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I love to choose this topic which is about The Stage Of Sleep because this topic is

quit interesting by choosing this topic I can learn more about what stage of sleep that
I`m always being and as we know everyone share the same problem which is we
always fall asleep especially when in a lecture or in a silence place. Sleep is
something that out of our control but we cannot denied that sleep is important, we
need to sleep about 7-9 hours per day but one things that we have to remember over
sleep can bring bad effect to us.

Beside, I feel excited to know more detail about this topic because I love to know
what stage of sleep that we will being. There are five stage of sleep so every stage
have their own process but not every person can sleep until stage five. This statement
make me wonder why people rarely sleep until stage five and what stage that usually
people through. This reason giving me encouragement to discussed and learn more
about this topic. Learning this topic just not for my general knowledge but I`m also
can learn about people in our surrounding.

Explore this topic can relate with our daily life. As a student we always fall
asleep during in a lecture even we sleep tightly at night. This issue not specific for
students but it close to every person. Somehow by listening music or having a talk
also people can fall asleep. This is out from our control and awareness
There are two kinds of sleep that call as a rapid eye movement sleep (R: REM)
and non- rapid eye movement sleep (N:NREM). Rem is the stage of sleep in which
the eyes move rapidly under the eyelids and the person is typically experiencing a
dream. Non-rem sleep is any of the stages of sleep that do not include REM. Rem is a
relatively psychologically active type of sleep when most of a person`s dreaming
takes place while NREM sleep spans from lighter stages to a much deeper, more
restful kind of sleep. Beside, in REM sleep voluntary muscle are inhibited, meaning
that the person in REM sleep moves very little whereas NREM sleep is the person`s
body is free to move around (including kicking one`s bed partner).

A person who is wide awake and mentally active will show a brain-wave
pattern on the electroencephalogram (EEG) that called as a Beta waves. Beta waves
are very small and very fast. As the person relaxes and get drowsy, slightly larger and
slower alpha waves appear. The alpha waves eventually replaced by even slower and
larger theta waves. In the deepest stages of sleep, the largest and slowest waves
appear called delta waves.

Usually, sleepers pass through five stages which is stage 1,2,3,4 and REM (rapid
eye movement) sleep. These stages progress cyclically from 1 through REM then
begin again with stage 1. A complete sleep cycle takes an average of 90 to 110 minute,
with each stage lasting between 5 to 15 minute. The first sleep cycles each night have
relatively short REM sleeps and long periods of deep sleep but later in the night, REM
periods lengthen and deep sleep time decreases.

First stage is a light sleep where you drift in and out of sleep and can be
awakened easily. In this stage, the eye move slowly and muscle activity slows. During
this stage, many people experience sudden muscle contractions preceded by a
sensation of falling. At this stage there are a few interesting things will happen. For
example if people are awakened at this point, they will probably not believe that they
were actually asleep
In stage 2, eye movement stops and brain waves become slower with only an
occasional burst of rapid brain waves. The body begins to prepare for deep sleep, as
the body temperature begins to drop and the heart slows, breathing become more
shallow and irregular and the EEG will show the first signs of sleep spindles, brief
bursts of activity lasting only a second or two. Theta waves still predominate in this
stage, but if people are awakened during this stage, they will be aware of having been

When people enters stage 3, the slowest and largest waves make their appearance.
These waves are called delta waves. These waves increase during this stage from 20
percent to more than 50 percent of total brain activity. People who are lead to this
process are in the deepest stage of sleep, often referred to as slow-wave sleep (SWS)
or simply deep sleep (Carskadon & Dement, 2011)

During this stage that growth hormones (often abbreviated as GH) are released
from the pituitary gland and reach their peak. The body is at the lowest level of
functioning. Eventually, the delta waves becomes the dominant brain activity for this
stage of sleep.

During this stage people are very hard to awaken. At this stage if something
make them awake from sleep they may be very confused and disoriented at first.
Children are very harder to wake up in this state then adult especially for boys they
are common having sleep disorders because boys sleep more deeply than girls due to
high levels of the male hormone testosterone( Miyatake et al., 1980; Thiedke, 2001).
A person may experience sleepwalking, night terrors, talking during one`s sleep and
bedwetting. These behaviors are known as parasomnias and tend to occur during the
transitions between non-REM and REM sleep.

In stage 4, After spending some time in stage 3, the people will go back up
through to stage 2 and then into a stage in which body temperature increases to
near-walking levels, the eyes move rapidly under the eyelids, the heart beats much
faster and brain waves resemble beta waves. The kind of brain activity usually give
signals wakefulness. The person is still asleep but in the stage known as rapid eye
movement sleep and sometimes referred to as paradoxical sleep. People roused from
this state feel disoriented for a few minutes.
During REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, brain waves mimic activity during the
waking state. The eyes remain closed but move rapidly from side-to-side, perhaps
related to the intense dream and activity that occurs during this stage. That means
during this stage if people is awakened he or she always reports being in a dream state
(shafton, 1995). 90 percentage of people having a dreaming at this stage . People also
dream in the other non-REM sleep stages but REM sleep dreams tend to be more
vivid, more detailed, longer and more bizarre than the dreams of NREM sleep. NREM
sleep dreams tend to be more like thoughts about daily occurrences and far shorter
than REM sleep dream ( Foulkes&schmidt, 1983; Takeuchi et al., 2003). The body
also unable to act upon these dreams under normal conditions known as sleep
paralysis. So that this is the reason why we have a dream which is we are trying to run
or move but we can`t. In this stage actually we are partially aware of sleep paralysis.

Overall, by studies this topic it can help me to know more about myself, other
people and the world phenomena because this is a common issue that we need to
through everyday without skip any single day. Fall asleep in any place like at the
ceremony, class even at living room is a normal things that happen in our daily life so
learning this topic make me more understand what stage of sleep that I have being,
why I had a dream even at a day and why I hardly to remember my dreaming after
awake from a deep sleep. So this topic help me to recognize about myself and other
people around me. Have you ever heard about the phenomena fall asleep while
driving a car? If we check the record of having an accident at the road, the stastistic
showed beside of our own careless and other of side factor, many people got trouble
in an accident because of fall asleep when they`re driving a car. This cases called
microsleeps or brief sidesteps into sleep lasting only for second (Goleman,
1982;Konowal et al., 1999). Microsleep periods are no doubt responsible for a lot of
car accidents that occur when drivers have had very little sleep. So this topic very
closely to our community and surrounding.
My Future Study

If I have been given a chance to conduct one study I would like to choose topic
spend to much on the bed will give side effect to our health. This is because we always
heard that people who are over slept is an unhealthy person. We need to sleep well, at
least 7 to 9 hour per day. Sleep early also can help us to look more refresh to start a
new days. Get enough sleep is essential for health, such as our body can stay
energized and our mind become more productive. That mean it would be easy for us
as a student to catch up in a lecture, efficient and be a proactive. Based on the
restoration theory of sleep, said that sleep is necessary to the physical health of the
body and serves to replenish chemicals and repair cellular damage (allowing organism
to repair key factors in the brain or body that are depleted during daytime activities).
Oversleeping may seem ideal, but it can damaging our sleep cycle as not getting
enough sleep. However, Over slept can give bad effect not just for our physical but
also our brain. Reflect back do you realize over slept make us feel tired and sleepy all
the day. In other way, when we feel tired our brain cannot process all the information
that will send to brain. So this is the reason why some people so weak at that day.

Researchers make a speculate getting to much sleep has an effect on certain

neurontransmitters in the brain, especially serotonin. Other potential side effects of
oversleeping include lower back pain, stroke, diabetes and heart disease. Oversleeping
will messes with our circadian rhythm, 24 hour cycle that is driven by our biological
clocks and result in physical, mental and behavioral changes. By sleeping longer than
normal, we unknowingly throw off our regular circadian rhythm. Those feelings of
lethargy, fatigue and drowsiness come from a sleep cycle that is out of whack and the
human body not knowing what time it is like jet lag.

Moreover, this phenomena is close to people from our surrounding, Nowadays

people prefer to sleep at home than doing beneficial activity so we should change this
bad habits because it just harm our life style by doing something not beneficial.


In conclusion, as we know fall asleep its not a disease but every person need a
enough sleep so that there will more energized after wake up. People need about 7-9
hours of sleep each 24 hour period in order to function well. But some people are
short sleepers, needing only 4 or 5 hours whereas others are long sleepers and require
more than 9 hours of sleep (McCann & Stewin, 1988). One things that we must
remember lack of sleep can give bad impact on our health. As a student, having a
enough sleep at night can give our brain and body more fresh at morning so that it
would easy for us to catch up during a lecture.
As a students, we need to sleep early after having a long day so that we can stay
away from fall asleep in the class. Moreover, people who are slept early and learn
before going to sleep are able to recall back than people who are stay up for doing
their revision (kurdziel, 2013, stickgold & Ellenbogen, 2008). Student, who are sleep
well will achieve in their exam and at the sometime it can built our self discipline.

In society, consciousness can be shared by individuals which called as social

consciousness. According to Karl Marx, human beings enter into certain productive of
economic and relations. These relations lead to a form of social consciousness. More
recently, social consciousness is linked to the collective self-awareness and
experience of collectively shared social identity. Form this viewpoint, social
consciousness denotes consciousness awareness of being part of an interrelated
community of others.The “we feeling” or the “sense of us” may be experience in
member of various cultures and social groups. By the experience of collectively
shared social identity, individuals may experience social unity. Social consciousness
may also stimulate working towards a common goal. So when people aware about
what happen surround them, they can understand other people behaviour because they
already know about other feeling, culture and emotion. This can avoid conflict among
people in society. Other than that, people who work for society will understand what
should they do to accomplish common goals on making a great social network.

For my future investigation, consciousness is important for us because we can

make our life more aware with our surrounding. We can also enhance the way we are
thinking about our environment and people behaviour. So that we can counter any
problems which can make us not get involved any kind of conflict with other people.
Being in conscious means we are safe.


Cicaccarelli, S.K.. and White J.N (2018). Psychology: Fifth Edition. British Library
Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. Pearson Education.

Asmawati, et al. (2015). Pengantar Psikologi. Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia. SJ



Howhy J and Owen A.M. (2018). There Levels Of Consciousness.

Gage N.M and Baars B.J. (2018). Disorder Of Consciousness, Pages 487-451.

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