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RMD 2501

Wind Turbines

Session delivered by:

Prof Q.H.
Prof. Q H Nagpurwala

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 1


Session Objectives RMD 2501

This session is intended to discuss the following:

• Types of wind turbine
• Working principle of wind turbines
• Efficiency of wind turbines
• Characteristics of wind turbines

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 2

Introduction RMD 2501

Everyone f l wind
feels i d
but what is wind?
• Wind is the roughly horizontal movement of air (as opposed to an air current)
caused by uneven heating of the Earth's surface.
• It occurs at all scales, from local breezes generated by heating of land surfaces
and lasting tens of minutes to global winds resulting from solar retard heating of
the Earth.
• The two major influences on the atmospheric circulation are the differential
heating between the equator and the poles and the rotation of the planet (Coriolis

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 3

Status RMD 2501

• Jun 02, 2008 GE Energy's Installed Fleet of 1.5-Megawatt

i d Turbines
bi Surpasses 115 Million
illi Hours off Operation
• 8500 units installed of which 5200 exist in USA

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 4


Classification of Wind RMD 2501

Winds can be classified either by their scale, the kinds of forces which cause
them (according to the atmospheric equations of motion), or the geographic
regions in which they exist.

• Prevailing winds — the general circulation of the atmosphere

• Seasonal winds – winds that only exist during specific seasons
• Synoptic-scale winds; winds associated with large-scale events such as
warm and cold fronts and are part of what makes up everyday weather
• Mesoscale winds; winds that frequently advances ahead of more intense
thunderstorms and may be sufficiently energetic to generate local
weather of its own
• Microscale winds; winds that take place over very short durations of
time - seconds to minutes - and spatially over only tens to hundreds of
metres. Winds that produces convective events such as dust devils and
are essentially
ti ll unpredictable
di t bl

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Wind Resource RMD 2501

• Surface features have a major impact on local wind, and can increase or
decrease in wind power and speed and cause turbulence
• Fl terrain
Flat i with
i h obstacles
b l causes turbulence
b l and
d decrease
d i wind
in i d power
and speed for a significant distance from object
• Surface Roughness Friction between the Earth and the wind cause the
wind speed to be lower closer to the surface.

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Wind Turbine RMD 2501

Why do we need wind turbine?

• Wind energy is abundant, renewable, widely distributed, clean and mitigates
the greenhouse effect if used to replace fossil-fuel-derived electricity.
• Conversion of wind power/energy into more useful forms is done by wind
• Wind
i d turbines
bi are usually
ll usedd to generate power butb ini certain
i applications
li i
are used as prime movers to pump water (wind mills).
• Wind power is used in large scale wind farms for national electrical grids as
well as in small individual turbines for providing electricity to rural
residences or grid-isolated locations.

In 2005,
2005 worldwide capacity of wind
powered generators was 58,982
58 982 megawatts;
although it currently produces less than 1% of world-wide electricity use, it
accounts for 23% of electricity use in Denmark, 4.3% in Germany and
pp y 8% in Spain.
p Globally,
y, wind ppower g generation more than
quadrupled between 1999 and 2005

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 7


Wind Turbine RMD 2501

A wind turbine is a machine for converting the kinetic energy in wind into
mechanical energy. If the mechanical energy is then converted to electricity, the
machine is called a wind generator

Wind turbines are mounted on a tower to capture the most energy

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Wind Mills RMD 2501

A windmill is a machine for

converting the kinetic energy in wind
into mechanical energy to be used
directly by machinery, such as a pump
or grinding stones.

These four- (or more) bladed squat

structures, usually with wooden
shutters or fabric sails, were pointed
into the wind manually or via a tail-
Windmills were historically used to
grind grain or pump water from low-
lying land.

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 9

Working of Wind Turbine RMD 2501

• The blades act like wings of an airplane –

capturing the energy in the wind.
• The blades cut through the air with an angle Alternator
Tail Fin
off attack
k to the
h windi d causingi a pressure
differential. Nacelle
• The resulting pressure differentials cause a
force called lift,
lift which propels the blade S i
forward. Tail Boom Tower
• This lift is created because of the airfoil Mount
p of the turbines blades.
• In order to propel the turbine, the net torque
caused by lift forces must be greater than
the net torque caused by drag forces.
• The blades turn a generator that converts
blade rotation into electricity
Horizontal axis wind turbine
• The tail keeps the blades facing the wind
• In high winds, the blades turn sideways to
limit speed
14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 10

Classification of Wind Turbine RMD 2501

Wind turbines are classified based on the following,

• Horizontal axis
• Co Co-axial,
axial, multi
rotor horizontal axis turbines
• Counter-rotating horizontal axis turbines
• Vertical axis
• Darrieus
D i wind
i d turbine
t bi
• Giromill wind turbine or cycloturbines
• Saronium wind turbine
• Terra Moya Aqua wind turbine
• Location
• Onshore
• Off shore
• Deep water
• Aerial – Airborne wind ind tturbine
rbine – Not in practice yet
• Ducted rotor
14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 11
Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine RMD 2501

Horizontal Axis – blades are placed on horizontal shaft.

• Co-axial, multi-rotor horizontal axis wind turbines –
• patented by Douglas Selsam.
• two or more rotors may be mounted to the same drive shaft turning the
same generator.
• wake vorticity is recovered as the top of a wake hits the bottom of the
next rotor.
• Counter-rotating horizontal axis turbines
• two rotor are mounted on the same shaft.
• used to increase the rotation speed of the electrical generator.
• allows the generator to function at a wider wind speed range than a
single turbine generator for a given tower.
single-turbine tower
• to reduce sympathetic vibrations, the two turbines turn at speeds of
different ratios.
• taps more of the wind's energy at a wider range of wind speeds.

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 12


Ducted Wind Turbine RMD 2501

Ducted wind turbines –

• the ducted rotor consists of a turbine inside a duct which flares outwards
att the
th back.
b k
• they are also referred as Diffuser-Augmented Wind Turbines (i.e.
• the h main i advantage
d off the
h ducted
d d rotor is
i that
h iti can operate ini a wide
range of winds and generate a higher power per unit of rotor area.
• another advantage is that the generator operates at a high rotation rate, so
it doesn't require a bulky gearbox, so the mechanical portion can be
smaller and lighter.
• a disadvantage is that the duct is usually quite heavy, which puts an
added load on the tower.
• this is still a research project

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 13


Vertical Axis Wind Turbine RMD 2501

• Darrieus vertical axis wind turbines –

• These are eggbeater turbines.
• They have good efficiency, but produce large torque ripple and cyclic
stress on the tower, which contributes to poor reliability
• The torque ripple is reduced by using 3 or more blades
• they generally require some external power source, or an additional
Savonius rotor, to start turning, because the starting torque is very low.
• Giromill vertical axis wind turbines
• this is a lift type of Darrieus turbine.
• Cycloturbine has variable pitch, to reduce the torque pulsation and self-
• The advantages g of variable p pitch are high
g startingg torque,
q , a wide and
relatively flat torque curve, a lower blade speed ratio, a higher
coefficient of performance, more efficient operation in turbulent winds,
and a lower blade speed
p ratio which lowers blade bending g stresses.
• Straight, V, or curved blades may be used.

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 14


Vertical Axis Wind Turbine RMD 2501

• Saronium vertical axis wind turbines –

• these are the familiar two - or more scoop drag-type devices used in
anemometers and in the Flettner vents commonly seen on bus and van
roofs and some high-reliability low-efficiency power turbines.
• they always self-start when three scoops are provided.
• they can sometimes have long helical scoops,
scoops to give smooth torque.
• the Banesh rotor and the Rahai rotor improve efficiency by shaping the
blades to produce significant lift as well as drag.
• T
Terra M
Moya A
Aqua vertical
ti l axis
i wind
i d turbines
t bi –
• developed by Terra Moya Aqua using a combination of fixed and
rotating vanes.
• the
th efficiency
ffi i i similar
is i il to t other
th windi d turbine
t bi designs,
d i b t with
but ith less
vertical height and visual impact.
• This design also reduces bird injury because birds avoid the fixed vanes.
• Thishi design
d i hash not yet entered d commerciali l production.
d i

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 15


Offshore Wind Turbine RMD 2501

Off h wind
i d turbines
bi –
• because water has less surface roughness than land, the average wind
speed is usually higher over open water.
• In stormy areas with extended shallow continental shelves turbines are
practical to install, and give good service
• The offshore environment is, however, more expensive. Offshore towers
are generally taller than onshore towers once one includes the submerged
height, and offshore foundations are generally more difficult to build and
more expensive as well.
• power transmission from offshore turbines is generally through undersea
• the offshore environment is also corrosive and abrasive. Repairs and
maintenance are much more difficult, and much more costly than on
onshore turbines.
• offshore wind turbines are outfitted with extensive corrosion p protection
measures like coatings and cathodic protection.

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 16


Wind Turbine RMD 2501

Types of horizontal axis wind turbine

Horizontal axis

Vertical axis

Types based
on location

Vertical axis
14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 17

Types of Wind Turbine RMD 2501

Giromill wind turbine

Co-axial, multi-rotor horizontal axis wind turbines

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 18

Some Applications of Windmills RMD 2501

1 kW, 9-ft rotor, 30-ft tower

Water pumping for cattle

10 kW, 23-ft rotor, 100-ft tower


windmill used for cereal


The middle-18th-century
Th iddl 18th t
Double windmill Texas windmill of Nesebar, Bulgaria
14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 19
Working of Vertical Wind Turbine RMD 2501

As the aerofoil moves around,

the angle of attack changes to the
opposite sign, but the generated
lift is still positive and in the
direction of rotation, because the
wings are symmetrical.

The rotor spins at a rate unrelated

to the wind speed, (usually faster)
The surplus energy arising from
the lift is extracted and converted
into useful power by a generator.

When the rotor is stationary, no net rotational force arises, even if the wind
speed rises quite high - the rotor must already be spinning to generate lift.
lift Thus
the design is not self starting.
14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 20

Horizontal and Vertical Wind Turbines RMD 2501

Horizontal Axis Wind turbine Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

• typically have two or three • developed by Darrieus G J M, a French
blades aeronautical engineer,
g , in 1931.
• three-bladed wind turbines are • the turbine consists of a number of
operated "upwind," with the aerofoils vertically mounted on a
blades facing into the wind.
wind rotating shaft.
• these do not depend on direction of
• two-bladed are operated wind
downwind. • the generator can be placed at the
• horizontal arrangement has wider groundd ffor easy servicing
i i
operating speed range and are • the main supporting tower is lighter as
self-starting. much of the force on the tower is
• horizontal wind turbines have transmitted to the bottom.
high tip speeds of up to 6x wind • inefficient due to the physical stresses
speed, high efficiency, and low and limitations imposed by a practical
torque ripple which contributes to design but theoretically more efficient.
good reliability
14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 21

Wind Turbines in Various Settings RMD 2501

Utility-scale Wind Turbines

Small-scale Wind Turbines

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 22


Parts of a Wind Turbine RMD 2501

1. Blades
2. Rotor
3. Pitch
4. Brake
5. Low speed shaft
6. Gear box
7. Generator
8. Controller
9. Anemometer
10. Wind Vane
11. Nacelle
12. Hi h speedd Shaft
High Sh ft
13. Yaw drive
14. Yaw motor
15. T

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 23


Parts of a Wind Turbine RMD 2501

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 24

Specification for Wind Turbine RMD 2501

Horizontal Vertical Small scale

Rotor Diameter : 100.4 m
Speed : 18.5 rpm
Axle Height : 100 m
Optimal power : 3MW
Wind velocity (design) : 11.8m/s

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 25

Size of Wind Turbine RMD 2501

50 kW

400 W 900 W 10 kW

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 26

Large Scale vs Small Scale RMD 2501

• Utility-scale turbines
– Main purpose: provide wholesale electricity to grid
– Typically larger than 750 kilowatts in capacity
• Rotor diameters: typically greater than 80 feet
• Tower heights: typically more than 200 feet
• Small-scale turbines
– Main purpose: offset retail electricity for consumers
– Typically smaller than 10 kilowatts in capacity
• Rotor diameters: typically less than 20 feet
• Tower heights:
g typically
yp y less than 100 feet

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 27

Rotor Diameter vs Raptor Wing Span RMD 2501

Raptor Wing Spans:

Golden eagle: 5-7 ft
R d Wi
Red Wing Hawk:
H k 2-42 4 ft
A. Kestrel: < 1ft

Golden eagle wing span

(for comparison)

10 m

10 k
14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 28

Power in the Wind RMD 2501

= 1/2 x air density x swept rotor area x (wind speed)3

ρ A V3

D it = P/(RT) A
Area = π r2 Instantaneous Speed
P - pressure (Pa) (not mean speed)
R - specific gas constant (287 J/kgK)
T - air temperature (K)
kg/m3 m2 m/s

It can be seen that wind power density depends on the third power of wind
Modifying ‘Power in the wind' formula, P = ½.Cp ρ A V3
where,, P is p
power ((in watts)) available from the machine,, Cp
p is the coefficient of
performance of the wind machine.

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 29

Power Developed by Wind Turbine RMD 2501

Power extracted
t t d from
f wind
i d turbine
t bi is i
1 U2 U2
PWT = ρAU1 (1 + )(1 − 2 )

2 U1 U1
Ideal or Maximum power is when U2=0
= ρAU1
id l
Power Efficiency
Cp =
Ideal turbine has a Cp of 0.593. This is called Betz Limit
Betz Limit cannot be achieved for the following reasons
• Aerodynamic drag
• Finite number of blades
• Rotation of wake
ake behind rotor
• Tip losses
14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 30
Performance Characteristics RMD 2501

Tip Speed Ratio - ratio of the blade velocity, U at the tip to the air velocity at inlet


14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 31

Velocity Triangle for Wind Turbine RMD 2501

• flow causes lift and drag force

• dR is the resultant force.
• the component dF causes the rotation
• component in axial direction has to be arrested
by suitable bearings

Power delivered by the blade,

2 1
1 V
P = dF *U = ρC LUAV 2 (1 + 2 ) 2
2 U
14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 32
Aerodynamic Construction of Blade RMD 2501

Lift andd drag

Lif d on a stationary

Force F1 iin th
F the direction
di ti off translation
t l ti is
available to do useful work, F1 causes
torque which drives some load
connected to it.
it F2 used in the design of
Lift and drag on a translating airfoil aerofoil supports and structural integrity
14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 33

Aerodynamic Construction of Blade RMD 2501

Definition of pitch angle β and angle of attack γ.

Both lift and drag

g depend
p on angle
g of attack

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 34


Blade – Airfoil RMD 2501

Airfoil for BWC XL


Commonly used airfoil shapes for vertical axis wind turbines are the
symmetrical NACA-0012, NACA-0015, and NACA-0018.

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 35

Blade Manufacturing Process RMD 2501

Pultrusion Technology

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Factors governing Installation RMD 2501

‰ G id availability
Grid il bilit
‰ Accessibility for commissioning
‰ Strong terrain / soil for proper foundation / civil work
‰ Favourable environmental condition to prevent
corrosion & not prone to cyclone.

Area required per Wind Turbine = 5Acres (approx )

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 37


Session Summary RMD 2501

In this session the students would have learnt about

• Different types of wind turbines
• Working of horizontal and vertical axis wind turbines
• Parts of wind turbine
• Power developed by wind turbine
• Characteristic of wind turbine

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 38

RMD 2501

Thank you

14 © M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies 39

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