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“ge Gouges/ French Declaration of Rights for Women LYMPE DE GOUGES ch Declaration of Rights for Women, 1791 de Gouges (1748-1793) was a French playwright whose became increasingly political as che French Revolution essed after 1789. When the revolutionary government of the fonal Assembly passed a new constitution in 1791 with the Decta of ofthe Rights of Man and Citizen of 1789 as the preamble, and laid not pve women che vote, de Couges wrote the Following tse Translate rom the French by the editor 786 = _20/ Enlightenment and Revolution What was Olympe de Gouges's a Olmpe de Bument? What specific age women was she seeking: THINKING HISTORICALLY Compare this docurnene withthe Declaration ofthe Rights and Citizen. What are the similarities and differ purpose of Jifferences? ences? Whar ie similarities? What is the significance of the ing just? It is a woman yl fuestions you will not deprive her of that right at least. Tel has given you the soverign empire to oppress my sex? Your talents? Observe the creator in his wistlomy survey grandes, with which you seem to want to be in harmony if you dare, an example of this tryanical empire, Go back to animals. Consule the elements, study p lance ar all the modifications of organic mattery and eubc evidence as Ioffe you the means; search, probe, and distin Shes the sexes in the administration of nature. Everywhere ag them mingled, everywhere they cooperate in the harmoniee this immortal masterpiece. Man alone has raised his exception to a pri n bloated with science and degenerated, in a century of enlighta Wisdom, in the crassest ignorance, he wants to command acd sex which has received all intellectual faculties; he pretends tp onary, and claims his rights to equality, in order to say noth abour it. a nai ', ang Preamble Mothers, daughters, sisters, cepresensatives of the nation, den fonstituted a national assembly. Considering that ignora ernment corruption, they resolve 10 solemn declaration, che natural, inalienable, and sacred sights ¢

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