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1064551 48B1 a2) United States Patent (0) Patent No: US 6,455,148 BL Spears et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 24, 2002 NEL WITHA FOAMED A 10/1990. Weaver ea Seccia7 A Linooi Weaver et a Sosvone ‘21902 Leach ea ; sess A 101002 ul (75) nventors: Robert Preston Spears, Richmond; S1ssgs A 101952 Bult Burwell Lewis Lafoon, Jr., Glen Allen; 5212914 A 5/1993 Martin et al. Jou C. Peace, Sry Mechanicsville, al of sts A 101903 Come VA (U3); Kari-Heinz Johannes SSonrrs A “41904 Leach tal Reilmann, Eastman, GA (US) 5,372,863 A 12/1004 Nishikawa Stanton A ‘Too Benue et (15) Assignee: Reynolds Metals Company, Richmond, Sonos A 41900 Ward ta VAS) Sseost7 A Uvl9b0 hic a Saosin A "D199? Tay etal (4). Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Samaze A 1997 okaquest a patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Peat aReMcised ene dop/t91 US.C. 154(b) by 78 days. 5968287 A 10/1999 Nath apotorissd At © "82001 hich tb 296,181 (21) Appl No.:09/613,337 2) ed Jut-7,2000 OTHER PUBLICATION , “Hydrocerol@Chemical Foaming and Nucleating Agents, (51) Int. CI B32B 300 = "Foam Profile Extrusion—Processing and Information Guide of Clariant (2) Usa. a2sii9.; aasisiss; Sue of Gs See! pe SST ENSIES, ERSILL ORaLT, “BONREABEO™ by Room - Heck I Maer Pin, 4283184 26 10 B32, Mid-No (58) Field of Search 428/318.4, 319.1, sited by examiner 4281317.1, 317-7, 315.5, 315.7, 315.9 primary Examiner—Blaine Copenheaver (56) References Cited Assistant Examiner—Leanna Roché U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Hunton & Williams; Glenn E. Klepre 3499819 A + 31970 Lewis toro sRAC 3,785,108 A * 1/1974 Turner 32309 (57) ABSTRACT. Sova A + 710% Tomer 156310 pen eco omacl The present invention relates 10 an. improved composite 435369 A 121970 Kemere etal panel that is stlable for architectural and display applic- S12 A “Gore Strwotd ea tis aad ta avantageous method for aking the Composic iies's1 A 81979 howe nel The composite panel comprises a foamed plas coe a a P poste panel comp p 4207221 A 5/1981 Ishikawa ‘and two metallic skin layers bonded to the plastic core. The Goods A S798t Remerer ta. : ic kin layers bonded tothe plastic core. The Kae oe ee Composite panel exhibis an efective bord strength sufi Malas Aicroecf nemeart cient fo prevent peeling of the skin layers under normal use Soun030 A+ 11086 Mocha tho. 25290117 conditions, atleast one visually flat surface subslaally fee Seasse4 A" 19M Masi ta of surface defects, anda sills to weight ratio ofa leas 4,685,263 A 8/1987 Ting about 500 IbpinTh,/ft. SEES A Soe) ste Gsmoes A 101989 Tomlinson sas33t A 121989 Shuth ea 4 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Sep. 24, 2002 Sheet 1 of 2 US 6,455,148 BL etes FIG.1 US 6,455,148 B1 Sheet 2 of 2 Sep. 24, 2002 U.S. Patent

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