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20 Questions Tool

Topic: Bernoulli’s Principle



1. Select three of following questions.

2. Write your potential answers in the space below the questions.
3. Summarize your thinking at the bottom of the page.

No. Questions
1 How do you blow the paper?
2 What do you think will happen to the paper when you blow across the top of it?
3 What do you think will happen to the paper when you blow across the under of it?
4 Why do you think you got the results you did?
5 How can you improve it?
6 What will make it work?
7 What other ideas do you have?
8 What patterns do you see?
9 How can we modify it?
10 What can we do better?
11 How will others benefit?
12 What might be changing about it?
13 What is the factors that cause it happens?
14 How will others benefit?
15 How can we simplify it?
16 Why do this?
17 What could we add?
18 What do you think about pressure?
19 What do you think about velocity?
20 What do you think about force?
Potential Answers
Question Ideas

In summary
We can improve the idea by____________________________________________________

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