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Analyzing Connected Data with SAP HANA Graph

Week 01 Unit 01

00:00:10 Welcome to this openSAP course on analyzing connected data with SAP HANA Graph.
00:00:16 My name is Markus Fath. I work as a manager
00:00:19 in the SAP HANA Development Organization. Here's what we're going to cover
00:00:25 in this one week nutshell course. Consists of seven units,
00:00:31 so after this interjection, where we will be looking at some use cases, we will cover the basics on
how you organize your data
00:00:40 in nodes and edges and workspaces. We will then look at ways to query your graph,
00:00:46 essentially how to do pattern matching using openCypher. After that, we will dive into some of
00:00:53 built-in algorithms that SAP HANA Graph provides. Before we look at a programming language
00:01:02 that you can use to develop your own custom graph algorithm. That language is called
00:01:11 In unit six, we will be looking at a related topic of hierarchies
00:01:17 and ways to query hierarchies from a SQL perspective. The course is concluded by unit seven,
00:01:28 where we will be looking at some adjacent topics like full-text search and spatial analysis.
00:01:37 Let's start with a quick motivation here and I took a chart from
00:01:45 I chose the trend in popularity for certain types of databases.
00:01:52 And what you see in that chart is that up line, that's the trend in popularity for graph databases.
00:02:00 And in that chart there are other database categories. For example, the flat one being
00:02:07 relational database management systems. So obviously, what we do see here is
00:02:14 that people start to get more and more interested in how graph databases work
00:02:21 and what value-add they provide for certain use cases. The one thing that makes graph
databases so popular from my perspective,
00:02:34 is that if you do modeling, if you talk about data,
00:02:40 if you talk about relations, if you talk about ways to analyze data,
00:02:45 people tend to think very much in terms of a graph, in terms of nodes and relationships between
00:02:53 So you have a customer and its relationship to a product. Things like that.
00:02:57 So if you go to a whiteboard and talk to your friend about your data and analytics challenges,
00:03:03 you're probably going to draw a graph, essentially nodes and edges.
00:03:07 So graph databases and the way they handle and query data is pretty much whiteboard friendly.
00:03:14 On the other hand, we do see that a lot of value can be obtained
00:03:20 by analyzing relationships, making edges, making relationships a first class citizen
00:03:26 when you do data analysis. And that is also something that fits quite nicely
00:03:31 into the approach of graph database systems. So if we look at some use cases and some data
00:03:42 then we see that essentially, connected data, networks, are everywhere out there.
00:03:49 So most of you, we all know social networks like the one that is stored within the Facebook
00:03:58 So there are people, there are persons being connected to it by friendships.
00:04:04 There are other types of very interesting networks or connected data sets.
00:04:09 So think, for example, about a utility grid where you have different assets
00:04:15 which are connected by lines. So a grid themself is some form of graph,
00:04:21 some form of network, so to say which makes absolutely sense to analyze.
00:04:28 Then very important, we do see production chains or supply chains where products are sourced
from suppliers
00:04:37 and raw materials are in a production process, being turned into products, essentially,
00:04:45 which you sell to your customers. So you also have that connectivity,
00:04:50 that type of network, which connects your raw products to your customers, essentially.
00:04:58 And you might want to be able to analyze that production chain for certain risks or potential
00:05:05 impact of failures and stuff like that. Then the data that we will be working with
00:05:13 throughout the demos in that course is essentially a citation network.
00:05:19 So we do have scientific research papers which do cite each other.
00:05:25 So we have that citation network and can analyze that network for certain queries.
00:05:31 In the end, what we see, is there's a lot of data out there that is organized in a graphic way so to
00:05:38 And there are a couple of really value-adding or high-important use cases, which I already
00:05:45 So understanding your customer, having a 360 degree on your customer,
00:05:49 being able to provide the right product recommendations, that is a problem that can be solved
with graph technology.
00:05:57 Again, if we look at margin, at risk analysis in a production network or in a supply chain network,
00:06:04 where you would like to understand which products or which materials are at risk
00:06:09 because you have only a single supply of them. And you want to evaluate that risk and propagate
that risk
00:06:17 in order to understand which of your end products are at risk in the end. Fraud detection is also a
very important use case
00:06:24 where we see certain requirements to analyze financial transactions,
00:06:31 for example detecting cycles when looking at financial transactions,
00:06:35 which might be an indicator of fraudulent activity. The challenge of course, first of all is,
00:06:44 how do you store, how do you handle potentially large amounts of data which are connected
00:06:50 and essentially, how can you analyze the relationships in your graph in order to extract
meaningful information
00:06:59 that you can infuse into your business processes or use to improve your business processes.
00:07:10 If we look at certain types of those graph analysis patterns where, for example, in a social
00:07:18 you would like to understand who are the friends of your friends.
00:07:21 Or in a network of financial institutes or organizations doing financial transactions
00:07:30 and you would like to understand if there were cycles in the transaction system.
00:07:37 We have seen a couple of traditional approaches on how you would like to run those queries,
00:07:43 analyze cycles, for example. And what we do see is, of course, people tend to use
00:07:50 the technology that they have at hand, relational database management system.
00:07:54 And starting to write some graphy application logic that essentially invokes in a recursive way,
00:08:03 using complex joins, some SQL operations in the database. That can work to some extent
00:08:11 but if you are really going into more sophisticated graph analysis problems, that approach is really
not that beneficial.
00:08:23 You run into all kinds of problems because, essentially, SQL is not made
00:08:27 for analyzing connected data. And you, of course, still work with tables
00:08:34 as your first class citizen in your database. So you lack a kind of an extraction
00:08:41 in terms of nodes and edges or nodes and relationships between your data nodes.

00:08:47 However, you of course have a single copy of the data so you always have consistent, few
interior data.
00:08:54 On the other hand, we have seen that customers are starting to bring in graph technology,
00:09:00 for example, a Neo4j database, to handle that graph processing, those graph queries,
00:09:06 in a much better and much more performant way. However, what you usually see is
00:09:11 that you then have a data replication task. So you usually have a primary data store,
00:09:18 which is your relational database management system and you're copying over the data to that
graph database
00:09:23 in order to do some graph processing. And that approach,
00:09:28 of course you have that burden of that replication, so you, per se, have synchronization issues
00:09:34 between those two database systems. And furthermore, of course a graph database can handle
00:09:42 the graphy workload, the connection analysis in a much better way
00:09:47 but usually falls behind when it comes to standard analytics or when it comes to providing full-text
search capabilities
00:09:56 so you usually end up with a rather complex architecture of components which you need to
00:10:03 in order to provide all the application functionality that you would require.
00:10:10 So SAP HANA provides a combined approach in terms of that we have a built-in graph engine.
00:10:19 So what we do provide here is native graph abstraction within a relational database management
00:10:27 And with that we have the possibility to provide multi-model processing.
00:10:34 So you can easily combine some graph queries with a full-text search query,
00:10:39 with some standard analytics or data mining algorithms. So that's the kind of the sweet spot here
00:10:46 of having the graph engine being deeply embedded in a functional rich data management
platform like SAP HANA.
00:10:58 Last but not least of course, the embedded graph engine inherits
00:11:04 all the enterprise characteristics that you eventually require,
00:11:10 in terms of security, how to model authorization control, how to do backup and restore,
00:11:18 how to design the system for high availability or disaster recovery and things like that.
00:11:25 Because of the fact that the HANA graph engine is deeply embedded into HANA as a platform,
00:11:33 all those operation concepts of course also apply to your graph approach.
00:11:40 If we look at a way how to model data, how you think about your connected data,
00:11:46 and if you look at academic research literature, I mean, there are a couple of different modeling
00:11:54 to connected data. You might be familiar with RDF,
00:11:59 resource description framework, so an approach to a kind of do annotations
00:12:05 in a semantic map approach. What we support in SAP HANA is a so-called property graph
00:12:12 because we found it's the most general approach to modeling and the most intuitive way to think
about your data.
00:12:20 So what is a property graph? Essentially, we are thinking about
00:12:24 in terms of nodes and edges. Or, as sometimes nodes are also depicted as a vertex,
00:12:31 or in plural vertices, we are talking about vertex in edge approach here.
00:12:36 So in this example we have a document node which is connected to an author node.
00:12:43 And of course both nodes, as well as the edge in between connecting these two nodes,
00:12:50 can have an arbitrary number of properties. So Fred, for example, who is of type author
00:12:56 does have a location with it. Fred is located in the USA.
00:13:01 Whereas the document vertex, or the document node, does have a title, for example,
00:13:06 the hub and spoke approach, la la la. Things like that.

00:13:10 So one reason why we chose the property graph model is A, because it's, again, whiteboard
00:13:19 and B, because usually if you have a relational model in place, it's usually quite easy to kind of
00:13:29 a full-fledged relational model into such a property graph model.
00:13:33 And so we wanted to make it easy for, let's say, traditional relational applications to add a graph
00:13:42 as an additional dimension for analysis. When it comes to analysis we usually choose,
00:13:49 do see two different types of workload, I would say. On the one hand, we have what we call
pattern matching
00:13:57 where you essentially have a sequence, a pattern, which you are looking for in your data graph.
00:14:05 So think about scientific research papers and authors, you might want to have a pattern where
you say
00:14:12 I have that author thread and I'm interested in his papers and specially in the papers he's cited.
00:14:21 So that's the pattern that we see on the left hand side. There is a declarative query language that
we do support
00:14:29 for these type of processes, it's called openCypher,
00:14:32 which allows you to specify these type of patterns and run that query against your data graph.
00:14:40 On the other hand, we do have the workload of graph analysis.
00:14:46 We are usually looking at larger portions of the graph or the complete graph
00:14:50 and you are evaluating its topology in terms of, you want to understand where are communities
00:14:56 or, for example, you have two sets of nodes, you would like to understand how they are
00:15:02 and essentially, what is the shortest path between those two nodes.
00:15:07 So we do see these type of workloads where we have for pattern matching usually
00:15:12 a quite declarative approach. These are short, highly selective queries.
00:15:17 On the other hand, we have graph analysis where we do see the need of
00:15:21 a kind of more imperative approach, procedural approach,
00:15:26 providing a programming language so to say in order to encode that graph algorithm logic.
00:15:36 So SAP HANA, as I mentioned, provides an in-database graph engine.
00:15:41 From a functional perspective, we provide a property graph model
00:15:45 which uses standard relational tables as a data store. That comes in quite handy in terms of
providing then,
00:15:56 in the end, real-time capabilities, real-time inserts in your graph data.
00:16:01 We do have a set of built-in functions or algorithms, like, for example, to evaluate the shortest
00:16:07 or to understand strongly connected components. As already mentioned, we do support a subset
of openCypher
00:16:15 for pattern matching queries, and probably most important, we have that graph-specific language
00:16:23 for stored procedures in the database which is called GraphScript.
00:16:29 Gives you an abstraction to that graph model and graph-specific operations,
00:16:33 like a neighborhood operation, like a traversal operation,
00:16:37 which makes it quite easy for you to develop your own domain-specific graph algorithms
00:16:43 directly in the database. So the benefits that we do see here
00:16:48 is that we're tightly integrated into our relational model so we provide real-time graph insights into
your data.
00:16:56 We provide the capabilities to use and mix and mingle other functionality in HANA,
00:17:04 again, like full-text search, like our spatial analysis capability
00:17:08 which you can use in combination with graph analysis. And again, from an operation perspective,
00:17:15 you get all the enterprise characteristics that you require in terms of your database operation,

00:17:24 but also security backup and restore and stuff like that. So, as a graph is just one single
00:17:35 within the SAP HANA data management platform, I would like to give you a glimpse of the
00:17:41 of the functionality. Maybe you've seen the slide already.
00:17:45 So down below you have the database services, so here's how where the persistency,
00:17:50 where the tables do live. Here's how where all the operations do live
00:17:55 in the database core. On the left upper corner you see the application services,
00:18:01 so as you might know we have an application server here being tightly covered with SAP HANA.
00:18:09 There is an HTML5 framework which is called SAPUI5,
00:18:14 which you can use to develop modern browser-based application user interfaces.
00:18:21 On the right hand side, you see the integration and quality services.
00:18:25 These are essentially the components that allow you to bring in data from a third-party data
source into HANA
00:18:33 and do certain type of transformations. For example, why you do the replication.
00:18:39 And when it comes to the processing services, so the functionality, essentially,
00:18:43 that is provided on top of the data stored in SAP HANA, we will find things like the spatial engine,
00:18:50 full-text search, text analysis, text mining,
00:18:54 but also data mining and predictive algorithms which are part of the SAP HANA data
management platform.
00:19:01 So that concludes unit one of this nutshell course on analyzing connected data with SAP HANA
00:19:11 See you in the next unit, where we will be talking about how we organize the data.
00:19:15 So we will be looking at the basics of nodes and edges and workspaces.
00:19:20 See you in the next unit.

Week 01 Unit 02

00:00:08 Welcome to Unit 2. We will be talking about the basic

00:00:12 data structures, being nodes and edges, and the way to expose your data
00:00:18 to the graph engine, using workspaces. We've already introduced the property graph model.
00:00:26 Just a quick recap, within graph, we are thinking about
00:00:32 vertices and edges. And both the vertices, as well as the edges,
00:00:37 can have certain properties. Throughout the course,
00:00:43 I mostly will refer to a vertex as a node, so you could consider node, or nodes,
00:00:51 being synonymous with vertex or vertices. The data that we will be looking at for demo purposes
00:01:01 consists of authors, which wrote scientific papers,
00:01:09 and those authors in turn also affiliated to or affiliated with
00:01:17 a certain university. In our case, we will be talking about Fred,
00:01:23 who's the author of a paper called The Hub and Spoke Paradigm,
00:01:27 and the paper, The Hub and Spoke Paradigm, does cite another paper.
00:01:33 We do have a kind of a citation graph. We do have the authors attached to those papers,
00:01:40 and the authors themselves are affiliated to one or multiple organizations or universities.
00:01:48 That's from a logical perspective. From a physical perspective,
00:01:52 your data is organized basically in two structures. The orange one here on the left-hand side
00:02:00 is, in this case, a table that contains data about the authors, so for example,
00:02:06 we see Fred Richardson here, as well as data about the scientific papers,
00:02:12 for example, The Hub and Spoke Paradigm. The blue data structure is the data structure
00:02:20 that describes the relationships, the edges between your nodes.
00:02:27 We do have edges between, for example, the paper and the author, and that edge is of
00:02:35 isAuthoredBy. Now, what you realize in the data structure
00:02:41 is that both data structures do have an identifying attribute,
00:02:47 so we have a node identifier, as well as an edge identifier.
00:02:52 Furthermore, the edge table, or the edge structure, does contain a column called source and
00:03:00 That is essentially the start point of the edge and the end point of the edge.
00:03:07 Both data structures, of course, do have additional columns which contain attributes
00:03:13 or properties describing the corresponding instances. Now, once you have your data structures in
00:03:24 what you need to create in SAP HANA Graph, in order to expose your data to the graph engine
00:03:31 and do something meaningful with it, is that you have to create a workspace.
00:03:38 That is, for example, done by a SQL statement, "CREATE GRAPH WORKSPACE", and
00:03:45 it points to the nodes, as well as to the edges, and it contains the information
00:03:51 about where is the source and the target column and which are the identifiers of your data
00:04:00 With that, let's quickly switch to a demo and look at the data.
00:04:09 The data I loaded from, or is being provided by Yale University
00:04:15 by a project called LILY, and within that project,
00:04:23 they are keeping data on natural language processing academic papers.
00:04:30 For demo purposes, I downloaded the data from this Web site here, and it contains tables
00:04:38 about the papers, about the citations, so which papers cited
00:04:45 which other papers, about the authors, and so I imported the data into SAP HANA,

00:04:55 and I'm using right now SAP HANA studio in order to visualize the data and play with the data.
00:05:05 First of all, the data that we are dealing with
00:05:10 contains the information about the papers, so we do have an ID of that paper.
00:05:16 We do have a title, and we do have an attribute, which is the publication year.
00:05:22 There is a second table that contains data about the authors, in this case, just an author ID
00:05:29 and the author name. Then, quite important, we do have the table
00:05:34 that essentially makes up the citation graph. We do have essentially the edges,
00:05:41 the source and the target information, which links the papers together in terms of
00:05:48 a citation graph, so we have that source and target column both containing the identifying
00:05:54 of the corresponding papers. Next, we will be working with
00:06:03 the edge type isAuthoredBy. That essentially is derived from that data structure,
00:06:10 where we do have information about which papers have been authored by which authors.
00:06:16 That's the type of the relationship that we see implicitly here in that table.
00:06:23 Then, last but not least, we will be dealing with author affiliations,
00:06:28 which we generated out of that original data source, where we do have for each paper,
00:06:34 the author name and its corresponding affiliation, so the author work for a specific organization
00:06:41 or a university. That's kind of the source data that we have.
00:06:48 From here, we start to populate our nodes and edges data structure.
00:06:53 The first thing I'll do is I'll create a table called Nodes, and I will load certain data,
00:07:01 essentially the papers, into that Nodes table. We loaded roughly 20,000 papers,
00:07:13 and this is how our Nodes table looks. Sure, it contains the identifying attribute.
00:07:18 I added a Type column, which describes the as being of type paper, and we do have title
00:07:25 and year as the attributes of these nodes. For the edges,
00:07:30 I will create, in a similar way, an edges table, and I will load the citation edges
00:07:38 into my Edges table. Let's also do that quickly.
00:07:42 We have roughly 100,000 citation edges, and the way that looks is pretty simple.
00:07:50 It just contains the source and the target column, and I also added a Type column,
00:07:56 describing, let's say, the semantics of this relationship being a citation.
00:08:04 With that basic graph, we can now go ahead and expose the data to the graph engine.
00:08:12 Before I do that, I'll check the consistency of the data. First of all, I will look at
00:08:20 the uniqueness in my Nodes table. I will look for dangling edges,
00:08:26 so essentially, records in my Edges table, which do not have a corresponding identifier
00:08:34 in the Nodes table. Let me quickly run those two checks.
00:08:39 First of all, I do see that each identifier in the Nodes table is only occurring once,
00:08:46 so I do have a kind of uniqueness on that ID column. I couldn't identify
00:08:55 any dangling edges in my data. In order to, kind of,
00:09:03 keep that consistency, I will create primary and foreign key constraints
00:09:08 on the Nodes and the Edges tables. A couple of alter statements,
00:09:13 which just kind of helps me keep the data in a clean way. After I've checked the consistency,
00:09:20 the next thing I do is I create that graph workspace. It simply points to the Nodes and the Edges
00:09:28 which I just created, and identifies the identifier as well as the source and the target columns.
00:09:35 Let's quickly do that. With that, we can do our first exploration.
00:09:43 For that, I will switch to an application, which is called Graph Viewer.
00:09:48 It's a lightweight application that allows me to explore my demo data,

00:09:56 and it can be used for demo purposes or for POC purposes.
00:10:02 I pick the graph workspace which I just created. I can go ahead
00:10:07 and pick a specific attribute. I will simply
00:10:14 start selecting my paper, The Hub and Spoke Paradigm, I'll apply.
00:10:19 Here is my node. I will pick a label, which is the title in this case,
00:10:27 and from here, I can explore along the edges in my citation graph.
00:10:38 So this is what we did. We created the Nodes and Edges tables.
00:10:41 We created a graph workspace, and we used the Graph Viewer to explore the data.
00:10:48 As you've seen, the data is organized in two data structures,
00:10:53 and most of the time, you will use tables to store your nodes and your edges data.
00:11:01 As I described in the consistency checks, the Nodes table must have an identifying attribute,
00:11:09 the Edge table as well - and in addition, the Edge table, of course, requires
00:11:15 some type of source or target column, describing the actual edge.
00:11:22 The data can, and in most of the cases will, be stored in a physical table, but it is absolutely valid
00:11:31 to use views, SQL views, to kind of expose the data,
00:11:36 for example, from an existing relational model into the data structures of nodes and edges.
00:11:43 That kind of allows you to avoid data redundancy,
00:11:49 in case you have your data already, for example, in a relational schema in HANA.
00:11:56 It also allows you to kind of partition your data in a semantic way, so if you have
00:12:03 different kinds of node objects, so for example, papers and authors,
00:12:09 you might very well store them in two distinct tables, and use a view to project the data
00:12:17 into the graph engine. By that, it also allows you to implement
00:12:23 a very simple security model, where you can "I have users which are allowed to see the papers,
00:12:30 but they're not allowed to see the authors." So it's a very simple way to enforce
00:12:35 security on your data. Let's take a look at how that might look in practice.
00:12:41 What you see on the lower level here is a kind of a relational model that contains the data that we
are dealing with.
00:12:49 We have a table that contains the papers. We have a table that contains the authors,
00:12:54 and we have a table that contains the organizations or the universities.
00:12:59 In order to project the data from those three tables into that nodes data structure,
00:13:07 you can use a SQL Union View. In a very similar way,
00:13:13 in a relational model, you would have the relations being stored in specific tables.
00:13:20 So for example, you would have a table that stores the paper-to-author relationship.
00:13:25 And in a very similar way, you can use a SQL Union View to kind of grab all of that
00:13:33 relationship data and expose it in an edge data structure, like the one we see on the upper right
00:13:43 With regards to source data, I already mentioned a relational model, which we see quite often,
00:13:52 which you want to expose for the graph engine, in order to do some graph processing with it.
00:13:59 They're another type of, let's say, data models or source data patterns that we
00:14:08 In some cases, the source data already comes with a kind of a "graphy" schema, essentially
00:14:14 being a nodes data structure and an edges data structure. And there, of course, then it's pretty
00:14:22 to create a workspace on top of the data. When you load these types of data
00:14:28 from your original source, for example, using a flat file import,
00:14:33 one tip from my side, you could consider a concept, which is called flexible tables
00:14:39 in order to efficiently load the data. If you have a CSV file that contains

00:14:45 a bunch of columns, and you don't want to set the table structure upfront,
00:14:50 you can simply create a minimum flexible table and load the data structure into the flexible table.
00:14:56 What happens is the flexible table would simply extend, depending on the data it sees in the
00:15:04 There is another type of data organization, which we see frequently,
00:15:10 which I call node-based. So essentially, you have a single data structure, a single table,
00:15:19 that contains the nodes and their attributes, and the relationship is
00:15:25 kind of laid out in terms of a common attribute. For example,
00:15:30 you would have a common attribute of being an event, so if you have two parties,
00:15:37 which came together in an event, for example two soccer teams playing against each other
00:15:42 in a certain event, then that common attribute might actually be the edge, the relationship.
00:15:48 From that data structure, it's also very easy to expose into a Nodes and Edges table.
00:15:54 Then finally, what we usually see is an edge- based kind of model, where each record essentially
depicts a relationship,
00:16:04 and you have redundant information about nodes and their attributes.
00:16:11 You would use SQL-distinct operations in order to extract the distinct nodes data
00:16:18 into a separate table. With regards to data consistency,
00:16:27 if possible, if you are working with physical tables, our advice is essentially to check the
00:16:36 of your nodes identifier, and if it is unique, you should add a primary key constraint on that table.
00:16:44 And likewise, for the Edges table, if you don't have an identifying attribute,
00:16:50 just create one. There are SQL ways to do that,
00:16:53 for example, to generate an identity, as depicted here. Finally, you should check for dangling
00:17:02 Either create dummy nodes, in case you have dangling edges,
00:17:07 or remove the dangling edges from your table, or filter them out in a view.
00:17:16 Now that we have the data being stored in standard HANA column tables
00:17:23 or other types of tables, how is data manipulation handled?
00:17:27 That is handled via SQL, as you know it, or as you are used to.
00:17:32 Any insertion or deletion or update to your data is handled by a SQL statement.
00:17:38 When you create new edges, which refer to new nodes, you just need to be aware of the
00:17:44 so create the nodes data first, and then you can create a new edge
00:17:49 because you might have that foreign key constraint on your data. Very important is, again,
00:18:00 that graph workspace concept. Please note that you can have
00:18:04 as many graph workspaces as you want in SAP HANA.
00:18:10 And I already mentioned that using views is a very good way to avoid data redundancy
00:18:17 and to semantically partition your data. In this case, I have depicted a model,
00:18:23 where you say, "Okay, I've organized the relationships for a citation graph in a different data
00:18:30 as for an author or co-author graph", and it is absolutely valid to use views
00:18:37 in order to project into separate graph workspaces, and by this, help you organize your data
00:18:45 and implement a simple security model, and so With that, let me quickly switch to a second demo,
00:18:54 where we essentially use that view concept in order to generate a meta graph.
00:18:59 What I mean with that, I aggregate my data in the Nodes table by the type,
00:19:06 and I'm counting the number of nodes for its corresponding type, and I'm likewise
00:19:11 doing the same way, aggregating the Edges table by using a SQL view.

00:19:18 With that, I can very well generate that GRAPH_META model workspace,
00:19:25 which then in my case, looks like this, just created the graph, so what we have
00:19:33 in our system is essentially one node type, which is paper, and there is an edge,
00:19:39 or edge types, which point from the papers to the papers, so a very simple graph model here.
00:19:52 To kind of wrap this up, what we've seen from an architecture perspective
00:19:56 is how we organize our data into nodes and edges, how we can use views to project
00:20:03 in such data structures of nodes and edges, and we have seen how we create a graph workspace
00:20:09 in order to expose the data into the graph workspace. Again, you, can have multiple graphs in
your system,
00:20:17 and the graphs can share data, of course. That concludes Unit 2.
00:20:23 In the next unit, we will be talking about pattern matching.

Week 01 Unit 03

00:00:07 Welcome to Unit 3: Pattern Matching. You've already seen that slide describing two different
00:00:17 of workloads that we do see on graph data. On the one hand, we do have pattern matching
00:00:24 where you essentially look for subgraphs, for patterns, using certain topology constraints,
00:00:32 certain filter conditions, for example on your node attributes and node properties.
00:00:38 And on the other hand, we have that workload type of graph analysis
00:00:42 where we do see our topology analysis of the complete graph doing community detection,
00:00:49 doing our shortest path calculation and so on. So within that unit, we will focus on the left-hand
00:00:56 talking about pattern matching. For pattern matching,
00:01:02 we are using a query language called Cypher, or its open-source alternative, openCypher.
00:01:09 So you might be familiar with Neo4j, which is one of the leading graph databases in the market.
00:01:17 And Neo4j, they pushed forward and invented a query language for pattern matching, which is
called Cypher.
00:01:26 Now, parts of the Cypher language have been open-sourced and are handled in that community,
00:01:37 I've attached a screenshot. So SAP HANA supports the subset of that openCypher language
00:01:45 for pattern matching. So what is it?
00:01:49 In its simplest form, pattern matching and a pattern matching query using openCypher,
00:01:57 contains three clauses. There is the so-called MATCH clause
00:02:03 which describes topology in terms of nodes and edges.
00:02:10 In this case, for example, I'm matching a subgraph from node A via edge e1 to node P1,
00:02:21 and it's a directive edge. The second clause is the WHERE clause.
00:02:26 It adds additional filter condition to that subgraph. In my case, for example, the node A should
have the name Fred.
00:02:38 And finally, there is that RETURN clause that projects the results into a table,
00:02:45 into a flat data structure. We simply pick those properties of your results
00:02:51 which should be exposed as a table. A valid example in our scientific research graph,
00:03:02 in our citation graph, might be, I'm looking for a node called Fred.
00:03:07 I'm looking for his papers and I'm looking for the papers who got cited by his papers,
00:03:13 and I'm returning the titles of these citations. Now this is kind of for your reference.
00:03:22 It describes all the language constructs and concepts that we do support in SAP HANA
00:03:30 with regards to openCypher, so there is a concept of a direct edge
00:03:35 and an undirected edge. There is a variable length path that you can specify,
00:03:40 so where you say, "Okay, between nodes A and there are up to N number of hops", things like
00:03:47 As for the WHERE clause, there are certain kinds of predicates that we do support.
00:03:52 Of course, comparison predicates like equals or does not equal, things like that.
00:03:57 There are sub-string predicates being part of openCypher so STARTS WITH, ENDS WITH, and
so on.
00:04:05 And finally, in the RETURN clause, you can use things like an ORDER BY clause or a LIMIT
00:04:12 in order to describe and organize your results. Now, as for
00:04:22 the built-in functions that we do support, there are ways to kind of
00:04:30 identify constraints on the relationship, on the edge types, in the variable length path.
00:04:36 There is also a very powerful full-text search capability which we infused into the openCypher
00:04:46 As you might be aware, SAP HANA provides full-text search capabilities,

00:04:51 so if you have natural language text in your graph - in our example, it's the titles of the scientific
00:04:59 for example - you can use full-text search via that TEXT_CONTAINS predicate in openCypher
00:05:09 in order, for example, to filter your documents by a keyword query.
00:05:14 In this example here, I'm looking for "principle component analysis"
00:05:19 as being part of that abstract call. It's a very powerful way.
00:05:24 Just a little bit of background on the full-text indexing and search capabilities in HANA.
00:05:32 Again, we are organizing our data in relational tables. If you have natural language text, so for
00:05:39 an abstract or a title of a scientific paper, you can create a full-text index on that table column.
00:05:47 That is an index that we will leverage whenever you're using the SQL_CONTAINS predicate
00:05:53 in order to do a full-text search on that. Note that the full-text index is created once.
00:05:59 It's kind of bound to the table, HANA manages that for you. And whenever you insert or update
00:06:05 or delete your data in your table, of course, HANA will pick up the changes
00:06:10 and also update the full-text index. Furthermore, the full-text index is also backed
00:06:17 when you do a backup of your table and it's of course restored, and stuff like that.
00:06:24 One additional slide on full-text search capabilities in HANA, there is full-text search being part of
the SQL language
00:06:33 where we're using the CONTAINS predicate in order to do a full-text search on that.
00:06:38 That's the kind of the plain, vanilla variant of full- text search. SAP HANA provides a so-called
enterprise search stack
00:06:47 where we do have modeling capabilities on top of your physical tables
00:06:54 where you can annotate a search model in terms of certain behaviors when you search on it.
00:07:01 So which columns are irrelevant, which columns contribute to which extent
00:07:05 to relevance ranking, and so on. And finally, there is an out-of-the-box search UI
00:07:10 that you can leverage in SAP HANA to give your end users a full-text search UI.
00:07:19 Now back to our examples for pattern matching. So what we will be doing in the demo
00:07:24 is we will use pattern matching to find co- authors of Fred. In this query, we essentially have the
filter condition
00:07:34 on one node, where we say, "This should be Fred. We are looking for his papers", and from the
found papers,
00:07:40 we are evaluating the other authors that wrote that paper. So with that, we will be switching to
HANA studio again.
00:07:53 And one thing that we will do in order to run our pattern matching query for co- authors
00:07:59 is we would create new data. So I will add author data in my Nodes table
00:08:05 and I will create an additional type of edge, which is "isAuthoredBy"
00:08:11 to connect the papers to the authors. So let's do that and have a look at the data
00:08:19 that we just generated. So my Nodes table now looks like that.
00:08:24 I do have papers in there - that was from the previous unit. Now, I've just added author data to my
Nodes table.
00:08:35 So now we have two types of objects in our Nodes table: papers and authors.
00:08:44 The Edge table looks like that. The citation edges is what we had previously
00:08:49 in our data, and I've just added the "isAuthoredBy" type of edge
00:08:54 which connects a paper to an author. So of course, we do see these two types of edges
00:09:02 and their corresponding numbers. What you've seen is that I've used a name column
00:09:12 for the author names, and I've still got the title column. So I will simply copy over the title of the

00:09:19 in the name column, just to have one consistent label. And I will create a full-text index on that
name column,
00:09:29 which in this case, can be leveraged by that simple CONTAINS predicate
00:09:35 where I'm searching for the term "fred" in all of the columns of my Nodes table.
00:09:41 And it will return some Freds which it found in the author type of nodes.
00:09:49 So from here, we can also refresh our meta model.
00:10:00 Let's call the GRAPH_META, and what we see here is that in addition to the papers
00:10:06 that we already had in there, we now have an author type of node
00:10:11 and we have a relationship, an edge, between the paper and the author.
00:10:17 Now, finally, let's do some pattern matching. The way I will run pattern matching here
00:10:25 is I will use database, let me quickly rerun that.
00:10:34 I would use a tool called Database Explorer. And in here, I'm going to my schema where I stored
my data.
00:10:43 I will launch the graph viewer were within Database Explorer. And from here, you have a context
00:10:50 that allows you to add Cypher queries. So I have that text field, I've pasted in a Cypher query,
00:10:57 which essentially looks for a pattern from paper to author. And I'm looking for my Fred Richardson
as being the author.
00:11:06 So the subgraph that I've found here is that single structure.
00:11:11 I will add that label here. So I found Fred Richardson being the author
00:11:16 of that Hub and Spoke Paradigm. A little bit more advanced now, of course,
00:11:22 I'm adding an additional item in that MATCH clause here. So I'm looking now for the co-author.
00:11:28 So I have two topology constraints. I'm looking for Fred Richardson.
00:11:32 Again, finding the Hub and Spoke paper. And from the second part of the MATCH clause,
00:11:39 I find all the co-authors that contributed to the paper. Finally, as a third example,
00:11:46 I will use a similar MATCH structure. But now, I'm looking for papers
00:11:53 which contain the term "language" and which are written by some Frank or Franz.
00:11:59 So that kind of gives me the subgraphs or the patterns
00:12:06 wherever I do have a paper that somehow talks about language, and where one of the authors is
some Franz or Frank,
00:12:14 or something like that. Let's use some color coding here
00:12:20 to understand who are the authors and which are the papers. So here, I have a language paper
00:12:25 which is written by some Frank or Francis here, and here's another example
00:12:31 where I do find "language" in the title of the paper and I do have that Frank being listed.
00:12:40 Go back to slides. So basically, there are three ways
00:12:47 how you can run pattern matching queries using openCypher in SAP HANA.
00:12:52 What we've just seen in that video is we were using the Database Explorer
00:12:57 where you have that specific editor where you can create openCypher queries
00:13:04 and execute them, and see the results in a graphy way. There is another way using calculation
00:13:15 and the HANA Web IDE which provides a calculation view modeler.
00:13:21 The calculation views are logical data flows which are used for analytics purposes.
00:13:27 So within such a logical data flow, you usually have projections, aggregation, joins,
00:13:35 and operations like that that kind of expose a logical data view
00:13:40 to SAP HANA where you can run analytics on top of that. Within the calculation view modeler, in
Web IDE,
00:13:49 you have the possibility to create graph nodes. So besides projections and aggregations,

00:13:55 you can insert graph nodes and run an openCypher query as part of that node, and then post-
00:14:04 that result of that openCypher query, for example, for certain aggregations,
00:14:09 and expose it to analytic clients. As the third variant, you can use the SQL Console
00:14:17 because essentially, what you can do, you can create so-called calculation scenarios
00:14:23 in order to tell SAP HANA to run openCypher queries. Now, that is a kind of an ugly XML syntax
00:14:32 where you describe the Cypher query and the form of the output.
00:14:38 But it gives you a nice way to handle or to integrate openCypher queries
00:14:44 into the world of SQL. That is the mechanism that we will use
00:14:51 in order to actually create co-author edges. So what we will do, we will use the third mechanism,
00:15:00 "create calculation scenarios". It's documented in our SAP HANA Graph documentation.
00:15:06 And this is kind of an ugly XML syntax where I, essentially, point to my graph.
00:15:15 So it's in schema HSGRA. It's called graph.
00:15:21 Here, I'm adding a variable where I will infuse the openCypher query.
00:15:27 And here's where I define the output structure. So let's create that calculation scenario once.
00:15:35 Now once it's there, we can use that calculation scenario to find co-authors, first of all.
00:15:41 Now previous examples, we were looking for co-authors of Fred.
00:15:45 Now, we're looking for all co-authors in that system. So let me quickly run that query, and this is
the result.
00:15:52 So I will have a source and a target column, essentially pointing from an author to his co- author.
00:15:59 And in that scenario, I'm returning the paper ID which connects these two authors.
00:16:11 That result can be further aggregated. And what I had in mind is,
00:16:16 I will add a numeric attribute that describes how many papers two authors
00:16:24 have been collaborating on. So I'm simply adding an aggregation,
00:16:31 a GROUP BY clause around that openCypher result. And it's running the very same query.
00:16:37 However, what you see here is that I have an aggregated number
00:16:41 which simply counts the number of papers the two authors have been collaborating on.
00:16:47 This is essentially what I will store in my Edges table. So I do an insert on my edges
00:16:55 and I'm running that aggregation query to identify the data...
00:17:04 that is to be stored. So once I've executed that,
00:17:08 I added some data in my Edges table. Let's quickly look at our GRAPH_META model.
00:17:14 Simply refresh that. And now, what you see here is that
00:17:20 from my author type of nodes, I have an edge pointing to itself,
00:17:26 essentially depicting that co-authorship type of relation. So if we use the SQL Console and the
calculation scenarios,
00:17:40 in order to run openCypher queries, we have wrapped SQL around those openCypher queries
00:17:46 doing some aggregations. You can very well do some joins
00:17:50 and we have used that way to create new types of edges and stored them in our tables.
00:17:57 So here, just for your reference, here's how you can use the Database Explorer.
00:18:01 We have seen that pasting openCypher queries or creating openCypher queries and exploring
the results
00:18:07 in a graphy way. This is the calculation view modeler
00:18:11 where you can have openCypher nodes and run your openCypher queries
00:18:16 as part of larger logical data view for analytical purposes. And finally, we have seen calculation
00:18:25 that are described in XML format. It's not all too handy but it does what it does,
00:18:31 and it's a very nice way to kind of wrap SQL queries around these calculation scenarios.

00:18:38 So to wrap this up, what we've seen in the previous unit is how you organize your data
00:18:43 and expose it via graph workspace. And what we've seen in this unit is
00:18:49 how we use SQL or calculation views or the Database Explorer
00:18:56 to run openCypher queries, which directly leverage the data
00:19:02 which is exposed as a graph workspace. That concludes Unit 3.
00:19:08 In the next unit, we will be talking about the built-in algorithms.

Week 01 Unit 04

00:00:08 Welcome to Unit 4, Built-In Algorithms. In the previous unit, we looked at pattern matching
00:00:15 and how to use openCypher query language for pattern matching. We will now be looking at the
graph analysis side of the things.
00:00:26 We're looking at the built-in algorithms that you can leverage in SAP HANA Graph.
00:00:34 At this point, there is not a lot that is built-in out of the box. There are ways to extend the
00:00:43 of SAP HANA that we will be talking about in the next unit. As of now, you basically have a
neighborhood search algorithm -
00:00:50 you have a shortest path and two variants, one-to-one and one-to-all. And finally, you have the
strongly connected components
00:00:58 as being built in to SAP HANA Graph natively. Starting with the neighborhood search,
00:01:07 it does what it does. You provide a start node or a set of start nodes,
00:01:14 and you provide a minimum depth and then a maximum depth.
00:01:19 And the neighborhood search algorithm will essentially traverse the graph
00:01:23 from a start node or start nodes into the neighborhood, and then
00:01:28 depending on your depth parameters, up to n hops, for example.
00:01:36 In that graphic here on the right-hand side, you see if you start at node 0, you will reach the node
00:01:44 within one hop distance or with traversing one edge. Next, there is the shortest path algorithm
being built in,
00:01:56 so here you provide a start and a target node, and SAP HANA will look for the shortest path.
00:02:06 Note that there are two ways to calculate or define distance. By default, SAP HANA Graph is
00:02:15 for the shortest path with regards to hop distance, but you can also provide a weight column
00:02:23 on the edges to calculate a distance. In our example here, looking at hop distance,
00:02:30 you will traverse from start to target via that edge with a weight of 1 down here,
00:02:37 so that will be hop distance, shortest path. However, if you take a weight attribute into account,
00:02:44 you will find the shortest path traversing this edge to that orange node,
00:02:50 and down here to the target because 0.8 and 0.1
00:02:54 is smaller than that weight being 1. Finally, there is the strongly connected components,
00:03:05 and that algorithm will look for sets of nodes, where all nodes are reachable from each other.
00:03:15 In my example here on the right-hand side, I will find two separate sets of nodes,
00:03:21 two strongly connected components, the orange one and the gray one. Again, how you can
00:03:32 invoke those built-in algorithms - there is the SAP HANA Database Explorer again,
00:03:39 so just like we did it for the openCypher queries, you can execute the built-in algorithms
00:03:45 from Database Explorer. Again, Web IDE provides
00:03:50 graph nodes within the calculation view modeler, where you can also invoke built-in algorithms,
00:03:57 for example, for neighborhood search, and calculation scenarios is also supported.
00:04:03 The built-in algorithms are also exposed in our procedural language for graph-specific custom
00:04:13 which is called GraphScript. We will be looking at that in the next unit.
00:04:18 With that, let's quickly dive into the demo. I will be adding some more data to my graph.
00:04:29 Essentially, I will be adding organizations as a third node type between papers and authors.
00:04:40 Authors are affiliated to organizations. Those are the types of edges I will create.
00:04:47 Note that my organization has a geolocation attribute, so a spatial attribute,
00:04:54 assigning a latitude-longitude coordinate to that organization. Let's create that data and quickly
inspect that data.

00:05:07 My Nodes table now looks like that. Besides authors and papers,
00:05:12 I do have the organizations here, and you see essentially two types of spatial attributes
00:05:18 referring to different spatial reference systems, describing the geolocation of that organization.
00:05:26 There are roughly 2,000 organizations in my Nodes table. And with regards to the edges,
00:05:32 I now have a new edge type, which is called "isAffiliatedWith",
00:05:39 which links an author to an organization. That's the type of the data that we will be using.
00:05:50 The first thing I will do is I will run the strongly connected component algorithm
00:05:56 on my co-author graph. Remember, in the previous unit, we've created edges
00:06:01 that connect an author to another author whenever they collaborated on a paper.
00:06:08 For the strongly connected components, I will also use this ugly calculation scenario.
00:06:15 Essentially, now pointing to a subset of my graph, the co-author graph,
00:06:22 and when I create that calculation scenario, I'm using SQL to simply...
00:06:37 There's one thing I forgot to create in the last unit. Let me quickly fix that.
00:06:48 You see parts of it are live demo. We created the co-author edges
00:06:54 in the previous unit, and what is missing here is I'm creating additional graphs.
00:06:59 So I have the overall graph, which contains all the information, and from that overall graph,
00:07:05 I am creating a few exposing the authors only and the co-author relationship.
00:07:10 I'm creating a graph workspace directly on that data, kind of semantically partitioning my graph
into a subgraph.
00:07:19 And I'm doing the very same for the citation graph, so simply adding additional views
00:07:25 on top of my Nodes and Edges tables, and adding additional graph workspace,
00:07:30 which exposes the paper only. Let me quickly add that.
00:07:36 And then going back to my algorithm, strongly connected components,
00:07:41 because it works with the co-author graph that we've just exposed.
00:07:49 Now, this works fine. That strongly connected component algorithm
00:07:54 then is exposed and callable via SQL. Let's simply do that.
00:08:01 This is the output of the algorithm. It assigns to each, in this case author ID,
00:08:07 a component number, so all these authors are part of the strongly connected component with
number 1.
00:08:14 Overall, we have found roughly 7,000 strongly connected components in our data,
00:08:21 and aggregating the size of those strongly connect components,
00:08:27 we, for example, found that component number 243 does contain 18 nodes.
00:08:38 What you can do with the built-in algorithm wrapped in the calculation scenario
00:08:47 is not only you can aggregate your data, but, of course, you can add joins to it.
00:08:53 That's something that I do here, so adding a little context information
00:08:58 to that result of the strongly connected components, simply adding the attributes of my Nodes
table, in this case.
00:09:08 What I of course can also do, I can now persist the relationship, or that strongly connected
component number,
00:09:17 back in my data table for exploration purposes. I will update my Nodes table, and I will simply
update it
00:09:25 with the results of my strongly connected component algorithm. I will write that component and
component size into my data.
00:09:36 From here, I can first of all recheck my... meta graph again.
00:09:48 Here it is - we are still dealing with papers, authors, and organizations.
00:09:54 From here, I can now use that component number in order to evaluate specific components,

00:10:03 for example, those 18 co-authors that belong to that strongly connected component with the
number 243.
00:10:12 Let's quickly select that, and look at that graph,
00:10:15 maybe add the name label to see who we're talking with. So from here, you see a couple of
00:10:23 which are all connected or reachable from each other by leveraging that co-author relationship.
00:10:34 The next thing I would like to show you is how you can use, again, the Database Explorer
00:10:42 in order to restore that, the Database Explorer to invoke a shortest path algorithm.
00:10:54 Again, I'm launching that previewing tool on my graph workspace. And okay, I'm doing the same
thing here again,
00:11:03 looking for that component number, 243, visualizing the very same graph also in Database
00:11:11 which we've already seen, and...
00:11:17 so laying it out in a little bit of a nicer way. And then the next thing that we can do,
00:11:25 also using the Database Explorer, is we can go to the algorithm menu,
00:11:30 selecting the shortest path algorithm, and now looking for the shortest path
00:11:35 between, in this case, two authors. The first one is my Fred Richardson,
00:11:40 and the second one is another author in my graph. I'm looking for the shortest path, which looks
at any direction,
00:11:48 and so this is a shortest path which I found in my graph, essentially connecting
00:11:54 Fred Richardson to Stanley Su. As for the last demo, I'm going back to HANA studio,
00:12:04 going back to calculation scenarios. We will create a calculation scenario for our neighborhood
00:12:11 It does provide some parameters or expose some parameters,
00:12:17 which we will use, so again creating that calculation scenario once.
00:12:22 Here is how I call my neighborhood search and then populate the parameters
00:12:27 that are part of that calculation scenario definition. First, I'm providing a start vertex,
00:12:34 so again, handing in the node ID of my Fred Richardson. I will traverse in any direction,
00:12:41 and I will look for neighborhoods which are reachable within 1 up to 10 hops.
00:12:47 Let's quickly launch that and look at the results. Not very surprisingly,
00:12:53 the hop 10 distance neighborhood of Fred Richardson does contain a couple of nodes,
00:12:59 And you will find organizations as well as authors in here,
00:13:03 depending on which edge you traversed. You can use the neighborhood
00:13:09 built-in algorithm also in an aggregation query. So what we will do here is now we will simply
00:13:15 by the depth, which is the number of hops, and simply count
00:13:22 the number of nodes which are reachable. You found from starting from Fred Richardson,
00:13:28 within three hops, I reach approximately 8,000 other nodes.
00:13:34 And even within hop 10, I still reach three new nodes here.
00:13:43 Finally, adding some join condition next to the aggregation, I'm still simply adding
00:13:50 additional node attributes to kind of visualize the results and aggregate the results.
00:13:57 In this case, I've just joined the node type, is it an author or an organization,
00:14:02 to kind of aggregate, calculate the number of nodes by type for each depth.
00:14:12 With that, back to the slides. We have seen a couple of those alternatives - Database Explorer
00:14:19 we used to invoke a shortest path algorithm. We have used the calculation scenarios
00:14:25 to use, for example, neighborhood search and do some aggregation and do some joins with it.
00:14:32 This kind of wraps up, from an architectural perspective, what we are seeing. So there are,
besides pattern matching,

00:14:38 those built-in algorithms, which are supported on top of a graph workspace, and we have seen
00:14:42 ways how to invoke those built-in algorithms, both from tooling as well as from SQL.
00:14:49 That concludes this unit. In the next unit, we will be then talking about GraphScript.
00:14:57 See you then.

Week 01 Unit 05

00:00:08 Welcome to Unit 5: GraphScript. GraphScript is our domain-specific language

00:00:16 for writing stored procedures. It is domain-specific in terms of
00:00:24 it helps you to implement custom graph algorithms directly in the database.
00:00:32 So, if you are familiar with SQLScript already, then GraphScript follows kind of a similar approach.
00:00:42 So, you use SQLScript, in SAP HANA, to implement stored procedures on relational data,
00:00:50 using relational operations and functions. So, GraphScript, on the other hand, of course,
00:00:57 is domain-specific, it's a domain-specific language that gives you an abstraction on that
00:01:03 property graph data model. So, GraphScript operates on graph workspaces,
00:01:09 and exposes graph-specific functions and algorithms in its language.
00:01:16 The important thing here to understand is really that you can integrate
00:01:22 SQLScript procedures and GraphScript procedures by, for example, calling out from a SQLScript
00:01:29 into a GraphScript procedure, doing some graph processing, and then adding, for example,
relational post- processing
00:01:37 to the results. So there is that integration piece,
00:01:41 which for us is really important to bridge the gap between the world of nodes and edges,
00:01:48 the graph, essentially, and the relational world.
00:01:53 Before we start looking at the most important concepts in the GraphScript language,
00:02:00 let's look at this motivational example here. So, there is that idea of an UBO,
00:02:08 an Ultimate Beneficial Owner, if you're looking at companies and their ownership.
00:02:15 So, imagine you have a graph, a network, of companies, and natural persons linked to those
00:02:23 You might have a relationship between those saying, okay, this person, number one,
00:02:28 owns 25% of that company A. So, an UBO, an ultimate beneficial owner,
00:02:37 is either a natural person, which owns more than 25% of a company directly,
00:02:46 or owns, or which controls another company which owns more than 25% of that company A.
00:02:56 So, those types of networks, types of relationships, can be quite complex, and you need to really
00:03:04 into those relationships in order to understand if after some traversals in your company graph
00:03:12 you will find a natural person which has, in the indirectly, more than 25%
00:03:18 of the company you're investigating. So, that is a good example of a reason,
00:03:28 or use case, why you're looking at a custom algorithm,
00:03:33 why you want to implement a custom application logic in the database. Because in the end, this is
quite hard to solve
00:03:40 using declarative languages like Cypher, openCypher, for example,
00:03:45 because you really need to evaluate some logical decisions while you're traversing the graph
00:03:52 So, in our example, you will find that person number one is, of course, an UBO,
00:03:58 because it controls, or owns, 75% of company But also that person two, down below, here,
00:04:07 in the end, controls a company which owns more than 25% of company A, so person number two
is also an UBO.
00:04:16 So these are the types of the problem classes that you might be facing in real-world scenarios,
00:04:23 where you don't find a generic, out-of-the-box graph algorithm of some type that solves the
00:04:31 but where you rather would like to implement your own application logic in a very performant, very
efficient way.
00:04:39 And our approach to that is GraphScript. So, one of the core differences

00:04:48 between GraphScript and, for example, SQLScript, or other languages for database-stored
00:04:55 in the relational world - one important differentiator is really the type system.
00:05:00 So, besides the primitive data types, being integer, or strings, and stuff like that,
00:05:06 GraphScript uses data types which are GRAPH, or VERTEX, or EDGE.
00:05:15 So rather graph-specific data types, here. And you see the core, most important types being listed
00:05:24 So, for example, you instantiate a GRAPH g by calling out that GRAPH function
00:05:30 and providing a schema and a graph workspace name. So then you have that data type GRAPH
instantiated in a variable "G".
00:05:38 In a similar way, you can call out the VERTEX function to identify a vertex, in this case with an
00:05:47 And for an edge, for example, you call out the EDGE function to instantiate an edge with an
identifier 1.
00:05:56 Then, there are collection data types, so there is MULTISET and there is SEQUENCE.
00:06:05 MULTISET is an unordered collection, SEQUENCE is an ordered collection
00:06:10 of either vertices, nodes, or edges. Other expressions or control structures
00:06:21 being used in GraphScript allow you to, for example, access the attributes
00:06:27 of a node or a vertex. Here, for example, you access the attribute
00:06:33 called WEIGHT of an edge. Then, just to pick one additional example,
00:06:40 there are loop statements, or conditional statements, so we have if-then-else constructs,
00:06:46 and we do support for-each and while loops. Besides the type system, there are of course
00:06:54 graph-specific functions that make up GraphScript. And some of them are depicted here.
00:07:01 For example, SUBGRAPH and INVERSEGRAPH allow you to instantiate a new graph from a
00:07:08 So, for example, SUBGRAPH lets you induce a new graph, for example, based on some filtered
00:07:17 out of an original graph. In my example here, I'm filtering the vertices
00:07:25 which are of color blue. And based on that subset of vertices,
00:07:30 I'm inducing that subgraph. In a similar way, you can create an INVERSEGRAPH
00:07:35 with reverse directions with regards to the edges, and there are built-in functions
00:07:42 in order to get to the source, or the target, of an edge. Other important built in-functions are
00:07:50 the NEIGHBORS function, which allows you to traverse from a given start vertex
00:08:00 up to a specified number of hops into the neighborhood, and collect the nodes being reachable
from there.
00:08:09 SHORTEST_PATH is a very important function. It allows you to invoke the shortest path
00:08:17 in a similar way that we have seen in the previous unit. So, you provide a source and a target
00:08:24 and in this case, it will evaluate the shortest in terms of hop distance.
00:08:30 The data type that's being created here is a WEIGHTEDPATH,
00:08:35 and WEIGHTEDPATH is a very central thing, especially as it relates to one of the core functions,
00:08:41 being SHORTEST_PATH. So, a WEIGHTEDPATH, of course, specifies a path,
00:08:47 and there are certain operations that you can invoke on a SHORTEST_PATH. You can extract or
project the nodes,
00:08:54 or the edges, that make up the path, or you can calculate the length,
00:09:00 which by default is the hop distance length of that SHORTEST_PATH, or that weight of the path,
in case you
00:09:07 use a custom weight function to calculate the distance, calculate the shortest path.

00:09:16 Some additional information on the collection data types here on the multisets.
00:09:22 Of course, yeah, you can run set operations on those collections,
00:09:26 on those multisets, essentially running a union or intersect of two multisets,
00:09:33 you can count the elements in that collection and you can call a distinct function on them.
00:09:41 In a similar way, on the sequence collection, you can do set operations in terms of
00:09:48 you can do a concatenation of two ordered collections, of two sequences.
00:09:57 And there is one important thing to notice. GraphScript procedures are read-only by default.
00:10:04 However, in certain algorithms, of course, if you're traversing the graph, and you're calculating
00:10:12 attributes, some properties for the nodes or the edges, you need to store that data.
00:10:19 And for that, we are introducing temporal attributes. In terms of, when you instantiate a graph,
00:10:25 you can add temporal attributes to that graph, and you can write to these temporal attributes,
00:10:32 and in the end, at the end of that GraphScript procedure, of course, project, use a projection
00:10:38 to kind of create the results that the graph algorithm outputs.
00:10:43 And of course, those temporal attributes can be included in a projection, can be included in a
results definition.
00:10:53 And then there is a very important operator. That is the traversal operator,
00:10:59 which gives you a nice, efficient way to traverse the graph in a breadth-first manner.
00:11:07 So, while invoking that operation, you start from a specific vertex,
00:11:12 and you can now implement so-called hooks, that means custom functions,
00:11:18 while visiting either a vertex or an edge. So, in this very simple case,
00:11:25 I'm writing to a temporal attribute in both the edges as well as the vertices.
00:11:31 Whenever I visit a vertex or an edge, I'll have that level information simply store it
00:11:37 to that temporal attribute. So, TRAVERSE BFS, I'll traverse in a breadth- first manner,
00:11:44 that is a very nice, very interesting way to do graph traversals.
00:11:51 With that, let's switch to some demo examples. So, again, I'm going back to my citation graph,
00:12:01 which, by now, has some additional stuff in there. So just to remind you, we have organizations,
00:12:10 we have papers, and we have authors in our nodes. Within our edges table, we do have different
00:12:18 So, we have the edges that make up the citation graph, we have the relationship from the paper
to the author,
00:12:24 we have that co-author relationship, and we have the relationship that relates an author
00:12:31 to an organization. So now let's look at some basic examples here.
00:12:38 First of all, we will be doing some neighborhood traversal in GraphScript. So, you create that
GraphScript procedure,
00:12:45 providing input parameters and output parameters. In my case, as I'm doing a neighborhood
traversal here,
00:12:52 my input parameter is a start vertex, represented by the identifier.
00:12:57 Then two input parameters that control the depth, so the hop distance from a minimum to a
maximum level.
00:13:04 And finally, I'm using a table type in HANA to define the output structure.
00:13:10 So now, the important keyword here, when defining that procedure,
00:13:13 is language graph. So that's our indication that GraphScript,
00:13:20 the graph language, is being used in that procedure. So, the procedure itself is very simple.
00:13:26 I'm instantiating my graph, referring to a schema and a workspace name.
00:13:31 Then, I'm instantiating a vertex by using that input parameter that is an identifier.
00:13:40 Then I'm creating a multiset by simply calling the neighbors function.

00:13:45 And now the neighbors function operates, of course, within a graph. It starts with a start vertex,
00:13:50 and then it has a minimum and maximum depth it traverses to. Finally, I'm simply using a
00:13:57 to kind of create the result set here. And that's the end of the procedure.
00:14:03 So let's simply create that one. And the way you call out to procedures in HANA
00:14:08 is by that CALL statement. So I'm calling the procedure I've just created,
00:14:12 I'm starting from Fred Richardson, and I'm reaching in to its neighborhood,
00:14:16 and I'm interested only in the hop distance three. So I'm reaching from three to three.
00:14:22 And this is the result set in terms of, these are, for example, authors that are reachable from Fred
00:14:30 within three hops of distance. Now, calling out to a GraphScript procedure
00:14:36 via that call statement is of course one option. In order to have a nicer way of SQL consumption,
00:14:45 you can wrap that GraphScript procedure in a SQLScript procedure.
00:14:49 For example, in order to create a table function. That's essentially what we do here.
00:14:57 So, we create a function, and we are using GraphScript as a language here,
00:15:03 and we are simply calling out to our neighborhood GraphScript algorithm, which we have seen
00:15:09 And we simply return its result. And with that, you can use a simple SQL SELECT statement
00:15:15 to select from that table function. So let's quickly do that.
00:15:19 Creating that table function and using a SQL select to kind of call out to that wrapping SQLScript
00:15:28 and return the very same result that we have seen previously. So what that allows you to do is to,
for example,
00:15:37 add some post-processing analysis directly in SQL.
00:15:44 So, given the scenario, okay, I'm interested in Fred, I'm interested in its neighborhood,
00:15:52 especially in the organizations he is directly or indirectly related to.
00:15:58 I'm interested in the spatial extent of all the organizations.
00:16:02 And in order to evaluate this spatial extent, I can use the spatial functions.
00:16:06 Here, for example, I'm calculating the concave of all the neighbors of Fred that are reachable
00:16:17 within 10 hops of distance. So, I'm calling out to the table function here,
00:16:23 and I'm doing some post-processing by doing the concave hull aggregation function.
00:16:28 So, what that query now returns, it runs the neighborhood algorithm,
00:16:33 it calculates the concave hull. It translates the results into a format
00:16:40 which is called GeoJSON. And one can visualize those results,
00:16:46 and what you see here on that base map is essentially a concave hull
00:16:51 which is calculated based on the geolocations of the organizations that Fred is related to
00:17:00 within up to 10 hops of distance. So this is a kind of a post-processing logic
00:17:05 that you can add to GraphScript algorithms. So let's take a look at the next example,
00:17:18 and that is how you use the SHORTEST_PATH function in GraphScript. So, here, that procedure
takes in a start and a target vertex,
00:17:29 essentially the nodes where we want to calculate the shortest path. And what this returns is the
length of the path,
00:17:35 as well as the nodes and the edges that make up the path. So what we are doing, in a very
similar way,
00:17:42 is we are instantiating a graph here. In this case, we are just looking at the co-author graph.
00:17:50 So just looking at authors and their co-author relationships.
00:17:54 We instantiate the source and the target, or the start and the target vertex,
00:17:59 and then we are calling out the shortest path function, and storing the results in a weighted path
data type.

00:18:06 On that weighted path p, we calculate the length. And in the end, we're also projecting
00:18:12 the nodes and the edges out of that weighted path. So let's quickly instantiate that procedure,
00:18:23 and call it via the CALL function. So what that gives me is a result which depicts the length of the
00:18:31 So, there are seven hops between that source and that target vertex, here.
00:18:37 This is essentially the nodes that make up the path, with their ordinality.
00:18:44 So there is a relation from Fred, to Francis, and so on, until I finally reach this author down here.
00:18:50 And in a similar way, representing the very same path, I do have the edges information.
00:18:58 So there is a co-author relationship from this source to this target, and so on,
00:19:03 again, with ordinality information. So this essentially extracts the complete path
00:19:08 out of the shortest path algorithm here. In a similar way, that GraphScript procedure
00:19:13 can be wrapped, again, in a SQLScript procedure, as, for example, a table function,
00:19:18 exposing the edges, we can do some post- processing, some aggregation, where you can join
00:19:25 that resides out of your graph workspace. So now, I've just invoked the shortest path algorithm
00:19:33 using the default distance, which is hop distance. So, what shortest path also allows you to do
00:19:40 is to calculate distance based on a custom weight attribute. And in my case, I will use as a
custom weight attribute
00:19:47 the number of collaborations within my author graph. So, remember that two authors collaborate
on several papers,
00:19:56 so I have that count information. And I'm simply using one divided by that count
00:20:02 as a kind of weight function, as kind of a distance. So the more papers two authors collaborated
00:20:08 the closer those two authors are. So, for that, I'm creating a very similar procedure,
00:20:18 again, handing in a start and target. But in this case, I'm creating a weighted path.
00:20:26 And what I do over here is, I'm calling out to a specific edge function,
00:20:33 which calculates by that formula down here, one divided by the count,
00:20:39 which is the number of collaborations, and uses that as weight attribute to calculate the distance.
00:20:45 So in this case, I'm not calling out the length function to evaluate the hop distance,
00:20:52 I'm calling out the weight function on that weighted path, which gives me the sum of the weights
over that path.
00:20:58 So that's the basic difference here. So let's also create that procedure,
00:21:08 and then kind of compare that results. So that was the GraphScript procedure
00:21:12 calculating shortest path on hop distance. And that is the procedure that we just created
00:21:17 using one divided by count as the distance function. So let's quickly look at the results.
00:21:26 So, what you notice here, based on hop distance, I do have five hops
00:21:32 in that path, calculated by hop distance, whereas when I use that custom weight function,
00:21:39 I do have one additional hop. What you would realize is that the count,
00:21:44 the strength of the collaboration, is greater in that path being evaluated here
00:21:51 by using that custom weight function. So two different shortest paths,
00:21:55 one depending on hop distance, one depending on a custom weight function.
00:22:02 So, one nice thing that you can do is, for example, expose the SHORTEST_PATH function
00:22:08 as a scalar, user-defined function. So what I'm doing is I'm simply creating that GraphScript
00:22:17 and wrapping that in a scalar, user-defined function, simply returning, basically,
00:22:26 the length of the shortest path, given two vertices. So, let's wrap that, or create that SQLScript
function here.
00:22:36 And what that allows you to do is to use that scalar UDF in a SELECT statement.

00:22:43 So, just like we see here, where I calculate the shortest path between two nodes,
00:22:48 and I'm just returning the hop distance as a simple scalar. So, having that function implemented,
00:22:55 you could think about calculating the pairwise distance of two sets of nodes.
00:23:03 So, for example, I've made up two artificial, let's say, communities.
00:23:08 There are the authors called Fred, and there are the authors called Franz.
00:23:15 And I'm calculating the pairwise distance in order to understand what is the greatest distance
00:23:23 between all the Freds and the Franks in my graph. So, this is by calling out to that scalar function,
00:23:32 and handing in two sets of nodes, which I pairwise then run the scalar UDF.
00:23:38 And what we see here, for example, there is a Fred Goodman which is six hops away from that
Franz Beil.
00:23:45 So that is longest path which you can find between the Franzes and the Freds.
00:23:56 So, as a last example, let's take a look at that traverse BFS operator.
00:24:02 So, what I'm doing here is, again, I'm looking at my citation graph here,
00:24:07 I'm adding a temporary attribute on my vertices which I can write to.
00:24:13 And what I will store in that temporary attribute is simply the level
00:24:18 on which I traversed or found that vertex. So, I'm starting from the given start vertex
00:24:26 and calling the traverse BFS operator on that graph, starting from that vertex.
00:24:31 And I'm simply saying, okay, upon each vertex being visited,
00:24:37 write that level information into that temporary attribute. So pretty straightforward.
00:24:42 And finally, I'm projecting that result. So let's create that procedure, and I'm giving it a call.
00:24:53 So what you expect here is that, given that start vertex down here,
00:24:59 I'm visiting after one hop, so level number one, I'm seeing that other paper in my citation graph.
00:25:08 And similar to the other papers, that is, the information that we see here is,
00:25:14 at which level have I seen that graph in my citation graph... that paper in my citation graph.
00:25:21 So, in that previous unit, I mentioned that there are not a lot of built-in functions, currently, in SAP
HANA Graph.
00:25:31 And one reason for this is that in the examples and the use cases we have been discussing
00:25:38 with our customers and internal stakeholders, we see a lot of use cases
00:25:43 that require very, very specific application logic being implemented.
00:25:49 So, we concentrated on GraphScript as our strategic approach here.
00:25:55 And this example shows you how you can implement, for example, standard, general graph
00:26:02 In this example, PageRank using GraphScript as a language. So, PageRank is a recursive
00:26:12 that kind of identifies important nodes. And the important nodes, for example,
00:26:16 in a Web graph, where we have Web pages referring to each other via hyperlinks,
00:26:21 you are assigning a certain stored weight to these pages, and then you're distributing that weight
in a proportional way
00:26:29 along the number of outgoing edges from one page to another.
00:26:34 And you're calling that in a recursive manner, then adding a stop condition,
00:26:38 or a convergence condition here. So, this is how PageRank may look,
00:26:45 being implemented in GraphScript. What I'm doing here is, I'm grabbing a graph,
00:26:51 I'm adding two temporary attributes to store the PageRank and the outDegree.
00:26:56 And as a kind of initialization, I'm simply calculating the outDegree for each
00:27:04 that I have in the graph. And then I'm doing in a while loop,
00:27:08 essentially, from each node, I'm reaching out to its direct neighbors,
00:27:13 and looking for the weights that are then attached to those direct neighbors, and then propagating

00:27:20 to my stored node where I came from. I'm doing that for every node,
00:27:23 I'm doing that in an iterative way, so the weight kind of propagates through that graph.
00:27:29 So this is essentially one example of how you could implement general graph algorithms,
00:27:35 which we do not offer out of the box, by simply using SQLScript...
00:27:41 GraphScript, I'm sorry. So this, for example, this PageRank algorithm
00:27:45 provides that information in terms of, for each node, I have PageRank assigned to it.
00:27:51 And in this case, the results table has been sorted in descending order.
00:27:56 So I see that this paper A88 is very prominent, because it's being cited by a lot of other important
00:28:10 So back to the slides for a second. Returning to our motivational example
00:28:16 of calculating the ultimate beneficial owners of a company. Here you see a sample
implementation using GraphScript.
00:28:25 Essentially, where you have logical conditions depending on which level in your traversal you are.
00:28:31 So if there is a person which is directly owning a certain amount, a certain percentage of a
00:28:39 or if you have, in a lower... a hop... or further away from that company A,
00:28:47 you have a natural person where you need to sum up the owning percentages in order to
understand if
00:28:52 this is an UBO or not. So as a last thing, I again want to point out
00:28:58 that integration between SQLScript, the relational world, and GraphScript, the graphy world,
00:29:05 is very important for us. So we have seen that example of spatial post- processing,
00:29:10 where I created a concave hull based on all the reachable organizations
00:29:14 and their geolocations. So this is a very important integration
00:29:18 that allows you, really, to call out from an orchestrating, overarching,
00:29:24 or pre-processing, post-processing kind of SQLScript procedure, into a GraphScript procedure,
00:29:30 doing some recursive operations like neighborhood traversal, shortest path calculation,
00:29:35 and then doing post-processing in SQLScript again, and here, for example, calculating the
pairwise distance
00:29:43 between all the UBOs that I've calculated using GraphScript. So, that concludes this unit on
00:29:54 In the next unit, we will be talking about hierarchies in SAP HANA.

Week 01 Unit 06

00:00:08 Welcome to Unit 6: SAP HANA Hierarchies. So we're talking about connected data
00:00:16 and for the demo data that we have been using so far, so citation graph and ortho graph,
00:00:23 we have that general directed graph structure. Sometimes your data is connected,
00:00:31 but it forms kind of a tree-like structure. So think about an organizational hierarchy
00:00:38 that, in most cases, is pretty much a very well-formed tree. So a tree is a kind of special graph.
00:00:47 And as it has some really dedicated use cases for tree-like data structures,
00:00:55 like organizational hierarchies, there is a specific SQL syntax for handling
00:01:03 hierarchical data, handling tree-like data. So you might ask yourself: In the end, if hierarchies
00:01:11 are just a specific type of graph, why are there two, kind of, distinct approaches?
00:01:17 And I mean, from a conceptual point of view, there are really, yeah, some differences in terms of
00:01:26 how the data is stored, essentially. In a tree or in an organizational hierarchy,
00:01:33 you essentially have just one semantic with the types of the edges.
00:01:38 So for example, a parent-child semantic, a parent-child relationship, simply saying,
00:01:43 okay, an employee is connected to its boss. So the boss is the kind of parent of that employee.
00:01:53 There is also the approach in SAP HANA hierarchies to kind of support ad hoc queries, ad hoc
00:02:03 of that tree-like data structure of these hierarchies. So as opposed to the graph engine in graph,
00:02:10 where we really need to create a graph workspace in order to expose the data to the graph
00:02:16 And with regards to navigation functions or traversals, there is a limited important set of functions
00:02:24 that you invoke in hierarchies, essentially doing some ascendance
00:02:28 or descendance traversals and stuff like that. So there is a gray line or a fine line
00:02:37 between those two and there might be use cases that can be solved in either approach, either
00:02:44 the HANA graph engine or the hierarchies function. If you think in general, if you have
00:02:51 a tree-like data structure, that's more of a hierarchy, if you have a general graph, it's more for the
graph engine.
00:02:57 That might be a very good first differentiator here. So again, as a motivating example,
00:03:06 if you're thinking about an organizational hierarchy, common questions that you can answer
00:03:10 with the hierarchy functions in SAP HANA are, for example: Which employees are reporting to a
specific manager?
00:03:19 Or if you have two employees: Which manager do they have in common?
00:03:25 Or then in the end, if we're talking about aggregation functions on these hierarchies,
00:03:30 think about financial transactions being recorded on a group level.
00:03:41 Yeah, on a group level, essentially. And at a higher level within that organization,
00:03:45 you ask yourself: Do I have money or don't I have money? So it is about aggregating certain
numeric figures
00:03:56 that are attached to the nodes in the hierarchy up to a certain level in that hierarchy.
00:04:02 So in general, hierarchies are supported via a SQL interface in HANA.
00:04:09 And that SQL interface essentially gives you functions to generate a hierarchy.
00:04:16 For example a parent-child hierarchy but also a leveled hierarchy, a temporal hierarchy are
00:04:22 And there are functions that let you navigate a hierarchy. So in this case we are looking for
00:04:29 ancestors, and siblings, and in a very similar way, where the notion of aggregation
00:04:36 while looking at the descendants here. So there's the generation and there is

00:04:40 that navigation port in the hierarchies. Let's look at this example of a parent-child hierarchy.
00:04:48 So this is a way how you could think of it in a tree-like structure.
00:04:53 You can generate that hierarchy, base the data that is depicted here in that table.
00:04:59 So you have a PARENT_ID and a NODE_ID column, and you simply tell the hierarchy generation
00:05:08 where that parent is, where that node is. And then internally that hierarchy is created.
00:05:13 It's generated ad hoc and exposed for navigation functions. So before we continue with the slides,
00:05:24 let's see the demo for that. So I tried to stick to that AAN dataset
00:05:31 that I used throughout the demos, so there is a kind of topic hierarchy that is also exposed in the
00:05:41 It is a categorization of the papers in terms of the topics they cover.
00:05:47 So what we see in the topics of that AAN dataset is that there is a high-level node called
Introduction and Linguistics.
00:05:58 It has a node ID 1. And down here I have the next level
00:06:02 in that parent-child relationship. So for example, Introduction to NLP,
00:06:07 where the parent ID is essentially that Introduction and Linguistics node that we have already
00:06:13 So this is a parent-child hierarchy in that category data. So in order to generate a hierarchy,
00:06:23 I'm calling out to that table function called HIERARCHY. And what this takes as a minimum is the
source definition.
00:06:30 So I'm simply pointing to the parent ID and the node ID of the table that we have just seen.
00:06:36 And then, you need to provide an order criterion on how the siblings are ordered in order
00:06:43 to generate consistent results later on. So let's simply call out to the function
00:06:49 and generate that hierarchy on the fly. So what you see here is, of course,
00:06:53 that there are certain columns of my source data, of the source table being reflected here.
00:06:59 So we understand Natural Language Processing being one of the nodes here.
00:07:03 And what you see on the left-hand side are the attributes that are generated by that hierarchy
generation function.
00:07:10 So for example, we see a generated attribute for the hierarchy tree size.
00:07:16 So underneath that node, node ID zero, there are 273 descendants.
00:07:23 It is on level one, it is not a cycle, it's not an orphan. So these are generated attributes that you
can leverage
00:07:31 later on for your hierarchy navigation functions. So the one thing that you might want to do
00:07:44 with your hierarchy definition, if you want to reuse it in order to, kind of, persist the definition,
00:07:52 you can wrap that hierarchy generation in a view. So that's what I'm doing here.
00:07:57 I'm simply creating a view and I'm creating it as AS SELECT * FROM that hierarchy function
00:08:03 that we've already seen. And by wrapping it into a view,
00:08:06 it also allows me to define caching behavior. So if you have a hierarchy where the data
00:08:13 doesn't frequently change, you can very much benefit from caching mechanisms, but there are
also ways to deal
00:08:19 with rather frequently changing data in your hierarchy. So let's simply create that view and simply
do a call out
00:08:27 to that view, which kind of gives me, of course, this same data that we already have seen
00:08:33 while ad hoc creating that hierarchy without a view. So now, once I have created that view,
00:08:43 which encapsulates the hierarchy generation, I can call the hierarchy navigation function.
00:08:49 In this case, I'm calling out the hierarchy descendants. Then I'm saying, okay, start at node ID 3
00:08:55 and give me the descendants up to a distance from 1. So invoking that function returns all the
00:09:06 that are underneath node number 3. So for example, Lexical Semantics has the node ID 31,

00:09:14 and it is a child of the node ID number 3. So these are the kind of results that you get
00:09:21 when calling two navigation functions. In addition to the attributes that we see here
00:09:26 on the left-hand side that we already know, we have hierarchy distance information,
00:09:32 so how far away I am from the start node, and what the rank of the start node is
00:09:37 in a pre-order ranking definition. In a similar way, calling out to hierarchy ancestors
00:09:45 in order to calculate the ancestors of a given node. So I'm starting with node ID 744 and I'm going
00:09:53 in the hierarchy until I reach, in this case, the root node being Natural Language Processing.
00:10:06 Then in a similar way, of course, you can call out to the hierarchy siblings, so on the same level,
00:10:11 the nodes which are on the same level as the start node, nothing surprising here.
00:10:16 And as a final example, the aggregation function. So I've attached some arbitrary numeric data
00:10:25 to my topic hierarchy by simply counting the papers that, kind of, share the same ID or a part of
the ID.
00:10:40 So I'm simply taking the topic information and joining my papers data in my nodes table
00:10:47 and simply counting the papers. That is a workaround because I didn't have
00:10:52 the direct relationship between the topics and the papers. It was not in the original data.
00:10:56 So I'm just making up my own numerics here. So what you do with
00:11:02 you start, for example, providing the nodes you are interested in, for example,
00:11:08 those ones with a level smaller than or equal to 3, and you are aggregating the count in terms of
00:11:15 you're counting the number of papers here, which are attached to the nodes or their descendants.
00:11:20 So this is a pretty efficient way to do calculations and aggregating in a hierarchical manner.
00:11:29 So for example, you will find that attached to this node, Introductions to NLP, I in the end have
over 3,000 documents
00:11:37 that are attached to that topic, again, using my crude regex type of join condition here.
00:11:45 So this is a very powerful way, if you have numeric data on your nodes level in your hierarchy, but
you need to run
00:11:52 certain aggregations on the ancestor level, so to speak. So with that, going back to the slides,
00:12:04 this is basically, again, for your reference, here the hierarchy generation function.
00:12:10 These are the generated hierarchy attributes that we have seen, so for example,
00:12:14 the tree size for each node in that hierarchy. Here are, for your reference, the syntax elements
00:12:23 that you can use in hierarchy generation. So there are ways to deal with not exactly
00:12:31 tree-like data structures, where you have multiple parents, where you have cycles, where you
have also orphans.
00:12:37 So there are ways to kind of deal with these situations and still use the hierarchy functions.
00:12:44 This is how you wrap the hierarchy generation in a view for reusing that hierarchy definition.
00:12:53 This is what you get by calling HIERARCHY_DESCENDENTS. So starting from node B2,
00:12:58 I'm reaching out to all the descendants. This is the output structure when calling the descendants.
00:13:04 We have seen the distance-to and the rank attribute that are based on the start node in that result
00:13:11 Then we have the hierarchy ancestors. We're starting from node C4;
00:13:16 you evaluate all the ancestors here. And finally, in a similar way,
00:13:20 this is how you calculate the siblings. So starting from node C4, you understand the sibling here.
00:13:27 And finally, this is a visualization of what you do with the hierarchy aggregation functions.
00:13:33 So depending on the definition and your output result, you are doing an aggregation of numeric
00:13:41 on all the descendants, on specific nodes or nodes level. And with that, that's all that I would like
to tell you

00:13:51 about SAP hierarchy functions, the SQL syntax you use for navigating hierarchies and generating
00:13:59 Again, it's a specific form of a graph. It might come in very handy if you really deal
00:14:05 with these tree-like structures. So that concludes this unit.
00:14:12 In the next unit, we will be looking at how you can leverage full text search and additional
00:14:20 spatial capabilities in combination with graph. Thanks.

Week 01 Unit 07

00:00:07 Welcome to the last unit of this course. We will be looking a little beyond Graph, again,
00:00:14 into the area of spatial and full-text search. We have supported spatial analysis,
00:00:24 spatial data types for a while in SAP HANA. In essence, this is about 2D, 3D vector data types
00:00:34 that allow you to store things like points, and lines, and polygons natively in SAP HANA.
00:00:42 There is a set of functions and algorithms that you can use where that spatial data
00:00:48 representing customer locations, highways, or sales areas and stuff like that,
00:00:54 that, for example, lets you evaluate if a point is within a given polygon.
00:01:01 Besides those core technical capabilities of data types and functions,
00:01:06 SAP HANA also supports or comes with content and services. For example, there is a way to do
00:01:16 natively in SAP HANA that allows you to turn address information,
00:01:22 so postcode, city, street, house number, into a geolocation.
00:01:28 Essentially a latitude-longitude coordinate. Besides geocoding, there is content
00:01:36 which you can download if you have an SAP HANA license, and that, for example, gives you
00:01:44 to generalized administration boundaries and postcode areas which you can use
00:01:50 in your spatial analysis. What we and our customers are doing
00:01:56 with the spatial capabilities in HANA is a lot related to emergency response,
00:02:03 disaster recovery kind of use cases where we try to understand, for example,
00:02:08 the impact of a wildfire, where we try to coordinate resources,
00:02:13 so your fire workers, police, other rescue workers, to optimally support and provide relief in those
00:02:24 Looking at some of the functions or predicates that are supported,
00:02:30 I already mentioned ST_Within as a way to evaluate if a point is within a given polygon.
00:02:38 Just to give you some more examples, there is that Touches predicate,
00:02:42 which allows you to understand if, for example, a highway touches a natural reserve area,
00:02:48 something like that, or in order to understand if two polygons essentially overlap.
00:02:54 The spatial predicates can be used to filter your data, but also to join your data,
00:03:01 for example, to join your customer data, which is geocoded with your sales areas, something like
00:03:08 Of course, those spatial functions can be used to evaluate the output of a graph algorithm,
00:03:18 or can be used to create new data for your graph. For example, you could use spatial functions
00:03:27 that let you calculate distance in order to create new edges,
00:03:31 for example, persons who live nearby, something like that. As for the presentation, there are
some spatial functions
00:03:44 that allow you to calculate bounding geometry on a set of points.
00:03:52 In a previous example, I already used concave hull in order to understand the spatial reach of
Fred Richardson.
00:04:00 There are a couple of other spatial methods to calculate geometries out of given ones.
00:04:10 One that is quite often used, for example, is to calculate the envelope
00:04:15 in order to understand, from a UI perspective, to which level do I need to zoom in,
00:04:21 zoom out my base map in order to plot a subgraph on that base map?
00:04:28 For example, a subgraph could be one that describes a part of a utility grid network.
00:04:39 Think about an electricity grid. As a matter of fact, we have run POC in the past
00:04:44 with a Dutch electricity company where it was about evaluating potential outage scenarios.
00:04:51 There is a transformer going down, and the sub-net is experiencing an outage.

00:04:58 That is essentially a graph algorithm that traverses the top graph,
00:05:03 and evaluates the top graph. In the end, you're using spatial information
00:05:08 assigned to those assets in order to calculate essentially the bounding shape,
00:05:13 the area where you need to zoom to in order to display that potential outage.
00:05:21 Let's take a look at another quick example on how you could use spatial predicates,
00:05:28 in this case, to generate new data. The idea that I had was,
00:05:33 I have those organizations in my graph, so essentially university, and they carry
00:05:39 a geolocation, a geotag. What I want to create is a new edge type,
00:05:46 a new graph, essentially, that is only based on spatial proximity.
00:05:53 What I'm doing is, first of all, I'm creating a view which gives me
00:06:00 all my nodes of type organization. That's what I'm doing on here.
00:06:05 Then I'm creating a new edge type in my Edges where I'm using the ST_WITHINDISTANCE
00:06:14 in order to evaluate if a university is within one kilometer of distance
00:06:20 to another university, and if so, I'm creating a new edge in my data.
00:06:26 Essentially, I'm giving it the semantics or the type isCloseBy.
00:06:32 I'm using spatial functionality to create new types of data.
00:06:38 Let me create a workspace on that new data. What that, in the end, does, is
00:06:45 give me a way to analyze my graph in a spatial way.
00:06:55 What I'm doing here is, again, I'm currently using the graph viewer
00:06:59 on that workspace I just created, and searching for Boston just to pick a start node.
00:07:05 I'm picking the Teragram Corporation, which is in Boston, and once I have that node
00:07:10 in my graph viewer, I'm using a custom extension to lay it out in a geospatial way.
00:07:17 I'm picking that location attribute in my graph data to plot that Teragram Corporation on a graph.
00:07:25 Now, I'm using the isCloseBy relationship in order to explore the neighborhood
00:07:32 in its true spatial sense. This evaluates me the neighbors
00:07:35 that are within one kilometer of distance, and plots it on a map.
00:07:39 In a similar way, from there, I can extend my neighborhood reach into the next level,
00:07:45 again using the calculated isCloseBy data, which is being calculated by using
00:07:57 Now that, I hope, is somehow helpful on giving you some ideas in how you can combine,
00:08:07 let's say, spatial data, spatial processing, and graph processing, to some extent.
00:08:13 Next, let's take a brief look at the capabilities of SAP HANA
00:08:18 which are related to natural language text. In essence, we support full-text search,
00:08:23 and we have already seen a glimpse of it. There are, then, the capabilities
00:08:29 of running text analysis natively in the database. Text analysis gives you, in some form,
00:08:34 a way, for example, to extract salient information like named entities out of natural language text.
00:08:41 Things like organizations, or persons, or currencies, or date information.
00:08:47 Last but not least, there is the text-mining engine that is part of the SAP HANA platform.
00:08:54 That allows you, for example, to understand the similarity of documents
00:08:59 in terms of their content. You can use the text-mining engine,
00:09:03 if you have a given document at hand, to understand which documents are similar.
00:09:08 With regards to full-text search, we support natively a wide variety of languages,
00:09:15 and also binary file formats like PDF documents, or Microsoft Office documents.
00:09:24 What sets us apart in our approach to handle search in HANA is our approach to modeling.
00:09:33 If you're coming from the area of business intelligence or analytics,

00:09:38 you are, of course, very familiar with creating OLAP cubes, creating star schemas,
00:09:43 creating calculation views of some type that feed into an analytical client,
00:09:49 or provide a data model to an analytical client. In a very similar way, we are approaching search
00:09:56 by providing modeling capabilities that allow you to define the structure
00:10:01 of your search data, for example, using your paper information, title and abstract,
00:10:07 and your author master data joining it together. And then, on top, add annotations
00:10:12 that control the search behavior of that model. That model is a pure logical one,
00:10:19 so whenever you change that model, for example, including an additional table,
00:10:25 exposing an additional column for search purposes, it's just a change to a virtual model,
00:10:30 so there is no need to re-index your data or whatever. We support an approach to use SQL
00:10:38 and the Contains predicate for full-text search, but there is also a higher-level approach
00:10:43 to add using or exposing a built-in procedure called ESH_Search which exposes
00:10:51 a higher-level search API. What we see here depicted on the screen
00:10:58 also is our out-of-the-box search UI, which uses SAPUI5, which is our HTML5 UI framework.
00:11:09 That comes along with SAP HANA, and is a generic user interface
00:11:13 for search purposes that you can use out of the Quick look at the distinction between
00:11:22 plain vanilla search and our enterprise search stack. Again, I already mentioned,
00:11:26 if you create a full text index on a table, on a table column, you can use the SQL_Contains
00:11:33 to run a full-text search on a table column or set of columns in a table.
00:11:38 Then there is that enterprise search stack which, on top of that, gives you a way
00:11:44 to create models using SQL views to define the structure of your search model,
00:11:50 for example, joining your papers and your author data, and then adding search-specific
annotations on top of that,
00:11:57 for example, controlling which columns contribute to a relevance ranking,
00:12:01 which columns should be searched in in very specific error-tolerant or fuzzy way,
00:12:06 and which columns should go in which area of the UI, so for example,
00:12:11 which column is the title of a paper, and which other columns should be rendered as a facet.
00:12:16 Finally, there is that out-of-the-box search UI which I've just shown you.
00:12:22 How does that relate to Graph? In most cases, one of the first things
00:12:31 a user does while diving into a graph and exploring a graph in an interactive way
00:12:38 is picking a start node, or a set of start nodes. That is usually facilitated
00:12:43 by using full-text search capabilities. Remember me typing in Boston
00:12:47 in order to select the Teragram Corporation as a starting point for my previous demo?
00:12:53 Search is a very integral part of user interaction that, in the end, might focus on Graph.
00:13:02 The search modeling, the search capabilities in are an integral part.
00:13:08 It's an in-database search engine. Once you have your graph data already persisted,
00:13:14 for example, in a nodes table, there is no need to replicate the data
00:13:19 to, for example, an Elasticsearch, or a Lucene Solr system, or something like that.
00:13:24 You can leverage the full-text search capabilities that are built in HANA.
00:13:31 In that architecture diagram, you see here that, on your primary persistency nodes and edges,
00:13:37 it's a quite easy, straightforward way to provide a search model, for example,
00:13:41 on top of your nodes data, and leverage either the search API
00:13:45 or the out-of-the-box search UI in order to search and identify your data
00:13:51 where it resides in your nodes table. With that also, let's change to a quick demo here.
00:14:02 Just to recap, we have, of course, our nodes table, we have in a previous tab

00:14:09 already created a full-text index, a plain vanilla full-text index
00:14:14 on the name column, which contains the titles, or the author names, or the organization names.
00:14:20 What you need to do as a first step to search-enable that is,
00:14:24 you need to create a view on that nodes data. That can be a very simple projection,
00:14:30 or a quite complex one. Here, I'm exposing, for example,
00:14:33 the geolocation as a GeoJSON. Let me quickly create that view.
00:14:38 It's just a view on top of our nodes data. Let's see what's in that view.
00:14:44 I'm just projecting the ID, the name, the type, and the year, and the geolocation
00:14:50 in case there is one. That's, let's say, the structural search model
00:14:55 that I'm working with. One way to add search-specific annotations
00:14:59 to do search modeling on that structure is by using the built-in function ESH_Config.
00:15:08 It takes a CDS, core data services-like syntax to annotate that data structure.
00:15:14 For example, I'm creating a search model on top of that view that I just created.
00:15:21 Next, I'm saying, okay, there is a column called Name, and it should be the default search
00:15:27 and it should go into some UI area specifically. Then, for type, for example,
00:15:34 I'm saying, okay, it should be rendered as a facet. That means, in my search result,
00:15:38 the values in the Type column will be aggregated, and a count will be calculated.
00:15:44 This is the core idea of building a search model. Let me quickly run that.
00:15:55 We now created that search model. Empty response means that the search model
00:15:59 has been created successfully. With that, you can leverage the out-of-the-box search UI.
00:16:04 This is it. I've run a search for "hub and spoke"
00:16:07 and found my Hub and Spoke Paradigm paper. If you are searching for "spoke", for example,
00:16:13 you will find a lot more. Here, you see that we are using fuzzy search capabilities,
00:16:18 because I also found "spoken" in there. For sure, I find my Fred Richardson here.
00:16:29 It should be somewhere down here. Here is Fred Richardson.
00:16:32 Finally, I can search for "boston" in order to understand which organizations
00:16:38 contain the keyword Boston. Let me filter in that facet by that organization.
00:16:45 From here, you can then also switch to an alternative display mode,
00:16:49 bringing the search results on a map because my organizations carry a geolocation tag.
00:17:01 The search capabilities in HANA offer you a very nice, very integrated way
00:17:08 to index and expose your graph data for full-text search purposes.
00:17:14 That allows you to create custom applications that really jump back and forth
00:17:19 between graph processing, interactive exploration, and full-text search in order to understand
00:17:26 and explore your data. Quickly on text analysis, again,
00:17:32 it's very much about extracting salient information from text,
00:17:35 so think about entities like persons or organizations. SAP HANA provides some additional
00:17:43 so there is plain vanilla linguistic analysis which gives you word stems
00:17:47 and part of speech tags assigned to it. There is a very sophisticated configuration
00:17:53 for English language which lets you evaluate the grammatical role,
00:17:59 essentially gives you subject, predicate, object triples extracted out of natural language text.
00:18:05 Think about a sentence like, "SAP acquired BusinessObjects."
00:18:09 You have that subject, predicate, object structure which grammatical role analysis
00:18:15 allows you to extract out of text. Of course, it is extensible in terms of,
00:18:20 you can adapt it to your own specific domains. Or if you're working in healthcare,

00:18:24 one of the first things that you might want to do is bring in additional dictionaries
00:18:29 in order to extract things like drugs, or diseases, or symptoms, and things like that.
00:18:35 Last but not least, there is the possibility to add extensions in terms of custom rules
00:18:40 in order to detect custom facts. Things like merger and acquisition events,
00:18:45 "SAP acquired BusinessObjects for..." I don't know, "... one million."
00:18:51 Then you could formulate a pattern, a linguistically aware regular expression, so to speak,
00:18:57 that extracts these kinds of factual patterns out of natural language text.
00:19:03 As for SAP, we are very much active in the healthcare sector,
00:19:07 where we actually provide specific applications that leverage text analysis capabilities
00:19:13 to understand the content of doctors' letters, for example. In the end, what are customers doing
00:19:21 using text analysis? One thing that you can do, for example, is,
00:19:26 if you extracted entities of type, let's say, chemical substance or something like that,
00:19:32 you can use that extracted entity type as a facet in a search UI for filter and drilldown purposes.
00:19:40 You can start implementing your own calculations, doing analytics, so to speak.
00:19:46 For example, looking at entity co-occurrence. You might be able to evaluate which adjectives
00:19:53 go along with the term "Chancellor Angela Merkel", for example.
00:19:58 There are also more complex, more powerful data mining, text mining,
00:20:03 algorithms available in SAP HANA, for example, for topic modeling,
00:20:08 and text analysis results are a very valid input for these types of higher-level text mining
00:20:19 Finally, we see that, once you extracted location entities by using the out-of-the-box
00:20:25 text analysis capabilities to understand cities, or countries, or stuff like that,
00:20:30 you can add a geotagging, geocoding step to it, and for example, understand which geographic
00:20:39 certain news articles relate to. Thinking about, "Chancellor Merkel visits
00:20:45 Vladimir Putin in Moscow," things like that. You understand Moscow is a city.
00:20:50 You can use geocoding to assign a geotag, and then finally plot that news article onto a map.
00:20:57 Last but not least, I mentioned that a triple structure of subject, predicate, object,
00:21:03 that grammatical role analysis will provide on English language, that, of course,
00:21:10 is a data structure that you can store in a graph-like manner for exploration purposes.
00:21:17 Then, for example, understand from news articles, what does Chancellor Angela Merkel
00:21:25 actually do all the time? You're exploring these triples,
00:21:28 you're exploring the relationships, and finally can go into areas like reasoning or inferencing.
00:21:36 That concludes Unit 7. That essentially also is the end of this course,
00:21:44 Analyzing Connected Data with SAP HANA Graph. Thank you for taking the time and watching it.
00:21:52 I hope it was valuable information to you and gives you some ideas on
00:21:58 how you can leverage SAP HANA and especially Graph in a meaningful manner to add, in the
end, business value.
00:22:07 Thanks again for your time and your patience. See you the next time.
00:22:14 I wish you good luck with your assignments. Bye bye.


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