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Minex Modelling Flow chart

1. DATA BH(bore hole) Data Survey Data

 Collar > Fault data
 Litho > Pit/survey Data
 Quality > Lease boundary etc.
 Seam

2. Creation of New Format

Project Manager New <name>

3. Go to File system Set project Directory

4. Create i) BH data base & ii) Geometry data base

File New BH / Geometry data base *.B31 /*.GH3

5. Add data type to data box

 Select BH data box
 Read only false
 For each data type create variable

6. Load Collar data need to create format files then match the Minex variables
Sample data with*.csv variables
7. Go to BH DB Edit Create seam sequence

Save to new layer file

Give the name *.B31 i.e. database name & save

8. Loading the seam file (*.csv) to minex

(csv file) BH ID From To Seam name Seam class

BH DB Load Load seam layer area

Select the file
Give a format file name [OK]
Class = seam class & name = seam name

9. Plotting of BH along with seam (3D)

BH DB plot BH display

10. Generation of reports for validation

BH DB Report Sample data
Collar data with different
Seam data variables
In case the compositing values for the seam are not available i.e. only band by band analysis
is available we have to compute the data w.r.t. length.
11. Compositing
 Select the *.B31 data base
 In “properties” make read only False
 In “percentage of seam to be sampled” the default value is 100
change the value 80% (100 – 20)

From To Thick Ash

5.0 6.0 1.0 20%
6.0 6.5 0.5 15%
6.5 6.8 0.3*
6.8 7.2 0.4*
7.2 7.9 0.7 30%

*(0.3+0.4)/2.9 =20%
As such % of seam to be sampled will be<100 – 20>
Seam Sampling Tolerance
Use seam sampling tolerance True give %
If any ply is falling partially within the seam roof or floor to include the same give tolerance
w.r.t. length i.e. 05/0.1/0.2 etc.

12. Creating values with fields for data type while reporting (optional)
 SQL programming For enabling
Enable SQL [true]
Select SQL file

SQL Select the desired field [change it to SQL format]

File create SQL (*.SQL file)

Edit the SQL file [SQL editor] write the code

Report Seam variable Select the SQL variable

13. Seam splitting

Seam model BH seam operations [ click on ply splitting & merging tab]

Parent Child %
Define A A1 70
A A2 30
Default Pick type: Estimated

14. Set missing seam [ click on tab ‘Missing seam’ ]

15. Set seam thickness to zero for missing seams for interpolated seam
16. Create the DD Unfault if fault
Refault exists
17. Create grid structures (original) add variables
SF – seam floor
ST – seam thickness
Select gridding parameters (*.mpf file)
Create parameter file
File create parameter <name>

18. Plot the faults

19. Generation of faults

Seam model unfault & refault menu

Fault definition (tab) picks faults (3D)

Fault block generation vertical shift only

Set limit (ON) [take default limits]

Generate fault block

 Unfault BH tab
Save (give name) unfault data base
Make unfault data base current (tick)

20. Seam model multiseam multi variable griding

Select Output DD as [ unfault]
Add variables select seam gridding parameters update lists
21. Stacking surface for final modelling
Create a new DD model
Seam model seam model operation
Input DD: unfault
Output DD: Model
Select operation: Model Building stack name cut off seam (tick)

22. Seam model multiseam multi variable griding

Give unfault DD name
Give refault DD name
[ Select seam, Variables, (Base RL & Seam roof)

23. Open original database *.B31

24. Flatten
Seam model unfaulting & refaulting flatten normal model
 Select seam
 Select variable
 Give a reference grid (say topo)
 Mesh size : (small)
 Output DD : Flatten
25. Reserve Estimation
Seam model seam insitu reserve report
Seam Θ All, create list
Set the limits in (Limit tab) [OK]
Unlimit & downlimit

26. Seam model seam detail reserve report

Seam default tab: select the seam
Surfaces tab: select suffix for thickness & density
Quality tab: quality variables to be selected
Limits tab: topography, weathering & lower limit grids to be selected, area
selection (polygon)
Report tab: define your classes
Defining the template [create edit template]
Add variable
Calculate variable
Keys (for sorting)
Global summary (for summation)
Save the template
Give report name
csv format (*.csv file) (tick)
Open file by default application (tick)
27. Pit designing
Requirements: i) Merge grids
ii) Bench list
iii) Pit boundary
28. Creation of merge grids
Create DD Merge
Pit design create merge model
Use reference grid
Θ Merge up
Select topography & weathering grid
Input DD: Model
Output DD: Merge
Select seam: All [OK]
29. Create Bench grid for creating bench list [ create new DD : Bench grids]
Pit design create bench grid
Resume grid
Limit on top grid preferably for merge grids
Limit on base grid
Generate list [ OK]
30. Creation of bench list
Pit design bench list
Pit Θ
Pit crest grid [ topography]
Grid directory: bench grid
Fill with grids save OK (*.BLS file)

31. Pit design pit design

 Give a pit no
 Design bench digitise
 Select the boundary string
 Design - automatic
Project down
 Design strips
 Digitise 1st strip
 Design offset (give the required number)
 Design (Automatic)
o Project down (all strips in all benches)
 Design (first /last)
o Digitise two limits
 Design (strip end) [OK]

32. Create Blocks

Design : Blocks
Digitise layout lines
Give block width
Generate block for all the benches
Checking blocks for all the benches
Checking blocks by displaying

33. Design : Blocks: Display

Reserve within mining blocks
Reserve database

34. File New DBR

Give name & save [ reserve DB.DBR]

35. Reserve Initialize Edit cores & layers

Select seams update code info save the layer (*.OLC file)

36. Reserves Initialise Add Pit

Select pit no & large file
37. Reserve Build Generate reserve
Select reserve DB file
Select geometry database (specify geometry file)
Select the structure DD name : Merge
Select the bench DD name : Bench grid
Select Autorun : OK
Reserves will be generated for all the blocks

38. Reserve reporting Status / detailed report

i) select pit [OK]
ii) select variable,
select pit
report name [OK]

39. Reserves Plotting -- 3D display

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