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IX/ Class – IX

3 90
Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 90

(i) ( ) एवं 30
(iii) 1 8
(iv) 9 20 3 80

(v) 21 26 5 120

(vi) 27 28 3-3

vii) 29 और 30 5

General Instructions :
(i) The question paper has two sections (Section A and Section B) with 30
questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Marks are indicated against each question.
(iii) Questions from serial number 1 to 8 are very short answer type questions. Each
question carries one mark.
(iv) Questions from serial number 9 to 20 are 3 marks questions. Answer of these
questions should not exceed 80 words each.
(v) Questions from serial number 21 to 26 are 5 marks questions. Answer of these
questions should not exceed 120 words each.
(vi) Question number 27 and 28 are map question of 3 marks each, from History and
Geography respectively. After completion, attach the maps inside your answer
(vii) Question number 29 and 30 are from Open Text themes and each question is
of 5 marks.

खंड क / SECTION – A

1.1 1
Name any one pastoral nomad group of Jammu and Kashmir.

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OR /

1.2 1878 1
Name any two categories of forests as mentioned in the Forest Act of 1878.

OR /

1.3 1
When was the Battle of Plassey fought.

2 1
Which type of climate does Rajasthan desert have?

3 1
What is the minimum age for voting in India ?

4 1
Name the ethnic groups of KOSOVO.

5 1
In whose name are all the international treaties and agreements made ?

6 1
Name any two states of India where there has been a significant decline in poverty.

7 1
Which policy was adopted by West Bengal to reduce poverty ?

8 1

Which international organisation uses a uniform standard to measure the poverty line in
developing countries ?

9.1 3

Describe how the movement of the Kurumas and Kurubas is defined by the
requirement of their cattle.

OR /

9.2 3
Why did the Europeans consider shifting cultivation to be harmful ?

OR /

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9.3 3
What problems were caused by East India Company's dependence on tea trade in
China ?

10.1 3
Highlight any three reasons behind the criticism of the Pentangular Tournament.

OR /

10.2 3

Which clothes were reserved for the Royalty in France ? How were they different
from the clothes of others?

11.1 3
Why did Mahatma Gandhi condemn the pentangular cricket
tournament ?

OR /

11.2 3
How did the „Movement for clothing‟ develop amongst the white settlers in America?

12 3

Name the natural habitat of the Asiatic lion. Name any two other members of the cat family
found in India.

13 3
Explain any three characteristic features of Tropical Evergreen Forests.

14 3

What is the sex ratio in Kerala and Haryana ? Why is there a vast difference in the sex
ratio of these two states ? Explain any two reasons.

15 3
What values should be kept in mind by the contestants during the election campaign of a
country ? Elaborate.

16 3
Explain any three restrictions on the 'Right to freedom of Religion.'

17 3
How can we say that, Judiciary in India is independent? Give any three reasons.

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18 3

"One of the biggest challenges of independent India has been to bring millions of its people
out of abject poverty". Illustrate.

19 3

Explain the reasons of poverty decline in China.

20 3
Write any three effects of irregular income.

21.1 5

What are the expectations of the pastoralist communities from their government
today? What role can they play in the economy and conservation of environment in
the hilly and dry regions

OR /

21.2 5
Which moves of the British worried the tribals of Bastar and how did they suffer ?

OR /

21.3 5

Analyze any five circumstances which forced the Indian farmers to cultivate opium.

22.1 5

How did the organization of cricket in England reflect the nature of English society ?

OR /

22.2 5
“How was clothing instrumental in triggering off the Swadeshi Movement in Bengal” ?

23 5

Despite a ban on hunting the one-horned rhinoceros are being killed for their horns.
Do we just raise slogans and play the blame game ? Explain.

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24 5
Why is natural vegetation in India disappearing rapidly. Describe any five reasons.

25 5
Explain the need of political institutions.

26 5
Compare the situation of India and Saudi Arabia in terms of right to freedom in both
the countries.

27a, 27b 27c

The student has to attempt any one map question from question numbers 27a, 27b and 27c.
Question no. 28 is compulsory. The maps are attached with the question paper.

27a (a) A B 3


(a) Two items A and B are shown in the given political outline map of India. Identify
these items with the help of following information and write their correct names on
the lines marked on the map.
(A) State Raika community belong to which.
(B) The state to which Gaddi belong.
(b) On the same political outline map of India, locate and label the following item with
appropriate symbol :
(C) State famous pastoral community of Dhangar belong to which.
Note : The following questions are for the visually impaired candidates only in lieu of
map question.
(27.1) Name a pastoral community belong to Rajasthan.
(27.2) Name the state to which Kinnauris belonged.
(27.3) Name the pastoral famous community of Maharashtra.

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OR /

27b (a) A B 3


(27.1) 1910
(a) Two items A and B are shown in the given political outline map of India. Identify
these items with the help of following information and write their correct names on
the lines marked on the map.
(A) The state : From where forest rebellion started.
(B) The state to which Korava and Karacha belong.

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(b) On the same political outline map of India, locate and label the following item with
appropriate symbol.
(C) The state where tea plantation agriculture was started during British rule.
Note : The following questions are for the visually impaired candidates only in lieu of
map question.
(27.1) Name the Place where the forest rebellion of 1910 was started.
(27.2) Name the State to which 'Gunda Dhur' belonged.
(27.3) Name any one forest community of Jharkhand.

OR /

27c (a) A B 3



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(a) Two items A and B are shown in the given political outline map of India. Identify
these items with the help of the following information and write their correct names
on the lines marked on the map.
(A) A State where village headman provided advances to poor farmers to grow
(B) The city from where opium agents shipped opium to China.
(b) On the same political outline map of India, locate and label the following items with
appropriate symbol.
(C) State which was not under direct control of the British, but farmers used to
grow opium.
Note : The following questions are for the visually impaired candidates only in lieu of
map question.
(27.1) Name the country where opium war took place.
(27.2) Which country linked the trade route between England and China ?
(27.3) Name the place in China from where opium trade was carried out.

28 (a) (A) (B) 3

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(a) Two features (A) and (B) are shown in the political outline map of India. Identify these
features with the help of the following information and write their correct names on
the lines marked on the map.
(A) Type of natural vegetation.
(B) A National Park.
(b) On the same political outline map of India locate and label the following feature with
appropriate symbol.
(C) The state having highest sex ratio.
Note : The following questions are for the visually impaired candidates only, in lieu of
map question.
(28.1) Name the type of natural vegetation found in state of Assam.
(28.2) In which state of India Corbett National Park is located ?
(28.3) Name the state having highest sex ratio.

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खंड ख (मुक्त पाठ्यवस्तु आधाररत प्रश्न ) / SECTION - B (OTBA)
(*कृ पया सुनननित कर लें कक नवषय का मुक्त पाठ इस प्रश्न-पत्र के साथ उपलब्ध है)
(* Please ensure that open text of the given theme is supplied with this question paper)
/ Theme : Food Security in India

29 वततमान समय में भारतीय कृ नष के समक्ष उपनस्थत ककन्हीं पांच समस्याओं को सूचीबद्ध कीनिए। 5
Enlist any five problems faced by Indian agriculture today.

30 भारत में भूनम सुधार क्यों लागू ककया गया? इस कदशा में उठाए गए ककन्हीं चार कदमों को स्पष्ट कीनिए। 5
Why were the Land Reforms introduced in India? Explain any four steps taken in this regard.


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