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What do you think about anemi, anemi is easy to be handle, no this is a serious problem, not only
give the drug and get the solution but we need to search the cause to prevent the anemia, because
anemia is not only give effect to our body but especially to pregnant women is effect to the their
baby too.

Anemia isnt only the most commonly nutritional deficiency disorder in the world, but its the most
common nutritional deficiency in preganncy.

According to World Health Organization anemia is affected half a billion women of reproductive age
of worldwide. In 2011, 29 % (496 million) of non pregnant women and 38 % (32.4 million) of
pregnant women aged 15-49 years were anemic. The prevalence of anemi is about 18% of
pregnant women from industrial contries and 56 % of pregnant women form developping countries.

One of the cause of maternal mortality is hemoraghea post partum is about 58 % it causes by anemi
in pregnancy, Meanwhile anemi give effect to neonatal mortality is about 29 % of amount of birth.

Include indonesia which the country has a high pregnant women With anemi, anemi is the 4th
position common desease from depkes 2012, according to riskesdas 2013 in 2012 the are about
37,1 % anemi pregnant women, is still High from the last year.


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