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by Ven Dr I. U. Ibeme ; ;
Click Here For PriscAquila Christian Resource Centre
Comment on The Chapel of Grace Blog:

Customs and traditions, festivals and fashions consensus, or shared traditions, trends, tenets and
worldviews and beliefs, trends and tendencies tendencies.
belong to CULTURE. Cultures are either way of life
under the leading of the Holy Spirit or way of life CULTURE is the shared tastes and manners,
under the Prince of the power of the air (Eph 2:1-3). knowledge and values, attitudes and behaviours,
Christian culture or way of living is distinctly the symbols and languages, traditions and tenets,
product of the renewed mind (Rom 12:2). While the trends and tendencies, customs and convictions
Culture of the Israelites is the product of hardened which are characteristics of a people.
minds (Eze 3:7; Zec 7:11-12; Heb 3:15), those of the CUSTOM is accepted or habitual practice of a
Gentiles are the products of both hardened and person or a people.
darkened minds (Rom 2:5; Eph 4:18). TRADITION is culture that has been handed down
from one generation to another.
Such hardness and darkness of heart should no FESTIVALS are occasions for celebrating or
longer be followed by those who have received commemorating an event with feasting and
newness of heart in Christ: festivities. How people celebrate is determined by
Eph 4:17-20 their values and worldviews, tradition and
(17) This I say therefore, and testify in the tendency.
Lord, that you no longer walk as other VALUES distinguish what is virtue/right/good and
Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, what is vice/wrong/bad).
(18) Having the understanding darkened, TENDENCIES arise from moral tensions and spiritual
being alienated from the life of God convictions.
through the ignorance that is in them,
because of the blindness of their heart:
The Christian who has received redemption through
(19) Who being past feeling have given
themselves over unto licentiousness, to Christ to be in covenant relation with God has the
work all uncleanness with greediness. missionary responsibility to use the values, views
(20) But you have not so learned Christ; and virtues of Christ’s Heavenly Kingdom in salting
and lighting the bland and dark cultures around
CULTURE is the WAY OF LIFE AND WORLDVIEWS him/her. Christ has taught the Christian to daily
SHARED BY A PEOPLE whereby they cohabit in their pray, “Our Father Who is in heaven, hallowed be
community, communicate, commemorate, and Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done
conduct themselves among themselves based on in earth, as it is in heaven.” (Mat 6:9-10)
shared convictions, concerns, customs and

In the pluralistic and globalist world of today, the or even confusion. Therefore, our Lifestyles and
Christian way of life, values and worldviews are Values, Cultures and Customs are deeper than the
contentiously tugged at and taunted by surface. If our Christianity is deeply convincing
postmodernist worldview, existentialist ideology, within us, it would surely affect or alter our
atheistic antagonism, idolatrous paganism and character, culture and custom.
materialistic secularism. The Christians is faced with
responsibility to know how to go about the “mission Cultures of the Nations are rebellious and wrath-
of God” in CONTENDING against cultures, provoking against God because they are product of
CONVERTING cultures, as well as unrighteous and reprobate wisdom (Rom 1:18-32),
CONTEXTUALIZING Christianity into cultures. For futile, godless, darkened, hardened and vain minds
instance, language is to be contextualized, some (Eph 4:17-19) and idolatrous or demonic
practices and worldviews are to be converted, superstitious (Act 17:22).
others are to be contended. Why? Because Christ is
not only ABOVE culture but also the TRANSFORMER Marriage and Funeral are two main RITES OF
of culture. PASSAGES at which Christians must inevitably
crossroads with Culture. Festivities and fashion
Humans do nothing for nothing. Every human inevitably encompasses all and join the whole
action or behavior whether personal or communal, community together. In each of these the Christian
is an outward indicative sign, symptom or symbol is called to be both a Determined TRANSFORMER to
which connotes, expresses or manifests their change the way things are done and a Diligent
inward conviction, consideration, comprehension DISCERNER to understand the issues at stake.

Because of their darkened mind, Wantonness, (21) Because, when they knew God, they
Wickedness and Witchcraft often characterize the glorified him not as God, neither were
unwinding, entertainment and celebration which thankful; but became vain in their
pagan festivities affords the community. This imaginations, and their foolish hearts were
exposes the futility of the pagan mind of the darkened.
nations. The Christian owes God the divine duty to (22) Professing themselves to be wise, they
became fools,
denounce such evils and correct such errors. This is
(23) And changed the glory of the
done first by being AN EXAMPLE and then by being
incorruptible God into an image made like
A REFORMER. to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-
Rom 1:18-32 footed beasts, and creeping things.
(18) For the wrath of God is revealed from (24) Therefore God also gave them up to
heaven against all ungodliness and uncleanness through the lusts of their own
unrighteousness of men, who hold the hearts, to dishonor their own bodies
truth in unrighteousness; between themselves:
(19) Because that which may be known of (25) Who changed the truth of God into a
God is manifest in them; for God has lie, and worshiped and served the creature
showed it unto them. more than the Creator, who is blessed
(20) For the invisible things of him from the forever. Amen.
creation of the world are clearly seen, being (26) For this cause God gave them up unto
understood by the things that are made, vile affections: for even their women did
even his eternal power and deity; so that
they are without excuse:

change the natural use into that which is (28) And even as they did not like to retain
against nature: God in their knowledge, God gave them
(27) And likewise also the men, leaving the over to a reprobate mind, to do those
natural use of the woman, burned in their things which are not proper;
lust one toward another; men with men …..
working that which is shameful, and (32) Who knowing the judgment of God,
receiving in themselves that recompense of that they who commit such things are
their error which was fitting. worthy of death, not only do the same, but
have pleasure in them that do them.

Gentile fashion and couture are the expression and Adornment is meant for godly beauty and dignity
symbolization of their vogue and vileness, their (Exo 28:40-43; Job 40:10) not for worldly
values and views, their virtues and vices, their decadence and dishonour. Over the years
vanities and vaunts. The Christian owes God and his adornment has degraded from REVEALED
generation the eternal and spiritual duty of dignifying decorousness to REINVENTED elegant
converting, correcting and countering the cultural stylishness and now debased to REBELLIOUS
fashionable salaciousness. Today’s New Age,
fashion of his/her society, and contextualizing
“hippie” culture of fashionable nudeness is
Christ into the same. For Gentiles, dressing is
heathenish and must never be brought into the
designed to either be respected as modest cover for Church’s Angelic fellowship and heavenly worship
nakedness or relished as licentious display of services. Even in the society, fashionable nudity,
nakedness. On the other hand in Church, dressing salacity and decadence do not depict the
and adornment should be with reverence for shamefaced modesty, sobriety and reverence that
apostolic ORDER of godly modesty (Rom 12:1-2; Christians should be known for (1Tim 2:9-10; Tit
1Tim 2:9-10; 1Pet 3:3-5) and apostolic ORDINANCE 2:11-13; 1Pet 3:3-4). THE GODLY PURPOSE OF
for angelic dignity (1Cor 11:1-5, 10-13). DRESSING IS TO COVER NAKEDNESS FOR DIGNITY

All through the ages and in every culture, Marriage 22:25-28; Judg 14:7-8); PARENTAL consent
Customs have always had the following necessary is necessary here.
stages/phases (Deut. 20:7; Matt. 1:18):
(3) Third is the Covenant/Joining/Wedding
(1) First is the Convinced when the Fiancé–bridegroom and his
Choice/Consent/Agreement at which a Fiancée–bride become Husband and Wife
Suitor and his Sought enter into the process respectively, leading to the period of
for Confirmation of marital intentions; Matrimony (Married Life). The CHURCH’S
certifying witness is necessary here.
(2) Second is the
Commitment/Engagement/Betrothal at (4) Fourth are the conjugal Consummation and
which the Suitor-lover and his Sought- then the unconditional Continuation
beloved become Fiancé and Fiancée monogamously till death for Christians, but
respectively, leading to the period of formal others include conditionality and permit
Courtship for preparation to marry (Deut divorce, polygamy, etc. (NOTE: Conjugal

intimacy is the seal of marriage covenant Traditional marriages are entered into based on
and the consummation of marriage union). traditional customary formalities. Civil marriages
are entered into based on State civil legalities. To
the Christian, traditional and civil marriages fall
WHAT MAKES A MARRIAGE TO BE CALLED short of the sublime standards learned from the
“CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE”? marriage ordinance as it was taught by Christ and
Modern times is witnessing a growing confusion His Apostles. Therefore at their best these non-
and misunderstanding of what Christian marriage is Christian marriages could only serve as civil
and what makes it different form other forms of registrations or customary betrothals and
marriages. Marriage is Christian when the couple engagements additional to or preparatory to
has covenanted or solemnized or blessed their Christian JOINING and BLESSING ordinance
AND 1COR 7. Christian marriage ordinance as whose marriages were in subjection to the
taught by Christ and His Apostles in the New COMMAND OF THE LORD (1Cor 7:10-11) or IN THE
Testament Scriptures implies that marriage is the LORD (1Cor 7:39) from the OTHER COUPLES whose
union of a man and a woman to remain exclusively marriages were not in subjection to the command
faithful to each other irrespective of conditions of of the Lord but based on other considerations (1Cor
life (for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness 7:12-16). It is worthy of note that these OTHER
and in health), to love and to cherish, till parted by COUPLES were not called “married” by the
death. standards of the Church, though Christians so
It is important to note that the Church’s officiation involved should do all they could to remain in such
is not about the garments and merriments but is un-Christian unions as long as the other spouse
about pastoral guidance and ministration to assist could be retained until converted to Christ.
the couple comprehend, commit to and comply


Abraham mourned for Sarah (Gen. 23:2); Jacob for Esteem accorded the diseased and worldview on
Joseph (Gen 37:34, 35); the Egyptians for Jacob life after death influence how the dead are
(Gen 50:3-10); Israel for Aaron (Num. 20:29), for mourned. Human observation (eye & ear) and
Moses (Deut. 34:8), and for Samuel (1Sam. 25:1); contemplation (mind) have no access to the truth
David for Abner (2Sam. 3:31-35), for Saul/Jonathan about God’s provisions for life after death, but the
(2Sam 1; 1Sam 31:13), and for Absalom (2Sam Holy Spirit has revealed these deep things to the
18:33); Mary and Martha for Lazarus (John 11:31- saints (1Cor 2:9-10). Pagan funerals are based on
36); devout men for Stephen (Acts 8:2), etc. TO BE blind speculations and superstitious error.
SURE, The culture of feasting during funerals by Christian funeral considerations given towards the
some is rather absurd and should be denounced dead should not derive from superstition but
not copied by the Church. The Christian is to mourn should be based on their spiritual status and
being COMFORTED with HOPE (1Thes 4:13-18) but condition prior and sequel to their decease, as
this does not mean to mourn with idolatry, sorcery, appointed by God and revealed in the Scripture:
revelry and feasting as others do.
■ The dead in Christ are ABSENT from the body, but
LIFE AFTER DEATH their spirit-souls are immediately (Luk 23:43; Act

7:56-60) PRESENT with Christ in heaven’s Paradise - Non-pagan funeral
(Php 1:20-24; 2Cor 5:1-10; 2Cor 12:2-4; Rev 2:7) as testimonies/tributes/dirge in
Souls, prayerfully resting under the golden altar of memory of (NOT to pray for) the
incense before God’s throne in heaven (Rev 6:9-11; diseased (2Sam 1:17-27);
Rev 8:3; Rev 9:13). - Prayers for the living (not
superstitiously for the dead or
■ The dead (“asleep” John 11:11; 1Thes 4:14) in culturally but according to the
Christ remain conscious invisible members of Scripture);
Christ’s Church as Spirits, triumphantly perfected - Contributing food, cash and
(1Thes 5:10; Heb 12:22-24) and shall be raised with other necessities to console and
glorious bodies for vindication and eternal felicity support the bereaved (Job 42:11).
when Christ comes again (John 14:1-4; Php 3:20-21;
1John 3:2-3). 2. The Bereaved and the Church should join
together in funeral worship service to God
■ The dead without Christ are detained in sheol- thus:
prison till the Day of Judgment (1Pet 3:19-20; 2Pe - Praise/Worship to God – for
2:4; Jud 1:6; Rev 20:7) when they shall rise (or be His sovereign power and
exposed) inglorious for condemnation and eternal wisdom in giving and taking
(2Sam. 12:16-24; Job 1:20-25)
torment (John 5:25-29; Rev 14:10-11; 20:11-15)
and for the consolation of the
bereaved; (Heathenish
■ The dead in Christ are no longer resting in ceremonies, rituals,
Abraham’s bosom/bay or the lower ‘paradise’ of masquerading, evil-dancing,
hades (Luk 16:22-24; Luk 23:43), as was the case talking to the deceased body,
before the Cross of Christ (Mat 27:50-54; 1Pet 3:18- invocations and such
19), nor are they still abandoned, imprisoned or necromancies should be
detained in the sheol’s lower darkness or the pit of abhorred);
nether gloom (Psa 88:3-8; Psa 143:3; 1Pet 3:19-20;).
Jesus came as the One Who was Anointed (Christ) - Testimonies/Thanksgiving –
by God to set the soul-spirits of His Saints free from for God’s gift of the life and
the pre-Christian lower sheol-prison (Isa 61:1; Luk worthy company of the
deceased (Instead of praying,
4:18; Heb 13:14) and bring them into the liberty of
“May the soul of the (faithful)
His glorious Paradise above (Rev 2:7).
departed rest in perfect peace”;
it is more biblical to pray, “For
1. The Church should show condolence to the life of the (faithful)
(NOT make demands from) the bereaved departed we thank Thee o
by: Lord”.);
- Sympathetic mourning acts – for tribute/memories of
(Job 2:11-13; Job 42:11; John the faith and worthy examples
11:33-36; Rom 12:15); of the deceased (Pro 10:7);
- Comforting words (Gen. 37:35; – for God’s grace in sparing
Matt. 2:18; 1Thes. 4:18); the living (1Thes. 5:18);
- Cheering up (John 16:33; Acts – for the hope of future victory
27:22,25,36); and eternal bliss (John
- Singing songs of comfort, hope 16:22,33; Rev. 21:3).
and thanksgiving (1Thes 5:18);

- Word family burial place but preferably in a
Ministration/Meditation – to Christian cemetery as with:
console the bereaved and the - Jacob (Gen. 50:2-14);
grieving with the Scriptures - Sarah (Gen 23:19; 25:10);
(1Thes 4:13-18), to exhort the - Rachel (Gen 35:19-20);
faithful, to admonish the - Joseph (Gen 50:24-26; Josh 24:32);
depraved and the unbelieving - Kings of Judah (2Chron 21:20; 26:23;
(Eccl 7:1-5) for a better walk 28:7; 33:20)
with God. - Jesus (Luke 23:50-58; John 19:38-42);
- Stephen (Acts 8:2).
- Prayers/Supplications – for
God’s grace and fortitude on
the bereaved and for mercy, Married Christian women belong together with
protection and salvation on their husbands (Psa 45:10,16; Matt 19:4-6) and
the living (but NOT for the should be buried with their husbands in their
salvation of the dead). husbands’ family burial grounds or husbands’
Church or community cemeteries (Gen 49:31)
3. The Deceased corpse or bones should be NOT carried back to their maiden homes.
safely disposed of in a proper burial (Ecc
6:3; Jer 22:19) at community cemetery or

For more see

Updated October 29, 2018

by Ven. Dr. I. U. Ibeme
Copyright © PriscAquila Publishing, Maiduguri, Nigeria.
PriscAquila Christian Resource Centre ;

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