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School of Education

2017- PP3 Rationale

NAME: Nancy George STUDENT ID: 17215187

Contact Phone Number/s: 0435178540

Your Curriculum Area(s): English and History

Placement Name: Sunday School

Placement Address: 31 Bolton Street Guilford 2161

Placement Phone Number: 0412 260 426

Placement Email Address:

Contact Person: Father Joseph Ghattas




Pre-service Teacher’s Signature: Date: / /201..

I have read the PP3 Research Information Sheet about the PP3 Research project: Community
engagement and professional experience three: beyond the institutional walls. The
Information Sheet was emailed to you previously, is attached to the Strand information, and
can be found on the Unit page in InPlace.
 I Agree
I do not Agree
To allow the written documents I produce in my PP3 (Rationale /self reflections) to be used in
the research project.

 This form is to be lodged ONLINE via InPlace as part of your application for the Strand.
 You will need to save a copy of this document for your records.
 All InPlace or emailed submissions need to be labelled the following way in order to
identify assignment components clearly.

17215187. PP3. 102605. 2018. Rationale

Coordinator will then approve your strand application as soon as possible. You will be
notified via InPlace and email accordingly.
Rationale (500 words)

Consider how you frame this so that you might use sections of this for interviews
with future employers.
Consider what NESA standards will your placement focus on.
Consider the following types of Q’s in your response:

 What are you expecting to gain from your learning in your PP3 setting?
I am aiming to excel in my skills as a teacher within setting that acts similarly to a
classroom yet teaches different content from my curriculum units. It still requires
preparation and coming up with creative lessons in order to keep students engaged,
whilst in-cooperating the skills I have gained from my previous prac and theory work
from university subjects. What I’m also aiming to gain from my learning in PP3 is
learning different styles from various teachers that come from different career
backgrounds; how they address the students and how they teach the content.

 What research about your setting did you engage with before you commenced?
The research conducted was through undergoing a pre-service course after high
school as a part of my church. It is a program that teaches the type of content and
the way it is to be addressed with students of different ages starting from pre-school
all the way through to year 12. Much like a school setting, Sunday school runs very
similarly by following rules and a curriculum. After a church camp, I attended a
church from the same denomination as mine just different location and applied to
be a Sunday School Teacher. After a meeting discussing with the head of Sunday
school on the pre-service programme I had completed over the past couple of years I
was then allocated a high school class based on my current experiences, preference
and interactions with children during prac.

 What you hope to learn in this setting?

What I’m hoping to learn in this setting is the different methods of teaching within
the short amount of time allocated to this service. It runs for an hour and it is after a
three hour mass which makes it difficult for students to concentrate and participate
so it’s interesting to see how servants (teachers) work around this.

 What goals do you hope to achieve?

The goals I hope to achieve are growing my skillset and creative eye when
approaching my teaching. Also that my confidence in my abilities in creating lessons
and a supportive learning environment excel.

 What do you believe the participants in your service learning project will learn
from you?
I believe that participants in my service learning project will learn different skills,
knowledge and approaches that I have gained from my degree in education.
Understanding why I approached a certain activity or student in a particular manner
or the reasons as to why I’ve created a classroom activity and/or rules come; have
come from the knowledge and experience I have gathered from my field.
 How will these experiences shape you as a teacher in a classroom?
These experiences will shape me as a teacher as it has given me the opportunity to
get to know these students on a weekly timeframe to understand them, to see their
interests and be able to provide interactive activities. It has given me the chance to
see my teaching style and what I would like to improve on. It has also given me the
ability to view other teachers’ styles and approaches not only in regards to
classroom management but also in the classroom environment and the lessons and
approaches they have towards different types of students.

 How would you help someone else learn what you discovered?
I would help someone else learn what I discovered by telling them that first hand
experience will always be the best form of knowledge as everyone experiences
things differently. That this is a fantastic opportunity for growth not only as a person
but as a pre-service teacher. I would also detail to them my own journey with what I
have discovered and explain that each person will experience this situation
differently and that there are something’s that can not be taught, but only

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