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Clin Rheumatol (2014) 33:893–901

DOI 10.1007/s10067-014-2698-8


Acute rheumatic fever and streptococci: the quintessential

pathogenic trigger of autoimmunity
Soumya D. Chakravarty & John B. Zabriskie &
Allan Gibofsky

Received: 22 May 2014 / Accepted: 23 May 2014 / Published online: 4 June 2014
# Clinical Rheumatology 2014

Abstract Acute rheumatic fever (ARF) is a non-suppurative ARF appear. Its manifestations may be varied and can
complication of pharyngeal infection with group A strepto- include arthritis, carditis, chorea, subcutaneous nodules,
coccus. Signs and symptoms of ARF develop 2 to 3 weeks and erythema marginatum. Notably, damage to cardiac
following pharyngitis and include arthritis, carditis, chorea, valves may be chronic and progressive, ultimately resulting
subcutaneous nodules, and erythema marginatum. In devel- in decompensatory heart failure.
oping areas of the world, ARF and rheumatic heart disease are In developing areas of the world, ARF and rheumatic heart
estimated to affect nearly 20 million people and remain disease are estimated to affect nearly 20 million people and
leading causes of cardiovascular death during the first remain leading causes of cardiovascular death during the first
five decades of life. ARF still represents one of the quin- five decades of life [1]. Rheumatic fever can occur at any age,
tessential examples of a pathogenic trigger culminating in but predominantly so in children 5 to 15 years of age [2–4].
autoimmune manifestations. In this review, we will focus on Globally, there are 470,000 new cases of rheumatic fever and
the pathogenesis and etiology of ARF and its complications, 233,000 deaths attributable to rheumatic fever or rheumatic
along with diagnostic and treatment approaches to both ame- heart disease each year, with most occurring in developing
liorate and prevent long-term sequelae of this potentially countries and among indigenous groups [5, 1]. The mean
debilitating disease. incidence of ARF is 19 per 100,000 [6].
In the USA and other developed countries, the incidence of
Keywords Autoimmunity . Group A streptococcus . ARF is much lower, with 2 to 14 cases per 100,000 and likely
Inflammation . Microbiome . Molecular mimicry . Rheumatic due to improved hygienic standards and routine use of antibi-
heart disease otics for acute pharyngitis [7, 8]. Many cases that do occur are
usually part of localized outbreaks [9–13]. With respect to
predisposing factors, in developed countries, ARF is generally
Introduction preceded by GAS tonsillopharyngitis, but not by GAS skin
infections [14]. However, data from developing areas where
Acute rheumatic fever (ARF) is a delayed, non-suppurative ARF and rheumatic heart disease are endemic suggest that this
sequela of a pharyngeal infection with group A streptococcus association is less clear [15–17]. Among aboriginal commu-
(GAS). Following the initial pharyngitis, a latent period nities of Australia, for example, the most common manifesta-
of 2 to 3 weeks occurs before the first signs or symptoms of tion of GAS infection is pyoderma, with symptomatic GAS
tonsillopharyngitis and/or pharyngeal colonization being
rare [15, 16]. This could be due to the possibility that
S. D. Chakravarty : A. Gibofsky (*)
recurrent pyoderma due to group A streptococci may afford
Division of Rheumatology, Hospital for Special Surgery and
Department of Medicine, New York Presbyterian Hospital—Weill protection against pharyngeal colonization and infection [16].
Cornell Medical Center, 535 E. 70th St, New York, NY, USA Alternatively, group G or group C streptococci with certain
e-mail: GAS antigens or enzymes may be important for the patho-
genesis of ARF [15]. Among Australian aboriginals with
J. B. Zabriskie
Laboratory of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology, Rockefeller ARF, group G and group C streptococci have been identified
University, New York, NY 10021, USA in the throat, but not pyoderma lesions [15, 16].
894 Clin Rheumatol (2014) 33:893–901

Pathogenesis colonize the oropharynx in wild-type mice but not transgenic

mice that lack CD44 expression [26].
The pathogenic mechanisms that lead to the development of A comprehensive explanation for why ARF is only asso-
ARF remain multifactorial. It seems abundantly clear that ciated with streptococcal pharyngitis remains elusive. GAS
streptococcal pharyngeal infection is required, and genetic fall into two main classes based upon differences in the C
susceptibility may play a salient role. Additionally, molecular repeat regions of the M protein [27]. One class is associated
mimicry is thought to play an important role in the initiation of with streptococcal pharyngeal infection, and the other (with
tissue injury. Despite the lack of evidence for the direct in- some exceptions) belongs to strains commonly associated
volvement of GAS in the affected tissues of patients with with impetigo. Thus, the particular strain of streptococcus
ARF, significant epidemiologic and immunologic evidence may be crucial in initiating the disease process. The pharyn-
indirectly implicates the pathogen in disease initiation. geal site of infection, with its large repository of lymphoid
Outbreaks of rheumatic fever closely follow epidemics of tissue, also may be important in the initiation of the abnormal
streptococcal pharyngitis or scarlet fever with associated phar- host immune response to those antigens cross-reactive with
yngitis [18]. Adequate treatment of a documented streptococ- target organs. Importantly, impetigo strains do colonize the
cal pharyngitis markedly reduces the incidence of subsequent pharynx. However, they do not appear to elicit as strong an
rheumatic fever [19]. Appropriate antimicrobial prophylaxis immunologic response to the M protein moiety as the pharyn-
prevents the recurrence of disease in patients who have geal strains [28, 29]. This observation may prove to be an
had ARF [20, 21]. Additionally, most patients with ARF important factor, especially in light of the known cross-
have elevated antibody titers to at least one of three anti- reaction between various streptococcal structures and mam-
streptococcal antibodies (streptolysin “O,” hyaluronidase, malian proteins.
and streptokinase), whether or not preceded by sore throat
In contrast to the high sensitivity of anti-streptococcal Molecular mimicry
antibodies for documenting streptococcal infection, isolation
of GAS from the oropharynx of patients with ARF is extreme- Antibodies directed against GAS antigens cross-react with
ly rare, even in populations that generally do not have access host antigens [30–34]. In addition to humoral immunity, ob-
to microbial antibiotics. The clinical documentation of a pre- servations suggest a role for cell-mediated immunity as well in
ceding pharyngitis also appears to be age-related. One study, mediating molecular mimicry found in ARF. A study of
for example, found that the recollection of pharyngitis human heart intra-lesional T cell clones found that 63 % of
approached 70 % in older children and young adults versus patients reacted with meromyosin [35]. Furthermore, many of
only 20 % in younger children [12]. Thus, a high index of these clones cross-reacted with myosin, valve-derived pro-
suspicion of ARF is important, particularly in children or teins, as well as streptococcal M5 peptides. In particular,
young adults presenting with signs of arthritis and/or carditis, streptococcal M protein and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosamine
even in the absence of a documented episode of pharyngitis. (NABG, the immunodominant carbohydrate antigen of
Streptococcal pharyngitis is the only streptococcal infec- GAS) share epitopes with myosin [30, 32, 33]. Rodents im-
tion that has been associated with ARF. Interestingly, there munized with recombinant streptococcal M protein type 6
have been many documented outbreaks of impetigo that can develop both valvulitis and focal cardiac myositis [36]. The
cause glomerulonephritis, but very rarely ARF [23, 24]. A potential clinical significance of these observations has been
study of patients in Trinidad with ARF or acute glomerulone- illustrated in a study in which monoclonal antibodies were
phritis (AGN) diagnosed during an outbreak of scabies and generated from tonsillar or peripheral blood lymphocytes of
secondary impetigo found that the streptococcal strains colo- patients infected with GAS [31]. Some of these antibodies
nizing the skin in patients with impetigo were different from cross-reacted with myosin and certain other proteins. In addi-
those associated with rheumatic fever [24]. The presence of tion, anti-myosin antibodies purified from patients with ARF
impetigo was associated with AGN, but not with ARF. cross-reacted with GAS and M protein. Similar antibodies
Bacterial genetic factors may play an important role in were present in much lower concentrations in some normal
determining the site of GAS infection. Five chromosome subjects. In another study, a monoclonal antibody isolated
patterns of emm genes, which code for M and M-like surface from a patient with rheumatic carditis was directed against
proteins, have been recognized and labeled A–E. Pharyngeal myosin and NABG [33]. The antibody was cytotoxic for
strains typically have patterns A–C, whereas almost all impe- human endothelial cell lines and reacted with human valvular
tigo strains show D and E patterns [25]. Additionally, another endothelium, but this reactivity was inhibited by myosin, and
factor affecting localization to the pharynx may be CD44, a to a lesser extent, laminin, and NABG. The reactivity with the
hyaluronic acid binding protein that appears to act as a pha- extracellular matrix protein laminin may explain the reactivity
ryngeal receptor for GAS. After intranasal inoculation, GAS against the valve surface.
894 Clin Rheumatol (2014) 33:893–901

Pathogenesis colonize the oropharynx in wild-type mice but not transgenic

mice that lack CD44 expression [26].
The pathogenic mechanisms that lead to the development of A comprehensive explanation for why ARF is only asso-
ARF remain multifactorial. It seems abundantly clear that ciated with streptococcal pharyngitis remains elusive. GAS
streptococcal pharyngeal infection is required, and genetic fall into two main classes based upon differences in the C
susceptibility may play a salient role. Additionally, molecular repeat regions of the M protein [27]. One class is associated
mimicry is thought to play an important role in the initiation of with streptococcal pharyngeal infection, and the other (with
tissue injury. Despite the lack of evidence for the direct in- some exceptions) belongs to strains commonly associated
volvement of GAS in the affected tissues of patients with with impetigo. Thus, the particular strain of streptococcus
ARF, significant epidemiologic and immunologic evidence may be crucial in initiating the disease process. The pharyn-
indirectly implicates the pathogen in disease initiation. geal site of infection, with its large repository of lymphoid
Outbreaks of rheumatic fever closely follow epidemics of tissue, also may be important in the initiation of the abnormal
streptococcal pharyngitis or scarlet fever with associated phar- host immune response to those antigens cross-reactive with
yngitis [18]. Adequate treatment of a documented streptococ- target organs. Importantly, impetigo strains do colonize the
cal pharyngitis markedly reduces the incidence of subsequent pharynx. However, they do not appear to elicit as strong an
rheumatic fever [19]. Appropriate antimicrobial prophylaxis immunologic response to the M protein moiety as the pharyn-
prevents the recurrence of disease in patients who have geal strains [28, 29]. This observation may prove to be an
had ARF [20, 21]. Additionally, most patients with ARF important factor, especially in light of the known cross-
have elevated antibody titers to at least one of three anti- reaction between various streptococcal structures and mam-
streptococcal antibodies (streptolysin “O,” hyaluronidase, malian proteins.
and streptokinase), whether or not preceded by sore throat
In contrast to the high sensitivity of anti-streptococcal Molecular mimicry
antibodies for documenting streptococcal infection, isolation
of GAS from the oropharynx of patients with ARF is extreme- Antibodies directed against GAS antigens cross-react with
ly rare, even in populations that generally do not have access host antigens [30–34]. In addition to humoral immunity, ob-
to microbial antibiotics. The clinical documentation of a pre- servations suggest a role for cell-mediated immunity as well in
ceding pharyngitis also appears to be age-related. One study, mediating molecular mimicry found in ARF. A study of
for example, found that the recollection of pharyngitis human heart intra-lesional T cell clones found that 63 % of
approached 70 % in older children and young adults versus patients reacted with meromyosin [35]. Furthermore, many of
only 20 % in younger children [12]. Thus, a high index of these clones cross-reacted with myosin, valve-derived pro-
suspicion of ARF is important, particularly in children or teins, as well as streptococcal M5 peptides. In particular,
young adults presenting with signs of arthritis and/or carditis, streptococcal M protein and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosamine
even in the absence of a documented episode of pharyngitis. (NABG, the immunodominant carbohydrate antigen of
Streptococcal pharyngitis is the only streptococcal infec- GAS) share epitopes with myosin [30, 32, 33]. Rodents im-
tion that has been associated with ARF. Interestingly, there munized with recombinant streptococcal M protein type 6
have been many documented outbreaks of impetigo that can develop both valvulitis and focal cardiac myositis [36]. The
cause glomerulonephritis, but very rarely ARF [23, 24]. A potential clinical significance of these observations has been
study of patients in Trinidad with ARF or acute glomerulone- illustrated in a study in which monoclonal antibodies were
phritis (AGN) diagnosed during an outbreak of scabies and generated from tonsillar or peripheral blood lymphocytes of
secondary impetigo found that the streptococcal strains colo- patients infected with GAS [31]. Some of these antibodies
nizing the skin in patients with impetigo were different from cross-reacted with myosin and certain other proteins. In addi-
those associated with rheumatic fever [24]. The presence of tion, anti-myosin antibodies purified from patients with ARF
impetigo was associated with AGN, but not with ARF. cross-reacted with GAS and M protein. Similar antibodies
Bacterial genetic factors may play an important role in were present in much lower concentrations in some normal
determining the site of GAS infection. Five chromosome subjects. In another study, a monoclonal antibody isolated
patterns of emm genes, which code for M and M-like surface from a patient with rheumatic carditis was directed against
proteins, have been recognized and labeled A–E. Pharyngeal myosin and NABG [33]. The antibody was cytotoxic for
strains typically have patterns A–C, whereas almost all impe- human endothelial cell lines and reacted with human valvular
tigo strains show D and E patterns [25]. Additionally, another endothelium, but this reactivity was inhibited by myosin, and
factor affecting localization to the pharynx may be CD44, a to a lesser extent, laminin, and NABG. The reactivity with the
hyaluronic acid binding protein that appears to act as a pha- extracellular matrix protein laminin may explain the reactivity
ryngeal receptor for GAS. After intranasal inoculation, GAS against the valve surface.
Clin Rheumatol (2014) 33:893–901 895

Molecular mimicry may also be involved in the develop- description of clinical manifestations, known as the Jones
ment of Sydenham chorea. In an animal model, monoclonal criteria, was first published in 1944 and revised in 1965
antibodies that caused chorea bound to both NABG and [43]. Subsequently, the American Heart Association (AHA)
mammalian lysoganglioside [37]. Exposure of cultured established guidelines for the diagnosis of rheumatic fever in
human neuronal cells to either monoclonal antibodies 1992, and the Jones Criteria Working Group of the AHA
or serum from patients with chorea led to induction of updated this document in 2002 [14, 44]. ARF is characterized
calcium/calmodulin protein kinase. In contrast, exposure by GAS infection followed by clinical manifestations as
to serum from patients following streptococcal infection that outlined in Table 1. The probability of ARF is high in the
was not complicated by chorea did not have this effect on setting of GAS infection when two major manifestations or
neuronal cells. one major and two minor manifestations are observed [14,
44]. Two minor manifestations are not diagnostic, with
Host genetic factors follow-up of such patients demonstrating no delayed onset
of ARF. There are three circumstances in which a presumptive
Several studies have reported genetic associations with ARF, diagnosis of ARF can be made without strict adherence to the
with some appearing to be major histocompatibility complex above criteria: (i) chorea as the only manifestation, (ii) indo-
(MHC)-related, while others non-MHC-related. Using lent carditis as the only manifestation in patients who come to
alloserum from a multiparous donor, an increased frequency medical attention months after acute GAS infection, and (iii)
of a B cell alloantigen that was not MHC-related was reported recurrent rheumatic fever in patients with a history of rheu-
in several genetically distinct and ethnically diverse popula- matic fever or rheumatic heart disease [14]. Notably, in the
tions of individuals with ARF [38]. In a separate study, mono- absence of pericarditis or acute valvular involvement, it may
clonal antibodies were generated by immunizing mice with B be challenging to establish a diagnosis of carditis during an
cells from patients with rheumatic fever. One of these anti- acute attack. Hence, a presumptive diagnosis of recurrent
bodies, D8/17, was found to identify a marker expressed on ARF may be warranted with one major or two minor criteria
increased numbers (>20 %) of B cells in 100 % of patients if there is evidence of a recent GAS infection.
with ARF of diverse ethnic origins [39]. Conversely, the
percentage of D8/17+ B cells ranged from 4 to 6 % in 90 to Arthritis
95 % of non-affected normal controls. Thus, this marker might
identify a population of rheumatic fever-susceptible individ- The natural history of arthritis due to rheumatic fever consists
uals. Interestingly, the antigen defined by this monoclonal of inflammation affecting several joints in quick succession,
antibody showed no association with or linkage to any known each lasting for a few days to a week [45]. The knees, ankles,
MHC allele, nor did it appear to be related to B cell activation elbows, and wrists are affected most commonly, with the
antigens. In contrast, an increased frequency of MHC class II former typically involved first. The onset of arthritis in differ-
alleles, HLA-DR4 and DR2, has been noted in Caucasian and ent joints usually overlaps, giving a characteristic migratory
black patients with rheumatic heart disease [40]. Other studies pattern and thereby providing the classic description of
have implicated DR1 and DRW6 as susceptibility factors in polyarthritis of rheumatic fever. Onset and resolution of ar-
South African black patients with rheumatic heart disease, and thritis may be rapid (within 1 to 2 days), and the arthritis may
a close association with HLA-DR7 and DW53 has been noted
in ARF patients in Brazil [41, 42].
These apparently disparate findings suggest that suscepti- Table 1 Major and minor clinical manifestations of ARF (adapted from
bility to ARF is polygenic. Consequently, the D8/17 antigen reference [14])
might be associated with only one of the genes conferring Five major manifestations:
susceptibility, whereas another might be the MHC encoding Migratory arthritis (predominantly involving the large joints)
for DR antigens. Although the exact explanation remains to be Carditis and valvulitis (e.g., pancarditis)
determined, the presence of an increased percentage of D8/ Central nervous system involvement (e.g., Sydenham chorea)
17+ B cells appears to identify a population at special risk of Erythema marginatum
contracting ARF. Subcutaneous nodules
Four minor manifestations:
Clinical manifestations Fever
Elevated acute-phase reactants (erythrocyte sedimentation rate [ESR],
ARF occurs most frequently in children 5 to 15 years of age C-reactive protein [CRP])
and is rare among children 3 years old or younger and adults. Prolonged PR interval
The diagnosis of ARF is largely a clinical one, and the initial
896 Clin Rheumatol (2014) 33:893–901

be severe enough to restrict movement. Joint involvement is of disease have disappeared [50]. Cases have been reported in
more common and more severe in teenagers and young adults patients with chronic carditis as well [45]. In some cases, the
than in children [46]. Though arthritis usually is the earliest lesions are first noticed late in the course of the illness or even
symptomatic manifestation of ARF, asymptomatic carditis during convalescence.
may develop first. Joint pain usually is more prominent than
objective signs of inflammation and is almost always tran- Subcutaneous nodules
sient. Radiographs of an affected joint may demonstrate a
slight effusion but are usually unremarkable. Analysis of the Subcutaneous nodules in ARF are firm, painless lesions rang-
synovial fluid in rheumatic fever with arthritis generally ing from a few millimeters to 2 cm in size. The nodules are
demonstrates sterile inflammatory fluid. usually located over a bony surface or prominence, or near
tendons (usually extensor surfaces), and are usually symmet-
Carditis and Sydenham chorea ric. The overlying skin is not inflamed and usually can be
moved over the nodules [51]. The number of nodules varies
Rheumatic fever may cause pancarditis, affecting the pericar- from a single lesion to a few dozen, with the average number
dium, epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium. The pres- being three or four. Rheumatic subcutaneous nodules gener-
ence of valvulitis is established by auscultatory findings to- ally appear after the first few weeks of illness and usually in
gether with echocardiographic evidence of mitral or aortic patients with relatively severe carditis. Typically, nodules are
regurgitation. However, echocardiography findings may be present for 1 or more weeks and rarely persist for more than a
non-specific. Sydenham chorea (also known as chorea minor month. In contrast to the nodules of rheumatoid arthritis,
or “St. Vitus dance”) is a neurologic disorder consisting of nodules of ARF are smaller and more short-lived. Though
abrupt, non-rhythmic involuntary movements, muscular the elbows are involved most frequently in both rheumatic
weakness, and emotional disturbances [47]. Neurologic ex- fever and rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic fever nodules occur
amination fails to reveal sensory losses or involvement of the most commonly on the olecranon, whereas rheumatoid nod-
pyramidal tract. The movements frequently are more marked ules usually are found 3 to 4 cm distally. In more recent
on one side, are occasionally unilateral (hemichorea), and outbreaks of ARF, nodules have been the least common
cease during sleep. Muscle weakness is best demonstrated manifestation [52].
by asking the patient to squeeze the examiner’s hands. The
pressure of the patient’s grip variably increases and decreases, Sequelae
a phenomenon known as relapsing grip or “milkmaid’s sign.”
Diffuse hypotonia may also be present. Emotional changes Rheumatic heart disease is the most severe sequelae of ARF. It
manifest with outbursts of inappropriate behavior, such as usually occurs 10 to 20 years after the original illness and is
crying and restlessness. In rare cases, psychologic manifesta- the most common cause of acquired valvular disease in the
tions are severe and can result in transient psychosis. Chorea world [53, 54]. The mitral valve is more commonly involved
can present up to 8 months after streptococcal infections, with than the aortic valve. Mitral stenosis, caused by severe calci-
a longer latent period than most other rheumatic manifesta- fication of the mitral valve, is the classic finding in rheumatic
tions [48]. Some patients with chorea have no other clinical heart disease. The incidence of rheumatic heart disease in
symptoms, but nevertheless should undergo an evaluation for patients with a history of ARF is variable. Generally, valvular
carditis with an echocardiogram. damage manifesting as a murmur later in life is likely to occur
in about 50 % of patients with evidence of carditis at initial
Erythema marginatum presentation [55, 56]. A rare sequela associated with recurrent
episodes of ARF with polyarthritis is Jaccoud arthropathy, a
Erythema marginatum is an evanescent, pink or faintly red, chronic arthropathy that involves the hands and/or feet, in
non-pruritic rash involving the trunk and occasionally the which the deformities are usually painless, correctable, and
limbs, but not the face [49]. The lesion extends centrifugally do not cause functional impairment [57].
with return of the skin in the center to a normal appearance.
The outer edge of the lesion is well-demarcated; the inner edge
is diffuse. The lesion is also known as “erythema annulare”
since the margin of the lesion is usually continuous, making a Diagnosis
ring. Individual lesions may appear, disappear, and reappear in
a matter of hours, with a hot bath or shower making them Diagnostic evaluation includes studies to establish the diag-
more evident in some instances. Erythema marginatum usu- nosis of GAS infection, evaluate acute-phase reactants, and
ally occurs early in the course of ARF in patients with acute assess cardiac function. Streptococcal pharyngitis may be
carditis, but may persist or recur when all other manifestations diagnosed in one of the following ways: (i) positive throat
Clin Rheumatol (2014) 33:893–901 897

culture for group A beta-hemolytic streptococci, (ii) positive articular manifestations, such as tenosynovitis and renal ab-
rapid streptococcal antigen test, and/or (iii) elevated or rising normalities, often are seen in these patients and acute-phase
anti-streptolysin O (ASLO) antibody titer. Throat cultures are reactants tend to be lower than in the setting of ARF.
negative in about 75 % of patients by the time manifestations However, the dilemma remains that these patients may in
of rheumatic fever appear [14]. ASLO titers vary with age, the end actually have ARF, with the above observations being
season, and geography [58]. Healthy children of elementary explained by other factors. An unusual clinical course should
school age can have titers of 200–300 Todd units/mL, while not be sufficient to exclude the diagnosis of ARF. Migratory
asymptomatic pharyngeal strep carriers tend to have very low arthritis without evidence of other major Jones criteria, if
titers (only slightly above detectable). Following streptococcal supported by two minor manifestations, should still be con-
pharyngitis, the antibody response peaks at 4 to 5 weeks, sidered ARF, especially in children. Clearly defining this
which is usually during the second to third week of rheumatic reactive arthritis as a rheumatic fever variant has important
fever. Antibody titers fall off rapidly in the following months implications for secondary prophylactic treatment, and some
and after 6 months have a slower decline. Hence, it may be believe that PSRA is a benign condition without need for
beneficial to collect one specimen when the diagnosis of ARF prophylaxis [60]. In contrast, both the 1992 guidelines and
is first suspected and another 2 weeks later. the 2002 update concluded that although the relationship
About 80 % of patients with documented ARF demonstrate between PSRA and ARF remains unresolved, patients who
a rise in ASLO titer, although this is not used as a measure of fulfill the Jones criteria should be considered to have ARF [58,
rheumatic activity. A negative ASLO titer should prompt 43]. For those patients who do not fulfill the Jones criteria, the
commercial testing for other anti-streptococcal antibodies diagnosis of PSRA should be made only after excluding other
such as anti-DNAse B (detectable for 6 to 9 months following rheumatic diatheses, such as Lyme disease and rheumatoid
infection), streptokinase, and anti-hyaluronidase. About 90 % arthritis.
of patients with documented ARF have positive findings if
two antigens are evaluated; about 95 % have positive findings
if three antigens are evaluated. Treatment
Acute-phase reactants, such as serum C-reactive protein
(CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) are invari- Three major pillars of treatment exist: symptomatic relief of
ably elevated during ARF. CRP or ESR is useful for monitor- acute disease manifestations, eradication of the GAS patho-
ing “flares” of inflammation as treatment is tapered. A normal gen, and prophylaxis against future GAS infection to prevent
result obtained a few weeks after discontinuing anti-rheumatic recurrent cardiac disease. Collectively, this is largely accom-
therapy suggests that the course of the illness is complete plished through use of antibiotic therapy, heart failure man-
(unless chorea appears). The CRP may be more useful since agement, and anti-inflammatory therapy. Patients with ARF
it typically normalizes over a matter of days once an episode should be initiated on antibiotic therapy to eradicate GAS
of acute inflammation has resolved, while the ESR may stay carrier states. Treatment should proceed as delineated for
elevated for up to 2 months after a transient inflammatory management of streptococcal pharyngitis, whether or not phar-
stimulus. Other manifestations in ARF include a mild yngitis is present at the time of diagnosis, as shown in Table 2.
normochromic, normocytic anemia of chronic inflammation. In addition, household contacts should have throat cultures
Suppressing the inflammation usually improves the anemia,
and iron therapy generally is not indicated. Complement levels
are usually normal in ARF. In contrast, hypocomplementemia Table 2 Treatment of GAS pharyngitis (adult dosages and regimens
shown) (adapted from reference [78])
is typically observed in the setting of post-streptococcal
glomerulonephritis. Oral penicillin V—500 mg two to three times a day for 10 days
There has been some speculation that some cases of arthri- Intramuscular penicillin, single dose—penicillin G benzathine
tis occurring after a streptococcal infection may not be caused 1.2 million units
by ARF, but rather, post-streptococcal reactive arthritis Amoxicillin—875 mg twice a day or 500 mg three times a day for
(PSRA) [59–63]. Several observations support the notion that 10 days
PSRA is a separate disorder [64, 65]. Firstly, the latent period Cephalexin—500 mg twice a day for 10 days
between the antecedent streptococcal infection and the onset Alternative regimens if severe hypersensitivity to beta-lactam antibiotics
of migratory arthritis is shorter (1 to 2 weeks) than the 2 to
Azithromycin—500 mg on day 1 followed by 250 mg daily on days 2
3 weeks usually seen in classic ARF. Secondly, the response through 5
of the arthritis to aspirin and other non-steroidal medications is Clarithromycin—250 mg twice a day for 10 days
poor in comparison to the dramatic response seen in classic Clindamycin—450 to 600 mg orally three times daily for 10 days
ARF. Next, evidence of carditis is not seen in these patients
and the severity of the arthritis is quite marked. Finally, extra- Preferred antibiotic
898 Clin Rheumatol (2014) 33:893–901

performed, and those with positive results should also receive Table 3 Risk factors for recurrent rheumatic fever (adapted from refer-
ences [68, 78])
a full course of antibiotic therapy, even if asymptomatic.
Patients with severe carditis (significant cardiomegaly, con- The number of previous attacks
gestive heart failure, and/or third-degree heart block) should Time since the last attack
be treated with conventional therapy for heart failure. Valve Risk of exposure to streptococcal infections
surgery may be necessary when heart failure due to regurgitant Patient age
lesions cannot be managed with medical therapy alone [66, Presence or absence of cardiac involvement
67]. Surgical outcomes are generally better if valve surgery
can be performed when carditis is quiescent [67]. Valve repair,
if feasible, is preferred over valve replacement since repair cases with Sydenham chorea as the sole manifestation) and
avoids the need for long-term anticoagulation associated with those with definite evidence of rheumatic heart disease.
mechanical valves and the long-term risk of deterioration of a Prior to initiation of prophylaxis, a full therapeutic course
bioprosthesis [66]. of antibiotic therapy should be given to patients with ARF to
Aspirin (80 to 100 mg/kg per day in children and 4 eradicate residual GAS, even if a throat culture is negative.
to 8 g/day in adults) is the major anti-inflammatory agent for Prophylactic antibiotics should be initiated immediately at the
relief of symptoms due to ARF. Aspirin levels can be mea- end of the therapeutic antibiotic course. During the course of
sured, with 20 to 30 mg/dL being the therapeutic range. The prophylaxis, patients and their household contacts who devel-
efficacy of other anti-inflammatory drugs in the setting of op acute episodes of GAS pharyngitis should be evaluated and
active rheumatic carditis remains unclear [68, 55, 69–71]. A treated promptly as well. The duration of secondary preven-
meta-analysis of eight randomized trials including 996 pa- tion for prevention of recurrent rheumatic fever consists of
tients with ARF found no significant difference in the risk of years of administering prophylactic antibiotics, with the total
cardiac disease at 1 year between the corticosteroid-treated duration depending on risks for recurrent rheumatic fever and
and aspirin-treated groups [69]. No reduction in the risk of severity of disease. The risk of recurrent rheumatic fever
heart valve lesions was observed with corticosteroids or intra- depends on several factors, as outlined in Table 3. Risk is
venous immunoglobulin [69]. Anti-inflammatory therapy increased among individuals with ongoing exposure to strep-
should be continued until all symptoms have resolved. tococcal infections including children, those in close contact
Normalization of inflammatory markers, such as ESR and with children (such as parents or health care workers), and
CRP, can be utilized as biomarkers of resolution. The rash those living in close quarters (including college students and
associated with ARF is transient and does not require any military personnel, for example) [74]. Risk increases with
particular treatment, although anti-histamines may alleviate number of previous attacks but decreases as the interval
any associated pruritus. lengthens since the most recent attack.
The optimal duration of antibiotic prophylaxis following
Prevention ARF remains unclear. Patients who have had rheumatic
carditis (with or without valvular disease) are at relatively
Prevention of initial and recurrent attacks of rheumatic fever high risk for recurrent carditis and are likely to sustain increas-
depends on effectively treating GAS pharyngitis [72, 10]. ingly severe cardiac involvement with each recurrence [75,
Prevention of an initial episode of rheumatic fever (primary 76]. Therefore, in general, prophylaxis in the setting of carditis
prevention) is accomplished by prompt diagnosis and antibi- should continue until the patient attains young adulthood
otic treatment. Appropriate antibiotic treatment of streptococ- (21 years of age), which is usually 10 years from an acute
cal pharyngitis prevents ARF in most cases [19]. However, at attack with no recurrence [77, 78]. This approach was evalu-
least one third of ARF episodes occur in the setting of inap- ated in a Chilean study of 59 patients with history of ARF
parent streptococcal infection [73]. For secondary prevention,
patients who have had an episode of ARF and develop sub- Table 4 Secondary prophylaxis for rheumatic fever (adult dosages and
sequent GAS pharyngitis are at high risk for a recurrence of regimens shown) (adapted from reference [78])
rheumatic fever, with progression in severity of rheumatic a
heart disease from the initial episode. The most effective Intramuscular penicillin every 4 weeks—penicillin G benzathine
1.2 million units
method to limit progression of rheumatic heart disease sever-
Oral penicillin V—250 mg twice a day
ity is prevention of recurrent GAS pharyngitis. As a conse-
Sulfadiazine—1,000 mg once a day
quence, prevention of recurrent rheumatic fever (secondary
Alternative regimen if severe hypersensitivity to beta-lactam antibiotics
prevention) requires continuous antimicrobial prophylaxis, exists:
rather than recognition and treatment of acute GAS pharyngi- Azithromycin—250 mg daily
tis episodes. Continuous prophylaxis is warranted for patients
with well-documented history of rheumatic fever (including Preferred antibiotic
Clin Rheumatol (2014) 33:893–901 899

judged to be at relatively low risk for recurrence of ARF [77]. the potential for being chronic and life-threatening. The recent
Among patients with history of ARF without carditis, prophy- identification of an increased percentage of D8/17+ B cells
laxis was discontinued after 5 years or at age 18 (whichever appearing in a cohort of individuals at special risk of
was longer). During 3,349 patient-months of follow-up, only contracting ARF may provide an opportunity to identify early
two ARF recurrences were observed (0.7 per 100 patient- on those who may benefit from any future vaccinations for
years). These data suggest that ARF prophylaxis can likely GAS that are developed, as well as increased surveillance and
be discontinued safely in young adults judged to be at low risk early, effective antibiotic strategies. Further research into ARF
for recurrence who are maintained under careful prospective as a paradigm for microbial-induced autoimmunity via mo-
surveillance. lecular mimicry has enormous ramifications for advancing the
field of autoimmunity and rheumatic diatheses in particular.
Choice of antibiotics Indeed, this may provide an invaluable roadmap in further
elucidating the etiology of other inflammatory diseases in
The preferred antibiotic approach for secondary prevention of which a potential, offending pathogenic trigger has yet to be
recurrent rheumatic fever is administration of long-acting identified.
benzathine penicillin G intramuscularly every 4 weeks (see
Table 4). A shorter dosing interval (such as administration
every 2 to 3 weeks) is appropriate for populations in which the Conflict of interest There are no relevant conflicts to disclose by any of
incidence of rheumatic fever is particularly high. This ap- the authors.
proach is also warranted for individuals in low-incidence
regions who have had recurrent ARF despite adherence to a
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