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Why breakfast is the most important meal of the day?

NO. MATRIKULASI : 861020295657001

NO. KAD PENGNEALAN : 861020-29-5657
NO. TELEFON : 012-2029677

Title : Why breakfast is the most important meal of the day?

A very good morning to headmaster for this school, Pn Laila Mohd Noor, senior
assistants, teachers and all the pupils. On this glorious morning, I, Muhd Faiz Hilmi as
Alumni for this school would like to give a speech about “ Why breakfast is the most
important meal of the day”. In my speech, I am going to share with you about important
meal of the day specially for all the pupils before go to school. Take a breakfast also
make a student become successful student because we get the good health. Breakfast is
often described as the most important meal of the day, providing as it does sustenance
and energy (i.e., calories) for whatever activities lay ahead. As nutritionist Adelle Davis
famously put it back in the 1960s: “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and
dinner like a pauper.” With school just around the corner, mornings are going to get a lot
busier; packing lunches, working on a little last minute homework and choosing the all-
important outfit leaves little time to sit down and have a proper meal. Studies have shown
that kids who go to school hungry risk lifelong consequences and development
challenges: they may struggle with less developed literacy and number skills as well as
poor health due to a lack of nutrition. One million Canadian children face hunger every
year, and it has a huge impact on their ability to learn and function.But kids need to fuel
their growing bodies and developing brains and without breakfast, kids will not be at
their best.

We've all heard the old saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the
day, but do you know why? I am here to share all the facts and science behind this theory
which proves that your parents and grandparents were right after all. You've probably
heard it said on countless news programs and in countless articles that breakfast is
important. And yet, one-fifth of adults are ardent skippers. Many women forgo this vital
meal to shave off a few calories in the day, not knowing they're setting themselves up for
health risks in an effort to drop a few vanity pounds. Breakfast is often described as the
most important meal of the day, and rightfully so -- it not only provides important daily
nutrients such as protein, fiber, calcium and carbohydrates, but it also helps improve
school performance, allowing students to do better on tests, according to the Food and

Nutrition Service. Now obviously, food is fuel and energy for our bodies and without it
we spend the day stumbling around in a fog and fighting off a headache and a bad
attitude. Breakfast is literally just that, breaking the fast that your body is in from the
night before.Eating breakfast can improve cognitive performance, test scores and
achievement scores in students, especially in younger children. According to a study
published in the journal “Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine," students who
increased their participation in school breakfast programs had significantly higher math
scores than students who skipped or rarely ate breakfast. As an added benefit, the group
of students who increased breakfast participation also had decreased rates of tardiness
and absences. It is quite clear that nutrition can have a major impact on exercise
performance as well as training adaption. In fact, without proper nutrition, exercise goals
will not be fully realized. Recent research, however, indicates that when one eats may
have as much influence over achieving exercise goals as what one eats. In other words,
timing of nutrient consumption or “nutrient timing” can significantly impact exercise
performance, recovery and training adaptation. These responses to nutrient timing are
built into our DNA and therefore not limited to the elite athlete. Everyone, young and old,
male and female, untrained and trained will respond to nutrient timing. The consumption
of an early morning snack increases the metabolic rate and kick starts your body into
gear, telling it what to expect the rest of the day. If breakfast isn't had, your body doesn't
process your next meal as quickly and tries to hold onto those nutrients. Since it didn't get
any morning fuel, it tries to hold onto the afternoon meal as long as possible — instead of
burning it right away.

Breakfast is a critical meal because it influences practically every dimension of

our being during the course of the day, including how we perform physically and
mentally. Breakfast immediately raises the body’s energy level and restores the blood
glucose level to normal after an overnight fast. It also raises the muscle and liver
glycogen stores. Carbohydrate is the preferred fuel for muscle and the nervous system .
Low carbohydrate levels result in poor performance and rapid fatigue during training and
other physical activities. Perceived exertion is also elevated when blood glucose and
muscle glycogen levels are low making exercise mentally challenging . Therefore,

starting a training session with low carbohydrate availability can significantly limit the
quality of one’s training session and adversely impact training adaptation. A well-
designed breakfast can provide an adequate amount of carbohydrate and other essential
nutrients to raise the blood glucose levels and get a morning training session going with
vigor and vitality, and without being overly filling. Whenever is this, I would to talk that
is take breakfast is very important doesn’t matter you can take for small or big potion.

Studies have shown that weight loss can be more difficult and weight gain more
prevalent in folks who out on the morning meal. Those who skip breakfast have a
tendency to consume more food than usual the next chance they get to grab a bite to eat
and also have a higher tendency to snack on high-calorie foods to keep hunger at bay
until then. We can see the example for us when our class early morning is PJ class, of
course we need an energy to do some exercise and sport with your teacher and friend.
After that, breakfast immediately lowers the blood level of the stress hormone cortical,
which peaks during the early morning hours. We generally think of sleep as a non-
stressful period. From a psychological viewpoint this is generally true. Physiologically,
however, it is quite the opposite. Even though our metabolic needs decrease significantly
while we are sleeping, the body still needs to maintain critical physiological and
metabolic functions required to support life as well as those which foster daily recovery,
tissue repair and growth and development – key components to training adaptation. The
energy to support these functions come from blood glucose, liver glycogen and frees fatty
acids. Students who eat a low-glycemic, balanced breakfast may have better
concentration and more positive reactions to difficult tasks than students who eat a
carbohydrate-laden breakfast. According to research published in “Physiology and
Behavior," students given a low-glycemic breakfast were able to sustain attention longer
than children given a high-glycemic breakfast. Children following the low-glycemic
breakfast plan also had improved memory and fewer signs of frustration when working
on school tasks. Try old-fashioned oatmeal with a handful of walnuts or some scrambled
eggs with spinach, peppers and a sprinkle of cheese. When you eat breakfast you're
telling your body that there are plenty of calories to be had for the day. When you skip

breakfast the message your body gets is that it needs to conserve rather than burn any
incoming calories.

Meanwhile, we all know about the important breakfast. Breakfast is often

described as the most important meal of the day, and rightfully so then it not only
provides important daily nutrients such ad protein, fiber, calcium and carbohydrates, but
it also helps improves school performance, allowing students to do better on test. Eating
breakfast can improve cognitive performance, test scores and achievement scores in
student, especially in younger children. According to a study published in the journal
“Archives or Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine,” student who increased their
participation in school breakfast programs had significantly higher math scores than
students who skipped or rarely ate breakfast. As an added benefit, the group of students
who increased breakfast participation also had decreased rates of tardiness and absences.

Eating breakfast regularly may also help student maintain a healthy weight.
According to a study published in “Public Health Nutrition”, children who skipped
breakfast in the morning were more likely to overeat and have a lower overall diet quality
than children who ate breakfast every day. Carbohydrate only breakfast, such as bagels
and toast, can give energy for one to two hours, while complete breakfast that contain a
balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates can keep blood sugar levels steady for hours.
For example is try some toast with peanut butter and a piece of fruit or cereal with milk
and glass of 100 percent fruit juice. If you have time also,, make an omelet with cheese,
broccoli and some turkey chicken. Student who eaten breakfast can concentrates better
and have longer attention span, helping them to learn and study better. They can also
perform physically after eating breakfast as there is more energy available to their
muscles. Breakfast can improve behavior and mood, as student have better concentration
and aren’t tired or hungry. Many of you don’t know when you don’t take your breakfast;
for example is skipping breakfast will often make your day feel tired, restless or irritable
by mid-morning.

Conclusion is, take breakfast is very important not only for student, but for all of
us. There are many advantages if you take a breakfast. Whether one exercises or trains in
the morning, afternoon or both morning and afternoon, breakfast should be a major
component of one’s daily nutrition plan. Breakfast immediately raises the energy level of
the body, increasing vigor and vitality. Its also reduce blood cortical levels and helps
control appetite. Taking breakfast is a healthful way of starting a day. Breakfast refuels
the body and improves concentration and mental functioning. Breakfast also helps in
maintaining healthy body weight and increase energy level. Therefore, breakfast has been
proved to be the most meal a person ought to take on a daily basis.



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