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A. Content Standards Cell Structure and Functions
B. Performance Standards Construct a cell membrane model from
indigenous or recyclable materials
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives Describe the structure and functions of
(Write the code for each) major and subcellular organelles
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
*Biology Textbook Manual for
Teachers pages 20-24
2. Learner’s Materials pages
*Biology Textbook Learners
Manual pages 20-24
3. Textbook pages
*Biology Textbook pages 20-
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources(LR) portal
*Cell Biology by George
B. Other Learning Resources
*Illustration board
*Microscope and prepared slides
of an animal cell
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting The teacher will play a video presentation The students will watch the video and give
the new lesson about the cell and let his students to study their ideas and prior knowledge about the
the video because after that, he will ask his topic and they will share it in class orally.
students what they saw and learned based
from the video being presented.
B. Establishing a purpose of the lesson The teacher will further discuss the video The students will listen carefully to the
being presented and clarify/discuss some teacher’s discussion and jot down some
basic terminologies related to the topic. important words. They will also give
*Engage additional information to the class if there
is any.
C. Presenting examples/instances of the new The teacher will group his students into 3 The students will group their selves into 3
lesson and then prepare the materials for viewing and then listen to the teacher’s instructions
cell’s structure and give instructions on how of the activity. After that, they will view the
the activity is being carried out. After that, prepared slides on the microscope one by
he will let his students sketch or draw the one and draw what they see and provide
structures of cell and give the labels of different structures they viewed.
corresponding label of the different But there will be one output that the group
structures they see in the microscope. should present in the class.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing The teacher will ask the leader or any The leader of each group will present their
new skills #1 volunteer from each group to discuss their work in front.
work in front.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing The teacher will discuss the different The students will listen carefully to the
new skills #2 structures and functions of major and teacher’s discussion and jot down some
subcellular organelles of the cells that the notes of important terms about the topic.
students have viewed in their activity by
slides he prepared.
F. Developing mastery(leads to formative The teacher will assess his students by The students will do the task by labeling
assessment 3) letting them label the unlabeled structures the structures of different major and
subcellular organelles of the cell. Their
of major and subcellular organelles of the answer should be written in a one whole
cell being flashed in the projector. sheet of paper.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts The teacher will let his students to make a The teacher will do the tasks in their home
and skills in daily living model of cell membrane using indigenous and pass it next meeting.
and recyclable materials and label each
part that should be passed next meeting.
H. Making generalizations and abstractions The teacher will ask his students on what The students will give their ideas, insights,
about the lesson they learn on the discussion as well as the and generalizations about the discussion
activity using random selection. Students and seek clarification from the teacher if
who participate will have points in their necessary.
recitation. He will also add some details
and clarifications about the topic if
I. Evaluating learning The teacher will ask his students to get a The students will write the functions of
sheet of paper and answer the following each of the structures of major and
questions: subcellular organelles of the cell. They will
Give the functions of the following write it on piece of paper and pass it before
structures of major and subcellular the session ends.
organelles of the cell.
1. Cell membrane
2. Cell wall
3. Nucleus
4. DNA
5. Ribosomes
6. Golgi apparatus
7. Mitochondria
8. Lysosome
9. Cytoplasm
10. Endoplasmic Reticulum
J. Additional activities for application or The teacher will ask his students to watch The students will do the said task and have
remediation the “Cell Song” and familiarize the lyrics some talks with their groupmates about
because they will be performing it with the the activity for the preparations and
same groupings in the next meeting before
proceeding to the next lesson.

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