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Semester 1| 1819 

TMX1022 ICT Competency

Project (Mark: 2.5%)


Online shopping website

Prepare 8 - 10 minutes duration video presentation on project management. It’s up to

your team’s creativity to come out with creative video presentation. Write a report
using MS Words.


 Students are required to form groups and each group must not exceed ten (10)
persons per group with minimum eight (8) persons.
 Get the Project Proposal Form from eLeap and complete the following information:

Group Name
Project Title
Brief Description of the Project
Group Members (name, student number, faculty, program, email address, hphone

 Please submit the project proposal form before 19 Oct 2018 (Week 6) via eLeap

Project Requirements

 The project is divided into four (4) sections:
1. Layout plan
2. Report
3. Presentation/demo
4. Group participation

This project is divided into TWO (2) sections:

i. Video presentation
Prepare a video presentation with following items:
 8 – 10 minutes video duration.
 Contents of the video must be related to Project Management.
 Freestyle video presentation. Create your own style and creativity
of your video presentation.

ii. Technical report

Prepare a technical report that discusses the following items:
 Introduction to the sporting event

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Semester 1| 1819 

 Description of all the elements (text, table, charts, images, audio,

video, other multimedia elements) and requirements that you
have included in the video.
 Description of the development techniques that you used to build
the video.
 The Gantt chart for the project (use the techniques you learn in
Lab 6: Project Management)
 Task allocation among group members (name and who completed
which parts)

 Project report format:

Font : Times New Roman
Font size : 12
Spacing : 1.5 lines
No. of pages : Minimum 5 pages

 Please submit the report together with video softcopy by 30 Nov 2018
(Week 11) via eLeap and MOOC.

 Presentation/demo:
 Your team will need to present the video to your evaluator via MOOC.
 Tentatively, your video presentation via MOOC: Week 13. Please make sure
submission of your group video presentation via MOOC before Week 13.
 Presentation 8-10 minutes duration.

Grading Scheme

 The marks for the project will be given as follows:

1. Layout plan - 15%
2. Report - 5%
3. Presentation/demo - 5%
4. Group participation - 5%
Total = 30%

 Layout plan marking criteria:

ICT Components / tools 2%

 Correct selection of components or tools.
 Use at least 3 (Three) ICT components and 1
(ONE) software.

Multimedia elements 5%
 Proper use of images, sound, animated .gif
 Database
 Image processing technique
 Adobe Flash

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Creativity 4%
 Usage of colour schemes, themes, proper
positioning of objects and design

Contents 2%

Others 2%
 Any extra features which show that the
students put efforts in learning new things
Total 15%

 Report marking criteria:

Format: 1%
 Cover
 Table of contents
 References
 Page numbers, margin, labelling of diagrams
 Section numbering

Creativity 1%
 Inclusion of text, images, tables, charts,
screen snapshot and others to enhance the
Originality and depth of topics 1%
 Original ideas (not cut and paste)
 Depths of contents; students show that they
have sufficient information about the event

Project Management 1%
Neatness and no grammatical/spelling errors 1%

Total 5%

 Presentation/demo marking criteria:

Presentation/demo 2%
 Working links
 Multimedia elements (images, sound and
animated .gif)

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 Website structure and content

Presentation/demo fluency 3%
 Interesting
 Adequate preparation
 Well-presented

Total 5%

 Group participation

Group participation – 5% 5%
 Task allocation
 Teamwork and cooperation
 Project management
Total 5%

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