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Australian Curriculum: Science (Year 6)

Sub-strands Content Descriptions Achievement Standard
Biological  The growth and survival of living things are affected by the physical conditions of their By the end of Year 6, students
sciences environment (ACSSU094) compare and classify different
Science understanding

types of observable changes to

Chemical  Changes to materials can be reversible, such as melting, freezing, evaporating; or materials. They analyse
sciences irreversible, such as burning and rusting (ACSSU095) requirements for the transfer of
electricity and describe how
Earth and space  Sudden geological changes or extreme weather conditions can affect Earth’s surface energy can be transformed from
sciences (ACSSU096) one form to another to generate
electricity. They explain how
 Electrical circuits provide a means of transferring and transforming electricity (ACSSU097) natural events cause rapid
Physical change to the Earth’s surface.
sciences  Energy from a variety of sources can be used to generate electricity (ACSSU219)
They describe and predict the
effect of environmental changes
Nature and  Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop
on individual living things.
explanations of events and phenomena (ACSHE098)
endeavour (Year 5-6)

development of
Science as a human

 Important contributions to the advancement of science have been made by people from a Students explain how scientific
science knowledge is used in decision
range of cultures (ACSHE099)
making and identify
contributions to the
Use and  Scientific understandings, discoveries and inventions are used to solve problems that directly development of science by
influence of affect peoples’ lives (ACSHE100) people from a range of cultures.
science  Scientific knowledge is used to inform personal and community decisions (ACSHE220)
Students follow procedures to
develop investigable questions
 With guidance, pose questions to clarify practical problems or inform a scientific


Questioning and and design investigations into


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predicting investigation, and predict what the findings of an investigation might be (ACSIS232) simple cause-and-effect
Australian Curriculum: Science (Year 6)
Sub-strands Content Descriptions Achievement Standard
Planning and  With guidance, plan appropriate investigation methods to answer questions or solve relationships. They identify
conducting problems (ACSIS103) variables to be changed and
 Decide which variable should be changed and measured in fair tests and accurately observe, measured and describe potential
measure and record data, using digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS104) safety risks when planning
 Use equipment and materials safely, identifying potential risks (ACSIS105) methods. They collect, organise
and interpret their data,
Processing and  Construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and
describe observations, patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as identifying where improvements
analysing data to their methods or research
and information appropriate (ACSIS107)
 Compare data with predictions and use as evidence in developing explanations (ACSIS221) could improve the data. They
describe and analyse
Evaluating  Suggest improvements to the methods used to investigate a question or solve a problem
(ACSIS108) relationships in data using
graphic representations and
 Communicate ideas, explanations and processes in a variety of ways, including multi-modal construct multi-modal texts to
texts (ACSIS110) communicate ideas, methods
and findings.

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