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Manja M. Siregar (2017) : Using Diary Writing to Improve Students'

Language Use and Vocabulary in Recount Text at
Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 1
Sintuk Toboh Gadang.

The problems of this research based on the phenomenon that most of

students had low skill in producing the text in written form. Although English
teachers had used several technique in teaching English at State Junior High
School 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang, still many students faced problems in their
writing. The researcher found there were differences between theories and the
facts in the field, such as process and evaluation didn't suitable with the ideal
condition. As a result, many students that have problems in English especially in
writing recount text.
The study was directed to investigate the implementation of Diary
Technique in reference to students' writing ability. The application of Diary
Technique based on curriculum and syllabus design, material development,
teaching methodology, and evaluation were assumed to have had a significant
effects upon students' writing ability.
The design of this research was True-experimental research. This research
was located at Islamic Junior High School 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang and the
population was class VIII. The population consists of 93 students distributed into
three classes; they were VIII1, VIII2, and VIII3. The sample was chosen through
cluster random sampling; consist of 62 students distributed into two classes. These
two classes were decided to be control class (VIII2) and experimental class (VIII1).
The experimental class taught by using Diary technique, while control class was
taught without Diary technique (by Lecturing Method). The data of this research
were collected by using writing test. The test was given to both classes before
(Pre-test) and after doing the treatment (post-test) for six meeting to know the
effect of Diary technique on students’ writing ability.
The results showed that the mean score of post-test of experimental class
was 77.60 with 5.769 standard of deviation and control class was 68.53 with
5.519 of standard of deviation. The data of this research was analyzed by using
the formula t-test (Sudjana, 2005). From the calculation of the result of the test, it
was indicated that tcalculate was 127.56 and ttable 57 with α = 0.05 and degree of
freedom 60. So it means that tcalculate was higher than ttable (127.56>57). It means that
Diary technique give significant effect on students’ writing ability.
Based on the research finding, it can be concluded that (1) the used of
Diary technique give significant effects in writing Recount text at eleventh class
students (VIII-1) of State Junior High School 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang with 21,9 %
improvement. (2)The students enjoyed writing classes devotion and not to miss
any class. Finally it is recommended that English teacher should focused and
more intensive for Language Use, Organization, and Mechanics. Because, Content
and Vocabulary had significance improvement than another writing components.


Manja M. Siregar (2017) :Penggunaan Menulis Buku Harian untuk

Meningkatkan Penggunaan Bahasa dan
Kosakata Siswa Kelas Delapan dalam Teks
Recount di SMPN 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang.

Masalah dari penelitian ini berdasarkan kejadian-kejadian yang ada

dimana rendahnya kemampuan siswa dalam menghasilkan teks dalam bentuk
tulisan, meskipun guru telah menggunakan teknik dalam mengajar Bahasa Inggris
di SMPN 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang,tapi masih banyak siswa yang menghadapi
masalah dalam menulis. Penulis menemukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara
teori dan fakta dilapangan, seperti proses dan evaluasi tidak sesuai dengan kondisi
yang idealnya. Sebagai hasilnya, banyak siswa-siswi yang memiliki masalah-
masalah dalam Bahasa Inggris terutama dalam Recount Teks.
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menginvestigasi penerapan teknik Diary
yang berkaitan dengan kemampuan menulis siswa. Penggunaan teknik Diary
berdasarkan kurikulum dan silabus, pengembangan materi, metode mengajar, dan
penilaian yang diasumsikan untuk memberikan efek yang lebih baik pada
kemampuan menulis siswa.
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian True-eksperimen yang
bertempat di SMP Negeri 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang. Populasi dari
penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII yang berjumlah 93 orang,
terdiri dari tiga kelas; yaitu VIII-1, VIII-2 dan VIII-3 yang diajarkan
oleh guru yang sama. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik cluster
random sampling, yang terdiri dari 62 siswa yang terbagi kedalam dua kelas.
Kelas VIII2 sebagai kelas control dan kelas VIII1 sebagai kelas eksperimen.
Dimana kelas ekperiment diterapkan teknik Diary, sedangkan kelas control tanpa
teknik Diary (Dengan Metode Ceramah). Pengumpulan data yang digunakan
adalah writing test. Tes tersebut diberikan setelah enam kali treatment untuk
melihat pengaruh penggunaan teknik Diary dalam mengembangkan kemampuan
menulis siswa.
Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan. Nilai rata-rata dari Post-test kelas
eksperimen 77.60 dengan standar deviasi 5.769 dan rata-rata kelas control 68.53
dengan standar deviasi 5.519. Proses pengolahan data dilakukan dengan uji t-test
(sudjana:2005). Dari hasil pengolahan data tersebut diperoleh bahwa thitung adalah
127.56 dan ttabel 57 dengan p= 0.05 dan derajat kebebasan 60. Itu berarti bahwa
thitung lebih besar dari ttabel (127.56>57). Jadi teknik Diary memberikan pengaruh
yang bagus terhadap kemampuan menulis siswa.
Dari penjelasan diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa, (1) Penggunaan
teknik Diary memberikan peningkatan dalam teks Recount pada Kelas Delapan
( VIII-1) di SMP Negeri 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang dengan 21.9% peningkatan.
(2)Siswa-siswi menyukai kelas menulis dan tidak mau ketinggalan pelajaran
Bahasa Inggris satupun. Akhirnya direkomendasikan bahwa Guru Bahasa Inggris
lebih memfokuskan dan lebih memperhatikan pada komponen menulis seperti

Bahasa, Penyusunan, dan Mekanik. Karena, konten dan kosakata memiliki
peningkatan yang lebih baik dibandingkan yang lainnya.

Praise to be Allah SWT who has given the opportunity, health, knowledge,
and strength to finish the thesis entitled “Using Diary Writing to Improve
Students’ Language Use and Vocabulary in Recount Text at Class Eight of State
Junior High School 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang”. Peace is upon for Prophet
Muhammad SAW, the messenger; May Allah blesses him and gives him peace.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Besral, S. Pd., M. Pd. as my
first advisor, my academic advisor, last the headmaster of the English Program
Study of Tadris Department of Tarbiyah Faculty, and Dr. Arwemi, M.Pd. as my
second advisor who has given me a great deal of continuous guidance, valuable
advices, time and help in completing this thesis. Then, I would like to express my
gratitude to all of lecturers who have taught me from the beginning of study at the
English Program Study of Tadris Department of Tarbiyah Faculty.
In addition, the special thanks are also aimed to all of eighth grade
students at State Junior High School 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang, Misnawaty, Sy as
the English teacher, Deswiyanti M.Pd. as the headmaster of State Junior High
School 1 Sintuk Toboh Gadang for giving the participation, permission and
opportunity during this research.
Then, the researcher would like to dedicate my love to my father (Agam
Siregar) and my mother (Mesra Linda Mendrofa) for all you gave to me, i love
them more than what can i say, my brothers and sister; Syawalluddin Siregar,
Widia Wati Siregar and Amar Rasyidin Siregar. Moreover, I express special
thanks to all of friends both in and out of English Tadris Program Study, who had
given me supports and motivation during the study.
The researcher realized that this thesis may be having several weaknesses.
Therefore, any comment and suggestion, and criticism are expected to come up, in
order to make a great one.
Padang, June 2017
The Researcher

NIM: 1314050235


ABSTRACT ..................................................................................i
ABSTRAK ....................................................................................ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................iv
LIST OF TABLE ...........................................................................vii
LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................viii

A. Background of Problem ...............................1
B. Identification of Problem..............................6
C. Limitation of Problem...................................7
D. Formulation of Problem................................7
E. Purposes of the Research ............................8
F. Significance of the Research ........................8
G. Definition of Key Terms ...............................9


A. Theories
1. TEFL in Junior High School
a. The Genre-Based Approach ........................10
b. Teaching Writing in Junior High School .......12
2. Diary Technique
a. Definition of Diary Writing .........................14
b. The Advantages of Diary Writing ...............15
c. Applications of Diary Writing .....................19
3. Concept of Writing
a. Definition of Writing .................................24

b. Components of Writing.............................25
c. The Process of Writing..............................27
d. Writing Assesment ...................................29
4. Recount Text
a. Definition of Recount Text.........................29
b. Purpose of Recount Text Text....................30
c. Language Feature.....................................30
d. Generic Structure of Recount Text............31
B. Relevant Study............................................32
C. Conceptual Framework................................35
D. Hypothesis..................................................36


A. Research Design.......................................37
1. Variables of The Research .......................38
2. Types of Data ...........................................39
B. Subject of The Study
1. Population ..............................................39
2. Sample ...................................................40
C. Place and Time of Research........................44
D. Instruments.................................................44
E. Procedure of Experiment ............................47
F. Techniques of Data Collection ....................49
G. Technique of Data Analysis.........................51


A. Research Finding ........................................53
1. Description of the Data...................................53
a. Pre-Test........................................................54
b. Post-Test .....................................................59

2. Data Analysis of Students Writing Score
a. The effects of Diary Writing .......................65
B. Hypothesis Testing......................................68
C. Discussion...................................................74


A. Conclusion ..................................................77
B. Suggestion..................................................78

BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................... 79
APPENDICES ........................................................... 84


Table 1 : The Score of Students' Writing on Recount Text 4

Table 2 : Design of the Research ....................................38
Table 3 : Population of the Research................................40
Table 4 : Test of Normality ..............................................41
Table 5 : Test of Homogeneity of Variance ......................43
Table 6 : Blue Print of Writing Test...................................45
Table 7 : Sample of Instrument in Giving Writing Scores. 46
Table 8 : Procedures of Teaching.....................................47
Table 9 : The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Pre-
test ...........................................................................................54
Table 10 : The Calculation Process of Standard Deviation. 55
Table 11 : Test of Normality of Pre-test .............................56
Table 12 : The Interval Data of Pre-test Score...................57
Table 13 : Pre-test Score of VIII-1 and VIII-2.......................58
Table 14 : Description of Pre-test from Sample.................59
Table 15 : The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Post-
Table 16 : The Calculation Process of Standard Deviation. 61
Table 17 : Test of Normality of Post-test ...........................61
Table 18 : The Interval Data of Post-test Score..................62
Table 19 : Post-test Score of VIII-1 and VIII-2.....................62
Table 20 : Description of Post-test from Sample................64
Table 21 : The Writing Components Score After Treatment69
Table 22 : Descriptive of Data...........................................73

Table 23 : Test of Homogeneity of Variances.....................73


Appendix 1 : The Mean of Writing Score in Preliminary

Research .....................................................................................
Appendix 2 : Writing Assesment ESL Composition by Jacob'
Theory ........................................................................................
Appendix 3 : Students Daily Writing Test Score.................
Appendix 4 : The Normality of Population and Variance ...
Appendix 5 : Blue Print of Writing Test .............................
Appendix 6 : The score of Students' Writing in Pre-test and
Appendix 7 : Test of Normality...............................................
Appendix 8 : Hypothesis Testing and t-Test................................
Appendix 9 : The Calculation of Comparison of Sample
Mean Score..................................................................................
Appendix 10 : Test of Homogeneity of Variances............
Appendix 11 : Permit Letter from University.......................
Appendix 12 : Permit Letter from Education Department....
Appendix 13 : The Letter of Conducting Research..............
Appendix 14 : Course Grid...................................................
Appendix 15 : Lesson Plan of Experiment Class and Control
Appendix 16 : Materials and Worksheets............................
Appendix 17 : Attendance List.............................................
Appendix 18 : Students Works and Diaries..........................

Appendix 19 : Students' Writing..........................................
Appendix 20 : Photographs.................................................


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