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Student Feedback Form

1. Do you feel like you had enough time to work on this standard?
Yes No

2. What was your favorite activity or station?

3. What was your​ least ​favorite activity or station?

4. What is one thing that you learned in this unit?

5. What is one question you still have?

6. On a scale of 1 to 10 rate your confidence with this standard

1= no confidence 5= some confidence 10= super confident

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Below is a chart compiled of all of the students answers to the questions above.

Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6

Student Yes Owl Base Ten 3 digit N/A 9

LW coloring

Student Yes Rolling the Owl You can’t What if 9

LMc dice game coloring subtract the top is
sheet zero all 0?

Student Yes Ipad At your Subtraction N/A 7

MC seat work

Student Not really Hands On At your Multiplicatio How to 7

CM seat work n divide

Student Yes Teacher Hands On Double N/A 10

PM Time borrowing

Student No Teacher Math Facts Number N/A 10

RM Time Talks

Student IH Yes Math N/A Two 00’s. N/A 10

Sheets Base ten

Student Yes Math The Number Learn 5

ES Standards worksheets Talks more

Student Yes Hands on Math Facts How to add N/A 8

KM double 00’s

Student No Teacher Hands on Double 00’s Why do 2

IL time you do

Student Yes Teacher At your N/A N/A 7

AD time seat

Student No Math Facts Teacher Math facts N/A 3

ZT time

Student Yes Teacher N/A + and - in N/A 10

LM time the 100’s

Student Yes Teacher Owl Getting used Will we 10

JC time worksheet to math switch
rotations people in

Student Yes Owl color Pumpkin N/A N/A 7

AP by code worksheet

Student Yes Hands on I liked it all How to Division 7

JS subtract

Reflecting on students responses to this feedback form was very helpful. The majority of

students felt that they had enough time to work with this standard. Many students really likes

teacher time as well. Only one student marked it as his least favorite activity. There was a

mixture of responses about the at your seat work, which is the same as worksheets. This is why

the station style works well. Even though some students didn’t enjoy this station as much, it is

only ⅕ of their math time. On the flip side, for some student it was their favorite activity because
one of the worksheets was a color by number and many students enjoy that time to be more

creative. If I average the students answers to question six, which asked them to rate their

confidence with the standard on a scale of 1-10, I end up with a 7.1. I am satisfied with students

having a confidence of 7 with this standard. While I would love for them all to feel as though

they had a confidence of a 10, I know that is not realistic and it would not accurately represent

their performance with the standard. I feel that an average of a 7 or an 8 would accurately

portray the students proficiency with the standard at this time.

Learning Goal Success

I think that my students were most successful with LG2. One reason I think this was the

case is because the goal was almost the same as the common core standard. It was also the

most explicit and apparent to the students. Another reason I think this is because all students

has a chance at instruction around this learning goal. Some students did not receive direct

instruction around LG3. Also, LG1 was more abstract. Some students were able to meet LG2

without meeting LG1.

Learning Goal Challenges

Learning goal three was definitely where my students had the least success. This is due

to the fact that this was an extension. I made this goal to help target those students who met the

standard early on and need a direction to go in. Not every student got a chance to receive

instruction around LG3. It was not appropriate to be assessing students on their knowledge of

adding and subtracting even larger numbers if they were struggling with three digits. That being

said, a few of my students had great success with this learning goal.

As mentioned in the overview, the students in our math group were just switched all

around. We were working with students who were all on or above benchmark. If this was still the
case during this unit, I think that the success with this learning goal would have been much


Professional Development

One goal I have moving forward as an educator is to not fear change. There were times

when I thought about changing up the lesson on the spot, but I felt as though I should keep it

the way that it was planned. I fear that I would confused the students and that I would waste

time by beginning something new. This could have absolutely happened, but I do not know

because I didn’t try.

Moving forward I want to go with my gut. I want to practice making changes with ideas

that come to me right before a lesson. This ties in with one of my goals of being flexible in my

goal setting assignment.

Another action I will take will be to speak my ideas out loud to another professional. I am

currently in a situation where I always have a mentor present. This is the perfect opportunity to

say my ideas aloud and run them by another teacher. Saying them aloud may bring to light

some major flaws that discouraged the implementation, but it also may spark some new and

great ideas.

A second goal that I have for myself is to take advantage of resources available to me.

These resources may be other teachers, school supplies, or even the internet. Sometimes I

think that I have to do everything on my own, but that is not the case.

One way I am going to work on this goal is to do my research. Even when I think I am

familiar with a topic, I plan to research it to find out even more. There are so many resources for

teachers, not all of which are quality, but looking at new ideas can never be a negative thing.

Another way I am going to focus on this goal is to reach out to my colleagues. I am

currently surrounded by great colleagues that I am confident would share resources with me if I
asked. I plan to take that step to communicate my needs and take advantage of the knowledge

and resources the professionals around me have to offer.

My performance

Overall I feel that this was a positive learning experience for my students. A large

majority of my students made measurable growth and a few made significant growth. My

students appeared to be engaged and they stayed on task during their rotations.

Based on the students’ feedback I think that I would give them choices of their hands on

activity, or make it different based on each group. I also would try to find more engaging

worksheets, but that is difficult. Worksheets are great for evidence and tangible data. It is clear

that many students enjoy teacher time, and it is necessary for them to receive small group

instruction, so this would not change.

One major change I would make if I were to implement this unit again would be to be

more explicit with the students about our learning goal. I was clear about the standard we were

working on, and I do think that each student could tell you the standard that they worked with,

but I was not direct about their learning goals. I wish that I had shared those goals with them

and given them the opportunity to take ownership of their learning with those goals.

Another important change I would make would be do begin with small group mini

lessons each day. It was difficult because my students were all over the place in terms of their

understanding, but I do think it is important to do that whole group lesson where students have

the chance to learn from one another and has a whole class. Even though some students were

working with the second grade standard and others were already working with the fourth grade

standard, I do feel that it is important that all students receive grade level instruction, even if it is

just for a short time. It may be challenging for that priority group and it also may be review for
that highest level group but this is the part where they have a chance to teach one another and

learn from their classmates.

Lastly, I would decrease the number of students that were in the priority group. Even

though they were all working with the same skills, I think that the teacher time would have been

more effective if I was only working with two or three students at a time. The higher level

students could have been larger groups because they had already met or exceeded the


If I were to implement all these changes to this unit and also take all of the experience I

gained from teaching this unit, I think that I would see more growth. Overall, I do consider this

unit a success. The majority of my students made great strides and I think that I made great

strides as an educator.

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