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S. No15W

Begun and held in Matro Manila, on Monday, twenty-fourth

day of July, two thousand seventeen.

[ REPUBLIC ACT N . 1 0 9 6 3

ANACTAMENDING SECTIONS 5, 6, 34, 25, 27, 3¥, 32, 33, 34,

61, 52, 56, 57, 58, 74, 79, ß4, 86, 90, 91, 97, 99, 100, 101,
106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 114, 116, 127, 12B, 129, 145,
148, 149, 151, 155, 171, 174, 175, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181,
182, 183, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196,
197, 232, 236, 237, S49, 254, 264, 269, AND288; GREATOIG
NEW SECTIONS 5I-A, 148-A, 150-A, 150-B, 237-A,
35, 62, AND 89; ALL UNDER REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8424,

be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represent atives of the

Philippines in Congress assembled:

SECTION 1. Etle. — This Act shall be known as the “Tax addressee, and financial statements of corporations,
Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN)". mutual fund comp aniea, insurance companies,
SEc. 2. Declaration ofPoliey. — It is hereby declared the regional operating headquarters of multinational
policg of the State: mmpaniea, joint acmunte, aesoeiations, jointventures
or consortia and registered partnerships, and their
(a) To enhance the progressivity of the taa system through members: Prouided, That the Cooperative
the rationalization of the Philippine internal revenue tax system, DevelopmentAuthonty ahallsubmit to the Bureau a
thereby promoting sustainable and inclusive economic growth; tax incentive report, which shall include information
(b) To provide, as much as possible, an equitable relief to a on the income tax, value-added tax, and other tax
greater number of taxpayers and their families in order to improve incentives availed of by cooperatives registered and
levels of disposable income and increase economic activity; and enjoying incentives under Republic Act No. 6938, as
amended: Provided, further, That the intonation
(c) To ensure that the government is able to provide for the submitted by the Cooperative Development Authority
needs of those under its jurisdiction and care through the provision to the Bureau shall be submitted to tLe Department
of better infrastructure, health, education, jobs, and aoeial of Finance and shall be included in the database
protection for the people. created under Republic Act No. 10708, otherwise
known as ‘The Tax Incentives Management and
SEC. 3. Section 5 of the NationalInternalRevenue Co6e ot Transparency Act (TIMTA)’.
1997 (NIRC), as amended, is hereby further amended to read as

‘SEC. 5. Power of ffi Commissioner to Ot›tain SEC. 4. Section 6 of the NIRC, as amended, is hereby
Information, and to S!umruon, Examine, and Tahe further amended to read as follows:
Testimoii2 f Perso us. - In ascertaining the
correctness of any return, or in making a return when “SEC. 6. Power o/ the Com miv Riover to Make
none has been made, or in determining the liability Assess rrse n t8 an d Pres cri be Addict on at
of any person for any internal revenue tax, or in ^ Req uireme• ts for Tax Ad iniiiistratio ti arid
collecting any eueh liability, or in evaluating tax Enforcement. —
compliance, the Commissioner is authorised:
‘ (A) Examination of Returns ond
Determination of 7'nz Due. — Aker a return has
been filed aa required under the provisions of thia
“(B) To obtain on a regular basis from any Code, the Commissioner or hia duly authorized
person other than the person whose internal representative may authorize the examination of any
revenue tax liability is subject to audit or taxpayer and the assessment of:the correct amount
investigation, or from any office or officer of the of tax, notwithstanding any law requiring the prior
nationalandlocal governments, government agéncies authorization of any government agency or
and instrumentalities, including the Bangko Sentral instrumentality-. Proui‹fed, hoMeoer, That failure to
eg Pflipinas and government-owned or -controlled file a return ahall not prevent the Gommisaioner fzom
corporations, any informañon such as, but not limited authorizing the examination of any taxpayer.
to, costs and volume of production, receipts or sales
and gross incomes of taxpayers, and the namee,
88C. 5- Section 34 of the NIRC, as amended, is hereby
further amended to read asfollows:

IEC. 24. l ico rne Tu Rotes. -

and nd,v‘v*’dual Rezideitl Aliezi of tW Philippines. -

‘ (E) Autlsoril y o[ the Cocimiscioner io ‘(1) An income tax is hereby impoæd:

is hereby authörised to divide the Philipjinee into On the taxable income defined inSection

di8erent zoñes or areas and shaft, upon mandatory Gode, other than ineome subject to tax
undez Subsections (B), (C), and (D) of thia Section,
consultation with œmpetent appraiaera bothfzoz the

primate and public sectora, and witii prior notice to derived for eaeh taxable year from all eourœs witbin
affeeted tazpa3rers, detezæine the fair market value and without the Philippines by every iodividual
of realpzopertieslocated ineach zone or area, Sect citizen of the Philippines reeiding therein;
to automatic adjustment once everjr three (3) years
throughrules andregulaÔons issuedby the Secretary ‘(b) On the taxable income defined inSection
of Finance based on the current Philippine valuation 31 Of this Gode, other tban income subject to tax
standards: Prouiöed, That no adjustment in zonal under Subseetions fay, (C), and (D) of this Section,
valuaÔon shall be valid unleaB pHbliahed in a dezived for each taxable year i'rom allsourœa witbin
newspaper of general‹är‹mlationînthe province, city the Phi)jppines by an individual citizen of the
ormunidpabtyœxœmeQorioüea6ærmet6œeo(, Philippines whaisreaiding outeide ofthe Philippines
shall be posted in the provincial capitol, city or including overseas contract workera refèrred to in
municipalhnli andin two (2) other conspicuous public Subsection (G) of Section 23 hereof; and
places therein: Provided, fler, That the basis of
any valuation, including the records of consultations ‘(c) Onthe taxable income defined inSection
done, shall be public records open to the inquiry of 31 of this Code, other than income subject to tax
any taxpayer. Forpurposes of computing anjr internal under Subsections (B), fC), and (D) of this Section,
revenue tax, the value of the property shell be, derived for each taxable year from all sources within
whichever is the higher of the Philippines by an individual alien who is a
resident of the Philippines.
‘(l) the fair market mlue as determined by the
Commiseioner; or “(2) Rates of Tgx •• Taxable Income of
*“°’ ua!c. — The tax shall be computed in
‘t*) the fair market value as shown in the accordanee with and at the rates establiahed io the
achedule of values of the Proxûncial and City foEowing schedule:
“(a) Tax Schedule Effective January 1, 2018 pay received by such minimum wage eamerø øhall
uutîI December 31, 2022: likewise be exempt from income M

‘ß) Rate o/ f’oz on. income o[ Purel y

•&er 2•zso,oo0 but not wee P4£ło,ooo .............2G orthe exœas Self•employed Indiuidualø ond7or Professionals
,P4moOpbroaoœrP8ß0.Œs ---- P30,OŒD+A6*8be
Wlsose Gross Moles or Gross Receipt ord Œker
Non•operating Income Does Noi Exceed łhe Value-
°œ r P800,0g0 b»t »ot as z P2,0o0,o00 ...............Pia0,000 * 3Oø or tlæ
added Tax (V T'lireshold as Provided in lsee i n
109(BB). - Self-employed individuals andfor
professionals shall have the option to avaflof an
eight percent (8°ñ) tax on groaø aalee or gro8a
receipts and other non-operatizig income in excees of
Tzro hundred fifty thousand pesos (P2ń0,000) inlìeó
"Tax Schedule Effective January 1, 2023 and onwards: of the graduated income tax rates under Subsection
(A)(2)(a) of tbiø Section and thepezœntage taxxmáer
Section 116 of this Code.

“(c) ffote of Tax for Mixeds Gruzo ie Earners.

•œ'er e*m,ooo bra n»c one eaoo,ooo .......... res.æo + in or th» — Taxpayers earning both compensaÔon inmme and
excess over Pd00,0O0
income from business or practice of profession shall
•Oœz I•800.000 bat Doc oser P*,000.000 ............. Pł03,ó00 * 25% o£tbe be subject to the following taxes:
ezœss oeer P80O,000
•œ«r P2,ono,om 1»n not one ea,ooo,ooo. ..... reis,soo + ao•x «its
eg over P2,004,0O0 ‘(l) All Income from Compensation — The
ratea prescribed under Subsection (A)(2)(a) of this
“CŁYer g8,000,000 .................................................................. P2.202,50d + 35% oftbe
exœss oeez 98,000,000 Section

for married individuals, the husband and “(2) AU Income from Business or Practiœ of
wife, subject to the provimon of Section 51(D) hereof, Profession —
shall compute separately their individual inmmetax
based on their respective total taxable income: ‘(a) If Tatal Gross Salea andfor (Gross Receipts
Provided, That if any income cannot be definitely and Other Non-operating Income Do Not Exceed the
attributed to or identified as income exclusively VAT Threshold asProvided in Section 109(BB) of this
earned or realized by either of the spouses, the same Code. — The rates prescribed under Subsection
shall be divided equalljr between the spouses for the (A)(2)(a) olthiø Section on taxable income, or eight
purpose of determining their respective taxable percent(8%) income taa based on groøø sales or groas
in‹Dme. receipts and oŁher non-operating income in lieu of
the graduated income tax rates under Subsection
‘Provided, That minimum wage eaznera as (A)(2)(a) of thiø Section and the percentage tax under
desned in Section 22(iiti) ortei Code aaăil be exempt Section 116 of tbiø Code.
Õom the payment of income tax on their taxable
income: Provided, JrtWr, That the holiday pay,
°(b) lf TotalGzoas isa1es anéfor Groas Receipts the long-texm deposit or inveaianent certificate baaed
and Other Non-operating Income Exceeds the on the remaining maturity thereo2
VAT Threshold asProvided inSection 109(BB) ofthis
Gode. — The rates prescribed under Subsection
(A)(2)(a) of this Sections
"(2) Cash ond/or ) noperty Diuiöends. - A
‘ (B ) Rate of Fax on Certain Pacs iue insl tax at the rate of ten percent (10%) ahaI1 be
imposed upon the cash andfor property div:idends
actually or constructively received by an individual
“(1) fsterests, Royayies, Prizes, anB Œlier from a domestic corporation or from a joint stock
Bizini»gs. — Afînel taa at therate of twentypercent company, insurance or mutualfuod companies and
(20%) ishereby imposed uponthe amount ofintereat regional operating headquarters of multinational
Iromany cuzxency banltdeposit andjriëld or ans Other companies, or on the share of an individual in the
monetary benefit trou depoait aubetitutes and from distributable net income after tax of a partnership
trust fuods and mnilar arrangements; royalties, (ezcept a generalprofesaionalpartnership) of which
except onbooks, as well as other lîterary worka and he is a partner, or on the share of an individual in
musical compositions, which ahallbe imposed a final the net income after tax of an association, a joint
tax of ten percent (10%); prizes (ezcept prizes account, or a joint venture or consortium taxable as
amounting to Ten thousand pesos (P10,000) or leea a corporation of which he is a member or co-venturer.
which ehallbe subject to taa under Subaection (A) of
Section 24; and other winnings (except winnings ’( T) Capital Oaies from Safe o[Shores o/fitncè
amounting to Ten thousand pesos (P10,000) or fees not Oaded *n UN ff a0k.échange. — Theprovisions
f omPhiii$pine clartés«eepstakes end rottochien of Section 39(B) notwitlistanding. a final tax at the
ahall be exempt), derived from sourœs witbin the rate nt fifteen perœnt (15%) ie hereby imposeilupon
Philippines: 'ouided, hotrœer, Thatinterestincome the net capital gains realized during the taxable year
received by an individuel taxpayer (except a from the sale, barter, exchange or othez disposition
nonreaidentindividual)from a depoaitory bank under of shares of stock in a domestîc corporation, except
the expanded foreign currency depoait syatem shall shares sold, or disposed of through the stock
be subject to a final income tax at the rate of fifteen ezchange.
percent (15°Æ) of such interest income: Prouided,
/ufther, Thatinterest income from long-team deposit
or inveatment in the form of eavings, common or
individualtrustfunds, deposit substitutes, inveatznent SEC. 6. Section 25 of the NOtC, as amended, is hereby
management accounts and other investments further amended to read as follows:
evidenced by certificates in such form prescribed by
the Bangko Central ngPilipinas (8SP) shallbe exempt ”IEC. 25. f'az on Nori.resideuI étiez
from the tax imposed under this Subsection:
Prouided. ;fi holly, That should the holder of the “(A) Nouresident Alie›t Xngaged in Trade or
œrtifieate pre-terœinate the deposit or inveatment Buster Wilhin the Philippines. -
befoze tbe fîftÎt (5'^) yeaz, afjrM tacahall be iœposeü on
the entire income and shall be deducted and
withheld by the depository bank from the proceeds of
“(R) Nonresident Ælien Rudiuidu‹il Net En
goged in Trode or Business Within tire ‘ (E) AU Indiuidual ffmployed by Petroleu.m
Philippiztes. être Cnam thor ozid Jubcontrector. — An alien
individual who is apermanent accident of a foreign
country but who is employed and aaaigned in the
Philippines by a foreign service contraetor or by a
•‹e i Amen iuiduai Employed by Regio„„ i or foreign service aubcontraetor engaged in petroleum
Areo Beodquarters and Regional Operoiing operations in the Philippines sh*ll be liable to ataa
headquarters ofMuli:r“na0onal Companies. — There of fikeen perdent (15•A) of the salaries, wages,
ehall be leTied, collected and paid for each taxable annuities, compensation, remuneration and other
year upon the gross income received by every alien emoluments, such as honoraria and allowances,
individual employed byregionalor area headquarters received from auch contractoz or aubcontraetor:
andre erating headquarters eatablished in Rouidèd, Amener, Tbattbe same tsa treabnent aball
the Philippines by multinational compapies as applyto aFiIipino employed and occupying the same
salaries, wages, annuities, compensatiôn, positiop as an alien employed by petroleum serviœ
remuneéation and other emoluments, such as contractor and subcontractor.
honoraria and allowanœs, f'rom euch regional or area
headquartera and regional operating headquarters, ‘Any income earned from all other sources
a tax equal to fifteen percent (159i) of such grpss within the Philippines by the alien emp@rees referred
income: Proc›lded, howec›er, That the same tax to under Subaectiona (C), (D), and (E) hereof shall be
treatment ahall apply to Filipinos employed and subject to tire pertinentincome tax, ae the case may
occupying the same position ae those of aliens be, imposed under this Code.
emplo red bjr these multinational companies. For
purposes of this Chapter, the term ‘mu1tinat¡pna} ”(£’) The preferential tai treatment providedin
company'means a foreign Bzm or entity engaged in Subsectiona (G), (D), and (E) of this Section ehaJl not
international trade with affiliates or subsidiaries or be applicable to tegional headquarters (RHQs),
brnoeh offices in the Asia-Pacific Region and other regional operating headquarters (ROHQe), offshore
foreign markete. bankingunits(CtBUs)orpetroleum éerviœ contraeters
and aubcontractors registering with the Securities
“(D) Alien IWioiôual Empfoyed by shore an Escbange Coææission (SJ2C) after Jaouary
Banking Units. - There ahall be levied, collected I, 2018: Prouided, hozc euer, Tbat esJstiog RB
and paid for each taxable year upon the gross s/ROII a, OBIJs or petroÎeoæ service contractors
income reserved b)r eeery alienindividual employed and subcontractorspresently availing of preferential
by offshore banking nuits established in the tax ratea for qualified employees shrill continue
Philippines a6 salaries, wages, annuities, tobe entitled to availof the preferentialtax rate for
compensation, remuneration and othez emoluments, present and future qualified employees.”
-ch ashonoraria an£l allowanœs, from suçh pgb}tpre
banking unite, atax equal tofiiteen pement (15’ñ) of SEC. 7. Section 27 of the NfftC, as amended, is hereby
such groas income: f'rouided, Rtvet›er, That the lame further amended to read asfollows:
tax treatment shall apply toFilipinos employed and
occupying the same position as those of aliens ‘IEC. 27. Rates of Income Fax ou Domestic
employed by thèse offshore banking units.
oføtockinadomemÔcœ rpmaóoDexoept8bareseold

‘(C) Government-of ned or -Controlted

SEC. 8. Section 31 of the NIÏtC, aø amended, is hereby
Cozporotiows, Jennies or ž strwnentali ties. — The further amended to readasfollnwa:
proviøionø ct existing øpeciai or general laws to the
œntrary notø'ithstanding, allcorporations, agencies,
or inøtrumentalities owned or controlled by the “SEC'. 31. Y£ DòleIncoz e De/ízred. — The
Government, except the Government Service term 'taxable income’means the pertinent items of
gross inmme specified in this Code, lesø deductions,
(SSS), the Philippine łiealthlnøuranœ Corporation if any, authorized for such types of income by this
(PHIG), and the local water districts øhall pair øuch Code or other special lays.°
rate of'táxupontheir taxable income as are imposed
bg this 'Sećtion upon corporätione or associaÔons SEC. 9. Section .32 of the NOtC, as aoie0ded, ishereby
engaged in a eiiáilar buøineeø, indüatry, or activity. further amended toread'ae follows:

’(D)ÆoMs o/ )bs on

“(1) interest /rom deposits end fśe/d or onş

otheròfonetory'Bmefihmm Deposit Eubuãtutes
from it Pu.rids end Similar Arrangements, end
2Ioy — Afì taa at the mte of te'entyperœnt “(1) a z x
(20%) is herebjr imposed upon the aœountofintereat
on currency bank deposit and yield or any other
monetary beneÖt from deposit substitutes and from
truat funds and similar arrangements received by “(a) x x x
domestic corporations, and royalties, derived from
sources within the Philippines: bonded, however,
Thatintezeøtincomederived by adomesticonporation “(e) IN Month. Pay and, Œ Benefits. -
from a depository bank under the expanded foreign Großs benefits received by officials and employees of
currency deposit syatem shall be subject to a final public andprivate entities: Provided, however, That
income tax at the rate of fiíteenperœnt(15%)ofauch the total exclusion under this subparagraph ahall not
intereatin‹xime. exceed Ninety thousand pesos (P90,000) which eha}l
“(2) Capital Oates from the State of Sf«yreø of
Stock Not binded in iR Jtocù Esent nge. — A final ‘Gi Be•efitø received broificials and employees
tax atthe rate of£fftøenperœnt(15%) shallbeimposed of the national and local government pursuant to
on net capital gains realized during the taxable year ïtepublic Act No. 6686;
from the cafe, exchange or other diøpoaition oføbares
°(n3 Benefits received by employees pursuant value of the:bfinge bene6t by the di:fference between
to Presidential Decree No. 851, as amended by one hundred percent(l00•ñ) and the applicable rates
Memorandum Order No. 28, dated Auguat 13, 1986; of income tax under Subsections (B), (C), (D), and (E)
of Section 25.
‘(öi) Benefits received by offieiala and
employees not œveredby PzesidentialDecreeNo. 851,
as amended by Memorandum Order No. 28, dated
Auguat 13, 1986; and SEC. 11. Section 34 of the NDtC, as amended, is hereby
further amended to read asfollows:
“(w) Other benefits such as productivité
incentives and Cluiatmas bonus." “SEC. 34. Deductions [rom Gross licorne. -
Except for taxpayers earning compensation income
SEC. 10. Section 33 of the NIRC, as amended, is hereby ariaing :from peraonal services rendered under an
further amended to read as follows: employer-employee relationabip where no deductions
shall be allowed under this Section, in computing
taxablë income subject to income taa under Sections
‘SEC. 33. Special Treatment of Ariège 24(A); M(Aj; 26; 27(A), (B), and (C); and 28(A)(1), there
shnJl be allowed the tollowing deductions from gross

“A) Inc ••' •’•• • *•= - Effective January

1, 2018 and onwarda, a Hna1 tax of thirty-five ‘ (A) Expenses. —
percent (35%) is hereby imposed on the groaned-up
monetarymlue offringe benefit furnished or granted ‘(l) Ordinary and Necessary f 'rade, Business
to the employee (except rank and file employees or Professional Expenses. —
as definedherein)by the employer, whether an
individual or a corporation (unless the fringe ‘(a) I• General. — z z :x
benefit is required by the nature of, or necessary to
the trade, business or profession of the employer, or
when the fringe benefit is for the convenience or
advantage of the employer). The taa herein imposed
ispayable by the employer which tax shall be paid in ‘ (L) Optimal Standard Dedmtion (OSD). —
the same manner aapmvided:for under Section 57(A) Inlieu of the deductions allowed underthe preœding
of this Code. The grossed-up monetary value of the Subsections, an individual subject to tax under
fringe benefit shall be determined by dividing the Section S4, other tlian a nonreaident alien, may elect
actual monetary value of the fringe benefit by sixty- astandard deduction mari amount not exœedingfortjr
five percent (65%) effective January' 1, 2018 and pement (40%) of his gross sales or grosa reeeipte, as
onwards: Provided, ftomeuer, That fringe benefit the case may be. In the case of a corporation aubject
furniahedto employees and taxable u0der Subsections to taa under Sections 27(A) and28(A)(1), it may elect
(B), (G), (D), and (E) of Section 25 ahall be taaed at a standard deductiminanamountnotexceedingforty
the applicable rates imposed thereat: Provided. percent(40%) ofits gross inmme ae defined inSection
if rther, That the greeted-up value of the fringe benefit 32 of this Code. Unless the taxpayer signifies in lbs
shall be determined by dividing the actual monetary return Iris intention to elect the optional standard
• •v _ -

deduction, he ahallbe ‹xinaidered aa having availed *(2) ’l'lte folloariog laôiviüuala aIæII ztot rte
bîrogelfoft6e deducÔormsDowediùit6epr‹x›edîog requized to life aa laœæe taxcetuzo:
SP Suciieleetionwhenmadein thereturn
ahall be irrevocable for the taxable year for which ‘(a) Anindividualwhoae taxable income doea
the return ie made: Provided, That an individual not exceed Two hundred filter thousand peaos
whoisentitled toand claimedfnr theoptionaletandard (P250,000) under Secti‹m24(Aj(S)(a): TYovided,'I'hat
deduction shall not be required to submit with his a citizen of the Philippines and any alien individual
tax return such financial statements otherwise engaged inbusiness or practice of pzofeeaion within
required under this Code: Prouidrd, further, That a the Philippines shall file an income tax return,
general professional partnership and the partners regardless of the amount of groes income;

standard deduction only once, either by the general

pmfeesionalpartzierahip or the partners comprising
the partnership: Prouided, lnally, That exœptwhen ‘(5) The income tax return (ITR) shall consist
the Commissioner otherwise perlnits, the said of a maximum of four (4) pages in paper form or
individual shall keep such recordapertaining to his electronic form, and shall only contain the following
grèce sales or gross receipts, or the said corporation iaaf orma0oo:
shnjJkeep auch remrds peztaining to his gross inmme
as definedinSection32ofthis Godeduring thetaaable
‘(A) Personal profile and information;
year, asmay be reguired by therules andregulations
promulgated by the Secretary of Finance, upon
recommendationof the Gommiaaioner. “(8) Total grosa sales, receipts nr income from
compensationforaerviœs rendered, conduct oftrade
or business or the exercice of a profession, except
"Notw*tÎtstattdîag t)ze proviaione of tite
tuco ie subjeet to final tax aa provided under this
preœdîog Subsecôoosz, zz.”
SEC. 12. Section 35 of the NIRC, as amended, is hereby
“(C) Allowable deductions under this Code;
“(D)Taxab1e income as defined in Section 31of
SEC. 13. Section 51 of the NDtC, as amended, is hereby this Gode; and
further amended to read as follows:
“(E)Income tax due andpayable.
“AEG. 51. Individuel Rettirns. —

SEC. 14. Anew section designated as Section 51-A ofthe

NIJtC, as amended, is hereby inserted to read asfollows:
“SEc. 5l-A susstin filip o/ducon rer
Ref uros b y Em plo yees Receiutng Purel y
Compensation Zitcome. — Individuel taxpayers
receixdng pureiy compensation income, regardlesa of
amount, from only one employer in the Philippines
'' . . - ûB _ -

for the calendax year, the iocome tax of which has ‘ T ouided, That the foregoing prôvi ions ahall
beenwii:hJield covrectly by the eaidemployer (tax due not affect the implementation of Republic Act No.
equala tax withheld) ahall not be required to file an 10708 or 3ŒfI‘A
annual income tax return. The certi6cate of
withholding Bled by the respective employers, duly
atamped 'reœived’ by the BIR, aball be tantamount
to the aubatîtuted filing ofincome taa retuzzis by said IEC. 16. Section 56 of the NIRC, as amended, is hereby
employees.‘ further amended to read asfollows:
SEC. 15. Section 52 of the NIRC, as amended, is hereby ”SEC. 56. Payr'tent and Assesumeist o/Jncome
further amended to read asfollows: f’ox/or Jndtciduols ond Cozporotions. —

“SEC. 52. Corporation Returns. - "(A) Payment of Fax. -

‘(A) 2tequiremerits. — Every corporation “(1) z x x

subject to the tax hereiñ imposed, except foreign
corporañons not engaged in trade or business in the '(S) Installment of Po meet. - When a tax due
Philippines, ahall render, in duplicate, a true and is in exceas of Two thousand pesos (P2,000), the
accurate quarterly income tax return and final or taxpayer other than acorporation, may elect to pay
adjustment retazrn in accordance with the proviaione the tax in two (2) equalinstallments, in which case,
of Chapter XII of this TiHe. The income tax return the firat installment shall be paid at the time the
ahallixinsist of a maximum of four (4) pages inpaper return ia fled and the second inetallmenton or before
formor electronic form, be filedbjr thepresident, vice- October 15following the eloae of the calendar year, if
preeidentor other principal offieer, abéll be aworn to any installment isnot paid on or before the date fixed
by such officer and by the treasurer or assistant for itspayment, the whole amount of the tae:unpaid
treasurer, and shall only contain the following becomes due and payable together with the
information: delinquency penalties."

‘(1) Corporate profile and information; SEC. 17. Section 57 of the NTRC, as amended, is hereby
further amended to read as follows:
“(2) Gross aales, receipts or income from
‘SEG. 57. Wîthhotding of Tax at isource. -
services rendered, or conduct of trade or buainees,
except income subject to final tax as provided under
this Code;

“(3) Allowable deductions under this Code; ‘ (8) Withholding o[CrediIable ’I'axat iSource.
— The Secretary of Finance may, upon the
recommendation of the Commissioner, require the
‘(4) Taxable income as deBned in Section 31 withholding of a tax on the items of income payable
of this Code; and to natural or juridical persons, residing in the
Philippines, by payor-corporation/persona as
‘(S) Income taa due andpayable. provided for by law, at the rate of not less than
ooeTjezœot(l'a) butsotæazetlæathlrt -twoperœztt taxable yeaz otz oubefôce May 15 o£tbe sæae taxable
(32%) tbezeo:f, wbicb ekall rte credite‹I agaî•at the yeaz.z z z
ineome tax liabîlity of the taxpayer for the taxable
year: Provù2ed, That, beginning Januarjr 1, 2019,
the rate of witbholding ebaE not be less then one f’ns by Indiuiduais. - The amount of estimated
perœnt(II) bttt not more tban fifteenpercent (15%) income as defined in Subsection (G) with respect to
ofthe income payment. which a declaratiiinisrequired under Subsection (A)
shall be paid in four (4) installments. The first
installment shall be paid at the time of declaration
and the second and third shall be paid onAugust 18
SEC. 18. Section 58 of the NITtC, as amended, is hereby and November 15 of the current year, respectively.
further amended to read as follows: Thefourthinstallment ahallbe paid on or before May
15 of the following calendar year when the final
“SEc. 58. Return and Pa ymenl of fases adjusted income tax return is due to be filed.
TPiifihefd at Source. —

SEC. 21. Section 79 of the NIRC, as amended, in hereby

fuztber aœeztAeö to read as follows:

‘"Ibe return for finalandcreditable withholding “SEC. 79. Zncome Fax Colleeted al Source. —
taxes shall be filed and the payment made not later
than the last day of the month following the close of
the quarter during which withholding was made.”

AEG. 19. Section 62 of the NIRC, as amended, is hereby “(C) 7ù /unds or Gredits. —
SEG. 20. Section 74 of the NIRC, as amended, is hereby
further amended to read asfollows:
‘(2) Employees. - x x z
“SEC. 74. Declaration of Income Fax for

“ (A) in General. - 2xeept as otherwise ‘(D) Withho ldiug ou Basis of Average

provided in this Section, every individualsubject to Wages. - x x. z
income tax under Sections 24 and 25(A) of this Title,
who is reœiving self-emplojnnent income, whether it “(1) x x x
constitutes the sole source of his income or in
combination with salaries, wages and other fîxed or “(2) x x xi and
determinable ineome, shall make and file a
declaration of his estimated ineome for the current
“(3) x x x.
‘(E) Nonresfdenl AU. — x xx ‹Iecedeo€aiotemstt6ezeioieîocüidediotbesalueof
le osæeetat

“(4) for unpaid mortgages upon, or any

SEC. 22. Section 84 of the NIRC, as amended, is hereby indebtedneas inrespect to, property where the value
further amended to read as follows: ofdeœdent'a interest therein, undizninished by auch
mortgage or indebtedness, in included in the valùe of
“SEC. 84. Rafe of Estote fr — There ehnll be the groes estate, but not including any income taa
lesieB, asseaeeé, collected aad pai4 tipozt tbe upon income reœived after the death of the decedent,
tmosferof’tbeoeteatateas detemfiz›edioaaxedaoce or propertytaxesnota‹xxvedbeforehis death, or amy
wàth Sections 85 and 86 of every deeedent, whether estate taa. The deduction herein allowed inthe case
resident or nonreeident of the Philippines, a tax at of claizas against the eatate, uopaid mortgages or any
therate of six pement (6%) based on the value of auch indebtednesa shall, whenfounded upon a pmmise or
net estate." agreement, be limited to the extent that they were
contracted bono /ide and for an adequate and full
fac. 2(.Section 86 où the NIRC, as aoiènded, is hereby »onai‹Îerationinmoneyor money's worth There ahaI1
further amended to read asfollows: aleobe ded dlomes ineurred duÖngthe eettlement
of the estate arising from fîree, atorms, ehipwreck,
“gie. 86. Computatia« ofNet Jï!state. — fi'oz or other caaualtiea, or from zobbery, theft ou
the purpose of the tax imposed in this Chaptes, the embezziement, when auchlosses are not compensated
value of the net eatate ahall be determioed: for by insurance oz otheræise, and if at the time où
the filing of the return such losses have not been
claimed as a dednetion for the income tax purposes
“tA) Deductions Allowed to the Estate of o in an income tax return, and provided ttiat auch
C*tfzes or a Resident. - In the caae of a citizen or losses were incurred not later than the laat day for
resident of the Philippines, by deducting I:rom the the payment of the estate tax as preseribed in
value of the grosa estate — Subsection (A) of Section 91.

“(1) Stsndord Deduciiort . — An amount “(5) Property Preuiovsly Taxed. - An amount

equivalent to five million pesos (P6,000,000). equal to the value gpecified below nt amy property
forming part of the gross estate aituated in the
“(2) For claims against the estate: Provided, Philippines of any pereon who died wàthin five (5)
That at the time the indebtedness was incurred the years prior to the death ofthe deœdent, or transferred
debt instrument was duly notarized and, if the loan to the decedent by gill within five (5) yeara prior to
was contracted within three (3) years before the death his death, where such property can be identifîed as
of the decedent, the administratoz or executor .shall having been reœived by the decedentfrom the donor
submit a statement showing the disposition of the by gift, or from ouch prior decedent by gift, bequeat,
procède of the loan. devise or inheritance, or which can de identiiäed as
having been acquired in exehange for property ao
“(3) For elaims of the deeeased against reœived:
inaolvent pensons where the value of
”Oae buodzeö pexcent t100%) o£tbe yaJue, I£ allowable under paragraph (5) in zeepect of the
property or properties given in exchange therefor.
the death of the decedent, or if the property was
Where a deduction wae allowed of any mortgage or
tranaferred to him bar gift, within the same period
otbezlienin deterœöéngthe don&s tax, or the eatate
taa of the prior deœdent, which waa paid inwhole or
in part prior to the decedent’s death, then the
hty perœnt (80%) of the value, if the prior deduction allowable under said Subseetion shall be
deœdent died more then one (1) year but not more reduced by the amouat ao paid. Sueh deduction
thantwo (2) yeare prior to the death of the decedent, allowable ahallbe reduœd by an amount whichbeara
orifthe property was tranaferred to himby gift p¡ the same ratio to the amounts allowed as deductions
the same period prior to his death; under paragraphe (2), (3), (4), and (6) of this
Subsection as the amountotherwiaededuetible under
“Sixty percent (60%) olthe value, if the prior said paragraph(ii) bears to the value of the decedent’e
decedent died more than two (2) yeara but not more estate. Wherethe property referred to consiste of too
thanthree (3) yearsprior to the death oftbe deœdent, ormore items, the aggregate value of auchitems shall
out theprppertywaetranaferred to hiiô by gift within be usgd for the pv:rpoae ofcomputing the deductiom
the same periñd prior to tirsdeath;
‘(6) Trous/ers for Wbfic lyse. — The amount
‘T’orty perdent (40%) of the value, if the prior of allbequeets, legacies, devises or tranefers to or for
deœdent died more than three (3) years but not æore the uae of the Government of the Republic of the
than four (4) yearsprior to the death of the deœdent, Philippines, or any political aubdiviaion thereof, for
orifthe property was traneferredto him by gift within exclusively public purposes.
the same period prior to his death; and
”(7) f’he Pamrf2 Bo m.e. - An amount
"Twenty percent(20%) ofthe value, if the prior equivalent to the current fair market value of the
decadent died more than four (4) yeara but not more decedent’a family home: f'rotizfed, however, That if
tean five (5) years prior to the death of the decedent, the saidcurrent fair market value exceeds Tenmillion
or ifthepmpert¡r waetransfezredto him by gijj;within peeos (P10,0O0,000), the exeess ahall be subject to
the same period prior to his death

H'hese deductiona ahall be allowed only where “(8) Amount Received by Beirs Under Republic
a donor’s taa, or estate tax imposed under this Title Act No. 4917. - Any amount received by the heirs
waa finalljr deterœined and paid by or on behalf of from the decedent'a employee ae a consequence of the
ouch donor, or the e8tate of such prior deeedent, as death of the decedent-employee in accordance with
the case may be, and only in the amount finally RepubEeAct No. 4917: Provided. That such amount
determined as the value of such property in is included in the grose estate of the decedent.
determining the value of the gift, or the gross eatate
of such prior decedent, and onljr to the extent that “Q) Deduciious Af towed Io Nonresideni
themlue of auchpropertyisincludedinthe deœdent’s Estates. - In the case ofa nonreaident n0t a citizen of
gross estate, and only ifin determining the value of the Philippines, by deducting from the value of
the estate of the prior decedent, no deduetion was
that part of his grosa eatate which at the time ofhis
death iseituated inthe Philippines: “(a) The amount où the creditin respect to the
tax paid to any country ahall not exceed the same
proportion of the tax againat which euch nedit ts
‘(1) Stowdard Deduetion. - An amount
taken, which the deœ sœtestate aituatedwithin
equrmlentto Eive hundredthousandpesoe(P500,000);
auch countrr taxable uoder this Title beara to hia
entire net eatate; and
“(2) Thatpmportion ofi2ie deduetions apecibed
in paragraphe (2), (3), and of Subaection ‘(b) The total amount of the credit shall not

this Section which the value of auchpartbears to the

ezceed the same proportion of the tax against which
value of his entire gross estate wherever aituated;
such credit is taken, which the decedent’s net estate
situated outside the Philippinea taxable under this
Tifle bears to hia entire net eatate.”
“(4) 7'ransfers for Public Use. - The amount IEC. 24. Section 89 of the NIRC, as amended, is hereby
of allbequeets, legacies, devices or transfers toor for repea1e‹:L
the use of the Government of the Republic of the
Philippines or any political subdivision thereof, for
exclusively public purposes. i5EC. 25. Section 90 of the NIRC, aa amended, is hereby
further amended to read asfollows:
“(C) Sknre in the Conjugal PropeR y. - The
net ahare of the surviving apouse in the conjugal ‘SEC. 90. £stnte d’or 2teticrns. -
part;nerehip property as diminishedbytbe obligations
properly chargeable to such property ahall, for the ‘(A) ffequ*rements. — In all cases of transfère
purpose of this Section, be deducted from the net suliject to the tax imposed herein, or regardlesa of
estate of the decedent. the gross value of the eatate, where the said estate
constate of registered or regrettable property such as
‘(D) 'Pox Credit for E tate 7'oxes Paid to a neal property, motos vehicle, shares of atock or other
similar property for which a clearance from the
Bureau oflntemal Revenue isiequired as acondition
preœdentfor the tranafer of ownership thereo£inthe
“(I) In Gemraf. — The tax imposed by this name of the transferee, the executor, or the
Title shallbe credited with the amounts of any estate administrator, or any of the legal heirs, as the case
tax imposed bar the authority of a foreign country. may be, shall file a return under oath in duplicate,
“(2) £imrtotions or Credit. - The amount of
the credit taken under this Section ehall be subject ‘(1) x x x
to each of the following limitations:
(3 Suc6partof8urôîoÆrmaÔonæeœæyat S£iC. 27. Section 9† of the NlltC, as amended, is hereby
the time be asœrtainable and auch aupplemeotal dgta further amended to read as follows:
as maybe neceasary to eetablieh the correct taxea.
•SEc. s7. Payment of 7'ox An2ecedeni fr tfi
’Provided, houieuer, That eatate tax returns Tr' ansfer of phares, Bonds or Rights. - x x x..
showing a gross value exceeding Five million pesoa
(P5,000,000) abéilbe supported with a statement duly W a bank has knowledge of the death of a
certified to by a Certified Public Accountant person, who maintained a bank deposit account alone,
containing the fhllowing: or jointly with another, it abnll allow anjr witbfiraWal
from the said deposit account, subject to a final
withholding tax of six percent (6%). For thispurpose,
allwithdrawal clips sbnll contain a statement to the
‘(B) Time for Piling. - For the purpose of effect that all of the joint depositors are atill lieing at
determining the estate taxpzoñded for in Section 84 the time of withdrawal by any one of the joint
ofthis Code, the estatë taxretuini requirèd uàder the depositors and such statement shall be itnder oath
preceding Subeection (A) shallbe filed witbin one (1) by the card depositors.”
yearfrom the deœdent’s death.
SEC. 28. Section 99 of the NIRC, as amended, is herebg
further amended to read as fo0ows:

SEG. 26. Section 91 of the NIRC, as amended, is hereby

further amended to read as follows:
’(A) InGenerà.— TbeMxforeac6miendar
“SEC. 91. Payment of f’or. - yearsballbesiiperceot(6%)computedontbebæi
oft6etoüU gûïsioexces6ofTmo6uodredfdtF
"(A) Time of Payment. - z x z tbousaodpesos(P gift made during.

“(B) Anjr contribution in cashor in kind to any

candidate, political party or coalition of parties for
campaign purposes shallbe governed by the Section
‘(C) Payment by Jristoflctent. — In case the Code, as amended.”
available cash of the estate is insufficient to pay the
totalestate tax due, payment bar installment shall be SEC. 29. Section 100 of the NIRC, aa amended, is hereby
allowed within two (2) years from the statutory date further amended to read asfollows:
for its payment without civil penalty and interest.
' “SEC. 100. Trumper for Less 77ton Adequate
"(D) Ainbifity /or P‹ayment. — z z x. and Pull Consideration. — Where property, other
than real property referred to in Section 24(D),
is tranaf:erred for less than an adequa.te and full charitable corporation, accredited nongovernment
consideration in money or money's worth, then the
amouztt bjr æhich theføirmarket ofthep¢ppe or reaearchinatitution or orgørii*ation, inm@Wtt'd
exceeded the vølue of the oonaideration shall, for thè as a nonatock entity, paying no dividends, governed
purpose of the taximpoeedbythisChapter, be deemed bytrusteeø whoreceive noœmpenaatiøn, anddevoting
a gift, and ehah beincluded in Øzoputing the amouøt allitøincome, whether øtudents’fees or gifts, donation,
of (;iftø made during the calendar year: Provided, subsidies or other forms of philanthropy, to the
haweuer, That a sale, exchange, or other transfer of accomplishment and promotion of the purposes
property made in the ordinarjr course of business enumerated in its Articles of IncotporatioiL
(a transaeÒon which is a box fide, at arm’s length,
andfree from any donative intent), will be considered
as made for an adequate and full conaidezation in
money or money's worth.” Sec. 31. Section 106 of the NIEC, aø amended, is hereby
further amended to read asfollows:
'sEC. 30. Section 101 of the NIRC, as amended, is hereby
further amended to read asfollows: ‘SET. 106. Value-odded Tax on Sale of Goods
or Properties. —
“SEC. 101. Exemptionof Certain. Gifts. - The
following gif1;e or donations øhall be exempt from the “(A) 2tote and Bose o/ f’oz. — There shall be
tax provided for in this Chapter: levied, asseeeed and collected on evezy sale, barter or
exchange of goods or properties, a value-added tax
“(A) In the Case of Gifts Made by a ReMdent. - equivalent to txrelve percent(12%) of the groes selling
priœ or groes value in money ofthe goods orprepezties
“(1) Giftsmade toor for the uae oftbe National cold, bartered or exchanged, such tax to be paid by
Government or any entity created by any of its the seller or transferor.
agencies wlúch is not conducted for profit, or to any
poliócal subdivision of the said Government; and “(1) x x z

“(2) Giks in fnvor of an educational andfor “(2) The following sales by VAT-registered
charitable, religious, cultural or social welfare persons shall be subject to zero percent (0%) rate:
corporation, institution, accredited nongovemment
organization, trust or philanthropic organizaóon or
)fixport IfiaIes. - ’Ï'be tecot ‘expos”t sales’
research institution or organisation: Provided,
houieuer, That not more than thirty percent (30°Æ) of means.-
said gifts shall be used by such donee for
admìnistraŁion purposes. For the purpose of thìs “(1) The sale andactual shipment of goods from
exemption, a'non-pmfit educational and/or charitable the Philippines to a foreign country, irrespective of
corporation, institution, accredited nongovernment any shipping arrangement that may be agreed upon
organizaóon, trust or philanthropic organization which may influence or determine the transfer of
and/or research institution or organization’ ia ownership of the goods so exported and paid ïõr in
a school, colle ge or university and/or aœeptable foreign currency or itø equivalent in goods
or aerriœs, and aœonntedfor in aecoi&nœ with the M , That aubpatJagrap (3) (4),and (5)

rulea and regulations of the Bangko Sentzal rig hereof sball be subjeet to the twelve pement (12°A)
p¡yp (ggp); value-added tax and no longer be conaidered export
ealea eubject to zero pement (0ñ) VAT bal M§On
‘(2) Sale and delivery of goods to: satisfaction of the foHowing C ndifiOO8'

‘(i) Reglstereil ezttezpziaes witlño a sepazate “(1) The siiccesaful eatablishment and
custoœs tezzitarjr as pzovided uo‹Ier special Iaws; aad

‘(ii) Registered enterprises within tourism

enterprise zones as declared by the Tourism
determine the eifectivity of Item CO. 1, £lÏf applim
andEnterpéee ZoneAutbority(I’fEZA)
subjectto the provisions under RepublicAct No. 9593 filed from Januatjr 1, 2018 shall be proœased and
or The Tourism Act of 2009. muetbe ac idea withinninew leo) ea fr°m t*•
of the VAT refund application; and
"(3) Sale of saw materials or packaging ‘(2) All pending VAT refund claims as of
materials to a nonresident buyer for delivery to a
December 31, 2017 shall be fully paid iO Cff4h by
resident localexport-orientedenterprise to be uaedin
manufacturing, proceeaing, packing or repacking in December 31, 2019.
the Philippines of the said buyer’s goods andpaid for
in acceptable foreign currency and accounted for in ’Prouided, That the Department of Finance
accordance with the rules and regulations of the shall eatablish a VATrefund center inthe Bureau of
Bangko Sentralng Pilipinaa (BSP); InteznalRevenue (8IR) and inthe Bureau of Custom6
(BOG) that will handle the proeessing and grnntiog
ofcash refunds of creditable input tax.
“(4) Sale of raw materials or packaging
materials to export-oriented enterprise whose export
sales exceed seventy percent (70%) of total annual ‘An amount equivalentto five perdent (5%) Of
the total VAT collect;ion of the BIR and the BOCfrom
theimmediately preceding year shallbe automatically
appropriated annualiz and shall be treated as a
“(5) Those considered export sales under
special account in the General Fund 0t & t receipts
Executive Order No. 226, otherwise known as the
Omnibus Investment Code of 1987, and other special for the purpose of funding 8 fOF VAT
tfund: sold, That any unused fund, at the end
1awsi and of the year shall revert to the General Fund.
“(6) The sale of goods, supplies, equipment and •prouided, Lr, That the BIR and the BOC
fuel to persons engaged in internationalshipping or shall be required to submit to the Gongreaaional
international air transport operations: Provided,
Oeereight Committee on the Comprehenaive Tax
That the goods, supplies, equipment andfxielaballbe
ueed for international shipping or air transport eeiorm Program (coccrsri q°arte*l *ep°'t °*
all pending claims for refund and any unused fund.
“The phraae 'sale or exehange of
under special laws or international agreements to services’ means the performance of all kinds of
which the Philippines ie a signatory effectively services in the Philippines for others for a fee,
eubjecta auch sales to zero rate. remuneration or eoneideration, in»luding thoee
performed or rendezed by construction and service
‘zz x.” contractors; stock, real eatate, commercial, customs
andimmigration brokers; leæors ofproperty, whether
SEC. 32. Section 107 of the NITtC, as amended, is hereby persorinl or real; warehouaing services; lessors or
further amended to read asfollows: distributors of cinematographie films; personc
engaged in milling, proœasing, manufacturing or
“SEC. 107. Value-added f’m on Importation repacking goods for others; proprietors, operators or
keepers of hotels, motels, zesthouses, peneionhouses,
inna, records; proprietors oroperators of restaurants,
refreshment parlons, cales and other eaÔng places,
“() ..In General. - There shall be levied, including clubs snJ caterers; dealers in eecurities;
assesaed and collected on every importation of goods lendinginvestors; tranaportationcontractors on their
avalue-added taxequivalent totæelve perœnt (12%) transport of goods or cargoes, including pensons who
baæd on the totalmlue uædby the Bureau ofCustoms transport goods or cargoes for hire andother domeatic
in detezmxining tariff and customa dutiea, plus eommon carriere bar land relative to their transport
customa duGes, exciae taxes, if any, and other of goods or cargoes; common carriers by air and sea
charges, such tax to be paid by the importer prior to relative to their transport of passengere, goods or
the release of sueh goods from cuatnma eustody; eargoes from one place inthe Philippines to another
Prouided, That where the customs duties are place in the Philippines; sales of electricity by
determioed on the basta of the quanÔty or volume of generation companies, transmission by any entity,
the goods, the value-added tax shall be baaed on the and distribution companies, including electric
landed cost plus exciae taxes, if any. oooperatives; services off:razichise grantees of electric
uti1ities,telephotie and telegraph, radio andtelevision
“(B) 7'rons/er o f Goods b y broadcasting and allother franchise graotees ezcept
Perdons. — z z z” those under Section 119 of this Code and non-life
ineurance companies (exeept their crop insurances),
AEG. 33. Section 108 olthe NIRC, aa amended, is hereby including surety, fidelity, indemnity and bonding
further amended to read asfollows: mmpanies; and similar ærviœs tegardless ofwhether
or not the performance thereof calls for the exercice
“SEC. 108. Value-added Tas on Safe o[ or use of the physical or mental faculties. The
lseruices and Use or Lease of Proper & . - phrase ’sale or exchange of services’ shall likewise

“(A) ftote ond Base f 7-- - There ahall be

levied, assessed and collected, a palue-added tax ‘(1) The leaae or the use of or the right or
equimlent to twelve percent (12%) of grosa receipts privilege to use any copyright, patent, design or
derived from the aale or exchange of services, model, plan, secret formula or process, goodwill,
including the use or leaee of properties. trademark, trade brand or other likeproperty or right;

‘(2) The lease ot the use of, or the right to use reotMorroyæIty,ioWudIngfbeamouotcAargedfôr
8 F 88uetrial, commeTfial ou 8clentiffe equipment;
adsnnœdpaymenteaet ally oreonatructiseJy zeœixed
"(3) The supply of scientifie, teehnical, during the taxable quarterfor the services perfnrmed
industriel or commercial knowledge or information; or to be performed for another person, excluding
“(4) The supply of any assistance that is
ancillar3é and subsldiafjr to and is furnished as a “{B) Tronsnetions Sut¡Jeet to Zero Percmi (0%)
means of enabling the application or enjoyzuent of 2tote. — The following services performed in the
any each property, or right as is mentioned in Philippines by VAT-regieteredpersonseballbe su1:ject
subparagraph (2) or anjr such knowledge ou to zero percent (0%) rate:
information as is mentioned in aubparagraph(3);
‘(l) Processing, manufacturing or repacking
.'(S) The suppljr of: services by a nonteeident goods for other pereons doing bueineee outside the
peraon or his employee in connection with the use or Philippines which gooda are aubaequenily exported,
P*oPeM or ri8hts belonging to, or the installation or where the services are paid for in acceptable foreign
operation of any branil,machineryor other apparatua currency and accounted for in accordance with the
pumhased from euch nonresident person; rules and regulations of the Bangko Central rig

“(6) The suppler of technical advice, assistance

or services rendered in connection with j;echnicaj "t2) Serviœs other thanthoee mentimed in the
management or administration of ang scientifîc, preceding paragraph, rendered to a person engaged
induntrîal or commercial undertaking, venture, in bueineaa conducted outaîde the Philippines orto a
projector se.Leme; nonresident person not engaged in business who is
outside the Philippines when the aervicea are
“(7) The lease of motion picture films, films, performed, the consideration for which ispaid for in
tapes and dises; and acceptable foreign eurrency and accounted for in
accordance with the rules and regulations of the
“(8) The lease or the use of or the right to use Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (B8P);
radio, television, satellite t:ransmiseion and cable
television time. “(3) Services rendered to persona or entitiee
whose exemption under speciallaws or international
agreements to which the Philippines is a signatory
"Lease ofproperties shall be subjeet to the tax
effectively aubjects the supply of auch ærviœs to zero
herein imposed irreepective of the place where the
pement(OU) rate;
°8leaae or liœnaing agreement was executed
ifthe property is leased or used in the Plñlippines.
“(4) Services rendered to persons engaged in
tatemaôosal slñpplag or iatematäoaaJ airDaziepozt
'The term ‘gross receipts’ means the total
Amount of money or its equivalent representing operaôoos, io¢ludîBg leases0fpzopezÿjrforuae tlzezeof:
the eontraet price, compensation, service fee, ProuiBed, That theae services sliall be exclusive for
international shipping or air transport operations;
3s '

”(5) Services performed by subcontractors muatbe de»iaed wiibini inch(eo) daP 6 »ntbeaiing
andfor contractors in processing, converting, or of the VATrefund application; and
manufacturing goods for anenterpz4ae whose export
salea exceed seventy percent (70•A) of total annua} "(2) All pending VAT refund claime as of
December 31, 2017 shall be fully paid in each by
December 31, 2019.
‘(6) Transport of passengers and cargo by
domestic air or sea vessels from the PhilippineB to a “Provided, That the Department of Finance
shall establish a VAT refund center in theBuzeau of
Internal Revenue (BIR) andintbe Bureau of Gustome
‘(7) Sale of power or fuel generated through (BOG) that will handle the processing and granting
renewable sources of energy auch as, but not limited of each refunds of creditable input tax.
to, biomass, solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal,
. ocean energjr, and other emerging energy sources ‘An amount equivalent to five pement (S'il) of
using technologies auch as fuel cells and hydrogen the total value-added taa collection of tite BIR and
:hiels. the BOC from the immediately preœdingyear ahall
be automatically appropriated annually and ahallbe
(8) SerwicesrendereŒto: treated aa a special account in the General Fund or
as truatreœipts for the purpose of fundingclaims for
“(i) Registered enterpriaes witbin aseparate VAT Refund: Ptovided, That any unused xind, at
cuetoms territory asprovided under special law; and the end of the year aballrevert tothe General Pund.

‘(nQ Registered enterprises within tourism ‘Moulded, ther, That the BIR and the BOC
enterpziee zones as declared by the TIEZA subject to shall be required to submit to the COCCTRP a
the provisions under Republic Act No. 9593 or quarterljr report of allpending claims for refund and
The 'tourism Act of 2009. any unused fun‹L”

‘R•ooided, Thnt subparagraphs (B)(1) and SEC. 34. Section 109 of the NIRC, aa amended, ie hereby
(B)(5) hereof shall be subject to the twelve percent further amended to read asfollows:
(12•ñ) value-added tax and no longer be subject to
zero percent (0%) VAT rate upon satisfaction of the ‘SEc. 109. Eveopt Transaciio•a.
°&- (1) SubJectto the provisions of Subsection(2) hereof,
the following transactions ahall be exempt from the
“(1) The successful establishment and value-addedtax:
implementationof anefihanœd VAT refund syatem
that grants refïin‹ls of neditable input tax within
ninety (90) days f:rom the filing of the VAT refund
application with the Bureau: Prouided, That, to
aeter=ine the e$e titre«fitem no. 1, ailapplications

filed from Jranu 1, 2018 ahaJJ be processed and


(D) Importation of profeaøional inøtrumentø "(I) Services rendered by indis4dualø pursuant

and implements, tools of trade, occupation or to anemployer-employeerelationship;
employment, wearing apparel, domestic animals. and
personal end household effects be1oziging toperaonø “(d) Services reordered by regional or area
mmingto settle inthePhilippines or Filipinos or their headquarters established in the Philippines by
families and descendants who are now residents or multinational corporations which act aø auperviaory,-
citizens of other countries, such parties hereinafter communicat;ions and coordinating centers for their
referred to aø overeeaa Filipinos, inquantities and of a&liateø, aubeidiaries or branćheø intheAaia-Pa‹úfic
the class suitable to the profession, rank or position gegion and do not earn or derive income Õom the
of the persons importing said items, for their own Philippines;
use and not for barter or sale, aœompanying euch
persons, or arriving withìn a reasonable time: ‘(K) Transactions whirh are exempt under
Provided, That the Bureau of Customs may, upon international agreements to whirh the Philippines is
tÎte proüttction of satźsfãctozy evżüesae.that eu,cb aøignatory or under apeciallaws, exoept those under
persons are actually coming to settle in the Presidential Decree No. 529;
Philippines and that the goods are brought from their
former place of abode, exempt øuch goods from
‘(L) Sales by agricultural cooperatives duly
payment of duties and taaes: boarded, after, That
registered with the Cooperative Development
vehicles, veeaels, aircrafts, machineriee and other
Authority to their members as well as sale of their
similar gooda for use in manufacture, shall not full
produce, whether in its original etate or processed
witbintbis elaø•ü iinłion and aballtherefore be subject
form, to non-membeze; their importaÔon of direct
to duties, taxes and other charges;
fărm inpute, machineries end equipment, including
øpare partø thereof, tobe uœddirectly and exclusively
‘(E) Services subject to percentage tax under in the production andfor proceeeing of their produœ;
Etle V;
”(M) Qroas receipts 6oæ leztóżztg acóvtÒes by
“(F) Services by agricultural contract growers credit or multi-purpœe cooperatives duly registeud
and milling for others of palay into rice, corn into with the Cooperative Development Authority;
grits and sugar cane into raw sugar;
“(N) Sales by non-agricultural, non-electric and
‘((i) Medical, dental, hospital and veterinary non-credit cooperatives duly registered with the
services except those rendered by professionals; Cooperative Development Authority: Provided, That
the share capital contribution of each member does
“(H) Educational services rendered by private not exceed Fifteen thousand peeos (P15,000) and
educaóonal institutions, duly accredited by the regardleaB of the aggregate capital and net surplus
Department of Education (DepEd), the Commission ratably distributed among the members;
on Higher Education (CHED), the Technical
Education and Skills Development Authority “(O) Export aalea by peraonø who are not
(TESDA) and those rendered by government VAT-registered;
“(P) Sale of rear properties not primarily held “((I) Iz¢portation of fuel, goods and supplies bP
for sale to customers or held for lease inthe ordinary pereons engaged in international shipping or air
couree of trade or business or realproperty utilized transport operations: R-ovidcd, That the fuel, goods,
for low-met and socialized housing as defined by and auppliea ehnll be used for international chipping
RepublicAct No. 7279, otberwiaeieinwnastlie Urban or air transport operations;
Development and Housing Act of 1992, and other
related lawa, residential lot valued at One million “(V) Services of bank, non-bank financial
fwe hundred thousand peaos (P1,500,000) andbelow, IatemtedJarieapezfozœîog quaei-baoJôogfuoctîooe,
houae and lot, and other residential dwellings valued and other non-bank financialintermediaries;
at Two million five hundred thousand pesos
(P2,500,000) aod below: J rouùfed, ’l'batbegîoozuag “(W) Sale or lease of goods and services to senior
January 1, 2021, the VATexemptinn ahall only apply citizens and pernons with disability, asprovided under
to aale ofrealpzppertiesnot primarilyheldforsale to Republic Act Nos. 9994 (Expanded Senior Citizens
customers or held forleéseinthe ordinaryeourseof Actof20l0) and 10754(AnAct Expandingthe Benefîte
trade or businesB, sale of real pmpertjr utilized for and Privilèges of Persoñs With Disability);
socialized housing as defined by Itepublic Act No. respectively;
7279, aale of house andlot, and other residential
dwellings with selling price of not more than Two
million pesos (P2,000,000): Prouided. ther, That ‘(R) Transfer of property pursuant to
every three (3) years thereafter, the amount Section 40(C)(2) of the NDtC, as amended;
herein stated shallbe adjusted to itepresent value
using the Consumer Price Index, as published by “(Y) Association dues, membership fees, and
the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA); other asseasments and charges collected by
homeowners associations and condominium
“(Q Lease of aresidential unit with a monthly
miital not exieedingFiiteenthoiisandpeeos(Pl5,000);
‘(Z) Sale of gold to the Bangko Sentral ng
Pilipinas (BSP);
‘(R) Sale, importation, printing or publication
of books and any newspaper, magazine, review or
bulletinwhich appears atngular intervals withfixed “(AA) Sale of drugs and medicines prescribed
prices or subscription and sale and which is not for diabetes, high cholesterol, and hypertension
devoted principally to the publication of paid beginning January 1, 2019; and
“(8B) Sale orlease of goods or properties or the
performance of services other than the transactions
“(S) Transport of paasengera by international
carriere; mentioned in the preœding paragraphe, the groes
annual sales and/or reœipts do not ezœed the amount
ofThree million pesos (P3,000,000).
“(T) Sale, importation or lease of passenger or
cargo vesaela and aircraft, including engine,
equipment and apare parts thereof for domestic or
international transport operations;
SOC. 35. Section 110 of the NIRC, as amended, is bezeb9 SEG. 36. Section 112 of the NIRC, as amended. ts hereby
further amended to read ac follows: further amended to read as follows:
’IEC. 110. Œlm‹?rM(r, - ‘SOC. 112. ffr/izn6s or 2'm Credits o[ Input
“(A) Creditable Input 'Tax. -

"(2) x x x
’(G) Period wilhin wlrich Refund of ! •
Taxes ehall be Mode. - In proper cases, the
Commiasionersballgrant arefundlör creditable input
taxes 'within oinety (90) days from the date of
eubmiséîon oftbe ofllciaf reœipts or lnvoiœs andother
"Provided, That the input tax on goods documents in support of the application filed in
purchased or imported in a calendar month for uae aeeordance with Subsections (A) and (B) hereof:
in trade or business for which deduction for Prouided, That should the Commisaioner find that
depreciation is allowed under this Code shall be the grant of refund is not proper, the Gommiaaioner
spread evenly over the month of acquisition and the muat atate in writing the legal and factual basis for
fifty-nine (59) succeeding months if the aggregate the deninl.
acquisition cost for such goods, excluding the YAT
component thereof, exceeds One million pesos M caae offiillor partial denial of the claim for
(Pl,000,000): Provided, Nowever, That if the tax refund, the taxpayer affected may, within thirty
estimated uaeful life of the capital good is less than (30) daya fzom thereceiptofthe decision denying the
five (5) years, as used for depreciation purposes, then cleim, appeal the decision with the Court of Tax
the input VAT shall be spread over such a shorter Appeals: Provided, however, That failure onthe part
period: mottled, further, That the amortisation of ofanjr official, agent, or employee of the BIRto act on
the input VAT shall only be allowed untilDecember the application within thenine@(90)-day period ehall
31, 2021 after Which taxpajrers with unutilized input be punishable under Section 269 of this Code.
VAT on capital gOOds purchased or imported shall be
allowed to apply the same as scheduled until fully
utilized: Prot'ided, finoll y, That in the case of
purchase of services, lease or use of properties, the SEM. 37. Section 114 of the NIRC, as amended, is hereby
input tax shall be creditable to the purchaser, leesee further amended to read as fol1ows.-
or liœnaee uponpayment oftbe œmpensation, rental,
royalty or lee.
“SEc. 114. Reture and Pa yment of

‘(A) In General. - Every pereon fiable topay

the value-added tax imnoaed under this Etle shall
öle a quarterly return ofthe amountof his groae sales IEC. 38. Section 116 of the NIRC, as amended, ishereby
or reœipts within twenty-five (2ii) daya following the further amended to read asfollows:
close of each taxable quarter prescribed for each
taxpayer.- T'rouided, howeuer, That VAT-regiatered ‘SEC. 116. 7'nz ou Personas Exempt from
pensons ahalt pay the ealue-added tax on a monthly Value d 2’er(V . — Any person whoae sales oz
baais: f'rooided, @t‹ally, That beginaing January 1, receipts are ezempt under Section 109 (8B) of this
2023, the fîling and payaient required under thia Code from the paymentofvalue-addedtax and who is
Subsection shell be doœ withiotwenty-love (SS) days not aVAT-registeredpersonehallpay a taxequisalent
following the cloee of esrh taxable quarter. to three percent (3%) of his groes quarterly aales or
receipts: Provided, That moperatives, and begitming
January 1, 2019, self-employed andpmfeeeionalswith
total annual gross sales andfor gross receipts not
exceeding Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000)
shall be ezempt from the three percent (3%) grose
‘(C) HTtliholdiny of Value-added Töx. - The receipts tax herein imposed.”
Govemment or any of its political subdivisions,
instrumentalities or ageneies, including SEc. 39. Section 127 of the NIRC, aa amended, is hereby
govemment-owned or -eontrolled corporations fxœther amended to read as foltows:
(OOCCs) shaft, before makingpajnnenton aecoimtof
eachpurchaae of goods and services which are subject ‘SEC. 127. Z'‹ax on dale, Barder or Exchange
to the value-added tax imposed in Sections 106 and
108 ofthis Code, deduct and withholdthe value-added lo cal Stock Exchange or through initial Public
tax imposed in Sections 106 and 108 où this Code, O feNng. -
deduct and witbhold a final value-added tax at the
rate of five perœnt(5m) of the gross payaient thereof: “(A) Tgy on Hate, Barter or Mackay ge of Shares
Prooided, That beginning Janunry 1, 2021, thë VA’f ofstocle L isted and Tran:led tlsnougk ltte Lonal lSioek
witholding system under thia Subsection shall shift Exchange. — There shall be levied, asseaeed and
from hmm to a nedîtable system: Prouided, fier, collected on every sale, barter, exchange or other
That the payment for lease or use of properties or disposition ofsharee of stoeklisted andtraded through
property righte to nomeeident owners shall be subjeet the local stock exchange other than the aale by a
to twelve percent (12%) withholding tax at the time dealer in securities, a taa at the rate of aix•tenths of
of payaient: Prauided, 3noify, That payments for one percent (6/10 of 1%) of the gross selling price or
purchases of goods andservices arising from pmjects gross value in money of the shares of stock sold,
funded bjr Œficial DeeelopmentAssiatanœ (ODA) as bartered, exchanged or otherwise disposed which ehall
defined under Republic Art No. 8182, otherwîse be paid by the seller or transferor.
kitown as the ’OffiÖal DevelopmentAasîatanœ Act of
1996’, aa amended, ahall not be aubject to the final
e'ithholding tax system asimposed in thisSubsection
For purposes of thie Section, the payor or person in
control of the payment ahall be eonaidered as the
witbholding agent.

SEC. 40. Section 128 of the NIRC, as amended, ie hereby SEC. 42. Section 145 of the NDtC, as amended, ie hereby
ftirtlier amended to read ac folloWs: further amended toread asfn1loca:
•szo. i4s. Cïgars ond Cigarettes. -
"Sse. 128. 2teturns ond Po yment o[
Percentoge 2’‹zxes. — “(A) -zz z

‘(A) x x x ‘(E) Cigarettes Thru by Zfand. - There ahall

be levied, assessed and collected on cigarettes
packed by hand anexcise taa based on the following
‘(1) a z x
‘(2) Pensons Retiri g nom Business. — x x x ‘Effective on January 1, 2018 until June
30, 3018, Thirty-two pesos and fiitP °enta*os
‘(3) Deteririinaiion o‘f Correct Sates° or (P32.50)perpaek;
Receipts. - x x. x.
“Elleetive on July 1, 2018 until December
"x x x.” 31, 2019, Thirty-five pesos (P3S.00) per

SEC. 41. Section 129, Chaptes 1 of Title VI of the NOtC,

as amended, ta hereby furtber amended to read asfollows: ‘Effective on January 1, 2020 untîl
December 31, 2021, Thirty-seven pesos and ftfty
’TWLET9-EACISETAÆESONGERTAIN centavos (P37.50) per pack; and
‘Effective on January 1, 2022 unttl
°C8APTER 1— GENERAL PROVISIONS December 31, 2023, Fortypesos (P40.00) per pack.
‘SEC. 129. Gods and Services Subject to
£oise S'‹aoc. — Excise taxes apply to goods H'he rates of tax imposed under this subsection
manufactured or produced in the Philippines for shall be increased by four percent (4%) every year
domestic sales or consumption or for any other ef:festive on January 1, 2024, through revenue
disposition and to things imported as well ascervixes regulations issued by the Secretary ofFinance.
performed in the Philippines. The excise tax imposed
herein shgll be in addition to the value-added tax Duly registered cigarettes packed by hand
imposed under Title IV. ahalloa1y bepackedin twentiee and other packaging
combinations of not more than twenty.
for purpoees of thisTitle, excise taxea herein
imposed and baaed on weight or volume capacity or ‘‘Cigarettes packed by hand’ shall Hter tothe
and other phyaical unit of measurement ehall be manner of packaging of cigarette aticke using an
referred to as ’epecifie tax’ and an excise tax herein individualpereon’s hands andnot through any other
imposed end based on sellingpriœ or other apecified means such as a mechanical devioe, machine or
value ofthe good or aerviœper:formedsballbe refërzed equipment.
to ac 'ad valorem tax.’ "

BecLive ùaouazjr 1, Z018

“(G) Cigars died by Mat•hiTte. — There
ahall be levied, aasesaed and collected on cigarettes
packedbyma‹:lxine a tax at the rates presc@bedbelow: ”(a) Lubriotting eiie and greaeee, ineluding but
not limited to, baaeate‹:L for lube oils and greaaes,
higheacuum distillates, anomalie eatracte andotber
”Effective on January 1, 2018 until June similar preparaÔons, and additivea for lubûcating
30, 2018, the taa on all cigarettes packed by oilsand greases, whether aueh additives erepetroleuœ
machine ahall be Tbirty-two pesoe and fifty centavœ
based or not, per liter and k:ilogram, reepectieely, of
(P32.50) per paeki
volume capacity or weight, Eight peeoa (P8.00):
lo ided, That lubricating oils and greasea prodnœd
"Effective on Julr 1, 2018 until December from basestoeLs and additivea on vrhich the ezcise
31, 2019, the tax on all cigarettes packed by taxhas akeady been paid shall no longer be subjeet
machine shall be Thirty-five peeoa (P35.00) per toexeise tax: f'rotided, plier, Tbatlocally produœd
pack; or imported oils previpusly taxed as such but are
aubaequently reproceaaed, refined or recycled ehell
“Effective on January 1, 2020 until likewiee be aubject to the tax impoeed under this
December 31, 2021, the tag on all cigarettes packed Subsectîon;
by machine shall be Thirty-seven pesos and fifty
centavos (P37.50) per pack; and “(b) Proœssed gas, per liter ofvoiume capacité,
Eight pesoa (P8.00);
‘Effective on Jan uarjr 1, 2022 until
December 31, 2023, the tax on all cigarettes packed ”(c) Waxes and petrolatum, per kilogram,
by machine shall be Forty pesos (P40.00) per pack Eight pesos (P8.00);

H'he rates of taximposedunder thisSubsection ‘\d) Ondenatured alcohol tobe need formotive
ahall be increased by four percent (4%) every year power, per liter of volume capacity, Eight pesos
thereafter effective on January 1, 2024, through (P8.00): Provided, That unless otherwise provided
revenue regulations issued by the Secretary of by speciallaws, ifthe denatured alcohol ismixed with
gasoline, the exciee tax on which has akeady been
paid, only the alcohol content shall be subject to the
IEC. 43. Section 148 of the NIRC, as amended, is tax herein prescribed. For purposes of this
hereby further amended to read asfollows: Subsection, the removal of denatured alcohol of not
leas than one hundred eighty degrees (180°) proof
‘SEC. 148. Mgnufaciured Oil» and Other (ninety percent (90%) absolute alcohol) shall be
Ils. — There shall be collected on refined and deemed to have beenremovedfor motive power, unless
manufaetured minerai oils and motor fuels, the SONORE,
following excise taxes which shall attachto the goods
hereunder enumerated asaoon asthey are inexistence “(e) Naphtha, regular gasoline, pyrolysis
as auch: gasoline and other similar products of distillation,
per liter of eolume capaeity, Seven pesos (P7.00):
Provided, however, That naphtha and
pyrolyais gasoline, when used ae a raw material in per liter of volume capacity. Two pesoa and fifiZ
the production of petrochemical products, or in the
refining ofpeteoleum products, or asreplacementfuel
for natural-gaa-fired-combined cycle power plant in liquefied petroleum gas, per kilogram,

lieu of locally-extracted natural gaa during the Onepeso (PI.00): d, Tbat liquefiedpetroleum

non-availability thereof, subject to the rules rind gusw6eousedas raw matetinl in the productio° °
regulations to be pmmulgated by the Secretary of petrochemical products, subject to the rules and
Finance, per liter of eolume capacity, zero (PO.00): regulations to be promulgated by the Secretary of
Moulded, /i -ther, That the production of petroleum taaed sero (P0.00) per ltilogram:
products, Whether or not they are classified as
products of distillation and for use solely for the “Prouid d, Finally, Tbatliquefiedpetroleum a>
production of gasoline ahall be exempt from excise used for motive power the taxed at the equimlent
tax: Pror’ided. finally, That the by-product including rate as the excise tax on diesel fuel oil;
fuel oil, dieeel fuel, kerosené, pyrolyais gasoline,
liquefied petroleum gases, and einiilar oils hav:iñg (k) Asphalts, per kilogram, Eight pesos (P8.00):
more or less the same generating power, whirh are
produced in the proeeeeing of naphtha into (}) Buolrez fuel oil, ao6 ozt sim az J'ue1 oils
petrochemical products shall be subject to the having more or less the same generating power, per
applicable excise tax specified in this Section, except liter of volume capaciw,Two pesos and fiftY •
when suchbjr-products m transferred to any of the (P2.50): Provided, lix/weuer, That the excise taxes
localoilrefineries through sale, barter or exchange,
paid on the purchased basestock (hunker) used in the
for the purpose of further processing or blending into manufacture of excisable articles and forming p
fini.*bedpzoductswhic1iare eulijeet toexcise tax under
this Section; thereof shall be credited against the excise tax due
therefrom; and
‘(i) Unleaded premium gasoline, per liter of. Petroleum coke, per metrié ton, Two pesos
volume capacity, Seven pesos (P7.00); andfifty centavos (P2.50)a PtD Vided,
perfleum coke, when used asfeedstock IO anypomer
‘(g) Aviation turbo jet fuel, gas, per generatingfacility, per metric ton, ze*° (PO.00).

liter of volume capacity, Four pesos (P4.00);

Effective January 1, 2019
‘(h) kerosene, per liter of volume capacity,

Three pesos (P3.00): Proud, That kerosene, when "(a) Lubo‹=m oils and greases, inch @g @ t
used as aviation fuel, shall be subject to the aame tax not limited to, basestock for lube oils and greases,
on aviation turbo jet fuel under the preceding tes, aromatic extracts and other
• high vacuum
paragraph (g), such tax to be assessed on the user
prepam6oos, ana additives for lubriea °
thereon and greases, whether such additives are petroleum
based or not, per liter 6]d]ogcazo, respect fireljr, of

“(i) Diesel fuel oil, and on similar fiiel oils volume capacity or weight, Nine pesos (P9.00)°

having more or less the same generating power, Provided, That lubricating° and greases produced
54 55

from baseatocke and additives on whieh the excise production of gasoline shall be exempt from excise
tax has already been paid shall no longer be aubjeet Provided, linall y, That the by-product including
toexciae tax: TYordIet, after, Thatletaliy pzoduœd fuel oil, diesel fuel, kerosene, pyzolyais gasoline,
or imported oila previoualy taxed as euch but are liquefied petroleum gases and similar oils haxdng
aubeequently zeproœaaed, rerefined or recycled ahall znoxe oz leee the same generating power, which are
likewise be aubject to the tax imposed under this produced in the processing of naphtha into
Subsectioœ petrochemical products shall be subject to the
applicable excise tax specified inthis Section, exoept
“(b) Proœaaed gas, per liter of volume capacité, when such by-products are transferred to any of the
Nine peaos (P9.00); local oilrefineries through sale, barter or exchange,
for the purpose of further proœasing or blendinginto
‘(c) Waxes and petrolatum, per kilogram, 6niahedproductswhich;ueaulijectto excise tax under
Ninepeeos (P9.00); this Section;

‘(d) Ondenatured alcohol tobe usedfor emotive °(f) Ualgaded premiiun gasoline, per liter of
power, per liter of volume ‹opacity, Nine peaos (P9.00): volume capacity, Nine pesos (P9.00);
Provided, That unleas otherwise provided by special
1awa, if the denatured alcohol ismixed with gasoline, “(g) Aviation turbo jet fuel, aviation gas, per
the excise tax on which hae akeady been paid, only liter of volume capacity, Four pesos (P4.00);
the alcoholcontent shall be subject to the tax herein
pzeacribed. For purposes of this Subsection, the "(h) kerosene, per liter of volume capacity,
removal of denatured alcohol of not lees than one Four pesos (P4.00): Provided, That kerosene, when
hundred eighty degrees (180°) proof(ninety percent used as aviation fuel, aballbe subject to the same tax
(90%) absolute alcohol) shallbe deemed to have been on 'aviation turbo jet fuel under the preceding
removed for motive power, unless shown otherwise; paragraph (g), such tax to be assessed on the user

“(e) Naphtha, regular gasoline, pyrolyais

gasoline, and other similar produets of distillation, “(i) Dieael fuel oil, and on aimilar fuel oils
per liter of volume capacity, Nine pesos (P9.00): having more or leas the same generating power, per
Prouided, howeuer, That naphtha and pyolysis liter ofvolume capacité, Four peeœ andfifty œntavos
gasoline, when used as a raw material in the (P4.50);
production of petrochemical products, or in the
reflniog of petroleum pnxlucts, or as replaœment fuel ‘(g Liquefied petroleum gas, per kilogram,
for natural-gas-fired-combined cycle power plant in 'I\eopeaos(f'2.00). /'/ouùÎed, Tbatliqueöe6petzoleura
lieu of locally-extracted natural gas during the gaa when used aa raw material in the production of
non-availability thereof, aubject to the rules and petrochemical products, subject to the rules and
regulations to be promulgated by the Senetary of regulations to be promulgated by the isenetary of
Finance, per liter of volume capacity, zero (PO.00): Finance, per kilogram, zero (P0.00): Provided,
Trooided, her, That tire production of petroleum $noffy, That liquefiedpetroleum gaa uaed for motive
products, whether or not they are olassified as power shall be taxed at the equivalent rate as the
products of distillation and for use solely for the excise tax on dieselfuel oil;

’(k) Asp1isÏte,perIôlogr Vioepeeos(]/B.Qp);

power, per liter of volume capacity, Ten pesos
“(I) Bunker fuel oil, and on simiJar fuel otis (PI0.00): boarded, That unlees otherwise provided
having more or less the same generatingpower,per by speciallaws, ifthe denatuzed almholis mixed with
filer ofvolume capacité, Four peeoa and lilly œntavos gasoline, the excise tax on which has already been
(P4.50): f'ropided, homeoer, That the excise taxes paid, only the alcohol content shrill be subject to the
paid onthe purehased baseetock (bunker) used inthe tax herein prescribed. For purposes of this
manufaeture of excisable articles and iorming part Subsection, the removal of denatured alcohol ofnot
thereof shslJ be credited againet the ezcise tax due less than one hundred eighty degrees (l80•) proof
therefrom; and (ninety percent (90%) absolute alcohol) shall be
deemed tohave beenremoved for motivepower, nut.e e
‘(m) Petroleum coke, per metricton, Fourpesos shown otherwise;
and fifty centavos (P4.50): f'ropided, however, That,
petroleuñt coke, when used asfeedstock to anypomer (e) Naphtha, regular gasoline, pyolysis
generating facility, per metric ton, pro (PO.00). gas‹:line ‘änd other products of distillatipn,
per liter of volume capacitjr, Ten pesos (P10.00):
ecñseJaDuaz 1,2020 Prooided, forever, That naphtha and pyiolysis
gaaoline, when used as a raw material in the
‘(a) Lubricating oils and greases, including but production of petrochemieal products, or in the
not limited to, baseatock for lube oils and greases, refîning of petroleum products or asreplaœmentfuel
high vacuum distillates, aromañc extracts and other for natural-gas-fired-combinedcycle power plantin
similar preparations, and additives for lubricating lieu o[ locally-extracted naturel gas during the
oils and greases, whether such additives arepetroleum non-availabiliÿJr thereof, subject to the rules and
based or not, per liter and kilogram, respectively, of regulations to be promulgated by the Secretarjr of
volume capacity or weight, Ten pesos (P10.00): Finance, per liter of volume capacity, zero (P0.00):
Provided, Thatlubrieating oils and greases produced Prouided, fier, That the production ofpetroleum
from basestocJts and additives on which the excise pzoducts, whether or not their are elassified as
tax6 æ aIreadybeenpaiŒ sfiaJl nolorgerbe6ubjed produets of distillation and for use aolely for the
to excise tax: Provided, Jrtfier. Thatlocallyproduced production of gasoline shall be exempt fiom excise
or imported oils previously taxed as such but are taa. Pro’uuled, dinahy, That the by-productincluding
subsequently reprocessed, rerefined or recycled shall fuel oil, diesel fuel, kerosene, pyrolyais gasoline,
likewise be subject to the tax imposed under this liquefied petroleum gases and similar oils having
more or less the same generating power, whieh are
produced in the processing of naphtha into
petrochemical products ehall be subjeet to the
“(b) Proœssed gas,per liter of Polume capacité,
Ten pesos (Pl0.00); applicable ezcise tax apecified in this Section, ezcept
when such by-produits are transferred to any of the
local oil refineries through sale, barter or exchange,
“(c) Waxes and petrolatum, per kilogram, Ten for thepurpose offurther proceseing or blendinginto
pesos (P10.00); fîniohed produite which are subject toeaciaetaxunder
thia Section;
“(I) Unleaded premium gasoline, per liter of Tetroleum pzoducte, including naphtha, LPG,
volume capacity, Ten peaos (Pl0.00); petroleum colre, refinery fuel and other products of
diatillation, when used as input, feedatock or asraw
“(g) Aviation turbo jet fuel, aviation gas, per material in the manufacturing of petroehemical
liter of volume eapacity, Four pesos (P4.00); products, or in the refîning ef petroleum producte, or
asreplacement fuel for natural-gas-fzred-mmbined
“(h) Beroeene, per liter of volume capacity, cycle power plantin lieu oflocally-extractednaturel
Five pesos (P5.00): Provided, That kerosene, when gasduring the non-availability thezeot Sect to the
used as aviationfue( shallbe subject to the same taa rules and regulatione to be promulgated by the
on aviation turbo jet fuel under the preceding Secretary of Finance, per liter of volume capacity,
paragraph (g), such tax to be asaeaaed on the user zero (PO.00): f'rooided, That the by-productincluding
there‹d; fuel oil, diesel fuel, kerosene, pyrolysis gasoline,
liquefied petroleum gases, and eimilar oils having
more or less the same generating power, w1iich are
- ”(i) Diesel fuel oil, and on aimilar fuel oila produced in. the péoeessing of naphtha into
having more or less the aame genèrating power, per petröehemical produets shall be subject to the
Six peaos (P6.00); applicable excise tax epecîfied in this Section, except
when auch by-products are tranaferred to any of the
“(j) Liquefied petroleum gas, per kilogram, local oil refzneries through sale, barter or ezcliange,
Three pesos (P3.00): Provided, That liquefied f:or the purpoee of furtlier proœselng or blending into
petroleum gas when used as raw material in the finiahedpzoducts which areaubject toexcise tax under
production of petrocliemicalpzoducts, subject to the this Section.
rules and regulations to be promulgated by the
Secretary of Finance, per kilogram, zero (P0.00): ‘Tor the period covering 2018 to 2020, the

Prouided ,h Thatliquefied petroleum gas need facility, per metric ton, zero (P0.00).
for moñve power shall be taxed at the equivalent rate
as the eaeise tax on diesel fuel oil;

“(k) Asphalts, per kilogram, Ten pesos


‘(I) Bunter fuel oil, and on similar fuel oils

having more or lees the same generating power, per
liter of volume capacity, Siapeeos (P6.00): Woviéed,
keener, That the exciee taxes paid on the purchased
basestock (bunker) used in the manufacture of
excusable articles and forming part thereof shall be
credited against the excise tae due therefrom; and

“(m) Petroleum coke, per metric ton, Six pesos

(P6.00): Provided, fiowei er, That, petroleum coke,
when used aa feedstock to any power generating
echeduledincreaeein the exñse tax onfuel asimposed in this
Section shall be suspended when the average Dubai crude oil
price based on Mean of Platts Singapore (MOPS) for three (3)
montha prior to the scheduled increase of the month reaches or
exceeds Eighty dollars (USD 80) per barrel.

‘Provided, That the Deparonent of Finance sballperform

an annual review of theimplementation ofthe excisetax onfuel
and shall, based onpJections provided and recommendations of
the Development Budget Coordination S omal ttee, as reconciled
from the conditions as provided above, recommend the
implementation or suspension of the excise tax on fuel:
Provided, fur u'r, That the recommendation shall be green on
a yearly basis: Pr»vd. hmt!s, That any auspeneion of the
increase in exciee tax ahall not result in any reduction of the
exciée tax being imposed at the time ot the suspension.”
60’ si

SEC. 44. A new section designated as Section I4ß-A

under Chapter V of the NDtC, as amended, is hereby inserted
toread asfollows: the petroleum products w 5Q QO f1OR TOWN the
nfficiø] marker or which contain the official marker
‘SEC. 148-A. Mandal or y 2'fart i eg of AH but are diluted beyond the acceptable percentage
approved by the Secretary of Finance are found in
Petroleum. Products. - In accordance with rules the domesticmarket or in the possession of anyone,
and regulations to be issued by the Secretary of or under any eid;uationw1iere ßaid petroleum products
Finance, in consultation with the Commissioner of
are subject to duties and taaes, it shall be presumed
Internal Revenue and Commissioner of Guatoms and
that the same were withdrawn with the intention to
in coordination with the Secretary of Energy, the
emdethepa ment ofthetaxes andduties due thereon;
Senetary of Finance øhall require the use of an
official fuel marking or similar technology on
petroleum products that are refined, manufactured, (e) The use of Õaudulent marker on the
or importèd into thePhilippines, and that are sheet petroleum products shall be considered prima foeie
to. the payment of taxes and duties, øuch as but not evidence that the aame have been withdrawn or
limited to, uoleadedpremíum gasoline, kerosene, and imported without the payment of taxes and duties
dieøel fueloil after the taaes and dutiea thereon have due thereon;
beenpaid. The mandatory marking of allpetroleum
products nhaJJ be in accordance with the following:
—The government ehallengage onljr onefuelmazking
“(a) O I ôforbers. — There shall be a liat provider who ehall, under the supervision and
of chemical additives and corresponding quantitative direction of the Commisøionera of Intej•øøl Revenue
ratio as identified by the Secretary of Finance as and Customs, be responsible for providing, mo
official fuel markers. The official fuelmarkers shall storing, and administering the fuel markers, pr
be distinct and, to the greatest degree possible, vide equipment and deviœs, conduct field and
impossible to imitate or replicate: Provided. That eonÕrmatory tests, and perform such other acts
the official fuel marker muat be unique to the incidental or necessary tothe proper implementation
Philippines and that its chemical composition and of the provisions of this Act: Provided, That the fuel
quanôtatiee ratio must persist for at least three (3) markingprovider shallprovide anend-to-endsolil łior
years from their applicaõon or administration to the to the Government, including the establiahmeTft and
unmarked fuel; operation ok tesÕng facilities that are centred to
ISO 17025;
“(b) The person, entity, or taxpayer who owns
or entezs the petroleum pzoducte into the country, or # Vc outspertalningt0ì6epæocmementof
the person to whom the petroleum products are the ofbcial fuelmarkers shallbe borne by the rebner,
consigned shall cauee and accommodate the marking manufacturer or importer, of petroleum products,
of the petroleum products with the offieialmarking as the case may be: Provided, That the government
agent; may subsidize the cost of oØtcial fuelmarkers in the
firøt year of implementation;
“(c) Internal revenue or customs officers shell
be on site to administer the declaration of the tax
and dutieø imposed on the petroleum producte and to
_ +r -=•=- =.--› -.. • -.
“(h) Cf 3farb*ng Progrès Tunis. — In automobiles baaed on the manulacturer’s or
addition to any appropriation to implement this importer’a eellingpÔœ, net of exerce "°d *>
Section and the laat paragraph of Section 171 of this M œ M ŒŒ efoIbwingmAedl :
Act, fees or charges collected in relation to the fuel
marking program may be recorded as truat reœipte 'jjBè‹;dwJænuaryI,S018
of the implementing agencies, andshall be exclusively
disbursed todefray the coetof eervicea or equipment
required to fuIiy implement the aaid program, subject
to rulea and regulations to be issued by the DOF-
DBM-COApermanent committee; pesns (P600,ti00)
“£fver Six hundred thousand peeos
(P600,000) to One million
‘(i) The marking of petroleum products shall peeos (P1,000,@0) Ten pezcent (105)
be mandatorywithinhve (5) years from the effectivity
of this Act; and ’CherOne.eûHWo pèse(Fl,000,000)

to Four million pe«oa (P4,000,000) T ee°lrP"ree°t t *1

‘ij) The term 'random field teet’ shall refer to “Over Four million peeos (P4,000,000) Pe cent t *)
periodic random inspections and tests performed to
establish qualitative and quantitative positive reeult
’Prouided, That hybrid vehicles shall be
offuel traificking, wlñch are conducted onfuels found
subject to lilly perœnt (5O•A) of the applicable excîse
in warehouses, storage tanLs, gas stations and other taa rates on automobiles under this Section:
retail outlets, and in aueh other properties or
Prouided, /urtker, That purely electric vehicles and
picJ¢-ups ahaII be ezeæpt 6oæ ezcise taz ozt
of persons engaged in the aale, delivery, trading,
transportation, distribution, or importation of fuel
intended for domestic market.
‘As used in this Section —
‘be term'confirmatory tests’ shall refer to the
accurate and precise analjrtical teat of the teeted “(a) Automobile shall mean any four (4) OF
unmarked, adulterated, or diluted fuel using adevice, more wheeled motor vehicle regardless of seating
tool or equipment which will validate and confirm capacity, which is propefled by gasoline, diesel,
the result of the field test, that is immediately electricity or anyothermotivepower.- f'rotiided, Thn+
conducted in an accredited testing facility that is for purposes of this Act, buses, trucks, can° • .
certified to ISO 17025.” jeepneysfjeepneysubstitutes, single cab chassis, and
sped afipurpœ eseüdess6Älnotbeœ m üdered as
SEC. 4S. Section 149, Chapter 6 of 'Ntle VI of the NIRC, aubmobûes.
as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows:
”(b) Truck/cargo van shall mean a znotor
“CIJAPTER V1 —EXCISE TAX ON MISCELLANEOUS vehicle of any configuration that is exclusively
ARTICLES deaignedfor the carñageofgoods and with any
of wheels an6 axles: Provided, That pick-ups shall
“SEC. 149. Automo biles. - There shall be be considered as trucks.
levied, assesaed and eollected an nd oaforem tax on
* 64 6]

‘(c) Jeepneybeepney aubatitntes ehellmean as i5EC. 46. Anew section designated ae Section 150-A under
'Philippine jeep or jeepney' whieh are of the jitney Chapter VI, Title VI of the NIRC, as amended, ishereby inserted
type locally designed andmanufactured generallyjlxnzt to read asfollows:
surplus parte and components. It ehall •lso include
jeepney subatitutee that are manufactured from ‘IEC. 150-A Non- S•r tees. — Thème
brand-new eingle cab chassis or cowl chasers and shen be levied, asaeaæd and œllected a taaequivalent
locally customized rear body that has continuous tofrveperœnt(5%)baeedon the gross reœipts derised
aideway row seats with open rear door and without from the performance of services, net of ezcise tax
retractable giasa windows. andvalue-added tax, oninvasive cosmeticpzoœdures,
surgeries, and body enhancements directed aolely
“(d) Bus ahall mean a motor vehicle of any towarda improving, altering, or enhancing the
configuration with grosa vehicle weight of4.0 tons or patient’e appearanœ anddo not meaningfiillypromote
more with any number of wheels and axlea, which is the proper function of the body or present or treat
generaI1ymccepte.dand specially designed for mass or illrieee ou lease.- ProuiBeä, That this taa rhahnot
public transportation apply to procedures neeessary to ameliorate .a
deformity arising from, or directly related to, a
“(e) Single cab chassis shall mean a motor congenital or developmental defeft or abnormality, a
vehicle with complete engine power train and chassis personalinjury resulting from anaceidentor trauma,
equipped with a cab that has a maximum of two (2) or diaöguring disease, tumor, virus or infection:
Oaoza and only one (l) row of seats. Prouided, cher, That caees or treatments covered
by the National Health Insurance Program ahallnot
be eubject to thia tax.”
“tfi Speeialpurpoae vehicle ahallmean a motor
vehicle designed for specific applications such as
cement mixer, fire truck, boom truck, ambulance SEC. 47. Aries section designated as Section 150-B under
and/or medical unit, andoff-road vehicles for heavy Chapter VI, Title VI of the NIRC, as amended, is hereby inserted
industries andnot for recreañonal activities. to read as follows:

“(g) llybrid electric vehicle ahall mean a motor ‘SEC. 150-B. E!weeterted Beuerages. -
vehicle powered by electric energy, with or without
pmxieionfor off-vehicle cbarging, in comliination w-¡th “(A) filaI:ea zidB aseofT •= — ZEecöve Jaauazy
gasoline, diesel or any other motive power: Provided, 1, 2018:
That, for purposes of this Act, ahybrid electric vehicle
must be able to propel itself from a stationary “(1) A tax of Síx pesos (P6.00) per liter of
condition using eole1y electric motor. volume eapacity shall be levied, assessed, and
collected on sweetened beverages uaingpurely calotie
’Provided, That in the case of imported automobiles sweeteners, and purely nou-caloràe sweetenezs, or a
not for aale, the tax imposed herein ahaE be baaed on mix of caloric and nou-caloúc sweetenern: f!rovided,
the total landed value, including transaction value, That this tax rate shall not apply to aweetened
customs duty and allother charges. beverages ualng high fruetose corn eyrup: Troriôed,
Wr, That sweetened beveragee uaing purely
"Automobiles uaed exclusively within the coconut sap sugar and purely ateviol glycoaides shall
freenort zone shall be eaempt from excise tax.” be exempt from this tax; and
“(2) Ataa of Twelve pesos (Pl2.00) per liter of “(2) Colorie soeeñmer refers to a aubetanœ
volume capacity shell be levied, assessed, and that is sweet and includes sucrose, fructoae, and
collected on sweetened beverages uaing purely high glucose that produœs a œrtain aweetneas;
fructoae corn ejnmp or incombination with anjr calorie
or non-caloric sweetener. ‘(3) Bigh, fruntose core syrup refers to a eweet
eaccliaride mixture containing fructoae and glucose
“(B) De[initiou of 'Perms. — As used in this which is derived from corn and added to provide
Aet: aweetneas to beverages, and which includes other
similar fructose syrup preparations; and
‘(1) isweetened beuerages (SBs) refer to non-
aleoholic beverages of any consôtution (liquid, “(4) Nomealaric sweeix'ner repère to a aubetanœ
powdez, or concentrates) that are pre-paeknged and that are artificially or chemically proceased that
sealed in aecordanee with the Food and Drng produœs a certain aweetness. Thèse are eubatanœa
Administration(FDA)atandarda, that contain valerie whieh can be directly added to beverages, euch aa
and/or nön-ealoric sweeteners added by the aspartame, sueraloae, saceharin, acesulfame
manufacturers, andshall include, but not be limited potassium, neotam e, cyclamates and other non-
to the followûng, as deacribed in the Food Category nutritive aweeteners approved bjr the Godez
Syatem b'om Codex Alimentarius Food Category Alimentarius and adopted bg the FDA
Deacriptors (Godex Stan 192-1995, Rev. 2017 ou the
latest) as adopted by the FDA: ‘(C) £wfusions. — The following products, aa
described in the food category syetem from Codez
“(a) f3weeteoeü3uiœ &rIoIœ; Alimentariua Food Category Descriptors (Codex Stan
192-1995, Rev. 2017 or the latest) as adopted by the
“(b) Sweetened tea; FDA, are excluded £rom the scope of this Act:

“(c) All carbonated beverages; “(1) All milk products, ineluding plain ntiJk,
infànt forœula milk, föllow-on milk, growing upmilh,
“(d) Flavored water; powderedr»illr. zeady-to-drinkmiIL andflavored milk,
fermented milk, soymilk, and fiavored soyinilk;
Energy and aports drinks;
“(2) One Hundred Percent (100%) Natural
Fruit Juices - Original Lquid resulting from the
“(f) Other powdered drinks not classified as
pressing of fruit, the liquid resulting I:rom the
milk, juiœ, tea, and coffee;
ieconstitution of natural fruit juice concentrate, or
the liquid resulting I:rom the restoration of water to
“(g) Cereal and grain beverages; and dehydrated natural fruit juice that donot have added
sugar or caloric sweetener;
“(li) Other non-alcoholicbeveragea that contain
added augar. “(3) One Hundred Percent (100%) Natural
Vegetable Juieea — Originalliquid resulting from
the pressing of vegetables, the liquid resulting from
the reeonstitutiOH Of natural vegetable juice thia Section ahall be Oned treble the amount of
concentrate, or the liquid reaulting from the deficiengy taxes, surcharges, andinterest which may
restoration of water to dehydrated nappy gg jg be aseeaaed pursuant to this SectiolL
juice that do not have added eugar or caloric
“Any person liable for anjr of the acts or
omissions prohibited under this Section ehall be
‘(4) MealReplaœment andMedimlly criminalljr liable and penalized under Section 254 of
Beverages — Any liquid or powder drink/product for the NIRC, ae amended. Any person who willfully
oralnutritionaltherapyförpersonswho ‹=n netaba›rb aids or abets in the commission of any such act or

O£•metabOliz8 die Outrieot8 @Om

y fQQd be9grageg, omission shall be criminally liable in the same
or as a source of necesaary nutrition used due to a manner as the principal
medicalconditionand anoralelectrolyte solution for
infants and children formulated to prevent
knot a citizen of the Philippines, the offender
dehydration due to illness; and
ehall be deported immediately after serving the
eénteñee without further proceedings for deportation.
‘(S) Ground coffee, instant soluble coffee, and
pre-packagedpowderedcoffee products.
’ (E) !Speeific Responsibilit y of the Food and
Drug Administration (P’DA). - Starting June 1,
’ (D) ming of Return and Payment oùâge 2018, the FDA shaH require aH manufacturers and
7’os otrd Pesait y. — importers ofsweetenedbeveragee covered by this Act
to indicate on the label the type of sweetener used,
“(1) Filing Of Return and Payment of Excise and on sweetened beverages in powder
Tax ooDomestlc andImported Sweete dJp . forzntoindicate on the label the equivalent of each
— The piœiaion of Sections 130 and 131 of the NIRC, serving per liter of volume capacity.
ä m £0 te, *hill apply to sweetened beverages.
“The FDA shall' also conduct post- marketinj
“(2] Peoalty. — Üpozz öoal ôadJags bJr tbe surveillance of the sweetened beverages on displays
Commissioner of Internal Revenue and/or Customs in supermarkets, groceries or retail stores andfor
that any manufacturer or importer, in violation of inspection of manufacturing sites to determine
this Section, misdeclares or misrepresents in the compliance with the requirements of this Section.
acorn statement provided in Section 130(c) of the Violations of the provisions of this Act, including but
NIRC, aa amended, any pertinent data or information, not limited to, jDislabeling or misbranding, shall, to
the penaltjr of summary canceiiationor withdrawal the extent applicable, be punishable under existing
of the permit to engage in business asmanufa r or laws.
importer of sweetened beverages asprovided imder
Section 268 of the NIRC, aa amended, shall be
“(F) Dut y f ‹ fie Commissioner to Eusure
Payment of *-- - It shall be the duty of the
Commissioner, among other things, to prescribe a
ÿ H@°£BÖ°°• aBsociation or partnerghip materially unique, secure and nonremovable
liable for any olthe acts or omissions in violation of identification, such as codes, stamps or other
markings, to be firmljr and conspicuously affixed on
and form part of the label of all excisable sweetened
70 ‘ 71

for thispurpose, the abovementioned control the time of removal, in the case of those locally
measure shall be caused by the Commissioner to be extracted or produced; or the value uaed by the
printed with adequate security features to enaure the Bureau of Guatoms indetermining tazi8and
payment of excise taa on aweetenedbeveragea. duties, net of excise tax and value-added tax in the
case ofimportation.
“(Ce) Review • * mplem.entotio ri of the
isweetened Beverage fax. - At the etart of the ‘x x x:
implementationof the augar aweetened beverage tax
and everjr year thereaRer, the Department ofHealth, ‘(a) Copper and other metallic minerals,
Department of Science and 'Technology, and four percent (4é); and
Departinentof Finance shallreview the impactofthese
provisions ozt its bealtb objectives witb tbe vtew to “(h) Gold and cbromite, four perœnt (4°f•).
making recommendations on the tax rate on these
*(4) On indigenous petroleum, a tax of cit
perœnt (6%) ofthë Phr intemationalmarketprice
SEC. 4B. Section 151 of the NIRC, as amended, is herebY thereof, on the :àrat taxable sale, barter, exchange or
lurther amended to read asfollowa: such aimilar transaction, such tax to be paid by the
buyer or purchaser before removal from theplace of
“SEC. 151. 3fineral ProdMs. — production. x x æ

"(A) Notes o/ f'ns. — There shall be levied,

assessed and collected onminerals, mineral products
and quarrjr resources, excise tax as follows: SEC. 49. Section 155 of the NIRC, as amended, ta hereby
further amended to read aa follows:
“(1) On domestic or imported coal and coke,
notwithstanding any incentives granted in any law ‘SEC. 155. orters
or special law: to ProuiBe f7temselues with Courir:mg or dfeterin8
Deurr:es to Delermiœ Volume of Product:ion and
‘Mective January 1, 2018, Fifty pesos (P50.00) Jmportotinn. — Manufacturers of cigarettes, altoholir
per metrie ton; products, oil products, and other articles subject to
excise tax that can be similarly measured shall
' ective January 1, 2019, One hundred pesos provide themselves with such neeessaiy number of
(Pl00.00) per metric ton; and suitable counting or metering devices to determine
as accurately as possible the volume, quantity or
àectîve January 1, 2020, One hundred fiky number of the articles produœd by them under rules
peaos (P150.00) per metrie ton. and regulations promulgated by the Secretary of
Finanœ, upon remmmendation ofthe Gommieaioner:
“(2) On all nonmetallie minerals and quarry Prouided, That the Depart;ment of Finance shall
resources, a tax of four percent (4%) based on the maintain a registry of all petroleum manufacturers
actual market value of the groas output thereof at and/or importers and the articles being manufactured

an‹Vor imported bp them: Prouided, cher, That ‘(a) Random field testing shall be conducted
the Department of Finanœ ahallmandate the creation in the presence of revenue or customs offieera, fuel
of a real-time inventoz2r of petroleum articles being markingprovider, and the authorized repreeentative
of the owner of the fuel to be teated: JOURS, ät an
such petroleum manufacturers andfor importers: employee aaaigzted or working at the plaœ where
Provided, fiirall y. That importers of finished therandozn field testis conducted aballbe deemed an
petroleumproducte .ehaD alsoprovide themselves with authorized representativeof the owner;
Bureau-accreditedmetering devices to determine as
accurately as possible the volume of petroleum ‘(b) All field tests shall be properly filmed or
products imported by them. video-taped, anddocumented; and

requirement aliallbe œmplied with before “(c) A sample of the randomlytestedfuel shall
commencement of operations.° be immediately obtained by the revenue or customs
o&cer upon discovering that the same is unmarked,
SEC. 50. Section 171 of the NIBCi as amended, is hereby adulterated, or diluted:
further amended to read aa follows:
‘Provided, Jrtlier, That confirmatory fuel •Gt
“SEC. l7l. Authorit y of infernal fteuenue in certificates issued by fuel testing facilities shall be
isearehing for and f estfn gtaxable Articles. valid for any legal purpose from the date of iasue,
— Any interoalrevenue olficer may, inthe discharge and shall constitute admissible and conclusive
ofhis oflt‹ùal dutiea, enter any houae, building orplaœ evidence before any court.”
where articles subject to tax under this TiHe are
produeed or kept, or are believed by him upon SEC. 51. Section 174 of the NBtC, as amended, is hereby
reasonable grounds to be produced or kept, so far as further amended to read asfollows:
maybe neeessary to examine, teat, discover or seize
the same. ‘SEC. 174. lstamp tax on Original IssuR OJ
Shares of istocb. - Oa every original isaue, whether
be may also stop and search any vehicle or on organisation, reorganization or for any lawful
other means of transportationwhen uponreasonable purpose, of shares of stock by anjr &SOfiA OO,
grounds he believes that the same carries any article company, or corporation, there shall be collected a
on which the eacise tax haa not been paid. documentary stwnp taa nf Two pesos (P2.00) on each
Two hundred pesos (P200), or fractional part thereof,
“Subject to rules and regulations to be issued of the par value, of such sharea of stock: toppled,
by the Secretary of Finance, the Commissioner of That in the case of the original issue of sharee of
Internal Revenue or bra authorized representatives stock without p ar value, the amount of the
may conduct periodic random field teets and doeuinentarjr stamp tax herein prescribed ahall be
con6rmatory teatsonfuelrequired tobe marked under based upon the actual consideration for the issuance
Section 148-A found in warehouseB, atorage tenor.a, of such shares of stock Provided, Aker, That in the
gas stations and other retailoutlets, and in auch other case of stock dividends, on the actual value
properties of persons engaged in the sale, delivery, represented by each share.’
trading transportation, distribution, or importation
of fuelintended for the domeBñc market: Provided,

SEC. 52. Section 175 of the NDtC, as amended, is hereby øtamp tax of One peøo (P1.00) oneach Two hundred
further amended to read asfollows: peeos (P200), or fractional part thereof, of the face
value of auch certificates or memorandum-"
“SEC. 175. Stømp 7'm on males, Agreemeirts
to Ascii, f einoronda of Safes, Deliveries or H•mfw f SEC. 54. Section 178 of the NIRC, as amended, iø hereby
iSharemor Certi fy •i'* •h.. — On all sales, or further amended to read aafollows:
agreemeñts to sell, or memoranda of sales, or
deliveries, or transf:er of shares or œrtißcates of atock ”SEC. 178. Jtnmp 'Pot or Bank Checks,

in any association, company, or corporation, or Œafts, Certify- p• •f osit not Boring Interest.

transfer of such securities by assignment in blank, and Other Instruments. — On each bank check,
or by delivery, or by any paper or agreement, or draft, or certificate of deposit not drawing interest,
memorandum Or other evidenceB Of transfer or sale or order for the payment of any aumofmoney.drawn
whether enötling the holder in any manner to the upozi or issued by any b trust romping, or anF
benefit of suchetotk, or tosecuretbe future parent person or persons, companies or corporatißßß, at t
of money, or for the future trnrsfer of any stop or ondemand, there shall be collected adoeumental2r
there shall be collected a documentary stamp tax of mùmnptauKofT6reepeeos(P3.OO)"
One peso and fifty eentavos (PI.50) on each Two
hundred pesos (P200), or fractional part thereof, of i"sEG. 55- Section 179 of the NDtC, as amended, iø hereby
r the par value of such etock:R•ovided, That onljr one further amended to read as follows:
tax øhall be co1lectedonea»h sale or transfer of stock
'/ from one person to another, regardless of whether or
‘REG.179. Stamp Tax on All Debt
not a certifieate of stock is issued, indorsed, or
Instruments. - On every original isøue of debt
delivered inpursuance of such eale or transfer: 3nd
inetrumente, there shall be collected adocumentary
Provided, ;furtRr, That in the case of atock without
øtamp tax of One peso and fifty centavos (Pl.50) on
par value the amount of the documentary stamp tax
each Tao hundred pesos (P200), or fractional part
herein prescribed aball be equivalent to lifter percent
thereof, of the iseue price of any such debt
(50%) of the documentary etamp tax paid upon the
original issue of said stock.” instruments: Prouided, That for such debt
inatrumentø with terms of lees than one (1) year, the
documentary stamp taa to be collected øhall be of a
SEC. 53. Section 177 of the NOtC, as amended, is hereby proportional amount in accordance with the ratio of
further amended to read as follows: its term in number of days to three hundred eixty-
five (365) days: Prouíóed, Jrtker, That only one
“SEC. 177. Slamp Tax ou Certi ficat es of documentary atamp tax shallbe imposed oneither loan
Profits or Interest in Propert y or Accumulations. - agreement, or promissory notes iasued to secure
On all certificates of prohta, or any certificate or such j
memorandum showing interest in the property or
accumulations of any association, company or
corporation, and on all transfers of such certificates
or memoranda, there shall be collected a documentary
76 77

IEC. 56. Section 180 of the NIRC, as amended, is hezeby ÛEC. 59. Sectîozt 183 oftlte MIBC, aa aœezzded, is bereby
further amended to read asfoliows: furtber amended to read as follows:

"i5EC. 180. éta in p Par on Off Bâffs o/ “SEG. 188. Stamp ton on fié/e Insurance
£'!mkange or Oro/ts. — Ozt ail bille of ezcliaoge Poficies. — On all palières of insurance or other
(between points within the Philippines) or drafts, iostzuœezzte bar whatever oaœe the aaœe æay be
there shall be collected a documentary etamp taa of called, whereby any insurance shall be zuade or
Sizty centavos (PO.60) on each Two hundred peaos renewed upon any1i:fe or liTes, there shallbe collected
(P200), or I:ractionalpart thereof, ofthe face value of a one-time documentary atamp tax at the following
any such bill of exchange or draft.”

SEC. 57. Section 181 of the NIRC, aB amended, is hereby ’lft6e œoouot ofioeuraoce dQee Aot exceed
further iamended to read asfoEows: P1Œ,Œ0
N the amount of ineurance exceede
‘SEC. 181. lstamp Fax Upon Aeceplance o[ P100,0ñ0 but doei not eaceed P300,000 P20.00
Bills of Exchange and Otfiers. — Upon any M the amount où insuranee exceeds
aeeeptanœ orpajnnentof any billof exchange or order P3oo,ooo 6ut doee not o«eea psoo,ooo P50.00
for the payment of money purporting to be drawn in
aforeign country but payable inthe Philippines, there °ï the amount où insurance eaceeds

sliaJl be collected a documentary stamp tax of Sixty equivalent of such face value, if
centavos (PO.60) on each Two hundred peeos (P200), expressed in foreign
or :fractîonal part thereof, of the lace value of any
sucb bill of exchange, or order, or the Philippine
equivalent of sueh value, if expressed in foreign

IEC. 58. Section 182 of the NDtC, as amended, is hereby

further amended to read asfollows:

“SEC. 182. . Stomp f'oz on Foreign Bills of

Eohonge ond Letters o/ Credit. — On all foreign
bills of exchange and letter of credit(uicludingorders,
by telegraph or otherwise, for the payment of money
isaued by express or steamship companies or by any
person or persons) drawn in but pajrahle ont of the
Philippines in a set of three (3) or more according to
the custom of merchants andbankers, there shall be
collected a documentary stamp tax of Sixty centavoa
(P0.60) on each Two hundred pesoa (P200), or
fractional part thereof, of the face vame of anjr such
bill of exchange or letter of nedit, or the Philippine
P600,000 but does not exceed P750,0o0 P100.oo
"if tfie amount où ineuranœ exceeds
Pf50.000 but äoes not exœed P1,000,000 P160.CO
°If the amount of insurance exceeds

SEG. 00. Section 186 of the NDtC, as amended, is hereby further amended
to read as follows:

“SEC. 186. Siamp Tax onPol‘ ’ •f •••‘ and Pre-Need Plans.

— On all policier of annuities, or other instruments by whatever
name the same majr be called, whereby an annuity may be made,
transferred or redeemed, there shall be collected a documentary
atamp tax of One peeo (Pl.00) oneach Two hundred pesos (P200), or
fractional part thereo( ofthe premium or installment payment on
eontract price collected. Onpre-need plane, the documentary stamp
tax shall be Forty centavos (P0.40) on each Two huodred pesos
(P200), or fractional part thereof, of the premium or contribution

SEC. 61. Section 188 of the NfRC, as amended, is hereby SEc. 64. Section 191 of the same Code, aø amended, iø
further amended to read as follows: hereby further amended to read aø follows:

‘SEC. 188. S!tomp ’Tox on Certs“fìcates. - On •sEc. 191. Smmp Ter on Bill oł I diu8 or
each certificate of damage or otherwise, and on 2teceípts. — On each eet of billø of lading or receipts
every other certificate or document iøaued by any (exœpt chapter p ) Jr and goodø, merlÊiandiøe or
customs officer, marine surveyor, or other person ef:fects ehipped from one port or place in the
acting as such, and on each certificate isaued by a Philippines (ezœpt onferries acroes rivers), or to any
notary public, and on each certificate of any foreignport, there aball be collected a documentary
deacriptionrequiredby law or by rules or regulations stamp tax of Two pesos (P2.00), if the value of such
of a public oífiœ, or which is iseuedfor the purpose of goodø ezceedø One hundredpeßo8 (P100) and does not
giving information, or establishing proof of a fact, exceed One thousand pesos (P1,000); Twenty pesos
and not otherwise specified herein, there shall be (P20.00), if the value exceeds One thousand pesoa
collected a documentary stamp tax of Thirty pesos (Pl,000): Prot›ided, However, That freight tickets
(P30.00).” covering gooda, merchandise or effects carried às Ä
an aniedbãggage ofpaaøengers onland and water
carriers primarily engaged in the transportation of
SEC. 62. Section 189 of the NIRC, as amended, is hereby
passengers are hereby exempt.”
further amended to read aa follows:
SEC. 65. Section 192 of the NIRC, as amended, re hereby
“BEC. 189. Stamp fax on Warehouse Receipts.
further amended to read as follows:
- On each warehouse receipt for property held in
storage in a public or private warehouse or yard for
any person other than the proprietor of such ‘SEC. 192. Stamp 'T'as on Proxies. - On each
warehouse or yard, there shall be collected a proxy for voting at any election of officers of any
documentary atamp tax of Thirty pesos (P30.00): company or associaóon, or for any other purpose,
Provided, That no tax aball be collected on each except proxies issued affecting the aHairs of
warehouse receipt issued to any one peraon in any associations or corporations organized for religious,
one calendar month covering property the value of charitable or literary purposes, there ahallbe
which does not exceed Two hundred peeos (P200).” a documentary atamp tax of Thirty pesos (P30.00).”

SEC. 63. Section 190 of the NIRC, as amended, is hereby SEC. 66. Section 193 of the NIRC, as amended, iø hereby
íiirther amended to read asfollows: further amended to read asfollows:

‘SEC. 190. lstamp Tax on Jai-mat. Øorse Race, "SEC. 193. lsmmp 2’oron Powers ofAttor r y.
Tickets, Lołi:o or Oil Authorîard Numbers Games. - — On each power of attorney to perform any act
On each jai-alat, horse race ticket, lotto, or other whatsoever, except acts connected withthe collection
authorized numbers games, there shall be collected of claims due from or accruing to the Government of
a documentary etamp tax of Twenty œntavos (PO.20): the Republic of the Philippines, or the government of
Provided, Thatifthe coat of the ticket ezceed Onepeøo any province, city or municipality, there ehall be
(P1.00), an addìtìßnaltax of Twenty œntavoa (PO.20) collected a documentary stamp tax of Ten pesos
on every One peso (Pl.00), or fractional part thereof, Rio.oo).”
shall be eollecte‹Ł”
IEC. 67. Section 194 of the NIRC, as amended, is hereby Sac. 69. Sectiozt 196 oftke NIRC, aa aœesded, is bereby
further amended to read ac follows: further amended to read as folloWs:

"BEC. 194. Stamp Tae on Leases ozrd Other ‘SEc. 196. Stomp f’az O H DEe ds o[ Soie,
Biring cements. — On each lease, agreement, C!onueyanees and Do- • f 2teol Property.
memorandum, or contract for hire, use or rent of any On allconeejrancee, donations, deed*, ents,
lands or tenements, or portions thereot there ahaJl or waitings, other than grants, patents or original
be collected a documentary stamp tax of Six peaos «ttamtrs clad ti‹›oi=« dWthe Government,
(P6.00) for the firat Two thousand peaos (P2,000), or y}j¢r¢by )and, tenement, orotheriea(@ sold aha.11
fractional part thereof, and an addl DH8l Two peaoa be granted, assigned, transferred, donated or
e 2.00) for every One thousand pesoa (Pl,000) or otherwise conveyed to thepurchaser, or purchasers,
fractional part thereof, in eacesa of the first Two or to any other pereon or persons designated by such
thousand pesos (P2,000) for each year of the term of pure.ha.eer or purchasers, or donee, there shall be
said contract oragreement.” collected a docximentary atamp fox, at the rates
herein below prescribed, baaed OF the co deration
IEC. 68. Section 196 of the NOtC; as amended, is hereby contracted to be paid for such realty or on its fair
further amended to read as follows: market value determined in aceordanee with
beetiow 6(E) of this Code, whichever is higher:
“SEC. 195. Amp fax on Mortgages, Pledges f'ropided, That when one of the contracting parties
crib&eds o/ Trust. - On every mortgage or pledge is the Government, the tax hexein imposed shall be
oflands, eetate, orpreperty, realorpereonal, heritable based on the actual consideration:
ormovable, whateoexer, where the same sbéllbe made
ae a security for the pay zient of any definite and ‘(a) Whenthe consideration, or value reœived
certain sum of money lent at the time or previously or contracted to bepaid for suchrealty, after making
due and owing or forborne to be paid, being payable, proper allowanœ of any encumbranœ, does not exœed
and on anjr conveyance of land, eatate, or property One tbousand peeos (Pl,000), Fifteen pesos(P15.00).
whatsoever, in trust or to be sold, or otherwise
converted into money which shall be and intended “(b) For each additional One thousand pesos
onl y as security, either by express stipulation or (P1,000), ox I:ractionalpaxt thereof in excesa of One
otherwise, there shall be collected a documentary thousand peeos (P1,000) of such consideration or
stamp tax at the following ratea: value, Fikeen pesos (Pl5.00).

‘(a) When the amount secured does not exceed "Transfers exempt from donor’s tax under
Five thousand peaos(P5,000), Porty pesoa (P40.00). Section 101(a) and (h) of this Code shall be exempt
from the tax imposed under this Section.
‘(b) Oneach Five thousand pesos (P5,000), or
fractionalpart thereofin exceas ofFive thouaand peeos ‘When it appears that the amount of the
e s,ooo), an addiñonal tax of Twenty pesoa (P20.00). documentary atamp taxpayable hereunder has been
zeduœd by anin‹x›rreetstatementoftheœnsideration
in any eonveyance, deed, instmiment or whiting
subject to auch tax the Commissioner, provincial or

Three thousand pesos (P3,000); and for each month

city Treasurer, or other revenue officer ahall, from or fraction of a month inexceas of six (6) months, an
the assessment rolls or other reliable source of aÂditlooal tax of Tbzee buodzeé peaos (P300) •iaaIt
infbrmation, asseas the property of ite true market bepaitL“
value and collect the proper tax thereon.‘
SEC. ’fl. Section 232 of the NIRC, as amended, is hereby
SIG. ’f0. Section 197 of the NDtC, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as foEowa:
further amended to read asfollowa:
“SEC. 232. Beeping of Books o/ crounfs. —
"sEC. 197. istamp Tax ou Chanter Portées and
Similar I ristniments. — On every chanter partjr, ’ (A) Co!rporations, Companies, Partnerships
contract or agreement for the chartes of any chip, or Persons Required to Beep Boohs o/ Accounts. —
vessel or etreamer, or any letter or memorandum or All corporations, companies, partnerships or persons
other writing between tlxe captain, maater or owner, required by law to pay internal revenue taxes shall
or other pereon acting as agent of and ahip, vesael or keep And use relevant and appropriate set of
eteamer, and any othër pereon or persöna for Or
relating to the chanter of any such ship, vessel or of Finance wherein all transactions and results of
etreamer, and on any renewal or tranafer of aucb operations are ahown and f-rom which all taxes due
charter, contract, agreement, letter or memorandum, the Government may readiljr and accurately be
ttrere shall be collected a documentary stamp tax at ascertained and determined any time of the year:
the following ratea: Ti•ouided, Tbatcorporations, ‹ximpanies, partnerships
or persons whose groas annual sales, earnings,
Ifthe registered gross tonnage of the ahip, receipts or output exceed Three million peaos
vessel or steamer dœs not exeeed one thousand (P3,000,000), shall have their books of aceounts
(1,000) tons, and the duration of the chanter or audited andexaminedyeazlybyindepe:ndent Certibed
contract dœsnet exœed cix (6) montbs, One thouaand Public Accountants and their income .tax returns
pesoa (P1,000); and for each month oi fraction of a accompanied with a duly accomplished Account
monthin exceas of six (6) months, an additional tax Iniiarmation Form (ALF) which shall contain, among
of One hundred pesos (PIOO) shall be paid. others, information lifted from certified balance
eheets, pro6t and loaa statements, schedules listing
“(b) Iftbe registered gross tonnage exceeds one income-producing properties and the corresponding
thousand (1,000) tons and does not exceed ten income therefrom and other relevant statements.
thousand (10,000) tons, and the duration of the
charter or contract does not exceed six (6) months, x x x.”
Two thousandpesos (P2,000); aztd for each month or
f:raction of a month in excess of aix (6) montha, an
SEC. 72. Section 236 of the NIRC, as amended, ta hereby
additional tax of Two hundred peaoa (P200) shall be
pp further amended to read as follows:

“SEO. 236. Registration Requireinents. -

“(c) If the registered grose tonnage exœeds ten
thousand (10,000) tons and the duration of the
chanter or contract does not exceed six (6) months,
‘The registration chili certain the tazpayefa "Provided, That any person taxed under
name, atyle, place of reeidenee, business, and auch out I(2lR) andf(z)f°)I )iaJ° t e
othez information as may be required bjr the who eleetedtopay ttie eigiitpercent(8R) tax ongross
Commiaeioner in the force preacribed therefor: aales or receipts eball not be allowed to avail nf this
Provided, That the Com nis»ione shaft »implif;, the option.
buaineas registration and tax eompliance
requirements of self-employed individuels andfor for purposea of Etle IV of this Gode, any
profeeeionals. person who has regiatezed value-added tax as atax
type in accordanœ with theprovisions of Subsection
“zz x (C) hereof shall be referred to as a BAT-regiatered
person’ who ehall be assigned only one Taxpayer
“(G) Perdons Required to fiegïster for IdentificationNumber (TIN).
Value- kfed fax. -

’(1) asa
SEC. 73. Section 237 of the NIRC, aa amended, is herebjr
“(a) His gross salee or receipts for the paat further amended to read as follows:
twe re (12) months, other than thoae that are exempt
under Section 109(A) to (8B), have exceeded Three ‘i5EC. 237. Issuance o[ 2teeeipts or Sales or
millionpeaoa (P3,000,0O0); or t ommerciof montrez. -

“(b) There are reasonable grounds to believe “(A) Jssuonre. — All persons ant:¡ject to an
that his gross sales or receipts for the next twelve intezzml revenue tai sh.all: at the point of each sale
(12) months, other than thoae that are exempt under and transfer of merchandise or for services rendered
Section 109(A) to(BB), willexceed Three millionpesos valued at One hundred pesos (PIOO) or more, iseue
(P3,000,000). duly registered receipts or aale or commercial
invoices, showing the date of transaction, quantitjr,
unit cost and description of merchandise or nature
of service.- Provided, however. That where thr xeee@I
“(Hj Optimal Re tration f• *«la-Added tas is isaued to cover payment made as rentals,
o[Exempt Pers«n. - (1) Any person who is not commissions, compensation or fees, receipts or
required to register for value-added tax under invoi‹:ee shall be issued which shrill ahow the name,
Subseetion (G) hereof may elect to register for business s azid address of thepurchaser,
value-added tax by registering with the Revenue customer or client: Provided, ther, That where
District Office that haa jurisdiction over the head thepurchaser is aYAT-registeredpereon, iztaddition
off:ice of that person, and paying the annual to the information herein required, the invoice or
regiatration fee inSubaection (B) hereof. xeoeiptshallfurtherabowthe'PaxpayerIdentification
Number (TIN) of the purchaser.
"(2) Any person who elects to register under
this Subeection shall not he entitled to cancel his
registration under Subsection(F)(2)for the next three
(3) years.

on the eetablishment of a system

tbinfive (5) years fzomthe e8'ectisity ofthis capable a£atoöag aa‹I pzooeaaùagtbezequîz& 8^W
Act and upon the eatablialiment ma oyatem capable Bureau ahallrequise taxpayera engaged in the
of atoring and prœeaeing the required data, the export of goods and services, and tazpayere under
Bureau ahaB requise taxpayers engaged in the export tbe jutjadicöon of tbe lazge Tazp ¥'B 8 W
of goods and aervieea, taxpayers engaged in e- electronically report their aales data to the Bureati
mmmeree, and taxpayers under the jurisdiction of through the use of electronic point of aales systeme.
the Large Taxpayers Service to isaue electronie subject to rules and regulations to be issued b9 the
receipts or aales or commercial invoiœa in lieu of Secretary of finance as recommended by the
manual receipts OF 8ale6 Or commercial iOPOiTeB,
aubject to rules and regulations to be issued by the tire machines, fiscal devices, and ösJ memory
Senetary of Finance upon recommendation of the deviœs *hall be at the expense of the taxpayers.
Commisaioner and after a public hearing ahall have
been heldfor thispurpoae: f'rouided, That taxpayers
not covered by the mandate of this provision may •h*Jl comply with the provisions of Rep ND fi No.
iseue electronic receîpts or, salea or commercial 10173, otherwise kooivn as the dataäPri° W Ach°
invoices, in lieu of manuäl reœipts, and salee and and Section 270 of the NIftC, as amended, on
commercial in7oices. unlawfuldisulgenœ oftaxpayerinformationM
other laws relating to the eonfidentiali-ty °8
H'he original of each reœipt or invoiœ ahaJl be OEIDAÀOR
issued to the purehaser, customer or client at the
time the transaction is effected, who, if engaged in H'he Bureau ahall aleo establish policier, riak
Business or in the exercice of profession, shall keep
management approaches, actions, trainin88 d
and preaezve the same in his place of business for a
tecbaologies to protect tbe cyber ezt izooœ ent,
yeaæiowlüdim‹nbùiyoiceorreoeiptwasiæueQmIfb orgaoüaÔoqanddataiocomphaoœ Repubû’
Act No. 10175 or the “Gybercrime Prevention Act °8
the duplicata ehallbe kept andpreservedby theiseuer,
also in his place of business, for a like period: 2012/'
Provided, Thatin caae of electroznc receipts or sales
or commercialinvoiœs, the digitalremrda ofthe aame SEc. 75. Secôon 249 of the NITtC, as amended, is hereby
shall be kept by the purchaser, customez or client further amended to read asfollowz:
and the issuer for the same period above stated.
“IEC. S49. (7tÙ TRiS . -
be Commissioner may, in meritorious eases,
exempt any person subject to internal revenue tax @) Jg •neroL — There shall be asseased
from compliance with the provisions of this Section.” and collected on any unpaid amount of tax, interest
atthe rate of double the legalinterest rate foa• lO6OS
SEC. 74. knew section designated as Section 237-A under or forbearance of any money in the absence of an
Chapter II, Title IX of the NIRC, as amended, is hereby inserted express stipulation as set by the Bangko Sentral ng
to read as follows: p jpg t ¢ date prescribed for pays :¢ent until
the amount is tully aid: Prouided, That in no case
“SEC. 237-A £leetronic dates Reporting sliaI1 the deficiency and the delinquency interest
System. — Within five (5) years from the effectivity prescribed under Subsections (B) and (C) hereof, be
imposed eimultaneouely.
aa ‘

‘(g) Oe y Interest. — Any deficiency in

the tax due, as the term is de6ned in this Code,
shall be subject to the interest prescribed in
Subeectim(A)hereof, whiéhintereat eballbe aeeeaaed (6) years but not more than Qu (10) years:
and collectedfmtn the date pzeeœibed fxir itepayment
until the full payment thereof, or upon isauanœ oIa “(1) x x x;
notice and demand by the Commissioner oflntemal
Ttevenue, whichever cornes earlier.

‘(3) x x x; or

‘(4) Printing of other fraudulent receipte or

sales or commercial invoices.”
IEC. 76. Section 254 of the NDtC, as amended, is hereby
further amendedto read asfollows: SEC. 78. Anem «ecti ondeeignated asSection 26t-A under
p# Q,Title X o)the NDtC, asamended, is hereby inserted
“IEC. 2fi . Attempt to fiuode or De feat 'ax.
— Any person æho willfully attempte in any manner
to evade or defeat any tax imposed under this Code or
the payment thereof shall, in addition to other
penalties provided by law, upon conviction thereof,
ise les IS ystem (POS) Machines to the BFR ’8
be puniehed with a fine of not leee thanFive hundred
thousand peeos (P500,000) but not more than Ten
required to tranamit sales data to the Bureau’s
millionpeaos (PIO,000,0O0), and impz isonmentof not
leas than six (6) years but not more than ten (10) electrooic salea reporting eyatefn but I6iL IO o s°•
years: Prouided, That the conviction or acquittal shall pay, for each day of violation, a .penaltP
obtained under this Section shall not be a bar to the amounting to one-tenth of one pement (1f10 OU l%)
ftling of a civil suit for the collection of taxes." of the annual net income as reflected in the
taxpayer’s audited fînnneial atatementf‹›r th eemnd
year preceding the current taxable year for each day
SEC. 77. Section 264 olthe NIRC, as amended, ishereby
of riolat‘ion or Ten thousand peeos (P10,000),
further amended to read as foLovrs: whichever is higher: Prouided, That should the
aggregate number of days of violation exeeed one
“SEC. 264. Maiture or Refumal to Issue hundred eighty(180) aax• witbin a taxable year, an
Ref:eipts or Eales or Commercial Inverses, Vmtations additional penalty o-(permanent eloaure of the
Related to ike Printing o/such Reeeipts or munis:es taxpayer shaI1 be imposed: Prouided, /urth • ° t
if the failure to transmit is due to force majeure or
any causes bejrond the control of the taxpayer the
“(a) z x x penalty shall not apply.”

“(b) Any peraon sha mmmits any of the acts

enumerate6hereunder ahallbe penalized with afine
SEc. 79. A new section designated as Section GB under of unmarlred fuel in commercial quantity held for
Chapter II, Title K of the NIRC, as amended, is hereby inserted to domestic uae or merchandise st "T*° °
read asfollows: cutter the penalties o:k

" RG. 264•B. Turchase, Une, Possession, Ogre (l) For thefirst oflenae, a fine of Twomillion
or Offer to rich, Installment, Trons[er. Update, dve hundred thouaand peeos (P2,500,000),
Upgrade, &eepiug or Pleintaising of Sales
lsuppressîon Derices. — Any person who shaIl "(2) r‹ the æmndoffense, afineofFise million
purchaae, uee, poesess, cell or offer to cell, inatall, peeos (P5,000,000); and
transfer, update, upgrade, keep, or maintain any
software or device designed for, or is capable of: (3) For the tbird offense, a fine of Tenmîllion
(a) suppresaingthe creation of electronic records of pesos(P10,000,000)andN9nmti0n 88 n toengage in
sale transactions that a taxpayer ta required to any trade or business.
keep under existing tax laws andfor regolatione; or
(b) modifying, hiding, or deleting electronié records ‘(b) Any person who causes the remômlof the
ofsales traztsactions and providing a ready meaàs of jj1 marking agent from marked fuel, and
access to them, shall be punished by a fine of notless
the adulteration or dilution of fuelintended for sale
than Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000) but to the domestic market, or the koowing possession,
notmoze than TenmîEion peaos (Pl0,O00,O00), and storage, transfer ce o8er for aale offuel obt6ioäed W
auffer imprisonment of not leas than two (2) years reault of such removal, adulteräÀOÖ O2• dilDtio
but not more *h*a four (4) years: Prooided, That a be penalized in the aame manner and extent as
cumulative suppression of electronic sales record in provided for in the preceding Subsection.
exeess of the azaount of Fifty million pesos
(PS0,000,000) shallbe œneideredaa emnomie sabotage
“(c) Any person who commits ;jny of the acts
and shall be punished in the maximum penalty
enumerated hereunder shall, upon conviction, be
provided for under this provision”
puniahed by afine of not leas than One million pesos
(Pl,000,000) but not more than Five million p£•"°"
SEC. 80. Anew section designated ae Section 265-A under
(P5,000,000), and amer imprisontnent ofnot]ees thao
Chapter II, Title R of the NIRO, as amended, is herebjr inserted
four (4) jrearz but not more than eight (8) ÿ8H6
to read asfollows:
"(1) Making, importing, selling, using or
“SEC. 265-A. t feuses RelaI in g to 'uel Marking.
possessing fuel markers without express authority;
— All offenses relating to fuel marking shell, in
addition to the penalties imposed under Title X of
the NIRC, as amended, Section 1401 of Republic Act “(2) Making, importing, selling, using or
No. 10863, otherwise known as the ‘Customs possessing counterfeit fuel markers;
Modernizañon and TariffAct(CMTA)’, and other
relevant laws, be punishable asfollows: “(3) Causing another person or entity to
commit any of the two (2) preceedin8 ^ *
“(a) Any peraon who is found to be engaged in
the sale, trade, delivery, dietribuôon or transportation
‘ 03

‘(4) Cauaing the sale, distribution, aupply or SEC. 81. Section 269 of the NIRC, as amended, ie hereby
transport of legitimately imported, in-transit, further amended to read asfollowa:
manufactured or procured eontrolledprectimoreend
eeeeo tlal ehemieals, in diluted, mixtures or in ‘SEC. 269. Vi»iaiions Commiued by
conœntrated forzn, to any perron or entity penalized Crouernment En[ornem›ent fers. -$ *
in Subeections (a), (b), or (e) hereof, including but not
limited to, packaging, repackaging, labeling, “(a) x x x;
relabeling or conœalment of auch tranaactim through
fraud, destruction of documents, fraudulent use of
permite, misdeclaration, use of l'ront companiea or
mail fraud.
“(h) Having knowledge or information Of any
violation of this Gode or of anjr fraud committnd °n
"(dj Any person who wñlfulljr inserts, places, the revenues collectible bar the Bureau of Internal
adds or attaches directly or indirectly, through any Revenue, failure to report such knowledge or
overt or covert qet, whatever quanti@ of any un information to their superior offieer, or failure to
igrked fuel, counterfeit additive or chemical in the report as otherwise required by law;
person, house, effects, inventory, or in the
immediate vicinity of aninnocent indiv:idual for the
purpose of implicating, incriminating or imputing the ”(i) x x x; and
commission of any violation of this Act shall, upon
conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than ‘(j3 Deliberate failure to act on the application
Five million pesos (P5,000,000) but not more than for refunds within the prescribed period provided
Ten million peaos (P10,000, 000), and auffer under Section 112 of this Act.
imprisonment of not less than four (4) years but not
more than eight (8) years. ”Provided. Thattheprov:isionsof theforegoing
paragraph notwithstanding, any internat revenue
"(e) Any person who is authorized, liœnsed or offices loz which a prima facie case of grave
accredited under this Act and its implementingrules misconducthas beeneatabliahed sball, aftm 8
to conduct fuel tests, who issues false or fraudulent andhearing of the administrative case andsubject to
fuel test reaults knowingly, willfulljr or through grosa Gvil Service Laws, be dismissed from the revenue
negligenee, shall suffer the additional penalty of service: Prooided, rtW r, That the team ‘grave
imprisonment ranging from one (1) jrear and one (1) misconduct’, asdefined inthe Civil Serviœ Law, aball
day to toro (2) years and six (6) months. include the issuance offake letters of authority and
receipte, forgery of signature, uaurpation ofauthority
"The additionalpenaltiesof revocation of the and habitual iæuanœ ofunreasonable aseessments.”
license to practice his profession in ease of a
practitioner, and the closure oftbefiieltestingf:acidity, AEG. 82. Section 288 of the NIRC, as amended, ie hereby
majr also be imposed at the instance of the court.” further amended to read asfollows:

“iSEC. 288. Dis po si t io ri o f Incrementol

Beuenue. —
‘(c) A øoeial welfare and benefits program
where qualified benefiÒazźea ehøll be pzœided with
a aocialbenefitø card to avail of the following eocial

‘(E) x z x in the firat to seventh income decides of theNational

Household Targeting Syatem for P‹wertyT(eduction
’ (F) Incremental Reueiruea from the fax (NHTS-PR), Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program
andthe social pension program for aperiodof three
For:five (S) yeauÕom the effectivity of this Act, the (3) yearø from the effectìvity of this Act: ï'rouided,
yearly incremental revenues generated shall be That the uncondiôonal cash trisneíèr shall be Two
automatically appropriated asfollows: hundred pesos (P200.00) per monthfor the firat year
and Three hundred pesos (P300.00) per month for
the eecond 3rear and third year, to beimplemented by
‘(1) Not more j;han aeventp percent (70%) tó the Department of BociătWehare rind Development
fund infrastructure projects aueh as, but not limited (DSWD):
to, the Build, Build, Build PrOJM and provide
infrastructure programs to address congestion
through maøs transport and new road networks, “(ii) F'uelvounherstoqualifiedfranchiae holders
minis infrastructure, øQorte fa.Cilitiea for public of Public Utility Jeepneys (PUJa);
schools, and potable drinking wane »upp1y in all
public places; and ‘(iii3For minimum wage earners, unemployed,
and the poorest fiky perœnt (50%) of the populafion:
‘(*I N°t more than percent(30%) tofungi:
“(1) P*are discount from all public utility
“(a) Programs under ltepublic Act No. 10659, vehicles (except trucks for hìre and school transport
otherwise known as 'Sugaronie IndustryDevelopment serviœ) inthe amount equivalent totenperœnt(10%)
Act of 2015’, to advance the seE-reliance of sugar ofthe autbozizedfàre;
farmers that will increase productivity, provide
livelihood opportunities, develop alternative farming “(2) Discounted purchase of National Food
systems and ultimately enhance farmers’ income; Authority(NFA)rice ï'rom accredited retailstores in
the amount equivalent to tenpercent(10%) of the net
“(b) S0CECÏ mitigating measures and retailpriees, up to a maximum of twenty (20) kilos
inveetmentø in: (i) education, (ü) health, targeted per month; and
nutrition, and anti-hunger programs for mothers,
*' and s°ung child ren, (tit) ß Ò•1 protection, ‘(3) Free skills training under a program
(iv) employment, and (v) housing that prioritize and implemented by the Technical Skillø ønd Development
directly benefit both the poor and near-poor Authority (l'ESDA).

’Provided, That beneßta or grants contained

in this Subsection shall not be availed in addition to
any other discounts.
‘(iv) Otbez social benefits programs to be
developed andimplemented by the giwemment. A#tbeendofd e(5) æsRomibse tY
oC thia Ant, all e• œazäźog »•g *° • •° er
Wotwitbetanding anypzoviaions herein to the
contrary, theincrementalrevenues from the tobacm
taxes uzider this Act shall be subject to Section 3 of

itepublic Act No. 7171, otherwise known as in Act SET. 8ri. n • rtorial Requirements. Ï'he ioterage0cy
to Promote the Development of the Farmer in the
Vîxgìnìa Tobacco Producing Provinces’, and øø ønittee created and the conœrned departsentøfagenciesf
Section 8 of RepublicAet No. 8240, otherwise known benefimarìeø under ø onf82 of this W shaft øu*mit to the
l'reeiõeztt of tbe Sesate o the Philippines, the Speaker O*
as ixActAmending Sections 138, 139, 140 and 142 ønd
of the National Internal Ttevenue Code, aø Amended, ÃOIIBO ofRepre•entBÕve8.
ø Approprìatiooø a detailed eport on the
and for Other Purpoæs’. tlte Bouae Coouoittee
ezpeodżŁuze oÎ’the øjø ønts earmarked hereon copy furnished

“An interagency committee, chairëd by- the the Ghăirpersonsof the Committee on Ways andMeanø of bAth

Departmetit ofBudget andManagement (DBM) and Rocaes of C osgreae. ozt a6aJ1likewisebepo•teğ ontbe
ofiìcial website of the agencies concerned.
oo-chaired by DOF and DSWD, and comprised of the
National Economic and Development Authority
(NEDA), Department of Transportation (DOTr),
Department of Education (DepEd), Department of
Health(DOH), Departmentoflæbor and Employitrent
(DOLE), National HouaingAuthority(NHA), 8ugar IØtemal
Begu1atoryAdministration(SRA), Departmentoftbe for its effective implementaóoœ
Interior andLocal Government (DIL(i), Department
e y provision of this
of Energy(DOE), NFĄ and TESDA, iø herebjr created SEc. 85. Sepnraòíïity -
to oversee the identification of qualified beneficiaries iø ø bøøquenjjy declared invalid or immns the other
remain in

and the implementation of these projects and ptpvìsțons hereof which arenot affected thereby shall
prògrams: ProoiBed, That qualified beneficiaries WßfoœaodeÆed.
nuder Subsection (e) hereof shall be identified using
the Nationnl ID System which may be enacted by 86. J?epeali;sg Clause. - 'Ï'lze îofloefia$ laws or
Congress. provimons of laws are hereby repelled and the persons
ttøøøøøti nsajfected herein are made aubjectto theVAT p OØ
lit1tizi sixty (60) days from the end of the ofEtle IV of the NIP•C, aø amended:
three (3)-year period from the ef:festivity of this Act,
the intera gency committee and respective (a) Section 3 of Presidential Decree (P.D.)
implementing agencies for the above programs shall 1972, ». 1985, as amended, Sections 4 ané 5 of
submit corresponding program aøseøømentø to the Executive Order No. (E. .) 1057ø s. 1985, aoü

COCCTRP. The NatíonalEzpenditure Program from Section 4 of E.O. 1064, •. 1985, insofar aø t6eYAT
2019 onwards øhallprovide line items thatcortespond taa exemption and tax credit is concerned,
to the allocations mandated in the provisions above.

ß) Section 10, insofar as VAT exemption iø (i) Section 21, insofar aø VAT exemption is
conœrned, ofRepublic Act No. (R-A-) 6807 or AnAc( concerned, of BE 7366 or tire Law Creating the
Convertźttg the Møtí Gømmunitjr College intø a State National Gommiaaion for Culture and the Artø;
College to be known as the Davao Oriental State
College of Scienœ and Technology, Providing for a tj) Section 7(f), insofar aø VAT exemption is
Charter for this Purpose, Expanding ite Currie œncezueé, oč RR 7371 oz Aa Act Conveztiog the
Offerings, Redirecting itø Objectives, and AklanAgricultural College into Aklan State Coßege
Appmpriating Funde Therefor; of Agriculture, and Appropriating Funds Therefor;

(c) Seetions 18 and 19, insofar as vAT (k) Section 12, second sentence, inøof:ar asVAT
ezemptioniø concerned, ofRfi 6847 or The Philippine exemption is concerned, of RR 7373 or An Act
Sports CommîøøionAet; Establishing the Eastern Visayaa Science High

.(d) . Section 8(d), last paragraph, insofăr as

VAT exemption isconcerned, ofRA 7278 or An Act (I) Section 11(j), insofar as VAT exemptions
Amending CommonwealthActNo. 111, aø Amended œscemeó, ofRA 7605œ the Cbaztezočtôe Pbilìppżœ
by P.D. 460, entitled An Act to Greate a Public State College ofAeronautic.e;
Corporation to be Known as the Bojr Scoutø of the
Philippines, and to Define its Powerø and Purposes, (m) Section 126, inøof:ar as VAT exemption is
bar Strengthening the Volunteer and Democratic concerned, of RR 7653 or The New Central Bank
Character of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines and
for Other Purposes;
(n) Section 14, insofar as VAT exemption is
(e) Section 1, insofar as VAT exemption in concerned, of RR. 7875 or the National Health
concerned, ofRR 7291 O2’AnAct Restoring the Tax Insurance Act of 1995;
and Duty Incentives Previously Enjoyed by the
VeteransFederationofthePbí1ippine*u•derR epublie (o) Section 18, insofar aß VAT exemption is
Act Numbered Twenty-Six Hundred and Forty; concerned, andSection l8,1astparagraphofRÆ7884
or the Nabonal Dairy DevelopmentAct of 1995;
(1) Section 21, insofar as VAT exemption is
concerned, ofRR 7306 or the Charter of the People’s (p) Section 8, insofar as YAT exemption iø
Television Network, Inc.; concerned, R.A. 8160 or An Act Granting the
University of the Philippine a a Franchise to
(g) Section 14, insofar as VA’I' exemption is Construct, Install, Operate and Maintain for
concerned, of hA. 7354 or the Poøtal Service Act of Educational and Other Ïtelated Purposes, Radio end
1992; Television Broadcasting Stations Within the
University of the Philippines andin Such Other Areas
(h) Section 9(e), inmfar as VATexemption is Within the Scope of its Operation;
concerned, of RR 7355 or the Manlihkba ng Bayan
(y) Section exeœpdo°i°
(q) Sections 2 and 16,mao&r as VAT exemption 9083 or Aa Act Eetablielùog tbe
ie eoncerned, ofRW 8282 or The Social Security Aet eonœrned, of RH

of 1997; Rosa Science and Technology h School in

(r) Section 39, insofar as VAT exemption is Section f(f•') and ( , int° as vAT

concerned, of BP 8291 or The Governœent Serviœ exemption is concerner, of RH 9138 or An Act

Insuranœ Syetem Act of 1997;
E*mNIeblngtheG æ*# College;

(s) Section 4(e) and (f), insofar as VAT Seclûao 7(c). as YAT exemption is
exemption is concerned, ofRR 8292 or the Higher coztcezoecf, of RA 9141 OU A» Ach Coaaezôag
Education ModernizationAet of 1997;
Negroa Occidental A College into St

College to be loxown aS the Negros Occidental

(t) 8ecöozt 25, iosofaz as YA7 ezeæpÔon ia
Agricultural College;
coztcezoed, o:IRA 8492 or tbe NaÔosalIYfuseuœ Act
Section‘16, iñsofar às VAT exemption M
Section 3(h), insofnr as VAT exemption is
coneerned, of RH. 8502 or the Jewelry Industry Act où 2008;
DevelopmentAct of 1998; (ce) Seci;ion 25(b) and (c), iris° aS Ÿ Ÿ

(v) Article 65, insofar as VAT eaemption and exemptionis conœrn'•A l )• asYATmro-
sero rating ie coneerned, of regional or area raöogie roncerne¢ ofRA 9500 ortlie Unieerei of
the Philippines QF Of 2008;
headquarters and zem-rating of the sale or leaàe of

goods and propertjr and the rendition of services to (dd) Section 25(h) gd te), insofar as VAT
regional or area headquartere, and Article 67, insofar
as VAT exemption ia concerned, of R.A. 8756; exemption is concerned, and (d) ineo(;ty as VAT

Prouided, That exieting RRQs and ROHQe enjojdng zero-rating in copcerned, of c State College into

VAT exemption and sero-rating at the time of the con exting Mine°Polmch°i
effeetivity of TRAIN shaft not be a8ected; a State U niversity to be Known a8 the Min @BOäO

(w) Section 7(e), insofar as VAT exemption is

eoncerned, of RH. 9045 or An Act Creating the University of Science and Technology;
(ee) Section 17(C), iO60& as VA'Pasthe PDI is
œoœroeQofRA 3591, oth
Batangas State University;
Cbaztez, æ amended by Section 8 of RH 9576,

(x) Section 7(e), insofar aa YAT exemption is ot6ermïse]eoomn Act lncreasing the Maxim

concerned, of RR 9055 or An Act Converting the Deposit Insurance Coverage, and in Connefion

Ak1an State College of Agriculture into the Aklan Therewith, to Strengthen the Regulat° and

State University; Adiainietrative Authority, Capabîhty

g rporaöoo
of the Philippine Deposit Insurance
(PDIG), Amending for this Purpose p LCAfl
102 103

Numbered Three Thousand Five Hundred Nżaety (nn) Section 35 (b)(c), with respect to YAT, of
)zte, æ Aazeztüeó, Otbezæżae Zztowu as tbe RR 8550 or The Philippine Fisheñes Gode gf 1998;
(n1 ›,••mnnr•= ø'=rß ^
(i'(l Sections 3 and 19, insofar as VAT to VAr, ofBx 1081f or the Philippine aalalEzport
exemption is concerned, of RR. 9679 ør An Act Development andPmmotion Act of 2016;
Further Strengthening the Home Development
Mutuøl Fund, and for Other Purposes; (pp) Section 9(ß), (4), and (8), with respect to
VAT, of RR ß479 or the Downstream Oil Industry
(gğ) Section 23, insofar as VAT exemption is DeregulaõoaAct o'f 1998;
concerned of the National Historical Commiaøion of
the Philippines, of RR 10086, or the Strengthening (qq) Section 6(c) and (d), withrespect to VAT,
Peoples’NationalismThrough Philippine HistozyAet; ofRjA7l03ort6eInopaodSteelloŒustryÀrË’

(hbj Section 7(b) and (c), insofar as VA'f (rr) iseetion 10, with respect to VAT, of RR
exemption is concerned, and (d), inøofør as VAT 7718 or An Act Amending RR No. 6957;
zero-rating is concerned, ofRA 9647 or the Philippine
N *<m****** hOD ** *;
(es) Section 26(B)(3), wİth respect to VAT, of
RR 9275 or the Philippine Clean WaterAct of 2004;
(ii) Section 17, insofar as VAT exemption ia
concerned, o:f R.A. 7898, as amended by
(tt) Section20(d)(3) ofRR 7279 or theUrban
R.A. l034B, Establishing the Revised AFP
Development and Housing Act of 1992;
Modernization Program and for Other Purposes;
(uu) Section 20(d)(3) of RL A0884 or An Act
(jj3 Section 56, insofar as VAT exemption ié
Strengthening the Balanced Housing Development
concerned, of RR 10801 or the Overseas Workers
Program, Amending for the Purpose RR 7279, as
Welfare AdministrationAct;
Amended, Otherwise Known as the Urban
Development and Housing Act of 1992;
(km) Section 9(e)(2) and tj), withrespect to VAT,
of BE 7900 or the High-Value Grops Development
(w) Section 14, with respect to VAT, of RA.
Act of 1995;
ß423or the Traditional and Alternative Medicine
of 1997;
(11) Section24(e) ofBE 10068 or the Organic
Agriculture Act of 2010;
(ww) Section 22(b) of R-A. 10747 or the Rare
Diøeaaea of the Philippines;
(mm) isection 14(b), with respect to VAT, RR
7308 or the Seed Industry Development Act of (xx) Section 45(a), (b), ønd (e), with respect to
1992; YAT, of RR 9003 or the Ecological ßolid Waste
Management Act of 2000;
(yy) Section 5(b), with respect to VAT, of
RA 107T1or the Philippine Green Jobs Art où zone; (c) secao» 4 oJ'RA iz6s o AaA•t P o a\og jbc
Chaz2t Sweepstalres, Ilozee Itaœs azid Lottezîea:
(zz) Section 6, with respect to VAT, of RH
7459 ou the Investors and Inventions Incentivesoct • Ss o. 4. Holding ofsweepstakes. — Tire Offiœ
ofthe Philippines; shalj hold ebanty horse race aæeepatakes uoderauch
gbgulations as ahall be promulgated bythe Board in
Aaaa) Section z4, insofar as VA'r exemption accnrdance with Republic Aet Numbered Three
oÎ' fouoüatiozts foz sciezttîôc aüoaztceæeats is hundred and eme. Provided, however, That when
concerned, ofRA 2067, aa amended, or the Science theholding of aaweepstakes raeeto deterœine pts
Act of 1958; and is impossible due to war, public calamity, or other
unforeaeen or fortuitous event or when there ie no
(bbb). Sectäoñ 9, with respect to‘ vAT, of eufficient nunibez of horses to détermine the major
RH 9511 ou the NaÔooal Ûzi8 0‹› ro¥ätttoa of tbe prizes, the Board of Direetore gray determiôe the
Phi1ippineeA‹n. procedure to be followed in the distribution of prizes
inthe most just, equitable and ezpeditious manner.
The horse races and the sale of tickets in the said
Prouided, That the VAT obligations of geverziment- aweepatakes shall be exempt from all taxes, except
o ned 8Od•COOtrOÎled Mrporatlons, gtate fini reitieg
that each ticket shall bear a twelve-œntavo iaternal
W• a°d°ther 8overmneotiastrumentaj¡ revenue stamp. The tickets »hslJ be printed by the
whose VAT exemption hae been repealed under this
Act shall be chargeable to the Tax Expenditur fond Govexznoent end shall be considered government

secuzities for the purposes of penalizing forgerjr or

(TEF) provîded for in the annual General

Appropriations Ach: Prouided, Cher, That VAT

exemptim, VATzero-rating, nnä YAT credit granted
to atate universities and collèges on their purehases (d) Section 5 ofRW 8756 orAnAct Presîding
and importations are hereby repealed and the for the Terms, Conditions and Liceneing
transactions affeeted herein are made aubjeet to the Requirements of Re onal or Area Headquarters,
VAT @£’O ns of Title IV of the NDtC, amended. Regional Operating Headquarters, and Regional
Warehouses of Multinational Companies, Amending
ter the Purpose GertainProvisioneofExecutive Order
ÆOO p That, with respect to income taa, the No. 226 or The Omnibus Investments Code of 1987:
following lars or prOvis*ona of ]6ws ar e hereby
zepealed or amended: Provided, That existing Regional or Area
8ead9uarters, Regional OperatingHeadquarters, and
Regional Warehouses of Multinational Companies
(a) Section 33(A) ofRÆ 7277, as amended by enjoying the preferential income taa rate at the time
Rä. 10754 ou the Magna Carta for Peraons w¡th of the e8ectivity of:the TRAINehall not be a&cted;
(e) Section 2 of PC. 1354, s. 1978 or lmposing
(b) Section 22{g) o:f RA ît0165 ou' tbe Foater Final Income Paz on 8ubeontractora and Alien
Care Act of 2012;
Employeea ofserviœ C‹ntractora and 8ubcontraetors
eervice contractors and aubcontractora enjoying the
preferential income taa rate at the time of the
effectivity of the TRAIN shall not be affected; and

(I) Section 7 of P.D. 1034, s. 1976, or

Authorizing the Establishment of an Offshore
Balking System in the Philippines: Provided, That
service contractors and subcontractors enjoying the
preferential income tax rate at the time of the
effectivity of the TRAIN shall not be affected.

SEG. 87. ft••«’•’* y. - This Act shall take effect on

January 1, 2018 following its complete publication in the OJciof
Gamtte or in at leaat one (1) newspaper of general circulation



President of the Senate Speaker of the

This Act which is a consolidation of House Bill No. 5636

and Senate Bill No. 1592 was paesed by the House of
Representatives and the Senate on December 13, 2017.


Secretary of the Senate Secretary General
Howe ofRepresentatives

Approved: OEG 19 20#


President of the Philippines

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