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Int J. Refrig. Vol. 20, No. 3, pp.

179-190, 1997
© 1997ElsevierScienceLtd and IIR
All rights reserved. Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0140-7007(96)00075-8 0140-7007/97/$17.00 + 0.00

Entropy production analysis and experimental

confirmation of absorption systems
H. T. Chua 1, J. M . Gordon 2, K. C. N g 1 and Q. H a n 1
1 D e p a r t m e n t o f M e c h a n i c a l a n d P r o d u c t i o n Engineering,
N a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y o f S i n g a p o r e , 10 K e n t Ridge Crescent,
S i n g a p o r e 119260
2Center f o r E n e r g y a n d E n v i r o n m e n t a l Physics, J a c o b Blaustein Institute
f o r D e s e r t R e s e a r c h , B e n - G u r i o n U n i v e r s i t y o f the N e g e v , Sede B o q e r
C a m p u s 84990, Israel a n d T h e P e a r l s t o n e C e n t e r f o r A e r o n a u t i c a l
E n g i n e e r i n g Studies, D e p a r t m e n t o f M e c h a n i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g ,
B e n - G u r i o n U n i v e r s i t y o f the Negev, B e e r s h e v a 84105, Israel
Received 20 M a y 1996; revised 23 September 1996; accepted 21 N o v e m b e r 1996

Absorption chillers, heat pumps and heat transformers exploit thermal power input to
satisfy a variety of refrigeration and heating applications, as well as to boost the
temperature of low-grade heat. Can one arrive at accurate predictions of system
performance with a simple analytic irreversible thermodynamic model? In capturing the
essential physics of the problem, that model would be required to provide a predictive
and diagnostic tool and to permit determination of optimal absorption system operating
conditions. We derive such a model and check its validity against experimental data and
computer simulation results from a variety of commercial absorption units. We reinforce
the observation that commercial units appear to have evolved empirically such that
maximum efficiency is realized under design conditions. The failure of a host of
previously-published endo-reversible thermodynamic models to account for funda-
mental qualitative features and accurate predictions of system behavior is documented
with computer simulation results and experimental performance data. © 1997 Elsevier
Science Ltd and IIR
(Keywords: refrigerating system; absorption;heat pump;heat transformer;performance;simulation;
calculation; thermodynamics)

Analyse entropique et confirmation exprrimentale pour

systrmes absorption
Refroidisseurs, pompes ?t chaleur et transformateurs de chalcur ~ absorption utlisent un
apport d'Onergie thermique pour satisfaire une variOtO d'applications de froid et de
chauffage, ainsi que pour Olever les niveaux de tempOratures. Peut-on parvenir ~ des
provisions prOcises de performance des systbmes par un modble simple d'analyse de
thermodynamique irrOversible? En prenant en compte les donnOes physiques essentielles du
probl~me, ce modkle fournirait un outil de provision et de diagnostic et permettrait de
dOterminer les conditions optimales de fonctionnement d'un systbme par absorption. Nous
Otablissons un tel modble et vOrifions sa validitO avec les donnOes expOrimentales et les
rOsultats de simulation par ordinateur d'apr~s une s~rie de g r o u p e ~ absorption du
commerce. Nous confirmons l'observation que les groupes du commerce semblent avoir
Ovolu~ empiriquement de sorte que le rendement maximum est bien obtenu pour les
conditions de conception. ROsultats de simulation par ordinateur et donn~es de performance
exp~rimentales permettent de montrer comment de nombreux modbles thermodynamiques
endorOversibles publiOs antOrieurement ne rOsussissent pas h rendre compte des
caractOristiques qualitatives fondamentals ni ~ donner des pr~visions prOcises de
comportement du systOme. 0 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd and IIR
(Mots cl~s: systeme frigorifique; absorption; l'ompe ~i chaleur; transformateur de chaleur;
performance;simulation; calcul; thermodynamique)

180 H.T. Chua et al.

C Coolant specific heat (J kg -1 K -l) condenser, in chillers and heat pumps
COP Coefficient Of Performance = (useful (dimensionless)
effect)/(thermal power input) Y Fraction of total heat input at the
(dimensionless) generator, in heat transformers
E Heat exchanger effectiveness (dimensionless)
e refrigerant entropy change expressions Subscripts
evaluated for endo-reversible models
(W K -1) abs Absorber
m Coolant mass flow rate (kg s -1) cond Condenser
Q Cycle-average heat flow (W) evap Evaporator
ASint Total internal entropy production per gen Generator
cycle (W K - 1) input Total heat input
Ty Refrigerant temperature at heat int Internal
reservoir j (K) reject Total heat rejection
Tjin Coolant inlet temperature at heat
reservoir j (K) Superscripts
UA Heat exchanger thermal conductance
(w K -~) in Coolant inlet
x Fraction of total heat rejection at the leak Heat leak term

Most cooling systems and heat pumps are driven by mic process at the absorber. The condenser, evapora-
electrical power, and use reciprocating or centrifugal tor and throttling device serve the same functions as
compressors. The efficiency of these vapor-compres- those in reciprocating and centrifugal machines.
sion units can be relatively high, in part because Three useful effects can be derived from absorption
efficiency is commonly defined so that the entropy systems:
produced in generating the electrical power input is (1) cooling or refrigeration in chillers at the
viewed as external. evaporator;
Absorption chillers (refrigeration devices) and (2) heating in heat pumps at the absorber and
heat pumps offer an alternative approach, whereby condenser. In reciprocating or centrifugal heat
thermal power is the driving force. The heat is pumps, the heating is derived from the condenser;
usually delivered in the form of hot water or steam, (3) temperature boosting of the input thermal
and is commonly derived from industrial waste power in heat transformers. Low-temperature waste
heat, geothermal sources, solar energy collection, heat is fed to the evaporator and generator, and
the combustion of natural gas, or other thermal higher-temperature heat is delivered from the absor-
sources. ber to the heating load. In the heat transformer, the
The efficiency of absorption systems is ostensibly concentrated solution flowing from the absorber to
far lower than that of systems with reciprocating or the generator is warmer than the more concentrated
centrifugal compressors. This apparent inferiority, solution that emerges from the generator, whereas in
however, stems from absorption devices processing the heat pump, the more concentrated solution is the
thermal power directly - hence incurring entropy hotter of the two. Namely, the heat transformer
production in the conversion of thermal power to the delivers its useful effect (at the absorber) at a higher
useful effect of cooling (in chillers) or heating (in heat temperature than that of the heat input.
pumps). The key advantage of absorption technology Our objective here is to develop a relatively simple
lies precisely in direct utilization of locally-available thermodynamic model for absorption systems, able to
thermal sources, and in reduced environmental and account for:
pollution dangers. (1) accurate predictions of absorption system
Vapor-compression systems produce their cooling efficiency as a function of the major performance
or heating at an evaporator or condenser, respec- variables;
tively. The corresponding absorption systems include (2) diagnostics, namely, identifying and quantifying
two additional heat reservoirs: a generator and performance degradation and the component(s)
absorber. A volatile working fluid (refrigerant) is responsible for it; and
partially separated from the carrier solution by the (3) determining the operating conditions and
heat input at the generator. The refrigerant and system configurations which maximize device effi-
solution are subsequently recombined in an exother- ciency, and demonstrating that many commercial
Entropy production analysis 181

absorption systems have evolved empirically so as to bilities permits us to treat single-stage, double-stage
satisfy this criterion. and triple-stage units within one unified framework of
The model developed here strikes a balance irreversible thermodynamics 3.
between two previous generic approaches: (a)
highly-detailed, multiple-parameter, device-specific
models that can accurately reproduce performance
System performance equations
characteristics, but leave little flexibility in general-
Derivation of the thermodynamic model
izing results to other absorption devices; and (b) over-
simplified endo-reversible models that ignore internal Chillers, heat pumps and heat transformers are
dissipation and thereby quantitatively exclude most thermodynamically similar entities. What distin-
of the physics of the problem. We will demonstrate guishes them are the temperature ranges employed,
that these endo-reversible models not only fail and the useful effect derived from the unit, i.e.
markedly in quantitative estimates of system efficiency, cooling, heating or temperature boosting of low-
but also include assumptions that are clearly contra- grade heat, respectively. The equations governing
dicted by actual experimental data. Our approach is internal energy and entropy balance are the same;
in the spirit of recently-developed universal thermo- only the definition of the figure of merit or efficiency
dynamic models for a variety of chillers types convenient to each category differs. Therefore we
(absorption, reciprocating, centrifugal and others) 1-5. proceed with a general thermodynamic derivation.
One attempts to capture enough of the physics of the Only at the end will we distinguish among different
problem to provide an accurate accounting of the applications with different definitions of efficiency and
principal device performance characteristics. Yet a different convenient control variables.
sufficiently small number of system parameters are Consider a system operating cyclically and at
introduced so as to emerge with simple analytic steady state (i.e. transients are ignored, as well as
formulae with which system diagnostics and optim- the effects of the kinetic and potential energy of the
ization are straightforward exercises. refrigerant). The circulation pumps in these units
Our irreversible thermodynamic model offers the drive saturated liquids through the system. Hence
simplicity of an analytic formalism, and lumps their electrical power consumption is negligible
dissipation (entropy production) into three cate- relative to the other energy flows. Experimental data
gories: (a) external losses from finite-rate heat and computer simulation results reveal that heat leaks
exchange; (b) internal losses from heat and mass to and from the environment are small, bordering on
transfer in the generator and absorber, pressure drops (but not always) negligible 6-8. We retain the heat leak
in the piping, throttling and imperfect regeneration; terms, later evaluating their magnitude and confirm-
and (c) heat leaks to or from the environment. The ing their small influence on system performance.
resulting equations permit easy determination of Using the fact that internal energy is a state
nominally optimal operating conditions and con- function, we can express the cycle-average energy
figurations, as well as a predictive and diagnostic balance on the refrigerant in terms of the heat flows Q
capability. These claims will be supported by com- at the four reservoirs as:
parison against experimental data for all three classes nleak ,oleak
of absorption devices (chillers, heat pumps and heat Qcond 4- ~cond 4- Qabs 4- ~abs -- Qevap
_ Dleak
transformers). Our diagnostic analysis will illustrate ~evap - Qgen4- ()leak
~gen = 0 (1)
how performance bottlenecks can be readily iden-
tified, and how the potential improvements with Similarly, exploiting the fact that entropy is also a
existing components can be quantified. This can be state function, we write the cycle-average entropy
an important step in device optimization for manu- balance on the refrigerant as:
facturers and researchers. Qcond 4-/3leak
~cond q Qabs 4- f~leak
~:~abs Qevap 4- Dleak
Finally, some higher-efficiency absorption units are
designed and built with enhanced regenerative heat Tcond Tabs Tevap
exchange. They are usually referred to as double-stage _ /-)leak
or triple-stage units, depending on the number of heat Qgen ~gen __ ASin t /> 0 (2)
exchangers and generators introduced 6. The regen-
erative heat exchange can also be performed in series where ASin t denotes the total internal entropy
or in parallel. Only the high-temperature generator, production (which according to the Second Law
condenser, evaporator and absorber are in thermal must be non-negative). Refrigerant temperature Tj at
communication with the heat reservoirs (coolants). reservoir j refers to a process-average value. All heat
As we develop our thermodynamic model in the flows are defined as positive and refer to cycle-average
following section, the heat transfer irreversibilities at values.
these heat reservoirs will be treated as external losses. The last element of the model is to express these
When heat transfer dissipation occurs within the energy and entropy balances in terms of the readily-
regenerative scheme, it will be assimilated as part of measurable coolant inlet temperatures (denoted
the internal losses. This categorization of irreversi- below by a superscript 'in') rather than in terms of
182 t4. L Chua et al.

the far less convenient refrigerant temperatures. exchanger's thermal conductance UA:
Energy balance at the four heat exchangers requires:
Qgcn = (UA)gen(T~ - T~n) (6)
Qj = +(mCE):(T: - T)n) (3)
When heat exchange at the generator is dominated by
where subscript 'j' substitutes for generator, con- sensible heat, as in water-fired units, Equation (3) is
denser, absorber or evaporator; m = coolant mass retained.
flow rate; C = coolant specific heat; E = heat exchan- In many commercial absorption chillers and heat
ger effectiveness (dimensionless, with 0 ~< E~< 1); pumps, the absorber and condenser are cooled by a
and the + sign preserves our definition that Qj single stream of coolant that flows first through the
be positive. The product mCE is often called the absorber and then through the condenser. In this
thermal throughput or thermal inventory of the heat instance, T~nd is additionally constrained by
in in (1 - x) Qrej~t
Before proceeding to generating numerical results, Tcond = Tab s + (7)
we can simplify the analysis somewhat by noting the (mC)abs
relative magnitudes of certain terms used above, and However the finite capacity (mC)ab, of the coolant
by identifying practical control or optimization stream is occasionally ignored in the analysis s. To
parameters for the different types of absorption ensure a meaningful comparison between model and
systems. experiment in this case, one simply adopts an
infinitely large value for (mC)a~ in the calculation.
System efficiency is commonly defined by the
Special application to chillers and heat pumps Coefficient Of Performance (COP): the ratio of
Three observations are invoked for absorption useful effect to thermal power input. For the
chillers and heat pumps. First, for properly-operating absorption chiller
commercial units, the heat leaks at the heat rejection
branches, i.e. at the absorber and condenser, are
COPchiller ~ Qevap/Qgca (8)
negligible e-s. Hence we retain heat leak terms only at whereas for the absorption heat pump
the generator and evaporator.
COPheat pump ~- Qreject/Qgcn (9)
Consider the chiller or heat pump at the design and
assembly stage. The designer then can still modify any From Equations (4) and (5), we can express COP
or all of the four heat reservoirs, as well as the mCE analytically as:
values of each of the heat exchangers. Each possible 1
configuration will correspond to a particular division
of total heat rejection between the absorber and the
condenser. It is in this light that we view the fraction
of total heat rejection effected at the condenser or
-- Tevap
Tabs ~ X Tabs
[1 ldlAXintL
Tc~n -1- Qe~vap ~t Qevap
absorber as a meaningful control variable. As x 1
illustrated below, among all the possible device Tabs Tgen b nd T:bs
constructions, one particular division of heat rejection (10)
will maximize system efficiency. Denote the total heat
rejection by Qreject (Qreject = Ocond + Oabs), and let x where the heat-leak contribution L (for conciseness of
be the fraction of that total rejected at the condenser. notation) is
Equations (1) and (2) can then be expressed respec-
tively as:
L : ~-evap Tevap Tabs
/)leak /-}leak : 0 (4)
Qreject - Qevap - ~evap -- Qgen q- ~gen
f) leak n,eak[T_~n 1-x x] (11)
xQreject _1 (1 -- x)Qrejec t Qevap + ~:.evap -- x~gen Tabs T~ond
Tcond Tabs revap
()leak _ (~leak- I
_ n leak
Qgen ~gcn _ ASint >I 0 (5) COPbeat pump = 1 -~- COPchille r 1 -I ~:.eva.p __ ~gen 1
rgon Qevap j

The role played by x for absorption chillers and

heat pumps, and by the analogous variable in Further introduction of Equations (3) and (6) into
absorption heat transformers for the fraction of Equations (10)-(12) yields COP as an explicit (albeit
total heat input accepted at the generator (see the messy) function of coolant, rather than refrigerant,
next subsection), was first investigated in Refs [9, 10] temperatures. A performance equation similar to (10)
for reversible heat-driven units. was derived and evaluated in Ref. [11].
Third, heat exchange at the generator is usually The endo-reversible system is a simple (but as
latent, rather than sensible, so the generator energy demonstrated below highly unrealistic) limiting case
balance can be written in terms of the heat where ASin t --* 0 (and usually :~evap/')leak~ v,f~~genl')leak---* 0)
Entropy production analysis 183

so that heat input

1 COPtransf°rmer = Qgen +
Qevap (22)
which, with our model equations above, is easily
Tgen{Tcond(Tabs - Tevap) + xTevap(Tcond - Tabs)}
shown to be
revap{Tcond(Tgen -- Tabs)+ XTsen(Tabs Tcond)} - -
1 1 ASint L'
(13) 1 Tcon d Tabs I- Qab'--'-~-I Qabs
and , , t l
Tco.d Tevap F y tTevap
COPheat pump = 1 + COPchille r (14)
By additionally eliminating finite-rate heat exchange where the heat-leak contribution L' is
losses, the reversible Carnot limit 9'12 is recovered:
oleak ¢31eak Ql~nk (-ileak + ,r31eak oleak
in in in L t = ~evap + ?¢~abs :~gen ~d'abs + ~evap
1 = T~n (Tabs -- revap ) (15) T'~-vap T'~bs -~ Tgen Tcond
COPchiller Tmap(Tlg~n'n
"n _ ~abs)'n
and As noted before for the chiller and heat pump, the
COPheat pump = 1 + COPchiller (16) endoreversible formula emerges in the limit of zero
internal and heat leak losses
Special application to heat transformers 1
As for chillers and heat pumps, three simplifications COPtransformer
are noted for absorption heat transformers. First, the TgenTevap( T a sb -- Tcond )
heat leak from the condenser is negligibly small Tabs{ Tgen(Tevap - Tcond ) + yTcond(Tgen - Tevap)}
because of the relatively small temperature difference
with its environment. Hence Equation (1) is approxi- (25)
mated as and the reversible Carnot limit 1°:1 is obtained when,
~leak /-)leak in addition, external losses vanish
Qcond + Qabs + ~abs -- Qevap - ~evap
1 T~ap(Ti~ - T~n.d)
-- Qgen + o leak = 0
~gen (17)
COPtransformer ~ bns ( ~ v a"np -- ~ o". d ) (26)
(and note the change in sign of (}leak~evap due to the
different mode of operation).
Second, a control variable in heat transformer
design (as opposed to heat transformer operation once Model predictions versus experimental measurements
it is built) is the fraction of the total heat input at and simulation results: absorption chillers and heat
the generator and evaporator Qinput(Qinput = Qgen+ pumps
Qevap) that is accepted at the generator. Calling that
fraction y, we can express Equation (2) as Rudiments of performance characteristics
t~leak ( 1 - y) Qinput - /-)leak
~evap The term 'useful effect' will be used to indicate cooling
--+ Qabs + ~abs
capacity in chillers, and heating capacity in heat
Tcond Tabs Tevap
pumps. In conventional vapor-compression systems,
_ /9 leak
_ YQinput ~gen _ ASi~t >/0 (18) a characteristic plot of 1/COP against 1/(useful effect)
Tg~n clearly illustrates a fundamental tradeoff in device
performance l'3-s. Here we examine the effect of
Third, heat exchange at the generator and eva-
varying cooling capacity at fixed heat exchanger
porator is usually latent, rather than sensible, so that
area. An analogous exercise presented in Ref. [ 13] and
the heat exchanger energy balances can be written in
not offered here is to analyse the effect of varying heat
terms of each heat exchanger's thermal conductance
exchanger area at fixed cooling capacity.
At high values of useful effect, external heat-
Ogen = (UA)gen(I~nn - Tsen) (19) exchange losses dominate, and COP decreases rapidly
as useful effect is'raised. At low values of useful effect,
Qevap= (UA)evap
" .( Tin
evap-- Tevap) (20) internal dissipation dominates, and 1/COP increases
Qabs = (UA)abs(Tabs _ Tabs
)in (21) approximately linearly with 1/(useful effect). Not
coincidentally, it appears that manufacturers have
When heat exchange at the absorber is dominated by empirically evolved chiller and heat pump design so
sensible heat, as in glycol-cooled heat transformers s, that the point of maximum useful effect roughly
Equation (3) is retained. coincides with that of maximum COP. An intermedi-
COP for heat transformers is defined as the ratio of ate point of maximum COP is implied. The functional
useful effect (heat delivery at the absorber) to the total dependences that underlie the optimization have been
184 H.T. Chua et al.

total heat rejection between the condenser and the

absorber. COP can also be maximized with respect to
this division.
In our calculations below of optimal operating
configuration, we maximize COP with respect to both
nominal control variables: useful effect and the
variable x. The values of internal dissipation ASin t
are calculated from experimental measurements. It
turns out that ASint, being dominated by finite-rate
mass transfer losses, is approximately constant over
the experimentally-realizable range of control vari-
ables for each system analysed.

Figure 1 Characteristic absorption chiller, heat pump and Experimental data and computer simulation results
heat transformer plot of 1/COP against 1/(useful effect). At
low values of useful effect, internal dissipation dominates The experimental measurements of Ref. [7] and the
and the curve is linear. At high values of useful effect, heat computer simulation results of Refs [6, 8, 14] are of
exchange irreversibilities dominate and COP decreases sufficient detail to be of value in these analyses. They
rapidly as useful effect increases. Maximum COP occurs at
the point of optimum tradeoff. For absorption systems, there relate to: (1) two single-stage absorption chillers; (2) a
is the additional feature of a point of maximum useful effect, double-stage series-cycle absorption chiller; (3) a
due to the heat exchange bottleneck at the generator. For the double-stage parallel-cycle absorption chiller; and
upper part of the curve, generator heat exchange irreversi- (4) a single-stage absorption heat pump. The principal
bilities dominate. The endo-reversible model curve is also
shown. It fails to account for the existence of maximum COP device characteristics and performance variables are
conditions, and it falls well below the actual curve for summarized in Tables l a - l c.
realistic operating conditions We first confirmed that system performance vari-
Figure 1. Relation entre l / C O P et l/effet utile pour ables predicted by the model from component input
refroidisseur, pompe it chaleur et transformateur de chaleur parameters agreed with the experimental measure-
h absorption caractdristiques. Aux valeurs basses, la dissipa- ments and simulation results of Refs [6-8, 14]. We
tion interne domine et la courbe est lin~aire. Pour un effet utile
$lev~, les irrdversibilit~s de I~change de chaleur dominent et le then proceeded to calculate the optimal operating
COP diminue rapidement avec l'effet utile. Le COP maximal points for each system. These are included in Table l b
apparaft au point de bascule, Pour les systbmes it absorption, il for comparison against measured and simulated
est it consid~rer en outre un point d'effet utile maximal, d~ au operating characteristics.
goulot d~change de chaleur au g$n$rateur. Pour la partie
It turns out that the optimal operating region is
supdrieure de la courbe, les irr$versibiliti~s d'$change de
chaleur au gdn~rateur dominent. On donne aussi la courbe du broad, which means that system efficiency in that
modble endordversible. Elle ne parvient pas it rendre compte du regime is tolerant to variations in cooling capacity,
COP maximal, et tombe bien au-dessous de la courbe obtenue beat-exchanger allocation or design modifications. In
en conditions de fonctionnement r$elles four of the five units analysed, the prescribed
operating configurations are close to the calculated
analysed in Ref. [5], and are inherent in Equations optimal variables (Figure 2 being an illustration). This
(10)-(12) above. is consistent with earlier findings for commercial
The same observations pertain to absorption reciprocating chillers5 that manufacturers have
chillers and heat pumps, but with two important empirically developed units that operate near their
caveats. First, because absorption systems are driven theoretical maximum-COP points.
by a thermal, as opposed to an entropy-less, power Figures 2 and 3 plot 1/COP against l/(cooling
source, a point of maximum useful effect must exist. capacity) for: (1) the actual design value of x; and (2)
Figure 1 is an illustrative characteristic performance the value of x at which our model predicts a globally-
plot. It also includes the corresponding curve for the maximum COP. For diagnostics, consider Figure 3,
endoreversible model (i.e. no internal dissipation). where the measured COP of the absorption chiller is
There are two distinct points (values of COP) for each significantly lower than the predicted maximum. The
value of useful effect. The upper branch of the marked difference between theoretically-optimal and
characteristic curve in Figure 1 is governed by heat- actual operating conditions stems from this single-
transfer irreversibilities in the generator, so COP stage chiller being severely limited by heat-exchange
decreases as useful effect is lowered. Governing irreversibilities in the generator and condenser.
Equations (10)-(12) account for this feature too. Furthermore, the relatively high-temperature steam
The absorption unit should be designed to operate on is more suitable thermodynamically to double and
the higher-COP branch of the curve under realistic triple-stage chillers (with their superior heat regenera-
conditions. tion) than to single-stage chillers. At the calculated
Second, even for a fixed value of useful effect, COP value of cooling capacity where COP is globally
varies with the control variable x, i.e. the division of maximized, the actual operating curve is dominated
Entropy production analysis 185

Table la Summary of experimental data and simulated results for absorption chillers and heat pump. Figures from Ref. [7] are
experimental data. Those from Refs [6] and [8] are computer simulation results
Tableau la Rdcapitulation de donndes expdrimentales et de rdsultats simule's pour refroidisseurs et pompes ,~ chaleur iJ absorption.
Les donnies de Ref. [7] sont expdrimentales. Celles de Refs [6] et [8] rdsultent de simulations par ordinateur
Double-stage Double-stage
Single-stage Single-stage series-cycle parallel-cycle Single-stage
Variable chiller [7] chiller [6] chiller [6] chiller [6] heat pump [8]
T~,[a (°C) 117.6 170.7 170.7 170.7 149
T~nap (°C) 11.7 12.0 12.0 12.0 55
T~'~s(°C) 29.4 32.0 32.0 32.0 90
Q~g~.(kW) 0 221 0 0 0
Q~vaatp(kW) 15.3 0 131 131 0
(UA)ge. 63.4 814 460 408 282
(kWK -l)
(m CE)cona 57.4 73.5 498 509 538*
(kWK -1)
(raCE)trap 86.6 503 503 503 500*
(kWK -1)
(mCE)ahs 69.9 699 722 650 266*
(kWK -I)
(mC)abs 146 1780 1370 1300 oo
(kWK -1)
ASint 0.202 1.30 1.39 1.04 0.113
(kWK -1)
~1 (kW K -1) -0.247 - 1.94 -7.91 -7.44 -0.119
e2 (kW K-I ) -0.559 -0.811 -0.811 0.548 -0.433
* Because heat transfer is dominated by latent, rather than sensible, heat in these cases, this is actually the UA value

Table lb Absorption chillers and heat pump: comparison of measured and simulated design operating conditions against
model predictions for the maximum COP point. Figures from Ref. [7] are experimental data. Those from Refs [6] and [8] are
computer simulation results
Tableu 1b Refroidisseurs et pompes ~ chaleur ~ absorption: comparaison de conditions de fonctionnement de conception mesurdes
et simuldes avec les rdsultats due modb.le pour le COP maximal. Les chiffres de Ref [7] sont expJrimentaux. Ceux de [6] et [8]
rdsultent de simulations par ordinateur
Double-stage Double-stage
Single-stage Single-stage series-cycle parallel-cycle Single-stage
Variable chiller [7] chiller [6] chiller [6] chiller [6] heat pump [8]
Measured useful 529 4000 4000 4000 2410
effect (kW)
Calculated 449 4385 4556 4017 2417
useful effect
at maximum
COP (kW)
Measured x 0.380 0.473 0.291 0.327 0.447
Calculated x at 0.440 0.080 0.386 0.424 0.669
maximum COP
Measured COP 0.634 0.664 1.17 1.32 1.71
Calculated 0.655 1.12 1.19 1.33 1.75
maximum COP

Table le Additional experimental information for the by heat-exchange dissipation, and COP decreases
single-stage, steam-fired, LiBr-water absorption chiller
reported in Ref. [7] rapidly as cooling rate decreases.
Before configuring an absorption machine, one has
Tableau lc Suppldment de donndes expdrimentales pour le
refroidisseur ~ absorption d bromure de lithium-eau mono- the flexibility of varying the type of working fluid (e.g.
dtagd, fonctionnant ~ la vapeur dicrit dans Ref [7] a m m o n i a - w a t e r , LiBr-water, etc.), network connec-
tion scheme (e.g. parallel or series, or generator-
Steam pressure (bar) 1.84
Steam flow rate (kgs -1) 0.378 absorber heat exchanger, dephlegmator, rectifier,
Vapor pressure in evaporator (bar) 0.00912 etc.), and internal regenerative heat transfer areas,
Vapor pressure in condenser (bar) 0.0912 among others. Once these elements are selected and
Tevap (°C) 5.6 sized, the distribution of irreversibilities will be a
Tgen (°C) 104.4 function of circulation flow rates and reservoir
Tabs (°C) 41.7
Tcond (°C) 44.4 temperatures. During the operation of a given
absorption unit, the irreversibilities influence one
186 H.T. Chua et al.

~_. actualdesign, x = 0 A 4 actual design, x = 0.473 I

.... mod.el calculation for optimal design, x = 0.08
model calculation for optimal design, x = 0.38
2. ") i



1.4 --
2.0 ¸

1.0 -

0.8 -

0.6- i E i i i F i i i i
0.0000 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.0010 0.0012
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010
if(useful effect) = if(cooling capacity) (kW "1) l/(useful effect) = l/(cooling capacity) (kW-')

Figure 2 1/COP plotted against if(cooling rate) for the Figure 3 As in Figure 2, but computer simulation (rather
single-stage absorption chiller reported in Ref. [7] for: (1) the than experimental) results for the far lower-capacity single-
actual design value of x = 0.44 ( ); and (2) the value of stage absorption chiller reported in Ref. [6]. Device
x = 0.38 at which our model predicts a globally-maximum parameters are summarized in Table la. ( ) for the
COP (- - -). The control variable x is the division of total simulated design with x = 0.473, (- - -) for the model
heat rejection between condenser and absorber. Device calculation with x = 0.08 at which a globally-maximum
parameters are summarized in Table la COP is predicted
Figure 2 I / C O P repr$sent$ avec l/(vitesse de refroidisse- Figure 3 Comme dans la Figure 2, mai r~sultats de
ment) pour le refroidisseur it absorption mono-$tag$ de [7] simulation par ordinateur (et non exp~rimentaux) pour le
pour: (1) la valeur de conception r$elle x = O, 44 (trait plein ) ; refroidisseur it absorption mono-~tag~ de capacit~ bien plus
et (2) la valeur x = O, 38 pour laquelle le modble pr~voit le basse rapport~ dans R e f [6]. Les parambtres du dispositif sont
COP global maximal (tirets). La variable de contr~le x est le r~capitul~s dans le Tableau la. Le trait plein = pour la
rapport du rejet de chaleur total entre le condenseur et conception simuldc avec x = O, 73. Les tirets = pour le valcul
l'absorbeur. On r~capitule les paramktres due dispositif dans le du modele avec x = O, 08 pour lequel on pr~voit un COP global
Tableau la maximal

another. However at the design stage, prior to device

operating conditions, which are listed in Table 3.
construction, the assorted irreversibilities can be
Figures 4 and 5 are sample plots of 1/COP against
viewed as de-coupled in the sense that our simple
1/(useful effect) for heat transformers, analogous to
thermodynamic model pertains to arbitrary working
Figures 2 and 3 for absorption chillers.
fluid, network scheme and internal regeneration.
The single- and double-stage heat transformers
appear to have been designed relatively near their
Theory versus performance data for absorption theoretically-optimal configurations. The deviation
heat transformers from nominally optimal operation increases as more
stages are introduced (moving from single- to triple-
F o r absorption heat transformers, 'useful effect' will stage units). In these particular installations, the
refer to the high-temperature heat delivered from the single-stage heat transformer formed the modular
absorber to the load, Qabs. The same trends noted building block for the double- and triple-stage
previously and illustrated in Figure 1 for absorption designs. Although the single-stage units appear to be
chillers and heat pumps also pertain to absorption properly optimized, the coupling between the building
heat transformers. F o r heat transformers, the control blocks is not.
variable y denotes the division of total heat input Single-stage units can be built with sufficiently
between the evaporator and generator. We then small internal losses that finite-rate heat exchange
maximize COP with respect to both Qabs and y. becomes the COP-limiting factor. Evaluating the
Simulated performance data for five absorption role of the individual irreversibility mechanisms in
heat transformers were gleaned from Refs [8, 14], and determining COP, we express this quantitatively in
are summarized in Tables 2a and 2b. They include: (1) Table 3, based upon the individual terms in Equation
two single-stage units; (2) a double-stage unit; and (3) (23).
two triple-stage units, one of them being a special An important difference between the two single-
design which compromises heat exchanger inventory stage systems is the relative heat exchanger inventory
in exchange for compactness. at the condenser, which is far lower in the low-
As with the chillers and heat pumps, we first capacity device. It is therefore not surprising that
confirmed agreement between predicted and simu- the potential increase in COP for the condenser-
lated system performance variables for the heat constrained heat transformer is greater. The largest
transformers. Next we calculated maximum-COP discrepancy between the theoretical optimum and the
Entropy production analysis 187

Table 2a Summary of simulated performance data from Refs [8, 14] for absorption heat transformers. Figures cited are
computer simulation results with those of Ref. [8] having been compared favorably against experimental measurements
Tableau 2a Rdsum~ des donn~es de performance simuldes dc Refs [8, 14] pour transformateurs de chaleur it absorption. Les
ehiffres citds sont des rdsultats de simulations par ordinateur, ceux de Ref. [8] ayant ~t( compar~s favorablement it des mesures

Single-stage Single-stage Double-stage Triple-stage Compact triple-

Variable [8] [14] [14] [14] stage [14]
T~.n (°C) 98 105 105 105 120
T~p (°C) 105 105 105 105 120
Ta~,s (°C) 115 150 200 250 250
(UA)gen 0.380 201 436 681 517
(kWK -1)
(mCE)cond 0.111 150 313 483 645
(kWK -1)
(UA)eval? 0.600 398 442 487 1190
(kW K -l)
(mCE)al,s 0.238 200 200 200 200
(kWK -1)
ASint 0.000442 0.170 0.467 0.837 0.889
(kW K-I) l
e3 ( k W K - ) -0.00112 -0.352 -3.75 -7.23 -4.77
e4 (kWK -1) -0.00191 -0.850 -1.43 -2.00 -7.27

Table 2b Absorption heat transformers: comparison of simulated design operating conditions and model predictions for the
maximum COP point. Figures cited are computer simulation results with those of Ref. [8] having been compared favorably
against experimental measurements
Table 2b Transformateurs de chaleur it absorption: comparaison des conditions de fonctionnement it la conception simul~es el
pr~visions de modble pour le point de COP maximal. Les chiffres cites sont des rdsultats de simulation par ordinateur, ceux de Ref
[8] ayant dt~ compar~s favorablement it des mesures exp~rimentals
Single-stage Single-stage Double-stage Triple-stage Compact triple-
Variable [8] [14] [14] [14] stage [14]
Measured 3.80 1000 1000 1000 1000
effect (kW)
Calculated 2.36 987 1260 1447 1441
useful effect
at maximum
COP (kW)
Measured y 0.475 0.456 0.622 0.700 0,420
Calculated y at 0.164 0.335 0.497 0.583 0.303
maximum COP
Measured 0.475 0.455 0.285 0.206 0.162
Calculated 0.643 0.457 0.293 0.218 0.174
maximum COP

Table 3 Relative contribution of external losses and internal losses to l/COP for absorption heat transformers (based upon
simulation results from Refs [8, 14]). Heat leaks are negligible
Table 3 Contribution relative des pertes externes et internes au 1/COP pour transformateurs de chaleur it absorption fondde sur les
risultats de simulation de Refs [8, 14]. Les pertes thermiques sont nigligeables
Single-stage Single-stage Double-stage Triple-stage Compact triple-
Variable [8] [14] [14]* [14] stage [14]*
1/COP 2.11 2.20 3.51 4.86 6.16
Contribution 83.6% 81.7% 68.1% 58.9% 52.3 %
of external
(heat transfer)
Contribution 16.4% 18.3% 31.7% 41.1% 47.5%
of internal
losses ASint
* Due to round-off error in Ref. [14], these reported energy flows do not sum exactly to 100%
188 H. 7". Chua et al.

.... actual d~i .gn,.y = 0.456. . = . i actual dealgn, y = 0.475 I

.... model calculation for optlmal c k s i ~ y =0.164


2.0 ~ r r
0.0000 0.0020 0.0040 0.0060 0.0080 1.5 I I I I I I I I I )

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

1/(useful effect) = 1/(booeting ~ t y ) (kW ~)
I/(usefuleffect)= ll(boosangcapacity) (kW "~)

Figure 4 1/COP against l/(boosting capacity) for the Figure 5 As in Figure 4, but for computer simulation
computer simulation results of the single-stage absorption results of the single-stage absorption heat transformer
heat transformer reported in Ref. [14] for: (1) the actual reported in Ref. [8]. Device parameters are summarized in
design value of y = 0.456 ( ); and (2) the value of Table 2a. ( ) for the simulated design with y = 0.475.
y = 0.335 at which our model predicts a globally-maximum (- - -) for the model calculation with y = 0.164 at which a
COP (- - -). The control variable y is the division of total globally-maximum COP is predicted
heat input between generator and evaporator. Device Figure 5 Comme dans la Figure 4, mais pour les rdsultats de
parameters are summarized in Table 2a simulation par ordinateur du transformateur de chaleur
Figure 4 I/COP et 1~(amplification de capacitd) pour les absorption mono-dtagd rapportd clans R e f [8]. Trait
rdsultats de simulation par ordinateur du transformateur de plein -- conception s~mulde avec y = O, 475. Tirets = calcul
chaleur il absorption mono-dtagd rapportd dans R e f [14] par module avec y = O, 164 ~ laquelle on prdvoit un COP
pour: (I) la valeur de conception rdelle y = 0,456 (trait global maximal
plein); et (2) la valeur y = 0,335 h laquelle notre modble
prdvoit un COP globalement maximal ( tirets). La variable de
contdle y est le rapport de l'apport de chaleur total entre le
gdn&ateur et l'evaporateur. On rdcapitule les parambtres du reciprocating chillerss. To the best of our knowledge,
dispositif dans le Tableau 2a this is the first systematic critique of endo-reversible
models for absorption systems.
Closer examination of the assumptions inherent in
actual operating point - and hence the maximum
the endoreversible models published for absorption
room for improvement - occurs for the compact
systems reveals a more subtle failure. F o r example, in
triple-stage heat transformer. The reduction in heat
Refs [15, 16, 27, 29] for absorption chillers and heat
and mass transfer effectiveness necessitated by the
pumps, a starting point for model predictions is the
compact design results both in enhanced internal
premise that the working fluid in each pair of
dissipation and in a more severe heat-exchanger
reservoirs is isolated, and that interaction between
thermal bottleneck.
the pairs of reservoirs is achieved via entropy-less
work conversion. In terms of system thermodynamic
The failure of endo-reversible models variables, two relations that follow are
Tables 1 - 3 and Figure I reveal the primary failures of /-)leak
Qcond Qevap + .Y~evap
endoreversible models for absorption systems. With e 1 = Tcon d Teva p >t 0 (27)
no less than 17 recent journal articles 15-31 (albeit from
only five research centers) having proposed endo- /,) 7t- ()leak
Qcond ~gen ~gcn
reversible models for chillers, heat pumps and heat E2 : Tcond Ygen >t 0 (28)
transformers, we deemed it important to address this
issue explicitly. By omitting consideration of internal [To be as liberal as possible in evaluating endo-
losses, endo-reversible schemes cannot account for reversible models, we have retained the heat leak
the existence of a maximum-COP point, and hence terms in Equations (27) and (28).] In reality, however,
miss the optimization capability of greatest interest to the refrigerant is in thermal communication with all
manufacturers, practicing engineers and researchers. four heat reservoirs.
The problem goes beyond qualitative trends. Internal The modeling assumptions can be checked against
losses typically constitute around one-half of the total the experimental measurements cited above. So we
picture for these devices. F o r realistic commercial calculated e~ and e2 from actual performance data
systems, any thermodynamic model that ignores and have listed them in Table 1. Note that relations
internal losses must automatically fail to provide (27) and (28) are far more often violated than not. No
accurate accounting for system performance charac- fundamental physical law is at stake here. The only
teristics. Similar claims were recently documented for relation that is constrained by the Second Law is our
Entropy production analysis 189

Equation (2) for the non-negativity of total internal classes are the reservoir at which the useful effect is
entropy production. extracted, and the temperature ranges of interest. By
For the absorption heat transformer, the corre- lumping irreversibilities into the three categories of
• 16
sponding modeling assumptmns translate to external heat-exchanger losses, internal dissipation
f=leak (~leak and heat leaks, enough detail can be retained to
5 3 =
Qabs + k~abs Qgen- ~sen t> 0 (29) provide accurate modeling while maintaining a clear
Tabs Tgen physical (non-empirical) picture of device operation.
f~leak _ nleak Finally, careful analysis of actual performance data
C4 --
Qabs + ~abs Qevap :~evap I> 0 (30) reveals major fundamental errors with endo-revers-
Tabs Tevap ible models for absorption systems of all types. By
The values of e3 and e4 from computer simulations TM ignoring internal dissipation, endo-reversible schemes
are included in Table 2a. Every heat transformer omit literally around one-half the physics of the
considered violates these endo-reversible relations. problem. Basic performance trends essential to system
The combined experimental evidence would appear optimization cannot be accounted for, and there are
to render endo-reversible models for absorption large quantitative discrepancies between actual and
chillers, heat pumps and heat transformers untenable, predicted COPs.
be it in accounting for qualitative trends or in
quantitative predictions of system performance. Acknowledgement
J. M. Gordon gratefully acknowledges the generous
hospitality of the Department of Mechanical and
Production Engineering, National University of
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dynamic models in order to account for several research.
fundamental and practical aspects of absorption
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