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Task 1: Why Professional Ethics Are Important To Engineers?

Why professional ethics are important to engineers? First of all, one should know what
engineers literally means by taking into account various perspectives. Engineers are the people
who responsible to design materials, structures, and the limitations imposed by practicality,
regulation, safety, and cost. Thus, this makes engineering course to be one of the profesional
course and the tasks given regarding construction and safety of a certain structure must be
handled professionally.

Every engineers should follow the hallmark of profesionalism to ensure there is no

question arise regarding the professionality of an individual characteristics. Many aspects can
be made into references for the future. As a certified engineer, accepting responsibility is a must.
If one made a mistake, own it and do not attempt the same failure again. Accepting a
responsibility shows that the person is a mature individual and act within preferrable situation.
This personality that build within oneself would eventually bear fruit whenever oneself
involved in some ‘sticky’ situation regarding a contract or an agreement with the other party
such as the client.

If there is an unwanted situation occurs, do not just lay an excuse without proper
explaination. An explaination is important to make countermeasure against the situation to
reduce any loss that may occur to the parties within the agreement regarding a project. An
excuse is essentially a justification of something and particularly a communication clarification.
Thus, with a proper explaination, the case can be clarified much sooner and the loss can be
minimized. Think beforehand would made oneself to have the upperhand in making a decision.
Decision making is a significant step that would be a catalyst to a project whether it would
produce a great outcome or on the other hand.

Even if oneself found out that this engineering course is for a profesional or if oneself
found that he or she is on a higher stratus in an organization, humble is a must. To clarify things,
humble to the other people would not decrease oneself value but it would be vice versa. A
person that being humble is known to be well-liked by many people. Thus, it would turn things
around and make things easier, especially whenever negotiation taking place.
One should cover basic qualifying requirements which means that this factor may
determine the position and the profesionalism of the one’s job. People tend to question on what
is the qualification of an engineering regarding prior to academic profeciency. Of course in
what has been clarified, a minimum of basic grasp of the materials regarded to the course would
be sufficient. In reality, people would likely questioning one’s best qualification to bear the
responsibility of the job provided. This is due to the past experiences of people that had to bear
the failure faced due to improper implementation of past individual regarding the job given.

An edge of competition would be a positive addition to the individual. What is an edge

of competition would meant to be? It means that oneself should implement some aspects,
aptitude or even attitude to make oneslf to has an advantage over the other competitors.
Graduate of engineers nowadays are known to be significantly high. Thus, oneself should know
what is the strong point that differs oneself from another engineering graduates that can affect
the productivities of a company positively. With this implementation of profesional ethics, the
chances of getting hired is higher.

Professional ethics are a guidance to a good practice. A good practice yield a satisfying
result to the productivity of particular organisation. Furthermore, a good practice is a method
or technique that has been generally accepted as superior to any alternatives because it produces
results that are superior to those achieved by other means or because it has become a standard
way of doing things. If these standard kept in mind, being a successive engineer is not a mere

To further clarify things, the professional ethics held the key to the ultimate benefit of
the profession. To dominate the professional ethics means to have the whole profession to be
withing one’s grasp. Many aspects can be said about professional ethics positively since it gave
a very satisfying result to the organisations when done right. These are the reasons why
professional ethics are important to engineers.

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