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Publication history
Between 1975 and 2001 the series was published without interruption. They were pre-published
in small episodes in the Dutch magazine Donald Duck. All longer stories have been published in
23 comic book albums afterwards. Some shorter stories exist too, but haven't been published in
the regular series yet. Piet Wijn drew all the stories personally, except for the final one, which
was partially done by Dick Matena, due to Wijn's health problems at the time, which would lead
to his death in 2010.[1]

1. "De verwende prinses" (1977) ("The spoiled princess")
2. "Het verborgen dierenrijk" (1977) ("The secret animal kingdom")
3. "De valse heelmeester" (1978) ("The deceitful healer")
4. "De poort naar oost" (1978) ("The gate to the east")
5. "Het monster van het Mistmeer" (1979) ("The monster of the Fog Lake")
6. "De schacht naar noord" (1979) ("The shaft to the north")
7. "De weg naar west" (1980) ("The road to the west")
8. "De zee naar zuid" (1981) ("The sea to the south")
9. "Florijn de flierefluiter" (1982) (Florijn the loafer")
10. "De tanden van Casius Gaius" (1983) ("The teeth of Casius Gaius")
11. "Het flodderwerk van Pief" (1984) ("The messy work of Pief")
12. "De laatste plager" (1985) ("The last teaser"), includes a Christmas story
13. "De heksen van eergisteren" (1986) ("The witches of the day before yesterday")
14. "Op het spoor van kwade zaken" (1988) ("On the trail of evil things"), short stories
15. "Het bedrog van Balthasar" (1990) ("The deceit of Balthasar")
16. "De dame in de lijst" (1991) ("The lady in the frame")
17. "Bombasto met het boze oog" (1992) ("Bombasto and the evil eye"), short stories
18. "De kast met duizend deuren" (1993) ("The closet with a thousand doors"), with a short
story within a story
19. "Het schip van ijs" (1994) ("The ship made of ice")
20. "De zwarte kimono" (1995) ("The black Kimono")
21. "Het gemaskerde opperhoofd" (1996) ("The masked chieftain")
22. "Terug naar het verborgen dierenrijk" (1997) ("Back to the secret animal kingdom")
23. "De wonderlijke raamvertelling" (2001) ("The amazing frame story"), two adventures in
one story.

The Stripschapprijs[1] is a Dutch prize awarded to comic creators for their whole work. It is awarded
annually by the Stripschap, the Dutch Society of comics fans. The prize is non-pecuniary.
Pieter Cornelis Wijn (17 May 1929 – 6 October 2010) was a prolific Dutch comics creator.

Wijn was born in Hilversum. His creations include the cartoon versions of Marten Toonder's
Tom Puss and Kappie, Gloria van Goes, Douwe Dabbert, and many other cartoons. He was
awarded the Stripschapsprijs in 1984. He died in Leidschendam.

He worked as editor for the Dutch weekly Donald Duck

magazine from 1973, he became editor-in-chief in 1984. In July 2013 he announced that he
would retire from working on the Donald Duck after exactly forty years service on 08-08-2013.
The Walt Disney Company honored him by giving him a Disney Publishers Milestone Award.
On August 12th, 2013 he was also appointed 'Knight in the Order of Orange Nassau' by order of
King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands.

He created Douwe Dabbert together with Piet Wijn, the comic strip appeared in the Donald Duck
from 1975.

His full name is Pieter Cornelis Wijn he was born in Hilversum and was hired by Toonder
Studio's at the age of eighteen. His first comic, De Zwarte Hertog, appeared in the 'Tom Poes'
weekly. At the age of nineteen he started working as a freelancer.
Although he's known for many comics he's mostly known for his work on De Avonturen van
Douwe Dabbert. He drew the whole series, even after he was struck with a stoke and lost most of
the function of his right arm he thought himself to draw with his left hand. The last few years of
his life saw little productivity due to his deteriorating health. The last Douwe Dabbert story (De
Avonturen van Douwe Dabbert #23 - De wonderlijke raamvertelling) was mostly drawn by Dick
Matena. His close friend and co-creator of Douwe Dabbert, Thom Roep, announced on Oktober
7th, 2010 that Piet had died the day before.

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