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LL.B. Degree (Semeste'i" - ·VI) Examination, A pril 2013 I


Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions: 1) Answer any ten from Q. No. 1 to 14.

2) All answers carry equal marks.

1. How can the intention o! the Legislature be ascertained ?

2. Explain Constitutionality of a Statute.

3. When should courts consider the consequences before reading a provision ?

4. Discuss the Rule which permits to Read Legal Words in the Legal Sense.

5. Explain the definitions under General Clauses Act :

a) Repeal

b) Commencement of Acts

c) Powers conferred

d) Commencement and Termination of time.

6. Evaluate the maxim 'Rodendo Singula Singulis' with the help of relevant case

7. Explain the maxim 'Noscitur a Socii' with case laws.

8. Discuss construction to prevent Evasion and Abuse.

9. Explain the external Aids :

a) Statement of objects and reasons

b) Later social, political and economic development and scientific Inventions.

TNY-64 1111111111111111111 mm1*1111 -

10. When are the courts expected to Harmonize Provision in a statutes?

11. Explain Codifying and Consolidating statutes and Amending Acts.

12. a) Presumption Against ouster of jurisdiction of courts.

b) Presumption against exceeding Territorial Nexus.

13. Discuss Contemporanea Expositio.

14. Write short notes on any two: (2x5=10)

a) Generalia Specibus non-derogate

b) Ambiguous Definitions

c) Acts in Pari Materia.

IIIUIIII miiiiiiiDI ~11111111111 TNY-60
LL.B. (Degree) Semester- VI Examination, April 2012
· Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Instructions: 1) Answer any ten from Q. No. 1 to 14.

2) All answer carry equal marks. (10x10=100)
1. Explain the advantages of Golden Rule of Construction with decided Case Laws.
2. "Statute to be read as a Whole" Explain with case laws.
·3. What does regard to consequences mean ? Illustrate with case laws.
4. Discuss Preamble, title, punctuation as Internal Aids to construction.
5. Explain the use of the Foreign Decisions and dictionaries as External Aids to
construction of statutes.
6. · Explain the importance of the words 'may' and 'shall' in interpretation of statutes.
7. Define Harmonious construction with case laws.
8. Explain any four under the General Clauses Act :
a) Gomputation of time
b) Document
c) Gender and number
d) Will
e) Ship. ·
9. Explain presumption in favour of constitutionality of a statute.·

10. Discuss presumption in favour of Criminal Law.

11. "Ut Res Magis Valeat Quam Pereat" Explain this maxim.

12. What is the meaning of "Noscitur Socii" ? Explain with decided case laws.

13. Generalia specialibus non derogat. Explain this maxim.

14. Discuss any 2 of the following : {5x2=10)

a) Rule of ejusdem Generis
b) Bona Partem
c) Literal Rule.
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(tr"i uft~~) ·
B- 10 TNY- 60

Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Instructions: I) Answer any .f1VE questionsfrom Q.Nos. 1 to 8.

2) Question No. 2. is Compulsory.
3) Question Nos. 1 to 8 carry I 5 marks.
4) Question No. 9 carries 25 marks.

Ql) The Intention of the Legislature must be found by reading the statute as a whole in its
context. Explain.
Q2) Words of an enactment are to be given their ordinary and natural meaning. .
QJ) '"Legislation is generally presumed not to apply to past acts or events". Discuss the
presumption against retrospective operation of the law.
Q4) Explain the rules of interpretation applicable to mandatory and directory statutes with
the help of suitable cases.
QS) Explain Preamble and Illustrations as aids to interpreting statutes.
Q6) Explain statutes in pari materia with the help of cases.
Q7) The Mischief Rule is applicable where the language is capable of more than one
meaning - Discuss.
Q8) Explain any five of the following with reference to the General Clauses Act.
a) Document.
b) Affidavit.
c) Movable property.
d) Duty to be done pro rata.
e) Power to appoint.
f) Commencement of the Act.

Q9) Write short notes on any five of the following:

a) The rule of ejusdem generis.
b) Presumption of Constitutionality.
c) Expressio unius est exclusio alterius.
d) Foreign decisionS.
e) Redden do singular singulis.
f) Restrictive construction.
g) Absurdity in statute.
G -513 (Pages: 01)

[Total No. of Questions : 9]

Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

Instructions : 1) Answer any FIVE questions from Q.Nos. 1 to 8.
2) Q.No. 9 is Compulsory.

[5 X 15 = 75]
Ql) Discuss the principle that omissions in the statute are not to be supplied by courts.
Q2) Courts must adopt a construction which shaii suppress the mischief and advance the
remedy- Explain with decided cases.
Q3) Briefly explain the various internal aids used in statutory interpretation.
Q4) Examine the following as external aids in interpreting statutes;
a) Contemporaneo exposition.
b) Dictionaries.
Q5) "Ouster of jurisdiction of the courts is not to be readily inferred" - Explain.
Q6) Explain any five of the following with reference to the General Clauses Act.
a) State Government.
b) Immovable property.
c) Oath.
d) Commencement of Act.
e) Duty to be done pro rata.
f) Effect of repeal.
Q7) "The question as to whether a statute is mandatory or directory depends on the intent
of Legislature" - Elucidate with cases.
Q8) "Apparently conflicting statutory provisions should be harmoniously construed"-
Explain the principle of harmonious construction.
Q9) Write short notes on any five of the following: [5 x 5 = 25]
a) Ut res magis valeat quam perat.
b) Express mention of one thing implies the exclusion of the other.
c) Territorial nexus.
d) Words of rank.
e) Principles of interpretation relating to codifying statutes.
f) Non obstante clause.
g) Meaning of interpretation.

11111111~ llmllllllnlll~

Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Instructions : 1) Answer any five questions from Q. Nos. 1 to 8.

2) Question No. 9 is compulsory.


1. "The popular meaning of words in the statute is to be adhered to unless a different

legislative intention appears."- Discuss.

2. It is the duty of a judge to make such a construction as shall suppress the mischief
and advance the remedy - Explain.

3. Explain Long title, headings and marginal notes as aids to interpreting a statute.

4. Discuss the relevance of statutes in pari materia and of previous legislations in

the interpretation of statutes.

5 . Explain any five of the following with reference to the General Clauses Act :
a) Mfidavit
b) Immovable property
c) Computation of time
d) Gender and number
e) Power to appoint
t) Effect of repeal
g) Sign.

6. Explain the rule of Noscitur a sociis with the help of cases.

7. Bring out the distinction between mandatory and directory statutes with the help
of cases.
TNY- 60 1111111111111111 11111111111

8. Explain the following presumptions :

a) Presumption regarding the constitutionality of the statute.
b) Presumption regarding the territorial operation of a statute.

9. Write short notes on any five of the following : (5x5=25)

a) Ex viceribus actus
b) Codifying statutes
c) Beneficial construction
d) Inconsistency between provisions in statute
e) Non obstante clause
t) Restrictive construction
g) Foreign judgements.
1111m1111111111111111111111111111 TNY -60
LL.B. (Degree) 'Semester- VI Examination, April2010
Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Instructions : 1) Answer any five questions from Q. Nos. 1 to 8.

2) Question No. 9 is compulsory.
1. 'The problem of interpreting statutes is a problem of meaning of words and their
" effectiveness'. Discuss the need for statutory interpretation with illustrations.

2. Explain the Mischief Rule with the help of decided cases.

3. Explain briefly the different parts of a statute and their importance in interpretation.

4. Dis~uss the role played by Parliamentary history and dictionaries in the interpretation
of statutes.

5. Explain the rule of Harmonious Construction with the help of decided cases.

6. Explain any five of the following with reference to the General Clauses Act:

a) Act

b) Oath

c) Official Gazette

d) Duty to be taken pro rata

e) Power to appoint

f) Coming into operation of enactment.

7. 'Whether a statute is mandatory or directory depends upon the intention of

Legislature'- Discuss.

TNY - 60 111111111 ~111111111111111111111111

8. Explain the following presumptions:

a) .Presumption against intending injustice or absurdity.

b) Presumption against the retrospective operation of statutes.

9. Write short notes on any five of the following: (Sx5=25)

a) Casus omissus
b) Contemporanea expositio
c) Consolidating Statutes
d) Plain meaning of statute
e) Expressio unius est exclusio alterius
f) Reddendo singula singulis
g) .Rule of ejusdem generis.
lllfi~l lllltlllllllllllllllllllll TNY -60

LL.B. (Degree) (Semester - VI) Examination, October 2009

Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Instructions;· 1) Answer any five questions from Question Nos. 1 to 8.

2) Question No. 9 is compulsory.

1. The Rule of Literal Construction is considered to be the first principle of

interpretation - Discuss with the help of cases.

2. The meaning of a provision in a statute may be construed by reading it in its

context. Explain the principle ex vicerbus actus.

3 . Inconsistency and repugnancy in a statute may be avoided by the application of

the rule of harmonious construction. Discuss with the help of suitable cases.

4. Examine the role played by parliamentary history and dictionaries in the

interpretation of statutes.

5. The question whether a statute is mandatory or directory depends on the intention

of Legislature and not on the language used in the statute-Discuss.

6. Discuss the rule of Ejusdem Generis with the help of cases.

7. Explain the following :

a) Presumption against intending what is inconvenient or unreasonable
b) Presumption against the retrospective operation of statutes.

8. Explain any five under the General Clauses Act :

a) Act
b) Movable property
c) Good faith
d) Gender and number
e) Commencement of the Act
f) Power to appoint.
TNY - 60 111111111111111111111111111WHIII

9. Write notes on. any five of the following : (Sx5=25)

i) Casus omissus
ii) Reddendo singula singulis
iii) Restrictive construction.
i v) Construction in bon am partem.
v) Golden rule.
vi) Intention of the legislature.
vii) Consolidating statutes.
viii) Heydon's case.
111111111111m TNY -60
LL.B. Degree (Semester- VI) Examination, April 2009
Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Instructions : 1) Answer any five questions from Question Nos. 1. to 8.

2) Question No. 9 is compulsory.

1. A construction which requires for its support, the addition or substitution of words
or which results in the rejection of words as meaningless has to be avoided -
Discuss with cases.
2. Discuss the rule laid down in Heydon's case.
3. Enumerate the various internal aids used in the interpretation of statutes. Explain
any three internal aids with the help of cases.
4. Discuss the following external aids used in the interpretation of statutes:
a) International convention
b) Committee reports
c) Contemporaneo exposition

5. Distinguish between mandatory and directory statutes with cases. Examine the
various factors guiding a Judge in holding a provision mandatory or directory.

6. Discuss the rule of noscitur a sociis with the help of suitable cases.
7. Explain the following presumptions :
a) Legislature does not intend to give the statute retrospective operation
b) Territorial operation of the statute.

8. Answer any five of the following reference to the General Clauses Act :
a) Document
b) Public nuisance
c) Immovable property
d) Duty to be taken pro rata
e) Computation of time
t) Gender and number.
TNY- 60

9. Write notes on any five of the following :

i) Construction in bonam partem
ii) Expression unius est exclusion alterius
iii) Ut res magis valeat quam pereat
iv) Golden rule
v) Beneficial construction
vi) Generalia specialibus non derogant
vii) Need for statutory interpretation
viii) Statutes in pari materia.
11111111111111111111111111111111111 TNY -60

LL.B. (Degree) (Semester - VI) Examination, April 2008

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : l 00

Instructions : 1) Answer any six questions from Question No.1 to Question No. 9.
2) Question No. 10 is compulsory.


1. 'The language of the statute should be read as it is'. Discuss referring to exceptions
if any.

2. Explain the Mischief Rule of interpretation. Illustrate with case law.

3. Discuss the following internal aids :

i) Long title
ii) Headings
iii) Punctuation in a statute

4. Examine the following External aids used in the interpretation of statutes :

a) International conventions

b) Statute inpari materia

c) Speeches and debates in Parliament

5. Explain the following :

a) Statute to be read as a whole in its context

b) Expressio unius est exclusio alterius.

6. 'There is no hard and fast rule for deciding whether a provision is directory or
mandatory' - Discuss.

7. Explain :

i) Noscitur a sociis
ii) Generalia speciali bus non derogant
TNY- 60 11111111111111111111111111 1111 1111

8. Discuss the Presumption against retrospective operation of statutes and the

Presumption of constitutionality of a statute.

9. Explain any five of the following under the General Clauses Act 1897 :

a) affidavit

b) commencement of Act

c) movable property

d) power to appoint

e) good faith

f) effect of repeal.

l 0. Write notes on any two : (Sx2=10)

a) Consolidating statutes

b) Words of rank

c) Need for statutory interpretation.

TNY -60
LL.B. (Degree) (Semester- VI) Examination, 2007

Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Instructions : 1) Answer any six questions from Question No. 1 to Question No. 9
(15 x6=90)
2) Question No. 10 is compulsory. (10 Marks)

1. ;Discuss Literal Interpretation and illustrate it with suitable case laws. 15

2. Discuss construction Ut Res Magis Valeat Quam Pereat. 15

3. Explain Internal Aids. Discuss in detail Title, MarginaLNotes and illustrations as

Internal Aids of Construction. 15

4. Explain the use of External Aids to construction with suitable examples. 15

5. Write short notes on : 15

a) Harmonious construction

b) Pari Materia

6. Explain Mandatory provisions in statutes with suitable illustrations. 15

7 . Discuss the following : 15

a) Presumption against Ousting of Jurisdiction of Courts· -

b) Presumption against violation of international Law

8. Explain the following maxims : 15

a) Ex Visceribus Actus

b) Noscitur a Sociis

TNY - 60

9. Explain any five of the following under the General Clauses Act : 15

a) "Imprisonment

b) Document

c) Public Nuisance

d) Sign

e) Measurement of Distances

f-) Power of Appoint

10. Write notes on any two of the following : (5x2=10)

a) Meaning of Interpretation

b) Codifying Statutes

c) Equitable Construction
TNY -60

LL.B. (Degree) (Semester - VI) Examination, April 2007


) _n :. 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

Instructions: 1) Answer any six questions from question no. 1 to question no. 9
( 15x6= 90).
2) Question No. 10 ~· compulsory (10).

[scuss the Mischief Rule and illustrate it with suitable examples. 15

iscuss with illustrations how statute has to be read as a whole. 15

:plain how Preamble, Punctuation Marks, Illustrations, Explanations are used

Internal Aids to Construction. 15

scuss the use of Statement of Objects, Parliamentary History, Foreign decisions

d Dictionaries as External Aids. 15

rite short notes on the following : 15

Beneficial Construction

Harmonious Construction.

scuss the interpretation of Directory Provisions of Statutes. 15

plain the following : 15

Presumption against exceeding territorial nexus

Presumption against intending injustice or absurdity.

plain the following : 15

Exprssio Unius est Exclusio A.iterius

=:ontcrnporanea Expositio.
9. Explain any five of the following under General Clauses Act.

a) Local authority

h) Oath

c) Person

d) Writing

e) Commencement and termination of time

f) Repeal.

10. Write short notes on anytwo : (S x2= J

a) Consolidating Statutes

b) Interpretation and Construction

c) Construction in Bonam Partem.



LL.D: Ocgr·ec (Semester-VI) Examination, October, 2006


Duration: 3 hours Total Marks: 75

1)Question No. 7 and 14 are compulsory.
2) AnsWet: any four questions from Q.Nos. 1 to 6 ·and answer any four questions from Nos .
8 to 13

• SECTION- I ( 4 x 8 = 32)
J..Discuss the Literal rule of interpretation and bring out its merits and demerits.
2. Explain the Mischief Rule with the help of suitable cases.
J. Discuss the following:
a) Long Title
b) ' l)tcani ble . .
4.Enumerate the various Internal aids used ih interpretation of statutes. Explain Porelgn decisions ·
and Parliamentary history as external aids.
5. When wi II Courts adopt a restrictive construction of statutes?
6. Explain'
!l) Ut res magisvalcat quam penlt b) Casus omissus
( 2 X 3 = 6)
7. Write short notes on any two:
a) Statutory interpretatiot1
b) Plain meaning of statutes
c) Golden rule

SECTION II ( 4x 8 ·= 32)

8. Discuss the interpretation of Codifying and Consolidating statutes.

9 . Explain lmpenrt:ive and Directory statutes with the help of cases.
I0. Discuss the rule of Ejusdem Generis with the help of cases. _ .
11. Explain the Presumption against the ouster of jurisdiction of courts atid the !>resumption
against intending what is inconvenient or unreasonable ·
12. Explain
·a) reddendo singula singulis
b) b) Oeneralia specialibus non derogant
1J.Exp\ain any four with reference to General Clauses Act:
a) 'immovable property
b) c9mmencement and termination of time
c) effect of repeal
d) affidavit
e) gender and number
14. Write short notes on ant two: ( 2 x 2.5 =5)
a) Statute to be read as a whole
· b) Noscitur a sociis
c) Equitable construction

MAH - 61

LL.B. Degree (Semester - VI) Examination, April 2006


>oration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Instructions: 1) Answer any six questions from question no. 1 to question no. 9.
2) Question no. 10 is compulsory.


1 . 'Words of the statute themselves best declare the intention of the law-giver'.
Discuss with reference to the Literal Rule of interpretation.

2. Explain the Mischief Rule of interpretation with suitable cases.

3. Discuss the relevance of the Preamble, Headings and Marginal Notes as aids in
the interpretation of statutes.

4. Explain how reference to other statutes and foreign judgments may be useful as
aids in interpreting statutes.

5. Explain the following principles of interpretation :

i) Beneficial construction
ii) Construction in Bonam Partem.

6. Bring out the difference between Imperative and Directory provisions in statutes
and explain how Courts interpret these provisions.

7. Briefly explain the various presumptions used by Courts in the interpretation of


8. Explain the following maxims :

a) Noscitur a sociis
b) Contemporaneo expositio
MAH- 61

9. Explain any five of the following under the General Clauses Act 1897 :
a) gender and number
b) document
c) abet
d) duty to be done on pro rata
e) computation of time
f) immovable property.

l 0. Write notes on any two : (Sx2=10) ,

a) Golden rule of interpretation
b) Genera1ia specialibus non derogant
c) Harmonious Construction.
LL.B. (Degree) Semester - VI Examination, 2006

Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

Instructions: 1) Answer any six questions from Question No. 1 to Question No. 9.
2) Question No. 10 is compulsory.

l. Discuss the Literal Rule of interpretation with suitable cases. In what way is the
Golden Rule of interpretation a departure from the Literal rule ?

2. Explain the rule laid down in Heydon's case with relevant cases.

3. State and explain the various Internal Aids admissible in the interpretation of

4. Explain the following as External Aids in the interpretation of statutes:

i) Legislative debates

ii) Dictionaries

iii) Foreign Decisions.

5. Discuss the rule of Harmonious Construction with the help of relevant cases.

6. Examine the Mandatory. and Directory provisions in statutes with the help of

7 . Discuss the following presumptions:

i) Presumption regarding the constitutionality of a statute
ii) Presumption against the ouster of jurisdiction of Courts.

8. Explain the following maxims used in interpretation of statutes:

a) Expressio unius est exclusio alterius

b) Noscitur a sociis.


9. Explain any five of the following under the General Clauses Act 1897:

a) Commencement of Act

b) Movable property

c) Affidavit

d) Good faith

e) Measurement of distances
f) Power to appoint. (15x6=90)

10. \Vrite notes on any two of the following:

a) Intention of legislature

b) Statute to be read as a whole

c) Construction with regard to consequences. (5x2=10)


1tion: 3 bot:rrs Total Marks: 75

~stion No. 7 and 14 are compulsory.
5Wer any four que ;tions fi·orc Q.~ \'os. l lo 5 and ans'N~!'l' any four questions from Nos. 8 to

SECT )(J:'I -- 1 ( 4 X 8 = 32)

1. 'The Lit<:ral rule is ·:he p ~im :u·y mk o f inte::rpretation'- Discuss.

2. Explain 1he Mischitf RJle vvitrt ttt<:~ hdp of suitable ca:;es.
3. Discuss Headings and Sd1eduJes .:1s. importa:rr: aids to eonstruction.
4. Briefly explain the: 'lario us ·~:x1 emal a:ds us.ed in the interpretation of statutes
5. Explain Harmonious Co::Jst ruc.tion ·with th;:: hdp of cases.
6. Explain the Jollovving:
a) ex viceribus actus
b) casus omissus
7. 'Write sh011 notes on any l 'WJ: ( 2 r 3 ::::: 6)
a·\ Golden r .1k c•f :nterprctati H I
b, I nterpret,mion '\IVith Regard to cons~:q~:ence:~;
c) Preamhk in llt statut~

StC'WION U ( 4x 8 = 32)
8.. Explain Codifying :and Con.soEdating statu.·~es 1Nith suitable illustrations.
9.. Explain the inte.rprelation of!v:.and;~.tory and Directory statutes with the help of
suitable cases.
10. Explain the rule of FJusdt:m with r:11e help of cases.
11. Explain the Presumption regarding th•; teni tor:ial operation of law and the
Presumption agains.1 vic latien t:Jf inwrnational }aw.
12. Explain the following:
a) expressio unius ~~st exc.l us\.;) 2.lterius
b) words o f a rank
13. Explain any four with r•:!ferenr.:e 10 Gt:neral Causes Act:
L rnov abl.~ prope rty
u. good faith
hi. measurement of dis;:m:tces
tv. c:ommencement anc. termination of time
v. gend•!r and number
(.2 X 2.5 = 5)
14. 'Writt~ sh:Jrt notes. on any h\'1£1:
a) Construction in oonam a:artelT
b) Parts of a statt.1te
c) Retrospective operation :Jf .sUhutes

t-- . - - -· --- - .....j,

LL.B. (3 Years) (Semester- VI) (Deg.) Examination, April 2005
Duration: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

Instructions: 1) Answer any six questions from Q. No. 1 to 9.

2) Q. No. 10 is compulsory.

1. What is interpretation ? Explain the need for interpretation of statutes with

illustrations. 15
2. "It is a cardinal rule of interpretation of statutes that statutes should be
interpret~ in their primary and ordinary sense"- Discuss. 15
3. Discuss the following: 15
a) Definition sections/clauses
b) Marginal Notes
c) Punctuation.

4. Write on: 15
a) Casus Omissus b) Statute to be made workable and effective.

5. Bring out the significance of codifying and consolidating statutes in

interpretation. 15
6. Exp1ain the presumption against retrospective operation of statutes and
presumption against violation of international law. 15

7. Explain the following: 15

a) Reddendo singula singulis b) Rule of ejusdem genris.
8. Explain Mandatory and Directory statutes with the help of suitable cases. 15
9. Explain any five of the following under the General Clauses Act 1897 : 15
a) Good faith
b) Sign
c) Abet
d) Effect of repeal
e) Commencement and termination of time
f) Master.

10. Write not~s on any two: 10

a) Noscitur a sociis
b) Restrictive construction
c) Presumption against intending injustice or absurdity.

uration: 3 hours Total Marks: 75

Instructions;)) Question No.7 ancl1 4 are compubory.

2) A nswer any f9ur qw:~stio:r.s from Q.Nos. 1 to 6 and answer
any fOJ!E questions from Q. No~:. 8 to 13.

SECT:lON ·:.l

8 marks
l. Explain the following as basic principle~; of interpretation:
a) statute to be read at· a whok~ in its context b) statute to be ~construed to
make it effective and workable.

8 marks
2 . Explain "the literal n ile is the primary rule of tnterpret1.tion'.

8 marks
3. 'It is the duty of judges to suppress the 1t-r.ischief a:nd advance the remedy' -
Elucidate with the hdp of relevant cases.
8 marks
4. What are internal aids to construction? Briefiy explain the various internal aids.
8 marks
.mterpretat10n. .
Discuss foreign d~cisions ~nd ·p~rliarpentary history as external aids to

8 marks
6. Disc:uss the Go lden rule o.f int.e:rpret~ti on .

6 marks
7. Write notes on any two of the follm:vh1g:
a) casus omissus
b) intention of the legislature
c) beneficia) construction

8. Explain the diftere:n,~es bet'Neen l\1andatory and D irec::tory provisions in a statute.

8 marks
9.Explain the follow·ing presumptions:
a) Presumption against int<.~nding injustic{~ or abs11rdity
b) Presumption against violation of th1~) prindples •tlf international law.

8 marks

10. Explain the relevance of the rule of ~oscitur a sociis in const~ing gen~ral words
in statutes.
8 marks

11. Explain CodifYing and Consolidating statu~es.

8 marks
12. Explain the fo1lowing;
a) equitable construction b) construction in honam Jpartem
13. Explain any ti)u.r· of the fullowing \vith re·fbrence to the General Clauses Act:
a) Document b) oath .c) officiai. gazett~e d) affidavit e) computation of time f)
immovable property

5 marks
14. Write notes on any two ofth1~ following:
a) evasion of statutes
b) rule of ejusdt~nt generis
c) hannonious construction


Duration: 3 hours Total Marks: 75

Instructions: l) Question ·No. 7 and 14 are compulsory.

2) Answer any four questions fron1 Q.Nos. 1 to 6 and answer
any Jour quest~ons from Q; ·Nos, 8 to 13.

8 marks
1. 'The duty of the Courts is to find out the intention of the Legislature while
interpreting a statute' - Discuss.
8 marks

2. 'The words of the statute are first undt~rstood in their natural sense, ordinary and
popular sense' -E~ucidatc:: with case law.
3. Explain the rule laid dO\ilffi in Heydon:'s case.

4. Discuss the scope of the Long title and Headings as. internal aids to construction
of statutes.
8 marks
5. Explain statut€!S in pari materia arid Contemporaneo expositio as external aids to
interpretation. ·
6. Explain the irnportance of bem~ficial construction in the interpretation of statutes.

7. Write notes on any two of the folJowing: b M"'1' 1:.-~ ·.

a) Interpretation and construction
b) · Golden rule of interpretation
c) Casus omissus

8 marks
8. Explain with the help of suitable cases ho\\1· the Courts interpret Mandatory
provisions found in statut·es.
8 marks
9.Explain the follo'~' ing presumptions:
a) Presumption against the ouster of j udsdiction of courts
b) Presumption in favour of constitutionality o.fthe statute.
8 marks
11. Explain 'words of rank' and ' reddendo singula singulis~ in construing general
words in statutes.
8 marks
11. Explain construction to prevent evasion of statutes.
8 marks
12. Explain the fo~loV~ring : a) Construction in bona1n PaJ1e.m b) equitable
8 marks
13. Discuss any four of1the following with reference to the General Clauses Act:
a) act b) movable property c) good faith d) sign e) gender and nlllnber f)
commencement of ..A.ct
5 marks
14. Write shott notes on a.ny two .of the t<>Ho·wing:
a) Consolidating statutes
b) Noscitur a sociis
c) Expressio unius est texcJusio alterius
LL.B. (3 Years) Sem.- VI Examination, 2003
Duration: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
Instructions: 1) Questions 7 and 14 are compulsory.
2) Answer any four questions from questions 1 to 6 and anyfour
questions from questions 8 to 13.

1. Explain the term Intention ofLegislature. How do the courts find intention oflegislature ? 8
2. Discuss illustrating with decided case laws the Mischief Rule. 8
3. Discuss, "Statute must be read as a whole". 8
4. Explain how Proviso, lllustrations and Explanations can be used as internal aids to
construction. 8
5. Discuss how reference to other statutes and foreign judgements.are used as external aids
of construction. 8
6. Discuss illustrating with decided case laws construction to prevent evasion or abuse. 8
7. Write short notes on any two : (2x3=6)
a) Meaning of interpretation. c) Equitable construction.
b) Advantages of Literal Interpretation.

8. Explain the interpretation of Imperative and Directive Statutes. 8
9. Write notes on the following: 8
a) Presumption against violation oflntemationalLaw.
b) Presumptions against including what is inconvenient or unreasonable.
10. Discuss "Presumption against ouster ofjurisdiction of Courts". 8
11. Discuss the rule of Noscitur a Sociis. 8
12. Write short notes on : 8
a) Expressio unius est exclusio alterius.
b) ut res magis valeat quam pereat.
13. Explain any four of the following terms with reference to the General Clause Act. 8
a) Central Government d) Oath
b) Document e) Public nuisance
c) Immovable Property f) Magistrate.

14. Write short notes on any t":o: (2x2.5 = 5)

a) Codifying statutes.
b) Casus omissus.
c) Contemporanea expositio.
SRN -124

Third Year LL.B. (Non Semester) Examination, 2003

Duration: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100
Instructions: I) Old Course students need not answer questions No. 7 and 8.
2) New Course students need not answer questions No. 9 and 10.


1. "The search for the intention oflegislature is an important principle of statutory

interpretation''- Elucidate. 12
Explain the rule ofliteral interpretation.

2. Explain the principle "Statute must be read as a whole". 12

Discuss preamble, title and proviso as internal aids of construction.

3. Explain construction to prevent evasion or abuse. 12

Explain the mischief rule.

4. Write notes on any two of the following: 14

a) Parliamentary history as external aids of Construction.
b) Imperative statutes.
c) Golden rule.
d) Equ!table construction.


5. Write notes on any two of the following: 14

a) Ejusdem generis rule
b) Redendo singula singulis
c) Presumption against ousting jurisdiction of courts.
d) Harmonious Construction.

6. Explain any three of the following terms used in General Clauses Act, 1897: 12
a) Service by Post
b) Gender and Number
c) Effect of Repeal
d) Abet
e) Public nuisance.
SRN -124

7. Discuss Bentham's Principle of Utility. 12


Discuss the ends of civil law.

8. Discuss analysis of political goods and evils as per Bentham. 12


Explain the following terms used in General Clauses Act.

a) Collector
b) Oath
c) Offence.

9. Lord Tangley sets out the tasks for law reformers. Discuss and illustrate these tasks.

Trace the evolution of law according to Lord Tangley.

10. Explain the various limitations on the force of statute as discussed by C.K.Allen. 12

In a democratic set up how does the Legislature find the will of the people.
SRN -115
LL.B. (3 Years) Sem. - VI Examination, 2003
Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75

Instructions: 1) Questions 7 and 14 are compulsory.

2) Answer any four questions from questions 1 to 6 and any four
questions from questions 8 to 13.

1. Explain the meaning of interpretation. Distinguish it from construction of statutes. 8
2. Explain the Literal Rule oflnterpretation. 8
3. Discuss the construction of statute with regard to consequences. 8
4. Discuss the use of Preamble and Title as internal aids to construction. 8
5. Explain International Conventions and Foreign judgement as the external aids to
construction. 8
6. Discuss Hannonious copstruction. lllustrate with case law. 8
7. Write notes on any two of the following: (2x3=6)

a) Bona Partem b) Equitable Construction c) Golden Rule.

8. Discuss the interpretation of Codifying and Consolidating Statutes. 8
9. Write short notes on the following: 8
a) Presumption againsft>usting established jurisdictipn.
b) Presumption against changes in
10. Discuss : "Presumption in favour of constitutionality of statute". 8
11. Explain the rule of Ejusdem Generis. 8
12. Write short notes on: 8
a) Cotemporanea expositio b) Reddendo singula singulis.

13. Explain any four of the following terms with reference to the General Clauses Act. 8
a) Master d) State Government
b) Official gazette e) Will

c) Moveable Property f) Writing.

14. Write short notes on any two: (2x2.5 =5)

a) Interpretation of Imperative statutes.
b) Casus omissus. .
c) Expressio unius est exclusio alterius.

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