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Dear Father:

I really want to thank you for the delicate care you provide for me, in small things every
day of my life. Again you provided an unexpected upgrade on my way from Geneva to La
Paz, after the meeting of the World Health Organization (WHO) on the role of civil society
in relation to Tuberculosis activism. This upgrade made a huge difference on my flying

You also gave me the capacity to finish two long research reports with people with HIV in
Bolivia, in such a small amount of time. One on relation to issues of Health, Dignity and
Prevention among people with HIV with funding from the Global Network of People
Living with HIV (GNP+), this report will be presented on October 22 in La Paz. The second
is related to the Labor conditions of people living with HIV in Bolivia with funding from
the International Labor Organization (ILO). I am expecting comments on this last one.
Help me to finish the report once the feedback is ready.

This week I will begin writing a third report, related to Migration, Health and HIV in 14
Rural Cities in Bolivia, this study had the support of the Pan American Health
Organization (PAHO) and the United Nations Joint Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). This
is an ethnographic study and though I like it better than the others, the information I
gathered is huge. Help me writing a good report.

And yet recently you gave me the opportunity to address a local church in Pasankeri (La
Paz), even though last Saturday I felt unclean and not ready for the speech, you spoke
through me with clarity to an audience of adults and youths from the aymara culture. This
church invited me to share my testimony about HIV; they also had many questions related
to basic information about HIV transmission. I realized how much work needs to be done
to adapt the HIV prevention messages to different cultures.

Thanks for some funding for the Bolivian Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS
(REDBOL), which will enable us to have the web site and some brochures
on the collective responsibility to prevent the AIDS epidemic in Bolivia.

Thanks for the online courses you allowed me to take on

1)      Public Ethics, Transparency and Anticorruption.

2)      Social Vulnerability, Citizenship and Sexual and Reproductive Rights.
3)      Racism and its connection with class, gender and sexuality in Latin America and
the Caribbean.

I am learning a lot from them. Help me finish all my assignments with diligence.

Father you make up my agenda, you give me the strength and the authority in all things I
You also know my heart is in sorrow these days, people that I trusted betrayed me. My
human nature wants to hurt them back, but I have to trust you are in control of all things
that happened, even those that I don’t understand at this moment.

Finally, I want to understand your plan for marriage and how this becomes a reality for
people with HIV. Teach me these topics like a child from primary school.

Father, don't let me go away from you. Remind me of how much I need you, give me back
the joy of your salvation and help me be wise to complete the mission you gave me. Teach
me to live my days with wisdom, making a time with you the priority. Don't let me be
deceived by wrong sources of love. Give me the understanding to decide every issue
according to your will, and make all my life a song of glory for you.

In Jesus’s name I ask. Amen.

La Paz-Bolivia, October 12, 2010 

Gracia Violeta Ross,

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