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37 Error in Text 09/02/2013

On page 37, the section entitled "NaN", the last two sentences of
the first paragraph(begins with "For example") should be replaced

For example, attempting to divide a number by a non-number

typically causes an error in other languages, halting execution. In
ECMAScript, dividing a number by a non-number returns NaN,
which allows other processing to continue.

40 Error in Code 12/12/12

The following code currently reads:

//56 (octal) in ECMAScript 3, 0 (decimal) in

ECMAScript 5
var num = parseInt(?070?);

It should read:

//56 (octal) in ECMAScript 3, 70 (decimal) in

ECMAScript 5
var num = parseInt(?070?);

40 Error in Description of Code 12/12/12

Currently reads:
In ECMAScript 5 JavaScript engines, the ability to parse octal
values has been removed from parseInt(), so the leading zero is
considered invalid and the value is treated the same as ?0?,
resulting in the decimal value 0.

Should read:
In ECMAScript 5 JavaScript engines, the ability to parse octal
values has been removed from parseInt(), so the leading zero is
ignored and the value is treated the same as ?70?, resulting in the
decimal value 70.

82 Error in Text 12/12/12

The following sentence should be removed:

"This effect goes only one way: changing the named argument
does not result in a change to the corresponding value in

This is no longer true.

92 Error in Text 12/5/2012

Currently reads:
"Neither the global context nor the local context of swapColors()
has access to tempColor."

Should be:
"Neither the global context nor the local context of changeColor()
has access to tempColor."
108 Error in Text 01/02/2014
Currently reads: ArrayFilterExample03.htm

Should read: ArrayTypeExample03.htm.

109 Error in Text 01/02/2014

Currently reads: ArrayFilterExample04-06.htm

Should read: ArrayTypeExample04-06.htm

110 Error in Text 01/02/2014

Currently reads: ArrayFilterExample07.htm

Should read: ArrayTypeExample07.htm

114 Error in Code 01/02/2014

Currently reads: "//get the first item"

Should read: "//get the first last item"

The same change should be made in ArrayTypeExample12.htm.

122 Error in Text 12/12/12

This sentence:

"Using this data storage format, the Date type can accurately
represent dates 285,616 years before or after January 1, 1970."

Should read:

"Using this data storage format, the Date type can accurately
represent dates 100,000,000 days before or after January 1,

133 Error in Code 03/06/2013

In this code snippet:
var matches = pattern2.exec(text);
console.log(matches.index); //0
console.log(matches[0]); //cat
console.log(pattern2.lastIndex); //0

The last line should be changed to:

console.log(pattern2.lastIndex); // 3

746 Error in Text 11/11/2013

2nd paragraph currently reads:

There is also an Object.isFrozen() method to detect frozen

objects. Since frozen objects are both sealed and extensible...

Should read:

.... Since frozen objects are both sealed and not extensible...

840 Error in Code

The function definition for isHiddenSupport (the first code
example), should be:
function isHiddenSupported(){
return ("hidden" in document || "msHidden"
in document ||
"webkitHidden" in document);

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