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Image-based analysis of the symmetry of the glass melting process

Article  in  Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A · January 2013

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Paweł Rotter
AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków


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Glass Technol.: Eur. J. Glass Sci. Technol. A, June 2013, 54 (3), 119–131

Image-based analysis of the symmetry of the

glass melting process
Pawel Rotter1

AGH University of Science and Technology, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland

Andrzej Skowiniak Rotter figs 1.pdf 1 24/05/2013 14:32:12

P.B.P.H. Techglass, ul. Juliusza Lea 114, 30-133 Krakow, Poland
Manuscript received 31 August 2012
Revision received 6 November 2012
Accepted 7 November 2012

In this article we propose a method for the automatic analysis of the symmetry of the glass melting process based on a
series of images captured by a camera inside a glass furnace. The method is designed for the analysis of two aspects of
symmetry: the symmetry of the batch distribution and the symmetry of the temperature distribution. Temperature is
assessed from the colour of visible light emitted by surfaces in the tank. We have proposed a set of asymmetry indicators
that are not influenced by asymmetries that result from glass melting technology (consecutive heating of first one, then
the other side of the furnace). A proposed rule-based system deduces the reasons for asymmetries from these asymmetry
indicators: whether heating of the left and right hand sides of the furnace is unbalanced or whether chargers are not
working properly. A prototype system based on algorithms proposed in this article has been tested at the following
glassworks: Warta Glass Jedlice SA, Huta Szkla Orzesze and Stolzle Czestochowa Sp. z o.o.

1. Introduction
A large part of the information that is used to control
the glass melting process is taken from images of the
glass surface. This is usually captured by a camera
mounted in the upper part of a furnace chamber.
Apart from the common use of optical inspection
systems for quality control in the glass industry(1)
there are few systems for the automatic image analy-
sis of the glass melting process; this is still often done
by humans. For example, none of three glassworks
where the proposed system was tested (listed at the
end of this section) was equipped with a system for
the automatic analysis of images from the furnace.
An operator controls the process based on the dis-
tribution of the batch (unmelted raw material, see
Figure 1), which forms a solid blanket that floats on
the bath surface. If the batch comes too close to the
end of the tank, the quality of the product decreases,
so the temperature needs to be raised. If the batch
melts too early, while it is near the front of the tank, Figure 1. Image of the furnace. Within the ROI (marked by
pollution increases, especially emissions of NOx, and solid line) there are three classes: molten glass (the bright-
the process consumes more energy than necessary. est), batch and sediment (the darkest). The dashed line
This energy expenditure is a significant part of total represents the line of bubbling [Colour available online]
production costs.(2)
This article focuses on the automatic analysis of the distribution and the symmetry of the temperature
symmetry of the melting process based on a series of distribution. Temperature is assessed from the colour
images captured by a camera inside the glass furnace. of visible light emitted by surfaces in the tank. The
The proposed method is designed to analyse two as- differences in colour are too small to be noticed by an
pects of symmetry: the symmetry of the batch blanket operator, but are sufficient for the automatic analysis
of correlated colour temperature (CCT) based on an
Corresponding author. Email image from a standard camera. If an asymmetry is

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P. Rotter & A. Skowiniak: Image-based analysis of the symmetry of the glass melting process

detected, the combined analysis of the two aspects are heated consecutively by two sets of burners.
mentioned above, the asymmetry of the batch blanket When they switch (one set of burners stops and the
and the asymmetry of the temperature distribution, other starts), there is a short time, called reversal,
allows the reasons for that asymmetry to be deduced: when there is no flame in the furnace and it is in this
i.e. whether the heating of the left and right hand moment that the system captures a clear image from
sides of the furnace is unbalanced or whether the inside the furnace. Reversals are scheduled regular
chargers are not working properly. time intervals, e.g. every 30 min, and this frequency is
Several systems for optical melting control are sufficient for the collection of data since glass melting
described in the literature,(3,4) including the auto- is a slow process.
matic, image-based classification of flames in a glass Segmentation is based on a greyscale image, but
furnace,(5) but none of them offer a method for auto- the analysis of temperature symmetry proposed in
matically analysing melting process symmetry. One Section 4 requires a series of colour images as input.
of difficulties in the proper assessment of symmetry Most experiments were conducted on images with
is the fact that, in most glass furnaces, the tank is 24 bit colour resolution, however, as demonstrated
heated by two burners working consecutively. This in Section 6, 15 bits per pixel is also sufficient for the
means that, at any given time, there is always some statistical analysis of temperature symmetry. In all
asymmetry in the distribution of the batch blanket experiments images with resolutions of 512×512 or
and especially in the distribution of temperature. 800×600 pixels were used. The terms ‘left’ and ‘right’
The proposed algorithm only calculates asymmetry hand side of the furnace in this article are related to
resulting from an imbalance in the process and it the point of view of the camera.3
compensates for temperature asymmetry resulting During calibration, which is performed once for a
from the consecutive heating of the left and right given camera setup, the user identifies the quadrangle
hand sides of the furnace. of the glass surface as the region of interest (ROI) and
In Section 2 preliminary image processing is all subsequent processing is applied within this area.
described: segmentation of the batch blanket; seg- The next step is noise removal using Gaussian and
mentation of sediment at the camera lens and map- median filtration. Filtration parameters (in this case
ping of the image to a coordinate system related to Gaussian standard deviation and the size of the filter
the glass surface (viewed from above). In Section 3 mask) should be adjusted based on the image qual-
an indicator is proposed for the assessment of the ity. Strong filtration is necessary when low-quality
batch blanket symmetry and in Section 4 a method cameras often installed in furnaces are used. When
for temperature symmetry analysis is presented. a good quality camera is available (low noise level),
Temperature asymmetry indicators are defined, excessive low-pass processing deteriorates the image
which include compensation for the asymmetrical quality.
component that results from consecutive heating of Image segmentation, described in sections 2.1 and
the left and right hand sides of the furnace. In Section 2.2, divides the ROI into three classes: batch, melted
5 a simple rule-based system is presented for inferring glass, and sediment on the camera lens, which can
the settings of the chargers and burners based on the be seen in Figure 1.
detected asymmetry of the batch blanket and the After segmentation, the image is mapped to the
temperature distribution. In Section 6 an example of coordinates of the glass surface (from a bird’s eye
the analysis of symmetry is provided using real data view) – see section 2.3. The general scheme for image
from the Orzesze glassworks. A prototype system segmentation and mapping is shown in Figure 2.
that includes algorithms proposed in this article is
being implemented at three glassworks: Warta Glass
2.1. Batch segmentation
Jedlice SA, Huta Szkla Orzesze and Stolzle Czesto-
chowa Sp. z o.o. The batch blanket is segmented based on a greyscale
version of the filtered image. At the calibration stage,
as well as defining the ROI, the user marks two sets
2. Preliminary image processing:
of example points indicating areas of batch and
segmentation and mapping
molten glass. These example points are used to set
The segmentation stage of image analysis separates the threshold (Figure 3).
areas that represent different objects in the image.22 Two methods for automatic threshold setting were
Separation of batch from melted glass is necessary selected from a number of alternatives(7) and tested:
before any indicators that characterise the batch (a) setting the threshold at the local minimum of the
blanket distribution can be calculated. Glass furnaces image histogram between two peaks that correspond
to an area of batch area and an area of molten glass;
2 There is another meaning of ‘segmentation’ in glass melting technol-
ogy: namely the separation of the stages of the glass fusion process into 3 The notation ‘left’ and ‘right’ in this article is consistent with sides of
distinct devices.(6) In this article the term ‘segmentation’ is always used the image, so it is opposite to technological sides of the furnace if the
for image segmentation. camera is located at the end of the furnace.

120 Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A Volume 54 Number 3 June 2013
P. Rotter & A. Skowiniak: Image-based analysis of the symmetry of the glass melting process

Tank Tank Image from
dimention borders camera

Region of interest

Segmentation of image to:

- batch area
Parameters of perspective projection CCT
- melted glass area
- sediment area

Reversed perspective projection Visualisation

Memory Process parameters for the current moment

Symmetry parameters

Figure 2. Image segmentation and projection scheme

(b) a Bayesian classifier, where a Gaussian grey
level distribution is assumed within one class and
parameters are estimated from the example points.
Batch borders are detected more precisely using
method (b). This can be explained by the fact that
the diversification of the grey level is substantially
different in the two classes (higher for molten glass),
which is taken into consideration when a Bayesian
classifier is used. Regardless of the method used,
the user may modify the threshold in an interactive
mode, observing the threshold level in the histogram
igs 3.pdf 1 and the corresponding
24/05/2013 14:31:37 batch contours.

Figure 4. Segmentation of batch from Figure 3 based on:

2.2. Lens sediment segmentation (a) histogram minimum (b) Bayesian classification
Glass vapour constantly condenses on the camera Rotter figs 5.pdf 1 24/05/2013 15:53:18
lens or on the protective glass during the melting the side columns of the image are used as a starting
process and limits the field of view – as shown in point for the floodfill algorithm. The area along the
Figure 6. The correct identification of the area of sedi- edge of the sediment has an intermediate greyscale,
ment allows it to be eliminated from the calculations which could be incorrectly classified as a batch area.

or, if too much of the image is obscured, to indicate To avoid this misclassification, the area classified as
that the camera needs cleaning. sediment is dilated (the diameter of the structuring
Sediment first appears around
the edges of the element, based on experiments, should be about
image and the obscured area grows towards the D1=15 pixels) and all isolated areas previously clas-
centre of the image. Therefore,
CM the bottom row and sified as batch are re-classified as sediment if they
lie entirely within a D2-pixel wide zone along the




Figure 5. Segmentation threshold (green line) set at the

local minimum of the histogram (a) and calculated using a
Figure 3. ROI with example points marked by the user: Bayesian classifier (b). The yellow and red lines correspond
crosses denote areas of batch blanket and stars denote areas to example points of batch and melting glass marked by
of molten glass [Colour available online] the user [Colour available online]

Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A Volume 54 Number 3 June 2013 121

P. Rotter & A. Skowiniak: Image-based analysis of the symmetry of the glass melting process

Obviously, the part of image closer to the camera

has a denser representation in the mapped image
(Figure 8(a)). This is a desirable feature since cameras
are usually located at the ends of tanks, where the
distribution of the batch and temperatures are more
important for the process.

3. Analysis of batch blanket symmetry

The distribution of the batch blanket on the glass
surface is one of the main factors taken into consid-
eration in the control of the glass melting process.
If too much batch is close to the end of the tank, the
production quality can suffer. If there is not enough
batch, it can be deduced that the tank is overheated
and pollution and energy consumption is, therefore,
unnecessarily high. If the distribution of the batch
Figure 6. Image with sediment on the camera lens result- blanket is not symmetric, either heating of the left
ing from condensation of glass vapour. This image comes and the right hand sides of the furnace is unbalanced
from the Orzesze glassworks or the chargers are not working properly. The article
focuses on the symmetry of the melting process.
sediment border (D2=20 pixels). Below, indicators are proposed that can be used to
Note that the actual area of the glass surface detect asymmetry in the process and to infer possible
obscured by sediment is usually much smaller than reasons. The asymmetry of batch blanket distribution
it appears in the perspective view provided by the will be considered in three zones defined by the user
camera. For example, in the perspective view in (Figure 9):
Figure 6 sediment obscures 13% of the glass surface, • zone Z1 is the area that is usually covered by
but after mapping the image to the glass surface the batch blanket;
coordinate system it covers only 2 % (Figure 8(b)). • zone Z2 is the area where the batch melts; and
• zone Z3 is the glass area where only small pieces
Rotter figs 7.pdf 1 24/05/2013 14:30:27
of the batch are allowed.
2.3 Image mapping
Let us define the batch asymmetry indicator for
Based on the tank’s dimensions and reference points zone Zn as:
marked by the user on the camera image (Figure
2 S
7(a)), the perspective projection image from the Φn = − mean ∫ xb( x , y )d x (1)
camera is mapped onto the coordinate system related S2 y∈Zn −S
to the glass surface – Figure 7(b) (for perspective where x and y are the axes of the glass surface coor-
transformation see e.g. Ref. 8. If the furnace includes dinate system, as shown in Figure 9. S is half of the
bubbling, its location helps in the precise calculation tank width and b(x,y) is a binary variable equal to
of projection parameters. 1 where the batch blanket covers the glass surface









0 100 200 300

(a) (b)
Figure 7. (a) Location of the ROI and bubbling identified by the user during the calibration stage define a rectangle. (b)
Segmented image from Figure 4 after mapping (axes scale in cm). The white area is part of the glass surface outside the
camera’s field of view [Colour available online]

122 Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A Volume 54 Number 3 June 2013

P. Rotter & A. Skowiniak: Image-based analysis of the symmetry of the glass melting process

Figure 10. Schematic diagram showing that areas with

symmetric counterparts that are located outside the field of
(a) (b) view are eliminated from further computations. Consecu-
Figure 8. (a) Sparse representation: each point represents tive heating of the left and right hand sides of the furnace
one pixel of batch area in the original image. The density may result in an asymmetry in batch distribution at any
of points represents the effective resolution, which depends given time. For this reason the assessment of asymmetry
on location. (b) Segmented image from Figure 6 – it can be should be based on at least two consecutive reversals. The
seen that, after mapping, the proportion of the area covered details of inferences that can be made about the process
by sediment to the total image area is very different than from the indicator proposed are presented in Section 5
in the perspective view [Colour available online] [Colour available online]

4. Analysis of temperature symmetry
at location (x,y) and 0 otherwise. Intuitively, the

indicator Φ is proportional to the torque that would In this section a method for the analysis of tempera-
1result from ‘loading’ the glass surface with batch (as- ture distribution symmetry in a glass furnace is pro-

Rotter figs 9.pdf 24/05/2013 14:29:46

suming a uniform batch thickness and a pivot at axis

posed. It includes compensation for the temperature
y). Φ is normalized to be in the range [−1,1], and for
asymmetry that results from consecutive heating
the symmetric distribution of batch Φ=0. A positive
CMY of the left and right hand sides of the furnace and
value for Φ means that the batch has shifted to the
considers only the asymmetry component resulting
left side, a negative value means that it has shifted to from asymmetrical settings for chargers and burners.
the right side. When the field of view is not precisely The output of this algorithm will be used together
symmetric, areas with symmetric counterparts that with the results of the batch symmetry analysis as an
are out of the field of view are eliminated from the input for a rule-based system proposed in Section 5
calculations (Figure 10). Therefore, the asymmetric that is used to indicate which settings are incorrect.
location of the camera does not result in errors when
calculating Φ, it simply makes the area considered in
4.1 Calculation of CCT
the calculations smaller.
-S 0 S Temperatures in glass furnaces are usually measured
0 at several points by thermocouples. There are meth-
x ods for estimating the temperature distribution on
Left Right Zone Z1 a surface based on known temperatures for several
side side (batch zone)
200 points. Auchet et al(9) developed a physical model
of the furnace, which includes thermal conduction,
radiation and convection. Their model requires,
400 however, a number of parameters for a furnace. Ther-
Zone Z2 mocouples, which are usually located in the bottom
500 (melting zone) and walls of the tank do not allow estimation of the
bath surface temperature due to the very low con-
ductivity of the batch, even if a sophisticated model
700 is used. Moreover, in some furnaces, thermocouples
Zone Z3 are located only along the furnace axis, so they cannot
800 (glass zone) be used to estimate the symmetry of the temperature
0 100 200 300
More practical solutions are based on infrared or
y near-infrared (NIR) CCD cameras. Rue & Zelepouga(10)
Figure 9. Batch asymmetry indicators are calculated for proposed a system in which temperature is calculated
the zones defined by the user [Colour available online] based on two, narrow band near-infrared images at

Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A Volume 54 Number 3 June 2013 123
P. Rotter & A. Skowiniak: Image-based analysis of the symmetry of the glass melting process



Figure 11. CCT inside the glass furnace at the Warta Glass Jedlice glassworks [Colour available online]

different frequencies (750 and 800 nm). This allows about 800 K. The colour of emitted light depends
for a relatively precise calculation but has the dis- strictly on the temperature of the body. The Planck-
advantage of the cost related to the use of a special ian locus is a trajectory, in a given colour space, that
NIR camera with two narrow band filters, which are corresponds to the light emitted by ideal blackbody
switched mechanically or electronically, if an LCD radiators.(11) In practice, emitted colours do not cor-
filter is used. Installation of an additional camera in a respond precisely to blackbody radiation. The cor-
furnace chamber is expensive, mostly because of the related colour temperature (CCT) is the temperature
cost of a heat protected dock or a cooled periscope of the Planckian radiator with a perceived colour that
system. most closely resembles that of a given stimulus at the
Since the goal is the analysis of symmetry, rela- same brightness and under specified viewing condi-
tive differences in temperature need to be calculated tions (CIE).(12) There are many methods for calculating
rather than precise values. For this reason a cost- CCT.(13–15) The CCT in a glass furnace calculated using
effective method can be proposed that uses only one the widely adopted Robertson method(16) is shown
Rotter figs 12.pdf camera14:27:20
1 24/05/2013 working in the visible spectrum – the in Figure 11.
same camera that is already used for process super- Actual temperatures in the furnace may be slightly
vision (installed in every glass furnace chamber) different from the calculated CCT because of the
and the same camera can be used for the analysis of following reasons: (i) surfaces in the furnace are not
batch distribution symmetry. This solution is much ideal Planckian radiators; (ii) the light captured by
less expensive than installing an additional infrared the camera is a superposition of emitted and reflected
or NIR camera, especially since an existing heat- radiation (reflected radiation can be influence the
protected dock is used. spectrum especially for small viewing angles); (iii)
Electromagnetic radiation, which is emitted by all glass emission characteristics are sensitive to the
bodies with a temperature above 0 K, becomes visible angle; (iv) hot mirrors used in cameras, apart from
light if the temperature of the body is greater than stopping infrared light, also affect camera charac-

(a) (b)
Figure 12. (a) Image from the Stolzle Czestochowa glassworks before removal of the additional filter and (b) the corre-
sponding distribution of colours in xy space compared to the Planckian locus [Colour available online]

124 Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A Volume 54 Number 3 June 2013

P. Rotter & A. Skowiniak: Image-based analysis of the symmetry of the glass melting process

Rotter figs 14.pdf 1 24/05/2013 16:15:57

(a) (b)
Figure 13. Images of the glass surface captured at two consecutive reversals. Images from Warta Glass Jedlice SA [Colour
available online]

teristics in the visible part of spectrum. These issues

however do not substantially influence our method
for symmetry analysis, where errors across the width
compensate each other and the differences in errors
across the length, resulting from differences in the
viewing angle (point (iii) above), do not influence
axial symmetry.
In some furnaces there are additional filters, in-
stalled in the front of the camera. For example, at the
Stolzle Czestochowa glassworks, an additional filter
that had been installed had to be removed to enable
the CCT calculation to be made. The image from
the camera before the filter was removed is shown Figure 14. Temperature distributions for images in Figure
in Figure 12(a). In Figure 12(b) it can be seen that 13 [Colour available online]
the colours in xy space are not distributed along the
Planckian locus, which is a consequence of the fact areas of batch symmetry and the intersection of the
that the colours in Figure 12(a) do not correspond to areas of glass symmetry, defined in section 4.3. Asym-
thermal radiation. C metries resulting from reason (b) are compensated
M when calculating cross indicators of temperature
asymmetry proposed in section 4.4.
4.2 The influence of reversals on the

The method described in sections 4.3 and 4.4 will

asymmetry of the temperature distribution

be illustrated using an example from two consecutive
An asymmetry in temperature distribution is, to some
reversals presented in Figure 13. Corresponding CCT
extent, natural in the glass melting process. The two
distributions are shown in Figure 14. The left hand
main factors that cause some temperature asym-
side of the furnace was fired before the first reversal.
metry, even if the process is correctly controlled, are: Consequently, less unmelted batch (Figure 13(a)) and
(a) the asymmetry of batch blanket distribution; higher temperatures (Figure 14(a)) are observed on the
irregular batch melting is natural and ideal sym- left hand side. The right hand side was fired before the
metry in batch distribution is neither achievable second reversal, and it can be seen that there is less
nor necessary; unmelted batch on the right (Figure 13(b)) and that
(b) consecutive heating of the left and right hand the right hand side is slightly warmer (Figure 14(b)),
sides of the tank, which is a feature of glass although the difference in temperature between the left
melting technology. and right hand sides is smaller than at the first reversal.
The asymmetry that follows from reasons (a) and Indicators proposed in the following subsections allow
(b) is, as we said, natural and achieving full symmetry the detection of only those asymmetries that do not
of batch displacement and symmetry of bath surface result from the glass melting technology by combining
temperature is neither achievable nor necessary. Our these two distributions.
goal is therefore not detection of asymmetry itself but
detection of incorrect firing or charging, which can be
4.3 Areas of batch symmetry and glass symmetry
identified based on analysis of how the asymmetry
changes in time. The algorithm is based on images The temperature symmetry is considered separately
from at least two consecutive reversals. In order to for the area of the batch and for the area of melted
discard any asymmetries resulting from reason (a), glass. In order to achieve robustness of temperature
the calculation area is limited to the intersection of the asymmetry indicators to asymmetric batch distribu-

Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A Volume 54 Number 3 June 2013 125
P. Rotter & A. Skowiniak: Image-based analysis of the symmetry of the glass melting process

100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500

600 600 600 600

700 700 700 700

800 800 800 800

900 900 900 900

1000 1000 1000 1000

100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600 100 200 300 400 500 600

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 15. (a) batch area B1 (dark) and glass area G1 (light) for the first reversal (b) batch symmetry area B1sym (dark)
and glass symmetry area G1sym (light) for the first reversal, (c) and (d) corresponding areas for the second reversal: B2,
G2 (figure (c)), B2sym and G2sym (figure (d)) [Colour available online]

tion, the area considered for calculation is limited (light) for the first reversal. In Figure 15(c) and (d) the
according to the algorithm presented below: analogous areas for the second reversal are shown.
1. Calculation of the batch area B1 and glass area Figure 16 shows the intersection of the areas
G1 for the first reversal. shown in Figure 15(b) and (d): the intersection of
2. Calculation of B1′ – axially symmetric with B1 batch symmetry areas Bsym (dark) and the intersection
and G1′ – axially symmetric with G1. The central of glass symmetry areas Gsym (light).
line of the furnace is the axis of symmetry. The indicators of temperature asymmetry for a
3. Calculation of intersections: B1sym=B1«B1′ and considered pair of reversals will be calculated only
G1sym=G1«G1′. Sets B1sym and G1sym will be referred within these areas.
the batch14:35:39
Rotter figs 16.pdf symmetry area and glass symmetry
area, respectively.
4.4 Cross indicators of temperature asymmetry
4. Calculation of sets B2sym and G2sym for the second
reversal in the same way as B1sym and G1sym were In this section a method for estimating temperature
calculated for the first Rotter
figs 17.pdf 1 24/05/2013 16:26:22 asymmetry is proposed, that is robust to the asym-
5. Calculation of sets: B sym =B 1sym «B 2sym and metry factor resulting from the alternating firing
G sym=G 1sym«G 2sym. Sets B sym and G sym will be of the left and right hand sides of the furnace. It is
referred to as the intersection of the areas of batch based on a pair of temperature distributions from
symmetry and the intersection of the areas of glass consecutive reversals. When firing is symmetrical
symmetry. (equal power to burners acting symmetrically), the
Figure 15(a) presents the result of the segmentation temperature distribution on the left hand side at the
of the glass surface and Figure 15(b) the corresponding first reversal (denoted 1L) should be symmetrical to
batch symmetry area (dark) and glass symmetry area the temperature distribution on the right hand side
at the second reversal (denoted 2R). In the example









(a) (b)
100 200 300 400 500 600 Figure 17. Juxtapositions of CCTs for the intersection of
Figure 16. Intersection of areas of batch symmetry Bsym areas of glass symmetry: (a) the sides where firing has just
and intersection of areas of glass symmetry Gsym [Colour finished and (b) the sides where firing is about to start
available online] [Colour available online]

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P. Rotter & A. Skowiniak: Image-based analysis of the symmetry of the glass melting process

Table 1. Rules for inferences about the type of asymmetry according to asymmetry indicators
Symbol Condition Type of asymmetry
Batch distribution asymmetries
A1 For all pairs of consecutive reversals k and k+1: mean (Φ1k, Φ1k+1)>∆Φ1 Batch asymmetry in zone Z1
– more batch on the right side
A2 For all pairs of consecutive reversals k and k+1: mean (Φ1k, Φ1k+1)<−∆Φ1 Batch asymmetry in zone Z1
– more batch on the left side
A3 For all pairs of consecutive reversals k and k+1: mean (Φ2k, Φ2k+1)>∆Φ2 Batch asymmetry in zone Z2
– more batch on the right side
A4 For all pairs of consecutive reversals k and k+1: mean (Φ2k, Φ2k+1)<−∆Φ2 Batch asymmetry in zone Z2
– more batch on the left side
Firing asymmetries
A5 ' '
For all pairs of consecutive reversals: ⁄ ΨG>0 and mean( ⁄ ΨG)>∆ ⁄ Ψ ' The right hand burners are heating the left hand
Meaning: in the juxtaposition of non-fired sides the left hand side is always side more strongly than the left hand burners
warmer than the right hand side and the average difference in CCT is are heating the right side
greater than ∆Ψ
A6 ' '
For all pairs of consecutive reversals: ⁄ ΨG<0 and mean( ⁄ ΨG)<−∆ ⁄ Ψ '
The left hand burners are heating the right hand
Meaning: in the juxtaposition of non-fired sides the right hand side is always side more strongly than the right hand burners
warmer than the left hand side and the average difference in CCT is are heating the left hand side
greater than ∆Ψ
A7 '
For all pairs of consecutive reversals: ΨG>0 and mean( ΨG)>∆ Ψ ' ' The left hand burners are heating the left hand side
Meaning: in the juxtaposition of fired sides the left hand side is always more strongly than the right hand burners are heating
warmer than the right hand side and the average difference in CCT is the right hand side
greater than ∆Ψ
A8 '
For all pairs of consecutive reversals: ΨG<0 and mean ( ΨG)<−∆ Ψ ' ' The right hand burners are heating the right hand side
Meaning: in the juxtaposition of fired sides the right hand side is always more strongly than the left hand burners are heating
warmer than the left side and the average difference in CCT is greater the left hand side
than ∆Ψ

shown in Figure 17, these are the sides where firing and a cross indicator for non-fired sides:
has just finished. Similarly, there should be symmetry
ΨG1L−2R if firing has finished for the left hand
between the left hand side at the second reversal (2L) side at the 2nd reversal and the right
and the right hand side at the first reversal (1R); in the hand side at the 1st reversal
example these are the sides where firing is just about '⁄ ΨG= (5)
to start. In order to achieve robustness to irregular
batch distribution, which may result from asymmetric ΨG2L−1R if firing has finished for the left hand
side at the 1st reversal and the right
or irregular charging, calculations are performed for hand side at the 2nd reversal
the intersection of the areas of batch symmetry Bsym
and the intersection of the areas of glass symmetry The following sections demonstrate how the
Gsym. Figure 17 presents a juxtaposition of temperature indicators defined above can be used to analyse the
distributions within the Gsym area for 1L»2R (Figure symmetry of the process.
17(a)) and 2L»1R (Figure 17(b)). The numbers: CCTG1L,
CCTG2R, CCTG2L, CCTG1R are mean temperature values
5. Inferences about the process settings
for the corresponding areas. The asymmetry observed
from the asymmetry indicators
in both juxtapositions indicates that the work being
done by the burners is not fully symmetrical. Scalar A simple rule-based system proposed in this section
indicators for firing asymmetry are: comprises two sets of rules (Figure 18). The goal of
the first set of rules is to infer the type of asymmetry
based on the indicators defined in the previous
and sections. The type of asymmetry is an input for the
second set of rules, where the goal is to provide the
user with a clear indication of any incorrect settings
To simplify the notation in the analysis presented in the chargers or burners.
Rotter figs 18.pdf 1 24/05/2013 14:35:05

in the next section, two other indicators for a pair of The input to the first system is based on a sequence
consecutive reversals are defined: a cross indicator of several reversals. In Table 1 the set of rules A from

for a side where firing has just stopped: Figure 18 is presented and in Table 2 the set of rules
B. The next section includes a practical example of
ΨG1L−2R if firing has finished for the left hand
side at the1st reversal and the right the analysis of firing symmetry.
hand side at the 2nd reversal
'Ψ G = (4) set of rules A set of rules B
indicators types of
Ψ 2L−1R detection of inferences about conclusion about
G if firing has finished for the left hand asymmetry type asymmetry settings charger/burner settings
side at the 2nd reversal and the right
hand side at the 1st reversal
Figure 18. Proposed inference scheme

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Rotter figs 19.pdf 1 24/05/2013 16:37:34
Table 2. Inferences about the setting of chargers and burners based on types of asymmetry detected
Symbol A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 Conclusion about charger/burner settings
B1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Correct settings
B2 × 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Asymmetric charging – more batch is being charged to the right
B3 0 × 0 1 0 0 0 0 Asymmetric charging – more batch is being charged to the left
B4 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Incorrect direction of charging – more batch charged to the right hand
side, then moving to the left
B5 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Incorrect direction of charging – more batch charged to the left hand
side, then moving to the right
B6 × × × × 1 0 0 1 The right hand burner is heating more strongly than the left
B7 × × × × 0 1 1 0 The left hand burner is heating more strongly than the right
B8 × × × × 1 0 1 0 The left hand side is being heated more strongly than the right due to
asymmetrical flame direction
B9 × × × × 0 1 0 1 The right hand side is being heated more strongly than the right due to
asymmetrical flame direction

Notation: (a)

Φnk batch asymmetry indicator (1) for n-th zone

and k-th reversal
∆Φ1 a threshold for the batch asymmetry indicator
in zone Z1
∆Φ2 a threshold for the batch asymmetry indicator
in zone Z2
'Ψ G cross indicator for fired sides (4)
'⁄ ΨG cross indicator for non-fired sides (5)
∆ 'Ψ a threshold for the cross indicator for fired
∆'⁄ Ψ a threshold for the cross indicator for non-fired

6. An example of the analysis of melting

This section presents an example of the use of the
method presented in earlier sections on real data.
The input images come from the Orzesze glassworks
over five consecutive reversals. The data is available

in 15-bit colour representation. This low colour reso-


lution causes difficulties for the visual estimation of


temperature distribution by a human using the CCT


image (Figure 19) but it is sufficient for the automatic Figure 19. An image from the furnace and the correspond-
analysis of the symmetry of the process based on the
MY ing CCT distribution. 15-bit representation of colour
method proposed in this article. CY
implies a high level of noise in the CCT image but it is
Table 3 presents the differences between the mean sufficient for the automatic analysis of firing symmetry
[Colour available online]

CCTs of the left and the right hand sides of the fur-

nace. At each reversal, the temperature on the side

where firing has just ended is greater than on the two columns are the batch asymmetry indicators for
opposite side, which is normal and does not indicate zones Z1 and Z2. It can be observed that, after firing
an imbalance in the process. The differences in the on the right hand side, more batch is located on the
absolute values of the numbers in the last column of left (positive values for Φ1 and Φ2) and vice versa
the table may be the result of irregular working of (with one exception, where Φ2 has a small positive
the furnace, e.g. irregular batch charging. In the next value). This is the result of more intensive melting on
the fired side and is not related to irregular working
Table 3. Differences in the mean temperatures of the left of the chargers.
and right hand sides of the furnace Table 4 presents the indicators that are the input
Reversal Furnace side that CCTGL−CCTGR Φ 1 Φ2 for the rules defined in Section 5: the mean values for
has been fired batch asymmetry indicators and cross indicators of
Rev 1 Right −18·5  0·12321  0·10764 temperature asymmetry ΨG. The blue fields (candle
Rev 2 Left  19·5 −0·11862 −0·065032 symbol with a strikethrough, '⁄ ) are related to the
Rev3 Right  −5·5  0·07287  0·032842
Rev 4 Left  20 −0·049864  0·02812 juxtapositions of the sides just before firing, the red
Rev 5 Right −11  0·12551  0·19636 fields (candle symbol without a strikethrough, ') – to

128 Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A Volume 54 Number 3 June 2013
P. Rotter & A. Skowiniak: Image-based analysis of the symmetry of the glass melting process

Table 4. Cross indicators of temperature asymmetry (In colour on-line) [Colour available online]
Pair of reversals mean(Φ1k, Φ1k+1) (Φ2k, Φ2k+1) ΨG1L−2R ΨG2L−1R 'Ψ G '⁄ Ψ G

Rev 1 − Rev 2  0·002295  0·021304 '⁄ 2·5 '−1·5 −1·5 2·5

Rev 2 − Rev 3 −0·022875 −0·0161 '−14 '⁄ 28 −14 28
Rev 3 − Rev 4  0·011503  0·030481 '⁄ 32 '−17·5 −17·5 32
Rev 4 − Rev 5  0·037823  0·11224 '−16 '⁄ 25 −16 25

the juxtapositions of the sides just after firing. this hypothesis can be rejected).
Despite the high level of noise in the temperature Based on the simultaneous occurrence of (b) and
images caused by low colour representation, the (c) it can be assumed that the right hand burners
analysis of indicators from Table 4 allows inferences heat more strongly than the left hand burners (rule
to be made about the symmetry of the process: B6). Indeed, further analysis confirms that the mean
(a) The values of batch asymmetry indicators from temperature of the intersection of the areas of glass
consecutive reversals compensate, especially for symmetry after firing of the right hand burners are
the first zone, and their mean values are small. on average 17°C greater than after burning of the
Moreover, they are of different signs, so the left hand burners. This conclusion may be confirmed
conditions for rules A1–A4 are false regardless through a visual comparison of the cross images of
of the threshold. temperatures, shown in Figure 21. Despite the high
(b) In juxtapositions of sides where firing has just level of noise, the right hand side is warmer in the im-
stopped (indicator 'ΨG) the right side is always ages of fired sides, while the left hand side is warmer
warmer than the left side (negative indicator in the other images.
value). It can be deduced that the right hand
burners heat the right hand side more strongly
7. Conclusions and future work
than the left burners heat the left hand side (rule
A8). In the article a method is proposed for the automatic
Rotter figs 20.pdf 1 24/05/2013 14:34:34
(c) In juxtapositions of sides before firing (indicator analysis of the symmetry of the glass melting process
'⁄ ΨG) the left hand side is always warmer than based on images from a camera inside the glass
the right hand side (positive indicator value). furnace chamber. The algorithm makes inferences
It can be deduced that the right hand burners about the asymmetry of chargers and burners from
heat the left hand side more strongly than the the distribution of the batch on the glass surface and
left hand burners heat the right hand side – rule the distribution of correlated colour temperature. The
A5. (This observation could also mean that the proposed method indicates the reasons for any asym-
right hand side cools more quickly than the left metry, for example an asymmetry in heating power
hand side but, due to the similar properties of from the burners or asymmetrical directionality.
the walls and a similar outside temperature, The first prototype of the system, which was used

Reversal R1 – after Reversal R2 – after Reversal R3 – after Reversal R4 – after Reversal R5 – after

the right hand side has the left hand side has the right hand side has the left hand side has the right hand side has

been fired. been fired. been fired. been fired. been fired.

Figure 20. Images of five consecutive reversals and the corresponding temperature maps [Colour available online]

Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A Volume 54 Number 3 June 2013 129
P. Rotter & A. Skowiniak: Image-based analysis of the symmetry of the glass melting process

Pairs of Juxtaposition 1L+2R Juxtaposition 2L+1R

reversals (left hand side at the first reversal + right (left hand side at the second reversal + right

hand side at the second reversal) hand side at the first reversal)

R1+R2 before firing after firing

R2+R3 after firing before firing




CMY R3+R4 before firing after firing


R4+R5 after firing before firing

Figure 21. Juxtaposition of temperature images for four consecutive pairs of reversals [Colour available online]

in the experiments described in this article, was devel- in Section 5, can be set precisely only after long term
oped in Matlab and Python, including the libraries: observation of a particular system.
OpenCV, numpy and matplotlib. A commercial version of this system is currently
Our experiments have demonstrated that the sys- implemented by Techglass Ltd4 at the following glass-
tem has the potential to be very useful for glassworks, works: Warta Glass Jedlice SA, Huta Szkla Orzesze
although it requires long-term testing before it could and Stolzle Czestochowa Sp. z o.o. It is expected that
be fully trusted and especially before it could be used ongoing feedback from users will help to tune the
to control the process in a closed loop. The parameters
in the algorithms, especially the thresholds defined 4

130 Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A Volume 54 Number 3 June 2013
P. Rotter & A. Skowiniak: Image-based analysis of the symmetry of the glass melting process

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