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Revised: 15 June 2017 Accepted: 12 July 2017

DOI: 10.1002/arp.1581


Use of LIDAR and photointerpretation to map the water supply

at the Las Murias‐Los Tallares Roman gold mine
(Castrocontrigo, León, Spain)
Roberto Matías | Bernardo Llamas

ETS de Ingenieros de Minas y Energía,

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Abstract
Spain A comprehensive study of the water supply at Las Murias‐Los Tallares Roman gold mine
Correspondence (Castrocontrigo, León, Spain) was conducted using LIDAR technology and photointerpretation
Roberto Matías, ETS de Ingenieros de Minas y that revealed all‐new and interesting aspects both as concerns the length of the channels and
Energía, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid,
Ríos Rosas 21, 28003 Madrid, Spain.
their structure and supply capacity.
Email: Although LIDAR technology proves to be very valuable and essential to analysing Roman hydrau-
lic mining structures, there are various limitations when reconstructing supply systems due to the
accuracy of LIDAR data and the deterioration of the structures after having been abandoned for
nearly 2,000 years.


hydraulic mining, LIDAR, Roman channels, Roman gold mining

1 | I N T RO D U CT I O N topic to a greater or lesser extent (Justel Cadierno, Fernández Lozano,

& Fernández Morán, 2014; Matías, 2006; Matías & González‐Nistal,
The Las Murias‐Los Tallares Roman gold mine is situated near 2014; Perea & Sánchez‐Palencia, 1995; Pérez García, 1977; Sáenz &
Castrocontrigo, León, Spain (Figure 1), on the edge of an extensive Vélez, 1974; Sánchez‐Palencia, 1980).
plain that raises 20–30 m above the current Eria River. It is one of There has always been great interest in gold mining in this area,
the largest Roman mines to have used the “peines” (hush) system, and it is obvious that artisanal sluicing was performed in the rivers
expressly used for the hydraulic processing of extensive yet shallow and streams dotting this landscape during the summer periods to
secondary auriferous deposits, which affects a narrow strip 4.6 km obtain nuggets; however, this gives little documental evidence. Some
long and 3 km2 of surface area where 60 mine units (hushes) have been of what does exist has already been offered in the reports by mining
recorded. companies engaged in intense exploration operations during the sec-
The entire extraction, sluicing, and debris evacuation process was ond half of the 19th century (Naranjo & Garza, 1850; Neufville,
done using the hydraulic power supplied by the water from a system of 1896; Oriol, 1896; Viadera, 1850).
supply channels, which has gone rather unknown until now. The first modern approach to an analysis of the whole Roman gold
The detailed mapping of the supply structure of this important mining in the Eria River basin was by the engineers Sáenz and Vélez
Roman gold mine makes it possible to now analyse the quantity of (1974, pp. 97‐109), who evaluated the total mined volume of the
available water as well as the means of distribution towards the vari- Roman work in 20 Mm3 (10 Mm3 in a single mine: Las Murias‐Los
ous worksites. Tallares).
Contemporary of Sáenz and Vélez is the title of the mine research
work done by geologist Luis Carlos Pérez for the company Río Tinto
2 | B A CKG R O U N D Patiño, S.A., in order to evaluate the possibility of reopening the sec-
ondary gold ore deposits (Pérez García, 1977, pp. 186–254).
The Sierra del Teleno is one of the most important reference auriferous At the beginning of the 1980s, archaeologist Javier Sánchez‐
mining areas from the Roman Empire developed in north‐western His- Palencia conducted a photointerpretation analysis of the stereoscopic
pania at the beginning of our era. Various authors have covered the aerial images obtained from the American flight B series

Archaeological Prospection. 2018;25:59–69. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 59

FIGURE 1 Location of the study area [Colour figure can be viewed at]

(AMS 1956–1957) that offers basic planimetry of the edge of the The source of all of the images and the digital maps (historical
mines located and a graphic sketch of the hydraulic systems that aerial photographs, ortophotographs, LIDAR data, etc.) is the Spanish
allowed him to set forth upward mining criteria for the various mine National Geography Institute (IGN) as well as the Institute for Agricul-
areas although the hydraulic supply infrastructures were never defined tural Technology of Castilla y León (ITACyL), which are freely dissem-
with enough detail. inated for noncommercial use. They were processed, and the DTM
In recent years, some authors have approached the study of was generated on the basis of LIDAR files (image resolution: 0.5
Roman gold mining in the Eria area by analysing LIDAR images points/m2) using the commercial programmes Arcgis10.3 and Global
(Fernández‐Lozano, Gutiérrez‐Alonso, & Fernández‐Morán, 2014; Mapper 16.0.
Fernández‐Lozano, J., Gutiérrez‐Alonso, G., & Fernández‐Morán, M.
2014; Fernández‐Lozano & Gutiérrez‐Alonso, 2016) with the unfin-
ished aim of locating new mining areas and defining the water supply 4 | T H E L A S M U R I A S‐ L O S TA L L A RE S
systems. R OM A N GO LD M I N E H Y DR A U L I C SU P P LY

3 | MATERIAL AND METHODS At first, Las Murias‐Los Tallares was thought to have been supplied by
two channels: The lower one would have been a short channel that
The operational method for analysing the Roman mine structures is mainly received water from the Eria River, and the other higher one would
based on exhaustive exploration of the ground evidence for an initial have started in the area near the town of Morla, yet the source has
reconstruction of the mine morphology, supported at all times by existing never been defined (Sánchez‐Palencia, 1980; Figure 2). According to
maps and the possibilities offered by aerial photographs (orthoimages) this author, the lower channel would have been the one used at the
both for the precise location of important elements and to obtain an ade- start of mining operations, whereas the higher channel, supported by
quate overview of the mining complex. Added to all of this is the use of a stream situated to the north (Llamas Stream), would have been in
LIDAR data to prepare a local and detailed Digital Terrain Model DTM operation until the end of the mining work.
to highlight, differentiate, and analyse the evidence of anthropic activity Prior to this work, Sáenz and Vélez (1974, pp. 97–109) had
on the ground. This all‐new technique opens up an important range of described the Roman mining area along the Eria River with plenty of
possibilities as it enables very reliable observation of the ground below toponymical details, mentioning the existence of various channels at
the vegetation layer, which is especially abundant in many areas. different altitudes although they situate the one that was used for the
As concerns the particular use of LIDAR technology in Roman gold Las Murias‐Los Tallares mine at an elevation of 1,000 m and indicate
mining, specific and multidisciplinary work has already been done the existence of other higher ones. Nonetheless, they acknowledge that
(Fonte, Pires, Gonçalves‐Seco, Matías, & Lima, 2014) very briefly their description of the supply channels is not complete. Pérez García
outlining the advantages and limitations with everything in the end (1977, p. 162) has mentioned that the supply came from a channel that
passing through exhaustive field exploration to analyse the evidence captured water from the Eria River somewhere near the town of Morla.
with adequate criteria and parameters due to the overlapping of struc- Other authors have recently stated that only a single channel ever
tures over the nearly 2,000 years of anthropic use of the land. reached Las Murias‐Los Tallares, rejecting the possibility of any others

FIGURE 2 (a) Overview of the supply network of Las Murias‐Los Tallares. (b) Sections of Roman hydraulic mining channels [Colour figure can be
viewed at]

and postulating that the area of influence of the other channels would in addition to the application of criteria developed with the mapping
have been the mines located upstream but not beyond the Roman mine previously done of the hydraulic systems of other important roman
of La Fervienza. This one Roman channel would have gotten water from mines such as Las Médulas, Llamas de Cabrera, Sierra del Teleno, and
the Eria River in the Bernadillo area at the mouth of the Valdiseda stream Villablino that to date covers a cumulative total of nearly 1,000 km
(Fernández‐Lozano et al., 2014, pp. 17–18, fig. 6; Justel Cadierno, of Roman mine hydraulic channels (Matías, 2006, 2008a, 2012, 2013).
Fernández Lozano, & Fernández Morán, 2014, pp. 101–136, lam 3). The existence of numerous paths and firewalls and successive
reforestation efforts around the Roman mine have limited the possibil-
ities of applying LIDAR technology. In fact, it has only been used suc-
4.1 | Supply channels cessfully to verify the channel outline at a single point known as “El
In our work, we were able to establish the actual supply structure Filoso” near its arrival at the mine site as well as to determine the exis-
(Figure 2) by combining historical photographs, orthoimages, and field tence of some regulation–distribution tanks that had been unknown
surveying. GPS tracking of the ground evidence was also fundamental until now (Figure 3).

FIGURE 3 DTM‐LIDAR of the arrival of

channels to the mine [Colour figure can be
viewed at]

TABLE 1 Supply channels: elevation (metres below sea level) and

The Las Murias‐Los Tallares supply was composed of two main
slope, Las Murias‐Los Tallares Roman gold mine
channels (CEr‐01 and CEr‐02), which got water from the Eria River,
and a third supporting one (CEr‐03), situated quite well above the max- Elevation intake Supply Approximately
Length (metres below sea elevation average slope
imum mine elevation that was sourced by the Formosina Stream near Channel (km) level, mbsl) (mbsl) (%)
the village of Morla (Figure 4). To a greater or lesser extent, all of these
CEr‐01 7.75 1,000 985 0.2
channels could have been involved later in the exploitation of the other
CEr‐02 16.9 1,046 993 0.3
auriferous ore deposits situated upstream, especially channel CEr‐02,
CEr‐03 1.3 + 3.3 1,078 1,014 —
due to the longer route (Tables 1).
Without an average value due to they singular characteristics.
Note: These elevations were obtained from the existing maps
(IGN) without any topographic measurements. measured (0.90 cm). From there and until it enters the pinewood tree
The lowest channel (CEr‐01) can be clearly recognized upon its area, there is no clear evidence of the route as it is found in an area that
arrival at the Roman mine in the aerial images from the American flights has been heavily altered by farming in the village of Morla. There are
A and B series (Figure 5). The topographic mine supply elevation is also some minor traces near Millares (an area that was also later disman-
985 m, which coincides with the highest section of the Roman work. tled by mining activities) that were later totally destroyed by the prog-
This channel captures water at an elevation of 1,000 from near the ress of the Roman mine of La Fervienza (Figure 7). The route on the
intersection of the Valdemeda Creek and the Eria River, for a total ground can be followed after this area all the way to the Las Murias‐
length of 7.75 km. There is an important control point at La Retuerta Los Tallares mine; however, it is made difficult due to the abundance
(Figure 6), just above the Eria River course where the width has been of vegetation. There is still clear evidence of some walls and six long

FIGURE 4 Supply structure with three

channels [Colour figure can be viewed at]

FIGURE 5 Arrival of channels to the mine

(photo interpretation American flight AMS
1945–1946) [Colour figure can be viewed at]

FIGURE 6 Remains of the CEr‐01 channel close to the control point FIGURE 7 Remains of the CEr‐01 channel at “Los Millares” point
[Colour figure can be viewed at] [Colour figure can be viewed at]

regulation–distribution tanks, which can be easily identified in the aerial the continuity of this channel after the Pequeño River have been hid-
photographs taken during the American flights (photograms 016‐6449 den until now (Figure 9).
A series and 17082 B series) that were used to take advantage of the Seven kilometres from the intake source and after the Pequeño
auriferous sediments of the terrace on the edge of the Eria River (left River on the left bank of the Eria River is a place known as El Carril
bank) near the village of Torneros (Figure 5). The arrival of this channel (which alludes to the existence of a channel), where a width of
was interrupted by the development of the mine pit on the western end 1.20 m at various sections was measured (Figure 10). Notwithstanding,
that implies that it was already not being operated by that time. lower measurements of 0.90 m wide have been obtained on the left
Channel CEr‐02 reaches the Las Murias‐Los Tallares mine at an bank of the Pequeño River although in very deteriorated sections
elevation of 993 m, where there is a large tank (DEr‐01). The water (Figure 11). The lack of clear evidence cut into the rock means one fig-
was distributed from this elevation via a secondary tank and channel ure cannot be considered more real than another, but we shall use the
system to all mine faces in the final phase of the mine work least favourable one of 0.90 m for the hydraulic calculations.
(Figure 8). The start of its route is upstream from the village of The route can be rather easily followed in the pinewood area on the
Quintanilla de Yuso, near the “El Bollo” site. There it would have shared ground at certain points as there is a slight plain some 2–2.5 m wide that
its source with a modern dam built to irrigate the lands in the “La Vega” is noticeable because of its horizontal continuity on the hillside. An aux-
area although the latter later runs at a lower level. This evidence of the iliary tank is found immediately below this route near the El Filoso site
route was exclusively located with field surveying. All indications of 82.5 × 8 m in size (Figure 12a,b), which was used to mine the lower river

FIGURE 8 Channels and tanks in the western

sector (photo interpretation American flight
AMS 1945–1946) [Colour figure can be
viewed at]

FIGURE 9 (a,b) New evidences of the CEr‐02

track [Colour figure can be viewed at]

terrace. Remains from the masonry closure wall can be observed in this mine. Channel CEr‐03 features a 1,270‐m route all the way to the site
tank. The estimated depth is 1.5 m, and the capacity is 990 m3. This between El Filoso and Corral de la Tiña, at an elevation of 1,014, just
water was used for the Eria terraces; the outlet from the tank and distri- above the CEr‐02 channel auxiliary tank. A sloped diversion can be
bution channels can still be seen. Although this channel has an average seen at this point both on the ground as well as in the photographs
slope of 0.2%, the actual slope has significantly increased to 0.44% after from the American flight (AMS B series photogram no. 17082). It was
this point. We believe this increase in slope is a clear attempt to accept designed to dump water directly into the lower channel (CEr‐02) with-
the extra water from the upper channel, CEr‐03. out any intermediate tank, taking advantage of the natural stream
The CEr‐02 channel also participated in a series of Roman mines situ- watercourse to create this conjunction (Figure 12a). Despite being an
ated along the route, most of which are compatible with its function at Las atypical arrangement, similar arrangements have been documented
Murias‐LosTallares, such as El Escalerón (Manzaneda) and La Retuerta and concerning these types of supply structures in other Roman auriferous
Los Ñevales and La Cagalla‐La Fervienza (Morla). However, the operation mines such as Las Medulas (Matías, 2008a, pp. 83–85) and Llamas de
of these mines after La Retuerta would be incompatible with the operation Cabrera (Matías, 2008b, pp. 32–34).
of the lower channel because of the debris affecting the route. Not enough points have been found that are sufficiently well pre-
Channel CEr‐03 started at one of the La Cagalla‐La Fervienza served to be able to measure the width of the CEr‐03 box, meaning the
tanks at an elevation of 1,016 m, where it also received water from a flow rate calculations done are only estimates. Due to the short route
3.3 km channel from the Formosina spring, collected at an elevation and the fact that the supply came from springs and not rivers, an
of 1,078. Today, an irrigation ditch gets water from this spring for agri- approximate slope of 0.2% and a flow rate of 0.15 m3/s, which is equal
cultural purposes in the village of Morla. This channel arrives above the to 2/3 the flow rate of CEr‐01, were considered.
tanks at an elevation of 1,068, at the La Gandara site (Figure 4). The The maximum supply elevation for the Las Murias‐Los Tallares
water would have then come down a diversion with a sharp slope. Roman mine is 985 m, meaning both channels could have been
The tank that received the water was later used for the La Fervienza operative from the very beginning. Due to the upward progress of
the mine, which has largely destroyed the lower structures, it can
only be deduced at this point that channel Cer‐01 was no longer
available for the final phase of the work. Given the supply structure,
the simultaneous use of the entire hydraulic system during the
initial mining work phase, sourcing both the E as well as the W ends
of the mine without producing any type of interference between
the various gullies would have been possible and the pace would
have been marked by the availability of water and labour. Nonethe-
less and with some exceptions, a clear progression towards the W
of the mine work sites can be observed in the mine channel
Considering the slope (0.2–0.3%) and width (0.90 m), the supply
capacity of these channels is 0.22 and 0.27 m3/s, respectively, calcu-
lated by applying Manning0 s equation with a roughness coefficient of
n = 0.030 and a water surface of 0.45 m, which corresponds to a nor-
mal operating system (Matías, 2008a, pp. 85–94; Matías, 2008b, pp.
35–38). Thus, the water availability for annual continuous service for
FIGURE 10 Section in the rock, channel CEr‐02 [Colour figure can be the entire supply system under ideal conditions would have been
viewed at] 13.2 Mm3 (55,296 m3 per day) Table 2.

FIGURE 11 Remains of the channel CEr‐02 in the valley of the Pequeño River [Colour figure can be viewed at]

FIGURE 12 (a) Intersection of the channel

CEr‐03 and CEr‐02 in El Filoso. (b) Auxiliary
tank that was filled by CEr‐02 channel [Colour
figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.

4.2 | Mining tanks and channels to locate distribution tanks and structures unknown until now, which
had habitually been hidden by the vegetation meaning they could not
The American flight aerial photographs, especially AMS 1956–1957 be located in aerial photographs. A number of channels were designed
were fundamental in establishing the site of the heading tanks and off the main tank system to distribute water towards the various
mining channels as the plain area began to be farmed in the 1950s worksites. These channels, which shall be referred to as mining chan-
and was affected shortly after by intensive reforestation work nels, simply consisted of ground excavation into the plain of the upper
(Figure 8). Most of the alterations have occurred in the last few part of terrace T‐2 measuring 2–3 m wide with very scarce depth
decades due to the route of a number of roads for heavy forest (around 1 m). The arrangement reflects the progress of the mining
machinery. Nonetheless, most of the water supply and distribution work and only suggests the hypothetical development of the final
structures can be rather clearly observed. LIDAR image processing phases as any intermediate evidence has disappeared due to the
has greatly helped this part of the work as it has now been possible destruction caused by the progress of the clearings (Figure 13).

TABLE 2 Supply capacity (m3) Las Murias‐Los Tallares Roman gold mine channels
Length (km) Slope (%) Width (m) Depth (m) Flow (m3/s) 1 day 1 month 1 year

CEr‐01 7.75 0.2 0.90 0.45 0.22 19,008 570,240 6,937,920

CEr‐02 16.9 0.3 0.90 0.45 0.27 23,328 699,840 8,514,720
CEr‐03 1.3 0.2 — — 0.15 12,960 388,800 4,730,400
Available flow rates TOTAL 55,296 1,658,880 20,183,040
CEr‐02 and CEr‐03 36,288 1,088,640 13,245,120

No data.

FIGURE 13 Structure of water supply to the

exploitation area [Colour figure can be viewed

The slope of the land below the main supply elevations (993 and
985) barely exceed 1% towards the SE, meaning the water storage
structures had to be adapted for this circumstance that is not at all com-
mon in Roman auriferous mining in the area as very sharp slopes are
most common. This conditions the shape of the tanks and their location,
making them very difficult to identify without a certain margin of error.
The most obvious tank found is DEr‐03 (Figure 15). It is irregular in
shape and features two compartments, the largest of which (2,700 m2)
reaches a manifest depth of 1.5 m. The other compartment (500 m2) is
barely a depression in the land at 0.50 m deep. This tank would have
had a storage capacity of 4,000 m3.
Near this tank is DEr‐04, currently destroyed, although it can be
seen in the American flight A series aerial photographs (AMS 45 pho-
togram 016‐6449) as a watercourse with various mining channels com-
ing out of it towards the hushing systems. It was smaller in size than
FIGURE 14 Section of tank DEr‐01 located in the area of pine forest Der‐03, but no specifics on this or on its depth are certain.
[Colour figure can be viewed at] There are a number of mine channels between tanks DEr‐03 and
DEr‐04 and the adjacent hushing tanks with several derivations
A large tank (DEr‐01) measuring 210 × 15 m at an elevation of
992 m, the main target for channel CEr‐02, has been located through
DTM‐LIDAR as well as on the ground (Figure 14). Supposing it is
1.5 m deep, it would have a capacity of 4,725 m3. Given the source
channel supply capacity, it could have been filled up to 7 times in
24 hr. This tank had two outlets on the eastern and western ends.
The eastern outlet is clearly related to the immediate mining work,
with three outlets towards the erosion pit and one towards the adja-
cent hushing pits, whereas the western one dumps into a watercourse
that connects to other tanks situated at a lower level. It is currently
affected by the forest trail on the western end.
No evidence has been found of tanks directly related to the chan-
nel CEr‐01 elevation, although there is an arch‐shaped structure on the
eastern edge of the erosion pit headings (very well defined in photo-
gram no. 45102 from the American flight B series, AMS 56) that corre-
sponds to a tank. It could have been originally sourced by this channel.
The reforestation and forest track practically make it unrecognizable FIGURE 15 Tank DEr‐03 (current status) [Colour figure can be viewed
today. It was approximately 130 m long. at]

FIGURE 16 Water network in the eastern

sector [Colour figure can be viewed at]

between them and the mine work sites, reflecting a maze that is com- interpreted as tanks with certain reservations as they could also have
plex and difficult to explain as there are also modern roads overlapping been settlements.
the old watercourses. In the case of the area around tank DEr‐03, one The supply of the sector situated further to the East (Cuesta del
can see how some of these derivations were laid out at different times Pinar) is not clearly defined although mining channels are quite notice-
with a predominant, deeper one towards the East. In summary, it could able. While on the ground, some evidence was located concerning the
be said that it is an apparently labyrinth‐like structure that proves dif- possibility of this supply from the evacuation channel of one of the
ferent periods of work in the western third of the mine, supplying dif- hushing tanks situated further to the East at Vallico la Escoba,
ferent sectors. collecting water from two different points.
After the western third of the mine, the water was taken through a
single channel situated near the edge of the mine work sites and then
would be derived as necessary to supply the various mine faces.
Following the 2012 fire, some supply structures were uncovered
on the edge of the terrace, quite sectioned off by the development
LIDAR data processing is now an essential tool for analysing Roman
of the evacuation channels that seem to have been used to lead the
hydraulic mining structures in NW Hispania, the limitations of which
water towards the lower E edge of the mine work sites at the start
may be as follows:
of operations.
The DTM generated from the LIDAR data and the field work also
• the quality, quantity, and precision of the laser points collected in
made it possible to locate the supply for the mines on the E edge (Vallico
the LIDAR scanner;
La Escoba and Cuesta del Pinar), which are disconnected from the main
• the state of mining structures conservation;
mining unit by a watercourse (Figure 16). The route of this watercourse
was created with a slight containment slope, the mark of which is • the overlap of modern structures; and
currently visible, where a certain quantity of water would have been • working scale.
accumulated as a tank. This way, both banks of the watercourse were
connected to be able to lead the water towards the mine heading. Although the possibility of discovering new mining zones, most of
Structures, clearly of anthropogenic origin, have been located in which were already located in the 1970s and 1980s by means of
these two sections further away above the hushing tanks and near extensive field explorations and meticulous photointerpretation work
the mining channels. They are oval in shape with a small 0.75‐ to 1‐ with stereoscopic images taken by archaeologists Domergue (1987)
m embankment on the eastern side to create levelled ground measur- and Sánchez‐Palencia (1980; Perea & Sánchez‐Palencia, 1995) is quite
ing 1.8 and 2 ha, respectively (DEr‐05 and DEr‐06). Due to their loca- low, there is still a good outlook in areas covered with vegetation with
tion near the mining channels, they seem to be lower depth (barely the aforementioned limitations.
0.5 m) water tanks although their extension would give them a capac- LIDAR technology (with data Spanish IGN version at image resolu-
ity of nearly 10,000 m3; however, they would have been affected by tion 0.5 points/m2) has not been very effective in locating supply
sediment silting and eutrophication in warm months. Notwithstanding, structures (channels) due to the low detail scale, lack of continuous evi-
there are currently no other data for their analysis other than provided dence, and the high level of degradation. Direct exploration on the
by LIDAR, as these structures have always been covered by vegetation ground and the application of other methodologies continue to be
and are not visible in historical photographs meaning they must be essential for this work.

6 | C O N CL U S I O N S Actas del III Congreso de las Obras Públicas Romanas (Astorga, 2006),
pp. 213–263.

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