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On porn addiction

To understand the particular addiction of watching porn, it is necessary to study the

background of its two elements separately. Since the acknowledgment of moral or
artistic sensibilities is necessarily bound by social values and the definition of what
it is meant to be erotic varies from culture to culture, it is difficult to have a concrete
definition of pornography.

It may well be that what constitutes pornography and erotic varies not only between
groups, but also between individuals within a group. It is also likely to vary with the
passing of time. (Kuhn, Voges, Pope, and Bloxsome, 2007).

Specifically, pornography, according to Li (quoted by Kuhn, Voges, Pope, and

Bloxsome, 2007: par 9) is a “material that presents sexual content of some sort with
the intent of being arousing”. To complete this definition, Rea (Kuhn, Voges, Pope,
and Bloxsome, 2007: par 13) argues that for an object to be pornographic, it must

1) A communication material wherein its user desires to be sexually aroused

or gratified by the object

2) It must be devoid of intimacy or any other purpose in its use and

3) It must be reasonable (on the part of its creator) to believe the object could be
used for arousal or gratification by an audience.

The other important definition is addiction which is describe below:

Is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related

circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological,
psychological, social and spiritual manifestations. This is reflected in an individual
pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other
behaviors. Addiction is characterized by inability to consistently abstain,
impairment in behavioral control, and craving, diminished recognition of
significant problems with one’s behaviors and interpersonal relationships, and a
dysfunctional emotional response. Like other chronic diseases, addiction often
involves cycles of relapse and remission. Without treatment or engagement in
recovery activities, addiction is progressive and can result in disability or
premature death. (American Society of Addiction Medicine, 2011: Par 1).

As the ASAM (2011) said features of addiction include aspects of a person’s

behaviors, cognitions, emotions, and interactions with others, including a person’s
ability to relate to members of their family, to members of their community, to their
own psychological state, and to things that transcend their daily experience.

Once both definitions are understood, Porn Adicction is presented, according to

Miller (2018: par 4) “porn addiction is considered a behavioral addiction that is
characterized by an ever-growing compulsion to view pornographic content or
material”. Although many medical and psychiatric professionals do not treat the
compulsion to view or use pornographic material as an addiction, the signs and
symptoms of porn addiction are often very similar to those that signify an addiction
to drugs.

Symptoms or signs of a porn addiction will vary depending on the person, especially
in the availability of pornographic material, the length of time pornography has been
a compulsion, and the severity of the addiction.
Warning signs and symptoms of a porn addiction may include (Adapted from Miller

 Being unable to stop using porn or stop engaging in the behaviors associated
with porn, despite repeated attempts to do so. Approximately 9% of viewers
reported that they had made unsuccessful attempts to stop.

 Experiencing cravings to view porn. Much like substance users report feeling
strong urges to use drugs, porn addicts can experience strong urges to view

 Becoming angry, hostile, or irritable when asked to stop using porn. Porn
addicts may deny their porn viewing or be upset when loved ones request
that they stop.

 Keeping all or part of one’s porn use secret from loved ones. Porn addiction
has been shown to lead to increased secrecy in relationships.

 Continuing to view porn despite negative consequences, such as broken

relationships or a job loss. Relationships where one partner is addicted to
porn can lead to a reduction in intimacy, emotional distance, reduced sexual
satisfaction, and an overall poorer quality of relationship.


 To get more knowledge about the reasons that cause porn addiction for a
greater understanding of the subject.
 To identify personality similarities in the people who is addicted to porn.
 To identify personal background similarities in people who is addicted to

The results of this research will help to increase the general knowledge about porn
addiction and it is causes, which can help possible future interventions, treatments
and the understanding of people suffering from this type of addiction.


Now a days the addiction to pornographic content has been acknowledged by

several authors as a modern era type of addition, which would be mentioned later.
The great disposition of technology and by means, to the main sources in which you
can get this kind of material, has made it easier towards those who present these
cravings with which they get to satisfy their obsession.
The authors of this research project consider that by obtaining a rich knowledge of
the reasons behind this addiction, in which groups of ages is most common, which
sex, and under what circumstances it’s “easier” that it presents itself, it would
become a valuable source for those who work with those who undergo with porn-
addiction such as therapist, doctors, and several other specialists.

That is why in the first chapter of this research work, it will describe in detail what is
porn addiction, considering in first place the term addiction and then porn. About.
Addiction it will be discuss the meaning, causes, types, development, consequences
and treatment as a multifactorial disease then about porn, it will be presented
different definitions, types and history. After that, it will be explain the concept of porn
addiction by several authors, the causes, types, history, and it is presence in today’s

In the second chapter, the reader will get to know the circumstances that surrounds
the porn addiction, such as the age, social class, gender and environment in which
it is most frequently presented, and its effects in the addict’s life in different aspects
like school, work, relationships etc.

Finally, it will be presented a with a brief conclusion of all the information provide
by the authors and its favorable use in the clinical area.


In this Chapter the reader will comprehend the meaning of Porn Addiction by the two
words that form the term. First the topic of porn will be presented with everything that
entails like types, history etc. and then the topic of addiction with a specific
description of its origins, stages, causes have a better approach to the actual
meaning of this addiction type of disease.

The National Institute on Drugs Abuse (2018:par 1) describes an addiction as “a

chronic disorder characterized by occasional relapses, a short-term, one-time
treatment is usually not sufficient”

According to Parekh (2017: par 1) an addiction is “a brain disease that is manifested

by compulsive substance use despite harmful consequence.” He describes the
people enslaved to this have a specific desire to consume a certain kind of substance

He also established that people in general can develop an addiction to (par 2):

 Alcohol
 Marijuana
 PCP, LSD and other hallucinogens
 Inhalants
 Opioid pain killers
 Sedatives, hypnotics and anxiolytics
 Cocaine, methamphetamine and other stimulants
 Tobacco
It is known that the effect that all these substances can make to the body by its abuse
can cause harmful changes to the brain referring to its functions, such as the
development of craving, alterations in the judgment, learning, memory etc.

That is why the classification of it symptoms can be important, there are four main
groups that are shown below (Parekh 2017: par 7):

 Impaired control: a craving or strong urge to use the substance; desire or

failed attempts to cut down or control substance use
 Social problems: substance use causes failure to complete major tasks at
work, school or home; social, work or leisure activities are given up or cut
back because of substance use
 Risky use: substance is used in risky settings; continued use despite known
 Drug effects: tolerance (need for larger amounts to get the same effect);
withdrawal symptoms (different for each substance)

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (quoted by Parekh 2017: par 5) mention that
the reason why people start consuming drugs can be:

 To feel good
 To feel better
 To do better
 Curiosity and peer pressure

All these different types of feeling or reasons can be characteristic of a stage of the
addiction, It I important to know that the additions are a chronical disease which
means that its has an evolution in time that leads to an evolution of the behavior of
the person who is addicted or will be.

According to the Recovery Village (w.d.) the first stage of an addiction is the initiation
where most of the underage teens or kids try a drug for the first time specially alcohol,
first they tend to do it out of curiosity, pressure or lack of decision making and control
of impulses abilities.

After that stage, the experimentation is started by the use of substances in social
matters without cravings that is why in this stage the consumption can still be
controlled and the person can actually think in the consequences of his or her

After the person surpasses the first two stages he or she enters to the regular use
stage in which the use of the drug is more frequent and that is why the person shows
a regular pattern with worries about losing the drug sources. This is continued by a
risky use stage that is characterized by the actual change or harm to close friends
or the change of their behavior and primary friendship circle, by this means the
person not only threatens his life but the life of others.

Finally, he or she encounters the worst two stages, the first one to be describe will
be the dependence stage that has tolerance, physical and psychological
dependence and then the actual substance use disorder where the person can not
live with the drug and spends lots of time of his or her life trying to recover in rehab.

Once this is comprehended, the description of the different kinds of treatments can
be shown, first of all according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (2018: par 1)
a drug treatment “Is intended to help addicted individual stop compulsive drug
seeking and use”.

Once the term of substance addiction is understood, it is important to know that,

there are not the only type of addiction that exists. There are the behavioral
addictions in which the porn addiction is included.

Grant, Potenza, Weinstein and Gorlick (2011: par 1) said that these are “behaviors
with adverse consequences and in which the person has a diminished control of it”.
According to them these types of addictions are view on the impulsive-compulsive
spectrum, some of this type of addictions are (par 2):

 Compulsive buying
 Pathologic skin picking
 Sexual addiction
 Excessive tanning
 Computer/ videogame playing
 Internet addiction

Behavioral addictions have similarities to substances addictions, some of these are

the failure to resist an impulse (temptation to perform an act), these interferes with a
correct functionality in more than one domain.

Both type of addictions mainly starts at adolescence or when the person is a young
adult, also they have a relapsing pattern, pleasure by realizing the act that becomes
a positive reinforcement.

In addition, people with a behavioral addiction can report cravings prior the behavior
they are addict to in which emotional dysregulation may contribute. That is why there
is a vast variety of treatments (behavioral/substance) that can help in a long-term
process with many kinds of different interventions and regular monitoring, in this
case it is important to know the components of comprehensive drug abuse treatment
shown in the image below.

Figure 1. components of comprehensive drug abuse treatment

National Institute on Drug Abuse

The most use type of treatment is the behavioral therapy known as cognitive-
behavioral therapy or contingency management, follow by medications and then its

The medication treatment can include (adapted from: National Institute of Drug

 Methadone, buprenorphine and naltrexone  individual addicted to opioids

 Nicotine preparations and medications varenicline and bupropion are
available for individuals addicted to tobacco

Speaking of the behavioral therapy can offer different types of strategies for coping
with addictions, to avoid the consumptions and prevent a relapse. All these kinds of
treatment can be accompanied by individua or group therapies, this last one can
proved with social reinforcements. The combination of these treatments can be more
effective than the use of only one of them.

Internet addiction is a common disorder that is seeking inclusion in DSM-V, as it

fulfills all the diagnostic characteristics: withdrawal, tolerance and negative
repercussions. Internet porn addiction is a severe form of internet addiction.
Internet porn addiction results more frequently due to anonymity and convenience
provided in the internet. Internet technology also provides an interactive experience
and a realm of virtual intimacy for its users. Online videos, chats room games, photo
galleries and virtual reality provide users with several different medium through
which they can obtain and purchase porn. Behind the anonymity of cyberspace,
online users can conceal their age, marital status, gender, race, vocation, or
appearance. It has contributed to an increasing number of sex addicts.
But still it is not the same to talk about porn or pornography:
Acording to Cambridge Dictonary (2018) Porn is “The pictures, books, television
programs, newspaper articles, etc. that are intended to be exciting for people
interested in a particular subject or particular product” and Pornography is “The
Books, magazines, films, etc. with no artistic value that describe or show sexual acts
or naked people in a way that is intended to be sexually exciting”
Pornography has been classified as a modern era addiction due to the invention of
thee easy access internet and the vast material and possibilities to acquire it, but it
truly isn’t a new concept. Pornography or erotic content has been present since
ancient eras.

Accoding to Head T. (2018: par 2) the history of Pornography is centuries old, and
it's had its place in many societies, It will be shown a list of the development of it
through time.

Ca. 520 BC

German hunter-gatherers sculpted a statue of a man and woman having sexual

intercourse many thousands of years ago. Archeologists called its location the
world's oldest porn site when they discovered it in 2005.

AD 79

Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD, burying the city of Pompeii under lava and
ash. The city was finally excavated centuries later, beginning in the 18th century.
The European colonial aristocracy – whose members had fashioned themselves as
the intellectual and political heirs to ancient Rome – were scandalized by the
hundreds of sexually explicit frescoes and sculptures found in the Mount Vesuvius

Circa 950

Chandravarman began construction of the first of 85 temples at Khajuraho in

Madhya Pradesh, India in 950. The temples are known for the extremely intricate
and often sexually explicit sculptures that cover their outer walls. The sculptures later
led Western scholars to the erroneous conclusion that Hinduism was a sexually
uninhibited religion.


Pope Paul IV prepared the Roman Catholic Church's first index of banned books in
1557. Although most of the list's 550 titles were banned for theological reasons,
some were clearly sexually explicit in character. A few, such as Giovanni
Boccaccio's, were both sexually explicit and theologically challenging. The Vatican
would continue to publish various versions of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum, its
"list of banned books," until the practice was finally eliminated by Pope Paul VI in
December 1965 following the institutional reforms brought about by the Second
Vatican Council.

John Cleland began distributing a sexually explicit novel entitled Memoirs of a
Woman of Pleasure in 1748. The book was later published as The Life and
Adventures of Miss Fanny Hill. Confiscated by British authorities a year later then
promptly pirated and redistributed, the book would be banned in both Britain and the
U.S. until the 1960s.


Robley Dunglison's Medical Lexicon: A Dictionary of Medical Science coined the

English term "pornography." Dunglison defined the word as "a description of
prostitutes or of prostitution as a matter of public hygiene." The word gained
widespread use as a general term for sexually explicit material within a decade. It
was possibly inspired by the French term pornographie, which had already taken on
that meaning.


Édouard Manet's Olympia, a nude portrait in which Victorine Meurent portrays a

prostitute, scandalized the Paris Salon in 1865. The uproar was not because of the
nudity itself but rather because of the earthy and unladylike frankness with which
Meurent presented it. The nudity of contemporaneous work was not considered
pornographic because it was idealized and glamorized to the point of fiction, but the
nudity in Olympia was simply that of a naked woman, not an idealized goddess.

Manet's contemporary Émile Zola explained, "When our artists give us Venuses,
they correct nature, they lie. Manet asked himself why he should lie. Why not tell the
truth? He has introduced us to Olympia, a girl of our own times, whom we have met
in the streets pulling a thin shawl of faded wool over her narrow shoulders."


Anthony Comstock founded the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice in
1873, beginning his career as America's national censor. The war against
pornography in the U.S. was officially born.


Eugéne Pirou's Coucher de la Mariée was the first known softcore erotic film. Louise
Willy, who starred in eight burlesque comedies from 1896 to 1913, performed a
striptease and bathed on camera.


L'Ecu d'Or ou la Bonne Auberge, the earliest surviving hardcore pornographic film,
was first distributed in 1908. Censors and nervous owners destroyed most other
early examples of the genre, which were typically shown in brothels.

Denmark legalized pornography in 1969, becoming the first country to formally do

so. The government ruled that as of July 1 of that year, every law relating to
pornography as distributed to adults was officially abolished. But the move was
somewhat after the fact because Denmark authorities had been notably slow to
enforce any of the existing laws to begin with.


The U.S. Supreme Court defined obscenity using a three-part test in its 1973 Miller
v. California decision.

1. The average person must find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the
prurient interest.
2. The work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct or
excretory functions specifically defined by applicable state law.
3. The work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific

This definition mandates that all obscene material must be pornographic. In United
States v. Stevens, the Supreme Court rejected a claim in 2010 that animal torture
videos can be classified as obscene because most material traditionally classified
as pornographic would not be considered obscene under the Miller standard. All
mainstream pornography would qualify as indecent, however, by definition.

The term “Internet Pornography Viewing Compulsion” is mentioned on diverse
differential diagnosis (Such as Paraphilic Disorders and Internet Gaming Disorder)
at the DSM volume V.
Once the development of porn through time is established, taking the past
indications and definitions the problematic use of pornographic material, what
consist an addiction and the definition of both porn and pornographic content, a more
concrete definition of the abuse of this kind of content can be done (Sandhu 2015:par
Pornography addiction is an addiction model of compulsive sexual activity with
concurrent use of pornographic material, despite negative consequences to one's
physical, mental, social, or financial well-being.
Problematic internet pornography viewing is viewing of internet pornography that
is problematic for an individual due to personal or social reasons, including excessive
time spent viewing pornography instead of interacting with others. Individuals may
report depression, social isolation, career loss, decreased productivity, or financial
consequences as a result of their excessive internet pornography viewing impeding
on their social life
In November 2016, the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors
and Therapists (AASECT) issued a position statement on sex/porn addiction which
states that AASECT
"Does not find sufficient empirical evidence to support the classification of sex addiction or
porn addiction as a mental health disorder, and does not find the sexual addiction training
and treatment methods and educational pedagogies to be adequately informed by accurate
human sexuality knowledge. Therefore, it is the position of AASECT that linking problems
related to sexual urges, thoughts or behaviorsto a porn/sexual addiction process cannot be
advanced by AASECT as a standard of practice for sexuality education delivery, counseling
or therapy."

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) includes a new
section for behavioral addictions but includes only one disorder: pathological
gambling. One other behavioral addiction, internet gaming disorder, appears in the
conditions proposed for further study in DSM-5. Psychiatrists cited a lack of research
support for refusing to include other behavioral disorders at this time.

Porn addiction is not a diagnosis in DSM-5 (or any previous version). "Viewing
pornography online" is mentioned verbatim inside DSM-5, but it is not considered a
mental disorder either.

When the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM-5) was being drafted, experts considered a proposed
diagnostic addiction called hypersexual disorder, which also included a
pornography subtype. But in the end, reviewers determined that there wasn't
enough evidence to include hypersexual disorder or its subtypes in the 2013
— Kirsten Weir, Is pornography addictive?

A number of studies have found neurological markers of addiction in internet porn

users, which is consistent with a large body of research finding similar markers in
other kinds of problematic internet users.

The International Classification of Disorders 11 (ICD-11) (WHO, 2018) rejected

"pornography addiction". Specifically, the World Health Organization wrote "Based
on the limited current data, it would therfore seem premature to include [pornography
viewing] in ICD-11”.
Taking the fact that the internet is a public space where someone can not only upload
or post anything they want about the thematic they desire to talk about, but people
also can search about the topics according to their own interest; So when it comes
to the habit of watching pornographic content it comes in mind the question of who
(between men and women users) are the most common to search for such type of
A survey reported on by The Independent (Anonymous, 2017) found that more than
a third of women watch pornography at least once a week. 90% of the female
respondents said they watched it online and 2/3 said they watched it on their
In the survey, 31% of the women said they watched porn every week and another
30% said they did so a few times a month. Another recent study by the same
association found that about half of young adult women agree that viewing
pornography is acceptable and 1/3 of young women reported watching porn.
Figure 2.Time Spent per visit in the US women compared to men

The Independent quoted by Anonymous, 2017

Figure 3. Proportion of female vistors by age group

The Independent quoted by Anonymous, 2017

Only at the United States the number of females admitting to search about porno
graphic content online is constantly growing their hours spent searching for it, even
at some places surpassing the men according to the past article statistics (figure 2).
More than 1/3 of all women who visited these porn sites fell into this age group and
this group was 5% bigger than male visitors. This can lead to an obvious conclusion:
the women of this generation in particular are watching porn more than the men
(figure 3)


In this chapter, the reader will get to know what the circumstances that surround
porn addiction are, these circumstances may be socio-cultural influence,
psychological, biological or the three of them combined environment, and also this
research work will present the effects and consequences of this particular addiction
in every aspect of the addict life.

The very first aspect to approach when researching the possible impacts of porn
addiction is to acknowledge the debate of whether watching porn is healthy or not.
Some communities (mostly social organizations) will say that watching porn to any
degree will have negative effects on one’s life. However, others will suggest that their
positive aspects in the consumption of pornography in all its variations and even
some healthy consequences. It’s still not clear if the negative effects surpass the
positive ones but the negative are more enhanced by many social organizations.

Above all of this, there’s no denying that pornography in all its variations is a part of
modern culture. According to (2018:par3):

 40 million adults in the U.S. visit internet pornography sites on a regular basis.

 1 in 5 internet searches on a mobile device are for pornography.

 20% of men admit to viewing pornography at work.

It may seem that the normality of the act of looking for pornography as well as the
easy access to these contents due to smartphones have amplified the consumption
of it. According Pornhub (quoted by The Daily Mail 2017: par 4) 75% of the viewers
are tuned into a mobile device and. This could be one of the reasons why people
become addicted, it becomes a habit but it turns difficult to leave.

Another reason of why a person may become addicted to pornography might have
to do with the brain. In 2014 Simone Kühn, PhD; Jürgen Gallinat, PhD researched
the effects that pornography has on the brain, they concluded:

The frequent brain activation caused by pornography exposure might lead to wearing and
down regulation of the underlying brain structure, as well as function, and a higher need for
external stimulation of the reward system and a tendency to search for novel and more
extreme sexual material. This hypothesized self-perpetuating process could be interpreted
in light of proposed mechanisms in drug addiction where individuals with lower striatal
dopamine receptor availability are assumed to medicate themselves with drugs. (Simone
Kühn, Jürgen Gallinat, 2014: par17)

Apparently, the effect that pornography has on the brain is comparable with the most
common addiction: drug, meaning that pornography can be as addictive as any
substance. This effect may lead to an addiction in the porn itself.

The last reason discussed in this reasearch paper is the psychological factor.
Psychologically, pornography is consumed mainly for two reasons: 1) stress relief
and 2) coping with negative feelings such as loneliness or low self-steem. Also,
early-life/childhood environmental factors, including adverse events like abuse or
exposure to sexual content at a young age, can contribute to some of the traits
involved in this type of behavior. (, 2018)

 Mental health:

o Anxiety.

o Depression.

o Personality disorders.

o Poor impulse control.

o Performance anxiety.

o Other mental health issues might contribute to porn addiction


Finally, it is important to point out the possible effects that the addiction could cause
on the person. First, the main physical effects are sexual dysfunction in the form of
impotence and premature ejaculation. The psychological effects include a constant
preoccupation with sexual thoughts throughout the day and feelings of guilt, shame,
confusion. (, 2018).

However the main effects might be present in the behavior of the person in society.
The principal consequence is the avoidance of seeking person-to-person (real life)
sexual contact, or diminished patience for sexual contact since the person is
obssesed with an irrealistic idea of sex. In relationships, the effects are an inability
to become aroused, increasing need for more aggression or dominance and
emotional detachment.

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American Society of Addiction Medicine. (2011). Definition of Addiction. Retrieved

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Than You Might Expect. Recovered from
Associated With Pornography Consumption p.833

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