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Phyana Lab Mock Finals

Score: / 100%

I. Endocrine System 10%

II. Blood and Cardiovascular System 30%
III. Respiratory System 15%
IV. Digestive System 15%
V. Renal System 15%
VI. Reproductive System 15%


I. Endocrine System

1. Precursor of steroid hormones :

a. Amino acids c. Cholesterol
b. Fatty acids d. Catecholamine

2. Insulin is produced by ________ , while Ghrelin is produced by _______

a. Alpha Cells ; Beta Cells c. Beta Cells ; Delta Cells
b. Beta Cells ; Epsilon Cells d. Alpha Cells ; Epsilon Cells

3. Dopamine is secreted by the :

a. Hypothalamus c. Neurohypophysis
b. Adenohypophysis d. Pineal gland

4. Erythropoietin is produced by the__________ , while Cortisol is produced by _________

a. Adrenal Medulla ; Thyroid gland c. Umbilical Cord ; Thymus
b. Red Bone Marrow ; Adrenal Cortex d. Kidney ; Adrenal Cortex

5. Graves’ disease is _________ , while Cushing ‘s Syndrome is ________

a. Hypersecretion of Tetraiodothyronine ; Hypersecretion of Aldosterone
b. Hyposecretion of PTH ; Hypersecretion of Cortisol
c. Hypersecretion of TSH ; Hyposecretion of Mineralocorticoids
d. Hyposecretion of Triiodothyronine ; Hyposecretion of ACTH

6. HCG ( Human Chorionic Gonadotropin ) is released by what part of the placenta :

a. Cytotrophoblast c. Syncitiotrophoblasts
b. Yolk Sac d. Chorion frondosum
7. Milk let down is possible because of :
a. Prolactin c. Estrogen
b. Oxytocin d. A and B

8. Mineralocorticoids are found in the _____________, while Androgen is found in the ____________ and
Cortisol is found in the _____________ of the adrenal gland.
a. Fasciculata ; Glomerulosa ; Reticularis c. Reticularis ; Glomerulosa ; Fasciculata
b. Glomerulosa ; Fasciculata ; Reticularis d. Glomerulosa ; Reticularis ; Fasciculata

9. The Circadian rhythm is regulated by which hormone :
a. Thymosin c. Melanin
b. Melatonin d. Tetraiodothyronine

10. Hormone that induces ovulation :

a. Follicle stimulating hormone c. Luteinizing hormone
b. Progesterone d. None of the above


II. Blood and Cardiovascular System

1. When a patient is dehydrated his :

a. End diastolic volume decreases c. Cardiac output decreases
b. Stroke Volume Increases d. End Systolic Volume decreases

2. Fibrinogen becomes Fibrin because of :

a. Prothrombin c. Hemoglobin
b. Thrombin d. Thromboplastin

3. S1 corresponds to ______ , while S2 corresponds to _______

a. Mitral Valve and Pulmonary Semilunar Valve ; Tricuspid Valve and Aortic Semilunar Valve
b. Aortic Semilunar Valve and Pulmonary Semilunar Valve ; Mitral Valve and Tricuspid Valve
c. Mitral Valve and Tricuspid Valve ; Aortic Semilunar Valve and Pulmonary Semilunar Valve
d. None of the above

4. What is the relationship of Cardiac Output and Total Peripheral Resistance

a. Direct c. Inverse
b. Equal d. None

5. What is the reagent for Hemoglobin Determination

a. Tollen’s Reagent c. Benedict’s Reagent
b. H2SO4 d. HCl

6. Bleeding time : _____________ , while Clotting time :_______________

a. Duke’s Method ; Drop Method
b. Drop Method ; Duke’s Method
c. Slide Method ; Adam’s Micro method
d. Duke’s Method ; Adam’s Micro method

7. Hyperemia :____________ , while Congestion: _____________

a. Flushed appearance ; Warm
b. Cyanotic appearance ; Swollen
c. Bright Red appearance ; Cyanotic appearance
d. Swollen ; Dilated

8. What is the approximate normal Hematocrit reading for males ?

a. Approx 47 %
b. Approx 56%
c. Approx 38%
d. Approx 69%

9. Adam’s Micro hematocrit method uses a :
a. Micro hematocrit reader c. Neubauer improved micro hematocytometer
b. Salhi’s pipette d. Centrifuge

10. This type of Leukocyte becomes abundant when there is helminthic infection
a. Basophil c. Eosinophil
b. Neutrophil d. Lymphocyte

11. Diastole begins at _________,while Systole begins at __________

a. Isovolumic Contraction , Isovolumic Relaxation c. Isovolumic Contraction ; Atrial Kick
b. Isovolumic Relaxation, Rapid Ejection d. Isovolumic Relaxation ; Isovolumic Contraction

12. Which of the following are heparinized?

a. Blue tipped capillary tube c. Both A and B
b. Red tipped capillary tube d. None of the above

13. A patient has a blood pressure of 121/84 , what is the required pressure for the ventricles to exert in order
for the semilunar valves to be opened ?
a. 84 c. 122
b. 121 d. Cannot be determined

14. What is the receiving chamber of the heart ?

a. Artery c. Atria
b. Auricle d. Ventricle

15. The heart rate of a patient will increase if :

a. There is sympathetic response c. There is an increase in carbon dioxide levels
b. There is calcium influx d. All of the above

16. The Right coronary artery bifurcates into :

a. Circumflex artery and Right Anterior descending artery
b. Circumflex artery and Left Anterior descending artery
c. Marginal Artery and Right anterior descending artery
d. None of the above

17. The most abundant non-granular WBC is :

a. Basophil c. Neutrophil
b. Lymphocyte d. Monocyte

18. S1 sounds are _______________ , while S2 sounds are_______________

a. Low Frequency and longer duration; High frequency and Shorter duration
b. Low Frequency and shorter duration ; High frequency and Longer duration
c. High frequency and shorter duration ; Low frequency and Longer duration
d. High frequency and longer duration ; Low frequency and shorter duration

19. Trace the mechanical cardiac cycle after the p wave :
a. Atrial kick ( atrial systole) - Closure of AV valves – Isovolumic contraction - Rapid ejection - Closure of SL
valves -Isovolumic relaxation - Atrial filling – Rapid Ventricular Filling – Diastasis –
b. Closure of AV valves – Isovolumic contraction - Rapid ejection - Closure of SL valves -Isovolumic
relaxation - Atrial filling – Rapid Ventricular Filling – Diastasis – Atrial kick -
c. Atrial kick – Isovolumic contraction – Closure of AV valves – Diastasis – Isovolumic relaxation – Closure
of SL valves – Rapid ventricular filling – Rapid ejection- Atrial filing-
d. None of the above

20. Atrial kick is part of systole :

a. True c. Neither
b. False d. It’s unknown

21. The ductus arteriosus becomes the :

a. Falciform ligament c. Ligamentum venosa
b. Intercostal ligament d. Ligamentum arteriosum

22. The S1 sound is best heard in the :

a. Base c. Apex
b. Gonads d. Mediastinum

23. The Trabeculae carneae is found in the:

a. Atrium c. Septum
b. Auricle d. Ventricle

24. Trace the electrical flow in the heart :

a. AV node- SA node- Bundle of His- Purkinje fibers- Left and Right bundles
b. SA node-AV node- Bundle of His – Purkinje fibers – Left and Right bundles
c. SA node- AV node- Bundle of His- Left and Right bundles- Purkinje fibers
d. AV node- SA node- Bundle of His – Left and Right bundles – Purkinje fibers

25. Calculate the MAP of a patient if his Diastolic blood pressure is 86 mmHg while his Systolic blood pressure is
a. 95 c. 124
b. 123 d. 88

26. Can a patient with blood type O receive blood from a donor with blood type AB ?
a. Yes c. Maybe
b. No d. Unknown

27. Normal bleeding time takes about :

a. 3-5 min c. 4-6 min
b. 1-3 min d. 5-7 min

28. Petechiae in the skin appears in what test :

a. Tourniquet Test c. Rumpel-Leede Test
b. Hess Test d. All of the above

29. The walls of the left ventricle are ______ than that of the right ventricle
a. Thinner c. Weaker
b. Thicker d. None of the above

30. Which of the following will lead to the increase of End systolic volume
a. Excess constriction of the aorta c. Atrophy of the ventricular myocardium
b. An increase in afterload d. All of the above


III. Respiratory System

1. Anatomically, the upper respiratory system includes the following except :

a. Pharynx c. Nasal Concha
b. Larynx d. Nasal Vestibule

2. The fissure that divides the superior and the middle lobe is the :
a. Horizontal fissure c. Pulmonary fissure
b. Oblique fissure d. Lingula

3. What type of epithelium are found in the nasal sinuses

a. Stratified squamous non-keratinizing epithelium
b. Stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium
c. Pseudo stratified columnar epithelium
d. Simple columnar epithelium

4. The right main bronchus is shorter, wider and more horizontally directed as compared to its left counterpart
a. True b. False

5. Pneumocyte type I :_______________ , while Pneumocyte type II : ___________________

a. Blood air barrier ; Surfactant secreting cell c. Bacteria eating cell ; Surfactant secreting cell
b. Surfactant secreting cell ; Blood air barrier d. None of the above

6. The diaphragm is slightly elevated in what part ?

a. Left c. Top
b. Right d. Bottom

7. The epithelial lining of the nasal cavity is :

a. Simple squamous c. Pseudo stratified columnar epithelium
b. Stratified squamous non-keratinizing d. Simple cuboidal

8. Trace the flow of air towards the lungs :

a. External nares – nasal cavity- choana- larynx- pharynx- trachea- main bronchus- lobar bronchus-
segmental bronchus- bronchiole- terminal bronchiole- respiratory bronchiole- alveolar duct- alveolar
b. External nares – nasal cavity- choana- pharynx- larynx- trachea- main bronchus- lobar bronchus-
segmental bronchus- bronchiole- terminal bronchiole- respiratory bronchiole- alveolar sac- alveolar
c. External nares – nasal cavity- choana- pharynx- larynx- trachea- main bronchus- lobar bronchus-
segmental bronchus- bronchiole- terminal bronchiole- respiratory bronchiole- alveolar duct- alveolar
d. None of the above

9. Unlike the right lung, the left lung contains the :
a. Cardiac Notch c. Broncho pulmonary segments
b. Lingula d. A and B

10. Which of the following is the air volume that we cannot exhale
a. Tidal Volume c. Residual Volume
b. Vital Capacity d. Expiratory reserve volume

11. The start of the bifurcation of the left and right bronchi
a. Lingula c. Tubal tonsils
b. Carina d. Trachea

12. The signet ring shaped cartilage in the larynx

a. Cricoid cartilage c. Cuneiform cartilage
b. Thyroid cartilage d. Corniculate cartilage

13. Inspiratory time is _____ than expiratory time :

a. Shorter c. Equal
b. Longer d. Unknown

14. As the subject inhales , the internal pressure becomes:

a. Positive c. Negative
b. Just the same d. Immeasurable

15. What is the tonsil found in the posterior of the nasopharynx ?

a. Lingual Tonsil c. Palatine Tonsil
b. Tubal Tonsil d. Adenoid

IV. Digestive System

1. A series of wave like muscle contractions in the GI- tract

a. Spasmodic Contractions c. Uncoordinated contractions
b. Peristalsis d. Gastric Contractions

2. What gland is connected to the stensen’s duct ?

a. Parotid gland c. Sublingual gland
b. Submandibular gland d. Wharton’s gland

3. The outer layer of the stomach is made of :

a. Muscularis c. Serosa
b. Sub Mucosa d. Mucosa

4. The folds inside the stomach are called :

a. Sphincter c. Plicae Circularis
b. Haustra d. Rugae

5. The liver _______ , while the gall bladder ______

a. Stores bile ; creates bile c. Both stores bile
b. Creates bile ; stores bile d. Both creates bile

6. The common bile duct and the pancreatic duct converges to form the:
a. Duodenal Isthmus c. Common hepatic duct
b. Ampulla of Oviduct d. Ampulla of Vater

7. The terminating part of the small intestine is the :

a. Ilium c. Cecum
b. Ileum d. Jejunum

8. The Vermiform appendix is located at the :

a. Ascending Colon c. Transverse Colon
b. Descending Colon d. Sigmoid Colon

9. Proteins: ___________ ; Starch : ___________

a. Amylase ; Pepsin c. Lipase ; Pepsin
b. Pepsin ; Amylase d. Hydroxylase ; Amylase

10. The exocrine secretion of the pancreas involves :

a. Alpha cells c. Acinar ducts
b. Tubular ducts d. Islets of Langerhans

11. The convoluted part of the small intestine :

a. Cecum c. Duodenum
b. Jejunum d. Pylorus

12. The Internal anal sphincter is a _____________ while the external anal sphincter is a ___________
a. Skeletal muscle ; smooth muscle c. Smooth muscle ; Skeletal muscle
b. Smooth muscle ; involuntary muscle d. Skeletal muscle ; voluntary muscle

13. The following have parts that are retroperitoneal except:

a. Colon c. Rectum
b. Small intestine d. Stomach

14. The following are parts of the Gastrointestinal tract except :

a. Liver c. Esophagus
b. Stomach d. Anus

15. The obstruction of this structure leads to Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease ( GERD ) .
a. Pyloric Sphincter c. Appendix Epiploica
b. Esophagus d. Cardiac Sphincter


V. Renal System

1. The basic functional unit of the kidney

a. Neuron c. Nephron

b. Neuroglia d. Renal Corpuscles

2. Unlike the left kidney, the right kidney has a :

a. Vasa Recta c. Bigger renal hilum

b. Higher position d. Triangular shaped adrenal gland

3. The male urethra has the following segments except :

a. Prostatic Urethra c. Membranous Urethra

b. Spongy Urethra d. Pelvic Urethra

4. Majority of the selective reabsorption occurs in the:

a. Renal Corpuscle c. Distal Convoluted Tubule

b. Proximal Convoluted Tubule d. Loop of Henle

5. The tip of the renal pyramid is called :

a. Renal papilla c. Renal pelvis

b. Renal hilum d. Renal capsule

6. Urine is expelled by the urinary bladder by :

a. Excretion c. Defecation

b. Micturition d. Filtration

7. The blood vessel that provides the kidney its oxygenated blood supply:

a. Azygos vein c. Renal vein

b. Renal artery d. Hepatic artery

8. The Urinary Trigone is the triangle formed by two urethral orifices and one internal urethral orifice :

a. True b. False

9. The Female urethra is __________ than that of males :

a. Longer c. Equal to

b. Shorter d. Softer

10. Ureters have peristaltic contractions :

a. True c. False

b. Only true in pathogenic patients d. Unknown

11. Ultrafiltration occurs in the :

a. Collecting duct c. Renal Corpuscles

b. Loop of Henle d. Convoluted tubules

12. The proximal part of the ureter is the:

a. Renal Pelvis c. Renal Papilla

b. Renal Sinus d. Renal Cortex

13. Juxtamedullary Nephrons are longer than that of the Cortical nephron

a. True b. False

14. Trace the flow of urine :

a. Kidney- bladder-ureter-urethra c. Kidney-ureter-bladder-urethra

b. bladder- urethra-kidney- ureter d. None of the above

15. In males, this is the longest urethral segment :

a. Membranous Urethra c. Spongy Urethra

b. Penile Urethra d. Both B and C

VI. Reproductive System

1. The Y chromosome gives rise to what gene

a. Mullerian gene c. Both A and B

b. Anti-Mullerian Gene d. None of the above

2. The Wollfian ducts give rise to parts of the :

a. Male Reproductive System c. Both A and B

b. Female Reproductive System d. None of the above

3. The Cowper’s gland releases _________ fluid

a. Acidic b. Alkaline

4. The finger-like extensions of the fallopian tube are called the :

a. Isthmus c. Fimbriae

b. Ampulla d. Prepuce

5. What is the paired erectile tissue in the male copulatory organ?

a. Corpora Cavernosa Urethra c. Corpora Amylacea

b. Corpora Spongiosa d. Corpora Cavernosa Penis

6. What Part of the female uterus sloughs off during menstruation?

a. Perimetrium c. Myometrium

b. Endometrium ( zona functionalis ) d. Endometrium ( zona basalis )

7. What ligament connects the ovary to the lateral surface of the uterus ?

a. Round ligament c. Suspensory ligament

b. Broad ligament d. Ovarian ligament

8. Labia Majora:___________ , while labia minora : ____________

a. Mucosa ; Keratinized c. Both keratinized

b. Keratinized ; Mucosa d. Both mucosa

9. The analogue of the female clitoris in the male is the :

a. scrotum c. prostate gland

b. penis d. penile urethra

10. Regulates the temperature of the testicles for spermatogenesis, it also wrinkles the scrotal skin

a. Cremasteric muscle c. Corpora Spongiosa

b. Dartos fascia d. Corpora Cavernosa

11. What is the carunculae myrtiformes

a. The carunculae myrtiformes is the remnant of the clitoris

b. The carunculae myrtiformes is the remnant of the hymen

12. The Scrotal Sac is the analogue of the female :

a. Labia Majora c. Clitoris

b. Labia Minora d. Perineum

13. The temporary storage for the maturation of sperm cells :

a. Vas deferens c. Rete testes

b. Seminal vesicle d. Epididymis

14. The maternal part of the placenta is the:

a. Chorion frondosum c. Syncitiotrophoblasts

b. Decidua basalis d. Cytotrophoblast

15. What layer surrounds the penile urethra ?

a. Corpora Cavernosa c. Corpus Atreticum

b. Corpora Spongiosa d. Corpus Luteum



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