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Wichita State University

College of Education
Middle/Secondary OPENER Level Lesson Plan

Candidate Barnabas Hawkinson Grade Level/Subject 6-12/Biology

Lesson Mendelian Genetics: The Basics Lesson Date To Be Determined

Overview This lesson opener will introduce students to the Laws of Inheritance, which will be
and discussed and used in more depth later in the unit.
Context This lesson builds on the previous unit which dealt with cellular respiration and mitosis.

Objectives Students will:

1) Be able to complete a Punnett square and can describe how heritable traits are passed
2) Relay the Laws of Inheritance and how they operate on populations.
Key Inheritance – the reception of Materials, Students will need extra paper and
Vocabulary genetic qualities by transmission Technology colored pencils. Examples of
from parent to offspring Needs genetic variations will be provided
by instructor, these can be different
Trait – an observable characteristic corn varieties, the variation of the
that affects survival or appearance class, pictures of botanical
in some way specimens.

Allele – any of the alternative forms

of a gene that may occur at a given

Phenotype – the observable

properties of an organism that are
produced by the interaction of the
genotype and the environment

Genotype – all or part of the genetic

constitution of an individual or
group (Merriam-Webster, 2018)

Time Engage, Preview, and/or Review

Start by making sure all materials are in the proper place, preparing the worksheets with the
Punnett squares completely and partially filled in, and Punnett squares that are blank, (this will
show the students the areas they need to work in on the sheets and what kind of information
needs to go there).

Middle/Secondary Level Lesson Plan Template, Approved 5-25-11, Revised 8-21-12 Page 1
Class will begin with a BW assignment that students may complete as they enter the classroom
and take their seats.
The assignment starts with several questions that draws on students learning from the
previous lesson and their own experiences. The question is designed to have them start
thinking about the day’s topic, and how they understand how it works.

Bell Work: What is a trait? How is it passed on from one organism to another?

(Students will have 5 minutes to write down their answers and write down the vocabulary

After the time is up, or when all students have finished writing, open the discussion by asking
students to share what they wrote down. Let the students share, making sure that each person
who responds is given the complete attention of the class in turn. Once students have a chance
to share, introduce the students to Gregor Mendel, and his experiments with pea plants.

After the brief background, examples will be presented to the class, the teacher will explain
how the various examples differ both in appearance and genetically
The teacher can ask for a raise of hands for the following questions
How many of you have your earlobes attached at the bottom? How many don’t?
How many of you can curl your tongue? How many cannot?
These traits are genetically determined.

Punnett square assignments are handed out, if needed for ELL or SPED individuals, the
assignment can be performed in pairs.

Rationale and Research Base

Optional: Describe how your selection of activities and materials is developmentally and academically
appropriate for your students. (Think about your students as a class and their contextual factors – how
do you know they are ready for your lesson?)
Optional: This expandable space is available for notes before, during, or after teaching the lesson. Make
note of any other factors, experiences, classroom events that you deem important. You may also want
to use this space for brief notes or reminders to follow up when/where appropriate.

Merriam-Webster. (2018). Retrieved September 2018, from Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary:

Middle/Secondary Level Lesson Plan Template, Approved 5-25-11, Revised 8-21-12 Page 2

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