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Branding in B2B markets is certainly more than finding a clever name

for a product or company. Successful branding requires discipline and

focus. Here are 5 lessons for branding B2B companies.

How to Brand a B2B Company

By Kathryn Roy

What branding is not

There are several layers to image for a
company selling to businesses, starting
with professional appearance, graduat-
ing to visibility, and culminating with Meaningful
meaningful differentiation that is rein- Differentiation
forced by supporting data and
experiences. While meaningful differen- Visibility
tiation is required for effective branding,
it is difficult to achieve meaningful differ-
entiation if you lack either visibility or a
professional image. Professional image
and visibility are necessary, but not suf-
Components of a Strong Image
ficient elements for effective branding.
And if you are lucky enough to secure a or product component is a far cry from
differentiated position, you need to pro- developing a brand. If you don’t have the
tect it with consistency of behavior, resources to make the name into an ef-
imaging, and messaging. Oh yes – and fective brand, you are better off not
you have to beware of competitive at- pasting a name on in the first place.
tacks on your differentiated position and
be prepared to change your position Few companies can carry many brands
every few years as the key criteria for successfully. Look at IBM – a $100+B
purchases shifts. company. They have determined that
they can only support 5 brand names.
I frequently hear people suggest, “Let’s Many multi-million dollar companies find
brand this!” often meaning, let’s find a that they can carry only one brand suc-
creative name for this thing. There are cessfully. Most Lotus customers were
two misconceptions buried in that state- familiar 1-2-3, but not Lotus. They
ment. First, sticking a name on a service thought that the company name was

How to Brand a B2B Company

also 1-2-3. And Lotus spent tens of mil- meaning to MidSize’s customers. In fact,
lions of dollars a year on “branding.” customers would need a glossary to fig-
ure out what MidSize was referring to.
A track athlete competing in multiple
MidSize changed the modules and ser-
events is less likely to win than one who
vice names to OnTarget Descriptor,
focuses on a single event. In a similar
where Descriptor explained what the
fashion, companies that put all of their
module or service did using the custom-
efforts behind one or a few brands are
ers’ vocabulary.
more likely to achieve success than
those who try to promote many brands Branding the company
at the same time. Many start-up ven-
Cleaning up the confusing profusion of
tures avoid naming their companies after
product names doesn’t address how to
their premier product – wanting to sug-
brand the company. Most companies
gest that they’ll soon have a stable of
start by thinking about the image they
successful products. This is a sad mis-
want to project. This turns out to be
take. eRoom (acquired by Documentum,
completely backwards.
which was soon swallowed by EMC)
started as a product of Instinctive Tech- Branding is less about building a house
Kathryn Roy (kathryn@ nology, but the company soon adopted from scratch and more about finding a is eRoom as its name. vacant room to occupy. Assume the
Managing Partner at Preci- people you want to influence are lazy,
Let’s look at how a hypothetical com-
sion Thinking, a marketing resistant, and stubborn. They are not
pany called MidSize wrestled with a
and strategy consulting firm willing to spend more than microseconds
surplus of product names and honing in
that helps B2B technology on your company or brand. You have to
on one differentiating message for the
companies boost the effec- detect the place that you can occupy in
company brand.
tiveness of their marketing their brain by understanding what they
and sales organizations Battling name confusion care about and what they already think
of competitors. And then fight to occupy
As with many companies, MidSize was that place with all of your resources.
formed by the merger of MidSize and
Primo, which had only recently changed MidSize, after careful consideration, de-
its name from Exceli. MidSize has three cided to compete based on better
products, only two of which share a root integration. In fact, MidSize’s products
syllable in their name and none of which are not yet as integrated as their cus-
have any relationship with the company tomers would like. However, MidSize
name. Customers who aware of Mid- can successfully convince customers
Size’s latest product are often unfamiliar that MidSize is most likely to success-
with MidSize the company. At industry fully integrate through outlining
conferences, MidSize executives find MidSize’s product vision, demonstrating
almost everyone is familiar with at least MidSize’s depth of understanding of cus-
one of their products, but few have tomers’ problems, and establishing a
heard of MidSize, Primo or Exceli. For a track record of delivering on promises.
long time, MidSize’s executives missed And because MidSize was claiming in-
this point because they dealt primarily tegration as their differentiator, they will
with the customer contacts responsible need to devise a new name for the inte-
for purchasing MidSize’s products who grated suite and revise the component
became aware of MidSize company product names to reinforce the percep-
name through contracts, emails, and tion of an integrated suite.
marketing communications materials. It was not easy to get MidSize’s execu-
However, the vast number of MidSize’s tives to agree to favor integration over
users don’t know which company makes other differentiators. There’s an innate
the product they use. human desire to be all things to all peo-
One MidSize product, OnTarget, had ple. A recent industry column described
modules labeled OnSight and OnPoint a competitor as more nimble than Mid-
and an associated service called On- Size. Some MidSize employees want
Time. None of these clever names had the company to be established and nim-

How to Brand a B2B Company

ble. You can’t hold a room by darting out For technology companies, one of the
of yours into another periodically. The benefits of successful branding is cus-
right way to respond is to say: tomer patience. Why do companies
settle for inferior products from Micro-
“Of course vendors who don’t do X, Y,
soft? Because they believe that within a
and Z are able to change software
few releases, Microsoft will attain the
faster. Sometimes we are slowed down
lead position. Integration for MidSize
a little by delivering higher quality with
was – more than anything else – a
more integration. However, we score
credible promise of differentiation that
high in productivity, and we consistently
gave customers and prospects a reason
add important features to our products.
a reason to justify their choice of Mid-
We hear that our ‘nimbler’ competitors
have missed the boat in addressing user

In conclusion
Branding is more complicated than it first appears and certainly more than finding a
clever name for something. The key branding points to remember are:
• Marshal your efforts and resources behind as few “brands” as possible
• Find an unclaimed differentiator and lock it down.
• If you aren’t credible, you can’t own it.
• You can’t be all things to all people.
• Consistency wins over creativity


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