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“Instructor: Codrin Liviu Cutitara Swudents MA Table of Contents “Whats Pychoanli Cis” nsX ) Craven Day ning pax Sioot Ana Payehlogy to Posy” 917K U4 lena) "Their Sugitani artercciecthel. an 2s Revealed in aychanagie Eaperince™ 1S. dun tid” “Tom One Wey 0 Aner pas 1 New Citic YH LA Ricads: “Praca Cetin nodion pu 112 Chen asks: “The Heresy of Paps” pat ony 8 Pile Sic pa X 1 CHiiaa 8S") “Antony otc pas 1.4 Gere aul “Phenomenology o Reding” po ws. loom: “The Dislets of Poetic: XK dition” 6s IM>) “The Theory ofthe « Formal Method «” paoX #08" Course in General Linguistics pax “Teaiin andthe Invi Tle” 8 ‘M4 RémanJakabsaie) “The Mtaphoric and Metonymic Poles” par 1M, 5. VicacShlowsky: “Aras Technique” P90 2h 6 Glande Lv Sia?> “Te Siac Swoy of yi 295 “The Structuralist Activity” 103% “The Death ofthe Author” p 10s % 1. Feninian ree “What Feminist Crit” p07 1V.2.Nininia Waalt “A Room af One's Own” psx 1.3. Simone deeauvoir:, “The Second Sex” puis X 1.4. Elaine Showalter:"*. “Toward a Fennst Pacis” pia x 1V. 5. Sana M, Gilet ad Susan Guar: “Inllection on the Sentence” ——_p,129 1V. 6. Hléne Cixous! “The Laugh ofthe Medusa” pis 1V.7,Sanda M, Gilbert, “The Literary Patersity” pa 1V.8, AnneiteKoladny: “Dancing Though the Minefield" plat 1.9. Alice A dauing “Gyms” ».156 1.10 julia Kino “Women's Time” p16 V. Deconsraction ‘V1 Intiadustion: “What is Deconstruction?" pang 'V.2. Friedich Nicasche: —“TrathandFasty nan Uitamonl Sense” —p. 177 % V.3. Chases Bocce: “Letters toLady Welby” p.180% Tom eee ae V. 5. Jasaies Desida “Of Grammatology” 196% ~Ditérence" p.209 V6, Lis Milt: “The Ci Hoa” pat V7. Paulde Man: emology and Rotors" p27 VL Cultural Studies, Maraist Criticism, Posteolonialism, Reception Theory VL. Inodustion A: “What Is Cultural Criticism?” p23 % V1.2 Juduaon: hat ani Crit” pm X vi Fan Reber uss) “Literary History os Calegeo Literary a Theory” (Introduction C). p24 Yi chia Ache “Coit Cris” CirodecionD) 259 Slain Gace Gidinee) “Tn and Meta” p.26t a “What Is an Author?” pa “The Discourse on Language” p27 {GD Dacomse tne owe o “Theses on the Philozophy of History” p.293 . “Cultural Criticism and Socieny™ p.296 "The Poctics of Space” p01 Bibliography 1. Geta Theos Since Plt F4 Harad Adams London & New York: Harcourt Brac Jovanovich College Publishers, 1992 ( AolOeuan TL} vipimte) 2. Gita Theor Since 126, Ed. Mazad Ada & Leroy Seale, Tallahassee: Forde Sie UP, 1990, (Aelowns TT remy) 9. Wuthering Hah Bronte Fa Lina H, Peterson. Boston: Bedixd Books of St. Mari'sresy 1992 ( Wal de. ~ aL Grantbar ) 302 A CRITICAL HIstORY . fhe working-class movement was powerful, and Mar in Germany'and later England, where he wrote Das Kapital (in the British Museum!), Although Bronté did not— indeed, could not — have known Marx or iy his work, her novel registers, as Eagleton explains, the tensions between the values of the older landed gentry and the newer industrial bourgeoisie. I is equally appropriate, however, that two other strong nine- {eenth-century intellectual traditions — psychoanalysis and feminism — should contribute to modern criticism of Wuthering Heights. Psycho- analysis began, of course, later in the nineteenth century with the pio- neering theoretical work of Fycud and his fellow “aliensts.”* But as wwe saw from the early reviews of Wuthering Heights, an interest in psycho : 1 logical motivation dates from the mid-nineteenth century and pervades discussions of Bronté’s characters, especially Heathclif, Modern psy.

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