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Task 2-IPV variable calculation

1. Variable definition
a) d005: weight for domestic violence
b) d104: experienced any emotional violence
c) d106: experienced any less severe violence (d105a-c, j) by husband/partner
d) d107: experienced any severe violence (d105d-f) by husband/partner
e) d108: experienced any sexual violence (d105h-i, k) by husband/partner
f) v013: age in 5-year groups
g) v501: current marital status
h) v044: selected for female domestic violence
i) v021: primary sampling unit
j) v023: stratification used in sample design

2. IPV calculation

****Call of the dataset**********

use "C:\Reverien\HIV_2015\RWIR70DT\RWIR70FL.DTA", clear

set more off

*** Weighting for generalization**********

gen dwt=d005/1000000

svyset [pw=dwt], psu(v021) strata(v023)

****Summing variables "d104-d108" to create the variable ipv*******

egen ipv=rsum (d104 d106 d107 d108)

****Generating variable "viol" standing for all kinds of violence combined***

*** d104: experienced any emotional violence***********

*** d106: experienced any less severe violence by husband/partner***********

*** d107: experienced any severe violence by husband/partner*************

gen viol=0 if ipv==0

replace viol=1 if ipv>0 & ipv~=.

lab var viol "Experienced any kind of violence"

lab define viol 0" Not experienced IPV" 1" Experienced IPV"
lab val viol viol

***Looking for the prevalence of IPV in general*********

svy: tab viol, per

****Looking for the prevalence of IPV in women of age between 15 and 49 years***

svy: tab v013 viol, per

3. Tables

Table 1. Prevalence of any kind of IPV in Rwanda according the RDHS 2014-2015
(by running the code svy: tab viol, per)

Intimate Partner Violence Frequency (%)

Experienced any kind of IPV 25.51

Not Experienced any kind of IPV 74.49

Total 100

Table 2. Association of women age group and IPV

(by running the code svy: tab v013 viol, per)

Experienced any kind of violence

Age in 5-year groups Experienced Not experienced Total

15-19 18.73 0.3748 19.1

20-24 15.37 2.742 18.12

25-29 12.55 4.554 17.11

30-34 10.73 6.643 17.37

35-39 6.917 4.072 10.99

40-44 5.606 4.307 9.913

45-49 4.586 2.816 7.403

Total 74.49 25.51 100


chi2 = 298.8280

P-value = 0.0000

The variable V501 is for the current marital status. During the survey, it was labeled as follows:

0 never in union

1 married

2 living with partner

3 widowed

4 divorced

5 no longer living together/separated

But the variable v044 is selected for female domestic violence. Its labels are the following:

0= woman not selected

1= woman selected and interviewed

2 =woman selected, but privacy not possible

3 =woman selected, but not interviewed

Suppose we want to calculate the prevalence of IPV in selected, interviewed and ever married women
(We ignore the case of partners never in union and use the code svy: tab viol if v501>=1 & v501<=5 &
v044==1, per). Table 3 depicts the results.

Table 3. Prevalence of IPV in selected, interviewed and ever married women

Intimate Partner Violence Frequency (%)

Experienced any kind of IPV 40.42

Not Experienced any kind of IPV 59.58

Total 100

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