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05/11/2018 GitHub - nette/safe-stream: SafeStream: atomic and safe manipulation with files via native PHP functions.

Nette SafeStream: Atomic Operations

downloads 37k/month build failing coverage 56% stable v2.3.3 license New BSD

The Nette SafeStram protocol for file manipulation guarantees atomicity and isolation of every file

Documentation can be found on the website.

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Why is it actually good? Let's start with a simple example, where we repeatedly write the same
string to the file and then read it:

$s = str_repeat('Long String', 10000);

$counter = 1000;
while ($counter--) {
file_put_contents('file', $s); // write it
$read = file_get_contents('file'); // read it
if ($s !== $read) { // check it
echo 'Strings are different!';

It may seem that the echo 'Strings are different!' command can't ever get executed. The
opposite is true. Try to run this script in two browsers simultaneously. The error occurs almost

It's because the code is not safe when performed repeatedly at the same time (ie, in multiple
threads). And that is nothing unusual on the Internet, where several people often connect to one
website at the same time. Therefore, it's very important to ensure that your application can handle
multiple threads at once - that it's thread-safe, because native PHP functions are not. Otherwise,
you can expect data loss and strange errors occuring.

How to ensure, that functions like file_get_contets or fwrite behave atomically? The SafeStream
protocol offers a secure solution, so we can atomically manipulate files through standard PHP
functions. To register this protocol install SafeStream via Composer. After that, you just need prefix
the filename with :

$handle = fopen('', 'x'); // prefix the filename with nette.saf

fwrite($handle, 'Nette Framework'); // for now, the data is written into a temporary

fclose($handle); // and only now the file is renamed to test.txt

You can of course use all the familiar functions, such as: 1/2
05/11/2018 GitHub - nette/safe-stream: SafeStream: atomic and safe manipulation with files via native PHP functions.

file_put_contents('', $content);

$ini = parse_ini_file('');

SafeStream guarantees:

Atomicity: The file is written either as a whole or not written at all.

Isolation: No one can start to read a file that is not yet fully written.

If you write to an existing file in the ' a ' mode (append), SafeStream creates it's copy and only after
successfully writing it renames it to the original name. Write in this mode is therefore more
resource-consuming than in other modes.

The recommended way to install is via Composer:

composer require nette/safe-stream

It requires PHP version 5.3 and supports PHP up to 7.3. 2/2

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