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1. Molecules can be described as

a. mixtures of two or more pure substances
b. mixtures of two or more elements that has a specific ratio between components
c. two or more atoms chemically joined together
d. heterogeneous mixtures

2. The statement, "In a chemical reaction, matter is neither created nor destroyed" is called
a. the Law of Conservation of Mass
b. Dalton's Atomic Theory
c. the Scientific Method
d. the Law of Multiple Proportions

3. Identify a liquid.
a. definite volume and definite shape
b. definite volume and no definite shape
c. definite shape and no definite volume
d. no definite shape and no definite volume

4. Identify a gas.
a. definite volume and definite shape
b. definite volume and no definite shape
c. definite shape and no definite volume
d. no definite shape and no definite volume

5. Which of the following statements about the phases of matter is TRUE?

a. in both solids and liquids, the atoms or molecules pack closely to one another
b. solids are highly compressible
c. gaseous substances have long-range repeating order
d. there is only one type of geometric arrangement that the atoms or molecules in any solid can

6. A substance that can't be chemically broken down into simpler substances is

a. a homogeneous mixture
b. an element
c. a heterogeneous mixture
d. a compound
e. an electron

7. A substance composed of two or more elements in a fixed, definite proportion is a

a. homogeneous mixture
b. heterogeneous mixture
c. compound
d. solution

8. A physical change occurs when

a. iron rusts
b. sugar is heated into caramel
c. glucose is converted into energy within your cells
d. water is evaporated

9. Which of the following statements about energy is FALSE?

a. energy can be converted from one type to another
b. the total energy of a system remains constant
c. kinetic energy is the energy associated with its position or composition
d. energy is the capacity to do work

10. Identify the type of energy that is NOT chemical energy.

a. battery
b. gasoline in a car
c. light bulb
d. ball rolling down the hill
e. food

11. All of the following are SI base units of measurement, EXCEPT

a. meter
b. gram
c. second
d. kelvin
e. mole

12. The outside temperature is 35°C. What is the temperature in K?

a. 238 K
b. 308 K
c. 95 K
d. 31 K

13. Determine the density of an object that has a mass of 149.8 g & displaces 12.1 mL of water when placed
in a graduated cylinder.
a. 8.08 g/mL
b. 1.38 g/mL
c. 12.4 g/mL
d. 18.1 g/mL

14. Identify a state of matter.

a. melting point
b. solid
c. odor
d. volume
e. density

15. Diamond is an example of

a. a compound
b. an element
c. a heterogeneous mixture
d. a homogeneous mixture
16. Identify a gas.
a. silver
b. mercury
c. hydrogen
d. iron
e. phosphorus

17. Choose the pure substance from the list below.

a. lemonade
b. salt
c. air
d. wine

18. Which of the following represents a physical property?

a. sodium metal is extremely reactive with chlorine gas
b. mercury is a silvery liquid at room temperature
c. iron has a tendency to "rust"
d. butane is highly flammable

19. Which of the following represents a chemical property of hydrogen gas?

a. It is a gas at room temperature
b. It is less dense than air
c. It explodes with a flame
d. It is odorless

20. How many significant figures are in the measurement 5.3 g?

a. 1
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2


1. Identify the description of an atom.

a. neutrons & electrons in nucleus; protons in orbitals
b. neutrons in nucleus; protons & electrons in orbitals
c. protons & neutrons in nucleus; electrons in orbitals
d. protons & electrons in nucleus; neutrons in orbitals

2. Identify the smallest subatomic particle.

a. a neutron
b. an electron
c. a proton
d. a nucleus

3. The atom mass number is equal to the sum of the number of the
a. electrons & protons
b. neutrons & electrons
c. protons, neutrons & electrons
d. protons & neutrons
4. The atomic number is equal to
a. the number of the protons
b. the sum of the number of neutrons & electrons
c. the sum of the number of protons, neutrons & electrons
d. the sum of the number of protons & neutrons

5. What element is defined by the following information? p + = 11 n° = 12 e- = 11

a. sodium
b. potassium
c. calcium
d. magnesium

6. Which of the following statements about subatomic particles is TRUE?

a. a neutral atom contains the same number of protons & electrons
b. protons have about the same mass as electrons
c. electrons make up most of the mass of an atom.
d. protons & neutrons have opposite, but equal in magnitude, charges.

7. Ions differ in the number of

a. electrons
b. neutrons
c. protons
d. neutrons & protons

8. Which of the following does NOT describe a metal?

a. good conductor of heat
b. good conductor of electricity
c. tends to gain electrons
d. forms ionic compounds with nonmetals

9. Which of the following does NOT describe a nonmetal?

a. tends to gain electrons
b. found in the upper right hand corner of the periodic table
c. poor conductor of electricity
d. nonmetals are generally unreactive

10. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

a. anions are usually larger than their corresponding atom.
b. metals tend to form cations.
c. atoms are usually larger than their corresponding cation.
d. the halogens tend to form 1+ ions
e. the halogens are found in group VIIA

11. Identify the instrument that is used to determine the mass of a molecule.
a. mass spectrometer
b. nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer
c. infrared spectrometer
d. gas chromatograph

12. Calculate the atomic mass of element "X", if it has 2 naturally occurring isotopes with the following
masses & natural abundances:
X-45 44.8776 amu 32.88%
X-47 46.9443 amu 67.12%
a. 46.26 amu
b. 45.91 amu
c. 46.34 amu
d. 46.84 amu

13. How many iron atoms are contained in 354 g of iron?

a. 2.62 × 1025 Fe atoms
b. 2.13 × 1026 Fe atoms
c. 4.69 × 1024 Fe atoms
d. 3.82 × 1024 Fe atoms

14. Identify the charges of the protons, neutrons & electrons.

a. protons +1, neutrons 0, electrons -1
b. protons 0, neutrons -1, electrons 0
c. protons -1, neutrons -1, electrons 0
d. protons 0, neutrons 0, electrons 0

15. Identify the element that has an atomic number of 40.

a. neon
b. calcium
c. zirconium
d. bromine

16. How many electrons are in each neutral atom of magnesium?

a. 12
b. 13
c. 14
d. 12.3

17. How many protons are in nickel?

a. 28
b. 30
c. 31
d. 59

18. Isotopes differ in the number of

a. electrons.
b. neutrons.
c. neutrons and protons
d. protons
19. Give the number of electrons in K +.
a. 35
b. 80
c. 36
d. 45

20. Which of the following elements is classified as a metalloid?

a. sodium
b. silicon
c. iodine
d. gold


1. An ionic bond is best described as

a. the sharing of electrons
b. the transfer of electrons from one atom to another
c. the attraction that holds the atoms together in a polyatomic ion
d. the attraction between two nonmetal atoms

2. Covalent bond is best described as

a. the sharing of electrons between atoms
b. the transfer of electrons
c. a bond between a metal & a nonmetal.
d. a bond between a metal & a polyatomic ion

3. Give a possible molecular formula for the empirical formula of C 3H5ClO.

a. C6H10ClO2
b. C5H10Cl2O2
c. C6H10Cl2O2
d. C6H10O2

4. What is the empirical formula for Hg 2(NO3)2?

a. Hg2(NO3)2
b. HgNO3
c. Hg(NO3)2
d. Hg2NO3

5. Calculate the molar mass of H2CO3.

a. 62.03 g/mol
b. 29.02 g/mol
c. 61.02 g/mol
d. 60.01 g/mol
e. 273.05 g/mol

6. How many molecules of N2O4 are in 76.3 g N2O4? The molar mass of N2O4 is 92.02 g/mol.
a. 5.54 × 1025 N2O4 molecules
b. 7.26 × 1023 N2O4 molecules
c. 1.38 × 1024 N2O4 molecules
d. 4.59 × 1025 N2O4 molecules
e. 4.99 × 1023 N2O4 molecules

7. How many C2H4 molecules are contained in 45.8 mg of C2H4? The molar mass of C2H4 is 28.05 g/mol.
a. 9.83 × 1020 C2H4 molecules
b. 7.74 × 1026 C2H4 molecules
c. 2.71 × 1020 C2H4 molecules
d. 3.69 × 1023 C2H4 molecules

8. What is the mass (in kg) of 6.89 × 1025 molecules of CO2? The molar mass of CO2 is 44.01 g/mol
a. 3.85 kg
b. 5.04 kg
c. 2.60 kg
d. 3.03 kg

9. Calculate the mass percent composition of sulfur in Al 2(SO4)3. The molar mass of Al2(SO4)3 is 342.14
g/mol & the atomic mass of sulfur is 32.06 amu.
a. 28.11%
b. 9.372%
c. 42.73%
d. 21.38%

10. Which of the following is a diatomic element?

a. sodium
b. calcium
c. oxygen
d. sulfur

11. Which of the following is an atomic element?

a. hydrogen
b. chlorine
c. nitrogen
d. calcium

12. Which of the following is a polyatomic element?

a. oxygen
b. sulfur
c. argon
d. iron

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