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Department of Health and Human Performance, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas


McCurdy, K, Walker, J, and Yuen, D. Gluteus maximus and lthough recruitment of the gluteus maximus
hamstring activation during selected weight-bearing resistance (GM) and hamstring group (HG) control hip
and knee stability and mobility, a primary role
Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKbH4TTImqenVFrctQzt46R2JFw22KnOTVjL2RS6pSliDKuwnflXJDrN on 10/29/2018

exercises. J Strength Cond Res 32(3): 594–601, 2018—The

purpose of this study was to compare the gluteus maximus of these muscles is to extend the hip. Research
(GM) and hamstring group (HG) electromyographic (EMG) has shown that weakness at the hip can lead to poor perfor-
mance and lower extremity dysfunction and injury (16,30,36).
activation levels among selected weight-bearing resistance ex-
Weight-bearing, free-weight exercise is arguably used most
ercises. Eighteen young adult females with previous resistance
often to increase hip strength for sport performance and
training experience completed the study. Strength was as-
reduce the risk of injury, but the exercises that produce the
sessed on the bilateral squat (BS) (3 repetition maximum greatest muscle recruitment are not clear. Variations in the
[RM]), modified single-leg squat (MSLS) (3RM), and stiff-leg type of stance and the use of single- (hip alone) and multi-
deadlift (SLDL) (8RM) to determine an 8RM load for all lifts. joint (hip and knee) during weight-bearing exercise likely
Surface EMG was collected after 48 hours of rest using wire- affects hip muscle recruitment levels but also needs further
less Trigno IM Sensors using EMMA software (Delsys), which investigation. These modifications may alter the contribu-
also collected and synchronized 3D hip and knee motion. A tion of each hip extensor muscle that may lead to differences
maximum voluntary isometric contraction was determined for in strength and hip and knee injury prevention.
the GM and HG to normalize the EMG data. During EMG data A key difference between the GM and HG is mono-
collection, 3 repetitions were completed using an 8RM load on articular vs. biarticular joint control, respectively, at the
all 3 exercises. Gluteus maximus EMG was significantly greater hip and knee (11). The GM reduces the risk of injury by
than HG EMG on the BS (40.3 vs. 24.4%, p , 0.001), MSLS stabilizing the sacroiliac joint, preventing hip adduction
(65.6 vs. 40.1 %, p , 0.012), and SLDL (40.5 vs. 29.9 %, p ,
and internal rotation during weight-bearing actions,
which prevents excessive knee valgus. Along with hip
0.047). The MSLS produced significantly greater HG EMG (p
extension, the HG flexes the knee, prevents anterior tibia
= 0.001) compared with the SLDL, whereas the SLDL was
shearing, and controls knee rotations while providing
significantly greater (p = 0.004) than the BS. The MSLS GM
medial and lateral knee support (13,38). Given these dif-
EMG was also significantly greater (p , 0.001) than the SLDL ferences, it is imperative to identify the exercises that best
and BS, whereas no difference was found between the SLDL recruit these muscle groups for the purpose of implement-
and BS. Comparing the activation of the 2 muscle groups in all ing resistance training programs with the goal to obtain
exercises, the GM seems to be the primary muscle recruited these specific desired outcomes.
whereas the MSLS seems to produce greater GM and HG Previous research has revealed that GM and HG recruit-
activation. The data indicate that it would be most beneficial ment can be isolated primarily with single-joint actions
to include the MSLS during GM and HG training. (17,18,27). Gluteus maximus activation is relatively high dur-
ing the prone, hip extension exercise (40), and while abduct-
KEY WORDS hip extensors, knee flexors, bilateral resistance, ing the hip to 30–608 with knee flexion before hip extension
unilateral resistance (17). Commonly used as a maximum voluntary isometric
contraction (MVIC), knee flexion before hip extension is
suggested to minimize the contribution of the HG to hip
Address correspondence to Dr. Kevin McCurdy, extension by reducing the muscle length in application of the
32(3)/594–601 length-tension relationship. Non–weight-bearing exercises
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research during isolated knee flexion have been shown to significantly
Ó 2017 National Strength and Conditioning Association activate the HG (18,27). However, these hip and knee
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exercises may have a limited effect on multi-joint, weight- stance was a factor in the selection of the exercises. A
bearing performance (39). medial-lateral stance used in the SLD and BS and the
In contrast, weight-bearing, multijoint exercises (i.e., anterior-posterior stance used in the MSLS might signifi-
bilateral squat [BS]) can arguably be considered the most cantly influence muscle activation levels during hip flexion
beneficial for performance and injury prevention during and extension exercise. The effect of single- vs. multi-joint,
activities involving gait. Yet, research shows low activation lower-extremity motion was also considered in exercise
levels in the HG in comparison to the quadriceps during the selection.
BS (8,32). Reciprocal inhibition from high quadriceps acti-
vation and minimal change in length after simultaneous hip
Eighteen women (SD 6 age 20.92 6 1.1 years, ht 165.30
and knee flexion followed by extension have been suggested
6 5.51 cm, mass 61.84 6 6.37 kg) with previous resistance
to limit HG activation during the squat (41,42).
training experience (range 1–5 years) before the study com-
Few studies have compared the level of GM to HG
pleted the study. All the subjects had previous participation
activation during the squat (2,3,14,21,31,35) and other
in a competitive sport but were not currently participating in
weight-bearing, multijoint exercises (1,7,20,34). The majority
that sport. A few of the subjects were currently active inter-
of the studies that have analyzed GM and HG activation
mittently in resistance training, but none of the subjects were
have used only body weight as resistance that is typically
consistently training to maximize strength or athletic perfor-
intended as rehabilitation exercise (1,7,12,14,20). The contri-
mance at the time of the study. Thus, the subjects were
bution of each muscle to a joint action is likely different at
classified as untrained in resistance training. To be included
higher relative intensities. In addition, few studies have
in the study, the subjects had to complete all lifts with proper
included females as subjects, who have demonstrated lack
form. Subjects with current or previous lower extremity
of hip strength (19) and biomechanical differences in com-
injury that would limit maximum performance on the exer-
parison to males during lower extremity exercise
cises were excluded. All procedures and informed written
(4,24,29,30,43). Furthermore, GM and HG activation may
consent form were approved by Texas State University’s inter-
differ when using an anterior-posterior stance (i.e., lunge,
nal review board. All subjects volunteered and were informed
step-up) compared with a medial-lateral stance but direct
of the benefits and risks of the procedures before signing the
comparison among these exercises in the same study is lim-
approved written informed consent form to participate.
ited at higher relative intensities (5). Thus, the contribution
of the GM and HG to hip control during these variations in Procedures
stance is not clear and requires further investigation. Previ- Surface EMG was collected using wireless Trigno IM
ous research also indicates that muscle recruitment levels at Sensors using EMMA software (Delsys, Natick, MA).
a joint can vary during single-joint vs. multi-joint actions Containing a built-in triaxial accelerometer, the sensors also
(41). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare collected hip and knee 3-D motion, which was synchronized
the GM and HG activation during 2 weight-bearing, multi- with the EMG data. Each sensor also contained a Butter-
joint resistance exercises (BS and modified single-leg squat worth filter with a high-pass corner frequency of 20 Hz (40
[MSLS]), and a single-joint, weight-bearing exercise (stiff-leg dB/dec) and a low-pass corner frequency of 450 Hz (80 dB/
deadlift [SLDL]). dec). Electromyographic data were collected with a sampling
rate of 1,111 Hz, whereas motion was collected at 148 Hz. A
METHODS base-station receiver with a 40 m range collected the data
Experimental Approach to the Problem that were transferred to a laptop through USB connection.
Three commonly used weight-bearing resistance exercises This collected data were exported to excel files followed by
were included to analyze surface electromyographic (EMG) being imported to EMGworks Data Acquisition and Anal-
activation of the GM and HG. These exercises were ysis software (Delsys) for further processing. Within this
included because most sports involve weight-bearing activ- program, mean concentric, eccentric, and combined EMG
ity. An 8 repetition maximum (RM) load was used to levels across 3 repetitions were determined using root mean
observe the EMG response at a relative intensity typically square calculation. Using separate data plots of motion and
prescribed to increase strength and muscle size for improved EMG, the software allowed curser placement to determine
sport performance and prevention of injury. The GM and the specific range of motion that was synchronized to the
HG are hip extensors but also stabilize the hip and knee EMG levels. Electromyographic data were normalized with
during the stance phase of various activities. Evidence conversion to a percentage of the MVIC for each muscle.
suggests that the activation of the GM and HG is important To collect hip motion data, a sensor was placed above the
for the prevention of knee injury (30); therefore, females, sacrum on L5 and on the lateral thigh approximately 6 in
known to have a higher rate of knee injury compared with below and in line with the greater trochanter. For knee
their male counterparts, were selected to be subjects. Gluteus motion, a sensor was placed 2 inches above the lateral
maximus and HG activation were compared with each exer- malleolus. For EMG analysis, one sensor was placed on the
cise to determine the relative activation levels. The type of GM belly parallel to the muscle fibers. Placement of the HG

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Gluteus Maximus and Hamstring Activation

sensors occurred using the positions used in recent research Gluteus maximus MVIC was taken with the subject prone
to represent the entire group of muscles (33). An alcohol on a lab table, whereas the hip was positioned at 08 exten-
wipe was used to clean each site, and double-sided tape sion and the knee was flexed at 908 (40). The subject was
was used to improve sensor application to the skin. stabilized by spotters holding the uninvolved leg and the
upper body. Manual resistance was placed at the distal
Familiarization Session. The initial session was used to obtain femur. The subject gradually increased hip extension force
informed consent signatures and collect age, height, and until maximum effort was reached within 1–2 seconds and
mass data. Instructions were provided to successfully per- held for approximately 3 seconds during a 5-second trial.
form each exercise, which was practiced using the free- Two trials took place with a 1-minute rest between trials,
weight bar and light weight. Measurements were taken for and the highest mean EMG level over a 1-second period
placement of the support step used to elevate the trail leg on was recorded as the MVIC. Hamstring group MVIC
the MSLS (also called rear foot elevated split squat). The occurred with subject prone and the hip and knee extended.
subjects were instructed to abstain from participation in Manual resistance was applied at the ankle as the subject
resistance training during the study and given instructions to attempted to flex the knee (33).
wear appropriate clothing and shoes for resistance exercise. After a 5-minute rest, the subjects completed the 3
Subjects were instructed to maintain a healthy dietary exercises in random order with 5 minutes between each
routine and maintain hydration. Testing took place mid- exercise. Three repetitions were completed for each exercise
morning and early-afternoon hours and at the same time for using an 8RM load. The same technique used during
each subject. strength assessments was used to complete the EMG data.
The repetitions were performed with a 2-second descent and
Strength Assessment. After the familiarization session and 48 ascent.
hours of rest, the subjects completed a strength assessment
Statistical Analyses
on the SLDL (8RM) and either the BS (3RM) or MSLS
The dependent variables in this study were the percent of
(3RM) in a randomized order. A final assessment took place
maximum EMG measures for each of the 3 lifts: (a) BS, (b)
after 48 hours of rest to complete the MSLS or BS. A 5-
modified squat, and (c) deadlift. The 2 independent variables
minute jog and dynamic stretching protocol was completed
were (a) type of contraction (concentric vs. eccentric), and
before all strength and EMG data collection. All strength
(b) muscle group (hamstring vs. gluteus). Both of these
assessments included 2 warm-up sets that progressed from
independent variables are within-subjects (repeated) varia-
40 to 50% of the subject’s estimated 1RM while completing
bles. There were no between-subjects independent variables.
3–5 repetitions. Based on the ease of completing the second
Bartlett’s test for equal variances and the Shapiro-Wilk test
warm-up set, the weight was increased approximately 10%
for normality were used to determine whether the EMG
for the initial set. For the SLDL, 8 repetitions were com-
measures met the basic assumptions for an analysis of vari-
pleted each set with a 3–4-minute recovery between trials.
ance (ANOVA). The results of these tests are reported in
Approximately 10% was added for each successful trial.
Table 1.
The subject had to complete all repetitions with proper
Cronbach’s alpha was used to determine the test-retest
form. Three repetitions were completed each set on the
reliability across 3 trials for each site. The reliability coeffi-
BS and MSLS. All strength measures occurred within 5
cients for the EMG measures ranged from 0.85 to 0.99.
sets. For the SLDL, the subjects maintained knee flexion
Based on these high values, the EMG measures for each site
near complete knee extension and a neutral trunk. With an
were determined to be highly reliable, and suitable for
alternated grip at shoulder width, the subject flexed the
hip until the trunk was near parallel to the floor before
For each dependent variable, a 2-way ANOVA with
returning to the standing position (41). For the BS and
repeated measures was used to determine differences
MSLS, the lead knee was in line with the toe while com-
between the 2 types of contractions, the 2 muscle groups,
pleting a parallel squat position (23). A shoulder-width
and the interaction between contraction and muscle group.
stance was used for the BS. For the MSLS, the trail leg
Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon was used to adjust probability
was supported with the ankle in complete plantar flexion
values for any variation in sphericity among the trials. Paired
while making contact at the metatarsophalangeal joint
t-tests were used as post hoc comparisons between trials.
and toes (23). The height of the step was equal to the
Partial h2 was used to determine effect size for each statisti-
height of the subject’s tibial tuberosity. A spotter was
cal test. All statistical significance was defined as p # 0.05.
placed behind and on both sides of the subject.

Electromyographic Data Collection. Electromyography was RESULTS

collected after a minimum of 48 hours of rest after the last Tests for the basic assumptions of ANOVA are reported in
strength assessment. Maximum voluntary isometric con- Table 1, and indicate that the EMG measures for all data
traction took place after the warm-up and sensor placement. met both the assumptions of equal variances and
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TABLE 1. Tests for the basic assumptions of TABLE 2. Descriptive values for BS.*
analysis of variance.*
Concentric Eccentric
Bartlett’s test for equal Variances x2 p (Mean 6 SD) (Mean 6 SD)
BS Hamstrings only† 29.6 6 11.0 19.3 6 8.1
Con. vs. Ecc. 1.25 0.26 Gluteus maximus 51.3 6 20.9 31.6 6 15.9
Ham. vs. Glut. 1.92 0.16 only†
MSLS Both muscle 38.7 6 13.6 24.8 6 10.8
Con. vs. Ecc. 1.83 0.18 groups†
Ham. vs. Glut. 1.67 0.20
SLDL Gluteus
Con. vs. Ecc. 0.84 0.36 Hamstrings Maximus
Ham. vs. Glut. 0.19 0.66 (Mean 6 SD) (Mean 6 SD)
Shapiro-Wilk Test for Normality Ζ p Both contractions 24.4 6 10.6 40.3 6 17.7
BS BS 1 RM (lbs.) 169.2 6 30.0
Concentric 0.73 0.23
Eccentric 1.50 0.07 *BS = bilateral squat.
Hamstring 0.81 0.21 †p , .05 between trials.
Gluteus 0.08 0.47
Concentric 0.46 0.32
Eccentric 0.42 0.34
Hamstring 0.95 0.17 HG was not significantly different than the 19.7% difference
Gluteus 1.34 0.09 in eccentric contractions between the GM and HG, F(1,17) =
Concentric 0.64 0.24 3.8, p = 0.069, partial h2 = 0.18.
Eccentric 1.41 0.08 Table 4 reports the descriptive values across trials for the
Hamstring 1.54 0.06 SLDL. Concentric contractions were significantly higher than
Gluteus 1.13 0.13 the eccentric, F(1,18) = 54.1, p , 0.001, partial h2 = 0.89, a very
large effect. Gluteus maximus EMG was also greater than HG,
*BS = bilateral squat; MSLS = modified single-leg
squat; SLDL = stiff-leg deadlift. F(1,17) = 4.6, p = 0.047, partial h2 = 0.70, another very large
effect. Also, the 11.3% difference in the concentric contractions
between the GM and HG was not greater than the 9.9%

normality. Table 2 reports the GM and HG descriptive

values across trials for the combinations of concentric
and eccentric contractions during the BS. Repeated meas- TABLE 3. Descriptive values for MSLS.*
ures ANOVA indicated a significantly higher concentric vs.
Concentric Eccentric
eccentric contractions, F(1,18) = 45.4, p , 0.001, partial h2
(Mean 6 SD) (Mean 6 SD)
= 0.89, a very large effect. There was also significantly
greater GM EMG than HG, F(1,17) = 9.2, p = 0.008, partial Hamstrings only† 50.0 6 14.6 30.2 6 9.3
h2 = 0.87, another very large effect. In addition, there was Gluteus maximus 76.1 6 14.9 49.9 6 16.2
a significant 2-way interaction between type of contraction only†
Both muscle 63.2 6 14.8 40.2 6 13.1
and muscle group, F(1,17) = 6.8, p = 0.018, partial h2 = 0.29, groups†
a large effect. The difference in the concentric EMG
between the GM and HG was greater (21.7%) than the Gluteus
difference in eccentric contractions (12.4%). Hamstrings Maximus
Table 3 reports the descriptive values across trials for the (Mean 6 SD) (Mean 6 SD)
MSLS. Electromyography was greater in the concentric Both contractions 40.1 6 10.8 65.6 6 15.1
contractions, F(1,18) = 107.9, p , 0.001, partial h2 = 0.80, combined†
a very large effect. Gluteus maximus EMG was also greater MSLS 1 RM (lbs.) 115.1 6 20.5
than the HG EMG, F(1,17) = 7.9, p = 0.012, partial h2 = 0.79,
*MSLS = modified single-leg squat.
another very large effect. Table 3 shows that the 26.1% dif- †p , .05 between trials.
ference between the concentric contractions in the GM and

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Gluteus Maximus and Hamstring Activation

the MSLS produced significantly greater GM and HG

activation than the BS and SLDL. These results were
TABLE 4. Descriptive values for SLDL.*
consistent across concentric, eccentric and combined. Con-
Concentric Eccentric centric contractions were also significantly greater than
(Mean 6 SD) (Mean 6 SD) eccentric contractions.
Although the GM and HG are active during hip flexion
Hamstrings only† 39.8 6 16.6 19.9 6 11.3
Gluteus maximus 51.1 6 22.1 29.9 6 16.2 and extension in all 3 exercises, the GM seems to be the
only† primary hip extensor. These results are in agreement with
Both muscle 45.6 6 18.9 24.8 6 12.7 previous research that have analyzed both muscle groups
groups† during weight-bearing exercises (2,3,7,34,35). The GM is
a monoarticular muscle that is also active during hip exter-
Hamstrings Maximus nal rotation and abduction, whereas the HG is biarticular
(Mean 6 SD) (Mean 6 SD) producing hip extension and providing direct knee stabili-
zation with medial and lateral insertions across the knee.
Both contractions 29.9 6 12.5 40.5 6 18.8 Research indicates that the primary role of the HG during
combined† the stance phase is to transfer forces across the joints of the
SLDL 1 RM (lbs.) 141.6 6 25.1
lower extremity and increase activation for hip extension
*SLDL = stiff-leg deadlift. when needed (16). Using modeling techniques during gait
†p , .05 between trials.
analysis, Jonkers et al. (16) determined that the biceps
femoris is able to increase activation if the GM is weak
during hip extension of the stance leg. Although non–
weight-bearing exercises designed to increase hip
difference in the eccentric contraction between the GM and strength have not shown kinematic changes related to
HG, F(1,17) = 0.07, p = 0.790, partial h2 = 0.004. lower extremity injury prevention (9), weight-bearing exer-
For the combined concentric and eccentric HG measures, cise could possibly produce more effective kinematic
a significant difference was observed among the 3 exercises, change during the stance phase.
F(2,35) = 25.7, Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon = 0.665, p , During the stance phase of sprinting, jumping, and sled
0.001, partial h2 = 0.766, a very large effect. The mean values pulling (26), GM activation was also higher than HG acti-
reported in Tables 2–4 indicate that HG EMG values were vation. Findings from Niinimaki et al. (25) revealed that GM
the smallest for the BS (24.4 6 10.6) and the largest for the cross-sectional area was greater in athletes who were
MSLS (40.1 6 10.8). Post hoc tests indicated that the MSLS involved in high impact and loading during weight-bearing
EMG was significantly greater than the SLDL EMG, t(18) = activity. In addition to our results, these investigations reveal
3.61, p = 0.001, whereas SLDL values were also significantly that the GM is the prime mover at the hip for a variety of
greater than the BS values t(17) = 22.99, p = 0.004. When weight-bearing activities. In comparison to these studies, our
the same comparisons were made with separate concentric results demonstrated similar relative activation levels in the
and eccentric hamstring measures, almost identical results GM and HG during weight-bearing resistance exercises.
were observed. Body-weight resistance (1,7,12,14,20) or light loads (2)
For the combined concentric and eccentric GM EMG, have been used in the majority of the studies that have
another significant difference was observed among the 3 analyzed the GM and HG during weight-bearing exercises.
exercises, F(2,34) = 20.9, Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon = 0.661, Compared with our results produced using an 8RM load,
p , 0.001, partial h2 = 0.825, a very large effect. The mean these studies found low activation in the GM (#35% MVIC)
values reported in Tables 2–4 indicate that a significant dif- and HG (#15% MVIC). Using a higher relative intensity
ference in GM EMG values was observed for the MSLS than these previous studies, we found higher percent MVIC
(65.6 6 15.1) and BS (40.3 6 17.7). Post hoc tests revealed levels in the combined concentric and eccentric phases for
that the MSLS values were also significantly higher than the the GM (41–63%) and HG (24–40%) across the 3 exercises.
SLDL values, t(17) = 4.38, p , 0.001, but the SLDL and BS The relatively low activation from the HG indicates that
values were not significantly different, t(17) = 20.09, p = other types of resistance exercise may be necessary to elicit
0.466. When the same comparisons were made with sepa- HG adaptations. Further research is needed to determine the
rate concentric and eccentric GM measures, almost identical relative activation and contribution necessary from the HG
results were observed. to provide sufficient knee support during various sport-
related maneuvers.
DISCUSSION Most research investigating the GM and HG at higher
The findings of this study revealed that the GM demon- loads have focused on the BS (3,22,28,44). Biomechanical
strated significantly higher relative muscle activation in differences in squat patterns tend to exist between males
comparison to the HG across the 3 exercises. In addition, and females but with the exception of Contreras et al. (3),
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these previous studies included only male subjects. Contreras and lying leg curl. Yamishita (42) suggested that the HG may
et al. (3) used a 10RM load comparing the BS and hip be attenuated by the simultaneous shortening at the hip and
thruster (transverse load at the hip in a bridge position) lengthening at the knee during biarticular action
and found 37 and 16% of the MVIC in the GM and biceps producing minimal change in length during the BS. Without
femoris activation, respectively. McCaw and Melrose (22) concentric action through a significant range of motion,
and Paoli et al. (28) found a significant increase in GM levels muscular activity may be reduced. Our data support previous
with an increase in stance width, but normalization of the research (27) demonstrating consistently greater EMG acti-
EMG using MVIC was not conducted in these previous vation in the concentric phase. However, the higher EMG in
studies (22,28,44); thus, comparison of relative intensity the MSLS compared with the SLDL (monoarticular) does
between the GM and HG was not determined and cannot not support the suggestion that biarticular action reduces
be used to compare with our study. activity, which warrants further investigation. It is possible
In contrast to the BS, the MSLS is performed with that the higher demand for frontal plane support during the
a narrow, anterior-posterior stance that requires muscular MSLS may compensate for any attenuating effects of the
control for frontal plane stability (12,23). The MSLS pro- HG’s biarticular function. Although not measured in this
duced significantly higher GM and HG activation compared study, reciprocal inhibition could be a plausible explanation
with BS and SLDL levels. McCurdy et al. (23) also found for the low HG activity in the BS with potentially higher
higher HG activity in the MSLS compared with activation quadriceps activation (23).
in the BS, but only analyzed the biceps femoris within the Several limitations of this study require noting. When using
HG and did not include the GM. In contrast, DeForest et al. a different relative intensity than the load used in this study,
(5) found no significant difference in muscle recruitment different results may occur. It is also important in future
between the 2 exercises in untrained males, but with 50% research to analyze EMG activation of the GM and HG
of the BS 1RM used on the MSLS, comparisons were likely comparing males and females and subjects with different
determined with different relative intensities. Jones et al. (15) training experience. Measurements of EMG collected in one
also found no difference in muscle activation between the 2 session may not predict long-term training adaptations, which
types of squat in trained males. In addition to the difference would require longitudinal investigation. Surface EMG may
in subjects included, Jones et al. (15) compared the barbell- not reflect the total activation of the muscle groups analyzed,
BS to the dumbbell-MSLS that may explain the different whereas cross-talk may have occurred from surrounding
findings compared with our study. Relative muscle activation muscles. Timing of muscle activation and recruitment patterns
found in our study cannot be compared with these recent are also important factors for performance and injury pre-
studies because they did not conduct EMG normalization. vention, which were not investigated in this study.
Without normalization, comparison of activation across
muscle groups was also not analyzed in these previous stud- PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
ies. With a bilateral stance in the BS and SLDL, the load is Although the GM demonstrated higher activation than
stabilized in the frontal plane that possibly minimized the HG during all 3 exercises, training with these exercises
recruitment in the GM and HG. Our data indicate that the at relatively high intensities may preferentially activate the
GM’s role as a hip abductor and the HG’s medial and lateral GM leading to greater adaptation. The GM also seems to
insertions provide frontal plane support (38) during the be the prime mover at the hip during various weight-
MSLS. Simenz et al. (34) also found high GM (127–240%) bearing activities (26). Although the weight-bearing, hip
and HG (42–73%) activation during 4 step-up exercises per- extension resistance exercises analyzed are commonly im-
formed with a 6RM load, which supports our data and sug- plemented due to their sport specificity, strength coaches
gests that the narrow medial-lateral base of support increases may need to include isolated hamstring exercises to
the GM and HG activation. Limiting comparison to our achieve maximum hamstring development and benefits.
study, Simenz et al. (34) used different normalization techni- The inclusion of hamstring exercises seems to be particu-
ques to measure GM MVIC (708 hip flexion) and HG MVIC larly needed when the BS is used as the primary lower-
(seated at 608 knee flexion). extremity exercise for strength as the BS produced the
Although the MSLS produced the highest activation in lowest HG activity.
both muscle groups, the GM EMG was similar between the The greater GM and HG activation found during the
BS and SLDL. Conversely, the SLDL produced greater MSLS provides justification for strength coaches to
EMG in the HG compared with BS HG levels due to the preferentially and regularly include this exercise into
difference in the concentric phase. Weiss et al. (37) showed resistance training programs in comparison to the
further support that low HG activation occurs during the BS weight-bearing exercises with a wider medial-lateral base.
after finding no change in HG hypertrophy after subjects It seems that the narrow medial-lateral stance of the
trained several weeks with the BS. In addition, Wright MSLS increases the recruitment of the GM and HG for
et al. (41) found that squats at 75% 1RM produced approx- frontal plane support along with their role as hip exten-
imately half as much HG activity compared with the SLDL sors. The results were found when using a relatively high

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Gluteus Maximus and Hamstring Activation

intensity, thus inclusion of the MSLS during a strength 13. Houck, F. Muscle activation patterns of selected lower extremity
phase is warranted. muscles during stepping and cutting tasks. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 13:
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