A further consequence of the binding theory is that sentences
out by the binding theory and thus cannot be used in interpreting like (93a) can never be assigned the LF in (93b), whose truth con-
(91a). ditions are equivalent to those offormula (93c).
(91) a. He likes himself. (93) a. Every professor likes her.
b. He 1 likes himself1. b. [Every professorh [e 1 likes her 1]
c. <g(he 1), g(he1)) E V(likes) = {<x, y): x likes y} c. 'v'x1[professor(x1)-> like(x1,x1)]
d. like(x1, xl)
To obtain the reading in (93b), the trace left by the raised quantified
e. *He 1 likes himself2 •
NP every professor would have to be co indexed with her. But this is
f like(x1, xz)
ruled out by principle (87b). Notice that the grammar of F2 would
Notice that both pronouns in (91b) and both variables in (91d) are indeed generate (93b) as a possible reading of (93a) if something
free: their interpretation depends on a particular assignment func- like principle (87b) were not adopted. This shows that a set of
tion rather than being controlled by a c-commanding quantifier. binding principles along the lines we are considering is necessary
The second pronoun, however, gets exactly the same value as- on truth-conditional grounds, for otherwise we would be predicting
signed as the first, and in this sense its interpretation depends on that (93b) is a possible meaning of (93a).
that of the first. In such cases syntacticians say that the first pro- The truth-conditional relevance of binding theory can be further
noun binds the second; as this example shows, what syntacticians confirmed by considering what would happen if, contrary to bind-
mean by binding does not always coincide with what is meant in ing theory, a sentence like (90b) could be assigned LF (90b'),
the logical-semantic tradition (although sometimes it does). The repeated here as (94a). The truth conditions for (94a) turn out to
context in which you encounter such terminology will generally be equivalent to those of the PC formula (94b), which in turn is
make clear which meaning is intended. equivalent to (94c).
Now consider sentence (92a).
(94) a. [[every student]l [[every studenth [e1 likes e1]]]
(92) a. Every professor likes herself. b. 'v'x1[student(x1)-> 'v'x1[student(x1)-> like(x1,x1)]]
b. [Every professorh [e1 likes herself1] c. 'v'x1[student(x1) - t like(x1,x1)]
c. 'v'x1[professor(x1)-> like (x1,x1)]
But clearly the sentence "Every student likes every student" lacks
d. *[Every professorh [e1 likes herself2 ]
the reading represented by (94c), which attributes liking oneself to
e. 'v'x1[professor(x1)-> like(x1,x2 )]
every student (and is consistent with each student's liking none of
The binding theory in (87) allows us to interpret (92a) as having LF the other students, a situation in which our original sentence
(92b), which has the same truth conditions as the PC formula in would be false). Similar considerations apply to (90a). Thus the
(92c). The binding theory, however, filters out LF (92d), the truth binding theory seems to yield a wide range of correct results.
Quantification and Logical Form 185

But how can we generalize the above results to the case of proper (98) a. He likes him.
names? Consider a sentence like (95). b. He 1 likes him 2
(95) Pavarotti likes himself. c. like(x1, xz)

Currently we have no way to assign indices to proper names. If we But now nothing prevents he 1 and him 2 (or x 1 and x 2 ) from refer-
add such a provision, we then have to spell out how proper ring to the same individual. Similar considerations apply to (99a),
with indices on them are interpreted. There are several ways to go with (99b) being the LF and (99c) the equivalent PC formula.
in this connection. Perhaps the simplest one within the (99) a. John likes him.
setting is to assimilate proper names to quantified NPs. That is, b. [John1 [e1 likes him 2 ]]
could let proper names undergo QR, receiving an index in c. like(John, x 2 )
process and leaving behind a coindexed trace. The semantic
Nothing prevents him 2 in (99b) (or x 2 in (99c)) from accidentally
that interprets structures with raised proper names is very easy
referring to John. These possibilities might seem not to do justice to
our intuitions about the meaning of these sentences.
(96) If NP; is a proper name, [[NP; S]]M,g = 1 iff [S]M,g' = 1, where We might try to get out of this problem by to requiring that dis-
g'(t;) = [NP;]M,g (here t; = x; or t; = e;) and otherwise g' =g. tinctly indexed pronouns and traces be mapped into distinct
(In our earlier notation, g' g[[NP;]M,g jt;]; putting this all in a individuals (or, for PC, that distinct variables get distinct values).
superscript would impair readability.) That is, we could restrict ourselves to assignments that require that
By extending QR to proper names, we now have whenever n =I= m, g(hen) =I= g(hem) and g(hen) =I= g(em) (and simi-
associate with sentence (95), which has the truth conditions in larly for the feminine and neuter pronouns). However, this condi-
(97b) (for details, see some of our earlier computations). These tion appears to be far too strong. As applied to PC, it would make
truth conditions are exactly the same as those for the PC formula in formulas like (100a) always false, and if we extended our fragment
(97c). to include identity statements in English, it would also seem to
make sentences like (95b) always false:
(97) a. [Pavarotti1 [e1 likes himsel£1]]
b. [[Pavarottit let likes himself1]]]M,g = 1 (100) a. x1 = Xz
iff [[e1 likes himself1]]M,g[Pavarotti/t1 ] = 1 b. She is Joan.
iff <Pavarotti, Pavarotti) E V(likes) = {<x, y): x likes y} Even putting identity statements aside, there are cases where
c. like(Pavarotti, Pavarotti) noncoreference seems to be suspended. The following examples
We can maintain that QR of proper names is optional. However, the adapted from Evans (1980) illustrate:
binding condition (87a) on reflexives can only be met in sentences (101) a. I know what John and he [pointing at Bill] have in
like (95) if the proper name does undergo QR, for nonpronominal common.
NPs do not carry inherent indices. This gets us the results we want. John likes Bill, and he [pointing again at Bill] likes Bill
In general, all the above considerations concerning quantified also.
NPs will extend to proper names if they are interpreted in raised b. Look, fathead, if everyone likes him [pointing at Bill], then
position. Bill must also like him.
Careful consideration of our semantics will reveal an interesting
Examples of this kind appear to be perfectly sensible and are
puzzle. Consider (98a). Our grammar requires that the pronouns be
fairly systematic. They call, therefore, for an account of some sort.
assigned different indices, and this yields an LF like that repre-
The nature of the facts in question suggests that we mig~t be deal-
sented in (98b); (98c) gives the equivalent PC formula.
ing with a partly pragmatic strategy of some sort. An interesting
Chapter 3 Quantification and Logical Form 187

proposal has been made in this connection by Reinhart (1983a 2.5 Summary
1983b, 1997). 15 Though we cannot do justice to the extent of he; This section has focused on giving a precise account of the truth
discussion, her basic idea can be sketched in the following terms. conditions of sentences containing quantified expressions and has
Sentences like (102a) and (103a) are assigned LFs such as those in also considered the semantics of pronouns. We provided a sample
(102b) and (103b) respectively. grammar, F 2 , that associates a certain class of English sentences
(102) a. He likes him. with a syntactic analysis similar to PC, and this allowed us to
b. He 1 likes him 2 transfer the model-theoretic semantic tools we introduced for PC
to the English fragment. Fragment F 2 associated with sentences
(103) a. Pavarotti likes him. structures much like those that GB syntactic studies hypothesize
b. (Pavarotti1 (e1 likes him 2 ]] are assigned at the LF level. We have also considered some of the
But the LFs in (102) and (103) are accompanied by a general inter- scope and binding phenomena that have come to constitute a
pretive strategy of the following sort: standard set of problems for any theory of natural-language mean-
ing. This enabled us to illustrate some of the issues that arise
(104) Do not interpret distinct free variables as coreferential in trying to identify a principled interface between syntax and
where the option of having bound variables is available. semantics.
So, for example, in (102a) if we wanted to express referential
dependence of the object on the subject, we should have used a
reflexive pronoun. Not choosing such an option will induce the 3 Logical Form (If)
expectation that coreference is not intended. The interpretive A main strength of the approach to meaning that we have been
strategy in (104) has a default character. There can be special rea- developing is that it provides a theory of entailment and thereby
sons for using pronouns rather than reflexives (e.g., in identity characterizes one central aspect of our semantic competence. There
statements and in Evans's example), in which case the expectation are other ways of approaching this task that are relevant to our
of noncoreference will be suspended. enterprise and that we should therefore discuss, however briefly.
In fact, this view meshes well with general pragmatic strategies, Consider the sentences below:
which we will discuss in more detail in chapter 4. The point is that (105) a. All mothers are women, and Loren is a mother.
the grammar provides us with a specific tool for expressing obliga- b. Loren is a woman.
tory coreference: reflexives. If speakers have grounds for asserting
the coreferential reading, they are misleading their audience by It is clear that (105a) entails (105b). In fact, for any pair of sentences
using nonreflexives. Note that such a strategy must still appeal to a that bear to one another the same structural relationship as ( 100a)
theory of binding along the lines sketched above. Without it, there to (100b), we can tell that the first will entail the second.
would be no way to show the truth-conditional effects we saw ear- (106) a. All As are Bs and xis an A.
lier with quantificational NPs and no source for a principle like b. xis a B.
( 104).
The thing to note here is that we have to know virtually nothing
The topics at hand are quite intricate. Our discussion is prelimi-
about what (106a) and (106b) mean in order to determine that
nary, and there are many related phenomena that we haven't even
(106b) follows from (106a). We are able to determine it just by
begun to discuss (such as, for instance, the interactions of binding
looking at the syntactic structure of(106a) and (106b), in which we
theory with wh dependencies). Yet the above considerations illus-
treat the noncontent expressions all, and, and is a as part of that
trate that a theory of binding along the lines we have been con-
structure. This suggests that we may be able to characterize some-
sidering appears to be necessary to get the right truth conditions
thing closely resembling entailment in purely syntactic terms just
for a substantial number of sentences and also has a wide-ranging
by looking at the form of argument patterns.
set of semantic consequences that must be carefully weighed.
Quantification and Logical Form 189

In fact, techniques of this sort have been widely and succ this apparatus we can now explicitly define the notions of proof
studied within logic. The complexity and ambiguity of and theorem.
language, however, have made it very hard to characterize a (110) A sequence of well-formed formulas <tf; 1 , ... , t/Jn) is a proof
ciently general notion of inference (proof or deduction) directly iff for 1 ::;; i ::;; n, tf;i is either an axiom or is derived from
terms of natural language syntax. This has led logicians to tf; 1 , ... , t/Ji-l by one of the inference rules.
struct artificial languages that are on the one hand capable
expressing significant portions of what natural language (111) A formula rjJ is a theorem iff there exists a proof <tf; 1 , ... , t/Jn)
and at the same time are endowed with a simple syntax that such that tf; n = r/J.
ports a purely syntactic characterization of the notion of a So informally, a proof is a sequence of formulas such that each
inference. PC is one such language. member of the sequence is either an axiom or derivable from
To get the flavor of what is involved in syntactically already proven formulas by means of inference rules. A theorem
ing the notion of a valid inference, let us define some of the is the last line of a proof. For the benefit of the reader unfamiliar
concepts that this requires. A formal system consists of a uu.•;;u.tt1 with these notions, let us give an example of a proof. In (112) we
(a set of symbols and a set of formation rules that determine show that p _, p (where pis any formula) can be derived from the
strings of symbols are well formed) and a deductive apparatus. axioms in (101) and hence is a theorem of PC.
deductive apparatus generally consists of a (possibly empty) set
(112) a. E_ _, ((p _, p) _, E_)) _, ((E_ _, (p _, p) _, (E_ _, E_))
axioms and a set of inference rules. The axioms are certain
tf; rjJ B tf; rjJ tf; B
mulas of the language that are taken as valid without proof.
Axiom (107b)
ence rules determine how formulas can be inferred or de
b. E_ _, ((p _, p) _, E_)) Axiom (107a)
from other formulas.
tf; rjJ tf;
In the present chapter we have formulated the PC language.
c. ((p _, (p _, p)) _, (p _, p)) From (a) and (b) by modus
a language was used to introduce certain semantic techniques.
we have provided no deductive apparatus for PC. To see how
d. p _, (p _, p) Axiom (107a)
an apparatus may be specified, let us give one of the
tf; rjJ tf;
axiomatizations of the predicate calculus.
e. p _, p From (c) and (d) by modus ponens
(107) a. tf; _, (rjJ _, tf;)
b. (tf; _, (r/J _,B))_, ((tf; _, rjJ) _, (tf; _,B))
The Greek letters written under the formulas indicate what part of
c. (-ttf; _, rr/J) _, ((-ttf; _, rp) _, tf;) the axiom each subformula corresponds to. The sequence of for-
mulas <(112a), ... , (112e)) comprises a proof and its last line, (112e),
d. Vxtf; _, tj;(t/x)
e. Vx(tf; _, rjJ) _, (Vxtf; _, VxrjJ) is a theorem of PC. Not all theorems of PC are so trivial, but they are
all proved by means of the same machinery.
Here tf; and rjJ are arbitrary formulas of PC and tf;(t/x) is the We can further define the notion that tf; is derivable from rjJ by
of uniformly substituting t for x in tf;. The choice of the axioms saying that if we take rjJ as a premise (as an additional axiom, if you
determined not by their intuitiveness but by considerations of wish), tf; is provable in terms of the deductive machinery of PC.
mal simplicity. The standard rules of inference for PC are given This gives us a notion closely related to the notion of entailment
(108) (modus ponens) and (109) (generalization). but defined in purely syntactic terms, that is, solely in terms of the
(108) From tf; and tf; _, rjJ you can infer rp. structural properties of configurations of symbols and indepen-
dently of their meaning.
(109) From tf; you can infer Vxtf;. A natural question to ask is, What exactly is the relation between
The predicate calculus as a formal system is made up of PC the syntactic characterization "tf; is derivable in PC from rjJ" and the
the axioms in (107) and inference rules (108) and (109). In terms semantic characterization "rp entails tf;"? Both are relations between
Quantification and Logical Form 191

sentences of a certain language. They are defined totally ... ~•..,..,...,, g, if [1/l]M,g 1 and [1/1 ____, rft]M,g = 1, it must also be the case that
dently of one another and yet they intuitively appear to be [rp]M,g = 1.

They can both be regarded as characterizing the conditions To complete our soundness proof, we would have to show that
which the information that 1/J conveys is in some relevant sense all the axioms in (101) are logically valid and that the generaliza-
eluded in the information that rp conveys. tion rule preserves truth. It turns out that this is indeed the case: PC
The question of how the syntactic notion of provability relates is a sound system.
the semantic notion of entailment breaks down into two subp The second question that we can ask about the relation between
Let us examine them separately. The first subpart can be put in provability and entailment is the following: whenever 1/J entails rp, is
following terms: if 1/J is derivable from rp (in some formal it also the case that rp is syntactically derivable from 1/J? An answer
such as PC), does rp entail 1/J (with respect to a given semantics to the latter question tells us whether our formal system is com-
the language)? This question is equivalent to the following: if plete, whether it characterizes as provable all the arguments that
is derivable from rp, is 1/1 true whenever rp is true? An our semantics independently characterizes as valid. If we can show
answer to this question would tell us something very imp that 1/1 entails rp but rp is not derivable from 1/J, then the formal cal-
concerning our formal system. It would tell us that the system culus would be incomplete (with respect to the given semantics). It
what it is supposed to do, namely, enable us to infer conclus can be proved that PC is complete in this sense. There are many
from premises without ever letting us infer false conclusions interesting standard formal systems that turn out to be incomplete.
true premises. If our formal system meets this requirement, it Completeness, however, signals that the system is in an important
consistent or sound. sense nonarbitrary: provable inferences, syntactically characterized,
We cannot rely on the self-evidence of the axioms or coincide exactly with valid inferences, semantically characterized.
rules to conclude that a formal system is sound. Seemingly So formal systems (or calculi) can be studied from both a syn-
problematic assumptions have often turned out to be inc tactic and a semantic point of view. The branch of logic that
And an inconsistent calculus is pretty useless: it is unable to s focuses on formal systems as provability devices is called proof
rate valid inferences from invalid ones. theory, while the one that studies them from a semantic point of
How can we prove that a formal system (for example, PC) view is called model theory. The notion of truth is absolutely cen-
sound? One way of doing it is by showing inductively that all tral to the latter. It is by playing the syntactic and semantic per-
axioms are logically valid and that its inference rules are truth spective against each other that we can learn the most about the
preserving. We illustrate the strategy by showing that (101a) is properties of a given calculus.
logically valid (or true in every model) and that modus ponens is These considerations enable us to address several questions
truth preserving. concerning the notion of logical form. The term logical form tends
Assume that for some model M and assignment g, to be used very differently by different people, which leads to con-
[1/1 ____, (rp ____, 1/J)]M,g = 0. Then, by the semantics for____, it must be the siderable confusion.
case that [1/l]M,g = 1 and[(¢____, 1/J)]M,g = 0. The latter is possible iff Consider, for example, the notion of LF introduced in section 2.1.
[rp]M,g = 1 and [1/l]M,g = 0, again by the semantics for____,, But then LF is defined as a level of syntactic structure that arises when cer-
we should have that [1/l]M,g = 1 and [1/l]M,g = 0, a contradiction. tain rules (specifically, QR) are applied to S-structures. In particu-
Therefore, for every model M and assignment g, we must have that lar, we are using LF as a level of structure at which quantifier scope
[1/J ____, (rp ____, 1/J)]M,g 1. and anaphoric dependencies are disambiguated. If we were to stop
Let us next show that modus ponens is truth preserving. Assume at that, there would be nothing specifically logical about LF. Logic,
that there is a model M and an assignment g such that [ 1/J] M,g = 1 we think, has to do with valid inference patterns. LF as such
and [1/1 ____, rp]M,g = 1 but [rp]M,g = 0. By the latter two assumptions doesn't characterize them. To do that, we need either to specify a
and the semantics for ____,, it follows that [1/l]M,g 0. But this con- proof theory for LF or a way of interpreting it that supports a defi-
tradicts our first assumption. Thus for any model M and assignment nition of entailment.
Quantification and Logical Form 193

This is not merely a quibble about the word logical. The point is Again, as we have seen above, the notions of truth and denotation
rather that something is needed to give to LF (or some other rele- in a model have proved to be formidable tools on this score.
vant level of syntactic structure) its actual semantic bite. That Thus this approach to the notions of logical form and semantic
something must incorporate at least a characterization of our in- representation might well be viable. But we fail to see how this can
tuitions about what entails what. be if these notions are not solidly .grounded on a truth-conditional
Conceivably, one might want to explore the following strategy for and denotational perspective to ensure that the truth-conditional
semantics. We might systematically (or compositionally) map the interpretation of the calculus we use is a known quantity.
relevant level of syntactic structure into a formal calculus and use
the deductive machinery of the calculus to characterize the rele-
vant semantic notions. After all, we have just seen that in a signifi- Exercise 9 Add to F 2 (display (56)) the following syntactic rules:
cant class of cases (sound and complete systems) the definitions of
"1/1 is derivable from¢" and"¢ entails 1/J" pick out exactly the same (56) r. NP---> noN
pairs of formulas (that is, 1/J is derivable from ¢ iff¢ entails 1/J). We s. NP ---> not every N
could view such a map onto a formal calculus as providing us with Give the semantics for (56r) and (56s). According to the semantics
logical forms (lfs) for English sentences. (Note that the lfs provided you have given, does (1a) entail (1b) and does (2a) entail (2b)? Does
by formal calculi are different from LFs produced by quantifier the result you get match your intuitive judgment?
raising.) Such logical forms can further be viewed as abstract char-
(1) a. No man smokes.
acterizations of the mental representations that we associate with
b. Not every man smokes.
sentences. One basis for such a claim is the following. If the mind is
a computational device, our recognizing semantic relatedness, and (2) a. Some man drinks, and no man smokes.
in particular our recognizing what entails what, would seem to be b. Not every man smokes.
based on some mental calculus that specifies semantic relations
among sentences on the basis of their formal properties. And our
theory of logical form provides us with a formal calculus that
characterizes how sentences are semantically related and makes
empirically testable predictions. This does not mean, of course,
that the mind actually goes through derivations such as the one in
(112) to assess entailments. As Stanley Peters put it, our theory is a
theory of what it is that the mind must compute, not of how it
computes it (see Johnson-Laird (1983), p. 167).
A view such as this, or some more refined variant of it, however
appealing, must, we think, be modified by two considerations.
First, mapping English into an uninterpreted calculus cannot ex-
haust all there is to say about meaning. We use English to talk about
reality, and we need some way of characterizing how this happens.
As we have tried to show, the notions of truth and denotation give
us a handle, an indispensable one, we think, on how this happens.
Second, a calculus must be sound, for otherwise it is useless.
And unless it is complete, we have no guarantee that the cor-
respondence between its theorems and valid arguments is non-
arbitrary. How do we know that a calculus has these properties?
4 Speaking, Meaning, and Doing

1 Introduction
How do people use language to convey what they mean? In this
chapter we suggest how a model-theoretic semantics can help
answer this question. The English fragment F 2 generates declarative
sentences and includes an interpretation function [ ] that recur-
sively assigns truth conditions to them. This program helps us
provide a precise account of entailment relations and other se-
mantic notions. We have also used it to explore some of the com-
plexities of possible structural constraints in English on anaphoric
relations. But it is not immediately obvious just what role a formal
account of the semantics of a language can play in helping us
understand language production and its subsequent interpretation.
We know that people use language to implement their various aims
and intentions, to do things. What we want to explore is the con-
nection between linguistic meaning and these activities.
We are not attempting to describe directly the uses of language.
Those uses, however, are part of the empirical data to which our
theoretical account of semantic competence must be responsive.
Knowing "how to do things with words," as J. L. Austin (1962) so
nicely put it, depends on our having the linguistic knowledge that a
semantic theory attempts to model. And what people do with their
language provides evidence about the nature of the grammar of that
language, including its semantic rules.
F 2 is an abstract system, a formal language that is describable in
terms that make no reference to how or why speakers might use
such a system, to their intentions, goals, or attitudes. In F 2 , for
example, we can prove that sentences (1a) and (1b) together entail
(1) a. Pavarotti hates every woman.
b. Sophia Loren is a woman.
c. Pavarotti hates Loren.
This entailment relation is independent of what speakers believe or
do; it is a matter of the relation that holds between [(1a)], [(1b)],
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 197

and [(1c)] in all models for F2 • If, however, English speakers (2) a. Pavarotti doesn't like Loren.
utter strings like these are indeed using a system like F2, we b. ([Pavarotti]M, [Loren]M) ¢:. [like]M
this entailment relation to place constraints on the kinds of
F 2 is a formql language, but we have claimed that it models a frag-
ances they can successfully use.
ment of English and that our account of the truth conditions of its
For example, we would be surprised indeed to find a
sentences is a partial account of tlie semantic knowledge of English
who utters (1a) and (1b) assertively while denying (1c) in the
speakers. We have also claimed that knowledge of this kind
discourse. Of course, (1a) could be offered as a supposition
underlies the capacity of English speakers to use (2a) to convey the
somewhat tentative assertion and then considered together
information that Pavarotti doesn't like Loren. If Joan believes that
(1b). In such a discourse the denial of (1c) would constitute
Pavarotti doesn't like Loren and wants to share this belief with
grounds for rejecting the earlier supposition (1a). In other
Alan, Joan can utter (2a), and we say that in so uttering, Joan herself
what F 2 is like places certain limits on how its sentences will
means that Pavarotti doesn't like Loren. If in uttering (2a) to Alan,
used by rational linguistic agents.
Joan cannot mean that Pavarotti doesn't like Loren, then we are
There are not only constraints but also possibilities of use that
inclined to say that F2 is not a fragment of the language Joan uses
helps us understand. For example, someone who takes you
for communicating with Alan. That a sentence means that p in a
to believe that (1b) is true can sensibly assert (1a) with the aim
language is somehow connected to its being reliably useable by
conveying (1c) to you: (1a) might be offered, for instance, to
speakers of that language to mean that p and to communicate that
lenge your assertion that no one hates Sophia Loren. Sentence (1
meaning to one another.
will be a good tool for that job in the imagined context
We already have some account of what it is for a sentence, a lin-
because of the entailment relations that Fz specifies (and
guistic expression, to mean that p. In this section we want to say
speaker's belief that you recognize those relations). In offering Fz
something about what it is for a speaker to mean that p, and we
a fragment of English, we make a claim that ordinary speakers
want to consider in somewhat more detail how these two distinct
English can in fact use its sentences in certain ways in si
notions of meaning might be related to one another. (As is custom-
discourse and cannot use them in other ways. It is facts
ary in linguistic discussions, the word speaker is not confined to
English speakers that constitute our evidence that they knov;
those who are audibly uttering expressions but includes any utterer
use a system something like F 2 • The grammar of Fz does not 1
of a linguistic expression, no matter what medium the expression is
however, specify how speakers might use and hearers interpret
uttered in.)
sentences. The relation between that grammar and facts like
What is it for a speaker A to mean that p in uttering sentence a?
about linguistic communication is necessarily indirect. To
When you read sentence (2a) above, you undoubtedly did not
stand it better, we will draw on work in linguistic pragmatics
understand us, the authors of this book, to mean that Pavarotti
the philosophy of language.
doesn't like Loren even though you understand that the expression
we produced means that. We have simply mentioned that sentence
as an example without really using it. We are expressing no opin-
2 Expression Meaning and Speaker's Meaning . . .
ions at all about Pavarotti's attitude toward Loren when we cite this
Our focus so far has been on assigning meaning to lmgmst!C
sentence to illustrate our general points about sentence meaning. In
pressions. The meaning of a declarative sentence, we have said,
general, we don't intend you to draw any conclusions about what
associated with its truth conditions: a sentence 11. means that P
we think of Pavarotti or Loren on the basis of the many example
in case 11. is true in situation v iff p, where p is some sentence of
sentences we provide. Although the sentences in our examples are
metalanguage that gives the truth conditions for 11.. So, for
associated with meanings in English and thus can be understood
we say that the meaning of (2a) is a proposition tha: .is tr.ue
both by us and our readers, our uttering those sentences as exam-
model M just in case [(2a)]M = 1 in M; this propos1t10n lS
ples does not involve our using them to mean something. In such
pressed by the set-theoretic statement (2b).
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 199

cases the expressions mean something, but the speakers are enhanced if her addressees do not recognize what she seeks to
using them to mean something. For someone to mean something accomplish.
uttering a sentence, more is required than just producing a written Grice considers a number of examples of utterances for which we
phonetic realization of the sentence, knowing what the sentence might say that a speaker intended to convey that p but where we
self means, and expecting one's addressee to share that would nonetheless not be willing to say that the speaker meant that
What more is needed? Grice (1957; 1989, chap. 14) provided p. On the basis of such examples he arrives at something like the
ground-breaking discussion of this question that linked".• UJL"~'u 1 following definition:
use of linguistic expressions with various other ways people
(3) Speaker A means that pin uttering a to hearer B iff A intends
communicate and also with the more general notion of meaning
the utterance of a to lead B to adopt a certain attitude toward
evidence ("Those clouds mean rain"). These ideas are
p, and A also intends B's recognition of A's intention to be
further in Grice (1968; 1969; 1982; reprinted as 1989, chaps. 6,
instrumental in producing in B the intended attitude toward p.
and 18). Part of Grice's answer is implicit in our explanation of
our mentioning example sentences like (Za) does not involve The phrase a certain attitude in definition (3) is neutral about
using them to mean anything. We do not mean that P exactly what sort of attitude might be involved. Different attitudes
doesn't like Loren because we do not intend for you to take in the addressee will be aimed at if the speaker is doing something
utterance of sentence (Za) as evidence of anything at all like directing or inquiring rather than stating. We set aside such
Pavarotti and Loren. This suggests that one who does utter (Za) complications for now but discuss some of them in subsequent
mean that Pavarotti doesn't like Loren is using the sentence sections.
order to produce in others a certain opinion aboutPavarotti's Suppose a speaker utters (Za), "Pavarotti doesn't like Loren," and
ings toward Loren. A speaker who means that Pavarotti doesn't means exactly what it literally says, that is, what is expressed by
Loren must intend addressess to take the utterance as the set-theoretic statement in (Zb). Such a speaker, according to (3),
about Pavarotti's relation to Loren. is intending to produce in a potential audience something like the
Intending one's utterance to count as evidence that some belief that Pavarotti is not linked by the like relation to Loren, or at
sition p is true is not all that is required for one to mean that least a recognition in that audience that the speaker so believes. We
Suppose that Joan utters (Za) intending to impress others by might say that in uttering (Za), the speaker intends to express the
them evidence of intimate acquaintance with certain famous information that Pavarotti doesn't like Loren and to mean thereby
ple. We would not say that in uttering (Za), Joan means that she that Pavarotti doesn't like Loren. The speaker presents that propo-
intimately acquainted with Pavarotti and Loren. Although she sition as true in some situation, as a piece of information about that
tends her addressees to take the utterance as evidence of such situation. The information is conveyed if the audience is led to be-
acquaintance, she does not intend to accomplish this effect th-r·nlllcrt lieve on the basis of understanding the utterance (and taking the
getting the addressees to recognize her intention to give them ·speaker to be a reliable informant) that Pavarotti doesn't like Loren
formation about her relation to Pavarotti and Loren. To mean in the situation being discussed.
p, says Grice, is to intend addressees to recognize one's .."·"'""~· When the speaker means that p in uttering a, p is said to be the
that one's utterance is to count as evidence that p, and speaker's meaning (or the occasion meaning) of that utterance of a.
to intend that the addressee's recognition of one's intention be What a itself means is expression meaning or timeless meaning
strumental in achieving the intended effect. In the case of J (Grice's expression) or linguistic meaning or the semantic value of
name-dropping, her intention to impress could be achieved even a. If in uttering sentence (Za) Joan means that (Zb) is true, then the
the hearer did not take her to have intended that effect (perhaps speaker's meaning of that utterance of (Za), what Joan herself
hearer assumes she is modest but reasons that she must know means, and the expression meaning, what the sentence she uttered
famous folk to be so well informed about their relationship). means, completely coincide. Joan means just exactly what the sen-
fact, Joan's chances of success in impressing others are prob tence she has uttered means.
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 201

Grice proposes that speaker's meaning intends to attribute to her the property of being hungry. Then
tence a has proposition p as its timeless meaning, he we can speak of a convention to refer to Pavarotti when uttering
when there is some sort of convention in uttering a to mean that Pavarotti or a convention to attribute hunger to the subject when
We can recast this suggestion as (4): uttering is hungry. But we need not link linguistic expressions so
(4) Sentence a means that p in community C iff there is some directly with the actions that the speaker conventionally performs
convention established among the members of C that to utter in using them. Speaker's meaning for many expressions below the
is to mean that p (or that the speaker's meaning of utterances clausal level may be just a matter of what the speaker intends
of a is p). the expression to contribute to the overall speaker's meaning of the
utterance in which it occurs; that is, it may be just a matter of the
More concretely, the English sentence "Pavarotti doesn't contribution the expression makes to what the speaker means in
Loren" has the truth conditions that it does in F 2 because .wu~•r:srJ producing that utterance.
speakers have established certain conventions specifying that The fundamental idea, however it is elaborated, is that con-
uttering the sentence, they mean that Pavarotti doesn't like ventions of language exist to help language users with their projects
Actually working out the details of such a proposal requires of affecting one another by producing bursts of noise, stretches of
ration of the notion of a convention; Lewis (1969) and written symbols, or manual displays (as in American Sign Lan-
(1972) are examples ofthe many philosophical contributions to guage). Utterances are reliably informative because conventions
endeavor that are relevant for thinking about how humans regulate what speakers mean in producing them.
bursts of sound (or assemblages of marks) with con uuL>uucu It might be objected that we cannot equate what sentences mean
meaning. Grice himself (1982; 1989, chap. 18) moved to the with norms for what speakers mean in uttering them because many
that it is communitywide social norms or canons of propriety gov- natural language sentences are ambiguous or include context-
erning speaker's meaning that underlie expression meaning rather dependent elements and thus- are not assigned truth conditions
than conventions as such. But the central idea is much the same: directly but only relative to something else. Suppose we have an
conventional linguistic meaning derives from socially regulated or utterance of (5a); then the proposition that the sentence expresses
conventionalized intentional actions. is defined only relative to an If (logical form), either an If inter-
Of course, norms that regulate what speakers mean in uttering preted in the same way as the PC formula (5b) or one interpreted
sentences cannot be established sentence by sentence. JJt»HJlH>l~­ like ( 5c).
expression meaning as suggested in (4) cannot be the full story,
since speakers must know how to calculate sentential meanings (5) a. Someone likes everyone.
recursively. When we said that there is a convention for meaning b. 3xVy like (x, y)
that Pavarotti does not like Loren in uttering "Pavarotti doesn't like c. Vy3x like (x, y)
Loren," we were speaking somewhat loosely. Rather, there must be In using such a sentence to mean something, the speaker must
norms for using words and syntactic structures that yield the result select one logical form rather than the other (and intend addressees
that utterances of the sentence in question conventionally convey to select that same logical form). What the speaker means coincides
the informational content in question. What might such usage con- with what the expression she utters means if what she means
ventions be like? is identical with either the proposition expressed by (5b) or that
Certain lower-level expressions can be linked in a fairly direct expressed by (5c). It is plausible to think ofthe speaker as selecting
way to speaker's intentions in using them. For example, in using not just a string to utter, something like (5a), but a structured
Pavarotti, speakers can intend to refer to LucianoPavarotti. We can expression in which the relative scopes of the quantified NPs are
say that the speaker's reference of Pavarotti is Pavarotti if it is Pa- indicated (for example, a structure in which QR is applied to the
varotti to whom the speaker intends to refer when uttering Pavar- subject NP before it is applied to the object NP, a structure in-
otti. Or in saying of someone that she is hungry, we can say that one terpreted like (5c)). If we take the uttered expression to consist not
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 203

just of a string of words but also of an If, we can think of s incomplete. A sentence with a free pronoun does not express a
producing (5a) as also uttering (5b) or (5c) and thus able to proposition by itself. A contextual parameter must be supplied for
exactly what the expression she uttered means. English often interpreting the pronoun in order to arrive at the propositional
stress and intonation to help convey which If is associated with content expressed by such a sentence. Something like the assign-
uttered string. Nonetheless, it is quite possible for the same ment function must be included in any account of the semantic
phonetic form to be associated with different lfo. But to contribution of pronouns. As we will see in chapters 5 and 6, pro-
what is meant a hearer must know which expression, which If, nouns are not the only expressions whose semantic interpretation
speaker is uttering. requires reference to such parameters set by speakers. For a sen-
Other sorts of ambiguities can be thought of in much the tence with context-sensitive elements, what a speaker convention-
way. In the case of lexical ambiguities, for example, we make ally means in uttering it is what that sentence means relative to
plausible assumption that there are multiple lexical entries for some contextual parameter (often one that the speaker may help set
ambiguous form, several "words" at some abstract level, and by pointing or in some other way).
define an interpretation relative to a particular entry in the ·~"··~•nJ The speaker's intentions are relevant both to disambiguation-
(associating, for example, bull with the entry equivalent to choosing a particular logical form or lexical item-and to complet-
bovine rather than with that equivalent to nonsense). ing meaning for expressions that require further contextual specifi-
ambiguities in surface structure require that we interpret relative cation-establishing reference for pronouns, for example. But our
a particular constituent structure (associating competent descriptions of disambiguation and of such phenomena as refer-
and men, for example, with [[competent women] and [men]] ence fixing can be given without referring to a speaker's interest in
than with [competent [women and men]]). producing certain kinds of effects, as we have seen in the preceding
Similarly, to associate an utterance of (6a) with a unique chapters.
sition, say (6b), we need some contextual specification of a Grice introduces the notion of the applied timeless meaning of
for the pronoun, and in the preceding chapter we used the the utterance of IX to cover disambiguation and contextual specifi-
ment function g for this job. cation. In his view the semantic rules of the language will tell
us what propositions are potentially available as applied timeless
(6) a. He likes Loren.
meanings for a particular sentence IX, what speakers might conven-
b. <g(he 1 ), [Loren]M) E [like]M
tionally mean in uttering IX. Where a string is ambiguous or incom-
Again the speaker is responsible for the pointing needed to plete, the rules tell us that an utterance of IX expresses one of the
lish just what she has said. In this case too there is a sense in propositions available as a disambiguation or completion. The lin-
we might say that a speaker means exactly what she has said if guistic rules themselves do not say which such proposition is ex-
include in what she has said the contextually established pressed by uttering the string, just as the syntactic rules do not tell
ment of a value to the pronoun. What the speaker has said us what string will be uttered. A speaker selects one of the applied
the hearer to look for a pointing. Actually figuring out who is timeless meanings associated by "timeless" linguistic conventions
indicated may be a complex matter and certainly involves with the string uttered.
than just linguistic knowledge. For example, the speaker may Can we now stop? If Alice means that p in uttering IX as an
at a group that the hearer judges to include only one man (on English sentence, must we conclude that the (applied timeless)
basis of a cursory assessment of clothing, hairstyles, body meaning of IX in English is that p? Not always. Alice's meaning may
etc.); the hearer will use perceptual information, beliefs about be different from the meaning of IX because Alice made a mistake. She
based differences in appearance, and various other kinds of intended to utter a sentence with applied timeless meaning that p,
Nonetheless, someone who points at Pavarotti and utters (6a) but what she actually said does not have p as an applied timeless
mean that Pavarotti likes Loren has said directly and literally meaning. A slip of the tongue and the word like is subtituted for
she means. It is just that what has been uttered is in some hate: Alice utters (7a), although she actually intended to utter (7b).
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 205

(7) a. Pavarotti likes Loren. We are generally quite charitable in our interpretations in such
b. Pavarotti hates Loren. cases. So long as the hearer is able to zero in on the same individual
Or perhaps Alice is new to English and mistakenly thinks that (7 as the speaker, little significance is attached to whether the content
means in English what (7b) actually means. In both cases her of the description offered by the speaker to establish the individual
take is linguistic; for some reason the expression actually as referent does or does not actua.lly apply to that individual.
does not have in English the meaning that she intended her Donnellan contrasts such cases with attributive uses of definite
ance to have. descriptions, where the speaker wants to say something about
There are also nonlinguistic mistakes that create a nnroT'•~~~ whoever the description fits. Suppose Keith had uttered (10) in the
circumstances above.
between the speaker's meaning and the meaning of the ~~·uv•u.
uttered. For example, Keith may see Pavarotti and Bond ~--··'-'·"' (10) The man drinking a martini will get drunk.
in the corner at a cocktail party; Pavarotti is drinking a
It is still possible that Keith simply wants to refer to Pavarotti and
liquid with an olive floating in it from a martini glass, and
to say that he will get drunk. It seems more likely, however, that he
drinking a colorless liquid with ice cubes in it from a tall
means that whoever is drinking the martini will get drunk. Keith
Believing that Pavarotti is drinking a martini and Bond water,
might only have been told that one man is drinking a martini and
utters (8), thinking that what it expresses is the proposition
have no idea which one that is (being too far away to see their
Pavarotti doesn't like Loren.
glasses) and want to say that the one who is will get drunk.
(8) The man drinking the martini doesn't like Loren. Kripke (1 977) has argued persuasively that the man drinking the
Unbeknownst to Keith, however, Pavarotti's martini glass martini has the same semantic reference at the party (it happens
tains only water (and an olive), whereas Bond is drinking not to be Bond), whether Keith uses it referentially or attributively.
but a very large martini poured over ice in a tall glass. So what Semantic reference is determined by timeless meaning and the
sentence uttered actually expresses is the proposition that circumstances. The speaker's reference of that NP, however,. may
doesn't like Loren, though what Keith intended to say was vary, according to whether it is being used to refer to some indi-
Pavarotti doesn't like Loren. Suppose Keith is speaking to vidual independently identified by the speaker or to refer to what-
who knows about the deceptive glasses. Sheila may un ever individual the chosen description actually applies to. In the
perfectly well what he means because she correctly realizes that case described above where Keith uttered (8) and was using the
intended simply to refer to a particular person-Pavarotti, the definite description to refer to Pavarotti (inaccurately, as it hap-
who is actually drinking water from a martini glass. It pens), what Keith means in uttering (8), the speaker's meaning of
seems that Sheila also knows that what Keith said was not what that utterance, is different from the applied timeless meaning of his
meant. If she further knows that Pavarotti doesn't like utterance of (8), the linguistic meaning of what he said. We don't
whereas Bond does, Sheila will probably be willing to take even need to suppose that Keith is mistaken about the facts. He
as having expressed a truth, although she is aware that, might know of the deceptive glasses but take his hearer to be con-
interpreted, his words expressed a falsehood. fused and thus use a description that he has reason to think will
Donnellan ( 1966) speaks of referential uses of definite work for the hearer, even though he himself knows the description
is inaccurate.
tions in cases like this where the speaker uses the content of
description only as a device for referring to some individual. Of course, whethe'r or not semantic and speaker reference coin-
Keith known that the individual was Pavarotti, he might cide, a speaker who uses a description refer!'mtially often means
uttered our familiar (Za), "Pavarotti doesn't like Loren." something different from one who uses it attributively. The attrib-
he had known about the glasses and their contents, he might utive speaker may intend to convey that there is some connection
between an individual's. satisfying the description and having the
uttered (9).
property ascribed to the referent of the description, whereas the
(9) The man drinking water doesn't like Loren. referential speaker intends to attribute the property on the basis of
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 207

what is believed about some individual independently of claim that the referential/attributive distinction reflects systematic
that individual satisfies the definite description used to refer to ambiguity in definite descriptions.
(or her). But these further messages that might sometimes be
veyed do not support the view that there is a systematic s
ambiguity underlying the distinction between referential and Grice himself was especially int!ilrested in cases where no lin-
tributive uses of a definite description. Notice that sentence guistic or other mistakes are involved and yet we are still inclined
could be used in circumstances where we might hesitate to say to say that what the speaker means is not the same as the applied
its use was either purely attributive or purely referential. timeless meaning of the utterance. One kind of example is illus-
might want to say of some particular man that he will get trated by the sentences in (11).
but he might be using as evidence for his saying so his belief
(11) a. [Linda]; met the love of[her]; life, and [she]; got married.
the man is drinking a martini. Keith might believe that if Bond
b. [Linda]; got married, and [she]; met the love of [her]; life.
drinking a martini, he will not get drunk, but that Pavarotti is
ticularly susceptible to martinis. The difference between attribu We typically interpret (11a) as part of a happy story, whereas (11b)
and referential uses of definite descriptions thus seems to be suggests an impending tragedy, or at least a hard choice for Linda.
matter of the sort of evidence a speaker is depending on in Yet the semantic value we have assigned to and would lead us to
that some property or other holds of the individual who "'a'-""''"'" assign the same applied timeless meaning to utterances of the two
the description. sentences (relative to some particular reference for Linda).
Consider (12), an example Carston (1988) attributes to Deirdre
Exercise 1 As evidence that a purely referential interpretation of a u.v.uuuo
(12) It is better to meet the love of your life and get married than to
description like the man drinking the martini is assigned by get married and meet the love of your life.
mantic rules as a sense of that expression, some have pointed
Sheila's willingness to accept Keith's utterance of (8) as true Utterance of such a sentence would be pretty near incompre-
in case the intended referent of the man drinking the hensible if we supposed that the speaker meant the same thing by
(Pavarotti) doesn't like Loren. That is, they claim that she is to meet the love of your life and get married and to get married and
ing to understand the utterance on the referential into-,·n.,.ntn meet the love of your life. In actual discourse the proposition a
and appraise its truth on that interpretation. Interpreted attribu- speaker means to convey in uttering a particular expression often
tively, the sentence is false; the martini drinker (Bond) does goes beyond what the expression itself means. A cooperative hearer
Loren. will interpret the sentences in (11) as if the speaker had actually
Let us now suppose a different scenario in which Keith utters (1 uttered the corresponding sentences in ( 13).
below, intending thereby to say of the man holding the (13) a. [Linda]; met [the love of [her]; life]jo and then [she]; got
glass (Pavarotti, as it happens) that he doesn't like Loren. married to [him]j·
(1) Bond doesn't like Loren. b. [Linda]; got married to [sonieone]jo and then [she]; met
[the love of [her]; life]k·
Again, a hearer who realizes which man is Bond and which
Pavarotti may nonetheless also realize to which man Keith in· This filling in or expansion of what linguistic meaning provides is
tended to refer and thus charitably treat him as having expressed similar to looking for the referent of a free pronoun. But there is an
truth, while nonetheless recognizing that if Bond is interpreted as important difference: the grammar directs the hearer to find a pro-
referring to Bond, then the sentence expresses a falsehood. Should nominal referent but not to provide a further specification of what
we conclude that sentence (1) above is ambiguous? Discuss the speaker means with the kind of sentence illustrated above.
example and its implications for this argument in support of the Nonetheless, there are principles that guide hearers in their inter-
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 209

pretive tasks, whether disambiguating, fixing referents, or adding appropriate for a warning, for which time is short, than for reports
what the speaker has actually encoded further aspects of the on one's own mental states, recountings of past history, or state-
ositional content intended to be taken as if expressed. We need ments of general truths.
spell out everything unambiguously and in full detail to Let us recall what happened to the boy in this old tale. Because
another. The reason is that interpretation can make use not only he uttered (14a) time after time in the absence of any wolf, the
linguistic knowledge but also of knowledge about the context townspeople ceased to heed his cries. When the wolf finally did
which we attempt communication and of expectations about show up, the boy was unable to use "Wolf!" to convey that infor-
another as conventionally cooperative communicators. mation to them. Lewis (1969) has argued that there are conventions
There is a fable about the boy who cried "Wolf!" many of truthfulness for speakers and of trust for hearers that prevail in
when no wolf was around and then was unable to issue the communities that successfully use some language for communicat-
warning when a wolf finally did show up. The people who ing with one another. The boy who cried "Wolf!" when none was
heard the boy utter (14a) filled in his incomplete utterance. there had failed to heed the truthfulness convention, eventually
doing this, they took him to mean that something like the n"'",...'"' eroding the convention oftrust on the part of his hearers and finally
tion expressed by (14b) was true rather than something like what undermining completely his capacity to convey information to
expressed by (14c, d or e). them.
(14) a. Wolf!
The central point is that what an expression means is directly
b. I have just seen a wolf near here. tied to conventions for what speakers can mean in uttering it. What
c. I have just been thinking about a wolf. a sentence means can be thought of as its truth conditions relative
d. My father once saw a wolf in a field far from here. to disambiguation and contextual specification. But what an ex-
e. A wolf can be dangerous. pression means is only part of the evidence available to the hearer
for interpreting what the speaker means in uttering it. Speakers
Why? There is a general presumption that what the boy means may succeed in meaning something different or more than the
uttering (14a) will be a proposition that is immediately relevant meaning of the expressions they have uttered because they and
the addressees. It must also be a proposition addressees can their audience share certain expectations about one another as
reasonably expected to identify just by recognizing the communicators and certain beliefs about the situation in which
intention to convey it. The boy crying "Wolf!" is responsible they are placed. We may succeed in meaning propositions that
somehow making the proposition he intends to convey manifest have not been fully stated: recall sentence (14), "It is better to meet
his behavior (of which his utterance of the expression in question the love of your life and get married than to get married and meet
one component) in the context in which he produces the the love of your life." Cooperative hearers use not only their lin-
Otherwise, he cannot intend to have it recognized without guistic knowledge but other information as well to figure out what
work on the part of his audience. Again it was Grice who first speakers mean in their utterances, correcting linguistic and other
to explain in such terms how we are able to interpret beyond mistakes and providing necessary specifications of propositional
letter of what is said. In section 5 we will say more about content that speakers have not overtly expressed.
theory of conversation, a theory that has been developed in a So far we have considered only cases where speakers intend to
ety of different ways (see, for example, Bach and Harnish 19 speak directly and conventionally. Although the speaker may have
Horn 1989, Levinson 1983, and Sperber and Wilson 1986). made mistakes or not been fully explicit, the point of the utterance
central point is that the proposition in (14b) is a message of is not tied to any contrast between expression meaning and speaker
critical importance or relevance to the audience than the others meaning. Yet language can be used in more complex ways. A
is also easier to retrieve from the boy's utterance, on the speaker can suggest some proposition and an attitude toward it but
tion that the boy is doing his communicative job properly. The at the same time present this proposition and associated attitude as
treme brevity of the utterance might be a clue, since it is only suggested and not as directly part of what the utterance
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 211

means. In such cases there is a clear sense in which there are expressed (such as bring her a glass of water). In such an utterance
different levels on which the speaker performs acts of meaning Molly's meaning is complex. On one level there is the proposition
something. that she would like a glass of water presented as something to be
For an example let's return to (2a), "Pavarotti doesn't like believed by the hearer (on the basis of trusting her report). On
Loren." It is quite possible for Joan to utter this to Alan and to mean another level there is the proposition that she will receive a glass of
not only that Pavarotti doesn't like Loren but also the stronger water, whose truth Molly intends to be ensured by an act of the
proposition that Pavarotti hates Loren, the proposition that would hearer's. We will consider such cases of so-called indirect speech
be assigned as the timeless meaning of sentence ( lc), "Pavarotti acts in more detail in section 4 below.
hates Loren." Joan may make this stronger proposition manifest to Fresh metaphors and many other figurative uses of language are
Alan in a number of ways. She can pronounce the utterance with also to be understood in terms of multiple levels of speaker's
intonation and stress that direct Alan to examine it critically. She meaning. All such cases of multileveled communication go beyond
can rely on his using their shared belief in Pavarotti's passionate simply conveying information and do other things as well: they
nature (he is never neutral about his acquaintances: he either loves amuse or give aesthetic pleasure or enhance social relationships. A
them or hates them). But her understatement is intended to be speaker may utter an expression that is conventionally informative,
noticed as such: we cannot properly report her as simply having yet conveying that information or any other propositional content
said that Pavarotti hates Loren, for such a report omits the effect may be quite secondary to the speaker's intentions, or perhaps not
achieved by her choice of the less direct mode of expression. She even a purpose at all. Nonetheless, analyzing straightforward com-
does not intend simply to get Alan to come to believe that Pavarotti munication will be an essential preliminary to developing illumi-
hates Loren by recognizing that she so believes (and intends him to nating accounts of these more complex uses of language, and so we
recognize that belief). If that had been her only purpose, the sen- will focus on the simpler cases.
sible strategy would have been to utter "Pavarotti hates Loren." Her Grice notes only that the speaker's meaning can diverge from
circumlocution must be intended to get Alan to recognize some- what the uttered expression means; he does not comment on the
thing else, perhaps her own delicacy in putting the matter. Or fact that such divergence may sometimes itself also be part of what
Joan might utter (2a) ironically, intending to convey to Alan that the speaker means. But the general spirit of Grice's proposal seems
Pavarotti does like Loren (perhaps very much indeed). Here too it to us quite compatible with these added complexities. We can use
will be important for Alan to take Joan not only as informing him Grice's ideas to help flesh out an account of the relation between
that Pavarotti like Loren but also as doing so by uttering something linguistic meaning and what speakers mean in uttering linguistic
that both she and he take to mean just the opposite. expressions. The abstract semantic systems we are exploring in
In either case Joan is doing something more complicated than developing a partial account of the truth conditions for English
straightforward communication. There is an explicit level on which sentences represent theories of conventions developed by com-
she means something, and there is an implicit level on which she . munities of English speakers for what members of the community
means something else-something more in the case where she has are to mean in uttering such sentences. These are conventions that
understated the situation and something quite opposite in the case regulate speakers' actions in presenting their beliefs (and other
where she is speaking ironically. In each case, part of the effect she attitudes) to produce effects on the beliefs (and other attitudes) of
intends her utterance to have is produced by the contrast between their audience. Speakers need not always adhere to these con-
these two different levels of her meaning. ventions in order to achieve the effects they intend to achieve
Another kind of multilevel communication is illustrated by the through their utterances: they sometimes make mistakes, and they
example we used in chapter 1 to illustrate that interpreting utter- often rely on hearers to fill in aspects of meaning they have not
ances involves more than just semantic knowledge. We noted that explicitly expressed. In other words, what a speaker means may be
Molly might utter "I'd like a glass of water" and thereby suggest different from what the expression uttered means on the occasion of
that the hearer ought to do something to satisfy the desire she has its utterance. In addition, there may be multiple levels of speaker's
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 213

meaning: a single utterance may be the instrument for a complex speaker expresses the view that Bond's giving every fish to Loren
communicative act that depends for its effect in part on contrast holds in, and in some sense describes, the circumstances that are
between explicit and implicit levels of speaker's meaning. None- being spoken of (which are often but not always those of the con-
theless, linguistic meaning-truth conditions for declarative sen- text in which the sentence is being uttered). And although (15b)
tences, for example-can be fruitfully thought of as in some sense and (15c) seem in some sense to involve the same circumstances as
created by conventions for performing certain kinds of actions in- those described by (15a), we do not speak of either (15b) or (15c) as
tended to affect others in specific ways. true or false relative to a circumstance.
Thus the pragmatic notion of speaker's meaning complements Sentence (15a) is, of course, declarative, (15b) interrogative, and
our semantic account of linguistic meaning in two ways. First, it (15c) imperative. Only sentence (15a) is generated by the grammar
provides insight into what it is for a linguistic expression to be used in Fz, which also assigns it truth conditions of the appropriate kind.
meaningfully: it provides a way to connect abstract linguistic Relative to any circumstance in which (15a) is assigned a value of
meaning with what people do by means of using language. We will 1, (15b) is truly answerable by (15a) or more briefly with yes. And
further explore these connections in the following two sections on relative to such a circumstance, (15c) is complied with or satisfied;
sentential force and speech acts. Second, it helps us understand if Bond responds with acceptance to an utterance of (15c), then he
how interpretations of actual utterances might sometimes fail to undertakes to bring such a circumstance into existence. Our truth-
coincide with the linguistically assigned interpretations of the conditional analysis of (15a) thus seems also to be relevant to an
expressions uttered. In the final section on conversational im- analysis of (15b) and (15c), but we will want to assign a different
plicatures we explore pragmatic principles of conversation that semantic value to each of the three sentences.
supplement semantic knowledge in successful communication. One thing that seems obvious is that sentences (15a-c) are de-
signed to do different things when produced in a discourse. Thus
whatever semantic value we assign to them should reflect and help
3 Sentential Force and Discourse Dynamics explain this distinction in potential discourse functions. Suppose
We might think of assigning truth conditions to a sentence as Pavarotti utters the sentences in (15). In English we can report each
equivalent to representing the circumstances in which the sentence act by using the corresponding sentence in (16).
is true, the content of the sentence. As our discussion above of
(16) a. Pavarotti stated that Bond gives every fish to Loren.
speaker's meaning makes clear, however, talk does not consist
b. Pavarotti asked whether Bond gives every fish to Loren.
simply of presenting sequences of such representations of content
c. Pavarotti told Bond to give every fish to Loren.
in a way analogous to projecting a series of pictures on a screen.
Consider the sentences in (15). Putting it so suggests why it seems so natural to distinguish two
aspects of the meaning of a sentence: its content (what (15a-c)
(15) a. Bond gives every fish to Loren.
seem, more or less, to have in common) and sentential force (what
b. Does Bond give every fish to Loren?
the grammar assigns to the sentence to indicate how that content is
c. Give every fish to Loren, Bond.
conventionally presented). Sentential force in this sense would
In uttering (15a) and thereby meaning what that sentence expresses, be the semantic correlate of sentence type (what differentiates
a speaker must be thought of not only as producing a representation the three sentences in (15) most sharply). Informally, declarative,
of certain circumstances (those in which Bond gives every fish to interrogative, and imperative sentence forces can be identified with
Loren) but also as doing something more in which the content of stating that, asking whether, and telling to, respectively, as sug-
what is said will figure. A speaker might, for example, be affirming gested by the verbs and complementizers in (16) that introduce the
that the circumstances of which she is speaking can be accurately common subordinate clause. (The subordinate clause in (16c) is
so represented and inviting the other conversationalists to join in tenseless in contrast to the tensed clauses in (16a, b); we will here
such an affirmation. Among other things, in stating that (15a), a ignore this difference.) Most of this section will be devoted to
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 215

exploring the question of how an account of declarative force, value (in circumstance v) but a function that takes S together with
ing that, might be incorporated in an expanded semantic theory. the discourse context in which it is uttered and yields a new dis-
The idea of treating the meaning of a sentence as consisting course context. Where S is a declarative sentence, this function will
two components, force and content, is an old one. For indirectly also specify the truth conditions of S. These ideas are
Frege distinguished the thought that a declarative sentence developed with the help of some formal machinery that we present
presses from the assertion that what is expressed by the sentence in chapters 5 and 6, and we will give a somewhat fuller (though
true. More generally, he took sentential force to be what still sketchy) picture of them in our discussion of presupposition in
tinguishes the meaning or semantic value of different sentfmc chapter 6. At this point we just want to outline a bit of the intuitive
types: picture that underlies recent formal discourse theories and the
An interrogative sentence and an assertoric [or declarative} dynamic semantics associated with them.
contain the same thought; but the assertoric sentence How can we formally characterize a conversation or a narrative
something else as well, namely, assertion. The interrogative or any other situation in which language is used? Adopting the
tence contains something more too . ... Therefore, two things m simplifying idealization that each utterance is a sentence, we can
be distinguished in an assertoric sentence: the content, which it start by thinking of a discourse as a sequence of sentences,
in common with the corresponding propositional question; S1 , S 2 , ... , Sn. (Of course, in conversation many utterances are not
assertion. 1 complete sentences, but we can ignore this complication for our
present purposes.) The effect of uttering sentence Sj generally de-
Frege introduced 1- to mark what he called "assertoric force" pends not just on Sj itself but on what has been uttered before, on
what we have called "declarative force." Others have used the preceding sentences S1 , ... , Sj-l· The sentences may all be pro-
such as ? and ! to mark interrogative and imperative forces. duced by the same person (perhaps an author or a monologuist), or
representations like those in (17) are sometimes proposed (see, in the more interesting case of interactive discourse, different peo-
example, Lyons 1977). ple may utter different sentences. The purpose of the discourse may
(17) a. 1- [Bond give every fish to Loren] be to amuse or inspire by speaking of some fictional beings and
b. ? [Bond give every fish to Loren] their affairs, to impress someone by assuming certain attitudes or
c. ! [Bond give every fish to Loren] access to information, to gossip about friends and colleagues, to
make plans for dinner together next week, to work on revising the
Early transformational grammar had abstract syntactic markers Q
book one is writing, to pool information on a murder in an effort
and Imp that were supposed to be interpreted as interrogative and
to crack the case, and so on. The abstract structure of discourse
imperative force, respectively. But just writing such markers gives
dynamics is essentially the same, however, no matter what partic-
us no account of their value. In this section we will discuss some
ular aims and attitudes the participants happen to have.
recent formal approaches to declarative force.
As a discourse progresses, its participants jointly develop a slate
Linguistically assigned sentential forces need not be thought of
of discourse commitments. Here we follow Stalnaker and Heim and
as something mysterious and completely unlike the values avail-
call this slate the common ground. Other things can (and generally
able within a formal model-theoretic approach to semantic analy-
do) happen as discourse proceeds, but we want to focus on this
sis. Considerable recent work in formal semantics and discourse
component of the discourse context. The common ground is the
theory is developing the view that sentential force can be modeled
participants' mutually developed public view of what they are
as a context-changing function: the change that uttering a particular
talking about. It always includes the thoughts they have stated to
sentence type produces in a discourse context. Extending the pro-
one another insofar as such thoughts have not been challenged or
posals made in Stalnaker (1974, 1978) and elsewhere, Heim (1983)
suggests that we take our [S], the value assigned to a declarative
The common ground is of special importance in understanding
sentence by the recursive rules of interpretation, to be not a truth
Frege's assertive force. In conversations where we each express
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 217

what we genuinely believe (and the others protest if any case, conversationalists aim at consistency in developing the
expresses a belief from which they dissent), the common ground common ground. (We put aside for the moment the special kind
mutually believed, although it may not include all that we be of playing with paradox that Lewis Carroll has immortalized.)
since we may keep some beliefs private. And, of course, we Whether we are constructing the common ground as fantasy or fact,
engage in discourse in which no participant takes the thoughts the same general process goes on. Constructing the common
pressed to be genuine beliefs (perhaps there is some pretense ground as fact does have a kind of analytical priority, however.
the benefit of a third party). In all such cases, however, dis Even telling a story is a matter of speaking as if we were recounting
participants are acting as if they mutually believe the c real events.
ground. As the philosopher G. E. Moore observed many years Discourse participants look at the common ground as a coherent
there is something paradoxical in following an assertion of p and connected set of thoughts because the discourse process is a
"but I don't believe p." Such a tag can only be construed as collaborative delineation of a story or a view of circumstances-
on a different discourse level-an aside, perhaps, to signal that actual, possible, or perhaps desirable. As new thoughts are added,
common ground to which p is added is not one to be taken they serve to refine and further specify which circumstances par-
ously. Although the proposition that the asserter of p does not ticipants are speaking of. An example will illustrate. Suppose
lieve p is perfectly consistent with p, the common ground c someone utters (18a), and suppose the common ground already
include at the same level as p the proposition that a discourse contains (18b).
ticipant does not believe p. It is in this sense that the comtm<Jn (18) a. Pavarotti likes Loren.
ground represents what the conversationalists purport to mutually
b. Loren is a woman.
The discourse need not start with a clean slate. Most dis The common ground will now contain not only (18a) but also (19),
take some commonplaces to be already in play (for example, which is entailed by the set consisting of(18a) and (18b).
humans direct utterances toward one another intending thereby to (19) Pavarotti likes a woman.
achieve some kind of effect) or accessible if needed (for example,
that water relieves thirst). Where the discourse starts depends on In light of the inconsistency of liking and hating (which is not
the previous shared history of the participants, the purposes of the explicitly represented in fragment F 2 ), the common ground as now
discourse, and so on. Of course, one participant might take certain developed would be inconsistent with the proposition expressed
implicit assumptions as "in play," as part of the common ground, by (20).
that the other participant was leaving out. For analytical purposes (20) Pavarotti hates every woman.
we can ignore this complication, since conversationalists who dis-
Thus in this discourse all circumstances in which (20) is true are
cover such differences usually make adjustments in order to ensure
eliminated from consideration after acceptance of (18a). If an
successful communication.
utterance of (18a) is followed by an utterance of (20), the common
The common ground is not just a set of unconnected thoughts.
ground must be revised, for (20) challenges (18a) and, where the
As new propositions are added to it, participants consider what
domain includes women other than Loren, tries to add additional
those added thoughts entail in light of their being joined to those
information. It may be that one or another conversationalist will
previously entered. We "put two and two together" and draw con-
win out; then either (18a) or (20) is added to the common ground.
clusions. Where these conclusions seem blatantly obvious, partic-
If (20) is added and (18a) abandoned but (18b) retained, then, of
ipants often don't bother to state them explicitly but simply add
course, (21) is also added.
them unspoken to the growing common ground. If a proposition is
a candidate for joining the common ground but is recognized as (21) Pavarotti hates Loren.
inconsistent with what is already there, then either the new can-
If there's an impasse, thEm neither (18a) nor (20) can remain in
didate is rejected or some earlier commitment is abandoned. In
the common ground. (The exchange will still leave some mark: the
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 219

common ground will include certain higher-level propositions Because assert that tends to suggest that what is asserted is sup-
the effect that one speaker stated that Pavarotti likes Loren and posed not to be already part of the common ground, the more neu-
another speaker stated that Pavarotti hates every woman.) What tral state that is a less misleading designation of the sentential force
can't do is to act as if the circumstances we are speaking of are of declaratives uttered in a discourse. Authors frequently do, how-
in which both (18a) and (20) express truths, because no such ever, use assert in the very abstract sense we are associating with
cumstances could exist in light of our assumptions about Loren state. (See Grice 1989, 18, for a discussion of different uses of as-
the incompatibility of liking and hating. sert.) Indeed, even state is sometimes used to imply something
Of course, without (18b) in the common ground, (20) is not about the speaker's beliefs and motives that goes beyond what we
compatible with (18a). Suppose the common ground so far does mean here, but this seems to be the best familiar term for our pres-
include (18b); for all that has been said or tacitly assumed, Loren ent purposes.
a man or a fish or a book. In such a discourse (18a) can easily In chapter 6 we show how ideas of this kind can be incorpo-
joined by (20) and the common ground will then also be rated in a formal account of the meaning of declaratives in dis-
to include (22). course. Matters are considerably more complex than we have
(22) Loren is not a woman. indicated here, of course. We address some of these complexities in
chapter 6.
And so on. At each stage the common ground determines a set One complication that we do not consider in chapter 6 is the
circumstances that remain as live possibilities for the discourse. possibility of subordinated commitment slates or grounds: assump-
live possibility at a given discourse stage is any circumstance tions entertained simply to explore their consequences, for exam-
such that all the propositions in the common ground at that ple. Someone might utter (23a), and someone else respond with
of the discourse are true in v. The view being developed in (23b), which might lead the first speaker to state (23c).
discourse does not encompass circumstances where some un-
(23) a. Suppose Bond hates every woman.
challenged uttered sentence gets a value of 0 or where some prop-
osition that is recognized as a consequence of what has been said is b. Then [Bond]; would hate [Loren]j, but [he]; likes [her]j·
false. Semantic theory cannot, of course, provide any insight into c. So, Bond doesn't hate every woman.
how conversationalists resolve conflicts that arise as they partici- We also, of course, need to elaborate our account of discourse
pate in the collaborative development of the common ground. Yet structure and context-changing functions in order to deal with in-
it does have quite a lot to say about the options open to them. terrogative and imperative forces. In chapter 2 we discussed an
Although assertive utterances are generally intended to enrich approach to the semantics of an interrogative (originally due to
the common ground and narrow the live possibilities, this isn't Karttunen 1977) as a set of propositions; intuitively, these are the
essential to stating that p. So, for example, at some later stage in a propositions that constitute true answers to the interrogative. Other
discourse where (18a) was added unchallenged to the common more recent work has developed related ideas (see, for example,
ground, someone might utter that same sentence again, perhaps as Groenendijk and Stokhof 1984 and Engdahl 1986). Dynamic or
a way of reminding everyone that it is on the slate. Or after the first discourse-theoretic accounts of interrogative meaning might, for
utterance of (18a) someone might utter (1 9), which is already con- example, take the interrogative to indicate that the common ground
veyed by assertion (18a) plus assumption (18b); one might want to is to include some family of propositions whose membership is to
do this to make sure that the commitment to (19) receives explicit be identified. Imperative meaning has been far less extensively
attention. The formal structure of the declarative is the same in studied; an informal proposal in Sperber and Wilson (1986) is that
both cases, however: the proposition expressed by the simple de- an imperative presents some proposition as controllable by the
clarative sentence uttered is added to the common ground (though addressee and as desirable for someone, typically the speaker (re-
the addition may sometimes be redundant), and any possibilities quests or commands) or the addressee (suggestions). Much more
inconsistent with it are excluded from the set of live possibilities. detailed work needs to be done to develop these and similar ideas
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 221

explicitly enough to incorporate them into either a static tern. A sentence like (24) may be uttered with any one of these
conditional semantics or the dynamic discourse semantics that illocutionary forces.
have begun to sketch here. 2
(24) The bull is in the field.
The dynamic approach seems especially promising for
ing an abstract semantic theory of sentential meaning that Yet in all cases, we are proposi!].g, an utterance of a declarative
beyond truth conditions. The fundamental idea is that there is sentence S in which the speaker means anything at all is a state-
formal discourse structure associated with contexts of ntt"'""·~-·. ment: it places the proposition expressed by S in the common
We have informally discussed the common ground it includes ground and discards any possibilities rendered no longer live
the associated live possibilities. The interpretation function [ ] because of their inconsistency with that (possibly new) informa-
be thought of as recursively specifying functions that map the set tion. Where does this abstract stating act fit in a larger theory of the
live possibilities at one discourse stage into another set (or actions we perform when speaking?
change discourse structure in some other way). As we have
sented it, [S], the interpretation of a simple declarative s
maps the preexisting common ground onto a new common 4.1 The kinds of things we do with words
enriched by addition of the content expressed by that sentence It is useful at this point to draw from Austin's analysis of speech
concomitantly maps the live possibilities onto a set restricted acts. Austin introduced a tripartite classification of acts performed
the elimination of prior possibilities inconsistent with that when a person speaks. We have already m·entioned two such
pressed content). We will give actual examples of rules a~:>~;; 1 grnn 1 classes: locutionary and illocutionary acts. The locutionary act,
such functions in chapter 6. These rules can plausibly be thought Austin said, "is roughly equivalent to uttering a certain sentence
as encompassing both what Frege meant by sentential content with a certain sense and reference, which again is roughly equiva-
what he meant by sentential force. They give some substance to lent to 'meaning' in the traditional sense. " 3 That is, a locutionary
notion that the meaning of a sentence involves both static act is an act of producing a meaningful linguistic expression as
conditional content and dynamic force, which specifies such: the parrot producing a string of sounds that sound like "Polly
of how that content functions in discourse. wants a cracker" is not performing a locutionary act, because the
There are many unanswered questions about how best to bird does not have access to the linguistic structure and meaning
menta dynamic approach to sentential force. A more complex that would underlie an English speaker's making the same noises.
than we have suggested could well emerge even for de An illocutionary act is performed in saying something. In engag-
sentences. It might be desirable, for example, to assign uu.Lv.L•ou• ing in locutionary acts, we generally "also perform illocutionary
dynamic semantic values to declaratives with the same acts such as informing, ordering, warning, undertaking, etc., i.e.
conditional content but distinct structures (for example, ' utterances which have a certain (conventional) force." Here the
cried, or she laughed" and "If Joan didn't cry, she laughed"). speaker's motives go beyond simply saying something. An illocu-
can proceed at this point, however, without addressing such tionary act is part of the speaker's strategy in meaningfully using
as these. language; the speaker offers the utterance as a particular sort of
interactional move. And we may, if lucky, also "perform perlocu-
tionary acts: what we bring about or achieve by saying something,
4 Speech Acts such as convincing, persuading, deterring" (italics added). Unlike
Our reconstruction of Fregeau sentential force is, as we have noted, locutionary and illocutionary acts, perlocutionary acts are per-
very abstract. What we called "stating that," for example, is much formed only if the speaker's strategy actually succeeds in accom-
less concrete than claiming, guessing, reminding, warning, or plishing its desired aims. Austin's interest lay primarily in
threatening, the kinds of speech acts that many have thought must elucidating the nature of illocutionary acts, for it is in them, his
be the literal force associated with sentences by the language sys- discussion makes clear, that full-blooded force resides, what an
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 223

utterance is meant as by its utterer, how it figures in the What an utterance is meant as, what illocutionary act the speaker
general plan of action. intends, depends on how the utterance fits into the speaker's pur-
We will use Austin's notion of locutionary act to cover the poses for the particular discourse and conceptions of what role this
abstract notion of sentential force that we sketched for u'"'"''"'"'"'" particular utterance might play in advancing those purposes. If the
in section 3. 1. The locutionary act performed in uttering speaker is a sergeant and charged with responsibility for fish dis-
(24) can be thought of as the act of stating that the bull is in tribution and Bond is a private serving under the speaker's com-
field: the act of placing the proposition in question in the mand, then an utterance of (15c), "Give every fish to Loren, Bond,"
ground (at some level) of some discourse or other. But which is likely to be meant as an order. Suppose, however, that the
course, and what are the aims of that discourse? Does the speaker knows that Loren adores people who give her fish and
ground include propositions about bulls being dangerous, utters (15c) in response to Bond's uttering (25).
whether the addressee is considering entering the field,
(25) I'd do anything to get Sophia Loren to like me.
whether the speaker intends to attempt to place the addressee
the field along with the bull, about what the addressee In this case, (15c) is almost certainly meant as a suggestion.
want (imagine uttering (24) to someone longing to display The same locutionary act seems to have been performed in both
handling capabilities)? What are the motives prompting p cases. The imperative sentence (15c) tells Bond to give every fish to
mance of this particular locutionary act in this particular uVJLHUAI
Loren in each case. There is no inclination to say that in either case
Just stating that the bull is in the field is not enough to make the speaker is somehow using language nonliterally or indirectly
speaker an illocutionary agent engaged in a goal-directed (as when one uses (24), "The bull is in the field," as a way to tell
of action: abstract sentential force alone, what we could call someone to close a gate). We need not suppose multiple levels of
tionary force, does not result in illocutionary force. speaker meaning for either the order or the suggestion. There seems
To use language is to perform some kind of illocutionary act: to be a clear sense in which the speaker means the same thing in
actual performance of a locutionary act will figure in some way both cases, even though the two utterances count as quite different
other in a plan of action that gives it illocutionary significance. interactional moves. On the face of it, the difference seems to lie in
it is by no means clear that the speaker needs to make how the act fits with the rest of the discourse and with the larger
elements of that plan manifest to the addressee to have success contextual factors relevant to understanding what the speaker is
accomplished the illocutionary act that the utterance is meant doing (such as the rank relation between speaker and addressee
Suppose the speaker means utterance (24) as a warning, yet and assumptions about the relative interests of speaker and
addressee does not so take it, perhaps having no thought of addressee in the addressee's acting as the imperative says).
potential peril from the bull's being in the field. Has the addres Of course, speakers can, and often do, make their specific illocu-
failed to retrieve the message that the speaker intended to r-rn,uc.nY tionary aims explicit. We have a vocabulary for distinguishing
Not necessarily, although the addressee would not be fully cogni among kinds of illocutionary acts. The speaker might utter (15c)
zant of why the speaker spoke as she or he did. Of course, if and follow that utterance by saying one of the sentences in (26).
speaker means the utterance of (24) to serve not only as a direct (26) a. And that's an order.
statement that the bull is in the field but also as an indirect direc- b. That's the best suggestion I can come up with.
tive to the addressee to shut the gate to the field, then the speaker
means to convey to the hearer more than what the sentence itself Interestingly, indirect illocutionary aims cannot be made explicit
expresses. But is that directive meant as a suggestion or an order? in this same way. Even where it is abundantly clear that the
It is not clear that the speaker must intend to convey what kind of speaker intends an utterance of (24) to convey a directive to close
directive the utterance is meant as. In other words, intended illo- the gate, the force of that implicit directive cannot be explicitly
cutionary acts need not be a part of what the speaker means in the specified just by continuing with one of the tags in (26). Thus it
sense elucidated by Grice's notion of speaker's meaning. seems plausible to say that(15c), "Give every fish to Loren, Bond,"
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 225

but not (24), "The bull is in the field," may be pragmatically indeed, the very action (or state) that the content of the declarative
fied as intended directly to convey an order or a suggestion and in some sense describes. The sentences in (29) can all be uttered as
this difference is linked to differences in the locutionary performatives.
associated with declaratives and imperatives. But the possibility
(29) a. We find the defendant guilty as charged. [To utter (a) is to
specifying imperatives as orders or suggestions or some other
find the defendant guilty as charged.]
ety of directive does not mean, we think, that the imperative
b. I bid three clubs. [To utter (b) is to bid three clubs.]
ambiguous between ordering and suggesting and other kinds
c. I promise to split any lottery winnings with you. [To utter
directive. Indeed, not all meaningful uses of imperatives need
(c) is to promise to split any lottery winnings with the
characterizable as any specific kind of illocutionary act of the
tive variety. The imperative sentences in (27), for example,
d. You're fired. [To utter (d) can be to fire the addressee.]
rarely, if ever, be used to direct the addressee to do something,
e. You may have dessert tonight. [To utter (e) can be to grant
they need not be viewed as therefore nonliteral or indirect.
permission to the addressee to have dessert on the night of
(27) a. Have a wonderful time. [A wish] the utterance.]
b. Swim at your own risk. [A warning] f. Gentlemen are requested to wear jackets and ties to dinner.
c. Help yourself to whatever you want. [Permission or an [To utter (f) can be to request gentlemen to wear jackets
offer] and ties to dinner. J
In other words, whatever imperative meaning might amount to, As with the declaratives in (28) used to promise, wish, or give per-
seems that it must be sufficiently abstract to accommodate a mission, it seems pointless for anyone to appraise the truth of any
range of actions. of the sentences in (29) on the occasion of its performative utter-
We offered no specific proposal for imperative force, for imp ance. What is special about these performative utterances is that
tive meaning as a function that maps the discourse structure at the utterance itself is what makes the circumstances fit the words:
stage into a new structure. But we did make some suggestions about the utterance of sentence S brings into existence the very (non-
declarative force, and declaratives are used with an even wider linguistic) facts that S states obtain. As Searle noted recently, it is
range of apparently direct illocutionary force than imperatives. only because of beliefs we have about causal relations that we don't
(28) a. I'll be there right away. [A promise or an offer] think that sentences like those in (30) can be uttered performatively
by ordinary people.4
b. She must get better. [A wish]
c. You may watch "Sesame Street" tomorrow. [Permission] (30) a. You can now see. [Addressed to a blind person by a
How can promises, wishes, and permissions be literal acts of
stating? We'll say something more about cases like those in (28) b. The engine is turning over. [Used as a way of starting
one's car]
when we discuss modal semantics in chapter 5. Sentence (28a) in
particular points to a class of utterances that Austin examined in Someone's seeing or an engine's starting requires, most of us
some detail and that might prima facie seem to undermine our believe, more than a verbal trigger. Social actions, however, are
claim that what declaratives do by virtue of their meaning is state: different. Words have the power, for example, to terminate a per-
add propositions to the common ground. We now turn to consider son's employment.
explicitly performative utterances of declarative sentences. On our account, the grammar itself specifies that utterances of
declaratives with content p (literally) state that p. Such statements
may be true or false as applied to particular circumstances, so one
4.2 Performative utterances question is why appraisal of truth seems quite beside the point for
A pe1jormative utterance of a declarative does not simply convey a performative utterances of declaratives. According to the view
message but performs some substantive action (or initiates a state), we sketched of sentential force, linguistic rules assign to (29c) the
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 227

locutionary act of stating that the speaker promises to share can also be used either to report or to grant permission). Similarly,
lottery winnings with the addressee. How, then, can we (29f) can be performatively issued by the hotel management or
the intuitive judgment that uttering this sentence counts as constatively uttered by a disgruntled man who has just learned the
ing the promise that, according to our analysis, it states has hotel's policy and is explaining to his companion why they ought
made? Promising is not a species of stating in the way to go buy themselves jackets and ties. ·
ordering is a species of telling someone to do something, yet Performati vity of an utterance is a matter of what the words mean
is nothing indirect, nonconventional, or multileveled about and the powers accorded people by virtue of certain social in-
(29c) to make a promise. Indeed, its potential as a tool for stitutions (the legal system with provision for trial by jury in the
ing seems intimately tied to what it means. Yet we have case of issuing a verdict, the rules of a game in the case of bidding,
that illocutionary forces are not in general a part of sen a particular form oflabor organization in the case of firing). In some
cases the relevant social institutions are very diffuse and little is
What Austin did was force analysts to recognize and think needed beyond the words themselves for a speaker to succeed in
the vast number of apparent counterexamples to an account performing the act in question (promising, for example).
the one we have offered of the sentential force of declaratives This is not to say that performatives always work as they should
Declarative sentences used performatively seem prima facie to any more than so-called constatives do. Just as constatives can be
counterexamples to a unified account of declarative sentential appraised as true or false in particular circumstances, performa-
because what they principally do is so very different from tives can be appraised as felicitous or infelicitous in various ways,
With ordinary statements, which Austin called constatives, Austin noted. We have, he claimed, certain conventions that in
appropriate to challenge or confirm them with a no or yes. The some sense regulate our use of performatives; he called these felic-
or yes is an assessment of whether the statement fits the circum- ity conditions. If felicity conditions governing use of a certain form
stances being described, whether the statement ought to remain in fail to be satisfied, then use of the form may misfire. If an utterance
the common ground to which the speaker adds it. Whether misfires, then the act in question does not come off (because the
words fit the circumstances is a matter of their truth in those proper kinds of conventions are nonexistent, the persons and cir-
cumstances (of what we think of as truth simpliciter, where the cumstances for such a performance are wrong, or the procedures
circumstances being spoken of are conversationalists' actual sur- are executed improperly or incompletely). The rules of bridge, for
roundings). But it would generally be absurd to say "Yes" or "No" instance, don't permit (29b) to effect the indicated bid (three clubs)
or "That's right" or "That's wrong" to a performative utterance of at a point in the game where another player has just bid three hearts
the kind illustrated in (29). Such utterances actually create the cir- or if the speaker is the partner of the person who just completed the
cumstances they speak of, so the question of whether they fit those preceding bid. In such contexts we sometimes say things like "No
circumstances seems quite irrelevant.
you don't" (perhaps more often, "No; you can't") to indicate that
Sentences (29a-c) are explicit performatives; the matrix verb the attempted alteration of the circumstances to fit the words did
phrase labels the illocutionary act that an utterance of the sentence not take place.
performs (finding guilty, bidding three clubs, promising, etc.). Sen- Failure to satisfy other conditions may yield what Austin calls
tences (29d-f) are interesting because they can be used either to an abuse rather than a misfire. For example, an act is insincere if
report (a constative use) or to do (a performative use). Uttering participants don't have the thoughts and feelings they purport to
(29d) is indeed to fire someone ifthe speaker has the appropriate have in performing it. If I utter (29c), "I promise to split any lottery
position with respect to the addressee; if not, the sentence may be winnings with you," yet have no intention of sharing any winnings
used to convey news of a firing to the affected party (for example, with you, then my promise is insincere. We do, of course, abuse
the receptionist might so inform an employee headed into the performatives in such ways. As insincere promise is nonetheless a
boss's office). And (29e) may either report on some third party's promise: the promiser has made a commitment whether or not she
having given permission or actually confer that permission ((28c) or he intends to honor it.
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 229

Constatives too can suffer abuses or misfires, Austin notes.

the bid. That the utterer is viewed as having stated that she bids
would be an abuse in the constative case. A misfire might be
three clubs seems supported by the fact that considerations of con-
utterance of (31) in a context with no elephant in view.
sistency and of commitment to the consequences of propositions
(31) That elephant is huge. [Speaker points to empty space.] added to the common ground operate in exactly the same way that
What makes the explicit performatives like those in (29a-c) they do when a bid is reported after it is made. Thus either of the
interesting is that they seem to wear their illocutionary forces sentences in (32) could be used to report an utterance of (29b)
their linguistic sleeves. It is tempting to say that an utterance (perhaps one of the other bridge players is getting deaf and did not
(29c), "I promise to split any lottery winnings with you," hear what was said).
a promise simply by virtue of what the sentence means, in (32) a. She bid three clubs.
the same way as a constative utterance of sentence (31) counts b. She said that she bid three clubs.
the literal making of a statement. In the following section we
As soon as the utterance is interpreted, the proposition that the
cuss Searle's account of the felicity conditions that govern the
utterer bid three clubs is entered into the common ground. In other
of promising, an act that does not require the explicit rules and
words, to utter (29b) is not only to bid three clubs but also to state
stitutional arrangements that govern bidding or issuing a
finding or discharging an employee. that one is so doing, a statement that is true unless the act misfires.
And, as Ginet observes, the statement is not just an incidental
Several approaches have been suggested for explaining n.,,,..t,_,,...,.,
accompaniment to the bid but the very means of making the bid.
ative utterances of declaratives like those in (28) and (29)
We discuss briefly in chapter 5 a truth-conditional analysis of
at the same time continuing to maintain that such declaratives
may by Angelika Kratzer that suggests why and how, in certain
indeed state in our abstract sense. We have observed that perform-
contexts, its use can be thought of as granting permission rather
ative utterances are not sensibly assessed in terms of their
than merely informing the addressee that permission has been
spondence to the facts because in a real sense they create, ra
granted. Roughly, the idea is that a sentence like (29e), "You may
than simply report, that correspondence. (Here we except the
have dessert tonight," says that the proposition that the addressee
porting uses that (29d-f) allow.) Even so, a possible explanation
have dessert on the night of the day of the utterance is compatible
performative power may be found in a more thorough consider-
with some contextually supplied set of propositions. The proposi-
ation of truth conditions. It seems plausible that certain words (bid,
tions in this case delimit permissible actions of the addressee. The
promise, fire) are such that their contribution to truth-conditi
set may be given in various ways: linguistic rules do not specify
content ensures that their utterance in certain contexts is self-
how membership in the set is determined. If there is some third
verifying. Because of the nature of bidding, to state that one is
party with authority over the addressee, the speaker may simply be
doing so is to do so and thus to state a truth. Indeed, it seems
reporting on the proposition that the authority has placed in the
plausible, as Ginet (1979) proposed, that the statement that one is
set of permissible actions. Perhaps, however, the speaker is the
bidding three clubs serves as the instrument for doing so. Perform-
addressee's mother, with authority over the dessert issue. In this
atives, he argues, both state and do, and the doing is effected by
means of the stating. case the speaker herself may place the proposition about eating
dessert into the set of propositions describing permissible actions
Our interest in an utterance of (29b) is in its effect on the non-
and may report that action at the same time she does it.
linguistic circumstances, on the bridge game, for example. At the
same time, though, we take the utterance to expand the common
ground like other assertive utterances: just after it is made, other
Exercise 2 We will say that a verb is a performative verb if it can be used as the
players will act as if there is a general commitment to the utterer's
highest verb in a sentence that can be uttered performatively. Which
having made the bid in question. The utterer issues a statement that
of the following verbs is a performative? For those that are, illus-
the bid is being made, and the statement is instrumental in making
trate their performative potential in a sentence that can be uttered
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 231

performatively. For those that are not, explain briefly why. Here to particular kinds of illocutionary acts are more interesting for our
the verbs: concede, apologize, believe, say, thank, frighten, present purposes of considering whether sentential meaning
forget, wish, hint, nominate, oppose, joke, congratulate, doubt. specifies illocutionary force, as Searle has urged.
Searle's account of promising can illustrate his general program
of explaining how utterances ac8omplish the illocutionary aims
Performatives offer a strong prima facie challenge to any agents intend them to serve. What does it take for an utterance to be
that distinguishes sharply between locutionary force, which a felicitous promise? Searle, in an important early paper (1965),
associated with sentences as such and makes no reference to discusses this question in some detail. 5 For an utterance to be a
goals or plans of speakers, and the action that gives illocu felicitous illocutionary act of any kind, Searle suggests, conditions
forces their potency, the action fueled by conversationalists' of normal "input" (speaking) and "output" (understanding) are
attitudes, and beliefs. We do not think, however, that p required. Presumed are knowledge of the language, non-impaired
constitute an insuperable problem for a program that places illo cognitive functioning, adequate peripheral processing, and so on.
tionary force outside the realm of semantics proper. Work (Is a promise defective or infelicitous if the addressee cannot
Kratzer's makes us optimistic that continued detailed inve understand it? There is disagreement on such matters, but the con-
tions of the truth-conditional content of a wide range of expre troversy is not really over analysis of illocutionary acts but over the
will help explain many of the very interesting observations more general notion of speaker's meaning.) The utterance must not
have been made about language functions by focusing on the p be simply offered for inspection but must be meant by its utterer.
formative utterances. We turn to look next at Searle's account of Searle proposes to exclude jokes, playacting, and similar non-
conventions that delineate the activity of promising, drawing serious uses, but as noted earlier, we presumably understand what
that account a rather different moral than Searle does. is going on in such cases through reference to serious communica-
tions. The actor is a locutionary agent serving as a mouthpiece for a
different illocutionary agent, the character in the play. A speaker
4.3 lllocutionary acts as the subject of semantics who is joking in promising to give the addressee caviar for break-
Searle (1969) took the Austinian program one step further, fast every morning achieves her effect through pretending to make
that there is any useful distinction between locutionary and illo- such a promise. The joke lies in seeing that the speaker is assuming
cutionary acts. If Searle is right, then there is no justification the guise of some fictive illocutionary agent. Searle's general input
treating the meaning of a sentence uttered in a discourse as distinct and output conditions are intended to focus attention on canonical
from the illocutionary force of that utterance. While we disagree cases of a fully competent speaker's straightforwardly meaning an
sharply with Searle on this point, we do think that there is much utterance to convey some message to a fully competent addressee
to be learned from his thoughtful analyses of different kinds of in a situation where external factors do not interfere with the exer-
illocutionary acts and the conventions governing them. Searle cise of linguistic competence.
develops the idea that social conventions for selecting particular As Frege did, Searle draws a distinction between propositional
linguistic expressions to achieve particular aims in some sense content and force, although for Searle propositional content is what
constitute the linguistic meaning of the expressions used. Searle's a speaker (not a sentence) expresses and force is illocutionary
idea is similar to Grice's view of linguistic meaning as deriving force. The conventions that govern an illocutionary act of a certain
from social norms that regulate speaker's meaning (see section 2 kind (usually) include a basic propositional content condition (a
above), but unlike Grice, Searle sees no place for a truth-conditional convention that the speaker must express some proposition) and a
notion of linguistic meaning. Some of the proposed conventions are more specific condition about the content of the expressed propo-
very general ones relevant for virtually all felicitous uses of lan- sition that arises from the nature of the particular illocutionary act
guage and can be compared with Gricean maxims for conducting in question. In general, Searle suggests, there will be two compo-
conversations, which we discuss below in section 5. Those specific nents to an utterance: a component that expresses its propositional
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 233

content and the illocutionary force indicating device (IFID). ally have the aims and intentions that their acts present them as
include syntactic devices like inversion, intonational markers, having, guaranteeing that the illocutionary force is a reliable indi-
of course the various performative verbs: warn, apologize, cator of the motives producing the utterance. A promise is only
promise. Often the context "will make it clear what the sincere if the speaker actually intends to do A. To allow for insin-
tionary force of the utterance is, without its being necessary cere promises, we might weaken this requirement and require only
invoke the appropriate function indicating device. " 6 This c that the speaker intends to assume responsibility for doing A. An
ignored in Searle's later discussion, but we will return to it b insincere promise is nonetheless a promise, just as a lie is none-
In the case of a promise, Searle proposes, the propositional theless a claim about how things are.
tent must predicate a future act or acts of the speaker (and The essential condition of a promise, Searle proposes, is that
of anyone else). Some utterances seem to be promises yet do promisers intend their utterances to be understood as placing them
explicitly express propositions that predicate an act of the under an obligation to do A. Exactly what this obligation amounts
("I promise that our dog will not chase your cat again"). to is not spelled out. Note, however, that the speaker's assuming an
views promises whose overt content concerns events that are obligation to do A entails that A is a future act of the speaker, so
acts of the speaker as elliptical expressions of promises to take this essential condition entails the proposHional content condition
action to ensure that the (explicitly) promised event will occur mentioned earlier. In general, what Searle identifies as essential
promise to see to it that our dog will not ... "). He could also, conditions for particular illocutionary acts constrain propositional
course, take a similar line with other promises that do not content conditions for the acts in question.
plicitly predicate actions (such as "I promise not to smoke'' or Finally, Searle formulates conditions intended to ensure both
promise to be awake when you return"). The specific propo that the speaker means the promise to be understood as such by the
content conditions that Searle elaborates for the illocutionary act addressee, and that the expression uttered is a conventional means
promising are not peculiar to promising but are shared by other of accomplishing that illocutionary aim. What concerns us here
locutionary acts in the general class that Searle calls commis is Searle's formulation of this second condition, namely, that the
acts in which agents commit themselves to some course of semantic rules of the language used by speaker and addressee are
(including not only promises but also offers and threats). in the such that the expression in question "is correctly and sincerely
discussion of Searle's conditions on promising, we will use A uttered if and only if [the preceding] conditions ... obtain" (Searle
designate the act that a speaker makes a commitment to pertOJrm 1965, 236). Taken at face value, this might seem to imply that no
when she utters a commissive. other expression could also perform the same function, that there is
Certain preparatmy conditions constrain the common ~L•JuJLLu only one way "correctly and sincerely" to make a given promise.
that must be in place for the promise to occur. Intuitively, an Searle must intend that the expression in question is correctly and
cutionary act must be thought to have some point; there must be sincerely uttered only if conditions like the above hold and that if
some reason for the speaker to perform it. For a promise and other those conditions obtain, its utterance would be correct (and sin-
commissives, this amounts to the requirement that it is not already cere) though there might also be other expressions that could be
part of the common ground prior to the speaker's commissive act correctly and sincerely uttered.
that she will perform A. The condition that distinguishes a promise Indeed, what Searle finally offers us is a formulation of the puta-
from other commissives is that it is part of the common ground that tive "semantical" rules governing use of an IFID P for promising
the addressee would like the speaker to perform A. Of course, the (for example, a simple present tense promise whose subject is I).
speaker may think the addressee wants A but be wrong in that We simplify Searle's account slightly.
judgment; in cases where the common ground is differently ap-
praised or where the common ground includes false propositions, (33) a. The propositional content rule. Pis to be uttered only in
the promise is arguably defective. the context of a sentence (or larger stretch of discourse)
Besides preparatory conditions, illocutionary acts also generally predicating some future act A of the speaker.
have sincerity conditions. Basically, these require that agents actu- b. The preparatory rule. Pis to be uttered only if the
addressee is positively oriented toward A and the speaker
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 235

so believes (and only if it is not obvious to the a Even the sentences in (35), however, can be followed by (36).
prior to this utterance that the speaker will do A).
(36) That's a promise.
c. The sincerity rule. Pis to be uttered only if the speaker
intends to do A. An explanation of such facts should be found in an account of the
d. The essential rule. Uttering P counts as undertaking an differences among alternative ways of talking about the future.
obligation to do A. Interestingly, the rules in (33) seem relevant not only to specify-
As Searle notes, the sincerity rule can be dropped, in which ing what is required for correct use of a device for indicating a
the rules govern correct (and not correct and sincere) uses of promise such as that in (34a) but also to specifying what is required
promising device; insincerity is always a possibility and for a correct use of promise in a sentence like (37), where it con-
special needs to be said about it in the case of promises. The tributes to propositional content and does not indicate illocu-
tionary force.
half of the preparatory rule specifies what is taken for granted
an act is offered as a promise; the second half is designed to (37) Joan promised to write Lee next week.
out pointless or unnecessary promises, although such promises
Like bidding three clubs, promising is an activity governed by
be made. The propositional content rule must be taken
certain rules. Both promising and bidding can be effected just by
more loosely than stated: for example, the act(s) in question
saying something. The rules of bridge that define bidding are ex-
not be explicitly stated but need only be somehow inferrable
plicit; the social conventions that define promising are implicit and
the context. The essential rule guarantees that an utterance
closely tied to conventions for using language. To utter (34a) and
promise must somehow allow us to infer some act or class of
mean what one says is to make a promise; an obligation henceforth
that the speaker can undertake an obligation to do. The ess
exists. We have further suggested (contra Searle) that uttering ( 34a)
rule and the positive half of the preparatory rule constitute the
is also to state that one is making such a commitment to the ad-
of what it is to perform the illocutionary act of promising.
dressee, just as uttering (37) states that Joan has so committed her-
As Searle also notes, explicit devices for indicating illo
self to Lee. Sentence (34a), we propose, gives an on-the-spot report
force are not always needed. What is accomplished by
of what it does: it explicitly displays what we think of as its pri-
(34a) can in many contexts be done simply by uttering
mary illocutionary force.
which explicitly states only the propositional content required
Thus, on the one hand, Searle characterizes what counts in gen-
eral as an act of promising. As we have just seen, this cannot be
(34) a. I promise to write you next week. viewed as something that could or should be part of the grammar,
b. I'll write you next week. for (a) to the extent that language is involved, promising presup-
In uttering (34b) a speaker can state that she will write the poses that the grammar is already in place (note the propositional
dressee in the week following the utterance and at the same content rule), and (b) form and illocutionary force are not directly
promise to do so (although she does not explicitly state that
promises). The promise is not indirect or nonliteral: it is simply On the other hand, the lexicon, a part of grammar, does reflect
overtly indicated (compare our discussion in section 2 of uses classifications of actions by the language-using community. Thus
and that convey more than logical conjunction). The sentences in we can recast (33) as describing the conditions of correct use for the
(35), though predicating future acts of their utterers, are less likely
word promise, as delineating (at least partially) which actions are
to be used to promise than (34b). promises. We will say more in chapter 8 about ways to expand our
semantic theory to incorporate analyses of the contribution made
(35) a. I'm going to write you next week. by lexical meaning to truth conditions for sentences.
b. I'm writing you next week. In the heady days following the publication of Chomsky's
c. I write you next week. Aspects, a number of linguists tried to combine Searle's view that
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 237

illocutionary force was a matter of linguistic meaning with As we noted, Ross's proposal went even further, associating with
standard logical conception of semantics as concerned with every sentence, including declaratives, a higher performative verb.
conditions for sentences. We turn now to examine this For example, he would derive (40b) from the structure underlying
approach to making the illocutionary force of a sentence a "''""r., ... (40a).
linguistic semantics.
(40) a. I say to you that grass is purple.
b. Grass is purple.

4.4 The performative hypothesis But this kind of move is semantically untenable if (40a) is to pro-
The idea behind the pmformative hypothesis is that every s vide the basis for assigning truth conditions to (40b). To utter (40a)
determines a literal illocutionary force and that explicit p is ipso facto to say something true; the same can certainly not be
ative utterances overtly indicate this literal illocutionary said for (40b). Saying that these two sentences are semantically
Ross (1970) was the first to suggest that a sentence like (34b), identical just does not work. Many, probably most, sentences do
write you next week," when uttered as a promise, might be not report the illocutionary force with which they are uttered, even
tially identical to the overt performative (34a), "I promise to at some abstract level.
you next week," at some more abstract linguistic level than
syntactic structure. Similar ideas were further developed in
by Sadock (1974) and others. 4.5 Grammar and illocutionary force
More generally, what was proposed was that in relatively The performative hypothesis and Searle's speech act theory both
structure every sentence has some performative verb as its attempt to treat the illocutionary force of an utterance as a com-
verb with a first-person subject and a second-person object. ponent of its (literal) linguistic meaning. As Levinson points out
underlying performative verb determines how someone else (1983, chap. 5), a single sentence can be used to perform a whole
accurately characterize what the utterance was meant as. host of illocutionary acts, and the same illocutionary act can be
(34b), "I'll write you next week," might look like (34a), "I performed by any number of different sentences (some of which
to write you next week," on one interpretation and like one of may perform other acts as well). And this, he correctly observes,
sentences in (38) on others. creates enormous difficulties for any theory that attempts to make
the illocutionary force of an utterance a component of its linguistic
(38) a. I claim that I will write you next week. meaning.
b. I predict that I will write you next week.
Take sentence (34b), "I'll write you next week," which can be
From saying that overt performative utterances uttered as a promise, a threat, or a report of a decision. If illocu-
truth values, it can seem only a short step to saying that tionary force were a matter of linguistic meaning, then we would
of interrogatives and imperatives are also assigned truth have to say that (34b) is ambiguous. The most likely source of such
This move assumes that we derive sentences like (15b), an ambiguity would be the auxiliary will. Yet whether the utterance
Bond give every fish to Loren?" and (15c), "Give every fish counts as a promise, a threat, or just a report of a decision seems to
Loren, Bond," from explicit performatives like those in (39). be a matter not of which sense of will a speaker has selected but of
assumptions about the addressee's attitudes toward the projected
(39) a. I ask you whether Bond gives every fish to Loren.
letter writing. The speaker may in fact make the sort of commit-
b. I tell you, Bond, to give every fish to Loren.
ment that promises and threats share without having even consid-
Lewis (1972) takes this tack. Although such an approach might be ered whether the addressee is positively, negatively, or neutrally
viable, it is important to note that it does not remove the necessity oriented toward the projected act. Even more problematic for an
of providing semantic values for the embedded interrogatives ambiguity account of illocutionary forces is the fact that a single
(introduced by the complementizer whether) and for the tenseless utterance of (34b) might both report a decision and make a prom-
infinitival complements that occur in such contexts. ise. Generally in a single utterance of an ambiguous expression,
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 239

speakers convey only one of the linguistically assigned ~~..Ju•uu (1) Reminding someone to pick up the cleaning
(exceptions are puns, which are perceived as special). Rather
(2) Offering to help someone wash the dishes
surface sentences are restricted to a single illocutionary force
uttered, and it is common for a single utterance to carry m (3) Asking someone to hurry in the shower
illocutionary forces with there being no suggestion of punning.
For each of the following sentehces, name at least two illocu-
There also seem to be many different ways to accomplish a
tionary acts their utterance could simultaneously perform. Where
illocutionary aim. The two sentences in (34) can be used to
special contextual factors must be present, specify them.
the illocutionary act reported in (37), "Joan promised to write
next week," and so also can those in (41), given suitable (4) Assignments will be collected next week.
stances surrounding their utterance. (5) I'm cold.
(41) a. Count on a letter from me next week. (6) Is Linda there?
b. I promise to comply with your request next week.
c. I'll resume my daughterly duties again next week. (7) Our dinner reservations are at seven o'clock.
d. You'll get a letter from me next week. (8) You may want to review chapter 3 before Friday's test.
We hardly want to say that these sentences are synonymous.
do we want to say that in uttering (41a), Joan would mean just
she would mean in uttering (41b), even if in both cases she
5 Conversationallmplicature
her utterance as a promise to Lee to send a letter next week.
Speakers mean more than the sentences they utter mean, as we
Linguistic meaning does constrain the illocutionary acts
have already observed at a number of points in this chapter. What
utterance of a sentence can perform. Some illocutionary acts s
is amazing is how good language users are at going beyond what is
less directly accomplished than others. The sentences in (42)
overtly said to whatever is contextually or pragmatically implied.
far less direct than the sentences in (34) and (41) if uttered as
We suggested in section 2 that we sometimes even take what is
promise reported in (37); they contrast with those more
pragmatically implied to be part of what the speaker straight-
promises in that their nonexplicit promissory value cannot
forwardly means. How is this possible? As we noted in chapter one,
overtly signalled by continuing with (36), "That's a promise."
Grice was the first to attempt an explanation of how we can so
(42) a. How would you like a letter from me next week? successfully convey more than what our words overtly say, the first
b. The orthopedist says I'll definitely be able to use the to attempt a systematic account of the principles underlying prag-
typewriter next week. matic implication. 7
The explanation of how the sentences in (42) can serve as in Subsequent research has led to major revisions in Grice's original
promises to write the addressee next week will presumably proposals, and there are currently several competing pragmatic
on some of the more general theories of pragmatic inferencing theories, for example, "relevance" theory as presented in Sperber
inspired by Grice's work on conversational implicature, which and Wilson (1986) and the neo-Gricean approaches of Horn (1989)
we discuss in the next section. Although the sentences in (41) can and Levinson (1983, forthcoming). We will not try to lay out and
directly promise, we are not entitled to conclude that their being compare these alternatives. Instead, we will just sketch Grice's
potential promises depends on some linguistic properties other original program, which has been the major reference point for
than their truth conditions and abstract locutionary force. virtually all current work in linguistic pragmatics, and then use it
to help explain some of the divergences between interpretations
assigned by F 2 and those that English speakers assign to occur-
Exercise 3 For each of the following illocutionary acts, give five
rences of expressions in actual utterances. We will then briefly
synonymous sentences that could be used to perform them. consider pragmatic approaches to such rhetorical devices as irony.
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 241

In chapter 1 we said that (an utterance of) sentence S

and that at the same time this implication has some kind of special
proposition p (or has p as an implication) just in case in uttering
status. The question of what status (43a) has if (43c) is false is not
the· speaker invites or licenses the addressee to infer that
settled, however. We will postpone further discussion of conven-
speaker is making a commitment to p. To Grice we owe not
tional implicatures until chapter 6, where we consider in some
the distinction between entailments and implications licensed
detail the phenomenon of presuppdsition. Conventional implica-
some other way but also the technical terminology now
tures, Karttunen, Peters, and others have suggested, are conven-
used in drawing the distinction. As Grice puts it, S (or its ~LL'"'G'"
tionally presupposed. Certainly, every case that Grice presented as
or utterer) may implicate a proposition, which is its
a matter of conventional implicature is also a case where what is
(plural, implicata). In such a case the relation between an
implicated is presupposed.
of S and what it implies is one of implicature; the implicata of
In the remainder of this chapter we will focus on nonconven-
utterance are also called implicatures.
tional or conversational implicature, sometimes speaking simply of
As we noted in note 5 to chapter 1, Grice divides
implicature. Part of what we mean by the conversational implicata
into two classes: conversational implicatures, which are derived
of S is that the propositions in question are not entailed by S, or
the basis of conversational principles and assumptions, and
more generally, that the implication relies on more than the lin-
ventional implicatures, which are assigned on the basis of the
guistic meaning of S. What more is involved?
ventional meanings of the words occurring in a sentence.
What Grice proposed was that conversation is regulated by an
briefly introduced conversational implicatures in chapter 1,
overarching principle of cooperation between speaker and hearer
they will be our focus in the rest of this chapter. Before
to achieve the purposes at stake in their talk:
discussing them and the theory of conversation Grice offers to
plain them, however, we will say just a few words about con (44) Make your conversational Contribution such as is required,
tional implicatures. at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or
What Grice calls conventional implicatures are implications direction of the talk in which you are engaged.
are triggered by linguistic meaning but seem different from ( The purposes of central importance in elaborating a general the-
nary) entailments in two ways: (a) the exact content of what ory of meaning and comprehension are those at stake in success-
implied is not readily made explicit, and (b) the content of the fully and efficiently conveying information. Given these purposes,
plication does not seem at issue in the way that truth-condi rational speakers, Grice proposes, choose what to say in light of
content standardly is. Let us illustrate with an example adapted something like the following maxims:
from Grice.
(45) a. Relation. Be relevant.
(43) a. [John]i is an Englishman, but [he]i is cowardly. b. Quantity. Be only as informative as required for current
b. [John]i is an Englishman, and [he]i is cowardly. conversational purposes.
c. [John's]; being cowardly is somehow unexpected or c. Quality. Say only what you believe true and adequately
surprising in light of [his]; being English. supported.
Sentence (43a), but not (43b), implies (43c). We might say that d. Manner. Be perspicuous: be brief and orderly and avoid
uttering (43a) adds the same propositional content to the common obscurity and ambiguity.
ground as uttering (43b), but that (43a) differs from (43b) in pre- In other words, Grice is suggesting that something like these max-
supposing something along the lines of (43c). ims articulate a conversational strategy for cooperatively conveying
Grice denies that (43c) is entailed by, or part of, the truth- information. We can see that some of them might be connected
conditional content of (43a), claiming that ( 43c) might be false yet to the earlier discussed convention of truthfulness and to the need
(43a) nonetheless true. There is general agreement that something to make what one means readily accessible to one's audience. In
like (43c) is part of what (43a) implies by virtue of its meaning figuring out implicatures, hearers rely on the assumption that these
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 243

maxims are being observed or there is a good reason why some to draw the inferences that speakers take themselves to have meant
particular maxim has been "flouted." Sometimes conversational and genuine differences of opinion on what hearers should infer in
implicatures are part of what the speaker straightforwardly means; a given context.
sometimes they introduce additional levels of speaker meaning. Let Grice proposes that conversational implicatures are calculable
us now turn to concrete examples. from (1) the linguistic meaning of what is said (what the speaker
Many different kinds of implicatures have been discussed in the conventionally or normatively is taken to mean), (2) the assump-
literature; we will illustrated a few here. To say something like tion that the speaker is observing the conversational maxims, and
(46a) is in most contexts to implicate (but not entail) the proposi- (3) contextual assumptions of various kinds (for example, that one
tion expressed by (46b), whereas what (46c) expresses is entailed spouse per woman is generally the upper limit). It is not simply
by (46a). that we intuitively grasp what is implied, he says, but that "the in-
(46) a. Joan has a husband. tuition is replaceable by an argument" involving general principles
b. Joan has only one husband. of conversation (Grice 1975, 50).
c. Joan has one or more husbands. Although Grice is not completely explicit on this point, he seems
to think of these arguments as deductive. Speakers rely on hearers'
How do we know that (46a) does not entail (46b) and does being able to calculate implicatures. Why? Because the speaker
(46c)? Well, if we discover that Joan is a biandrist, (46b) is false, needs to intend the hearer to understand simply by recognizing
this discovery does not show that (46a) is false. One could sensibly that the speaker so intends, and just retrieving linguistic meaning
respond to (46a) with (47a) but not with (47b), which contradicts will not suffice. Of course, calculation may go awry because the
(46a). (The symbol # indicates that the following sentence is hearer and speaker don't assess contextual factors in the same way,
felicitous or pragmatically inappropriate in the discourse context because they give different weights to conflicting conversational
described.) principles, or because the hearer does not (perhaps cannot) make
(47) a. Yeah, in fact she has two. the effort to work things out. What is remarkable is how highly
b. #Yeah, in fact she has none. successful we seem to be in conveying to one another what we
A speaker who utters (46a) knowing that Joan is a biandrist (
That implicatures are calculable does not mean that speakers and
issues no qualifiers along with that utterance) has been dece
hearers actually calculate them; the cognitive processes at work
since the speaker must know that the hearer will infer that Joan is
need not involve deduction. Perrault (1987), Levinson (forth-
monandrist. In our culture there is a strong background
coming), and others have recently proposed nondeductive default
that people do not have more than one spouse. It would be
logics as models of language users' knowledge of (at least some)
ingenuous to claim not to have meant that Joan had only one h
implicatures; such a model is also suggested by the theory pre-
band since the hearer will commonly draw such an inference.
sented in Gazdar (1979). 8 Speakers need not supply the premises
the s~eaker is caught, the attempted defense is usually
that would allow an implicature to be worked out; hearers simply
like "I didn't say she had only one."
apply default inference rules, such as one permitting the inference
The American legal system has ruled on occasion that
from "x has a husband" to "x has exactly one husband." Such log-
(advertisers, for instance) can be held responsible not just for
ics are "nonmonotonic" in that additional premises-for example,
is explicitly said but also for implicatures that most rational he
that Joan comes from a culture in which biandry is the norm-can
would take them to have meant. Similarly, a hearer can delib
defeat the default inference. Such nondeductive systems, though
"misunderstand" what has been meant by refusing to draw an
consistent with, do not in themselves provide any account of, Gri-
vious implicature: "But you didn't say that you thought she
ce's observation that the inferences in question are motivated by
not come, only that you didn't think she would come." Of
conversational principles. Nonetheless, there probably are default
there can also be genuine misunderstandings due to hearers'
kinds of inferences that are made in the absence of counter-
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 245

evidence; certainly generalized conversational implicatures (50) a. Can you pass the salt?
both very robust and to some extent conventionalized. For b. Are you able to pass the salt?
present purposes, however, we will simply assume deduction c. Please pass the salt.
tacit premises, what are sometimes called enthymemes (
There are, however, uses of senten9es like (50b) to implicate re-
that require certain unexpressed premises). Such inferences
quests like (50c); (51) provides an example.
defeated if some of the implicit premises on which they
have to be abandoned. (51) a. Are you able to lend me $15 until Friday?
As we noted in chapter 1, a fundamental characteristic of b. Please lend me $15 until Friday.
versational implicatures is that they are cancelable or defeasible,
The fact that literal synonymy does not guarantee identical im-
well as calculable. This property follows immediately if the
plicatures in all contexts shows that factors other than literal or
lability is a matter of deducibility from contextually supplied
conventional linguistic content are relevant for calculating im-
tacit premises, some of which may have to be abandoned in
plicatures. Although the literal content of an utterance always
face of their inconsistency with other contextual premises. It
enters into calculating conversational implicatures, which may be
easy to provide illustrations of cancellation or suspension of
what Grice had in mind when formulating his nondetachability
plicatures, as in (48), for example.
principle, it is clear that the form in which that content is ex-
(48) a. Joan has a husband, perhaps even two. pressed is also often a significant factor (a fact of which Grice was
b. Nicky got a job at Harvard and moved to Cambridge but well aware, as we will see). Compare the sentences in (52), which
not in that order. generate rather different implicata though strictly expressing the
same truth-conditional content.
In contrast, we can't in the same way cancel or suspend
plications licensed simply by linguistic meaning (entailments (52) a. It is possible that Jesse Jackson will be president some day.
conventional implicatures ). b. It is not impossible that Jesse Jackson will be president
some day.
(49) a. #Joan has a husband, yet perhaps she's unmarried.
b. #Nicky got a job at Harvard and therefore moved to Belief that the speaker is indeed adhering to the general cooper-
Cambridge, but her move was quite unconnected to her ative principle will generate implicatures. So-called scalar im-
job. plicatures, first discussed in detail in Horn (1972), are said to
exploit the maxims of quantity and quality. Thus in many contexts
There is a close link between the extrasemantic calculability of
a speaker will implicate (53b) by uttering (53a).
implicature, its dependence on implicit pragmatic premises,
its defeasibility. We return to this issue in chapter 6, section 3.3. (53) a. Some students did very well on the exam.
Grice has also suggested that expressions with the same linguis" b. Some students did not do very well on the exam.
tic meaning should generate the same implicatures relative to a
The argument through which the implicature can be calculated
fixed context; he calls this the nondetachability of implicature. The
goes something like the following: The proposition that every stu-
nondetachability assumption may be problematic and is certainly
dent did well on the exam is informative in the context. If it is
difficult to examine without some independently supported ac-
thought to be true on the basis of adequate evidence, then it should
count of what linguistic meaning amounts to. It has been pointed
be stated. Since the speaker did not so state, one can infer either
out that (50a) will almost always implicate (50c), whereas (50b),
that the speaker does not believe it or has inadequate evidence.
which might seem to be synonymous (and is certainly assigned
Since the speaker is presumed to have good evidence about how all
the same literal linguistic content), does not seem to share this
the students did, the speaker does not believe that every student
did very well and, on the assumption about the speaker's access
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 247

to evidence, the speaker knows that not all students did well in which they are inconsistent with the stronger member of the
intends to convey this.
scale (this two-sided sense would make (53) an entailment), and a
In other words, the implicature in this case relies for its "one-sided" sense in which they are consistent with the stronger
lability on the maxims of quantity and quality. It would be uv_,.,..,,.., item (the one-sided sense appears in (55)). The problems with the
or weakened to something like (54) in contexts where the speaker ambiguity approach are manifold. One anomaly is that these
believed to have only partial information about performance on so-called ambiguities are paralleled in language after language; to
the best of our knowledge, no language has different morphemes
(54) It is possible, on the basis of what the speaker knows, that translating one-sided and two-sided some. Another is that distri-
some students did not do very well on the exam. bution of the putatively different senses of some is linked to exactly
the kinds of factors that play a role in the pragmatic implication
Horn has proposed a number of different linguistic scales
arguments (a fact that is unexplained on the ambiguity account).
seem much like that relating some and all or every (for "'A''"'"'
For example, we don't seem able to interpret (55a) as involving the
warm and hot, good and excellent, possible and necessary).
two-sided some, an interpretation that would make the sentence
are many questions raised by positing such scales. But there is
inconsistent. Still another is that which item in a scaled pair is
much work (especially by Horn) that supports the view
"ambiguous" is predictable on the basis of relative strengths on the
implications like that in (53) are implicatures and do not
scale: "ambiguity" is consistently imputed to the weaker member
that we abandon standard logical accounts of the truth-c
of the scale. There are others as well. Yet the ambiguity approach
contribution of words like some and all. (The further link in
continues to be attractive to many, presumably because the two-
reasoning from (53a) to (53b) is the entailment from the
sided understanding involved in interpreting (53a) as implying
that not all did well to the proposition that some did not do
(53b) is apparently assigned so directly and does not involve mul-
Fragment F 2 , which lacks plurals, has scaled determiners a
tiple levels of speaker meaning. We certainly do not consciously go
every, which for these purposes might be expected to work
through a calculation like that given for (53) even if the possibility of
some and all.
such an argument is what ultimately supports the inference in (53).
Scalar implications like that in (53) are ubiquitous, and
One kind of data sometimes offered in support of the ambiguity
often seem completely direct in the sense of being part of what
analysis involves what Horn ( 1985) calls "metalinguistic" or
speakers mean where there is only one level of speaker meaning. At
"pragmatic" negation. We do find people uttering sentences like
the same time such implications are in general defeasible:
those in (56), where italics indicate intonational prominence.
elements on a scale are consistent with weaker ones. In (55) the
scaled expressions are italicized, with the weaker occurring first. (56) a. That novel isn't good; it's absolutely superb.
b. She didn't get some of the questions right; she answered
(55) a. Some of the students did very well on the exam, perhaps
every single one correctly.
b. The novel will certainly be good, and it may well be What Horn argues is that the negative here does not serve to negate
excellent. propositional content; that is, we do not interpret these sentences
c. It is possible, perhaps even necessary, to treat these as denying the truth of the two-sided reading of the weak scalar
inferences as implicatures. item. Rather, he suggests, the emphasized weak-scalar item is being
mentioned here and not used.
Data such as these are prima facie evidence against the view that
To use an expression is to be responsible for an illocutionary act
the implications like that in (53) are entailments.
in which the locution figures directly. To mention an expression is
Nonetheless, as Horn (1989) explains in some detail, there is a
to disavow illocutionary agency in performing the locutionary act.
venerable tradition that tries to treat the weaker scaled items-
We did not put it quite this way in section 2, not then having
some, good, possible-as ambiguous between a "two-sided" sense,
available the distinction between locutionary acts and illocutionary
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 249

acts. One reason to mention an expression can be to comment (59) If a sentence does not entail either the proposition expressed
the possible illocutionary act of someone who might utter it. This by the subordinate clause or its negation, then uttering the
what seems to be happening in (56); the speaker is ~~''"u'",.. sentence implicates the (epistemic) possibility of both those
herself from one who would (simply) say that the novel is good propositions.
that some of the questions were answered correctly, in order
But (59) does not always work. Sentences (60a) and (BOb) are alike
emphasize that what such a way of speaking implicates is
in entailing neither the subordinate clause (60c) nor its negation
What is negated seems to echo some other utterance and to cri
the speaker who chose the locution in question. What negatives
in the sentences in (56) seems very similar to what they do in (60) a. I guess Joan is smart.
sentences in (57); in (57) the negatives criticize prvuu.u'uldLHJ b. I am certain that Joan is smart.
choice of register, or other unwanted implications, and the c. Joan is smart.
cized locution is followed by the one endorsed. d. Joan is not smart.
(57) a. I don't like tojmahjtoes but tojmeyjtoes. Thus Gazdar's principle (59) predicts that both (60a) and (BOb)
b. You didn't go pee-pee: you urinated. should implicate (61).
c. No, I didn't have lunch with the girls: we women ate
(61) For all I know, Joan is smart, and for all I know, Joan is not
What seems to clinch the case for treating some uses of
Now (60b) certainly does not implicate (61); indeed, it tends to
as involving something very different from negation of ~~~~.~-'
implicate (62).
tional content is that the material with which the negative is
dated need not be linguistic at all. This point is beautifully (62) I know that Joan is smart.
in person by Larry Horn performing on his kazoo, the It might seem somewhat more plausible that (60a) implicates (61).
indicating the points at which he demonstrates two musical But even this somewhat more plausible prediction is dubious.
formances, the first to be avoided and the second to be imitated. Sentences like (60a) are typically used as hedged assertions of their
(58) It's not [ complement clauses, thus implicating those complements; in many
contexts, uttering (60a) would implicate (60c).
It seems clear in (57) that in uttering the initial apparently
Nonetheless, Gazdar is quite right in observing that certain com-
tive clause, the speaker means only that some other speaker has
plex sentential forms imply (though they do not entail) proposi-
failed to choose the most appropriate or effective locution to do the
tions about the speaker's epistemic position with respect to the
job; she then demonstrates what a better locution might be. A sim-
propositions expressed by constituent clauses. So for example,
ilar account of the import of the negatives in (56) seems q
(63a) and (63b) each implies all the remaining sentences in (63),
plausible, in which case such utterances provide no evidence at
though these implications are defeasible.
in favor of scalar ambiguities.
What are sometimes called clausal implicatures have also been (63) a. Either [Joan]i bought steak, or [she]i bought swordfish.
much discussed. Uttering a sentence that contains an embedded b. If [Joan]i did not buy steak, [she]i bought swordfish.
clausal complement may generate an implicature about the epis- c. For all the speaker knows, Joan did not buy steak.
temic status of that clause: for example, that the speaker is taking d. For all the speaker knows, Joan did buy steak.
the proposition expressed by the subordinate clause as still an open e. For all the speaker knows, Joan did not buy swordfish.
question. Gazdar (1979) is the first extensive discussion of clausal f For all the speaker knows, Joan did buy swordfish.
implicatures as a class, and he proposes that they are governed by We do not need principle (59), however, but can calculate these
implicatures by appeal to the assumption that the speaker is coop-
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 251

erative in the purposes of the exchange and has adhered to What is interesting is that neither ... nor is only interpretable as
of quality and quantity. Let's see how the argument works. negating an inclusive either ... or. Note that the conjunction of
In chapter 2 we semantically analyzed or as inclusive (as sentence (66a) with (66b) is blatantly contradictory.
ing only that at least one disjunct be true). Now we can say (66) a. Joan bought neither steak nor swordfish.
about how the exclusive interpretation arises. A sentence b. Joan bought both steak and swordfish.
(63a), which is entailed on our account by (64a), is often taken
implicate (64b). As we have observed in earlier chapters, ambiguities in a sen-
tence are matched by ambiguities in the negation of that sentence.
(64) a. Joan bought both steak and swordfish. In general, neither ... nor constructions express the negations of
b. Joan didn't buy both steak and swordfish. their either ... or counterparts. Thus if either ... or is ambiguous,
The implicature is easily calculated from the observation that (63 we should expect a parallel ambiguity in neither ... nor. If ( 66a)
is entailed by, but does not entail, (64a). Thus (63a) is weaker. As were interpreted as the negation of the exclusive sense posited for
generally the case with such relations of relative strength, u~.<UCoU>] either ... or, then on that interpretation (66a) would be true in the
who states only that (63a) is true suggests she is not in a position situation in which both (and not simply one) of its disjuncts is true.
claim ( 64a) and thus (in many circumstances) implies that ( The fact that there is no available interpretation for (66a) compati-
the negation of (64a), is true. In this way we can use the maxim ble with (66b) strongly argues against the existence of an exclusive
quantity to arrive at the pertinent implication; we do not need sense of or. Indeed, even (67) is incompatible with (66b), unless
posit a special exclusive sense of or. The exclusive in (67) is interpreted as metalinguistic negation (with tell-tale stress
can be explained pragmatically rather than semantically. and discourse restrictions).
Nonetheless, as with other scalar items, many have taken (67) It is not the case that Joan bought either steak or swordfish.
ambiguity path. As evidence it is alleged that Latin autem
expressed a disjunction true only in case exactly one of the There are further considerations that can be offered against the
juncts it joins is true, but the facts are not so simple. (Horn ambiguity analysis, but these will serve for now. As Grice observes,
includes some discussion of this question.) It seems that the principle of Occam's razor-do not multiply entities beyond
may simply have been used in contexts where exclusiveness of necessity-is generally relevant. Why multiply senses if one suf-
disjunction was presupposed. fices? In this case it seems clear that one sense not only can but
Some negative sentences seem at first glance to offer must suffice.
in support of the claim that the truth of exactly one disjunct Both scalar and clausal implications are instances of what Grice
entailed. calls generalized conversational implicatures (GCis). GCis hold in a
wide range of conversational contexts: a hearer could calculate
(65) Joan didn't buy either steak or swordfish: she came home them with access only to some very basic beliefs about communi-
with both. cation and perhaps some other widely available assumptions about
Both stress and discourse constraints on the use of such ""'"u'"'"'-'" social norms and the subject matter being discussed. They are also
however, strongly argue for their being cases of Juoc:oaJHJ typically direct in the sense we discussed in section 2; that is, the
rather than propositional negation. In other words, the negative speaker does not mean to draw attention to the contrast between
(65) attacks the use of the word either as an ill-advised what is literally said and what is conversationally implicated. A
rather than negating the proposition expressed by (63a). Wi GCI is like a second sense in being immediately available. It is not
focal stress as indicated or a preceding assertion of (63a), surprising then that GCis are so often thought to be entailments,
seems interpretable only as a contradiction. Thus sentence their defeasibility then being attributed to some putative ambiguity
does not show the existence of a sense of or relative to which ( rather than to the failure of a conversational premise.
entails (61b); once again, apparent evidence of ambiguity In contrast, particularized conversational implicatures (PC Is)
rates once we see that not can indicate metalinguistic negation. depend crucially on contextual features specific to a given utter-
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 253

ance and not just on a standard background. Sperber and (69) a. Lee has a nice smile and draws beautiful phrase-structure
(1986) discuss many examples of such contextually specific trees.
plications. For example, someone uttering (68b) in response b. Lee is no good as a linguist.
(68a) would implicate (68c) and (68d).
The letter writer has obviously failed to give a full enough picture
(68) a. Have you read E. 0. Wilson's Sociobiology? of Lee's qualifications for the post. How then do we actually infer
b. I don't read science fiction. (69b) rather than assuming that the letter writer has said no more
c. I have not read Sociobiology. because this is all she knows (or believes with adequate evidence)
d. I view Sociobiology as (like) science fiction (and thus as about Lee? Presumably, we have to appeal to principles beyond the
bad science). maxims themselves in order to generate this inference, because if
One might think initially that particularized implicatures the letter writer does indeed believe with evidence something
limited to face-to-face communication, since it is only there along the lines of (69b), quantity would seem to require that this be
producer and interpreter are in (essentially) the same context. said. But it was not said. So quantity is blatantly flouted. And in
there can be particularized implicatures that draw on the this extreme case what is communicated about smiling and drawing
ular background generated by preceding text. That is, trees is irrelevant to the communicative task at hand. But we need
text produces a partial but nonetheless particular context. A additional assumptions to conclude that the writer is implicating
tence in the middle of a book might be interpreted quite (69b) in writing (69a). We may assume that people typically refrain
ently from the same sentence placed near the beginning. from saying overtly negative things in job recommendations, even
sometimes an author assumes familiarity on the part of the where such negative evaluations are highly relevant, whereas they
ing audience with other texts she has produced. The contrast do not refrain from saying positive things that are relevant. Along
tween generalized and particularized implicatures may not with this assumption there must also be the overarching assump-
be sharply defined. Indeed, most implicatures (even quite tion that the letter writer is attempting to cooperate in spite of
ized ones) probably rely on premises that some community appearances to the contrary.
bers cannot supply (the relatively young, newcomers, and Such indirect communication can be risky. One hears arguments
unusually ill-informed people). Not surprisingly, however, about what a recommender intended to implicate.
attention has been paid to systematizing the account of clear (70) A: She said nothing about his teaching, so she must be
of GCis, although Sperber and Wilson's work does not implying that it is terrible.
real distinction (and offers analyses of many implicatures that B: Oh no, I think she assumes that his teaching is fine unless
and those who have followed him more closely would treat otherwise stated.
In the arguments supporting calculability that we gave As we noted earlier, there can be reasons for choosing such in-
there was tension between maxims but they were not aban direct ways of conveying what one means. One way of being polite
Sometimes, though, maxims are apparently flouted, and yet, is to "pretend" that one means one thing-what one directly
suggests, we still assume that the cooperative principle is in says-while actually conveying something rather different: con-
and we try to infer what the speaker intends to convey on sider (71a) as a way of conveying (71b), purporting to offer the
basis. In such cases we are reading between the lines: addressee a choice of seats while at the genuinely operative level
inferences on the basis of beliefs of the sort embodied in the issuing a directive as to where to sit.
ims about strategies and speaker's purposes. (71) a. Would you like to sit here?
For example, a letter of recommendation for someone b. Sit here, please.
for a faculty position in a linguistics department that consists
Alert children frequently refuse to play this game: their answer to
of (69a) would implicate (69b).
(72a) is (72b).
Speaking, Meaning, and Doing 255

(72) a. Would you like to set the table? or unsophisticated by mockingly imitating them. (There need not
b. No, but I will. actually have been a previous utterance of the type so caricatured.)
After all, to act as if setting the table is what one wants to Thus two lovers might be happily walking in pouring rain, and one
to lose moral credit for having agreed to do it (and to let might say the following in a tone of mock surprise to the other:
requester avoid the debt for having asked to have it done). (73) Why, it seems to be raining. ·
and Levinson (1978) discuss "linguistic universals of poli
What might be meant? Here are some possibilities: that these two
drawing on a general Gricean pragmatic theory.
are above ordinary mortals, who notice such mundane details as
whether it is raining, that they are so elevated because of the gran-
deur of their passion, that they cannot concern themselves with the
Exercise 4 In each of the pairs below sentence (a) conversationally
possible disapproval of more conventional and prosaic souls, and
sentence (b). For each pair, provide a reason for thinking that
so on. The particular inferences to be drawn about the speaker's
implication is not an entailment, and calculate the implic
attitudes cannot be identified simply on the basis of what one
best you can, indicating where contextually specific premises
knows about the language system and about the appropriateness of
to be supplied.
the utterance in the given context. These are cases where what is
(1) a. Joan swung at the ball. conveyed is relatively open-ended: the main aim seems to be sim-
b. Joan missed the ball. ply to evoke a general atmosphere or a family of attitudes.
(2) a. I don't think your solution works. A thorough exploration of indirect and nonliteral uses of lan-
b. I think your solution doesn't work. guage lies outside the scope of this book. We are inclined to be
optimistic, however, that explicit accounts of what expressions lit-
(3) a. Mary brought a man from New York as her guest. erally mean and of the systematic processes of directly implicating
b. The man was not Mary's husband. will help us understand these more complex uses of language. In-
(4) a. I wonder what time it is. directness and figurativeness are in some ways parasitic on canoni-
b. The speaker wants to be told what time it is by the cal situations, where language use is direct and conventional
addressee. (though perhaps less than fully explicit) and where the aims of
communication are the cooperative exchange of information.
(5) a. Jim's research is respected.
Although the details are still far from clear, there continues to be
b. Many people respect Jim's research. considerable interest in the general Gricean idea that to attribute to
(6) a. Jill and Greg went to the movies. others communicative intentions is to have certain expectations
b. Jill and Greg went to the movies together. that can be exploited to enhance communicative ability. This idea
has been especially important in trying to show how the logician's
analysis of the semantic value of certain words and constructions
Many rhetorical strategies and figures of speech depend on can be maintained in the face of evidence that speakers often mean
we called in section 2 multiple levels of speaker meaning. Sp more than the logical analysis itself would seem to warrant. It is
and Wilson (1986) discuss a number of cases. Their analysis also crucial in extending analyses beyond canonical communica-
verbal irony, for example, makes it echoic in much the same tive situations of cooperatively sharing information. Some such
as Larry Horn's pragmatic negation. The point of ironic uH"""T'""'., theory is an essential complement to the kind of truth-conditional
they suggest, is to caricature an echoed utterance by semantic analyses we propose as an analysis of the meaning of
essentially the same locutionary act in a manner designed to disambiguated and contextually specified English sentences.
gest that what such a locution explicitly expresses is inappro
and thus to present those who might utter it as stupid, insensiti

1 Introduction
In this chapter we will explore ways in which intensional
phenomena can be approached from the point of view of truth-
conditional semantics. We will begin by discussing contexts that
appear to resist an analysis in purely extensional terms.

1.1 Intensional contexts

To specify the truth conditions for the sentences in F 2 , we had to
consider only the referential value of their components in a given
situation. Thus, for example, the truth conditions of (la) are speci-
fied in (lb):
(1) a. Pavarotti is boring.
b. (la) is true in viffPavarotti is in the set ofthings that are
boring in v.
To determine the value of (la) in v, we just have to check whether
Pavarotti is in the set that constitutes the extension in v of the
predicate is boring. Individuals and sets, whatever mysteries may
surround theJp., are paradigmatic extensional notions.
We know, however, plenty of constructions that are more com-
plex. Consider, for example, the sentences in (2).
(2) a. Pavarotti is hungry.
b. Pavarotti was hungry.
To know whether (2b) is true in a situation v, it is not sufficient to
know the extension of is hungry in v. The latter knowledge suffices
only to assess the truth value of (2a). To evaluate (2b) in v, we must
know the extension of is hungry in circumstances that occurred
prior to v. Thus if we want to say something about the semantics of
tense, we need more than the extension of expressions in a given
Consider (3) next:
(3) It is possible for John to travel to Russia.
Intensionality 259

To evaluate (3) in a situation v, knowing the extension in v of those of proposition and property, which we discussed informally
travel to Russia will not suffice. Nor will it suffice to know what in chapter 2 in connection with Frege's notion of sense. Now some-
happened before v and what will happen after v. It might be thing that the sentences in (Zb) to (5) all seem to have in common is
John has never traveled to Russia and never will. Yet traveling that they call for a consideration of the extension that expressions
Russia is quite possible for him, while for others perhaps it have in circumstances other than ;the one in which we are evaluat-
Thus the notion of possibility also calls for more than extens ing them. In the case of (Zb) this claim hardly requires further
and it does so in a way that appears to be different from tense, comment. It should also be clear with respect to (3). To claim that
knowing what has been the case or what will be the case does for John to travel is possible we must consider what options John
suffice to assess the truth value of (3). might have. Such options must include some in which John's trav-
Another example is provided by counterfactual condiuv.ua1 ::;. eling takes place. Envisioning a possibility is simply considering an
such as the ones in (4). alternative way in which the world might have been, that is, a
(4) a. If Proust had taken a cruise on the Titanic, the Titanic nonactual circumstance. A similar point can be made in connection
not have sunk. with (4). Conditionals in general invite us to imagine that certain
b. If Proust had taken a cruise on the Titanic, Remembrance hypotheses hold (whether they in fact do or not) and to consider
Things Past would not have been completed, and literature their consequences.
would have suffered a great loss. And something in very much the same vein can also be said
about (5). Consider the ways in which the world could be, the
We are inclined to judge (4a) as false and (4b)
alternative states of affairs that might obtain. We can regard them as
know that in fact Proust never was on the Titanic. Yet the sentences forming a logical space: the space that delimits all the possible
in (4) invite us to consider a situation where he was and make alternatives to the state of affairs in which we in fact are. Belief
a claim as to what follows from that. Clearly, the truth values can be thought of as a way of locating oneself in this logical space.
(4a) and (4b) do not depend on the truth values of the antecedents Accordingly, (5) says that John believes himself to inhabit a region
(or of the consequents), for in both cases the antecedents ( of the logical space where Mary is hungry. He is disposed to act as
the consequents) are both actually false (Proust never cruised on if the actual world were in that region. For example, he may offer
the Titanic, Remembrance of Things Past was completed, and the her something to eat or start cooking a meal for her, etc. His
Titanic sank).
expectations, desires, and so on depend on what it would be like if
Another striking case is provided l;>y sentences like Mary were hungry.
(5) John believes that Mary is hungry. In fact, all predicates that can take that clauses as complements
are amenable to an analysis similar to that just sketched for believe.
Clearly whether (5) is true or not does not depend in any way on
To fear, to hope, and to wish that Mary is hungry can all be thought
the truth value of the embedded clause. John might believe that
of as attitudes in favor of or against those (possibly nonactual) cir-
Mary is hungry, whether she is in fact or not. But we as yet have no
cumstances where Mary is hungry. In chapter 3 we said that dif-
way to assign a more plausible semantic value to the embedded
ferent models might reflect different circumstances or states of
clause in (5). We have argued that the meaning of sentences is
affairs, but the semantic machinery presented there did not allow
related to their truth conditions. On this basis we would expect
us to consider more than one such state of affairs in interpreting a
that John's belief has something to do with the truth conditions of
sentence. Yet a semantic analysis of (2b) to (5) and related con-
the embedded clause, that it is somehow related to the conditions
structions seems to call for consideration in a given circumstance
under which "Mary is hungry" is true. But we are so far unable to
of alternative sets of circumstances, states of affairs, or more pic-
use this idea in providing a compositional semantics for sentences
turesquely, possible worlds.
like (5).
Roughly speaking, a possible but nonactual state of affairs is what
All these constructions are said to be intensional; their analysis
would be the case if some (many, most, or even all) events had dif-
will require sharpening our view of such intensional notions as
ferent outcomes from those that they in fact have. For example, one
Intensionality 261

can imagine a possible state of affairs exactly like the one we are plausible to suppose that their existence is in some sense depen-
except that this text is printed in red rather than in black. dent on, and that their natures must be explained in terms of, those
Lewis (1973, 84) offers a vivid characterization of possible activities" (p. 50). Kripke makes a similar comment: "'Possible
in the following often quoted paragraph: worlds' are stipulated, not discovered by powerful telescopes"
It is uncontroversially true that things might have been ntt'"'""': .. ~ (1972, 267).
than they are. I believe, and so do you, that things could have The human activities on which the existence of possible worlds
different in countless ways. But what does this mean? depends (through which they are stipulated) include using lan-
language permits the paraphrase: there are many ways guage and interpreting expressions. Semantics, as we understand
could have been besides the way they actually are. On the face it, seeks to develop a model (or part of a model) of such activities.
this sentence is an existential quantification. It says that there In fact, using the formal apparatus of possible worlds in semantics
many entities of a certain description, to wit, "ways things has produced some very interesting and nontrivial accounts of
have been." I believe permissible paraphrases of what I various intensional phenomena, and many quite enlightening se-
taking the paraphrase at its face value, I therefore believe in mantic studies have been generated. It certainly seems to us a
existence of entities which might be called "ways things could fruitful hypothesis that our semantic competence can be elucidated
been." I prefer to call them "possible worlds." in this framework. We now turn to introducing the main ideas
underlying possible world semantics.
The formal apparatus of possible worlds, a
applications to semantic questions we discuss later in this <..uouL~:~rc
was introduced in Kripke (1959) as a tool for investigating the 1.2 Possible worlds
A sentence S is semantically associated with a way of dividing cir-
cumstances (or, as we can now say, possible worlds) into two
ture over what assumptions that apparatus requires. In groups: those adequately characterized by S (those in which S is
Lewis's point we do not deny that possible worlds might raise true) and those that are not. This much was implicit in our discus-
metaphysical issues, but we think that the formal apparatus can sion in chapter 2 of the meaning of a sentence as (at least partly)
adopted without resolving these issues, just as we can su'-''-''"'""'uu constituted by its truth conditions (not, you will remember, by its
use the notion of an individual in set theory and logic truth value as such). To understand the content of a sentence "is to
resolving all the thorny problems it raises, for example, the mys- have the capacity to divide the relevant alternatives in the right
teries of criteria for identifying individuals. Such skeptics about way" (Stalnaker 1984, 4). This way of putting it suggests that we
possible worlds as Quine or, more recently, Barwise and Perry have. might identify the content of a sentence, the proposition it
not abandoned set-theoretic methods just because they lack expresses, with the set of circumstances or possible worlds in
quate criteria for identifying individuals (and thus ultimately sets). which it is true, at least as a first approximation. Equivalently, we
Nor should they. can think of a proposition as a function that associates with each
Our position is the following. We find possible worlds an ex- relevant world or circumstance a truth value: true with the worlds
tremely useful tool in understanding meaning. Evaluating in which it is true, false with the others. This is illustrated in figure
notion is a matter of evaluating the role it plays in the various 5.1. The box in figure 5.1 includes all the worlds that we are capa-
enterprises of which it is part, and we should not be misled by the ble of discriminating from one another (with the conceptual
science fiction flavor of the terminology. This is, we think, in the resources available to us). The circle within the box includes all the
same spirit as Stalnaker (1984). Stalnaker argues very strongly that worlds associated with some proposition p. Figure 5.1 illustrates
possible worlds should be regarded as "not concrete objects or how one can also view p as a function from worlds to truth values
situations, but abstract objects whose existence is inferred or rather than as a set. It is easy to see that these two ways of char-
abstracted from the activities of rational agents. It is thus not im- acterizing p are equivalent: given the two sets of worlds, we can
Intensionality 263

On this view, propositions do not appear to be very sentencelike.

. w5 For example, they don't have a subject-predicate structure or con-
stituents of any kind. As Stalnaker puts it (1984, 23), internal
• w6
p structure is taken to be part not of the content of sentences but of
the way in which such content is represented. This seems to go
• w4
against the intuitive picture of propositions that many have.
According to Frege, for example, propositions (the senses of sen-
tences) are the thoughts that sentences express. And it is tempting
to take those thoughts as something like sentences in an internal-
ized language, what Lewis (1970) dubs "mentalese." Indeed, there
are certain sentencelike attributes that we definitely want proposi-
tions to have. For example, we want to be able to say that a propo-
sition entails another proposition, for the content of a sentence may
certainly commit us to the content of another sentence, indepen-
dently of how such contents may be described. We may also want to
conjoin propositions, for the content of two sentences can be con-
joined. And so on. A notion of proposition that did not allow us to
Figure 5.1 make such ideas precise would be pretty useless for doing seman-
tics. Fortunately, even though the notion of possible circumstances
construct the function from worlds to truth values and vice is nowhere close to having the rich structure of sentences, it does
(see the appendix for the notion of the characteristic function of allow us to define the structural properties that propositions should
set). Thus we will feel free to switch from one characterization definitely have in terms of elementary set-theoretic operations, as
the other. sketched in (7). (See the appendix for an explanation of set-
To accommodate temporal discourse, we will want to .._,v,_..-a-uta theoretic concepts and notation.) Let p and q be subsets of W
not just possible worlds, but possible worlds at different times. (where W is the set of all possible circumstances).
Thus our logical space can be represented as having (at least) two (7) a. p entails q =df p <;; q
coordinates, as illustrated below: b. pis equivalent to q =df p = q (that is, p <;; q and q <;; p)
(6) Worlds c. p and q are contradictory =df p n q = 0 (there is no
circumstance in which p and q are both true)
W3 d. --,p =df {wE W: w ¢ p} (the worlds in which pis not true)
Wz e. p A q =df p n q = {wE W : wE p and wE q}
w1 f. p V q =df p U q {WE W : WE p or WE q}
g. p is possible =df p =I= 0 ( p is nonempty; there is at least
Times i1 iz i3
one circumstance in which it is true)
Propositions are to be construed as (possibly noncontinuous) h. pis necessary =df p = W (there is no circumstance in
regions of this logical space, as sets of world-time pairs. From now which pis false)
on, we will use circumstance to indicate a world-time pair, and we
All the notions in (7) were previously defined on sentences. Now
will accordingly talk of propositions as sets of circumstances or as
we have a language-independent characterization of sentence con-
functions from circumstances to truth values. We will nevertheless
tent with respect to which they can be defined, a characterization
still refer to the semantics we are describing here as possible world
that, even if very simple, will enable us to attempt a semantic
Intensionality 265

analysis of sentences like (Zb) to (5). So the present view does Table 5.1 Fregean semantics and possible world semantics
tice to the intuition that propositions should have a certain
of structure. In fact, if we could give a satisfactory account of
tences like (Zb) through (5), that would constitute evidence that
structure that the present theory assigns to propositions is
what is called for.
In other ways as well the notion of a proposition that we Fregean semantics
considering is not as far from Frege's notion of sense as it might
first appear to be. In general, senses, according to Frege, are the
in which reference is given. Yet he didn't characterize much VP is hungry Property Set of individuals
ther the notion of sense (and more specifically the notion of s It rains. Thought Truth value
osition or thought). However, given that the reference of a u~-·LL~·UL NP the president Individual concept Individual
for him is its truth value, its sense (the thought associated with
must be the way in which the truth value is given. Functions
mathematical constructs that can be thought of as repres Possible world semantics

ways of giving things as they depend on something else. Hence,

represent senses as functions would seem appropriate. The Set of individuals
VP is hungry Function from possible
tion is, then, What is the input of sense functions? What do s circumstances to sets
depend on? In particular, what do the senses of sentences s It rains, Function from possible Truth value
on? Well, if their reference is a truth value, it must depend on circumstances to truth values
might be the case, the circumstance that one is envisioning. NP the president Function from possible Individual
circumstances to individuals
then Frege's notion of thought becomes just what we have: a
tion from circumstances into truth values. The notion of a proposi-
tion that we are considering can be seen as at least a partial
This constitutes a precise and simple characterization of the kind
rendering of Frege's notion of a thought (though Frege may well
have had more in mind). of objects that Frege and others thought are necessary for doing. se-
mantics. A few comments are perhaps in order. We are not clmm-
Similar considerations can be applied to other kinds of Fregean
ing that sets of worlds are what propositions really are. We claim
senses. For example, the reference or extension of a predicate like
only that sets of worlds have got the right structure to do ~hat we
is hungry is a set; the corresponding sense, the way in which the
think propositions do: mediate between sentences and then truth
extension is presented, is what Frege thought of as a property. In
conditions. A crucial component of our semantic competence,
our terms, properties can be thought of as functions from possible
what we understand when we understand the content of a sen-
circumstances to sets: the property of being hungry is a function
tence, is our capacity to match sentences and situations. Functions
that in any circumstance <w, i) tells us what is the set of things that
from worlds to truth values can be regarded as an abstract way of
have the property of being hungry in w. Frege also thought that
characterizing such a capacity.
singular terms like the president have individuals as their exten-
From a slightly different perspective, we can regard meaning in a
sion (or reference) and what he called individual concepts as their
Saussurean way as a relation between sentence types and the type
intensions. Again, we can reconstruct individual concepts as func-
of circumstances that they describe, along the lines already dis-
tions from possible circumstances to individuals: the individual
cussed in chapter 3. We represent the former as phrase markers of
concept associated with the president would yield at a circum-
some kind and the latter as sets of points in a bidimensional space.
stance <w,i), the individual that falls under that concept in <w,i).
Speakers of the language are attuned to such a relation; their inter-
All this can be summed up as shown in table 5.1.
actions with the environment can be accounted for on the basis of
Intensionality 267

it. There is, of course, no denying that part of what mostly by pedagogical considerations. In reading what follows, the
(part of their being attuned to the right meaning) is to form a reader should bear in mind that other options are available. As
resentation of what is spoken about. The present approach suggested by the discussion above, we will include both possible
specify the exact form of this representation. It specifies the worlds and times in the semantics for IPC.
ture that any such representation must have in order to be a The syntactic rules for IPC are the same as those of PC (see the
sentation of what we talk about: ways in which the world can recursive formulation in (15), chap. 3, pp. 96-97), with the follow-
To specify how we mentally represent what we grasp in ing addition:
standing a sentence seems feasible only if there is a sp~~.,.u...,,auuu
(8) If 1/J is a formula, then so are orjJ (to be read "it is necessarily the
what we grasp. Moreover, if our characterization of what we
case that 1/J"), ()1/J (to be read "it is possibly the case that 1/J"), PI/J
works (that is, gets the truth conditions of natural language
("it was the case that 1/J") and FI/J ("it will be the case that 1/J").
tences right), this cannot fail to constrain dramatically what
mental representation of such content can be. A good ( These new operators-o, (), P, and F -can be used to model some
leading) representation will reflect faithfully the structure of of the intensional contexts discussed in section 1 (in particular
it represents, and in the absence of evidence to the contrary, those having to do with tenses and with VPs like is possible or is
have no reason to suppose that our internalized representations necessmy). In virtue of (8), in addition to containing all the well-
bad ones. Differently put, the structure of a good represen formed formulas of PC, IPC will also contain formulas like those
will be isomorphic to the structure of its content. in (9).
This metaphor could be and has been made more precise
(9) a. o:Jx[P(x)]
much work on formal semantics (for example, Montague (1973)
subsequent work inspired by this article). But rather than
, c.Vx[P(x) --) FP(x)]
this line, it ~s handier to try to explain ourselves further by
d.P Vx[P(x)]
of an example. We have just seen that propositions as
e.[PP(x) v P(x) v FP(x)]
above have a certain structure: they can be conjoined, \I
f. goVx[P(x)]
and negated, where conjunction, disjunction, and negation are
g. --,P[P(j)]
lated in a certain way. Technically, they form what is known as
h. P--,[P(j)]
Boolean algebra (see the appendix). A faithful representation
propositions will contain operators that impose on the T'<>Tw<>coT•+<•- A model for IPC is going to include a set of individuals U and an
tion itself the same structure that propositions have (that is, it interpretation function for the constants V (just like a model for
will form a Boolean algebra). This leads to the claim that a PC). But since we are in an intensional setting, a model for IPC will
of semantic representations forms a Boolean algebra at some also include a set of worlds W and a set of times I, ordered by an
a nontrivial claim: not all systems have this structure. earlier than relation<, and the interpretation function Vwill assign
It is now time to make these ideas more concrete by putting intensions to constants. For any constant a, V(a) is a function from
to work. We first develop an artificial language (an extension of circumstances into extensions of the appropriate kind. So for any
that accommodates modal and temporal contexts, and then "'""'~"'rt' circumstance (w,i), V(a) applied to (w,i), i.e., V(a) ((w,i)), is a's
a (fairly standard) possible world semantics for it. We then go on extension. More explicitly:
apply the techniques so developed to a semantic analysis of English. (10) (W, I,<, U, V), where the following constraints hold:
a. W is a set of worlds.
b. I is a set of instants ordered by the relation <. (Fori, i' in I,
2 IPC: An Elementary Intensional Logic
i < i' is to be read "i precedes i'," or colloquially, "i is
There are many ways of designing an intensional predicate cal- earlier than i'.")
culus (IPC). Our choices are motivated, as throughout this work, c. U is a domain of individuals.
Intensionality 269

d. Vis a function that assigns an intension to the c h. If 1/t P¢, then [ 1/t]M, w,i,g = 1 iff there exists an i' E I such
IPC. In particular, if fJ is an individual constant of IPC that i' < i and [rp]M,w,i',g = 1.
is a function from W x I (= { <w, i) : w E W and i E I}) to i. If 1/t = F¢, then [1/t]M,w,i,g = 1 iff there exists ani' E I such
so for any wE WandiE I, V(fJ)(<w,i)) E U. If fJ is a that i < i' and [rjJ]M, w,i',g = 1.
place predicate of IPC, V(fJ) is a function from W x I to
Apart from the explicit relativization to worlds and times, the
sets of elements of U; that is, for any wE W and i E I,
interpretation function is essentially the same as the one familiar
V(fJ)( <w, i)) <;: U (or equivalently, V(fJ)( <w, i)) E &(U)).
from PC. Strictly, in IPC (as in PC) we have only up to three-place
fJ is a two-place predicate, then V(fJ) is a function from
predicates, and thus clause (c) is too general. However, such excess
W x I to sets of ordered pairs of elements of U; that is,
generality might be desirable, for at some point we might want to
any wE WandiE I, V(fJ)( <w,i)) <;: U x U (or equi
introduce in IPC relations that take more arguments, without hav-
V(fJ)( <w, i)) E &(U x U)). In general, if fJ is ann-place
ing to revise the interpretive procedure each time. The real novelty
predicate ofiPC, V(fJ) is a function from W xI to &(U
with respect to the comparison with PC comes from clauses (f)
where un = u X ... X U, n times.
through (i), which assign an interpretation to the modal and tem-
A value assignment to variables will be a function g from poral operators of IPC. Clause (f) can be regarded as a formaliza-
to individuals, as before. There are some intensional logics tion of the Leibnizian idea that a sentence is necessarily true in a
assignment functions are also relativized to worlds, but this given circumstance iff it is true in every possible circumstance.
to technical complications that we want to avoid at this point. According to (g), a sentence is possibly true iff there exists at least
We now recursively define the notion of an interpretation of one possible circumstance in which it is true. So necessity is
expression of IPC. The interpretation function [ ] will be interpreted as universal quantification over circumstances (or
tivized not only to a model M of the form described in (10) and world-time pairs), and possibility as existential quantification over
assignment to variables g but also to a world w and a time i. circumstances. The interpretation of the temporal operators should
interpret modal and temporal operators, we have to consider also be fairly transparent, and it's due, in the form we have
intensions of expressions involved, or what under the ~~.nnn.~ adopted, to A. Prior (1967). According to (h), a sentence ofthe form
analysis amounts to the same thing, we have to consider how "It was the case that fJ" is true iff there is a moment that precedes
extension of expressions varies across different the time of evaluation at which fJ is true. For the present purposes
Thus our interpretation function [ ] must enable us to ""''"'"'a"'" we can assume that the time at which we evaluate a sentence is the
such a variation directly, hence its relativization to "'"·rnm time of utterance, although in the long run this assumption will
(world-time pairs). have to be revised (see, for example, Kamp 1971). So sentences are
(11) a. IffJ is a constant, [fJ]M,w,i,g = V(fJ)(<w,i)). generally evaluated with respect to the actual world at the time of
b. If fJ is a variable, [fJ]M, w,i,g = g(fJ). utterance (relative to a model). This approach tries to model (in a
C. If fJ = o(t1, ... , tn), then [fJ]M,w,i,g = 1 iff still very approximate way) the way tense seems to function in
<[tt]M, w,i,g, ... , [tn]M, w,i,g) E [o]M, w,i,g. natural language. When we say, "Bond kissed Loren," we do not
d. Ifl/t = •¢, then [1/t]M,w,i,g = 1 iff [rjJ]M,w,i,g = 0. Similarly seem to refer explicitly to a particular time. As participants in a
the other connectives (v, A,____,, +--+ ). speech act, we have access to what the time of utterance is, and
e. If 1/t = Vx¢, then [1/t]M,w,i,g = 1 iff for all u E U, the past morpheme in kissed signals that the event in question
[rjJ]M, w,i,g[u/x] = 1. Similarly for the existential quantifier. occurred before the time of utterance. Similarly, in IPC the past
f. If 1/t = o ¢, then [ 1/t]M, w,i,g = 1 iff for all w' E Wand all i' E I, temporal operator does not explicitly refer to a particular past time
[rjJ]M,w',i',g = 1. but directs us to evaluate the sentence for times before the time of
g. If 1/t = () ¢, then [ 1/t]M, w, i,g = 1 iff there exists at least one utterance. The future tense operator works the same way, but for
w' E W and one i' E I such that [rjJ]M, w',i',g = 1. times that follow the time of utterance.
Intensionality 271

The definitions oftruth, validity, entailment, and equivalence We also need to select an assignment to variables. Let us take the
straightforward extensions of the familiar ones: following:
(12) a. A formula tf; is true in a model M with respect to a world
and a time i iff for any assignment g, [ tf; ]M, w,i,g = 1.
b. A formula tf; is valid iff for any model M, any world w,
any time i, tf; is true in M with respect to wand i.
c. A formula tf; entails a formula rjJ iff for any model M, any
world w, any time i, and any assignment g, if [tf;]M,w,i,g == Now we will consider a few examples. We will consider three
then [r/J]M, w,i,g = 1. simple formulas that contain the necessity operator. As there are
six circumstances in M4 , in order to compute the truth values of our
d. A set offormulas Q = {t/1 1 , ... , t/Jn} entails a formula rjJ iff
formulas we will typically have to compute it six times (one for
any model M, any world w, any time i, and any ass"n"'"ic;u
g, if [tf;JM,w,i,g = 1 for all t/Ji in Q, then [r/J]M,tv,i,g = 1. each world-time pair). As usual, we set apart computation of
truth conditions from computation of truth values. The first for-
e. Two formulas tf; and rjJ are equivalent iff they entail each
mula contains no quantifier, the other two do and illustrate the
interaction between the modal operator and the existential quanti-
We might familiarize ourselves more with an intensional fier. The truth conditions of the third formula will require us to
tics of this kind by providing a specific model and evaluating a look for something that is in the extension of P in every world.
formulas in it. Even if we try to keep things as concise as pass We try all the individuals in the domain and we see that none of
it rapidly becomes very long and tedious to specify completely them is in Pin all the worlds. Hence we conclude that the formula
model for IPC. So we will compromise and explicitly assign is false.
interpretation to just one one-place predicate P, and two indi
constants m and j of IPC. This will suffice for the purpose of
tration. The model M4 , a variant of a model in Dowty, Wall, The truth conditions of oP(m) relative to M4 in w", at i', relative to 94
Peters (1981, 113), contains two worlds, w' and w", and
(a) [oP(m)]M w",i',g, = 1 iff for all WE W4 and i E 14, [P(m)]M,, w,i,g,

instants i', i", and i"' (ordered i' < i" < i"'). The intensions of P = 1 By (11!)
m are given in the form of matrices and should be s (b) For all wE w4 and i E 14, [P(m)]M,, w,i,g4 = 1 iff
V(m)((w,i)) E V(P)((w,i)) By (11c) and (11a)
(13) M4 = <W4,14, <4, U4, V4), where (c) [ oP(m)]M,, w",i',g, = 1 iff for all wE W4 and i E14 , V(m)( (w, i))
a. w4 = {w', w"}, 14 = {i',i",i"'}, E V(P)((w,i)) By (a), (b)
<4 = {<i',i"),<i",i"'),<i',i"')}, u4 = {a,b,c}
b. V4(j) is a constant function such that for any wE W4 and The truth value of oP(m) relative to M4 in w", at i', relative to 94
i E 14 , V 4 (j)( <w,
i)) =a. Furthermore, (i) [P(m)]M,, w',i',g, = 1 iff a E {a, b, c }, which is the case
(ii) [P(m)]M4, w',i",g.. = 1 iff a E {a, b}, which is the case

V, (m) ~ ::' ~--:J____L:_ (iii)

[P(m)]M,, w',i'",g4 = 1 iff c E { c }, which is the case
[P(m)]M,, w",i',g, = 1 iff bE { b, c }, which is the case
(v) [P(m)]M,,w",i",g.. = 1 iff bE {a, b}, which is the case
i' i" i"' (vi) [P(m)]M,, w",im,g.. = 1 iff a E {a}, which is the case

V4 (P) = w" {b, c} {a,b} {a}

(d) [oP(m)]M,,w",i',g, = 1 By (c) and (i) through (vi)
w' {a,b,c} {a,b} {c}
i' i" jill
Intensionality 273

The truth conditions of 3xoP{x) relative to M4 in w", at i 111 , relative to 94 Exercise 1 Evaluate the following sentences in M4 in the worlds and at the
(a) [o3xP(x)]M,,w",i"',g, = 1 iff for all WE W4 and j E 14, [3xP(x)]M,,w,i,g, times indicated:
= 1 By (11/)
(b) For all wE w4 and i E 14, [3xP(x)]M,, w,i,g, = 1 iff for some u E u (1) (9c) (w',i'), (w",i'), (w",i")
[P(x)]M,,w,i,g,[u/x] = 1 By (11e) 4,
(2) (9d) (w",i'), (w',i'"), (w",i")
(c) For all w E.W4 and i E 14 and for some u E U4, [P(x)]M.,w,i,g,[ufx] =
iff [u]M,,w,,,g.[u/x] E [P]M4 ,w,i,g4 [u/x] By (1lc) 1
(3) (9e) (w",i'), (w',i")
(d) For all w ~ W4 and i E 14 and for some u E U4, [ u]M,, w,i,g,[ufx]
E [P]M,, w,,,g,[u/x] iff g4[ujx](x) E V(P)( (w, i)) By (11a) (4) (9/) (w",i 111 ), (w',i')
(e) For all wE w4 and i E 14 and for some u E u4, g4[ujx](x)
E V(P)( (w, i)) iff for all wE W4 and i E 14 and for some u E U
(5) FP-.P(j) (w",i'), (w",i"), (w",i"')
u E V(P)( (w, i)) By de£. of g4[ujx] '
(f) [ o3xP(x)]M•, w",i'",g, = 1 iff for all wE W4 and i E 14 and for some (6) -.F-.P(j) (w', i'), (w", i'), (w', i"')
UE U4, UE V(P)((w,i)) From(a) and(e)
(7) -.P-.P(j) (w',i"'), (w",i"'), (w",i')
This ends the computation of the truth conditions. As for the truth valu
of ~3xP(x) relative to .M4 in w", at i 111 , relative to g4 , we note that (f) re~ (8) OFP(j) (w 11 ,i 111 )
qmres that the extensiOn of P be nonempty in any of the circumstances
of the model; by inspection we immediately see that this is so. (9) o ()FP(j) (w",i"')
(10) 'r/x()P(x) (w",i"')
(11) 'r/x[P(x) ~ FP(x)] (w',i 111 ), (w",i 111 )
The truth conditions of 3xoP(x) relative to M4, in w", at i'", relative to 94 (12) ooP(m)'~'\ (w',i")

(a) [3xoP(x)]M,,w",i"',g, = 1 iff for some u E u4, [oP(x)]M,,w",i"',g,[u/x] (13) Vx[P(x) ~ o[P(x) v PP(x)]] (w',i"'), (w",i"')
= 1 By (11e)
(b) For some UE u4, [oP(x)]M,,w",i"',g,[u/x] = 1 ifffor all WE 1iV: and (14) ()D () 'r/x[P(x) ~X= j] (w", i')
i E 14, [P(x)]M,,w,i,g.[ujx] = 1 By (11!) 4

(c) For some u E U4, for all wE w4 and i E 14, [P(x)]M., w,i,g,[ujx] = 1 (15) 3xo[x = j] (w",i')
iff u E V(P)( (w, i)) By (11a-c) and de£. of g4[ujx]
(16) 3xo[x = m] (w",i')
(d) [3xoP(x)]M4 ' w",i"',g, = 1 iff for some u E U4, for all wE w4 and i E 14, I,
u E V(P)((w,i)) From (a) and (c) (17) ~()-.'r/x[P(x) ~PP(x)] (w", i'), (w', i")
This completes computation of the truth conditions. "

For the truth value, we try out the three different individuals in The semantics associated with IPC allows us to study the struc-
our domain. tural relationships that hold among various operators (thereby
(i) [oP(x)]M,,w"',i",g,[a/x] = 0, since a¢ V(P)(w" i') bringing into sharper focus the notions that such operators are
(ii) [oP(x)]M,,w"',i",g,[b/x] = 0, since b ¢ V(P)(w',,i'") designed to express).
(iii) [oP(x)]M,,w"',i",g,[c/x] = 0, since c ¢ V(P)(w',i")
The necessity and the possibility operators are related as in (14):
(14) a. ol/f <c---+-,()-.l/1 (cf. 'r/xP(x) <c--+-,3x-.P(x))
(e) [3xoP(x)]M.,w",i"',g• = 0 From (d) and (i) to (iii)
b. ()l/J <c--+-,0-.l/J (cf. 3xP(x) <c--+-,'r/x-.P(x))
It is easy to see that our semantics makes ( 14a, b) valid no matter
how l/1 is instantiated. If l/1 is true in every world, then it is not the
case that there exists a world where l/J is false, and vice versa. 1
Thus, the relation between o and () is directly parallel to the one
Intensionality 275

between V and 3, as indicated by the formulas in parentheses (16) a. 3x<;>P(x)

(14a, b). In technical terms, one is the dual of the other. It isn't b. 03xP(x)
to see where this parallelism comes from: necessity and p
are semantically interpreted in terms of universal and (17) a. VxoP(x)
quantifications, respectively, over circumstances. Bringing b. o'VxP(x)
nonobvious parallelism between quantifiers and modal (18) a. 'VxOP(x)
(whether they are construed as adverbs, as in "Necessarily, b. O'VxP(x)
will be fired," as auxiliarlike verbs, as in "John must leave," or
sentential predicates, as in "For John to leave is impossible") According to the semantics that we have given, (15a) entails (15b).
one of the interesting features of the present semantics, a For if something, say u, has property Pin every world, then 3xP(x)
that has several consequences. In particular, o will behave just will be true in every world (since assigning u to x will make P(x)
V, and 0 like 3, with respect to-t, A, and v. For example, we true in every world). On the other hand, (15b) does not entail (15a).
that Vx(P(x) _, Q(x)] entails [VxP(x) _, VxQ(x)] but not vice In fact, M4 is a model that makes (15b) true and (15a) false. This
By the same token, o(lj! _, ¢] entails (olj! _, o¢] but not vice versa. corresponds to the fact that formulas of the form Vx3 ylj! are entailed
by, but do not entail, 3yVxlj!. It should not be hard to see that (16a)
and ( 16b) entail one another (compare the validity of 3x3 ylj! <-+
Exercise 2 Convince yourself of the last claim. Show, furthermore, that ( 3y3xlj!). Our semantics also makes (17a) and (17b) equivalent. This
entails (1b) and vice versa, and that (2b) entails (2a) but not is perhaps less intuitively obvious. The key to understanding why
versa. ( 17 a, b) come out equivalent is to notice that we quantify over
the whole domain in every world, or what amounts to the same
(1) a. o(lj!A¢]
thing, that the things over which we quantify are drawn from
b. Dlj!AD¢
the same set in every world. Thus if every u E U necessarily has
(2) a. o[lj! v ¢] property P, then in every world, every u E U will have property P.
b. olj!vo¢ This corresponds to the validity of Vx'Vylj! <-+ Vy'Vxlj!. The formula
oVxP(x) <-+ VxoP(x), known in the literature as the Carnap-Barcan
What are the entailment relations that hold between the
formula, can be invalidated by a semantics that assigns different
in (3) through (5)?
domains of quantification to different worlds. Such a semantics
(3) a. <>[!J! -t ¢] would have to be more complex than the one we have got. Finally,
b. <>!J! -t <>¢ it is easy to see that (18b) entails (18a) but not vice versa, for if
(4) a. O(lj!A¢] there exists one world where every u E U is P, then every u E U is
b. <>!J! 1\ <>¢ such that there exists a world where it is P, but not the other way
(5) a. O[lj! v¢]
Another aspect of the semantics of IPC is that it does not validate
b. <>!J! v <>¢ inferring (19b) from (19a):
(19) a. oP(m)
Further interactions between modal operators and quantifiers b. 3xoP(x)
be observed by looking at the following formulas. If m is necessarily P, it does not follow that some u in U has prop-
(15) a. 3xoP(x) erty Pin every world, since the individual that m picks out can be
b. o3xP(x) different in every world. In fact, M4 (given in (13)) is a model where
(19a) is true but (19b) false. The failure of the inference from (19a)
Intensionality 277

to (19b) is symptomatic of intensional (or, as they are also A number of different modal logics have this feature. The inference
opaque or oblique) contexts. Only if some constant c refers to from (21a) to (21b) remains valid in normal modal systems where
same entity in every world will we be able to draw the inference the accessibility relation is reflexive (each world is accessible from
question. This can be expressed as follows: itself).
There are other ways to impose·structure on the set of worlds in
(20) [3xo[x = c]----+ [oF( c)----+ 3xoP(x)]]
order to explore varieties of necessity and related notions. Analysis
where c is a metavariable ranging over individual constants of of conditionals such as those in (22) offers an example.
Kripke (1972) called expressions that satisfy condition (20)
( 22) a. If you drop that glass, it will break.
designators and argued that proper names in natural
b. If John had played, our team would have won.
rigidly refer, which might explain our feeling of uneasiness
c. If the Americans destroyed their nuclear arsenal, the
the claim that saying something like (19a) should not commit
Russians would destroy theirs.
to (19b). In model M4 for IPC, j is a rigid designator, but m is
An expression like Miss America is clearly not a rigid des· Clearly, the connection between antecedent and consequent in
and in fact while "In every world and at every time, Miss (22a-c) is much stronger than what the ordinary truth function ----+
is Miss America" is certainly true "Some person u is such that can capture. The consequent is somehow a necessary consequence
is Miss America in every world and at every time" is of the antecedent under a certain set of implicit assumptions
false. generally associated with conditionals. For example, in uttering
Another feature of our semantics is that it makes (21a) and ( something like (22a), we assume that the glass is not being
equivalent. dropped on soft material (that it is not dropped into a net); we
further assume that no one is going to catch it before it reaches the
(21) a. o ()ljf
floor, etc. Similar "everything else being equal" conditions appear
b. ()ljf
to be associated with (22b) and (22c). This notion of normal back-
The inference from (21a) to (21b) is an instance of the ground assumptions can be fleshed out using the idea that possible
schema according to which if ljJ is possible in all possible worlds, worlds may resemble one another in various respects. We can try
must be possible in the particular world where it is evaluated. to formulate more adequate truth conditions for something like
other direction can be thought of as saying that if something can (22a) by saying that it would be true in a world w iff all the worlds
seen as possible from the vantage point of the world where it where the antecedent is true and that most closely resemble ware
evaluated, or true in one of the worlds being considered, then it such that the consequent is also true. Thus the notion of rele-
be seen as possible from any world at all. Since our models for vant background is analyzed in terms of a notion of similarity
offer only an unstructured set of possible worlds, any member among worlds. This is one illustration of how the set of worlds
that set is seen as possible from any other. Every world is ace might be structured more finely than what we have been assuming
from every other, and both directions of inference are valid. This here. They can be more or less similar to one another. While
fine if we are talking about logical necessity and possibility, there is no uniquely defined notion of similarity, there is a family
certain other kinds of necessity and possibility (practical ne of plausible conditions that such a notion should meet. This en-
and possibility, for example) seem to work somewhat differen ables one to provide fairly articulate semantic analyses of condi-
Kripke (1963) developed the idea that different semantic tionals that can be tested against the entailment patterns they give
ceptions of necessity and possibility (different kinds of m rise to (see, for example, Stalnaker 1968 or Lewis 1973). Whatever
can be elucidated by ~xamining different constraints on the its ultimate outcome, this approach has proven to be extremely
sibility relation between worlds. The inference from (21b) to ( fruitful.
might fail, for example, if some possibility is accessible from Many of the above considerations can be easily applied to tem-
world (say, the world in which ljJ is evaluated) but not from poral operators. For example, it is fairly easy to check the equiva-
Intensionality 279

lence of (23a) and (23b), which is parallel to the equi How are such facts to be explained? There exists a substantial and
(16a) and (16b). constantly growing body of work in the area of temporal semantics,
which we cannot report on here. 2
(23) a. 3xFP(x)
The variety of intensional logics that have been and are currently
b. F3xP(x)
being studied is vast, and applicatio,ns proposed for such logics are
Furthermore, we can define duals ofF and P as shown in ( both numerous and diverse. Within the limits of the present work
it is impossible to discuss even just those that have been claimed
(24) a. Gt/J =df'F't/1
to have linguistic applications. The application of an intensional
b. Ht/J =df'P't/J
semantics to English that we develop in what follows, though still
On the basis of the semantics for the future tense operator, extremely rudimentary, will illustrate what some of the issues
newly defined operator G will mean something like it will involved are.
be the case that or always in the future, while H will mean
thing like it has always been the case that. The behavior of G
H is essentially parallel to that of o, as they amount to Some Intensional Constructions in English
quantifiers restricted to future and past instants respectively. This section is devoted to a discussion of three major intensional
The structure that we have assigned to time is extremely constructions in English: tense, modals, and sentence-embedding
mentary. Many different questions can be raised in this conne verbs.
For example, is time adequately modeled as potentially ~•c'""'u
which we have not ruled out here, or must it be treated as dens
That is, in doing semantics must we assume that given any 3.1 Tense
instants, we can always find an intermediate one? Again, is Sentences in natural languages typically contain temporal infor-
semantically adequate to think of each world as having only mation. Often such information is expressed either through bound
fully determinate future, or is it better to allow for several morphemes, as with the past tense in English (see (27a)), or through
futures? And so on. By imposing further structure on the times modals, as with the future in English (see (27b)).
our model, we can explore which patterns of entailment will
(27) a. John arrived.
validated for temporal notions. Conversely, finding one set
b. John will arrive.
entailments rather than another will impose various constraints
the structure of time in our model. Many interesting and uuuLoo.u Information about time can be also be carried by adverbial modi-
semantic puzzles are raised by the interaction of tense and fiers of various sorts:
expressions that we can observe in English and other natural (28) John arrived yesterday/at two o'clock/on February 4.
guages. For example, the past progressive and the simple past
English have a complex relation to one another. Sentence (2 Here we will focus on the temporal information coded in the main
entails (25b), but (26a) does not entail (26b). verb of a (finite) clause. If we try to apply the semantics for tense
developed in section 2 to English, we run into an immediate prob-
(25) a. Joan was pushing a cart.
lem. Tense in IPC is a sentential operator. Its semantics instructs us
b. Joan pushed a cart. to evaluate whole sentences at past or future times. Yet in natural
(26) a. Mary was crossing the street. languages we tend to find temporal information attached to the
b. Mary crossed the street. verb. Now think about trying to formulate some systematic inter-
pretive procedure for interpreting English tense. As we have seen,
To see that we do not have an entailment relation in (26), consider
it must have the form of a recursive definition of some sort, with
that a truck might hit Mary while she's in the middle of the street
Intensionality 281

syntactic structures as inputs. Suppose that we state the (30) TP

bottom-up, starting from the leaves of syntactic trees, the way
did for F 2 • If we have tensed verbs, we are going to hit the
morpheme as soon as we hit the verb, as illustrated in the
~ T VP
(29) s

~ VP
I arrive
The categoriallabel TP stands for "Tense Phrase" and replaces the
more traditional label S, although in discussing issues not related
to tense we will often revert to using S instead of TP. Following
I I current practise (see, e.g., Haegeman 1990 or any other curr_ent
Bond kissed Loren syntax textbook), we will call TP the maximal projection ofT. T i~
an intermediate projection ofT. The subject in (30) is adjoined toT
But we will not be able to use the corresponding semantic
(in what is often referred to as the specifier position of the clause).
mation at that point, for that information concerns the whole
Things like FUT or PAST are to be thought of as proxy for modals or
tence. So we somehow have to store the information conveyed
bound temporal morphemes. In English, FUT is spelled out as the
tense while we interpret the rest of the sentence, pretend that
modal will. PAST is spelled out as -ed. Since PAST (unlike will) is a
are dealing with a tenseless verb, and retrieve the information
bound morpheme, it will eventually have to attach to the verbal
we have interpreted the whole sentence. It should be clear
head (via, e.g., a process of incorporation of V into T), and its ulti-
defining our interpretive procedure top-down (that is, starting
mate realization will be morphologically conditioned. For example,
the root of the tree) will not help: we simply run into the
the sequence PAST-arrive is spelled out as arrived, whereas PAST-
image of the same problem. We want to employ temporal
give is spelled out as given. The details of these processes do not
tion at the S level, yet that information is just not there. We seem
seem to be semantically relevant and thus do not concern us here
have a mismatch between syntax and semantics.
(but see, e.g., Pollock 1989 or Belletti 1990 for discussion of some
There are many different approaches that are being explored
of the morphosyntactic issues). Languages may vary as to just how
this connection. Tense interacts in complicated ways with
tense is expressed in finite clauses. Some languages may lack some
auxiliary system, inflectional morphemes, and negation, and
tenses. In fact, there are languages (e.g., Chinese) that are described
treatment involves addressing questions that are central to
as completely lacking tense as discussed here; in such languages
overall organization of the grammar. The fragment that we
temporal information is carried by adverblike modifiers and by
going to present should be taken just for what it is: a pedag
what are called aspectual morphemes. 3 Although developed ex-
tool to illustrate some of the issues associated with the semantics
plicitly for dealing with tense morphemes, some of the techniques
tense in natural languages.
discussed below will be relevant to the analysis of temporal seman-
tics in such languages as well.
3.1.1 Tense as a functional category In the spirit of much recent
Now while some story along the present lines may be adequate to
let us assume that there are three main tenses-PRES, FUT,
characterize the syntax and morphology of English tense, the com-
PAST-and that they are introduced as heads of a functional cate-
positional interpretation of structures like (30) is problematic for
gory T. Accordingly, the structure of a clause would look
the reasons discussed above in considering (29). If tense operates
as follows:
semantically on formulas (i.e., things that are true or false), we
Intensionality 283

must assume that in English it operates on clauses. This means Given Logical Forms for temporal expressions like (31), the job of
a structure like (30) cannot be interpreted as is (unless we devise semantics becomes quite easy. The interpretation of every expres-
interpretive procedure fancier than the one pursued so far). sio~ will be relativized to worlds and times (besides, of course,
could this structure be modified to yield something more models and assignments). For example, [arrive]M, w,i,g will be the
interpretable? One possibility is to assume that the temporal set of people that arrive in w at tim13 i. Strictly speaking, we need
moves up, yielding a structure like (31a). only instants and their ordering to interpret tenses and could man-
age without possible worlds. However, no harm is going to result
(31) a. TP b.
from introducing worlds now, and we will do so to make it easier to

~TP p
provide various extensions to modalities in subsequent sections.
The interpretation of the inner TP in (31a) is the obvious one,

namely (33):
NP NP (33) TP

~~T = 1

I arrive
FUT John John ed John
Structure (31a) is derived from (30) by adjoining T to its own iff [John ]M,w,i,g E [arrive ]M,w,i,g
jection TP; (31a) can be regarded as the LF of sentence (30). We are going to assume that there is no semantic rule corre-
simplify things, we are assuming that movement of the sponding to the syntactic rule in ( 32b). This means that phrases of
head leaves no traces, as such traces would be interpretively inert. the form [t T VP] are not interpretable as such, much as, under our
But nothing hinges on this. A variant of our T -raising approach is current assumptions, quantified NPs cannot be interpreted in situ.
to think that the temporal morpheme as such has no meaning, but In the latter case this forces QR. In the present case it forces raising
requires the presence of a matching (phonologically null) tense of tense, via (32c). The interpretation of tense operators then
operator adjoined to its projection, as illustrated in (31b). Yet an- becomes straightforward:
other strategy is to adopt the so called VP-internal-subject hypoth-
(34) [FUT TP]M,w,i,g = 1 ifffor some i' such that i < i',
esis, i.e., the idea that the subject originates within the VP and is
[TP]M, w,i',g = 1
then moved up to the specifier position of TP. At LF, the subject
would be "reconstructed" in its base position for interpretive pur- Applied to LF (31a), this assigns to sentence (30) the intuitively
poses. Whichever route one chooses, the end result doesn't change. correct truth conditions that "John will arrive" is true at time i just
At the point where semantic interpretation takes place, we wind up in case there is a time i' after i at which John arrives. The interpre-
with structures that for our purposes are just like those in (31). In tation of the past tense is analogous, except that the time of the ar-
these structures, tense operates on a clause and works essentially rival has to precede the evaluation time. The present tense leaves
like a Priorian operator, familiar from section 2. For illustrative the evaluation time unchanged.
purposes, we will adopt the LF in (31a).
If one wants to be a bit more explicit, to get the structures in (30) 3.1.2 The fragment F3 We can now practise the ideas discussed in
and ( 31a) one can resort to the following set of rules: the previous section by working out a fragment of English with
some elementary tenses. The fragment F 3 is an extension of F 2 .
(32) a. TP-+ NP T
b. T-+ T VP
c. Tense raising: (TP NP T VP] =? (T (TP NP VP]] 4
Intensionality 285

(35) Syntax ofF 3 c. TP

a. i. TP----) NP T
ii. T----) T VP
b. i. TP ----) TP conj TP T
ii. TP ----) neg TP
c. VP----) V1 NP ~
d. VP----)V;
e. VP ----) Vdt NP PP[toJ
f T----) PAST, PRES, FUT 1\1\
NP----) Det Nc
PP[toJ ----'> to NP
Det ----) the, a, every
U .l
every man
arrive j :

j. Np ----) Pavarotti, Loren, Bond, ... , hen, ... For simplicity, we omit representing in (36) the nonbranching node
k. Nc ----) book, fish, man, woman, .. . T. In LF (36b), the quantified NP every man has scope over tense.
1. V; ----) be boring, be hungry, walk, talk, ... The semantics for the fragment will assign to this structure an in-
m. V1 ----) like, hate, kiss, ... terpretation according to which for every man there is some time or
n. Vdt ----) give, show, ... other in the past at which he arrives (i.e., the arrivals need not
o. conj ----) and, or happen simultaneously). In LF (36c), the past-tense operator has
p. NEG ----) it is not the case that scope over the NP every man. On this interpretation, sentence (36a)
q. NP----) Np winds up saying that there is a time in the past at which every
r. Quantifier Raising (QR) man arrived; i.e., the arrivals must be simultaneous. These appear
[TP XNP Y] * [TP NPi [TP X ei Y]] indeed to be the admissible interpretations of (36a). Thus the pres-
s. Tense Raising (TR) ent approach seems to capture correctly the scope interaction
[TP NP T VPJ * [TP T [TP NP VP]J between quantified NPs and the tense operator. But to see this more
concretely, we must spell out the semantics for F 3 .
As is easy to see, different applications of QR and TR assign to a
sentence like (37a) two distinct LFs, namely (37b) and (37c): ( 3 7) An F3 model for English M is an ordered tuple of the form
(W, I,<, U, V) where the following conditions hold.
(36) a. Every man arrived.
a. W is a set of worlds.
b. TP
b. I is a set of instants ordered by <.
~ c. U is the domain of quantification.
d. Vis a function that assigns intensions to the constants of
NP, ~ F 3 . In particular, if b is a proper name, then V(b) is a
constant function from W x I into U denoting the bearer of
T TP the proper name in the relevant community. Moreover:

V(horse)(w,i) = {x: xis a horse in w at time i},
V(love)(w, i) = {(x, y): x loves yin w at time i},

every man PAST

V(give)(w, i) = { (x, y, z) : x gives y to z in w at time i}.
And similarly for other members of Nom or V.
Intensionality 287

V(it is not the case that) = [ 1--;0] [the /3; TP]M,w,i,g = 1 iff for some u E U, [fJ;]M,w,i,g = {u}
0--;1 and [TP]M, w,i,g[u/t;] = 1, where t; = e; or t; =he;
h. Structures of the form [TP T TP]
(1, 1)--; 11 [PRES TP]M, w,i,g = [TP]M, w,i,g
V(and) = <1 ' O) __, 0 [PAST TP]M, w,i,g = 1 iff for some i' E I such that i' < i,
(0, 1)--; 0
[ [TP]M, w,i',g = 1
(0, 0)--; 0
[ FUT TP]M, w,i,g 1 iff for some i' E I such that i' > i,
By the same token, V( or) is the truth function ass~~~ucvu [TP]M,w,i',g = 1
with or.
The definitions of truth, validity, and entailment are
The models for Fa are trivial variants of those for IPC and straightforward.
sequently require little comment. One difference is that in (37) If we look at (38), we see that clauses (38a-g) are virtually iden-
interpret connectives (and, or, and it is not the case that) in tical to those we have for F 2 ((60) in chap. 3) except that now the
of truth functions rather than syncategorematically. As usual, interpretation function is relativized to worlds and times as well.
assume that the English constants have the same interpretation The real novelty is (38h), which introduces the semantics for the
every model. Furthermore, we follow Kripke (1972) in (raised) tense morphemes. Such a semantics is modeled on the
that proper names are rigid designators, and we accordingly semantics for IPC.
that proper names have constant functions as their inLcaJc<>~~·u
(functions that pick the same individual in every circumstance). (39) a. A sentenceS is true in an F 3 model for English M, in a
We now provide the recursive part of the semantics for F3 world w, and at a time i relative to one of its LFs fJ iff for
tive to an Fa model for English M, a world w, an instant i, and every assignment g, [fJ]M, w,i,g = 1. It is false iff for every g,
[fJ]M, w,i,g = O.
assignment g to traces and pronouns. As in IPC, instants are
by the relation <. b. A sentence S is valid relative to one of its LFs fJ iff for every
Fa model for English M, every world w, and every time i, S
(38) a. If A is lexical and fJ is a trace or a pronoun, is true in M, in w, and at i relative to fJ.
[[A fJJ]M, w,i,g = g(fJ);
c. A set of sentences Q = {S 1, ... , Sn} relative to LFs /3 1 , ... ,fJn
otherwise, [[A fJ]]M, w,i,g = V(fJ)( (w, i)) respectively entails a sentence S' relative to LF o iff for
b. If A and B are any categories, every Fa model for English M, world w, and time i, when-
[[A B]]M, w,i,g [B]M, w,i,g'
ever every Sj in Q is true relative to its LF fJj in M, in w, and
and [[A to B]]M,w,i,g = [B]M,w,i,g
at i, then S' is also true in M, w, and i relative too.
c. [[NP f]]M,w,i,g = 1 iff [NP]M,w,i,g E [f]M,w,i,g
d. i. [[TP 1 conj TP 2 ]]M, w,i,g To illustrate the workings of the present semantics, we provide
= V( coni)( ([TP1]M, w,i,g' [TPz]M, w,i,g)) next a concrete example by partially specifying a model M5 as
ii. [NEG TP]M, w,i,g = V(NEG) ([TP]M, w,i,g) follows:
e. [[V NP]]M,w,i,g = {x: (x, [NP]M,w,i,g) E [V]''Vf,w,i,g} (40) Let M 5 <{w', w"}, {i', i", i"'}, {(i', i"), (i", i"'), (i', i"') },
f. [[V NP PP]]M, w,i,g {a, b, c }, V5 ), where for every wE W5 and i E h,
= {x: (x, [NP]M,tv,i,g, [PP]M,w,i,g) E [V]M,w,i,g} V5 (Pavarotti)((w,i)) =a, V5 (Bond)((w,i)) = b, and
g. Structures of the form [NP; TP] V5 (Loren)((w,i)) =c. Furthermore, let
[a /3; TP]M,w,i,g = 1 iff for some u E U, u E [fJ;]M,w,i,g
and [TP]M,w,i,g[u/ti] = 1, where t; = e; or t; =he; V5 (walk) = w" {a,c} {a,b,c} {b}
[every /3; TP]M,w,i,g = 1 iff for all u E U, if u E [fJ;]M,w,i,g, w' {a} {c} 0
then [TP]M, w,i,g[u/t;] = 1, where t; = e; or t; =he;
i' i" i"'
Intensionality 289

We also assume that man and woman are interpreted in

natural way (that is, for every world-time pair (w, i), Evaluation of (36b) in Ms, w', i"' relative tog
Vs(man)((w,i)) = {a,b} and V5 (woman)((w,i)) = {c}). (a) [1 ] "' 5 • 11•' • 1'"' ,g = 1 Ififor
'' . every u E [ man ]M5 ' 11•' ' 1·on ,g, [ 3]M5 ' w' ' i"' ' g[uje·]' = 1
Finally, let g be an assignment that maps every pronoun By (38g)
and trace t; to c. Since, by (38a), [man]M,,w',i"',g ={a, b}., where a is Pavarotti and b is
Bond, we have to evaluate [3]M,,w',i"',g[a/e;] and [3]M,,w',i"',g[b/e;] and see
Let us now evaluate example (36a) in M 5 , w', i"' relative to how they come out. Let us try the former (namely Pavarotti).
(36b), repeated here for convenience.
(b) [3]M,, w',i"',g[a/e;] = 1 iff for some i E Is such that i < im, [5]Ms, w',i,g[aje;]
(36) b. 1 TP = 1 By (38h)

Now we have to check what happens at different times in the past rela-

2NP, A tive to i"'. Let us try i'.

(c) [5]Ms, w',i',g[aje;] = 1 iff [6]Ms, w',i',g[aje;] E

Since by (38a), [6]M,,w',i',g[a/e;] = g[aje;](e;) =a and by (38b) and

[7]Ms, w',i',g[aje;] By (38c)

(38a), [7]M,,w',i',g[a/e;] = Vs(arrive)(<w',i')) ={a}, we conclude that

T 5 TP [3]M5 ,w',i'",g[a/ei] = 1.

Now we have to compute [3]Ms,w',i'",g[b/e;J, That is, we go through
essentially the same computations focusing on Bond.
(d) [3]M,,w',i"',g[b/e;] = 1 iff for some i E Is such that i < im, [5]M,,w',i,g[b/e;]

everyman PAST
= 1 By (38h)
Let us see what Bond does at i":
(e) [5]Ms, w',i",g[bje;] = 1 iff [6]Ms, w',i",g[bje;] E [7]Ms, w',i",g[aje;] By (38c)
Intuitively, (36b) says that for every man, there is an instant in
past at which he arrived. In the model M5 , there are two men, We see that by (38a), [5]M,,w',i",g[b/e;] = g[bje;](e;) = b, and by (38b) and
(38a), [7]Ms,w',i",g[b/e;] = Vs(arrive) (<w',i")) =;= {b}. Since the former is
(b) and Pavarotti (a). By looking in world w' at timet"', we see
indeed a member of the latter, we have shown that [3]Ms, w',i"',g[b/e;] = 1.
there is a time preceding t"' (namely t') at which Pavarotti Since in world w', for every man (Pavarotti and Bond) there is a moment
and a different time preceding t"' (namely t") at which B in the past with respect to im where that man arrives, we conclude that
[1]Ms,w',i"',g = 1.
arrives. So in w' at t"' it is true that every man arrived on the
ing represented by (36b). However, in this world there is no
ment at which every man simultaneously arrives. Hence sentence
(36a) on the reading represented by (36c) would be false all times of which generate two nonequivalent readings. The different readings
w' (while it would be true in w" at t"'). In the following example we arise by differently fixing the relative scope of tense and quantified
show the main steps of the computation of the value of (36b) rela- NPs.
tive to M5 in w' at t"'.
3.1.3 Further issues There are many problems that our approach
leaves open. Here we will discuss, in a necessarily preliminary
Exercise 3 A. Evaluate "Every man arrived" with respect to LF (36b) in way, some of the most important ones having to do with negation
(w',i') and (w",iw). Evaluate (36a) relative to LF (36c) in (w',i"'), and its interaction with tense.
(w",iw), and (w",i"'). So far we have discussed only sentence-embedding negation (it is
B. Show that (36c) entails (36b). not the case that). However the most common way of expressing
negation is by placing a negative morpheme (in English, not or its
contracted form 'nt) within the clause. Languages vary as to where
As should be clear by now, the present analysis assigns to sen- clause-internal negation gets placed. Consider, for instance, the
tences like "Every man arrived" two distinct LFs, (36a) and (36b), English sentence in (41a) and its Italian counterpart in (41b).
Intensionality 291

(41) a. Lee hasn't arrived. will get two readings, depending on how the respective scope of
b. Lee non e' arrivato. negation and the subject is fixed.
Lee not au-PAST arrived
(43) a. Every American doesn't smoke.
English places negation relatively "low" in the tree, after the b. [TP every American; [TP not [TP e; smoke]]
iliary element that carries temporal information. Italian ~-''"''->'"'''< c. [TP not [TP every American; {Tp e; smoke]]
higher up, before the auxiliary. One can capture this by saying
LF (43 b) is interpreted as saying that every American is such that
in English negation is adjoined somewhere in the VP (i.e.,
he or she doesn't smoke, LF (43 c) says that it is not the case that
than TP), while in Italian it is adjoined higher up (s
within TP): every American smokes. This is a welcome result, as sentence (43a)
does intuitively appear to be ambiguous. Modulo certain quite in-
(42) a. TP b. TP teresting complications (which we cannot get into here), this gen-

eralizes to NPs other than universally quantified ones and positions
other than the subject position. In other words, negation interacts

with quantified NPs and gives rise to scope ambiguities. The

approach just sketched is a simple way of capturing them.
When it comes to tenses, however, we find an unexpected

/\ VP
restriction. Consider sentence (44a):
(44) a. Lee didn't kill Kim.
b. NEG [PAST [Lee kill Kim]]

Lee has
arrived Lee non
I c. PAST [NEG [Lee kill Kim]]
Sentence (44a) is predicted to have two readings, corresponding to
It has also been argued that negation heads a special the two Logical Forms in (44b) and (44c). According to the first,
projection (NEG Phrase) having to do with the polarity of a s sentence (44a) says that there is no time that precedes the evalua-
tence (see, e.g., Laka 1990), but since what we have to say is tion time at which Lee kills Kim. This is indeed how (44a) is inter-
affected by this hypothesis, we will stick to the representations preted. However, this sentence is also predicted to have the reading
in (42). In both (42a) and (42b), under the present assumptions, in (44c). The latter LF says that there is a time in the past at which
sentence-internal negation cannot be interpreted where it occurs. Lee did not kill Kim. This is not a sensible reading. It's too weak.
Semantically, negation operates on formulas (i.e., truth values). But For any activity, there are always going to be infinitely many
syntactically, it appears as a sister to smaller, subclausal units that instants at which one is not engaged in it. Hence any sentence with
do not denote truth values. Evidently, we face a problem analogous a logical form parallel to (44c) expresses a trivial truth. This runs
to that which we encountered in interpreting tense. Some scope- against our intuitions on sentences like (44a), which do not appear
shifting operation must take place if we want to interpret negation to have such an interpretation.
as a truth function. Ideally, the same mechanisms we use for tense What seems to be going on is that if tenses are understood as
might work in the case of negation, as the interpretive problems Priorian operators, which existentially quantify over times, then
that these cases pose appear to be closely related. For tenses, we negation must have scope over tense. At present, insofar as we
suggested several ways to go and ended up adopting, for illustrative know, this has to be stipulated. It does not seem to follow from
purposes, the operation of tense raising. Similarly, we might say independent properties of how negation (or tense) is coded in nat-
that at LF negation gets adjoined to TP, where it is a sister to urallanguages.
something that can be naturally interpreted as a truth value. This While readings like that expressed by (44b) appear to be a good
move has as its immediate consequence that a sentence like (43a) approximation to the interpretation of sentences like (44a), it must
Intensionality 293

be pointed out that the interpretations predicted are also According to Reichenbach, the evaluation time (i.e., the time of the
adequate in all cases. Consider, for example, our treatment action) and the reference time coincide in the case of(47a) and are
simple past in connection with (45), an example due to both located in the past with respect to the utterance time. In con-
(1973): trast, in (47 b) the reference time coincides with the utterance time
(45) John didn't turn off the stove. and the action is in the past with respect to both. And in (47c) the
action is considered as preceding some past moment that acts as
According to our semantics, (45) would be true at <w,i) iff it the reference time, which, in (4 7 d), is explicitly characterized
the case that there is a previous instant i' such that "John through suitable time adverbials. The schema in (48) illustrates the
the stove" is true at <w, i'). But now imagine (45) being u general picture.
Mary as she drives to a friend's house. Clearly, Mary is not
that John has never turned off the stove; (45) seems to be (48) Reichenbachian tenses
specific point in the past (which Mary has in rriind) at a. Schema for the simple past
----------------I---------- -1-------+ [time line]
failed to turn it off. She is right even if he has sometimes E,R U
off but failed to do so this time: John can't defend b. Schema for the present perfect
pointing out that he turned it off last year. Suppose that she ----------------I---------- -1-------+ [time line]
home and finds out she was happily mistaken and utters (46).
c. Schema for the past perfect
(46) John turned off the stove [after all]. --------I------- -I--------- -1-------+ [time line]
She is saying not simply that John turned off the stove at any U time of the utterance
time in the past, as F 3 would predict, but that he did so at the E = time of the event
cific point she has in mind. For both negative and affirmative R = reference time
tences the F 3 account must apparently be modified.
Various solutions have been proposed in this connection. For interpreting (47d), R will be identified with 5 P.M., Sunday.
kind of approach resorts to something like a reference time, a (The Sunday in question is typically the one immediately preced-
tion proposed originally by Hans Reichenbach (1947). In a ing the utterance, but not always; we cannot explore the full com-
semantics for tense, sentences are interpreted relatively to a plexities of reference-time specification here.) The future perfect is
(the evaluation time) and tenses shift the evaluation time to slightly more complicated. Notice that (48a) can be uttered at noon
past or future. Reichenbach argues for a substantial vu~uuull''"'· and be true even if Joan's arrival was at 11 A.M.; indeed, (48a) might
(and modification) of this picture whereby the evaluation of a be followed by (48b) without contradiction.
tence requires keeping track also of the utterance time and a (49) a. Joan will have arrived by 1 P.M.
ence time (the time from which the action is viewed). Tenses b. Joan may have already arrived.
construed not as existential quantifiers over times, but as
The reader might want to specify what the future perfect seems
ditions on how the evaluation time, the reference time, and
to say about the relation of utterance, event, and reference times.
utterance time are related with respect to each other. One of
(Hint: A single time line will not work.)
main motivations for the reference time lies in the analysis
The Reichenbachian notion of reference time might also be help-
compound tenses (which we haven't discussed and which are
ful in connection with the problem posited by sentences like (45)
easy to analyze in a Priorian framework). Consider (47):
above, and more generally in addressing the question of the scope
(47) a. Joan arrived. of tense with respect to negation. It seems intuitively plausible to
b. Joan has arrived. say that "John didn't turn off the stove" is true at a time i relative to
c. Joan had arrived. a reference time R iff R precedes i and "John does not turn off the
d. Joan had arrived by 5 P.M., Sunday. stove'~ is true at R. This kind of approach turns out to be helpful
Intensionality 295

also in compositionally specifying how tense combines with ily, probably, etc.) and adjective phrases (be possible, be necessary,
temporal expressions, such as yesterday or last year, which be able, etc.).
stitutes another difficult and open topic. Bennett and Partee ( In what follows, we would like to show how the semantics devel-
and Dowty (1979) are classical references on this issue· oped so far can be applied to the study of modalities in English
(1982) adopts a reference-time approach especially to deal ' by developing a first-approximation treatment of can, might, and
compositional puzzles he noted in the Priorian treatment must. This should suffice for the purposes of illustration, as it
earlier work. Many semantic investigations of tense and its seems warranted to assume that other ways of expressing modal
tion with other temporal expressions have abandoned Priorian notions give rise to fundamentally similar semantic questions.
shifting operators in favor of approaches that posit some The syntax of modals is complex. There is disagreement as to
discourse-established reference time, but the debate is still whether they are main verbs or auxiliaries. Standard arguments in
This is a just a small sample of the host of intriguing issues favor of treating modals as auxiliaries are the fact that, like auxil-
come up in providing a semantics for tense. Some topics iaries, they undergo inversion in yes-no questions (Joan can leave
current investigations we haven't even been able to =? Can joan leave?) and the fact that their paradigm is in various
the issue oftense in NPs (see, e.g., Eng 1981) or the ,_-... ~ ... ~ ...·~••v•. ways unlike that offull fledged verbs (they don't inflect for person,
tense sequences (see, e.g., Abusch 1997 and references they often lack past-tense morphology, etc.). In view of these facts,
Temporal phenomena are very complex. They constitute an we will treat them as auxiliaries, even though nothing in our se-
ing area of research, and the body of semantic literature on mantic analysis of modals hinges on this choice. We cannot pro-
constantly growing. vide here a full fledged analysis of the English auxiliary system.
The simplest thing for us to do is to treat modals as a particular
manifestation of tense. Thus we will assume that the S-structure of
3.2 Modals a sentence like (51a) is roughly (51b), since modals will undergo
The modal concepts of necessity and possibility are expressed tense raising; the logical form of(51a) will be (51c):
variety of natural-language forms. 8 The following are some of
(51) a. Pavarotti can/must sing
most commonly observed forms in English and are typical of
b. TP
Modal auxiliaries (can, must, may, shall, should, will,
might, could) appear to be the most straightforward way of <>v•-..rn·~"

ing various forms of necessity and possibility in English.
Some tenses (like the simple present in English) have a
interpretation. One of the main functions of generic sen
appears to be that of expressing capability or possibility, as
trated by the fact that the sentences in (50a-b) can be p
Pavarotti can sing
as in the corresponding primed versions: must
(50) a. John runs 50 miles without ever stopping. c. [can/must [TP Pavarotti sing]]
a'. John can run 50 miles without ever stopping. This will enable us to treat modals as propositional operators,
b. This program parses complicated sentences. which is what their semantics, as we know it from IPC, requires.
b'. This program can parse complicated sentences. And modals can interact with negation; sentence (52a) will have
We also use dispositional affixes on adjectives: approachable, roughly the LF given in (52b):
solvable, soluble, conceivable, washable, fragile, forgetful, mortal, (52) a. Pavarotti can't sing.
etc. Moreover, we also use sentential adverbs (possibly, necessar- b. [NEG can [TP Pavarotti sing]]
Intensionality 297

When it comes to giving a semantics for can and must Consider, for example,
an i~mediate application of the semantics for <> and o ~ill not
(53) Pavarotti might be the author ofthis letter.
For It would take (52a) as saying that there is no logically
world where Pavarotti sings. But for any living individual Mary received an anonymous letter, some kind of practical joke.
ceiving ~f ~ circumstance where u sings is not logically u, Pavarotti is a friend of hers. He knows.her address and the relevant
there will m general be a logically possible world where u circumstances of her life. His being the author of the letter is con-
Sentence (52a) makes a different claim. The semantics for sistent with all she knows. This is what she means by uttering (53).
possibility ~oes not get us the right truth conditions for (52a). In uttering (53) under the circumstances just described, Mary was
What .claim can one be making by uttering (52a)? We relying on what she knows and is interested in what can turn out to
be denymg that Pavarotti has a certain capability. In his be the case, given what she knows. The relevant conversational
endowment there is no program that produces the kind of uo~"...,'''"' background can be called an epistemic one. Suppose that one
classifiable as singing. Singing is not consistent with the gathers further evidence about the deed in question. For example,
state of his mental endowment. Or perhaps it is his we discover that the characters in the letter display an idiosyncrasy
endowment-his throat musculature and the shape of his that, around here, is to be found only on a typewriter that Pavarotti
tract-that is problematic. In the actual world (52a) taken in has sole access to. We could then truthfully utter
of these senses is clearly false. (And we can use this blatant false-
(54) Pavarotti must be the author ofthis letter.
hood to conversationally implicate a variety of things.)
Another possibility is that Pavarotti has a sore throat. He is ca- It follows from what we know that he is the author. All the cir-
pable of singing, but in general sore throats affect the performance cumstances compatible with our knowledge have Pavarotti as the
of vocal cords. While this condition persists, Pavarotti cannot sing. author of the letter. What is known can, of course, also be thought
Many other scenarios are conceivable. What emerges from such of as a set of propositions, the set of propositions that are known in
possible scenarios is that the proper evaluation of sentences like the relevant situation. A set of propositions characterizes a set of
(52a) requires a background of some kind. In the case at hand a worlds: those where all the propositions in the set are true. Sen-
na:ural background is constituted by a set of relevant facts (such,as tence (54) can be understood as saying that in all such worlds
evidence as to the existence of a certain mental program or Pavar- Pavarotti is the author of the letter.
otti's state of health). How can we characterize the relevant set of Further kinds of conversational backgrounds are possible.
facts? In general by means of propositions that describe them. Un- (55) I must give my seat to that senior citizen.
der the current view, propositions are sets of worlds. Consequently,
we can represent a set of facts as a set of sets of worlds. It is generally held that senior citizens have priority for seats in
So modals are context dependent. They require, in Kratzer's public places. This is for us a standard of politeness and a stereo-
phras~, a conversational background: some assumptions in view type of kindness. In view of this ideal (that is, in all the worlds
of wh1ch the sentence is considered. Formally, a conversational where it is realized), I stand up. Necessity or possibility involving
background can be viewed as a set whose members are sets of such backgrounds is sometimes called "deontic." Even (52a) can be
worlds (that is, propositions). so interpreted if, for example, Pavarotti's mother has forbidden him
. The ki~d of background that seems to go well with the example to sing and we hold to an ideal of obeying one's mother. His singing
m (52a) 1s constituted by certain relevant facts or actual circum- would be inconsistent with that ideal and is thus not possible if he
stances. This use of modals is often called a "root" or "circum- is to adhere to the standards set.
stantial" use and contrasts with "epistemic" uses, to be discussed Let us consider a further example of deontic uses of modals. If
shortly. Certain modal expressions (adjectives like fragile or soluble) Pavarotti's mother decides to grant him permission to sing, she
are compatible just with circumstantial backgrounds; that is, they must make his singing consistent with the ideal. She. can do that
can only express root modalities. Can, might, and must are instead simply by saying that the ideal is now one with which his singing is
compatible with a wide variety of conversational backgrounds. consistent: "Luciano, you can sing." Because a deontic conversa-
Intensionality 299

tional background can be changed by a person with objects that belong to all the sets in A (that is, {u : VX[X E A---)
authority (Pavarotti's mother), deontic modals can be used u EX]}). In the example just given, the set of propositions in the
formatively, as we noted in chapter 4. Pavarotti's mother common ground was assumed to be finite. But there might well be
it true that he can sing (on a de on tic interpretation) just by common grounds that contain an infinite number of propositions.
that he can and thereby changing the relevant In terms of these notions we can now provide an explicit seman-
background. tics for the modals we are considering. We will treat can and might
Thus, the interpretation of modals depends on the alike, even though this is certainly not right. But at present we
specification of certain kinds of background information: what don't have the tools to attempt a more refined analysis of their
relevant facts are, what is known, what is polite, what the differences.
ities permit, what someone's goals are, etc. Each of these
(56) a. [must TP]M, w,i,g = 1 iff
grounds can be represented as a set of propositions, which in
ng((w,i)) <;; {(w',i'): [TP]M,w',i',g = 1}
determines a set of worlds, those in which all of the prcJpc>sn1 orts
b. [can TP]M,w,i,g [might TP]M,w,i,g = 1 iff
are true. It is this set of worlds and not the set of all logically
ng( (w, i)) n { (w', i') : [TP]M, w',i',g = 1} =P 0
sible ones that we take as our modal base, as the logical space
respect to which the modal is evaluated. The semantics of Intuitively, a sentence whose LF is of the form [must TP] is true at
expressions will thus specify (i) what kinds of backgrounds (w, i) relative to a background g( (w, i)) iff the proposition that TP
modal admits (can, might, and must are pretty unrestricted in this expresses follows from (or is entailed by) the propositions in
regard) and (ii) what modal relation is associated with it. The g( (w, i) ). In the possible worlds analysis of entailment this means
modal relation associated with can and might is possibility; they that we have to intersect all the propositions in g( (w, i)) with one
express consistency with the given modal base. The modal relation another and check whether the set of worlds so obtained is a subset
associated with must is necessity; must says that something is a of the set of worlds in which TP is true. Similarly, a sentence whose
logical consequence of a given model base. LF is of the form [can TP] is true in <w, i) relative to background
This will become clearer if we provide a more concrete example g( <w, i)) iff the proposition that TP expresses is consistent with the
by implementing these ideas in Fa. To do so, we must find a way of propositions in the background taken jointly. This means that if we
expressing the context dependency of modalities. Our treatment of intersect all the propositions in the background and intersect what
context so far is extremely rudimentary. The only kind of context- we obtain with the set of worlds at which TP is true, the result must
dependent items that we have in Fa are pronouns (whose complex be nonempty: there must be one or more worlds at which TP and
behavior is far from receiving a full treatment). We represent their the propositions in the background are jointly true.
dependency on context by assigning to them a value in terms of an Now consider example (53) again. Before gathering evidence
assignment function g. In the same spirit we need to relativize our concerning Pavarotti's typewriter, it was consistent with what we
interpretation to an assignment of conversational backgrounds. For knew then that Pavarotti is the author of the anonymous letter Mary
this purpose we can use g itself. We can extend the function g so got. That is, in some of the circumstances compatible with what we
that it not only maps pronouns to individuals but also maps cir- knew, Pavarotti is the author of the letter; in others he isn't. Later
cumstances (w, i) to sets of propositions: the conversational back- we find out new facts concerning the typewriter with which the
ground relevant to that circumstance. So, for example, suppose that letter was written: it was a typewriter that only Pavarotti had access
the propositions in the common ground at (w, i) are p 1 , ... , Pn· We to. At this point the relevant conversational background shifts to a
express this by saying that g((w,i)) = {p 1 , ... , Pn}· The set of new one, and in all the worlds compatible with it Pavarotti is the
propositions {p 1 , ... , Pn} determines the set of circumstances one who writes the letter: no one else could have done it. This
{(w',i'): for every pE{p 1, ... ,pn}, (w',i')Ep}. This set is the makes (54) true. This is how the analysis proceeds.
modal base at (w,i), and we will use n{p 1 , ... , Pn} (or ng((w,i))) It is worth noting that the logical modalities associated with o
to refer to it. In general, if A is a set of sets, nA will be the set of and <) can be seen as just a special case where the conversational
Intensionality 301

background is empty (and thus the modal base includes all Having defined how the relevant worlds are ranked, we are now
worlds). And we do find our modal auxiliaries expressing able to state explicit truth conditions for (58) and (59) along the
modalities. following lines:
(57) No number can be divided by zero. (60) a. Sentence (58) is true in <w,i) iffPavarotti is the author of
If Joan smokes and drinks, then she must smoke. the letter in all the relevant situations (those compatible
There are many ways in which the present line of with what we know) that come closest to our standards of
should and could be extended and improved. Perhaps it is normality.
discussing, at least informally, what some of the problems b. Sentence (59) is true at (w,i) iffPavarotti is the author of
directions of inquiry are. Let us go back to the example of the letter in a situation that is relevant (or compatible with
anonymous letter. Suppose that instead of finding conclusive what we know) but not close enough to the standards of
dence against Pavarotti, we find merely strong reasons for normality.
ing him. For example, he is one of the few people acquainted The analysis in (60) constitutes just an informal approximation to
the relevant circumstances of Mary's life. And with regard to an analysis ofthe locutions in (58) and (59). Using the machinery of
few, the kind of practical joke played on Mary fits perfectly possible world semantics, one can give a fully explicit content to
only his kind of humor. In such a situation one might truthfully (60), but we will not try to do this here.
(58) It is probable that Pavarotti wrote this letter. We should point out that the idea illustrated in (60) can be used
to analyze many other modal locutions. For example, we can give
If, on the other hand, the evidence points strongly to another for (61a) the truth conditions in (61b).
pect without excluding Pavarotti, one might say
(61) a. It could well be that fJ.
(59) There is a slight chance that Pavarotti wrote the letter. b. Sentence (61a) is true in <w, i) iff it is not the case that --,p
The apparatus developed so far is insufficient to analyze the is probable.
of modal locutions in (58) and (59). What (58) and (59) seem to Statement (61b) analyzes could well be as the dual of is probable
for is a way of ranking the relevant possibilities. Some of them (just like () is the dual of o). This makes certain predictions as to
more likely to occur than others. The criteria that we use to rank what entailment patterns one should expect. For example, it pre-
the relevant situations can vary from context to context. In the case dicts that (62a) and (62b) should be ~ompatible (by analogy with
at hand we have a modal base determined by what we know about the compatibility of ()/3 and () --,p). That is, there should be at least
the circumstances in which the letter was written. But beyond that, one circumstance in which both (62a) and (62b) are true.
we also have ideas about what normally is the case. What normally
is the case can also be regarded as a conversational background, a (62) a. It could well be that /3.
stereotypical one. It describes worlds where only what is normal b. It could well be that not /3.
happens: a total bore, as Kratzer puts it. A stereotypical conversa- It further predicts that (62a) should follow from (63) and that
tional background will also be a set of propositions. So we have a (62b) and (63) should be incompatible, which also seems to be the
first conversational background that determines the relevant set of case.
worlds and a second conversational background that provides us
( 63) It is probable that /3.
with standards that we can use to rank or impose an ordering on
the relevant set of worlds. Intuitively, we can say that a world win To sum up, we can say that in general the analysis sketched here
the modal base will be closer to our standards of normality than a claims that modal locutions are understood relative to two con-
world w' iff w makes true more propositions in the stereotypical textually specified conversational backgrounds. One determines a
background than w'. modal base: the range of possibilities to be considered. The other
Intensionality 303

acts as an ordering source: it ranks the modal base according 3.3 Complementation
certain standards. Possible world semantics allows one to
this analysis fairly precise and to incorporate it in a co 3.3. 1 Sentence embedding The possible-world analysis of inten-
semantics for a wide variety of modal locutions (which we sional notions that we have been exploring here is sufficiently
just begun to do here). When tested against the entailment p articulated and rich to permit a compositional treatment of various
that those locutions enter into, this analysis appears to be forms of embedding. Embedded clausal constructions (for exam-
successful. ple, that clauses) are naturally analyzed as propositions. On this
We think that an analysis along these lines is at least a good view, verbs taking that clauses turn out to express properties of
But beyond its specific results we are interested in the general (or relations of individuals to) sets of worlds. Perhaps the best way
that it illustrates. Our understanding of the modal system of to grasp what this amounts to is to introduce that clauses in frag-
glish crucially involves the ability to engage in various forms ment F3.
modal reasoning. The theory that we have presented provides Let us assume, in line with much recent work, that the syntactic
with an empirically testable model of what the relevant category of embedded clauses is CP (for "Complementizer Phrase")
capacities are based on. and that the structure of a sentence embedding is as illustrated in

Exercise 4 Consider the following sentence: (64) a. Loren believes that Pavarotti is hungry.
b. TP

( 1) Every person can read.

Sentence (1) is assigned two logical forms by the grammar of NP

modalities developed above. Specify them. In prose form, give ?
clear paraphrase of what truth conditions these logical forms are
associated with, in a way that makes it clear whether they are T
equivalent or not.
Consider the following sentences: ~CP

(2) a. The president must vote.
b. Reagan is the president. (That is,
3x[president(x) 1\ Vy[president(y) x = y]/\x =Reagan])

c. Reagan must vote.

Assume that (Zb) is interpreted as indicated and that (Za-c) are NP

uttered in the same context. For (Za) and (Zb) jointly to entail (Zc)
what LF must be assigned to (Za)? Why? ~VP
Next consider the following sentences:
.! I
;'/ '
(3) a. Reagan must vote .

Loren believe that Pavarotti

' . 1\ PRES PRES be hungry
b. Reagan can vote.
Structures such as (64b) can be readily obtained by adding the fol-
In the context-dependent theory of modalities developed above,
lowing syntactic rules to those already given for F3.
under what conditions would (3a) entail (3b)?
(65) a. CP---+ C TP
b. VP---+ V CP
Intensionality 305

c. V --) believe, know, regret, ... tions into propositions-a plausible enough move. For any sen-
d. C --) that, ...
tence S, that S is going denote a function p such that for any world
The question now is, How are sentence-embedding verbs w' and time i', p is going to map <w', i') into true just in case S is
preted? A prototypical example of such verbs is believe, which true in w' at time i':
used in example (64). What is it to believe that Pavarotti ish (67) a. [[cp that TP]]M,w,i,g = p, where for any world w' and any
Roughly, it is to believe oneself to be in a world where that is time i', p(<w',i')) = 1 iff[TP]M,w',i',g = 1
case. To put it slightly differently, our beliefs identify a set b. [[VP believe CP]]M,w,i,g = {u: <u, [CP]M,w,i,g)
worlds, namely those where we think we might be. In trying E [believe ]M, w,i,g}
realize our desires or guard against our fears, for example, we act
if we were in one of those worlds. Thus, for example, if we Clause (57 b) is simply a routine extension of our VP semantic rule
that Pavarotti is hungry and we want him to be happy, we may to clausal complements. It says that the denotation of a VP like be-
him some food. Here is one way to spell this intuition out in lieve that Pavarotti is hungry, for example, is the set of those indi-
the semantics of believe and related verbs: viduals that stand in the belief relation to the proposition that
Pavarotti is hungry. To put it all together, a sentence like (64) is
(66) For any <w, i), V(believe) (<w, i)) = { <u, p): u is an individ analyzed as being true in a world w at a time tiff in all of Loren's
and pis a proposition, and pis true in all those w', i', belief worlds, Pavarotti is hungry. The following box displays how
compatible with what u believes in w at i} these truth conditions for sentence (64) are formally derived (we
What (66) says is that the intension of believe is a function from ignore, for simplicity, the contribution of tense). 1
worlds and times into a two-place relation; for similar verbs-e.g., So far we have analyzed that clauses and sentence-embedding
know, wish, fear, etc.-we will assign the same sort of relation- verbs with a possible-world account of intensionality. Now we are
valued function. The first member of any such relation will be an going to show how this analysis interacts with our treatment of
individual, the second member will be a proposition. What is it for quantifier scope in an interesting way. Consider the following
an individual to stand in the believe relation to a proposition? Each example.
individual u is associated with a set of worlds that represents u's (68) a. Bond believes that a student in that class is a spy.
beliefs (the set of worlds compatible with u's beliefs, or, as they are b. [[a student in that class]; [Bond believes that
also called, the set of doxastic alternatives for u). For instance, if u [TP e; is a spy]]]
believes that the earth is flat, that ocean water is salty, that u's c. [Bond believes that [TP [a student in that class]i
brother is a Democrat, and so on, the set of u's belief worlds will be [e; is a spy]]]
those in which all such propositions are true. If u isn't sure whether
Bond is a spy, in some of u's belief worlds Bond is a spy and in
some others he is not. Now, for u to believe p is simply for p to be
(a) [(64)]M,w,i,g = 1 iff [[NP Loren]]M,w,i,g E [[vP believes that Pavarotti
true in all of u's belief worlds. Different sentence-embedding verbs is hungry]]M,w,i,g By (39c) .
correspond to different sets of worlds: u's desires correspond to the (b) [[NP Loren]]M,w,i,g E [[vP believes that Pavarotti is hungry]]M,,~,,,g iff
worlds where all u's wishes comes about, u's fears to all the worlds <u,
[[NP Loren]]M, w,i,g E { u: [[cp that Pavarotti is hungry]]M, W,l,g>
E [believe]M,w,i,g} By (67b) .
u would not want to be actualized, and so on. (c) [[NP Loren]]M,w,i,g E {u: <u, [[cP that Pavarotti is hungry]]M,w,,,g)
With this analysis of sentence-embedding verbs, let us now turn E [believe]M,w,i,g} iff <[[NP Loren]]M,w,i,g, [[cP that Pavarotti is

to that clauses, which, as noted above, are naturally analyzable as hungry]]M, w,i,g) E [believe ]M, w,i,g By definition of E .
proposition-denoting. Propositions can be modeled either as func- (d) <[[NP Loren]]M, w,i,g' [[TP that Pavarotti is hungry]]M, JV,J,g>
E [believe]M, w,i,g iff <Loren, p) E V(believe)( <w,,i(,), where for any
tions from worlds into truth values, or, equivalently, as sets of w',i', p(<w',i')) = [[TP Pavarotti is hungry]]M,w ' 1 ,g By (67a)
worlds. Here we will adopt the first alternative (but the reader (e) <Loren, p) E V(believe) ( <w, i)) iff in all of Loren's belief worlds,
should be ready to switch to the second); we are going to assume, Pavarotti is hungry By (66)
moreover, that the complementizer is what turns sentence denota-
Intensionality 307

Sentence (68a) contains two possible sites to which the (71) a. Bond believes that the author ofthis letter is a spy.
NP a student in that class can be raised. This yields the two b. [[the author of this letter]i [Bond believes that [ei is a spy]]
schematically given in (68b) and (68c). The truth conditions c. [Bond believes that [[the author of this letter]i [ei is a spy]]]
ciated with (68b) and (68c) by the semantics for F 3 are clearly
According to (71b), there exists a particular individual, say Bill,
tinct. Perhaps the easiest way to see this is to see how (68b)
(68c) can be represented in IPC. To this end let us introduce in
and Bond believes of Bill that he is spy. Bond need not know or
believe that Bill wrote this letter. That is simply a way for the
an operator that plays a role similar to that in English. We will
utterer of the report in (71a) to identify Bill for her audience. On
low Montague (1973) and use 1\ for such an operator. This is
the other hand, according to the reading represented by (71c), Bond
as follows:
believes that the actual world is in a set of worlds where someone
(69) a. If ljJ is a well-formed formula, /\1/J is a propositional term. wrote this letter, and he further believes that that someone is a spy.
b. [ /\1/J ]M, w,i,g = p, where for any w', i', p( <w', i')) = His belief is a belief about whoever turns out to have written the
[ 1/J ]M, w',i',g letter in question.
The same point can be made in connection with the universal
We also assume that a relational expression BELIEVE with the
meaning as believe in (66) is introduced in IPC. With the help
these additions, the LF in (68b) will turn out to be equivalent to (72) Bond believes that every student in that class is a spy.
formula (70a) and that in (68c) to (70b), where S stands for otu~ut:w
On the de dicta construal, Bond's belief concerns all the students in
in my class and B for Bond. For convenience, we will he
that class, whoever they turn out to be. of the de re construal, (72)
use IPC formulas to represent the interpretations associated
is about the specific individuals that are in fact students in that
the distinct LFs of the English sentences we are examining.
class. Suppose that they are Bill, Sue, and John. Then (72) would be
(70) a. 3x[S(x) /\BELIEVE(B, /\spy(x))] construed as saying that Bond believes of Bill, Sue, and John that
b. BELIEVE(B, /\3x[S(x) 1\ spy(x)]) they are spies.
If (70a) is the case, then there exists a particular student, say
whom Bond believes to be a spy. If, on the other hand, (70b) is
Exercise 5 Assume that the following sentences were uttered in the associated
case, then the set of worlds that Bond believes himself to be in
contexts. Decide whether in that context they have a de re or a de
one where some student or other is a spy. Bond may have no belief
dicta reading, and write the appropriate formula.
as to which student is a spy. The proposition that Bond believes in
the first case is one directly related to (or about) Bill. The proposi- (1) Mary believes that a professor was caught shoplifting.
tion that Bond bslieves in the second case is not about any partic- Context Mary is in the main office. The secretaries are all
ular individual. In traditional terms, (70a) expresses a de re belief talking together, and she overhears the sentence "The police
about a particular individual, and (70b) a de dicta belief (a b have caught a professor who was walking out of Tops with five
about what is said, the propositional content of a sentence). A little tomatoes and no receipt."
care is required in using this terminology. Both (70a) and (70b) are
(2) John suspects that one ofthe Swiss athletes took steroids.
relations of Bond to propositions. However, (70a) expresses Bond's
Context John is a janitor at the 1988 Olympic Games. He goes
belief of a proposition about a particular individual (what Russell
\;•\9· into a changing room to clean it. On the floor he finds a vial. It
would have called a "singular" proposition), while (70b) does not.
says "steroids" on it and has instructions written in German,
Sentences like (68a) do seem intuitively to be ambiguous between
French, and Italian; it is manufactured in Geneva.
the two readings represented by (70a) and (70b). Moreover, we are
led to expect a similar ambiguity to arise in connection with any (3) Susan thinks that a Republican will be elected.
other quantified NP. This too appears to be borne out. Thus, for ! \ 0 Context Susan lives in Southeast Asia. She doesn't know
example, F3 associates the two LFs (71b, c) with (71a). much about American politics. In particular, she doesn't know
Intensionality 309

that there are two main parties: the Republican and the Quine 1960), and it is sometimes referred to as the "double vision"
Democratic. She is, however, interested in the presidential problem (Klein 1978). The second has to do with the scopal treat-
election and has read that the candidate who is leading is ment of de dicta/ de re ambiguities. Let us consider them in turn.
George Bush; she thinks he will win. To see the double-vision problem, suppose that a guy, Ralph,
( 4) John believes that the manager of Tops is a millionaire. sees a man in a brown hat, named Ortcutt, and from his behavior
Context Bill is the manager of Tops, and he lives next d forms the opinion that he is a spy. He thus believes de re of Ortcutt
John. He owns several expensive cars, his wife has many fur that he is a spy. Later, Ralph meets Ortcutt again on the beach (this
coats, the children go to expensive boarding schools, etc. J time Ortcutt is hatless) and forms the belief that the man he sees on
has no idea what Bill does for a living, but he thinks that the beach (without recognizing him as the man in the brown hat) is
a millionaire. not a spy. He does so while not giving up his previous belief that
the man he met before in the brown hat is a spy. Thus Ralph now
also believes de re of Ortcutt that he is not a spy. Situations of this
This treatment makes further claims as to how quantification sort are surely common. Notice that Ralph is not being irrational.
embedding interact in yielding valid reasoning patterns. He simply is not recognizing somebody he has already met. Yet
the following: what our theory predicts is that Ralph is being irrational. Of one
and the same individual, namely Ortcutt, Ralph simultaneously
(73) a. Bond believes that the author of this letter is a spy.
believes that he is and is not a spy. Evidently, there is something
b. Bill is the author of this letter.
missing from our approach to de re ~elief. Representing de re
c. Bond believes that Bill is a spy.
beliefs as in (70a) leads us straight into this problem. Several phi-
The semantics for F 3 predicts that we can infer (73c) from(73a, losophers (e.g., Kaplan 1969) have argued that the solution to it lies
only under the de re construal of the definite description in (73a). in how we enter in cognitive contact with the entities about which
These considerations are not, of course, restricted to we form beliefs, expectations, etc. Whenever we enter into a cog-
They apply in general to all CP-taking verbs, as the reader can nitive relation to something, it always happens from a certain point
ily check. The interesting aspect of the present approach is of view or under a certain guise. For example, whenever we per-
what might seem to be an ambiguity in the interpretation of NPs ceive something (a prototypical way of forming de re beliefs), we
embedded sentences is analyzed instead as a scopal ambiguity, a always perceive that entity from a certain partial perspective. Evi-
difference in the relative order of interpretation. In traditional lin- dently, the perspective or guise under which we perceive an object
guistic terms, it was the NPs that were said to be ambiguous, with is an essential component of the beliefs we come to have about it.
specificity said to distinguish the two understandings. On the Thus, in particular, we may believe that the man we saw in the
present approach, the ambiguity is not in the NP as such but falls brown hat is a spy while the man we saw on the beach is not, even
out of an independently needed mechanism, namely, the one that if in the actual world these descriptions pick out the same man.
assigns scope to NPs. The notion of scope comes with an explicit What is missing from something like (70a), therefore, is a way of
semantics and is thus better understood than such notions as spe- bringing out the implicit relativization of de re belief to guises or
cificity. In addition, a scopal analysis allows for the possibility of perspectives. Several attempts to spell this relativization out (and
more than two distinct interpretations when there are multiple to assess its consequences for natural-language semantics) are be-
sentence embeddings, and there have been a number of discussions ing explored (see, e.g., Cresswell and von Stechow 1982), but we
arguing that this possibility does arise (Fodor 1970 is an early cannot pursue such lines of inquiry further within the limits of the
example in the linguistics literature). present work.
The analysis we have sketched, though interesting and influen- We suggested above that the scopal treatment of the de dicta/ de
tial, leaves several problems unanswered. Here we will briefly dis- re contrast has the advantage of allowing for more than two inter-
cuss two. The first, in its classical form, is due to Quine (see, e.g., pretations. But multiplicities of scopal possibilities are a mixed
Intensionality 311

blessing. We should point out that NP scope assignment tion on QR that rules the relevant LF structure out. Such a restric-
embedded clauses is not as free as our discussion above tion is likely to be complicated, however, for it has to disallow (76)
suggest. Contrast, for example, (74a) with (74b), both of which while allowing for (77a). Moreover, rather than stating a brute-force
from May (1977): constraint, one would like to find some good reason for why pre-
(74) a. Some politician will address every rally in John's cisely this configuration of facts arises: This puzzle is interesting
b. Some politician thinks that he will address every rally because the pattern of data in question is rather general. It appears
John's district. to be quite hard to find sentences with embeddings where a uni-
versal quantifier in a lower sentence can have scope over an exis-
In (74a) the universally quantified NP every rally can be tential quantifier c-commanding it (at S-structure) from a higher
either wide or narrow scope with respect to the existentially clause. Several ideas relevant to finding a general solution to this
tified NP some politician. So both (75a) and (75b) are puzzle are being currently debated (see, in particular, Reinhart
readings for ( 74a), if we disregard irrelevant details.
1997, Kratzer 1998).
(75) a. :lx[politician(x) !\ \fy[rally(y) ----t address(x, y)]]
b. \fy[rally(y) ----t :lx[politician(x) !\ address(x, y)]]
Exercise 6 We have argued that sentence (1) below has two readings.
T~ings are ~ore ~o~d for (74b). It seems intuitively
possible to assign w1dest scope't9 the~11_niversally quantified NP (1) John believes that a Russian student cheated.
(74b). That is, (74b) seems to lack the t;~th conditions asu~~·•atm Give the two logical forms, say (p) and (b), associated with (1) and
with (76).
describe informally but precisely two states of affairs, say (A) and
(76) \fy[rally(y) ----t :lx[politician(x) !\ think(x, 1\address(x, y))]] (B), such that (a) is true in (A) and (b) false in it, and (b) is true in
(B) and (a) false in it.
However, in interpreting the contribution of every rally in John
Give the logical forms associated with sentence (2) below and
district, there does seem to be something like a de dicta/de re
describe informally but precisely their respective truth conditions.
trast. In our terms, this means that both (77a) and (77b) are ...,~"'"'"u'"
readings for (74b). (2) John thought that Mary claimed that someone stole her purse.

(77) a. :lx[politician(x) !\ \fy[rally(y) ----t think(x, 1\address(x, y))]]

b. :lx[politician(x) !\ think(x, 1\\fy[rally(y) ----t address(x, y)])] To sum up, these considerations purport to illustrate how the
By uttering (74b) under the de dicta interpretation, namely (77 possible-world analysis of propositions supports an elegant com-
one is claiming that a politician thinks that he will talk at positional semantics for sentence embedding. Such an analysis
rally, however the rallies turn out. Such a politician's thoughts interacts with other components of truth-conditional semantics
not claimed to be about any specific rally event. By uttering (74b) (such as the treatment of quantification) to yield an interesting but
with the de re interpretation, the one represented by (77a), not problem-free account of various ways in which the contribution
have to be specific rally events (say a, b, and c, each with a specific of NPs to embedded Ss can be understood.
spatiotemporallocation) such that a politician believes that he will The present approach to the semantics of embedded Ss also
speak at all of them (a, b, and c). The politician need not believe faces the most serious outstanding problem that besets the whole
that these specific rallies are all the rallies. These two types of sit- possible-world approach: the problem of logical omniscience. But
uations are clearly different, and both can be easily described by before turning to it, let us discuss briefly other forms of embedding.
using (74b). Thus if the scope treatment of de dictojde re contrasts
is adequate, then (74b) must indeed have both readings in (77). 3.3.2 Infinitives and gerunds Another very widespread form of em-
The pattern of readings in (75) through (77) is rather puzzling. bedding is represented by infinitives and gerunds (IGs), illustrated
Why is the reading in (76) impossible? One could impose a restric- in (78).
Intensionality 313

(78) a. John tried playing tennis. Here Xn could be bound by some NP, or perhaps it gets its reference
b. John tried to play tennis. from the context (depending on the kind ef embedding verb). Verbs
c. John signaled to the man standing at the corner to cross like try would then have a semantics analogous to that of verbs
road fast. likes believe. More specifically, one might say that, for example,
d. John recommended crossing the road fast to the man John stands in the try relation to the proposition that John plays
standing at the corner. tennis iff in all the worlds where John's attempts succeed, John
brings it about that he plays tennis. This can represented in IPC as
These constructions have been the focus of much research
the generAtive tradition, at least since Rosenbaum (1967). In
follows, we would like to present briefly some questions raised (81) try(j, t\play-tennis(j))
their semantics.
On the surface, IGs lack an overt subject but are un
understood as if they had one. In (78a, b) it is John's playing Exercise 7 Give the syntax, LF, and IPC representation of the semantics of
that we are talking about. In (78c, d) John is concerned with "Every man tries to play tennis" according to the semantics for IGs
man at the corner crossing the road (and not with himself just sketched.
the road). The problem of the interpretation of the missing
is known as the problem of control (which NP in the matrix S
trols the IG). There is, however, another possibility. One might say that verbs
The standard approach to the problem of control within the such as try express relations between individuals and properties.
erative tradition is as follows. IGs are taken to be embedded clauses To try to play tennis is to try to have the property of playing tennis,
with a phonologically null pronominal subject, usually represented to want to leave is to want to have the property of leaving, and so
as PRO. In our current notation, their structure would be as exem- on. In a sense, try to play tennis can be thought of as forming a
plified in (79). complex predicate, where the subject of try is understood as
simultaneously filling in also the subject role of to play tennis. This
(79) a. [cP 0 [TP PROnto play tennis]] too appears to be an a priori plausible way of accounting for the fact
b. [cP 0 [TP PROn playing tennis]] that we understand IGs as undergoing a kind of indirect predica-
Here 0 is the null complementizer and n is an arbitrary index tion. A way of implementing this view is as follows. We might
standardly associated with pronouns (see chap. 3., sec. 2.3). The assume that the contribution of PROn is analogous to that of set
problem of control becomes one of determining what the anteced- abstraction. Accordingly, the interpretation of the IGs in (79) could
ent of PROn is going to be (i.e., which NP is going to bind PROn)· Even be informally represented as follows:
though these assumptions are controversial, in what follows we (82) {xn : Xn plays tennis (in watt)}
will adopt them without discussion, as our main interest here is the
semantics of IGs. · These structures are then operated on by the (null) complemen-
Let us now turn to a discussion of the latter. Prima facie, the tizer. The complementizer, in general, creates an intensional entity.
semantics of IGs, given the syntax in (79), appears to be straight- Intensions can be thought of as functions from worlds and times
forward. PROn is interpreted as a variable (just like other pronouns); into extensions ofthe appropriate type (see table 5.1). In the case of
IGs are interpreted as propositions, presumably formed by the ordinary that clauses, the complementizer creates functions from
null complementizer, just like other embedded clauses. Thus, for individuals into truth values (namely propositions). In the case of
example, the meaning of (79) can be represented by (80) (in IPC): IGs, whose denotation, per our hypothesis, is a set, it will create
functions from worlds into sets; functions of this sort are (our for-
(80) Aplay-tennis(xn) mal reconstruction of) properties.
Intensionality 315

According to the view just sketched, the semantics of "nrn~~'-· obtain the semantics of these structures is formally more cumber-
like (83a) could be represented in IPC as in (83b): some than the other. The predicative view uses abstraction in order
(83) a. John tries [PROnto play tennis] to form properties, the propositional one doesn't. One might say
b. try(j, /\{x: play-tennis(x)}) that this is a reason for regarding the propositional approach as
simpler. But if set abstraction is an.independently needed tool in
Formula (83b) would require introducing in IPC set abs the stock of our semantic operations (and as we shall see in chap-
something equivalent, which we will do, for independent reas ters 7 and 9, it indeed is), arguments ofthis sort carry little weight.
in chapter 7. For the time being, readers can rely on their Thus it looks like this issue is difficult to settle. Perhaps it is even
understanding of set abstraction. Informally, /\{x: play-tennis void of empirical consequences. Perhaps there is no fact that can be
denotes a function that, applied to any world wand at time j brought to bear in deciding it, and the choice between these two
us the set of people who play tennis in w at j, The semantics 'for theories has to be relegated to the realm of the "overall conceptual
that goes with this is the following: elegance" of the final product and the like. In what follows, we
(84) For any world wand time i, V(try) ( <w,
i)) = { <x, P): u is would like to show that this isn't so; on the contrary, there are
an individual and P a property and in all worlds where u's empirical facts that do seem to be directly relevant to choosing
attempts succeed, u brings it about that u has P} between the two theories we have presented.
Consider the argument in (85). I
On the basis of this semantics, sentences like (83a) get the
truth conditions: (82a) comes out as true in w at i iff John tries (85) a. Pavarotti liked Rome.
have the property of playing tennis in w, at i (i.e. iff in all b. Loren liked the thing that Pavarotti liked.
worlds where John's attempts succeed, John brings it about that c. Loren liked Rome.
has the property of playing tennis). It is clear that (85c) follows from (85a, b). It should also be fairly
uncontroversial that, on some fairly plausible assumptions, the
semantics that we have developed so far accounts for the validity of
Exercise 8 Consider the following sentence:
(85). The nominal phrase thing that Pavarotti liked is going to have
(a) John tries to wash himself. as its extension the set of those things that Pavarotti liked. In fact,
in thing that Pavarotti liked we have a head, namely thing, modi-
Assume that its syntactic structure (in conformity with the binding
fied by a relative clause. When we look at the semantics for relative
theory) is (b).
clauses in chapter 7, we will see how such a semantics would
(b) John tries [PROj to wash himselfj] assign, in a compositional way, precisely this extension to the
nominal in question. As a consequence of this and in view of our
Compute the truth conditions of (b). Do they get the right interpre-
tation of the reflexive? analysis of the determiner the, we must take (85b) to say that in the
context at hand there is a unique thing that Pavarotti liked and
Loren liked that same thing. Thus the truth-conditional import
Summing up, we have sketched two views of the semantics of IGs of (85a-c) can be represented, disregarding tense, as in (86a-c),
and the predicates that embed them. According to the first view, respectively.
IGs denote propositions. According to the second, they denote (86) a. like(P, R)
properties. Let us call the first the "propositional" approach and b. 3x[thing-that-Pavarotti-likes(x) !\ \fy[thing-that-Pavarotti-
the second the "predicative" one. The truth conditions we seem to likes(y) <---+ y = x] A like(L, x)]
get as the end result on both approaches appear to be the same. c. like(L,R)
Moreover, neither of the two compositional strategies necessary to
It is straightforward to check that (86a, b) jointly entail (86c).
Intensionality 317

Consider now the argument in ( 87). It is not immediately obvious how one could rescue the proposi-
(87) a. Pavarotti tried playing tennis. tional view. Perhaps one could try to argue that thing that Pavarotti
b. Loren tried the thing that Pavarotti tried. tries is interpreted differently from ordinary relative clauses (like
c. Loren tried playing tennis. thing that Pavarc~ti ate). This amounts to the claim that relativiza-
tion of the complements of verbs like try is somehow special. It is,
Uncontroversially, (87c) follows from (87a, b). This is exactly of course, difficult to assess the consequences of this move in the
the predicative view of gerunds predicts (under the plausible absence of a general treatment of relative clauses (including their
sumption that the extension of thing can include properties). semantics). But it can be remarked that all other circumstances be-
we did in the case of (85b), we assume that the extension of ing equal, a uniform treatment of relative clauses is to be preferred
that Pavarotti tried is the set of things that Pavarotti tries. This to one that treats different cases of relativization differently. The
exactly what the treatment of relative clauses needed for (85b) predicative view of IGs allows for such a uniform treatment; it is
compositionally associate with the nominal in question. The not clear whether the propositional view also does.
ment in (87) can be represented in IPC as follows (where Q and It should perhaps be noted that the preceding argument can be
are variables ranging over properties): 9 constructed in a wide variety of forms. For example, one can also
(88) a. try(P,"{x: play-tennis(x)}) construct it by using the universal quantifier or free relatives (rela-
b. 3Q[thing-that-Pavarotti-tries( Q) 1\ \fZ[thing-that-Pavarotti- tive clauses that lack a head noun). This is illustrated in (90) and
tries(Z) t-+ Z = Q]A try(L, Q)] (91) respectively.
c. try(L, "{ x : play-tennis(x)}) (90) a. John tried playing tennis.
It is easy to see that (88a, b) entail (88c). b. Mary tried everything that John tried.
What is interesting to observe in this connection is that a c. Mary tried playing tennis.
sitional analysis of the semantics of IGs would not make the s (91) a. John promised Mary to marry her.
prediction. According to that view, something like (87a) would b. Bill promised Mary whatever John promised her.
analyzed as a relation between Pavarotti and a proposition (or c. Bill promised Mary to marry her.
of affairs). Such a proposition would have to be about
what (87a) says on such an analysis is that Pavarotti tries to The predicative view predicts the validity of (90) and (91) in a
about a situation where he plays tennis. This means that, every~ way that is fully parallel to the account it provides for (87). And
thing else being equal, the truth conditions of the sentences in (87) (90) and (91) create problems for the propositional view closely
will be as in (89), where q and rare variables over propositions. related to the problems that (8 7) poses for it.l 0
We are not so much interested here in defending the predicative
(89) a. try(P, "play-tennis(P)) view of IGs over the propositional one (even though we do feel that
b. 3q[thing-that-Pavarotti-tries(q) 1\ \fr[thing-that-Pavarotti- the above argument favors the former). Rather, we are interested in
tries(r) t-+ r q]A try(L, q)] showing how very sharp judgments of semantic relatedness can be
c. try(L, "play-tennis(P)) brought to bear in arguing for or against semantic hypotheses. Some
Clearly, (89a, b) entail (89c). Thus a propositional view of IGs pre- questions that one raises in semantics appear prima facie to be
dicts that it follows from (87a, b) that Loren tries to bring about a closer to metaphysics than to linguistics. They are questions like
situation where Pavarotti plays tennis. But this clashes head-on these: What individuals should we put in our domain? Should a
with our intuitions. So, not only is the propositional theory not property be regarded as a particular sort of individual? Should we
obviously capable of explaining our judgments about (87); on the interpret IGs as properties or as propositions? What our discussion
face of it, it also seems to predict an unattested pattern of validity shows is that this appearance might be misleading; such questions
judgments. can turn out to have an unexpectedly rich empirical content. The
kind of answer to them that one chooses can have widespread
Intensionality 319

effects on other aspects of grammar (in the case at hand, for if Ru are u's belief worlds, then u believes p iff Ru ~ p. Suppose
ple, on the treatment of relative clauses). now that p entails q. Then every p world is a q world: p ~ q. By
putting these two facts together, we get that Ru ~ p ~ q. Hence q
will be true in all of u's belief worlds as well, which is tantamount
4 Problems with Belief Sentences to saying that u believes q. Thus we seem to be committed to saying
The analysis of propositions that we have presented is pro that if u believes p and p entails q, then u believes q. In other
in more than one way. In this section we will review one of words, if someone believes something, they must believe all of its
main problems and point out strategies that are being logical consequences. In many cases this seems to be right. We do
solve it. want to say, for example, that if Mary has the specific belief we
Imagine the following situation. Mary is at a party where s reported in (93), then she also has many other beliefs entailed by
kinds of dishes and drinks are being served. She notices, n.-.,,.,~ ..., that belief, like those reported in (94).
that everyone at the party either doesn't eat (they only drink)
(94) a. Mary believes that not everyone at the party ate.
eats only chicken. She thus forms a certain belief, which might
b. Mary believes that only chicken was eaten at the party.
reported in a number of ways. For example, one might
Mary's belief as follows. But there are more problematic cases. Consider (95).

(92) Mary believes that not everyone at the party ate and those (95) a. Only chicken was eaten at the party.
who did ate only chicken. b. No tofu or veal was eaten at the party.
c. Only chicken and no tofu or veal was eaten at the party.
(93) Mary believes that no one at the party ate anything other
than chicken and some ate nothing. Sentence (95a) entails (95b) and, furthermore, is equivalent to
(95c). The relation between (95a) and (95b) is diagrammed in figure
The reason we can choose these two different ways of
5.2. Conjunction corresponds semantically to set intersection, so
Mary's belief is that the embedded sentences in (92) and (93)
the worlds in which (95c) is true will be An B, but since A~ B,
the same truth conditions; they are true in the same worlds.
are still other ways in which we might characterize Mary's attitude.
But in coming to believe (95a) (as reported in (94b)), Mary might
For example, we might say that she believes that some people at the
have entirely failed to consider the possibility that the stuff she saw
party didn't eat and those who did ate only chicken. And so on. In
some partygoers putting in their mouths that looked like chicken
fact, it seems that while some sentences might turn out to be more
might in fact be tofu or veal. So although she does not believe that
felicitous than others, just about any sentence with the same truth
anyone at the party ate tofu or veal, it is not clear that she has the
conditions as the embedded clauses in (92) and (93) will do.
belief expressed by (95b). Even worse, it is not clear that Mary has
This state of affairs fits nicely with the possible world character-
the belief expressed by (95c), yet we have seen that (95c) is logi-
ization of belief. According to such a characterization, to have a
cally equivalent to (95a): (95a) and (95c) pick out the same set of
belief is to be related in a certain way to a set of worlds. Conse-
worlds, and an agent who believes one should believe the other if
quently, if a believes that if;, and¢ is true in the same worlds as 1/t (if;
belief is indeed simply a relation to a set of worlds.
and ¢entail each other), then a also believes that ¢. This means that
we are free to describe the relevant set of worlds by means of the
sentence that we think most appropriate to the communicative
A: the worlds where only chicken was
purposes at hand. For cases like those illustrated in (93), this con- eaten at the party.
sequence seems to be a welcome one. 8: the worlds where no tofu or veal was
eaten at the party.
In fact, the possible-world analysis of belief has further interest-
ing consequences. We have said that for an individual u to believe
a proposition pis for p to be true in all of u's belief worlds. That is, Figure 5.2
Intensionality 321

The problems multiply when we turn to attitudes toward 4.1 Representationalist strategies
matical statements. Any true mathematical statement is ne One strategy involves maintaining that belief and other attitudes
true, that is, true in every possible world; every false ~~..~-.c'v""cti_H involve in some crucial way representations of some sort. A radical
statement is necessarily false, true in no world. There is just way of pursuing this possibility is by bringing in sentence structure
necessarily true proposition (the set of all possible worlds) and in a rather direct fashion. One m,ight try to claim that belief and
necessarily false proposition (the null set). Thus on the other attitudes involve dispositions to assent, dissent, or otherwise
world account of propositions all true mathematical u ''"vJLHt:ll use sentences in deliberating and planning. 11 So belief becomes a
express the same proposition, so to believe (or know or c relation of agents to public linguistic structures.
any one of the statements in ( 96) should be to believe (or know To see what this involves, it might be useful to sketch some sim-
consider) them all, a highly counterintuitive result. pleminded version of such an idea. Suppose we say that "x
(96) a. Two plus two equals four. believes that S" should be analyzed as "xis disposed to assent to
b. 19 X 241 = 4579. 'S' ," where S stands for a sentence (or perhaps its P marker). A
c. There are infinitely many prime numbers. problem that immediately arises, then, is the problem of transla-
tion. Consider the following:
The basic difficulty is that the possible world account of
sitions cannot discriminate among logically equivalent or rrn~+n~1 (97) a. John believes that it is raining.
synonymous propositions. Yet we often fail to notice that b. John crede che sta piovendo.
statements are logically equivalent, or we are quite ignorant of Sentence (97b) is the Italian translation of (97a). Since the transla-
equivalence. Possible world semantics, however, seems to imply tion is accurate, it follows that (97a) is true iff(97b) is true. Yet, on
logical omniscience that humans notably lack. the simpleminded quotational approach we have outlined, this is
The problem of logical omniscience arises in connection not predicted to happen, for (97a) is analyzed as John is disposed to
any S-taking verb. There is no definite solution to it at -.--.-'""""''~" assent to "It is raining," and (97b) as John is disposed to assent to
There are, however, many interesting proposals that often raise "Sta piovendo." But "It is raining" and "Sta piovendo" are differ-
reaching foundational issues for semantics and cognitive <">LoJLvu~.;~:::. ent sentences, and consequently one might be disposed to assent to
The intricacy of the question is such that we certainly cannot the former but not to the latter. So the present view has as a con-
justice to it here. But we want to give the reader some idea of sequence that (97a) might not have the same truth conditions as
various strategies being pursued. (97b), which is wrong.
In the following discussion one should keep in mind what our One way out of this problem involves relativizing our character-
perspective is. We are concerned with the semantic characteriza· ization of belief to the notion of accurate translation. A first ap-
tion of that clauses. Such a characterization has to support a proximation might go as follows:
mantics of S-taking verbs. The problem of logical omnisci
(98) The sentence "x believes that S" is true in a language L iff
seems to center around the fact that the notion of the semantk
there exist a language L' and a sentence S' of L' such that S is
content of an S that the possible world approach characterizes is
an accurate translation of S' and xis disposed to assent to S'.
not fine-grained enough. We saw that propositions (on the possible
world analysis) do share some of the structural properties of sen- While this would solve the problem connected with (97), it does so
tences. In particular, propositions and sentences share a Boolean by introducing the ill-understood notion of accurate translation. In
structure (propositions can be negated, conjoined, disjoined, etc., particular, it seems very hard to characterize such a notion in a way
just like sentences). But perhaps this is not enough: more of the that does not resort to what S and S' mean. But if we had an ade-
structural properties of sentences might be relevant in characteriz- quate characterization of what S and S' mean, then the nature of the
ing the notion of sentence content. Most of the strategies being problematic attitudes could probably be understood directly in
explored grant this point in some form or other. terms of such a notion.
Intensionality 323

A second way out might be to say that belief is a relation how this aboutness of belief (and other attitudes) as manifested in
ing syntactic objects but not sentences of some public such inference patterns as those in (99) would be accommodated.
Rather, the belief relation could be analyzed as a relation An example from Partee (1979) that illustrates a similar point is
representations in some mental code, a "language of the following:
such a mental code is universal, then the version of the
(100) Smith believes that that door is locked, but she doesn't
problem outlined above would not arise. The universality of
believe that that door is locked.
code could be taken to be directly related to a putatively
level of linguistic structure such as LF. For example, believing If the two demonstratives in (100) are interpreted as referring to
be a disposition to manipulate the LFs associated with different doors, then (100) attributes to Smith a noncontradictory
deliberating, storing and retrieving information in memory, belief. Yet there is only one sentence that we use to characterize
There are several further issues that this kind of approach what Smith might be related to, namely, "That door is locked."
however. One thing to note is that the structure of a And it is not clear how to manufacture two different representa-
motivated level of representation might turn out to be unsuited tions out of it without directly resorting to the contextually speci-
an analysis of belief sentences. For example, LFs might be fied objects that form the demonstrata.
in some ways. In particular, LF as currently conceived does The second issue has to do with the fact that creatures that have
provide us with a characterization of the content of lexical limited capacities for representation might nevertheless have
The LF of "Pavarotti is bald" would be something very close beliefs. My canary might believe that it rains or that someone will
surface form, except that the actual lexical entries "Pavarotti" feed him. It is not so straightforward to conceive of canaries as
"bald" would be replaced by their LF translationjrepreserttatic standing in interesting relations to mental representations. For ex-
Clearly, one would want such translation/representation to ample, it is difficult to imagine my canary's dispositions to use
the English predicate "bald" to baldness (the property shared mental representations in deliberating. It is even harder to imagine
people who have little or no hair on their head). It is far from representations of the semantic contents of that clauses that could
how this is to be accomplished. Thus, linguistically m support a plausible analysis for sentences like "My canary believes
levels of representation as we understand them at this point s that it will be fed."
to lack the characteristics that such a language of thought The above problems all appear to be linked to the fact that while
have. representations may well be a fundamental determinant of beliefs
Two additional issues have been pointed out as problematic and other attitudes, a characterization of the meaning of that
attempts to analyze belief (and other attitudes) as relations in clauses that supports a plausible semantics for attitude reports
ing crucially and solely syntactic structures or representations appears to be hard to obtain without bringing into the picture in
some kind. 13 some systematic form the content of such representations. One way
The first has to do with the fact that our beliefs very often of doing this is along the following lines adapted from the discus-
to be about things independently of how they are sion in Stalnaker (1984, 27 ff.).
(mentally or otherwise). Take, for example, (99).
(101) "x believes that S" is true iff x believes* p(S) and p(S) means
(99) a. John believes that this person is a genius. that p.
b. There is someone that John believes is a genius.
Here p(S) is some specified representation of S (perhaps something
An illocutionary agent who utters (99a) imputes to John a like its LF), believe* is a relation to representations (perhaps re-
that involves someone regardless of how such a person is repre- trieving and using them in specified ways determined by the type of
sented. This is shown, for example, by the fact that such an illocu- attitude), and means is to be analyzed in terms of one's theory of
tionary agent will be committed also to the truth (99b). If belief meaning. In our case, "p(S) means p" would be analyzed in terms
were just a relation of individuals to representations, it is unclear of the truth conditions (or set of circumstances) associated with p(S).
Intensionality 325

On the analysis just sketched, the problems that we have

fall within the family, broadly construed. Let us consider briefly
discussing will not automatically disappear. But we are
one that goes back to Carnap (1947). 15
them with better hope of success. In particular, an approach
Take a sentence like the following:
these lines is clearly well equipped for dealing with logical
science. Two sentences can have the same truth conditions (103) John runs.
be mapped onto very different representations. Our disp Let j be John and R be the property of running, where the latter is
toward truth-conditionally equivalent representations might construed as a function from individuals to sets of worlds (that is,
vary. At the same time the relation of representations to their for any individual u, R(u) is the set of worlds where u runs). We
tent enters in a crucial way in the characterization of atti could associate with (103) the following structure:
anchors such attitudes into the world. Puzzles surrounding
beliefs can thus be dealt with in terms of the standard q (104) ~
tional machinery of logic. Interesting proposals along these
have been developed.14 j R
However, one problem still remains. Consider the following Now let -be set-theoretic complementation restricted to the set
of sentences:
W of possible worlds.
(102) a. John believes that Kim is a genius. We can then associate with sentence (105a) the structure (105b):
b. John does not believe that no one is a genius. (105) a. John doesn't run.
The truth of (102b) seems to follow from the truth of (102a). b.
matter how little developed John's logical skills may be, there is
way in which he can believe of someone that he or she is a
and at the same time believe that no one is. Yet on the family
j R
approaches we are considering, this does not automatically
The representations associated with the embedded clauses We can play the same game for other connectives and quantifiers.
(102a, b) will be different from each other. And hence, unless For example, where n is set-theoretic intersection (restricted to
say something more, standing in the belief relation to the one W), we can associate with (106a) the structure in (106b):
not imply standing in the belief relation to the other. It looks as if (106) a. John runs, and Mary doesn't run.
the attempt to get around the problem of logical omniscience,
family of approaches we are considering tend to go too far.
simply block every kind of inference involving embedded clauses. (1

And it is not obvious how to bring back, in a general and non ad

hoc way, those inferences that seem to be warranted. j R

m R

4.2 Fine·grained meanings The objects that we are associating with sentences can be thought
Another important family of approaches tackles the problem of of as trees isomorphic to syntactic trees but whose terminals are
logical omniscience by seeking a more finely structured character- objects rather than words. So we have "structured meanings," as
ization of the notion of sentence content. One can try to introduce Cresswell (1985) puts it. The structure comes from some relevant
such notions as those of propositions, events, or situations as prim- level of syntax, but the entities being structured are the meanings
itives and provide axioms (or algebraic conditions) to characterize themselves (in the case at hand, the properties and individuals).
their logical behavior where needed. There are many proposals that These structured objects are arguably candidates for a character-
ization of the notion of sentence content. For one thing, they can
Intensionality 327

be compositionally specified. Moreover, the truth conditions the reader some indication of the reasons why we are moderately
proposition can systematically be recovered from them. For optimistic on the outcome of research in this area. The problems
~ 1~, we can say that (105) is true in world w iff w E - R(j) (that involved in developing an account along the lines we have
IS m the complement of the set of worlds R(j)). Since sketched are difficult. Nonetheless, serious attempts to spell out
meanings are so systematically linked to truth conditions interesting characterizations of the notion of sentence content have
terizing their logical behavior (and hence the logical behav{or been made.
sentences they are associated with) can be done following Before concluding, we should point out what we think is an im-
paths. portant aspect of the problems surrounding mental attitudes and
In addition, structured meanings are extremely fine-grained the semantics of attitude reports, an aspect emphasized especially
thus, treating S-taking verbs as relations to structured ' in Stalnaker (1984). There seems to be a notion of belief that the
will not get us into the problem of logical omniscience. For possible world approach, in spite of its limitations, captures in an
ple, (107a) is a different structure from (107b), even if in clas arguably optimal way. This is the notion of belief as a disposition to
logic the double negation of a formula If; is equivalent to If; its act (as opposed to belief as a disposition to represent reality in a
certain way). When we engage in action, we are confronted with
(107) a.
b.~ ranges of possible outcomes. Our actions are guided by our atti-
tudes for or against some such outcomes. Such actions are causally
R j
conditioned by the range of possibilities we can discriminate for
certain purposes. From this perspective what appears to be crucial
is that we discriminate between alternative states of affairs, not be-
R j tween alternative representations. Example (93) made this point. A
Thus we can stand in the belief relation with one of these 0 further illustration can be constructed along the following lines.
say ( 107 a), without standing in the belief relations with Consider the following:
(107b). ' (108) a. Pavarotti/my cat believes that some humans are friendly
Finally, if belief and other attitudes are relations to to him.
meanings, then they obviously are relations involving not just b. Pavarotti/my cat believes that not every human is
resentations but actual objects. Thus the de re character of unfriendly to him.
(and the pattern of entailments in which it is manifested) can
One plausible way of interpreting (108a) is as saying that Pavarotti
accommodated in a principled way.
(or my cat) is disposed to bring about his desires as if a certain
The structured-meaning approach we have just sketched
condition obtained. The way we characterize such a condition
quite a bit in common with the representationalist approach
(whether, for example, we characterize it as in (108a) or as in
sidered at the end of section 4.1. Both bring in an abstract kind
(108b)) is immaterial. The important thing is Pavarotti's capacity to
logical structure linked in systematic ways to the syntactic
distinguish between friendly humans and unfriendly humans. Any
ture of sentences. Both have the actual denotation of phrases
logically equivalent way of characterizing this distinction will
an important role in characterizing the objects of belief (and
serve the purpose. In this specific sense, his belief is closed under
meaning of embedded clauses). And just like the representa
logical equivalence. From the point of view of how beliefs (and
alist approach, the structured-meaning one runs the risk of ruling
other attitudes) play a role in action, the form one uses for charac-
out too much. If nothing is added, nothing follows from the fact
terizing a set of possible outcomes is not crucial. Two agents may
that an agent stands in the belief relation to a given structured
meaning. have the same attitude toward a given set of possible circumstances
even if they individuate such a set by totally different means, up to
Our rudimentary and unsophisticated discussion of these diffi-
logical equivalence.
cult topics doesn't show very much. Our main purpose is to give
contexts: lndexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition

This ~ense of what it is to have an attitude toward something

the notion of sentence content that goes with it appear to be
quately characterized by possible world semantics. It would
on the face of things that any attempt to solve the problems
such an approach leaves open (such as the logical
problem) should maintain in some form such a notion of sen
In conclusion, there are some positive features as well as
serious problems in our current characterization of sen In the preceding chapter we generalized our model-theoretic se-
meaning and in the way sentence meaning interacts with the mantics to deal with certain intensional notions. Truth definitions
mantics of attitude reports. Many exciting avenues of research were given relative not only to a model and an assignment function
being pursued in this connection, and we have been barely able but also to circumstances, world-time pairs. We have identified
give the reader a taste of some of the issues involved. propositions with functions from circumstances to truth values (or
sets of circumstances) and have defined an elementary intensional
predicate calculus (IPC) with modal and temporal operators. The
Exercise 9 Consider the following sentence:
truth value of a sentence in IPC is assigned in two stages: (1) the
(1) Every glass wasn't made in Italy. sentence is associated with some proposition, and (2) that prop-
osition is evaluated as true or false relative to a particular world
Take "made in Italy" as an unanalyzed predicate. Adopt the and time. And we have used the techniques introduced in IPC
ian analysis of tense and the constraint that negation must
in an account of tense, modal auxiliaries, modal adverbs, and
scope over tense. On these assumptions, (1) is ambiguous. Give
complement-taking verbs like believe and try.
two logical forms associated with (1) and their IPC ""'T'""'·o~"''l .. ~ .. ~"'" In this chapter we are going to look in more detail at the inter-
What is the relation between these two readings (i.e., are they, action of contextual factors with semantics. First we investigate the
our current assumptions, logically independent of each other)? semantics of some indexical expressions like I and here. The basic
idea is to increase the number of parameters relative to which truth
conditions are defined. The most immediately obvious way to do
this is to add such contextual coordinates as those specifying
speakers and their locations to the worlds and times already
needed for the analysis of intensionality; we call this the multiple
coordinate approach. Multiple coordinates by themselves, how-
ever, do not support completely adequate notions of entailment
and validity for sentences that include indexical expressions. We
then turn to examine a view of context and circumstances as po-
tentially independent of one another and propose a two-stage
approach to the assignment of intensions.
The analysis of context we develop for the interpretation of in-
dexicals can be used to talk about the dynamics of discourse. We
illustrate this by further articulating some of our earlier informal
suggestions about illocutionary forces as context-changing opera-
tions, developing the analysis of assertion as a function from .one
context into another. We make explicit the idea that what assertwns
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 331

do is to add the asserted propositional content to the set of uttered. For example, whether (3) is true depends not only on what
sitions that conversationalists take for granted at later the circumstances are like with respect to who is boring; it also
common ground. The conception of a context as including a depends on the identify of the addressee, on the denotation of you
background propositions and of discourse as involving in a particular context of using sentence (3).
changes in context helps provide the basis for a discussion
(3) You are boring.
contrast between presupposition and assertion by c"""'"''r"""
and for an account of what it is for sentences to carry nl''"""'~­ Imagine a context in which an utterance of (3) is addressed to
tions. This approach suggests at least a partial solution to the Pavarotti and the relevant circumstances are ones in which Pavar-
jection problem for presuppositions, the question of the ~~·".uuo otti is boring but Bond is not boring. What has been said by uttering
under which embedded sentences project their presupposition (3) in this context is thus true. Suppose further that Pavarotti mis-
the complex sentences containing them. takenly believes himself fascinating whereas Bond is fully aware of
who is boring and who is not. If Pavarotti knows himself to be the
addressee whereas Bond mistakenly takes himself to be addressed,
2 lndexicals then both Pavarotti and Bond will wrongly judge (3) to have been
There are two ways in which the facts can enter into falsely uttered. Their reasons, however, are quite different. Pavar-
whether a sentence is true. Consider (1). otti is wrong about what the relevant circumstances are, about who
(1) I am hungry. is boring, but he is quite right about what was said in the given
context. Bond, in contrast, is in error over what was said but is
Were Bond to utter (1), it would express the same proposition quite right about who is boring. We are inclined to describe Bond
that expressed by (2a); were Pavarotti to utter it, it would ov,-.~nnn as having simply misunderstood what was said, whereas Pavar-
the same proposition as that expressed by (2b). otti's mistake we take to be one of substance. 1
(2) a. Bond is hungry. Another example is illustrated by the sentences in (4).
b. Pavarotti is hungry. (4) a. Loren is behind the tree.
Whether ( 1) is true in circumstances <w, i) depends not just on b. Loren is in front of the tree.
which individuals are hungry in world w at time i but also on the The facts about Loren and the tree-their particular locations in
context in which (1) is produced and that thereby determines world w at time i-do not suffice to determine the truth of these
whose hunger is relevant, who has uttered the sentence and thus sentences. Rather, whether (4a) is true and (4b) false or vice versa
who the first-person pronoun I denotes. We follow the ;ractice of depends also on the location of the speaker; it is this location that
Kaplan (1977) and use context when we mean something like the determines what spatial relation of Loren to the tree counts as
situation of utterance (the way things are that helps determine what behind or in front of. Loren and the tree may be fixed in their loca-
is actually expressed by an utterance) and circumstances when we tions and (4a) will be true relative to one speaker (located on the
mean the state of affairs we are speaking about or describing (the opposite side of the tree as Loren) but false relative to another
way things are or might be that determines the truth value of what (located on the same side of the tree as Loren). What the sentences
is expressed by the sentence uttered). Often we speak of the here say about Loren and her location with respect to the tree, their
and now in which the utterance occurs, and in such cases the con- content, depends on features of the context relative to which they
text and the circumstances both involve aspects of the same con- are uttered. 2
crete situation or state of affairs (where neither situation nor state In chapter 1 we used a similar contrast between come and go to
of affairs is used in any special technical sense). illustrate how the way a particular circumstance is described can
There are many different kinds of expressions that are similar to say something about the perspective from which the description is
I in this sensitivity to variations in the context in which they are issued.
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 333
(5) a. The bear came into the tent. guistic term deixis, the word indexical is etymologically linked to a
b. The bear went into the tent. Greek word meaning indicating or pointing.
Indexical expressions are terms whose contribution to proposi-
As Barwise and Perry (1983) observe in discussing this tional content depends on the context in which they are used, and
each of the sentences in (5) may be used to correctl d their meaning consists in specifying .the aspect of context that de-
. l . . y e
smg e ~Ituatwn. ~ et a hearer will learn something about termines what contribution to content they will make. Bar-Hillel
speaker s perspectlVe on the situation from which verb is (1954) seems to have been the first to propose that such expressions
and as a consequence he may infer something more abo t could and should be incorporated in formal systems and studied by
speaker's attitudes toward the proposition she has expre d~
E l b sse . logical methods.
xamp es can e multiplied where what a sentence It was Richard Montague and various students of his who really
thus whether it is true of circumstances <w i) depend sat~s,
h . ' ' s no just developed Bar-Hillel's proposal in a general way about a decade
t ose cucumstances but on certain aspects of the context of its later. Significant work on tense logics had been undertaken much
~ense ~nd temporal adverbials (like yesterday), locative earlier. What was novel in Montague's program was the general-
swns (hke here), and demonstratives (like this) all have a s ization of techniques already developed in model-theoretic seman-
cance that depends on the context of their use. Someone tics for dealing with indexical elements of all kinds.

knows of a world w what, if anything, Sophia Loren gave to

and where she was at all times may still fail to know whether (6)
true, for what(~) claims about Loren's givings, its content,
2.1 Multiple coordinates
on who utters It, when and where it is uttered, and what is The first step was suggested by analogies between tense and modal
onstrated as it is uttered.
operators, which we discussed briefly in the preceding chapter. It is
(6) Loren gave this to me here yesterday. a very natural idea to treat times or histories as simply other factors
relative to which truth conditions can be given and so to add a set
As ~n aside, .we should note that demonstrative expressions
of instants (or intervals) to the model along with a set of possible
~ometlmes ~ct hke anaphoric pronouns or bound variables to be
worlds. Just as modal expressions like must and necessarily can be
mterpr~ted m terms of their connection to an antecedent linguistic
understood as quantifying over possible worlds or circumstances,
expresswn. Sentence (7a) might be a pure demonstrative
so temporal expressions like always and will can be understood as
renee of that, whereas (7b) is anaphoric.
quantifying over times. In IPC we introduced simple tense oper7
(7) a. That is Melissa's favorite piece of clothing. ators. We then applied the same semantic techniques to interpret-
b. Every girl brought her favorite piece of clothing to school ing the English tense morphemes in T; we assumed that present
and wore that [her favorite piece of clothing] to the party tense is interpreted as coincident with the time of the context in
rather than her uniform. which the sentence is produced (much like now) and that future
and past tenses quantify over times later or earlier than that de-
Ultimately, we might hope for an account that unifies these/·differ-
ent uses, but for the present we will focus on occurrences of de- noted by now.
On the face of it, an indexical phenomenon like tense seems easy
m~nstratives that lack antecedents and that must be interpreted
With reference to some contextual demonstration. to deal with by extending the set of parameters to which interpre-
tation is relativized, by adding i, an instant of time, to w, a world. It
The philosopher Y. Bar-Hillel borrowed the term indexical from
looks promising to generalize this strategy with respect to other
C. S. Peirce to apply specifically to expressions like first- and
contextual factors as well. The various types of information that the
s.econd-p~rson pronouns, tense, and demonstratives, demonstra-
context supplies can be viewed as different coordinates to which an
tives havmg been discussed in Peirce (1902) under his much more
interpretation must be sensitive. This idea can be formalized in two
general notion of an indexical sign. Like the more traditional lin-

Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 335

simple steps where we (1) enrich the notion of a model by ing involves not just linguistic processing but depends as well on
different relevant contextual parameters and (2) relativize the such other cognitive faculties as perception.
terpretation function [ ] to such further parameters. Times and locations are, of course, not the only components of
We could add locations to our models, for example. context relevant to interpretation of linguistic expressions. Some
(8a) will not be evaluated with respect to anything as global as central instances of indexicals il}.volve components of speech
we have called a possible circumstance (a world-time pair) but events as such. For example the speaker or illocutionary agent is
be understood as localized to a region centered on the place referred to by I and the addressee by you. Why not simply add
which the sentence is produced. That is, (8a) is generally additional coordinates for speakers and for addresses?
preted as synonymous with (8b), which contains an overt There is no barrier in principle to continuing to add coordinates.
renee of the indexical here. In the happy phrase of Lewis (1979), coordinates "keep score in the
language game." We can think of a scoreboard with slots reserved
(8) a. It is raining.
for contextually relevant factors. As the game of discourse pro-
b. It is raining here.
ceeds, the values in the slots may change. At any stage where
In fact, we seem able to discriminate among indefinitely words like I and here are used, their value can be determined by
locations within what can be viewed as the same context. The checking the appropriate scoreboard slots, in this case the speaker
distinct occurrences of there in (9) are associated with paintings slot and the discourse location slot.
different places, which we have represented by giving them di We can illustrate these general ideas either by expanding IPC or
(unpronounced) subscripts. by considering a larger fragment of English. Let us do the latter by
(9) Joan found a penny there 1 and there 2 • expanding F 3 to include I as a new constant of category N. We now
need a richer notion of models for F 3 :
There is no difficulty in principle to continuing in the same
indefinitely: "and there 3 and ... and theren." Of course, there (10) A model M for F 3 is a sextuple of the form <W,I, <, S, U, V),
interesting issues in perceptual psychology about our capacity vi- where
sually to identify and distinguish places. Practical limits on these a. W, I,<, U are as before.
perceptual capacities might put an end to the litany, although the b. S s; U is a set of speakers.
speaker might also enlarge on the possibilities by walking around c. Vis a function that assigns to each constant a an intension
during the course of speaking, identifying a sequence of locations of the right type, where intensions are now functions from
associated with occurrences of there with paintings from a se- W x I x S; in particular, for any wE W, i E I, and s E S,
quence of distinct locations. V(I)(<w,i,s)) = s.
What is crucial for our present purposes is that visual demon- The interpretation function [ ] remains as before except that it too
strations of places do provide essential information for the seman- is now relativized to speakers. This means that we will recursively
tic interpretation of indexical expressions like here and there. The define [ ]M,w,i,s,g rather than [ ]M,w,i,g. Let us illustrate by giving
implication is that semantic interpretation has access to perceptu- some of the key clauses in the definition of [ ]M, w,i, s,g.
ally provided information, which might be taken to suggest some
( 11) a. If a is a basic constant, then [ a]M, w,i,s,g = V( a) ( <w, i, s))
unified level of mental representation where perceptual and se-
b. If a is a trace or a pronoun, then [a]M,w,i,s,g g(a)
mantic information are both available. Jackendoff (1983) has made c. [[s NP Pred]]M,w,i,s,g = 1 iff [NP]M,w,i,s,g E [Pred]M,w,i,s,g.
this point and further argues that there is no need for purely se-
mantic or purely perceptual levels. Whatever the eventual answer This approach involves a different and more general notion of
to such questions about the nature of cognition and mental repre- proposition than the one we used in the preceding chapter. All
sentation, indexicals demonstrate unequivocally that understand- intensions are now functions from worlds, times, and speakers to

Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 337

extensions of the appropriate kind; thus a proposition is proposal, it is useful to consider how the speaker coordinate we
function from worlds, times, and speakers to truth values. have introduced in illustrating the multiple coordinate analysis of
alently, a proposition can here be viewed as a set of relevant indexicals plays a different overall role from the world and time
dinates; the present generalization makes each such co coordinates. Even at this early stage we can discern several such
ordered triple of a world, time, and speaker. Formally, differences. Although we illustrate these differences by discussing
(12) [that S]M,w,i,s,g = {(w',i',s'): [S]M,w',i',s',g = 1} the speaker coordinate s) exactly the same kinds of comments
could be made about other purely contextual coordinates that
might be introduced, like those for an addressee, a demonstrated
Exercise 1 Assume that we have extended F 3 as in (10). Consider a model location or locations, and so on. First, coordinates w and i play
for this expanded F 3 , where M6 is just like M 5 in chapter 5, two different kinds of role in evaluating expressions, only the first
except that ( 1) it includes the set of speakers {a, b} in the of which seems to be paralleled by s and other purely contextual
place and VB in the sixth place of the sextuple that constitutes coordinates. On the one hand, wand i are explicitly relevant in the
model, and (2) VB is different from V 5 only as much as is"'"''-'"'·'"'"' interpretation of the modal and temporal expressions: modal and
to take account of the added relativization to agents. What are temporal operators depend on the actual w and i. On the other
V5(walk), VB(Pavarotti), VB(Bond), and V6 (Loren)? In lieu of a hand, expressions in general have extensions that depend on
dimensional display, simply list values for V 6 at each of the worlds and times. An expression like hungry, for example, can
indices serving as its arguments. have different extensions in a given world w at different instants i1
and i 2 or in different worlds w 1 and w2 at a given instant i. Perhaps
Pavarotti and Loren are hungry in w at i1 , but no one is hungry in w
This seems a quite straightforward extension of the at i 2 • In contrast, the s coordinate seems to enter only·into assigning
we have already become familiar with. Moreover, it is quite easy values to the single form I (which includes, of course, the objective
see how we could go on in this way to deal with other aspects form me and the possessive my), whereas the extension of hungry
context on which interpretation depends. For example, we could and of other expressions is not tied to the s coordinate. This is what
add to the model (and to the interpretation function) a set H (13) says.
hearers or addresses to deal with you. For here and there we might
(13) If a is an expression that does not contain I, then for all sand
add sets L1 and Lz of locations (more precisely, sequences of loca- s' in S, [ rJ.]M, w,i,s,g = [ rx]M, w,i,s',g
tions, since there is the possibility of changing locations or pointing
at indefinitely many places within one context). And so on. While The second observation is that for a given s in S alternative
such an approach does not deal with all aspects of the context- values of wand i do not affect the value assigned as the interpreta-
dependency of language, it does provide a reasonable formal tion of I; sis the only coordinate relevant for establishing the referent
strategy for dealing with the contribution of context to the inter- of I. It may seem odd to say that, relative to the speaker, I designates
pretation of indexicals. On the face of it, the multiple coordinate the same individual in all circumstances. Yet we can think of this as
approach that simply adds coordinates seems to do what is needed. analogous to saying that the variable x; designates the same indi-
Its main immediately apparent problem is merely logistic: there vidual in all circumstances relative to an assignment function g.
seems to be no principled limitation to the stock of contextual The speaker coordinate is comparable to the assignment function
coordinates that might prove relevant for interpretation of some in being independent of the differences in the world-time pairs that
linguistic expression or another. determine evaluation in the circumstances we speak of. Just like a
A somewhat different approach to indexicality for which Stal- variable expression, however, Ihas alternative values, namely, those
naker (1974) and Kaplan (1977) have argued is one that provides assigned relative to alternative values of the speaker coordinate.
an additional stage of interpretation, another level of semantic Third, notice that in the course of evaluating sentences, we often
value in addition to extensions and intensions. As a lead into their shift from one circumstances to another. For example, (14a) is true
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 339

at <w,i) iff there is some i' prior to i such that (14b) is relevant to evaluating this sentence. In other words, we want to
<w,i'). hold the effects of the context on the assignment of interpretations
(14) a. Pavarotti walked. to indexicals constant while considering alternative circumstances
b. Pavarotti walks. (in evaluating a modal or past tense, for example). This holds not
just for I but also for here, you, this, and so on. The circumstances
Furthermore, we generalize over circumstances by means of evaluation-the sets of worlds that belong to the modal base in
verbs like always and sometimes. As far as contextual coor the case of a sentence with a modal auxiliary or the past times rel-
are concerned, we shift them in discourse (as, for example, evant for evaluating a past tense sentence-seem to play no role in
ers change) but we do not generalize over them: there is no the interpretation of context-dependent indexical expressions.
or some here parallel to always or sometimes. There are minor exceptions with a joking or slightly paradoxical
Differences such as these suggest that we might want to quality to them: "Tomorrow is always a day away."
guish more sharply in our analysis between the context Essentially the same point can be made in a slightly different
determines what is said, and the circumstances, which 'are way (also due to Kaplan and Stalnaker). The most natural way to
alternatives to be considered in determining whether wh~''~--~~· interpret a complex index <w, i, s) is that s is speaking in world
said is true. The context gives information on who is "u"'rt''" w at time i. This would have the result that for any M, w, i, s
what is being pointed at, and all the other factors relevant to and g,
pretation of indexical expressions. Misinformation about the
(15) [I]M,w,i,s,g [the speaker]M,w,i,s,g
text can result in confusion about what is said; recall Bond's
in thinking that (3), "You are boring," was addressed to him But then how could we explain the fact that the sentences in (16)
in fact it was addressed to Pavarotti. But the substance of au: talk are not synonymous? Sentence (16a) is perfectly coherent and
discriminating among circumstances. Unlike Bond, Pavarotti contingent, but (16b) has a contradictory antecedent.
correctly informed about the relevant context but differed from
(16) a. If I were not the speaker, Joan would be talking.
speaker in what he took the circumstances to be.
b. If the speaker were not the speaker, Joan would be talking.
Differentiating between context and circumstances allows us
say, for example, that, relative to a speaker, I designates the same To make the same point more dramatically, treating I as synony-
individual (that speaker) in all circumstances. This is no mous with the (present) speaker would lead one to say that (17) is
in principle from saying, as we do, that a variable x relative to an necessarily true.
a~signment g designates the same individual (namely g(x)) in all (17) If the present speaker were now silent, there would be no
cucumstances. For I this means that in evaluating a sentence like "I present speaker, and thus I would not exist.
must be hungry" as uttered by Pavarotti, we really consider the
proposition that Pavarotti is hungry in all the relevant circum- As Kaplan (1977, 44), puts it, "Beliefs such as [that expressed in
stances (i.e., all the world-time pairs included in the modal base). (17)] could make one a compulsive talker."
w_e do not consider at all the values that "I must be hungry" has The multiple coordinate approach must in fact give up the natu-
With respect to other possible speakers. Whether Bond for exam- ral interpretation of complex indices and not require that s be
ple, is hungry is quite irrelevant to the value assigned to' "I must be speaking in w at i for <w,i,s) to be a well-formed index, so as to
hungry" as uttered by Pavarotti. The fact that it might be Bond, allow someone to speak about circumstances in which she is not
rather than Pavarotti, who is speaking in some situation we con- speaking (or perhaps is absent altogether). The crucial point here is
sider is also not relevant to assigning a semantic value to "I must be that in evaluating sentences, we sometimes need to consider cir-
hungry" in view of our initial focus on a context in which Pavarotti cumstances that differ from the context that has provided the in-
is taken as the speaker. Similar comments apply to "I was hungry" terpretation of the indexical expressions, and at the same time we
as uttered by Pavarotti; Bond's hunger at earlier times will not be need to hold constant the contextually determined interpretation of
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 341

those indexical expressions. A possible world may lack 2.2 Expression character: mapping contexts to intensions
altogether, for example. Yet to interpret a sentence rjJ relative We define intensions as functions from circumstances, world-time
some speaker s is to take s as a speaker producing ¢, and this pairs, to extensions, thus generalizing the referential notion of
nection between s and rjJ is not captured by the multiple coor extension. Similarly, we can define expression characters as func-
account of indexicality. tions from contexts to intensions, thus generalizing the context-
Such difficulties can be resolved if we treat the contextual independent notion of intensions.
ments as intrinsically connected to one another, as coherent One way to accomplish this generalization is simply to treat
being aspects of some single situation or state of affairs but contextual and circumstantial coordinates as two independent but
potentially independent of the elements comprising the essentially similar indices or dimensions, one representing possi-
stances (which so far consist of just worlds and times but ble worlds in their role as contexts and the other representing pos-
potentially include elements like spatial locations that situate sible worlds in their role as circumstances. For our present
tent more locally). In other words, contexts and circumstances purposes we can accomplish what is needed by including one fur-
be treated as distinct components relative to which we define ther contextual coordinate c (for context) in our models; this added
conditions, each of them further articulated into interrelated contextual coordinate in turn is articulated into distinct aspects as
ments. Circumstantial coordinates can shift independently of needed. The various aspects of contexts can be thought of as func-
another, whereas contextual components are tied together by tions mapping each context c onto an appropriate range. Speakers
utterance situation to which they belong. are individual entities, and thus a speaker function sp maps each
One way of implementing this idea is to view semantic context c onto sp(c) E U, the speaker in c. An addressee function
tation as proceeding in two stages. First we relativize adr will map c onto adr(c) E U, the addressee in c. Similarly, a locn
to contexts, assigning each expression a function that deteJ:mimls function (to interpret here) can map c onto locn( c), the nth location
for a given context an intensional value of the kind we discussed of c, and demlocn function (to interpret there) can map c onto
the preceding chapter. Then, just as before, intensions will demlocn( c), the nth demonstrated location of c, and so on. In
an extensional value of the appropriate type relative to each chapter 5 we discussed modals and argued, following Kratzer, that
cumstance. For sentences we follow Stalnaker (1978) in calling they involved a contextually specified modal base and an ordering
function from contexts to propositions a propositional source. There we let the assignment function g determine modal
More generally, we also adopt the terminology of Kaplan (197 bases and ordering sources. In our view of contexts a more ade-
and refer to the character of an expression as what is assigned at quate treatment is to regard them as contextual function mdb and
the first stage of interpretation, the relativization of intensions to ordsrc that map each context c onto the relevant sets of proposi-
contexts. tions: mdb(c) and ordsrc(c). In fact, since pronouns have deictic
Frege saw that meaning involved both sense and reference. We uses, the assignment function g should perhaps be recast as a com-
can think ofthe Kaplan-Stalnaker approach as proposing that sense ponent of the context, but we will refrain from doing so here. These
itself is further articulated and involves not only intension but also ideas are very similar to the way context is treated in Cresswell
a propositional concept or more generally the character of an (1973) and Bennett (1978).
expression. An expression's character is what specifies the system- To illustrate how this approach works let us replace (10) above
atic contribution of a context of utterance to the interpretation of by something like the following:
that expression. A similar idea based on Kaplan's work is being (18) A model M for F 3 is a sextuple of the form <W,I, <, C, U, V),
developed in situation semantics, where a sentence interacts with where the following conditions hold.
an utterance situation, roughly what we are calling a context, to a. W is a set of worlds.
determine an expressed proposition that represents a described b. I is a set of instants ordered by <.
situation. We turn now to a more detailed account of character and c. U is the domain of quantification.
the notion of pragmatic validity that it permits us to define. d. Cis a set of contexts.
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 343

e. Vis a function that assigns to the constants of F3 an e. If L1 =[that S], then [L1]M,w,i,c,g = {<w',i'): [S]M,w',i',c,g}.
appropriate character. That is, for any constant a, V(a) f. If L1 = [must S], then [ L1] M, w,i, c,g = 1 iff for all <w', i') in
function from C to a function from W x I to an P.Y1-<>nci mdb(c), [S]M,w',i',c,g = 1.
the appropriate kind. So V(a)(c) is the intension that a
Note that we once again maintain that propositions are sets of
in the context c, and V(a)(c)(<w,i)) is the extension
world-time pairs, just as in the preceding chapter.
has relative to c in <w, i).
Thus according to (18), if a is a proper name,
such that for any c, V(a)(c) is the intention of a relative to c. Exercise 3 Assume that we have extended F 3 as in (20). Consider a model, M7,
is a proper name, its intension will be a constant function like M6 of exercise 1 in this chapter except that it includes a set of
W xI (circumstances) to a member of U. Similarly, if a is a Vi contexts C { c', c"} such that sp( c') = a and sp( c") = b in its
Nom, then V(a)(c) is a function from W xI to sets of indivi fourth place. Assume that V 7 and V6 are different only as much
(.':?P(U)), and if a is a V~, then V(a)(c) is a function from W xI to as is necessary to take account of the changes in (18) to (20).
of ordered pairs of individuals, and so on. Give the values of V7 (walk), [that Pavarotti walks] M '' w' ' i' ' c' ' g , [ that
Pavarotti walks ]M,, w',i',c",g, [that I walk]M,, w',i',c',g, and [that I
walk]M,, w',i',c",g.
Exercise 2 Give the values of V(and) and V(not).

On the basis of (20), three semantic levels can be individuated.

When we add I, you, here, and there to F3 , we will want to First, interpretation (at least of sentences containing indexicals)
ify their characters along the following lines (ignoring for the is sensitive to context. Without contextual information as to its
ent the fact that we do not have an appropriate syntactic category utterer, we cannot fully interpret a sentence like "I am hungry,"
F 3 for the locative adverbials heren and theren): sentence (1). Having fixed the utterer, we can then determine the
intension of the sentence. For example, if (1) is uttered by Pavarotti,
(19) For any c,
the contextually assigned intension of the sentence will be the set
a. V(I)(c) is a function such that for any wand any i,
of worlds and times where Pavarotti is hungry. This is what (ZOe)
V(I)(c)(<w,i)) = sp(c),
gives us. Finally, on the basis ofthe intension, which represents the
b. V(you)(c) is a function such that for any wand any i,
content or subject matter of the sentence, the truth value of the
V(you)(c)( <w,i)) adr(c),
sentence is determined from a specification of the world(s) and
c. V(heren)(c) is a function such that for any wand any i,
time( s) being talked about.
V(heren)(c)(<w,i)) = locn(c),
So defining truth in terms of the recursion in (20), we must rela-
d. V(theren)(c) is a function such that for any wand any i,
tivize our definition of truth for a sentence to a context (as well as
V(theren)(c)(<w,i)) = demlocn(c).
to an LF that disambiguates it).
Now we can proceed to define the interpretation function
[ ]M, w,i,c,g, which assigns an extension to each expression. We give (21) a. A sentenceS is true in a model Manda circumstance w, i
relative to one of its LFs a and to a context c iff for every
only some of the key clauses of the recursion.
assignment g, [a]M,tv,i,c,g = 1. It is false iff for every g,
(20) a. If a is a constant, [a]M,w,i,c,g = V(a)(c)( <w,i)). [a]M,w,i,c,g D.
b. If a is a trace or pronoun, [a]M,w,i,c,g = g(a). b. A sentence S is valid relative to one of its LFs a iff for every
c. If L1 = [NP Fred], then [L1]M,w,i,c,g = 1 iff [NP]M,w,i,c,g E model M = <W, I,<, C, U, V), c E C, wE W, and i E I, S is
[Pred]M, w,i,c,g.
true in M, w, i relative to a and c.
d. Ift1 [S 1 conj S 2 ], then [L1]M,w,i,c,g V(conj)(c)(<w,i)) c. A sentence S relative to LF a entails a sentence S' relative
( <[St]M, w,i,c,g, [Sz]M, w,i,c,g) ).
to LF f3 iff for every model M = <W, I,<, C, U, V), c E C,
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 345

wE W, and i E I, if S is true in M, w, i relative to IX and c forget that speakers can change locations during an utterance and
then S 1 is true in M, w, i relative to fJ and c. ' assume that we simply have loc(c) to provide a value for here. We
also will take sentential expressions as paradigmatic utterances.
This approach helps us solve some of the problems we We present in (23) a few more contextual functions and samples of
pointed out above in connection with the multiple coordinate the kind of constraints that a s~mantic-pragmatic theory might
ysis. Consider, for example, the following inference from B place on them.
(23) a. The function expr assigns expr(c) to each context c, where
(22) a. Loren believes that Pavarotti is hungry. expr( c) can be thought of as the sentence uttered in c.
b. I am Pavarotti. b. The functions tm and wrld assign tm(c) and wrld(c) to each
c. Loren believes that I am hungry. context c, where tm(c) E I and wrld(c) E Ware the time and
Only if Pavarotti is the speaker can ( 22b) be true, and our "'""o,.uu world of context c.
should reflect that (22c) is a valid inference from (22a, b) only c. For all c E C, sp(c) is at loc(c) and is the illocutionary agent
Pavarotti as speaker. This result will not follow from the responsible for directing an utterance of expr(c) to adr(c) at
we discussed in section 2.1. According to (10) through tm(c) in wrld(c).
[that Pavarotti is hungry]M,w,i,Pavarotti,g = { (w 1,i 1 , s 1 ) : Pavarotti With an account of contexts along the lines sketched in (23), we
[hungry]M,w',i',s',g} and [that I am hungry]M,w,i,Pavarotti,g
are able to say something about sentences like those in (24).
{ (w 1 , i,1 s):
s 1 E [ hungry ]M' ' w' ' i' ' s' ' g} . But clearly these are in
eral different sets, and thus Loren might believe that (24) a. I am here.
characterized by one of them without believing the other. b. I am speaking to you.
Such sentences have sometimes been said to be pragmatically valid
because they are true whenever uttered (we need· a few caveats
Exercise 4 Describe a model M where for some w, i, s and about the possibility of using here accompanied by a pointing
[that Pavarotti is hungry]M,w,i,s,g i= [that I am hungry]M,w,i,s,g. toward a map, and other such complications). Consider (24a), for
example. Given (23b, c), we can conclude that for all c in C,
[I am here]M,wrld(c),tm(c),c,g = 1. We can exploit this observation to
On the other hand, definition (ZOe) and the revised notions of define a new notion of pragmatic validity.
truth and validity in (21) give a different result. Any c 1 such that
(22b) is true is one in which sp(c 1 ) = Pavarotti. For all w and i, (25) Sis pragmatically valid relative to LF IX iff for all models M
[that I am hungry]M,w,i,c',g =[that Pavarotti is hungry]M,w,i,c',g, and contexts c, Sis true in Mat wrld(c) and tm(c) relative to
IX and c.
and thus relative to c 1 , if Loren believes one proposition, she also
believes the other. Hence our revised semantics does capture the From this definition and our definition of necessity (20f) it follows
fact that (22) is valid relative to contexts where Pavarotti is the that (24a), while being pragmatically valid, is not a necessary truth.
speaker. Pragmatic validity looks at every possible context. Necessary truth
What we have said so far about the context and character levels keeps the context fixed and looks at every possible world. We can
of semantic interpretation is not really enough, however, to resolve thus predict, for example, that (26) is satisfiable.
all the puzzles raised for the multiple coordinate approach. We
(26) I am here now, but I might be somewhere else.
have not yet made explicit the relation between sp(c) and any lin-
guistic expression spoken by sp( c) in c. Nor have we specified the Unlike the multiple coordinate approach to indexicals, our current
relationship between the various aspects of context. In (23) we account of the context dependence of interpretation permits us to
suggest some more that might be said about well-formed contexts say precisely what is special about pragmatically valid sentences
and admissible interpretations. Just to keep things simple, we will without forcing us to treat them as necessarily true with the absur-
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 347

not specify which of its LFs a sentence like "Every woman loves
some man" is associated with in a given utterance context. No lin-
[!]]]Valid guistic rules settle this issue. The utterance situation does enter in
~Pragmatically valid assigning a proposition to both "I am hungry" and "Every man
loves a woman." In the first case, semantic value is assigned rela-
Figure 6.1 tive to a linguistically specified contextual parameter: context in
the technical sense supplies what is needed semantically. In the
dities that would entail. (Recall our discussion of (16) and ( second case, two quite distinct characters are assigned to the sen-
where we wanted to consider circumstances in which the tence, one for each LF. The choice between them is often said to be
speaker was silent.) Thus, on the basis of definitions (20!), (21 presemantic, and it has nothing to do with context in our special
and (25), we obtain the following classification of sentences: sense, though, of course, it is tied to features of the world in which
the utterance occurred, e.g., the speaker's intentions.
• If a sentence S is valid, then it is necessarily true.
The notion of character also helps in understanding an important
• A sentence can be necessarily true in a model M relative to a
factor of cognitive significance that a sentence like (1), "I am hun-
text c without being valid. (Such a sentence would be true
gry," retains throughout its different uses (a factor pointed out by
toM and c in all the worlds of Mbut not true relative to some
Kaplan and Stalnaker). 5 We can put the like this: although Bond
model M' and context c'.)
and Pavarotti express different propositions in uttering ( 1), the fact
• If a sentence is valid with respect to LF a, it is also pragma
that those propositions are expressible by the same linguistic
means reflects something similar in Bond's and Pavarotti's relation
• Some sentences are pragmatically valid without being valid ( to the distinct propositions they have expressed. This is supported
necessary) relative to some c.
by the following example.
The sentences in (24) are an example of the latter case. This
(27) Bond: I am hungry.
summarized in figure 6.1.
Pavarotti: I just said the same thing.
In the remainder of this section we discuss further aspects of
notion of a context as characterized by the semantics just given. There is clearly a sense in which Pavarotti speaks truly if what he
More specifically, we point to semantic problems that can be ex- uttered is something like "I am hungry" or "I feel the need for some
plained in terms of the notion of character, a function from contexts food" or even, using his native Italian, "Ho fame." In the case at
to intensions. hand, Bond and Pavarotti have not expressed the same proposition.
How is indexicality to be distinguished from ambiguity such as Yet there is a sense in which they have said the same thing. For
that created by the association of multiple LFs with a single S? The saying the same thing, identity of linguistic form is neither neces-
borderline between the two phenomena may not always seen clear. sary or sufficient. Nor is identity of propositional content. What
The propositions associated with, for example, "I am hungry" and seems to be required is identity of character.
"Every man loves a woman" vary across different occasions of Contrast dialogue (27) with dialogue (28). Here what matters is
utterance. It seems reasonable to maintain, however, that "I am propositional content rather than character.
hungry" is unambiguous, that it has the same meaning on all occa- (28) Bond: I am hungry.
sions of use even though it may express different propositions on Pavarotti: I thought so.
those different occasions. On the approach to context developed
here, we can pinpoint its semantic constancy in the fact that its In this discourse Pavarotti speaks truly if what he thought was that
character is fixed by V and the rules of semantic composition, in Bond was hungry. He does not speak truly if his thoughts had
the fact that its character is completely determined by the grammar nothing to do with Bond's hungry but only with his own hunger.
of F3 as expanded. In contrast, the rules of the language system do (To express the proposition that he had been thinking of his own
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 349

hunger, Pavarotti might respond "I was just thinking the to determine the thought or proposition the sentence expresses.
thing.") The contextual coordinate c plays this interpretation-fixing role. (2)
Both character (which reflects the contextual perspective Whether the proposition expressed is true in the utterance situation
which a thought is expressed) and the thought or proposi depends on how things are, on the facts of that situation. The cir-
content are taken into account in what speakers are taken cumstantial coordinates (w, i) play this truth-evaluating role.
implying by their utterances. A further illustration of this Contexts not only determine what is said. As we suggested in-
following. It has been noted that there are few if any actually formally in chapter 4, they also play an important role in elucidat-
curring contexts in which sentences like (29a, b) will be used. ing the locutionary force associat~d with sentential meaning. With
(29) a. You feel a sinking sensation in the pit of your the more elaborate notion of context now available to us, we can
b. Do I feel a sinking sensation and the pit of my S-~·•"uL.u begin to develop more precisely the discourse-theoretic or dynamic
c. Joan feels a sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach. view of sentential semantics. This dynamic approach proves very
d. Does Joan feel a sinking sensation in the pit of her useful in analyzing presupposition, to which we now turn.

If usage were simply a matter of propositional content and did

also involve character, it would be difficult to see why u~•""'"'
Presuppositions and Contexts
(29c, d) differ from sentences (29a, b) as to their utility. What is presupposition? In our earlier informal discussion of pre-
In sum, there is considerable evidence to support the view supposition we said that (an utterance of) a sentence S presupposes
there is a level of meaning, character, that specifies the a proposition p if (the utterance of) S implies p and further implies
cally determined contribution of context to interpretation. The that p is somehow already part of the background against which
idea is that semantic competence includes knowledge of coJrrteiXtlll S is considered, that considering S at all involves taking p for
functions, of how to use the context to assign interpretations. granted. For example, (30a) presupposes (30b); (30a) implies that
sumably, part of what speakers learn about this is what aspects
(30b) is taken for granted.
context determine its reference: what this refers to in a c
depends on a demonstration in that context (though precisely what (30) a. Joan has stopped drinking wine for breakfast.
is needed for an object to have been demonstrated raises LUJLHLouu b. Joan used to drink wine for breakfast.
issues), and speakers know that they must search the context for We are now able to make more precise this intuitive notion of
such an event if they are to determine exactly what proposition has presupposition. The rough idea is that the presuppositions of a
been expressed. Interpretation is incomplete if no such demonstra- sentence S constrain or limit the class of contexts C relative to
tion can be found. which S can be felicitously uttered. Presuppositions of S must be
We have hardly scratched the surface of the dependence of what satisfied by a context c in order for S to be assertible, for an utter-
is said on context. The major point we want to make here is that it is ance of S to be felicitous. Before elaborating these ideas, however,
possible to use exactly the same kinds of mechanisms for accom- we want to make a few preliminary comments to set the stage.
modating indexicality that we used for introducing intensional
notions. Just as we relativized extensional values of expressions to
possible circumstances, so we can relativize intensions of ex- 3.1 Empirical tests and typologies
pressions to appropriate contexts by introducing the more abstract In the present section we want mainly to do two things: characterize
notion of character. presuppositions more sharply with respect to other forms of im-
A model of the kind introduced in (18) formally represents the plications and identify the sort of facts a theory of presuppositions
two different ways in which a situation or state of affairs can con- should account for.
tribute to determining the truth of a sentence uttered in it. (1) As- For our present purposes. the main empirical characteristics of
pects of the situation may fix interpretation of certain expressions presuppositions can be taken to be the following two: being back-

Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 351

grounded and being taken for granted. Let us consider ervations. The implied (b) propositions are neither backgrounded
turn. nor taken for granted by utterances of the implying (a) sentences.
In our previous discussion we took a sentence S to Backgroundedness does not suffice, however, to identify pre-
just in case p was implied by S in the following family of suppositions. Some implications seem to pass the tests for being
backgrounded-they survive as implications throughout the P
(31) a. S.
family-but are not presupposed. A case in point is that of non-
b. It is not the case that S. restrictive relative clauses (sometimes called appositive or paren-
c. Is it the case that S? thetical relative clauses). Consider, for example, (35a) and its
d. If S, then S'. implication family (35b-d). Each of (35a-d) implies (35e), the
Thus, for example, for sentence (30a) the relevant p family is content of the relative clause. Yet (35e) is not presupposed.
in (32); each of these sentences does seem to imply (30b). (35) a. Jill, who lost something on the flight from Ithaca to New
(32) a. Joan has stopped drinking wine for breakfast. York, likes to travel by train.
b. It is not the case that Joan has stopped drinking wine for b. Jill, who lost something on the flight from Ithaca to New
breakfast. York, doesn't like to travel by train.
c. Joan hasn't stopped drinking wine for breakfast. c. Does Jill, who lost something on the flight from Ithaca to
d. Is it the case that Joan has stopped drinking wine for New York, like to travel by train?
breakfast? d. If Jill, who lost something on the flight from Ithaca to New
e. Has Joan stopped drinking wine for breakfast? York, likes to travel by train, she probably flies infrequently.
f If Joan has stopped drinking wine for breakfast, she has e. Jill lost something on the flight from Ithaca to New York.
probably begun to drink more at lunch. The proposition that Jill lost something on the flight from Ithaca
What the P family test essentially tests for is backgrounde to New York, expressed in (35e), is a backgrounded component of
of implications: it marks out implications that are attached to S what is being asserted, not of what is being presupposed. In other
only when it is asserted but also when it is denied, questioned, or words, in the sentences in (35) we articulate our assertions in two
offered as a hypothetical assumption. Typically, if S implies that p major parts: a main assertion in the foreground and a secondary
is in the background, then someone who responds to an assertion of one in the background. To see this more vividly, compare (35a)
S with "I don't think so" or "Well, I wonder" or "Perhaps" does not with (36), where the same proposition is presu'pposed.
thereby weaken or threaten the implication that p. (36) What Jill lost on the flight from Ithaca to New York was her
In contrast, nonbackgrounded implications of a sentence vanish new flute.
unless the sentence is asserted and thus do not pass the p family
test. For example, note the implication from (33a) to (33b) and that What sort of discourse might be required for uttering (35a) rather
from (34a) to (34b). than (36)? Suppose someone starts a conversation with (37).

(33) a. Lee kissed Jenny. (37) Let me tell you about Jill Jensen, a woman I met while flying
b. Lee touched Jenny. from Ithaca to New York last week.

(34) a. Mary has a child. Clearly such a beginning does not suppose any already existing
b. Mary has exactly one child. information about Jill and, more specifically, does not establish that
Jill lost something on the flight from Ithaca to New York. In such a
The (b) implication is an entailment in (33) and a conversational context (35a), which contains the information that Jill lost some-
implicature in (34). In each case the implication vanishes in mem- thing in a nonrestrictive relative clause, seems a perfectly fine thing
bers of the P family other than the affirmative or if the assertion of S to say next, whereas (36), a pseudo-cleft that presupposes that
is directly challenged by "I don't think so" or met with other res-
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 353

It suggests that the speaker perceives a contrast between going to

info~~ation, is quite ~izarre. If (37) were followed by (3B),
explicitly states that Jill lost something, then the ps the store and buying nothing. Intuitively, this suggested contrast is
could easily come next. conventionally conveyed by but. Considerations of this sort led
Grice to regard the contrastive character of but as a "conventional
( 38) She lost something on the trip. implicature," an implication that is conventional in nature but not
The difference seems to be that uttering ( 36) is infelicitous determinable by truth-conditional c~ntent as such. (In the final
the backgrounded proposition is not already established section of this chapter we suggest that perhaps conventional im-
no such constraints are placed on uttering (35a). ' plications do make a contribution to truth condition~ of ~ speci~l
What emerges from this discussion is the following. The context-dependent kind that reflects only the speaker s attitudes m
mark. of a presupposition is that it is taken for granted in th e a way analogous to certain uses of modals.)
t h at Its assumed truth is a precondHion for felicitous The contrastive character of but does affect the felicity of an
the sentence and places a kind of constraint on discourse utterance containing it. Thus, for example, on standard assump-
that admit the sentence for interpretation. The p family tions about why people go to stores, (39b) would be taken to be
good way to test the presuppositional status of implications perfectly felicitous and probably a more likely report, because more
a proposition cannot be presented as already assumed and informative, than the neutral (39a). On these standard assumptions,
neously be presented as denied or hypothesized or queried. replacing nothing with something in ( 3 9b) yields a sentence infe-
the P family test is excellent evidence that an implied licitous in most contexts. However, if Jim has a compulsion to go to
is not presupposed but asserted. The P family test does not the store without ever buying anything (he prides himself on not
tively identify presuppositions, because background status of buying anything) we might have contexts in which uttering (39b) is
implied proposition is compatible with its being presented as infelicitous and yet its twin with something replacing nothing
already assumed. If there is no suggestion of infelicity in using s could be uttered felicitously. Although the implication of a con-
a discourse where p is clearly not taken to be part of the trast is conventional, what is contrasted may vary from context to
ground, then S does not presuppose p even if p is backgrounded context. 6
S (as in the case of nonrestrictive relative clauses). Furthermore, the contrastive nature of but appears to be back-
What a sentence conveys or implies can be classified not only grounded in general. For example, the sentence "If Jim went to the
terms of its role in discourse (as we just did) but also in terms store but bought nothing, we are in trouble" seems to require for its
how that implication comes about or how it is licensed. From felicitous utterance the same type of contrast as "Jim went to the
latter point of view we can distinguish between what store but bought nothing." Furthermore, the suggested contrast
strictly on truth conditions (entailments) and what depends on the seems to be taken for granted. These considerations suggest that the
interaction of truth conditions with something else. The latter kind conventional implicature associated with but is a presupposition.
of implications are Gricean implicatures. In fact, all Grice's examples of conventional implicatures seem to
As the reader will recall, Grice distinguished between conven- be presupposed, as Karttunen and Peters (1979) pointed out.
tional and conversational implicatures. Conventional implicatures Conversational implicatures, on the other hand, depend on con-
have to do with aspects of meaning that do not seem to be strictly versational dynamics. Thus, for example, implicatures such as
truth-conditional in nature. Consider, for example, the sentences in tl1 e one in ( 34), repeated here, seem to follow naturally from the
( 39). Gricean maxim of quantity.

(39) a. Jim went to the store and bought nothing. (34) a. Mary has a child.
b. Jim went to the store but bought nothing. b. Mary has exactly one child.

It would appear that (39a) and (39b) are true in exactly the same A hearer will tend to infer (34b) upon hearing (34a) on the as-
situations. However, (39b) suggests something that (39a) does not. sumption that the speaker is being cooperative in conveying all
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 355

the relevant information she has. As discussed above, ( 34b) is To summarize, we have classified what a sentence conveys along
presupposed. Some conversational implicatures, however, are two dimensions. The first is the role in discourse of its different
supposed. In other words, some presuppositions appear to be components, the basis of the distinction between what is pre-
gered by principles that guide conversational exchanges. This supposed and what is asserted. The second is how the different
been argued, for example, in connection with the presuppo components of what is conveyed arfi) licensed. On this dimension,
associated with £active verbs, like discover. 7 Thus, the p we have distinguished entailments (licensed by truth conditions
tests and intuitive judgments of being taken for granted show alone) from implicatures (licensed by the interplay of truth con-
(40a) pr'esupposes (40b). However, the contrast between (40c) ditions with additional conventions or conversational principles).
(40d) suggests that the presupposition is due not so much to This leads us to the following classification:
intrinsic property of discover (beyond its contribution
(41) a. A entails B (if A is true, B is true).
conditions) but to principles of conversation.
b. A presupposes B (B is backgrounded and taken for granted
(40) a. Jim discovered that Bill is in New York. by A).
b. Bill is in New York. c. A conventionally or conversationally implicates B (B
c. If Jim discovers that Bill is in New York, there will be follows from the interaction of the truth conditions of A
trouble. together with either linguistic conventions on the proper
d. If I discover that Bill is in New York, there will be use of A or general principles of conversational exchange).
The point is that (40c) can be taken to implicate or presupp This, in turn, gives us the following possibilities.
(40b), but (40d) cannot. If the implication to (40b) arises from
conventional meaning of discover in the case of (40c), it is hard 3.1.1 Entailment versus presupposition A sentence can entail another
see why that implication should be absent in the case of (40d). sentence without presupposing it. Example (33), repeated here,
the other hand, if we assume that the implication to (40b) is c provides us with an illustration.
versationally triggered, an account for this could go roughly as fol
(33) a. Lee kissed Jenny.
lows. Discover is a £active, which is to say that if x discovers p, p
b. Lee touched Jenny.
must be the case. A speaker who has reason to doubt that Bill is
New York typically has no reason to conjecture what would The implication of (33b) does not survive in the P family con-
pen if someone discovered it. Hence, asserting (40c) will lead texts and hence is neither backgrounded nor taken for granted by
hearer to infer (40b), on the assumption that the speaker is (33a).
cooperative. But by the same token, if the speaker knew Bill's A sentence can both entail and presuppose another sentence, as
whereabouts, she would have discovered whether Bill is in New the former notion is based on how an implication is licensed, while
York or not and hence would have no reason to utter (40d), which the latter is based on its discourse status. Thus (42a) both entails
implies that it is an open question whether she will discover that and presupposes (42b).
Bill is in New York. So again on the assumption that the speaker is (42) a. Joan realizes that syntax deals with sentence structure.
being cooperative, (40d) does not license inferring (40b). And b. Syntax deals with sentence structure.
indeed, the implicature from (40c) to (40b) is defeasible. Suppose
that the conversationalists know that Jim is investigating Bill's If (42a) is true, then (42b) is true; at the same time (42b) is back-
whereabouts but do not know what the outcome is. In such a con- grounded and taken for granted by (42a) (note the survival of the
text it would be perfectly appropriate to utter (40c) and speculate implication in P family contexts).
on the results of a particular outcome of Jim's inquiry, yet there On the definition of entailment that we have so far, a sentence
would be no implication that (40b) is true. We will return to this can presuppose another sentence without entailing it. For example,
sort of example below. sentence (43a) presupposes but does not entail (43b).
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 357

(43) a. If Bill discovers that syntax is easy, he will be far as possible sharp and suitable to our present purposes, which
b. Syntax is easy. are those of isolating presuppositions from other implications and
discussing some of their properties. We do not claim, however, to
Sentence (43a) seems generally to need (43b) for felicity.
have provided a completely problem-free classification of types of
(43a) presupposes (43b). But in special circumstances this
position can be canceled (for instance, if the context makes it
that the speaker doesn't know whether syntax is easy; see the
We now turn to a consideration of what sort of empirical tasks a
cussion of (40)). So on the definition of entailment we have so
formal theory of presupposition faces. A theory that gives formal
(43a) does not entail (43b), for there are circumstances where (
structure to the notion of being taken for granted should help us
is true but (43b) needn't be.
address two main questions: how is a presupposition triggered (in-
In sections 3.2 and 4 we will develop and modify this
troduced) and how is it projected (associated with larger structures
Our strategy involves viewing the presuppositions of a sentence
embedding the smallest clause containing its trigger)?
entailed contextually whenever the sentence is assertible. We
To ask about triggers is to ask about how presuppositions are
then revise the notion of entailment in such a way that a sen
introduced into sentences (or utterances thereof). As we just saw,
does indeed entail its presuppositions in this special sense.
presuppositions can be triggered in one oftwo ways: conventionally
or by conversational maxims. What is interesting for our present
3.1.2 Presupposition versus implicature Sentence A may nw~~ll-nn'"'
purposes is that whether a presupposition is triggered conversa-
sentence B by means of a convention associated with the ""Ju•uu
tionally or conventionally, the same questions arise about projec-
of A or by means of conversational dynamics. In the former case
will be a conventional implicature; in the latter a ro~·nu~~ronh tion of the presupposition to larger sentences containing the clause
with the trigger. Let us turn briefly now to the projection problem
one. An example of a presupposition that is a conven
for presuppositions, first discussed in Morgan (1969) and Langen-
implicature is the one associated with but (see the discussion
doerr and Savin (1971).
(39)). Some other words and constructions with presupposi
To ask about projection is to ask about the conditions under
that appear to be conventional in nature are even manage '
which presuppositions, no matter how initially triggered, are pro-
constructions, and pseudo-cleft constructions. An example of a
jected from the clauses in which they are initially introduced to
presupposition that is also a conversational implicature is the
higher-level sentences in which these clauses are embedded. We
associated with discover(see the discussion of(40)).
have already seen that presuppositions associated with a simple
A sentence can conversationally implicate another sentence
affirmative declarative are often inherited by more complex sen-
without presupposing it. Example are provided by implicatures
tences in which the simple sentence is embedded. Our P family test
like the one in (34), repeated here:
illustrates that presuppositions are typically maintained in neg-
(34) a. Mary has a child. atives, interrogatives, and conditional antecedents. An hypothesis
b. Mary has exactly one child. that comes to mind in this connection is that higher sentences
Sentence (34b) follows from (34a) by conversational principles, but always simply inherit the presuppositions of embedded clauses.
the latter is not backgrounded; (34b) is not a felicity condition for This cumulative hypothesis was advanced by Langendoen and
uttering (34a). On tl:;te other hand, perhaps all conventional im- Savin in the 1969 talk on which their (1971) was based, but Morgan
plicatures are also presupposed. pointed out some difficulties for it. For example, the conditional in
There are many more interesting and important issues related to (44a) inherits the presupposition (44c) associated with its conse-
various forms of implication that we are unable to address here. quent clause but (44b) does not.
The literature on the topic includes a wide range of typologies and (44) a. If John were here, what Linda lost could be recovered.
terminological uses, and we had to make some choices as to which b. If [Linda]; lost something, what [she]i lost was not valuable.
to follow. We have tried to come up with some criteria that are as c. Linda lost something.
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 359

The presupposition of the consequent clause in (44b) is, That sentence (47a) does not have (47 b) as a presupposition can be
were, filtered out. For this reason, environments of this kind seen from the fact that (47a) is a perfectly fine answer to the ques-
dubbed filters by Karttunen (1973), where they were c tion in (48).
with holes, which do essentially work cumulatively and
(48) Does Keith have any children?
presuppositions through (examples are the environments
our P family: negatives interrogatives, and antecedents of Semantic relations between the proposition expressed by one
tionals), and with plugs, environments that always block contained clause and that presupposed by a second contained
tance of presuppositions. It has been claimed that the verb say clause seem to affect filtering of presuppositions to a third higher
presuppositional plug. Thus (45a) does not presuppose (45b) clause. We not only want to describe precisely how this works; if
though its complement clause does carry that presupposition. possible, we also want to show why the inheritance of presuppo-
sitions in compound and complex sentences works as it does.
(45) a. [Melissa]; said that [she]; knows that Elvis lives.
The valuable and vast literature on presuppositions can be mined
b. Elvis lives.
for insights into how presuppositions are to be understood, how
Whether there are any true plugs is not clear, since verbs like they are triggered, and how they are projected. Much of the dis-
do sometimes apparently allow presuppositions to ascend from cussion predates formal theories of discourse, however, and its
embedded clause and in such cases look like filters; Karttunen import may not always be immediately apparent. In this chapter we
that plugs all "leak." For example, (46a) seems to acquire will use the analytical tools already introduced to present what
position (46b), which is triggered by the pseudo-cleft seems to us a useful approach to presuppositional phenomena,
in the embedded clause. offering only highly selective references to the heated debates of
the 1960s and 1970s on the status of presuppositions. We are well
(46) a. Anthony said that what Joan lost on the flight was her
aware, of course, that the present perspective owes much to that
flute. 8
earlier work as well as to more recent theoretical work.
b. Joan lost something on the flight.
The projection problem for presuppositions is the problem
how to account systematically for the presuppositions of 3.2 Defining presupposition
tainer sentences. Filters like conditionals are especially We can now make more precise the intuitive idea of a proposition's
ing, for they require some principled means for distingui being presupposed. Presuppositions are based on a set of assump-
the conditions under which presuppositions are inherited tions that impose felicity conditions on utterances, what we called
those in which they are not. Intuitively, it seems that some prin- the common ground in chapter 4. The presuppositional common
cipled explanation ought to be available. Sentence (44b), for ex- ground can thus be identified with a set of propositions. We will
ample, is a conditional whose antecedent clause expresses the represent presuppositional common grounds by another contextual
proposition that Joan lost something, which is the proposition that function, comgrd; comgrd( c) will designate the common ground at
the consequent clause presupposes. Similarly, the conjunction in context c, the set of propositions that conversationalists take for
(47a) does not presuppose (47b), in spite of the fact that the second granted in c. We make the following assumptions about comgrd(c):
conjunct in isolation does presuppose (47 b). This filtering effect
seems to depend on the fact that the first conjunct of (4 7a) entails (49) For any proposition p E comgrd( c),
(47b). a. that sp( c) believes p E comgrd( c),
b. that adr(c) believes p E comgrd(c).
(47) a. Keith has three children, and all Keith's children are
Condition (49a) says that the proposition that the speaker believes
p is in the common ground if p is; (49b) does the same for the
b. Keith has some children.
addressee. These conditions mean not that each conversationalist
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 361

actually believes that p but simply that they each purport to b call this the context set. (Heim (1983) calls it the context, since she
that p for the purpose of that conversational exchange. is not concerned in her analysis with other contextual functions.)
suppositions in comgrd( c) are thus being treated as if they Because we will often need to refer to the context set, we will use
mutually believed (at some discourse level), a fact that reflects
pragmatic character. 9
c* to designate it (c* = n comgrd(c)). Note that as the common
ground grows to include more propositions, the context set shrinks
The analogy of the present view of presuppositions with to exclude any worlds where some proposition in the common
analysis of modality and modal reasoning discussed in chapter 5 ground is false. In (51) we state the requirement that c* never be
obvious. In chapter 5 we argued, following Kratzer (1981), empty.
modals can be analyzed in terms of a modal base and an
source, both of which were viewed as contextually supplied
(51) c* =!= 0
of propositions. While presuppositional common grounds, Condition (51) requires that there be some worlds in which all the
bases, and ordering sources are clearly related from an propositions in c are true, which amounts to requiring that the
point of view, they cannot be altogether identified, at least propositions in the common ground be consistent. This seems to be
without further elaboration. This is shown by examples like the the ideal norm to which speakers tend to conform: conversation-
following: alists tend to discard inconsistencies as they are detected in order
to allow some world or worlds countenanced by the discourse. It
(50) Loren didn't sing. But she might have.
might well turn out that the requirement in (51) is too strong, and
The first sentence in (50) clearly excludes the proposition that there are various ways in which it could be weakened. Our discus-
Loren sang from what the conversationalists take for granted. Yet sion would be unnecessarily complicated, however, if we were to
the second sentence states that her singing might have taken place allow for inconsistent common grounds, so for the purposes of this
(and thus is compatible with the relevant modal base). It follows discussion we stick to condition (51).
that the modal base and the common ground must be viewed as We can now use the notion of common ground, what the dis-
distinct conversational backgrounds, for otherwise there would course or conversationalists presuppose, to explicate the notion of
be no context with respect to which (50) could be true. Thus the what (the utterance of) a sentence presupposes. To keep our expo-
picture that emerges from this is that the context supplies (in the sition simple, we are going to restrict ourselves to sentences that do
form of distinct contextual functions) distinct conversational back- not contain indexical expressions like I or you> even though this
grounds: a presuppositional common ground (comgrd), a modal assumption can (and must) eventually be modified.
base (mdb), and ordering source (ordsrc) and probably more. Con-
(52) A sentenceS presupposes a proposition p iff in any context c
versational backgrounds interact in complex ways that should
where S has a semantic value relative to c (is true or false
eventually be integrated in a unified theory of conversational
relative to c), p follows from the common ground of c (that is,
assumptions. But to pursue this would take us well beyond the
any world in c* is a p world, a world in which p is true; in
limits of the present work. In the remainder of this chapter we will
set-theoretic terms, c* £ p).
focus on the presuppositional common ground (comgrd) without
considering its interaction with other conversational backgrounds. As it stands, (52) does not allow for presuppositions that are con-
The propositions in comgrd( c) uniquely determine a set of cir- versationally rather than conventionally triggered, but the basic
cumstances, given by the intersection of the propositions in the framework can be developed before we provide for this possibility.
common ground, n comgrd(c). These circumstances are just those The basic idea behind definition (52) is that in a given context the
in which all the propositions in comgrd( c) are true-the circum- presuppositions of a sentence must be assumed in order for that
stances belonging to all those propositions-and can be thought of sentence to be true or false. In other words, sentences fail to have a
as the live possibilities left open by the common ground being truth value (fail to be interpretable) if their presuppositions are not
presupposed. We adopt the terminology of Stalnaker (1978) and assumed to be true (or taken for granted). Like so much else in
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 363

semantics, this can be traced back to ideas articulated by tions, three-valued and supervaluational logics (which have also
presuppositions place constraints on the assignment of been applied to analyses of certain kinds of vagueness or impreci-
values to sentences. Consider the case of a declarative in a sion, discussed in chapter 8). However, pursuing treatments of pre-
with a presupposition that fails. Consider, for example, suppositions by means of three-valued logics or super-valuations
ance of (30a), "Joan has stopped drinking wine for and their relation to the approach considered here would take us
which presupposes (30b), "Joan used to drink wine for UH'u-".H:I~:r too far afield, and we will therefore abstain from doing so.
Suppose a context where it is known that Joan never drank wine To put definition (52) in the right perspective, it is useful to recall
breakfast. In such a context, c* does not entail the proposition Lewis's scoreboard metaphor. Slots on the contextual scoreboard
Joan used to drink wine for breakfast (since c* entails that Joan show values for the various contextual functions. Just as the sec-
never drunk wine for breakfast, which is inconsistent with tions on the scoreboard in Candlestick Park change as the game
presupposition). What (52) says is that in this context progresses, contextual functions assume different values as dis-
(30a) could not be judged as either true or false. Frege noted that course progresses. Immediately before an utterance is produced, no
are indeed reluctant to say in such cases that the sentence is one is registered as speaker in the sp box: if what is said is "I am
true or false. hungry," it is evaluated relative to the context as altered by the
A number of further observations are called for in c~"u"''"l" production of the sentence (with, for example, Alice as value of
with (52). The first is that (52) does not actually require that a sp(c) if Alice uttered the sentence). Similarly, a demonstration that
supposition be a member of the common ground, which might secures a reference for that will only get registered on the contex-
seemed the most natural reconstruction of the intuitive notion tual scoreboard after the utterance is underway. Utterance of a
being taken for granted. This definition requires only that a pre- sentence containing that will be infelicitous if the relevant slot
supposition be entailed by the propositions in that common remains empty after the utterance is complete.
ground. In this respect it is analogous to our earlier definition of the The common ground too is affected by the utterance. Thus the
truth conditions for must, which involve entailment of a proposi- common ground relative to which S is judged for admissibility and
tion by the modal base but not membership in it. A consequence of interpreted will include not only everything in the common ground
this is that the necessarily true proposition T, which is identified before S was uttered but also propositions manifested to discourse
with the set of all possible worlds, is presupposed by any sentence participants during the utterance event, for instance, that sp( c) has
whatsoever. This reflects the fact that necessary truths place no indeed uttered S at tm( c) in wrld( c). Linguistic theory cannot say
constraint at all on common grounds. Notice, however, that on our anything about which propositions these will be; it can start raining
definition of common ground, this does not mean that the con- during our talk, and we may or may not register that fact in the
versationalists actually acknowledge that some particular sentence common ground. It will depend on our attentiveness to our sur-
expressing T ("two plus two is four," for example) is true in all roundings, including one another, and on what kind of discourse
possible worlds. Although it does go beyond our ordinary termi- we take ourselves to be engaging in (suppose we're telling ghost
nology to say that "John walks" presupposes that two plus two is stories).
four, no dramatically bad consequences seem to follow. The main What is especially interesting for our present purposes is that
reason for dealing with c* and its entailments rather than with the propositions that did not belong to the common ground prior to the
membership of comgrd( c) is formal simplicity. It will allow us to utterance of S may enter the common ground in order to accom-
develop our account of projection properties more easily and does modate the presuppositions signaled by uttering S.
not seem to introduce undesirable consequences. Sentence (53a), when uttered, presupposes the proposition that
A second observation is that various nonstandard logics have (53b) would express had it been uttered instead.
been proposed for dealing with the truth-value gaps that failure of
(53) a. I just stopped smoking.
presupposition seems to bring. In particular, two general kinds of
b. I used to smoke.
nonstandard logics have been applied to the study of presupposi-
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 365

It is not at all unusual, however, for someone to utter (53a) in S (what we might call the preutterance context) but whether it is
texts where the propositions in the common ground entail so registered at the stage of assigning and evaluating proposi-
about that person's smoking habits; in particular, we do not tional content (what we can call the context of utterance or the
utterances of (53a) as infelicitous when (53b) is missing from context relative to which S may potentially accomplish a shift to a
entailments of the common ground prior to the utterance of new postutterance context). The common ground of the context
As mentioned in chapter 1, (53a) could be offered to an airline of utterance typically includes information on the identity of the
by a passenger explaining a request for a nonsmoking seat. speaker and such propositions as that sp( c) has uttered S or
seems to happen in such cases is that the proposition that that it has just begun raining in lac( c); it may also differ from the
used to smoke is simply added to the common ground at c as pre utterance common ground in including (or at least entailing) an
had been there all along. accommodated presupposition required to make the utterance of
Lewis (1979) dubbed this phenomenon accommodation S felicitous, along with various propositions inferred from this
gesting that "if at time t something is said that requires ' enriched common ground. But as always, we do not add to the
sition p to be acceptable, and if p is not presupposed just common ground a proposition p that is inconsistent with some
t then-ceteris paribus-presupposition p comes into other proposition q already there, at least not without discard-
(p. 172). Of course, other things are not always equal, and ing q.
modation is not automatic. If, for example, the presupposition
quired is inconsistent with what is already in the common
the utterance is infelicitous, because its presupposition cannot 4 Projecting Presuppositions Recursively
accommodated by simple addition to the existing common F.HHH<u What we will do in this section is show how (52) can be made
And there are various other constraints on accommodation explicit in terms of the semantic apparatus we have developed and
limitations on possibilities for interpretation of definite NPs s how presupposition projection can be dealt with.
Heim (1982), and see also Soames's (1979) suggestion that what
accommodated must be uncontroversial). Still, there seems to be
general tendency to accommodate by extending the 4.1 Some empirical properties of filters
ground to include the needed presupposition p unless -, p In section 3.1 we introduced some of the problems associated with
already in the common ground. presupposition projection. As pointed out there, the most interest-
Note that accommodation can occur in a conversation even where ing case is constituted by so-called filters like and, or, and if ...
the admitted presupposition is thought to be false by one of the con- then. Let us try to illustrate more explicitly what the problem is by
versationalists. For example, question ( 54a) may bring response trying to state informally the relevant empirical generalizations
(54b) even though (54c), which (54a) presupposes, is false. about the filtering properties of these items.
Consider and first. As a first shot, the projection properties of and
(54) a. Would you like some more sherry?
seem to be that the presuppositions of a sentence of the form "p
b. No thanks.
and q" are the presuppositions of both p and q, unless p entails the
c. The addressee of (54a) has had some sherry.
presuppositions of q. In the latter case the presuppositions of q are
In this case, the addressee toward whom (54a) is directed allows filtered out, and only the presuppositions of p are passed up. Let us
(54c) to remain in the common ground, presumably because there illustrate. Consider the following:
is no reason to think that it will play any further role in developing
(55) a. John doesn't know that syntax is easy, and Mary hasn't
that common ground, since it is peripheral to the general discourse
discovered that syntax is beautiful.
b. Syntax is easy.
So if S presupposes p, what matters is not whether p is registered
c. Syntax is beautiful.
in the comgrd scoreboard slot immediately prior to the utterance of
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 367

The first conjunct of (55a) presupposes (55b). The second (58) a. If it was Linda who solved the projection problem, it was
presupposes (55c). The conjunction as a whole presupposes Bill who solved the problem of weak crossover.
(55b) and (55c). Consider next example (47) of section 3.1, b. Someone solved the projection problem.
here: c. Someone solved the problem of weak crossover.
( 4 7) a. Keith has three children, and all Keith's children are The antecedent of (58a) presuppose's (58b). The consequent pre-
asleep. supposes (58c). The conditional as a whole presupposes both (58b)
b. Keith has some children. and (58c). Contrast this with the following:
Here the second conjunct presupposes (47b). However, the (59) If someone solved the projection problem, it was Linda.
conjunct entails (47b), and thus the presupposition is filtered
Here the antecedent entails the presuppositions of the consequent,
and the second conjunct as such doesn't put any restriction
which are accordingly filtered out. And as with conjunction, what
admitting contexts for the sentence. Notice that switching the
matters is whether the antecedent together with other propositions
juncts around in (4 7) makes a difference:
already in the common ground entails the presuppositions of the
(56) All of Keith's children are asleep, and Keith has three consequent. Suppose again that the common ground includes the
children. proposition expressed by (57a). In such a context, uttering (60)
filters out the presupposition of its consequent clause, the proposi-
It would be odd to utter (56) in a context where (47b) is not
supposed. Thus, the presuppositional properties of a tion expressed by (47b), "Keith has some children."
are not symmetric (the presuppositions of "p and q" are (60) If Keith is married to Linda, all of his children are asleep.
the same as the presuppositions of "q and p"), while the
Consider finally disjunction. Its presuppositional properties
conditional content of a conjunction arguably is.
appear to be the following. A sentence of the form "p or q" gener-
Indeed, even if p does not by itself entail the presuppositions
ally inherits the presuppositions of both p and q, unless one of the
q, those presuppositions are filtered out in a context c where
disjuncts is contextually incompatible with the presuppositions of
addition of p to the common ground in c yields a set of prtoptDSitlonf
the other. In this case the incompatible presuppositions are filtered
that jointly entail the presuppositions of q. Suppose, for
out. Consider (61).
that the common ground includes (57a). In such a context, ass
ing (57 b) filters out the presupposition of the second conjunct, (61) a. Either John doesn't know that syntax is easy, or Mary hasn't
proposition expressed by (47b). discovered that syntax is beautiful (I don't remember
(57) a. If Keith is married to Linda, then he has children.
b. Syntax is easy.
b. Keith is married to Linda, and all his children are asleep.
c. Syntax is beautiful.
So the correct generalization seems to be that "p and q"
Here the first clause presupposes (61b); the second (61c). The dis-
in a context inherits all the presuppositions of both p and q
junction as a whole presupposes both (61b) and (61c). Consider
for any presuppositions of q that are contextually entailed by
now the following:
(that is, entailed by p together with the propositions already in the
common ground). (62) a. Either no one has solved the projection problem, or it was
Essentially the same generalization seems to apply to condi- Linda who did.
tionals. The presuppositions of "if p then q" are the presuppositions b. Someone solved the projection problem.
of both p and q, unless p contextually entails the presuppositions of Here the second conjunction of (62a) presupposes (62b). But the
q, in which case only the presuppositions of p are inherited by the first conjunct is incompatible with (62b); it entails the nega-
conditional. Let us illustrate. tion of (62b). Thus the presupposition of the second conjunct is
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 369

filtered out. Notice that the order of the disjuncts here makes no Construct a concrete example of a sentence of the form "If not q
difference: then (p and r)" where the relations described at the beginning of
(63) Either it was Linda who solved the projection problem, or no this exercise obtain, and see whether its presuppositions in a null
one did. context are the expected one.

Sentence (63) does not presuppose (62b), although the first clause
of (63) taken in isolation does. This seems to show that the pre- In simplified terms these appear to be the filtering properties of
suppositional properties of disjunction (like its truth-conditional and, if ... then, and or. Negation, as we saw, is instead a hole. Two
content) are symmetric (the presuppositions of "p or q" are identi- questions now arise in this connection. First, how are these prop-
cal with the presuppositions of "q or p"). erties of the logical connectives to be formally captured? Second,
Again we note that contextual incompatibility filters presuppo- why are these properties the way they are?
sitions of disjunctions. If the common ground at c includes (64a), Answering the second question implies addressing such issues as
then the disjunction (64b) does not presuppose (64c), even though the following: Can there be a language that associates with con-
the first disjunct of (64b) by itself would presuppose (64c) in that junction the projection properties that in English are associated
context. with disjunction? Can there be a language where conditionals are
(64) a. All lawyers are rich. presuppositionally like disjunction rather than conjunction?
b. Either Mary discovered that John is poor, or she discovered A priori, positive answers to the above questions seem highly
that he is a lawyer. implausible. Why? Well, intuitively the projection properties
c. John is poor. described above seem strong candidates for being linguistic uni-
versals. This makes sense if the projection propert~es of the con-
If the common ground does not include ( 64a) or something similar
nectives considered above follow from their meanings (which also
that would make Mary's discovering that John is a lawyer incom- are strong candidates for universals) plus perhaps general princi-
patible with his being poor, then indeed uttering sentence (64b) ples concerning how discourse unfolds. In other words, we want a
would presuppose (64c). way of formally characterizing how presuppositions are projected
Karttunen and Peters (1979) articulated essentially these filtering that is not only empirically adequate but also sheds light on the
principles except that their account does not allow for the possi- relevant empirical generalizations by deriving them from general
bility that contextually available propositions can affect presuppo- principles (and, of course, the truth-conditional semantics of the
sition projection and thus fails to deal satisfactorily with cases like relevant connectives).
those in (57), (60), and (64). The discourse-theoretic approach we We think that recent work on this topic gives us reason for being
present below does not suffer from this limitation and is in this optimistic about the possibility of attaining this goal. We will next
respect empirically more adequate. try to show this by presenting a highly simplified version of the
theory of presupposition projection developed in Heim (1983).

Exercise 5 Consider a sentence of the form "If not q then (p and r)" and prop-
ositions h, f, and g such that q presupposes h, p presupposes f, and 4.2 Dynamic sentential semantics and presupposition
r presupposes g. Assume that p does not entail g and that not f So far we have been characterizing the truth-conditional content of
entails q. sentences in static terms: a sentence has a truth value relative to a
According to the generalizations discussed above, what do we context, a value assignment to variables, and a world-time pair.
expect the presuppositions of "If not q then (p and r)" to be in a However, we noted at several points in our previous discussion
null context (where the common ground is empty)? that sentences interact in a dynamic way with the context in which
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 371

they are uttered. The result of uttering a sentence S in a cnn.-~ ...L• assertion of S (or the realization of whatever locutionary force is
leads to a new context c'. We can try to represent this by saying associated with S); c* + S is the context set associated with c + S.
sentences are associated with functions from contexts to Clauses (65-67) below show how we might recursively define JSig,c.
We might call such functions context-change potentials. As We will explicitly deal only with negation and conjunction. The
naker (1978) proposes, the context-change potential of a same method can be generalized to conditionals, disjunctions, and
in simple cases can be viewed as narrowing down the set of quantifiers, but we will not do so here. The treatment of negation
alternatives by excluding those incompatible with the sentence. and conjunction should suffice to give the reader a fair idea of the
p be the static semantic value of a sentence, the proposition main features of the present approach.
expresses according to the semantics we have developed so far.
(65) LetS be an atomic sentence not containing connectives or
dynamic value can be represented as a function mapping a
modals. Let Intg,c(S) (the intension of S relative to c and g) be
set c* to c* n p. This amounts to excluding from the original c*
{ (w', i'): [S]M,g, w',i',c = 1 }. We then stipulate that JSJg,c(c*)
the situations in which p is false; this is the effort of adding
= c* n Intg,c(S) if c* s; p for any p that S presupposes. If for
proposition p to the set of propositions in comgrd(c),
some p that S presupposes, c 't p, JSig,c(c*) is undefined.
comgrd(c') = comgrd(c) u {p}.
Heim suggests that by developing Stalnaker's idea we can Clause (65) is just what Stalnaker proposed in general for assertion
some insight as to why presuppositions project the way they do. of a simple declarative sentence S: when the proposition that S is
see this, we will have to develop more explicitly the notion added to the common ground, that proposition is intersected with
context-change potential. Here is one way of doing it. the existing context set. To simplify the notation, we will omit ref-
The interpretation function [ ]M,g,w,i,c as we have defined it is erence to g and c in I lg,c and will write Si for Intg,c(S). In this
fully defined (or total) function. It always assigns a value to s unofficial notation (65) becomes either of the following equivalent
tences. This function is designed to deal with the static value of a formulas with the same provisos as in (65):
sentence, the truth conditions it has if we abstract away from the (65') a. ISJ(c*) = c* (\ si
impact sentences have on the context in which they are uttered. To b. c* + s = c* (\ si
deal with presuppositions, however, we need a more general char-
acterization of the truth-conditional import of a sentence, one that Recall that we can think of propositions as regions of logical
takes into account its dynamic interaction with the context and space, the sets of world-time pairs in which the proposition is true.
consequently leaves open the possibility that some contexts may A context set is itself a proposition (the conjunction of all the
be unsuited for interpreting a given sentence, as our semi-formal propositions in the set) and is thus a region of logical space. We
characterization of presupposition in (52) assumes. To this end let further assume that the presuppositions associated with atomic
us now redub the static truth conditions of a sentence S as charac- sentences can be listed or otherwise finitely specified. Thus, for
terized by [ ]M,g,w,i,c its proto-truth-conditions. Using the notion of example, the atomic sentence "John managed to get the MIT job"
proto-truth-conditions, we will be able to define recursively the presupposes that getting the MIT job was an achievement for John.
context-change potential of a sentence as a function from context In a context c where such a presupposition is not satisfied (or
sets to context sets. Such a notion will then naturally lead to a more entailed by the context set c*) IJohn managed to get the MIT job!
general characterization of the truth-conditional import of a sen- would be undefined, reflecting the fact that such a context cannot
tence (which we will call its truth conditions proper). be incremented by the information associated with "John managed
Let c + S designate the context produced by uttering S in c. For- to get the MIT job" (unless the relevant presupposition is accom-
mally, a context-change potential will be a partial function JSig,c (for modated in the context). Similarly, a sentence like "John regrets
an assignment to variables g and a context c) that maps the context that he lost his job" presupposes that he did lose his job. In a con-
set of its utterance c* onto a new context set JSig,c(c*). Let c* + S text where it is assumed that he in fact did not, IJohn regrets that he
designate JSig,c(c*), the context set that results from the felicitous lost his job! would be undefined.
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 373

Figure 6.3
Figure 6.2

The presuppositions associated with specific grammatical

structions can be treated in the same way. For example, cleft
tences of the form "It was NP that S" presuppose that someone
something satisfies sentence S. We can illustrate what happens
calculating context incrementation involving simple cleft
tences (clefts where S in "It was NP that S" is atomic) by means
the example illustrated in figure 6.2. Let c* be the proposition
Kermit was killed by either Ms. Piggy or by the butler. Let S1 be Figure 6.4
was the butler who killed Kermit." And let S~ be the propos
that Kermit was killed by someone. S~ is the proposition
how an assertion, by altering the context set, can help satisfy pre-
by S1. Figure 6.2 shows a situation where c* is taken as a
suppositions of subsequent utterances. Since c* + S1 entails S~,
set of a context c that admits S1. S~ is the proposition that the
the context set after S 2 is uttered is successfully restricted to
killed Kermit. sl presupposes that Kermit was killed by i:>U,.Uv•uut
(c* + S1) + Sz, which is indicated by the crosshatched area.
(S~ in figure 6.2). In general, we let SP stand for the
Figure 6.4 shows the original context set c* with S~, which it
tion(s) associated with S. In the given context, S~ is satisfied (it
does not entail. In this case we cannot move to c* + S 2 (indicated
entailed by c*). We show this graphically by including the
by the cross-hatched area). On our assumptions about the context c
associated with the context set c* in the region associated with
and its context set c*, IS 2 I(c*) is undefined, which captures the fact
(the presupposition associated with S1). The shaded area, which
that Sz is not felicitously assertible in c; context c cannot be
the intersection of c* and SL is c* + s1 (or IS11(c*)); this is
incremented by S 2 • In other words, to utter "The butler regrets
context set of c + sl.
that he killed Kermit" would be infelicitous in a context where
for all we know, he might not be the killer. We must add to th~
Let us next consider in c + S1 a new sentence S 2 (say "The
regrets that he killed Kermit"), with presuppositions~ (the TW•'">nf>.o
original context the information that it was indeed the butler who
sition that the butler killed Kermit). Figure 6.3 shows what
killed Kermit, either by an assertion or possibly by a process of
pens. Let c* be the proposition that Kermit was killed by
Ms. Piggy or by the butler. Let S1 be "It was the butler who killed
Actually, the context set associated with c + S1 can also be
Kermit." LetS} be the proposition that Kermit was killed by some·
affected by the beliefs that the utterance of s1 triggers for the con-
one. Let S 2 be "The butler regrets that he killed Kermit." And let
versationalists. However, for simplicity we will ignore the addition
be the proposition that the butler killed Kermit. S~ and S~ are
of these further implicit propositions in our discussion. Strictly
propositions expressed by S1 and S 2 respectively. Note that c* + S1
speaking, a sentence S is uttered in a context c and is felicitous (or
is included in S~, but the original c* is not. In other words, S2
infelicitous) in c. However, it is the context set c* that determines
admitted inc+ S1 but is not admitted in the original c. This shows
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 375

the felicity of S in the context c, so we will sometimes speak of S

uttered and felicitous in c*. This is to be understood as
for saying that S is uttered and felicitous in context c with c
set c*. We will also sometimes say that c or c* admits S·, th'lS c•
shorthand for saying that the utterance of S in context c with
text set c* is felicitous (that c* entails the presuppositions of S).
Let us now turn to negation. We want to define the
change potential of "not S" in terms of that of S. We can do so
Figure 6.5
either of the following equivalent formulas.
(66) a. Jnot SJ(c*) = c* JSJ(c*)
b. c* +[not S] = c* - [c* + S]
The net effect of clause (66) is simply to subtract from c* the
in which S is true. This happens in the following way. First c*
~ s,'
compute ISJ(c*) (as if S were asserted in context c). Then we
the complement of the result with respect to the original ~V"UlvAI
The definition in (66) has an interesting consequence. Sup
Figure 6.6
that JSJ(c*) is undefined. Then Jnot SJ(c*) will also be undefined
the latter is defined in terms of the former. Now JSJ(c*) will be'
By way of contrast, consider uttering in c* the sentence "It wasn't
defined if c* does not satisfy (or entail) the presuppositions
Ms. Piggy who killed Kermit." The results are illustrated in figure
dated with S. It follows, then, that a context c for "not S"
6.6. Let c* be as in figure 6.5. Let S 2 be "It wasn't Ms. Piggy who
satisfy the same presuppositions as a context for S, since JSJ(c
killed Kermit." Let S 3 be "It was Ms. Piggy who killed Kermit."
must be defined for Jnot SJ (c*) to be defined. In other words,
And let S~ be the proposition that Kermit was killed by someone.
derive the observation that negation is a hole as a simple conse-
S~ and S~ are the propositions expressed by S 2 and S 3 respectively.
quence ofthe fact that the way "not S" affects the context is u<:au 1 t:,u
The result is felicitous. According to our rule, we proceed by com-
in terms of the way in which S does. Let us illustrate this further
puting first c* + S 3 • Since the presuppositions S~ are satisified inc
means of an example. Let c* be the proposition that the conversa-
(that is, c* s; S~), this gets us to the worlds of c* in which Ms. Piggy
tionalists know that Kermit was killed by either the butler or Ms.
killed Kermit (indicated by vertical lines). We then take the com-
Piggy, that they don't know which of the two is the murderer and
that they do not believe that either Ms. Piggy or the butler has
' plement of the resulting set (indicated by the crosshutching), and
this will be the resulting context set, namely, c*- (c* + S 2 ). We
killed anybody else. Let S1 be "It wasn't Kermit that Ms. Piggy
have now ruled out as live possibilities those where Ms. Piggy kills
killed." Let So be "It was Kermit that Ms. Piggy killed." And let sg
Kermit, which were admitted by the original c with context set c*.
be the proposition that Ms. Piggy killed someone. As noted above,
This shows how the results of our algorithm match our intuitions
S~ and S~ are the propositions expressed by S1 and S0 respectively.
with respect to how presuppositions are projected in negatiye con-
Intuitively, uttering S1 inc* (as described in figure 6.5) is infelici-
texts. The presuppositions of a sentence are passed up across ne-
tous. In figure 6.5, S~ is represented by the horizontal lines. The
gation. By assigning to negation the context-change potential in
infelicity of uttering S1 in a context c with context set c* follows,
(66), we can derive this fact, since computing c* +not S involves as
since to compute c* + S1, we first have to compute c* + S0 • But
a first step computing c* + S, which will be undefined if c* does not
c* +So is undefined, since the presupposition of S 0 (namely S);) is
entail the presuppositions of S. We consider later how the status of
not satisfied in c* (that is, c* <j;_ S);).
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 377

c* +S

Figure 6.7 Figure 6.8

the negative as a hole is compatible with our earlier obs"r'r!lt·i.-.Y. Let S0 be "All of Keith's children are asleep, and Joan regrets it."
that some presuppositions appear to be defeasible in certain Let S1 be "All of Keith's children are asleep." Let Sf be the propo-
tive contexts. sition that Keith has children. Let S 2 be "Joan regrets that all of
Let us now consider conjunction. Here too we have the Keith's children are asleep." And letS~ be the proposition that all
equivalent formulas: of Keith's children are asleep. S~ and S~ are the propositions ex-
pressed by S1 and S2 respectively. We can see that although c* does
(67) a. IS1 and Szf(c*) = 1Szi(IS11(c*)) admit S1 ( c* s Sf), it does not admit S 2 ( c* 't S~). But c* + S1 does
b. c* + [S 1 and S2 ] = [[c* + S1] + S 2 ] admit S 2 (c* + S1 s S~). Thus it is felicitous to utter S0 ("S 1 and
The basic idea here is that conjunctions are processed linearly. S 2 ") in c*, although it would be infelicitous to utter just S 2 in c*.
assert "S 1 and S 2 " amounts to the same thing as asserting first The presuppositions of the second conjunct are filtered out because
and then following that assertion by an assertion of S 2 (in the s they are entailed by the first conjunct (set-theoretically, S~ s S~). In
discourse). This gives to the conjuncts an asymmetric status in this case the first conjunct automatically sets up the context for the
spirit of Stalnaker's observation that when a conjunction felicitous utterance of the second conjunct.
serted, the relevant context set for the second conjunct has Next let us consider figure 6.8. Let c* be the proposition that it
been restricted by prior assertion of the first conjunct. An """H"".u- would be difficult for Joan to land a job on Wall Street, but if
ate consequence of this is that for c to admit "S 1 and S 2 ," it is she does land a job on Wall Street, she'll be rich and furthermore
required that c admit both S 1 and S2 ; rather, all that is required is that she may not land such a job and may remain poor. Let S0 be
that c admit S1 and that the incremented context c + S1 admit S2 • "Joan managed to land a job on Wall Street, and she doesn't regret
That is, what is necessary is that c* entails Sf and c* + S1 en that she'll be rich." Let S1 be "Joan managed to land a job on Wall
S~. Recall our observation that any presuppositions triggered by 8 2 Street." Let Sf be the proposition that it was difficult for Joan to
that are contextually entailed by S1 are filtered out. Let us see how land a job on Wall Street. Let S 2 be "Joan doesn't regret that
our definition guarantees this result. she'll be rich." And letS~ be the proposition that Joan will be rich.
What our definition of conjunction requires is that the pre· S~ and S~ are the propositions expressed by S 1 and Sz respectively.
suppositions of S 2 are entailed by c* + S1. But this is just what it Again we see that it is felicitous to utter S0 in context c with con-
means to say that S1 contextually entails S~. In set-theoretic terms, text set c* because c* itself entails the presuppositions of s1 and
what is required is that c* + S1 s S~. Yet as figures 6.7 and 6.8 although c* doesn't entail the presuppositions of S 2 (it would not
illustrate, this is possible even where c* 't sr
Figure 6. 7 illustrates be felicitous just to utter S 2 in c), c* + S1 does entail those pre-
the case where S 1 actually entails S~ (set-theoretically, S~ s S~). In suppositions. This case is different from that of figure 6.7, however,
this case, it follows from set-theoretic principles that c* + s1 = in that S 1 alone does not entail S~ (S~ 't SD; we have to add the
c* n S~ s S~. For figure 6. 7 let c* be the proposition that Keith has assumptions in c that restrict c* to get the required entailment. The
three children but it is not known whether any of them are asleep. first conjunct does not automatically set up a context for felicitous
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 379

The second conjunct of (1c) presupposes (1b). However, (1c) does

not, the reason being that its first conjunct, (1a), entails (1b). Dia-
gram a context set c* that does not entail the presuppositions of the
second conjunct of (1c). Then diagram (1a) and (1b). Using the
resulting diagram, show that the ad,dition to c* of the first conjunct
sets up a new context set that entails the presuppositions of the
second conjunct of (1c).
Figure 6.9

Definitions (65'), (66), and (67) illustrate how sentences can be

utterance of the second conjunct, but with the supporting .,...,.,.,.,...~_, assigned a dynamic semantic value that reflects the way in which
tions in the assumed context, uttering S~ in the first context they affect (and are affected by) the context in which they are ut-
moving to c* + s1 does indeed yield a context felicitous for tered. We assume that definitions along these lines can also be
ance of S 2 • provided for other constructions (such as quantifiers, modals, etc.).
Finally, figure 6.9 illustrates a case where the first conjunct Then using our notion of context-change potential (lSI), one can
not even contextually entail the second and where, although assign truth conditions to sentences in a way that directly reflects
context admits the first conjunct, it does not admit the second. their presuppositional properties, that is, we can make explicit our
such a case the presuppositions of the second conjunct are not semiformal definition (52). Such truth conditions can be repre-
tered out, and thus it is infelicitous to utter the conjunction in sented in terms of a partial function II II M,g, w,i, c that assigns to a
a context. Let c* be the proposition that Joan got lost but nothing is sentence S its truth value relative to model M, assignment g, and
known about her health. Let S 0 be "Paul regrets that Joan got lo context c and in world w at time i. We will be interested only in
and Bill that she got sick." Let S 1 be "Paul regrets that Joan contexts that are proper in a certain sense. For any interpretation
lost." Let S}' be the proposition that Joan got lost. Let S 2 be ' function II IIM,g,w,i,c we say that a context is proper iff <w,i) E c*,
regrets that Joan got sick." And letS~ be "Joan got sick." Si and that is iff the world at which a sentence is evaluated is a member of

are the propositions expressed by S1 and S 2 respectively. As we the context set. This means that <w, i) is considered as a live alter-
see, c* + s1 't- s~, and thus the presuppositions of the second native by the conversationalists. Accordingly, II IIM,g,w,i,c is defined
junct have not been satisfied. To summarize, our definitions as follows:
antee that a conjunction can be uttered felicitously only in
(68) For every M, g, w, i, c (where <w, i) E c*), IISIIM,g, w,i,c = 1 iff
context that satisfies the presuppositions of the first conjunct
satisfies all the presuppositions of the second conjunct that are not <w,i) E ISI(c*).
contextually entailed by the first conjunct. These filtering .,...,.,~.,...,,,._ The idea underlying (68) is that a sentence is true in <w, i) rela-
ties of conjunction, which we observed earlier, are a natural con~ tive to a context c iff the result of uttering S in c leads to a context
sequence of its dynamic properties and thus need not be separately that keeps <w, i) among the live alternatives. The rationale for such
stipulated. a definition can be illustrated in terms of the following example.
Suppose we want to know the truth value of a simple sentence 1/J in
<w, i) relative to context c. By uttering 1j; in c we switch to the
Exercise 6 Consider (47a), repeated here as (1c). context set c* n lj;i. Obviously, the worlds in c* n lj;i are all worlds
in which 1j; is true (they are essentially the intension of 1j; as re-
(1) a. Keith has three children.
stricted by the context set c*). Thus if <w,i) E c* n lj;i, 1j; will be true
b. Keith has some children.
in <w, i) (relative to c). More complex cases work in pretty much
c. Keith has three children, and all Keith's children are asleep.
the same way.

Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 381

Note that if the presuppositions associated with a sentence l/1 servation that the principles that guide presupposition projection
are not satisfied in c, Ill/! II (c) will be undefined, and thus for any are not just arbitrary. The projection properties of connectives are
world wand time i, l/1 will fail to have a truth value in <w, i) rela- directly linked to how sentences formed with those connectives
tive to c. actually function in discourse.
Perhaps it is appropriate at this point to summarize how the
recursive specification of context-change potentials and truth con-
ditions work in the model we have been assuming. The first step is 4.3 Defeasibility
the definition of the function [S]M,g,w,i,c. This gives us what we There is an aspect of the treatment we have adopted that deserves
have called the proto-truth-conditions of S in w, i relative to con- some discussion. In chapter 1 and throughout this book we have
text c. This characterizes the truth-conditional import of S in a way maintained that the main features of presuppositions are (a) their
that abstracts away from presuppositional phenomena. [S]M,g, w,i,c survival in various contexts (the P family), including negation, and
is complete; it always assigns a truth value to S (relative to the (b) their defeasibility in certain circumstances. In our formal treat-
relevant parameters). In terms of [S]M,g, w,i,c we then recursively ment we have essentially assimilated presuppositions to context-
define the context-change potential of S (lSI) for an arbitrary S. This dependent entailments, with the proviso that sentences receive a
is done as in clauses (65) through (67) above. ISI(c*) is a partial value only if their presuppositions are entailed by the context set.
function defined only if c* entails the presuppositions associated This feature, which the present approach shares with treatments of
with S. Finally, in terms of lSI we define the truth conditions for S, presuppositions in terms of supervaluations or three-valued logics,
namely, IISIIM,g,w,i,c. These truth conditions will be also partial, is dictated by the fact that in classical bivalent logic only tautolo-
which reflects both the partiality of ISI(c*) and our treatment of gies are entailed by a sentence and its negationY
truth as just truth preservation among the live possibilities in a This raises the issue of how presuppositions can be defeated. We
context. believe that the extent to which presuppositions are defeasible
What we have presented here is a rough first approximation. depends on whether they are triggered conventionally or by means
There are various ways in which the present recursion could and of implicit contextual assumptions. We now turn to a discussion of
undoubtedly should be extended and modified. One has to spell this distinction.
out the context-change potentials of implication, disjunction, We suggested in chapter 4 (and above in the present chapter) that
quantifiers of various kinds, modals, etc., and doing so might lead the implications of an utterance can in principle be divided into
us to revise significantly what we have done above. Our goal here two classes: those that depend only on what is stipulated by the
was to illustrate how our truth-conditional approach can be gener- language system (plus a logic) and those that require further non-
alized to deal with context dependency and presuppositions in a linguistic (and defeasible) premises. The first set includes entail-
way that sheds light on the nature of these phenomena. The feature ments and also what Grice called conventional implicatures. The
in the approach sketched above that we think is likely to survive second set includes conversational implicatures of both the gener-
further revisions is that one can look at semantics dynamically by alized and the particularized variety. This distinction, as pointed
considering not just whether a sentence is true or false in a given out above, also applies to the propositions that an utterance pre-
context but also how such a sentence affects the context in which it supposes. Some presuppositions apparently are assigned to a sen-
is uttered. In particular, the filtering properties of conjunction, as tence S just by the rules of the language system (together with a
opposed to the behavior of negation, seem to follow naturally from logic), whereas others require the addition of certain default prag-
this dynamic view of meaning. By adding the first conjunct to a matic premises to S.
context c, we automatically add to c the entailments of that con- . In fact, as Karttunen and Peters (1979) point out, conventional
junct. These create a new context for the second conjunct. The implicatures generally give rise to conventionally triggered pre-
projection properties of conjunction are an immediate consequence suppositions and can be essentially assimilated to the latter. Typi-
ofthis. In this sense the analysis is sensitive to Gazdar's (1979) ob- cal conventional presuppositional triggers are cleft sentences or
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 383

lexical items like fail to, even, and manage. By virtue of ~~·->~u.u Let P be some set of premises about human actions in general and
alone (69a) and (70a) presuppose (69b) and (70b), respectively. conversation in particular (and perhaps also including other more
( 69) a. Even Pavarotti likes Sophia Loren. specific premises). P might include, for example, that speakers
b. Pavarotti is the least likely or most surprising member of generally adhere to Gricean maxims unless there is some good and
some contextually salient group to have the property of evident reason not to do so. Thes.e assumptions will generally be
liking Loren. present in context sets (as taken for granted by the conversa-
c. Pavarotti likes Loren. tionalists) and can be factored out as follows.

(70) a. James Bond managed to kiss Sophia Loren. (72) S presupposes p relative to premise set P iff every context c
b. There was some difficulty involved in Bond's bringing n
such that c* <;; p is also such that c* entails p.
about his kissing of Loren. n
The phrase "such that c* s; P" represents the relativization of
c. Bond intentionally kissed Loren. the notion of presupposition to conversational premises. What it
Contexts admitting sentences like (69a) must have context sets says is that a presupposition may be triggered by a sentence S with
entail something along the lines of (69b). But this ranking the aid of certain pragmatic premises P. Where the premises in
tion depends heavily on such contextual factors as subjective question are general conversational principles, they will be true in
ments of relative likelihood and the like. Speakers choosing such most ordinary contexts. Thus language users will tend to think of
mode of expression in some sense thereby announce their the sentence itself as bearing the presupposition, failing to notice
ranking choices in much the same way that modals can be used the role of the ancillary premises.
express speakers' wishes. This leaves open, however, the possibility that in certain cases
the premise in the set P can be suspended. Consequently, pre-
(71) Oh, it can't rain tomorrow: the picnic is planned. suppositions that depend on such premises may be defeated when
It may seem odd to say that this wish that it will not rain is those supporting premises are called into question. This can be
or false, but as is clear from the discussion in chapter 5 of mo illustrated by the presuppositional behavior arising from the in-
an illuminating account of the truth conditions of such sentences dexical character of the sentences in (73), a contrast first discussed
available. What sometimes confuses the issue is that those in Stalnaker (1974):
conditions depend heavily on context and furthermore do not gen~ (73) a. If Pavarottii discovers that Loren is now in New York, hei
erally depend on objective features of the context like who will be angry. (Relative to context Ca, where sp(ca) =James
speaking or when, which means that the truth in question is Bond]
more subjective than objective significance. The modals display b. If Pavarottii discovers that I am now in New York, hei will
much richer abstract semantic structure than even and the be angry. (Relative to context cb, where sp( cb) Loren]
suppositional component of manage. There are also cases c. If I discover that Loren is now in New York, I'll be angry.
their truth conditions use much more objective features of con (Relative to context Cc, where sp( cc) = Pavarotti]
than the speaker's wishes. Nonetheless, the modals are similar d. Loren is now in New York. (Relative to any of the contexts
principle to words like even, which lends further plausibility specified above]
their assimilation to a very context-sensitive component of truth
conditional meaning. Relative to the three different kinds of contexts we have specified
As originally argued in Kempson (1975) and Wilson (1975), (including also, of course, a fixed time), sentences (73a-c) all ex-
ical presuppositional triggers whose presuppositions require press exactly the same proposition; their truth-conditional content
only their meaning but also general conversational implicatures is identical. Yet (73a, b) generally presuppose (73d), but (73c) does
the factives (know, discover, regret, for example). A general way not (an observation that led Stalnaker to conclude that presupposi-
making this explicit within the approach we have adopted is tion is pragmatic in the sense of being keyed to contextual factors).
follows. On the present approach, an account of this phenomenon might be
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 385

sought along the following lines. In the case of (73a) the are the same, since the context-change potential of nonatomic sen-
presupposition (73d) will often be actual, for in uttering (73 tences is independent of how the presuppositions of atomic sen-
Bond will usually have no reason to use the £active discover tences are triggered. In fact in the examples above, we have
he has information concerning Sophia Loren's whereabouts.
' indifferently used conventionally and conversationally triggered
Bond does not know where Loren is but knows that Pavarotti presuppositions.
pursuing an investigation that is likely to result in his finding In sum, conversationally triggered presuppositions can be de-
Loren's present location, (73a) can be uttered without feated just as other conversational implicatures can. We have pro-
ing (73d); if New York carries focal stress, this interpretation posed an implicit set of premises, subject to revision, to deal with
likely. Of course, when Loren utters (73b), it is very likely that them. Where instead a trigger is conventional, a presupposition is
common ground includes the proposition that Loren knows no more defeasible than an entailment. Of course, just like an or-
own whereabouts (we can imagine a context in which this dinary entailment of what is explicitly said, a conventional pre-
sumption fails, but the setting is highly unusual). On the supposition of S may be inconsistent with the context set that exists
hand, sentence (73c) will generally have the potential pre prior to the utterance of S. Recognized inconsistencies demand
tion (73d) canceled, since Pavarotti's use of the first-person some revision in the common ground if discourse is to continue.
tional implicates that for all he knows, he himself may not Perhaps a proposition asserted earlier must be withdrawn or a
that Loren is now in New York, which is not a possibility if cherished bit of common sense abandoned in the face of evidence.
already knows or takes it for granted that she is in New York. This is what happens, we believe, in the much discussed cases of
the potential presupposition is canceled because it is U .H..olJH;H.,lt:lllll
presupposition cancellation involving negation. If negation is a
with the context as enriched by implicatures drawn from hole, presupposition cancellation in negative contexts must be re-
Pavarotti has said and the form in which he expressed it. While garded as a case of accommodation. Let us see whether this is
an actual formalization of this informal line of explanation plausible.
require some work, it seems to us that the present approach Consider the discourse (75), where the interrogative cleft uttered
the way for it. by A conventionally triggers a presupposition that someone opened
The behavior of presuppositions of the kind exemplified in (7 the door to the porch.
contrasts with the fact that conventionally triggered presupposi (75) A) noticing the open door: Was it you who opened the door to
tions of the sort exemplified by even and manage are not the porch? I closed it at lunchtime.
defeasible, because they do not depend on retractable premises. B: Well, it wasn't me who opened it, because I've been gone all

(74) a. Did Michael Jordan manage to catch any passes? [Uttered afternoon, and it wasn't Joan who opened it, because she was
when M. J. was healthy and was a professional basketball with me, and it wasn't any of the kids who opened it, because
player.] they're on a field trip, and I strongly suspect that nobody
b. Did even Einstein understand the general theory of opened it-there was a lot of wind this afternoon, you know.
relativity? Both A's question and sentences like (76a) conventionally presup-
Sentences like those in (74) are odd precisely because it is ex- pose the proposition expressed by (76b).
ceedingly difficult to think of contexts that might admit them since (76) a. It was me who opened the door to the porch.
the presuppositions they trigger are not readily accommodated in a b. Someone opened the door to the porch.
common ground. Thus on the present theory there is an explicit
The account of negation in (66) claims that B's denial of (76a)
link between defeasibility and triggering mechanisms. Presupposi-
and her subsequent denials using cleft sentences all bear presup-
tions are defeasible if they are triggered by defeasible assumptions
position (76b). Nonetheless, B finally expresses skepticism about
about human action and conversation.
that presupposition and thus can hardly be said to be purporting to
While presuppositions can arise from either conventional or
take it for granted by the time she has finished her reply.
pragmatic sources, we would expect that their projection properties
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 387

What seems to be happening is that B has accommodated the (81) Speaker 1: Does Joan regret getting a Ph.D. in linguistics?
presupposition introduced by A's comment until the final Speaker 2: Oh, Joan had thought of getting a Ph.D. in
when she proposes that that presupposition be abandoned. linguistics but decided to study computer science instead.
pose A had opened the conversation with (77). Speaker 1: So, Joan doesn't regret getting a Ph.D. in linguistics.
(77) Someone opened the door to the porch. I closed it at Speaker 1 might have rephrased the final comments as in (82a) or
lunchtime. (82b).
In this case A's utterance has (82) a. So Joan must not regret getting a Ph.D. in linguistics.
common ground of the discourse by presenting it as a rrn•on""' b. Well, if Joan didn't get a Ph.D. in linguistics, then she can't
assertion. With no immediate challenge, it simply moves into regret having gotten one.
background for subsequent talk; it moves in more explicitly
The use of the modals must and can in (82a) and (82b) suggests that
otherwise just as the accommodated presupposition of the
what is being expressed is something about the effect of removing
(75a) did. B's response can be exactly as before. This time she
the proposition that Joan got a Ph.D. in linguistics, presupposed
not accommodate a presupposition but simply bided her
initially by speaker 1, from the common ground, which serves here
before challenging a proposition explicitly asserted. The effe
as the modal base. In uttering (82a), speaker 1 makes it explicit that
however, is no different. The context set as the discourse r"'""'"",.,~
enriching comgrd (c) with the proposition that Joan did not get a
includes the proposition that someone opened the door. She
Ph.D. in linguistics would make c* inconsistent with the proposi-
further (negative) information: it wasn't B herself or Joan or the kids
tion that she regrets getting a Ph.D. in linguistics. With an utterance
who opened the door. Only when she has eliminated the
of (82b) something similar happens: it is acknowledged that a con-
candidates does she propose that A's view of the matter is
text set enriched by the antecedent of (82b)-a context where the
and should be removed from the common ground-perhaps
original presupposition has to be withdrawn-is inconsistent with
completely rejected but no longer treated as if it were mutually
an affirmative answer to the original question. Note, however, that
believed. Note that if B explicitly and immediately challenges A's
if speaker 2 simply says "No, she doesn't," then the presupposition
belief that someone opened the door, she is not very likely to but-
remains intact.
tress that challenge using negated clefts. She is much more likely to
There are many examples like ( 82) in the literature. It is not al-
offer something like (78).
ways noted, however, that such sentences would be extraordinarily
(78) B: Probably nobody opened it. I've been gone all afternoon, odd if produced as assertive utterances of a negative proposition
and Joan was with me, and the kids are on a field trip. (requiring, perhaps, an accommodation then immediately rejected),
though they are quite fine as denials of an affirmative proposition.
Compare this response with the following, which sounds odd:
(83) Jim does not know that Ann is unfaithful, because she isn't.
(79) B: Probably nobody opened it. It wasn't me who opened it, it
wasn't Joan, ... To assert (83) in a context that contains nothing about Ann's fidel-
ity before the utterance occurs is very odd indeed, since it makes
B might of course relent from her immediate challenge and go on
the hearer accommodate by adding the proposition that is explicitly
with a recounting that presupposes (76b), but if she does so, there is
denied in the because clause. Assertion of a negative sentence is
generally some signal of a return (perhaps only temporary) to the
what rule ( 66) accounts for: the content of that sentence is pre-
earlier common ground:
sented for potential intersection with, and a narrowing down of, the
(80) B: Well anyway, it wasn't me. context set. In contrast, denial of an affirmative removes from the
Let us look now to what happens when conversational triggers existing (and subsequent) common ground an affirmative proposi-
are involved. Consider the dialogue in (81). tion. Often the affirmative proposition entered the common ground
because it was overtly expressed by someone else. In such cases the
Contexts: Indexicality, Discourse, and Presupposition 389

common ground is not growing monotonically, nor is the context JS 1J(c*) -JS 2 J(JS 1 J(c*)) relative to c*. This gives us the worlds
set shrinking monotonically. The common ground may grow, then where either S1 is false or S 2 is true. Thus we have achieved our
shrink, and then grow in a different direction. goal, which was to eliminate from the context set the worlds in
Finally, Horn's (1985) work on metalinguistic negation, which which S1 is true and S 2 false (which are the worlds ruled out by the
we mentioned in chapter 4, bears on some cases of apparent defeat assertion of the conditional).
of presuppositions. Presuppositions triggered by manage and even Rule (1) predicts that the projection properties of conditionals are
are denied in (84a) and (84b), respectively. identical to those of conjunctions, as desired. To see this, consider
(84) a. I didn't "manage" to break my leg: you might say that it was what the first two steps in the application of ( 1) are. The first step is
as easy as falling off a log. to compute c* + S1. This means that the presuppositions of S1 (the
b. We don't "even" like Dorothy Sayers: she's one ofthe best antecedent) must be satisfied by c (and hence by the whole condi-
mystery writers ever. tional). The second step of the rule requires us to compute the
conjunction [c* + S1] + S2 • This means that, as is generally the case
As the scare quotes informally indicate, what is going on here is not for conjunction, c must satisfy the presuppositions of S 2 unless S1
negation of a proposition but criticism of the manner in which (plus, perhaps, other propositions already in the common ground
someone else has expressed themselves. in c) entails them. The remaining steps involve only negation,
In summary, while many problems remain open, an illuminating which, as we saw, does not affect presuppositions. It follows that c
account of presupposition projection seems promised by admits "if S1 then S2 " iff it admits "S1 and Sz."
development of the general discourse-theoretic approach illus~ Consider the following case: Let c* entail the proposition that
trated here. Such an approach links in a principled way the pro- Kermit was killed and that for all we know, whoever killed Kermit
jection properties of connectives to their role in discourse, and acted alone. Let S0 be "If it was Ms. Piggy who killed Kermit, it was
links defeasibility (viewed as an adjustment of the context) to how the butler who helped her." Let S 1 be "It was Ms. Piggy who killed
presuppositions are triggered. Presuppositions and presupposition Kermit." Let Sf be the proposition that someone killed Kermit. Let
projection per se pose no problem to a truth-conditional semantics. S 2 be "It was the butler who helped her." And let S~ be the propo-
In fact, it would seem reasonable to expect that any theory of these sition that someone helped Ms. Piggy. As before, S~ and S~ are the
phenomena should aim at preserving the precision and insights of propositions expressed by S1 and S 2 respectively. Diagram Si, Si,
the approach sketched here. Sk, and S~ relative to c*. On the basis of your diagram, is c* + S0
defined or undefined? Explain.
Consider the following situation: Let c* entail the proposition
Exercise 7 The basic idea underlying the treatment of conditionals is the fol-
that Ms. Piggy killed Kermit. Let S 0 be "If someone doesn't believe
lowing. Uttering a conditional "If S1, then S 2 " in a context c elimi- that Ms. Piggy killed Kermit, it is the butler who doesn't." Let S1 be
nates from c* all the worlds in which S 1 holds but S 2 does not. This "Someone does not believe that Ms. Piggy killed Kermit." And let
context change can be achieved with either of the following equiv- S 2 be "It is the butler who doesn't believe that Ms. Piggy killed
alent formulas: Kermit." S~ and S~ are the propositions expressed by S1 and S2 re-
(1) a. Jif S1 then S 2 J(c*) = c*- [jS1j(c*)
JSzJ(JS1J(c*))] spectively. Diagram Si, Si, Sk, and S~ relative to c*. Indicate clearly
b. c* +[if S1, then S2 ] = c*- [[c* + S1]- [[c* + S1] + Sz]] and separately (i) c* + S1 , (ii) [c* + S1 ] + S 2 , (iii) [c* + Sl]-
[[c* + S1 ] + S2 ], and (iv) c* + S0 • Is c* + S0 defined despite the fact
The rule works as follows. We first compute JS 1J(c*); that is, we in-
that the presuppositions of S 2 are not satisfied in c? Explain.
crement the context with S1. We then compute JS 2 J(JS 1J(c*)); that is,
we increment the context with S1 and S 2 . At this point we subtract
JS 2 J(JS 1 J(c*)) from JS 1 J(c*). This gives us those worlds inc* where
S1 is true but S 2 is false. Finally, we take the complement of
Lambda Abstraction

In this chapter we are going to study the .A.-operator in simplified

form. The symbol ), is the Greek letter lambda. We will first con-
sider the logic of the ),-operator abstractly by introducing it in the
predicate calculus. We will subsequently discuss several of its ap-
plications to natural language semantics. The applications we will
consider include coordinated VPs (sec. 3), relative clause formation
(sec. 4), and VP ellipsis (sec. 5). These are all cases in which com-
plex predicates of various kinds are being formed. The .A.-operator is
a formal device to handle the semantics of complex predicates. We
will also see how such an operator facilitates the task of arriving at
a theory of semantic representation (sec. 2). All this will illustrate
its usefulness in semantics.

An Elementary Introduction to Lambda Abstraction

For our present purposes we can regard the ),-operator as a way of
systematically defining complex predicates in terms of predicates
already given. As we will see, the .A.-operator is closely related to the
set forming operator {x : ... } and it will help us understand better
what is involved in the latter. We will show how the .A.-operator
works by introducing it first in PC (from chapter 3) and sub-
sequently in the intensional setting of IPC (from chapter 5).

1.1 The l·operator in an extensional setting

Let us introduce in PC the following syntactic rule.
(1) If tjJ is a well-formed formula and x a variable, .A.x[t/J] is a Pred 1 .

The expression .A.x[t/J] is called a ),-abstract (or .A.-expression) and can

be read as "the property of being an x such that tjJ." 1 We say that x
in .A.x[t/1] is bound by), and that tjJ is the scope of that occurrence of
the ),-operator. We will sometimes take the liberty of omitting the
square brackets in .A.x[t/1] and simply write .A.xt/1 if the context makes
it clear what the scope of the .A.-operator is.

Lambda Abstraction 393

Since an expression of the form h[l/1] is syntactically a result of substituting that term for the variable bound by A in the
predicate, we can apply it to terms and obtain well-formed formula that the A-expression is derived from. This rule, which
mulas. In (2) we give some examples of A-expressions and in governs the logico-semantic structure of A-expressions, is usually
some well-formed formulas derived from them. called },-conversion. The left-to-right part is sometimes referred to
(2) a. Ax[.married(x) 1\ male(x) 1\ adult(x)] as A-contraction or A-reduction, while the right-to-left part is some-
b. h3y[love(y,x)] times called A-abstraction.
While the mechanism of A-conversion is conceptually quite sim-
(3) a. h[.married(x) 1\ male(x) 1\ adult(x)](j) ple, concrete examples can get quite complicated. Consider trying
b. h3y[love(y,x)](j) to simplify the following formula:
If we have in the language of IPC the predicates married, male, (6) Vx[Az[Aw[[Q(w) AB(m)] ~ K(x, w)](z)](j)
adult, then (2a) illustrates how we can define the property of ___. Jcy[K(y,x) v Q(y)](m)]
isfying simultaneously the property of not being married, of b
male, and of being an adult. The property defined in (2a) can To find what the A-reduced form of (6) is, it is crucial to parse (6)
thought of as the property of being a bachelor. By the same token, correctly. One must find the scope of each occurrence of the A-
we have in our language the love relation, then we can define operator and identify the individual term it is predicated of. A tree
property of being loved by someone (the property of being an diagram like the one in (7) might help.
such that for some y, y loves x), as illustrated in (2b). (7)
These properties can be predicated of individuals. So (3a) says
that John has the property of being an x such that xis unmarried, x Vx[A --+ B]
is male, and xis an adult. Under what conditions do we want to say
that John has such a property? If and only if he is not married, is ~~AZ
C (j) AY D (m)
male, and is an adult. Similarly, under what conditions will John
have the property of being loved by someone? Just in case there is
someone who loves John. This means that we want (3a, b) to have
E Q(y)] w) 1\

the same truth conditions as (4a, b), respectively.
(4) a. [•married(j) 1\ male(j) 1\ adult(j)] B(m)] K(x,
[[ Q(w) 1\ ~ w)]
b. 3y[love(y, j)]
Diagram (7) exhibits the syntactic structure of (6). The topmost
The syntactic relations between (3a,b) and (4a,b) are fairly ob- node represents the entire formula, and each capital letter repre-
vious. Formulas (4a, b) are obtained from (3a, b) by dropping the Ax sents one of its subformulas. Whenever we find a subtree of the
at the beginning, dropping the (j) at the end, and replacing x with j form [Ao0(t)], we can uniformly substitute t for a in a. If we start
in the body of the A-expression. This is the syntactic realization of doing this bottom up in (7), after the first step we get the following:
the semantic relation that we want in general to hold between
hl/f(t) and 1/J. We can schematize this as in (5). (8)

(5) Jcx[l/f](t) ~ 1/f[t/x] Vx[A --+ B]

Here tis any term (an individual variable or constant) and 1/f[t/x] is
the result of substituting t for all occurrences of x in 1/J. ~
Az C (j)
AY D (m)
Rule (5) is a simple generalization of what we did in the above
example and states what will come out as a logical equivalence
between the result of applying a A-expression to a term and the
[[Q(z) B(m)]
1\ K(x, z)] ~[K(y, x) v Q(y)]
Chapter 7 Lambda Abstraction 395

We reduced the subtree rooted in C by substituting z for w in E. In the box that follows we provide a simple example in which we
we do the same for the subtree rooted in B, we obtain the foll compute the value of the A-expression Jcx[P(x) A-,x = m] in a model
M8 (also specified below). As the model contains three individuals
(Bond, Loren, and Pavarotti), this will involve computing the value
'v'x[A --? B] of [P(x) A-, [x = m]] three times.

~ C (j)
[ K(m, x) v Q(m)] Exercise 2 Give the extension of the following formulas in Ms with respect to

[[ Q(z) B(m)]
1\ K(x, z)]<---+
g 8 , where g 8 maps every variable into Bond.

(1) Jcx[P(x)]

Finally, we repeat again the procedure on the subtree rooted in (2) Jcx[x = m]
now substituting j for z in C, and we thus obtain the fully red
(3) Jcx[x = y]
form of (6), which is (10):
(4) Jcx[P(j)]
(10) Vx[[[Q(j) AB(m)] <--+ K(x, j)] ~ [K(m,x) A Q(m)]]
(5) Jcx[P(x) ~ [x = m v x = j]]

Exercise 1 Reduce the following formulas as much as you can. Show each step
in the derivation. It turns out that the semantics in (11) validates ),-conversion but
only in a restricted form. If a variable clash arises in the process of
(1) h[:Jz[Ay[K(x, y)](z) AR(z,x)]](j) converting, the result of applying a ),-expression to a term twill not
(2) Ay[h[K(x, y)](j)](m) be equivalent to its reduced counterpart. To see what this amounts
to, let us consider a specific example. Take a simple model Mg for
(3) Az[[K(x, z) 1\ R(x, z)] v R(z,x)](j)](m) IPC such that U9 {a,b,c}, and V9 (K)={(a,b),(b,c)}. Let us
( 4) :Jy[Az[h[B(x) ~ :Jw[R(x, w)]](j) A h[B(x) v Q(x)](z)](y)]

Let M8 be such that the following hold:

So far we have considered only the syntax of the ),-operator and
(a) U8 = {Pavarotti, Bond, Loren}
stated A-conversion as a syntactic principle. We must now provide (b) V8 (P) = {Pavarotti,Bond}
a semantics for A-terms that makes the principle in ( 5) valid. This is (c) V8 (m) =Pavarotti
done in (11). (d) V8 (j) =Bond
And let g be an arbitrary value assignment.
(11) [}cxt/J]M,g = {u E U: [t/I]M,g[u/x] = 1}
(e) [Jcx[P(x) !\ -,[x = m]]]Ivfs,g = {u: [P(x) !\ -,[x = m]]Ms,g[u/x] = 1} By
In (11) we specify the extension of Axt/J in a model M, with respect (11)
(f) [P(x) !\ ---, [x = m]]Ms,g[Pavarotti/x] = 0 By (a) to (d) and the semantics
to an assignment g. Since we are dealing with a one-place predi-
of PC
cate, such an extension will be a set. Which set is determined by (g) [P(x) !\ -,[x = m]]''vfa,g[Bond/x] = 1 By (a) to (d) and the semantics of
successively computing the value of t/1 for every u as a value of x. PC
All those individuals that make t/1 true in the model will be in the (h) [P(x) !\ -,[x = m]]Ms,g[Loren/x] = 0 By (a) to (d) and the semantics of
set. Thus the A-operator in the present setting can be viewed as PC
(i) [Jcx[P(x) !\---, [x = m]J]Ma,g ={Bond} By (e) to (h)
specifying how to build the set that constitutes the extension of the
predicate being defined.
Lambda Abstraction 397
Chapter 7 396

furthermore adopt an assignment function g' such that g'(y) =b. We haven't introduced the set forming operator {x : t/1} formally,
Under these assumptions the following facts obtain: and we have relied on a purely intuitive grasp of its functioning.
But it should be clear by now that a full fledged formal syntax and
(12) a. [y]Mg,g' b
semantics for set abstraction would be very similar to that of the A-
b. [h3y[K(y,x)]]Mg,g' = {b,c} operator. Arguably, the A-operato:r is a bit more flexible than set
The property of being an x such that something stands in the rela- abstraction, in that it generalizes more easily (and this is why we
tion K with x has the set {b, c} as its extension in M 9 • Moreover chose to study it here). For example, we will consider shortly how
under assignment g', the variable y denotes b. Let us now appl; the A-operator functions in an intensional setting. And in chapter 8
h3y[K(y,x)] toy: we will introduce multiple abstraction (creating A-expressions of
the form AyAx[K(y,x)]). Moreover, in a richer system of types (such
(13) a. h3y[K(y,x)](y)
as the one considered in chap. 2, sec. 3.4), the A-operator can be
b. 3y[K(y, y)]
used to define functions of arbitrary complexity using a very simple
Now, formula (13a) is true, since something (namely a) stands in the generalization of the semantics we have adopted. But we will not
K relation to b, which is the individual that y happens to denote. pursue this here.
However the contracted form of (13a) is (13b), and (13b) says
nothing at all about b; it says that something stands in the K rela-
tion with itself, which in M8 at <w,i) is false. Thus (13a) is true in 1.2 .A·abstraction in an intensional setting
Mg relative tog', while (13b) isn't. Hence the two formulas are not What is involved in using the A-operator in an intensional setting
equivalent. It is pretty clear what goes wrong in going from (13a) to (such as IPC)? The syntax of such an operator would remain the
(13b): the final y is a free variable in (13a), but in the derivation of same. But its semantics would change slightly. In an intensional
(13b) that occurrence of y gets accidentally bound by the existential framework expressions are assigned a value in every world and
quantifier. We can't allow this to happen. This means that the time under consideration. Thus in particular, given an (intensional)
principle of A-conversion must be qualified accordingly: model M for IPC, the semantics in (11) for the A-operator will be
modified simply as follows:
(14) htjl(t) ;-; t/f[t/x]
( 16 ) [ht/J]M,w,i,g = {u E U: [t/I]M,w,i,g[u/x] = 1}
Here tis any term and t/f[t/x] is the result of substituting t for all
occurrences of x in t/1, unless tis a variable that becomes bound as a Clearly, other than the reference to worlds and times, nothing
result of the substitution. much changes.
There is an easy way of getting around the problem. As we know
from chapter 3, our semantics allows alphabetic changes of bound
variables in formulas. That is, if we have a formula tjJ that contains Exercise 3 Give the values of the following formulas in M 4 (p. 270) at the
n bound occurrences of a variable x and z is a variable not occur- worlds and times indicated.
ring in t/1, the formula that results from substituting z for x in each
(1) Ax[P(x)] w',i"'
of its n occurrences in t/1 will be equivalent to tjl. Thus, for example,
(13a) is equivalent to (15a). (2) h[x = m] w",i'; w",i"; w',i'

(15) a. h3z[K(z,x)](y) (3) h[P(j)] w',i"; w',i'; w",i"

b. 3z[K(z, y)] (4) h[P(x) --> [x = m v x = j]] w',i'; w',i"'
And (15a) then reduces unproblematically to (15b). Thus whenever
the risk of a variable clash arises we can always avoid it by judi-
cious use of alphabetic variants. In spite of the straightforward character of the present extension
of the }.-operator to an intensional setting, there are some surprising
Chapter 7 Lambda Abstraction 399

consequences that stem from it. Consider, for example, the arrived at was that while semantics must relate natural language
mulas in (17). expressions to extralinguistic entities (as on the truth-conditional
(17) a. o [h[P(x)](m)] approach), there might be some advantage in doing so by an inter-
b. oP(m) mediate step that links natural language to a logic. In such a view
the semantic component of a grammar can be thought of as a
Let us ask whether these two formulas are equivalent. On the basis map from English onto a logic whose truth-conditional embedding
ofthe semantics we have given (17a) says that whatever m denotes in the world is known. The map onto logic provides us with a
in the actual world (i.e., in the world we are in) is in the v~•-vu"nJ"' convenient representational medium that can perhaps facilitate the
of Pin every world; (17b) instead says that whatever m denotes in specification of semantic generalizations, while providing us with
world is Pin that world. Suppose now that m is a rigid d an indirect characterization of truth conditions.
Then, since m picks out the same entity in every world, clearly (17 However, it was impossible to come up with a simple composi-
and (17b) amount to the same. Suppose, on the other hand, that tional map onto (I)PC for the fragments we have considered. To de-
is not a rigid designator, but something like, say, "Mr. Muscle velop such a map, one needs, for example, a way of translating into
Then (17b) says that in every world Mr. Muscle, whoever he (I)PC VPs like loves Pavarotti in terms of the translations of loves
be in that world, has property P. But (17a) says something and Pavarotti. But loves Pavarotti is a complex (or derived) property,
different. It says that the individual who in fact happens to be and we had no systematic way of defining properties. The addition
Muscle (in the world of evaluation) has property Pin every ofthe A-operator to (I)PC enables us to do so and thus provides the
Conceivably, (17a) might be true, and (17b) false, or vice base for formulating a compositional interpretive procedure that
Hence, unless m is a rigid designator, (17a) and (17b) are not 1 takes the form of a systematic algorithm translating from the rele-
cally equivalent. vant level of syntactic representation (in the case at hand, LF) into a
suitable logical language (in the case at hand, (I)PC). 2
In what follows, we will first show how this can be done for the
Exercise 4 Verify the last claim by (a) evaluating (17a) and (17b) in M4 , in w', fragment of English developed so far and then discuss some general
i" and (b) constructing a model where (17a) is true and (17b) false. consequences of this way of proceeding. We repeat here the rele-
vant rules of F 3 , for ease of reference.

The general moral is that if a formula l/J contains intensiona~ (19) Syntax of F 3
contexts, A-conversion (14) will be valid only if the term tis a rigid a. i. TP ---> NP t
designator. In other words we have the following: ii. t ---> T VP
b. i. TP ---> TP conj TP
(18) :Jy[o [y = t]] ---> [h[ljf](t) ~ l/J[t/x]] ii. TP ---) NEG TP
Here l/J may contain intensional operators and l/J[t/x] is as in (14). c. VP---> Vt NP
We have thus discovered that, surprisingly, modalities introduce d. VP---> Vi
new restrictions on ),-conversion. This further illustrates how model e. VP---> Vdt NP PP[to]
theory can help in bringing logical syntax into sharper focus. We f. T---> PAST, PRES, FUT
now turn to a discussion of some possible linguistic uses of the g. NP ---> Det Nc
A-operator. h. PP[ta] ---> to NP
i. Det ---> the, a, every
j. Np ---> Pavarotti, Loren, Bond, ... , hen, ...
2 Semantics via Translation k. Nc ---> book, fish, man, woman, .. .
In chapter 3, section 3, we discussed the role of semantic repre· 1. vi ---) be boring, be hungry, walk, talk, 0 0 0

sentations in a theory of meaning. The conclusion we tentatively m. Vt ---> like, hate, kiss, ...
Lambda Abstraction 401

n. Vdt ---7 give, show, ... that'= 1\

0. conj ---7 and, or
tn = Xn, where tn is a trace or a pronoun
p. NEG ---7 not
q. NP ---7 Np For lexical entries not listed in (23), we adopt the following
r. CP ---7 C TP convention: 3
s. VP ---7 Vs CP (24) a. If a is oflexjcal category A, a' is a constant ofiPC ofthe
t. V5 ---7 believe, know, regret, ... appropriate type as defined by (22).
u. C ---7 that b. In any admissible model M, a' is interpreted as a.
The rules for quantifier raising and T (or NEG) raising are given in So for example, man' is in Pred 1 (and its denotation is the same as
(20) and (21). that of the corresponding English word), love' is in Pred 2 , and so on.
(20) [TP X NP Y] ==>- [TP NPi [sx ei Y]] This forms the basis of the recursion. We come next to the re-
cursive part of the translation map. We design the map so that it
(21) [TP NP XVP] ==>- [TP X [s NPVP]], where X= Tor NEG
assigns a translation to each node of an LF tree in terms of the
The translation map onto IPC is defined recursively. First we translation of its daughters. Since the leaves of a well-formed LF
state a correspondence between the categories of F 3 and those of tree are lexical entries and we have just assigned a translation to
IPC. Intuitively, this correspondence determines the logical type of lexical entries, we are guaranteed that the translation map will
the various expressions (it determines what kind of semantic entity eventually arrive at a determinate value. Throughout, for any cate-
will ultimately correspond to expressions of various syntactic gory A, A' denotes the translation of the (sub )tree rooted in A.
categories). Essentially there are three types of rules. The first deals with non-
branching (or otherwise semantically vacuous) structures and
(22) F 3 IPC
simply passes up to the mother node the translation of the daughter
Np (proper nouns, individual terms
(e.g., the translation of [NP Lee] is the same as the translation of
traces, and pronouns) (constants and variables)
Lee). The second type of rule deals with predicates and their argu-
vi (intransitive verbs) Pred 1 (one-place predicative
ments, or operators and formulas and instructs us to apply the
former to the latter. So for example, the translation of [TP Lee
Nc (common nouns) Pred 1
smokes] will be smoke'(Lee') and the translation of [TP 1 . and TP 2 ]
Vt (transitive verbs) Pred 2 (two-place predicative
will be TP~ A TP~ (i.e. the result of infixing A between the trans-
lations of the two conjuncts). A special instance of this rule is the
Vdt ( ditransitive verbs) Pred 3 (three-place predicative
VP rule. Here we typically have a V (e.g. give) and its arguments
(for example War and Peace and to Lee), minus the external one, i.e.,
Vs (believe-type verbs) relations between individual
the subject. The translation will create a A.-abstract like h[give'(x,
terms and propositional terms
War & Peace', Lee')], where we apply the V to its arguments (the
For any word or phrase a of F 3 , a' is going to be its IPC transla- preposition to is semantically vacuous) and for the subject we put
tion. We make the following assumptions concerning lexical in a variable over which we abstract, creating a predicate that will
entries: eventually apply to the external argument. Finally, the third type of
rule deals with quantificational structures, introducing the appro-
(23) not'=--,
priate quantifier.
an.d' = A
or'= v (25) a. i. [A B]' = B'
FUT = F ii. [A to B] = B'

example: [to Lee]' Lee'
Chapter 7 Lambda Abstraction 403

b. fTp NP T]' = T'(NP')

example: [Lee smokes]'= smoke'(Lee') (a) S-structure
[ TP [Nr the fish] [T did [vr not [vr introduce Pavarotti to Loren]]]]
c. [TP 1 conj TP 2 ]' = TP~ conj' TP~
(b) LF TP (1]
example: [Lee smokes and Kim drinks]'

= smoke' (Lee') A drink' (Kim')
[vp V NP]' = Jcx[V'(x,NP')]
~ (2] TP

example: [vP like Kim]'= Jcx[like'(x, Kim')]
[V NP PP]' = h[V'(x,NP',PP')]
example: [vp introduce himi to Lee]'
~N (3] NEG (4] TP (5]

= Jcx[introduce' (x, xi, Lee')]
[cP C TP]' = C' TP'
I I~
fish not T (6] TP (7]

example: [that Lee smokes]'= "smoke' (Lee')
g. [X TP]' =X' TP'
examples: [PAST Lee smoke]'= P smoke'(Lee'), PAST NP (8] T (9]
[NEG Lee smoke]'=--. smoke'(Lee')
h. [NP; TP] structures I
VP (10]
i. if NP; =[every /5];, then [NP; TP]' = Vx;[fi'(x;)----+ TP']
example: [every dog; [t; barks]]'
Vx;[dog' (x;) ----+bark' (x;)]
V (11] NP (12] PP [13]

I 1\
ii. if NP; =[a /5];, then [NP; TP]' = 3x;[/5'(x;) ATP']
example: [a dog;[t; barks]]'= 3x; [dog'(x;) A·bark'(x;)] I
introduce Pavarotti P NP (14]
iii. if NP; = [the P];, then
[NP; TP]' = 3x;[/5'(x;) AVy[fi'(y)----+ x; = y]A TP']
example: [the dog; [t; barks]]'
= 3x;[dog'(x;) AVy[dog'(y)----+ x; = y]A bark'(x;)]
(c) Node-by-node translation (from bottom up)
In the following box we present a complete example. Each node in [11] =? introduce' By (25a)
the given tree is numbered. Below the tree, next to each node [12] =? Pavarotti' By {25a)
(14] =? Loren' By (25a)
number the corresponding compositional translation is given along (13] =? Loren' By (25a)
with an indication of the rule through which it is obtained. 4 The [10] =? h(introduce'(x, Pavarotti', Loren')] By {25e)
translation schemas in (25) fall in uniform and general patterns, [9] =? h(introduce'(x, Pavarotti', Loren')] By (25a)
(8] =? Xz .. By (25a)
reducing essentially to the application of a predicate or of a sen-
[7] =? h(introduce'(x, Pavarotti', Loren')](x2 ) By (25b)
tential operator to its arguments; application can be regarded = introduce'(x2 , Pavarotti', Loren') By },-conv.
as the core mode of semantic combination. The way in which (6] =? P By (25a)
this happens depends ultimately on the lexical semantic type (5] =? P introduce'(x2 , Pavarotti', Loren') By (25g)
(4] =? --, By (25a)
of the expressions involved. This is much in the spirit of type [2] =? ,p introduce'(x2 , Pavarotti', Loren') By (25g)
driven semantics (as discussed in chap. 2, sec. 3.4). The only ex- (3] =? fish' By (25a)
ceptions are the rules of quantification that have to be specified (1] =? 3xz[fish(x2 ) A 'v'y(fish 1(y)----> y = x 2 ]
A ,p introduce'(x2 , Pavarotti', Loren')] By (25h.iii)
individually and that do not provide us with translations for quan-
tified NPs as such (only for structures in which those NPs occur).
These exceptions derive from the fact that we don't have yet an
Chapter 7 Lambda Abstraction 405

adequate semantics for NPs, something which will be remedied is very controversial. For many the answer is no. 5 We think it is
chapter 9. possible, as our logical forms do meet the main requirements that
semantic representations are generally expected to meet. What are
some such requirements? Minimally, grasping a sentence must
Exercise 5 Give the tran11lations of the various LF structures associated involve recovering some representation of its lexical components
"Every fish will not like a man." and some way of amalgamating representations of lexical meanings
into representations of the meaning of larger units, until a repre-
sentation of the meaning of the whole sentence is recovered.
On an approach along the preceding lines, semantics is split Whichever format one eventually chooses for representing lexical
two components. First, a compositional translation into a meaning, a theory of semantic representation must support this
calculus is provided. Second, this logical calculus is equipped compositional process. Our semantics characterizes precisely that:
a truth-conditional and model-theoretic semantics. As we the compositional process that lexical meanings have to support if
seen, it is possible to provide truth conditions directly for LFs, they are to do their job of systematically contributing to the mean-
in this sense, translation into a logical calculus appears to be ing of larger units. Moreover, any semantic representations must
pensable. What such a translation provides us with is an account for the semantic intuitions of speakers. Given the repre-
way of representing the truth conditions associated with .uu5 u,>LJ sentations associated with two sentences A and B, we must be able
sentences. Of course, the calculus must be rich enough to to tell whether they are contradictory, compatible, or equivalent in
such an enterprise. The A-operator is quite useful in this regard, terms of their representations at some level. If one uses a logical
it enables us to represent compositionally complex VPs in calculus in the way we are here, equivalence (content synonymy),
logical syntax. contradiction, and other semantic relations can be syntactically
In what follows, we will reserve the term logical form (with checked using axioms and rules of inference associated with the
ercase 1 and lowercase f, which we shall abbreviate as If) for calculus (axioms and rules of inference that we are not specifying
calculus we use to translate LF into. "The logical form of a sen here).
S, relative to its LF structure A" is taken to mean "the translation Furthermore, the particular approach that we are developing,
A into the semantic calculus If." even if it is only a rough first approximation, embodies specific
This kind of two-stage semantics calls for a few general remarks, empirical claims about the nature of semantic representation. They
So far even though we have occasionally found it convenient to can be summarized as follows.
translate English into a logical calculus, we had no general proce-
• It has a Boolean core, which simply means the following: one can
dure for doing so. The "correct" translation had to be decided on a
isolate certain logical words (and, or, not) with the logical proper-
case by case basis. In such a situation there is no way of
ties we have discussed. These elements constitute the central de-
whether the translation procedure is finitely specifiable, whether it
vices for gluing together stretches of information. They are related
represents a viable tool for characterizing our semantic compe-
according to the "laws of thought" originally characterized as such
tence. Now we see that a translation procedure for a fragment of
by the mathematician George Boole (on which classical logic is
English can be systematically and compositionally specified. We
based). Much recent work has been devoted to showing that this
are thus entitled to hope that this method can be extended to larger
Boolean core determines the logical structure of every syntactic
fragments, that the relation between syntactic structure and logical
category (and not just sentences). 6
structure in general is rule-governed.
• It incorporates a categorization of semantic objects: individuals,
Is it possible to regard logical form so construed as providing us
properties, and propositions that are related to each other in a cer-
with a theory of semantic representation, with a theory that char-
tain way and have a certain structure (the structure of propositions
acterizes what we grasp in processing a sentence? This question
is Boolean).
Chapter 7 Lambda Abstraction 407

• It has devices to express quantification. Some forms of '1 ~~uu.u.u, supported by, the denotational structure of the model. As we have
tion make use of a variable-binding mechanism; others pointed out on various occasions, if we didn't have a way of relat-
modals) do not. ing our logical syntax to what it represents, we would have simply
• It includes indexical expressions and other context-s mapped configurations of symbols (natural language) onto other
features. configurations of symbols (a logical syntax). Accordingly, we don't
regard model theory simply as a metatheoretical tool to check that
The apparatus developed so far is a way of characterizing
our calculus does what it is supposed to do (i.e., yield a sound re-
properties while meeting the general criteria that any theory
lation of equivalence among syntactic representations). We regard
meaning should satisfy. Even though many problems are left
it also as a way of anchoring representations to the world.
we think that any adequate theory of semantic
The program sketched here does not force a particular stance on
should incorporate the features we have listed.
such difficult foundational issues. But it can help clarify where
Among other things, this shows that the line of inquiry we
differences lie.
pursuing is in principle compatible with an "internalist" or '
ceptualist" take on meaning according to which meaning
solely of mental constructs. A logical calculus of the kind we
VP Disjunction and Conjunction
arrived at enables us to syntactically check entailments,
Consider sentences like the following:
positions, etc. and can in principle be realized in a finite
tional device to which our minds are arguably similar. Under (26) a. Pavarotti is boring and hates Bond.
view, the model theory might be regarded as a way of testing b. Pavarotti is hungry or is tired.
vant properties of the calculus, such as its soundness (rather
In (26a, b) we have what look like conjoined and disjoined VPs. In
as a reference fixing device).
the present section we are going to discuss briefly their syntax and
Although it might conceivably be justified to regard the
theory as a way of characterizing what one grasps in proLou''""'F
sentence, it is not clear that it is equally justified to view the
ent approach as a characterization of how meaning is grasped. 7
3.1 Generalizing the scope of logical operators
then, the present theory does not make any direct claim as to
In the early times of transformational grammar it was proposed that
specific psychological processes that form the actual mec
sentences like those in (26) be derived from underlying structures
of comprehension. The relation between semantics and
that looked like those in ( 2 7) via a transformation called conjunc-
comprehension is just an instance of the relation between ~-,.~,~
tion (or disjunction) reduction.
viewed as an abstract rule system, and language processing.
relation is not straightforward, although ultimately one would (27) a. Pavarotti is boring, and Pavarotti hates Bond.
to see these theories converge to an integrated theory of b. Pavarotti is hungry, or Pavarotti is tired.
What we are trying to do here is to develop a theory of the It is hard to come across a precise definition of conjunction
properties that a speaker's representations of meaning must reduction in the literature, although the intuitive idea behind it is
While a logical calculus with the above characteristics fairly clear. 8 In a coordinated structure ofthe form [S1 and S 2 ] parts
well be the basis of the way meaning is mentally represented, of S 2 could be deleted if they were identical in certain ways with
also believe that this is so only because such a calculus is parallel parts of S 1 . Part of the motivation behind such a proposal
dable in the world. Mental representations represent reality: was the evident synonymy between (27) and (26). So one could
viduals having properties and standing in relations. Our propose that, say, (27a) is the S-structure (and LF structure) of(26a)
has been to characterize what such representations are and that the deletion of the second occurrence of Pavarotti takes
tions of. The logical structure of our calculus is lifted from, place in the phonology and therefore doesn't affect meaning.
Chapter 7 Lambda Abstraction 409

This simplistic proposal, however, cannot work. Consider cate operator v applies to arbitrary predicates P 1 and P 2 , we look at
following: the values that P1(x) v P 2 (x) gets when we assign to x successively
each individual in U. (The domain in U can be regarded as an
(28) a. A man is boring and hates Bond.
abstract space in which the individuals contained in U constitute
b. Every man is boring or is hungry.
the points, whence the term pointwlse: we look at the values of
(29) a. A man is boring, and a man hates Bond. P1(x) v Pz(x) point by point, or individual by individual.) The A-
b. Every man is boring, or every man is hungry. operator makes the job of providing such pointwise definitions
extremely straightforward. In this way one can see that the seman-
Clearly (28a, b) do not have the same meaning as (29a, b),
tic values of predicates (properties) inherit the Boolean structure of
alleged sources. More specifically, (28a) entails (29a), but not
propositions. This means, for example, that just as -,[I/! A¢] is
versa, and (29b) entails (28b), but not vice versa. If c
equivalent to. [• t/1 v -, ¢], the predicate Ax-, [t/JA ¢] will be the same
reduction were a phonological deletion phenomenon that does
predicate as Ax[-,t/f v •¢]. Notice that since the extension of one-
affect meaning, one would not expect this pattern to arise.
place predicates is a set, conjunction as applied to predicates
These considerations have led various researchers to adopt
amounts to set intersection and disjunction to set union.
syntax for VP conjunction and disjunction of the following kind:9
The semantics for VP conjunction and disjunction should by now
(30) a. VP ~ VP conj VP be obvious:
b. example
(32) [VP 1 conj VP 2 ]' = VP' conj' VP'

In the box on the following page, we give a more detailed illustra-
tion of how the present approach works, by working out example
VP conj VP
(28b). For simplicity, we omit making reference to tense and we
I andI~
smokes V NP .
revert to using S for sentences. It is easy to see that on the present
analysis, (28b) does not come out as equivalent to "Every man is
hungry or every man is boring."
The point then becomes how to interpret conjoined (or disjoined) Exercise 6 Show that (26a) and (27a) are equivalent but (28a) and (29a) are
VPs in such a way that (26a, b) come out as being equivalent to not.
(27a, b) but (28a, b) do not come out as equivalent to (29a, b),
respectively. The },-operator makes this very easy. We can
disjunction and conjunction to predicates as follows. For any two Thus an analysis that takes advantage of the A-operator, as along
predicates P 1 and P 2 of (I)PC we can define a new operator that, the present lines, enables one to capture in a very simple way cer-
when applied to P 1 and P 2 , gives us their conjunction or dis~ tain scope interactions between quantified subjects and VP-level
junction. One way of doing this is as follows (P1 and P 2 are in conjunction and at the same time allows for a rather straightfor-
Pred1): ward syntactic approach to the constructions in question.
Here is a further interesting consequence of the present analysis.
(31) a. [P1 APz] = h[P1(x) AP2 (x)] Consider the following sentence:
b. [P1 v P 2 ] = h[P1(x) v P 2 (x)]
(33) John [vp [yp is nice] and [vp likes everybody]]
This kind of definition is usually called a pointwise definition.
What it does is take an already defined sentential operator, say v, One of the coordinated VPs in (33) contains a quantified NP,
and extends it to a predicate operator. In defining how the predi- namely everybody. Such an NP cannot be interpreted in situ, under
Lambda Abstraction 411
Chapter 7

(35) a. [vp everybody1 [vp likes e1]]

Analysis of (28b), "Every man is hungry or is boring" b . ..1.y\fx1[like(y, xi)]
(a) S-structure The structure in (35a) can be naturally interpreted as in (35b), i.e.
[s [NP every man)[ vP [VP is hungry][canj or)[ VP is boring]]]
(b) LF S [1] as the property of liking everybody. The general interpretive rule

~s [2]
for VP adjoined NPs can be given as follows:
(36) [[every fJL VP] =? ..1.y\fxi[f3'(xi)---) VP'(y)]

/~ N NP (3] VP [4]
And similarly for other NPs. The idea is this. VPs are predicates
while our quantification rules work for formulas. What do we do,
then? We apply the VP meanings to a variable, thereby obtaining
I I I~ a formula; we then use our usual quantification rule; finally we
every man
T['] 'T T['] abstract over the variable we introduced, thereby creating a suitable
VP meaning. This too (like generalized coordination) is a kind of
pointwise definition.
is hungry or is boring Thus, having coordinated VPs leads us to extend our rule for
(c) Compositional interpretation (each numbered node is associated interpreting quantified NPs by adding the category VP as a suitable
with its translation) landing side for raised NPs and extending accordingly our inter-
i. [5] =?- hungry' pretive rule (which turns out to be straightforward). This extension
ii. [6] =?- boring'
iii. (3] =?- X1 is forced upon us by the necessity of interpreting coordinated VPs
iv. [4] =?- [hungry' v boring'] By (32) that contain quantified NPs, without violating the across-the-board
v. [2] =?- [hungry' v boring'](x1) By (25b) constraint on raising. Such a move, however, is not only theoreti-
vi. [1] =?- \fxl(man'(x1)---? [hungry' v boring'](x1)] By (25h.i)
cally necessary. It has welcome empirical consequences. Consider
= \fxl[man'(x1)---? },y[hungry'(y) v boring'(y)](xt)]
By (31b) the sentences in (37).
= \fx1[man'(xt) ---? [hungry'(x1) v boring'(x1)]] By
;\-conv. (37) a. A banner was hanging in front of every window.
b. A banner was hanging in front of every window but was
ripped off by the wind.
Sentence (37a) admits (in fact, favors) a reading in which eve.zy
our current assumptions. It has to be raised. However, it cannot be
window is construed as having scope over a banner (i.e., for every
raised to S (=TP). We know that extraction out of conjoined struc-
window, there is a banner in front of it). This reading is obtained by
tures is subject to strong restrictions: it is only possible when an
adjoining every window over the subject to S. However, such a
identical constituent is extracted out of the conjuncts across the
reading disappears in (37b). The only interpretation available for
board, as illustrated in (34).
this sentence is one in which there was one banner big enough to
(34) the boy [[Mary likes who] and [John hates who]] hang in front of every window, which was ripped off by the wind.
=? the boy who [[Mary likes __ ] and [John hates __ ]] This fact is to be expected under the present analysis. The across-
the-board constraint on extraction prevents eve1y window from
Adjoining the NP everybody in (34) to S would amount to a viola-
being extracted from the VP that contains it in (36b), and thus such
tion of the across-the-board constraint on movement. It follows that
an NP winds up having narrow scope with respect to the subject.
everybody must be adjoined to some lower position, for example,
the minimal VP that contains its trace: There are further general consequences of this way of looking at
things. It has been noted in a number of recent works that con-
Chapter 7 Lambda Abstraction 413

junction and disjunction in languages like English are really cross- abstraction (or the equivalent) is useful in dealing with complex
categorial operators: expressions of virtually any category can be predicates.
conjoined and disjoined. 10 We will consider two strategies to deal with sentences like
(38) a. John and every student liked the show. (NP conj NP) ( 40a, b). The first is to assume that they involve t conjunction:
b. Most or every student came. (Det conj Det) (41) a. [t [t T VP] and [t T VP]]
c. John walked in and around the building. (Prep conj Prep) b. T
d. John saw and bought a shirt. (Vt conj Vt)
e. John saw an old and ugly house. (Adj conj Adj)
-~- T conj T
The kind of conjunction in (38) is sometimes called"
conjunction" (as opposed to "sentential or clausal conjunction").
One would like to maintain that whatever the syntactic details, one

I I I~
can come up with a uniform meaning for and or or across all
gories. Such a generalized meaning for and or or might be a good
candidate for the linguistic universal stated as follows: PAST come leave early

(39) Operators with the same general logical structure as and or or But then what would happen to the two Ts of a conjoined t phrase
are found in all languages; such operators tend to be cross- with respect to our rule ofT raising? For one thing, the across-the-
categorial. board constraint on movement would prevent us from fronting the
two distinct Ts in sentences like (40a). Moreover, even if we did
Cross-categorial operators of this kind can indeed be defined by permit a double T fronting in (4Da, b), the result would not be
generalizing the pointwise definitions of VP conjunction and dis- semantically coherent, for it would mean something like "It was
junction given above. But this goes beyond what can be done the case that it will be the case that [John came late and John leave
here. early]."
The simpleminded version of conjunction reduction given above A possible solution would be to provide a way of interpreting T
wasn't able to accommodate the scope phenomena in (28) and (29). in situ, that is, in nonraised position. The A--operator enables us to
This suggests that either one should not analyze them using such a do so. By using the same lifting technique introduced in the pre-
transformation (although perhaps such a transformation might still vious section, we can define a number of predicate-level operators
be needed for other phenomena) or a more elaborate version of along the following lines:
conjunction reduction should be developed. Even if the latter hy-
pothesis turns out to be workable, it still seems that its semantics (42) For any one-place predicate Q,
will have to be along the same lines as developed here. a. [•Q] h[--,Q(x)]
b. [PQ] = h[PQ(x)]
c. [FQ] = A-x[FQ(x)]
3.2 More on TP We can then provide a rule for interpreting unraised Tor NEG along
Consider the following sentences: the following lines:
(40) a. Lee came late and will leave early. (43) a. [TVP]'=T'VP'
b. Lee will come late and will not appreciate the show. Example: [PAST come]' = P come' = A-x[P come(x)]
In (35) the coordinated VPs show different tenses. How are they to b. [NEG VP]' =NEG' VP'
be generated? In this subsection we will discuss the structure Example: [not leave]'= --,leave'= A-x[--,leave'(x)]
of this type of sentence, which will illustrate once more how },- If T is not raised, a sentence like (44a) winds up being interpreted
as shown in (44b):
Lambda Abstraction 415
Chapter 7

(44) a. Lee will leave. (46) a. Lee came late and will leave early.
b. [F leave'](Lee') By (39a) b. [TP PAST [vp Lee come late]] and [TP FUT [vp Lee leave early]]
= h[F leave'(x)](Lee') By (38b) =* [Lee1 [TP PAST [vp e 1 come late]]
= F leave' (Lee') By A-conversion and [TP FUT [vp e 1 leave early]]]

This is equivalent to what we would get via T raising. The The adoption of the VP-internal subject hypothesis entails that VPs
rule would still be needed to get all the necessary scope are generally going to have a trace in the position of the subject. A
actions between tense, negation and other scope bearing "''"'"'o-mn natural way to interpret such structures is again by means of the
But the option of interpreting T in situ enables us to deal },-operator. Here are some examples:
coordinated structures such as ( 40). (47) a. [yp e 2 leave]=} h 2 leave'(x2 )
b. [yp ez love Kim]=} Axz love(x2 , Kim') 11

Exercise 7 Give the S structure and LF for the following sentence (leaving T
Both the approaches that we have considered predict that wide
situ). Then provide a node-by-node translation. scope readings for negation are unavailable in conjoined VPs, as
NEG raising in these cases is blocked (by the across-the-board con-
( 1) Some man came and will sing. straint on movement). This prediction appears to be correct. Sen-
tence (48a) has only the reading represented by (48b) and not the
one represented by ( 48c).
An alternative approach to the one we have considered relies
the so called VP-internal subject hypothesis (briefly discussed (48) a. Every student is tired and isn't enjoying the show.
chapter 5, section 3.1.2). According to this view, the subject b. \fx[student'(x)----+ [tired'(x) /\-,[enjoy the show]'(x)]
generated within the VP and then raised further up in the clause, c. -,\fx[student'(x)----+ [tired'(x) 1\ [enjoy the show]'(x)]
shown: In the present section we have discussed coordinated VPs, first
( 45) a. Lee will leave. without tense and then with tense. The topics that we have just
b. Base structure addressed are very complex, and our discussion is too brief to
TP really do justice to them. However, it does illustrate, we think, the

usefulness of the A-operator and more generally how various
semantic options interact in interesting ways with theoretical
NP choices in the relevant level of syntax.

4 Relative Clauses
Consider the following italicized phrases:
(49) a. a teacher whom Mary likes __

the boy that John believes __ came late
the woman who lives next door
d. the book which John thinks he read
c. S-structure
Linguists call such phrases restrictive relative clauses. In theory-
[TP Lee1 will [yp e1 leave]]
neutral terms relative clauses are predicates derived from sentences;
The cases in ( 40) then involve TP conjunction with across-the- they are often called adjective clauses in traditional school gram-
board extraction of the VP-internal subject:
Lambda Abstraction 417

mars. Typically, such derived predicates are used to modify a sideration). The wh-pronoun is then fronted and adjoined to CP,
noun (teacher and boy in (49a, b)). Strategies for relative yielding (51):
formation may involve the use of either gaps or resumptive
(51) NP
nouns. English uses the former strategy. In (49a-c) a dash
the position of the gap. English also employs relative
(such as who) dislocated to sentence-initial position.

Deriving predicates from sentences is what the A.-operator
pressly designed to do. This strongly suggests that such an
may be involved in the interpretation of relative clauses. N
To see this, we will add a rudimentary form of relati
F 3 • Within the general framework that w:e are using, relative
a teacher whom 2

are transformationally derived. For example, (49a) is derived
an underlying D-structure like the one in (50) by fronting the
pronoun: c
(50) a. a teacher [Mary likes whom]
b. NP

~N V
~CP that Mary

a teacher C
Finally, a constraint, operative in English but not in many other
languages, requires the complementizer position to be occupied by

a single word. At PF either the complementizer or the wh-pronoun
must be deleted, yielding a teacher that Mary likes or a teacher
NP whom Mary likes. We assume that, since deletion takes place at PF,

it does not affect LF. Thus (51) is the structure that actually gets
interpreted. The question is how it gets interpreted.
Let us proceed stepwise. The adjoined S will be interpreted by
I I the principles we have already got as follows:
that Mary likes
(52) [Mary likes e2 ] =? like'(Mary',x2 )
The movement analysis provides a way of capturing the fact
What is the meaning of whom Mary likes (after the complementizer
some properties of the dislocated pronoun are inherited from
has been' elided)? A simple hypothesis is that it denotes the people
base position (for example, the case of the wh element ou• .. ~-~~~-,
that Mary likes. This can be obtained by abstracting over the vari-
depends on its DS position; compare in examples (49a) and
able associated with the trace:
the distribution of who versus whom). In (50) we have a claus
CP) adjoined to a noun and forming with it some kind of (53) [whom 2 [Mary likes e 2 ]] =? A.x2 like'(Mary',xz)
diate nominal projection N (we are reverting to using S rather
This set can then be used to modify the head noun teacher, by in-
TP, for consideration of tense is irrelevant to the case under
tersecting it with its extension (using generalized conjunction):
Chapter 7 Lambda Abstraction 419

(54) [teacher [whom 2 [Mary likes e 2 ]]]

=? teacher'!\ AXz like' (Mary', x 2 ) Syntax and semantics of "Pavarotti likes a fish that Loren hates"
= Ay[teacher'(y) !\ Axz like'(Mary', x 2 )(y)] (a) D-structure
By definition of!\ [s Pavarotti [VP likes [NP a [N fish [cP that [s Loren hates which 1]]]]]]
(b) S-structure
= Ay[teacher'(y) !\ like'(Mary', y)] By A-conversion [s Pavarotti [vP likes [NP a [N fish [cP which1 [cP that [s Loren hates
Thus the modified noun teacher whom Mary likes winds up Bt]]]]]]] From (a) via wh-movement
(c) LF
noting the set of teachers such that Mary likes those teachers. [a [N fish [cP which1 [cP that [s Loren hates e1]]]]]z
seems just right. 12 There are a few glitches to iron out. For [s Pavarotti [vP likes [NPBz]]] From (b) via QR
we are assuming the complementizer in relative clauses (if at s [1]
present) makes no semantic contribution. Moreover (53)
means the entities that Mary likes (i.e., we haven't bothered "''U''""'I':
explicit the restriction to people that whom carries along).
ever, the interpretation principles we have used are fairly
In particular, we will see in chap. 8, sec. 3.1, that generalize
Det N [3] NP

I~ I~
predicate conjunction (i.e., set intersection) is indeed a c..w"u"uu...
mode of noun modification. If the present analysis is correct,
a N CP [4] Pavarotti V NP
fronted relative pronouns are essentially an overt realization of the
In sum, the semantics of relative clauses boils down to
I~ I I
fi<h which, A likes
(55) a. [whon CP]' = Axn CP' c s [5]
b. [N N CP]'
= N' A CP'
In the box on the next page we provide a more complete example.
that NP VP
Let us reiterate that the syntactic treatment of relative c..•cn•c•vo.
adopted here is a gross oversimplification. The syntax of
clauses has been studied quite extensively in a variety of
I~ Loren V NP
works and languages since the inception of generative grammar
and of the various more adequate alternative syntactic apprvu,_.•vu. I
(transformational and nontransformational) that succeeded
cal transformational grammar. The point "we wish to
here is that something like A-abstraction is likely to be necessary on wh-movement
any viable approach for a compositional semantics of
zation. The framework that we are using makes this particularly
evident. The gap left behind by a fronted relative pronoun is in-
terpreted in the usual way as a variable, and the fronted relative
pronoun coindexed with the gap seems to act precisely like a
abstractor over that variable. Thus, dislocated wh-pronouns in
English appear to be a very direct syntactic manifestation of the
Lambda Abstraction 421

Considerations such as these might lead one to assume that VP

(d) Compositional interpretation
i. [5] =? hate'(Loren', x 1) By (25a, b, d) anaphora is a deletion process governed by syntactic identity: one
ii. [4] =? 2x1(hate'(Loren', x 1)] By (55a) is allowed to delete a VP 1 if there is in the context a VP 2 syntacti-
iii. [3] =? fish' A 2x1(hate'(Loren', x 1)] By (55b) cally identical with VP 1 • This was in fact the line taken in early
= },y[fish'(y) 1\ 2x1(hate'(Loren', x1)(y)] By (31a) generative work on this topic (see Ross J966). However, it was later
= Ay[fish'(y) A hate'(Loren', y]) By },-conversion
iv. (2] =? like'(Pavarotti', x 2 ) By (25a, b, d) discovered that an approach along these lines runs into serious
v. (1] =? 3x2 [Ay[fish'(y) A hate'(Loren', y)](xz) difficulties. Whether one construes VP anaphora as a deletion pro-
1\ like'(Pavarotti', x 2 )] By (25h.ii) cess or not, the identity conditions with a contextually specified
= 3x2 (fish'(x2 ) 1\ hate'(Loren',xz) 1\ like'(Pavarotti'
By A-conversion
antecedent cannot be given just in terms of surface syntax. They
have to be stated at a more abstract level.
Various types of evidence can be used to back up the latter claim.
Consider, for example, the following:
5 VP Anaphora
(58) Bob left and John will __ .
In the present section we will discuss an anaphoric ..-~~~"~"''v"'
involving VPs, the one illustrated in (56). 13 In (58) the antecedent is in the past, while the missing VP cannot
(56) a. A: Does Bill smoke? be, as the future auxiliary wm requires a bare infinitive. The source
B: No. John does __ . for the ellipsis in (58), under the identity of surface syntactic forms,
b. John came but Bill didn't __ . would have to be something like Bob left and fohn wm left too,
c. John was interested. The others were __ too. which being ungrammatical will not be generated. The the identity
d. The children asked us to squirt them with the hose, conditions licensing VP anaphora must hold at a level where the
we did proper antecedent is present, and surface structure does not seem
to be the level. Something like LF (or If) seems to be a better
We will see that this phenomenon (known as VP anaphora, candidate.
ellipsis, or VP deletion in the literature) is governed by The same point can be made by looking at the following example:
principles that make use, possibly in an essential manner,
(59) A: John spoke to Bill about himself.
something like A-abstraction.
It should be noted that VP anaphora is sensitive to surface B: Yes. And Frank did too.
ture. Consider the following paradigm from Hankamer and Sentence (59A) is ambiguous. It can either mean that John spoke to
(1976): Bill about John or that John spoke to Bill about Bill. If the former is
(57) The children asked to be squirted with the hose, and the case, then (59B) must be taken as saying that Frank spoke to Bill
a. *we did about Frank. If the latter is the case, (59B) must be interpreted as
b. they were __ . saying that Frank spoke to Bill about Bill. It is impossible, however,
c. we did it. to interpret (59A) in one way and (59B) in the other. IfVP anaphora
is a deletion process governed by surface syntactic identity, there is
In contrast to (56d), we cannot continue the sentence as in ( no clear reason why such a restriction should obtain. If, on the
we have to use (57b) or (57c). The reason is that do requires other hand, VP anaphora is governed by something like identity of
active verb in its complement, and the only available antecedent meaning, then the restrictions on the interpretation of (59B) are
(57a) is in the passive. This contrasts with some other forms immediately accounted for: the VPs in (59A-B) must be interpreted
anaphora for interpreting VPs that do not appear to be subject to in the same way. In the following subsection we will spell this
same restriction: (57 c) illustrates this with do it anaphora. requirement out. Then we will look at how our theory addresses
some of the classical puzzles associated with VP anaphora.
Chapter 7 Lambda Abstraction 423

5.1 When two VPs have identical meanings This will guarantee that the elided VP is interpreted in the same
Here is one way in which the phenomenon at hand can be way as its antecedent. 15
stood. One can maintain the deletion hypothesis but modify So far we have understood identity of meaning as a requirement
triggers it. An informal characterization of the idea is given in (6 on VP interpretation. However it turns out that this isn't quite
(60) Delete a VP 1 , if in the context there is a VP 2 whose enough. Consider the following example (from Reinhart 1983):
interpretation is identical with that of VP 1 . (66) Every student saw a snake next to him.
Since the deletion process takes place at PF, it won't affect LF Focus on the reading where him is bound by every student which
resentations. Thus at LF the copy deleted at PF will be available would correspond to the following Logical Form:
interpretive purposes. Condition (60) requires that the deleted
(67) Every student 2 [e 2 PAST [vp see a snake next to him 2]]
and its antecedent be interpreted in same way, i.e., they must
the same LF (or the same model theoretic interpretation, Now imagine a continuation of the following sort:
sented here by its lf-translation). 14
(68) Professor Smith did too.
Let us see how the approach outlined in (60) works by
through examples (58) and (59). Consider (58) first. Its "'-~··~'"'h Take (68) on the following LF:
will be something like (61): (69) Professor Smith did [vP see a snake next to him 2 ] too
(61) [Bob [PAST leave] and John [FUT leave]] The elided VP in (69) is identical to the one in (67) and thus
Now, the second occurrence of leave can be deleted at PF. At receives the same interpretation, namely (70):
the deleted copy (marked in italics in (61)) will still be there ( (70) [vp see a snake next to him 2 ] ===})f:Jz[snake'(z) /\see'(y,z)
will obviously be interpreted in the same way as the first o /\next'(z,x2 )]
renee of leave). Hence the sentence is grammatical and receives
correct interpretation. Consider next (59), repeated here as (62). So on our current understanding of the identity of meaning require-
ment, (70) would be a legitimate interpretation for ( 68) as a con-
(62) A: John spoke to Bill about himself tinuation to (66). However, him 2 in (69) is bound (and hence the
B: Yes; and Frank did [speak to Bill about himself] too sentence says that every student saw a snake next to him, himself).
The VP in italics is the elided one. At the level which feeds But in (69) it is free, and hence its value would be set to some salient
semantic interpretation, namely LF, we have to choose how individual. Such an individual could be someone who is promi-
VPs are going to be interpreted. These are the options for nent in the context of the utterance or recently talked about (say
unelided VP: Pavarotti). This erroneously predicts that the discourse constituted
by (68) followed by (70) could mean "Every student saw a snake
(63) a. John 1 [e1 [vp spoke to Bill about himself1 ]]
next to himself, and Professor Smith saw a snake next to Pavarotti."
b. Bill 1 [John [vp spoke to e1 about himself1 ]]
What is going wrong here? Evidently, (69) is not an admissible LF
Recall that we are assuming that nonpronominal NPs get an in the context at hand. What we want is something like (71):
only through QR. Hence to meet the requirement that reflexives
(71) Professor Smith 2 [e 2 did [vp see a snake next to him 2 ] too]
locally bound, the NPs in (62A) must be raised, which results in
two LFs in (64a-b). Now when it comes to interpreting the In (71) him 2 is bound by Professor Smith and the discourse as a
VP, condition (60) forces us to pick whatever options we whole winds up saying that every student saw a snake next to
picked for the unelided one, i.e., respectively (64) and (65): himself and Professor Smith too saw a snake next to himself, which
is an admissible interpretation for such a discourse. The conclusion
(64) Frank 1 [e1 [spoke to Bill about himself1 ]]
is that we cannot let a pronoun which is free in one VP be bound in
(65) Bill1 [Frank [spoke to e1 about himself1 ]] another (in an ellipsis context). This makes sense. If the contrary
Lambda Abstraction 425
Chapter 7

was allowed, even though the VPs as such may get the same vidual. Thus, in the hypothesized context, the discourse as a whole
pretation, once they are embedded into a larger structure they says that John thinks that Pavarotti is a genius and Bill thinks that
wind up with different interpretations. Hence the identity Pavarotti is a genius. This is known as the strict reading of the
tion on meaning won't ultimately be met. What this shows is that pronoun. If however, we select the logical form in (74b) for the
stating the relevant identity condition, we cannot just look at antecedent VP, parallelism will deJTiand that ( 7 5) is interpreted as
VPs involved; we must also look at the larger context in which follows:
occur. Such contexts must be "parallel" in terms of their (76) Bill 1 [e1 does [vp think that he 1 is a genius] too]
relationships, which entails, in particular, that no variable
bound in one of the VPs and free in the other. We will state Under this construal, the discourse says that John thinks that John
requirement in an informal way: is a genius and Bill thinks that Bill is. This is referred to in the lit-
erature as the sloppy interpretation of the pronoun. This is where
( 7 2) Condition on parallelism we stand so far. Now comes a little surprise. There is a third possi-
Deletion of VP 1 is allowed in presence of a VP 2 with the ble reading that our theory predicts. Consider the interpretation in
interpretation iff VP 1 and VP 2 are embedded in parallel (74a) again, i.e., the one where the pronoun stays free. As we just
contexts. said, in this case the pronoun will be taken to refer to some indi-
The enterprise of formalizing the relevant concept of parallelism vidual salient in the context. Now, surely naming John makes him
a complex one, and the success of the present analysis ~nuu'"""' salient. Hence, it cannot be excluded that the pronoun he 1 winds
does depend on it. Such an enterprise cannot be taken up up being coreferential with John (without being bound). This
the limits of the present work (see Rooth 1996 for a very HH-<a<:::suL11 means that if this option is taken in a VP anaphora context, the
recent approach that relies heavily on his semantics for focus; pronoun he1 will remain anchored to John. Thus, in particular, the
also Fiengo and May 1994). We trust that the idea is discourse in (73) through (75) is also predicted to have the follow-
clear for the reader to appreciate what follows. ing interpretation: John thinks that John is a genius and Bill thinks
Having spelled out more fully, if only informally, what it is that John is a genius, as an instance of the strict reading. This in-
two VPs to have identical meanings, we will now turn to an terpretation is indeed possible.
esting consequence of the approach we have developed What is interesting about the previous situation is the following.
having to do with the interpretation of pronouns in a VP """'-'-uvi Our interpretive procedure yields two ways in which in a sentence
context. 16 like John thinks that he is a genius the pronoun he can be ana-
Let us review where we stand. Consider a simple sentence phorically dependent on John. On the first way, he is semantically
( 73): bound. On the second, it is semantically free, but the context
selects John as its value. In simple sentences, these two inter-
(73) John thinks that he is a genius.
pretations just cannot be teased apart. But they can be in VP ana-
Such a sentence has two relevant logical forms: phora contexts. Thus VP anaphora reveals that a seemingly curious
consequence -of our approach is indeed borne out. This is a point
(74) a. John [vp thinks that he 1 is a genius]
that was forcefully made by Reinhart (1983a, 1983b).
b. John1 [e1 [vp thinks that he 1 is a genius]]
In (74a), the pronoun he1 is free and its value will be some
textually salient individual (say, again, Pavarotti); in (74b) it 5.2 VP anaphora and scope
bound to John. Consider now the possible continuation (75): In this subsection we are going to discuss briefly some scope phe-
(75) And Bill does too. nomena in the context of VP ellipsis. Consider (77):

If we pick the interpretation in (74a), the value of the pronoun (77) A student showed the campus to every visitor.
the elided VP will stay fixed to the same contextually salient indi-
Chapter 7 Lambda Abstraction 427

As we know, this sentence is ambiguous, depending on which (83) every student 2 [Mary1 [e1 [met with e2 ]]
the following LFs is selected:
Clearly, parallelism is satisfied here. So the question is why is this
(78) a. a student1 [every visitor 2 [e1 showed the campus to e2 ]] reading impossible (or at least strongly dispreferred)? 17 Why do
b. every visitor 2 [a student1 [e1 showed the campus to e2 ]] proper names contrast with other NPs in having this disambigu-
ating effect in cases such as (82)? The effect appear to be fairly
Now let us embed sentence (77) and put it in an ellipsis context:
(79) a. John thinks that a student showed the campus to every
(84) a. A soldier is guarding every entrance, and an armed civilian
is too. [Ambiguous]
b. And Bill does too.
b. A soldier is guarding every entrance and Mary is too.
The thing to note here is that the interpretation of the emb [Unambiguous]
clause in (79a), however scope gets resolved, remains constant
(85) a. Some secretary admires every professor, and some student
(79b). It is not possible, for example, to understand one of the
does too. [Ambiguous]
clauses as saying that there is a student that showed every
b. Some secretary admires every professor, and Lee does too.
around and the other as saying that every visitor was shown
by a possibly different student. This is just what one would
on the basis of the hypothesis that VP ellipsis is licensed Such data had been noticed and discussed in the literature on VP
semantic identity. Syntactic identity, yet again, would not anaphora (see especially Hirschbiihler 1982). Recently, Fox (1995)
tee this result. has come up with an interesting proposal to explain them. In the
Let us see what happens in unembedded contexts. remainder of this section, we will sketch Fox's proposal.
Notice, to start, that the possibility of VP adjunction for QR (see
(80) a. A student showed the campus to every visitor.
sec. 3.1) gives us an alternative way of obtaining a wide scope
b. And a staff member did too.
reading for the subject:
Here too both readings seem to be available. It seems, in
(86) a. a student1 [every visitor 2 [s e1 [vp showed the campus to e2 ]]]
words, that the elided VP can have either scope construal, depend-
b. a student1 h [vp every visitor 2 [showed the campus to e2 ]]]
ing on how the antecedent clause is understood:
LF (86b) is obtained by adjoining the object to VP and it is logically
(81) a. a staffmember1 [every visitor 2 [e1 [met with e2 ]]
equivalent to (86a). Notice that in (86b) the object makes a shorter
b. every visitor 2 [a staff member1 [e1 [met with e2 ]]
move than in (86a)-a fact that will become relevant shortly.
Any proper formalization of the parallelism condition will guaran-
tee this. Contrast now (80) with (82):
(82) a. A professor met with every student. Exercise 8 Show that (86a) and (86b) are logically equivalent, by providing

b. And Mary did too. their node by node (I)PC translations.

The continuation in (82b) seems to disambiguate (82a) in favor of

the subject having wide scope (where one professor meets with Let us consider now the LFs in (78) again (with (78a) replaced by
every student). The discourse in (82) cannot readily mean "For the equivalent (86b)), and compare them with their correspondents
every student there is a possibly different professor that met with with proper names, namely (87a, b):
him or her, and Mary met with him or her as well." Such a reading
(87) a. every student2 [Mary 1 [e1 [met with e2 ]]]
would be obtained by selecting (78b) as the interpretation for (82a)
b. Mary1 h [vp every student2 [met with ez]]]
and by interpreting (82b) as follows:
Chapter 7 Lambda Abstraction 429

While the pair in (78) does not yield logically equivalent readings 1
Exercise 9 Add to F 3 the following rule for possessives:
the one in (87) does. This is a consequence of the semantics of
proper names. Intuitively speaking, to say that for every student (1) NP ----7 Np,[Poss] N'
Mary met with him or her (i.e., (87a)) is just the same as saying that'
Here [POSS) stands for possessive. Moreover, let us assume (2):
Mary is such that she met with every student (i.e., (87b)). Proper
names are scopally inert, so to speak. Fox suggests that this might (2) Np,[Poss] ----7 hisn, hern, Pavarotti's, John's, ...
be the key to understanding the unexpected pattern of readings (For simplicity, we focus here only on proper names and pro-
(82). It is natural enough to maintain that scope shifting opera nouns.) The grammar of F 3 so augmented will generate sentences
like QR apply only to the extent that they make a difference. like the following:
does not apply gratuitously, as it were. This might be viewed as
"economy" principle built into grammar. In the case at hand, (3) a. Sophia Loren likes her mother.
a principle leads to rejecting (87b) as a possible LF for ' b. Pavarotti gives Sophia Loren's book to Bond.
showed the campus to every visitor." The reason for this is that Give the semantics corresponding to (1) in the form of a transla-
the two ways of assigning scope to the object VP, (87b) clearly is tion rule on the model of section 2. Since possessive NPs are se-
more economical (as it involves the shortest move). Since the more mantically similar to definite descriptions (John's book= the book
complex (87a) does not result in a semantically distinct interpreta• of John's), they will be interpreted in raised position and the rele-
tion, it is simply not available. 18 vant translation rule should have the following form:
This idea, Fox argues, offers an interesting explanation for the
(4) If NPi is of the form [Np, [Pass] N'), then [NPi S) 1 = ...
contrast between (80) and (82). In (80), both scope options are
available as they result in nonequivalent formulas. Parallelism Such a semantics will involve bringing in something like a pos-
then forces the scopal choice one makes to remain constant across sessor relation POS. Pos(x, y) is a highly context-dependent relation
VP ellipsis contexts. In (82b), on the other hand, economy bans that can mean, among other things, x belongs to y, xis assigned to
the object taking scope over the subject, since we have a proper y, or x was produced by y.
name. Thus, in a VP ellipsis context parallelism will force us to Illustrate your analysis by giving a node-by-node translation of
take the option in which the subject has widest scope. Since in (3b).
one of the two sentences only one option is available, the other
sentence must go along with it, if ellipsis is to be properly
licensed. This has the effect of disambiguating the interpretation in
(82) (and (84), (85)). Such an effect is due to the interaction of par- 6 Conclusions
allelism and economy. (For further data and discussion, see Fox In the present chapter we have familiarized ourselves with the logi-
1995). cal syntax and semantics of the A-operator, a very powerful device
We see that the pattern of scope interaction in VP anaphora is that enables one to define properties of indefinite complexity. One of
quite rich. Pursuing the idea that identity of meaning is the key the things that such an operator makes possible is doing semantics
proves fruitful and leads to a sharpening of our understanding of by means of translation into a logical calculus, which raises inter-
how gramme.tically driven interpretive procedures in fact work. esting questions concerning the notions of logical form and semantic
The usefulness of A-abstraction (or interpretive techniques Closely representation. We have also seen how the A-operator appears to be
related to it) in understanding the working of complex predicates in extremely useful in analyzing the structure of complex predicates
natural language seems to be confirmed, although it remains to be in English, in particular, relative clauses, conjoined and disjoined
seen whether the specific proposals presented here will turn out to VPs, and VP ellipsis. We have considered a number of issues that
be ultimately correct. 19 these phenomena raise for the syntax-semantics interface.
8 Word Meaning

1 Introduction
Often semantics is thought of as the study of what words (or mor-
phemes) mean. Words as significant units have not, however, been
our focus so far. In chapter 2 we quoted Frege: "Only in the context
of a sentence do words have meaning." This slogan encapsulates
the view we have presented in this text: that the central question a
linguistic theory of meaning must address is that of how finitely
many lexical meanings can be systematically combined to yield
indefinitely many sentential meanings. The systematic productivity
of linguistic meaning is its most striking feature and distinguishes
human languages from many other semiotic systems. What words
mean is a matter of the systematic effects they have on the semantic
(and pragmatic) properties of (utterances of) sentences containing
them, properties like entailments, presuppositions, incompatibility,
and perhaps some kinds of implicatures. Word meanings cannot,
on our approach, be studied in isolation. The ultimate test of any
proposed word meaning must be its contribution to the meaning of
sentences containing it and the meaning-relations among such sen-
tences. That is, word meanings must be able to provide an appro-
priate finite base for an adequate recursive theory of indefinitely
many sentential meanings.
In sketching such a theory, we have, of course, said quite a bit
already about the meanings of certain words and inflectional mor-
phemes. So-called logical words like and, or, and not have been
directly interpreted by means of set-theoretic operations; tense and
modals like must and may have been partially interpreted, with
their precise contribution to propositional content linked to con-
textual parameters. We have placed some constraints on interpre-
tation of indexical expressions like I, here, and now; we have also
discussed the interpretation of pronouns as context-sensitive ex-
pressions and as variable-like elements linked to antecedent NPs.
In the next chapter we will introduce a different way of thinking
about NP meanings and draw on that to consider in some detail
Word Meaning 433

linguistically significant semantic distinctions within the small but (4) a. Joan opened the door.
very interesting lexical class of quantifying determiners. b. The door opened.
We have even said a little bit about the semantic value of words
(5) a. Bond shaved.
like ordinary Ns and Vs. We have assigned to words in each syn~
b. Bond shaved himself.
tactic category a type of set-theoretic entity that combines with the
values associated with other words to yield appropriate values for (6) a. Pavarotti ate.
phrases and sentences. For example, common nouns like b. Pavarotti ate something.
are associated in a model with a function whose value in any cir~ (7) a. Lee is my uncle, and Kim is my aunt.
cumstance is a set of individuals, and transitive verbs such as b. Lee is male, and Kim is female.
with a function from circumstances to sets of ordered pairs of in"
dividuals. As we noted in chapter 2, sec. 3.2.4, there are (8) a. Sybilla is a dog.
ways to think about the types and semantic combinatorial b. Sybilla is an animate being.
cesses. The important point, however, is that semantic composition (9) a. Mary gave Bill some water to drink.
requires differentiation of denotation types for lexical items: lexical b. Mary gave Bill some liquid to drink.
meanings "fit" together in structured ways. And we also noted
In (3) through (6), there are formal as well as semantic con-
semantic knowledge seems to involve more content-based con-
nections between the a and b sentences. Moreover, the connec-
straints: we confined our attention to models in which, e.g., the set
tions are not confined to sentences with the particular highlighted
of individuals picked out by woman in a circumstance includes all
predicates. We find the same connections manifest in many other
and only the individuals who are women in that circumstance. In
verb-adjective or verb-verb pairs. And we find similar kinds of rela-
discussing the English fragments described in chapters 3 and 5, we
tions in many other languages. It is difficult to avoid the conclusion
introduced the notion of admissible models for English and used
that in such cases the intuitive judgments of implication reflect
it both to distinguish truth values from truth conditions and to
speakers' linguistic competence and thus that linguists need to give
license a richer stock of entailment relations than those recognized
some account of this competence. Of course, this leaves us with
in traditional logics. We suggested that speakers' linguistic knowl-
further difficult questions. What is the nature of this competence?
edge allows them to judge not only that sentence (1a) entails (1b),
How should our grammar incorporate it? In the next section we
which depends on the semantic value of the "logical" word and,
discuss three different approaches to accounting for such lexically-
but also that sentence (2a) entails (2b), which depends on the
based linguistic knowledge: lexical decomposition, meaning pos-
semantic values of like and hate as well as on the semantic values
tulates (or other constraints on models), and abstract syntactic
of the negative and modal.
(1) a. Ophelia likes Hamlet, and Gertrude likes Hamlet's uncle. In (7) through (9), matters are more complicated. The English
b. Ophelia likes Hamlet. words uncle and aunt in (7) are formally quite distinct, but in
(2) a. Ophelia does not hate Hamlet. Italian matters are different.
b. Ophelia may like Hamlet. (10) a. Lee e mio zio.
One major question for linguistic semantics is which lexically 'Lee is my uncle.'
based implications ought to count as entailments based on linguis- b. Kim e mia zia.
tic knowledge. Here are some more pairs for which analysts have 'Kim is my aunt.'
wanted to claim that the (a) sentence entails the (b) sentence: Here the. sex distinction is marked by the final vowel. And, of
(3) a. Jules wiped the counter clean. course, there are many other pairs of Italian words with this same
b. Jules cleaned the counter by wiping it. formal relationship and the same distinction in sex of referent: still
Word Meaning 435

in the kinship domain, for example, Italian distinguishes cugino c. *Kifaru kimeanguka. (Cf. *Mtoto kimeanguka.)
cugina, whereas English has only the sex-neutral cousin. F d. *Kikombe ameanguka.
markers of sex occur in many of the world's languages: English
Thus knowing that cats (and students) are animate and that tables
for example, marks the female member in a number of related
are not seems to be necessary for Russian speakers to know that the
poet/ poetess, duke/ duchess, master/ mistress, governor/
sentenc~s in (11a, b) are well-formed whereas those in (11c, d)
ness. 1 In cases where there are overt morphological indicators
are not. Similarly, Kiswahili speakers need to know that rhinos
(presupposed) sex, speakers' linguistic knowledge of their
(and children) are animate whereas cups are not in order to distin-
cance seems obvious. Many analysts argue that speakers' u~.•)';uLliHH
guish the well-formed (12a, b) from (12c, d). So some have argued
knowledge of sex of referent must also be involved even when
that knowledge about animacy must be linguistic knowledge for
surface forms explicitly indicate anything about sex.
speakers of such languages. In English, animacy is not involved in
Example (8) raises similar issues. Although the word dog
choosing among otherwise equivalent forms but does seem to be
no overt indicator of the animacy of those included in its uxaHJiirt-
involved in so-called selectional restrictions, which we discussed
tion, some languages have overt markers that signal something
in chapter 1. Only animate beings, for example, think or sleep or
(presupposed) animacy. Slavic languages provide many vAUH.11J~vl:5r
can be frightened; the English sentence (13a) seems fine, whereas
In Russian, for example, the accusative form of masculine
(13b) is odd.
coincides with the genitive for animates and with the nuuu~.,aLLv
for inanimates. (13) a. The thunder frightened my dog.
b. #The thunder frightened my bicycle.
(11) a. Ja vizu et -ogo kot -a.
I see this ACC = GEN (tom)cat ACC = GEN Finally, consider water's being liquid. Liquidity does not have
'I see this cat.' the widespread linguistic significance of distinctions in sex or
(Cf. Ja vizu etogo studenta. 'I see this student.') animacy. There are, however, combinatorial restrictions where it
b. Ja vizu et -ot stol- 0 seems to play a role: only liquids seem appropriate as objects of
I see this ACC = NOM table ACC = NOM drink, for example.
c. *Ja vizu etot kot. (*Ja vizu etot student.) Yet there are also good reasons for thinking that not all of the
d. *Ja vizu etogo stola. implications in (3) through (9) are based on linguistic knowledge as
such. Suppose, for example, we discover that dogs, that is, the
In Bantu languages, similar distinctions are made in noun class
things we now call dogs, are actually exquisite machines that alien
agreement patterns as the Kiswahili examples in (12) illustrate.
beings have deposited here on earth. Would the meaning of the word
Although kifaru 'rhino' and kikombe 'cup' are in the same noun
dog change or our understanding of animacy or would the mean-
class, as shown by their plural formation, they select u!Jlltaouv
ings remain constant while our beliefs about the referents change?
agreement markers, with kifaru patterning with other nouns that
These are difficult questions that have been mainly addressed by
refer to people (there are words referring to animals in other noun
philosophers but may have some empirical dimensions that lin-
classes that show similar contrasts to inanimates in
guists can explore. And we need to be wary of just what weight we
give to linguistic data of the kind cited above. As we saw in our
(12) a. Kifaru a-me-anguka. Vifaru wa-me-anguka. discussion of implicature in chapter four, there are many ways in
rhino agr-PERF-fall which extralinguistic beliefs come into play in understanding the
'The rhino has fallen.' 'The rhinos have fallen.' import of (utterances of) sentences. Such extralinguistic knowledge
(Cf. Mtoto a-me-anguka. 'The child has fallen.') can even play a role in mediating morphological relations. The
b. Kikombe ki-me-anguka. vikombe vi-me-anguka word womanly, for example, designates not properties that women
cup agr-PERF-fall have by virtue of the denotational meaning of woman but proper-
'The cup has fallen.' 'The cups have fallen.' ties that women are normatively expected to have (a quiet voice
Word Meaning 437

and pleasant smile, delight in taking care of men and children (19) a. Joan caused the tub to empty.
a general selflessness, a certain kind of physical appearance, and a'. Joan made the tub empty.
on). There are many kinds of knowledge and beliefs that people b. The tub became empty.
draw on in using words, only some of which are part of their lin.,
On the basis of such relations the (a) sentences in (14) through (16),
guistic competence in the sense of grammatical knowledge.
which involve making something happen, are often called causa-
tives, and the (b) sentences, which involve something's becoming
the case, are called inchoatives. What becomes the case is ex-
2 Semantic Analysis of Words
pressed by the (c) sentences. There are many such triples in English
(sometimes with less completely transparent morphological rela-
tions) and other cases with only two of the three members of the set
2.1 Some basic concepts characterizing verb meanings
realized lexically. Such relations occur not only in English. For ex-
Consider the pair of sentences in (4) above, repeated here in (1
ample, the following two pairs of Italian sentences display the same
along with an additional sentence. Compare this set with the sets
syntactic and semantic relationships as the (a) and (b) pairs above.
(15) and (16).
(20) a. Joan ha affondato la barca.
(14) a. Joan opened the door.
Joan PAST sink the boat
b. The door opened.
'Joan sank the boat.'
c. The door is open.
b. La barca e' affondata.
(15) a. Joan broke the glass. The boat PAST sink
b. The glass broke. 'The boat sank.'
c. The glass is broken.
(21) a. Joan ha continuato il discorso.
(16) a. Joan emptied the tub. Joan PAST continue the speech
b. The tub emptied. 'Joan continued the speech.'
c. The tub is empty. b. Il discorso e' continuato.
In each of these sets, the first sentence contains a transitive verb, The speech PAST continue
the second a homophonous intransitive verb, whose subject is 'The speech continued.'
the object in the first sentence, and the third a homophonous o:r And in (22), we have the same relationship between (a) and (b) as
morphologically related adjective, whose subject is the same as that between (a) and (c) in (14) through (16) (although with a somewhat
of the second sentence. In each case, the (a) sentence less transparent morphological connection).
entails the (b) sentence, which in turn entails (with suitable
(22) a. Joan ha riempito la valigia.
visas about temporal reference) the (c) sentence. But there is more
Joan PAST fill the suitcase
involved: notice that each of (14a-16a) entails something like
'Joan filled the suitcase.'
(17a, a'-19a, a') respectively and that each of (14b-16b) entails
b. La valigia e' piena.
something like (17-19b) respectively.
'The suitcase is full.'
(17) a. Joan caused the door to open.
In some languages alternations very similar to these appear to be
a'. Joan made the door open.
signaled through specific morphemes. The following is a Chichewa
b. The door became open
example from Baker (1988, 10-11).
(18) a. Joan caused the glass to break.
(23) a. Mtsuko u-na-gw-a. ·
a'. Joan made the glass break.
Waterpot SP-PAST-fall-ASP
b. The glass became broken.
'The waterpot fell.'
Word Meaning 439

b. Mtsikana a-na-u-gw-ets-a. such as those in (20) to (25), as well as to constructions like the
Girl SP-PAST-OP-fall-cAUS-ASP English resultative in (26). In (27), (a) corresponds to the transitives,
'The girl made the waterpot fall.' (b) to the intransitives, and (c) to the adjectives.

We see that in (23a) the transitive member of the pair is marked (27) a. CAUSE(x, BECOME(P(b))
the italicized morpheme ets. As the glosses make clear, this b. BECOME(P(b))
pheme seems to give rise to a contrast in meaning very similar to c. P(b)
one observed between the (a) and (b) pairs above. (Many l Something like this schema seems widely implicated in the seman-
including Chichewa, causativize not only intransitives but tics of many of the world's languages and seems to be central to the
transitives.) English itself has a morpheme that creates rnntl'•<>ot semantics of verbs and adjectives.
like those between the (c) and (b) sentences in (14) through (1 There are now two questions to be answered. The first is what do
sentence (a) is essentially equivalent to sentence (b), and the the capitalized words in schema (27) actually mean? We have
which forms intransitive verbs from certain adjectives, indicates characterized them only rather vaguely. What is their exact contri-
change of state, which we have glossed by using become. bution to truth conditions? The second question is this: How are
(24) a. The sky reddened. schemata such as (27) encoded in the grammar? What is their exact
b. The sky became red( der). status? The rest of this section addresses the first question. In sec-
tions 2.2 and 2.3 we will address the second and discuss some
And consider (25). The transitive verb ki1l, although morp
general issues that arise in thinking about word meaning.
ically quite distinct from the intransitive die and its To give an idea of what is involved in spelling out the meaning of
logically related adjective dead, is arguably in the same the items capitalized in (27), we draw on the work of Dowty (1979).
relation to them as holds for cases like (14) through (16). Let us first introduce BECOME as a sentential operator in IPC (so that
(25) a. Joan killed Lee. for any formula ¢, BECOME(¢) is also a formula. A plausible first
b. Lee died. approximation to its semantics might be the following:
c. Lee was dead. (28) "BECOME(¢)" is true at instant i iff rjJ is true at ani' that
Meanings involving causation and becoming are not only wide- immediately follows i and is false at an i" that immediately
spread in the verbal semantics of the world's languages; they are precedes i.
also often expressed by particular morphemes that are So for example BECOME( OPEN(x)) is true at i iff at some i' immediately
incorporated in verbs as in (23) and (24). In addition, such mean~ preceding i, OPEN(x) is false (x is closed at i'), and at some i"
ings can be implicitly conveyed by syntactic configurations, as in immediately following i, OPEN(x) is true. We have a change of state
(3a) in the preceding section, repeated here in a reduced form in the entity denoted by x, which goes from satisfying -,OPEN to
(26a), which entails (26b) and (26c).
satisfying OPEN.
(26) a. Jules wiped the counter clean. CAUSE, on the other hand, is a two-place operator that relates an
b. Jules made the counter become clean. individual to a proposition. Intuitively, CAUSE(x, ¢) holds just in
c. The counter was clean. case something that x does (or some property that x has) causes rjJ to
be the case. CAUSE is defined in terms of a bisentential operator C.
The conclusion: notions of causation and becoming are central to
A rough indication of the syntax and semantics of C is given in
the semantic architecture of language, part of grammar like tense
and modality.
As suggested in (17) through (19), there is a general schema like (29) a. If¢, ljJ are formulas, then C(rjJ, ljf), to be read as "r/J causes l/J,"
that in (27) which in some sense underlies (14) through (16) and is also a formula.
many other cases. Parts of the schemata apply to lexical relations
Word Meaning 441

b. "C(¢, t/1)" is true at instant i in world

w iff (i) ¢and t/1 are for example. If Joan hires a thug to do the actual deed, she may be
both true at i in wand (ii) in the worlds that differ legally responsible for causing Lee's death but we refrain from using
minimally from w, where t/1 is not the case, ¢is also not (25a) to describe what she did. Bittner (1998) argues that, cross-
the case. linguistically, whenever the causative relation is indicated without
an explicit morpheme to signal it, th~n causation is understood in
The semantics for Cis given using the semantics for condi
this special "direct" sense.
~evelope.d in Le~is (1973) and Stalnaker (1968); clause (ii) in (2
While these definitions are far from being problem free, we now
IS essentially then analysis of the semantics of "if not ¢, then
have at least a first approximation to the operators we need in order
t/1." Let us illustrate the proposal by means of an example. Let
to give some content to the schema in ( 2 7) and thus provide some
stand for "Germany invades Poland" and B stand for "Britain
kind of account of the paradigm in (14) through (16). There are
ters the war against Germany." Then C(A, B) says that
various ways to proceed depending on how one chooses to incor-
invasion of Poland caused Britain to enter the war against
porate (27) into the grammar. We will consider three ofthem in the
(tense aside). The truth conditions of C(A, B) are spelled
according to (29) as follows. For C(A, B) to be true, Germany following subsections.
have invaded Poland, England must have entered the war
Germany, and in the worlds closest to ours (those minimally
ferent from it), where Britain does not enter the war against
2.2 Lexical decomposition
One possible hypothesis is that word meanings are constructed
many, Germany must not have invaded Poland. That is, to
from semantic components (like BECOME and CAUSE) that recur in the
from history Britain's entering the war against Germany, you
meanings of different words. 3 So, for example, let open~ be the state
have to remove also Germany's attack on Poland. We judge a world
of being open, i.e., (an IPC representation of) the meaning of the
in which Germany does not invade Poland and Britain does not
English adjective open ("a" stands for adjective). Whether open~ is
enter the war against Germany as more like ours than a world
itself a basic expression of the semantic calculus or is syntactically
which Germany invades Poland but Britain does not enter the war.
complex will not concern us here. The interpretation of the intran-
It is this that makes us willing to say that Germany's invasion
sitive verb meaning openi can then be given as in (31).
Poland caused Britain to enter the war.
Thus (29) tries to make explicit a semantics for causation that (31) open\= Ax BECOME(open~(x))
uses a resemblance relation among worlds of the kind first pro-
Now consider the transitive verb open. Its meaning can be defined
posed for the analysis of conditionals. What we have provided in
as follows:
(29) is only a rough approximation. Several refinements ofthis type
of analysis have been proposed and put to work in studying the (32) open~= AyAx(CAUSE(X, BECOME(open~(y)))]
logical properties of causation. In (32) we have multiple A.-abstraction, which is a simple extension
The definition of CAUSE is then quite simple: of abstraction over a single variable. Intuitively, an expression of the
(30) CAUSE(x, ¢) C(P(x), ¢) (for some property P) form A.xA.y(¢] will be a two-place relation that holds of u and u' just
in case u and u' satisfy ¢. More explicitly, we say that relative to a
The definition in (30) says that some property P is such that x
model M, a world w, an instant i, a context c, and an assignment g,
having P causes¢ (where Cis as defined in (29)).
There are complications. In the (a) sentences in (14) to (16), (20) [A.xA.y[¢]]M,w,i,c,g = { (u, u'): [¢]M,w,i,c,g[[u/x]u'/y] = 1 }.
to (23), and (25) to (26), x must not only cause ¢but must do so in So the },-expression in (32) will denote a relation that holds between
some sense directly. In this respect the implicit causatives contrast x and y iff some property that x has (or some action that x engages
with the (a) and (a') sentences in (17) to (19), and they also contrast in) causes y to become open. Such a relation is proposed as the
with the Chichewa morphological causative in (24). Consider (25a), analysis of the meaning of the transitive verb open.
Word Meaning 443

When the relation between a transitive and intransitive is and morphological shape of the pairs involved in the relevant
morphologically transparent (as in the case of kill versus die) alternations, as well as what is known about possible words that
member of the pair would be simply listed in the lexicon with might not have been encountered.
meaning: Dowty argues that analyses like those just sketched not only
(33) a. die, Vi, Ax BECOME(dead 1 (x)) capture the entailment relations that h,old in (14) to (16) and (20) to
(26). They also, he proposes, account for how predicates distribute
b. kill, Vt, JcyJcx[CAUSE(x, BECOME(dead 1 (y)))]
across different aspectual classes. An observation that goes as far
And, of course, we could have the further relations indicated. back as Aristotle (and has been discussed by many 4 ) is that VPs can
(34) a. dead, Adj, Ax [-,alive'(x)] be classified in at least three classes: states, activities, and telic
b. alive, Adj, Jcx[ -,dead'(x)] eventualities. Let us consider them briefly in turn.
Examples of states are given in (38).
Other pairs can instead be given by means of various
cal or word-formation rules: (38) a. John knows Latin.
b. John is on the roof.
(35) a. If cds in Adj, then IX or IX+ en is in Vi· c. John is fat.
(If IX ends in a nonnasal consonant, then IX + en is the d. The door is open.
b. 1X(+en){ = Jcy[BECOME(IX~(y)] States are like snapshots of the world at a given instant. They lack a
IX= open, empty, warm, red, black, short, ... natural culmination or end point, and their subject is perceived not
as an agent (as doing something) but as an experiencer (as ex peri-
(36) a. If 1X is in Vi, then 1X is in V 1• encing something). Although judgments are sometimes confounded
b. IX~= JcyJcx[CAUSE(x, IX~(y))] by semantic and pragmatic factors that we cannot discuss here,
IX = sink, drown, open, empty, ... states can be identified fairly reliably by examining a number of
(37) a. If IX is in Adj, then IX (or IX+ en) is in V 1• different grammatical environments. For example, states typically
b. IX~= JcyJcx[CAUSE(x, BECOME(1X~(y))j cannot be put in the progressive:
c. IX = clean, dirty, smooth, ... , flat, moist, fat, ... (39) a. *John is knowing Latin.
Rule (35) is essentially Dowty's inchoative rule, which forms in- (Cf. John is learning Latin.)
transitives from adjectives; rule (36) is the causative rule, forming b. *John is being on the roof.
transitives from intransitives. Unlike syntactic rules, which specify (Cf. John is getting on the roof.)
well-formed structures, word formation rules specify possible or c. *John is being thin.
potential lexical items. Which actually occur in any speaker's (Cf. John is getting thin.)
mental lexicon depends on a variety of idiosyncratic factors: we States are also odd in the imperative:
have listed some of the words to which the rule seems actually to
apply. Rule (37) is there only because there are cases where an (40) a. *Know Latin!
adjective and causative transitive verb are related without any cor- (Cf. Learn Latin!)
responding inchoative intransitive; a more abstract approach to b. *Be on the roof!
word formation might dispense with this rule. The (a) portion of (Cf. Go on the roof!)
the rules in (35) through (37) specifies morphosyntactic relations c. *Be thin!
between words; the (b) part specifies corresponding semantic rela- (Cf. Get thin!)
tions between those words. Such rules are at least a first approxi- States are also generally bad in sentences of the form "It look NP an
mation to what the speaker implicitly knows about the meaning hour (a minute, a year) to VP."
Word Meaning 445

(41) a. *It took John a year to know Latin. In the imperative they are usually good:
(Cf. It took John a year to learn Latin.)
( 47) a. Fall asleep!
b. *It took John five minutes to be on the roof.
b. Paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel!
(Cf. It took John five minutes to get on the roof.)
c. *It took John six months to be thin. And unlike states and activities, they are generally good in the
(Cf. It took John six months to get thin.) "It took NP an hour to VP" environments:

(The asterisks in (39) through (41) indicate semantic oddness rather (48) a. It took Joan a minute to fall asleep.
than syntactic ill-formedness.) b. It took Michelangelo three years to paint the ceiling of the
Activities share with states the property of lacking a natural Sistine Chapel.
mination. Yet they are agentive in that they typically involve Note that often the interaction of a predicate with certain phrases
subject doing something. They cannot in general be viewed as shifts the original aspectual class of that predicate. For example,
instantaneous snapshots of the world. Examples are the following: walk is basically understood as lacking a natural end point. How-
(42) a. Joan is kicking. ever walk to school does culminate (when one reaches school). So
b. Joan is pushing a cart. combining walk with the adverbial to school bounds the activity of
walking, gives it a culmination point, and thereby makes the as-
Imagine we see a snapshot of Joan with her legs in a certain posi- pectual class of the entire VP that of telic eventualities, rather than
tion. Is she kicking, or is she standing with her legs that way? We the activity class associated with the verb that heads the VP.
can't tell. We need to see Joan for more than an instant to determine Dowty discusses in detail many further grammatical tests that
whether she is kicking.
distinguish these aspectual classes and puts forth a very suggestive
The progressive and imperative tests also differentiate activities hypothesis in this connection. He suggests that all verbs are defined
from states. Unlike states, activities are perfectly natural in the
from basic stative predicates in terms of the operators CAUSE and
progressive, as (42) illustrates. They are also felicitous in the BECOME along with an additional operator DO (which we will briefly
discuss in section 3 below), with the semantic properties of the
(43) a. Kick higher! operators determining the properties of the various aspectual
b. Push that cart without banging it into the wall! classes. Assume that we are endowed with basic stative predicates
and the combinatorial apparatus of intensional logic augmented by
Activities share with states the property of being infelicitous in the
the operators just mentioned, and then, Dowty argues, predicates
"It took NP an hour to VP" class of environments:
will form the three classes discussed above, and we will be able
(44) a. *It took Joan an hour to kick. to derive the distribution of various verb phrases with respect
b. *It took Joan an hour to push that cart. to aspectual tests from the semantic properties of the aspectual
Telic eventualities instead have a natural end point or culmina- operators. Consider the causative/inchoative alternations in (14)
tion. Typical examples are the following: through (16), and notice that while the adjective is stative, the cor-
responding verbs express telic eventualities. This follows from the
(45) a. Joan fell asleep. fact that the verbs are defined by means of the change-of-state
b. Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. operator BECOME. So translational decompositions of verbs along the
They are generally good in the progressive: lines just sketched, either specifically specified as in (33) or given
more generally by rules like those in (35) to (37), provide an inter-
(46) a. Joan is falling asleep.
esting (though not unproblematic) hypothesis concerning both the
b. Michelangelo is painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. aspectual properties of these verbs and the entailments associated
with them.
Word Meaning 447

Decompositional analysis has been applied to a host of ments above using standard deductive techniques; the entailments
including most of that considered in the introduction. For · depend only on properties of the logical constants of lf(in this case,
tion, let us turn from verbs to common noun meanings. In the the ),-operator and logical conjunction). The translations still leave
below the (a) sentences entail the (b) and (c) sentences, and open the semantic value of parent, female, male, and married, but
entailments seem to depend on the semantic properties of moth er, they provide an explicit representatioJ;I of the relations of the con-
parent, female, father, male, wife, husband, and married. cepts associated with these words to those associated with the
words they are used to translate in (53). The effects of this kind of
(49) a. Hilary is a mother.
decomposition appear, however, to be more limited in scope than
b. Hilary is a parent.
the adjective and verb decompositions considered above. They
c. Hilary is female.
involve a limited family of words (e.g., kinship terms), have fewer
(50) a. Lee is a father. overt morphological features, interact with a much narrower range
b. Lee is a parent. of grammatical phenomena. Even in this domain, however, there
c. Lee is male. are recurring abstract concepts like that of animacy that seem to be
(51) a. Hilary is a wife. grammatically relevant in many different languages.
b. Hilary is married. Decomposition has often had a further aim: to identify a stock of
c. Hilary is female. universal semantic components from which all languages draw in
constructing the concepts their lexicons label. What is sought is a
(52) a. Lee is a husband. basic language-independent vocabulary for the language of seman-
b. Lee is married. tic representation, some kind of interpreted logic or semantic cal-
c. Lee is male. culus (a logic whose nonlogical constants are interpreted). It
Mother and wife differ from father and husband by licensing certainly seems plausible that aiti (Finnish for mother) and isa
application of female rather than male. W1je and husband differ (Finnish for father) differ in the same dimension as their English
from mother and father in sharing the inference to a sentence with equivalents. The concept of femaleness, for example, is not pecu-
married rather than one with parent. Mother labels a concept that liar to English. We use FEMALE (an English word written in small
involves femaleness and parenthood; father involves maleness and capital letters) to designate the concept (which might or might not
parenthood. The concept designated by wife involves femaleness perfectly translate English female).
and being married; husband involves maleness and being married. The idea of viewing word meanings as composed from more
This suggests that this class of nouns might also be decomposed primitive universal semantic elements was taken up within the
into a set of recurrent conceptual features or traits. Within the gen- framework of transformational grammar by Katz and Fodor (1963)
eral setup we are assuming, what we have to do is translate the and further developed in work by Katz and Postal (1964), Katz
words designating complex concepts into syntactically complex (1966, 1972), and Bierwisch (1969), among others. Some of the
expressions of our logical calculus, as in (53): most extensive work on word meanings as syntactically structured
was done in the late 1 960s and early 1 970s by generative semanti-
(53) a. mother'= Jcx[parent'(x) ;demale'(x)] cists: Lakoff (1965), McCawley (1968), and Postal (1970), for exam-
b. father'= Jcx[parent'(x) 1\ male'(x)] ple. More recently Jackendoff (1976, 1983) has advanced some
c. wife'= .lcx[married'(x) 1\ female'(x)] interesting proposals about the centrality of spatiotemporal notions
d. husband'= .lcx[married'(x) 1\ male'(x)] in providing a general structural model for the semantic structure
Of course, further decomposition might be proposed, for example, of many lexical items. Although this work assumes that primitive
male' = Jcx-demale'(x) (or vice versa). The point worth making here semantic elements, the atoms from which word meanings are com-
is that translations like those in (53) allow us to prove the entail- posed, designate some kind. of mental construct or concept, most
Word Meaning 449

of it fails to consider how these concepts connect with what acterization of the notion of "admissible model for English."
talk about, their role in articulating the objective significance 6
Meaning postulates place constraints on admissible models.
language. 5 Meaning postulates can replace decompositional analysis in spell-
Let us summarize. Decompositional accounts of lexical ""'"'-''"'" ing out the semantic part of morphological rules:
have been proposed to elucidate semantic relations among
items, apparent semantic universals, aspectual differences, (55) a. If IX is in Adj, then IX (or IX+ Em) is in Vi
constraints on possible interactions of conceptually complex b. o\fy[IX~(y) ~ BECOME(1X~(y))j
where IX= open, empty, warm, red, fat, etc.
with modifying expressions such as adverbials. Here we
sketched some features of Dowty's decompositional analysis, (56) a. If 1X is in Vi, then IX is also in Vt
tries to accomplish these tasks using the kind of semantic b. o\fx\fy[IX~(x, y) ~ CAUSE(X, 1X\(y))j
studied in this book. Though we have not really been able to where IX = open, close, empty, sink, redden, fatten, etc.
justice to Dowty's analysis within the limits of this work, we
Meaning postulates such as these are formally equivalent to the
briefly indicated what some of its advantages and disadvantages
decompositional analyses of the preceding section. Given (55) and
might be and noted some empirical tests that might bear on the
(56), the following can be shown to hold:
hypothesis of lexical decomposition.
We turn next to ways of achieving similar results that do not (57) open~= A,x),y[CAUSE(x, BECOME(open~(y))j
decompose lexical items.
We can also posit specific meaning postulates for cases where there
is no morphosyntactic relation.

2.3 Lexical analysis without decomposition (58) o\fy\fx[kill'(x, y) ~ CAUSE(X, BECOME(dead'(y)))j

However, decompositional translation specifications and meaning
2.3.1 Meaning postulates Most of the analytical and descriptive postulates are not always formally equivalent. For example, in cases
work done within decompositional frameworks can be incorpo- where intuitive judgments do not support the semantic equivalence
rated with only minor modifications within other approaches to the required by decompositional analyses, meaning postulates allow
analysis of lexical meaning. Here is an important alternative to for partial analyses. As we noted in the preceding section, transi-
the decompositional analysis. The relation between inchoativej tive verbs like open and kill seem to require a more direct causation
causative pairs and their adjectival counterparts can be captured in than our CAUSE operator, which works more like the English verb
terms of something like the following "axioms": cause or make, requires. One possibility is to replace the causative
(54) a. D\fX[iX~(x) f-7 BECOME(1X~(x))j meaning postulate in (56), which posits equivalence, with (59),
b. D\fx\f y[1X~(x, y) ~ CAUSE( X, IX~ (y) )] which is committed only to one-way entailments.
where IX= open, empty, break (broken), etc. (59) o\fx\fy[1X~(x, y)----+ CAUSE(x, IX~(x, y))j
Adopting the laws in (30) is tantamount to saying that speakers of Of course, we may ultimately be able to provide a more precise
English are not willing to use the relevant words in ways that vio- analysis of something like DIRECT CAUSE; if so, then equivalence
late them. In any admissible model for English and in any world, might still be possible for the causative forming rule.
something opens just in case it was not open immediately before But there are many cases of word formation rules where the de-
and becomes open immediately thereafter. Similarly, if someone compositional or any approach that promises full specification of a
opens something they cause it to open, i.e., they cause it to become derived word's meaning seems doomed to failure. Dowty (1979)
open. Laws of this sort have been dubbed "meaning postulates" by recognized that actual words are often not interpreted as word for-
Carnap (1947) and are to be viewed as an integral part of the char- mation rules might specify and distinguished semantically trans-
Word Meaning 451

parent from nontransparent derived words; Aronoff (1976), though parent nor opaque but semantically "translucent." Translucent
offering a less fully developed semantic account, suggests some- relations seem to be the norm for word formation rules. 7
thing similar. What seems to be missing is the possibility of a mid- A further important consideration is that even when the meaning
dle ground: recognizing that some words have meanings that are postulate approach and the decompositional one are formally
only partly determined by their morphological structure. equivalent, they may turn out to. differ qua theories of semantic
Consider, e.g., the English word formation rule that forms ad- competence. In the decompositional approach, no single vocabu-
jectives from transitive verbs by suffixing -able. On the translational lary item in the semantic calculus corresponds to English words
approach, such a rule might be formulated as follows: like kill and die or the transitive and intransitive verbs open. The
associated concepts are not basic ones in the semantic calculus;
(60) a. If a is in V t, then a+ able is in Adj.
they are assembled from other concepts such as CAUSE, BECOME, and
b. [a+ able]'= ..1,x[<>3y(a'(y,x))]
that associated with dead (if dead' is a basic expression in the se-
where a = like, hate, wash, etc.
mantic calculus and not further reduced to not' alive'). This might
Transparent -able formations are those which have this interpre- suggest that certain concepts are more complex than others, where
tation, and all others are nontransparent. Many, perhaps most, complexity is determined by the complexity of their decom-
deverbal adjectives with the -able suffix have an interpretation that positions. For example, the semantic representation of kill contains
implies something more than (and thus something different from) that of die; kill is at least representationally more complex than die.
what (60) specifies, for example, readable, washable, and probably In contrast, the meaning postulate approach allows us to hypothe-
even likeable. If we say that all these English adjectives with -able size that concepts like kill, die, and open are directly labeled by
are semantically nontransparent, then this word formation rule vocabulary items in the semantic calculus; they are not identified
does not enter at all into their interpretation. with assemblages of more basic concepts. Thus the semantic rep-
An alternative is to take more seriously the idea that word for- resentation of kill on the meaning postulate approach does not
mation rules only constrain rather than determine semantic inter- contain that of die: both are just basic expressions in the semantic
pretation. Let us revise (60) as follows, using meaning postulates calculus, which means neither is translated into a syntactically
rather than translations for specifying the semantic component. complex expression. Now this does not mean that there is no cog-
(61) a. If a is in V t, then a+ able is in Adj. nitive complexity to the concept labeled kill', but it does mean that
b. o\fx[[a + able]'(x)----+ <>3y(a'(y,x)] the translation of kill does not itself represent that complexity. It
where IX = like, hate, wash, etc. also means that kill' designates a conceptual unit. There is no need,
on the meaning postulate approach, to think that the same cogni-
The syntactic part of (61) is identical to that in (60): it says that tive construct or process is involved in understanding both utter-
affixing -able to a transitive verb yields an adjective (albeit poten- ances of die and utterances of kill and thus that kill should be
tial and not necessarily actualized). The semantic component of the psychologically more complex than die.
rule, however, simply constrains the interpretation of IPC trans- In fact, experimental evidence suggests that there is no detectable
lations of words so derived. The meaning postulate in (61b) says correspondence between complexity at the level of decomposi-
that a person who is likeable can be liked by someone. It does not tion into features and difficulty in processing. Aitchison (1987,
place any more stringent conditions on being likeable, although the chap. 6) reviews relevant psycholinguistic literature (including
English word likeable arguably does. Someone who knows the Fodor, Fodor, and Garrett 1975, which many linguists found com-
-able rule, hears likeable for the first time, and analyzes it as pelling) and concludes that data on comprehension, ease of access,
derived by this rule will be guided toward the established inter- and similar processing phenomena do not support the decomposi-
pretation although she will not know the full actual interpretation tional view. If representational complexity links to processing
without further contextual cues. Meaning postulates are well suited complexity, then something like the meaning postulate approach
for handling meaning relations that are neither completely trans- can be taken to be more compatible with psychological evidence on
Word Meaning 453
Chapter 8

semantic processing and better designed as an abstract character- c. o\fx[male'(x)-) -,female'(x)]

ization of the speaker's knowledge. d. o\fx[female'(x)-) -,male'(x)]
Acquisition phenomena also might bear on the issue of lexical The concepts designated by father' and mother' are still des-
decomposition. Children acquire words like kill and die long before ignated by basic expressions in If; those basic expressions are not
they learn words like cause or become. Of course, the IPC CAUSE rendered superfluous when the concepts they designate become
and BECOME predicates need not be equated with English cause and analyzable through the introduction of new concepts designated by
become; nonetheless, it is striking that what we have analyzed as new basic expressions. The child is at the same time also learning
the relatively more complex items semantically are apparent more more about the relation of the early concepts mother' and father' to
directly salient for children. It is often said that young children, other concepts (and also, of course, more about what mothers and
while being attuned to causal relations, lack explicit knowledge fathers are like or supposed to be like and so on-the kinds of
abstract notions, like causation, that serve to cross-classify many beliefs that might play a role in generating implicatures and that
diverse type of events. But then how can children represent notions might be cognitively linked to lexical entries). Lexical analysis by
like those associated with kill, in which causation figures? means of meaning postulates is perfectly consistent with diverse
Even at a less abstract level we find the order of acquisition is (and changing) mental representations of word meanings. Indeed, it
frequently opposite what relative complexity of proposed trans- implies nothing about how the concepts associated with individual
lations might seem to predict. As Fodor (1987, 161), observes, words are structured or how they are processed in comprehension.
"Children know about fathers long before they know about males It does, however, impute a kind of mental integrity to natural lan-
and parents. So either they don't have the concept FATHER when guage words by associating them with basic units of the semantic
they seem to, or you can have the concept MALE PARENT without calculus stored in a mental lexicon rather than identifying them
having access to its internal structure, namely by having the con- with complex expressions.
cept FATHER. Of these alternatives, the last seems best." A developmental story like that sketched for kinship terms might
The decompositional approach might seem to suggest that the be told, mutatis mutandis, about the causative and inchoative verbs
simple concept of father' that children first acquire is different we considered earlier. The child enters transitive open~, intransi-
from, and perhaps ultimately replaced by, the complex one that tive open~, and adjectival open~, in her mental lexicon, using them
they later build from male' and parent'. In contrast, the meaning to label concepts that allow her to recognize situations to which
postulate approach need only suppose an enrichment of IPC to sentences like those in (63) apply.
include basic expressions like male' and parent' and the concepts
(63) a. Joan opened the door.
they designate along with meaning postulates connecting these
b. The door opened.
later acquired concepts to the earlier ones and also linking earlier
c. The door was open.
concepts to one another. There is a continuity of concepts from one
stage to another, although knowledge of the continuing concepts At the same time the child presumably adds such meaning postu-
may develop in certain ways. Vocabulary grows along with knowl- lates as those in (64), which support inferences from (63a) to (63b)
edge of conceptual connections, but the later stages in lexical and from (63b) to (63c) with suitable provisos about time reference.
knowledge generally extend rather than discard the earlier stages.
(64) a. o\fx\fy[open~(x, y)-) open~(y)]
For example, the child who adds female, male, and parent to a
b. o\fx[open~(x)-) open~(x)]
vocabulary that already contains mother and father might at the
same time add meaning postulates like those in (62) to the semantic But perhaps it is only later that she links constraints like (64) to
calculus along with the new basic expressions female', male', and CAUSE and BECOME by adding to her mental lexicon meaning postu-
parent'. lates similar to those in (55) and (56).
Any language user whose mental lexicon includes CAUSE and
(62) a. o\fx\fy[father'(x, y) +--+ (male'(x) 1\ parent'(x, y))]
BECOME can make explicit connections among items that share these
b. o\fx\fy[mother'(x, y) +--+ (female'(x) 1\ parent'(x, y))]
Word Meaning 455

abstract components and cross-classify items in the lexicon by for specifying other ways in which its interpretation might be
means of their shared entailments (the common semantic proper- constrained by the interpretation of other words in the language.
ties of words) rather than by means of shared components in the Unlike translational decomposition of a word, semantic analysis of
sense implied by decompositional approaches. That is, the knowl- the IPC translation of a word by means of meaning postulates does
edge that both transitive open and transitive clean are causatives not require an analysis of the word in terms of a set of conditions
can be thought of as knowledge that each figures in a meaning individually necessary and jointly sufficient for its applicability.
postulate specifying a certain kind of connection to the nno .. ~•~~ Meaning postulates allow incomplete semantic analysis in that
CAUSE. We need not require that each contains the operator CAUSE in they only constrain the class of admissible models. They are a use-
its translation (or in less compositionally oriented analyses, the ful tool in stating empirical generalization on how words are lexi-
feature +cAUSATIVE). We can also investigate cross-linguistic cally related and, eventually, in working out substantive theories of
ilarities by exploring the possibility that certain directly lexical meaning.
preted constants like CAUSE and BECOME are like the standard lo
constants in that they are part of the vocabulary of the semantic 2.3.2 Abstract syntactic elements As we mentioned in chapter one,
calculus for any language. In other words, to adopt the meaning generative semanticists hypothesized that abstract elements like
postulate approach is not to ignore data on connections among CAUSE and BECOME were universally available and that languages
lexical items or to rule out the possibility of universal elements might lexicalize conceptual units corresponding to syntactic units
semantic representations. so that, e.g., the English word kill might, at some syntactic level,
Some decompositional theories are very reductionist: they seek to correspond to the syntactic structure given in (3) of chapter 1, or
pare down the vocabulary of the translation language to an absolute the slightly simpler (65), which does not directly represent there-
minimum (often with the view that this minimal vocabulary will be lation of dead to not alive.
universal). A thoroughgoing reductionist program requires deci-
sions about which of two closely related words (male and female, (65) v
child and parent) is to be taken as basic. Such decisions, as Lyons
(1977) effectively shows, are ultimately arbitrary. Meaning postu-

lates, on the other hand, can easily link interdefinable words
out treating one as more basic than the other.
Meaning postulates and decompositional analyses might, BECOME

course, be interpreted as implying different kinds of cognitive

models from those we have sketched above, or as we noted earlier, I
they might be interpreted as themselves having no particular cog~
nitive significance at all. Certainly a decompositionalist does not This approach was eventually abandoned in generative linguistics
have to accept the suggestion that more complex representations primarily because the syntactic processes involved in lexicaliza-
would be more difficult to process or to acquire. What is associated tion were unconstrained in problematic ways.
cognitively with a lexical item will certainly be more than its In recent years, however, there has been renewed interest in
translation into If and complexity cannot simply be read off from lf the idea that abstract elements in syntactic structures might play a
representations. Nor is decomposition inconsistent with a certain role in the specification of the meanings of certain lexical items. 9
kind of "integrity" for distinct natural language lexical items. In Syntax has developed significantly since the days of generative
other words, decompositional programs are by no means defeated semantics, and thus the current implementation of this idea seems
by processing and acquisition data of the sort discussed above. 8 more likely to lead to continued productive linguistic research. So,
Summing up, meaning postulates are suitable for specifying for example, we might propose that the transitive verb open must
either necessary or sufficient conditions for applying a word and wind up in the syntactic configuration in (66); in other kinds of
structural positions it is filtered out.
Word Meaning 457

(66) VP incorporates, as in the Chichewa example (12) we gave in section

2.1 or the Turkish example from Aissen (1974), cited in Baker
(1988), in which the causativizing morpheme is italicized.
(68) 0 adam-a el ac;;- tir- d- im
the man-DAT hand open CAUSE PAST 1sS
'I made the man beg.'
This abstract syntactic approach can be extended to other cases
I of what prima facie look like purely lexical alternations. Consider
for example transitive/intransitive alternations like those exempli-
That is, the English transitive verb open must be embedded under
fied by shave, where the intransitive member of the pair is under-
a phonologically null verb roughly equivalent to Dowty's BECOME
stood reflexively. In the spirit of the line of inquiry we are presently
operator, which in turn is embedded under a higher phonologically
considering, a natural move would be to assume that shave (along
null verb equivalent to Dowty's CAUSE operator (actually, we will
with many similar verbs) is always transitive: it may, however,
want the null CAUSE operator to be equivalent to some more direct
occur with a null reflexive object. Thus the structure underlying
notion of causation). Exactly how the semantics is to be spelled out
(69a) is hypothesized to be something like (69b), where Nrefl is an
must be filled in, of course, but the basic idea seems to be that what
unpronounced, i.e., phonologically null, reflexive pronoun, inter-
open itself contributes semantically is basically something like the
preted like all reflexive pronouns, and the interpretation of (69b)
state of being open and the change of state and (direct) causation
would be equivalent to that of the formula (69c).
are contributed by the higher null verbs. The lexical item open is
not decomposed, but some of what we traditionally consider part (69) a. Bond shaved.
of its meaning comes from its syntactic relation to other (abstract) b. TP
elements. In some cases something like the higher verbs in the VP-
shell can be overtly realized. Japanese shows a nice contrast with
the verb suru ('do'). In (67a), the word benkyoo ('study') is the head
noun of the object NP for the full verb suru, whereas in (57 b), ben-
kyoo is incorporated into the light verb suru, and the object NP is T
smzgaku ('mathematics'). 10
(67) a. John wa (mai-niti) [NP suugaku no benkyoo] v
TOP (every day) mathematics GEN study
o su-ru. I I
ACC do-IMPERFECT Bond PAST shave Nrefl
'John does (engages in) the study of mathematics (every c. shave' (Bond', Bond')
day).' Crosslinguistic evidence suggests the presence of some kind of
b. John wa (mai-niti) [NP suugaku] o reflexive element. In French and other Romance languages, the
TOP (every day) mathematics ACC corresponding "intransitives" come with a (pronounced) reflexive
benkyoo-su-ru. clitic.
(70) a. Marie lave Jacques.
'John studies mathematics (every day).'
Marie is washing Jacques
Another realization of higher abstract verbs is an explicit caus- b. Marie se lave.
ativizing morpheme to which the lexical head eventually raises and Marie (self) is washing
Chapter 8 458 Word Meaning 459

Abstract elements in the syntax are not new to our semantic proj- (71) a. Pavarotti is a pink tadpole.
ect: we have already, e.g., introduced traces to play the same kind b. Pavarotti is pink.
of semantic role as pronouns. Thus their use to help elucidate c. Pavarotti is a tadpole.
the semantic value of particular lexical items and the semantic
(72) a. Pavarotti is a large tadpole.
relations between (what look like) distinct lexical items seems
b. Pavarotti is large.
straightforward. Semantic interpretation is linked in quite system-
c. Pavarotti is a tadpole.
atic ways with syntactic structure, and abstract syntactic analyses
have the potential to illuminate these links. (73) a. Pavarotti is a former tadpole.
b. *Pavarotti is former.
c. Pavarotti is a tadpole.
2.4 Summary d. Pavarotti was a tadpole.
We are still a long way from being able to delineate precisely how This suggests that the basic result we want from the semantics of
much semantic analysis of basic content words belongs to the adjectives is something like (74a) for adjectives like pink, (74b) for
grammar or just how such analysis is actually implemented. We adjectives like large, and nothing of either sort for adjectives like
can see, however, that translations, meaning postulates (and prob- former.
ably other constraints on models), and abstract syntactic analyses
may all play a role. (74) a. [[pink tadpole]']M,w,i,g [pink']M,w,i,g n [tadpole']M,w,i,g
b. [[large tadpole]']M, w,i,g <;; [tadpole']M, w,i,g

Of course, ( 7 4) makes sense only if we suppose that [pink']M, w,i, c,g,

3 Modifiers [[pink tadpole]']M,w,i,g' and [[large tadpole]']M,w,i,g are all sets of
We have used IPC to translate nouns and verbs and VPs and sub- individuals. Prenominal adjectives like pink are sometimes called
ject-predicate combinations. We have not yet, however, said much intersective, and those like large are called subsective; the category
about the semantic analysis of adjectives or adverbs, words whose exemplified by former can be called nonpmdicative. Let us see how
primary use is as modifiers of nouns and verbs respectively. we can understand the pattern in (71) through (73) by looking at
these different types of adjectives in turn.
The treatment of intersective adjectives like pink appears to
3.1 Adjectives be fairly simple. We have already informally treated some such
In the present section we will look at how a semantic calculus can adjectives in predicate position, introduced with the verb be
help us represent semantic distinctions among words that do not "attached" and translated as constants in Pred 1 (as in Pavarotti
correspond to distinctions in the syntactic category to which those is boring). All we need to do now is treat the be as a separate ele-
words belong. In this section we show the need for other logical ment by adding to F 3 the following rules for adjectives:
types besides those we already have in IPC and indicate how direct
(75) VP----> be Adj
reference to differences in logical types can play a useful role in
Adj ----> pink, red, hungry, boring, drunk, dead, round, blond,
In chapter 1 we noted that within what looks like a single natural
language category (adjective) there may be some very general and We can give a semantics for these predicate adjective constructions
semantically significant distinctions to be drawn. For example, ob- by means of translation in the style of section 2, chapter 7.
serve that (71a) entails (71b) and (71c), (72a) entails (72c) but not
(76) a. Members ofthe syntactic category Adj are translated as
(72b), and (73a) entails neither (73b) nor (73c), though it does entail
constants of category Pred 1 of IPC.
b. [be Adj]' = Adj'
Chapter 8 460 Word Meaning 461

Together (75) and (76) generate sentences like (77a) with syntactic (1) Every hungry pink pig is cute.
structure (77b) and assign to them the reduced translation given in
(77c). Show that (b) is equivalent to (c).

(77) a. Pavarotti is drunk. (2) The pink pig is hungry.

b. TP (3) The pig that is pink is hungry.

Intersective adjectives, then, are simply predicates: they do not

~VP require us to expand the basic resources of IPC at all. We also see
that the core semantic rule for interpreting noun modification
appears to be set intersection. But consider now nonpredicative

adjectives like former. It is frequently noted that the fact that two
Ns, IX and /3, have the same extension in given circumstances does
not guarantee that former IX and former f3 will have the same exten-
Pavarotti PRES be drunk sion. So in the U.S. Senate in the spring of 1988, for example, the
c. drunk'(P) set of those who are professional basketball players and those who
are astronauts were both empty (and thus equal), but the set of for-
An intersective adjective like pink will receive the same translation mer professional basketball players was nonempty and equal to
in prenominal position as it does in the VP, namely the one-place {Senator Bill Bradley from New Jersey} and the set of former as-
predicate pink', which has as its extension at every index <w, i) the tronauts was the distinct nonempty set equal to {Senator John
set of things that are pink in world w at time i. The translation of Glenn from Ohio}. This means that the extension of former profes-
the prenominal adjective pink will combine semantically with the sional basketball player in given circumstances is not a function of
translation of the N it modifies by generalized predicate conjunc- the extension of professional basketball player, nor is the extension
tion, which is just set intersection as in (46a) above. Prenominal of former astronaut a function of the extension of astronaut. This
modification of an N by an adjective is thus semantically exactly seems to suggest that we should treat these nonpredicative ad-
like postnominal modification of an N by a relative clause. To for- jectives intensionally. That is, the set of individuals that are now
mulate syntactic and semantic rules that characterize the behavior former astronauts depends on the intension of the predicate astro-
of intersective adjectives in prenominal and predicative position is naut; more specifically, it depends on who had that property in the
a straightforward matter. 11 Prenominal adjectives generally are in- past.
troduced into the syntax by (78a) and intersective adjectives are A very general way to incorporate this insight is to regard ad-
interpreted by (78b). jectives like former as property operators, that is, as functions from
(78) a. :N ----t Adj :N properties to properties. For example, former can be interpreted as
b. [N Adj N]' = Adj' AN' a function that maps the property of being an astronaut to the
property of being a former astronaut, the property of being a teacher
(The interpr:;tive rule in (78b) works only for adjectives whose to the property of being a former teacher, and so on. We can treat
translation is in Pred 1 . Recall that in chap. 7, see, 3.1, we used similarly other adjectives in this class, like alleged, false (as in false
A-abstraction to define a generalized conjunction that joins friend), etc. This means that we need in our semantics a new cate-
predicates.) gory, a novel logical type, that of functions from properties to
We continue to do semantics for English by translation into IPC,
Exercise 1 Give the syntactic tree associated with (a) below, along with its
ensuring that we give an explicit semantics for IPC itself. So our
node-by-node translation on the model of the example on p. 410.
Word Meaning 463

first step is to introduce into IPC the new logico-syntactic category

Exercise 2 Using the two-place verb allege, write a meaning postulate scheme
of operators on one-place predicates (which we notate as Op-Pred1 ).
that constrains the meaning of alleged.
We assume that an IPC constant in this category is interpreted in a
context as a function from properties to properties, which in turn
are functions from circumstances (i.e., world-time pairs) to sets.
Notice that an immediate consequence of the present semantics
That is, if Vis the interpretation function, 0 a constant of category
for nonpredicative adjectives is that if, for example, Pavarotti is a
Op-Pred 1, c a context, wa world, and i a time, then V(O)(c)((w,i))
former tadpole, it does not follow that he is a tadpole, even though
is a function that maps properties to properties, i.e., to sets relative
by (B2) it follows that he was one. The point is that the inference
to each circumstance or world-time pair. We thus add the following
from (B3a) to (B3b) is not in general licensed, which is what we
rules to IPC:
want for this class of adjectives.
(79) a. If 0 is in Op-Pred 1 and fJ is in Pred1, 0( /\fJ) is in Pred1.
(B3) a. 0(/\fJ)(x)
. m
b. If 0 IS • Op- p re d 1 an dfJ.IS m
• p re d 1, [0(/\fJ)]M,w,i,c,g
= [O]M,w,i,c,g([/\fJ]M,w,i,c,g), where [1\fJ]M,w,i,c,g is the b. fJ(x)

property r that is the intension of fJ, that is, for every The failure of such inferences constitutes the main reason for
(w',i'), r((w',i')) = [fJ]M,w',i',c,g. viewing nonpredicative adjectives as members of the logicosyn-
tactic category Op-Pred1, as functions from properties to properties.
In other words, our new IPC operators syntactically combine with
Let us turn now to subsective adjectives. In some ways subsective
one-place predicates to yield new one-place predicates and are
adjectives are like intersective adjectives: both occur in predicate
semantically interpreted as functions that map input properties
position (where they express properties), and when they combine
onto new output properties.
prenominally with a nominal, both produce a new nominal whose
There is no necessary connection between the extensions of the
extension is a subset of the modified nominal. Being pink and being
new output properties and the extensions of the input properties,
large are both properties (whereas being former isn't a property),
This provides us with a straightforward way of representing the
and a pink tadpole and a large tadpole are both tadpoles.
meaning of Ns like those in (BOa) and (B1a), given in (BOb) and
Being large, however, is a property that is highly dependent on
context: what size something must be to count as large will depend
(BO) a. [N former senator] on contextual factors. The size is much smaller if we are looking at
b. former' ( 1\ senator') tadpoles than if we're looking at elephants; being large is relative to
a property (being a tadpole or being an elephant, for example).
(B1) a. [N alleged killer]
Subsective adjectives like large are often called relative adjectives
b. alleged' (/\killer')
in the linguistics literature. It has sometimes been suggested that
The interpretation of various nonpredicative adjectives their relativity is essentially like that of former and alleged. It is
further constrained in terms of meaning postulates like the follow- tempting to propose, for example, that large tadpole be interpreted
ing for former', where Q is any one-place predicate. to mean large for being a tadpole and be translated in exactly the
(B2) o\fx[former'( /\Q)(x) +--+ PQ(x)] same way as former tadpole or alleged tadpole. An immediate dif-
ficulty with such a proposal is that it provides no account of the
Formula (B2) is actually a meaning postulate schema: by replacing subsective property of these adjectives or of their being able to
Q with Pred1 expressions we get actual meaning postulates. It says occur in predicate position. An even more serious problem for this
that something is a former Q just in case that something was a Q in proposal is that the head nominal does not always set the standard
the past. for relative adjectives. For example, consider sentence (B4),
adapted from an example due to Hans Kamp and Barbara Partee.
Chapter 8 464 Word Meaning 465

(84) Lee built a large snowman. Notice that an immediate consequence of this analysis is that if
something is a large tadpole, it must be a tadpole, which is exactly
What counts as large for evaluating a sentence like this one de-
what we want. Furthermore, we also see why from "y is a large
pends not just on standards set by the property of being a snowman
tadpole" it does not follow that "y is large." To say that y is a large
but also on other factors: Lee might be a two-year-old in the back-
tadpole is to apply to y a property. of the form [large~ 1\ tadpole'].
yard or a twenty-year-old working on the Dartmouth snow carnival.
From this it does follow that y has the property of being larges but
In dealing with the subsective adjectives, the contribution of
not that it has the property of being largen for n =I= 3. In other words,
context cannot be ignored. One way of capturing the context-
from "y is a large tadpole" it follows that y is large only with
dependent character of adjectives like large might be as follows: Let
respect to a given comparison class. But when we go on to say "y is
us assume that the context provides us with a set of comparison
large" we may (and typically will) select a different comparison
classes for large and similarly for other relative adjectives. We need
class. This is why we cannot in g!:meral infer (72b) from (72a) in the
a set of comparison classes (rather than a single one) to deal with
way we can infer (71b) from (71a). The bottom line, however, is
sentences like "A large tadpole is not a large animal," where in the
that large does always translate as a predicate, but exactly which
same context the comparison class for the first occurrence of large
one depends on the context.
is different from the comparison class for its second occurrence. So
So adjectives appear to belong to two different logical types.
let us add to our contextual functions a function Cl A_, for each sub-
Intersective and subsective adjectives are properties (subsective
sective adjective A. Intuitively, Cl!arge(c) gives us the set of objects
adjectives are highly context-dependent ones), whereas nonpredi-
that are large in context c relative to the nth class of objects whose
cative adjectives are property modifiers, functions from properties
size we are considering. Cl~ 11 (c) gives us the set of objects that are
to properties.
tall in context c relative to the mth class of objects whose height we
By exploiting these semantic differences, we can provide a very
are considering, and so on. We then assume that English large is
simple treatment of adjectives in fragment F 3 . Let us summarize the
associated with a class of predicates of IPC represented as largen,
required syntactic rules to introduce both prenominal and post-
where n is an arbitrary index. Large1, largez, large 3 , etc., are
copular adjectives and the required semantic rules for interpreting
context-dependent predicates. Their semantics is specified in terms
of Cl!arge as follows:
(87) a. N-+ Adj N
(85) For any c, w, and i, V(largen)(c)((w,i)) = Clfarge(c).
a'. If~= [N Adj N], ~' = Adj' /\N 1, if Adj' is in Pred1
For each occurrence of large in a particular utterance, the context = Adj'("N'), if Adj' is in Op-Pred 1
specifies large'= largen. b. VP -+ be Adj
In (86) we provide an example. b'. If~= [vP be Adj], ~' = Adj'
(86) a. [N large tadpole] The semantic rule in (87a') exploits the different logical types that
b. large 1 (x) 1\ tadpole' (x)] adjectives may have. Ns are associated with properties. If the ad-
jective we are considering designates a property, we simply conjoin
The meaning of anN like (85a) can be represented as in (85b). An
it with the property associated with the head; extensionally, this
individual is going to satisfy the context-dependent property in
amounts to set intersection. If it is a property modifier, we apply it
(85b) just in case it is a tadpole and is large relative to the first class
to the head.
of individuals whose size we are considering in the current con-
While in many ways an oversimplification, the approach in (87)
text. It is of course very plausible to maintain that in a context
has a further interesting consequence. The syntactic rule in ( 8 7 b)
where we ascribe large to a particular N, certain properties of enti-
licenses well-formed strings like the following:
ties denoted by that N are going to determine the comparison class.
Thus in a context where (85a) is used, such a comparison class will (88) John is former/alleged/etc.
very likely be made up of tadpoles.
Word Meaning 467

Yet they are ungrammatical. Why? Consider what their semantics 3.2 Adverbs
would be on the basis of (87b') and the other semantic rules. It The term adverb is used to cover a host of somewhat different kinds
would have to be as in (89). of words, only some of which are verb or verb phrase modifiers. It
is also sometimes used to include modifiers like prepositional
(89) former'(j)
phrases. (We have, of course, already had prepositional phrases
But (89) is semantically incoherent. The expression former' is a inside VPs: we used, e.g., PP[to] for the third argument of verbs like
property modifier, a function from properties to properties. Conse- give and introduce. In this case, the PP is not a modifier but in-
quently, it is undefined for j, which is an individual. Hence, (89) is troduces an argument.) In chapter 5 we mentioned modal and
ungrammatical because it is uninterpretable; its translation (89) is temporal adverbials. For example, we analyzed adverbs like prob-
incoherent. Its semantics amounts to applying a function to some- ably and necessarily as modal operators, which apply to sen-
thing outside of its domain. tences. Adverbs like formerly and allegedly, which are derived
from nonpredicative adjectives, are also best analyzed as sentential
Exercise 3 Give the If of the sentence below relative to one of its LFs. In this section, we will limit discussion to adverbs that modify
(a) Every large tadpole admires a large former tadpole. verbs or verb phrases. We will include not only lexical adverbs like
quickly, noisily, and passionately but also prepositional phrases
like with a knife, to the store, and on the mouth. Our main goal is to
To summarize, we have seen that adjectives display three differ- illustrate how data about adverbial interpretation can be used as
ent patterns of entailments. We have argued that to account for evidence for bringing some new kinds of things, namely events,
them, they must be classified as belonging to different semantic into our semantic ontology. Right now we have individual entities,
types. Adjectives like pink are properties. Adjectives like large are truth-values, possible worlds, and times as the basic building blocks
also properties, albeit highly context-dependent ones. Adjectives from which we construct semantic values. The logic of adverbial
like former are functions from properties to properties. These dis- modification, however, can be construed as providing evidence that
tinctions not only enable us to capture the different entailments events are also included among the basic kinds of things needed to
adjectives enter into. They also explain why not every adjective articulate an adequate theory of natural language semantics. In this
can occur in predicate position. Adjectives like former cannot be- section, we draw primarily on Parsons (1990), whose formulation
cause they are not properties and hence cannot be predicated of of these arguments is especially lucid. Parsons himself builds on
individuals. Davidson (1967).
What we have done is, of course, only a rough first approxima- A striking feature of the semantics of adverbs is shown by the
tion. Much more can be said about adjectives. 12 There are, however, entailment pattern in (90).
two morals that we think can be drawn from the above discussion.
The first is that to do semantics we need to enrich somewhat the (90) a. Kim kissed Lee passionately on the mouth.
standard set of types in IPC: nonpredicative adjectives seem best b. Kim kissed Lee passionately and Kim kissed Lee on the
analyzed as predicate operators. The second is that differences in mouth.
logical type may actually explain certain distributional properties c. Kim kissed Lee passionately.
of classes of expressions and thus constitute a substantive compo- d. Kim kissed Lee on the mouth.
nent of the characterization of their behavior. Intersective and sub- e. Kim kissed Lee.
sective adjectives will differ from nonpredicative adjectives by It is intuitively clear that (90a) entails (90b), which in turn entails
virtue of their being translated as predicates rather than as opera- both ( 90c) and ( 90d), each of which entails ( 90e ); these entailments
tors. Subsective adjectives will differ from intersective adjectives do not go in the opposite direction. These (one-way) entailment
by virtue of their heavy dependence on context for fixing values. relations are displayed graphically in figure 8.1 and are often
Word Meaning 469

Kim kissed Lee passionately on the mouth

Exercise 4 Treating is-in-the-garden as translated into Pred1, give the logical
form of each of the sentences in figure 8.2 and show why the
entailment pattern shown there holds.
Kim kissed Lee & Kim kissed Lee
passionately on the mouth

Nonpredicative adjectives, on the other hand, behave quite
(91) a. An alleged former spy is in the garden.
Kim kissed Lee
b. An alleged spy is in the garden and a former spy is in the
Figure 8.1 garden.
c. An alleged spy is in the garden.
d. A former spy is in the garden.
A dirty pink pig is in the garden
e. A spy is in the garden.
None of the sentences in (91) entails any sentence below it. The
contrast between figure 8.2 and (91), as we saw in section 3.1
A dirty pig is & A pink pig is above, follows from the fact that predicative adjectives translate as
in the garden in the garden predicates whereas nonpredicative adjectives translate as predicate

operators. If we treat pink and dirty as predicates of individuals,
the pattern in figure 8.2 follows from familiar logical principles.
Clearly, VP adverbs like those in (90) follow the pattern of the
A pig is in the garden intersective adjectives. If we were to translate them as predicate
operators, i.e., functions taking a predicate as input and yielding a
Figure 8.2
predicate as output, then they would be of the same logical type as
the non-predicative adjectives. On that approach, the translations
dubbed the "diamond pattern." Notice that the implications hold we would get would not predict the diamond pattern. There are
only in the downward direction. Critically, notice that (90b), the ways we could achieve this effect (e.g., using meaning postulates),
conjuction at the center of the diamond, does not imply (90a), but there would be no insight offered in why the pattern in question
the two-adverb sentence at the top. Perhaps Kim kissed Lee quite holds. On the other hand, translating such modifiers as predicates
dispassionately on the mouth and, on some other occasion, quite conjoined with the predicate they modify would allow us to explain
passionately on some spot other than the mouth. In such circum- the diamond pattern in the same way as we have done for the
stances, (90b) would be true but there might well have been no intersective adjectives. But if adverbs are predicates, of what are
passionate kiss given by Kim to Lee that was also on the mouth, in they predicated? When passionately modifies kiss, one might pro-
which case (90a) would be false. Notice that we would not have pose that being passionate is predicated of one of the participants
such patterns if we had used such adverbs as allegedly or possibly. in the kiss; kissing passionately does, after all, entail something
Now let us compare the pattern in (90) with adjectival modifica- about the passionate nature of the kisser. But sentence (90a) is not
tion, considering first predicative and then nonpredicative adjec- equivalent to sentence (92a). We might have Kim being passionate
tives. As show in figure 8.2, predicative adjectives show entailment at the time of the kissing yet the passion might not relate directly to
patterns strikingly similar to those in figure 8. 1. the kiss but might have to do with defending her moral principles
or be a general disposition not manifested in the particular kiss.
Word Meaning 471

Lee's being passionate, as in (92b), is an even less plausible inter- d. Kim kissed Lee on the mouth.
pretation, and trying to predicate on the mouth of the entities d'. :Je[kiss'(Kim', Lee', e) 1\ on-the-mouth( e)]
explicitly mentioned yields nonsense, as shown in (92c-d). Formula (94a') can be understood then as saying that there is a
(92) a. Kim kissed Lee on the mouth and Kim was passionate. kissing of Lee by Kim and that this kissing was passionate and was
b. Kim kissed Lee on the mouth and Lee was passionate. on the mouth. We won't give the derails of how the translations in
c. #Kim kissed Lee passionately and Kim was on the (94a'-d') are compositionally derived. The basic idea ought to be
mouth. sufficiently clear: VP adverbs translate as predicates of events and
d. #Kim kissed Lee passionately and Lee was on the mouth. apply to the event argument hypothesized for verbs.
Given this approach, the diamond pattern in figure 8.1 falls out
So we have a puzzle. VP adverbs display entailment patterns just immediately from familiar logical principles. Formula (94b') fol-
like those of predicative adjectives. Adverbs (e.g., passionately) are lows from (94a') by the principle that distributes the existential
often morphologically derived from adjectives that are predicates quantifier across conjunction, (94c') and (94d') each follow from
of ordinary individual entities (e.g., passionate). Yet as VP modi- ( 94b') by conjunction simplification, the same principle that
fiers, even deadjectival adverbs cannot be analyzed as simply licenses the move from each of (94c') and (94d') to (93). We now
predicating of the entities explicitly mentioned the basic predicate see the parallels with respect to adjectives: both (certain) adjectives
denoted by the adjective. and (certain) adverbs can be translated as predicates, accounting
Here is a sketch of a possible solution. Plausibly, the predicates immediately for their diamond pattern behavior. The difference is
passionate and on the mouth in (90a) should be understood as that adjectives are predicated of individual entities in the denota-
applying to the kiss rather than the kisser or kissee. We might tion of explicit nominals whereas adverbs are predicated of a dis-
hypothesize that verbs have an extra "hidden" argument for events. tinguished kind of entity, events, hypothesized to be present as
Suppose, in other words, that the logical form of a sentence like "hidden" arguments of verbs.
(90d) is something like (93). Let us summarize. In analyzing adjectives, we saw the need to
(93) :le kiss'(Kim', Lee', e) introduce a new logical type, that of predicate operators. In ana-
lyzing adverbs, we have considered reasons for introducing a new
In (93), e is a variable that ranges over events. We can understand sort of thing into our ontology, our stock of primitive kinds of
formula (93) as saying that there is an event e, which is a kissing of things. Event arguments of verbs are not explicitly realized: they
Lee by Kim. The verb kiss is treated as a three-place relation be- have no phonetic substance. But, as with traces, positing this hid-
tween an event (the kiss), a kisser (in this case, Kim), and a kissee den mechanism could give a way to explain much about the be-
(Lee). The event argument is filled by a variable that is bound by an havior of certain kinds of adverbs. There are many further
existential quantifier at some stage. In particular, sentences such as questions about adverbs that we have ignored. 13 There are also
(90a-d) above, repeated here as (94a-d), will receive translations many questions about events that we ignore. The analytic useful-
like those in (94a'-d'). ness of events is not limited, however, to their utility for explaining
(94) a. Kim kissed Lee passionately on the mouth. entailments involving VP adverbials. Indeed, people now often talk
a'. :le[kiss'(Kim', Lee', e) 1\ passionate( e) 1\ on-the-mouth( e)] of "event-based semantics." With events in our semantic toolkit,
b. Kim kissed Lee passionately and Kim kissed Lee on the we can shed some light on thematic relations and also on aspectual
mouth. matters (which we began discussing in section 2.2 above). We turn
b'. :Je[kiss'(Kim', Lee', e) 1\ passionate( e)] to these further considerations of verbal semantics in the next
1\ :Je[kiss'(Kim', Lee', e) 1\ on-the-mouth( e)] section.
c. Kim kissed Lee passionately.
c'. :Je[kiss'(Kim', Lee', e) 1\ passionate( e)]
Chapter 8 Word Meaning 473

4 More on Verbal Semantics phological and syntactic data. While we cannot survey all the rele-
vant linguistic literature, we would like to discuss briefly some of
the issues involved. 14
4.1 Thematic relations (O·roles) The semantic content of thematic roles is notoriously difficult to
Linguists often talk of thematic relations or roles (in syntactic dis- pin down. Our discussion of adverbial s13mantics led us to propose
cussions, often called 8-roles), which have to do with the partici- that the sentences in (95) might be translated into the formulas
pants in the events or states sentences describe. Proposed thematic in (96).
roles or relations often include, for example, agent and experi-
(96) a. 3e kiss'(Lee', Kim', e)
encer. Agents are said to do something; experiencers, on the other
b. 3e like'(Lee', Kim', e)
hand, are said to have certain attitudes or mental states. In (95a)
Lee is assigned the agent role, but in (95b) the role of experiencer. In each ofthe sentences in (96), we have a three-place relation and
an ordered list of the arguments that relation takes. We have im-
(95) a. Lee kissed Kim.
plicitly adopted the convention that the role arguments of kiss' will
b. Lee liked Kim.
be given in the same order as the overt role arguments of English
Which roles Kim is assigned in (95a, b) is more controversial. In kiss. But of course, languages vary in the way in which different
(95a) Kim might be classified as a patient, the participant most roles (e.g., the kisser and the kissee in (95a)) are mapped onto syn-
directly affected by the agent's action. In (95b) Kim is clearly not a tactic positions. English uses word order; other languages have
patient but is the trigger of Lee's state, what Lee's state is about. freer word order and use case markings. It is important to get
Some linguistics use the term theme to indicate this role. In fact, clearer on exactly what we are talking about when we talk of
theme is often used as a cover label for the role associated with the thematic roles. Here we will sketch two different ways in which
object in both (95a) and (95b). Kim is sometimes said to be an formal semanticists have approached thematic roles. The first is a
affected theme in (95a) and an unaffected theme in (95b). straightforward extension of the framework already presented in
In some form or other, grammarians have appealed to thematic which transitive kiss and like, for example, map onto two-place
roles since at least the days of Par:lini, the great Indian linguist who logical predicates kiss' and like', whose interpretation is con-
worked on Sanskrit some 2500 years ago. In generative linguistics, strained by a variety of meaning postulates. The second exploits
they appeared in the late 1960s. Fillmore (1968) spoke of case re- more radically the idea that verbs have an event argument. Adapt-
lations and argued that such relations crucially mediate between ing the terminology in Dowty (1989), we call the first an extended
surface syntax and the way in which verbs and their NP arguments ordered-argument theory; the second we call an event-based theory
semantically combine in sentences; he also used case relations to of thematic roles.
say something about semantic relations among verbs. Gruber The first approach capitalizes on the fact that each verb licenses
(1965), who introduced the term thematic relations, used them as certain entailments that help characterize its arguments. (In a more
the basis of a reductionist account of verbal meanings; his ideas complete treatment we would also consider what verbs presuppose
have been adopted and extended in a series of discussions of lex- about their arguments, but we will ignore those complications here.)
ical semantics by Jackendoff (see, for example, 1976, 1983). The
(97) a. Lee kissed Kim.
so-called thematic relations hypothesis associated with this work
is that verbs from many different domains have meanings that
b. Lee touched (or gestured toward) Kim with her mouth.
c. Lee moved her lips.
are somehow patterned on meanings drawn from spatiotemporal
d. Lee moved.
domains and articulated in terms of thematic roles most closely
e. Lee did something.
associated with notions of motion, location, direction, path, and
the like. Many other linguists have in recent years appealed to the- f. Lee acted intentionally.
g. A kissing occurred, which was directly caused by Lee.
matic roles or relations in trying to explain various kinds of mor-
Chapter 8 Word Meaning 475

Similarly, to know what like means seems to involve knowing that mally as properties common to sets of specific roles. the specific
sentence (95b), repeated here as (98a) has entailments such as those role <like', 1), for example, might be intersected with other specific
in (98b-e). roles, such as <scare', 2 ), the specific role our system assigns to the
second argument position in formulas translating sentences with
(98) a. Lee likes Kim.
the transitive verb scare. This latter spedfic role includes all (and
b. Lee does not hate Kim.
only) the properties attributed to James Bond by virtue of the truth
c. Lee has a positive attitude toward Kim.
of a sentence like (101).
d. Lee is aware of Kim's existence.
e. Lee is a sentient being. (101) Something scared James Bond.

The kisser role can be thought of as what we can conclude about Properties that these two specific roles have in common with one
an entity from its serving as the value of the first argument (x 1 ) in another (and with many other specific roles) include those of being
a formula of the form "kiss'(x1, x 2 , e)." It is the specific role aware of something and of being a sentient being, in accord with
associated with the predicate kiss' and its first argument position. what is suggested by our informal characterization of an experi-
Similarly, the liker role is specified by what formulas of the form encer role.
"like'(x1, Xz, e)" entail about the entity assigned as the value of x 1 ; We want our thematic roles to be characterized by properties
it is the specific role associated with like' and its initial argument common to many specific roles, so such an approach may prove
position. In (99a) we provide a general definition of specific roles productive. Properties shared by many specific roles will certainly
(what Dowty calls "individual thematic roles"); (99b) applies this emerge: another example is the property of doing something, which
to defining the role of kisser. (We are assuming, of course, the the specific role <kiss', 1) will share with many other specific roles
"hidden" event argument in addition to the arguments that repre- (like <open~, 1), <give', 1), <walk', 1)). Doing something is one
sent participants in the event.) property often associated with agents.
Thematic roles might then be thought of formally as sets of
(99) a. For any (n + 1)-place predicate P and argument position i,
properties common to many specific roles. We could say that the
the specific role <P, i) is the set of properties denoted by
specific role <P, i) is assigned to thematic role e if all the properties
the one-place predicates Q that have the semantic property
in e belong to <P, i). Thus to say that a kisser is assigned to the
that the formula P(x1 , ... ,xi, ... ,xn, e) entails the formula
AGENT role whereas a liker is not is to say that <kiss', 1) includes all
the properties in AGENT (whatever they might be) and that <like', 1)
b. The role ofkisser, the specific role <kiss', 1), is the set of all
does not. So on this approach, thematic roles are simply recur-
properties denoted by one-place predicates Q that have the
rent entailments associated with argument positions of predi-
semantic property that the formula kiss'(x1 ,x2 , e) entails
cates. This strategy leaves it as an open question whether we could
the formula Q(x1 ).
identify a small set of entailments capable of classifying all the
The kisser role, then, includes properties such as those of touching argument structures we find in natural language. Perhaps not. Still,
someone with one's mouth, of doing something, of acting inten- there are entailment patterns that recur fairly often, and the
tionally, and so on. Meaning postulates such as (100) will help approach just sketched provides us with a precise way of thinking
determine this role. about them.
Let us turn now to look at an event-based theory of thematic
(100) o\fx\fy[kiss'(x, y)--+ move-x's-lips(x)]
roles. In the ordered-argument theory, the notion of n-place predi-
Exactly the same kind of strategy can be used to define the liker cates is taken as basic and thematic roles are defined as sets of en-
role. tailments associated with argument positions. On the event-based
Have we gotten to thematic roles yet? Thematic roles can be theory of thematic roles, thematic roles are taken as primitives and
thought of as kinds of specific roles, so we could define them for- n-place predicates are defined in terms of them. Thematic roles are
Word Meaning 477

viewed as ways of linking individuals to the events or states de- In contrast to kiss and like, a verb like swallow seems to have an
scribed by simple sentences. In particular, thematic relations like optional theme and thus might satisfy something like the following
AGEN~, EXPERIENCER, and THEME can be characterized as (partial) meaning postulate.
functwns from eventualities into their participants. So, for exam- (106) o\fe[swallow'(e)----) <)3y(THEME(e) = y)]
ple, "AGENT( e)= y" says that y is the agent of e. This incorporates
An important difference between these two approaches to the-
the view that each eventuality has a unique agent participant (if it
matic relations is the following. On the ordered argument
has any). (The agent can, of course, be a group, as in "Lee and
approach, predicates are typed for the number of arguments they
Robin lifted Kim.") These thematic role functional expressions are
take. For example, a transitive verb like eat in John ate an apple,
not themselves the translations of any natural language expressions
would correspond to a three-place relation between an eating
but enter into both the specification of the meaning of the predi-
event, an agent and a theme. This naturally lends itself to a theory
cates corresponding to verbs (for example, in constraints on the
of mapping from semantic argument structure into syntactic. po-
interpretation of those predicates) and the specification of the map
sitions based on the principle that if a predicate has n semantic
between the thematic role formulas and syntactic structures of nat-
slots in addition to the event argument, then n corresponding
urallanguage. Thus the translation of the English verb kiss will be a
syntactic positions have to be filled. This in turn entails that
complex expression that includes a predicate of events, which we
some kind of operation will be required in order to license, for
designate as kiss", along with a specification of the various partici-
pant roles, in this case, AGENT and THEME. example, intransitive uses of a verb like eat (as in John ate). On the
event based approach, however, verbs are all uniformly analyzed
On this view the English sentences (95a, b), repeated here as
in terms of one-place predicates of events. Hence, something has
(102a) and (103a), can be represented as in (102b) and (103b), re-
to determine which of the semantically required thematic roles
spectively, if we ignore tense and the aspectual difference between
are going to be syntactically projected (and how). This difference
events like kicking and states like liking. (We will consider these
between the two approaches has been put to various linguistic
differences in the next subsection.)
uses. 15
(102) a. Lee kissed Kim. One thing that emerges, however, is that on either approach the
b. 3e[kiss"(e) !\AGENT( e)= 1!\THEME( e)= k] semantic specification of required or allowed thematic roles does
(103) a. Lee liked Kim. not immediately predict what is called the syntactic subcatego-
b. 3e[like"(e) /\EXPERIENCER(e) = 1 !\THEME( e)= kj rization of a verb, whether, for example, the verb requires or per-
mits a direct object. For example, like semantically requires both an
Formula (102b) can be read as follows: there is an event that is a agent and a theme, and syntactically it requires both subject and
kissing and the agent of that event is Lee and its theme is Kim. object. And with swallow, where an agent is semanticaHy obliga-
The thematic role properties of particular verb translations in the tory but a theme is optional, the verb is subcategorized for an
calculus could be partly specified by meaning postulates like those optional direct object. But matters are not always so straightfor-
in (104). ward. The verb eat, for example, is like swallow in that its direct
(104) a. o\fe[kiss"(e)----) 3x(AGENT(e) = x)] object is syntactically optional but unlike swallow in semantically
b. o\fe[kiss"(e)----) 3y(THEME(e) = y)] requiring a theme. It satisfies a meaning postulate like (104b) rather
than (106). Nonetheless, unlike like, eat can occur without a direct
This says that kissing semantically requires an agent and a theme.
object. We might even say that dine also requires a theme semanti-
Similarly, liking requires both an experiencer and a theme.
cally (if one dines, one dines "on" something, dining events being
(105) a. 0\fe[like"(e) ----) 3x(EXPERIENCER(e) = x)] kinds of eating events), but syntactically dine neither requires nor
b. o\fe[like"(e)----) 3y(THEME(e) = y)] even permits a direct object.
Word Meaning 479

In any case, an event-based theory of thematic roles must is the subject; with please the object. This suggests that experi-
address the questions of what functions such roles as agent, encers are not quite so dominant as agents are.
riencer, and theme actually pick out and whether there really are Furthermore, there are predicates whose argument structures do
objectively assessable grounds for assigning each subject or direct not naturally lend themselves to classification in terms of the
object NP to some such role. Even if thematic roles are thought of agent/ experiencer /theme distinction ( c9nsider the verbs own,
functions from eventualities to participants in them, we can still weigh, resemble, follow versus precede, etc.), a fact which further
ask what properties are attributed to a participant by virtue ofb limits the scope of the generalization at hand.
picked out by such a function. What does it tell us about There are two main positions that one can take in this connec-
participation in an event that she is the agent of that event? tion. One is to look for a quite small set of thematic roles in terms of
has often been observed that different generalizations invoking which each argument of each predicate can be classified. This
thematic roles require slightly different conceptions of the proper~ would indicate that thematic roles are central tools in concep-
ties the bearers of those roles are required to have, of the nature tualizing and lexicalizing events. Moreover, thematic roles could
their participation in the eventuality. For example, being an agent replace arbitrary indexing (ordered arguments) as a way of linking
is sometimes said to imply an intentional action and sometimes syntactic structure to meaning.
to imply just activity; intentionality may be relevant for one se" A second position one can take is that though a set of recurrent
mantically based generalization, and activity for another. 16 Of thematic roles can be individuated and plays a role in stating cer-
course, although they can be manifested independently, activity tain generalizations (like the one above on case marking), such a set
and intentionality are often linked. In this regard the event-based is not sufficient to classify each argument of each predicate and
theory of thematic roles is on a par with the ordered-argument thus cannot replace arbitrary indexing in characterizing the link
approach. between syntactic positions and meaning. In a sense this would
There are various generalizations whose formulation has been reduce the explanatory power of these notions while still main-
argued to involve thematic roles. One of the most important ones taining for them a potentially important role in the grammar. These
concerns the selection of grammatical relations as it manifests itself two positions can be further articulated in various ways.
in, for example, case-marking patterns. Take a language that has Thematic roles have also been argued to be important in language
a nominative/accusative contrast in its case system, like Latin, acquisition. Suppose a child comes to understand the truth con-
Japanese or (in a morphologically much poorer way) even English. ditions associated with a sentence like "Lee kissed Kim" (however
In simple clauses with a transitive verb not marked by passive expressed in her language) and is attuned to the notion of an agent
morphology, the agent argument is marked nominative and the and therefore is capable of classifying Lee as the agent. If she has
theme argument accusative. the default expectation that agents are generally subjects, she can
Notice that things could be otherwise. It is perfectly conceivable then figure out how subjects are encoded in the grammar of her
that the correlation between the nominative case marking and language (she can figure out, for example, whether she is dealing
agentivity might be completely random. Yet this does not seem to with a subject-verb-object language or an verb-object-subject lan-
happen. This suggests that notions such as agent and patient must guage). She can then project this information onto cases where
play a role in the function of language systems. thematic information is insufficient to determine grammatical rela-
Of course, the above generalization works only for those verbs tions (as with psychological predicates perhaps).
whose arguments are clearly classifiable as agents and themes. An Dowty (1989) has proposed a version of this view where notions
interesting case is constituted by psychological verbs such as like of thematic roles like agent may be cluster or family resemblance
and please. In agent-theme argument structures, the agent is in- concepts that are significant primarily in enabling the child to fig-
variably marked nominative. In contrast, experiencer-theme argu- ure out how its language marks grammatical roles. A cluster con-
ment structures appear to go either way. With like the experiencer cept can be thought of as associated not with a single set of
Word Meaning 481

properties but with a family of such sets. For the agent concept (107) a. 3t3e[t <now' 1\ kiss"(e) 1\ AGENT( e) = 1
union over this family contains all the properties associated with /\THEME(e) =k/\CUL(e,t)]
agency; a prototypical bearer of the agent role would exhibit all b. 3t3e[t < now 1 Alike 11 (e) /\EXPERIENCER(e) = J
almost all of these properties.
1\ THEME( e) = k 1\ HOLD( e, t)]
The tools we have introduced for semantic analysis do not settle
the many difficult questions about thematic roles and their status States never culminate but only hold. Th~ progressive form of an
linguistic theory. Yet they can help us formulate some of those event verb like kiss is stativelike; sentence (108a) might translate
questions more precisely, one part of being able to explore something like (108b).
productively. The point of interest here is that these notions appe (108) a. Lee is kissing Kim.
to be amenable to a number of precise truth-conditional b. 3t3e[t=now 1 Akiss 11 (e)/\AGENT(e) = j
We have briefly considered here two that look particularly /\THEME(e) =k/\HOLD(e,t)]
ing without trying to choose between them. The possibility
In addition, once events are in the picture we can talk about their
investigating these notions with logical tools should pave the way,
internal structure. So, e.g., events may have development parts,
we hope, to a better understanding of what their role in linguistic
theory should be. what Parsons calls "in-progress" stages, or target "result" states
(the target result state of an event of walking to the store is being at
the store). And the semantic structure of causatives and inchoa-
4.2 Aspectual character revisited tives, which we discussed in section 2, can be articulated directly
in terms of events. So, e.g., (109a) can be represented as (109b) and
In section 2.2 on lexical decomposition, we briefly mentioned the
(110a) as (110b), which in turn is equivalent to (112c). The event
matter of aspectual character (Aktionsarten). Verbs and VPs either
predicate awaken" is associated with the intransitive verb awaken.
involve states, on the one hand, or events in the narrow sense of
happenings on the other, with events further broken down into (109) a. Joan awakened.
those with a natural endpoint-these are called telic-and those b. 3t3e[t <now' 1\ awaken 11 (e) 1\ THEME( e) = j
lacking such an endpoint-activities or processes. These classi- 1
1\ BECOME( awake )(e) 1\ CUL(e, t)]

fications and their relation to such matters as distribution of the

(110) a. Chris awakened Joan.
progressive, of imperative forms, of various kinds of temporal ad-
b. 3t3e[t < now' 1\ cuL( e, t) 1\ AGENT( e) = c 1\ awaken" (e)
verbials, etc., obviously have something to do with the internal 1 1
1\ (3t3e [t < t < now' 1\ THEME( e ) = j 1\ BECOME( awake')( e')

structure of eventualities. Thus bringing events (and states) into 1 1

1\ CAUSE(e, e ) 1\ CUL(e , t )Jl

verbal semantics may help us articulate a more explicit account of

these phenomena. For the inchoative, we use a predicate operator BECOME that maps
Again, we'll draw on Parsons (1990) to illustrate. The transla- predicates of individuals, e.g., awake', into predicates of events; we
tions we gave in (102b) and (103b) of the sentences in (95) ignored will need to ensure that, e.g., the theme of an event that satisfies
the aspectual differences between the eventive verb kiss and the BECOME( awake') will itself satisfy awake' at the time the event cul-
stative verb like. Parsons posits two basic ways in which even- minates (that at the time the becoming awake event culminates,
tualities relate to times, culminating and holding. Adding to our Joan, its theme, is awake). The two-event analysis that enters into
calculus the predicates CUL and HOLD and variables ranging over Dowty's Cis directly incorporated in the translation in (110), with
times along with a contextually interpreted term now', we can offer the subject of the transitive causative being identified as agent of
translations like those in (107). (We continue to ignore composi- the causing event: this does ensure that in order to awaken some-
tional details such as how tense should be translated; we have also one, the subject has to do something to cause the awakening (and
used an event rather than a special state variable for translating the not simply, as in Dowty's analysis, to have some property that
stative.) causes the awakening). But the analysis still does not guarantee
immediate or direct causation.
Word Meaning 483

Our point here is not to endorse a particular approach to (113) a. No.1 is redder than no. 2, though both are sort of
tual character or to the related phenomena of verbal alternations orange.
We just want to illustrate that bringing events into the semantic b. No. 2 is oranger than no. 1, though both are sort of red.
ontology opens up an interesting range of possible analyses of
In such circumstances we might be inclined to say that sentence
matters as well as of such phenomena as adverbial modification
(114a) is more nearly true than (114b) and (114c) more nearly true
and thematic roles. In recent years, events have been widely
than (114d).
adopted as fundamental units for semantic analysis.
(114) a. No. 1 is red.
b. No.2 is red.
5 Semantic Imprecision c. No. 2 is orange.
What do we mean when we say that an expression is d. No. 1 is orange.
imprecise? The basic idea is that its contribution to Kay and McDaniel (1978) proposed that color words and many
ditions is indeterminate because the criteria we have are just other lexical items have semantic content that makes reference to a
sharp enough. Consider red, for example. Suppose we are looking prototype, which sets the standard for absolute or full satisfaction
at color chips in the paint store. Some chips are clearly red, of the concept. 17 Thus, they argue, we judge the applicability of
are clearly orange, and others lie somewhere between a good red color words through similarity to some kind of prototypical exem-
and a good orange. Suppose the chip we are looking at is right in plars: focal or true red and focal or true orange, for example. What
the middle of the red-orange range. Then there seems to be no good is important is that individuals may be more or less similar to these
answer to the question of what truth values to assign to sentences prototypes. Unlike truth as we have understood it, similarity comes
(111a) and (111b) because there seem to be grounds for saying each in degrees and thus might seem to provide the basis for under-
is true and grounds for saying each is false: no further facts can standing noncategorical judgments of "kind of" or "half" true.
help. There is something right about this, but how can such notions of
(111) a. This chip is red. degrees of truth best be understood?
b. This chip is orange. The first thing to see is that not all imprecise concepts are graded
in terms of similarity to a prototype. Consider, for example, the
To put it another way, [red] and [orange] are not well-defined
sentences in (115).
sets because we may have individuals in our domain of discourse
(chips in the paint store) for which it is neither definitely the case (115) a. Eloise is tall.
that they belong to one or the other set nor definitely the case that b. Peggy is tall.
they fail to belong to either of them. It is not that our borderline It seems implausible to propose a prototype associated with tall
chip is the wrong sort of thing to be classed as red or orange; rather, even where we have fixed the relevant contextual property relative
classification principles simply do not permit a sharp line, as they to which tallness is to be assessed. Is there a prototype of the tall
support both classifications to some extent. We often use sentences contemporary American woman? Even if there were, whether or
like those in (112) in describing such circumstances. not (115a) is true or how "nearly" true it is does not depend on
(112) a. This chip is kind ofred. how closely Eloise resembles that prototype. Suppose the proto-
b. This chip is somewhat orange. typical tall American woman is 5 feet 9 inches tall and Eloise is 6
c. This chip is reddish orange or orangey red. feet 2 inches tall, whereas Peggy is 5 feet 5 inches tall. Peggy's
height differs by only 4 inches from that of our prototype, whereas
Or we say of the sentences in (111) that they are "kind of true" or
Eloise's differs by 5 inches: Peggy is more similar in height to the
"half true" or something similar. With two chips, 1 and 2, we might
prototype than Eloise. But of course (115a) should be taken as fully
use sentences like those in (113).
true, whereas (115b) is at best "sort of" or "half" true. Appeal to
Word Meaning 485
Chapter 8 484

prototypes is thus not always relevant when we are dealing with supposition failure) is that in the former but not the latter case there
semantic imprecision. is some intuition about "half" truths and about greater or lesser
How can semantic imprecision be handled in a compositional claims to truth. The question is how these intuitions are to figure in
account of truth conditions? The idea we will explore in this sec- a recursive account of sentential semantics. Some readers may have
tion is that imprecision can be dealt with by making our inter- heard of so-called fuzzy logics, whit;;h posit a multiplicity of truth
pretation partial. In chapter 6 we have already introduced the values between absolute truth and absolute falsity, indeed non-
possibility of incomplete or partially undefined dynamic truth denumerably many such intermediate values. It is instructive to
conditions. The truth conditions for a sentence were defined only consider briefly one such fuzzy system, first proposed in Zadeh
relative to contexts whose common ground entailed the sentence's (1965) and introduced to linguistics in Lakoff(1972), and to explain
presuppositions and then only for indices <w, i) included in that some of the drawbacks inherent in it and similar approaches .to
common ground. The kind of partiality we will need to deal with imprecision. We will then introduce the technique of super"
vagueness, however, is going to be different. The fuzziness of color valuation and show how fuzziness can be more adequately treated
terminology seems relatively independent of contextual factors. using this technique.
And although measure predicates like tall depend on context in We will focus on fuzziness due to imprecise predicates and use
their interpretation, relativizing them to contextual parameters color and height terminology as illustrative cases. The strategy in
does not remove their fuzziness but simply locates the region fuzzy semantics for treating such predicates is to suppose that their
where fuzziness is found. Even when the context supplies a com- extensions are what are called fuzzy sets rather than sets in the
parison class for height, whether 5 feet 10 inches or 5 feet 11 inches classical sense we have adopted.
counts as tall relative to that comparison class may be indetermi- As mentioned in our appendix on set theory, each classical set A
nate. Finally, the incompleteness of our dynamic definitions of is associated with a two-valued membership function flA (also
truth is not associated with any notions of "sort of" true or "partly" called the characteristic function of A), which is defined as follows:
true or "more" true. To put it another way, there is no structure (116) Let a be a member of the domain of discourse U. Then
associated with failure to assign truth values as such: truth value flA(a) = 1 iff a E A, and 0 otherwise.
gaps need not in any sense lie between truth and falsity, nor need
So, for example, let flwom be the membership function associated
they be comparable to one another. Partial truth definitions of
with [woman'] and suppose that a E flwom and b ¢ flwom· Then we
the kind encountered with presupposition do not result in any-
will have that flwom(a) = 1 and flwom(b) = 0. We can then restate
thing like the "partial" truth associated with borderline cases for
the truth conditions of simple monadic predicate formulas as
imprecise expressions. Although many imprecise expressions also
depend on context (like tall), the distinctive features of fuzziness
do not emerge simply from considerations of contextual and dis- (117) If flPred designates the membership function of [Pred],
course factors leading to incomplete truth definitions. [Pred(t)] flPred([t]).
To keep the discussion that follows relatively simple, we will
This is just another way of saying that [Pred(t)] = 1 iff the indi-
consider only static truth conditions and ignore both context and
vidual [t] is a member of the set [Pred], and otherwise that
discourse. This is just an expository strategy, however. We think
[Pred(t)] 0.
that dynamic semantics will ultimately prove useful in the formal
Fuzzy set theory allows the membership function to assign not
analysis of semantic imprecision, although we also think that im-
only values 1 and 0 but also values that lie between these two. For
portant features of the approach we adopt below will be part of any
example, in (113) above we introduced chips 1 and 2, the first red-
successful dynamic account.
der than the second and the second oranger than the first. Let flred
As we noted above, the fundamental difference between indeter-
and floran be the fuzzy membership functions. We might then assign
minacy of truth value assignment due to imprecision or borderline
membership values as in (118).
fuzziness of concepts and that arising for other reasons (like pre-
Chapter 8 Word Meaning 487

(118) a. flred ([no. 1']) =.55 flred([no. 2']) = .45 (122) a. No. 3 is not red. .5 [= 1 .5]
b. floran([no. 1']) = .45 floran([no. 2']) =.55 b. No. 3 is red, or no. 3 is not red. .5 [= max(.5, .5)]

If we adopt the definition of truth conditions for simple formulas

c. No. 3 is red, and no. 3 is not
red. .5 [= min(.5, .5)]
given in (117) but use fuzzy membership functions as in (118), the
d. If no. 3 is not red, then no. 1 i~
sentences in (114), repeated in (119) with their If translations, will
red. 1.0 [because .5 ..:;; .55]
be assigned the intermediate fuzzy truth values indicated.
e. If no. 3 is red, then no. 1 is red. 1.0 [because .5 ..:;; .55]
(119) a. No. 1 is red. red'(no. 1 1) .55
It is easy to calculate values using (121), but the results are
b. No.2 is red. red'(no. 2') .45
hardly intuitive. While it may seem fine to say that (122a) is "half"
c. No. 2 is orange. orange'(no. 2 1) .55
true, one is surprised to find exactly the same intermediate truth
d. No. 1 is orange. orange'(no. 1 1) .45
value assigned to (122b), which has the form of a classical tautol-
Suppose that a third chip, no. 3, lying between no. 1 and no. 2, ogy, and (122c), which has the form of a classical contradiction.
plugs into the membership functions associated with red and Now people sometimes claim that (122b) is of dubious truth in such
orange to yield value .5 in both cases; that is, flred([no. 3]) = .5 = middling circumstances and that (122c) does seem true in some
floran([no. 3]). Then we will have the following truth values: sense. We recognize that (122b) can seem more dubious than its
(120) a. No. 3 is red. red'(no. 3 1) .5 tautologous character would seem to warrant and that (122c) can,
b. No. 3 is orange. orange'(no. 3 1) .5 in spite of its contradictory form, function to convey descriptive
content. However, for reasons to be detailed shortly, we think that
How would such intermediate values enter into truth conditions these facts are better explained in a different way. We further note
for compound sentences? There are various options here. Zadeh that (122d) seems an unlikely candidate for absolute truth in the
proposed essentially the following account. (We will ignore quan- circumstances we have sketched, since taking no. 3 as not red by no
tified expressions in what follows and focus only on negation and means forces us to take no. 1 as red, since no. 1, although redder
the logical connectives. We will also continue to omit reference to than no. 3, is also not red to a significant extent ( .45). In contrast,
M, w, i, c, and g.) the valuation of (122e) as absolutely true seems correct, since no. 1
(121) a. [[ --.S]] = 1 [S] is indeed redder than no. 3. So there is a contrast between our in-
b. [[S1 1\ S 2 ]] = the minimum of [Si] and [S 2 ] tuitive judgments of (122d) and (122e). Yet (122d) and (122e) can-
c. [[S1 v S 2 ]] = the maximum of [Si] and [S 2 ] not be differentiated in this approach.
d. [[S 1 ____, Sz]] = 1 iff [S 1] ..:;; [S 2 ] The following sentences illustrate further problems.
Otherwise, [[S 1 ____, S 2 ]] = [Sz] (123) a. No. 2 is not red. .55 [= 1- .45]
Note that if we allow only values 1 and 0, then (121) assigns the b. No. 2 is red, or no. 2 is not
same values as the classical approach we have adopted. Although red. .55 [= max(.45, 55)]
we use Zadeh's valuations for illustrative purposes, the problems c. No. 2 is red, and no. 2 is
we point to arise for any fuzzy logic that shares with Zadeh's the not red. .45 [= min(.45, .55)]
feature of fuzzy truth-conditional definitions for the connectives. 18 d. If no. 2 is red, then no. 1 is
We will concretely illustrate the problems of fuzzy truth conditions red. 1.0 [because .45 ..:;; .55]
by discussing some examples. e. If no. 2 is red, then no. 1 is
If we assume the valuations presented in (119) and (120) and not red. 1.0 [because .45 ..:;; .45]
standard translations of the kind we have discussed, valuations are Here we do find the formal tautology (123b) ranked "truer" than the
assigned to the sentences in (122) as indicated. formal contradiction (123c), but the tautology fares no better than
Word Meaning 489

We then get results such as those in (127).

the monoclausal negative (123a), and the contradiction no worse
than t~e simple affirmative (118b). It may seem good to have (123d) (127) a. If Peggy is tall, then no. 1 is red. 1.0
uneqmvocally true; after all, by hypothesis no. 1 is redder than b. If Peggy is tall, then no. 2 is red. .45
no. 2. It then seems quite odd that (123e) comes out equally (and c. Peggy is tall, and no. 3 is red. .5
absolutely) true. d. Peggy is tall, and no. 1 is red. .5
Let us now introduce one more chip and two more sets of fuzzy e. Peggy is not tall, or no. 1 is red. .55
valuations. Let us suppose we have a chip (no. 4) on the violet side Comparing Peggy's height to the redness of the chips seems at
offocal red such that the valuations in (124) hold. best puzzling. Note also that (127a) and (127e), which are truth-
(124) a. No.4 is red. .6 conditionally equivalent in standard bivalent semantics, are as-
b. No. 4 is orange. 0.0 signed quite different fuzzy values.
We could continue to adduce problematic examples, but the
We can now compare all four chips with respect to the property
moral seems clear. Although there is initially some intuitive plau-
of being either red or orange.
sibility in treating borderline cases as taking intermediate truth
(125) a. No. 1 is red, or no. 1 is orange. .55 [max(.55, .45)] values, serious difficulties arise if we treat the values of compound
b. No. 2 is red, or no. 2 is orange. .55 [max(.45, .55)] sentences as functions ofthe intermediate values assigned to simple
. . t9 It
c. No. 3 is red, or no. 3 is orange. .5 [max(.5, .5)] sentences, which is what any fuzzy semantics reqmres. seems
d. No. 4 is red, or no. 4 is orange. .6 [max(.6, D)] clear that we need an alternative approach to characterizing the
middleness of borderline cases for imprecise expressions. We next
According to these valuations, the chip lying exactly on the red/
discuss the method of supervaluations, which seems to provide a
orange border (no. 3) is a less good instance of being red or orange
promising alternative for the treatment of imprecision.
than chips lying nearer to red (no. 1) or nearer to orange (no. 2),
and all three of these reddish-orangish chips are less good in-
stances of being red or orange than the somewhat violet and not at
all orange chip (no. 4), which happens to be a bit redder. We have Exercise 5 A. Justify the values assigned in (127).
no clear intuitions as to whether in these circumstances (125a) and B. Assign values to the following sentences.
(125b) should count as "truer" than (125c); our own inclination is (1) No.2 is not red.
to judge all three as equally and absolutely true. But we do have
(2) No. 2 is not orange.
sharp intuitions that any of the three has at least as much claim to
being true as (125d) and indeed that their claim is greater (and thus (3) If no. 2 is not orange, then no. 3 is orange and not orange.
that they are in some sense "truer"), in light of the iffiness of the
(4) If no. 2 is not orange, then no. 1 is red.
judgment that no. 4 is red and the unequivocal nature of the judg-
ment that no. 4 is not orange. The supervaluational analysis of (5) No. 1 is red, or no. 2 is not red.
borderline cases introduced below accords with these intuitive (6) No.1 is not red, and no. 2 is not red.
judgments more closely than the fuzzy logic approach, as we will
shortly see.
Finally, note also there is no real intuitive basis for comparing Supervaluations were introduced by van Fraassen (1966) and
middling values of simple sentences that are semantically un- then applied to the analysis of semantic imprecision in Fine (1 975)
related. Suppose, for example, that we return to the sentences in and in Kamp (1975). 20 Our account here is just a first approxima-
(115) and assign them valuations in (126). tion but it does show the distinctive features of the approach.
The general strategy of supervaluations is to assign truth values
(126) a. Eloise is tall. 1.0 [height= 6 feet 2 inches]
in three stages. The initial valuation, which we will notate as [ ]P,
b. Peggy is tall. .5 [height= 5 feet 5 inches]
Chapter 8 Word Meaning 491

is partial; that is, [S]P may be 1, 0, or undefined. The intuitive idea As before, we will suppose that no. 3 is a borderline case of red-
is that borderline cases of the sort we have discussed above will ness. That is, our initial partial valuation [ ]P is undefined for the
give rise to truth value gaps where [S]P is undefined. We will sentences in (130).
ignore the details of the recursive definition of [S]P for the moment
(130) a. No.3 is red.
and just note that atomic sentences get the value 0, or get the value
b. No. 3 is not red.
1, or are undefined. A compound sentence that contains an atomic
sentence whose value is undefined will itself be undefined at this Now any of the complete valuations [ ]t by definition assigns
initial stage; otherwise, the recursive definition of initial truth values to each of the sentences in (130). If [(130a)J = 1, then it
conditions proceeds just as in our earlier fragments. must be the case that [(130b)]t = 0 (since [ ]tis classical), and thus
If we stopped there, the approach at the sentence level would be we will have that [(129a)]t = 1 and [(129b)]t = 0. If, on the other
essentially equivalent to the three-valued logic proposed in Boch- hand, [(130a)]t 0, then [(130b)f 1, and thus once again we will
var (1939), where undefined functions as a third truth value. For us have that [(129a)J = 1 and [(129b)]t = 0. It therefore follows that
however, the partial function [ ]P is only a step on the way to de~ [(129a)]* = 1 and [(129b)]* = 0, since all the complete valuations
fining the partial supervaluation [ ]* and is not itself the final in l: assign these sentences the same values.
analysis. Note that for supervaluations it makes little sense to think of un-
In the second stage we look at a family l: of total valuations [ J defined as a third truth value. The reason is that we cannot define
of the standard bivalent sort; that is, for every atomic sentence [ ]* for a compound sentence simply by considering what [ ]*
S, [Sf = 0 or 1, and connectives receive their standard truth- assigns to its constituents. For example, two sentences S1 and S 2
functional definitions. The total valuations in l: extend the partial may have the same structure, and [ ] * may assign to the compo-
valuation [ ]P in the sense that they do not change the values as- nents of S1 and S 2 the same values, and yet we may find that [Sl]*
signed by [ ]P but only fill in the truth value gaps with 1s or Os. In is undefined, but [S 2 ]* receives a value. Consider, .for example,
other words, if [S]P is defined, then [S]P [Sl So we move from sentence (115b), repeated here as (131a):
an initial partial interpretation function [ ]P to a family l: of com- (131) a. Peggy is tall.
plete interpretations, which contains different ways of completing b. Peggy is tall, or no. 3 is red.
[ ]P. c. No. 3 is red, or no. 3 is not red.
In the third and final stage of supervaluation, we generalize over
the values assigned by the complete valuations in l: an·d define a Assume as above that (131a) is borderline and thus that [(131a)]P
partial supervaluation [ ]* as follows. and [(131a)]* are both undefined. Now how we close gaps for tall-
ness has no connection to how we close gaps for redness. Thus for
(128) a. [S]* = 1 iff for all [ E l:, [S]t = 1. some [ ] t, [(130a)] t = [(131a)] t = 1, and for some other [ ] t' ,
b. [S]* = 0 iff for all [ E l:, [SJ = 0. [(130a)f' = [(131a)f' 0. It follows then that in some completions of
c. [S]* is otherwise undefined. our original [ ]P, the disjunction of (131a) and (130a), given in
It is easy to see that ciassical formal tautologies and classical (131b), will be false, and in other it will be true. But then [(131b)]*
formal contradictions will emerge as tautologies and contradictions is undefined because it does not receive the same value for every
for the final partial supervaluation [ ]*. An example will show how member ofl:. Notice, however, that [(131c)]* [(129a)]* = 1. Now
this works. Consider the tautology in (129a) and the contradiction (131b) and (131c) are both disjunctions with the property that [ ]*
in (129b). is equally undefined for each disjunct. If [ ]* assigned values to
disjunctions on the basis of what it assigns to each disjunct, then
(129) a. No. 3 is red, or no. 3 is not red.
we would have [(131b)]* = [(131c)]*. But we have just seen that
b. No. 3 is red, and no. 3 is not red.
[(131b)]* is undefined, while [(131c)]* 1. This means that in
Word Meaning 493

supervaluational approaches we cannot regard undefined as an b. [S1 1\ Sz]P = 1 if [S 1]P = [S 2]P 1,

intermediate truth value that enters compositionally in the valua- 0 if (i) [Si]P = [S 2]P = 0 or (ii) [S 1]P = 0 and
tion of larger formulas. [S 2]P = 1 or (iii) [S 1]P = 1 and [S 2]P = 0,
We now flesh out the supervaluation approach to imprecision. is otherwise undefined.
First, we have to say something about how the initial partial valu- c. [S 1 v S 2]P 1 if (i) [S 1]P [S 2]P = 1 or (ii) [S 1]P = 0 and
ation [ ]P is to be defined. Second, we need to say more about the [S 2]P = 1 or (iii) [S 1]P = 1 and [S 2]P = 0,
family 1: in order to see how the supervaluation technique can fig- = 0 if [S 1]P = [S 2]P = 0,
ure in an account of the perceived middleness of truth value gaps is otherwise undefined.
arising from fuzziness and of the notion of degrees of truth. Finally, d. [S1 ----t S 2]P = 1 if (i) [S 1]P = [S 2]P 1 or (ii) [Si]P =
we will look at how the supervaluational approach we propose [S 2]P = 0 or (iii) [S 1]P = 0 and [S 2]P = 1,
fares with the problematic cases for fuzzy logic approaches. = 0 if [S 1]P = 1 and [S 2]P = 0,
In defining [ ]P, we need to say something only about how im- is otherwise undefined.
precise expressions contribute to these initial partial truth con-
ditions. For example, relative to a model M, a context c a world w Next we want to consider the family 1: and the possible total
' ' valuations that extend an initial partial valuation. Let us begin
and a time i, predicates Fke red' and tall' can be thought of as
dividing the domain of individuals into three nonintersecting sets: by considering what additional constraints we want to place on
the set of things of which the predicate is definitely true, the set of possible initial interpretations of imprecise adjectives, since such
things of which it is definitely false, and the set of things of which it constraints may affect permitted complete extensions of those
is indeterminate whether the predicate holds or not. We will call interpretations. At present all we have done is to divide the exten-
the set of individuals to which the predicate definitely applies in sion of certain predicates into a positive part, a negative part, and a
the given circumstances its positive extension, and we will denote possibly nonempty middle ground. But we have not actually said
it by [Pred]+. The set of things of which the predicate is definitely anything about the relation between the positive and negative ex-
false will be called its negative extension, and we will denote it as tensions that might give content to the notion that what remains is
[Predr. In other words, instead of having the model's interpreta- somehow between them. Nor, of course, do we have any analogue
tion function assign to each predicate a set of individuals, we have of the infinite range of degrees of membership in the extension of a
it assign two sets as in (132a) and use these sets in defining truth predicate, which was used to structure the middle ground in fuzzy
conditions as in (132b). 21 theory.
The reason fuzzy theory initially seems so appealing is that we
(132) a. Where [Predt n [Predr = 0, do have some kind of ordering associated with each imprecise
[Pred]P <[Predt ,[Predr ). predicate of the individuals in its domain. Middleness and grades
b. [Pred(t)]P = 1 iff [t] E [Predt, thereof derive from this ordering. In the case of color words, the
= o iff [t] E [Predr, ordering seems to be mediated by comparisons to something like a
is otherwise undefined. prototype, perhaps a distinguished individual that serves as a focal
Truth conditions for negation and the binary connectives are exemplar of the color in question. Individual a is redder than indi-
defined as in (133). These are just the classical definitions except vidual b, for example, if the color of a is more similar to prototype
that if a constituent receives no value, the compound sentence also r, which exemplifies focal red, than is the color of b. For words like
lacks a value. tall and short, individuals can be compared directly in terms of
their heights. For some imprecise expressions the ordering may be
(133) a. [ -,S]P 1 if [S]P = 0,
partial. Expressions like beautiful and intelligent fall in this cate-
= 0 if [S]P = 1,
gory. Perhaps Joan is more intelligent than Bill, and Leslie is more
is otherwise undefined.
intelligent than Chris, but neither Joan nor Bill can be compared in
Chapter 8 494 Word Meaning 495

intelligence to Leslie or Chris; one pair might exemplify some sort Clause (d) ensures that the interpretation is total, and clauses (e)
of mathematical intelligence and the other practical wisdom. and (f) ensure that we don't change values assigned by the initial
We can capture these intuitions by resorting to a (possibly par- partial valuation.
tial) order relation as a component of the interpretation of our im- That are, of course, additional kinds of constraints placed by the
precise predicates. (Where appropriate, we could have that order language on the initial model and its possible completions. These
mediated by similarity to a prototype, but we will ignore that com- constraints are of the sort we captured earlier through meaning
plication here.) We implement this idea by having [ ]P assign not postulates. For example, we will want to place constraints like
only negative and positive extensions to each imprecise expression those in (136) through (139) on possible initial interpretations and
but also a relation that orders individuals with respect to the degree their completions. The constraints in (136) require that tall' and
to which they satisfy the predicate. This relation might depend on short' be incompatible predicates.
context, just like the comparison class, but we will continue to
(136) a. [tall]+ s; [shortr [tall]t+ s; [shortJ-
ignore contextual effects here. The important feature of the order-
b. [shortt s; [tallr [ short]t+ s; [tallJ-
ing relations is that it constrains possible positive and negative ex-
tensions as well as possible completions of the initial imprecise In (137) we state the incompatibility of instances of focal colors:
interpretation. We use -<Pred to indicate this ordering relation: things that are definitely orange are not definitely red, etc.
x -<Pred y is read "x is ranked lower than y on the ordering asso- (137) a. [oranget [redt = 0
11 [orange ]t+ n [redJ+ 0
ciated with Pred." Suppose that the predicate is tall'. Then read the b. [violet]+ 11 [red]+ 0 [violet]t+ 11 [red]t+ = 0
intended order relation -<tall as follows: x -<tally iff x is less tall
than y. So we modify (132a) as follows: In (138) we ensure that what is red is oranger than what is violet
and more violet than what is orange, thus positioning what is red
(134) [Pred]P <[Pred]+, [Predr, -<PrecV between what is violet and what is orange.
a. [Pred]+ 11 [Predr = 0 (138) a. If x E [redt andy E [violet]+, then y -<orange X.
b. If x E [Predt and x -<Pred z, then z E [Predt. If X E [redJ+ andy E [violet]!+ then y -<orange x.
c. If x E [Predr and z -<Pred x, then z E [Predr. b. If x E [red]+ andy E [orange]+, then y -<violet X·
If x E [red]t+ and y E [orange ]t+, then y -<violet x.
What (134) does is to ensure that if an individual is in the posi-
tive extension of tall' then so are all taller individuals, and if an Finally, (139) guarantees that an individual in the middle ground
individual is in the negative extension, then so are all the less tall between what is red and what is orange will be classed as either red
individuals. or orange by each complete model.
Now we are ready to say what constraints we place on total (139) If x ¢[red]+, x ¢ [oranget, and there exist y [oranget
extensions [ J. and z E [red]+ such that y -<red x and z -<orange x, then for
(135) For every [ J, [Pred]t = <[PredJ+, [Pred]t-, -<Pred)· all [ ]\ either x E [redJ+ or x E [orange ]t+.
Conditions: The notion of completeness requires that each individual in the
a. [PredJ+ 11 [PredJ- = 0 domain of color terminology be assigned to the positive extension
b. If x E [PredJ+ and x -<Pred z, then z E [Pred]t+. of one of the color words, which reflects the idea that the colors
c. If x E [PredJ- and z -<Pred x, then z E [PredJ-. are adjacent to one another. We would not want something analo-
d. [Pred]t+ u [PredJ- = U (the domain of individuals) gous for tall' and short', since they are not thought of as neces-
e. [Predt s; [Pred]t+ sarily adjacent to one another, being only incompatible but not
f. [Predr s; [PredJ- contradictory.
Word Meaning 497
Chapter 8 496

Supervaluations then will be defined with respect to the largest (141) a. It's neither true that I've stopped drinking wine for
family L that satisfies the general constraints in (135) and spe- breakfast nor true that I haven't stopped drinking wine
cific lexical constraints of the sort exemplified in (136) through for breakfast: I've never drunk wine before five in the
We can now compare the supervaluational approach to that of b. The square root of five is ne!ther red nor not red.
fuzzy logic. Let us start by considering how tautologies and con- c. It's not the case that the present queen of France is fat, nor
tradictions are handled. We have seen that supervaluations assign is it the case that the present queen of France is not fat:
truth to formal tautologies and falsity to formal contradictions. France no longer has a queen.
How, then, can we explain the fact that someone may apparently Presumably we can explain such utterances just as we explained
want to dissent from (129a), yet seem to assent to (129b) (repeated how sentences like those in (139) work: they are interpreted as if
here for convenience)? they contained an unpronounced operator essentially equivalent to
(129) a. No. 3 is red, or no. 3 is not red. definitely. But conversationalists don't in these cases utter formal
b. No. 3 is red, and no. 3 is not red. contradictions:

Consider first dissenting from a formal tautology. People do (142) a. ?I've stopped drinking wine for breakfast, and I haven't.
describe borderline cases by uttering sentences like those in (140). b. ?The square root of five is red, and it isn't red.
c. ?The present queen of France is fat and not fat.
(140) a. It's not true that no. 3 is red or that no. 3 is not red.
b. No. 3 is neither red nor not red. This contrasts with their tendency to assent to formally contra-
dictory sentences like (129b). In thus using a formal contradiction,
One plausible explanation is that we understand such utterances we seem explicitly to signal that we are speaking of middling cir-
by appeal to an unpronounced definitely operator. Thus we might cumstances. The characteristic feature of fuzzy borderlines is that
say that sentence S is [definitely] true only if [S]P = 1. The idea is they in some sense license assertion of both the affirmative and the
that definite truth is truth with respect to the initial partial valua- negative, which is why in such circumstances assertion of either
tion; whatever is initially either false or undefined will fail to be affirmative or negative by itself is problematic. It has often been
[definitely] true. Similarly, an individual is [definitely] red only if suggested that we interpret the formal contradictions by supposing
that individual belongs to [redt, the positive extension of red. that the speaker is equivocating, using an ambiguous expression in
Thus dissent from the formal tautology seems to involve denying two different senses. We said something like this ourselves in
definite truth. Since no. 3 is a borderline case, although (129a) is chapter 1, and some expansions of the formally contradictory sen-
supertrue ([(129a)]* = 1), it fails to be [definitely] true ([(129a)]P is tences do suggest such an analysis. The expression in a sense,
undefined). which might seem to suggest disambiguation, does occur often in
It is interesting that assertive utterance of a formal contradiction such expansions. So we find sentences like those in (143).
like (129b) is used in a much narrower range of contexts than de-
nial of a formal tautology like (129a), where the denial may be sig- (143) a. Monks are poor [in the sense of not having individual
nalled by uttering one of the sentences in ( 140). This seems quite possessions, wearing fine clothing, or living in elegantly
inexplicable on the fuzzy logic account, since the negative of the furnished surroundings], yet they are not poor [in the
formal tautology will always take the same fuzzy truth value as the sense that they need have no worries about adequate
formal contradiction (neither can be greater than .5). We have noted nutrition and health care and they are well educated and
that truth conditions may be partial for reasons other than impre- have access to books, music, and art].
cision. In these cases, just as with indeterminacy due to impreci- b. Susan is smart [in the mathematical sense], and yet she is
sion, speakers use the device of dissenting from the formal not smart [in the sense of knowing how to make her way
tautology in order to deny definite or determinate truth. in the world].
Chapter 8 498 Word Meaning 499

yet further reflection shows that such utterances typically differ- (146) a. No. 3 is both red and not red.
entiate straightforward disambiguation from indication of jointly b. No. 3 is both red and orange.
available though conflicting ways to remove imprecision. The sen- An utterance of sentence (146a) essentially asserts that no. 3 is a
tences in ( 143) are cases of the latter, indicating imprecision, and borderline case of red, and (146b) asserts more specifically that no.
not of the former, indicating ambiguity. Take the word smart, 3 lies on the red-orange border. The conflicting potential com-
which (especially in British varieties of English) may indicate pletions of an imprecise predicate are a part of its "global" seman-
stylishness rather than any kind of intelligence. Sentence (144) is tic value and are tied to the order relation and the constraints
quite odd with its genuinely disambiguating expansions. linking both partial and complete interpretations of the predicate to
(144) ?Susan is smart [in the sense of being highly intelligent], those of other semantically related predicates (linking, for example,
but she is not smart [in the sense of adhering to canons of interpretations of red and orange).
style]. We can now also give substance to the intuitive judgment that
chips 1, 2, and 3 are all much better instances of red or orange than
Nor do formal contradictions work to indicate different context-
is the rather red but somewhat violet chip 4. Since no. 3 is in the
sensitive parameters of the kind we saw with the modals. Sentence
middle of the red-orange continuum, (147a) will emerge as super-
(145), indicating different kinds of modal base for establishing the
true, whereas (147b) remains indeterminate on the supervaluation,
truth-conditions for can, is as bizarre as (144).
being true in those completions that put no. 4 in the positive ex-
(145) ?Jeremy can drive [in the sense that he knows how to do it], tension [redf+ and false in those that put it in the negative exten-
but he can't drive [in the sense that he has been forbidden to sion [redf-.
do so by his parents].
(147) a. No. 3 is red, or no. 3 is orange.
The sentences in (144) and ( 145) have an air of (ineffective) puns. b. No. 4 is red, or no. 4 is orange.
They contrast sharply with the readily usable formal contradictions
But what about one sentence's being "truer" than another? Here
for borderline cases.
too the supervaluational approach to imprecision offers something
The assertion of a sentence jointly with its negation is the hall-
interesting and more satisfactory than the fuzzy degrees of truth. By
mark of semantic imprecision and not of ambiguity or contextual
hypothesis, no. 1, no. 2, and no. 3 each lies in the borderline be-
setting of parameters. The reason is that the semantics of the im-
tween red and orange, but no. 1 is redder than both no. 2 and no. 3,
precise predicate brings with it the potential in th~ middle. gro~nd
and no. 2 is also less red than no. 3, our central borderline case. We
for the truth of both the affirmative and the negative by hcensmg
also have no. 4, which is redder than any of these but on the violet
the L family for admissible complete interpretations of the predi-
side of focal red. These chips are ordered by -<red as follows:
cate. A middling chip on the orange-red border, for example, may
rank higher in redness than some other chip that is not [definitely] (148) no. 2 -<red no. 3 -<red no. 1-<redno. 4
orange, and thus it may have to be classed as red on some comple- All the sentences in (149) emerge as indefinite in the super-
tion. At the same time it ranks higher in orangeness than some valuation.
other chip that is not [definitely] red, and thus it must be classed as
not red (and indeed, on our assumptions above, as orange) on some (149) a. No.1 is red.
other completion. Both completions, unlike two different senses. of b. No. 2 is red.
a genuinely ambiguous expression or two distinct values for a sm- c. No. 3 is red.
gle contextual parameter, may be used in a single context. So we d. No. 4 is red.
may utter sentences like (146) of the middling chip, even though Consider, however, L 1 , Lz, L 3 , and L4 , the subfamilies of complete
both emerge in these circumstances as superfalse. interpretations that put no. 1, no. 2, no. 3, and no. 4, respectively,
Chapter 8 500
9 Generalized Quantifiers

in the positive extension of red' and thus make sentences (149a-d)

respectively, true. From the constraints on completions in (135b, c),
we obtain that l; 2 c l; 3 c l:1 c l:4 (which matches exactly the order-
ing in (148)). The family of interpretations that make (149a) true
must be larger than that which make (149c) true because no. 1 is
redder than no. 3, and thus every interpretation that makes no. 3
red must make no. 1 red. Yet there will be completions that make
no. 1 red without making no. 3 red. For the same reason, both l: 3 One of the problems left over from previous chapters is the inter-
and l:1 are larger than the class of interpretations making (149b) pretation of NPs. The kind of semantics for NPs that we have been
true, and of course the largest family of all is that making (149d) able to develop so far is not fully compositional, which gives rise to
true. We could define a measure on these subfamilies that yielded a number of problems (see, for example, chapter 3, section 2.2). In
values like .55 as the size of LiJ .45 as the size of Lz, .5 as the size of the present chapter we will address the issue of how this ·situation
l; 3 , and .6 as the size of l:4 • Such a measure would mimic fuzzy might be improved, and this will give us an occasion to become
values. acquainted with some interesting current results in semantics.
We should also point out that there is no reason to take the To simplify things, we will formulate our approach in an exten-
numbers assigned to the subfamilies associated with inter- sional setting. Recasting it in an intensional framework is straight-
pretations of red' as comparable with those associated with inter- forward.
pretations of tall'. The two sets of subfamilies do not stand in
inclusion relations to one another, since how we complete a partial
interpretation of red' is independent of how we complete a partial The Semantic Value of NPs
interpretation of tall'. This explains why (in contrast to what The problem of interpreting NPs may be put as follows. Take an
happens for the sentences in ( 149) there is little intuitive content arbitrary NP, say every student. It forms a syntactic unit, and com-
to a degree of partial truth for sentences like those in (150), which positionality demands that it also form a semantic unit. The prob-
are like the sentences in (149) in remaining indefinite in the lem is what such a semantic unit could be.
supervaluation. To answer this question, we have to reassess the role of NPs in
(150) a. Eloise is tall, and no. 3 is red. channeling truth conditions. Consider simple subject-predicate
b. If Peggy is tall, then no. 4 is red. sentences like the following:

To summarize, we have presented here two formal approaches to (1) a. Every student smokes.
vagueness and have argned that the supervaluation approach takes b. Every student snores.
us closer to a genuine understanding of the phenomena involved c. Every student likes Loren.
than the fuzzy logic approach. To be sure, there is much more to be Sentence (1a) is true iff every student belongs to the set of people
said about the analysis of semantic imprecision, and there are who smoke; sentence (1b) iff every student belongs to the set of
many outstanding problems that we have ignored. Yet what we people who snores; (1c) iff every student belongs to the set of peo-
have done suffices to illustrated, we think, a very important general ple who like Loren. The pattern is clear. The semantic contribution
issue raised at the outset of the present work. The fact that mean- of every student in these sentences seems to depend only on which
ings are vague is no obstacle to the use of truth-conditional tech- set every student belongs to. This suggests that we might interpret
niques in semantics. Indeed, such techniques might be our best tool every student as a set of sets: the set of sets to which every student
for understanding imprecision. blongs. We can picture this roughly as follows, where A; is a set to
which every student belongs.
Chapter 9 502 Generalized Quantifiers 503

(2) [every student]= {A 1 ,A 2 , .•. ,Ai, ... } (4) [every student] =

In general, a sentence of the form "Every student Qs" will be true

just in case the extension of the predicate Q (i.e., the set of Qs) is in
the set of sets associated with every student. Sentence (1a) is true iff
the extension of the predicate smokes is a member of [every
student], and so on.
A set of sets may seem a curious kind of object to serve as the
semantic value of an NP. An analogy with logical connectives
might be· helpful. It certainly is not obvious how to specify the
semantic value of words like and and or. To approximate such a The checkered circle represents the set of students, and the other
goal, our strategy has been to look at the contribution of those circles are the other sets to which those students all belong.
words to the truth conditions of the sentences in which they occur. Similarly, we can interpret [some student] as the set that con-
On this basis it becomes possible to construct abstract objects (such tains all the sets to which some student or other belongs. This can
as functions from ordered pairs of truth values to truth values) that be pictured as follows:
can reasonably be maintained to represent the meaning of words (5) [some student]=
like and and or, that is, their contribution to truth conditions. The
game we are playing here with NPs is similar. Our reason for look-
ing at the contributions of NPs to truth conditions is to define an
abstract object that can be said to represent their meaning. Sets of
sets look promising.
Other NPs can be analyzed along fully parallel lines. Consider
the following, for example.
(3) Some student smokes.
The circle with the hatching represents the set of students, and the
We can assume that [some student] is the set of sets that some stu-
other circles are the other sets to which some student belongs.
dent or other belongs to. Suppose, for example, that some student
Using set-theoretic notation, we can give the semantic values of
likes bananas. Then we will put the set of people who like bananas
the NPs in question as follows:
in the set [some student]. Further suppose that some other student
has the property of not liking bananas. Then we will also want the (6) a. [every student]= {X s; U: [student] s; X}
set of people not liking bananas to be in [some student]. There is b. [some student]= {X s; U: [student] nX =1= 0}
nothing paradoxical about that. Suppose, on the other hand, that no Hence, [every student] is the set of subsets of the domain U of
student has the property of smoking, then the set of people who which the students are a subset, and [some student] is the set of
smoke will not belong to the set [some student]. On these assump- all subsets of U whose intersection with the set of students is
tions we can say that a sentence of the form "Some student Qs" is nonempty.
true iff the extension of the predicate Q belongs to [some student] We can give a similar characterization for all the NPs that we
and be sure that this will get us exactly the same truth conditions have encountered. In what follows we list a few:
that we get by the standard PC semantics for (3).
What we just said can be pictorially represented as in the fol- (7) [the A] {X s; U: for some u E U, [A]= {u} and u EX}
lowing diagram from Dowty, Wall and Peters (1981, 122). This is the set of those Xs such that [A] is a singleton and X con-
tains the only member of [A].
Chapter g 504 Generalized Quantifiers 505

(8) [two A]= {X~ U: X n [A] contains two or more members} or the term generalized quantifier is a slight departure from standard
{X~ U: X n [A] contains exactly two members} practice in elementary logic, where quantifiers are associated only
(9) [no A]= {X~ U: [A] nX = 0} with determiners.
How can we represent the contribution of determiners to mean-
This is the set of those Xs whose intersection with the set [A] is ing? Well, determiners combine with nominals to yield NPs.
empty. Given our hypothesis about the semantics of NPs, and given that
(10) [most A]= {X~ U: X n [A] is bigger than x- n [A]} nominals denote sets, what do we need? Apparently, a determiner
should be something that combines with a set (the semantic value
This is the set of those Xs whose intersection with the set of As
of a nominal) to produce a set of sets (the semantic value of an NP).
is bigger than the intersection of their complements with the set
So determiners can be analyzed as functions from sets of in-
of As.
dividuals to generalized quantifiers. This means that the meaning
In general, where rx is any NP and fJ any predicate, we will say
of the determiners considered so far can be given in the following
that rxfJs is true iff [fJ] E [ rx]. To see how this gives us the right truth
conditions, let us work through a couple of examples.
(13) For every Y ~ U,
(11) The student smokes.
a. [every](Y) ={X~ U: Y ~X}
This is true iff [smokes] E [the student]. By (7), this is equivalent b. [some](Y) ={X~ U: X n Y i= 0}
to [smokes] E {X~ U: for some u E U, [student] {u} and u EX}. c. [the](Y) ={X~ U: for some u E U, Y {u} and u EX}
Thus there has to be exactly one student and that student must be a d. [two](Y) ={X~ U: X n Y contains two or more
smoker. These are exactly the truth conditions that our Russellian members} or {X~ U: X n Y contains exactly
analysis of definite descriptions associates with (11) (see chapter 3, two members}
section 1.2). e. [no](Y)={X~U:YnX=0}
Consider (12) next: f [most](Y) ={X~ U: X n Y is bigger than x- n Y}
(12) No student smokes. It is possible, then, to say that the meaning of, say, some student
can be compositionally specified in terms of the meanings of some
Sentence (12) is true iff [smokes] E {X~ U: [student] nX = 0}. If
and student as [some]([student]). By (13b), [some]([student])
the latter condition obtains, the set of students and the set of
yields the generalized quantifier {X~ U: X n [student] i= 0},
smokers must have no member in common. This is the case iff no
which is what we want.
student smokes.
Thus we now have a way of representing directly the meanings of
The reader can verify that the other proposed NP meanings will
determiners and NPs (that is, their contribution to truth condi-
also give us the right truth conditions. For example, a sentence
tions). But we have so far looked just at subject-predicate sen-
like "Most students smoke" comes out true iff the number of
tences. Can we generalize the present analysis to more complex
smoking students is bigger than the number of students that don't
sentences? It turns out to be quite simple to do so by combining the
present treatment with standard variable-binding mechanisms. We
Thus it seems that we have found the right kind of abstract object
will first describe our strategy informally by looking at particular
to represent the contribution of NPs to the truth conditions of the
examples. Then we will illustrate the approach more precisely by
sentences in which they occur. NPs can be interpreted as sets of
sets. We will call these objects generalized quantifiers. It should developing a fragment that incorporates the present semantic anal-
ysis ofNPs.
be borne in mind that we are taking generalized quantifiers as the
Consider (14).
semantic value of full NPs ([Det N] structures) and not as the
semantic values of determiners (like every or some). 1 This use of (14) John likes every student. ·
Chapter 9 506 Generalized Quantifiers 507

According to our analysis, the semantic value of every student is usual, from the bottom up, we assign to the most embedded S node
the generalized quantifier [every]([ student])= {X<;; U: [student] in (16b) the meaning expressed by the IPC formula "like'(x2 ,x1)."
c;: X}. We can say that (14) is true iff the set of people that John Thus far there is nothing new. Here is where the novelty comes in.
likes belongs to {X c;: U: [student] c;: X}. In symbols, (14) is true From "like'(xz,x1)" we can construct the set {x2 : like'(x2 ,x1)} and
iff {x: John likes x} E {X c;: U: [student] <;;X}. This reduces cases check whether it is in {X c;: U: [student] c;: X}. This is going to
like (14) to ones like (12), which means checking whether a certain depend on the individual assigned to x 1. For each particular indi-
set belongs to a certain NP denotation. We can get at the right set in vidual assigned to x 1 we can determine whether the set of things
a less ad hoc way by raising the NP in (14) and obtaining the fol- that like that individual belong to {X c;: U: [student] c;: X}. Such a
lowing structure: condition holds iff every student likes x 1. We can then move up and
check whether the set of people that every student likes (that is,
(15) [every student]i [John likes ei]
{x1 : every student likes xi}) belongs to {X c;: U : X n [professor] #
The relevant set, {x: John likes x }, can be compositionally re- 0}. Intuitively, we find the individuals that every student likes and
covered from the structure [John likes ei]. then we check to see whether one of these individuals is a profes-
The same idea can be applied to more complicated structures. sor. As a result of this process (16b) will get exactly the same truth
Here is an example. (Keep in mind that this is just a preview of an conditions as (16c).
explicit formal treatment of generalized quantifiers, which will be What all this amounts to is that our analysis of NPs as general-
introduced shortly.) ized quantifiers extends to any sentence whatsoever once it is cou-
pled with a variable-binding mechanism of the familiar kind. All
(16) a. Every student likes some professor.
this will become clearer as we work through our next fragment. But
b. s first let us summarize what our proposal amounts to. ·
It is possible to provide a semantic category that corresponds
s to the syntactic category NP. The semantic category that we need

is that of generalized quantifiers (sets of sets). Such objects en-
code precisely the information that NPs contribute to the truth
NP 3
conditions of sentences (much as functions from truth values

into truth values encode the information that logical connectives


some professor every student e2

We will first extend PC to incorporate generalized quantifiers. The
resulting logic will be called PCcQ· We will then specify a new
c. 3xl[professor'(x1) 1\ \fx2 [student'(xz)----+ like'(xz,x1)]] fragment F4. The syntax of F4 is going to be identical to that of F3 •
The semantics, however, will be specified in the form of a compo-
Structure (16b) is one of the familiar LFs that our grammar asso~ sitional translation map onto PCcQ, which will enable us to see
ciates with sentence (16a), irrelevant details aside. However, the how our new semantics for quantification works for English.
interpretation of NPs has now changed. Every student and some Let us start by adding two new categories to the logical syntax of
professor are now interpreted as {X c;: U : [student] c;: X} and PC, namely, D (for determiner) and Q (for quantifier). We further
{X c;: U: X n [professor]# 0}, respectively. This is the informa- assume that every', the', some', no', and most' are constants in D.
tion we want to use in giving the truth conditions for (16b). So to (We are here following the convention initiated in chapter 7
find out whether (16a) is true on analysis (16b), proceeding, as
Generalized Quantifiers 509
Chapter 9 508

whereby rx' denotes the translation of rx into our logic.) We thus add
(a) [[(18a)]] 111 ·8 = 1 Assumption
two more syntactic rules: (b) [ h1 [every'(student')(Jcx2 [like' (x2 , x 1 )])]M,g
E [some'] 111·8([professor']M,g) From (a), by (20a, b)
(17) a. If rx is in D and f3 is in Pred 1 , r:J.(/3) is in Q.
(c) [ Ax1 [every'(student')(Jcx2 [like' (x2 , x 1 )])]] 111 ·g
b. If r:J. is in Q and f3 is in Pred 1 , r:J.(/3) is a well-formed formula. E {X s U: [professor']M,g nX f= 0} Frpm (b) by (19)
(d) {u: [every'(student')(Jcx2 [like'(x2 ,x1)])] 111·g[u(x,] = 1}
This means that PCcq will contain all the well-formed formulas of E {X s U : [professor']M,g n X f= 0} From (c), by the semantics
PC but will additionally contain well-formed formulas like those in ofA
(18a-c): (e) [professor']M,g
n {u: [every'(student')(h2 [like'(x2 ,x1)])] 111 ·g[u/x,] = 1} f= 0 From
(18) a. some'(man')(run') (d), by def. of E
b. most'(h[man'(x) A sing'(x)])(smoke')
c. some' (professor')(h1 [every' (student') (h2 [like' (x2 , x 1 )])]) Computation of every'(student'll2x 2[1ike'(x 2, xdlll
d. :lx1 [professor'(x1 ) A \fx2 [student'(x2 ) ____, [like'(x2 ,x1 )]]]
(f) [every'(student')(Jcx2 ~ike'(x2 ,x1 )])]]M,g[u/x,] = 1 Assumption
Formula (18b) says most men that sing smoke. The semantics for (g) [hz[like'(xz,x1)])] 111·g[u/x,] E {X S U: [student']M,g[u;x,] s X}
From (f) by (ZOa, b) and (19)
PCcq will make (18c) equivalent to (18d). (h) {u': [like'(x2 ,x1 )])]]M,g[[u/xt]u'/xz] = 1}
Such a semantics can be specified as follows. A model M for E {X s U: [student']M,g s X} From (g), by the semantics
PCcq is a pair <U, V) such that (19) holds: ofA
(i) [student']M,g S { u' : [like' (x2 , x 1)])]]M,g[[u/x,]u'/xz] = 1} From
(19) If r:J. is aD, V(r:J.) is a function that maps any subset of U onto (h) by def. of E
a set of sets of members of U (that is, for any Y E £!7!( U), (j) [student']M,g s {u': u' likes u} From (i), by def. of modified
V(!X)(Y) s £!7!(U)). In particular,
V(every')(Y) ={X s U: Y s X}
V(some')(Y) ={X s U: Y nX =I= 0} (k) [professor']M,g n {u: [student']M,g s {u': u' likes u}} f= 0 From
(e), by (j)
V(the')(Y) ={X s U: for some u E U, Y = {u} and u EX}
V(no')(Y) ={X s U: Y nX = 0}
V(most')(Y) ={X s U: card(Y nX) > card(Y nx-)}
(The function card( X), the cardinality of set X, gives the number of (whether some professor is liked by every student). But these are
elements in X.) precisely the truth conditions associated with (18d). These results
Given a model M and an arbitrary assignment to the variables g, are perfectly general and apply to all pairs that have the same
the semantics rules corresponding to (17a, b) are as follows: structure as (18c) and (18d).
Let us now turn to fragment F 4 • As mentioned above, its syntax is
(20) a. If r:J. is aD and f3 is a Pred1, [r:J.(jJ)]M,g = [r:J.]M,g([fJ]M,g). identical to the syntax of F3 , and its semantics is given by a trans-
b. If r:J. is a Q and f3 is a Pred1, [ r:J.(/3) ]M,g = 1 iff [fJ]M,g E [ r:J. ]M,g.
lation map essentially identical to the one specified in chapter 7,
In the following box, we verify that the semantics so specified section 2. The only difference concerns the rules for interpreting
assigns identical truth conditions to (18c) and (18d). We proceed quantifiers. They are replaced by the following translation rules
as follows. First we assume that (18a) is true; then we work out (ignoring tense, for simplicity):
under what conditions this holds applying our semantic rules. (21) a. [Det N]' = Det'(N')
This involves computing the truth conditions for the subformula b. [s NPi S]' = NPf(}cxiS')
every'(student')(h2 [like'(x2 ,x1 )]); this is done in a separate subbox.
Looking at the above computation, we see that we first form the set Let us give a couple of examples that illustrate how the transla-
of those u' that every student likes. Then we check whether the tion procedure for F 4 works.
intersection of this set with the set of professors is nonempty
Chapter 9 510 Generalized Quantifiers 511

(22) a. Some student runs. The category NP now receives a translation and an interpreta-
b. LF and translation tion, which were lacking in F3 • By introducing a more abstract
S, some'(student')(h1 [run'(x1 )]) semantic category (the category of generalized quantifiers), it seems
possible to achieve a more principled overall relation between
syntax and semantics.
NP1 , some'(student') S, run'(x1 )

~N, student'
Det, some'
~VP, run'
NP, x 1 3 Generalized Conjunction
The new semantics for NPs developed in the preceding section has
I I been motivated so far by a desire for compositionality. We are now
N, student' V, run' going to see that it enables us to generalize further our semantic
analysis of conjunction and disjunction in a way not possible on
I I the previous approach to NP interpretation.
some student el runs
We have already noted that conjunction and disjunction (and to a
(23) a. Every student likes some professor. more limited extent negation) are cross-categorical operators: they
b. LF and translation operate on elements of the same syntactic categories, no matter
S, some'(professor')(.Ax1 every'(student')(h2 [like(x2 , x 1 )])) what the category is. This applies also to the categories Det and NP,
as the following examples illustrate:
NP1 , some'(professor') S, every'(student')(h2[like(x2 , x 1 )]) (24) NP

Det, some' N professor'
~S, },y[like(y, x )](x
NP every'( student')
2, 1 2)
Every student and some professor came.
Not every student came.
c. John likes every dog or some fish.
~ ~ =like'(x2 , X 1) d. John and every woman left early.
Det, every' N, student' NP, x 2 VP, .Ay[like(y, x 1 )]
(25) Det

V, like' NP, X1
a. Some but not all students came.
b. Some or most or all students came.
c. Many but less than 100 students were there.

some professor every student

I I We have also pointed out how non-S-level operators appear to
inherit their Boolean properties from their S-level counterparts, at
least in a number of core cases. We proposed a partial account for
this behavior by generalizing conjunction, disjunction, and other
Exercise 1 Give the LFs and PCcQ translations of the following sentences:
operators from the S level to the VP level (see chapter 7, section 4).
( 1) Some fish likes the man. The semantic apparatus we had before did not allow us to extend
our approach to other categories, most prominently, to the category
(2) The man that smokes loves Loren.
NP. Under the approach developed in the present chapter, how-
(3) Every man runs and smokes. ever, NPs have a richer structure, which might enable us to define
(4) Every man gave a book to the woman. conjunction, disjunction, and possibly other logical operators for
them as well. In particular, NPs are interpreted as sets of sets.
Sets can be intersected and unified with other sets, or they can be
Chapter 9 512 Generalized Quantifiers 513

complemented. We can exploit this structure to analyze NP-level for individuals don't have the right structure. However, it turns out
operators. to be easy enough to interpret proper names as generalized quanti-
To see what happens when we intersect or unify NP inter- fiers. Proper names can be lifted in an information-preserving way
pretations, it might be best to start with some concrete examples. to the category of generalized quantifiers. For example, the proper
Consider (26): name Pavarotti can be interpreted ·as the set of sets to which
(26) Every woman and some man smoke. Pavarotti belongs.

The NP every woman denotes the set {X s; U: [woman'] s; X}, and (29) a. [Pavarotti] ={X s; U: Pavarotti EX}
some man the set {X s; U: [man'] nX =I= 0}. The intersection of b.
these two sets is the set {X s; U: [woman'] s; X and [man'] nX =1=
0}. If the extension of a property, say the property of being a
smoker, is in {X s; U: [woman'] s; X and [man'] nX =I= 0}, it
must be the case that every woman smokes and some man smokes.
This suggests that we can indeed interpret NP-level conjunction
simply as set intersection.
It is not hard to see that similar considerations apply to disjunc- In (29b), where the black circle represents Pavarotti, we have this
tion and negation. Consider, for example, (27): idea represented pictorially.
(27) a. Not every woman smokes. Interpreting proper names in this fashion leaves the truth con-
b. fJP(U)- {X s; U: [woman'] s; X} ditions of simple sentences like "Pavarotti smokes" unaltered. We
simply say that the sentence is true iff the extension of the property
={X s; U: [woman'] 't- X}
of smoking belongs to the generalized quantifier associated with
In (27b) we give the set-theoretic complement of the set associated Pavarotti. This yields the following chain of equivalences:
with the NP every woman (relative to fJP(U)). Suppose that the
extension of the property of smoking, [smoke'], belongs to that ( 30) a. "Pavarotti smokes" is true iff
set. It must then be the case that some woman is not a smoker, for b. [smoke'] E [Pavarotti] iff
otherwise the condition that [woman'] 't- [smoke'] would not be c. P E [smoke']
satisfied. This suggests that it is correct to interpret NP negation as Formula (30c) gives us back the way of interpreting sentences with
set-theoretic complementation. proper names we had before.
Consider (28) next: In terms of the above analysis of proper names it is straightfor-
(28) a. Some woman or some man smokes.
ward to extend our theory of NP-level operators to cases involving
b. {X s; U: [woman'] nX =I= 0} u {X s; U: [man'] nX =I= 0}
conjunction with proper names, for now we can define set-theoretic
={X s; U: [woman'] nX =I= 0 or [man'] nX =I= 0} operations on the denotations of proper names. Here is an example:

In (28b) we provide the union of the semantic values of the NPs (31) a. Pavarotti and every woman smoke.
some woman and some man. For [smoke'] to be in that set, it must b. [smoke'] E [Pavarotti] n [every woman] iff
be the case that either some man smokes or some woman smokes, c. [smoke'] E {X s; U: Pavarotti EX}
which again suggests that we can analyze NP disjunction as set- n {X s; U: [woman'] s; X} iff
d. [smoke'] E {X s; U: Pavarotti EX and [woman'] s; X}
theoretic union.
What about cases where a proper name is conjoined or disjoined For (31d) to be the case we must have that Pavarotti E [smoke'] and
with a quantified NP, as in (24d)? If a proper name is interpreted as [woman'] s; [smoke']. So this appears to be the right analysis for
an individual, then we cannot unify or intersect it with anything, ( 31a).
Chapter 9 514 Generalized Quantifiers 515

(35) a. Every woman or John runs.

Exercise 2 On the model of (31), compute the denotation for the NPs in the
b. [every'(woman') v John'](run')
sentences below, and make sure that the analysis we have given c. [Vx[woman'(x)-) run'(x)] vrun'(j)]
assigns the right truth conditions in every case. (In doing this ex-
ercise, assume that plural nouns denote the same set as their In fact, we can carry this program further and introduce deter-
singular counterparts. Assume as usual that and and but are miner-level logical operators along the following lines:
truth-conditionally identical.) (36) a. If a, fJ are in D, then [a A/]], [a v /]], and [--,a] are also in D.
(1) Most men, but not Pavarotti, smoke. b. If a, fJ are in D, for any Y ~ U,
[[a A/]]]M,g(Y) [a]M,g (Y) n [fJ]M,g(Y)
(2) Some men and every woman but no children smoke. [[a v fJ]]M,g(Y) [a]M,g(Y) u [fJ]M,g(Y)
(3) Pavarotti or Loren or Bond smokes. [[ --,a]]M,g(Y) = Y'(U)- [a]M,g(Y)

Does the analysis above predict that (2) and (3) are equivalent to The technique we are employing here should by now be familiar.
(4) and (5), respectively? Determiners denote functions from sets to generalized quantifiers.
We have already defined conjunction, disjunction, and negation
(4) Every woman and some men but no children smoke.
over generalized quantifiers. We can lift this structure up to the
(5) Bond or Loren or Pavarotti smokes. domain of determiners. Take, for example, a determiner of the form
[DAD']. This must denote a function from sets to generalized
quantifiers. For any set Y, what is the value of [DAD'] ( Y) going to
The above remarks can be sharpened by introducing quantifier- be? We can define it as D(Y) nD'(Y), whose components have
level conjunction, negation, and disjunction into PCcQ along the already been defined. All of the definitions in (36) are instances of
following lines: this simple schema.
(32) a. If a, fJ are in Q, then [a A/]], [a v /]],and [--,a] are also in Q. With this in mind, let us now look at some concrete examples.
b. If a, fJ are in Q, then (37) a. Not all but some men smoke.
[[a AfJ]]M,g = [a]M,g n [fJ]M,g b. [[--,every'] A some'](man')(smoke')
[[a V /JJ]M,g = [a]M,g U [fJ]M,g
[[ --,a]]M,g = Y'(U)- [a]M,g Formula (37b) constitutes the PCcQ representation of (37a). The
complex determiner "[--,every'] A some'" is licensed by (36a). By
The extension above of PCcQ can be regarded as a simple general- the corresponding semantic clauses in (36b) in interaction with
ization of our pointwise definition of VP-level conjunction, dis- (32b), we get the following equivalences:
junction, and negation developed in chapter 7. To see what these
additions to PCcQ amount to, let us consider a few examples. In (38) a. [[--,every'] A some'](man')(smoke') iff
what follows, the (b) formulas are the PCcQ representations of the b. [[ --,every'(man')] A some'(man')](smoke') iff
(a) sentences. The (c) formulas are the first-order counterparts of c. [smoke'] E {X~ U: [man'] cj;_ X}
n {X~ U: [man'] n X =1- 0} iff
(and provably equivalent to) the (b) formulas.
d. [smoke'] E {X~ U: [man'] cj;_ X}
(33) a. Every man and every woman run. and [smoke'] E {X~ U: [man'] nX =1- 0} iff
b. [every'(man') A every'(woman')](run') e. [man'] cj;_ [smoke'] and [man'] nX =1- 0 iff
c. 'v'x[man'(x) -) run'(x)] A'v'x[woman'(x) -) run'(x)] f --,Vx[man'(x)-) smoke'(x)] A :ix(man'(x) A smoke'(x)]
(34) a. Some man or every woman smokes. Thus the generalization of logical operators to determiners seems to
b. [some'(man') v every'(woman')](smoke') give us the right results.
c. [:ix[man'(x) Asmoke'(x)] v'v'x[woman'(x)-) smoke'(x)]]
Chapter 9 516 Generalized Quantifiers 517

There is a clear tendency for such operatorlike words as and and

Exercise 3 Work out the PCcQ renderings of the following sentences on the
or to be cross-categorial. This tendency appears to be universal, as a
model of (38). Assume that all has the same meaning as every.
matter of fact. For example, in most languages it is possible to con-
(1) Most but not all men smoke. join members of virtually every category, and this usually, though
certainly not always, happens with ;the same morpheme (and, in
(2) Most or all men smoke.
English). Moreover, the meaning of the NP-level and appears to be
(3) Some or most but not all men smoke. closely and systematically related to the meaning of and at the VP
and S levels. This can be no accident. All the different varieties
of and obviously have a common meaning, and we would like our
The above results enable us to move toward an analysis of con- theory to account for that. There must be a way to regard the mean-
joined and disjoined structures along the following lines. One can ings of these seemingly distinct varieties of and as instances of the
have conjunction schemata that directly generate structures such as same logical operation. Whatever that operation is, it is presumably
the following: universal.
(39) A The approach presented here goes some way toward explaining

the pattern just described and identifying a common meaning for
the various instances of conjunction. According to such an
A* A approach, we have an underlying Boolean structure (roughly, the
Here A is any category, and A* indicates a sequence of one or Boolean structure of propositions) that can be systematically lifted
more As. The scheme in (39) generates phrase structures like the to other semantic domains by means of a general and straightfor-
following: ward mathematical technique, namely, pointwise definitions. This
is the basis of cross-categorial generalizations of logical operators.
( 40) NP
Such a Boolean structure, one might speculate, is a powerful mod-
ule for concept formation that humans appear to be endowed with.
NP NP NP conj NP Viewing NP denotations as generalized quantifiers is thus not

I~ ~
just a way to get a more elegant (more compositional) semantics. It
I I is also a crucial step toward a full-fledged characterization of cross-
Mary John every student and some professor categorial Boolean operators.
Complex NPs such as the one in (40) can then be straightfor-
wardly interpreted'in terms of the semantics we have developed. In
particular, (40) is interpreted as in (41). 4 Generalized Quantifiers and Empirical Properties of Language
The generalized quantifier approach turns out to shed some new
(41) [Mary' 1\ John' 1\ every' (student') 1\ some' (professor')]
light on a wide variety of properties of language. Here we will
The interpretation of (41) contributes the right truth conditions to consider a few of them.
the sentences where such an NP occurs.
Of course, the syntax in (39) is a very rough first approximation
that leaves many problems open. To mention a simple one, con- 4.1 Negative polarity items
joined NPs trigger plural agreement, which we haven't discussed. In English as well as in many other languages there are such items
Despite this and other limitations, however, we think that some as ever, any, and give a damn that appear to be somehow restricted
refinement of the approach we have developed is ultimately nec- to occurring in negative contexts, as the following examples
essary for the reasons detailed below. illustrate. 2
Chapter 9 518 Generalized Quantifiers 519

(42) a. *John saw any bird. entailment concerns the right argument of the determiner ( f3 A y and
b. John did not see any bird. f3 in (46)).
In a similar vein we can say that a determiner is right downward
(43) a. *Some student gives a damn about Pavarotti.
monotone iff for every set X, Y, and Z, if X E D( Y), then X n Z E
b. No student gives a damn about Pavarotti.
D( Y). The relevant entailment her.e is from a set to one of its subsets,
(44) a. *Many students ever read a book about Pavarotti. as schematically illustrated in (48).
b. Few students ever read a book about Pavarotti.
(48) J(a)(fJ)--) J(a)(fJ !\ y)
Expressions with these distributional characteristics are often called
According to this definition, every, some, and (exactly) two are not
negative polarity items. There are several issues that their behavior
right downward monotone, while no and few are, as is illustrated
raises, many of which remain open. One of the problems that they
by the following pattern of entailment:
pose is how to make precise the notion of a negative context. What
exactly do (42b), (43b), and (4-?:b) have in common? This is the ( 49) a. Every student is Italian ++ every student is Italian and
question that we briefly address here. blond
The characterization of a negative context for polarity items is b. Few students are Italian --) few students are Italian and
further complicated by examples such as the following: blond.

(45) a. *Some student who ever read a book about Pavarotti Thus from this classification, numeral determiners (in the exactly
would want to meet him. sense) are neither upward nor downward monotone on their right
b. Every student who ever read a book about Pavarotti argument.
would want to meet him. A parallel criterion can be applied to the left argument· of a
determiner. The definitions should at this point be straightforward.
The context in (45b) does not seem intrinsically more negative than
We say that a determiner D is left upward entailing/monotone iff
the one in (45a). Yet our judgments concerning the contrast between
for any set X, Y, Z, if X E D( Y n Z) then X E D( Y). 4 The entailments
(45a) and (45b) are quite sharp.
that need to be checked are thus of the following form:
It turns out that the informal notion of a negative context can be
made precise in semantic terms along the following lines. ,Let us (50) J(a !\ y)(fJ)--) J(a)(fJ)
say that a determiner D is right upward entailing/monotone iff for; It can be seen that some and (at least) two are left upward mono-
any set X, Y, and Z, if (Z nX) ED(Y), then X E D(Y). 3 Essentially, tone, while every, (exactly) two, no, and few are not:
according to this definition, right upward monotone determiners
are those that validate the following inference pattern: (51) a. Some Italian students smoke --)some students smoke
b. Every Italian student smokes ++ every student smokes
(46) J(a)(fJ !\ y)--) J(a)(fJ)
The set of Italian students is the intersection of the set of students
So, for example, some, many, and every are right upward mono- with the set of Italians.
tone, while no, few, and two (in the sense of exactly two) are not, as Furthermore, we say that a determiner D is left downward
the following examples illustrate for some and no: monotone iff for every set X, Y, Z if X E D(Y), then X E D(Y n Z).
( 47) a. Some student is Italian and blond --) some student is blond The relevant class of entailments can be schematized as follows:
b. No students are Italian and blond++ no students are blond (52) J(a)(fJ)--) J(a A y)(fJ)
We are assuming that predicates like is Italian and is blond are Accordingly, every, no, and few are left downward monotone,
associated with the sets of Italians and blond people respectively. while some and two (in either the at least or the exactly sense) are
The term upward indicates that the entailment is from a set to its not.
supersets ([fJ !\ y] is a subset of [fJ]). The term right tells us that this
Chapter 9 520 Generalized Quantifiers 521

Table 9.1 Determiners classified by entailment patterns It should be clear by now where the above considerations are
leading. What lies behind the intuitive notion of a negative context
is the model-theoretic property of downward monotonicity. In (55)
we state constraints on negative polarity items.
(55) In a structure of the form 6(1X), where 6 is a quantifier, a
Upward some/a some/a determiner, or in general a functor of some kind, a negative
at least n every
polarity item can occur within IX iff 6 is downward entailing
at least n
many with respect to IX.
Let us consider some examples:
no no
few(?) few
(56) a. John doesn't ever smoke.
b. '([ever smoke]' (j))
Ever in (56a) is licensed because it occurs within the scope of
(53) a. Few students smoke~ few Italian students smoke negation, which is downward entailing, as the schematic logical
b. Some students smoke -+--> some Italian students smoke form in (56b) illustrates.
In conclusion, it is possible to classify natural language deter- (57) a. No man ever smokes.
miners on the basis of the entailment patterns that they give rise to. b. no'(man')([ever smoke]')
The resulting classification can be summarized as in table 9.1 (see
Here ever is licensed because it occurs within the right argument of
Barwise and Cooper 1981, 219).
no, which is right downward entailing. Equivalently, we can say
The classificatory criteria extend naturally to other operators. In
that ever occurs within the argument of "no'(man')," which is a
particular, there is a clear sense in which negation is downward
downward entailing generalized quantifier.
monotone. Perhaps the best way to see this is as follows. Think of
propositions as sets of worlds. As we saw in chapter 5, section 2, (58) a. No man who ever heard about Pavarotti will want to miss
negation can be thought of as set-theoretic complementation, and his concert.
entailment as set inclusion. Consequently, the following holds: b. no'([ man who ever heard about Pavarotti'])([ will want to
miss his concert]')
(54) If p- and q ~ p, then q- follows.
(59) a. *Some man who ever heard about Pavarotti will want to
This inference pattern is familiar from elementary logic as modus
miss his concert.
tollens. From the complement of p and the premise that q is a sub-
b. Some'([man who ever heard about Pavarotti]')([will want
set of p, it follows by set theory that the complement of pis a subset
to miss his concert]')
of the complement of q (if q ~ p then p- ~ q-). Therefore, if
we interpret the subset relation as entailment in possible world In (58a) ever is licensed because it occurs within the left argument
semantics, the proposition represented by the complement of p will of no, which is left downward entailing. In (59a) ever is not
entail the proposition represented by the complement of q. So licensed, because some is not left downward entailing; the result-
negation preserves information when we go from a set of worlds to ing sentence is ungrammatical.
one of its subsets; that is, it is downward entailing. The information It is easy for the reader to check by looking at table 9.1 that the
represented by the complement of a set of worlds p must be con- pattern of grammaticality pointed out in (42) through (45) is com-
tained in the information associated with the complement of any pletely accounted for on the basis of (55). Particularly interesting
subset of p. is how the rather puzzling contrast in (45) follows from (55):
Chapter 9 522 Generalized Quantifiers 523

every, like no and unlike some, is downward monotone on its left (65) a. Every man smokes iff every man is a man who smokes.
argument. b. Some man smokes iff some man is a man who smokes.
In fact, the above considerations are by no means limited to the c. No man smokes iff no man is a man who smokes.
determiners we have considered. Take for example a more complex d. Fewer than five but more than two men smoke iff fewer
determiner, say at most three. By our classification, such a deter- than five but more than two men are men who smoke.
miner is right downward monotone, as shown by the validity of the
The list could go on an on. In fact, there seems to be no determiner
that fails to have the property of being conservative. This leads us
(60) At most three students smoke--) at most three students smoke to hypothesize the following universal:
(66) Every determiner in every language is conservative.
Therefore, at most three should license negative polarity items
One might suspect that perhaps every logically conceivable
within its scope. And indeed this is so:
determiner (or every pragmatically plausible one) is conservative.
(61) At most three students give a damn about Pavarotti. This would make conservativity, whatever it is, a rather unin-
teresting property. This suspicion, however, is easy to dissipate.
Also, negation can be seen to reverse the (right) upward monot-
It is easy to come up with abstract examples of nonconservative
onicity of determiners:
determiners. Here are a couple:
(62) Not every student smokes--) not every student smokes cigars
(67) a. Let D1 be a function such that for every set Y,
Hence, not every should be a negative polarity trigger, which is D1(Y) ={X<;; U: y- <;;X}.
indeed the case: b. Let D2 be a function such that for every set Y,
(63) Not every student gives a damn about Pavarotti. Dz(Y) ={X<;; U: y- cj;_ X}.

Examples of this sort can be multiplied and have been exten- Let us show that D1 is not conservative by constructing a model
sively discussed in the literature. Of interest to us is the following. with respect to which "/5(rx)(f3)" is true that "/5(rx)(rx A/3)" is not,
The distribution of negative polarity items has long been an in- where /5 is interpreted as D1 . Let the domain U of this model be the
triguing puzzle for linguists. Our semantics seems able to pro- set {a,b,c}. Let rx denote {a,b} and/3 denote {a,c}. The denotation
vide and interesting angle from which these phenomena can be of /5(rx) in this model will be D1 ( {a, b}) ={X<;; U: {a, br<;;X}=
studied. In particular, it provides us with criteria that enable us to {X <;; U : { c} <;; X} = {{ c}, {a, c}, {b, c}, {a, b, c}}. Thus "/5( rx) (/3)"
see why those particular contexts should be singled out by negative will be true in this model, for {a,c} ED 1 ({a,b}). But "/5(rx)(rxA/3)"
polarity items, to see what it is that makes that class of contexts will be false, for the denotation of "rx A/3" will be {a, b} n {a, c} =
natural. {a}, and {a} ¢D 1 ({a,b}). This suffices to show that D1 is not con-
servative. (The nonconservativity ofD 2 can be shown similarly. We
leave it as an exercise for the reader.)
4.2 Conservativity So there are non conservative functions of the same semantic type
Let us say that a determiner is conservative iff for every X and every as determiner meanings (indeed, it can be shown that there are lots
Y, X E D(Y) iff X n Y E D(Y). From this definition it follows that of them). There is no logical reason why such functions cannot
conservative determiners will validate the following equivalence: constitute determiner meanings.
How about the pragmatic plausibility of these potential deter-
(64) /5(rx)(f3) +--+ /5(rx)(rx A/3) miners? Consider, for example, what a determiner /5 1 that has D1
Here are some examples of determiners that, on the basis of this as its denotation expresses. The formula /5 1 (rx)(/3) says that all
criterion, appear to be conservative: the things that are not rx have property fJ. For instance, /5 1
Chapter 9 524 Generalized Quantifiers 525

(student') (smoke') says that all nonstudents smoke. The latter (71) a. Pavarotti only sleeps. (VP)
makes perfect sense. Intuitively, the meaning of 61 does not appear b. Pavarotti sleeps only with his teddy bear. (PP)
to be different in quality from, say, the meaning of no (as in "No c. Pavarotti sings only loudly. (Adv)
student smokes"). There is nothing intrinsically odd about trying to d. Pavarotti is the only singer that I admire. (N)
convey the information that all non as are fJ. In fact, we can convey
it as we just did. But we cannot convey it by means of a determiner. In fact, only appears to be basically an adverbial that can be
There is no lexically simple determiner that means all non. Fur- semantically construed as a cross-categorial operator (in the same
thermore, such a sequence does not form a constituent. Prefixing sense in which and is cross-categorial). 5
non- is a syntactic operation that affects nominals. The bracket- This state of affairs is interesting, we think. There is a wide
ing in all nonstudents is uncontroversially taken to be [net all variety of logically conceivable nonconservative determiner mean-
[N nonstudents]]. Thus, all non- cannot plausibly be regarded as a ings. Some of these potential determiner meanings are so natural
complex determiner. that human languages have specific ways of expressing them. But
Here is another example of a nonconservative potential human languages do not appear able to express them as deter-
determiner: miners, as members of the syntactic category Det. Thus the univer-
sal in (66) seems to constitute a substantive, empirically falsifiable
(68) D3 (Y) ={X~ U: X~ Y} claim about the structure of natural language. Such a claim could
It is easy to see that D3 is not conservative. By the definition of D3 , not even be stated properly if we didn't have the notion of a gen-
X n Y E D3 (Y) is the case iff X n Y ~ Y. By the logic of set theory, eralized quantifier and the truth-conditional and model-theoretic
this is always true, and it by no means entails that X~ Y (which is apparatus within which such a notion can be construed. If we
contingent). Since in general X n Y ~ Y holds whether or not lacked such an apparatus, we could not identify a nontrivial em-
X~ Y holds, X n Y E D3 (Y) can obtain without X E D3 (Y) obtain- pirical property of natural language.
ing. Thus conservativity fails in the right-to-left direction in terms One might wonder why things should be this way. Why does the
of (64). Now the interesting thing about D3 is that English has a universal in (66) hold? Why are there only conservative deter-
word that expresses exactly what D3 does. The word is only. The miners? As it turns out, a rather interesting answer to these ques-
truth conditions of (69a), for example, appear to be just the truth tions stems directly from the general perspective that we are
conditions given in (69b) and informally in (69c): adopting. Imagine starting out with just every and some as basic
determiners. Then imagine building complex determiners out of
(69) a. Only students smoke.
the basic ones using essentially just negation, conjunction, and
b. [smoke'] E D3 ([student']) iff [smoke']~ [student']
disjunction (the Boolean operations defined on the set of deter-
c. The set of smokers is a subset of the set of students.
miners as in (36)). What set of determiners do we obtain? A theo-
If the meaning of only as it occurs in structures like (69a) is rem has been proved that shows that we obtain exactly the set of
characterized by the nonconservative function D3 , then the pro- conservative determiners. 6
posed universal in (66) makes a sharp prediction: only cannot be a Let us restate this in slightly more precise terms. Let CONS be the
determiner, it cannot belong to the category Det. And in fact it does set of conservative determiners, the set that contains all and only
not appear to belong to this category. For example, determiners the determiners that satisfy conservativity. Now let us recursively
cannot cooccur with pronouns or proper names, while only can: define another set, call it D*, as follows:

(70) a. *Every jsomejthejmany Pavarotti smokes. (72) a. some', every' ED*

b. Only hejPavarotti smokes. b. If A, Bare in D*, then [-,A], [A 1\ B], [A v B], ABED*.
Moreover, only, unlike determiners, is able to modify a wide Here ,, A, v are defined as in (36), and for any C, C' ~ U,
variety of syntactic categories, as illustrated below: C' E AB(C) iff C' E A(B n C). The notation AB thus simply intra-
Chapter 9 526 Generalized Quantifiers 527

duces adjectival restrictionsin determiners. For example, (3) John likes the cat that he pets.
"some~lond'(student')(smoke')" means that some blond student
Consider next the following example:
smokes. It can be proved that for finite universes, D* =CONS.
So by means of Boolean operations we can define only conser- (4) a. Every man and a woman smoke.
vative determiners. Furthermore, any conservative determiner can b. PCcQ translation .
be defined out of every and some in terms of iterated applications of [every'(man') A a'(woman')](smoke')
Boolean operations. This suggests that the conservativity universal c. Model-theoretic interpretation
(66) must be linked in nonaccidental ways to the Boolean structure [smoke']M,g E {X s; U: [man']M,g s;X}
that permeates semantics. n {X s; U: [woman']M,g nX =1- 0}
Here is one way in which such a link might be realized. The cat- d. Reduction steps
egory Det is the category that mostly expresses quantification. That [smoke']M,g E {X s; U: [man']M,g s; X and
is, it is a "logical" category (what, perhaps inappropriately, tradi- [woman']M,g nX =1- 0}
tional grammarians would call a "closed-class" or "functional" [man']M,g s; [smoke']M,g
category). Natural language expresses as determiners only func- [woman']M,g n [smoke']M,g =1- 0
tions that have a Boolean structure. If we are mentally endowed For the following sentences give their translations into PCcQ, their
with cross-categorial Boolean functors as the basic combinatorial model-theoretic interpretations, and their reduction steps, as
tool of our capacity for concept formation, it makes sense that we above.
find in the category Det (a logical category par excellence) only
those functions that such a capacity delivers to us. This, it should (5) John and the woman smoke.
be noted, does not constrain what we can express but only how we (6) John likes a cat or a dog that sings.
can express it.
Even if this speculation turns out ultimately to be wrong, the
result described above still provides a strong connection between
conservativity and Boolean structure. The fact that we find in Det
only conservative determiners must correlate in some fundamental 5 Concluding Remarks
way with the Boolean character of natural language semantics. In the present chapter we have introduced a new way of dealing
with quantified expressions. The key to this new approach is the
introduction of a more complex semantic category, the category of
Exercise 4 For each of the following sentences, give its LF, its PCcQ trans- generalized quantifiers (sets of sets). This approach enables us to
lation, and its model-theoretic interpretation. In (1) we give an do a number of things. First, it provides us with a compositional
example. semantics for NPs, which appears to be impossible on a standard
first-order approach (such as the one we have in PC). Second, it
(1) a. John eats every fish.
allows us to bring out the truly cross-categorial nature of logical
b. LF
words, such as and or or. Third, it enables us to come up with
[ 8 [every fish] 1 [ 8 John eats e1 ]]
simple and precise classificatory criteria for NPs that allow us to
c. PCcQ translation
characterize, perhaps optimally, the distribution of negative polar-
every' (fish')(Jcx1 [eat' (j, xi)])
ity items. And fourth, it enables us to offer an explanation for a
d. Model-theoretic interpretation
{u E U: [eat'(j,x1 )]M,g[u/x1 ] = 1} E {X s; U: [fish']M,g s; X} substantive universal characteristic of natural language deter-
miners. All of the above results are only a small sample of the work
(2) John pets a cat. currently being pursued in. this area of semantics.
Chapter 9 528 Appendix Set· Theoretic Notation and Concepts

We are interested here more in a general point that stems from

the considerations above than in this or that specific result. The
truth-conditional and model-theoretic approach to meaning we
have presented is not just an exercise in applied logic. It has real
empirical bite and a profound relevance for linguistic theory.
Without it, it would seem, there are nontrivial properties of lan-
guage that we would just miss. The present kind of semantics thus
This appendix provides a brief and highly selective introduction to
seems capable of contributing in a fundamental way to the attempt
the basic set-theoretic concepts, terminology, and notation assumed
to characterize what a human language is. Such a semantics might
in the text.
well be limited in its scope. It might well need to be put in a
broader perspective and perhaps changed in fundamental ways.
But it has empirical payoffs that linguistic theory cannot disregard.
7 Sets and Set Membership
Truth-conditional semantics is here to stay.
A set is a collection of entities of any kind. The members of a set
need not share any properties.
A set can be finite: the set of people in room 220, Morrill Hall,
Cornell University, at 2 P.M. on Tuesday, April 20, 1999. A set can
be infinite: the set of integers greater than one million.
A finite set can in principle be specified by enumerating or listing
its members, for example, the set consisting of Orwell's 1984, the
square root of 2, Noam Chomsky, and the muffin Sally McConnell-
Ginet ate for breakfast on Sunday, September 4, 1988. This set can
be designated as in (1):
(1) {1984, Noam Chomsky, J2, Sally's breakfast muffin for 9/4/88}

When we use the notation in (1), the order in which things are
listed inside the curly brackets makes no difference. So (1), (2a),
and (2b) all refer to the same set.
(2) a. {Noam Chomsky, 1984, J2, Sally's breakfast muffin for
b. { 1984, J2, No am Chomsky, Sally's breakfast muffin for

Some sets can be specified by description: the set of all redwood

trees chopped down in California during 1984. This set can be
designated as in (3):
(3) {x: xis a redwood tree chopped down in California during

A minor notational variant is to use a vertical bar instead of a colon

when designating a set descriptively. Hence, we can designate the
setin (3) as in (4):
Appendix 530
Set-Theoretic Notation and Concepts 531

(4) {xI xis a redwood tree chopped down in California during 0 The empty set or null set. The set containing no elements. Note
1984} that there is only one such set. The set of female United States
A set is completely defined by its members, the entities that presidents (as of 1999) is the same as the set of males who have
belong to it. Different descriptions that happen to specify the same won two Nobel prizes in the sciences (as of 1999). Each has the
entities thus specify the same set. For example, as the authors of same members, namely none.
this book were the only semanticists at Cornell during 1986/1987, P <;; R The set P is a subset of R or is included in R. This means
each of the three expressions in ( 5) designates the same set. that every member of Pis also a member of R. For example, the set
of U.S. Senators (P) is a subset of the U.S. population over 30 (R);
(5) a. {Gennaro Chierchia, Sally McConnell-Ginet}
{a, b, c} s; {a, b, c, 1, m} = the set that contains a, b, and c is a subset
b. {x: xis one of the authors of Meaning and Grammar}
of the set that contains a, b, c, 1, and m; {a, b} <;; {a, b} = the set that
c. {x: x was a semanticist at Cornell during 1986/1987} contains a and b is a subset of itself.
This notion of set is extensional: only the members of a set matter P c R The set P is a proper subset of R or is properly included in
and not how they are chosen or identified. If two sets have the same R. This means that P s; Rand P =1= R, that is, that all members of P
members they are the same entity. Properties, on the other hand, also belong to R but R has at least one member that does not belong
are intensional: two properties can well be true of the very same to P. The last subset example in the previous definition is not a
objects and yet be distinct; consider the properties of being bought proper subset; the other are.
and being sold. We sometimes, however, identify properties with P cj;_ R The set Pis not included in R; there is at least one member
extensional sets. of P that does not belong to R. For example, the set of mathema-
A set may contain other sets as its members. For example, ticians (P) is not included in the set of men (R), because some
{{a,b},c} has two members: c and the set {a,b}. mathematicians are not men, and {a, b} cj;_ {a, c, d} = the set that
Below are some notations and their definitions: contains a and b is not included in the set that contains a, c, and d,
because b is in the former but not the latter set.
a E P The element a is a member of set P or belongs to P. For
PuR The union of P and R (also read "P union R") or the join of P
example, j E {x: xis a linguist} = j belongs to the set of linguists;
and R. The union of P and R is a set that contains all the elements of
j E { j, a} j belongs to the set consisting of j and a.
P and all the elements of R. If something is either a member of P
a ¢ P The element a is not a member of set P or does not belong
or a member of R, then it is a member of PuR. The set consisting of
to P. For example, m ¢ {x: xis an actor} m does not belong to
the union of Italians (P) and syntacticians (R) consists of those
the set of actors, and m ¢ {a, m} = m does not belong to the set
belonging to either group. Pavarotti is an Italian, so he is included,
consisting of m and a (which is false).
and Chomsky is a syntactician, so he is included. To give a further
A = B Where A and B both designate sets, this says that they are
example, {a,b}u{a,c,d} ={a,b,c,d}. Note that PuR=R if and
identical. This happens just in case whenever a E A, then a E B and
only if P <;; R. (Convince yourself of this by using the definitions.)
whenever bE B, then bE A. This is the basic identity condition for
UP Where Pis a set of sets, UP, the generalized union over P, is
sets. Two sets are said to· be disjoint if they have no members in
the set that contains all the elements of each member of P. That is,
UP= {x: for some BE P,x E B}. For example, U{ {a, b}, {c}, {b, d}}
{a} A unit set or singleton set to which only a belongs. For ex-
= {a,b,c,d}, and U{{a},{b},0} = {a,b}.
ample, {x: x has resigned the U.S. presidency while in office}=
P 11 R The intersection of P and R (also read "P intersection R") or
{Nixon}, and {1} =the set that contains just the number 1. Note
the meet of P and R. The intersection of P and R is a set whose
that {a} =1= a. Nixon is different from the set of those who have
members contains all and only the elements shared by P and R. If
resigned; he simply happens to be the sole member of that set at the
something is a member of P and also a member of R, then it is a
time of writing.
member of P 11 R. For example, the set consisting of Italians (P)
Appendix 532 Set-Theoretic Notation and Concepts 533

who are also syntacticians (R). Pavarotti is not in the set, because Let us now distinguish sets from ordered structures.
he is not a syntactician. Chomsky is not a member, because he
{ a1, . .. , an}
This designates a set of n elements if each of a1, . .. , an
is not an Italian. But Luigi Rizzi does belong because he is both
is different. If some elements appear more than once in the desig-
Italian and a syntactician. To give two further examples, {a, b, c} n
nation of the set, then the set has fewer than n elements: what
{f,g,c} {c}, and {a,b}n{c}=0. Note that PnR=P if and
matters for set identity is not how the' elements are listed but which
only if P <;: R, and that P n R = 0 if and only if P and R are disjoint.
individual elements are listed. For example {a b c} == {a a b b
(Again, use the definitions to show this.) ' ' ' ' ' ' '
b,c,c,c,c}. Repetition is redundant, since the identity of a set
np Where P is a set of sets, nP, the generalized intersection
depends only on which elements belong to it. For the same reason,
over P, is the set that contains the elements that belong to
it does not matter in what order the elements are enumerated:
every member of P. That is, np = {x: for every A E P,x E A}.
{a,b,c} = {b,c,a}.
Here are two examples: n{{a,b,c,d},{a,b,d},{a,d}} = {a,d}, and
<a1, ... , an) This designates an ordered n-tuple. Here the same
n{{a, b}, {c, d}} = 0.
element may recur nonredundantly, for order is critical. The iden-
P- R The difference of P and R or the complement of R relative to
tity of an n-tuple depends on the identity of elements in each of the
P. This set consists of those members of P that are not also members
distinct n positions. This means that <a1, ... , an)= <b1 , ... , bn) if
of R. For example, the set of linguists (P) who are not French (R).
and only if a1 = b1 and a 2 = b2 and ... and an = bn. This is the
This set contains Luigi Burzio, who belongs to the set of linguists,
identity condition for ordered n-tuples. For instance, <a, b) i=
but not N. Ruwet, who belongs to the set of French linguists.
<b, a), and <a, a) i= <a, a, a).
Here are some other examples: {a,b,c}- {a,b} = {c}, and {a,b,c}
-{a, d} = {b, c}, and {a,b, c}- {d} {a, b, c}. Note that P- R = 0 Although intuitively we can think of distinct positions and ele-
if and only if P <;: R. (See the appropriate definitions.) ments that fill each position (with the same element in principle
R- The complement of R consists of everything that does not able to fill more than one position), it is possible to define ordered
belong to R relative to some understood domain or universe of dis- n-tuples with only set-theoretic notions and without introducing
course D; that is, R- = D - R. For example, if the domain D is the order directly. If, for example, we identify <a,b) with {{a},{a,b}}
set of dogs and R is the set of spaniels, then D-R = all non-spaniel and <a,b,c) with {{a},{a,b},{a,b,c}} and so on, then we can use
dogs (highland terriers, golden retrievers, mongrels, etc.). Again, our identity conditions for sets to show that we have reproduced
relative to the set of integers N, {x: xis odd}- = {x: xis even}. the identity conditions for ordered pairs and triples and so on. We
mention the possibility of this reduction just to indicate why
Union, intersection, and complementation are all operations that
ordered n-tuples are considered set-theoretic objects. It is because
take two sets and form a third set. Generalized union and general-
they can be regarded as sets of a special kind.
ized intersection take a family of sets and form a set.
Let us now turn to the notion of a Cartesian product.
A xB The Cartesian product of A and B is the set of all ordered
2 Power Sets and Cartesian Products pairs whose first member belongs to A and whose second member
The notion of power set is defined as follows. belongs to B. Thus, Ax B = { <x, y): x E A andy E B}. The Carte-
sian product of the set of real numbers with itself is used to define
&(A) The power set of A is the set of all subsets of A. If A contains
points on a plane; the first number usually represents the horizon-
n elements, then &(A) contains 2n elements. The set A itself
tal axis, and the second the vertical. As an example of a Cartesian
and the null set are always members of &(A). For example, let
product we have {a, b} x {1, 2} = {<a, 1), <a, 2), <b, 1), <b, 2) }.
A={Chris,1}. Then &(A) is {{Chris,1},{Chris},{1},0}. Also,
&({a,b,c}) {{a,b,c},{a,b},{a,c},{b,c},{a},{b},{c},0}. More generally, if A 1, ... , An are sets, A 1 x · · · x An (the Cartesian
product of A 1, . .. , An) is the set that contains all the ordered n-
From the definition of power set it follows that A c;: B iff A E &(B).
tuples <a1, ... , an) such that a 1 E A 1 and ... and an E An.
Appendix 534 Set-Theoretic Notation and Concepts 535

The power set of a Cartesian product A x B will be the set con- Then B = {<Aspects, Chomsky), <Little Women, Alcott), ("The
taining all the sets of ordered pairs that one can build out of A and Coiled Alizarine," Hollander), <"Remarks on Nominalization,"
B. In symbols, a E &(A x B) iff a s; A x B. Chomsky), ... }. Hence, <On Raising, Postal) E B means that On
Raising was written by Postal. More generally, <a, b) E B means that
a was written by b.
3 Relations A binary relation R is the converse of another such relation S if
Sets of ordered n-tuples and Cartesian products are useful in char- whenever <a, b) belongs to R (whenever aRb), then <b, a) belongs
acterizing relations from a set-theoretic perspective. In set theory a to S (bSa). As defined above, is the author of (relation A) is the
two-place or binary extensional relation is a set of ordered pairs, a converse of was written by (relation B).
three-place or ternary relation is a set of ordered triples, and in A relation R is reflexive iff every element in the domain bears the
general an n-place or n-ary relation is a set of ordered n-tuples. A relation to itself, that is, iff for all a in the domain, <a, a) E R (aRa).
one-place or unary relation is just a set of individuals. For example, being the same age as designates a reflexive relation.
Let A and B be two sets. A binary relation R between members of Set inclusion is a reflexive relation between sets (for every set
A and members of B will be a subset of the Cartesian product A x B. A, A s; A), whereas proper set inclusion is not (for every set A, it is
In symbols, R s; A x B. Another way of expressing this is to say that not the case that A c A). A relation that is not reflexive is non-
a binary relation R between members of A and members of B is a reflexive. The transitive verb like is associated with a nonreflexive
member of the power set of A x B. In symbols, R E &(A x B). relation, since individuals do not always like themselves (though
The definition above can be extended to n-place relations. If some do). A relation is irreflexive if nothing stands in that relation
A 1 , . .. , An are sets, an n-place relation K among A 1, . .. , An will be a to itself. Proper inclusion is irreflexive since no set is properly in-
subset of A 1 x · · · x An (that is, K <;::; A1 x · · · x An)· cluded in itself. In most set theories, membership is irreflexive (no
Two-place or binary relations are particularly important. If R is a set belongs to itself).
two-place relation between sets A and B, the set of elements from A relation R is transitive iff whenever aRb and bRc (or <a, b) E R
which the first members of the pairs in relation R are drawn is the and <b, c) E R), then aRc (or <a, c) E R). Both ordinary set inclusion
domain of R, and the second members are drawn from the range or and proper set inclusion are transitive relations; being older than
codomain of R. Relations are often notated as follows: aRb. This is also designates a transitive relation. A relation that is not transitive
just another notation that says the pair <a, b) belongs to relation R; is nontransitive. The membership relation between elements and
that is, <a, b) E R. We often read this as "a stands in relation R to the sets to which they belong is nontransitive. For example, Mary
b." We can think of the incomplete VP is the author of as desig- might belong to the Task Force for Battered Women (TFBW), and
nating a binary relation that holds between an author and some- the TFBW might belong to the United Way, but it does not follow
thing she or he wrote, as designating the set of ordered pairs whose that Mary belongs to the United Way. Again, the transitive verb like
first member is an author and whose second is something the designates a relation that is nontransitive. Joan may like Linda, and
author wrote. Call this set A. Then A = {<Chomsky, Aspects), Linda may like Bill, but we may find that Joan does not like Bill. If
<Alcott, Little Women), <Hollander, "The Coiled Alizarine"), R is a relation such that whenever aRb and bRc, it is not the case
<Chomsky, "Remarks on Nominalization"), ... }. Hence, <Austen, that aRc (<a, c) ¢ R), then R is said to be intransitive. For example,
Emma) E A means that Austen is the author of Emma; being the mother of is associated with an intransitive relation (if we
<Shakespeare, Syntactic Structures)¢ A means that Shakespeare is confine our attention to biological motherhood). (Note that a tran-
not the author of Syntactic Structures. Generally, <a, b) E A means sitive verb need not designate a transitive relation, nor is intran-
that a is the author of b. We can think of the incomplete VP sitivity of relations associated with intransitive verbs. Grammatical
was written by as designating the set of ordered pairs whose first and mathematical terminology must be kept distinct here.)
member is a piece of writing and whose second member is the A relation R is symmetric if whenever aRb (<a, b) E R), then bRa
person who wrote the work in question. Call this set B. ( <b, a) E R). The relation being five miles from is symmetric. A
Appendix 536 Set-Theoretic Notation and Concepts 537

relation that is not symmetric is nonsymmetric. Being the sister of with its converse, is written by (we restrict our attention to single-
is a nonsymmetric relation, since Joan may be the sister of Lee and authored works). Here once the first slot is filled in, there is a single
Lee may be the brother (not sister) of Joan. A relation is asymmetric value for the second slot. In other words, was written by can be as-
if it is never the case both that aRb and bRa. Being the mother of is sociated with a function that assigns books, essays, poems, etc., to
an asymmetric relation, unless we go beyond standard biological the individual who wrote them. Thf,'l expression was born in desig-
parenthood (which allows all sorts of more complex scenarios: my nates a function that assigns a unique year to each person, the year
(step) daughter might marry my father and then become my (step) in which the person was born. (Of course, the same year will occur
mother, making me my own grandmother). Proper set inclusion as second member of different ordered pairs, since many different
and set membership are asymmetric. people are born in a single year.)
An equivalence relation is a relation that is reflexive, transitive, The first member of an ordered pair in a function is its argument;
and symmetric. An equivalence relation R partitions a set A into arguments belong to the domain of the function. The second mem-
equivalence classes, which are disjoint and whose union is identi- ber of an ordered pair in a function is its value; values belong to the
cal with A. For each a in the domain of R, let S(a) ={bE A: aRb}. function's range.
Then S(a) is the equivalence class to which a belongs. Being the To indicate that <x,y) belongs to the function f, we often write
same age as is an equivalence relation, and each equivalence class f(x) = y. A function of this type is a one-place function, for it takes
consists of a cohort: those who are some particular age. only one argument. Thus a one-place function is a one-one or a
Relation R is one-one if each element in the domain is paired many-one two-place relation. Examples of such functions are the
with exactly one element in the range and vice versa. The relation following:
between individuals and their fingerprints is thought to be one-one.
was-born-in(Alan) = 1962
Relation R is one-many if some members of the domain are paired
was-born-in(Blanche) = 1897
with more than one member of the range. Being the mother of is
the-height-of(Sally) = 5 feet, 4 inches
associated with a one-many relation, since some mothers have sev- the-senior-senator-from(N.Y.) =Patrick Moynihan (as of spring
eral children. Relation R is many-one if different members of the
domain can be paired with the same member of the range. Being the
child of is associated with a many-one relation, since sometimes When a function has a small domain we often represent it in tabu-
several children have the same parent. A relation is many-many if lar form. So, for example, if the domain is {Alan, Lisa, Greg} and
it is both many-one and one-many. Has visited designates a many- the function is that expressed by x's spouse, we might display the
many relation between people and cities, since a person may visit pairings in an array:
many cities and a particular city may be visited by many people. Alan __.,
Lisa __., Bob
[ Greg __., Jill
4 Functions
A two-place relation R is a function just in case any element a in This is just an alternative way of representing x's spouse(Alan) =
the domain of R is the first member of only one ordered pair, that is, Alan's spouse =Nancy, etc.
just in case if aRb and aRc, then b = c. A function is a relation that By means of our definitions, we can designate the same function
is not one-many but either one-one or many-one. The relation is the in different ways; the notion of function is extensional like the
author of that we discussed in the last section is not a function: it notion of set that helps define it. Suppose that f1 (x) = x 2 - 1 and
holds between Chomsky and Syntactic Structmes and also between f2 (x) (x- 1)(x + 1). We have specified f 1 and f2 using different
Chomsky and "Remarks on Nominalization." That is putting rules for determing the value of the function, but the rules yield
Chomsky in the first slot of " __ is the author of __ " does not exactly the same value for any numerical argument. Thus f 1 = f 2 ;
uniquely determine a value to fill in the second slot. Contrast this that is, we have not two functions but only one.
Appendix 538 Set-Theoretic Notation and Concepts 539

Some helpful notation is the following: then b = b'. We write g(a 1, ... , an)= b for <a 1, ... , an, b) E g. For
f : A ~ B In words, f maps A, its domain, onto B, its range. example, addition over the positive integers is a two-place function
BA The set of functions with domain A and range B; that is, the set mapping two numbers onto their sum. It is the infinite set
of functions from A to B. { <x, y, z) : x and y are positive integers and z = x + y} =
{ <1, 1, 2), <1, 2, 3), <2, 1, 3), ... }.
From the above definition it follows that (CB) A is the set of all
It turns out that n-place functions can always be reduced to the
functions from A onto cB. Thus a member g of (CB)A is a function-
successive application of one-place functions. The reduction is
valued function. For any a E A,g(a) is a function from B onto C, or
often called currying a function, in recognition of logician H. B.
for any bE B, g(a)(b) E C. This should not be confused with C(BA),
Curry, who adapted the technique from M. Schi:infinkel, in whose
which is the set of all functions from BA to C. That is, a function h
honor Kratzer and Heim (1998) speak of schonfinkelization. The
in C(BA) will map each function dE BA onto a member of C; that is,
basic idea is simple, and we will illustrate it using the addition
h(d) E C.
function that maps any two integers onto their sum. That is, we
A complete function assigns values to every member of its do-
begin with f(x, y) = x + y. The trick is to let functions assign other
main; every member of the domain is a first member of an ordered
functions as values. So for any x, let f' (x) be the function that when
pair belonging to the function. A function that fails to assign values
applied to y yields f(x, y) = x + y. In other words f'(x)(y) =
to some members of its domain is a partial function. Generally,
f(x, y) = x + y. Exactly which function is assigned as f'(x) de-
when reference is made simply to functions, it is complete func-
pends, of course, on the argument x. So if x = 2, f'(2) is the func-
tions that are meant.
tion that when applied to argument y yields the value 2 + y; i.e.,
Any set can be associated with a particular distinguished func-
f'(2)(y) = 2 + y and thus f'(2)(3) = [2 + y](3) = 2 + 3 = f(2, 3). If
tion called its characteristic function or its membership function
x = 4 then f' (4) is the function that when applied to argument y
relative to a given universe or domain D. The characteristic func-
yields the value 4+ y; i.e., f'(4)(y) 4+ y and thus f'(4)(2) =
tion of A relative to D is the function ftA with domain D such that [4 + y](2) = 4 + 2. Or we can take the second argument first and let
ftA(x) = 1 iff x E A and flA(x) = 0 iff x ¢A.
f" (y) be the function that when applied to x yields f(x, y) = x + y.
It is conventional to choose {0, 1} as the range of characteristic
In this case, we have f"(y)(x) = x + y = f(x, y). So f"(2)(x) =
functions, although any two-membered set will do the job. What is
x + 2 and f"(2)(3) = [x + 2](3) = 3 + 2 = f(3, 2). And so on.
crucial is that the ;:;pecification of a set defines a unique character-
istic function and the specification of a complete function from
universe D to {0, 1} defines a unique subset of D. The characteristic 5 Boolean Algebras
function sorts the members of D into those that belong to A and Finally, we need to define the algebraic notion of a Boolean alge-
those that do not. The fact that we can go from a set to a unique bra, which we mention at several points in the text. An algebra is
function and from a function to a unique set allows us for certain just a set together with operations that map an element or elements
purposes to identify sets with their characteristic functions. of the set onto some unique element of the same set. Boolean alge-
The characteristic functions associated with the members of bras have three operations: two binary operations (which we will
t?P(A), the power set of set A, are just the family {0, 1}A. Any char-
denote with n and u) and a unary operation (denoted by-). There
acteristic function of a subset of A belongs to this family, and any
are also two distinguished elements of the set (denoted by 1 and 0).
member of this family is the characteristic function of some subset Call the set B.
of A.
Then the elements of the algebra satisfy the following axioms:
So far we have considered only one-place (unary) functions.
However, we can extend our approach to n-place functions (func- (1) For any A, BE B,
tions that take n arguments). An n-place function g from A 1 , ... , An a. AuB=BuA
to B is an (n + 1)-place relation such that for any a1 E A1, ... , b. BnA = AnB
OnE An and any b, b' E B, if <a1, ... , On, b) E g and <a1, ... , On, b') E g, This axiom says that both the binary operations are commutative.
Appendix 540 Notes

(2) For any A, B, C E B,

a. Au (Bu C)= (A uB) u C
b. A n (B n C) = (A n B) n C
This says that both binary operations are associative.
(3) ForanyA,B,CEB,
a. A u (B n C) = (Au B) n (Au C)
b. A n (B u C) = (An B) u (A n C) Chapter 1
1. See for example, work in generalized phrase-structure grammar (GPSG) as described in
This says that each binary operation is distributive over the other. Gazdar, Klein, Pullum, and Sag (1985) and related approaches, such as those outlined in
Pollard and Sag (1 988).
(4) For any A E B, A- is the unique element satisfying the 2. See van Riemsdijk and Williams (1 986) for an introduction to the "principles and
conditions Au A- 1 and An A- = 0. parameters" framework in current Chomskyan syntactic theory. Chomsky (1986), espe-
cially 3.4, discusses how parametric approaches shed new light on the structpre of the
Our choice of symbols for the operations is motivated by the fact human language faculty. (Chomsky 1995 and other recent work in the minimalist
framework does not really use the "parameter" idea directly.) Within semantics, ex-
that the set-theoretic operations in a particular domain form a plicitly comparative work is more recent. Although still not very extensive, research on
Boolean algebra. A nonempty set D generates a Boolean algebra as cross linguistic semantics is rapidly increasing. Chierchia (1 998a, 1998b) argues that
follows. Let B = &(D), the power set of D or the set whose members parameters belong in semantic theory, whereas other recent work on crosslinguistic
semantics takes a somewhat different approach to the question of universals; see, e.g.,
are all the subsets of D. Interpret the operations as ordinary set Bach eta! (1 995) and Bittner (1995).
union ( u ), intersection ( n ), and complementation(-), and let 1 = D 3. See Chomsky (1 965) for the distinction between formal and material universals of lan-
guage and J. D. Fodor (1 977) for an excellent account of the contributions of McCawley
and 0 = 0 (the null set). The resulting structure is then a Boolean and others in generative semantics and more generally of semantic research in the gener-
algebra. Propositional logic also forms a Boolean algebra under a ative tradition into the early seventies.
suitable interpretation if we identify v with u, 1\ with n, and -, 4. The illustration comes from Cresswell (1985, 3).
5. See esp. Grice (1975, 1978), both of which are reprinted in Grice (1 989). Grice also sug-
with -. Intuitively, 0 and 1 correspond to falsity and truth, respec- gested that some inferences are licensed by virtue of noninformational aspects of linguis-
tively. A bit more has to be said to make this precise, but the point tic meaning rather than by either entailment or conversational principles; we defer
discussion of these so-called conventional implicatures until chapter 4.
is that the axioms above are indeed theorems of propositional logic. 6. See Evans (1980) for detailed discussion of this issue.
7. See, for example, Higginbotham (1983).
Further easy-to-read resources for linguists with little or no 8. See J.D. Fodor (1977) for a discussion of this essentially syntactic account of anomaly and
of the observations that led linguists to explore more semantic approaches.
formal background are Wall (1972) and Allwood, Andersson, and 9. Hollander's poem, "Coiled Alizarine: For Noam Chomsky," is reprinted from John
Dahl (1971). Partee, ter Meulen, and Wall (1990) cover a much Hollander, The Night Mirror (Atheneum Publishers, 1971) on page 1 of Harman (1 974).
wider range of basic mathematical material relevant for work in
formal linguistics. The reader might also find it useful to consult an
elementary introduction to set theory like Halmos (1960) or Stoll Chapter 2
(1963). 1. See J. A. Fodor (1975) for a discussion of the notion of a "language of thought" and its
semantic relevance.
2. A clear and more extensive formulation of these criticisms can be found in Lewis
3. A problem that clearly shows the direct semantic relevance of these questions is the mass/
count distinction, the semantic (and syntactic) differences between nouns like gold, fur-
niture, equipment, etc. versus boy, cot, choir, etc. See, for example, Pelletier (1979).
4. This argument is already implicit in Frege (1892). More recent versions of it can be found
in Church (1956) and Davidson (1967a). Barwise and Perry (1983) dub it "the slingshot."
The argument might be a little hard to grasp at first. A full understanding of it is not a
necessary prerequisite for subsequent material.
Notes 542 Notes 543

5. In contemporary philosophy of language one of the most influential proponents of this English, even from well educated speakers. It has also been used by such writers as
view is Donald Davidson. See, for example, Davidson (1967a, 1977). William Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and George Eliot.
6. A rule of the form "A--> BC" is to be read as "A rewrites as B followed by C." Its intuitive 10. According to some, for example, May (1985), LF does not disambiguate scope completely
interpretation is roughly the following: an expression of category A can be composed of an but merely constrains admissible scope configurations.
expression of category B followed by an expression of category C. 11. Our thanks to Fred Landman for pointing this example out to us. The relation of pronouns
7. The branch of logic known as proof theory can be viewed as an attempt to characterize to antecedents in disjunctions raises many complicated issues (see Simons 1998 for dis-
entailment in syntactic terms. Yet proof theory is linked in several ways to semantic cussion).
characterizations of entailment (such as the ones studied in this book). We will come back 12. Universal quantifiers can bind across conjuncts only under quite special circumstances.
to the relation between proof theory and semantics in chapter 3. See Roberts (1987) for a discussion.
8. On the semantics of orders and imperatives from a truth-conditional point of view, see, for 13. Influential work on this topic includes Cooper (1979), Evans (1980), Kamp (1981), and
example, Huntley (1984) and references therein. Heim (1982).
9. On the semantics of questions from a truth-conditional point of view, see, for example, 14. These phenomena have been widely discussed in the transformational literature. A
Karttunen (1977) and Groenendijk and Stokhof(1984) and references therein. classic paper is Lasnik (1976). Also see Bach and Partee (1980), Chomsky (1981), and
10. On this, see Stalnaker (1984), chapter 2. Reinhart (1983a, 1983b).
15. See also Reinhart and Reuland (1993).

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
1. The notion of alphabetic variant will play a role in our discussion of VP anaphora in
chapter 7. The basic idea is that when variables are bound, it will not matter which vari- 1. Frege (1918), p. 5 in the English translation.
able we happen to have chosen; thus, e.g., lfx7 3x3 [P(x7 )--> Q(x3 )] will turn out to be 2. But see also Huntley (1984), where an analysis of imperatives within a truth-conditional
equivalent to lfxz3x7 [P(x2 )--> Q(x7 )]. If you can get from one formula rjJ to another formula framework is presented.
tjJ simply by changing lfxn (or 3xn) to \fx111 (3xm), and also changing all and only occur- 3. Austin's thumbnail characterizations here and below can be found in Austin (1962) at the
rences of Xn that are bound by lfxn (or 3xn) to Xm, then rjJ and tjJ are sometimes said to be beginning of lecture 9, 2nd ed., p. 109.
immediate alphabetic variants. If you can get from rjJ to tjJ by a finite series of moves, each 4. Searle noted this in a lecture at the 1987 Summer Institute of the Linguistic Society of
of which takes you from a formula to an immediate alphabetic variant of that formula, America, Stanford University.
then rjJ and tjJ are alphabetic variants. 5. See also chapter 3 of Searle (1969).
2. Strictly speaking, for each i, t; is a metavariable, that is, a variable in the metalanguage 6. Searle (1965) in Martinich (1985, 128).
that ranges over terms (individual variables and constants) of the object language. In fact, 7. Grice's theory of conversational implicature was first presented in the William James
we generally use category symbols with systematic ambiguity as names of linguistic Lectures at Harvard in 1967. Although much of the material has been in print for some
objects and as names of categories. time (see Grice 1968, 1969, 1975, 1978), the complete lectures did not appeared until
3. Quantificational semantics is sometimes given in terms of sequences of elements in the 1989, along with an introduction written some twenty years later. This volume also
domain that specify the values of variables; the nth element of a sequence is the value includes related papers by Grice and an epilogue that gives a retrospective view of his
assigned to the nth variable. An assignment function g determines the sequence overall philosophical program.
<g(x1 ), g(x2 ), ... ,g(xn), ... ), and given a sequence for interpreting variables, we can define 8. Horn and Levinson made their endorsement in their course on pragmatics at the 1987
an assignment function whose value for the nth variable is the nth member of the Summer Institute of the Linguistic Society of America, Stanford University.
4. There is an exception, however. A formula like Q(x3 ) v --,Q(x3 ) will be true no matter
what value is assigned to x 3 , since the same value must be assigned to a single variable in
all its occurrences and thus the formula in question will always express a tautology. Chapter 5
5. Russell's (1905) quantificational approach contrasts with Frege's (1892) view of singular
definite descriptions as referring expressions that presuppose the existence of a unique 1. Henceforth we will often use world instead of world-time pair or circumstance when no
referent; Strawson (1950) was an influential criticism of the Russellian position and de- confusion results.
fense of the Fregeau. Some authors, e.g., Peacocke (1975) and Hornsby (1977), have 2. Kamp (1971) and Dowty (1979) are among the early applications of possible world
maintained that there is an ambiguity between referring and quantificational definite NPs. semantics to questions of temporal semantics; many others have built on Kamp's and
Kadmon (1987) and Neale (1990) contain extensive discussions of the issues involved. Dowty's work.
6. Adopting a notation with restricted quantifiers does not suffice to make most first-order 3. Chap. 8, sec. 2, briefly discusses some manifestations of aspect in English, but a substan-
definable. To interpret most, we can no longer quantify just over individuals but must tial treatment of this topic is beyond the scope of our text.
essentially quantify over higher-order entities like sets. On this, see, for example, Barwise 4. Actually, it has been argued that heads can only move to higher head positions (see, e.g.,
and Cooper (1981) and onr chapter 9. Travis 1984). In this case, the head ofT would wind up in, say, the complementizer
7. This example is from Hirschbiihler (1982). position (much like what happens with so called subject-auxiliary inversion in English
8. The labels deep (D) and surface (S) are kept in current transformational theories mostly yes-no questions).
for historical reasons; their role in the theory has changed significantly since their original 5. Strictly speaking (32c) should be something like [TP NP T VP] =? [T [TP NP ['!' VP]]]
appearance on the linguistic scene. 6. Hornstein (1990) introduced the Reichenbach framework to many linguists; Dowty (1982),
9. We are using the prescriptively "incorrect" them as a gender-neutral singular pronoun. As Hinrichs (1986), Kamp and Reyle (1993), and others develop explicit truth-conditional
Matos sian (1997) showed, they/them is the overwhelming preference in spoken American instantiations of the general reference-time idea.
Notes 544
Notes 545

7. See Zucchi (forthcoming) for a general overview and critical discussion of this literature.
8. This section is based mainly on Kratzer (1981). The version of her theory that we pre- Chapter 7
sent here is highly simplified and doesn't convey the coverage and depth of her 1. Strictly speaking, properties are intensional and we are here proceeding extensionally; the
analysis. extension of a ,\-term in the simplest case will be a set of entities or the characteristic
9. Strictly speaking, this takes us beyond first-order logic. There are a number of options in function of such a set. However, the dominant practise is to use the term "property" for A-
this connection, but we cannot get into a discussion of them here. terms and, having hereby warned the reader, we think it innocent enough to stick to that
10. This argument in favour of the predicative view was formulated originally in Chierchia practise even in the present extensional context. We also note that it is, of course, the
(1984), where it was construed as an argument that IGs are syntactically VPs, rather than semantic value of the ,\-abstract and not the syntactic expression itself that is a property
clauses. Further arguments in favor of the predicative view of IGs (based on so called "de (or the extensional equivalent thereof).
se" phenomena) were put forth in Chierchia (1989). For a different view of these phe- 2. This only applies to (I)PC. In the framework sketched in chap. 2, sec. 3.4 (which is based
nomena, see, e.g., Higginbotham (1992). On control structures in general, see Dowty on Montague's version of functional type theory) it is possible to represent VPs like love
(1985) and the papers in Larson eta!. (1992) and the references therein. Pavarotti directly, without resorting to the ,\-operator. Even in that framework, however,
11. A classical point of reference in connection with this line of thought is Davidson (1969). more complex VPs (such as those to be discussed in the following sections) would require
We should add, however, that the positions we outline here are just pedagogical fictions something like the ,\-operator.
(they are not held, in the simplistic form we provide, by anyone in particular). 3. The present tense under om current assumptions makes no contribution, and thus we are
12. See J. A. Fodor (1978, 1981). But see also the caveat in note 6. going to assume that PRES' is just the identity map, that is, for any¢, PRES' ¢ = ¢.
13. See Thomason (1977). 4. In the version of F3 we have given, we are omitting, for simplicity, modals, infinitives and
14. Recent semantic approaches developed within discourse representation theory could be gerunds. Notice, however, that in our treatment of infinitives and gerunds we relied on
taken as following the general strategy illustrated in (101). See Asher and Kamp (1989) having abstraction in our semantics (using our informal grasp of set abstraction); we now
and Zeevat (1984). See also Larson and Segal (1995, chap. 11). see how that approach can be made explicit. The translation of infinitives can be set up so
15. See also Lewis (1972), Bigelow (1978), and Cresswell (1985). as to yield the following results: [PR0 11 to smoke]'= AXn[smoke'(xn)]
5. Relevant discussion can be found in Dowty (1979) and Thomason (1980), among other
6. See, for example, Partee and Roath (1983), Keenan and Faltz (1985), and Link (1983). See
Chapter 6 the appendix for a definition of Boolean algebras.
7. This important distinction is discussed in Johnson-Laird (1983).
1. This example is modeled on one used in Stalnaker (1974).
8. See Chomsky (1957, chap. 5), for the first discussion of the phenomenon in transforma-
2. There is interesting work in model-theoretic semantics on such point-of-view expressions,
tional terms and an explicit formulation of the process as he then saw it.
for example, Cresswell (1978).
9. See Partee and Roath (1983); Sag, Wasow, Gazdar, and Weisler (1985); and references
3. Many such examples are discussed in Fillmore (1975) and Bennett (1978).
4. A number of Montague's papers are collected in Montague (1974), which also contains
10. See Partee and Roath (1983) and references therein.
Thomason (1974), a useful introduction to Montague's program. Classics in tense logic
11. Alternatively, one can interpret structures of the form [Johni [vp ei smokes]] on a par with
include Reichenbach (1947) and Prior (1967).
quantificational structures, as we did at the end of section 2.4, chapter 3. On this
5. Barwise and Perry (1983) discuss this point in terms of what they call the efficiency of approach, [[Johni [vr ei smokes]]]M,g = 1 iff[[ei smokes]]M,g[i/e;] = 1, where j = [John]M,g.
language, which lies in the possibility of using the same linguistic form to express differ-
12. The basic idea of analyzing the semantics of relative clauses this way goes back to Quine
ent propositional contents in different contexts.
6. What but does is much more complex than the simple notion of contrast suggests. For
13. The main sources for this section are Sag (1976) and Williams (1977).
more detailed analyses that make explicit links to the discourse functions of but, see L.
14. An interpretive alternative, whereby some empty place holders are generated and then a
Carlson (1983) and Blakemore (1989).
procedure to interpret them is provided, is also viable (see, e.g., Williams 1977). We wish
7. In the linguistics literature, Kempson (1975) and Wilson (1975) presented important ar-
to stay neutral on these two alternatives and our adoption here of the deletion hypothesis
guments that the presupposed status of factive complements was not a matter of conven-
is just an expository convenience.
tional meaning; we consider below some arguments from Stalnaker (1974) about the status
15. Actually things wouldn't change in the elided VP if we were to pick another set of indices.
of presuppositions associated with factives.
For example, instead of (64a) we could have (i):
8. See Sag and Prince (1979) for an extensive bibliography of the early work. In addition to
(i) Frank3 [ e3 [spoke to Bill about himself3 ]]
more recent works cited in the text, see also Beaver (1995, 1997), Geurts (1994), Heim
LF (i) amounts to an alphabetic variant of(64a) and is logically equivalent to it. So, in fact,
(1992), and van der Sandt (1988, 1992). the relevant LFs have to be identical up to alphabetic change of bound variables. The
9. See Stalnaker (1974) for arguments that presupposition is a fundamentally pragmatic
definition of alphabetic variance for LF mimics the one for logical languages. See Sag
notion in the sense of being what conversationalists take for granted.
(1976, 101 ff.) for a discussion of the issues involved.
10. Keenan (1969) is an example from the linguistics literature of a three-valued logic for
16. On this, see Kratzer and Heim (1998, chap. 9), by which the following subsection is
accommodating presupposition failure. Supervaluations were applied to the treatment of
presupposition in van Fraassen (1969). Neither kind of logic has anything to say about the
17. In some contexts, some speakers do seem to allow such an interpretation. Suppose, for
way in which presupposition projection depends on discourse, which is the theme we
'3Xample, that every student needs to consult with some professor or other about course
pursue here. The approach presented below could be supplemented by either a three-
registration and a !so needs to get the signature of Mary, who is the registrar.
valued or a supervaluationallogic.
18. If such interpretations are not impossible but only dispreferred, as suggested in the pre-
11. Assume that Sand not S each entails S'. Then in every model in which Sis true, S' must
ceding note, then perhaps Fox's economy principle ought to be conceived as part of a
be true, and in every model in which not Sis true, S' must be true. It follows, then, that S'
module that establishes the relative markedness or accessibility of interpretations.
must be true in every model, for in every classical model either S or its negation will be
19. See Heim (1997) for an argument that VP ellipsis requires VPs to denote open formulas
true. Thus S' must be a tautology. rather than properties.
Notes 546 Notes 547

Chapter 8 15. See, e.g., Dowty (1979) or Parsons (1990, 1995) for discussion. See also Kratzer (1995),
which argues that objects are fed in via the ordered argument method, while subjects are
1. The -ess affix is not very productive in contemporary English but only a century or so ago, fed in via thematic roles, so that,. e.g., the logical form of (o) would be something like (b):
as women began to teach at American institutions of higher learning (especially those for (o) Lee kissed Kim
women students), some suggested they should be called pmfessoresses. As was pointed (b) 3e [kiss'(e,Kim') 1\ AGENT (e)= Lee']
out in Lakoff (1975) and has been widely discussed since, such pairs are seldom dis- Kartzer links these ideas to the semantics of voice.
tinguished only by sex of referent. 16. See, for example, Rosen (1984) and Dowty (1989) for discussions of problems in arriving
2. We are grateful to Wayles Browne and to Vicki Carstens for the Russian and the Kiswahili at semantic content of thematic roles adequate for all the different generalizations that
examples respectively. invoke them. Jackendoff (1 987) informally characterizes a particular set of thematic roles
3. Lyons (1977, vol. 1, chaps. 8-9) contains much excellent discussion of traditional work of that he argues underlie the syntax-semantics correspondence, whereas Levin and Rappa-
this kind. See also Lehrer (1974) and Cruse (1986). port (1986) use somewhat differently conceived thematic roles in their interesting account
4. See, for example, Vendler (1967), Kenny (1963), Dowty (1979), and Verkuyl (1972, 1989), of a word formation rule.
among others. We will briefly discuss below Parsons (1990), which in certain ways builds 17. Coleman and Kay (1981) apply the prototype idea to analysis of a more abstract part of the
on Dowty's work. vocabulary. More recently Lakoff (1987) has argued that prototypes are central to basic
5. Again we recommend J. D. Fodor (1977) for a thoughtful overview of both generative word meanings and more generally play a critical role in structuring basic conceptual
semantics and the work of Katz and his colleagues. Bolinger (1965) is an incisive critique categories. For all we know, some version of this view may prove right, but we disagree
of Katz and Fodor (1963). Katz's more recent work, like (1 981), abandons the psycholo- sharply with Lakoff's conclusion that truth-conditional theories of semantics are thereby
gistic perspective and proposes that the designated concepts are extramental abstract ruled out. As the rest of this section shows, it is quite possible to hold that prototypes and
objects. Yet Katz is still uninterested in the questions about reference and truth that we similarity relations of some kind organize conceptual categories associated with individ-
have argued constitute the most powerful tool to test semantic theories. Pustejovsky ual words and still maintain a truth-conditional approach to semantics.
(1995), which proposes a quite elaborate scheme of multi-leveled semantic representa- 18. There are many different fuzzy logics, and there is especially great variation in definitions
tions for words, is among the most recent generativist accounts of word meaning. of the fuzzy conditional. Zadeh's system is essentially like Lukasiewicz's (1930) infinite-
6. Not all constraints on models for a language can be formulated as meaning postulates, i.e., valued calculus.
within the language itself. Our requirement that, e.g., woman' should denote in any cir- 19. See Morgan and Pelletier (1977) for a discussion of technical problems with fuzzy logics.
cumstance all and only those who are women in that circumstance is not a meaning pos- 20. The general approach has been extended and further developed by Kamp (1981), Pinkal
tulate of IPC because it links the interpretation of IPC to that of another language, namely, (1983, 1984, 1987), Klein (1980), and McConnell-Ginet (1989). Williamson (1994) argues
English. Barwise and Perry (1983) talk generally of "constraints", and Higginbotham that supervaluationist approaches, although in some ways superior to fuzzy logics, ulti-
(1989) discusse.~ elucidations of meaning. mately fail; he proposes instead a view of vagueness as not semantic but epistemic.
7. The question of how word formation rules figure in a grammar is a complex one, which Williamson's basic idea, which we cannot really consider here, is that we do not and
we cannot really address here. Bauer (1983) gives an introductory overview. Theoretical cannot know where the line is drawn between the tall and the not tall but, given a context,
treatments of such issues include Lieber (1980), Selkirk (1982), Kiparsky (1988), Di there is a determinate line.
Sciullo and Williams (1987), and Baker (1988). Some very illuminating work on semantic 21. This definition does not do justice to the context dependency of these expressions. How-
properties of English verbs appears in Levin (1993) and Levin and Rappaport Hovav ever, it is easy to modify it along the lines of our treatment of adjectives in section 3, for
(1995). example. We will ignore these complications here, as they do not affect our main point.
8. Wierzbicka (1996) objects to our discussion of these issues in the first edition, pointing out
that because is acquired very early and suggesting that a basic concept of causation figures
in the inventory of semantic primitives. As we say, neither acquisition nor processing data
settle the issue of whether lexical items are decomposed, but such data do suggest that the Chapter 9
relation between lexical items and concepts may be rather more complex than standard
accounts envisage. 1. What we have been calling NP corresponds in recent syntactic work to DP (as the deter-
9. Hale and Keyser (1993) emphasizes the semantic relevance of the syntactic configurations miner seems to be the head of the construction). Under this analysis, it is DP that cor-
in which words occur. responds to generalized quantifiers. The literature on generalized quantifiers is quite
10. Hoshi and Saito (1993) discuss this phenomenon; we thank Takashi Toyoshima for the extensive. See Barwise and Cooper (1981), Keenan and Stavi (1986), and van Benthem
example. There is also considerable discussion in Baker (1996, chap. 8) of the whole issue (1983), among others.
of complex predicates. 2. The main source of this section is Ladusaw (1979). Also see Linebarger (1987).
11. Adjectives like pink are also vague or imprecise. We will discuss this issue in section 5. 3. Right upward entailing/monotone corresponds to monotone increasing in the terminol-
12. See, for example, McConnell-Ginet (1973), Kamp (1975), Siegel (1976), and Klein (1980). ogy ofBarwise and Cooper (1981).
13. See, e.g., Jackendoff (1972, chap. 3), McConnell-Ginet (1982), Ernst (1984), and Wyner 4. Left upward entailing/monotone corresponds to persistent in the terminology of Barwise
(1994) for more discussion of adverbial semantics. and Cooper (1981).
14. Sometimes thematic roles are used only to develop a theory of how arguments are fed into 5. For an analysis of only, see Roath (1985) and references therein.
relations. For example, van Riemsdijk and Williams (1986, 241), say that "8-theory, as 6. Two different versions of the proof can be found in Keenan and Stavi (1986) and van
outlined here, is not committed to .. , a system of argument types ... such as agent." Benthem (1983). The formulation of the theorem adopted here is van Benthem's.
Thematic roles in this sense have no semantic import. Here we will be concerned pri- 7. This statement is a free paraphrase of Williams (1984, 406).
marily with approaches to thematic roles according to which thematic roles like agent or
experiencer are not arbitrary labels of argument slots but are viewed as having substantive
semantic content. Analysis of thematic roles in formal semantic frameworks did not begin
until the 1980s. See, e.g., G. Carlson (1984), Chierchia (1984, 1989), Parsons (1990, 1995),
Dowty (1989), and Krifka (1987) for relevant discussion.

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