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Smart Meter Using AES Algoritham

First Author#1, Second Author*2, Third Author#3

First-Third Department, First-Third
University Address Including Country
Second Company
Address Including Country Name

Abstract— Smart meter is the upgradation of

the existing meter in terms of cost, INTRODUCTION
communication infrastructure, internet of things A smart meter is a new kind of gas and electricity
and reliable technologies. In ambitious flagship meter that can digitally send meter readings to
programme of digital India-project an initiative
your energy supplier for more accurate energy
of India, the potential fields of the missions are
bills. Smart meters come with in home displays,
identified in the area are smart energy, smart
so you can better understand your energy usage.
meters, smart homes and smart cities. More than
100 smart cities are planned for information and Every home in Britain will have been offered a
communication technology driven solutions smart meter from their supplier by 2020.
with big data analytics in India. The exponential Smart meters are a next generation meter for both
growth in smart meter has given certain security gas and electricity. They are a replacement for
risks, cyber threats and protection of stored data standard meters, which use technology created
as Nation security. Smart meters, comprising of decades ago and require households track their
several communication, monitoring intelligent, own readings and submit them to suppliers if they
metering and electrical equipment used in power want accurate bills.
meter, have a greater exposure to meter security
and cyber-attacks which are potentially disrupt
distribution in a city. The paper discusses the Smart meters use a secure national communication
electrical meter, challenges in smart meter and network (called the DCC) to automatically and
the use of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) wirelessly send your actual energy usage to your
algorithm enable with field-programmable gate supplier. This means households will no longer
array (FPGA) hardware in smart meter. The AES rely on estimated energy bills or have to provide
encryption and decryption chip is designed in their own regular readings.
Xilinx ISE 14.2 software, synthesized on
SPARTAN-3E FPGA and verified with some Smart meters will also come with an in-home
test cases to ensure that AES can be employed in display. This display gives the household real-
smart meter security and communication time usage info, including kWh use and cost.
Keywords— Security, FPGAsynthesis, AES
1.1 Existing System concentrator which sends the encrypted data to the
meter. The meter that knows the CCC is
First gen smart meters / SMETS1 responsible for decryption the data in order to
retrieve the CC_LAN (and the CC_LOCALE
The first generation of smart meters (called respectively). The CCC key is not accessible in
SMETS1) that have been installed to date — and read mode.
that some suppliers are still currently installing — 3 Unique "CC_LAN" and "CC_LOCALE"
can temporarily lose smart functionality when keys - The CC_LAN and CC_LOCALE keys are
they switch energy supplier. Households with only used during the application association phase
SMETS1 smart meters can still switch, it just between the concentrator and the meter, and the
means they have to revert back to providing meter TSP and the meter respectively. They are used to
readings until a remote upgrade will be made to crypt the service allowing this application
make them multi-supplier compatible. This is association. This service transfers the session key
expected to happen in 2018. that will then be used, in the context defined by t
his application association, to crypt the
Second generation smart meters / SMETS2 communications between the concentrator/TSP
and the meter. The CC_LAN and CC_LOCALE
keys cannot be accessed in read mode.
These newer model smart meters are fully Using asymmetric cryptography in the meters
compatible with the DCC (the secure national would have some benefits:
network that the meters "talk" to all suppliers  it can make passive eavesdropping of
through). This means households with SMETS2 meter/server communication useless, even to
meters will have no issues with energy a party holding or able to use the server's
switching.2. Proposed System private key; something not achieved with
secret-key cryptography.
 it can ensure that any central key leak can not
meter must have a CCC secret key, a unique
compromise the capability to authenticate
CC_LAN key, a unique CC_LOCALE key and
messages from the meters.
two session keys for the LAN interface and a
session key for the Local interface, transmitted
when the application association with the Client CONCLUSIONS
concerned was created Microprocessors used for smart meter devices
1 Encryption method - 128-bit AES symmetrical are not necessarily powerful so manufacturers do
key algorithm, GCM operation mode. It is used to not want to devote too much area for security.
ensure data confidentiality and authentication. Asymmetric cryptography is very expensive in
2 "CCC" secret key - The CCC key is used to terms of power consumption, time execution and
reprogram the "CC_LAN" key or the code size (unless the chip has a cryptographic
"CC_LOCALE" key in a meter. This key is never hardware accelerator, but it increases the final
used to encrypt the communications between the cost considerably). That is why symmetric
concentrator and the meter. It is known only to the cryptography is often used.
meter and the IS (Central server). When the
CC_LAN (and the CC_LOCALE respectively) is
generated, the IS encrypts it with the CCC and
transfers it to the meter via the concentrator. This
transfer is completely transparent for the
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